The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 11, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    Tin: cnnGo:: daily.
TUT3DAY, .'ATr.IL 11. If.
Trinltv mild Easter aala and tea At the Pariah house. 19tb and
' Wa- WITIameM -V,r,ter TV A. T! fll me wt? .fr VI T "r--v.
. . T)avla etreeta.
I A T TNIi A V? Bridge party at the home of Mrs. 3. L. Bischoft at Vancouver
nAT.FNDA R " Er thank offering meeting of the Vomw'i Missionary eocW
- lAAVLt,- ety. J'trat CotifiTegaUonja ciiurea. at 3 p. m. .r . -
Ai a-AU4, r.4
Give Way to
Holy Week
By Helea Hatealatea- I
rpua observance ef Holy Week. wl&
I. Ita many and Varied religious cere
4 monies, brlnita about each year the pot
fnetnent of numerous function, many
of them regularly scheduled In following
' froframa of aortal, orfaaisatloh.
The Irvington lat dance planned for
"ft Friday awning, which will ba good
Friday, has baan postponed until April
:t. The dinner dance to bar baan given
tr Waverley Country club' next Rarer
dajr evening aa tha opening function of
the aprUig aeaeon will take place April
72. In ate ad of tha ova ot Eatr 8unday.
lorttand Heights dub will fdllow.lU
rtular schedule with Ita danca planned
for April It. Several other club affaire
timllarty planned for thla week have
been changed to a later data. ,
The marriage of Mlaa Gladys Godbey
nt Mr. 'Walter Wood waa ' aolamnlsed
Sunday at 4 o'clock at tha home of the
hrt,i parn(. Mr. an4 Mra J. B. God
'Y. No. U2 East llth atraet. tha Rev.
II. T. Atkinson officiating. Mlu Letha
polrgte waa brtdeamald and Mr. Pat
wiioi attended tha bridegroom. . Tha
t.rlde an elven In marriage by, her fa
lser. Utile Zelma Nenke carried '.tha
rnig In a My. 1 Tha bride wore a gown
of lavender taffeta with a corsage of
orchids. MUja Appleget wag gowned' In
pmk satin and wore sweet peas and for
lM-m-nota. A reception for about 0
uet wsa bold at the home of the
tilde s slater, Mrs. T. 8. Nenke. Music
for the wedding and reception waa fnr
niahed by Mrs. Atkinson and Miss Violet
llatarer Mrs. At FT Bschelder and
laughter. Virginia,, from Aberdeen,
Wash, are visitors at tha tome of Mr.
nj Mr. Oeorge H. Johnson. A dinner
and theatre party ware given In their
honor by several of the , women of
Medjer. Thoee Included In the party
vera Mrs. A. F. Bachelder, Virginia
Tiachelder. Mra F. Llnebaugh. Mra. B.
iltnwerd. Mrs. C. Gault. Mra. E. Coro
fwelt. Mrs P. J. Qaalt. Mra. K. Keagla.
Mra H. Runnatt Mrs. H. M. Shaver.
Mrs. II. Leedy and Mrs. George H. John.
son. .
e e -" '",
News of the engagement of Mra. Gran
ville Vernon and Mr. Buckley Traled of
1-ondon has reached Portland in letters
received In tha city Monday. Mrs. Ver
non. who la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John fttiull and a sister of Mrs. William
Norman Burgard, bag fren visiting, la
Lnfiand for leverai monuis. . -
- fr. and Mra. Hallett Maxwell are ex
reeled to arrive In tha city April ZS
from California whsre thejr bvg bten
spending tha winter.'
Mra. Charles T. Itoge, who baa under
gone a aerloua operation at Oregon City
hospital. Is progressing favorably toward
convaleacence. . r
&(Im t. Bernard of this city spent
Jw days recently In Seattle at tha borne
of Mra N. M. Carman at the, Mew
Washington. , ' '
Freeweter tA popular young couple Of
this Vlfiutty. Itobert Brink er. son of Mr.
and Mrs., Charles Brinker. and. Mlas
- ' '- ' -- STOCK ' ".-.' '
aUKCRatorrteea at EUenth. TUkP Stock
non pan 7 1b "Tlia . Mottpntca." - Mtnnoa
Uadnnday, aatarttar and BundaT. at 5:80;
LYRIC Birdw7 at Mnrrtaoo. t-vrle Modrtl
Coaaadr eamsanvtut t aa and lomea, aiatf
ace daili at 2 p. . ; renins at 1 and P.
OHPHirM Proadway at Tarlor. Jatephine
Vtrtor in ';JuliH and Boateo" beadlmea. J:u
and 8:20 a. Si.
fa .STACKS Broadway at Aldrr. Hichclaaa
vaodanu ana phatoptar laacuraa. Aitcmooai
and aatnlaav y-Traaa ebancca Mooday a!tr-
LOtyv S mrPODBOMB Broadwar at TamhilL
vaonaetlla and Iteri.' Mar (a "Edea and
Harare." Cootlaosoa from. I p. a. to Jl
p. a. ' ' .
' HOTOPt.AT ' ' '
BJVOI.f Waahinatoa at Park. Florence Vidar
aa - women. Make to. 11 a. m, to 11
D. aa. ' '. - , -
8MB afOCSE Eleventh at tVathtoftoa. "Th
Birth ef a Katkin." 1 l b. In 11 a
CIRCLE rortk near Waafainatoa. "Over the
Hill" 11 a. aa. ta e'elevk the followiix
momma.' . . s- v ... .
COLIMBU-Slxth and Stark. Waltece Beid
in -rvrer." U'L av M II . m. ,
taBKRTl Broadway at Stark. , "The -Green
l -rnv'MUam. i i a. a. u II -
afaJltaTK W.ihlnrtoo at Park. Harry Oarej
- te Maa.- 11 a. a to u &
TA HaaMBstoa it Part. ! Accuse.' 11
a. in n p, aa. '
,,.r i ' '.-
Myra Mumford. daughter of Mr. and
Mra. N. W. Mumford, were married in
a-enaieton Saturday evenlna by tha Rev.
David Clarke of the PrVsbvterlan church
in We preaenca of Immediate relaUvea
asr-. and Mra BrLnker. after a short trifl
win make their home on ,therr . ranrh
west of TTeewater. .. ' ',
.- e e . '
An Interesting visitor in "tha cltv over
ina ween ana waa mum Norma Olson.
dramatic coach at Oregon Agricultural
collage, who spent a few days In the
city at tha Mallory hotel, where Sunday
evening aha entertained tha giieets de
ugnvuuy ijv aramatic recital. , Her pro
gram, whleb 'waa yarlsd. Included the
last act of Howard Peples play, "The
t-rince i nap. aaiaa Uinoa la a grad
uate of the Emeraon Colleae of Oratory
at Boston. During her visit here she
was entertained by Miss Mary Holme
ana others. r . , .-. . ,: -. ;
Announcement 'tiaa bean received from
Ban FTanelooo. of the weddlna AnrU 1
of Mies Hasel Castagna of that city and
a.nsgn waiter U. iKoenlcke, TJ. . 8. N
ot x-oruanav The v bridegroom la the
eldest son of.Mra Pauline Roenlcka and
the . late ; otto Roenlck. . and . la . well
known m Portland. 4
Miss t)orothy Pllsworth and Mr. Huao
panaris ware married March 15 in San
Francisco. They went for a, abort trip
ta Sacramento and. Stockton on their
honeymoon. Mrs. Hum Canarls attended
tha Portland day school for the .deaf.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davlea were dinner
hosts Friday evening when they enter
tained fn honor, of Captain and Mra, Ga.
hrlelson on-tha ateamahip Hanna Kiel
sen, now jn port. AQattionai guests were
air. ana Mrs, T. w. Kordby. '
, Mr. and' Mrs.. Lewis Burke. who
have, been making their home at the
Mallory hoUl, left the city Monday for
Cannon Beach, where they Intend to
spend the summer months.' . . ..r r v I
Mra. Julia TaBarre la vlalHngat the
home af.Jrs. Frank "W.-Miller In Ixis
Angeles. CaL,' for a short . time. Mrs.
LaBarre has been apendlng the. winter
in can vtago . -
-. e- a . . , -r .': ?-
Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Smith McCarL
.no. 1200 East Burnslda street, are re-
coiving congratulations oa the arrival
of a eon, Robert Smith Jr., bor April 1.
Mra. George Davis of San Frands4.
la a visitor in the city at the home .of
her brother. Mr. L,N. Flelachner. To
day Mra Pa via was at home to her
frtenda. :
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kerrv have
turned from a monwa ioloum tr Ran
vTanoiaco ana rtav resumed their reirt
dene at the Mallory hotel. . -
I . r . i . . ' . J . ?
ra. oiariorie Hewitt COMr- u'ra
Seattle, visitor last week at tha home
ot Mra a. n. caihoon.
Mr. and,, Mrs. U Minor of Metarer
are being congratulated on tha arrival
ot a eon. oorn to them Thursday.
rvomlncol ii
SUhonette) Is Still
thai Oollectkma for
Aftrrnoon Wear.
i rhsrmlnf combination ef. foulard
aid t 111 make) a slender frock with
r rrow panels In front and back. Tb
nax gn would be equally effective In
iv de china and dyed lace. ,
ICr.rTrl.kt. 111. er Varna. Kew Tnekl
real Pi c tur e Mothers Receive
Holds Power Valuable Hints
Undimmed : ; On Baby Care :
" " By F. A. C.
A playing at John Hamrlck's Blue
Mouse theatre. Is stiU the greatest mo
Uon picture classic ever fllIned.,; Other
great pictures coma and, ; go, ut'terlng
their various appeals as they flit across
the silver screen, but there has been, no
picture before nor since the first release
of The Birth of a" Xation that haa had
the universal and heart-tugging appeal
which' is part and parcel of this great
production. " , -
The story la aa old as. the nation a
united nation., and is known to every
schoot.golng child and every educated
adult In the country. Peace in a. land
based on the economic fallacy of slavery,
that same land war-torn and hallowed
by the sacrifices of women and the Uvea
of men. tha period - of reconstruction
with the misguided and Ul-adviaed negro
in the governmental saddle for time
and then the country saved by the law
ful lawlessness of the Ku Klux Klan.
The whole ta based upon the historical
novel narrative of The Clanarnan, by
Thomag Dixon. v r.-VCf-i
2ven the characters of the play are
familiar to us.- particularly those of
Henry B. Walthall, the !-mtle colonel."
playin? Ben Cameron; W"pet' sister,
played by Ma Marsh, and -Cameron's
sweetheart, the Northern girt, -wltti 141
Han Glah in tha role. , The pathos, the
comedy and the "heart-interest", are also
familiar, for-tha present American een
eration has also tasted, war, LA
There are a number of interesting
thinga to noUce about this film.- Re
leased six years ago it waa regarded as
the example of highest-development in
the art ot filming motion pictures. Com
paring present day pictures; good pic
tures ana , uy artists almost equal, to
Griffith la talent we can see defects in
camera work to "The Birth of a Natloa
Double exposures are easier to detect,
lighting effects were not aa carefully
worked out then ar now; the handling:
of a large body of actora and extras"
had not reached the high state of ner-
rection at the time of the filming-of this
picture as it haa today, , fat. films ilka
Foolish wives' for instance. Yet any
one who would have the temerity to
compare '"Foolish Wives" with "The
Birth s of a, Nation- might as weU at
tempt to draw a parallel between, the
ridiculous and the sublime. - - - -
As a war picture : this film ' nearly
causes us to smile. The comic opera fool
ish "bravery" of the Clvit was. as de
pleted here, ' compared to the calm, pre
cise ;and .MwTistwatch, methods of the
last war,
good chance for comparison in the evo
lution of man-kUlinr methods. Aa a plea
against war the picture elicits no smile,
for it la tha greatest appeal ever made,
the most heartless ideptcter of the use
lessness of bloodshed.
-The Birth of, a Nation" la sUIl at the
head ot the list. 'It will remain there
until some producer finds an i idea as
near to the hearts of the world as "The
Birth of a Nation" Idea, -and rounds up
some actora to get the message across.
By 'Hasel Haady :--TEiIONSTRATIONS
and ; talks to
J mothers on the care of the infant
marked the openin? of the Well Baby
clinic, in the Central library Monday.
Miss Frances E. Klerman gave a demon
stration of the baby's bath, followed, by
indlyidual confei-ences with mothers on
their particular problems. Dr. ' William
C Cavanaugb in his talk on "Early In
fluences Bearing on Irregularity of the
Teeth," placed emphasis on the diet ef
the mother as a prenatal: Influence oa
the teeth of the child. According to Dr.
Cavanaugb most of the .cigeaUva iUs
in Jater llfs can be traced directly to
tne malformation of the child's teeth.
A carefully supervised diet should be
given to the child in this early period
of Its life, so that the jaw muscles may
ba properly exercised and the second
teeth aa a result. will be-well formed.
- At the afternoon session Miss Cecil
U Schreyer spoke on "The- Place of the
public Health Nurse In Child Welfare.-"
She pointed out that it was the place of
tne pupiie health nurse to properly In
terpret the truths of "medical science to
the mother In terms ef the home, that
the nurse could . instruct the . expectant
moiner aa to ner proper- olet, exercise,
clothing - and general preparation, and
later might be called tioon to rive ad
vice as to the feeding of the child, hours
for sleep, and the' rules ipovernlng the
proper care of tha Infant. She also em-
pnaBisea tne importance ' of - the pre
school training of ' the child, - between
the years of 2 and t, as the period when
habits of personal hygiene, cleanliness
ana proper eating should be tauxht.
These clinics Will be held dailv durins
wc aoy,.vveeK at ua UDrary.
Tbe Women's Advertising ehtb will
meet : for luncheon at ' the Multnomah
hotel Wednesday at 13 :15 p, m. The
meeting' is for members only. Bessie F.
coiweii. president, will preside: Be tin
ning- Wednesday evening the fon-to-San
mego" committee of the Women's ad
vertlainr clubs wUl aive a Series of in.
formal dances and card nartiea at the
Pacific States Fire Insurance' company
ouuuing, naevemn ana Aider streets.
whose novel act is a fea
ture of the new : Orpheun
vaudeville progranw is a niece
of Ezra Meeker, famous pio
neer trail blazer of the Northwest
N e a r All-Star Rivoli : Program
Show Magnet Holds Movie
At Pantages Arid Music
: v.
ffrNDKED-TO-ONE SHOTS ara aa . Bt " D " '
.nnam. . .i.o.a vam.. m A CONCERT of generoos d!mena!ona.
. ..I J! T. n . . I f . wIient selection ad unusual fin.
""I waa given, at the Ttivnii it.UM.
Monday night In connection with that
theatre's regular motion picture pro-gram.-
The artist appearing were Mar
rueriu Carney, bUnd sopraae; Francis
Santaella. conductor of tha Rivoli or
chestra. . ...
xne congestion of the theatre a half
hour before tha concert start! waa a
humoMingerinr la the mental vUiona of SSS. 1.,?'
tured player, and her work waa never
more effective than in this picture. T
tale la or a handsome-rounder who mar
rle a girl cf the woods. The develop
ments which occur after the woods g.rl
ancertakee to curb her husband's way
wardness faroiah amuaemeot and some
opportunity for philceophy of a, aort.
Some er the captlona- are eapecUIr
clever. -
a race , track, at tha , Pan tacea theatre
this week. ; Nearly every act ia a fa
vorite." The close finishes are thrillers
and "haU are In the air' most of the
After. the spectatora have wiped the
dust out ot their eyes and tha perform'
era have returned to the paddock, there
is a lerns wheel of joy, a cataclysm
of merriment and thunderstorm of
Eugene A "flght the fly" camnala-n
is to be inaugurated by the Federated
Women's clubs of Eugene, according to
the president. Miss Louise Fitch. - . More
moving picture films for little children
are to be brought here by the orgaalaa
tion. Other active measures in the in
ter esta of better , health 'and wholesome
entertainment tor young people are be
ing planned by the women 8 eluba. ,
An' entertainment will be given by the
Herbert Gould to ..
Be- Soloist Tonight
: At ; Apollo Concert
While the greater part of his activities
have been in the recital and. concert field
Herbert Gould, the basso who appears
In concert at The i Auditorium tonight
with the Apollo club, 'has seme aspira
tions In . the . operatic field and ha al
ready mad successful , appearances In
particularly In the matter of ifJ YlJ UerUin' exacUng rolea.
J52S2 Mf' Oould'a opinion
Hoquiam. Wash. W. F. McGUl will I
be Installed as exalted ruler of Hoquiam I
Elk lodge Tuesday, night, ,t Other offi
cers who will be inaugurated are: Ray
u. Baker, leaamr Knight; Tory 14- Dav-
idaon, loyal knight ; R. A. ZeRoux. lec- j
taring knight ; Dean S. Palmer.- eecre- j
tary ; a. R. Jones, treasurer; P. . MOu-
rant,, trustee for three years ; John R.
Hoaklna, delegate. - . . - - ,
?rH6QuIanaT Wash. Scottish Itfte, Ma
sons ot ways iiaroor win hold their an
nual Maunday Thursday banquet Thurs
day evening In Aberdeen. ldiea have
been Invited.. The committee in -charge
comprises A. E. Graham, John Ten wick
and Goodbar Jones of Aberdeen and Dr.
Frank Dye Jr., and Dr. E. I Hurd of
Hoquiam., j .
used in ; helping- destitute tamlliea and '
t disabled soldiers. Miss Alma Renner la
chairman of the entertainment commit
The women of the ,Lnts BaDtlst
church will hold, their annual baxaar in
, the Lents Grange hall Wednesday. - Both
dinner and supper- will be served, and
program- of music , and readings has :
,0een arranged, ' .v.
At the rneetmr of the AInsworth Pa
rent-Teacher association. Wednesday ' at
i:jo p. H. M- Grant of the Oregon
Hygiene society, will speak on "Sex Ed
",". . . : . I J li urn
: History and Traditions . s s
Vnth tha approach of Easter Sunday.!
perforce; Interest In the beautiful music
that haa for literal ages marked this
seaaoa la at keen pitch. There are sev
eral carols characteristic of the many
that are sung around and across the
Christian world at Easter time . that
stand out in bold relief for the beauty
of their sentiment From thete the Com
munity Service has selected a tew and
through Professor Peter W. Dykems ot
the University of Wlsconatn,- an an
thoitty on the iubject,- Intaretlrtf ato
nes of tha origin, history and tradi
tion ef these favorite eonga have been
prepaured. Throughout the week pre
ceding Easter Sunday, The Journal will
publish on ot Frotrsaor Dykem,' stories
each day. . , - .-..:.
This .Is ran. ancient hymn translated
from the Iatln Finite Jam sunt proella).
The translation which ia usually sung
was made In ll by Francis Pott. The
tnnsia for the original Latin words wis
written by Palestrma, the moot famouaJ
name in Italian savenea music. ,He was
the great oomposer of the 18th century,
who, when music la the church became
debauched through the ' Introduction of
the cheap and flashy songs of the
trseta, Insisted that a hlgli type of composition.-
peculiar to the church should
bo used, la all of ita services, t So suc
cessful was he' in his work that he has
been called the savior of church music
The simple, foil chorda of tha Alleluia
which begin-and close the hymn are es
pecially effective for out-of-doors sing
ing-, and furnish a striking contrast to
the more quiet melody of the verse. The
wore -Alleluia- or
7 V
. ....
9 vnKT'rTm.
JTST Wore retlris. waah ia the waaal way, wfci '
VootnJry s Fecial Soae ane waraa water, tniahiax v '
wiJi a dash of eoLL 1 t ., .
Thee dla the t'peef yoor f la wares water and
tub tans we the cake ef Ve-wilmrvi vntil they are
revered ?with a tfj crr:x' '.e laUier. Cover each
ilemiaa wiih a tl.k ccit ci tlas and leave it ew for
teat m lira tea. Tkra riiaae thoroughly, first with clear
hot water, then wi'Ji colX .
rrU t'.'j trmlmmmt tenfo. tTLlU m aveeft OTteMafeysyeei rv3
Uoticm m aaoLad imprwmnimU Tie Ajdrm Jargmit Company.
. . W"WM.-..
: Plnehurst, N. ,C April it, Sweater
and hats ahould mavtch in tints though
not neceesaruy in maieriais ; mis seems
to be the rule here- -A sbunjr golf en.
thuslaat wears an Iceland wool sweater
ringed with horisontal neapoiitan stripes
on an orchid around, a knitted orchid
scarf, or a girdle tying at the left side.
Under the sweater, which to a. slip-on,
she wears a white crepe d chine blouse
with a Peter Pan collar and turn-back
cuffs. Her hat is corded taffeta, with
a rather wide, upturned brim which re
peats the sweater colors.-? s
. New York, April it. - There la no
smarter accessory for the spring sport
suit .of tweed or .'home, spun than .tha
new scarf 'which has arrived In a rain
bow glory of colore.; Ot wool or silk er
the two mixed, a scarf combines stripes
of Jade, dep blue, orange and black silk.
It wanders off to whit and yellow plaid.
i or it sig-zags from a cerise to gold, from
! wood brown to henna, 'from periwinkle
to faintest rose, ..
Is that the quali
fications requisite for the successful con
cert and operatic singer are In some re
spects - Identical, and that- personality
must of necessity play av very important
part. The other essentials, such as voice.
musical training, and the necessary en
durance to bear up under exacting; de
mands are. of course. Imperative. The
revised program follows; - '
CJcTioa Fgrevar .v...v.!r.H.i,.i Baetananiiioff
fca Wind . A... . .. . . P.-, I. -
Ewalns Sereaaee .................. Facta
, Apollo Crab . -
LerhiBTar Ballad. iTom ScoU'i "Uarmton".
...... . . . ....... ...i.w.. Cosdwick
- - -HarlMTt GobM . . . ,
A MifhtyrortreM la Oar Ood.. .Martia Luthar
- ... Apouo vraa -.
Sons e the flee :"'-'' "
tHooa of Uephhtophelea ia Anerbaeh't Cellar,
- From Goethe 'a "Faml'WUmitanrakTl .
"S'Via". . , . i,.', . , .. fipeaka
lly Mother ,. '.'. . - . . i v." Obaradorfar
I Aaa a Boaiaar . Bold - (From "Son and t
Btmaser") ,. ...... ., Meadeiawaa
. - . i Herbert Ganld -.i .
Heart-Ach ,i . , . .... Dvorak
Ob Board the Derelict .J . . .....i... CampbeU
" ':- ',"'. ' . Apofle Ctohv - ' .
Ut Oar Carol.. . .. . . .. .. Old Enelkfc
' (Ksaex County Folk Son) -'-Ctma
Acaia .......... . . ....... Old EnelUh
.;.. tKlimbethan Leva Sons)
Woald -God Were tha Tender Apple Blooota
(lrua bove eons)
the audience.
It you like colored folk -to. lass danc
ing, piquant Jokes and Southern : vocal
melodies, take; the. Two Boys from
Dixie, Mason and Bailey. They are
aixth on the bill. Measured In volume
of applause, i they carry oft tha ham.
Expert typists would have a : Job keep
ing time with the rattelty-bana- bombard'
ment or tumble feet on the stage floor.
There are dips,' pivots, gyrations, elides
and in fact every movement knowir to
tne profession. The dialogue sparkles
with droll wit and ' brag words and
monosyllable adjectives nearly- tear the
roofs out or the speakers mouths.
Those musically - Inclined dwell amid
the - moonlit scenes of Venice and are
lulled by the dulcet tones 'of the violin,
emanating from a gondola "rider. The
water scene Is- resplendent. Inhancing
the act la a tenor of exceptionally fine
voice. The Bern lei Brothers at Co. ere
wizards In their line. The feature of
one "fiddler la a Charlie Chaplin mus
tache and a set of white teeth, and
supercUlioua grin, in the humorous part
ox tne act.
A mixture of song, danclne?. posing tn
fine raiment and a piano manipulator
put on by Hsnry Catalano & Co., -Is
another favorite. The stunts are "stolen"
from Broadway and Pari.. Catalano has
soft, sentimental voice and hie poise
is perfect. The girls wear gorgeous cos
tumes, depicting how a ahop girl would
be a top girl in any musical show if she
bad the toga-
Four reels of harmony are real male
singers.. They have a good selection of
songs and their comedy, work la appre
Thrilling aerial acrobatics by the Four
Dapubes close the bilU Turns in mid
air are .marvelous exhibitions. Many
beholders are spellbound, so daring- are
the flops and whirls. ' One member waa
Injured In the matinee show and the
act -was withdrawn from the night pro
gram. It will go on ag-aln today.
Classical posing and dancing by Mag
gie Clifton and partner la the opener.
Iee Moran, in the "Rubberneck." la the
film; comedy feature "'-..'.
blind artiste and to Saotaella'a ability
to arrange a program attractive to
varied taste. Seats were placed In the
space usually occupied by the orchestra
and the foyer was filled with late
comers who were not deterred by the
standing room onlrT . sign above the
ticket wtndow. Announcement was made
that the concert would be reoeated oa
the night of April J for the benefit ot
the hundreds who were turned away.
; The concert opened with the unusual
spectacle ef two pianurta, each at his In
strument, loosing a flood ef melody
through the keys, SO fingers keeping
time and functioning as if directed by
one nuna. l he selection, chosen was
the overture to "The Merry Wives of
v lncaor.
Two numbers by Francis Richter were
applauded with vigor and Miss Carney
was greeted warmly. She sens; eight
songs tn alL . A thunder ef handclapplng
followed her' singing of Tn Bel DL"
from -Madame Butterfly." and .n
Bacao. -v -
Woman, Wake TJoI" Is an excellent
pbotodrama, however much Ita title may
indicate the scenario may have been the
work of -a-propagandist for an alarm
clock factory. Florence Vldor la the tea-
The Idaho nubile utilities commission
haa decided; that the proposed freight
rates from - diatributina nointa on the
Mackay, Aberdeen and Ketchum branch
lines oz the O. S. 1. are unjust ana tne
company must correct the discrimination.
' An Aid to Wearing; :
This Season's Fashions
' - ' (Helps to Beauty) -. ' '
Here la e simple, unfailing- way to
rid the akin of objectionable hairs:
With .some powdered delatone and
water make enough paste to cover
the hairy surface, apply and tn about
2- minutes rub off, vain the skin and
every trace . of hair haa vanished.
This is quite harmless, but to avoid
disappointment be sure to get the
deiatone In an original nackage-
Kreisler to Play :
Sonata and Concerto
Wednesday Night
; Portland rasslo lovers will be given a
rare musical treat Wednesday night at
The Auditorium when Frits Krelaler, the
world-famoua violinist, appearg lnT-
dtal, direction Steers ft Comm.; Fol
lowing la the Portland program: ' S
Kreutaer Sonata.'.... Beethoven '
Adagio eostenuto-Presto. , ; , .
Andante eon varlaaloni-Presto.
Concerto In K. Vrnor.......'Mendeasoha
A)laTO molt appaasionaio-Andante.
Allegretto non troppe.
Allegro molto vivace. - , f. v
Kreisler srrans-ements of :
"Hymn to the Bun". . .Rlraaky-KorsaJceff
Ballet Music from "Rosamund" eichubert
"Uotus Cand" Cyril Scott
L OiUna" Kreisler
"Caprice Viennoia" ...Kreisler
A" headline sneaks f a "blr ovation.
Did anybody ever receive a little ooeTW
New lork Post. -
Also Oet-tTow
Herbert Oould
land Siehtfne"
Mr. Gould aaa Apollo Club-'
- Grieg
New ' Tork, April 11. -Cape are be
coming-quite aa elaborate as the eos
i tumea which they cover. Deep bands of
heavy lace,: dyed to match the cape fab
ric give an uneven and a lovely hem-
and front of skirts, especially on gowns
tor formal occasions. Emphasised by
pointed rows of graduated beads these
new panels are surmounted by a beaded
girdle which usually Is pointed ta front
and htxtK :rk: !. f
New Tork, ; April j 11. An attractive
street, costume seen her had. av' dark
blue crepe knit blouse and a skirt of
dark blue canton crepe banded with per.
pendlcular two-Inch strips of chenille in
saver gray. . The attipe directly in. front
oi ine sain was permiuea to reach -up
to the top of the wide crepe knit, girdle.
I Two of the chenille stripes, one for each
Side, were apliqued , from shoulder to
girdle while a third outlined the bateau
neck.- -s , ! -
line. Pannel .are fretted with a flosen I
Hallelujah" comes I horizontal row of little silk tassels in I
directly from the Hebrew Unguage and J the matching shades, or with an sdgs Of
means, rraiso ya tne liOrar. Tha most plcotted fringe. Beaded or metal buck-
? A nonliiar lecturer
Buetfona--over all of
Striking use of .lt in. music Is found In
the - celebrated chorus tram "Tha Ilea. I
the text of which is mainly a repe
tition of this jubilant word of rejoicing;.
lea close -the colors which, are often soft
wreathe of am tin rosea. . -' , .
saya ' -that three
Questions--eover all or lire's? problems.
They are: ."Whom ahall I serve? . How
hall I serve? with whom shall I mate?"
That's nutting It rather neatly, but can
we afford to miss thla one. "Whan do
Wo AfKamM uaaeue.
mm grey
. ..... " '"
' Haven't "- you ' often wondered
why your : white clothes some
times hare a dingy, grey look?
Almost always it is because you
haven't rinsed: them thoroughly
and it is next to impossible to
rinse clothes clean - if you dont
use the right kind of soap,':
Soaps that do not dissolve com
pletely leave little sticky, greyish
particles on the clothes. You
just can't rinse these off.
- A soap, like Binso - dissolves
completely. When you soak your
clothes in Rinso suds there are no
little bits of undissolved soap fat
to hold the dirt. You can rinse
out all the dirty, sudsy water.
Then, too, with-Rinso there is
no hard rubbing. It soaks out all
but the most ground-in dirt-
: Use Rinso and your clothes will
always be snowy whitewithout
that grey look that makes : you
ashamed to hang them out. .
' Cantilever; Shoes ,
Benefif,' Weak 'Arches
r ; j.- -i" . -
We claim' that if everyone would
start wearing Cantilever 'Shoes at
sixteen years of age, there would be
few, if any, men , and women with
weak feet, fallen arches, etc How.
ever,- if we didn't say thla early
enough to help you keep your arches
strong, we can help you now unless
you ought first to consult. a foot
specialist, in that event, we c
help him to help you.
- ,The number of people in this conn
try who have weak feet, or a kindred
foot trouble, is so many millions
that we hesitate to publish it.' Prac
tically all of these. cases could have
been avoided. . . - .-
Tour foot - arch - is composed . :
small bones held' up, by ligaments.
muscles and tendons. Keep these
healthy by free circulation and nat
ural exercise, and Nature will see
that thoee arch bones never fall.
Cantilever Shoes permit this free
circulation and unrestridd foot
action by being shaped like the foot,
flexible like -the foot and arched like
the foot They support a weak foot,f
not uncomfortably but xiexuuy
while . Nature restores : strength.
They're good-looking shoes and rea
sonabfy . priced. : Sold in this city
only by -.. ".' -
8 serial Price Slat, Sat.
J rnii71
a. a tlt.t ' -f
poartorrir -money
Address checks.
- orders, Heilig theatre.' Include ee
-, addreaaed tevrapod envelope. Add
19 per cent war tax.
EVE'S Floor, 2-frQ;. Baloony, five
- rows IS. four rows tl.&o. 11 rows
$1 1 Gallery. 7 row (reserved) 17c,
avannssion aws.
BAT. XAT Floor. ' ft:.' Balcornr,
five rows 11.50. 17' rows l: Gal-
- ary, seven rows (reeerved) 17c, ad-i-m
lesion Sec . '.-. i . ... .
ALICS 0m, Sasrwe ,
, lilLiam rnmeta. oemat
kditn evLLcnstne, naaeat
VMeeasay, a'srtt IS, 1ltt,S:1S . SL
Tkseaeai, A IS. fSxt, S:IS P. BL
hotil Mui.reiaN au.steeei
0Hir fia ae Tkare SMa, ran ton. Or.
I" '' HrygFTT VT f" ' -":
Cantilever Shoe Store
S53 Alder SU Bledieal BMg.
Onantitia of earol abeata nav be ebtaiaaA
vthema eaaraa by ajaaHfia daaits for ma aa
Jaater Bandajr from the reniamt unnaniu
ervice office, 409 h'orthweatara Bank baildins. I
London. April XX. Back to Tudor
days and the jester's deeply pointed cap
and doublet tha designer has a; one from
has latest Ojulrk of faahlon. . The pointed
jester panels are appearing on the hack
For family's v
Easter supper
Even this f&vorite dish car?;
libs made i more . delicious
more piquant, by using
Premier Salad Dressing
Chicken S&l&d: :
Utl cap eaeh diced eeeked ehtcken aad eal
' err. . add S bard -boiled avrs aad arawiler
' Salad Draaalna to aoleten thorhlr.
Arrange on Ietace'nd gars lab with a few .
capers os eUeesefegghv
We vvi!l gladly send yoa our free
book, Calais, Cuppers, Picnics,"
which gives you a score of origi
nal recipes for old salads made
new vvith Premier Salad Dress Ir. 2.
Aiiress - .'
601 Watt JJth Street . New York, N.T.
. a-- '- .
. -Its flivor has placed ,
if cn a I I'.H'.on tcllzs
l5"iT"r -u 1
a - ear
Xae ..
r eat in
t :
YourNep Sprmgfflai
Compare our styles and prices.
You will be convinced our
: styles are abreast of any in the"
city and ahead of many.. Re
&irdingr prices, outflow rent
and volume of ; business en
ables us to undersell any com-
. pernor, j
"Why help pay, for exorbitant11
rent and -expensive, fixtures
? when you only get the hat?
Loot all you please, but hold
v your money until you see us. -We
will sell the same or better' "
for less money. - - . - .
Medds Over $10-No Two "AIil:V
- at 'jvurr as aoKW
eati ii f BAoae tarrta
at WAA a,
'. . r: T0X0SS0W
"Money to Burn'
'Comedy, "neate Be'carafaT"
. Path JJw j
AidlUrhiBi Teatorrew Sight
Direction Steer av Coraavn.
Fricae: f2A0, $2.00, L0, tl0. .
zats srLtnro -
ton never can tall what vlll happen, hat la it win he "Just tor ton"
Country . Store, .Tonight
Afle-raoeai at S Cvtila'gs.'at T aad t
mo'M rt-aviaa
uacch - roa osiu aoux Ttvaa.
' " ' "i AjMA '
.. .cm :5'Ci w: tv
Bis Danes Tonicht
: 15c ) '
E roadway Hall
hear ?iYi;r.s. famous
.novelty or.ciii-ir.A