SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1 922. 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, OREGON. FOR 7ENT HOU5ES fL'RNLSHED 312 tuu lirT er 1W ltU April. rue la. 3 ., ehfe-ken km, (in na gav (tea. v f frnit art kerri, 2 blacks to ear bara imrr wAI rema art board th realtor If UMi-Ki ran be seaa any tlase. 84$ Trtlaaao: and rHnt at. ' Af-Kll. II t.'Aasv t Wall farhrd ssodara Vwnaa ! ill mu. frwrt, ham. TOWd Tltlo.; R.a City; 41 u4 ItowW. Ta bor 23. full BANT Fitmlnaed hWM with gsrden arose, jnet' MM city, wort side. Csll Km 8sk. slel.roey e( TurniJtl." .Urtrlo light, bath. U '. sans: lio asoalbi children. Nil ELY fiuawiirt room www. $43: fares r kt; at 4( M 8twe Aaattta. A. car. 138 E. tut $-RiMtf Boawe. r-.e"- lurrtlrlwA, 11 -tat t. Mlh. ml BmrlTner line. H W.I. amee iu nut, lucuuW, adult. Will". gem fla WaM" famished hooee. including lilU a ad wtter II M r set wm. 'TWV U ri fum&lierToic. Inquire Ill ilia aaetle blag., wwr of KIIHw. worth. lull liaAs Arwuss Uum, partly IutiuUmX Ttw 848. AKS KN RiH.Ja forttwhen betas tor not. 1008 a , r pimo 2sn. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 1 R4M Kaaenriil Item; aery mora "" timed. A v.nrte fruit. 1 Mock froa best cartine. in wily, bandy to store ad ehurenea, Mnar.yat.1. dMrVt; rent 353: pr-Uell A I iu eotthiaatlon nut fur Ml. 129 . 2h n. ' Kiirtm WAIttCMOLBB M treckaaw. Imm your noda with aa. U n yoot aeiaf 'art tsKkia, - REAL ESTATE" FOR SALE LOTS 403 A CHAXCI! FOR THR POOR MAS TO DODGE THE.H1GU BEST , ftMUnrat Annex a beautiful at Ivt aatsido, the city limit, at 4AU art rrcraoat Ma, Wa kara 20 lata Irft - vaieki ara a0ia at . 2 down art f la par bwv Thera ara aa rearietimw and J aa build what rrm vaat. ba M a aana o bat mr anita r- 1 a city aoaaaaMnrca art a pavrt atraat 1 black awa. Thia tract ia coaarad wait kaao- tifnl ahada tnaa, and than ara a nuia kr a( prattjr kunsikm alraady baUt. - Ia oat and aaa tbta Maadar. ac taka tha AWaaawart aar to tha'aad of tha lata, 1 block aortk art foor blecka caac ' Aa a tnt as tha ground all tha tJata. , Hlf JJCH BB0 . HEALTOE9. 211 Rx. Ex. BUit-. Bdwy. -a2. Brancb affira AOth art Band. Tabor 84(3. HOMESEEKEHS : WUY NOT BUU.Df " It ia haa axpcnalra. Ui ara faitr astad ks how well a can bnlkl. not how anocb wa eaa act for - bntlding. a aa bafora bojing .r baildinc. , Robnett & McClure BUILDERS. 303 tfoveh bids. Bdwy. 6574. OUT i i1t T. B. AIOBSC VfC Atlas Transfer flaifW BMiart. nnaiirttwa. i - gnaranlH t ;mpi rarajtara ajovtat oar pneaa luat: au M7 1101 la IIIR kKNT., a r"i m atortrra Itniwa, 741 jnnott .. I'rlr I .'3 par, avm'h. mom modara tuwaa. M iHharman aC l"nra 33 par aioriUi. I'W-na Miln 7 ' XtllkH aannoa. Ry : . 125x290S50 Cash Talk altont a atuaf fmat A hia mace Of rich (antra anil, cqoal more than T cltj lota, all in brrrlaa. for I923 with tima oar. Bull Run watar and A fina ararclad (treat la in front of tha property. Tha loeatioa la jnnt oataida tha citjr limlu. wliera ronD ba no rilj raiia to car. Baa in. iia jaoutwo Fhrm Kant LaOtsi Lots! $5 Monthly Biccml lot baraairm in tliia aacthm. B 100 VH. tin": p. 5 a month. Hi chirn no inlaraot for 2 irara. BnB Hon wtiar. eratlvH atraatv lxta In till trart aoWi for tf Ml aereral yaara ipt Otop pacing ta rent man your hard REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 t BOSS 'ITY K1UK. Thia brnnka tnu built on " 15x160. faw ner lot. with kt of treaa. Thia at a rare bar tain. It will hara a bvrga brine room, ftrepbtea bailt-ia baffet, Dutch ' kitchen, breakfaat nook, ttn riaat rofaa" temmt torch. ctlurM baaa. ntrat, lichtins fUtnrea. abadaa. bardwood fkwa. tapAOry vmxr ana rtrjenaa m eia lTory. w ul a UU It orrr. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO. - REAUiTyV 'ESTATE 1111 Band? B4wt. th Viaduct. Antonatie 319-44. tT.V PAS II KART IKV"INiT' S2." NKAK 28TH-AM SC1HJVI.F.B , BRAND NKW BUNGALOW 1US1NC.:. S M)IJ l.V 4 1AVB ' 8aa exact Hat fern m HawthoTna dUL- today ana aeczar on :ito noma now. -tintsy mm -w aj 12: 12x17 i. rm.. 2 htrea bed cb... alc. Dnteh. kit., artiatie breskfaat room. 9 fixtares, run. plnmbinz, ,fnjl renteiit bas't. rich irorr firmh. trench doom, cbotr light Ivrturr. bailt- Ina; StfxsV. fruit. Tmrmi, srwar. etc., pain:-4 btka. car. -" Sow i the nn to arenra thU plaee, Wa need the money and aril chearx Bemembar, NCAST irvjx;tm. U. C. HIjKNBKRG. Ahineton Bid. Broadway 4SI0S Tabor Sl4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 . ALAMEDA HOME ' On R'cenu dnre; centra tn'ranca, S firepbirea ( 1 Jn library I ; old ivory ftniah; Uaaeo famaoe. aaoat altrartwa, interior, hardwood floora firat floor;, beaotifal new earpata ' aecond floor; aU handnca. . hnoaram.. awninc art ka range tnrrprjrd in price;' garage. . j AtBS. HAKRT PUH'B PAIJiEB, ' 421 S. W. Bank Bkig. SWISS t'RALET TYl'E Snncclnl in the hilla of Willaaetta Height and orcupylna a part -of aery . . beaoufnl uriaata . erowrxin. - maQ. bnild , in eaUable- for remodelrag for Owea who eaa rJoaJiae Jhe pTscibUiuea art approctata tlaa aurrJhndins;- emtranca--froni 4two pared atreeta and Unanr lavsard rttwa of eity. aiouuUin. etc.; eererat ' dogwood treea. AIKa.. .1LMIKY PRHU PALMER, 4. . ' Mam 17R. T' 421 N. W. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 . ROSB ITY PARK A pVaaani rarpri1- atcait you wlien yoa see thia clcrar C?aa.ontw bungalow, ft rooms, a Vrga living icem with a ilwiid firepUre. din ing room with built-in baffet. Imrdwned floors, two bed man, Initrh kitchen, breakfast nook; -tai etry . jmprr, f mwhfrl m cH ivrjry. Solid r tacnt runway and .caraae. . 7 lorated on 7th( Jt nfl rrt fc.r-dr. -ao will handle. . , CAMPBELL-RICHARDS Ca REAL ESTATE On iaduct. 15-44. 2. 1111 Sandy Hlwi , Antomp. BEANIES EV ROSE, I ITV BUNGALOW Terms 8 K 53 D ST. N. AT BROADWAT 3n completed, atrk'tly mederB. 5 room. large glaned afeeping - ixirch, hardwocd floor, YV.NER built for himself, but mart ceU. mort beautiful and agbstantial Calif, bnngilow in city. eor. lot, ; Westmoreland, neat golf link. Rtd -eollete. 2 parka; 8' large rooms. 7-foot break, nook, lovely dreanng cabinet art floor tub m bath: hardwood floors, nifty 9-ft- buffet- 3 aet4 Fienr.h door and - all : built-in; 2 ; large porches, 43 ft, nmrrete harment- V-otordal fur- Btrer garage. . 650O, 4Ttt wm Handle, Dai terms. 1314 K. 20th at. 8. ' , .;- Dairy Fann , ! : '5S MILES raOM POBTLAXlS . V 15 ajRrea,y afl ln,'mttiratio, "aboot 7S aerea now in eropi larsa dairy barn, full cement tVoor. rwaning water in bar art equipped with all modern eoarenieucea, room for bt eowa and 10 ton bay: one borne barn and abd fat young cattle: jraeajnery' with faB equipinent for making- 'butter, : with cood cooler rooaa. fine ice nl.Mt -aailV Wth MM.b-lna? AH 4 TOOBl bouaa and saw 7 rooaa howe. marhinery alied art ether ontbuiidingt; 49 head cf good rowa, mi good horaea. - eonie boga and a few brifr Thia plare ia located on tha lower - Columbia rirer highway: good Bra stream of watar all year roumt . That dairy la considered eneof the finest in Oregon. For pooa art further partir-nlara call at 8 la Iewis bldg.. PorUart. r. 'iHfc. Canadian facuu- ii. I'o. $51 receaUy opened np for seUIearnt thaw last large biook of ferti'e twrk landa tn tha Llcidrametrr art Bailleforti diatricta in enra Alberta ana riaakitcnewan, ' wnera graingTowmg ana biot fanning' conditio am ideal. T&eaa lanoa can bo) bonght on- SO year ternu. at an average price of $18 per acre. 10 per cent cash, with BO farther paymenta of principal until tha end of tha fourth year.. 7. w per cam. i naer eenain ennditinm it aeeurjalion and development only m- east intaeaar fir, two seara. rcraonaiia conducted partiea of landaeekera with reduced ratee. For furtbey narticulaw apply or write Canadian Pacific Hty. ., ss ttaitway r- cbange Bhig.. Portlaad, UrEgon. L, P. Thorn- ton, qiatriet representative .111 Mil . WESTk SIDE HOME. 7, ; On corner lot and within easy walk-' ing dMance of bu 1113 enter;, eiclinive nc clihorbood ; beautiful view, living room 1 hx32. eorresponihng ruom en aecond ' -floor; 2 oikd firtpUeea, 2 bathroomv hard wood t lours throughout; offered for imme diate aaie at mrt attrarfave figure by , MKS. HA RRT -PKH'B PALMER. , Main- 17D8. ' ."i 421 X. W. Bank Bldg. v at mwaat yrirea. tin lt i Alder at ra. aat lai Tnaa. Caw. A IdMiM exttaae, alaetrlett y nd gaa; good eon . dMaaa; yard. , Waat Kid,. pbona Broadway 44JW K'T at 74W Vaughn at. rcBsm-Hi Morr. pt.b hr. ad vr it pat bVoraok rBEb" mm' III TttA-fgrEB CO. fHO-fl BDVTT. 4 rSTrCnrnunaalow, 2 PreaeMt at4 inrt eeat .af wallaaa ara. 111. Miliar, 62$ Jor gait bltlg. I ' 1 MIMlM nnfarruahetl h.nie. 741 Eaat Pine, or twiwat and knter flat. Phone Eaut 71. , ' 1 . Ul:.T Hmail lua. 2 aaras. modern chick hotma T7t pulltta layini 80 iwr eenU Thona M W, llilaaiaSia. & block! Brau- aarned money. Put np a little houar. fall Mr. "mace, jrntcn kircnen. noo,. pwmy oumjm-. LtiTf ixrfs Goad building Iota on paved' atraet. improve- aaenta in and paid; ona ia comer lot In choice mideore Mellon. et aide; 11 000 and up. P. 1. IHetarh, 2 Chamber of t'omTnerce. BUILT TO ENDUES' S100 to tsoot UfVESTHJATB Bteser. Better Houarv for N Leaa Money, BEDIM A DE HLDn CO PORTLAND. OR. Factory R. 11th anj Market. Phone Eat I'. 14. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE 1;H Booth No. Sfi JV I UABTMAN COMPAXT West Side Snap HOilOO. comer Virginia and California; iro provmenta paid; 11650. ball cash. Phone owner. Marshall 7HL - ; t'Ai El'MT t.fnnm '.i.tuia. a acre, anotU V.rrnl aiation, 7c carfra. A. E, f.-nl. Bt 4 4. ' tTlMiD' rn Ixrnaa ItT rant, clove In. A few . . pieres of furnliBre ler aala or will aeii com Plata rfcaan l"A Orand aa. Eat aiag. t liy.AfEHt. qut.kaat. beat re-ulU; furniture, i,wna moving. Acme TrantlrT, hat 504. V1K HrrlAl-IZR In piano and furniture mnv- rna 1 a fraa Horace, wroanway tij. S I. al IV K fHrtiitura ot -4-b-room boiuta fori H Knf rnrthar Infnrmation. aim klHjVJ ainrtara. with garaae. (70 Ormhija ... .al 3I. I'nevER int. itMl east of Roae City, fare aouth - - . . . . t and eaa: a frw fma tlr treea: two oior.u oi.r Handy bird. An idekl corner lot for modest home. Prim 1275: Owner. 40- Chamber of Cemmevre. Broadway SPAS. THE AI'DITORHI THIS WEEK SEE I S BtHITH X9. 33 J. L. HARTMAN' COMPANY etc., mHuded. Che to ear. fine kiraitty. te thi Way. (hnvr m premises 11 to a. Kco City car to SSd. tlwn so emith. Antos out Broadway to 3d- owner, wain. inn. Lifetime Chance MOVE. EIGHT I 5 room modem bungalow, large? living and dining room, lidw. floors, fireplace, baffet, book- caaes. furnished wim new oak furniture. r uli i cement baaement. tray a, dandy cUickenhonie and arace: (3750 furnUhed. SIOOO down; S3ZoU unfurnished,.! 600 down; baL t30 a month, io- tetert inchided. Tabor 8589. "ROSE CITY PARK ! 4 Room Bungalow t250 Iiown, Bal. S40 per month. Hdw. fleors, fireplace, oW Ivory finish, hailt-ins, street imp. in and paid. Price S4350. BOONE ft CLEARWATER Phone Bdwy. 5317. 006 Couch Bldg. WlrXDEBH I, BI'Yy gSOUO. TERMS In Hunnyskie ; beauttf nl - aliady comer with fruit." roses, garage. Improvements in. Paid. KuU cement basement floor. Pour bedrooms, one downstairs. Fireplace. ! furnace. buUt-ins. Must be immediately sold. If sou want safe buy. a homelike home, "handy to stores, 2 cartines and M-tioois, dra't mis tbu. 1103 aat Salmon. Tabor S234 or 1118. .13250 COZY HOMK VACANT 4 rnoms and nlfernne norch: 2 rooms fin isheil in attic; oH ivory finish, A-l plumbing fixtures, full cement baaement. laundry trays. saraae-. pa,Ted St., paid; fins locaaon. east 01 Piedmont; best car service in the city; terms. 429 RnseJawn Ate" Owner oa premisea 2 to S Sunday. ' 18 ACRES facmg jiavea road is miles irom Portland; road paved ail tha way; modern -lMa house, hot and cold water, batb. all buiit- in. featnrea. an to date water airstem. nice bara. garage., poo ltry nosuw, nog nouses, lamuy ore ti ara in. lull bearing ; terie. gamen ait ibmi art cross fenced. . ready . to sow uua years crop: euw, -ebtckens, ducks, rabbits, some twosenoia fumitnre. All for A6000. Owner t needing money and ta offering the property lor uua plica for a short time only. Some terms. - sitWAitt ac unBu.. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 6.VAP 8-NAP-wSNAP 40 acres, bard rock road. 6-room house, good bam, trout stream, 17 ecree cleared, small or chard. . mile to school and town. 300t. 3tlO caatw baJanca easy., ciee alt. tasiptnu with '.. .,. 732V Charaher of Commerce 22 ACRES, hichly improved, good large house, large farm, well at bouw art well at bam. vary best of soil, with good terms. The price is right, 1 mile from highway. 1 mile east of .Bandy river at Bpringdale. P. O. Troutdaie. E. D. CHAMBERLAIN 122 ACRES near Tillamook. $4500. terms part trade: bargain. Jennings Lodge, boa 401. FOR RENTFARMS 408 sK.'.OO 100x100 CORNER. 7-roora rnodarn. well built bouse; cream enamel ana lapesxry rnuer: 4 bedrooms. Urce imnc room, oining Fnom. all improTements paid; 20 choice fruit trees, small fruit, grape, naar school. . 674 E. i 23d st. aouth. Part cash, liberal terms. Seli Iwood 107. 120 ACRES, bouse, barn, outbuildings, family orchards, water hi house. 4a acres cleared best, of soil, some implements. 1 0 miles northee-t or . taxruamec. v uiimiuru. rimao aaar. i.i, or write 866 lth st. B. $280 per year. FOB, KENT 20 acres. Clarke county. Washing U 1T fevllisl 7 Mom . hJ t lav at. I 'LiHHi m.larn' hnuvalo loderu bouse, close tat; 4-.e and rlaaa nnlra niH' Wimll.rll si" U. A BOOM binwl. l'bona East 7717. Mora' leas sad avanines. Wr". WVJVK turniturs. Main 2f 2 men tot $3 aa hour. VloVI.NU J Ifc toa tnst-k. large eovared vaa, $2 an hour. 3 men wooniawn mm. , La. I atda. PiriiWlNT SPECIAL lfn. ha anlrl this week. 100x12. in Pied mont for tl&OO. You'll hare to hurry! Wdln, ft8aic;EB A DENX1B. Nn. Union Ave. W. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH No. Sfi. T. U UABTMAN COMPANY WAUil'T PARK property is the best aa well as the eheapeat first ramas rewaence propeny in Portland, for proof being built' in Walnut Prk, f,r fact call owner. W. M. KUlingsworth, Wdln. S1. for appointment. ALAMEDA PAKfcl V. eoraar 20th And Preacott it.; all im- nmaamanra in and valid for: arc light on this corner. 2 Nocks to Broadway car. Must be sold I. aka.etaaa. was. 11' Jl rl fV this week, rnce imaa. rnone vnig. tin. Hi mi XI auaae. traat. I KiHsUH. aMxIarn. Jtull. bathes, good .treeti ''J t $21 As. HI 7. day or Monday. if in Kkl.K nr trsile. eouitr in lot 50x100. un- iaihad shack 14X10. log coru lonnng ; or i 1004 Corbatt it, apt. 23. Call Bau- iTtMil hoaaa. E. Jli art Bnaxtway SI I T. asnmlng. PowaU. rboaa HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 ilX aa. kawaa. for reitl. wih garaaa. large tardea aaot, walking dlatanea. fumitara for asle, tnciadint aaw elactrio sailing machine. Irimla. alar-trie vaenam ektaner; In tact toe house at enwiplatary fnrnlabed. ready to as ova la. Ta apneeeisia is to enene art sea. Na reaisa sMa of far aaftaa.f, wo sant. Eaat I7I. taOO OVERTON PARK LOTS line favel lots. BOxlOO with bearing - fruit trees,- en paved street. imnrovemenU all paid. Any kind of terms. Ant. n-n-4. JO 1 100-IT. U)TH near kentoa. $400; $30 down, balance monthly. JIIHNHOS-kvELLT CO.. n Board of 'trade blda. Broadway SHOO. i COUNCIL CREST view lot, trade ior east side lot with equity or row delivery, w. . An- iderscn, $70 Borthwick tt. 17 HOU EH nndrr construction in Walnut Park, 5 .mora wintrd this weak. Call Wdln. Vol. l- t i-ii l vil V rantlakad boaaakaerilrla fir! asnetgege ar small nttavw; will pay cash a: lias ara Bnted. Raat t month. - tsaajswr saa.. tat eam wtnaowsy erwiaw. V I UTT aia.uairMJ -aoooj FSt for rent. $$$ 24 Mortb ltb L, and furniture 1 saa it $tJ eah. Bea skstbld, Enaa A I vjk A ftttrth at- "KtHTiOM ham fa real, farnitnre for sals $700 eeah, bale ace tevwuv 171 K. IStb rt. East 2MT. . ..... a Uihiw Imxm. rant II. (wrniture, fruit $li. 144 Third atreet. Vacant 80th. ' STORES AND HALLS 314 HOUSES 404 lOU BALEa $3300. by owner, going east,. mut be eoM before ISth; Piedmont district's targe iwbsb awpn camuai.wu iwr, an twui- tion. ramsnt and (aragt, oa paved street, SOxlOO lot. 1 block from Union are. (1000 will handle. Call Wdln. 003. LAI REl.UL KST DUTCH COLONIAL 212 Royal court, Opea for inepeection Irsm 2 to 9 trxiay. t. R. 1IAIC.1IT. Realtor, Bdwy. 204S. 327 Board of Trade. FOR SALE BY OWNER' Three lots, 15 bearing niit trees, a good 4"- room house, cement foundation. Bath room, large pantry, built-in convenience. Splendid land, chicken houae and ran. Fine location, 2 blocks fiom car. Street graded and walks in. Price reasonable: r00 flown, ftiO and inter : eat a month. 2810 B8th street. 8. B 5 BEAUTIFUL homes under ccnstniction, 2 of them nearly ready to move into. Tlie homes ara right np to date, splendidly built, fine neigh borhood, are close in and on canine, home of them will sell as low as $4500. You ran mate a good iwofit oh tbee homes; easy terms.' Take Richmond car to 34th st. Houses are near car- llne. Phone builder. Sail, 2S5j. FOR SALE, almost new house, 6 rooms, all on I one floor, double constructed, full floored attic full cement foundation. 2 basements, gas. electric lights, batb. garage, enuken house, 2 avenue lots. On Linnton road at Wulbndge. Price 33500. or I will exchange and assume up to $ 1 000 for close tn West side property. Owner, 811 Saner at.. Portland. From Owner 6 room modern borne, lot 100x100, lota of berries and fruit, garaze and chickrnbonse. 1 block to ear; price $3600, $700 down, balance $30 month, interest included. Tabor 8560. rKXINSULA PARK DISTRICT 4-room bungalow, 1 block to car and pave menu 2 blocks to park: has lull nssement. i place, built-ins; price $4200; $750 csilv' bal ance very easy. - Vf. U ERW1N. Woodlawn 6714 ONLY $200 DOWN Six-room modem home. 4 rooms, bath, pantry down. 2 bedrooms up; full cement basement; trays; new gsrs range sod stove; close to car. school $2709, $200 down, balance $30 month. Interest included. Tabor 569. LOOK HERE IS A REAL SNAP 7-room, semi-modern and furniture, in good Lot 00x120. lota of shrubs and bathe. Price $2200. $625 cash, balance $15 month at per cent. '6424 65th st. S. K Tel. Ant. 689-62. A VERY good snap, a 6-rocm house and bath, all modern: lot 43x34 ft: only , $4500. $2500 mull, balance terms. Must l-aVe city. Owner. W. Tiedemann, phone Main 4680. 2'JO 16tb street. FOR SALE CHEAP $2700 ; Modem 7 room, house. 100x1 23 ft lot. 6 fruit trees. 'grapes and raspberries; good location. Terms. Tabor 4350. 96th and Everett, two blocks south of Glikn, yellow house. No agent. car line: 1 0 - acres under cultivation; t -rrom plastered house, bam and outiraUttmgs, -uu. tfrms. Z-331, Journal. . BIG BAROAIN 5 room bouse, in good condition, on 1 7th and E. Salmon, corner lot; paving in and paid, sewers in and paid; will Uka lot as part payment, $3750. McGEE A DENNIS. No. 969 Union Ave. N. ! Wdln. 56S4. ACREAGE 405 SrXDERLAND ACRES i CLOSE IN ON Columbia Boulevard Three to 20-acre tracts. Rich silt soil, -, all plowed and ready fof planting. Sev eral . excellent opportunities for small dairies, fruit and -vegetable gardens-' and general intensive, diveraified farming. Sev eral good bujr left t $400 to $600 per acre, 10 per cent down, balance annually. "C. H. Naylor. agent. Office. East 29th street north and Cohimhia boulevard. . 1. O. EUtOD,i0wner. 3S8 Stark street. - ' Bdwy. 1188. THREE and a half acm, on electric lint, close to Portland, small house, good barn; snap at C78; half cs-h. Abo some 5 and 10-acre tracts unimproved at a snap. 40 acres. S 5 ' miles southeast from Portland on hard surfaced road; $500 without tha timber or 31 10O with. i See owner, 727 Chamber! of Com mere blag. rnone evenings Z15-B0. If yoi want to buy or sell a business, ion sult the columns of business opportunities. ' in next Sundays Journa.1.; Hundreds of op portunities are set before you in groceries,' confectioneries,VrestaurantsV,hQtels,Vapart ment houses,! rooming houses, cigar stands; garages, repair shops and small businesses of all icinds.;:.;4';i;f .: Vj : Many reliable j firms use the business op portunity columns of The Journal In offer ing their many bargains, and special effort has been made to get more buyers and sell ers together through The Journal columns of business opportunities. BE SURE TO READ THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN NEXT SUNDAY'S JOURNAL. MISCELIANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 VIE. BIT first, art an- ciantaeta, - F. C Bo CT-aas. af Caaa bWg- Bdwy, ana 4t 77 aatV-11 651 MONEY WANTED ' I' W 1 TEAkS par enl rr.w. - an 4-raoas t i. Svi I or earner lot, tas Pswishsis paid: value $S750. . A for blv. ' K(.iaaanah wito Ri trt. Lawa A Co.. 201 Board Trade Mdg. Bdwy. 7567. AEK OREGON IS V, at AluRtuAoE COj "a tcvrnaaaa ba4n - - - - - ! 'K IV ATE lrty aanU la oa ara "ly- No aganta. Tabor Oanef HORSES AND VEHICLES 700! FARMERS. ; . TAKE N0TICE1 A! Taaa Hark gr,y rvrrheana aasrws ,1 art Tears otd. weiaht Xitn ss. . f Pat I haws norse. Wesaht StKMI P; atkar whW I eoft. by sxte. I eek U. by Assse boat: VA aaarea ara aoawd troe and g.-xuar; gaaraalw as1 tiaaaim. IT1V tt.4, , , . Keystone Stables:: tl Wafer By. Comer M-witrnecy TEAM af blocky baiH bsy ssarea. rears, sad. weici.t S4O0 lbs.: kind, gmtle art traa weak na ay piece; S singfe baews. weight fresa 1IM ta 100 lb. I aair a( gsoi. fat taalea, gasHWv weight :suB lbs; A farm ssvm rrt ksrsaa. Ai 1.U - ., it, t as. Urcbaraa. WaaAv. 24 boaa wurth af aear Btsltna. I Keystone Stables I Carload 22 bred k-waea and aaarea. 1 t, rears aid. wawht I2a) 1 SOW las., all t ra ted and ready to work; same a itched treats. r naa ttonaw art ma era w have rakes Mt rrs-se. i weight 1100 to lioa Tbs.. pnea $ to $I2 New art ware) haraaas art I seas wagosav Trial, allowed oa ail atork. 81 Water at., eorwar Montgnaiery. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WE WANT modern bomea in good cond'tion in apy art all sectionv of PortU'bd. We have the buyers waiting. If you list your botne at appraised value wa can get yon. a quick sale. No charge except B ft commission where wa eecure you a satisfactory sale. J. A.-Wickman Co. 262 Stark Bt. Bdwy. 6794 6-ROOM modem bungalow. Rosa City or laurel -hurst preferred, that $500 will handle, balance not aver $40 a month, including interest. Oive full particulars and location first letter. A 03. Journal. ' WANTED Lot 100x100. with 10 or more bearing fruit trees, on paied or gravel street,; will go to $800 it terms and location are right. Confectionery and Grocery Store Hera's mar . chance if yon want a groraT nd confectionery store doing A good bustneaa. reasonable vent: will lump the Mock or tnvoare ju t to suit the buyer. living rooms eoanerted. Williams Realty Co., Grays. Crossing- Pbona Auto. 617-45. " ' FOR SALE or trade, grocery store, filling ete- tion. on lwved road, hwng room in ponnacuoti. dring fine business. .Also H acre land tor sale. Will hpUd house to SM. sill uua aaa. a, electhf lichta. Address Lenta station. R. 3, Box 173. ton. 1$ miles' from Portland. 1H miles from , Mrs. Ponton. 864 E. 12th north. FOR RENT Sear Ocean Beach, truck garden 'for Seaside. Ohearhart and Beach market. Ex cellent for berries and chickens. Suitable build ings. Phone Auto. 512-05. K-751. Journal. 70 ACRES, good soil, farm implements, rent 3 months in advance. 600 Kiiby, street. Woodlswn 4S7R. FOR RENT 14 acres. E. 7th at Powell Gal ley. Call at Yamhill st. booth 419. $250 A YEAR, 80 acre farm, good lioue and 18 acres cleared. 6 miles out. B-7H, Journal. IRRIGATED LANDS - 409 THIS IS A BAKO.UN 160 acres near state highway, 76 acres water right, 80 aeree under cultivation, SO acres alfalfa, old buildings Price $5500; ess; terms. Write E. M. Peck. Bister', r. HOMESTEADS 410 THREE imoroved homestead relinquishments, all join, 330,000; trait ranch, right at nice pcue town; grade school; 32O0O spent on one; nice creek, all plow land easy cleared; quick, cash $400. $600 and $700; they are worth $6000 each; near Grants Pass. 801 Corbet bldg. LOT 50xlU0, not over $20(1; ruut be rlo to cat Cash. 828 Chamber' of Commerce. IF year boast ta tor sale pnona Btlpb Hams Co., BIB intBtwr ot commerce, pqwy. mat. ACREAGE 455 Tf ANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, oa good road does to electric xransnortatioa art Portland. Small payment down art owner to accevt soldier's loan. John Ferguson, Uciiiager bid. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Have sever si pecple wanting ta rent acre age or small farms, close to Portland pra ter red; soma -people will buy tha plsee after leasing for year or more; we make lot of sales this, way; will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Largest Fsrm Dealer on Pacific Coast. jraiti TIMBER LANDS 411 PLACE FOR SAWMIIJ ' 8,500,000 on 70 acres, 4 miles north of W'lllamina. fine old timber; piling and tie tim btr on 80 acres close: will give a man good chance. 226 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. ' SEACHREST BROS. FOR SALE Estimated 2 million feet- of second growth fir timber, M to 1 mile to It. R. A. Summers route 2, Dallas, Or. WANTED To hear from owner having 8 to 25 acre farm for sale, suitable for poultry raising. Must hare good house and he a bar gain. R. H. Southern. On. Del., Portland. WANTED A farm within 40 miles of Port land, stocked and equipped; will' trade Port land property as initial payment and soldier's bonns on balance. S-585, Journal. URBAN PROPERTY Salem and Vicinity 475 247 ACRES, only 7 miles from Salem. Most all naved road: mail route: part cultivated past fine timber, 9 room house, hot and cold darer Hath? & acres in cherriea. some armies WANTED Cord wood stumps ge. front 500 to J huge trees; large bam. outbuilding; spring water. liCalUAHI A euace for lease at nramwiable rate. ta aaaaajracSneaa ar Saamtf SCrUrer'S Stent. rL ha. a on feet trackate. Call at 330-336 E. Mnrrieeal a pbiww Ka 639. I VI H 4aUable eface wt lira i root wa reus lias l.hame BwMtdway $T1 BroKC, wiUi 3 rneims ia rear. 827 Alberta BexeessaWBsaai aaaaasa OFFICESAND DESK ROOM 315 tiAfK BOOm, with teleanoaa art iUcvajrapai I Pftnvte Bdwy IT II. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK BEE US BOOTH No. 85 J. U HARTMAN COMPANY PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT $4400 5 -roots bungalow, basement, fireplace, bnilt-lns, hardwood floors, garage, fall lot, $750 cash wil 'handle. W. L. ERWIN. Woodlswn 6714 5 RtlOU bungalow It, C. P.. old ivory and h. w. floors througboutu, built-ins, etc. ; floored at tic, comer lot. imps, in and paid. Take lot. Ford or $400 first payment. Owner. E-94. Jonraal. 1-ACRK under cultivation, 70 young fruit treea. good 4-room shack, eitv water avail able. On. graveled road 3 blocks off Foster paved road, close to car, rchooL store. Price $1200. $200 down and $15 month. 7 .per cent. Owner, F. Hirtch, Portland. Or.. Kt, 1. Tabr 5S04. ; ' , - - POOR MAN'S ACHE Close in, with city water, $450. Cleared and plowed; no -building rertriction ; 2 mile city ! limits: Mock from payed road. $100 down. 310 month. D. McCheeney, 626 Henry b'.dj. Bdwy. 2505. Sunday and evenings Main 7844. 1000 cords. Address Chris. Sabyman, Boats box 85, Portland. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 Dr.Hk ntoea with aa wlih.iul talaphon. art desk: am a) llsbl. Bmadw.y t11. Ua-a a ad. rrmm'kii !. .r tjfkraa fr raet. K 70. Jnnmal. Ugant THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK ! SEE U8 BOOTH No; 85 ; J. L. HARTMAN C0MPANT WEST BIDE PROPERTY 794 KEARNEY. Onen for inspertloa from 2 to $ today. Price $8500. Mr. Wiles. J. H. HAlUcIT, Keaiior. . Bdwy. 2045. 827 Board of Trade. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENTS 35. FINE mnkra bungalow, xwariy new, at Doach. 3000; acme term. bonus win buy a five mom bunga low, nearly completed, on 52d st, 826 Cham ber ef emmeree. - VANTri7 rral email furnished anartiBfkCj TV 14. Joarwal. HOUSES 361 V AM Els 'Ta rent 7 or 8 moia modem rtty e anbarban; xtra grauad tor garden gad rbM-kena; eeaannahla raau Call Jtut. I2k-e2, or saleaaa H-M2. Jmirnal. , $200 $600 DOWN. 6 room on one floor. $8900. $500 down. 6 rooms, 60x100. $4309, $1300 down, saodern a-room . bun galow. C C. PCVALIi. 642H Willlsms Ave. $10-04 ANTED ta rtnt ItaJ. aataU house. F-367, Jour- Ml'ST . &F.LA. our aew bungalow, m paved street, near school; is strkrUy mod-xn: will iaalrta (hades, linoleum and all fixtures. Terms vary seasonable, can woomawa linn or wsoa lawn 202. . ' - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10 ACRES CITY WATER & miles city limits, on highway: choice loca tion and best soil; all highly cultivated; has 2 acre loganberries, 1 atrawberries; only $400aan acre: terma. It. McChesney. 29 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Sundays and evenings Mam 7844. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH No. 85 i. L. HARTMAN COMPANY BY OWNER Modern house 5 targe rooms, fire place. full basement, laundry trays, 2 toilets. lot 50x100. east front, block Alberta, car. Ara leaving city. Cheap for quick sale. Terms. 1035 Kat 6th t. north. ONE ACRE at-room good unfurnished box bouse, hen house and yards, few native trees. 3 blocks to electric station, 13c fare. Owner 1 : ...... rtA 1- - U 1 1 u. - tO&TlUK SIAW, .OW WU.', U t fJtWI1 XbA- : change bldg. " - : , 4-ROOM BUNGALOW Cosy 4-rocro bouse on 75x100 comer, good plumbing, fnll cement basement, garage, plenty of fruit; price $2800; $500 cash, balance ess). t. 1,. r.ttm.v, woodlswn si 14 GOOD 5-rootn house, $1750, on 50x100 lot. - by owner: $25i down, 2 a montii; hgiits, water, gas, berry bushes. 2006 Hawthorne are. , comet 80th. ML Tabor car. Call evenings and Sunday. WEST MX, TABOR Beautiful home. 6 airy: light rooms, on fine corner; furnace, fireplace. FOR SALE Sickness forces ma to sell 1Vi a. of excellent fruit land. 10 a. in bearing; prunes and wal nuts. Price $6000. Beat of terms. Add. Box lf-8 A. Rt. 3. Vancouver. Wa. ' ; 3 ACRES. CLOSE IN, r CITY WATER -S miles from city limits, ca pavement; fine soil, cleared and plowed; , only $1400, terms. I) McCuesney. 026 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505 Rnnday and evenings Main S7844. TWO acres in cultivation on 82d street, near Kendal station. Kour-room bouse: water m. gas available. ' $2100r easy terms. Weodlawn 683S. - s . .a,.. . i-. CHICKEN FARM - 9 iaV seres. Orearoo City ear line fruit, water. 1 breakfast nook, built-ins: oa corner of E. 4 9th I acre .cultivated, shack, 1000 -ft. lumber, good and Kahnon. Term, owner. read. Price $700. P-508. Journat ;i- . KENTON BARGAIN 5 -room bungalow, garage 12x28. an new. I property 12SX10O, $3500. Or 50x100 with bnfMsngs 9250Q. Owner. Woodta-n 4272. 28 ACRES, buildings;- eary term;-' close to high school. Would take part in trade. Owner, 1436 Lenore street, corner ; or Benvue. BEACH PROPERTY" "RRxattifr 400 Bwat aajarprrt blUiard ball, lunch counter, ets.e Mart art eardreesa. gert laaaa, W. H. Voliswa. Hea.Kla. Or. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APAR IMENTS AND FLAT ' PROPERTY 402 lOoilOO Nenhaaat eomr 141A art Taylor. Waat Bid kat 1193. BUALLv thorouahls- modem, bouse, completely furaisbed. 3 large rooms art Data; lot ova 190; $350 down. $25 per month, interest I par cant. This ts an attracare little home. Phone Wood lawn gggi. ' MODERN home, bast part of Bose City Pih, a rooasa, barawooa iioors. -everyxniac com plete, garase. good aak fumitura, piano. $7500 takes a very thing, some twins. Call owner, Aat. 382-83. ! GRAN'D AVE. PROPERTY S roesas, farnaee, laartry trays, garage, .lot 89x100; modern heme; only $3600; terms. Call East 127. ' After 6 p, a., Woodlswn 1167. -OVERLOOK rooms, modern, all built-ins, nothing tack ing; garage: will take lihl ear and . cash for etritty. 830 Mass, gve. LOTS 403 A BAHUA1N Let la laaralhurst, Eaat Davia ; batwaaa 43d and. 44th. Baasmank partly ataa- All aaaaaaasaala paaL Pboaa Tabor 8962, ee B 13. Journal. . ' . 1 1901109 Its 19 art It on 99th and Kaott' straata. , p.Mi; aacn, or aauar ksraas, . fwaae, Marn 979. fta Bellrng bldg. VIl ABTER AND HALF ACRES . aieeka to wkoeJ, water, gas art electricity, pa tad read to property, eloa. to rarnna. Call Mr. Kck. Wdi. SS7. or Bdwy. lsa. B KA 1'Yin L wnodrd lot. oar J.fferso) high art $3150 $500 CASH A dand B rooaa bunaalosr aa 6 2d St. 8. E.. pbuterad. well arranged built ia kitchen, half baeewarnt art ssandry trays; modarn. Main 3960. $18 JO 4 ROOM bungalow, east slope at Mt. TsDor, aear acnaot ana ear, uoudm lot, nata, eleeetrta KghU art aa; must be sold quickly: easr term. Tabar 2934,- . - 931 MODERN 6 room, house for sale by owner, on . improved street, hardwood floor, builtins. walls pauared art tinted, cement basement; everything' paid, t all sals mj-ii, - SOLDIERS BONUS Have 6 room bungalow, well arranged, built in kitchen, half Jbssement and laundry trays; plastered, modem, sisin avow. EOlt SALEt By owner, 1 or 2 lots with shack. iruit treea art bemes: terms reasonable: will ccBEidcr any reasonable. Offer. " 1138 Vernon eve., take-Alberta car. - - - - ATTRACTIVE 3 room modern bungalow, full cement basement, fruit trees. Ik Mock to car. Lot 40x120; - Very reasonable. . Owner, 5721 Woodstor ave. 5 ROOMS, garage, chicken bouse, acre land. Near Kendall station. Sell ' or pent. Tabor 3383. - -1 FOR SALE OR TRADE 169 acres roucb tim ber tand. 42 miles from Portland. Phone SeUwood 48 or write U-5 20, Journal. ' ' FOR SALE Choice km and fractional acre age,- Easy terms. Dr. .Estock. Afultnomab, Or., Main 9410. -MAUH UoAb SmaU Tracts $85 Down, $10 a Month, S350 AN ACKls aU Tracts $85 1 STRONG A CO., 606 Cham, ot Cijta. 10 ACRES near Keauewick. irrigated. 31000 part trade; bargam. Jennings stodge, box. 491. ONE sere all in cultivation, M mile west Oswega ,3400. Phone owner, Wdln. 8356. RIGHT AT FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL 7 room ihauae. good location, lot 100x80. Price $1200 cash ar lot and some cash for my equity. 8122 B4th st- Tabor 1128. ' ) FOR RENT, 8 M acres, with soma fruity close in. East 2533. - - . : . 4 ACRES, bouse, barn, near - Multnomah feta tion, 33000. Owner. 1 wucox rudg. 9 ROOM bousa for Mas ar rant. Dander. Pboaa Columbia 75. day 1 to - - - -- Call 8un- I " $4939 Coaneil Crest, $80O dowa; garage: . roora asaaera eewxV-banaaiasr. 2 aanrooaas. fire- plaee. large ground. Owner, 449 Sherlock bldg. Peainaula J00; 3541 esab. 819 xaasatkla. IXSOVklXLI 111. koa Buar4 r4 Trad, bhig. Broadway 8969. ' LtT liixluu. cwinar E. Ith .Si. and Wygant lasproyementa raid. . $1339, . cn di 51. srter 9 n. at. . ', fJtel. looaioo. fsetna Mat aa 41 Lb ac, ii FOR SALE Two lota, ail kinda fruit, bara, 4- a bousa. bath, water, light, gaa; fma loca- tion. John Homan. Cresham. Or. - 4 ROOMS $1700 Bath, toilet, trayx, gu, soiliro lot, sewer In. all paid, easy terms, t U, J, McGaira, 845 N. Vnmn sve. ' - . HOUSE ltJiNS -- - 100 designs, $10 ta $16, m specially ds- tizoed at reasonable tee. U B. BAILEY Jc CO.. 424 X. W. Bank Bldg. BARGAIN' in close in acreage. ; tricity. Hard snrfaoa mads. Gas, water, alec- Owner. V82-53. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 HOME BUILDERS Plans furaislied. EaUma tea free. Kay bldg.' .- - ".r : JI KT aunolated. A room . bouse, modara. 91800 cash ar . terms. , T, 1, Bipa, Errol Heights, via MUwaukie, or. IF YOU are thinking of building or remodeling. 1 Acre 4 RoomjHouse Ontaida crtr limits: waodsbed art chick eur bousa: caod weB.' 17 fruit treea and soma bemes $1$ Me- IS blocks from carlma; $1400. with good terms. v KobbinsKealty io. 499 Hawthorne sve. i East 193$. Bull rail Tabor 2909; work percentage. 21 years is Portland. All FOB BALE 5-rooe bousa. - corner lot. . full basement. Dutch kitcaeat coirkea Mxasa. eor- ae 24th art Sumner. Pboaa 314-84. It s af ATTtSTlO Hr sale. Woodatocb V4n. 88H6. oar, 47a, $3$09. NKW. 4-ronea buagaloa, terais. Owner aa pnailsas afternaen art evilng; block to Wordlswa car. 1421 Morse st - f the baal Only $679, baadiag Vsta in Must, sell, 1269 tsaatatimlaaa. rat 1 1 at a. rt'H baI-K J esrtMe kt kUiidO. ka Graata Pass. Or., ar traxta fav ktta ta rtrttaa4. tail ee mt nmirtav av.. BY OWNER 11 rooasa. 9 apt., lot 55x82, in- eosaa aver $30. nrtce 92009. wortk double, $40i) easn. 1910 K. Everett.. MY ear to Tath. LIKE KENT $20 par aaooth, $239 dowa. 81 SMI. raoat bona. ; eleetriaty, batbrooas, ate Priee Tssrasa sc.. ltK 9ALC by .wear, 6 k . bM rata Ka. both nwi. II I. Jcwmal. i Fsiiaaoajt add.7 Weadartul vie MODERN bosa. io Wood bum. prica $2500 win accept food building lot in Parttart to ksir vartte, Pnn Mai hall S251. taiAIM4 IN Wt01STOCK lOTS, 8KB C Itf. Hr kwra. tlt 81ST AVE. 8. K. A ir 0s1 cwnaar kal with garage far aai. eajar riww wnen'tw. aiaa. ItTaHgTi lTT K. eaaaar 4 2d Brsaaa. $124. aaat ti ewT $ I BrHl. Tatxte 44l. IsTTsY. fw i'Akk. aiitl H. V-. eoraar liX- Jsrvass trsyr aatawslks nasi. Tsbor 9441. ' rnST t kTH AwtlOtt eat !4ia Baar Hslaay; akiewalk. paid Tlne 94 4 I . Y. U I 1'k.LA TTi3iJvu Was ia WaiMM fuL, it RiNIMIt, siearHnc poren. garaaw. K. 89tb awar Utadatoaa. Pnre only 98309: 1799 cash. aaseping p L Pnca belanr. easy. Csll earner 833-53. MODERN new w-moxa bsutnlow for aala with acre or leaa. MsH saenfiee. Owaai going F-a-C 7136 PeareH VHey road. " MtiNTAVILLA 92959 art $3500. 2 buuga- low, m iota, emit, (ra-wer. Eat 8015. FOR BALK Modern T-renm bnre. Be earner. PSrai. W rave' lawn 44 4. liargaia. t-e-v a, beta yoa aueate, Mlaa sim! tioaiica yoBr FOB. SALS at one, 9 roam monem bousa, witii garage, ia baaatiful re?trited district; scry reasonable. Call Sellwood 3342. 415 WYGANT 7 room house, modern, lot 75x 109; 4000, terms $3500 cash. Call Wdln, 212. alter a p. taj- - - - HAVE thattitew noma. built correct Ij. E. F. Sehildbn. praatical builder of real A. bonus, Dravnngs furnyhed. - rnone 4331.: HAVE 3 acre with new -4-toout bungalow Sun ' water. ' batb, toilet.! 10 mm.' walk G re ham car; will accept bit or car and -soma cash as first payment, er sell to a soldier who will torn in bonus, on reasonable payment down, or will gire yr,n s lot to make initial payment 52 Chamber ot Ctsnmerea Mag. - FOR. SALE, guod suburban bust, t acre ferule cround. 9-room modern aouse. Darn, en caen Bcuses. tVuit trees and bemca. . Price 332AU. Mrs. C J. Miller, Clackamas, Or. tlVE-room EHMlaliiluriMe. riUt.100 berries; tetre", ! Mam 8333. - ' .- fruit. EOL'ITi in S-rooaa modem furnished house; witt taka lata model car or cash. J02 E. lt st. - . - ' ' ! CORNER acre, - i'arkrorie. ! A-room bouee. uuick sale. 9S150. terrrr. - Ttnw ;t. $31,000 HIGH class orchard of 52 - acres at M osier. Or. 45 acre 8 to 10 years old. - Modern 7 room bungalow, apple houe, barn, storage base meat. Pro duced 6000 boxes last year; ail stocked and equipped. Clear of incumbrance. $25.000 100x100. 2 story brick bldg. in good town close to Portland; fully rented; good tenants. In come $3000: mortgage $8000. Will trade for business build ing or apartment, house ia Portland up, to $73,000 and assume. See ' MetzgerParker Co. Bdwy. 5855. ' for $70 per acre. Thia is below value. This p'aee can be divided and prion will be .according to division. 45 acres now m clover, .terms. H. E. BROWN, Murphy Bldg. Stlem. Or." IF YOU wish to bay, sell or exchange your prop erty, the Oregon Cooiierabve KeaJty assort tion can art you money; waete a --cant stamp for information. It's cooperative in principle Room 1, Patton bldg., Salem, Or, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALF, i baraaia. crt r barky teas. art 8 ream, betgwt 279w, aourt art true:! Vara asaved in froea roaatry. bar. aa waa fart till tea as. win aett very raasoaabar. A -A fer, tadr emit veaea. 10 Kruat -; tak owatk! Peal tart ear to Geevae. ' il , ttt'T ' ut .Ntuj Will sell all aar beawes. .strata art barnaaai art rmaxies at a aarrnVw: a4 cVss wp oaa-kty i aa oar leaaa expires samrO. 18 at 29 Urart are. W. J. RalHraa Fast 1314 I STORES, ETC, 500 APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 ;0 LB. TEAM. Ixt gwrt wvk ak.-w. nrth gnrt baraeaa art faxxa aagoa. avire 821V9; aw -for them, paring feed. laqulre Bogs. 39 1 1 Water at , veeet aide ' AUInHT NkW-Sw Mandt Ursa wagon; araaral other gnra wtgoan, cheap : lira tooes atvl sunaa of all kind. 249 E. Bile GCHiD work teas, art aameaa. -ebeap; buafl.i. truck art baa aa aaa lor then. CaL 122. ; 619 Palk st. - I S.VLE OR TRADE Siian Pvn-heraa anarea, 6 art 7. about 820$. wail surra, wi'h ar wrlb part harwewi. wageai art wocatasw. Cea. 1242. 8199 BUYS team bar borne, wasgnt SAW 8b. grsia fad. (at, trae. arwrle aailtis art waU mated. 81 Wster at., waat ade. 1 BARGAIN. $35. bar hone. I'ioO lbs., geol worker; $3$ -for pony. Mddk art bridle: aar-. art wagons ot all ktnda. 24 o K. Bta. FOR KALE, ainrment hous containing lour 4 room ftaU. T2 Mis-Wwippt ve. Will "" big returns at priee of $4509. Owner will be at twiilding between bonrs cf 9 art 4 p. sa. RllRKES lor ami. A Tear ctdT lb., work single ar double. gesUe; pnee $15t for both. 247 Baker at. j FOR SALE CWap. teaat of black xaaras. .V art rears, annnd and well saateo, wetga about 26. No. 789 2d at, 8 1 at S40.t HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE - 503 REMOVAL NOTICE Will be pleased ta inert tay many clients at my new of rice, where will na oauer preiawea furnish 1 tomes, rooming bousea, hotels, apart mentA, than in tlie past. My Mat t eomp.eta. W. A. Carroll, formerly 827 Abington blot-. now. 424 Lumbermeit b d ' moved to my new iocation on; the ground fwxr Bargaina in west aide rooming bouses apartments. A. Misiirsi, 428 Yamhill C art DOUBLE team $8 day. tniiv team $18 day.' 549 rront st. slam 2298. ': .'(in lil. gentle. TEAM ot mtuas, young, 240 K. Mtlt. sound art ONE 1000-lb horsr. city bruk.; ont, wagax double: light wagon A7 K. Irving GOOD farm team, asgon and harness. Bargajtn 631 100th st 8. E.. Mt Seott rsr. . , FARM tUTFIT. 24iMMb farm wasow. 240 E. Htfc. LIVESTOCK 701 IF YOU want a good borne art aa income, you will buy the furniture my n non mmee. Call and be "convinced. No. .403 KusaeU St. Phone East 829 RKtilSTEUED Jerseys, foundauon raive. ant yoang stock from the beat blood knows. Start right and bow while your aaortejr will g far. All stock guaranteed ard under federal supervision. Also a good tmb grade. yosuxgV K. Haaneaun, tVrhett. tlr. t-none r.asx an.w. I TJIREE extra Blew young Jerary eoa. fresh onl; A trOOD investment, payiug boarding, house 16 j TV " J- dl, rooms and garage. Gross income over 8400 a ( L . I. Alt A asssae A.- ceaa. kl. fftf-tSfl All lift CI a M U (Skaru wvrsT . aswaaxaa month. Selling because of sickness. $1850 with, 7 auto. Discount for ca-h. K-774. Journat j 381 Water A SN Al' -20 room, fumtslMd. - workingmsn s lott.l lluxt sell on account oi poor neaiio. Will consider light car art seme terms. East 082. ' - $75 per month art your apartment, 1 1 rooms, owner. Going to Frisco. 173 17th N. Bdwy. 8240. ' -- - SACRIFICE 19 H. K. rocm leas, industrial dinirrt. rood furniture, sink, water, store heat. Mr. Currie. Bdwy. 7452. 818 Bd. Trade. a KfXIMS for rale, all hem- keeping Prica reasonatile. With good n from owner. Main 2757. dot m. Bay BY .OWNER 8-rooat house newly furnished, I rent 935: 5-rear lease. Bdwy. 7772. FOR SALE. LUNCH COUNTER. 191 FIRST I (STREET. -- -' W n J, SELL liarness. wscon. raiarcst ami rai l- vator. also 2 good d2ry cow, tnat frevn I nr. reasonable. 632 E. 24th., Woodaterk car. ; JERSEY-HI MJSTKIN ccw and c-K for sale. on. week freJi. 8 Ballon milk. -V-e em renin ; sal sve art Columbia Mvd. lbl Bayard m: ONE 4 iL Ho.slein eww; one I 111. Jensry 4' )Mr-oM-rcw. 3(S: one 4-gal. row. $83 fine blck nxrlh of statleai. tie t.rirv IOR BALE A No. 1 Jer ey cow. freali ob wee:. 195Q Hodge st.. BC JoMn ear c SlX-MO.THS-4iLl bei'er r'K 912. Ervxi station, Orebam line. B. nraea, i G4.iol fre-h eew for seta cheap; giving 4 gslloei-r 7408 44th ae. B. It - . MILCH goats for sale. 923 art up: also goa milk. Call Bell. 27. TiT Harney its BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES " WANTED - SSO li'liKir.E near Southern Michigan town. 15000". excliauss foe Oregon er WksbinguiB real estate or bafnaa, 4120 64th L 8. E. house that Mam 4574. $700 to $1000 WANTED TO RENT From 10 to 40 acres on Craig road. Buokleyave. Villa ave, or Barrl t an i b,i ap. road. Quick action wanted. Cash rent. Tabor will handle. 8U13. - I MAN with Mies experience would rotaat 9900 TWO tieifers out ot big producers, fresh soon.; 798 Taensna. Wellwood 2414. i FOR SALE a fresh HoUlritt row. J. Beruaant 7lh art W-h.. yaat MHwiqtie ; 1HKKE good young fresn rows, heavy xaiikerM fsmi'y cow. 839. 7 East, Ash. 1 FOR SALE Milk goat. AAbttman ave. barcsm. $30. 872 I BUNGALOW FOR LOTS 5 room bungalow, concrete foundation, full basement, extra large Tooms.' very well arranged. needs - painting on tha outside bnt ia m gooa condition inside; price $3000, .81750 against it, payable $35 monthly including ' interest ; will Uka lot in good district uo to full xslue of equity. See Mr. Stephens with FOR SALE 10 acres, near y all in bearing prunes; 2 miles from Salem; 'no buildings. Pnee $4500. W. G. K meter. Oregon bid"., Salem. Or. with- aerrice. -F-S68. Journal. WHO has something to offer ansa and servteesr M-5, Journal. WANT patore fur $ heifer-. Mle. 4004 .7th at. r K. also ciltee fo with $200 I PIGS tiix weeks old. Woodiswri 2424. WANTED Bawl. aai art Tabor T$$3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FINANCIAL STORES, ETC "ilrvrT MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 EXCEPTIONAL ouDertunlu tor 1 or 2 energetic men by an old established fuel business. Best I location ia the city: Good lease, nave everything- nacassanr. 2 2-ton trucks. A-l shape. eas woodsaw. some stock and office equipment. Thia ia a real buy; $3000 cash. Phone, for appointment East 8300. CITY LOANS - SO COMMISSION Oa improved Property or far OBprovexaeal LOGGING CONTRACT wnn purchase of track: - truck bow on Mb. Thai a good money makine nrooosilion : cood road. Small payment down., balance easy term'. Don't answer unless Jon eresn Dasineaa. oee ssr. xvuion. i pm' side at. SgSLTOBS 732 Chamber of Commerce bMa. l- l k-.i -ritli'. KlUMIU. ant-n ertaer and planer. 1 z at csnamtj. aonsey. lonina u muu trailer, on naved hialiwsr. SHUT, and pond at mill, sawdust pay for power, slabs 3.u at I mill, tall Forest Grove Mill Ax lagging Co. WflR fRADK $2000 Equity in 8 room modem houae; has two firenlaoes. hardwood Jloors upstairs ana down stairs, sleeping porch, cement garage, lot SOxlOO; house one ot the Beat consxrociea iw ertr. lots ot built ins. Witt exchange lor late model automobile. J. O. STOREY $07 PIATT BLDG. Phone Main 7618 or Tabor 8627. VIEW property, good 4-room house, 4 acres. fin. tart. 2 acres cleared. -Johnson creek and Meadowbrook station on place; will take small Portland nronertv aa down naymenh Improved or unimproved, or auto. Take Gresham cat Sea it today. Call Auto 327-OV or 519-11 MAN to tak. our Portland agerifcv. New hna, no I eomnetition. Thoronxh invest ration inmai. Quick turnover a feature. $1000 will handle. tali Tor particulars, rottn o 1 J imperial noiei between 10-art 8 daily. . H'lJ. PR UK X2A00 CASH. - comer grocery, xvelmoat street, ounnystae; a-year icaee. rem reasonable, well established hmonea. SCOTT A BERRY. 1038 Belmont. WANTED Someone to snvest $400 In good naaine bnsiness with services, reasonably se cured. Agreeable position, experienca wnnecea- sanr M l 9, Journal. SO ACRES good Minnesota tart to trade fcr 1920 Frankha or. Hudson tonnng. cvooa Portland business cornet lot- for sale.. 586 . E, 10th tt. a. '- ' uvi I -m.Umm, 1 'if-, buildina sita. near Paa, . tor roruana. taoou jocaaoxu j.aoor 2700. " ' - ; - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 1 WILL xetl or trade my equity in a 9 loom anartraent boose of 3 - roosm) each : all stew furniture. , Will take $2000 on 10 or. 1 2 acres. the balance ? moatn. tnierew incrwiea; ,ti aB told. Geo. GetlL, 406 8, 3d st., BilvertoB, Or. FOU SALE Or trade lor. St. John houae or lot o artel : ov acre gooa lasa: counts nua dtranarh tdaeei 1 miss to Maner atatioa. Priea 8100O.;J Owner, jbox zmu, or, Jouns, Portland. ' - - ' SALE ar exchange. 20 - land, cood buildings. Wssh. acre alfaha and truck Box 23, Two Rivers. WILL ACCEPT good Ford sedan ar coup ss - part tnyment on 3-room xoodcrn borne. Wood- ltwa 4276, aeres cleai 1-riR RkI.E nr trsda. 80 sens. 5 plenty wood en plsce: for boose in Portlart. Saiwood 2479. AUTO or lot for new 'home, & room, atnetly modem, attic: close to - Peninsula actio! ear 83800. Wd'n. 2849S - WANTED REAL ESTATE 3-BtMIM plastered cottage, attic, completely fur nUhed, Lbrary and grafanota, only $1500: $500 cash. 4521 8. F 58th V J - - FARMS 1 407 $7590 140 Al RF-S. 15 eow. A horses, impie Bieata, crt-h-rd. -fenced, baiitlmcs, mile to likelstcre, schcoi, cheese factory." electric plant, ; saw- rOlk KlKiSI kv, $130 down, balance rent. 1423 Lenor street, center of ReUvue. 1 asiU, farmer and long- distance uheme; oa Ksoe- - jswaason, 5 ROOM modern ho'f. gsnur- i-i; 335 ' down, balance- monthly. v dn. 8361. . aisxciieted -bere,- $2354. JIJ9 New uuderu 4 rocass. gooa si.. Pf ioi; aswsr eeii. s-oiK-si, IXial SAi.fci by au, iMdiiittt iv-ruas s-nuru- j ' nom wHses. Jiwy ve,i, . t5 velti highway. lcnoark. Or. ' ' . 33 . ACRES on we.. Je of Bluff rwd. H mile- north of town OA 5.ntdy r-rtea SZ.KrO. Tetmir -Stron A.' Co.. 618 iChambet af 4Jbs m"re bHT- ' v ' .": : ": .' - ! - FOU SALE 5-rooai house, one or two lots; rcses, fmit. gee osrEer. 703 Wood'-rcgk ave. yiX-RHM smiirfii bcw-c. ttwetj; iai)rtsd and Amtrd; caragti: terms. . Ahiiitr. Wdln. i6GU. VERY . GOOD FARM 139 acres, reaianabas. lletsili eU K... 70C5 after 6:30 p. . aa. or before si :30 a . ; . Ft7K SALE--5i an t-. et-j k-.J. mi iiHi'i 4". B. tlsooc Lvuacs. tr. -- . v . '- ' ' CITY PROPERTY 1 450 WANTED for soMiei with small cash payment art bonus loan. 6 or room bungalow. W. SI.- Bru baker, P. O. Box-No. 307, Porttand, Or. Tha beet and sasiret toetbod of paying lata It our' monthly tiayment plan. I $32.29 per tacntk for 89 atootha, or 821.34 per taontb for 64 nsoatas. or 815.17 oer month for 99 saoBths. aya loaa of glOOO art intareat. Loan ot other axaounta ssss proportion. - Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ABB'S 843 Stark 8L. Portland. Or. $250, $400, $500, $730. $1000 AND LP W SPECIALIZE in small mortgage In OA Luw rate Easy payments if desired, . AJoirk action SmaU building loan. . Second aaortgace srt coBUacla. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 THE DAILY AND : I SUNDAY JOURNaAL j i the rerocnixed ponrrry xaediusa at j Portia nd srt tra.-tiag territory. Jeer- . . aal poultry ad have been tarovwa toe i aat Mtrtstory reswlt setters by practically aa of the bsggeat art aaost . aneeaaslnl bread! a. They win asake soceasa of yonr pesxllry yards ior yon. phctM Main 1178 art aak tor to claaattaad OaaK. "wUlti LEGHOt-N BABf tifaiCKJ batchinf to Irani aurtag of avvavsj na airafat. Tha ara brrt tor viaar. as si teas ry I the heavy aa producer. A tew earxy saiaa otwvu Paul DodVy. K. 4. Beavarton. Or. 631 fttsmber of Com, bldt.- SUA'CESSFUL business man, cennected with, one nf tha IsrEest. TBdustries. neeae aaainonai capi tal, which w.ll be fully protected by mortgages, eta. V-91. Journal. CAUTION. BUYERS Betor nosing a deal of - an-ralled interest in established real estate llillini as. get sdrlca of Porttart rtealty Board, 421 tAregon pldg. j-non proaqway leva. MONEY to lend on real property. - Harry K. IfalL J01. U. 8. Bank bkig. i noa xwy. 2013, BUILDING loan n m aaa u Oar baa aroo- erty; money advanced aa work iiiugriisea W. Q. Baca, 2 15-21 6 Failing bidtt. Main $447. . $100 TO $2600: quick artwn. A, ta. steal. 231 k kiomson at., rnonas is awa n LOAN'S oa houae bold gooa m More.. SOW Oak street. saa eoenca. BABY CHICKS. ' O. A C. art Taarrrd W kit. Inborn. B I, Itarfa asal St.i imA Baraa; exeeoUaaallr fure atari I Bdwy. 1379. I Sea cheat st oar stole . fgrUaod Bert Co , lA'j From at. Main 440 ! FOR BALE Trs;inavrl ft. Al White Lechort natrhina ears frowt 22 to - snata j ta cock arris Iran 289 dsaxs. A few .fine cart ersla left. 4 803 79th at, S. K. . 48th v Phone 923-85. l - . FORCED TO SELL. AT ONCE Ona of the best located restaurants in the city: leas can b arrariged. lnquira 941 Fit- tock block. Mr. Sessions. Printing tor Less ; nydet Printing Co. Mtrn $880. I $2 d st WA-NTKO Partner. $500 sjk iBoome, aatMaetory secumy. necesMry. ax-ia, journal. No good FOR SALE Meat market and grocery from owner, at 8 aacrmc, ca account of sick pes. Call Bellwood 1604. ' 2 91300 imu. lor miriea; Ward. 407 Spalding bslg. BEE 6REGON IN. a MokTGACE CO. 31 Lstmber Exchaaaa Po MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OX . Automobiles : TL'ILMTURE PIANOS. HOTBEHCrLn OOOTyB. I RHODE ISLAND BED kalchin aa fross" EMU ESfAfS, BONDS OB ANTTH1S 1 beary ksyxog steam; fre raaa oaa.. JOa) .S OF VALUB ECCBITX 1SUIU,1 I E. 94th St. S. Pooric nell. J1l. FOR SALE YMr-otd - mrma Lewhora Bell 10 or 299. Pnca according a ami aa tray. Dr. Itetock, Mallaamta sHauan; Main 9419. 1 $' . W. LEGHORN ecg. $1 9 per trttiti ! aba rrc. Bin Flemish Giants. r.ia rrurri son. 9987 124 st. B K. . ' f BABY CHIX. Taacart aaaj lsoalywwoalMT ktj . sac straiaa. liocaulxM erora. stra s-ew"' j Ftrss. B. I . Bert 1 1 0. Of. C4ty. Or. Pboaa $ SCO WHITE LEGHORN baby r.ka. IS I ered" ctram: Ireo-rang saoca; a i a r-w sw-s dehvered. Tom Morgan. Be. am est. A3. 1 WHITE Legboin baby ducks froaa bot. lrai t Bested ctrain. 819 per hundred, nr. ay abt- 14. C I, Perkins. 1337 Burrnge. Wdln. 9314 CLEANING AND PRESSING LEFT IN YOUR rXAboE&hiON Also Salary Loans ' TO 8AIABIED PTX1PXJ! ON THEIR WOTCT . ts- iuts! COMPANIES OR ON UiODE ISLAND RED. fallbred. year old eort , p bras. look of apnea require, anas, rsx raanoebio. Eaat 448. Vi. H at IE St. I U art Baff I neaaloai ha let lna ears, reasonable: aito osn -.v"w 1. 1, i toy sr. antn at. isecr atiai. 9 d-l. Wanted, partner rt once,tf Wa can make good I wrTHO:T 6ECCBITI. IF TOCB PAYMENTS siriav 4.4 - wasnxnsTton at. l trti othkh lajati cajsi i'A.i ix-o un tl.v CONFECTIONERY art light lunch, doing ad ?N?tl, l.smial WE wlt PV Ttlxul fX,il 4tJBrhSB bostnea. xtatnrday art Sunday only Uar 1 ARB IWUS. s PAT Ttiatst I t-terad aork; ataa bxrtclses. ta th - - . ..Vnri"?:! pat V K Pbcwe Wdm. 2QQ1 PARTNER wantedTLn cleaning and pressing I buaLa. MONTHLt PAYMENTS TO D 1 16 LAYING 1- bop. with smaa amounL Good location. 206 1 YOCH CtYlUlikNCE - I rooitor, n. 3d at. I LBOAL BATES KO DELAT 124 N. Aot 219-74. 1445 f thwt. S. 12 2 year-old I Bed art Taaerrt 31T E. lad St. $750 BEoTALHANT. mill town, reat ,i4 1 j PfPTI AND LOAN CO- IOULOU6E a!' I-?- living rooms, . table, 10 stool coutter. BX-1 aT VK lfWU aUVaA' i.VV roof 8. box 129. Portland. Or. U. C Tai'. 80. Journal. FOR BALE One-half interest in old estab lished - aut paiatv lihop. - Owner. Z-A41. alonmal. ' ' -"----e- - -- - t-(TrTl BUSINESS CARDS : &J9 AS printing now at pre-war prices. Acorn Press, 286 i Washington, nr. ."LICENSED! 809-307 DKKTM BLDO- 3D ART WASH. p Kua irwsi t9o of -. BALART LOAKfe SALAfil VI AAA A a AiUACk S 1 .BO I 9 aslaxieaf art wotxnncxaen on-' tbetr I . mmhmIiU m. taitwtaiiti 5th WANT to prly K n Richmond a first PV - ment on. 5 or 6-room hotue.- . Tabor $184 evenings. -- . - - : -' -t WANTED 50tl0O lot, I,enreiliurt or Rose t'tty. $1000 rash. Not ftrt-ter than 60th -at. 2 or 8 bkr-ks from rarLne.-T-91. Jorrmsl. ' - SELLWOOD-carpenter art paint shoo.- .Repair work promptly attended to. Phone Well, ling. HALF OK STOKE FOR. RENT. 268" MORK1- WEIJb ESTABLtHtiED and cquipved. druglet-s ; TAvajeian a bas nevt for sale. A-P4. Janrnai. W1U1, pay m.-st y ca-ta tot enimt-hed Iwoee or -bouse iitriiac retain,-- v.Bjtta . lowest price. 0-6AI. Journal. - -r -i - - i - - . t. WANT 5 rouia n any god iwiric- that $5u0 a h wiU hind: tnonhiy -rexymit' tm. bal rer ' I t U I. v.. Fi hr, IMwj. 4837. . - A AS: I for i 't .- of Ct-wim-Ti-. 1 fwn kliiu. b2S (.hamper WANT bsrbe fvr paa T3. . as t;r..i. iiijm.'H.. ttdjt. 2HA1K barber shop. 8250. -CU at 1038 . Bermoot.- . , NEW - LUNCH counter. , eomutete. bargain ai $259. 191 3d at. Tabor 88. KAKRETl sltop tor aa tHt. lutuiri aiUiin. 862 1st st. -- . . - - , actaa. Rates reasonable, rsry -pel mailt. - SO tX,lHllt U A.-tAVAttaAJI - Call art tarteeticat our wtodera money feog xnetBcds.' AB bswrnexs eonfidwntial. cvi.cattjLa ni9uit.M uiarssi tljcaaned) ,'-.- ': 81$ rUUi8 Bstttdina. " ' " nfCNETTO LOAN ' Moner tea Bed n boose bo id goods 'or eaaodise placed im atcraga.anth a lasuiaJ bank rata. - - - BEClilUTT 8TOBAGE V TRANSUXjA CXi. 4th art Pino at, -,. ' ' -, ' traxmte Multwtaab Hntat - ' ' ' Phone Broadway 8719 ' WHITE LEGHORN baby rbscks. Tawerrt ascaks " 15c each. 4916 7th st. 4)43-11. - , "MEAD'S"' R- L Bd ecgt $1 per 15. tin oaai' T2 62d st f P. Ant. 919-12. " ' 1 4AAL bommg broooer atoa to arU. Will a liver. Wdln. 919. . RHODE ISLAND Bed baby eijirk at aa tlase-. rncoe TIST vut. l'H at.. FINE XVhii Wyaodoua rocserei. X.U aacij Hatching ayga. tcniwiins -a. - - - 1 1$ O. A. train Bock ben aaa rooebar aa - 9541 8ta are, n. r, i BROWN LEGHORN batching " csga, wonderfn layers. Wdin. 3192. - . - , FOR SALE Cheap, Bdwy. 1999, id , lenntam Pho IVITSCIOI-ANEOUS FTNANCIAL 603 I AM'r NEK to join me iier fox farming, $10 I CAKU paid for jortgsea art aoUens cuwtraets retiuireti.' vtaoaisww iwtr. -. on real eataxa ra wamiaavon H. - Xobte. IIP WILL bay S30O , WITH services lor .bo-iBMa maeataent; I g -6 income: eay wark. . H-44. Jtvi-nal. bide TAILOR aaop for sale. 121 feusseU St. sil aetier contract l awrtgage. jGordon, A31 Ol of Coax. bldx. DARK velaet B. L Red t for hav-hm, $1.;., per aerung. 39 per Mah. 74VI. - ) lb. .ad Flock Mavnrca batcbsng cut $1 per 13. . Awt. 948-79. ' TANCRED Whit Leglxwn ssyiac puiicta. ciertri. Tsaor a.i. - i BLACK Vtl-VotAA. es l- pet 15., 405' 74tJ st. r:.. Aat. 916-97. , ! R l Bd tatby '' 29c each, hatoh ' Apef! 24. A.L 443-79 - -; . (Cantmurt t Foawai8 Psasl , aoorexa box s.. nty. 'V- ' -' -; : r '- ;-- ".' ' '". - 1 , : - , -' - - -s - - - ; .1