MONDAY, ATPAh 10, 1922. pot- ant vnnci.rv7oa Crown Stables HI rr1.6 eooMgnmeal of boras from I era Oreena end Mk al.lngt. Wa U them brnh. end pertly broke. In fact w I r mr - Blrvrt af ft lore roe. are lookin. foe. kaaa frram 1 HO to ehonee (mm. are Tvnt benetaday eed im ImiiiW. W I e hire Owns tn tpnn.ible people for a I t aa tbu La a. II tbeai. H htM l the day. I . W Bhay US' KM an aniiWat that are - lor seas. eWt aim to run a lead trill on caaagners; Alia to gU Uo at twht nrtraa aa vnu will ha them. He kinaa rf e a ad eaanadhaad hsmea wl I wa. kreryililr gurntd aa tuiftwnUd. . FARMERS, , TAKE NOTICE! I rasas dart rtr rVerlaSeoe. abaee. I ant f i U, weight 3200 rs ; one la fnal te keroa barae, weigh $inO lba.; other wv.n I by sale, t xk aWI. by MM have; both I -a ara sound, true sd gentle; guerated a axemen, f-rie Keystone Stables Ml Water at., rw M".'r"wery Everything for Sale hear--wagon, ' 1 acta" d harness . 1 e.t "n. 1 (lira good neary I toe! ! Back, 1 single eerd wood wagon. tnrnt. waeei. 1 been spring wagon... - i hee-l of good r' ,r nlrrd a earner af 6t Bd Powell y eta 1 Moant Bot ray - Keystone Staples . a,t.a nae4 hnrae. .(id biMl S fax t a eld, weight 120 to 180$ Iba., til grain an1 read tn Vnrk: MfBf aiatH4 Uama. St 4 horvaa ait aiar bava U ta trad. I ka ima u Uu Ifca.. au 0 ta tilt. n4 aaat aaraaaa anl farm waanna, Trtai I 'l on all aUHk. t VNatar aV, conkat 't (ALK. at barcala. nn4 chankf taaS, id yr. , ut J Too. aa4 a ad lrai aia4 h Ima anaatry, kaa M a (nf an I aalt rr fnaonabla, 4ak fir ' wiih laant. TKa froav aVt tak Itoatk 'htM rar ta Cma. 1'. . .TaM.U ifm.arHT- April . aarlaad f Kawtam Oa nraaa . arvt at a aa; anana naaf txiraaa. Tlbln nt4 wit naranuw a 7Wf Olaaa, I " 1 V , tMnar af ft. l.illMU ULT Oa" HI HINLrlH ill aall ail oar haraaa. wagnna and parnaaa k 9uniaa at a aarrtflra. Miaa) clraa np aiiark- aa mr laaaa a-tpiraa ahortir. atl a zw rand a W. J. .il!lan, KaH 1114. 14. m April, p. earkavi aatr ra hnrana awl natraaj adpta cuaap boraa, rrtlrtna aold wHIt a fuaranfao aa ropra tarl. t. Ik WlUiaaaaaaj Ta t-laaa. SI4 ront I.R. TtAM. U ood work abape, wltk r"4 tarnaaand farm wapoa, nrw 9iao: ao rm I thaaa. paring laa . inquu oocaw, a a a i wai ai'Vt, lN TKAM araiahlna n lba.. aonnd and w rt wnaam: a 9 add niakM. Will aall aaitl be n fartliar waO (at tbam. 4S91 i h Mraat. Ht rVn.- rar. - AM. waiaha It 00 lba., & and yaara old. "wuid. ((la and w.ll bmkan to work, with 1 art nf heavy hnmaaa, nil oomplata. Pric i. 4J7 K, (lay . ' H"a40i lb. Vim, mare and bona, (at and incd wnrkara, with art of bameaa, (or 1 2 IrXh and Markat. J Mka. annth Hawtjtorna. ClwtT T. HT AlllJ.S 19 bead nf (trat-rlaa bona and tuana for or eirhaaf. 4 'J 7 H. ('laa. VR ilia bat i'tlOO ib. team nt chunka. haary noatad. abMriutrly anamd.. bath 6 yaara old. t ran na found In) ttrrtrm. 43T K. iay. fUiAlN. 34. bay horw. 1200 lba., food rorker; IIS lor pony, aidto and fcrtdlo: ban and waana of all klnHa. g40 K. 'h. LB OR TBAl'C fpan Parrheron auna, 9 .rd 7, about 9200. well taated, with or with hamaaa. wag-wi and wonclaaw. Cot, 139 10 ka. TEAM, aiiod baary hamaaa' and farm won, 919! alan good 11.10 lb. mare cheap; rantaad good werk.ra. Ago Hawuiome. . . - ,,. , . .. ; i . u I id Bl'TA 4-saa bay aoraaa, wa(H 2800 lbs., I train fed. fat,, true, gentle worsenand weUrin. 31 Wstar at,, waat rWlr ': I 1I mUliUa almut iba.. hamaaa and arm wagon, , gnt le and fond woiheis, 1138. I 4 84th el. WnodaWk ear. it UaI.K t wo at the bis teams, or sell - lie; weigh 1 TOO earn, luqutre llelaer Bros.1 nafar, I HO Fi Pth at. ra. KM olTnr. 24im-lh.uain, baruesa and mi hki, 24 Y- ah. , . id IJt. TKAM p ramae, yuauid, Htnd and meila. 340 r. 8th. ' a M I 'S aa ' LIVESTOCK 701 nlMTEREU aaraaaa, tewndatlon ealra and rnang stork Irmaj the bsai blond known, rt iliht and Vow while your aaaney will go All stock gnaranteed and aader ladarel rviakai. Alaa a good traab. ''grade, yeuag. Ilannaman. I'orhatt, itr. ' TlTTR aura nice yowi.g Jervy rowa, freah only i .lr time; vary rvh mllkara; 1 big dairy f. beaey mllksr. All priced very reaaonabla. 1 t Walar at. . : iTnAtX a 'freak, "daity eowa. 8 heatyapring' ea l. 1 year rXd man imfbsm ball, one as www Bin bp working yeaag gray Karkar, wsreanoaiai t. iVr "rwa, frwT and eoiaine fraali: liaary rich, milkaro; 9 and ap. Bewf eatU iaham atrhano. 1124 Maeadam road. Beutb rtUnd car tat end nf Una, 1 btnrk snwlh. 1 eaat. LL art J. hacnaaa.' waaosi. rainonat and rults- eator. also 3 good dairy sows, inat (man. Pnc MWiahle. 631 F. 24th., Woortatoca ear. 'KKH nice Guernsey eowa, all fraah short time. kair high tmat teal WW b fold Very ratable. S1 4tiat at. R BALE Fraah eow. alan two beery apring- rs, ft. B, torMf Bwttlsy, ara, knd tectkm read. t yTI aaL HelafMa rel eno 3 f al. Jersey 4 rear-nid e w. I73l one 4 gal. Jersey Gnernaey . I4.t, Ona rtlork north ef etsHon, fwk Ofera, hilil a l.nulr tinarwary enw. 8 years old. Ksiea nlra milker, tastad 9.1 butter fat, bar- v l Wslar t. kGAIN. 2 (r..h Jaraay and linanvf eowa. Just (man, 197 R, 8 lark, earner 18th, Cal a a. Wi.. of Monrlaf fti. genUa. fresh, faanilr enw and ralf, $50 AJsn tin Jersey, kg Ireabaa. sooa, .741. Eaat XI frh eawa l.r Mie, raaaoMhta, It pays a sae inam. ini uuiwri sr. nr, jobns ear. R MALk A H 3 Jervry . fraah " 1 Ml Hle at.. Wt Jobna ear. Ml r.n auw bf sale eiieap; aiaang 4 gauons. 140 64 Ik ve. aj. f. and i; alas goal an. r all nan. x7. TT naraay are. v hcif.ra aut. of -bt -rr freah soon. hi i imaa. wiiriwq sain. CALVA4 AD BKKs" CATTLE VtANTLD MAR, 91 18 " ynnn fraab cava Killintwaah sea. TEST lor eaM aheap. 1127 X II t.tMla, freak aVaw and kida for mat. w"l. ( W, PfWt. Teuala, Or. i ill (res) Jersey, vary (anOe. 420 Eaat ? at. ANT paaJ.r fo 8 heifer, aal 404 T9th ft, B. . 3 aire lot AITtD- laaeiajbea, -f bt33 9 Take tl$3 POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 B7 CII1X. lanerad end Unaywwod beery sty. wig arrsies, ttoeaniaed rtnek. Anell pwnHry em, B. 1, Bar. 1 TO. or. City, fir Phono BF2. ') WHITE I.KGllOR Jaby chicks. "Taa- ttrami free ran etoekf 318 peg 1U0 yert. Torn Maryan, Baartn. Or. I IT bt Lagnora baby chlrka tram beat tran- oae'ed strain, 918 per hundred. Beady April I. r.raina, issi ramn, wain. 6314. foT. f TsUAN inTl D hatohlag aut Item my beayy legaig svrain; rrwo rsneo Baa. 1DVJ 14 b St. B. Ph'-n 8"U.. 304 2 6 W HI T al laahora baby rhk-ka and breudat stwaa; aeon toy aatrbin. 611 Maauaetppi ara. at J0HO, FLV li 8 K eaanart $.'.' delirerad B. C. faut y' e, vox i pnettand. on HUB l.KtiUORN baby ebloka Tanered strain. ae earn. Ttn ac 4-ll. TTINiJ bane waated la trade fur thov(h- nl It. 1. Hag hatching est. Tabor 8949. btTTl.M II EN 8 WANTED l" TAHiK 8969. UaL.8-' Hi L tUaSTltparli. CiiaL bnmuig h mO, Will do- II Wflin. g. tuN lrr. Ltt.HOH batching v.l n. 8193. woaderful L R. and Biach Morwa bsfohing aa, 31.23 ;p r ia. max, ess-TV. tahila Laa horn lajrin. amala. alaciria hra.Ue. .TabnO tt. I t Ui(UiA"M;s IV Hi pee IV ; I4ta at a;., AitV nlg al. I I. Red kabv enrsa 20o 4 2 Ait 443 79. scb, belch, xl 1 T tl.NG HKN.4 ti K. A at 633 7. b, 8410 6U U 8. I'ft 8ATX Br.wn LagUorsi ba Ull4. iVJ. hit WoTII Back HiT 31 50 par aa, Mr. W av Coflman. UK 74th N. TI Ti 1UNG raiuTro.'irt"nii Wjsav V. W 1 n ISA F. -f t N. ,'l riNii ea,a, , I uamh, 'I aia?r4 auaa, pae twtua) wij Uaiie. WLa, 4144. POULTRY AV PArIT3 702 THE DAILY, AND SUNDAY JOURNAL la tha neacaiaad awvltr caadian aC ' Portland aa4 traUn tarrHoir Jooi" kal ponitry ada kara W trims tha taoat aatwiactory raaifU gettm by practically all at tba bmat and olaat , aaoraailnj kmtei. Thai wiU ataaa a anecaaa of Toar ponitry tarda tor roo Pkona U(n I1U 4 ak lot laaaiOad dapt. Rhode Island Red '"Farm - rci.e mvB a. t beds ' ffoa UKMoacbbrada by aelaala - . brearfari. . .- i Wa pmanlaa yoa tha burnt valuea bab bwkv and aaU-ainc acn (or 1B23. Our atark ta bred traaa rin Bf rm. Tbrlr aocmtoaa a far ttark a' ja rao tnara arc win nan at Nrar lark ami Boatom, , Tha ara jatr4 ' tor rolor and tap - a trail a ta- lartn PHnltiM. HAW I-H.IVERT AXT tfV.U FEB . , .TIUTT t.UA BANTtEl Cockerels ' A ( road brawdina bint laft If ynm am la nacd el am at a erica ttakt br mbt ' - . All atocA aald an a mnny bar taaranlaaa Wa ara aompletely beoknl for April, bat will apt ordrra (- Mar ' ami J una delivery. - Band lor .priea hat.' Rhoda bland Bad Farm. B. . bos 30a, PonUnd, Or. Ham t2. , . B.IBT rHICK) 1 AT BEDl CEX PRICES J . . VWa tftkA taMlL iJ al.v aia ana bnakln WKII for O. A. C. aad Taaerad M blta Lhorn bira at ! par 100; O. A. C Barrad Rocka and Maada at rain a( B. L Kadi ht :2.ft per 10. Plana) yont order ao to aaemra daaiarry. PorV Bmd KH r,, IWH tTunt at Mam twa. . Progressive Hatchery WIU baaa WMU ITinr cBIcl ROal natenra i ii in IT . tit al.a Whita lhnra I . .iw. u.. imJ nrbua. Hand foe clrctUar. 1B14 12tH Wdln. 14A , v , . ...... U'H El na Imit van habr aMrka from S Ton I f ia aafa daUaary raT nod, atront ehtdo front I blah prodortiTo atork with ZOO to 08 ccg rte-1 i arrU. mitad to pedlaread eockarela. Uay ' and J una ciucka at tl9.n0 per 100. UKAIIAM POCI.TBT TABM f Woodburo. Ot.. Bt I ' MAiJI IBKH -tTHU KS " K. f. Bad. O. A. C Barred Bork and White I Tcboma. day-old ehiaka and hatching acta,-from trarneated and Hoganta Hnamnlaad. frra ranra atock. White Larhorn 'chicka ready April It. 30 and 24, Barrrd Bocka April , 10 and 24. . i. Tt. MAIII IRK. 77 Oreton. Kaat J80i. J A r V KKUUCED PRICES en White Or0 I Legborna. Bads. Harrad Bayska. jfY White. Boeka, Mlnoreaa and An aylllW aoaaa.' Booking erdara now. , Nkl gaWArn,. TSM .ctUlogn. " WrlM .today. C. B. SXIl'HAn. ua., vdh-jv.'. WHiTg 1 KCHORS BABT CHICKS' LanaV batehtng tna from a mating of aarecal fine I r ulna. Tbey ara brad tot ricor. ao nineatary in I th baary ng producer. M. law aaru oaMO open. I Paal Dudley, n. 4. Bearerton. Or. - ;i-6K HXtX Tiapbeated 8. C. White Leghorn hatrhlna etn from TH to ZX aena matao i to ooeaarala from 384 daaia. ' A few fine eock rela Irft. 4A0A 7tk at. at. S., cor. 48U are. prirma OL'B-nn. R. 1. Rtl hatrnmg egn. 11.23 for 15; dark relrwt Bed cockeraaa, inat a few left. (3 each. Meade attain. 1128 Macadam road. Mar. 21 7S. - . BABY CHICKS, hatches off. AprU 9 and 22, May 3. 18 and 29; purebred, i -Aeavy laying strain dsrk velvet Reds. Write -Cog prices. Mrs. N. R. Isturis, 6188 83th at. B. E., Portland. Or. autt bai.Hi 141 raw ninw stoca aeiuna raaa, 6, Mrn. Corner Buckley are. and Section - PETSi DOGS. BIRDS, ETC 703 PL'Rhl HT. AMDKEAKBUKG females from im ported itjrk,.-81 38 and 31 SO: also lovely atngee st 99 pn. nsi 3d at. Marntiau 1PB6. 1'LI.L.' BirObKD Amsricsu pit Boll Terrier, mala, 8 weeka old. Sired by Palatine Boy. OIL'S rnataV mad. ' IX) R BALE 0t. Andreaaberg Canary bird and cage. No, 3nl Glenn r. Tabor 1S6B. . B1NUERS AND FKJJALK3 FOR 8 ALU -MAIM 468. - REDUCED Prices baL month. Breading Persian est. Portlarnl Cattery. Phone Aut 614-64 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 . WHAT WILL YOl! PAT ' kVa THIS CART IT GOES TO THE HIGHEST . BIDDER) TSO BX3EBVATI0NS!! Sealed bids raoolved at Cover Motor Car Cfa roa 4 way branch, at 28-80 N. Broadway, on 'LATB MODEL SP0BT CAR IJcvnaav Qua wbaets. sneeisl fender. uohol- trery, many (Xtraa. Terms K you are racceaa- fuL 88.00 deposit required with each bid. Bids close 8 .p. m. Saturday, April 8. : place Torn btt early ' BEMFMBEIb I - A CEKUINI COVET MOTOR CAB" CO. SALE 28 SO No. Broadway. ' ' ' Bmsrlwsy 8244. M. B. F1SCH ftswlatora, fswdatg, fiodsss. booda. sanaa, rvpeiraa ana rvmoawea; Sat. abeet-metal work a specialty. I 108-107 Jl. 13tu Bt, ' ' Pbeao Broadway 3399. MIIT OATtt.iD ta gned sha r. Win sell cheap for cash or wiU giro term. Celt wain. -onus. Bricur ft' 1922.' 48. criratety owned beautiful. Iwawrtswa oar,- alightly waed. at con- siderabl diacenrrl over new oar pnre. A car of power, economy and lasting quality: service uarantea foe one rear tranaferreik- to purchssri terms If riecamry. C. W. Phillipa. Bdwy. 3435, Auto. Modern Simper Antoa rsennrtrurtad to sleepers, ar tystrm draa not aakn or dlafienrw the t . " B. B. Body A Top Works. 343 Wllltaana. East 1198, 142U HTUIEBAEER-J)PECIAL 6 ThU oat look lik new end la fin mechanical condition, Ua all good tire, gad new Been. This i some olamy car and. a aargain on easy terra. Phone faat 1982. RlkcRA. T1KK NOTICE 1619 Dodae daUverv. snecially eouipped for bakery business. I wiU giv you bargain pric sad yone own terms. ' Kelly st Broadway gin. LltHl ui3 faking."' For '3 160 you caa driv war mv.dasalv BtndakaAer 1916. ? ray - nr. at 823 par month. Kelly at north weat eorner ree,wsy n1 nurnaide. LAT-'T 1922 Cbev. touring with bungalow curtains and motiixbt. cord Urea. 22 Uoenae. other a xtraa, Itun 500 miles; will conaider Ford or Chermlet tn trade, CslI Tabor 88. 1623 490 CHEVROLET tourirut. run only fe rundred miles: . over 350 tn xtraa. 1922 Brense, Car in fin eondiUOB, . Good rest for. aelltnc. Tabor 693 3. BARGAIN in Ford tounna: car: tin condition! new rubber, shocks; $20L CU At, WB PUT ms4 teeth la year aid Oywaeeii crank, shaft turwing. eyk grindino. H. sV. Black. nramme anon. 14 AWer St. Bdwy. X6 S 1 IVRu TOU KING 1923. run SO days, lea ring etr sad most nlL Some term. U-7 9 7, rairnsi. LOT (ar Ford motor, pi, um and rings, timing ear, try wneeu tra nam anion cover, camshaft. 117 P. well Valaw road. ftallwond 1493 CADILLAC 8 roadster, eampieteb rebuilt, is lit new, ng eord, tires; will tscrific tor 31 16 aw or tarwis. Tabet 7382 LIGHT eovered delivery body tor aah or trade at bargain. Bobinsen. Bdwy. 779. I TOM Ford truck aaW, or trad for baraa or ary eowa. wain. 4011, T?--1- Ln 5 W Ure.; price S0O. Ttbor 1850. . 1933 FOMl OOUPE. better than. new. a a. rrrVe and giae eome terms. G-16, Janrnal. UiEVROLEI touriug. Bebuilt. sew Urea, Bsresin. Owner. Tsbor 859. FORD TOURLVQ 1917. fin- ehapa, $145. larwia. meme 611-17. KP -nrSw-J-Wt.Bt . 4i3 . autoi. ill iw ItrH. 1RD TOUBIXG AND RuADSTLit BOili3 CHEAP. EAriT 116. Beit a, roaoater. J1I. uceave, new bat. ana ranieror; eooo Condi. Mar. 48 after 6 OAkLANU 1WAWTKH at A teal kafajsia. ijuj . . , a,. , - a B a , a . - WILL sell my $173 eredsi toward new Ford inr emu. r.SAt II. r Lx,'J 7 paav, fin eobUiuita, will fee CaJ Aula. $34-18. "y, o TIIE AUTCMOtlXES FCTl BARGAINS Ererr or hi this list a pAremia at tha .prut lasted. Most of thm baa . hen tharaewhrr rarhauld aiat ret - ' fehad in oar nam ahnpa. Bfora roa bay -any ear. aawd or near. aM tbeaa ralaea: )1g Maxwea tonrinf 225 1V18 Pracoa tourirtc. new paiot.. Zla 193t FnrA rnadstar. ktU rt ntral 119 Orariandr Model 9 475 r0 - 1V19 Alitrbell toarlnc . 1921 Jordan allhouaUa 77 1500 12 Ford toanBC .......... 1914 fiernfa- Booth roadster... 12 ttoick, t paaa. -ell..... , 1919 BTiarae. t paxa. 4 cyl..... 0 43A 1970 MitcbrH, a poaa. cyl. . . 1021) Oktanobn. t paaa. cyl. 1060 ; l 673 1S7S 1919 Jtriacoav paaa 4 cyl ?w Jntdaa. S paaa. rjl..... 191T BTiacoa, paaa. 4 cyl.,--1914 Terland, h patm. 4 cyl . . . 1920 (handler, t pasa. eyU. 91 MifrwU. t pant cyl-... If 21 Jnrrtan Boon Marine...,. 1917 Mitctfll, S paaa.. eyL. " 191H Mitchell. 7 paaa. ayi... 19IO MiarhelL T nsaC 6 eil.... .; a so sot 100 . 62S 1S25 400 SOO 700 Sold, nn eaay term.. . A bm pay- ; neat doant and bataneo anoDtbly. , . If ytni (rnnsot call, vnta or prmne a foe tha detail on any ear in tba tot. : ' WEN FVKMNti FROM ' TO 6LNDAT8 i'KOJt 'TQ 10 Team tn, tha Northwest Broadway and Krrratt. COVET MOT0B CAB CO. TBED CAR SALEft ' f ' 4" IS MAKCH . . . -: :"' ' ' CAItS ' - - THERE W A 'BEASOM Wa Wl ytrn. tha trulb about our ram Wa stand bark of tha, work wo ha done on tba ma ehrnm. Wg HAVK '1 UK IsAlUiEST A NO BEST HEUEUTION IS jtb city to cnooaariron. . 1 ; , . , . i' , ' '(. rtfk mrrhhdi. Tfiaf ir r bainc antd.,. Uuaiity and prie alona will , do -thia. , - '.. . i ' ' ' - , AT.WAT THE BUST CAR " . s t AT THIS lAJWES'f PBlCB8."t - ' " COVET MOTOB CAB ICO. ! ' TWO lOOATIONS; . " Mam Plant Waahlnirton . at 2 lit SL phono Broadway . - : Broadway Branch i'f-88 Broaaway. Wa haaa can to take you from one place to the other. HOT1CB- We have discontinued tha reran rade and will concentrate, solely on our wholesale business. With this idea In mind, we an ablo to close out several good light used can at - tioo Down" 18 months oti balanr to parcbaaerg credit standing meeta with our approval, These cnj rkneo ta prieo) from- - 9278 e 31180 e Tourtaga and Roadsters . NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO. 844 BumstdeBt (Just West of Broadway) - THE FORD CORNER O O B I B. WHERE ITfl MAVDT. - D , BETTER FORDS FOB LESS. D HOW ABOTJT A KEW FORD FOB EASTEBt I Take tb ftmily out in a lluahsoa near used Ford. Bring in the old on sod drive ant new one. Liberal allowance. Balance easy. 20 USED FORIHS ALL MODELS 20 . , YOCB TERMS OCR TERMS . WILLIAM L. JICGHSON CO. ACTHORIZEO POKD JlKAI.KR 60 JT. Broadway at lavw. Broadway 831. ti raaw-e-aTi.'p eU 1 T - anA w,, rJTf m BUILT TO ENDURE OABAGE9 843 to 8300 NOTE W bar serleg of garage prised at 84 7 no. which mcrude delivery ia Portland. ; Also ro- won ana biali. ' KKD1MADB BLDG. CO., PORTLAND. OR. Factory E. 11th and Market Phon East 8114. THE FENDER MAN I. 74V DURHAM, taka the kinka eat vrhOe sea aitt twpairs radiators and bodies.. Liberty y4s gtor cores for all type of can ta stock. ttdwy. azi. . su . nth at., near Barnside, 1817 MAXWELL, 3100 down. 0 paymenU of 2U eaen:' now tireni car oaiy dAven 18.000 muea. . - BRALET, GRAHAM "CHILD, INC.. BurnaHle at 11th St. FORD TOITIINO $100. Dandy little 1916 Ford: must sell ettieklv: eome out and drir it home, 1480 Macadam I St. Marshall 8148.- 1920 FORD COUPE, Stewart Vacouum feed. earner, etc, l2i Hrens, 3490; term. L. T. BILLINrtSI.ET MOTOR CO. '"V: nwthome Ave. at 8th. . Phone East T WBWUECa;-THIM MiraeaS OasA pnc paid ior sua rsrs, condition no object, ACTO BECONSTRCCTIOM OOU' i " Third nd GHaan. Sleep in .Your't- make a bed. Positively will not weaken the I ear. Swanson, 706 H WmUms sv. 1821 CHEVROLET touring, run and look like 1 new; bumper, . 192 2 koense and curtains that open Willi door; $195 down, balaoca monthly. Phono owner. East 178. J .1919 1-ORD. touring' Ca4 """ ! In fine aaeehanical condition. Car ht good top and cushion. Car runs lik new, , Will 9U easy (arms. Sao car at 390 E. 9th. FOR BALE 4'HRAP 1911 7 -paaa. Pierce-Ar-row, (air tires, electric starter and tighta. eood running order. IL E. Nobis, 810 Lombermen bldg.- :- ' ' - - -- ' ' - Auto Painting Fendey baking, da- uvery body letter- inc. leaf work and artistic desiening. 27 yean a psinter. E5t:lly. 34T VjiiliAmg gve. SAVINGS DEPOSITORS!" TAKB NOTIci""1 ' I . wiR pay spot cosh for sarin, accounts In defunct SUte Bank of Portland. Call at room 204 Henry bldg. . 490 CHEVROLET touring. 1920 model. spln did condition. WIU eu on very easy term -.IT ." w- Tabw P"". - - . ' . . - Al iTf. XOP "Awriatu, VUH - "U 1 V".;:..y.ra .'tgins rerAired, plate - glsst installed. B. JR. Body A Top Works, 845 wuiMms vs. . ESrt 1196. WUST sell kv Mcadat. 1917 Ford taurine: just overhauled : new paint. shock. good rubber: 6176, r, 6920. 92d et. Beat Mt, Scott oar. ': , - - CROW-ELEHART 1920 in perfect condition. Verv low nrioe and anecial verms. Eell al Broadway 8121. 490 CHEVROLET delivery, used only 5000 ml las. perl act condition. - Must dispose f this cor st once. Very eay term. Tabor 6935. A i,4n Tnaia AHotmat and nuvv IVd at reaoonabto pnea. parmoa ST.. oeteeea eitn sod Broadway. 1920 CHANDLER in aood order.' $906; will tak Ford or email ear id trade. Lewnsdals Garaee, 13 th and wk Auto Painting Vctt ier Bdg. BrtAIH.K ak OPPEU Bdwy. 1460. 30x3 Tires $3 MfMONTES TTRE CO.. 12S V. BROADWAT. FORO roa di tar. tires almoat ataf look, aood . ready tor any xnp.- xtaa no starter. . Pric $150. Easy terms. B way 3121. Ask for Kelly. WILL tak Dodge or Boick in tod on Buick light 6 demonstrator; same guarantee and trmct a new ear. Call Auto, 824-88. B TEAR 'em ap ana ten tn Portland tr uta. Ante Wrarkuae 40e., 631 Aider. Broadway 6264. Mail arder fiilen. FORD TOURING 1920, lots of extra. Terms, or will trade. Phone 61.8-98. 1919 FORD. 922V and W.hingum, Lawmadala Garage 15th 1920 CHEVROLET 490, $ new faws, top iinisn use new, tan, sail oita ava. 1920 MAXWELL, at i looa aa new, $395. mar easy terms. Call Wdln. 2461. 1920 CHASDLER, 7-uaasenaea, overhauled repainted, $750., E. 4876. 1918 PAIGE. A-l condition, cord tires, good top ana paint; an; terms.' cast 11 VS. 1920 OVERLAND Baby 4. hrense. oo4 coodi coet. fm rutinmt. Lee, Tsbor 9168. 18 1 a FORD roadster, orerhau'.ed; your en prfcej licenoa. Suri. Tabor 4725. FOR BALE Chevrolet car. Wood'iawa 1150 - - - 6.1 Dekua a' xLA.WnON'S 'Ui.-u t. N i' "U ca Car 2uj,a&e.a 'si'. sieta'1 uitbl T.s.iul . Alua St. - : S9 OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTLAD, OREGON. AUTO"? 0"1tS-fO!t SALS 00 FOI Braley, Graham & j- Child' Inc. r' Is mSSng ytnf a traed eat aim to " . make. yen. a permanent busineaa fiwnd . "with a policy which than Jooka to tba rntnra yoa may be anre hA wa are" not, . , g-oing to let yoa parchaaa osed car that ' will bo amrtluiia ajtber fbaa very good "aloe. - ' . ' " Faoh car equipped iOl tire and 1928 1929 TtndM --'." '1919 norla ' . Iodsa ioannc . ' lodgo ranri leli'rety; febailt 5 1920 Hiuck roadster ........... 793 1919 Paigo sport. &-paa. . . 7-'5 ; 12 f. I Cnarrolet road'er . . . 978 1920 l?rTrolet 490, new Urea, spot . Jighfr ... .. IBS 1920 Bcrippa-Booth CyBnder, ra-. (rniMied like new . . . . ..... 80A lft2l Ford coo pcr wire wheela . . t 665 M 1921 Ford roadster, brand, new...' 42.1 . ,l&lo rord roadster ........... S23 . Braley, Graham & -K " Childi Inc. ' ! deaLebs - im tmix;k BROTHEBS MOTOR VEUICTa. . ; B-rwdwy 8281. ' BCBXmnE AT 11TO , " ' OPEN- 6CNDAT8 " " Third FOR, , WE MOTE THIS WEEK TO , ' . rand are. and E Main at. - s ,1918 Vord touring, Haaa shocka. ..9120 1917 Ford bos. 1922 licenae ..,-.... 1 SO .1917 Ford roadster, 1932 hrense. . ., 16S 1918 Fond, 1922 ricne.,.. 15 1919 Ford toring, 162? lK-enrt, . .. 23S 1918 Ford Oxpfeas. 1923 lieetne... . 225 1918 t'hetrolet- roadster, 1 928 . . . 28S 1918 Chevrolet touring, new toav.a 269 .7919 Hup 4 tearing, nrw top...... S0 1918 Baby Grind Chevrolet..... S23 1917 Grant tearing . , 150 - 60 Iglt Car to Pik From " TBANSOJCB i:SED CAB EIC, ! Union are. and. Begnonk St., liiwtaira. z . '.. ' CAN'T TOU.rJEtl. TOtB CAB! v 7 .can. . bstr plenty of prospeeta and wfB sen fonr car on commission, ust your ear mta mo for qnick sale. Watte, Tabor 1800. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 rOiib WHEELSa aU, kinda, beta siaeu, put an your car. SOP. lOtt at, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 LOiiGLN'G CONTRACT With pore haw of truck; truck now on Job. i hums a gooa money making rropoaitloBS good yoad Small wnl aowa. you mean Duuaess, ' nee air. auiton. sum. i aide st. ' - - .;-.' track. 86UU. miens rrmae ior asm , mr. t 1179 Mixter st. Tabor 8753. tfftu" R 1 tfJLv.. i iff fcomU oil noil' and threw bottom late moaei truver pww. Fred Ijaneer. tSherwood, Or... ; FORDSOX TRACTOR used but little, must seO at a discount. Will giro some term. J-13v i Jrumal. ... ' - ' 1921 FORD TRUCK with dandy body and U- -ense. Liberal term, Phone 638-46. 1 1-T0N CMC track with good catilo body. 1922 cene. Mam 82o7. WANTED To buy cheep and terms. 1 2 ! -ton truck ; must be 1 683 Malkrry sve. - MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT , BARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOKCICLES. .. EAST TERMS; , 4 ' As Low A4 $40 Down. MOTOB0TGLE 4t BUPPLi CD.. 3d at Taylor. main T889. fiABLET-DAVTDSOM SERVICE CENTER. LATE model Hajiey-DoTlUaoit motorcycle, with Id, cart alartn.llv eouintied.v new rubber. 1922 license; 8215, easy terms. ' bee Watts, 895 Hawthorne. - ... M0T0BCTCLES AND PARTS. ALL MAKEsT EAST BIDS HOTUHCIULS VU, 44-4 6 Grand Ave. HEN PERSON motorcycle with tandem seat, $40. Union depot tTge. cor,' Broadway gad 'Port r'l.t'.vn.lri motarc.vcle.. 2 anaed hand shift. cood Tnbber.'38Q. Call 618-65 after 7 w-nv, . AUTO REPAIR SHOPS I 804 rr HAVE. TOUR WORK DONE BIT .- ELECTRICAL SPECLALI8TS AND FAfTORT Bll.V tlA-. I'. 5 T,et us figure on your job and 'show jbu bowl -cheaply we can do guaranteed work on any. car. 210 Jefferson st, - ' - - . " Used Fenders JUST LIKE NEW, AT half price. 1000 to rdelt from. Fender repairing. B, B. Body Work. 345 WHHagH re. E. 1198. IF TOU want an experienced mechanic to work ... on your Ford for 7 So par hr, othe cat 31, I call Tabor 8147. Burneide. - - ' . ., . ' . t mTBT.T'a mtin tnop A Veratv lob in time saves f. TTf Our anon. : We wiUplsas you. 227 Salmon St. Main 8154. B, J. kOtiF CO., automobile and general ma- ehinists: experts on Uontmentol, Btuaenaser ,1. . , , t . n..HMiil,l fttmtehakec ..l i'k.i.i 1.. atieifimn Ant 636-58. .... ... -r o. Ditiirirr Ffndsr vi jrvv4 Repair a. i B. B. Body. 843 WiTlisms. E. 1198. AUTOS repaired at yout hosB or my privaU j shop. Work guaranteed. Tab. 1,146 or zgp-is. DI tlilla EXPERT j GODBKT'8 GARAGE. UtJIWIk Brodwy 1588. 6fl gad Hoyt. AUTOS FOR -HIRE 806 OREGON USED CAB EXCHANGE Hew car for rent- without drirrs,- $1.25 per hour; road. ten. coupe and touring ejrs. Beseenatl rate, Opsa dy tnd bight, 82$ Gllrnn. bet. Broadway tnd 6th. Bdwy. 5593. AUTOS FOB HIRH W ITH0UX DRIVERS CITE: OABAGE. . x-. ' : 182 12tb st Broadway 840. Garages and parking sot WANTED Car for storage. g4 per monlto. - Blanc hard. A Park Garage, 6th St., Powell Valley road. : ; - - J-; - ' '' --'-r - -. GARAGE for rent. 689 E. Alder. East 7820. AUTOMOBILES WAfiTED 850 FORD cars wanted. If yon art leaving town and need cash, w v be! ore aeumgv ' .Ttt'Dt TWO MOTOB CO., , ' . 609 Washington Bt EXCHAN'GE City lot for Ford roadster; giae - 1 week da vs. or . tax aiiierenca. ' . masmngtoa at. .pa --. oarta tor .n cam fee s.ttt IfWbJxTS J-d in., f stana. atai . rack: part for mil can far , , u- I i - I WILD w CASH FOB FORDS. CUEVKOLETS 1 ' ANDX)VEBLAND FOCHiL, .18 GBAND AVE.- rf., cor. East Bgrnride,- WANTED Lata model ear. either Ford. Chevro let or Dodae: must be cuB ior caan. u East 8798. .ii LET .ua make you a cash of far on your ear. ; taia. - ounq .e. .111 f..atai. .f; WE WILL loaa you money on roar automobile. Grannmg A Treece, 643. AWer ft, ...... ., FORD coupe, in good ehapa, with starter; atate price and beat .term. 1.854. Journal. - WILL pay $300 eash for lata model Ford tour. big or roadster; mut be a bargain, E. 4619. CASH for Fords and CUerroleu. Graauag A Tr ra. BS Alder 1 ' - - . ... XX-ir I. .t. m ka in li.b a.e fTbaawI,. "a.www , . , i . , , ,aa . " s-rtv. cue TCrTT I AwvrtIM Atvi Ul iHUal aaaai ia nnww aww ONE dining table end chair; planet Jr. No. combined orui aaa cuiuraior. uu j. xtverctx, Tsbor 6367. v ' INSPECTED Cuthbert . mpberrie. . $3, . 1000. Mammoth ... rhubarb 8. SohM tioO: 38. Blanch Dam. 800 E. 87th. ear. 1 Trrrotdsle, Or. - - . - . . I NEW xtLUK tool veionr cape, trimmed in gray. Vanr reasonable. Call M. 11T$,v Sun,, Pell 283 week days. LIGHT -covered delivery body aiao new phono - graph for sale or trad at a bargain. -. Robin - ten, Bdwy. T79. " - - . ' 8IOEA. B. combinatua, fiia oaettoa, price-. ' AUt, 832-06. GENERAL EiecUjc R. ti. asotox. 402 hUirxi. st. Main 7297. I LADT'S aew taiiotwd bin earg. suit, sue 42; Mrjin, - V'-S3, journal. and! FOLDiSa gocart for i i good $.6i oaaaiBoni - - : I - 420 Jewmp ...,--;.:..;; . ; '-; ; . -.. .: Willi BOOT beer barrel, aoda founUia, I . ahowraM. 801 E. iforrieon. and) VINE eatuig pet too. 31. 50 sack small potatoes. $1.23 sack. 443 W. Lombard. FOR SALE Oak bufiet with Piste gUas miner, Al condition, reasonable. 488 Beacon sr. BABNES l-ATHE, 1 1-INCH SWING. PHONB 216-48. FOR SALE Model adjustable dress form. - Tsbor 8594 on Snndsv: after-7 en week Call days. i SAFE Light of fir. aafe good order; first rea rabia cf'-T co-ed. " L-6 4. Joorp.e.1. i V x .i.'i-e ure. , te gjii. set iuk 2 iUuaoudA, . Laat 7140, - SALE--Jf!5CXlJ;.NOUS00 FOR xATag iMccr.ra3. . Emporium r MacHsca "acl J I for lean. o agewta employed. Guaranteed . afced ma rtJnes cbean. Pans and gepaihng for aU make. Macbinoi rented ICQ 3d - Near llorV St. WE - in roa l if:: Electric Fixtures Str allrert", feoaa fadaew rimwiounL . ttoest teleetKm. aU nyleav aao e-third. Umva and aaa asnrplrf; ytr art tinder no rbligetkoai te buy. PTAJfLEX lutz XOf rtrauTtrn nr rr,iUKitrK. RT.Tn and Stark fta.. ; - Bdwy. 4189. SayeYoisr Wife! Send Tottr wot wash t the finow Fbk. la un ary : clothes mjhnl anrtwy trhif4 in teparato com partmerits: MO'.. TVES. and WED. US 18. 70 CENTS: 4 CENTS each additional pound; valuable pretnjtuaa cieea. Phnna Ivact (S3. " " -- v - . " BUT,. tilXJ K 'SHAPE i RHOTGCNS. K1FLK8. TEXTS, , CAMPINU OCTFITS, KUCtlTHIil ! KAMS, -TRUNKS,- FIASDHAGS, 8;liH.'ASEb. 1 ASU AKXTislNU tlf VAUE KEWUAJCS ' EXCIlAN'tiE. " - --128 let, bet. Alder and Wahirnrtoii. Brnadway 7161, A ntomatio 627-40 or 28.8! tr tAta Ton Mosrr Boaso wiring, . lighting . fig tnren, electrical tepaaring ' i pnea. Third Streas - Elaetne 'Store. 124 H 8d at. ,i near Sal z lav. mon. Main 6088. ' , : F. i. MEADOWS, - . gnrceaaor to R . - T.nndquist TaUoriug Co. Bnng tn your good. 2 TTe etn, tnm, maka ctotheo. : 663-4 5- Abincton Blde. 108H tbird 8t Broadwiy 6488. SURF.PINil lednrtioa on all alixhttar used . maehlnea of all makes and kinds; eash I , or terms. Latest new Bingere oa easy I I paymentav ' Bentals 93 per month. - Mtjf.K IS'IOKE J. u. WAl.l i.tia, Manager.' ' 19 4th Bt, . Main 888. .Special 'Sale . laundered flour skckn 65c. 80e and 81.20 per dos. Heavy; eenmieee fkmr sacks make excellent towels. 15o and 2te cacft. Add 1 ao ' aaa. for postage.: BnoaOako Laundry. 840. Belmont. East 8433. : - - KEBLU.T weldW outifita. of standard maka at i very attractive prices, feaniaton are gnsrtnnWd very attractive prices. : These torches and I lainanu " "" I nnaration. Insestiaato our exchangn aystem, Northwest ' Welding A Supply Co.. So 1st aV Broadway 7209. j'-" -- ' ; .t:HoUy!.5:v-,;Holly!4::r: aAakA T.k B Ja) t "P U , VnrrP k(Vj ' JEiSdad and Going ata, WVlln. is7.v Nelson 'Ladder .Works ZOT or. rn.i ... ... Extension Udders, step-ladder, orchard Udders, Window ciesning Udders, Udder jacxs snq trearna. IndeoendentiPrinters 1ft00 XXX envelooes: 1000 bond letterheads. stats, or invoices. 88.80 thousand. .Bring that i advt. Sgrlth, Printer, 6th and Apkeny. K Electric Motors i Bongbt, sold, rented and repaired. ,. , BlaCT x,iat'w ... I - ,nk . V A-m . xttTi eioe, cor. t.w " j- ..... JiKW HOMki aamins soacbHoe, coa nuBing or der; 815; Iron bed and sPTinra.' 34. ForcJi . . . .. . n . . . - ao Kn. mV ao rlrad.7..' e-r-rr . . j. 11 . 1 - i. zr i rais Jt-HjUAli aaa xa orunuia aar . 1 tares, complete and in good order, carrying 1 i any hua up to 200-wtt, for sale. Com and f see them at The Oregon Journal bkU-. ask tor tranrg f. Hamilton, cops, i - . . : - ' - . The ,Fur. Shop - K. C' REINER Ttemodeliag. Cleaning, Stone New Ixication. 406 Morrison DO IT- TODA T itememner, tomorrrtw .never reams. W repair, MtBBKK BOND and re Invenata all kinda of warped, cracked, Ottrri o rated and: disintegrated, old leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phone today, yroaqwsy pupa. FOR SALE at bargain, one National cash reg i inter. 5c to 37.90. One dandy Toledo 30-lh. scale; one platform 800-lb. scale," One refrig erator, 300-lb ice box. cooling bet Stt-ft. by 8. ft. S im-hc. Sellwaod 2184. Sll E. gQUi. PkOVAiE PAHTX must, seU beautiful touring ' ear. 8600 ch. Can fc seen at 618 East 20U north from. 10 to-12 a. nx and 8 to 7 p. m. New rubber, new paint, new California top, new m and 6ew battery, Entino refitted; ; DOORS, windows, aiokbBgJi, miUwork, gUuw. screen doors, -roofing ana nofnea sasn. sea our odd stock of sash. and. door for prices. IJ. B. Scully Co.. downtown lumber ctore, 171 Front. pet. womsjB ami lamnni. atain tii, ; Lawnmowers Sharpened WIS CALL FOB ' AND DELIVEB - EAST''.5424 SAFES Overstocked. For best value obtain- 'able lit new or secena-nana eaies, see itorrisi Safe A Lock company. 105 Second street, Port. wnd. Phovte Broadway 7048. . . CASfi regl-ter and computing scales bought, sold. exebanged and repaired. Portland Cash Begis- ter Deal Exchange, S2 BUrk St., bet, 1st j and 2d eta. Broadway 7584. 1 . . ,,u,,.n. t- t, . . vmvva u""f-"".a,.vM j or - oooie . -Ji-"- . .iTT . . - ... - --' - ..... ierK . tiaaTiyations. - .,i ,.,,,,- at $12 per 100; 8 to;4 ft.- enrranta and goosaberriea, reaaonsble; guaranteed nursery stock. 1137 Minnesota- ve. FOB SALE Second hand himber all suvee, irf. eluding heavy timbers, from 4x8 to 12x14, at from $8 to 810 per M. on Job on Front st, be tweenBalmon and Taylor. Phone Main 6091. ELECTRIC FIXTURES at vrrwieiuile: 1,J eltaln, 8ae: B-lieht nxtnrea. borb i Gchta. 90c, W do electric wiring, - Buablo Eset 3886, - , FOB . SALE Violet ray - machine, practically new, with all attachment, or will exchange for kood eewiag amehtne. , 629 Clinton- befor 9 a. m. Reltarood 25S8. " ! - - BIG STOCK reduction sale on ehl". piss. Us lirt im mimtj. . . :'- 3 LEVK . . a , ; Mre5Jahies" ' HEMSTITCHING 6o ' 8IOVED TO 501 SWETLAND BTJXi, ' FOR 8ALE nolo ateel ran go log wood or coal, largo reservoir, nickel-plated, first cbu condi tion. Abo 3 burner gas range vnth oven. Phono labor 2217. ; - . GAS pUte," sa . ranKe. oak table, wood range, - beds eontphte, cook store, water beater, very rrasnnabl. 658 Powell.-- ' 1 - I WINDOWS RCBEEJi lED, mirror,, fnnriture re pairing, caotact wore etc . uau vvoooiswn 1487. ... I Rnufk - BUSINESS. CARDS . f fl Klfl W ROSE iCITi: PBINTEBT 9i5V BUSINESS CARDS 249 WbiBgtoa Street. Bet. Second and Third. FOB SALE Cream separator, 700 lb, cap., coed as new. lata model arrica reasonable. Mrs. H. Koenig. 6201 84th at 8. E.. Portland. TAtwd-tavd- vvjk . DR. A. W. KEEN lJenXISiryV 851 H Washington Without Pain. Latest Nerv Blocking 1 EEENE. ; i ot . Method. SUED naratnaa. all kinda. tancv onalita. loa ; ; price. PortUnd Fruit Co.. 153 - Front at. near Mormon bridge. ELECTRIC fixtnawe to rooms, 415; big sele. tion otbar furvan 207 t Jbtmher of Gobs- fBereo bklg. Broadway 4253 .''- " , CONTRACTORS ATTENTION . ;, 1 ft K Af. hekv Phon a I aateei new area weand band: special I . . Pscil Beam ayuppiy aa 48 Fraat i ax. BroAOWt DSa. 28 1 LADIES' used apparet 34-to 44s cood style I and onality. low once. .. bh Loor. . 408 I AlLky bldg., 3d. near Morrison. per JoNB No. 5 Mana bono cutter, ia perfect eon I Center. . . ' ' , , ' . . 1FOB SALE 8 showcase. 6 ettsa; also some or window fixture. Walkover Boot Shoo, corner Braway at wasprngton. 1 1 FERTTLtZEit Well rotted eow and horse manure fnr ealar I dctirered any pary of city. ; Call Wdla. 2148. hali BRA rsductioa ia hand mad trt losut) article eTchanped. 493 Wash. AUTO REPAIRING at half pnc. Work iiui - antcei. hinftaya ar eTenirr., rqln. 7 474. DAHLIA buikM. $1 a doom. 8213 8th S. E. Phono Antwmatia 628-89. Lf TOUU furnace moke, or don't heat, ox yonr roof leexs. aall xeona-rn. East 7608. ' VU LUX CARPET CLEANERS- - , ' Phone CoinmMa 1272. , ' aodl aeedl A NO. 1 SEED potatoes, sl.bO per Blsnchard's. 6716 Powell valley" road. ' SHINGLES Direct front miil to oonanmer. eeewinsTs. Tabor 876.- PLANER 2 4 -inch single surfacer. Western Fix ture nd Bhearcaae Co., 16th cd Jefferacn, lEAil ot hornei, 1 cow, 1 drill, set of harness. - For further inforraattort Call E.' 8566, Apt, FOR SiLE. (ireitsa couker and organ with keyboard, sl-o sme jars fmit. Fa-t ELECIfciO vacuum eicanen for rent, ti.a . -day. Delivered and cauud Ijc . AuL 613 - SALE- ISCELLANTOUS SOO t ..' CA-.i t. tED AM) MABS TO OiLDER. Bny, aall. chance Cah Bacutpra. Scaie. Praatatns. Miaa. Store fizuiraa. Bee a - firrt. - ; BOXES TEADWO CO.. J l Fir., t Dree dway 7418. BAV the toUowjcg, aa otiic furniture eond aondition at axorwtional prices: top desks, 1 list top deac. 7 typewrUet tetks. 18 allica ahaiia, A gala. A nooueepKe TEX TRWTJt-HOtiSOS CO. -. Furniture Deii., ' Tenth at Statk Street ' Broadway 8144 CEDAR CEEaSTS Direct from factor aa rnr hon. sad Port Orford eedat; solid rapper grimmmgs; cna, wma frr cataieraa. J. w wvir.ixu A AOS. 1912-t-l g. CUSAW.- TABOTttft KVGRI!l BIVil ATU lU'nb.RRIKS 11 ata. of fruit this flL - That is what iron r hire if you plant 100 f my beary-TBOted t rnctnaeiTe ' everbearlnc strawberry phrata trus spring. Prirw 81.78 DeT 100 postpaid. Aho Superb," the beat ererbrarina strawberry (or market. 81.75 par J SO, $12 per 1000. P. K. aotinsori. f .ranger. nn DESKS. FILfesV SAtEi'tVit'NTEBi" , GOOD COUSTKRS FOB 00 SAFES FROM 473.00 TO 9350.08 Thcaaphones, typewriters, add. akaehinea. check writers, and eompteta line ef steel files 'at prices untieard sinco the war. We rent office furmtjue, U. ti; AVa 34-28 it. fttlk Bdwy. Sewing Machines r I "r : fckTa tha laneat ttork' eiSI r ,f Seed sewing matoiuea ta tao any. Ifr-T-j Comcax prica. Wo rent and sa a"- pair. 172 3d near Tamhill. BCBHANK.S. American Wander. iew Tork, Bn- I k raj, (Round- Whiteaj.grownoa . high Jd.l iruaranieetj j rinre iaj. oeii'yrTO. '"" . T '7 I 31.78, 2 sack tote. 31.60. IW8.yH Ankenr street, tint oor west of Broadway. Phone Broadway 8J64 110 DROPHEAD aewjng mscmaea wiU attack- ) eewiag mscmaea wan- atacn-1. menu, 820 each; portable electric macDin for sent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. K. R. Rteen. 15 Urand are, f-airt -jas y MUSICAL lNSTRUMENTS 901 ' Bl'HWAN PIANO CO. CLEARANCE T 85SO Geo. Bteck small upriht. 32l3 375 Geroid dark opnrnt ..I.......... ir.i .478 Holland, mre noriatit. . i ....... . 233 .'800-Needham. modern maliog.J. . i .. . . 295 'JSJZM B 7: ' ' . 75 $730 pianat pUyer piano ........,.. 293 tlu Oi.i.. .,1... . . . . 250 PiannU player, wslmit. .......... ' a: 4SA Franklin, wax finish ............ 1 91 450 Irving Piano Co. upright........ 210 tkjttace onran. $18; Maion A HsmUn. 928. 810 cash, 85, 86 and $8 monthly. . - 101 10th at. -at Wanhrneton and SUrk. t . CLEARANCE OF PHOIfOGRAPHrJ 85.09 Victor and 6 used record......! 20 -82.50 GrafoTKiU, 6 used records. . . .-. . . V 20 95.00 Stradinra. 10 waed reoords. . .. . . 48 14O.0O Brnnswick. 10 used raoorde. ... 93 165 Stradivara, .10 used record...,... 100 165.00 Emenoa, 10 wed record S3 "175.00 Bonora, 10'osed recorrls ...... . 130 860.09 Tietsuhv 18 need records. .... .s IPS 878 00 Sonora Grand...'..... 275 33 or 810 eash. $8. $5 or. mora movjlhly. QPUU-iV PT1VA iV 1 AO Ifttl. at Alark. ' ECFBItV TORAGr'cO. CLOSING . OUT I SAOfl Prenriaa oieht, eash ..3143rsrk. eor. Morriaon. Wen j inytime. 878 KreQ upnshtmah, eosb. ....... 21 5 I '478 llsllet A Davis, cash. ....... 16S J ?? . ( mE nTri8ht.. .a . . JO 1 759 PianUt Player Piano 290 1 Mill t llDinnriKUsiOmt ...,v..,u 18 100 Mason ic Hamlin Orcast. . ...... 20 103 10th sr. ab Wasbinxton and Stark. - SPRING BALK USED PIANOS Wl eeiock rrp right, mahogany, only 1 1 98 Martin ttrna maKiMran,. onlv . ......... 195 i n', a in,, nnnfui. oa. only . I" iijju m.. w. . 9b I'ignola Player, 88-not, . only. 60 . IPay 310 cash. S or more Oonu.? I.ipman. Wolfe tc -Co.. Cor: 6th end Wseh. . WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS : - MUST MOVE QUICKLT EAST, TERMS llOdO Wn . Krtaha mrmmi lata atyle. . . . 3675 31000 Chirkerings. late mshogaoy.. . . 9350 3 7SO Strtrh A Eeidler. latest , . ..8428 9 6 SO Wellington, just about mwi . .. . . $2.10 $ 600 Filers, very Uteet. perfect. .3240 $1000 X'hicfcering, trpn". equal tt Be. 6225 ; tl nffifwToar":-::::"::!! $ .so BrfoVd, 1 wVinut":::.;.;:M 1 Hd 3 6.V0 Genuine J. A C, h -.-fa 7 6 8 700 (Genuine Lester, nUm kiahogairy..3800 a bAA . . , .! : . ,1A tfiOO Latest Fartand, fin plain wtlaut $230 875 latest MeudcnhaU. pisl walnut. . 9229 8 6(M) Thomnscw. :iatet ....... '.32251 a B75 MH"ainion. rood tone. ud. ... . .310OI I ?2? irmW ,,?"?,Vh " 'Jl.tlotPEirLUOUS iiatr. mole.' bUekbeed. pirn- a ,v. av.ia-eci, . " ,.... aaaa. 3 SM Rntth Barn make. ........ -el"? 675 Hamilton, flaw Ir1'" BOO- Harvard, fine . . .. Three player pianos, attest. $160 to $378, on easy term, ami many otaers. nUaT. tariX.. thnn hoVa ftPrerrtrilt sianos: many rat 'brand new. - BROKERAGE! CO. 312 Wovcaatrv bldf.. THilrd nd Osk (. PLANO TUNING. REI'AIKLVG AND KEFIN- ISHING. All work guaranteed and oon oy I expert workman. workman. ' j.1 vi ' , jseibi 128 4th st BEIBEULUIU-LV'UA atuoitj t.v., qwy. nam. "SALE L00O NEW PATHE. RECORDS 7 ac aise eaAi $1.25 to - $1.50 ix.. ........... 35e each IVea mtW whfM the aa lection as avwd. - TO.,iP.r r-e ic acvuBMita nuoiv .-aa ..,... I ji I ' 1 'J 11 J '"' 1 '. 1 1 ..- I 4EltE is a chance log you to 6 a prucau, I new piano st a soap, euartmeea xss ctam cot aiuou,. vxraw ni aw wMnuiomm " Fifth. Mar. 1W1. 1 " ' I a-,reord is operng. s Washington -1 iHiuk kllr ' 11mrAA A 11,1 hart. 107 W. Park. r 1 PIANO WANTED - Witt ' xcbanee slew Edison Diamond Am berota and 600 fine record for piano. Hyatt T.lkina X1achm no.. 80 Alder. I V1CTROLA, $90 ; as good as new; "maliogany ; case; term given. cx.Lnniivij.u-i-,ct.A MUrllC CO.. 125 4th si KIMBALL: new: $393; terms nren There is only one- at this price, - fEIBErU,TNG-HJCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St. WANT awHr for can. 627-46. - Broadway J18U Art, HW PHONOGRAPH- BEPA1BING. any make; all . work guaranteed. . SEIBEBLTNG-LfJCAS MTJBIO CO., 125 4th ft Bdwy. 6578. j . TiKritER A BON d layer. 3250. bench and rolls. This ta bargain. SELBEKL1NG-LUCAH MUSIC CO.. 125 4th t c i-inr r rv a tixvi . ,tk a ft7k good eondltkm; una jrireTL SEUBEBL1N0 LUCAS MU81Q. CO., I2a-atn et. ; NEW notamhia and Victor ivcord. 2 for 75c: Paramount phottograpb- 865. . Harold ntfWav 111 Wet Park. PIANOS moved $8. Troana tioor. Work Arrne by experts and guarantaed. tjn Broadway 1207. Atiaa Trans, m Btan cav, io rt. ate. COLUMBIA library table phonograph i rearaiar Ma aiAA w linn, tan, alvaTO Nkl EBXJNG-LUCAS MTJBIO CO.. 125 4th t VlCTROLA L oak ease, tn good condition; 62o. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th. PIANO WANTED, from priest, party; will pay cash If It a bargarn. M trenail loaa. PHONOGRAPH repaittiig. apnng 20 api part wboiesale and retail. 54S wash. Bdwy. Z044, STEIN WAT, old tyle, 9 1 SO t- term civea. BEIBERLTNO-LTJCAS - MUSIO CO.. 125 4th, DIN ZE MAN $125. See this piano.. 8E1BEB LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., ,125 4th at. 1 WANTED Second-baad wet-toned piano, j imsh. East 8682. .. I WiMT "o4-t""v4 p-- aah- h4-ay, spot llii I weekdays. . I VJaKTED FOR GASH, I'seD PlASOi UL'lJT SB BASMJA1J1. iilWAUlTA X SDH, PIANO WANTED Will paay cash foe used I pixnor Burnt be cheap. ' Bdwy. 6876. NEW high grade Cremona, phonograph, goal gain. KQbtnson, Bdwy. 7 TP. FOR SALE Columbia Graphiiphoaav,. . Caa di- izi. yxain. mi ereTijitg.. - - FOR- SALE Almoat new oak piano, hail price. 736 Harold v.-: Belrwood ear. HOUSEHOLD GOODS :;r '.Kf:i BATB MONTTt - yVr v"---- Try par sale dept. xf yon want ta bay og set! beuaehSVd gaoaw; xedoeed (night rata to saost aB pointy ta our - through poet ear. Expert peeking, repairina tnd reiiniSbine. Aioawy tosned ae goods in etorag. Fnaproot atm-aga. le lisaniaiii rstesv , BECUBITT 8TOKAGB5 A TRANSFETt CO. V V. 43 Fourth st, trpp. Maltnrmb. hetct Phon Broadway 8716. "' at if A FEW slightly damaged R inter sewinc achine at greatly xsxiacod pnea. Singe Store. XI tiTSTKI ee. ONE full used wsrdreb trunk and two case for sale. Wdin. B889. ' C'ail : FOR HALE Buffet, china eloset. table aadl v xaauix. ac-krevrsiaiLaCX. WeT A T XlB(IK. r.aiwA saaaensaaklai sjfck'B " COMPLETE house, tnra.".Bd rugs' f"or '!e; aVA-A xiiei rta ra, mrtf .-mrnw VIBini. Tv U:II, W a re. FOR SALE-IAOIERY FREIGHT eieeator. hydraulic preaaure, 2. Urge working conditioa. Coats orer 31000. To baea tt moeed rut of the buildin ejiiicklT" vrn tseriiee (or $250 or best offer. 4UIrK ACTION vr Mtt;?ltll. Aaa tot AlorraU. 474 Jounsoa. 4. 4 l iion. AUin 7051. 903 OS S-it-i. One ti.ruvi un e sa itttn ri.a'r, in. A 1.. 138 in fn rtcelu-nt roua Ut: left hind FOR SALE MACKrVHRY drive. One 100 bora boiler and water beatar. One Fairbanks Unrw donhla rylmrt'r axcam pump. Independent Warehouse ak Muiing - Wro, or. ' LAUNCHE3 AM POATS , . 904 U A-S I motor cenoa in traoe ior ceaaiOeaaly awer-' hauled and rroainted raadwter. Adassa. JSM 24 3, between and 8 weelidaya. BITER BOAT for sale cheap, in first cave. ntnl'.riM. m at- Futioa bostrard. lnauue IT. K. Noble, 816 Ijimbemans b:lr. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 03 SXRI TLT tmaiiirak au kinda for aaaa. rent. exeaanam. Wa are exetaxive dtarribanars ef Corona, portabta. 3&4 eoanpiere - with carrring aaaa. Bnppliea pad rapaira for aU anakaa. Orerna Typewrnr Co.. 4 Fifth at. groaaway 1 1" makaa auaranteaal aaa rear arrnctad truawritaa. aa na. Kew nHee list. Wholesale Typewrite Cc 32 i Waahinatan sc. I ataina. ,ir. &EPAIRLNQ (penalty, free eetimetesi rents Sk . sell, aach: add mack; rrrwired. rcppliee. bay. aeU. aach: add Typewrieae Infpeetion Co.. 812 Star Main bit 9 FOR 8AXE. cheap, lata modal Nuiarleu type. Writer, uied leiw tbaa year; excellent cosstiUov 1 ITwwie Bdwy. 7169. OFFICE FURNTTURE ; 906 OFFICE mie for sale, fireproof. 122 F.rchenr Mdg. Bdwy. 67til. Kaiiway ... . . . ' : V -' SWAPS - 925 it'AN T Krinrude or dra saw for Ciatausr or TU lamook beach lot. Boa 286A. MuwaUkM. or pnoue f,ia tirovo IK.- -. TWO chiffoniers, ivory finili. canary ainavr, braes rnoa. for rents leather coat or suits. Bine 84 or lsdies' rora or what 881 Iai labee et. J5KW puooograph. for tinting, paintingv cooeteto y,or, aaio tires 83x4 H. auto painting or what T Ttobtnaort, Broadway 7T. j- rJ foaob, Tot auto top. U. D. Heater. 429 Wsshingtoal at. Bdwy. 1750. n.,,,,., ,ti i . i i i ousiou, ior ueu car. rum pii must be late model. - B-81. JoornaL I SWAP 8200 eauitr tn 4 6A39 41st are. ft. R. dell Sirnday, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 " BCY. LLL' tik-rkADa"" BHOWCA8K". CASH REGISTEKB. SCALES. MKI'HA.SK'8 TOO Let. GARDEN TtMILB, FL'RXITl-HK. llOl'8EMtlld GOODS. AND AMTHLNG OF VALIK. NEWMAN S TRADING CO., 128 lt, bet. Alder and Washmctrwv Bdwy. 7161, Aitt. 621-48 or 623-82. WANTED Prcpla rf Portland to anaw that say ta. . hUheat cash sriee for oeeoad hand bouacbold goods. Be a meant Vso ktrga a tea rfoaapv gnenoen. d . - ' - B. M. . kEATXB " Prrone lfs-t 2208. - 14 BameB 8t BECOND-HAND CLOTUINa BUT KB. METER TUB TAILOR nara aaotw tor efao-band euiu. -dioaa, overcoats. We a!l day or ovewtag aUrshall , 3339 - or Z6S It. Tjesr 3d. WANTED Loo rye straw or rye hay will do. in lsr4 or saaall .Iota, For. (uu varum lara write to p. Sharkey A Bon, horse coUay man. farrnrers, 63 Union' are. MAJN 1318 KiPLHI TAlLOflLNG Highest jjrioea for nsed ejothing.. 189 TV. BAFB Want amall or saarllnsA sue ttlUoe skis or cabinet. N-60, Journal. " BITtMA.S bays lUeal nrlce ior' U r.iaa ani . . . . . " " hardware. Main 8611. 218 Front at. WANTED SALMON , BOD AND REEL. - MARSHALL 353. TABOR 7314 WHAi BUT OLD CARPET. WAJHTJ-?U1W1T1JRE 952 afnaa,! Car1.. f" ' " MEAB vvyi rui iiisvui c wvia morhison We wset rewr awed fuiufluio. stain, carpets and pianoB,-' We pay the bicbeat eoab prieea. 166 AND 168 F1K3T BT.; Call Mala 46XT, ?. M. R. SEATER - Birrs fha bast aa wvTI aa eheanae cmde of eo- l end-nand lurntture. 2o6 frrsnd ee. Ant, zax-oa PERSONALS 075 1177 piano beginners, i slsss 1 Vaca " V$A1 llUTAAJUow ayalvarirQU VjiCH vBMuis, OCMsavai,, 11 t E'lere Bid. Wsshtneton at. 4th ate. FRUIT TREES! Tha beat grid cheapest way ta bnf tlatnt it at ntnajeriea. Taka Vaneoueer: in till 4 B. m . Bandera. - Columbia Naraary Caw Uniow. av and otumbia Blvd. i . niaa larr Horse fawaoved xnrt ooeratov. I (Trtpiomaa Boston. rBucseo. Bute kiedtoal Boaidl 1 801 Broadway bkle. Main 6109. I Al ukth kak brt no at lie I .i, . A- Kelly , painless CiUBOPODWTB and ARCH fpeeialistH. Estahr 8 yrs. Exam. free. Blue Moose 1 Theatre bldg.. formerly Globe bid,.. llUtW. 1 "WHT DIET OR EXERCISE I r Bedneo by - lata wiethral of euiomt Rwtai J physician. Madame La Maire, mgr., 82$ fiood- I notif n bldg. rqrmeriy 618 Ftttock blk. I OOME to 07 Kateisb bUi. to have rout feet I - treated;, manicure, facials, acalp treatments i and sfiaHTfioo. Open ovenmgs. pr.p-a il l'-lj,- ' ej..i 1 - I records. 9l50 cash, or vriU eicbang for lum- i oar. iu rieoras st.. rill ton ear. t ; TRAINED NURSK GIVE. TRkATMciiT I a . i j,. .t . 1 . 'lonwo an i Hwmt treatment Tn etty. Zio BwetUnd bklg. UiL MARIE iUK, 380 1st SV, druUo phy- - i lacian, alaetnc treatment to turus, itsevp " mauKm. seiarica. au acna ana Banm. - iti-av.A" w.Pra L ." f aiTroJiinlblsa aota.. 4? r.h.M. - 1 1 ' g- BUPE&FLLOUB UA1B. anoie. wans. RaTmved by 10 aeedlo . meihod. Trial free. Jan rmiey. i men umanici. Mils 6868. DK. LOUISE MILLER, 692 Mm E. Movriauii. drngleaa methods. t-none tn r2S, WANTED Good home foe child of 8; will o mor aaopoon to risnt party. - Call 99 AS. 10th St. or answer S-6H0. Joumsl - - Llisr H. 1'lcsJe iet me ace you st very important J. L. Q., 23 E. 26th st. BESIDENTIAL . BEALTl BHUP-r-Hair canb- UAMAGEb gtUmt.. both I m . .a . Consultation tree. Bdwy.. 499A 3-at WVt 1 404 Securities bldg. 84 6tb rt, Jjf phit Bosnmny. can t repair your watch, throw away. lot - is ex., near JBomaoo., Profesioiial and Business Directory 0,1 i ALTkRATIOag (110) TAILORIB y4-nri 9 MEN TO HAVE TUtLR TV SnieU etatlie eUaned and msaed, I ...... , . A . , i . . , . ,1 j Gsntewdwrrk. kaysl Ciesperg. 127 W. 6th st. aarnrioiAL limbs EXPERT liUia and iwairinaV Write Ior tuiar- matioa. . W. B. GEBLACH. 408 Wash, St. oora 809. Errr tsatay hack ati9 1 SPOTLIGHT lensaa. aVliacton. eta. Portauid Aft GUes Wka . 88 Msdiaon. ear. 17 th. ht 9393 - I BLANK BOOK MAK8B9 DAVIS A HOLMAN. IXC. 109 2d C. blank book mtnufsetarera. A-813. - Bdwy. 7143 uiteiw ttsaiB 100 STOCA DESIGNS." $10.04 PLUiS and an. Othata te BreaAwa 64 . atAEEB8. 619 LEWTS. tJ? Ua riEeUGN soar ny typ. t A & ible. ate aauy The bar - I aignera. 446 B. Veraen av.. Lee Angelee. BUNOALOW i piana , by . drafumaa. Eaat 2606 08tB Tsbor 170. ARFCT AWO) Bua OttAWIWa BUGS washed - oa- your Lour n-uh . Beach Uctr1e carpet wssberi . alo eacuua Cleaning dqn. East 4048. 902 CHIROOOIoT LAURA M, TAILOR. At 14. - D. C. New and Mew Aeraev svaauate: au treat meow appointment, ao waiting; chiropodist (or ladle axdumvely. To bog is. - - emBOPftACTOB BAALTH V. Aaa. a. lis. McMaboa tkicktaal. 13th year, ' Bavea xawtgvadaaM raais airseo. Extended tuna. 81 dfuraeatB COAL ABO VVOOO mav - F1K8T GROWTH dry wood $T.60r grnwrn, cora.- at. 6T9-T7 14 LNCH extra Baary ory wreckage, lead suit - 1 xrreTea e. nca. raws z. . - NOri ra BANE FUEL Weed and real: as e?.TV aoliciiM.- Aet. 526-36. 659 Upor. I a a) Hone dry A-l la-to. Fir 31 to $ ala mh delieery. KA8T EXTRA cood hard-graaued' No, 1 second gioata. 903 cood cone ory, 7 cord. Automsrie 616-7 FREES Fuel knewieuge: Try Au.lrauan oal, 6 Backs 34. EAHT 54O0 GET our pricaa ew & rwth fir, dry. W lieer d-i-eot ffm eot)nt7. t rrt 172$. PaKTLY dry biock and aiabwuwl, $i.aa.a Hoouaai Hit. v PROFESS!ONAL AND tL'5!M?DlAECTU?Y COAL ir WOOD " ioi HI-a. 6 o rut LAAO STMltEa PKICES OS FOlX0rTi ft. Cwnatry Slab, dry ar trees. 4 -ft. Cord wood, dry nr greem. 7JTAH AXTJ BOCK BPBISCB COAT. lAunp. 81T NtU 1 Standard Wood Co. 5 PER LOAD $4 rr-Two-u)AD ixits lAm. fir hiarh and aUb nnid. Twng Pa'T dry; gwamntwe 1 eorda re ne doobke nai euual te 193 enbm feet. 34.3 lor aingw eases Ali kind of dry wood and reel . PRECOX FLF.U da fy Wotiii wood oi Summer prick now cs I'HONK t-tht VUI Debt bar tout wood ti I - i jm Loeaa a Fuel Co. Cauntfr sab. xtrer Bw corawoial and coal. Oince and yards 104 I'nsu renisna. tr. - - 4 PKtl 1JIAD $4 18-tSm BI.IM K AM KLOI. ' PARTl.T DRT. FIS-K FOR FURNACE OR HEATFIl. 80LO AND IiELIVEBFll IN 2 -LOAD LU7S FOB 88. 81NULK LOAD 91.60, DRT kLAB 96 A LOAU ' MATilI, FUEL rrt FAST 24 1. W'MiHH BtiO.., MtKl " SO. 1 CORDWttUD.-8T.5s) TLB CORD i Drlirvriea aaat sida. n-a-k of BnrneVie ' I Pbone ear Hfiit. 8. H. labha, WiMn. 14SX. Call East 83C0 ; Just cata2ncin bwairieas Witt ar'oecctat 8 trial order; good dry eordwood and coal ,. BKH. I t Kli t. liox Wood 4 Per Load Dry and Gkeca Siabwood Furta tood ( o kiala 4173. Blii L0.tT3 bit sad sua. sancd raiav, paruy dry. Wdin. 1390. 2 loads 1 lrwd .98 Pd . 4 SO hLAB and BLoCa. Alittd, TarUy Dry. 3 LOADS. 36. 1 MUD. t iO. 4-ft. r'ocdwood and bUbanul WORLD FI KL BKKVK K. StlH.IH. 2k3. ' OUR foot green slab. 4 50 u 93; 1 in. BfUed block and slsh. t donbla toadr eV- Dverered to anybody in city. Columbia 44 3 or Bdwy. 28S4. ' ' FIRST GROWTH fu, 4 IX, B par OorU, 14 ner,, 8T per bd; 13 Inch. 87.38 per load. - rlOBERTHON FiT.L CO.. Msm 8424. COHDUXD fd.& and 7.S' per eord. ea- urerwa; country sUbwoed. 38.28 per cord. -Woodlawn 6.13. - - NO. 1 dry eld growth fir cord wood. 3T $; block an alab. partly dry, axx dVaabl. load 98. Call ua before you bny. Main 769L MCE 16-inca alab. 32.T3; beat slab. M-oeM. heavy or evaded. 83 load, anywhere; bereain. -fader roof dry eowatry eUb. $ Q. ML I 79. " IiRY seooodgrowtb cwniwnul 48-5; lltak an. a Bock Bpringa coal. $1439. dvnseeeu. Call Eaat 74. eeentrurs. - - SO. 1 FIR, 8S; No. 2 l.r. 31; dry lUlivaJ, $6; Mo. 1 green fir, 34.80 e cord; extra ' aeary rountry. alab. $3. Mam 24I- '. viikr(.ki)U"iu nmii., . ti.Hu. . : ft ao; full cord; prompt oKtiTery. W din. 82. GOOD dry cordwood. $7.23 a cord: heary cuha- try sao, f r a com. Ym IT 89. LltT bux wood. $4: bioca and stab. 84.50; neavy wrecaaea, load. Wdrn. 344. BUMMEU prirw 47. A 1 liret tow Ik fir. u reran. Mi reran 104", , LUBK&3 and 4x12 pianks gut la 16 in.. $i.;4 ; load. Doable load. $rwr East 1R97. 6TK.1CTLT dry V ft. sacoml growOt fir. 6.i . warn, as i. AliO. 1 tint growth cordwood, $J Ti. Uoaty pern dry fir. 37.56. Tsbor 593 3. MAIN 26784 lU block wood and railroad 4 Vies; a Up abort 16-lnrh block. - DR. B. E. WRIGHT -3d floor BsMgh Bldg.. Cor. tlk . and Washington Sta, t . Bmedwsy 7218 Ha-snflef f-v .J?. -vw, keene. J - aaaaa,aaa.a J Wa-htneton Bt, Wnnotst. Fra T.teat New B jacking MetVel OOO, CAT JtslO HORgB fr6PtTl, atOSK CITT VETERINARY HOSPITAL 1647. tC TTH AND GRANT. A 219-41. FLUFF BU9 AW BAB miaB Oregon Fluff Rug Co. ; nxrr uuus Woven from old catl PETS; BAU BUGS WOVEN:; CABPKTB. (JLEArtKlt. . - 1P64 E. RTAskK., TABOR T314. I ' LBwrfi Mowin 9MABPI BID I OUR Lawn . Mower called . for. sharp, ax d. cleaned and daiieered, for 61.28. 946 C 16th st, N. Fast 93S8. RIU9I0 OO8409Sia HAVE your POEMS set te mo-w Daniel 1L Wilson Music Btwdio. 802 TllfrH bldg - 88U6IO BCHOOtB AWO TTACW1B8 PRACTICAL Barmony, piano, vkmib. mandolin, ' tuiuu, bshjo rostracuon. p.oi anbtct, 408 TemhHL MRS. ANNA LHOMMEDIEU MOOKE '. Phino Leaaocs - st . papil a hxamaT if dial red, hi siiil wsranaii gio. PIANO teacher, ldy, sriahes puuii ia Uuxr homes, reaarmablo. A Wo. 621-59. T. tVLAWSON. or st your b 26 ye' experience, puuae ia mt 91. Auto. 448-18. CTtaitTRlgT8 Ad TO GLASSES . . .. .. - Taouasnu of AstiafUd pa,, trona can tectif ta a, lit. - CVnCT nd (ale dealina k. i k "wA .ri. - e$ SO yean. Comult oa. ' -aj 2ar fCtaA W, Goodmaa. 809 M -e- - mr- ' riaon. bet let and Front tr. , Samnel Goodma Aasociate Optician. Main 3134. WHT PAT MOKE? GUmea in gtitd , rilled frame fitted te year eye. -$2 50. double vision glaaee at krw ttrieea: aatixf actio, enarantaad I Ve" K. HurwHx. opennaetrtst, 22 It st. BETTER gUase for Jem money At Geo, Ruben- - Bteln. tba; Trie ran opurian. Krea teaiil glaaawa fitted, broken letuea duplicated. Beaaea. ebl price, 226 Morrian t - - - rairr PAiWTPta. tiaTiKtt. PAPwiwa" 01 H. TURIL. fa.uee and algn painun. naeaa. basatiac aaa llntina 467 & A 7 Ml 1411. 1L E. aiAK.V. expert paper tiBting. paiTTtrng. Tabor alia. GET our price oa your house painting. Tabor ii:. - " -.,.- EXPERT tinting, pataung. paper hut aide vrp. Low pnre, WdTn. 148. FT8ST ATTPWWgyg C ' S. GOLliBEUG. psuraU, trademarks, eot-v- i r-rMs. 4 $0 Worrevteg bldg. TTT PIPE BgPAIHlWtt flCH. axepairea ay experte. Pipe Bhoei. 3T3 W eb. PMT4ICII6 LB. B. A PUILUPB. . - Broadway Bade. Office Practiee Only.- rtuaiBma wp gTgasg rtmic LOW' prieea aa ail kinda phtaibtag sappites. aa figarr oa year tntiktioTJ. Albert FIva-i. Co.. 617 Usrlr.u ara. K.. eev V a E. 4Jf, PRUITIWa, gaBBAVIBB. BIN0IHI PK.1N71.SG ei auaiity. price ribt; aiiuriwHv ' eiaseaaama, aumopea. rai-XS. VI Org fuanntaad i g. Bodow, 486 Woreerter bidg. Bdwy. 1m" . Prlntlntr E. w. balteb a co., t-t rriUUng sadOak. Bdy. 7185. 511-f. , THE 1R WIN -GODSON COW PANT $8T Waahinetoa. Broadway 3144. A 174 BOO BSPAtBHtB kLbiilNGLLS'G, euuers, .spouts, Ua.deck Fee He wmpenna norinx. F. F. CBOSBT. COXTBACTOH CeX Main 6854, 668 Market ft LOO I'd rsahiaga-d ana rapa-red and gateiaa. Wilh rocking paper. Main 143. 8tVIB MACHINES FEW siighUr daraagad hiugef eewtos auum greatly reduced prices, Bicacx Btor.. lie Grand sve, 6HEIT MSTAt WORK lork MULTNOMAH SHEET aMETAL WORKS I Boofra. ewtteetna, sweilliie. lobbing and aaaa. et real rapairina. Pbane Broadway 62. 228 A. TiASAiBO. oaaDiia. ixcavatino $13 livAkil.W. grading aaa eseaearm HI. IT E- a'ii. near Hiwiana aeoBod TBAK9FEB ABO 8TOB80C ALWAYS PICK TRB EiSI LOUSEHOLd" GOODS BPEC1AL181 Storas, packing, aa'o. ping sod moving;' Bass and eat vara; .p sate to all potcta. . C O, PICE T BAN P FEB A STORAGE CO. td nd Pic Sta, Biadway 696. A-Lfrt, ea- ; Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Cliatn Bt Bresdwty uu DBA T ACE . STORAGE . Four Wsrebooje ca Terminal Tr.j BEDUCED FREIGHT KA7EB to ail poicts ae bceaa.Bid oede, Paciti Ca-t Forva j Cw. blk Bd Havt. Braedwty 7us4- 84Mi 6a- load. Wanted T cixl kow rate. MALM 2065. ngtij ;