r - J CITY ED IT 10 U If All Met end If i All Trus '. THE WEATH ET Ton ! rh t and Saturday. ' ; rain :. southwesterly in 'I. alinimura temperature Tnurnaay : Portland 4 New Orleans ... 71 . I journal liret, ; .-Poca telle ... , Xaoa Angelea .... Ne York '- VOL.- XXI. NO. 24. at rmMc mOaN, Oiimj . " " PORTLAND, I.OREGON, FEIDAY, EVENING, APRIL - 7," 1922j TWENTY-SIX PAGES. A PRICE TWO CENTS .SJTtt:t T" TkEk C.T Lenin May ICKOLAI' LENIN. Russian leader, shown - with Perli Christiaxison; presidential cir idate , on the Farmer-Labor ticket at' the last election inJ this country. . Chnstianson : is in Russia on a special mission for President Harding. It is rumored Lenin will make a dramatic erpw ance at the internabonal econoniic conference. , ' Ct" , ',-.if' " : , ' Produciioh CITY EDITION If AM tier and ifs All Trum litARKKTfl-OF THE "ikoRLD Dally ' iwurttil Information IS "given oft two, pases t Th Journal. ftpeclal leased wlree lrln; all thai Important news of market . .f . , i. - , --w V X .. -w- Less Wlieat PLiES CIS!!; Premier V Main Aim at, Meetinr, 'It Is Said, Will Be to Urte j Europe to Arm Less in Keej ':. ing With Washington Treaties. . lxnion, April 7. Outwardly 'confidant and In t knt of apirtta, Trairilar Und Gaora-a left today tor Oanoa" to a Hand the. International, aconomlo con- faranca, o( which ha to tha chlaf aponaor, Il Mid ha Jiapad to raturn to London bafora tha and of April. - - Y Tla nramlar was accompantad ( by mamorra of hU Immadlato family, by) Sir iioirt noma. , cnanrauor ' or tno X elMMiuar. and by Sir Lamina; Worthna lon-Kvana. aocrctary of att for war. ( donlad bo would atop off la Harla td eonfrr with rromlcr Tolncarf on tept to win tha aympathy and aupport of tha VnJtvd Btatao. . ' Uatiaiiy caraiaaa about hla paroonaJ ap- paaranoa and attr.,tha pramlcrtwaa draaaad with arrapuloua cara today J Ha Joaad with 'hla frlonda and wbon'tha praaa photograpbara aakad for a group plctura tha prrmiar hlmaelf - tanarahaiad hla totlaafuaa Into Una, , ' " 1 Aakad for a prodicstloai aa -to tbJ ont coma of tha 'confaranco, tbo prcmlar Aaawarad with, amlla: : ' I "It U ton aarty to diacuaa K." f It waa laarnad: from aa authoratlra aourra that tho raal raaaon for Pramtar IJoyd . Gorga'a Inalatancw ppon tha Uno ronfrranr was that ba daatrad an opportunity to propooa ganerar llmi tatloa of land - armamanta In' Buropo along tha mama Una laid down oy tha Vaahfngton confaranca. It U tmdaratood that tho Brltlab praJ miar win propoao that all land krma manta "bo cut-to tha bona." Tana. Aprfl l-tv. r.) rrtmlr.Polrv- ,raro and -oula Barthou. haad of tha rranclt dalgatlon at, Uanoa, boardod tb aparlai train wblch. la carrylnr Uoyd ('aorta and tha Rrttlah dalagataa to Italy, aa It waa balwa- awltrbad tbrouarh (roarhMM aa ra Twk Cohtara Tw Girl Is Accused of p f Eobbing Fiance, on: ; Way toBe Married . i 1 as1riUwa a Loa AnUa. Ca44AprU (U. Olanya Hmart. prtt3MiaW-atBtar of ad alynno Obncbalil.'ta' undar arroat, Kara today, chargad wUh ataallng 1140 ,forn I ha porkata at bar ranc whila thay.wara an inair way to do marrtad. . i . Tha complaint waa tnrorn to br p. V- iNnigiaa. ina- aruwnuo awaatbaart and alntoat brldacrooni. "' I Olanya. who, ', chargadl with Accord In c to tha alar told br boua?. laa. ha. and Glenya dactdad to go toSanta Ana and ba marrlad.. ; - t . ' "But wa navar got out otLoa Anralaa," Douglaa, agad it. aasaxtad. : I Xilanya dtaappaarad and ao did bo twaan $340 and 1360 that I had In my poc-kat Whan aha anada bar appearanoa tno aaxt day. aba bad on a completa now rprtna outfit" i .' r Douglaa ralatad aDagad aanaatloriai In eldanta of bla romtiw to CMatrlctiAttor , Ty Woolwlna. Including tha char fa that Ma mothar. Mrs. A. H. Abal. afUna con frranco with Mra. Emma. Smart, frialatad upon hla martlaga to Olanya I . Mra Smart la tha mothar of joienya and of Madalynaa Obanchaln, rccantly on trial for tha allagad murdar of John utuon ivannaay. Admits Shooting Of Father: States She Meant to Scare flim t. Laula. April T.I. K. R k-niin. Ing a night-long family quarrat. poorg I riltrhla waa myataroualy ahott la hla noma nara tooay. Ha la in a dangaroua "i na viiy noapital, whara ba bnaiata that ho ehoc blmaai. . - Hla daaghtar Maud. It. to in uatody at pollca haadquartara. shd tcala tha , poikw mat an accidantally ahot bar father whan aho Intarranad In a buarral batwaan him and har mothar. -a oniy want4 to . acara hlrtr aha aobbad. It want off by Itaelt Ha waa . cruai to my motnar." ; i - pays Dresses Countess - tit ra'ltad Kaw ' .' ' . i London. April T. Anbther momantou ,. ata-iaion la the recant modernist series, defining tha lobllgation and delimiting tha rrtrllegra of huaband and wtf un der tha economic conditions of baa hen added to BrIUak law by' Jaetioe McCardi u ruling which scolds tha reuataae of Catkcart for aaoaedlag bar draaa allowance. , t f .-. . 1 Tha aarl and Co unless war divorced aorae time ago, the Karl of Craves being prominently rnentioaed In the proceed Inga Sine then thetRarl of Cathcart hae been allowing' b. J former wife t pound a month upon! which to dree a Ad ihrwle malnuii herself, ' , CKlTlClttS C0IT5TCM f ' , V 1 But 'th oounteaa declined t pay a draaamaker'a bill for one order of eight rowne. aRMMnttng in about fUOO.. 8o ha tradaamaq sued lh Earl of Cath , Mrt. And the dectalen of Justice o - ardle sema to be a happy ena for sn huabanda in unfortunate Umlly Mcrumstance and an unhappy on foe th; tlr wive. t , , "Th countess was not pHvllrd ta , les th credit ef the. F.srl of fath cart," aald Jmtlca McCardi a, "and I. m. .', - ' ; ; (- : r 'MUZ ' ..' .-, By tnltad.Mtwa - r Naw ;Tork.prU T. OllYlavtll f. Stona, Jormer- trained nurao, iwaa". found not g-uHtjr" of ' thamur.der of laiia ;p. Klnkaad, "-former corporation counsel of Cincinnati,' whofA' ah ahot to deaUv oa tha plea, that ho bad abandoned be after making hfr M- common Jaw wife, by a Jury whJch reported ".at- t :S0 o'clock Thuraday sight, after nine bouradaUb- eraMon.-" ' ,'- " u L Tha nwrHtaw.-tJnced''B7nh''tha plea that bt laa fetona' waa temporarily our of. har mind when aha committed tha dead, waa practlcaHy bar .aole d- fanae. "; - . i .-,-,- S ; In eplta of efforta of "the proaecutloa to prove -that tha- former1- nurao had made an of tha "advancea In her Ufa with Klnkead" and tn apita of avldenca tbatMlaa Stone had planned the deed. tno Juiy accepted tha def ana, that Kln kead ."caatlng tiar off afUr; he waa through with bar love" drov her o. end hla llf.- . '. r; , a Mlxa Stona. ort the atand. declared that Klnkead bad lived with her aa a, common taw wire ror aeverai year, and that h had - than daaertad har. .4 8 he beaought him, aha aah), to permit her a divorce, but ha rafuaed. On hfa , meetlna- her. face to face, aha aaya ah loot control of her action., and pulling a' revolrer from har handbag, emptied. It ' five cbambara into hla body. f. ; Hundred of pereone who had Jammed tha courtroom 'fo: watch the progrea of ma trial, cheered when tha verdict announced. - Ml- Stona thanked r the Juror- and ? burst into, teara.,- She in- tanda to go to her' former home ' in Vir ginia, to apend the reat of her llfeVln peace and happiness." 'aha .' told her friends after the lory had reported. v-r--: Forest i Products 4 'B; Bates! tb Be Ciit - Proportional. ratea on.' forest products moving "from th.! coast and Interior point to lake "Sports of Michigan. Ohio Pennsylvania, or beyond will be reduced May 15. aW an announcement, issued today by W. D.' Skinner. -vice president and traJtflc manager, of tha S. . VS. Bate on. ahinglaa and fir lumber will be reduced ' ih -cents ; from 'the , coast. Present rates ax Sa and t(H 'centa re spectively. From vth interior tha ; re duction win be 4H cent. V 4 : FOUHD NOT GUILTY Scolded- bv- Tudse A go ; Expensive for one. fall to see th neceaafty for o many gowha. ,lt la' hot for 'th Jury or ror tha wife to fix th family atandard f expenditure. That -is .for ihe hufband to do. And- it la. for the- tradesman ta aaoertala first whether' th; wife's un-dertakinga-are; approved -by tha ' bus- wirn TOO EXTkATAGAxT , ..-x.. m T:ounteae.w th , Juag' conUnoed, iwnuirea w eooaonuia numoi peo P mut,do it; why wot a countess? The tact that th man 1 aa art does not imply possession of a Urea Income eonaide. that the Karl of Catbrart hon. thy ha been try In to Itv within hl tnaema. Hi wtf .haa beeri recklessly extravagant I bellev. in 'fact.' that an Teauiy desired thee gewn with view to 5 elopement with tha - Earl Craven. . ' . . , ..1 "And Jt Is my personal opinion." id th Judge, taking -a deep breath, 'that tircumstanee cannot Justffy'a woman' baying S3 or CO expensive dreaee In' on year, historian Bay that Xero never wore the aam garment twice.;- This nia oe true. rut In view of other things which hietorlana say about Nero, per haps It were just as well that we did not emuiaie.inst gentleman too closely.1 I. - 4 "I - - $ 1- - ; ; ; - S&meitoff m Tells Court 'w ' York. April 1.4-iX Nj S.)--Midr am Semenoff. beautiful wife of Oeneral Gregory emenoff. leader of the aiiti Bblaherikvi Cossacka In Siberia, was a witness today in ankruntcy uroceed- Inga ot the t-Toureaveta Horn and .For eign. Trading Company, XAd'and was compelled to - bare intimate secret of her busbaTxra. f Inandatot aittott- To day hearing; was hefow Referee rejr Cenerat . Cregory f Bemeno'ft" "whoa COssacks struck ; terror Wto tha heart of Siberia'a population" during 191S. ap- peare today with his voire, a cousin- of the lata Cr . Nicholas, to answer charges or appropriating J475.M0 worth of American, property during the terror 1st regime )n Russia, j-- ' f BXEASXJ 03T BXll. i; ' , -' i uenerai semenolf was- released v on 125,00 bail. ahortly after Ats arreat yes terday on the charge of .tailing- to meet hi debta. .' n-"4yV: Ji"A;v !t Madame Semenotf ;adraiUed that-she and her husband, were -roke." When they arrived In Canada, ah aald. her husband had f ltOO .and - she bad J1S0O. All . of this was pent and -since then they, have borrowed 13000 from friends in New York for living expenses Allegations had : been mad .-, by tha bankrupt company; that General Seme noffa aoldera had., tooted a train in Si beria filled with goods worth a fortune. . -It waa brought out that the firm al ready' had' obtained a Judgment; against General - Semenoff in Manchuria for $500,000. ; . . X Madam Semenoff denied that her hus band had "hoard of gold" secreted ' in various countries.' CALLS. IT 'PLOT Just before hia departure ' from Si beria, Semenoff was elected president of th , Far ' Eastern Cossacks, an anti red army composed -of .the remnants of Admiral JColchak' a army. ; It's all a.bolshevist 'plot," ; said the general after- his detention.- -v. Another charge .Against th Semenoffa as that an armored' -train tinder his command had fired on a flat car filled with -American troops, killing two Anaer leans. . . , "That "tnurt . have been . done; by ''bol shevik spies In my ranks,",, the general said. , - t EXECUTE BETRAYER OF EDITH CAVELL ht yr ; 4( -- 'VW " - v Brussels,' April 7. L N:" &) Jeannes betrayer of Edith CaveU. waa executed today at Mons. . , r . , FrenziediOries of : ;; Mother.Cause Stir;r' ; V Police; Are .Called : Resident in.the'apartment house at 134' FtTUi -street war aroused about o'clock this morning' by the heartrending cries of a woman who was running .up uvwn ine nauwaya.. . ,: i "My child.- my baby,- where are your an acreamed. v. V i .' . Th polic were called and 'Mrs. Cora Roberta, No. 22t Tifth street,-wa taken to the statiow to be cared for.': She told Eruc Cameron, special insane agent, today that for three days ah ha been hearing her little boy .calling her and she cannot rind .Mm. ; - Mr. Roberts is divorced from her hus band and his -whereabouts are . not kaown, Th father got th custody-of th little boy. Th Vnother ha the cus tody of th second child, a girl,- who is with, a nmlly' t Condon, l. ! Mrs. Roberts may be sent la the "state hospital for treatment, Cameron said. 'Broke, 'W "1 I t , v., St t By ;Dvld Xawreaea - (Ce-pynaht, J 922. by ThS loaroal.1 : - - Washins-ton. Anril 7.-Amenca's nol- icr toward tha Genoa, conference 1 hav-i ing a profound "effect on European di plomacy notwtthstandlns: the decision of th United States government to refrain from cihcau participation. " - - i Th rough ""offlrtal" channels the view point of the. 'American government' has been In formally explained in a way that ha tended, la mnove same- f the-first disappointment - which Uuropoi experi enced --when .the text ot the American declination wa made-publ!-;: -.in other words, hop of -American ...eratlon at 4 later data has been held out aa a cer tain - result-' of the : Genoa.-' conference if It 11 i succeseful in ' Tsuttlng Europe's house in order. The United State. gov ernment is drawing; as distinction . be tween political and .economic .cooperation and is Insisting that because 1 of the political phases -of ; th Genoa - program tha United. States must '.be absent. Euro peans .cannot see. much of a distinction between pwiitlcal rand'acondsntc problem oecaus m. aetuemenL or one is inter re lated v.ith the. solution otthe other Some turopf n nive gone o xar ms lo sug gest -discreetly among v themselves that th political part of the program is real ly in the United States, where the iso lation group has.' from the ; inception of the VersaiUea treaty - fight, managed to J GEKOA IS TO FEEL ' l Ola " ' " 0 ' II III 1 ' squelch the enthusiasm of those favoM&ut having s search warrant, jwaa the imc international coo Deration. t But th Harding administration Is not so fearful of opposition on foreign policy today', as it was vehen tha invitation: to Genoa had to be answered. - Since . that time a -two-third vote; hae ratified 4 treaty Involving' Interhatianar coopera tlon on matters 7000 miles away in tbe Pacific nd all : th -other treaties have gone through .th senate with an over whelming vote. : Stimulate by the - for mation of a bi-partisan group under th v tCoaotadcd ;oa -Vasa Two, Cofcuaa- Oae) h WnrnoTi'ov fSJv-rciaTrioi 1 Eotberies Eeported ! A burglar was friahtened away4 from th Some of Joseph JLl Davidson,' Etwah w station, ' Thuesday' night, when Mr. Davidaon was awakened by the xiare' of th. prowler' -flashlight 'and screamed for her " husband. ..- When :A Davidson reached -the- windovr w'th a revolver in hi, hand, .the' burglar:' had .-'gone. "The -burglar had .directed the rays of .hi flashlight through . the-window .while he was standing on the front porch.. Sev eral .other homes In. th neighborhood were . robbed. Roe Piummer reported th loes of a AabVe bank ;con talning $4l Alfred A. Hampaon,' reported tha loss of J15 In a purs and a baby's t bankw Dr. Eugene Rockey.at Rtverdale' reported ma nous entered, Jmtrnothuur taken. f '- '4 1 - - -i ' , i"' HimtFiiieidSSoV;' lira, fov of Central j Point "p'eaded guilty Thursday to killing a deer Vf leas than I year, last fall Just after, the open-icg-Of.er-se-saon,.and. Was fined $50. according to a report filed. at tie head- qoarters or tne state gam commlaaion today.-j- P, H.' Dally, deputy warden, who made. the arresV has been working oa we cas ror everaj monma. - 5400,000 Opranf Eing,Bare'd.iii-N;:Y. Kew Tork,' Aprir 7 U.- P.)lioard of contraband opium, valued at $2,400, 000, Involved in a huge drtg amuggling r conspiracy,' were sought her today by ; federal authorities foUowtng. raid last night in which arrest of uspecfet dope sellerswere made. - Men already, ir cus tody j suspected of being members of aiftrmr which imported 40 DO .pounds' of opium.--.- . . ... , - Senator Norris, Republican,. De- Vdares No Judge Fit to Sit on Bench After Sticking His Legs 'Under Jables of ."Idle Rich." Washington, "April !..;, S.) Cen suring William Howard ,Taft, chief Jus- j tic of -tbe United States snpreme fourt. for his social activities 'among the "Idle rich.? Senator Ueorg f Norri. - Re publican of Nebraska, today -advocated the abolition of the federal judicial sys tem and conferring oI :f4eral. jwisriicr J tton on existing state courts. , Kbrris declared, that "na Jtulge .can sticV hi leg under the 4abl f. th idle rich every night and be fit tb next day Walt In Judgment tjpon those who toll," Tha Nebraska senator added that "an nual pilgrimages to Washington by fed eral circuit Judges,- as provided in the CumtDlns bilU would "further eknfthe Judicial system. . , " " , v. OrPOSES niORlJfAOESi" J. " ''There .is - something fundamentally wrong' with our judicial ay stem," Norris said. , i . , - " -, , ' . ' ' "I have 'reached the conclusion.-from my wn experience, that th life tenure et office fis not ;sood i for the . people. While, in theory, th judge appointed for life is removed from temptation mnd ha nothing but the -straight and narrow path to. follow, it often occurs,. but too often it means the security of .a life salary ' and- a . 'life position makes Our judges' indifferent ; and ' make eons of them forget , tha common: people.". . Norris called attenttonto the provision in the Cummin bill nnder which sacUot circuit Radges would b brought once a year to. Washington for conferences with the chief Justice and th attorney gen eral. . ..4 ' , PREDICTS CHA9GB , ' K What will .these iudgea do? Noma asked. 1 "They will meet tha chief Justice I and wui b dina ana, tney vrui pe run ; to - death with, social activities. , They witl ba Wired with social, favoritism be fore getting down to business, especially as it affecU the chief Justic who dine omewhere- very ntgbt. . -:- tjc. . fTher rwlU come a time,. If thla con tinues, when dinners wjlll, not be as fash ionable or as eattoing f and - when people here In the capital will not fcrdlaing out in high social . favblon very, night Thwn thougiv they ? go to t- social and j frlena'y" dinneiw('wiB'',7ted...!winea j there T'ho wear? dresses that". come clear tip -ode, tneir snouiaers ana x?en downwaBeww4 their "itnees, : whes that tim conM veft- 'WtUlam 'Howard Taft would 'not Jocepti aaV .Invitation to I that 'kind, of dinner. V s-r i-fX terest . will rne-, hurt by . abolishment-'of I th United States ' court and otiterrlng I of : federal - Jurisdiction . on . th .state I courts,': ', i - -'r- T . That an officer of the- law. can anarch it suspected gunman for .weapons with ruling Municipal- Judge- Rossmaa- mad mis morning in, tn cas -or Jimmy Lee, press agent and. highbinder for fhe Blng Kung-Bow Leong tong, who was on trial on ' the . charge ; of carrying' - concealed weapona'.-x--;. ;"'i;;:A'i'.. . H Attorneys ' f o "the", Itongman 'claimed that such a search was a violation; of cnstitutiopal rights "and that the gun should not be admitted as evidence. The question was argued over Thursday and continued until '. thi - morning, when Thoma Ryan, ttprne$-,;moyed for flis - missal of .th cafcy . Lie testified , that the . chief of police had -iven'-him 'permit to .carry at weaoon- (Jnief Jenkins, however -uid umi.ui. pwnm vyua merely iot L to Keep a gun at hla, horn. . . ne case wi ne conunued this arter - noon.- J - v'"' . ' f . ! ' - Traffic Officials: ; ;V i'JOl Two i States ta!; :; Plan Cooperation S Olympia, - Wash., April 7. A confer ence with a representative- of th secre tary of state's office of Oregon,' I V. Jenkin,, Portland chief ot police r Van couver law enforcement officials and atate of Washington - officials has been arranged by" D MeArdle. director of efficiency according to announcement mad this -morning. Unless ether plans are mane, tbe meeting will be held April 14,. it waa stated. '.. . , Although .the first .time such a meet ing has been arranged between Wash ington and other states, th conference will be along th lines of -simitar -meeting held throughout th .state -during the past month by Director McArdl and Director of Licenses Fred J. Dibble, -ra-lating t cooperation between . the ' city, county and atat, officials for - highway law enforcement, i ' . .. ... , Meeting with the state officials,, .beside- the two Oregon men. win ' be th sheriff of Clarke county, chief of police, mayor, county prosecutor, city prosecu tor, county and municipal courts of .Clark, county and Vancouver..' The de? partment of efficiency wilt aleo InsUIl a patrolman -in. Vancouver- to work in conjunction with the police official. ' , --.,- t --S- v f- SpringTliaw Begins 1 In Yukon Territory " Dawson City. T. T ApriV T. tU. P. The spring thaw is on In the Yukon.'The last Whir Horse . stag to-- travel ' on sleighs left her .'yesterday. VnQl the river pen for navigation the" territory's traffic will go en wheels. ItUUIIG SMS STATE "Indira Tl rf r!e4 - re4. 1 " lh4l ,4U"6' VT -"'WM '. 'Aft- SrWa. Wf.T.h S.V.fi'f) H!m , .,..v.. wVw..v ";v.. ...... . Off Hi Fftftt " Savs PrnAf!ittnrtl19 --. , . V I Declares New tvidence Found, Tk1ahoroa City.' Okla, April 7. The hot that killed ' lieutenant -; Colonel Paul Ward 'Beck was fired from -the back after. ,'Tln' my. opinion Judge Day had seen -something' that swept him off hi -feet," ' Cotmty 'Attorney yorreat Hughe declared in a.atatement today analysing: the alay'nf of th.Jdoi of,.th " "It Is to reapecto that viihrn that, tn my opinion. Judgf Pay has not told th whole tnithV V - V - Z Hughee statement, today's most sen sational developntent . in - th death - of Beck at the hand of bay, the. oil mil lionaire, whom he ' said he Blew in de fense and' accidentally after Mr. Day's honor, had been attempted,--. contained these., points: - i - . . . - ;-c;t .- 1- r-udge Pay! asserts h fired in slf defenae.: . In my Judgment lf-th hot . waa fired - in eelf defense, It was In de fenae of horn, and honor, not of life." SEE TBUTH COKCEALED " J ; 2 ft ani. frank to say that 1 believe that if Judge Day should Ull th who truth, no Jury of red blooded citizens would avef render verdict of guilty against him. However. I am candid to ' aayk that so' far Judge Day. has not told J "Whether or not-the deceased was shot from the Trent or the back' is one of the greatest questions Involved In this The X-ray would, tend, to Jlndv- ;cat that Beck wa not looking at Judge Day . at tbe time of , th .firing . of th fata ahpt.7. ;:: iz;.f- "Another: Important matter.! think ha been entirely overlooked Is th prob ofuttoa Of nandkercnter being loond in I inc. ciencneo nana oi Jt am mck, . wn had Beck . been- dolngxwith this , hand- kerchief . Immediately befor the run was I dischargedrS; - r. -. - ,",";.;'. I WHAT CHAsGed ;THI V;- i 'BrrTwvteug.'lKw'ootJas;' Day; and Beck had been .vary good' frtenda. Wfhat extraordinary '. -oceurrenc cbansvd , the mental condition : cf onit0Faxda - tha ar:-js!yi?;i k,:: aWhat caused ' MraJiDay,' after th shooting to too an. 'so a. tny lujr.sr.'.." -Kne;her'?'"lared the -Qneetlotia at.lnei ;"Conohidl ta Pw BeveWfCotaom OiUt-' :BYIIliSI : Dublin,' Apiil ' T rf. ' P.V-lUbeIlloua demonstration by D Valerite in Dublin today caused the free state government to rush troops to occupy' the -telephone exchange, which Insurgents had planned tn ae(ae Two hundred rebel attacked th -cu- I torn house and destroyed $10,000,000 worth Of litroora and wines consigned from Bel fast, -declaring they-, were enforcing a boycott against Belfast. ; a r .-. ' The whiskey -was th property of -Sir ames ; Craig. ..premier ot, Ulster, who owns a distillery.' The damage la esti- n.ated at $200,000. y ; . Renewed threats of s. republican, eoun d'etat, reached: tha provisional govern-1 i raent; eariy: today.., r r h OTEBTrBX OP IRISH BEGIWE EXPECTED 15.80XB QCABTEBSi I fend U beyond anythinr th DubUc can I imagine." said a Dublin dianatch to th 1 Mornina: Poat today.. "Michael Collins i helpless and ha .few supporters. In 1 ef 1u 4b hMimii in'Ttii ' t I uclpated that a republic, win b pro- I claimed in Ireland within tha next few 1 week , , . .. k I Tbe' aituation imanr the border troona I In Furmanath county, a frontier county of . Ulster, is continually- growing -more acute, 'said a ' dispatch from Innlsklllin. In the district of Belcoo armed P.e pub licans and Orangemen have entrenched themselves behind barricade, of sand bags and fallen trees... TThs armlas" are separated only by s, SO foot bridg and new ox- a vaiut is-expecia nouriy. , In som qnartera .fears are openly ex pressed .that th : Irish provisioaal -gov ernment -of 'Dublin wilt b overturned and that- the. Republicans will then for mally declar war en? Dlstar.S i, - ' P1TE ROTAL IRISH COimkLKl- SHOT TO DEATH, REPORT SATS london.. April 7. (U. P.) r- Fiv constables of th Royal . Irish Constabu-1 tary wer shot to death in Ireland last nignt,- , aecoraing to tha . Dublin . cor-1 respondent of th Morning Poet. - Two wer killed in County-Kerry and three in Xunty, Clare, according to the correspondecit, -jf... ii'ti..-.r: ..- j n '" ' in ii H i ii i a j ,i n' - ! Folr llew GasBsft)f : i, r Septic Sore Throat In Today's Report Only foi!r1''caseS of aepuc aore' thnoat were reported to the city health bureau i today, showing a let-up of the epidemic, I Five rwer repot ted Thursday and. twice I that number tb day .before. A total ot. cast nave uccn reponea. . Na deaths from -the disease have re ; suited , sine Wednesday, - One -reported r today.. which . occurred J Wednesday, . brings thm total : number, of death, .ac cording- to the health bureau, to 11. Mr. J. O. Townaepdv N S7i. Hillsdale avenue, waa th latest fatality. She had - been ' ill -a-weefc.'--- i,--.-.-T- - Case reported todays. Alberta Smed ley, Kov.261 East 1 6th: one child of D.JfcL Stephensen, No. $12 Overton street, and ' tuo.chsldren ,ef Mr, and Mrs. Cassimer Campbell. No. ICSO-Thurmaa street,,. REBELS Washington. April 7. U- P.V A pro- j ductlon of' s?t J74.009 busheU of winter wheat wa forecast today by th depart ment of axrlrulrure ' for HIS.- aa com pared. wUh7,M2.W bushels last year and an average of i71.6Ti.000 bushels for the last fly vaarv.' i ' f - . - . f This forecast was mad on estimated averages of condition of ; winter wheat April 1 this year, aa 7M per cent, com P4 wlthll par cent AprQ 1. 13:U and B verag f 4. per cent for th last - v-v :i - , s - tiaWal war at si as . ItiAMAiA . Iff! . a-9rwA itltf 'r? Pr?rtb?. u x.o; aphi j. liu. o. jmpiu as. cvmpv-ft wub 'i average decline In-the last M years of 4,7 point between the date. - Tha'averag condition "of .rya April 1 wa M. per cent Of. normal, compared wftn 90.1 per cent April 1 last year and compared with the aversge of SS.S'tor the1 last IS years. ' . : - - i - The condition of ry April J forecasts a - production of approximately I9.(7, 000 bushel as compared with. i7.91l.OO0 bushels last year and an average of 474.000 buaheia during the preceding five year a., vi HE SAW STEWART Taeoma, Waaiu'April T.-rC P.) Tes timony, of George EI wood that he aaw a man in Hanford. CaL, on or about March 24. 1SS1, who, he said, was Fred Stewart. Kelso bank cashier, missing since March IT. 1911, waa backed In federal court here today by depositions produced by the de- fans of two barber and a hoteiman from the. California city. Elwood's testimony was given Thurs day in tha trial of the case brought by Mrs. . Fred Stewart against, tha Pruden tial and Mutual Ufa Insurance com pa- nle to collect H&.000 In pollclea. Tha icompante refused to pay the po! Ides oft the ground that Stewart ia not dead. Efforts of the plaintiffs attorneys failed ta ahak HAwrattd'm teatlnMHiv. - Asked where he saw Etewart and told to describe th meetlnr: ha aald : was -standinr . In a harher shop tn Hanford, Cat) when I saw this man coro- ing down th street toward me. Iatn poslth-e it was Stewart, becaus he had a distmctlv walk. Jurt aa he passed the shop; I turned to the barber and told htm I wa leaving. -1" also said, Thara goes an old friend of mine.,' r V --'. : -""The.nan I saw turned toward me,' so that 1 Itot a full-view of hia face.-. Then he suddenly turned aside, as If to avoid my gaz. and stepped Into an automobile aod -drova- ff-o,-.'.. ' - . ., .-....4 - ' tosgeleSlidel Gulps .Obseryatory 10 Acres Land . lxs -Angeles. April 7. (I.- K. & An eirort wa being mad today to estab lish the caua for about 10 acre ot land at th crest of Topango canyon becom ing loose yesterday afternoon and shunt Ing off into th' canyon, taking with lt th observatory owned ad Operated by D. F.. Laagerat who. narrowly, escaped I death ia th slide. v A -restaurant and. ".ummlt station" at the crest -were not within - th shifting area and. escaped -damage: - Th width of th Udfc la thought to be sllghtty In- creasing today. . Am a -, reault of th lid a gap COO feet wide wa mad by th moving arth and th road level ta sunk approximately iO feet, it wa r port. -- t - - . -. ' Hotel Men Ire Laid Eugana. April l.Tha Chamber . of Commerc and Osbum hotel are plan- nlng to entertain th Oregon Motel Men's association at its semi-ana waj meeting her May t A- motor excursion up th Willamette- river to Oakridga and a ban oust will be- feature. At the. business meeting tw f the tnain subject to be considered are telephone and th use of tn toxicant by hotel guests. - On tbe day following th meeting her th hotel men will go to Xndon. for a barbecue lunch a guests of C A. BarteU and tha Cala- pooya springs company....--. , - WITHESS ASSERTS pBfwinciM3tiil fiJoiitn ills p orts ic tion-n c xt S u n cl ayirS Xfceacjiviticsrqfihc: th&i pcadcntrBallW.t picaras ajTwell as those-of the prof cssionaOfr SJclgu si-vy Uilb cchrcrdcl cdja ; th Sport S e 21 f'-P1 unday ;? Jcurn aX.p.cxi,-' P: school athletics ? SeeThe Sunday : JpiirfiaJ-f-. rzvS ports". Section7 nex V vmd a 'f-LiJ -' Tlic SpotScctibrfC t.-- - f PLIIi'ffi TRAP Ameritan Couple Victim- cf In- . , . ex. . I conceivaoie uisasier-on un-,don-to-Paris .Runj C Machines Falf r to Earth Aike ; Meteors. raris. Aprfl 7. ( V. P.) Two express airplane - ow the Iiondo-o-rarts air service col tided tn midair over Tllloy to- , day. and fell flaming to earth, carrying two pilot;- wieceanle and three passen ger to their eeatba,. ; " -'v: : ' Among th killed in the airplane eras'! were Mr. and - Mrs. Jules Bruce, Amer icana. - v - - The' plajtes burst Into flames after crashing high above th ground and th paaaengera died without being abl ta extricate' themselves from the burning - machtnea. : - , . - . - Th rcen of th crash waa about 73 miles north of Paris, not ' far from . th chsnneL ' - The accldejft waa the moat terrible In th history of th - rarts-London air service,, which is tised estenstvely by American traveler "in Europe, i PILOT WAS 8K1LPCI. ; " : Officials of th company said tha Lon don-bound plan left Leboorgef carrying tnree paaaengera.. .To. pilot wa en ( th moat skilful of French commercial flyers. . Th Xond on -to- Par U plan, ctr ried.n passengers, according to reports from- Croydon, whence the. machine started with mail from. France. It waa said here this' afternoon that the accident was almost Inconceivable. That th - airplane should pa's close enough to be within striking nlstance would b 'a moat mtsual event, but for them : to-' collide wa described as virtually hiipo Ibi. ' - OXLT.'PVO, WITNESSES ' .'-.". . - 89 far aa la .known, only twa wit- nease to' the tragedy in tbe air which. ' left no survivors wer French villager. who saw th great pi ansa crash and fall flaming to the ground.' The airplane- were . of th -eacloeed type .and th passengers ware trapped. with n chance to use the parachutes. The service waa noted for fta reliabil ity and .safety.,- tn the crash f a : Ingi express plan near London two ye re ago Owen Moore," an' American actor, was slightly hurt. : but a case of air plane coUidlng in midair has. net been knew to this - erv1e , ;., FATHER li! AXE . CASES 1'iiLLS SELF - Concordia, Kaa April T. L N". 8 . L 3. Trerablay, father of th family vh . v eti her Taeaday night, .wheh one . person waa aialn and five other Injured, com. mltted suicide thia morning. TrembUy, accoretnr to reports reacb- Ing her, had be a at tha horn of Joseph Bachand. It mile from her, ainc tr tragedy. ' He slipped away from friends tare, it wa stated, and took poison. How ba obtained tha poison was not revealed.' A finger prrnt expert yesterday took pbAtograph of tha bloody Imprints on th a, and on- furnishings tn the Trem bay horn. Flcger prinu c-f .Trerablay were ais tax a. . x i TTT r k 1 - J - - . W StareHome : YVita:iiose uogoxan Alameda, Cat- April 7. V. P.)Mr. Thoma Dolphin of Alameda today tale graphed aa offer to New Tork ef a horn for Roa Coghlan. : ' -: 6b read Eastern pre diapa tehee sav ing that the ' one - iasnon stag - atar, new SLged 71. wa pe nolle and facts g death tn poverty in New Tork. ' "We have a sweet HUM horn in which aha is welcome to spend her teat daya. Mra, Dolphin says, -an l her a .Is an automobile waiting for bar." 1 11 lirilSport3lr eraS 5