The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 06, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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TiiunsDAY, Armi, e, is:
.iiUaUHHU iuuu
Mar thar 1000 mri: from the Metho
dist charebee of Portland expected
4 attend the -rvi-e tonight at the
United Goanel CruBRdV tabernacle. East
Third and Irving streets. Tonight ls
Vnowi a 'mii of tl church night.
ne service begins at J 0 clock.
Wcdnrvdiy night u womtn'i Bible
Vlaaa night. About 1000 Bib! class
Vnmea attended. Th men ar making
Vrforta today to Outnumber the women
i ntnrr-Wllbur Methodist church ha
1roml4 to march 109 men down th
eiai of the Ulwnwlt tonight, and Sun
vtyelde Methodist ehurch leader say
hy will outnumber tha Centenary
viiur crowd, . . ' .,
- rr. Oeorg Wood A"m.
vmaader, haa not announced his- text,
but aar ha will sfve a aermon or special
Interest to tnn. Tha serYle la open to
lhiMIWll Bubllc. . "
Friday afternoon the Ladle Aid e
wioi.. win ha aoeclal guests at tha
1 armaria service, while Friday night
"will: be young people bight,
- Tha baina young people will gather
t the T. W. C. A. aocial hall Friday
t t. m. for supper, at which time
' .the evengetl-t will apeak atvT Walter
il. Jenkins and Berttow IX :Ackley wilt
f umieh perlal music. The member f
the Epworth Jeaiwe-i will meet 10 ntln
ut later at the First Methodist church,
"with automobtlea and pennant, and
jparada through the principal streets of
the city,' The Una of march will be paat
- 4 he T. W. iC where they -will a
Jolaed by tha young people attending the
npira The parade win . terminate at
ho tabernacle, where the young people
will cxvupy a reserved section.
ftaturday at 3:10 p. m. the -cruaadet
.w-tii ropdiwt a syeeiet service for Sunday
Whool children, and Saturday night wilt
k ve hi lecture on Judaa lacs riot.
Dr. ABrtmon wtu aieo ipmh vrwiay
oon at the pre-Kaster service at the
'antagts theatre, being held under the
kuaplre at tha Portland Council- of
hiwrhea .
. Wdnadajr night Dr. 'Anderson, snoka
e n -The Ui Cois." taking at text from
he Blbla story of the woman who lout
coin and diligently Marched for tt
mill eh found it.
pv cent of, the children In Proteotant
Sunday school are "lipping through
"r ringer," much a the coin supped
hreugh the fingers of the Bible char
krter. lie declared that they could not
returned to trie church unless the
hurch idt but a broom, stirred up the
Irt ef the, world and aearched diligently
roe them. '-
lie aiao censored tnoee who criticised
Irlllfi church people tn front of
hir own children, stating that such
f'rda tended to dampen the ardor of
he youth for the church. II also urged
ii auaience not to criticise the mln
tare aermoa before their' children.
It:s Small Now, But..
, : -
k 1
. VT. T. Doafen" all&s X R. Barnes, alias
A, E. Nolan, who la said to hare fleeced
Willamette valley merchants out of bun
dred pt dollars In a fake rng scheme.
was arrested Wednesday by E C. Clem
ent. United States postal Inspector, and
lodged in. the Multnomah county jail. lie
la charged with using tha maila to pre-
tnat a fraud. - - - -
According to evidence la Uia bands of
John veatch, assistant United States At
torney, Doxier Is : alleged to have ob
tained tha Dosition of Ore eon agent tor
I the PhlladelDhia Rue company.' aftef
making fraudulent repreeentationSi He
anDlied for the Position July 2 J. 1.21.
; After receiving samples and Order
blanks he Is said to have visited cities in
I tha valley, taking latgt rug orders. Fol
lowing receipt of the order na is earn
to have requested a 19 per cent deposit.
claiming that this being a new house
and the rn-st order to M-piacea wun-u
small deposit wki customary. Tha de-
boslta were obtained, in some cases xne
checks being-made but to Dbtier per
serially. Ift other cases where the cnecks
were made " out . t the rug company.
rozief la said to have forged tha name
of tha payee. Nona oi the checks or or
Iders was sent to Fhiiaaeipnia, eaten
When the orders were not filled the
Valley merchants complained to. the rug:
company, resulting in tha Investigation
Which has been gaing on for many
weeks. Clement had difficulty in locat
ing Dosier. at he Jumped Huickly from
ens town to another.- lla l aaii to
have received from U P at each store
where he placed an order, the amount
depending; upon tha sis of tha order. -
Owing to the Illness t United States
Commimioner Fraser. the defendant wa
taken before District juagw warxia
Ukwklns, acting commuaioner, . -
haarin Wedneadav afternoon, ie
trtivul via a rjrenminaxT
aminatlon and was held to answer i tne
t-4i vnnl liir-r under I.sOu oanas.
i a.fnit r bonds -Kosief is la the
county j4L v -r i -' k
Mrs. Joseph Mount
Convalescing xrom
Illness at Denver
Aavtca Was received Wednesday .by
off telala of the O-W. ft. at N that itra,
Joseph W. Mount wife of the laU'assis
tant general passenger agen o.
road, was reooveriftg from illness at the
honttat at Denver. Cbl-. today,
tin. Mount gave birth to a child, which
died Tuesday. -
Mount died after an attack of pmeU
monia last Week. Although HI herself.
Mrs. Mount Insisted upon trotnf t th
funeral at Denver. The O-W.- B. A N.
sent her to Denvar In $rivaU car
with a nurse In attendance.--Tha locai
officials have been advised that Mrs.
Mount will recover from her liieeas.
i Baker, April -W. fl. Bdwers, recom
mended by Senator N- J. Slnnott tar
postmaster v here, will . succeed George
Fester, who haa held the position for
nine years, the longest service, of any
man in that capacity. Foster's term ex
pired last April.
We Mast Turn Our Overstock Into Money ":"!: " . --Thweforfi
Before Buying AUTO ACCESSORIES Gt Our rices ;J ;;t ; tamonritk niay other' business houses, we ied money. tArm'ot pay out rClt ltb. tdo4,1 '
'Take advaiitagre of oar. low prices at once. : . ' ' :" . - '
i . : ' - HERE ARE A
-Jenkins Vulcan Front and iiear Springs.''.
- lor all m&krs of rara....... Vi WBICE
Jrive-Minut c Vulcanite rs with II patch and 1 T
, neat tintti. Regular It8(l. Special... ..... fOC
Taombly Foot Pumps, regular ti.00 Cloae- Ara fr
. Out Price i............... dZ.UU
$a.oa Auto Robca. earb SZ.SOt nohalr tnrb-
prooc juxea 9. v. mil -. monatr ff-
motn-proor riusn nones
Beta Wire Wheels for rorda ( wheal, eampleta with i
. carrier, tiepular ti.M seta. Close Owl XQ CQ
AU OUer Pasiss at Uac Prkei.1 GZT OC PRICES 05 BfOTLIGHTR. : v -f
boxih wooaen Wheels for rortu I -Rutiftlng-board mata and supports
Reamers, all styles and stsee . . : I Running board lumn carriera
listen rings, jacks, valv grindera I Dixon's graphite grease
Screwdriver, towing cables
cut-out veivea
riexibl copper tubing
Carbon remover, rim tools
Ignition parts, pliers
Ball bar radiator cap
. Un?vPhon and tnotor-driven horns I All parts for Fordt .
FlextbU spout oirs, oil cans J koVi brakellnlng lit
Radius rod supports for Fords
lloee damp, metometera
Mo-sberg socket set and tools
Overeia eteerlng wheals for Fords
Inlng lit sets, eto.
I 1 ; tadleattaaa Art Thai Prices Witt vt oa--Bsy Kewl
" t .
-i i
;.;";4T;.irnr 591 and mi
Tflia "bam vriii coTtxti vktiu otn 6estoc: isViDvctfi to hoimal
Hole In pavesaejnt at West Park ftnd Alder streets, capable of bumping
-i j . automobile tire, automobile attd oocu pants rudely
Great " oaks from little ' acorhg - grow.
according to the poet, and likewise little
holes In street pavement develop into
extensive ; depreasions. '.that make, the
motorist. to shiver. One bole in city pave
ment at the lntersectlonof West Park.
and Alder streeU" now" "about twice -as
large aa a baker'a apple pie never falls
to rouse tha occupant of an automobile
from his reverie U the machine'! wheel
happens to pass over tha depression.
This appls pie affair hopes to be a real
hole- some day."- and -1s looking; forward
with glee to the time when -It will cause
furrows on the motorists', brows as they
try to determine how to get by without
a bump.
stating that too many children are being
given "roast preaching" ror their Sunday
dinner. '' , '.
Preeedinr the sermon Bishop vv. O.
ehepard said' he had been informed by
the Rev. N. M. ones superintendent of
the ftpokan district, that tha churches
of Spokane would feel the effect of the
Anderson meetings for years to come.
Dr. Anderson recently closed a campaign
there.. The letter, stated that the 'at
tendance at- prayer meetings -had been
Increased as high 'aa 100 pr cant, and
that many converts had been taken into
the churches.
- Beind. ' April i. Seatlment here ;aeems
to" be In favor of the abandonment Of not
only tha section Of O-W. track . near
North Junction, but air- tha way to the
Columbia. R. f?.' Hamilton of Bend, mem
ber of the State Chamber of Commerce
executive board, stated Wednesday that
tbat would be his stand on the question
should It come up at Friday's meeting
In Portland. :
Washington Forest
Tees Drop Off
Olympia, Wash April C Washington
received 69.1S as its 25 per cent of the
receipts from operation of national for
ests within its boundaries from July 1 to
December 1, 1J...- This amount is
srnanef than usual, due; it ia said, to de
lay In gracing fee' payments. Among
the counties to receive Shares In this
fund' are Asotin, $276.86 ; Chelan, : Columbia. IS04.40 ; ' Cowlitz.
I10.B1 ; Garfield. 1500.73 ; Grays Harbor,
$1.10 ; Kittitas. $520.89 ; Klickitat, $15.68 ;
Lewis. 1373.73 ; Skamania, $434.81 ;
Thurston, 28 cents ; Walla Walla, $12.79 ;
Yakima. $482.49.
fi :
Why We
Why;-should the First National
Banlc, . which is the largest bank
in the Pacific Northwest, cordially
invite small accounts?
. - - '
The young man of character and
ability may have a small earning
capdcity a!t the beginning ;of his
career. But he will be the busi
ness maii of the future. :
' .! . 1 1
i Sc Wmm ' ' :?
. :t ' f lFvMiml iMVbVlkl ?'? t4eW ' '
A t .iV ..: s. - - -wsi V. m Hal'' . a . -m . a 'as . i v . -i " W ' .' I .
- . - '. . .... ; -. . . ' . . !
r ' ft ; ; : 'TlMMa , . 4,'.
. t . ; - - . ,
Many of, our largest accounts
were-at one time small, v ' .
We do not only want you to open
youij accoiint with iis, bufc,we vant
you o feel that, even jtlipughyour
, accoLint;-maybe . small,.' you are
. entitled Jto the same, service and
protktioii that the Iargest ;bank
ijn : the' community atfordsihe
biggbr accounts, i : ' '
- - -
. ..p
wr iru. ituuiY f MOUNTAINS
V;.' .--V-,;,
In' a new package tttat fits the pocZO
a price that fits the pocetbook
The same unmatched blend of i ',
Turkish, Virginia end BuRLEYTbbaccos
a . . -asaTfc r . - ?" . asafc avw
; ;FIIi?TlTO
.1 its Home Office 111 Fil sncrs in less tha
The "Amcricaiiipa them.
4 A '
1 'J- 1
Ctx&rasxiatd tgr
, . a
f Vhich taetxu that if jrou don't like Mllt? Qsarettea. 1 1
a ami j-xs. : m "anMna L..I. r . , . - 4a
iicvYcm; CITY :
: i
4 '
. i r. '
' a. . liuci iuc uc.ier.