The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 09, 1922, Page 18, Image 18

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ING, APIUL 0, 1S22.
nation has been exceeded or not endurance. Soma of them describe civil state of Genoa. For centuries
On reaching the Atlantic coast, they war. The best liked so la for come- it waa the cor of Genoa's greatness,
are turned, back; oftentimes families what bloody adventure.' But these It was a growth, not an Invention.
are separated at our grates. They j books depict life as it la lived, with j Strangest of all, It seems to have left
may have sold homes to, come here. I stress upon the qualities that make a I the state to manage itself..
paid their fares. Fre-1 man decent and permit him to re-j ' A superb lesson might be drawn.
a I Though this bank took ample secur
ity, of course; yet, in an age of vio-
G. jac.) iMMUtwr I They have
. n-'fn- '''i '"fL ? I nuently their last cent has been given main red blooded. The heart of
i u- .ui n4 iamLr nomine atlover to a steamship company for boy yearns for adventure, for knowl
1 Jonraal SiaiMia-. Broadway d Taal
t ; ... i - . i:rrrr' rT-7P i,.... I turned to Europe. f . .., ' .-1 fascinating things that make him 1 curity was the faith of man in man
i ' txuMBnamioa uutmaa Um auk aa momi .V"by not examine them abroad and constructively active anil consider' The conferees might mate a note
StVu r."T'fcl.u.,. Vlti it,u. iM-ii. turn .them back there before they atelyl chivalrous "and, wilV be the of this. . .' s -
a.i d.! ntrM by n mrnbm. have riven ud their all to cross the gainer. But don't expect any stir- From Genoa cajne Christopher Co-
Si!-An iHTIi'fiixu iiLPkmlnt C I oAan Why not. as Miss Russell I ring boy's mind to be content with lumbiis; also," John Cabot. To Genoa
TIVK-Rmtaatn a kit U, Bnnwvk "-"'V .... .V. I ,. .''... -!.,.. .. ,k. I ,-.,. a vt
... luftt PUV urieS. HT0 Ulcu) iub U1V m.aa a,m) 1 immuj, ............ - l aaa aj ma .i ...uuw.a v.. .... ... -
1 ' I A . . .ma I . - - . ' 1 .
expense.lf they are not to be aa-
"" """" ' " eipense If they are not to be ad- idealizes : sissies', and Ignores TeaU
W.itfiMM ( ., ln. Exaajinar bnildin. Sa I milieu nnj IIUI 1 ciuos auiuicwivg uto. ;i v.. .s..
": Tin inomm biiin. to Aa-1 to th nnQts before they start, and
17., rkht u why not hold the. fits In Europe until - THE HIDDEN HiCND
rlxH KlftrtUina n ahirh It daeata abtaa-I itet fnafaad of narmttMnsrl ; . .
- .1 u.c ... ...a,... - . 0
.1.., 1
aao "WrlPr S- rma-rmj mw1 m advertM
found it in straits. He oqce had an
expedition, nearly arranged for, -but
not quite. ;So he went to Spain. On
so little a thing do the gravest issues
of history hang. America; became
i!.--. V J", -.u.r ut them to cross the ocean to meet ajTOSSIBLY the display of force in- Spain's, not Genoa's, t v -
closed door? - - - J -a volved in the raia on umnatown 1 Genoa Is also honored as tne mrtn
The present immigration law is may have a sobering effect on tongs 1 place of Mazzini, the patriot and lib
sound Insofar as it limits the num-Jand their gunmen.'" - . jerator, so good a republican that he
When flying bullets shower J refused honors under the monarchy
through " the windows of business J erected instead of the republic he
houses, or shoot up a newsboy's arm- J had wrought ,f or. - " r i
ful of papers ,of lay n wasio Genoa of today is the second
bystander low, tong wars become a port of the Mediterranean, and it has
public menace and a public; scandal, recently done great things for Jtself.
Tons wars are not a mere passing it has more than doubled Its harbor
and casiiaJ shotting affray. They are J capacity. It has, in spite of great
warfare between armed camps In physical '. obstacles;' erected a ' great
Bf Ctrrirr, VHf tnA t'tmnltj. ' '-'
vktLx sl:kdaV. ber of Immigrants. But it Is unsound
ZZrii ' 4r"' ?" in that it compels an unjust en
sx UAiu ai t. ate! rATABT.r r ADVANCl I forcement
.13 J
On Mf. ...... l 0OThit aUtt
SS 4.11 Out smith. ,
(Without Sumterl I ' (OnUt
Ntr i.m One rMr.....'..tsee
P monlU,..,. m t Maoth l.TI
. Thrw BMitlM... 1.TA ThiM BaoUl. . . 1.00
On -.ih. ....
fwr lies
SH SMMltlM..,,; .101
wmi.t Ajrt
Om rr tl.10
rpiIE Portland News makes the di-
X rect.charae that Joseph Bowles,
Portland shipbuilder, made. th,e fol
lowing offer to the editor of that pa-
crowded thoroughfares to the utter j terminal system.": It is growing as
per: That in tne event tne , ews i aisregara 01 an me ana propeny. 1 American cities grow, jforiiana cer-
TM ffatM aotlty MllV fct Itl WL I . . I. D.nnkllMn I Y I. i.... nlAtinAji nnH Trf- I BAT .hMtM .n.niml.. fn HnAa a tftltv
mu iwrtuim b Mm oniM. ErpM candidate f or governor we win Day 1 grammea, -in aenance L 01 ; jaw, .in 1 of her own excellent? Kina.
.MirtefrU 1 ar..Ii rn 1 w It 1000 worth of advertising " u complete disrespect .by Orientals of
r.p4 m.. ib tmitumi ihi to Th - Rnlt. editor of th News, I th flair and institutions of the land I Joseph j Hergeshelmer says the
"iCMnnantatn t"to' Tb journal for j makes the statement .over his own I in which they are introducing their I West is the real America but he la
SSS simatnre. In addition. Mr. Boalt heathenish system of reprisal .and meats', that It is "purified." It Is
oe nrl tn Wrxh aim fc
i- Su ft V-d sinature. In addition. Mr. Boalt 1 heathenish system of reprisal ana meats', that u is - puniiea
Llf? says In the same article that the fol-j vengeance. . . j- j quite evident that he cion t Know
lowing Conversation pevweeu uiumu 11 u amuru uiav thv ifiub w.r awui .uuovmj 9 ,uu u.u.wn..
ridiculous and tragic things to go on.
A Summaryi of the Treaties. Reeolu
- V tions and Declarations adopted
' by the Conference or in .
' , Connection With It." . -
Most men wh onit nrh n
as smoking won't even admit their real
faults. . .. ' . . . . .
"-"'i . ..'' '.:" ' . '
The" most comical thine about imw
comedians is their serious aspiration for
. - -.. s t .. 1 , . . . .. .1 . '
. t at I PerhSDS When our rmr m nrnnr1
Knii w dMtnbution by th Wotld Aihjinc to j skeletonised we'll have only a lew W
International I riendsUip Thxoueh th Cbarcba. j gades Of lieutenants left,; ." ..' 1
THE NAVAI REDUCTION AM UM-Jment of rain's - pitter-patter, someJiow
- ITATlttN TREATi - I noesnt nave its familiar value.. . , .
(Tli Vniitd FUlet, Bmh fcmpi, Jmms, I , . - v ' ,
:.h'rllM Hd ItAfTft - : I U BUIUIl am, KaZTW IK UUVraULIOIL
I. Capital Ships." Sixty-eigbt to be "T8 bt IteJ?e"",I deny any Icr
scrapped or converted ; a 10-yearV bund- : . - - x
ing holiday; the total tonnage of capital I One purpose of this amateur radio
ships Id be limited to 25.000. 625.000, J activity thus far aeeras to be to keep
315.000.-175.000 and 175.000 respectively ; I us out of bed toncer than usual while
the ratio of 5-6-3-1.75-1.75 to be main-j "c iu in. , , ; t
tamed ; the maximum tonnage 01 inai-1 The raan Who used to shout from the
vidual "ships to be restricted to 35,000 j housetops may now accomplish the same
and the maximum calibre of their guns I result in a back . room with a radio-
. The Oregon Country
and Mr. Bowles took place:
Mr. Bowles: "I am, as you perhaps Rapid convictions and -swift puniah-
kpow. one of the Urgest taxpayers ment of tong murderers would soon
hi. h.r. innnm whether I end the absurd show.
we like It or not. why bunk It7 11 we I .some years aso Vancouver, v,..
to 16 inches.
2. Auxiliary ships: The maximum
tonnage of individual ships to be re
stricted to 10,000, and the maximum cali
bre of their runs to I inches.
S. Aircraft carriers: Their total ton
nage to limited, for the five powers, to
135,000, 135.000, 81,000, 60.000 and 60,000
respectively t the maximum tonnag'e of
individual ships is restricted to 27,000
and the maximum calibre of their guns
to 8 inches. -
4. Pacific fortifications:- The status
quo" of certain island fortifications is to
be maintained, their further Increase in
the Philippines and Guam, and in the
Japanese islands of Formosa, the Pesca
dores and the Bon ins being forbidden. -
United fit&tu, Bntuh Empire, Jkmb,
roo saa 1UU7J
1. . Submarines not to be used as
commerce .destroyers" ;
The marines seem to. have proved an
effective cur for the epidemic of mail
robberies.' Wonder-, If we couldn't try
'em on tne - jninese tongs r
''We -could stand the flappers wen
.enough, but these . old birds who flap
arter their wines- nave oeen cuppea ao
tax our patience.
Very likely that; chap who wrote,
Drink to me onw with thine eyes.
didn't live in the age of moonshine and
Its blindness.
And it occurs to us that there were
fewer triangles In the old days of the
square dance Uedford Mall Tribune.
Taktnx" the averace. sava a news Item.
"we Americans are eatins; about S per
cent leas meat than we did 10 Tears azo.
TouatLy becaus we are paying vo per
cent more zor it Astoria Budget.
We don't know much about the stock
market, but "common, stock" is what
some fellows have In their cellar ana
"preferred stock" is what others fellows
have in theirs. Aurora Observer. .
krtbt Bftpprfiiaa m Bn( furm tot "Sm
7v: . OREGON
Reports from Catsksnie are to the
effect that th Benson Timber company
ls taming out 6.OC0.OO0 feet of logs a
FlftT thousand dollars worth of Im
provements are being made in the woolen
null at Stay ton. which wili open June 1
with 19 entployea. -
W. B. Ruivell, for the lant four years
connected . with the rriuevule Central
Oregon! an. Is the new editor of the IUd
mond Spokesman. - - -
Tli Ifnnmnntli ftV miimII V. . . m.miI
We ara belnr nterts.lned with stories I n TH 1 nj ni1 rvl r 1 1 i v n.aianiTae
In th papers of great tax reductions In I automobiles operaUng in or through
Washington, Idaho and other stales. But J Monmouth to obtain a franchls from "
rTury tiling- is always oeiier just, oeyonu i tli city.
like to hear from th taxpayers of those
Serious injuries were sustained last '
Sunday by James Bising at bend wbea
his mule team ran away, overturning
the wagon and throwing him to the
ground. .
It cost the taxpayers of Clackamas -,
count? S5T6.S91 to operate th nubile '
schools during 1S21. according to a re
states before taking it aU for granted.-
.ugen uuaro. - , . -
' V" ' - - ' - : '. ,
' This section of Eastern Oregon cam
through the hard times much better than
many communities in this part of th
Mtintw Pl'iinM. rmA i , (nn . 1m.
proving and thU vicinity Is much nearer I K"" Iarei br suu Suptrtnteadent
vmc)etA rfomra than a lot of tHa aeo. I Churchill. - ' .-
tions of th country that were hit by Word is Just v received . from Crater
the depression. Haines Record. . - take that at the lodge on the rim tn
.. - snow is 1 feet deep, at Government
There's room for good cheer In the camp It Is IS feet, and at Anna Bprings
overwhelming vote of confidence given camp 11 feet.
Lloyd George, yesterday. Th vote 'Th Pilot Rock school board has cut
means that Britain is solidly back of th th salaries of teachers for next year. -
Genoa economic conference. It is rec- Th principal's salary will be reduced
ognixed that the chief problems of the from $1920 to 11800, and other teachers
woria- touay are ecwmuuw, u tcui i in proportion. - ;
want to see something accomplished.
Pendleton East Oregonian.
Random Observations About Town
"I remember - hat about 4,0 rears ago,
when I made a trip from Panama to
Ban Francisco, said F. A. Seufert of
.Z Seufert. Wasco county. I noticed mat
stricuy by the internauonal law of visit w,napIJ ?S lTtZ
and seareh i tr 7ft 1n.tMA a nlrates I ""ning room crew dumped a lot f fresh
for the violation of this treaty..
meat and other provisions Into the ocean.
AN .UNOFFIC1AI, census indicates -2. The us. of poison gas i warfare i.? . "t!2"fc
a. that the churches of the United lis outlawed a
and prohibited.
p -and U's . t? carpet . wlth a Chinese population, had t"KiL?h ureAforthnenTraeTdiVon ?l
navs it in way we wn iv .
the radicals want if That's what I say
to my frienda r ' ' - ': '".-; '"
Mr. Boalt : "And how, Mr. Bowies, oo
yon want It T" v . ''-rj .
Mr. Bowles : "A fiat rate : none oi
your gosh darned graduated taxea" .
' There are times when a candidate
needs protection from the follies of
his friends. , If $1X100 is to bo spent
for advertising on condition that the
paper support the certain candidate,
it Is a distinct proposal for an 'im
proper ; use ' of ".money In', elections.
When money is improperly used in
elections It Is always with L the ex
pectation that those who supply ,the
statu mkt f Um fMtuhki. atanaoaMnt. I money will get It. back in favors f rom
etrvnlatipti, !., tanirtt bf tn 1 o-1 j , . s.
" o 1W .M. It2. 9t trecn SuU WYriiuicin. , , . a
Jmni. iwiiikhM iuiu a rrtiead, treuu. . According to : the statement-' of
, X'... of bron.' aimntr f " iinitanmah, m. Editor Boalt, the money to bav? been
pnr , mrt (ittblw la tor tn
tong wars, like those Jn American ' t0 rovern the use of new agencies of
cities. After one-of the outbreaks I " ' ,wi hi i,uuj. nanw otner man suomarinea ana pot-
four gunmen were convicted and The report further shows that 88 son. gas.
hanged. That was a decade ago andM new cnurcnes nave , Deen aaaea as ;THe XUR-POWEn PACIFIC
there hasn't been a tpng murder in agaiusi o, ukio ."""
Vancouver since. . - Jin iszo. - -
.We do it dif fcrentir. We do It as If Has there been a time in recent
there were hidden American, hands history when the church and Us to
behind the scenes. A fewyears ago fluence was as badly needed as- at
Th United State, British , Empire, -, Vtaaca
, sad turns)
1. Kiehts in their insular nossessions
to be mutually respected.-
2. If grave disputes should .arise
said that if they -went , into, port with
a aupply of foodstuffs on band it meant
that on the, next trip their requisition
would be cut Just that much: The same
rule seems to hold with our tax spending
bodies. They have to get rid in some
way;of all the Ux money": ' -i
Prairie City, at the head of th John
v valley. - was represented at tne
Imperial . Saturda j by E. J. Moore,- E.
it. St Clair. E. I Fink. Mont O.
Moor and Mrs. ; It, - a Royo Tand
daughter. 1 i . - ,$. t
'Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Master Ber
nard McMurdo have come from Ueppner
fe m.r, tripd- for murder in present? At a time whett there. Is "" i JM!UU". " w " Mlu
on1 of th courts." Two were white widespread unemployment, a-vast
S. If outside asrcresslon should men-
and two Chinese. ' " ; I wave of crime, a lowering of moral ace these possessions, the four powers! to visit jin Portland for a few days.
' d, '.iiu tVi. flnitx nf I art tn Miinmunln&ti with ana another ma I .. -
in each case tnere was rcnwr Z"r " V to what should h dons. . . J Among those from the Interior doing
tion, :me wnne men were nung;r tne ... . ,Bland nf ihA. jane bom, business in Portland is Leif s. Finseth
Chines were 'not. " At another time cwum uier u simwr j and not included in this treatv. but oi AMUiaa
. . -a . ..,ii.j - Lchurch and its teachings? : ;-? tall British and American. Insular . nna- I ' ' .
svmuru,. 7 . . . " I . -re ntHtton sessions are. .'- Clyde Kelly' of McMinnviUe
muroer ana seniencea -iu prwun iur r. - . ' 17 . I k. t, i,t.Mn.u em. i. ... Portland oh business
life-t 'Later he was paroled on the would hang in the balance. wa- -7 - - " . I , - . .
that h wajt threatened with tianity could scarcely afford another ...,-'-.. I ' "Bill Brown of Rickreall is . week-
w.nii was nt to China, atuck. Even now there Is tremen- THE YAP; TREATr-- ending In Portland
is in
aaa fr th I . i i...k..u.j vu" vo.o, -v... - 1 ... . - . I'- . ITU United SUtea aad Jaiaal
.uu. ami esir sfrhi. aeiir anpMNd mi.vw taDO . There Is " recent: notortoiM1 history, of. I done : atnre ; Between.-: tne ..xorcee 01 1 -y. VtAtt . 4.4.. , MuatT I . It ' . Keeson of Seaside was among
S Snssa anbl S ad.aA AM HAa T a n tnim AS w 9 w rvt a I . . ' I 11. x A.. .S ..IT.iA'.. At.. I ' -. -
h. h. VMarb. satins ea duly ru oithos onoosed to an income tax. ; Air.
U. dfHwm ivit Mr that a M UT . . ... i ,
ib-w auwr of in Orwnii SuimUf Journal, I oowies. iur innvB, n eiot
th w friis k .ia u bt ef b deal of money out of shipbuilding!
iwlrln ad b"ia4. a lis autmt l th . - . . . T.
nt and I if a ail Mnr. tii contracts QUruig tne war. ho was
efnil.un), .. f U alorwai pablieatio I . v of h Northwest Steel I
i.r th .t Hum la b abot eipuo. 1- 11,0 haa or , tM confined prisoner.
'i.wi r u m jihiwi 3, nniui company avgainsi. wmeu w iinn-
x"UJ?t iZruXr1- ment- brought suit to recover 1n
1. Thai u aaiM a MrM ot the v excess of $1,000,000" on the' allega
i: MU" "hU"- 4 Uon of irreguUrity knd fraud In -
rnhii.w f. Jackana, rwtiand. Or. .; cepling bonuses from the Fleet cor-
1 A .b mm . BS Ml V I1ha S 1 mm I 1 m M Ika V . T r
tinaa'n aiiuf, u i. starim p'rwtiairf, fir. I poratlon on.tlme extensions granted
ruftnaa ina.r, a R. Winch. rurUasd. Ur
1 Dal tn ari
'. B. Jrkon, raMlawf. Or.!.' ttl tJaekao.
.... . . . . . - .. t- .4 mA 1 4t. A a.a.a n .1rlT fnp -ttia i . " . ... . . ... . I fin f ..vita, ) v. 1 a '
' - . . ......... i ..4.. M a man aXmt ' ' T7 K,. ilatf 4llA i ...a KM ..1.1. I Hi I I . - " . . .
through legal tecnnicaiities. Kept ior i ... , -wnue i Ab ,ut-of-town visitor is Frank
rears in the county JaiL where he evil hordes are carrying on tneir at- l f ",""",;r Boss of Corvallia
a.-w t.i;'."ani 'h.t 'tiMMMiia :-V-PKa- I uajjaiiununr aim U- ... .
was more a- guest ot nonor man a. , w . - i tnanate of the treaty of Versailles.
are constanuy in searca ui rvwuiu
A L. BramwelL who has been a mem
ber of th Hotel Portland staff the past
three years, had a 100 per cent record
for being on time, until last Sunday,
his wedding day."-He was also -late the
two following. days He . wilk not . be
lata again, as his fellow workers have
clubbed together and given him a clock
as a weddlnc nresent.
I 1' Knapp of Port Orford." Curry
eounty,'" was transacting business in
Portland Saturday. '-
' Dr. tinton has forsaken the old home
town of Waldport for a brief season
and is registered at th Imperial. . .
. . . . -
: Q. P. Morden and son'Carroli of Hood
River were among the transients of Bat
urday.' -. . . . . ' -
, . ' . ;. : ... .
Frank R." Butter and twa daughters
of Eugene . are -visiting in Portland. -
, '. ; -. ' y ' . -.- . . . ... .
Mr. -and Mra. E, IX McCoy of The
Dalles are . week-ending in Portland,
.- ..; ..-.' "---'.".' ;: . .
- Charles Gatewel of Heppner is trans
acting business In Portland. . . '
. ...
Mr; and; Mrs. II. Thompson of Mora,
Sherman county, are .among those
spending the week-end in Portland. :
During th year 1921 ther was ex- I
pended for building purposes In As-
toria the sum ot $442,184. while during I
the first three months of this year the : I
amount was (51.164.
A self-oroneltlnr crane of th loeamev. i
t!ve type, having a lifting capacity of '
:o tons, and costing 117.000, r.a oeea :
reoeived bv th Shevlln-Hixon cotn&any t
vt Bend for work in th woods. ,
One hundred, men walked out of th
Sliver Falls Lumber company's logging '.
camps near Silverton. due to a reduo-
tion in . wages, ana tneir places were :
taken by men from Portland, i -
In order to world for the Increasing '
population of Rdsport. due to th cx- . i
lanidva lumbcrinc industries, roadbulld- - !
ing and outer construction, aooui io
new. houses will be built there this sea
son. .- . -
The old natatoriutn ' at Newport, re
cently destroyed br fire, is being re
placed by a $30,000 structure, to opea
June 15. which will house In conjunction
an up-to-cate, oaaoing pavuion, - , .
Albert Broke y, who has been missing
for several days from Halfway, la
thought to have fallen into th creek
and trownd. Martin to at across Sk
bridge at night, ha disappeared and baa
not been seen since. -.
Extensive logging ' operations are
under way by the Hammond Lumber
company on a big tract ct timber In
the bant lam' national roreac near isv
trolt. The regular weekly output ia
about 1,000.000 feet. .
Buddy Cormany, a-year-old son of
Mr. and Mr. Walter Cormany. whll
crossing a street at MedXord Wednes
day, was crushed to death when be ran
In front of a truck driven by V. C.
Kenly, a prominent orchard is t.
M. R. Zamwalt, a resident of Port
Orford," 1 "visiting tn Portland. .
" President Harding has sent to' te sen-
t th nomination of Arthur H. aUdrldc
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Walmer f Baker 1 for postmaster of Colfax. v
are sojourning In Portland .for a short I Cutting of shingles in the new plant of
Season, ' : . ,t ., .... - I the Saginaw Timber company, at Aber-
...''.' I deen. started Thursday with a craw ot IS
Doing Business in Portland . Saturday I men.
was W C. Thomas of Salem.
with its steel' doore. C their illicit purposes. - When the . t &5FS3ELm.
..Mt rtasnae-ita alarm holla anit Other I moral fibre weakens as it has" weak
.V.. v.. ..0.., . ... . , , ;sy. ..kl.. 1-1
devices for making . gambling and ened wa cou
Franse. luly and Taa KeUicrlands)
tong gunmen- safe
indication of unlawful
forbidden goings-on.
,; notorious soldiers of degradation ,:are at their Uaited states, one to Japan and on to
ul practices and I best- ',r ... , ;;;; ' ' ; , 7 The Netherlands. .'n: , !ri
-...- T ttia ihunh tfiat mnrf liftlil : a
By Fred Xockley-
1 . . . v . . . lw 0 :- ... I J r 1 urr, A 'r
ion contracts ana o MO accerlt,1'i knows hv instinct just as well as aloft the banner of civic righteous-1 The lantttd stt, BrM .Kmpin. Japaa,
. I AS a 1 .at.-- As "a ' 'n.-.'tmm :trux :-:' '. . - . .. . : It, . ' - II 'v a. . ll .' S. A A . a. ' a I If nttnt tMIV I 'tllTas
. 'T.rr?.!.A"-CT, P n-.i.a. -i .t uid .know. bxictual roof that ness.- a is tn ciiurcu mum. 1 r , " nir';' "."T
........... Y... ounH oruwii, w., I f a .-nn..t . anon SID Ufa. fA- srl- i r - n - - . . ... ,.-). : I , ... - . ,. .
ptrii. i-ortiaiHi, w.; j, m. Tfai. part-1 . - ' "i"' -h ichinese are - Dayinir somebody ior I nova tne lines, m it ; is . entrusueu
Tb Nethttlandi.
Belsiusi and Portugal I .
1. - Eouahtir of onnortunitr for', th
iaroH sometimes, aomebody the future Of the continents. ' t.- r-
s a. imfcm. Aatona.ur.1 Musata CrtwaJ would support a given candidal for . -MJ, ,. . rl News of. an increase. In the army I Vmn. " PP'tca .m detail, and tne open
v I . 1 m. a I . I WI1VU BltQ asMWsaiar sw wuw a-" n w B 1 (tnAW'f Id fm a flA S T a oe . an4 4n ja Aa Wa .a.
tv nainviAVfji 1 a..,
support a given candidal for wnom public ,s aiso paying for
,or is a very, small item in the protecltOIL The OrienUl Is a stolci of
Christ ia news , that tn .movement j m6tto,
S. That tka knnara xailhflMi.fa. amnrtaamaa I BVITCi iiv
ivi thf acsrii soil wniag r boidinA- tlfund that will be expended to defeat
r,. caaT ZLiijr,,S..r ITt the enactment of an Income tax In
'rSi.. .k-' ., J,.. this state,
tains th. nam- , th or. ookhoKUra; 1 gives a glimpse at what must be the I t t h ' subucted t0 .raft, ward the righteous path
."""." " eaaiuia sm al th Mat ,mm.n. ,. of mtanaibla wealth l?5Anos:wno BUDjecieo to gran,
oiini aa uw 1 . - . .! blackmail ana extortion,
111 Tin sttanded a maetiog t Boardooih. t we have her, and that th fruits and
Mr- k''r JPoansa forth inapirad XA land U vegetable grow mora quickly and ripen
U oT7 m?-i? f. kr.. therefor . mor
atctd world, and darelopBent is mi . proper I , raaiiex Ul tact, less man
T. Tl eathiniasticalW liUr a number of 1 1 Per . Cent of Alaska is covered with
AlaaaV jwifcni aad' unrtralad comawrcial and I perpetual 1c and snow, th 1 per cent I expenditures ot I&S5.T&S during tn past
eam mut. p v"2-2T ; ;" V ' I prentmg mountain peaks In the in-1 rsx. .
; It was my good fortune a few nights t tei70r.' Alaska and the glaciers, that I Cauitht by a descending hydraulic el.
door" . Is. made a fact and not a tnere ego to attend the reception and ban- no.oown to the sea, ' , v Uator in an apartment house iat tatu.
nmint mnn was naid at Davennort
last week for if coyotes and 20 wild
cats. The bounty on coyotes is li-60 and
on wildcats i.
Th Ellensburg city council has grant-.
ed Chief of PoCr Tuckr authority t
establish a chain rang, boesed by a mem
ber of the street department. ,
Polio receipts In Aberdeen for March
wr $:32.0, nearly doubl thoa for
March. 121- There war IsT arrests, aa.
ev8i0 of which war for drunkenness.
After returning fll.4SI.51 of its budget
allowance of sJTl. th street and
Sewers department of BeatU reports net
fluet given Governor Scott C,
3?? I 'When Secretary Seward paid JTOO.OOO 1 building, w'a Ipetantly killed between th
and white Crooks,-of ficial and other- for good is gathering strength. It is 2. Noareaty infringing the principles by the PorUand-Alaska. society at thai, or AUska, it was referredto as "Sew-1 basement and first floor of th building.
.i- mrt . Houl KiihtorranAanlv with 1 news mat tne worm is rarnins away u. wo iuio, r ...w. vm,., w.. """" l ard"' Follv."' On of iha I WeaBir T? ton has reslrned as mayor
. . . . i " , i . I ww .nl.Ht. . f Al.ftn. ,1. AW m-m. - - V.. f 1 -B Alll.tim. nAWanAMA mmanma XT . . I . ' " . wV.. . I ' ammawm ... .
jui even, mia nmn .o , . , , ,- :th mn.i I from the forbidden and is movinr to- I , . i - -"''- I cav for th nuroh of . ai.v. ..t.i. I of La Cross to accept in appointment
Illitl UK l ."i. wvw I " , , I imhBM . .1 aflirnP Jlf th W.h nlAM rnm tew. I - , J ' "" . . a T ..Vina . arrmam.
. . ... . . . ..I .9 . 1 .1 . . A . . I
el aiauklwlil-n art aaudty
S. Discriminating practices ' on v the
Chines railways ana to end.-.. - . r '
Tl'lh fShTZS Wt, that 18 brln Mt" or no har f . There is a reason why Chinatown A Portland woman heard her fox Full information to be exchanged
rt2 buMen"-! ";W,.nin has Its devices for guarding against terrier barking and. fearing burglars, th
6. A board of reference to b created
for the consideration of ' cases arising
editor of the Washington. Post for soma I ? ,.r -11 r " 1 . . tmutor. Le C Luklns. a grad-
v..-. ...J . c..i.T""'." lur uBia, was ,rTT m.i. Rtata, iHtia auidaan
PoulgeerT .e " 'VW.iWlai i. hi.
Governor Bone wants to. make good PranwCT InJT, steaa.
Mors than 0 drug peddlers bar be a
'.'ISS "t. T irt one small Instance of mere a - ' " whv "en fired a revolver out the window. The nKuT oV! "r .TJ1
V. mmwamm mm, m I - u. .....V m,i,l " :" - I . ... ,
. . T - .! 1 T . CLtaf llj. ilnr.
Alaska Is a verlUble treasur hous. r,h.'K;rn MitrW
a 10 that th aairf ptnuh eMtaia advertising, how mWh moM would , . vellow in the hidden I og dropped dead.
auimanu wboKlns afllaat liU mld. esd b-' tn ,um nUt 'this' ImtaXed Ifl-1 ' " " V- " ''." , 1 .
i ii.r a t u ireeaMjMMr eendiuoas 1 " " . u11 M" j chambers and -secret -passages are -; , , I 7
iHir wiihsb ataciboldaie as acaantj aohlan t tanglDie weaitn WOUia spenu m wu-
com tax, what a considerable bur
den of taxes would be lifted from the
wiM, on a appear ana in ona at I a uSk .in... aanln taxation?
raw u araataaai bold atoak and aataruiaa la a I llnU escaping taxation T
caoactlr other tnan that ml a bona ltd ewnr; And if' all that . great 8 Urn ' Were
ami Uii AKIanl aa n raaao ta WliTa that I ., . , . , t ,,,1 ,...
ar ethar pavann. awiatkm. r aornoiaUon kaa Paid OUt to the State In lawful taiS,
aa lalaraai Ulraet or ladifwit la tb aaid atoek, I instead Of in trying, tO beat the ln-
- ami anawm -.uiili una aa av auie vj
a. Tlial th araraaa saamhae eat atla T aak
IfiM n( thai amkUratlaair aoM ec dtatribotrd.
iiintiian vii aannc th alt aaaath pnaadins Ut 1
aaw ai .rva.
. R. WUCtt ilnt llaaasar.
8nra rj atMrre4 1 Safer aa Una lat
ear of April. UKUT O. Kfg.
(1 oiaiiaal a4ra Sayt. J, la4..
Ttm noir anaw th almalaUoa of Th I
Bnixlar Jmrnl tea Bvlndar. aa eoaanarad wlk
u of u orroadiuc Saadr au aaoaUa
Apr, s. ma.
ut. a. mi
rarely, if ever, "surprised.""'
Thsea to a raanin ' ishv tons' Plin- I
men carry on their warfare openly DU?m !?PJ!f ,W"k.f rt!d
on crowded streets and rarely," if
ever, suffer a punishment to fit the
crime. - -4 - - , - ,
The public cannot name the men,
a- has been r treated ? to the spec
tacle of noon-day audiences crowd-
ling Into Pantages vaudeville theatre,
under this treaty.
.... ... , ..... . . a a . "
(Tb Kin Powara, aa in TI)
1, Chinese integrity to. be respected ;
China promises to alienate no more ter
ritory in th future. 1 -
2. Foreign "spheres of influence in
not for the - amusement commonly China ar surrendered.
c aiacnoiitra, , . . . . . . i .-- iiiw uvuiiu vauiitvt. tiauis vaa. uwj. i i-L,u...i . t..a I " wain s rijtnis af - a
.aiia otkarwiM. t pid - shoulders or tnose wnose property i. 4. . ..4 eiinicieu' w cu wiiiiiBuiuiwo uv .. iB ,,
mthi pneadlna th aala . a v . ...k . I "ufc ..x. mhjo- rioa ,
is overtaxed because eo much
tangible, wealth is untaxed."
of the . things ; that are allowed s to"
go on it can name the reasons,
for, many years was a missionary In
A PORTLAND mother writes:
jtt I have been trying for some time to I no Aniiht of th rtpsirn of man v eiti
Sis BaaaUaa' rnntaae
11.800 I
What that to a Tialoe, th paapl
parUh: 4 ha k terptU th la, bappr
tea. i-nxark lit is.
. .. 181. sao I purchase a good book tor a boy ot 12.
s.e want a bMk that win elerate, not de
grades th child. Th market is
flooded with books teaching brutal hard
ship, war, pain, endurance. They tell me
that boys don't care for anything els.
But If w would introduce a higher
standard of training. I am almost sure
to attena religious services. 4.. Every onportunity to be given the
These audiences, while' somewhat j Chinese to develop a stable government, j Alaska : Mra ;r. w; Swanton, whone
larger than attend the usual church 1 - -nues customs ouucj w oe in
I creased r
. ... .i. 1 ... T , . , i. 1 , ' . U'- llutcuuu"' commission, 10 in
xc , guisning cnaracieriauc. j xney nave vestlgate the Chinese Judicial system
ment in tax exempt securities leaves been composed . of business men. with , a view to the abolition of extra-
many of whonv know more the Sun- territorial rights.
as governor of Alaska. That vast empire
has been tied up so thoroughly by red
Up that it has steadily lost inpopula- More than 100.000.000 acres of Alaskan Attorney RVUe has dlreTted against
tion during the last 10 years. There are I surface is ' in timber. Th nrlncinal I tho cneaced In the illegal aarcotio
IS bureaus that administer the affairs varieties J are Sitka scruc. Alaskan I traffic ,
of Alaska which, in th opinion of Gov-1 cedar, hemlock, birch and poplar. Al-1 Soldiers bonu money voted by 'the
ernor Bone, is 27 too many. ; He believes I .iiir tv. an. nnu ..m. 1 . I Weina- naid to former Washington
-i. i. v. - ja I . J . ' . ..... "" 1 '.7..7 J f
long range. The curse of Alaska In the th days to com -will b ahlta annnlv lh "tob- In .in5" y U,t JLT
past has been that "lame ducka" know- alf tll ?rtln. pV'i W1?
i Aht. .. . I aZ.JaX 7 . . - I tng in i ivawa axua ma iwituu w
" " , r-riesi ock tnree or us in a boat Jn two mto.. f - vff!M.fw-r. MaArdl baa
lems, nav neen seni inere .as a rewara hours' gigging In 20 fathoms ef wiUr 7T -Vi. fi;. ih. nrik
"iv w ii.aa.iij o uia w wer uran 1 (ration ot vnters xor um, woiu mow
ta catch mdra for fear of tnVin th I ih&t. whll 490.2S4 nersons were auallfled
boat. Salmon, whales, halibut and her- I o vote. a. poll tax was i collected up U
ring all - bring, .- and wiU conUnu , to I "oru" iJ UUJ -. "
Mn. b....u i.v. ,w. i.u I i when Orin (Tralo-. a well known Ellens.
of ai..v. . T .i.a . . . I hurc sportsmAn. stopped to pet a dog
for, political service.
rights as a" neutral to be . As 1 looked around t recognised the
following : Rev". Thomas J. Jenkins, who
h.K.nrf wbm r.rttm...r f 7Co- r 7 """ STPauni t r,..Xn,Jriav th animal lumped SD and
C Collis, who -Is serving hU fourth term Tf S"! f-?J. "
-" - - I LXJOUgnit UlO UH V sv BtAita;tcr vn'
city, and io-whose untiring efforts much 1 Mtm of Mans 0,,04,, Andersen.; Vsst I serum to prevent eomplicaUoaa
- , . , .1 ivsj vs. Alalia V-ilJ USi-AB.AI AtltACf Vita, k,
of th success of Ow aoclety Is, due; j gAnerilim been cut through the glit-
sens toescape high taxes.
Governor Ben Wt Olcott, who proved he
""ZrrTfir- iwut?Se r.r. -Jar -.
of business women, who as a prob-jChina.
ahli maloritv accent the Sabbath lit- I - 8. Foreign control of postofflces In
ENOA,'th Superb." whicbTls to eraliy 7 and exclusively aa a day of0 to 7? withdrawn January x, 1921.
hnrf o 4V.m ni .w nrhn nrill I i i. 1 1. ' ; Al"V'" iiuiim uivaui-
.. as-ai .wu, v V'.w . ... ..w .. ... . LCT mm, WW. VI 1WU WUiBV.
TN HER report to th secretary of
labor relative ia I .,
. ,.iwuiair,uon COn-
litlons. UlUan RuMr U hit at , the
heArt Of the problem when ah urged
rrngemnt twnrby aliens
would be examined before they left
European shorea , . .
MUa nuasell suggests mental and
physical tests abroad, and that United
Hat consuls (be clothed with au-
iiioruy t refuse Visas to persons un.
er, head of th Parker expedition, which
i reached th summit of Mount McKinley
K. E. Montague of Portland, who was at
Sitka when Alaska was under Russian
rule, 65 years ago. tend saw the Russian
flag com down and Old Glory raised
in Itswplac. Colonel ; J.- J. rjrossley. r S.
R. Hudson, J. A Rupert, Nick Hatch,
Anvil ?reek at- Nome and saw a gold
pan full of coarse dust and nuggets as
a :. result of -a single day's mining. I
visited 7 the 'mines at ' Tread well - and
looked across the vast glory, hole where
millions of dollars had been taken rrom
Ka . - T .. . n tUm, ..TlAW OftAil
WnaW.H. Downing and scores of other W4teri of th. Tnkoa ,pred fan-shape
fxrliil'A an Affirlant . rwefol aAanrtA
reduce th grim things we read meet tomorrow to set Europe again - These busy men and women have j 9. Unauthortxed foreign radio stations
In the dally papers. . ; V . ; : ' ' in economic order, has a history that! f,n tnvfteil Into no theoretif. dla- I In China to be rellnouished.
Last 'month from th 'ehlldraii'al nAMM. mra m,iiiai aioViilHv jfin.r....i... 1 AH : wH..n..4in 4i.Ai.inM, I 10. China to give better-nrotectt&n to
department of the Portland public .iaering-the character of the age ml polemics and creeda - IllustraUons wn ervSc on Chta . iiiofo th
uorary au.vuw volumes were taaen, which it notably flourished, that In whieh were not regarded by Jesus of u; Japan abandons "Group V,- the old-tim aurdoughl wr. also prsen
only IS pec cent of these books were its atmosphere alK hop should be (Nazareth as being too simple for con- worst of the "21 demands,' and relln-l It looked Ilk a meeting of the Arctic
fiction, v . ; -,'-. Quickened! . all endeavor insDired.lef. ow. in th. ornwd ha- quishes other . economic and political Brotherhood. 7:
Tb rraatar -THimhar vara hfnr. I ' r .u.-iA.. t,.... I . - 7 . . ' ... I concessions f in South Manchuria and I Colonel Frederick M ears, who has been
. - - i 'uiai.m ihuiwuiiu i neen usea 10 snow now ciuso iae i uii.-, ij - ,-.. i ,k. ... n..v.
"..- uwaa oues, ,urp uunrjr emerges uum i kingdom of neaven - comes to tne I against the remaining '21 demands. I railroad, on which 156.000.000 has ben
aeanng witn mecnanicai contriv-1 antiquity's .mists. Certainty, of a l WOrld of business.. . 1 " . I and the United States repeated its In-1 expended, told something of the prob
ance. . .-'y. t r .j ; l sort, hecins with 400 B. C. when a v nn,.. roe tr,tr.a I tenuon not to recognise any of them Hems he had met and cohauered. and
Riavnmia Trianra t0iar.A ama L..A -u..i.. . .. I ... f. f which conflict with American rights I also som of the benefits that would
- -. . " i jrrea.uvivuy imwuui uvwuuwu ua i earo a. uiorouriiir mooern appuca- i ,. i t, . i n..k. .,.n.iin.
- , laiuiua awuu. wvrn. v. i sue. ttui wiiaiever .its wpunuiga, 11 1 tion 0r the parable or tne sower, xnisi ia. China to reduo her military I this road. . . '
they worked with pick and shovel, they I Thirty men wer employed in ta work.
seemed lik elves or smome working in I Two lumber mills, emoloring 30 men.
Fairyland. I watched the. cleanup on I opened at rt- Maries Wednesday. Both
win put on night snuts oetweaa now ana
May L
The Boise valley.' famous as a prun
action, expects to have a big crop of
prunes this year, and growers are ergan
txicg for th season. . . .
Laborers in the mills at Priest River
have accepted a nine-hour day. effective
April 6, .Hl a cut in wage xrom ai
Into the Jade-green sea, and 1 have seen J cetxia to' 3254 cents an hour.
fit to com hara. !,. e,.. 1 " """" .w.x.u , .v " . muneers.- oy wnaries uawes, was Mediterranean. There was a harbor , ma who follows the nlow. , who Part or the other eight powers.
, . - - - .......... . t , , - .,
much read, as were "Master of the The harbor made a city, and the "city stands behind a counter, who works
Strong ne-arta.rt a story of th Indian I became a grea'. commercial state, one J behind s desk - as anyone .whose
uapaa aaa usina),
Alaska and Alaskans feel that th vast
empire has too long been a step-child of
Uncle Sam Instead f s member of - the
1. Kiao-Chow and th province of .77 SJ. ' , 7 i , "7 1 . ..
us have no conception of th vast ra
tion. A, newer book called "The lis as old as Seaborne traffic, In the j Biblical figure was made to stand out forces j this a request to China on th
that there be no raiin nt
) at m ail
1-er cent quota. ;
Th... V ! a- . '
country h been flooded br nw.. " cemunca a.vua uiwu a narvest or. Tesuiis. i restorea to jmns. - i sources of Alaska. It ia larger than 0
-I, . .ii.. . f I r rd Pyl ; Ito Britain and Is stll extending.! It la not difficult to make a worker I - Great Britain declares her readl-1 0f tna Eastern and Southern states. It
w. rouu 7J ViT-,k 7Z lnM A little group waa found enjoying toward newer and , still mightier 0f the marts understand1 that the nT w. t f TLe1. , ev Is larger than the . combined areas of
m couia at abxrb them. . . intensely Dickens droll -Pickwick seats, i' . I nam Aevntldn ta dtttr and tha'aama "US? J? VtwiMtot by diplomatic England, r Scotland, IraUnd. Norway.
Many who have been h.r f.. U.r, n -r.v' Z1 . ...'l ... 1 841x16 devotion to duty ano -Uinai negotiations between Great Britain and Sweden and Finland. . It is 11 times as
- " l coitjr oima-i fttiura laia aown iuca ,s uariwr i sensing or season ana opportunity i unina. , : ' v " I Urg as th stat of bfw Yort
jars uo not BndrsUnd the ideal Ing Tales" had not lost popularity. th a. citr was Inevitable, v When Uv,r m.Va for hnidneaa success m I 3. Franc declares her willingness to I . - . . , ,
or th purpos of this country. They Th lives of Farragut, Perry. - I4n iu little strip of beach was f Uled. it th essential achievement to - spirit- neffoUate "Hh China in regard to the i Some, years ago at Fort Wrangell I
er still Jiving under Kuropeaa cus- cola. AVashlngton and, RooseveJ were cUmhld hm. afltsback. This it did ,.i aChleVemeM to plrtt evacuation o Kwang-chow-wang. located the .iU-.of the old grutmill buUt
a If.. a."?. bcom, sought by boys. Ernest Thompson grandly, graced with a, magnificent One of the most important facts .; EASTERN pibkkta
mim.Ar.., ,7 7 , .. 7, j wTcwii .nu x.naa jm,a . .amis were 1 growth of palaces planned y a uiscir j about these theatre meetings is tnat l japan disavowed all designs against
f;Tei I m T, , i nearly an the Boy Scout pie of Michael Angelo. Protestant churches of Portland are Russia's territory, and pledred hrslf
'.V" """ vttfs tworxs were good. 7 . - I Th citVs first recorded boom limit . In amndBr'tor' them. Inlte withdraw her toops from Eastern Si
Jlany bav been mentally unfit I Vhit ihill a n.vaai-M t. , .. i- .,- n ... . .v. .TjA..i..' r..nAti , ban nd North Sakhalin "as toon m
as far as the eye could reach th vast
ice floes grinding and splintering on the
restless waters Of Bering sea. we
would get our money back a hundred
times over if Alaska had nothing more
than her lofty, snow-crowned mountains.
her glittering glaciers. her wooded
islands and rocky headlands, and her
wonderful inland sea known as the
Inner Passage. It is the tourist's para
dise.- For. generations yet to come big
gam hunters wilt g thr for mo
goats,- oignorn
Tha ranch bom of John MsrerS at
Wolf Lodge, near Coeur d'Aleae, waa
destroyed by fir last Tuesday. Only a
small amount of wearing apparel was
savd .. - .- - j .; ,
' Legume cultures, supplying nltroren
gathering bacteria, ar being supplied -ai
cos-i to Idaho farmers by the department
of bacteriology of th University of
Idaho. .
Dean . O. MITler of th University f
Idaho school of forestry has been named
chairman o(. tne Idaho commit L In Ut
campaign ior nauonai lorest proiscuoai
?7.'7 bao trflldTr''ian'nu I uuT7 v!T'Tcrt!l.?rrl ?5 .'i1...8?....? 1 ".'H'0?1. ??a,Ti'?e?01 1. ' mbim' It. 'hw
, ... .. . ... I .... uiursisori sua iaier uut vuij auupuuuuer, i tfi tnresnoias ot spirea structures i tnat tn evacuation wouia not ne long
Wi'tUuUons In New York are crowded I rarefni n-ar . I ...... ..... .vi-v-.u. ,.j1.. ....... 1 Aai,.M . .
with alien who aar alianlil I i tt... j,, ! L. - . ' 1 I . - .. 1 -- I .
- -. -..... xvarur rraumk: nu an unnmiM.ii ini.,t.niirirr trsiia. nank-er mriv..!.. v .. i.n,!n fn.1 f f ...
K. . 4 . I , . - m... V V . . I . - ... . , . UClU WJ, a,m v-
" MV ' prvugni miiuenc on later life. But It ta bet- these, and financier of state. Out of I qwrntly heedless men.
w.,.. vi Lr.uw aiaaa. ur ror a boy to be reading ven this great outburst evolved one off Thus dotaff. the churches follow
rnertca. instead or being the melting poorly selected volumes. than to be the most remarkable financial and the example set by their Master, who
lt, rina.iy became, under the tin- trailing with a gang that will teach civic institutions the world , has joined Himself to the crowd before I
tne I hint practices ruinous to - Whnml I Vnnontl-a VtnV: nf St. Gnre- . not I
ana manhood. , l ., wealth-handling, 'but so wide
The authors and books mentioned I in scope and so vast ia responsibili- The biggest army ta Europe at the i
all have the approval of our best au-i ties and powers, that it became a present time belongs to Russia. But!
inoruies.. To be sure, some of themLtate -within a slate: and thia with tit doesn't follow that Russia. I. fho. in quota ior a particular contain something about pain and full consent knd cooperation of the! most peacefuler best protected.
lestrlcfed immigration law.
flumping ground for Europe.
I'mler the present law there is
a rpat Injustke to aliens. They ar
irmi;teJ to come to this country
'" -Tmm th SprinrfKld Sepabrka . V .'
In estimating the number of unem
ployed in the United States . th statis
ticians have . failed . to include the na
tional house of representatives, -j -.
Frots th Q Donuie (Kaa.) Tinea.. -
The teachers who advise their young
charcea to hitch their wagon, ta a star
should make . it plain that they, do not
mean a movie star.
and - caribou. mountain
fa mil v of atat. Even here in firee-on I sheep, bear and deer. Untold wealth in week, April It to 22
goia ana copper,. no " i"""ii - i i oe i-owara nutieog sawaun w
ble and gypsum." is to be found there, j Coeur d'Alene, which haa been cloaed
Alaska's .ztnalT ooat naiaa ana ner " June, n, ua T . wie.-
vast deposits ot eU can supply th needs rauons with both day and night shirts,
of the Pacific Coast for generations to The Ohio Match company haj started
?- J?T2Ei ?7.!o2- TblntTo feiK
" 7 C , I It will b cut into rnatcn tkiocx aaa loss
ovu.ww, ana we .m.u i utipped to the factory In tn i-ast.
Ul liruc pi aawai iwiuna. ,
Alaska Is a young man's conn try.' It
has a lur that is hard to describe. Chl j
don Jackson, whom I met there K years
by the Russians in th '30a , F. X.
Hatthiea, Etienne Lacier .and .other
rrench-Canadiana of the ' Willamette I a. rae of a dream he had that has
now come -tru. u saiu ue uj wouia
com when tb vast stretches ot moss-
valley, farming near Champoeg and on :
French Prairie, used to chip their wheat
to Dr. McLoughlin at Fort - Vancouver.
by whom It was sent to Fort Wrangell j
to be ground into flour. This wheat.
raised in the Wulametts valley, waa
sent la payment for th privilege grant
ed by the Russian government to the
Hudson's Bay company to procure furs
In Alaska. Long' before ther was any
San Francisco, long before ' there was '
any Seattle, Oregon maintained trade j
relations with Alaska.
... ... -.
; Easterners speak of Alaska as a land
of perpetual ice and snow, and yet my
nephew, R. J. Shepherd, raise at Viking
Cove finer strawberries, turnip and
cabbage than ar raised and sold in
the Seattle or Portland markets. The
covered tundra In. Alaska would sap port
hundreds of ' thousands of reindeer.
John G. Brady, whom- I met at Dutch
Harbor on the way south from st
Mlchaels. told rn bow b bad been a
street waif in New Tork city, and bow
he had . finally - become governor ef
Alaska. . Peter . Trtmbl P.owe. Elsbop
of All Outdoors, Nellie Cushman, Jack
London and hundreds of others have
told me cf their lov for this land of
sllenc and mystery. . - . -
Governor Scott C Bon has man
sised ob as governor of Alaska. It Is
up to Portland to do everything she ia
to help- in th development of Alaska
and to maintain friendly commercial
explanation, of course, is that they have 1 relations witli the peopl of that tetrl
longer days in May, June and July than J tory.
,1'vftadend looelf ekjod '
That Hosts ea kick e'er rata and BiTX
TjTliaai a3 at oac 1 aaar a erood..
A Ivtf M soioea da-'fodija; - '
Utrad th kafe. Bai ta txea.
aiauariaf sad daaciof ia tb '. .
v Coetfetts a th star & sf is ,
and twiakl aa Ua auar way,
' Tlur taa-r'.atQ ta arir Bdla a
Aioa th saairia s sr:
Ta tbuuaaad aatr I at a a'-aa,
Taring toeix bad la apeisuul daaea
Tb waeas m.i Omcs danced, evt tbsy
OaMiA th nrk!:n aea ta SiS
. a P. roawl axA, but b say
la bcS a locaoA cewtaverr
f sued and iiud trjt htC fkndi
gWt vaalla to as Ot ate a4 nMJi.
JTer tft wbe mr ear I It
in racist r ia peasr Bond.
Tj-t f;a h r l"-t award e-
Whti ia tii bti oiilu.l.
Ai i.-m! mr liaan wn:h rajfai Oa,
- - Aad aiaer -Ui tit darfati-a.
r- TV
i i