TUESDAY.- APRIL 4. 1022. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. poultry and RArrrrs 702 THE DAILY AND ; ' SUNDAY JOURNAL j H the reeee-alaed poultry media 'of , fOssd aad trading territory. Jw ' Bal poultry ode been pvt" the ' am mlAsfeetecy result f.UT by-., , , praetlrslly U i4 Oi lifMI end most 1 , in i avwedstn Tttr will auk a . i emi ( fan pealtry yard fat yon. ' - Mat tub aad lot u r ttemtlted Sspt, . i JL Progressive Hatchery SO Mi hit Leghorn hkk frm 1 to 6 free. taa wkiu lhn sou - L KM chirk. April JOOii Wiita Lesborn. April Its ''." I W. I. Ar-nl It. Send fot r pectl May la. K. AXUI n. VVfllw. IV. AUTOMOSILES FOR SALE 800 roe a. VU 1 set asfe -Misery of rmd, strong ehlck from I yrol-u Mora with 200 la ave - ere, mated t pedigreed rocker!. w Jim at 8I3. rr loo j , GBAHAM POULTRY FARM ; Wendburn. Or.. Rt. 8 r&tt rUlX lrttUhi.. brooder. So. 70 T- earn ft I an bo seee at any time, frerie fe chickens. - PBTSi DOCS. BIRDS, ETC 703 luwikTt u ia iit UL Andrei ihar Boll- fa. lr ww I trainer, order now. B-nd f Is. C B. Flake. Bird aad Towni. 211 hi i. Or, UlSTLIk-limUlf. male, about I mf ol Mia have p-i ix1 registered. Stat-1 M iteeerlptien. T-I"l. Journal. I ll A baj K Tng I Ml, pert powlle aod part I rHln, HiM its o mm ill a ; Pdl. . ! rl IX BlAJODKD Americas pit Halt Terrier, male, 0 aid. Bind by Palatine Boy. til Feeler mad. fk.Mi.hfcH iM thill pvfvtm. aired by Alsddlo iwndv, l). i, liosou. Manhau ZJja. tOH lAl,- I.i..l iiii ai aullla. ma. hAynes REBUILT CARS YOU CAN OWN A HAYNES ON OUR DIVIDED PAY MENT PLAN. fader nek eoaditioni evary tmrebaarr of a avxUrilu. prlead car ahonld ooanri r th. rebuilt . Haynea. . Tea grt all tb. advaatacaa of V lUrnaa anzincvrtaic and xninf akiJI -tba powerful IUtbm bniit motvr, - .tba Itrrngth of rhastis. bcantr 'of dsup. tba comfort yet tbar. ta a attracti aariag la pnaa. AUTOMOBTLES FOR SALE 800 FOKDS AUTOMOSTLES FOR SALE 800 frir. VO. T t. Jmimal. r'jt.lU atUr pn! for an ar trada. 1411 J-nd at N. Urlla. 1IM. , J VKn6l.L boll tarriat papiif for aaia., aaa t a . t.niar Miawa priced to all I 114 H aid nuaen and female tot tia. I'h at aaa. . f ITETil CT1 pru kaL atontti. Braedlna f.-iea ee-. rartlarxf Caltar-. Ptme AC ale III rl aea. T,h 15. aw i r m r j v -"- ' "i i r AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 USED CARS ; Itnll taareal , ft RAO Mil rr4 tnartn .....I Mint 11 1 fml a.u I tit ford anil a. aitraa 7 Hit l'ala . I t XISK OTIIKTl WONDBRnL. BUTS I Portland Motor Car Co. lata and Hurrukla Broadway 2l noo Dour . I ! . II waaniha mi balamr. la porchtieri iii (reait Maodini aeta wtLb our aa- j : ' t Oar Mad rat itark toMltta f antr tebaOt. raflnlihed ran and you will ba aatuftad. Cava la and Ulk It arer, a MOBTHWFUT OAKt-iSD CO. j ' I , , I4 I4 Burnilda t 1 (Jul iNtt tf Broadway), , A SELECTION OF CARS RANQINQ IN PRICE FROM- S2C0 -...TOISSO. COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU. SSI WAHHmaTON. COR. loth BT I'tiUXE BO Wt. 1614 " . . - -"'-.''.'' Braley. Qrafiam Child Inc. . In aellinc yem a, uaed Car we aim to ajuka row a. armanent boa ine friend with a policy which taw look to th f otur yon nay h mre that we are not going to let aim purctiate a used car that will ba anything other than eery good valua. - Rach rar eqnirped with S tire and Itsa Mean!,. . i 1 ;t Dodga i ...,...... 4 ttB5 1BI iKxili ...SHIS 1910 V. B. CharmlH road-tar . . . TS rherrolet 490, new tire, vpot , - Hcht 130 k-ord delieery 400 Ford delieary, new tire. . . . 18 J91t Ford roaidnar. brand new... 42rt 119 Ford toaring. .ter...... 825 Overland delirery ...... 150 GOOD USED FORDS ' - AT-DCSXESG-S ' . , CARS i.8 aPRXSEN"TEI t i to bcit - , - PEICE THB BEST W TOWS ' - r"- - A- Ttm Bpadal Bargain ' 121 Tflnrin. demannbibki . atarter. s '22 lirenac, axtraa ...,....... . .0 I 1B20 Tnnrlnc. win wheel, new rubber. ItiiS Iiceaf fr-eriiaoled) ....... 971 i l3l Roadater, BUrter ...... y i. . . 340 1U2Q Rnedstrr. . itemo-BtabM run. Marur. Uoenae. new urea . .. 1920 Toorir. atartar. ecna ......... S3B 1917 Touring 141 ;11 Toaring ,U s . . . V. . 18o I . TJEtV-SlES ' I l1i Panel ttodr. . . . . .1228 1910 Expre bod, liretma .. .. ......... zo ion r.T tree truck. uaaMer ilioeca and Heeme . . . . . . - . e. , . j ... - rn BOOT J-PASSKNGEB ... . 10 FRU STAETEK. PEMUl-NTABLB KIMS. AUTOMOIS WANTED SO CASH FOR ' FORD 8S0 ALDER. SFECUIi T Y ynnf nMitxtM m anod rtinninr nnlar. : aom tcma If deared ,V ... I12S Dunning Motor Co. i East Si aud Broadway street. AS TOTJ K.V'OW J - yon cant go wrong by buying' front Uie merchant I I who haa an aatabuiUMd Una oi aserchanatae. g i rr nutation for. honest btuinaa me tods and Uto-1 aanda of aatistiea euatomea. ' : . Bare your dollar is worth face ralue. , .. Try reaaonabl terata. ... So hrokerag. Hera i a Htt of rebuilt, renewed ear to I chooa from.. Do it bow. - .. I- Sf AXWEIJt. r)ET.ITERT -. .. - ' .-. iw rive nnvnmnn . v..... FOB, JU1CK BALS' " . $200 - MAXWELL HOAnSTEIt -OTERH AI T.ED AND REFLNI3BXD X1RE3 ALMOST MEW 1350 OVEBtATffD COCSTBT CLTJB - CAN'T BBS TOLD FHOJt SEW V ' MITCirELL LIGHT SIX . LOOKS AND B.CNS I.TKK KEW . CHANDLER T- PA8S., IN riSE COXDITIOS FOB QUICK SALE y I00 . , , ESSEX ' 1 FtXK COXDITIOJf - lots of powca . C. Q. Bleasdale 530 ALDEH ST. ' BDWT. 1852. CAKo wasted t. wreck: pans lor ad cars for baa. 8. - 8. Atrta VC recking l&Ut and ASoer. Broadway 0S. cIsnT CAsai . - For Jicrtt lata wicdel can.. . . 630 AUiFK. WILL say CASH FOB, FOItDS. CHETKOLET3 AND OVEHLAXD FOLKS. lO tiflxl !;., cor. Kast rrtrrnaide. 1917 Hnpp' . . 1018 Hupp . . 1930 Hupp . . 1930 Coupe . . Bnirk 8ix . . . 1910 Dodge .i 119 Dodge 1919 MaxweU 1918 Brisco 1919 Orant . . 500 . 50 : . 0 .. 1250 . 000 STS B50 175 275 400- FACTS TO BE COSSIDEEEO WHEN , BUTEVti A. USED CAE .COVET MOTOE CAR CO. has been eUimc motor car tnrportao for is njr yea hh nearly aa long aa any organization ok the coast. WE ARE I'EttMA Ji EX T I , Our many department are equipped -for arerythmc connected with the selling, servicing and repairing of both new and -used automobile- . Our business has been -built sp, and will continue to grow. br cause of our policy of DEALING FAIRLY WITH OCR CUSTOMERS. When buy ing a used automobile, THERE IS A LOT MOKE TO BE CONSIDERED than th appearanc. of the ear, the terms offered or the trad in value of TOUR car. -s.! .,, V - y "ALWAtS THE BEST CAES AT THE LOWEST PBICES" " COVET MOTOR CAR COMPACT TWO LOCATIONS v . Main plant, Wshington at 21st at., phone Broadwsy 6244; Broadway branch, 25-30 Broadway. - W hare caxa to take yen from one place to the other. WILL pay apot aaa for good buy m light ear. t naeroiet : preTerreo. . ueaian. u arawer. Pbone East 178. WANTED to buy used. Ford or Cherrokt. Late model: must be ctiea for cash: private names. wm. Aagle. W awougal V sso. IF TOD can una a sw dianxmu ring. 1 ue a Ford. Let's act tng ther. X-48. JoumaL IIO TElPHONE 87S TELEGRAPH BADUt HORNS for aala ebaau. KM wear Aide. ! Newman. 128 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Sewing I.lac:.:nd Emporium tfscHBea scW for las. Xa ageta e-ployed. uarareed tned Bf i4 eljes cheap, farts and repairing , ri n - icr all make, alsebina scnteil Mam 94 JL 19Q 3d Near Taylor St. -iiAircicra vrir DIIWTVeststy 4 a USED ASD MADE TO ORDER. Buy, aaU. ea- ehan. oaxa Macutem. Beaiea, Foeirtaina. Mae. Store Future. Bee as tint. ROTER TRADRQ CO.. 1S9 Fl rt. Browdway T4. WE HA.VE th. following oiiw. furaitara in good condition at exceptional pneea: 0 roll top desks, 14 flat top dee. 7 typewriter deeks. 18 offiee chairs. 1 safe, i bookkeeper .-. 'i THE rRWT5-H0D305 CO. ' :r. ' . ...... Furartur. Dept.. .' . -.v TtBth at Stark Street . '! Broadway 1144 Electric Fixtures FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOlJS 900 WELDLNO OUTFITS for about half price. Wei Bay disret fraaa faetary abownsea. hare surehased aboil 40 used welding outfits I eeaB. all msee am. third. C of the following maka: Rego. Oxweld. Dbtib. aa sarnie; 79-4 are under ee ohligatioB ta buy. UMiMinn u rrv v. . 1. M .il a kA .I T . ... 1? . 1. . wwi.Mru.uw. iur; IWTV IGW4N . f i.. DIU1-.1 L-l I Ml in tint s eonriitina. Wi ana rantee them to 1 90T msVP.ru nv C(Sn KLDG. work aa well as new ones snd will accept them j Third and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 435S. in vAuuauge tur new ones wuuin m imr, nuwu.a the prices paid. - W loan acetylene tanks with I tliese outfits... Korthweat Weidua A Bappiy Co., r im st. Bdwyt 309. FOUR, DRAWER STEEL FILES : Letter size . , . . . ...947.50 1 Leral or can s . ...... 5 1.50 - With locks 14 extras These files are wonder fully constructed, extra, heavy throughout and priced far below equal quality elsewhere. : D. C. Wsx. 54 St Bth. Broadway 2789. H0USI01 GOODS $C2 ' BAVR SIOVSTT . Try VI sales dept. B yow want to bay ee eB wwii hold toodt; reduced freight rates to sil votats la ew thnmg peat ear. -naeki raiirin and ra;tniaa. Mow goocts la storage. jnrepreef etcraga, iasnranr rates. SECCRITT STORAGE TRAXSTER CO. . Feunh C cv. Maltn-naab hotei Fboee Broaitwsy IT1. PROFESSIONAL A3 fct!siNs DirircTutrr IVIID'S A9 moat r A?I W STOCh. Li-iviSA. ildfcl - . M. 1EEHR. tl LEWTS. BIJ. LET rs DESIGN your haw Ai tja. I T, raaaoaabta. W aauaty. Tb E.- B aenm. 44 K - remoa are.. Laa Ans-f. i-1 i FOR SALE By private party, eak dining tenia ana a casus, gt-iua tretnrr seat, )u t us w. 45: 1 luuMrt rue. 9x13. 919: ek library tsbl. Hi. 1 baby bed 90. baby bugs? . abo drapries. 4S K. UUi .N., . S435. BDiUAUiW aad houaa oians to drmi -6W0 Hts w. Tsnr - "? CAWftT ISO UQ CI--!" RIO.S waited on ou with Uaa-.w-, J BOOMS of iuniituse and rug for W: aio mJ7. HrT k . ii It full sued wsrdrob, trunk, uass im Vand-1?"? J tn 48 J csiworpgnjT ; , LaLua U. TAYLOR. K. X. U. C. Kew lore and New Jwary gradaate: ad trMtmeers by appointment. aa waiting; chtropedsA lor ladiav axrlnsieeiy. Tabor las. bag. Woodlawn BIS9. MOTLVG Muet aU ood oak furaitara, suae. eiectne heater, reasonable. - 741 IS. Phone East 6775. FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 CHIrTOPRMCTOR FREK.HT eleratnr, hydraulie prsomre. good working conditio. Costa over 11000. To bar it moved out of the buiklrng quickly win sefTtffce for 1250 or best offer. QUICK ACTIOS NEtESART. Ask for Morr.il. 474 Johnson. Phone Msm T0S1. BIU REDUCTIOJi lie c tool TEVS auppltra lMWt-l1Jrtw;t bet. TTwVn, snd Tt1 (raatry Blsb. dry A. C MOIOK. 1k h. p.. UK ttrut l .. too BOtn see. RF.AI TU as, di Dr. MeMshoa iMcMsal. Iztb par. be Tea ptgTl I lemsrc wait Ertanded time. 11 ed)muwea- 11. COAL 19 WOOO ' ' ' DEI CTT CoS5 w uod7 VS ulEk Ui BTMMER fRICKS ON FOLLOWING : gnntter head. tree. LAUNCHES AND BOATS - 904 ( OFFICE FURNITURE, SAFES. ' CHECK' WRITERS Wa can CQUip yeur office complete in either new or nsed equipment. Wonderful bargains I in both department. D. C Wax. 24 . bUL uroadway ; THE FUR SHOF K. C REINER, Direct from factory to yror feome. Tenness. and irert Orford cedar; eoll copper tnsamings lattst onny write tor eataiogae. a. w. IIIGRINS DON. 1918-I0-7R E. CT.I3AN. TABOR 809 vVB SATE TOtT MONTT " ' Hooae wiricc. lighting Cs. tures, elertncal rtpairtnf wp. pries. Thisd Street Elertne Store. 224 4 Sd St. near Sal mon. Main 6005. SAVE TOUR WIFE -Send your et wsh to the Snow Flake bun. drr: rlothes wshrd mm white in sepsrsU cvm- nartmenn: MONDAY. TUESDAY AND 3 a FT. BOAT, without motor, baigain if taken st once. gw 10th St., eveaingv rilACTIt-AL, i' iin. ..,nvKlinAT , i tia.1 FOR 70 CENTS: 4 unoaers lor.or.-.- 'V I PKNT8 earh additional Pound : " Morrison, f ormerty Eiler bldg. j AIANLET AtTTO CO.. 11th and Bumsid. S. M. Arbnekle. Mgr. Ueed Cae- Dept. . Broadway .817. Braley. Graham & Child. Inc. DEALER I TXiDGE BROTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES. Broadway 8281. BURN!DH AT 11TH. OFEN 8U.NPAY8 F - O R 1- THE FORD CORNER WHERE IT'S HANDY -F O B D SOME REAL BARGAINS i Tata Ford to urine with starter. Hs;r, de menfitabie rtmv, alter, tart steering wheel, si trs tire) In fin. running erderi 9290. i i 1917 touring car. extra and good tires. 1TI. terms. I is l ord toaring with shuck sbwrbert, spot lilht. lmot new tires; 1200; terms. , t Uxy bug. .sir, (ned body, 1100,' Terms. M-I.I T OewrUnd. food eosdltion. I35U. Matwell Chuouny. A-l wdlUoo; will paint la m,U: 1325. I . I A LI. AIT. 4880. Open Erning " ' B L1C-1 BliCEl BUlCEl j D.41 Bulrb. lit shr . tonrlng. sosllant eoorfltfcm ..1475 1 1919 Bnl-k i toaring. elagsnt condition, est K-49 1919 Bnkk. 1-paeseager. eiagaas WHAT WILL TOU FAT FOB THIS CARf , IT GOES TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER , NO EESERYATI0NS tteelad hid raretred - at Covey Motor Car Co. I branch at 2d-0 N, Broadway, am 1921 CHEVROLET "dOO" TOCBEvQ IJrenee.' new saint, good mechanically, need. Terms u you sr sueceri Bids close p. m.. Baturaay, Apru a, avss. 15.00 deposit required with each bid. PLACE TOCR BID EARLY REMEMBER A GOCINE COVET M0T0B CAB SALE 28-S0 N. BROADWAY . Bdwy. 0244. The aide and largest Ford denier fat th I'nitad States. : , . BETTER FORDS FOR LKSS A 1am stork of used cam i a sign of too high prices. . If th price ar right th stock will more, rapidly. - A few ed can of good value, pneea right, Ytur terms are onr terms. Eons of these have we had over 80 days. 1930 Ford ledan, new paint 1930 Ford coupe, new paint 1920 Ford touring. A-l ... 1919 Ford tourin:. A-l ... ! 1921 Ford roaeUter, extras 1920 Ford coupe, extra 1019 Ford touring, -?A-i s "BUILT TO ENDURE" GARAGES . I4."i to. 9300 NOTE We have a series of IXMlRX window mnidinr. mlliwork. Slaw. screen doors, roofing and hotbed taih. 8 onr odd stock ol ssu ana aoors ior i"- D B. Scully Co.. downtown mm oer store, iii i Fmnt, bet. Morrison snd ismntu. msm . ' Independent Printers : iiuui yt v amlmiH- 1MO bond letterhead. stsfs. or invoices, 88.50 tbotuand. Bring this advt. Smith, Printer. Cth nd Ankeny. Electric Motors Bought, ectd. rented and repsimd. Wsiker Electric Works 418 Bun ride, eo. 10th. Bdwy. 6874. ; CENTS each additional pound: valuable preme- rtmv given. Phone Fs't 9488. .! F. J. MEADOWS. , . . I Surceesor to -. ! - t.nndqnist Tailoring Co. . ; Bring ns your good i We rut, tnm, make rlotbea,' 508-4-5-0 Ahington Bldg. i 100 4 Third St Broadway 0455. SiMoco Pipeless Furnace 879.1 S185. $152. See 1923 ' improved model. I N. steam. Bent g inntee. L T. WOtiDRUlF, -Woodlawn 2108. 1291 Mallory are. IUE JOURNAL' hss l- Brascoute lamp fix tures. complete snd in good otder. carrying any lam up to 200-watt, for mla. Come and . fr Ik. lnH.n.1 KM. . a.k til. urun UtHIU . . WVI UM I iwi.m K K.ntHnn l.uri. wnicgt incmae aeuvery m s-oruana. . jus v eivcr tiion and STAIN. . BEDIM ADR BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Fctory S. 11th and Market Phone Easj 6114. iVsqSS- We have the largest etoek of nana eawing aaaeuiova . Compare prices. We rent and re pair. 172 3d pear Tsmh'U. Nelson.Ladder Works 207 2D ST. ' PHONE MAIN 8260. HoiivL Holly! t AAA for Mle from 2 to 7 ft. Your choir AUTOMOBII ACCESSORIES 801 FOR SALE 6-volt battery, Stuart speedometer. East 1088. Extension udder. stSp-Ud'deri. oreliard lsdderi I for 84 and less. ' East 42nd snd Going st- AVdln. window ciesnuig isaders. lsdoer jscks sna trestles, 1 1578. ' vaa BAIJ' Lounherrv tins. 830 a thou- i win siT.G fHKAP Ford rosds'er snd body. sand or 5e each in small qnanuaes; small i fumfahingj for a rooms sna lira laying i - FORD WHEELS pnt on your car. 20 E. 12th St.. after 5 p. m-i incubator and colony1 brooder' only used last jnof chickens. W. T. Brant, Route 1, Box 8tf S. sil kind, both sizes. $5jiTmng, 810 each. F,i Light?, Orchards, Wash.. Clackamas. Or. Apply t blsokfmith shop. 808 10th at. Rt, 1. DO i IT .TODAK itememoer, tomorrow never 1 .ssoo TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 1 . come- We repsirj,, RUBBER BOND andr Mar Morrbion prtdge. MAXWELL 1-ton with body, cab- and wind- j orated and disintegrated, eld leaky roofs; work shield, la good condition . . . .-i . . . .su 1 cuaranteed. Phane today, Broadway . SEED POTATOES. sU kinds, gancy quality, low oriees. Portland Fruit Co., . l - roni . CTAH AND ROCS SPRINGS COAL ' LumpS15 i - Nut. 914 Standard Wood Co. ' PHNE F.A9T 315. PER LOAD 54 E TWO-LOAD LOTS g h S a. l .t.h. .. F A w I - wy-tn. IIT SMKn fl sny nani.u- - w- ' 905 1 dry; ramtw 1 ewrds to tb. dmbie hl REBUILT typewriter, all ainat lor war. rewv 1 192 .cable feel. It S let sm . exchange. We are exclusive dwtribntan ! AU iT. M ary tad roeL Corona, nortabn. lit cmdMs with ca in I -.ORFGO.X Fl CI. Wtn 419J. FOR SALE OR RENT . TYPEWRITERS cae. ' Supplies and rernir tor all aasae. Oreen Typewriter Co..- Fifth t Broadway 719. wool i tv nor. voor SUMMER PR 11. K NOW CX makva euamnteed one sear-, best reran. I : I llilN's: WT A. strueted tvnewritasa on Hew iirw a has. t TV.-, Im.. i n i , -' mmiI Whokasle Typewriter Caw 62 WashmgtMi st. ! Locsn s Fuel Co. Coon try . riser sa. I s-iiapd. Or. - - - ' - - . I cord wood and eoL Office and yard. SI n. NOISE ANNOYS Rent, Noiseieas. A few 1 WaiAington, PcrUand. Orejon. ted Norele- for sale: , Noiseieae Typewriter I . . injv- mni'v" svr mi wsWTtT BEPA1RLXG a prlaliy. ftee euailai mttauv I PUT. 1NE FUit FURNACE EEAlt H. snppHee, buy, teU, txrh; dd. mach. ret aired, I 8PU AND LkLIVEREIt IN 3 IX) AO LOil lypewr r taprcnon iu Biera. stem ease. bOB Wt biNULE LOADS 64.59. i NATIONAL FUKI. CO. EAST 804 L SWAPS 92S Call East 6300 Vk H. P on mo. 1810. GAS ENGINE, auto. 1 S, -in. rotary Want A O motor and Mthn. Wdln. SWAP I "phaeton, also hack, coot 81800; been is atoraae. cood a new. or al ebean. Call Msr. 814. - ; . FOKD tottring. vacant lot. eqnitv or what; io 1 Ford truck, valua 8260 and 6150. 81 12th I rt N. Broadway 4644t CHOICE of 8 young fresh cows, in exchang (pc cement wot. ust OTT..- for used. ear. Ford preferred; LOT. 60x100. must be lata modeL Uhl, Journal. J:t eommeneinc business will evtireciat I trial order; good dry eordwood and exnt . i3ox Wood $4 Per Losd ' ' Dry and Creen -Slabwood Fnlron Weed Cw. - klths 41T6. BIG LOADS block lad slab, nixed not. pttHy- , dry. Wd!n. 1190. " . - '-.- - ' S lends .v ,..8.00 -'-- ' ' 1 load ......... 4.5 - SLAB nd BLOUJL Md. I'.niv Drv. S OA Do, 8b. 1 MIAD.- ti.60. 4-ft Cordwood and Hlbwoo.L WORLD FUEL SfcKVK E. WIM.N. 385S. TO T BADE Phonograph for. Usui Ford deliv ery. Phone Aut 012-10."- FOR SALE or trade for plumbing, 1919 Ford 1 COALAUSTRALIAN Sample weka 61. U- roadelerf Tanor atlt. - 1 w 'M, ion. sit ana ,i, mmnte aenvery." rst 6400. TlKSt GRoutil lit." 4 It-. 6 per eurvl, 16 wen. pee iad: 12 snrb, 17.33 per ROBERTSON FFEL CO,. Mam 9429. EXCHANGE new gasoline pump and underground tank for Ford truck. 782 Pacific st yt ANTES -MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED People ut fnrtland to Know that 1 - pay the highest Cash price for eeand-hand household goods. So s mount too lain or tea imalL ftcmpt attention. . ,'. K.. ICATSli Phone East 2208. COBDWOOD 86.60 and 11.50 per cord, a- uverea: Mnstrv .hnL as sn .Woodlawn 6812. ....8500 I REPUBLIC 4 -ton with expre body, top ....8875 . and windshield. Has been overhauled .,...1940 and tires axe good .8276 ....8885 FORD 1-ton, late model with body, cab and ....8450 windshield, fox .... . MOO , . .$228 BEPUBL1Q 1-ton, overhauled and equipped TWUifia windows. Ittoklinss. mill work, glass, screen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. See our j odd ttcck of -sash and doors for prices. D. B. j Scully Co., downtmrn: lumber store, ni front. net. Morrt'on anil iamhilL Main 4Zis. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 SCHWAN PIANO Cq. CLEARANCE $550 Geo. Bteck small upright. ......... $213 875 Gerold dark npright ......... 193 476 Holland, bug upright. .......... 235 una Needham. modern mahog.i ........ 29S 110 Fnni track wt mhhmr I29B I with body, top and winonieia. eaou i ruLJioou ourr. .--- 1 tiauev m wra, em-u - li oru in lei. ooo Tuooer ....... . . '"S . , li.. I xtr . . ,. 1tl in nn, n nm at 20 I .m s mmA 75 . sura we will tax. m your old ear at jioerai v.. at. t -- r . - - . . . .ww -a., u,.. . - - - - - aUowanc" bailee easTtema. . complete exprem body and is in fine THIRD ST., formerly, at 248 Third st ; $758 PianifU ilyt pntno ...,. !3 . Open-Evenings nd Snndkys. 1J th.pi ......$373 J MRSHER ' PLUMBING SUPPLY CO , 250 Wh Pyfr walnut... 85 WILLIAM L. KUGHSON C0U BEPPUBLIG H4-ton, Has good fares And is 20? Third St - ' Ml 527T. 450 Franklin. ax finish. . tJ. 19 Anthoriwd Ford Deaiar. 1 "resdy to go .8500 guT-record sale now on! Thousands of Co- 456 Jrving P1ano Co. upright. 210 0 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 821. BEFLBLAO a-ton. equippea vrnn a puiuorm 1 luiBbU in)intasie and imported Inwotne and Cottage organ. 818; Shea - iismiin, 9-0. ooutiiii..;,f ii." " 1 Svmohonv. each 49e; V The Reaaonawe rnono- ii casn, a. o ana eo monwo. AOs. loin St. st r aaning-joo im " , . 1 FORDS! FORDS I 1917 Ford touring ....... 1910 Ford touring ....... 1919 Ford touring ....... 1920 Ford toaring, starter . 19 IS Ford roadster ...... 1920 Ford roadster, starter 1920 Ford roadster, starter 1930 Ford eoupe, tarter 1920 Ford sedan, starter .' . h 9Tut windhielt .8500 ROBERTS MOTOR tJAK tJO.. 1 rr -v TtZ'a . nM .!- hklir.. Park and Evtt ste. Bdwy. I860. 54 nrt Aider. "TT - ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale FORDS! $195 1 TRUCK PRICES ISo I v a. inn Jumbo, rmenmatic tires, elec- ,250 trie lights 82300 Bghta, 90c We do electrie wiring. Reliabl 1-lizh S-light fixtures. IS. 75: porch 875 I w-w 114 -ton Jumbo, solid tires, cab, ec- 250 i. trie lights, starter, radiator shatters. 825 1 etc. 1900 250 1 Used is-ton Jumbo with cab aa is. . 1 . 2000 493 I Used 1-ton Maxwell, with cab. flat body . . .. 300 . . 623 I .-ton Stewart good tires, cab, flat bed. 250 conditio 7 - COMMERCIAL CABS 1921 Ford express delivery ear, brand new. ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY ! Fset 8770 flrsnd v. end E. Hswthovne. yrsoRs I $2a25 I'orde, Dudgea t'hevrolett I Ilnn't Ul thia law nrtre mislead yon They re wtimtoMe, tranaparent, treeo, and to sua aad rain. ' ' ' t 9 Hurt's WHop, 70 H WHHams Avn. 1 1919 BUICK SIX i . j -passenger toning ear, 6 ovenlsed eotd tlma, bumper, anotliaht. Usbriat anubbtra, tamster Tbie ra( needs some mernanirai wtrs ; ant a avaat deal. HOI wll tbia ear In rwnning tditbm for 6880. Might gie Some term. Call Wdln. 8915. - ! 1 UkTR modal Dada atdan, 6 wire w4a, good .hi , Cm 9 Im A-l condition : throughout Fee n quick sate will meruic for !. ui at GAIM-AS GARAGE. 68'i and ftswthome, 1919 PRXB1EE T-paawngert axeeUent ebsp. throughout; ed Wrva. 6 wire- wheela; low prie and will take ha trad small rar; av term en PRKMIEB SIALICS t O., . Ninth and Oourh Sts. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. SELECTED USED CARS 1917 Bnick touring $ 475 . 1918 Mitchell touring ...... 525 .1919 Briscoe touring ...... . 876 1920 Jord.n touring ....... 1825 . 1919 Overland touring , 800 -. 1918 Paige touring ......... 850 - 1917 Scripps-Booth roedter . , 830 AND MANY OTHERS j See them before yon buy Eaar terma Lteht earn accented in trade. Open Evening and Sundays from 10 to S. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. REAL, BARGAINS!. 88 Overland touring, . wonderful bargain $179 Oidsmobil 9 touring, in fin condition in vary respect ...j.. ...... 475 191T Unwell touring 185 1919 Chevrolet touring 265 1919 Chevrolet touring 183 I 191$ Chevrolet panel delirery ,.. body. '22" Hosna . . . r... .$393 1917 Ford delivery express body, fin rubber .............. t ....... . rfo 1918 Ford 1-ton truck . chassis. 1922 license new paint 1919 1-ton truck, new stake body 1918 1-ton truck, express body ........ 295. 1 aide st Electrie. Union t RnawlU Ca-rt 3686. F()R SALE Little' tmpiored Cory's thornlem blaekberry planU; heaviest produeem and best I flavored. - Write for pamphlet and price hsb I C. A. Little, Sebastopol, Gat, Route . - Uaed 8-ton Kelley, new tires, flat bed.. 950 FOR SALE Trebla i and Wilson strawberry Terms. Open' Sunday nd Evenings. . - plants 75o per hundred $3 per ML, f.' o. b. - Hillsboro, Or. Enclose- Postoffice order with JtrTCXU LEWIS aV STATER CO- order. Address Dr. I.. B. Smith, Hill'boro, Or. nroatmaj .1. averen. X0 1 DROPHEAD sewing . macnines rwith aUach- LOGGING CONTRACT with purchase of truck; ments, 820 -each; portable electric machine truck now rn job. This is a good money- for rent; sewing machines tie ned and repaired, making proposUion; good road. Small payment E. B. Steen. 152 Grand ave. East 2359. 373 I FRANCIS, MOTOR CAR Fat 8770. Orand Ave. A Hawthorne. COMPANY - USED FORDS FOR LESS 191T Ford touring .$150 LATH 1920 Ford tourtu. 19i2 Ucnae, f our I 1 9 j y Ford touring wtth' ucense '. T. '. '. Y. 106 new M.advaar ail weatasr urea; anooa I Ford touring, almost new, neens. . 013 aanwrn, spouignt moor transmiaaiow, ae i2ti Ford touring, starter and noans brakes varwum tank, 3 tool boles snd many 119 Ford touring rther . extra. lerm to reeponsibU party, mo Truck, stake body Wdln. 1648. . 1921 Sedan, like new : -fruToN HEDA.N I 1821 Sedan, wire wheela Ull.llilii.1 SSlA .... I 1 duvu inimiripvn AuUun-ised Ford AMaler. 1919 Lninttun Mdan. newly painted; fnwr II r fin, W.I HWWl MlUVn. "..l ... . , . , new 63I60. 'tH sell foe 11600. Oiva very I exa ana rtvyer now. biwral term a, Might take ear, in trad, uii 6S8-4S. Woolltw- ?41l LOOK FJAKLI!4 Dw! SEDAN. HAS BEVFR tTRNKD WHEEL. Nt TRADE CON- 611'r HkD, TEMslS TO RUiHT PARTY, OV. r.K I.EAflMU CTTT. W-63. JOUNAU i HAVE a sLahtiy u d Velie 0 demoaitraUi'r for 61230, wkwh is - vary large discount wbea yen consider th car b eM with fsetory gwrnta snd service Eelly, at Northwest cor. Qmaitway d riwrvrilne. Ope evemaea. Auto. Modern Sleeper Ante nnMiwibd te tleepei, , Our system daee not weaken dk'igw 1 the tody. R. H. BMy at Top vnwk.. 64 5,, WHlUma, East 719. LATK MuHKL HA INKS LIGHT SIX Osod ondlUon. proi-lly new eord tire and Itr; real snap at 6350: term, l-IK-lkA ALES O. Ninth and Owh Sts. Z"T--. . nm lUv your OlwEU ill I WUl ga, cat , Me Be FISCH Bsdlaton, fed, bodies, booda, teaks, repaired and remodeled; Sato bt-metal work specially. 106-107 X. 16th St Phone Broadway 8299. 1933 FORD TOURING ' 8450 . RUN 800 MILES; LIRE SEW . WOODLAWN 403 : THE FENDER MAN . . DURHAM. tsks th kink oat while yon wait; rvpaira radiators and bodua. Liberty radi ate caree to ail type of earn is etoek. -Bdwy 6814. . 60 W. 11th at. near Bnrravde. man' Tl Ml'LAli ROADSTER ' - '" v ..l .. , . uw a m.Ji Mn mmA wine 1im1i a bed. Itlve1y WIM net weaken, I Ixi al equipment. Fine mecben tosl eon ear. -. TO Vt WPIlame im. I ilitna. Micht eonsider taking phonograph part AVov. Anfn Deslrs4-ln det baking. delpayesent and give some totms. OUkW 6 ltA&l , hvery wty tetter-1 Cill Wonrl'awu 3016. I'nc tat. leaf wart 4 krttetl. sVe.nin. 87 years I HAVE caeh bnyera for Buirk roadster and tour. .ill.. a.a lies, ill miama eve. rh nM rcvtTX. Ttt RtNG car. titi ThM eer la fine enadiiioa; looaa tine and th same. . Will Hive way tor.. Pbene r 141 1 a5!'T ToU klLL VoI'R CAR! t . Have wt, ei p-Mpaem end will mil war ear at eoamuiHna, I t yewr ear With me fee sate Watts, Tshor 1 1"0. 1116 FORD, getvl eondiUm snd km fine, Ws ml ru, aa ttoaai buy t 9323 aah. 635 r iTus m. Itiaae Sell. 8144. J lor Ciwfv-y. ' ! Ina. not aster than '20 a .1. Bring to Watts, Auto Broker, llJl 40 tl(VkOLr tonnng, run only few hundred mile: tr 8"V0 In straa. 1913 tsr la na enadltton. ' teooa yaaaoa f-r -Hng ilTl TOR RD toaeiaa mast b. , with M xtraa. fa $178. matt. 6.4I-6 TT'i TilvIJ HIT I',rd""lo-ri; I at CaU Anto- t .0 ha. T. Huul 1 311. VafTnAR 'em ap aa a toe "it'll phone Aeva Vtnrihl .. 611 Akte. a. May enteea "MiCTTBir" K ToWS" Late Fard toarlag. curtef aad lot f extra, Ne I ISO Mi. ' I AatewMite tSI-. revaisLed Brtorw Uht lour. Jant evee- aaawa aa4 in A-t ahap: will ta fr ag.v .i. Ft mtr. 47 fORD towrta. 1J0: xtre; sU prmev4 w iw, Miysjw."iT. in nr Ml a f hi. 1. 1, my l I TZii 6 Ha. 1 .m. alieaii rH-ne -art 1 l.a iTio Hi '. luwtei ant: gowl eual'n. i.h, IJrt t.r I'hone Mir to 7 9 AlN.4 m axle camp trsiter wlu.e Ul.1 mm: .civ a vew leri. 1.1 h rnt. vs. r.' 111, n a k.a i- 11m ir.Hit im wiw.ia wiia a fw.ini.4Mat a r..l eiv. T-4. JoarvuiL l:i la t -3 r m--i is-m, rua 5eo aul aueoaat Tsbor Hits. 83d and Hawthorne. LlGHT 6 PAIGE touring, in perfect condiuoa. .with 4 brand new Kelly-SpriugtMia corn, $326, yeut own terms Car guaranteed to give perfect mtiafaetioa. Northwest corner Broadway and Hi .Ida st Atk for heliy. open rveningv FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY" ' East $770. Grand Ave. A Hawthorne. PRICED TO SELL WE MOVE APRIL 15 1915 Ford roadster, it runs..... $ 90 1916 Ford touring, extras, repainted $120 s 1917 Ford roadster, 1928 Ucense.. 8183 1917 Ford touring, dandy 81 60 1918 Ford touring, 1922 license ... 3215 1918 Ford roadster, license. , . ...i$225 1918 Ford express, 1922 license.. $225 1919 Frd touring, 1922 . license, repainted i .... .. r j2'" 191t Ford roadster, BUrter, extras 3285 , 1920 Ford touring, starter, lik new 8373 1922 Ford touring, cost $628. . . .. $625 1920 Ford eoupe, license, extras.. 6400 1921 Ford eoupe, license, extra. 9475 1920 Ford trucks, new tires. . , . $400 75 light cars to pick from. .. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union eve. and Belmont at. upstairs. -New Home, Grand ave. end K. Main. DELIVERED -. ERECTED STAINED 10x16, 836. Other prie in proportion. Kaat 886ft. 299 Waidte. - - sv f ?2 do", balance easy terms. - -ton t anawer uni , glfER h.atrna boilers No. 3 Areola. sso I you mean Business, eee ssr. auim, av 1 i. ,i t7 ,w. ,,;k , Cash and no delirery. Central Plumbing A Heating Co., 3524 Glisan et Bdwy. 4994. in- Reo Speed sWagon 1921 SNAP 530 ALDER ST. FOb 1-ton truck, 1921, like new. dandy open WU alt V htni knhr . il ui ws eluding heavy Umoers, Itpm xo to 12x10, hi aina un, "i "f , einreaa body and. top, new -eord tires and 22 license; easy terms. Main 2987. - from $8 to $10 per il. on lob on Front st. be- tween Salmon and Taylor, rnqpe m tiuK 1. 2-YEAR Italian prune tree. Closing out stock at 812 ner 1U0: 8 to 4 ft eurrant and 4-wheel trailer, I gooseberries, reasonable; guaranteed : nursery miAHANfT! OF IHONOGRAPH3 $ 85.00 Victor and 5 usad records. ..... $ 20 82.S0 Grafonola. 3 used records ..;.'. 20 . 95.00 Stradivara. 10 -used records. . . ,' ' 48 140.00 Brunswick, 10 used record... 93 165 Stradivari, 10 used records. ..... i 100 1A.1 nil Frnamn. ID med records...... 95 175.00 8onors. 10 used records....... 130 830.00 Vietrol. 15 used records...... 195 375.00 Sonora Grand .............. 273 $5 or. $10 cash. - $3. $5 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 102 lOUl t Stars. RKCERITV STORAGE CO. CLOSING. OUT $300 Prentiss upright sh . . . - . ... . . . .$143 75 Kretl nori-llt man., cash. . ... ... . 213 473 HsJiet A Davis. oh... ......... 13 250 Bard A Co.. maU upright. 76 750 PisnUU Player Piano 290 76 Phieaea Cottaee Organ 4. Id 100 iMa-tm A Hamlin Organ. ...... i." 20 103 10th t at Washington aad SUrkj Spring rale used pianos Wleeloek . upright, mahogany, only ...... .3105 iy.. ........ 1 n4 I'esee A Co.. npright oak, only........ 243 Model flayer Piano only............ 40b Pianola Player.. 88-note, only. ......... 60 I Pay $10 cash, $6 or more a month) ' : Lfpman. Wolfe A Co-.. Cor. 5th and We'h. Vancouver, J atock. 1137 Minnesota ave. SAFES -Overstocked. ' For best values obtain-! abl Safs 1 R.TON kwemz trailer. $325 3200. o. louu n.auiima , W..h Ptinne 380-J. ? S-TON Federal truck, pactjeaily new. ! WEi ,ble hi new or eeeond-band aafes. See Norri f JC0O; Was. Bnh exchange for oadiuae rtcisra. bob. aa saf. 4 locx company, i uo Becona street, x-ors- iVLt v ".vT" r i. -ft WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS MUST MOVE QU1CELY EASY TERMS MCE 16-hvh sUb. 68.75: bert slab, eeaaonvd. beavv or evaded. IS Vx-d. anvwlni t re. in. 1 TttWeB St 1 1" roof dry c-nntry Ub. $ .50. Sell. 1T9. 6ECOSD-HAND CLOTHLSG. BUYER 1 ' eeondTowth cardwood $0.30; Utah snd MEYER THE TAILOR pay r fcr ase-1 foe .Springs eoal. $1460.. deUvcred. end-hand vniU. snot, wereaata. W. call day I r.st 74H. evenings. or evening . Marshall 1229 a 1-3 Madiwt rt near 3d. WANTED Long ry straw or. rye hay will do. in large or small lots. or lull a write to P. Sharkey A Son, horns colli lactnrerv, 69 t.nion ave. NO. I FIR, $8: N. i Lr. lj dry siakL4 $6; No. 1 green fir. $6 60 n cord; green., country alsb. 64. 61. Main 6241. EST 4-loot country slab. 64-76 a cord. 748a. MAIN ISIS EXPERT TAILORING. Highest prices for need clothing. 159 W. Park, cor. MoTrivm. - We cell any time. SAFE Want small or medium six office sale or cabinet. N-0, JonrnsL WANTED Second-hand adding machine Call Wdln. 681 - - - - fiE6f ciltovvTiT dry gTOWTJI. fj.00; OQTd. wood 1760; ant. ozb-tt. I A NO. -1 first grawtn eurdwood. 7.Ti lrv bone dry fir. 67.60. Tsbor 693.- , ltt LNCH extr neevy aty wreckage, load d, 1 livered 65. Re.. Kast 234. NOHTH BANE FUEL Wood and coal; maLTnr . "ni-n poncueq. Ant. BZtt-il. .BP l pwinr. ' Smecml oo-1it - 12 lirsitois.v 3FCt'ittl mh delivery - - FAST 500,r EXTRA good hard-grained No. 1' arcond grwaui. bone dry. 67 cord. Antrmttie 616-87. BUNNT ALLEY coal 610, delivered la haw , ment - A noon. Fuel Co.. Tabor S1 MORRISON I TUY BEaf ClLtl GkaU U t lk 1 nh lirT . - W of yonr nasd fnrpitwre, stove, carpets - MARSHALL 1048. oad and rsru T BITTMAN pays high it price for bicycle and hardware, slain Bell, zia Front st TABOR 7314 WILL BUY OLD CARPET. WANTED njRNTTURE 952 Owl Furniture Co e MORR1SO and pianos. We pay tb higbeet cash wriea. kis 27i 166 AND 169 FIRST ST. Call Main 4627. . ft block abort 16-inch block 0 PIECES of bone dry A-l fir.' il; Aal-w-ew aH.1.1. 17.-1 a, ea.a Ann E-iT R-, mm ru mm tut., mm . . a - , ' . . ... , ' iMul-hanti furnitur. 28 Grmnd t". Ant. 2323. GEJ wpntxmoxx eid irwii, fir. ry M. R. SEaATER liver direct from country. East 1 W. de ft V LET box wood. 84;-blocs sad sisb, i ijvncim. losd. Wflln. e49. rCbAUV An iodine praptrsUon conUitucg J1 VlKS;R)WTH riR $7. the curative propertiea of tincture of iodine 58.60; full eord; peoeart but with staining and irritating qualities removed; I FOR SAL. anequaled for catarrh, canker, sores, .pyrrboe. A gargle for sore throat aad dressing for wounds. An indispensable remedy to always have about the boas. - Ask your Meal druggist,- or phone representative of Western .Chemical Co.. 693 Marshall st Aut 619-16. - '. - 76. oak 410 60. ee. deilvery. Wdln. 3X24. 81000 Chkkerimt. - lata, mahogany ..... .8330 $ 760 Strfch A Zeidler, latest. ... ...$426 Snmerlin. 218 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 6808. j land. Phone Broadway 7046. HAVE one too many true as; win aeu muier i bu oisirt ana computing scaiea nougat, i ago Wellin-ton inst about new. .... .8260 ?!:Slg: :l"U teJSSun?-1 h." SSm.tS. I EUersT very tot perfect. ..... 8240 V" j " . t ii - 8 WO W. W. Kunoau. genuine ......1231 1st and 2d sts. Brotdwsy 7584. .. . i 8 700 Gmnine JicPhail ,..,...$200 AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES $ 650 Bradford. lt walnut .$190 or boste r sepsrsu c-MificsUonj. A $ $00 Jewett, fine mahogany .......,$185 large listing will b iound under then OiX t 600 Thompson. iatet ,$223 ferent chneificBtions. - 8 675rMeCammon, tgood tone, up..., '..$100 CONTRACTORS ATTENTION 1 3 275 Columbia phonograph, new , good tires; 4009 1179 Muter at Tabor 8755. I REO meed wsgon. -ton truck. must aacnnce. ia in bv 1H-TON Republic, in cood order, $760. 78 th st be. 1914 FORD truck, chain drive; first das eon-I dition. Z40 Kast BUi. 'V I FORD TRUCK, 1-toa; terms or part tida.51ain 6091. wain, ism For sale, 25,000 second hand brick. Phon I 8 TOO Eroeger, walnut . . 3 650 Smith 4 Barnes make . . . ...6125 ...8165 PIANO JAZZ, 12 lemons, guaranteed. Learn Blue harmony. Oriental!, chime, movie and cafe jaxs, trick endings, clever breaks, epae fillers, aak alum, double bass, wicked harmony ,mI 94 7 nth.r .iliiti inelmiiaa the onlv short classical course in existence. . Waterman vTrfnoat Pstn. Piano Sohool. S18 Columbia bldg., over Rivoii thfstre. - - LE irOOd Or wood. i ! xl &o : v."! 2. 6 60. Phone Aut 618-31. DR. B. E. WRIGHT so floor Rsi '-I.:..- nd V 1 -- Mro Dentistry 3d floor RsWgb Bldg Cor. 6th. ana visaoinginn ntn. rtrosdway 7219. Ltt A. W. EfeENE. $11 14 WasWart St Latest Nerve Blocking Method. ATTENTION." LADIES nave money. . Have an exclusive ladies', tailor task your clothe from your own nuterUL Artutie design which make yon lo--k smart .nd distinctive st real low price. ; Economy Shop. 676 Washington st, near 18th. Phone Broadway 4163. -. . D1U.1 BEU SEDGWICK PETS? H All In charge 61 patient of Dr. klora Brown. 1 CLEANED. OOtt. CAT SUP MOWSS M06PtTAL WORE CTTT-VETEBINARY HOSPIT aE-" . W. 1847. P. TTH AND GRANT. A 810-wly FLUfF BUC9 419 WRQ WU06 Oregon Fluff Rue Co. FLUFF RUGS WOVEN FUOM OLD CAtU BUGS WOVEN; CARPEIS 1.3 650 t H'..v I MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 1 jumpeVrdOS 12 th KITCHEN toble, lire screen, work table - and I rtamiiton, in . . shelving. bsby gate,, granite tub. rack, l , i $673 1920 OLDS SIX EXCELLENT SHAPE BROADWAY 6706 BARGAINS USED AND . REBUILT HARLEY-DAVLDSON MOTORCYCLES, EASY TERMS: - As Low As $40 Down. MOTORCYCLE 4k SUPPLY CO., Sd at Taylor. Main 7889. HARLEY-DAVLDSON SERVICE CENTER. 100-LB. bleached, laundered flour scks, $1.20 doaen: mail erder add 1& for postage ana innarsnee. Snowflake Laundry. 480 Belmont . VULCAN gas range and ' kitchen trash burner; have been used about months. Will seu tor half price. 274 14th st. after 10 o'clock. IN8P. Cuth. raspberries, 85 1000; rhubarb, 5c; currsnt. Eooseoerries. cneap. dale, or. ...$200 . . . .5130 Three player piano, latest $130 to $375, on easy terms, and many others. Wske cp and save your money; buy real piano at bargains; no thump box or rebuilt pianos; many just, brand-new. BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Worcester bldg.. Third end Osk Sts. SEE IT! HEAR IT I " The little 7 pound Excellent Phonograph, . . 8 163 l Home nursing accommodations. Evenings by p-1 LATE model Uarley-DavidMm motorcycle, with side car; electrically equipped, new rubber, J. Suhr, .Trout-1 tor the home and on tinas. Plars " 1 2- inch I cc is with one winding.. Soecial The Little DIEbGLD sates; new a iecona band; special I Exeenent with SO double disc records, 119.70. prices. Pacific Scale Supply Co.. 43 Front f The Reasonable Phonograph nd Record Shop, art HtVn9 IHttO. - . - I VJltl IJUU W rM""5 Av.le. .., at uu axuci. b VKAL liret - mcb -tinned Bartlett j PHONOGRAPH REPAIR INO, Jtay m&k, tro-P- 1922 ticensei $216, ay term, q. Watt. 993 W: Momah, Or. Alain 9445. I SEIBERLtSG-LITCAS 1ICSIC CO.. Hawthorn. DODGE OWNERS. N'OTlCEl Hava cash buyers for touring and roadster. not later than '20 modeL Bring to , , w- watts, Auto uroKer, ' 83d snd Hawthorne. 1 . - till IIIRU TOL'RINS CAR ,8250 This esr just Kke new.-all overhauled and 1 MOTORCTCLES AN1 f ARTS. ALL MAXES. jaAnT nioa hiiwviua w. . 44-40 Grand Ava. -. - AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 I Tl Camaae LIKE . U9CU ll5klta&l i SO. 1 BCRBASK potatoes, grown on high land; will keep well: . single sack 6 i. a more 3I.B5 escn. vioin. . 125 4th St. bet Washington and Alder. PIANO WANTED BUSINESS CARDS '-ROSE CITY PR1NTERY Will exchange new Edison Diamond Am berola and 500 fine new records for PIANO. p. 1 KB) :a bvv iiw v ncmu iur- ri P 1 aSl Hyatt Talking Msehine Co., 350 Alder st E S49 Washington Street Bet Second and Third, I HOWARD PIANO, new. at aoontnau; mm. new il. ivnm iiteiu . ociuvnior. l.uca music tAi tj its a, sat wasn- Dentistiry86TiwV NEW.' AT - Thi r jurt ui new - aa, overnawea -oo. , f 100 to pick from Fender rewiring. 1 Wi.hmt p ; T.U, v. , Blockine Method. Wa - "-Tr AS XL horEt'lOoS." ' Work. 345 William ave. K. 1198. V "TgT - , . , - STEIN WAT, old atyie.i Xk. J HRJTKIV IC(Wiwli at am uvimc JJ n ea fa - bop. Work guaranteed. Tabor- 1148 or 320-12. - - .. WE WRECK THEM Bunas e snoe pas tar aid cars, condition n. ebieet AOTO RECONSTBOCTlOa OOl. . .. ' Third and Ghaaa. VARTV.R..B I'HAUIKES. in good shape, new rubber. 3350; wilt oo aer ma car. in trade. Tsbor 5275. - price. - - Singer i I CAN USE Foal or Chevrolet in trade oa a new 1922 Bnick 6 cylinder ear and wilWgiva rem terms on balance. Call Automatic 83(4-86. 490 CHEVROLET delivery, need, only U 00 6 CCRLY'S FORD SHOP ; A repair lob in time saves 9. , Try out ihon. We will plesto you. 227 Sslmon st Main $154. R. J. KOFF CO.. automobile aud general nta chrmsts; experts nn Continental, Stndebaker nd Chevrolet eng. 12 Jefferwm. Ant' 63-s chines at greatly ; xedoced Store, 110 Grand ave. J i RANliEL, aa rood aa . new. f or coal and wood. Hea-akur 8l. for Jt. o aeaiero. lit & 18th st,------ r' -- ' - FOR SALE Mt t plate, 58; gas water heater. 33: wood range, -615; 1 4-bumer and 1 8-bnrner gs range, cheap. 558 Powell., $130. Term given. SeiberliBg-Lucas Mtuio Co.. 125 4th St. bet Washington snd Alder sts. pemtment - 409 Psnsma bldg.. 3d and Alder. rhone Broadway 730. 1964 E. 0TAKK.. TABOR 7114. HM6IO tOWOOtt aWO) TIACMIR6 1 A 7 7 "PL d fcEGL'S'KS. 16 W p J A popuia, ,ng. S temon. or money st yn,r noma II. Auto. 646-16 owTOwitTwirrt back. - Only tnialiibl trstem. Open - evenirgs. gractice rooms. Parker . Piano School, 614 iler Bldg, Washington st 4th rt. 73 PER CENT- of shoe and auto tops la On- con, or elsewhere, will benefit by the ase of 1 Leatherlife; - cheapast - because . best; that' I ltnen!te rj2 tth st - AA TO GLASSES " ' Thooaaada ef satteTied pa.,, troaa can teetifr to war J. enrncy and fair dealine . ik. V ''2. hist 20 years. . Consult na. Lfcaa. W. Uoodmaa, 209 Mnv riaoo, bet 1st and Front Ir. $1 GETS both feet fixed ap at Dr. Eaton's, the . CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECUL1ST who! ganmel Goodman. Amodste Optician Msin 2124 J ia fHA b 7 . A rEn 1 - f UVra-B.S W UUI V JVfAi 0 J hb LKIV, C1ABH. 61 Uivww TLestre bMg., 11th st Wsiington, Bdwy. g24. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moiea. bUekheada, pun plea, hut pores removed ; expert opera lor. tDiplotnaa Boston. Cllira go. .State Medical Board) 601 Broadway bldg. Main 6109. - WHY PAY MOREf Gbnwea hi wd " fitVA ISM UttmA , - JV7 v "WHT DIET OR EXERCISE' Reduce by lata method of eminent Bwfca physicna. Mdam Le Mai re. mgr., 63$ Good wugb bldg. Formerly 618 PtUock btk. - Aitt. MARIE FLINN. SSU Act st. druglt . r - .4 tlrMlhU Ln. .. I , prie; mtisfaetioa- gaarantaed. Dr. H A. E. II it, rptometrtet, 325 K Main 451. , THERE r n better eyegumes nude thaa the glasaea titled by Rubenstein. the Vetera a Opu. da a. from 83.00 to 66.00. atixfaeUoa caa. -anteed. 33t Mnrrlsoa et. pyl FniWTHia, TIRfTlWO, rRRHSIO aieian. eiectne treatment, for oeuntia. . rhen I C H. TERRiL. heuae aad ia ntin. . . . mature. aMatica. R che nd pains, j hanging aad tinting. , 46T k. S7(h, Taker WANDA MARKS, human; analyst, practical v. I - ' ' enniogy; iu Bimntea tree commitoOon. Suite 1 IL 23. t'olnmhlsn apt., 424 'Columbia t J DRIVING to. Los Angeles ia eeaifortable car pens. U East 6330 after 6 p. m; rrfermces. E. MARX, expert naoeriiaiiffine. tmi.M - painting. Tsbor 61 15. EXPERT tiRUng, paiatwe. paurr hang rutht V , I .... - FUNDS moved 33. grouna uoor. Work don L ivTrS1?,!? SZ? " tl-"" mde up. Low price. Wdln. 1484 by experts nd guaranteed. - tall Broadway 1207. Atlas Trent A Storage Co., 104 N, 6 to. ELUB.U.L PLAYER, new, 8525. Terms given. Seiberlirig-Luca Mnsie Co.. 123 4th st, near WasbOigtoti st -. - - i - ' j;.. ..-. . . I rua mi.M--.wcu, ii"; v.wi .u . E IC -.n'A, bwubsi B-fasasuA t - oAy. $1 a Week,; son. to son., oeuverea. -- avaw. Broadway JOBS, stn and tioyt 1 Woodlawn 1259. $000 GENUINE W. W. Kimball plain upright mane, sweet tone, omy i. . xtroceraa Co.. 313 Worcester bWg. milaa. Derfect ecadinoa. Must dupw. of this I INDIAN Scout motorcyele only run 80O0 miles, ELECTRIC fixtures lor rooms, 16: big elee- I DECKER A SON Player,. $250, Beach .and ear at once. Very easy terms. Tabor 6935.1 just like new; easy terme. East 8879. 1 tion other fixtures. 20T Chamber of Com-1 roii. is ow-ae musw 1921 STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX Run hew thaa 20O miiea: aaoriiaee for quick sale. Carries guarantee and seme. Tbia oar W really new. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Bdwy. iffna. lllli UtihT Sil Bnct touring. cord tire aad ether extra. Thi ear IS 1 penect me chanical eoadition and is still ia service with factory guarantee. CaU Woodlawn 1143. ' 1819 CHEVROLET roadster, a line little car. for J AUTO REPAIRING AT HALF PRICE, eniy $273, your awn term, ; Kelly, at Broad- I guaranteed. way and Bnnwide. - ; - , CASH for your Ford sedaa and coupe. . Bring to Watts, Auto Broker, 83d and Hawthorne. Brcedway 4253 Co.. 123 4th st m. m, n tiT,, r- u t awmi hUitr. vi aa xiaiie raiv-ia. . " - , , , i - , 1 j . ' .- , ' Sundays or evenings. Wdln. 2474. t POTATO seed and table American Wonder, I PLA tEK 1'lA.MJ. aaw ana oencn ta value. Pt of Multnomah, avrant. Il.au to I new.; bow uwe era uu, omy ii.v ooopieie. L. F. Wagner. Gilbert ststion. v 1 812 Worcester bMg. AUTO TOR HIRE OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE Krw er for rent wiLhcut drrerrs, $1.23 1 also ' Kitehevt Treasure. per hour; roadsters, eoupe aad touring ears. T-nrtn riu-v nn. fn, n.oK.i end b!n-fehr.v I lmrRITi Xm. 1295: terms - siren. Onle plants, L curraaia, goGwcuerrica, rriuoacw j nana; i me at ma piv. - ocwwuih-mkw jiusm Wdln. 1768. SUPERFLUOUS maaU, moiea. warm, rcmovad by lO needle awthoa. Trial free.. Josie rteiey. 614 Burn ek Lane blaa. Main C368. MISS - B. RANDAtX give body faaetage. team bsthv ribrstion sad. violet ry eiee- trip treatment. XI swetiand bldg. IPS B6PAIWIPIO PIPPQ Repaired by esperta. A 1 Pipe Khun. 372 W..t PMT6ICIANS Inriion ctRI08; GENUINE ARTICLES! rn-ian A. Dahtea. 644' Wash, st SB, R. A. PUILUPn, Braadway Bids, -- Office pvactte. paly. DU. LOULHE MILLER, 62 E. Momaen. I fTtjf FtUtttlfftl AfSQ 6TCAR rrm HO drnylcT. m-hodv Pbcne Fv-t 9928. priees an all kinds plammag emole I aa firarw oa roar iastallationa AlberiA P1n, EUBY.H. Fleaje let me ere you at once; very Co., 817 UMcn eve. Bear Romh-U. E 41'. . terportant J. U G 23 K. 26th t I ".,,1. ' ' rwiimwQ, iQRi.ma, binoimo IJ V UIIil.-Villi Kir.. lit . Mill 11 tl ... w. I nMTt msde on. 40 Failing st. W'dln. S359. 1 PWTLNG of qaajty. price nut; letterheaai.,. SAVINGS DEPOSITORS. TAJ SOlltJS 1 ftBhV.i. tenT Open day and night 823 f I win pay spot cash foe saving - ceunt xajGUimB- Broadway and Uh Bdwy. 6503. rHcnr hldV r.."rmmrr. r "" AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS 204 Henry bldg. 1 . OAKAGE. . , BUICK touring, new paint five cocci tins, hul jjj 13th t - Brosdway 840. oeea . wveruauiea inrotignoat; a real ouy:i small payment down, balance easy terms. . Call I propst Bdwy. oi. Ca. 125 4th t FURNITURE, rugs.., family fruit jars. Tabor 35S6. , BIG reduction in hand mad art goods; article exchanged. 493. Wsh. milk can. I COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. 875, fine walnut . case; terms given, setoemag-uicaa Muse CO-. 123 4di rt, near Washington st . - - ! AUTO REPAIRING at halt price. Work guar anteed. Sundays cr evening. Wdm. 3474. 490 CHEVROLET touring. 1920 model, epical Aflrt. Trine Recavenng and repairing did eenditkm. WiU tell on very easy term. AUVO 1 U5 at mke priaaa. . $2 If row want real good Rglit car. call Tbor Barmen et. between 6th aad Broadway. 33- ' LATE 1920 Ford roadster, fine mechanical AIITfl TOD CI &ECOVERED, CUR- -condition throughout; -nvae : $100 worth of saJ 1 VI X V A J ttim rpli4, plate- extras, only $323; som terms. Tsbor 4714. tasteDed. B. B. Body A Top Works, $45 Aeed-gv PaSnffrirr lbU tod. Alder . WilHams ave. Kast 11 OH. .UXO Fairil-iaig S WJtwto. Cn. Bdg. WE PUT steei teeth in your eld flywheel; email ' - ..BRAD 4V OPPEL. Bdwy. 1460. bar, tuiaing. eyt gnnding, H. B- Bteck. FOR SALE 7-paswucer Chklmer. fine Con- mschtne shop. 334 Alder et. Bdwy. 2681. dition. 18X8 node U a elect washer, Ta- IF YOU wh to sell your automobile, driv to bor 4941. . at-icti J!? i" lr" L a,w u. 3x3 fa Ti res 33 I and radiator; good ecndL Msr. 048 after 6. McMONIES TIRE W.'lM X.' BROADWAY. I DOIH.E bnurlog, tin aHana. $iJ0. terms, HAVE a 1917 Buick 4, in fair eoadition. 1922 PKnn 6 1 4-4 4. license. Win accept beet sash offer. Must 1919 CHALMERS, A-l ooadiUowe prie 6330 No dealers. Call WoodTa 721. reh. Wondiawvi 1849. . ... . 7I3jTtQ Greea Iraasparent Tfg llAVULU. Ustu. fine cnadilMm. Pnc. rr 8n ar Rain . 3113. Itior.. Ante. 634-90. - Swanson' Shop. vyaliiams Av 1919 i ll KVUOLET. good eaoditioa and rub- FORD TOURINt CAR BODIES bee, mi ew.ii. Phone Oak o rave xo-W. lUKir1. KAST llf H. FOR SALE er will traW for real e,u.te, 1-pass, 1920 OiAXliLK.R, ,7 pasaenrer tires, paint Heo. all A lit. a-16. - mechanically fine. 8750. Tabor 546. l:iFi'fU) u.arur. stan.r and Atras, ciieap. l'ft qunk saw, lord bg'it delivery, in good I 41 Graud ate. East 4SI. I shape, $173. Main 3516. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 R RENT 100x100, or' will sub-divide; m brick and concrete building: one of the-best dose in east side locations; first-elam for auto NEW power . drill - press, shatung and . pulley. some drills: a rei nay, na.' rront u KEW bcnch-iutofl saw compiet with 8 saoi. 293 Front t Markham Gar-I shape, and eome tools. t'aU East 7S48. LOWNSDALE GARAGE , Auto and mU trucks stored. $3 mo. Anro repairing 31 per hour.. Washing $1 up. ' loth nd Wsihtngton. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 SAFE Ligh-- office Safe. Gaul order. First rcewmsbi effer accepted.- L-66. Journal. . - I DAHLIA buihs, $1 a doaeit 8212 Ooth at 8. E- Phone AntomaUc 23-i. r - WOOD snd fertilizer ior sale, delivered. East 4950.--- V- ; - ? Call WILL trade large or . email acreage for light touring or delivery ear. rnone ia-AA ar la TOUR furnaes smokes or don't heat, or If yenr roof lee!! cau l.eonsm, cast Taos, . fr FREE for removing; light mndy soil, eaoy to get. near E. AfS and 24 Ui. Ea"t 1S8 .,, , ' I : - rr . 1 -,.., , . WE WILL, to yon money on "r automohiln. I FOR. RtNT r.lecrnc vacuuni cleaners, delivered .. a. e . a Aw-e r 1 and called for. Xe ay. seifwooa T4. WILL pay $300 cash for iate model Ford toor-1 EVERGREEN shrubs, sua fruit trees delivered. Mf or roaottter: must oe a eargaino r ti. Andersnn Nursery, j Tabor 4218, WANTED second band rtMiLter body eiieap. I FOR cedar fence and: berry pota, call Seilwood. CH Tabor 1 - I evemngs. eenwooa hi; 1 VACANT LOT Exchang for light car. 4f)72 after . ' East I 3-A EASTMAN KODAK, posteard size, leather e-. 3If. ; Et t gOTi.' ; - ' Meyer'a Carage. Tiesrd. Must be reasonable. 11AI , SAFE. . fireproof, medium Sire; 212 Railway Ex. ' Braitwsy II769. 131 Grand are. I ALTO kmtung aucinne and Ik ponnii. ct good urn lor sale reasonable. t-oaa. journal. VICTB0LA. $90. Term given; mahg..,eje. almost new. - Driiii-iieas nunc L4., AZi 4th rt. ; '--" -- - " - ' SCHILLING PIANO, plaint oak case, a SiMrttng-Loea ALusic Vo., 123 4th at. Baar Wa?htogton t -' - - - PIANO TUNING -AND REPAIRING. guar anteed work .bv experts. Bdwy. 6376. ei- berling-Lnca Music Co., 125 4th rt FOR SALE 1 genuine Martin Hawaiian guitar, excellent condition. rsaca, , qayus, Main, 451. k for lr. cChmg. ' MASSAGE.' betn, cianeys. : rheumatism sexes. Dr. tina Boreruen. 60S Panama bldg. j I state menu, envelopes, cards. Work guaranteed,, ' 8. Rodow, 420 Worcester bMg. Bdwy. 1I6. Lawyer Coaaulratioa 404 ficrurrue IF Phil Rosumay ean't repair your watch, throw - R- awsy- 11 t B8'f Morrljoa. . JF Printing THE lBWIN-iODn.- CO 'A.M $87 Waahiagtow Broadway 6144. A-126 iProfeohal and Business Directory .ITERATIONS At TnitORIWG SMALL Victrola tor sale, eiieap.. - 2 Et 12th et, after 3 p. m. East 1080. $350 FARUAND. hut piaao less H price, ternn, 312 Worcentgr bklg. - - . - $600 J. A C FISCHER, almokt new, lea Va price, term. 313 Worcester bldg. WANTED Second-hand seetctone4 1 i o, spot ssh. - Et 82. WANT good toned piano for cash. Bdwy. 1346 weekday. - : - - PHON OG RATH repAirii,, spnngs 20e up, pan wholewle snd retaiL 549 Wsh- Bdwy. 2044 WanteO c.d end P tail preessd 60c; cleaned and pressed, $1.60. Batttactiott or money beck. Rersl Clesnevs. 727 N. 6th. Atrr 4tooD ORDERS taken ail art work low prices; ape cialty of chin linng. 49$ .Wash. .Phone Broadway 3321. ' - - -" ftOOC EAlftla . ' EOOfS realiingd aod nya.rtd and entered wan roofing paper. Msm 13. lEWina MACetIM Ct FEW siighUy damased Singer sewing auehices, greatly reduced pneea. Singer Store. 110 Grand ave. - ' ' 8HCIT fc-tTAt kVORa MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS Beoftoc. S eriae. spoattng, tobbine end a : 1 tepatriag. Phoa. Bmadway 93. 328 Aw. TRAhlFtR S.WP 6T0RA66 - . ArrrificiAt titw EXPERT fitting aaJ maixing. Writ for iale HLXZEM.N, $125. net Mouc Co.. 12 4th st Beiberiinc-Laca PIANO WANTED from privat proposition. Msr. 1533. BAUS PIANO, $175. Mam 2440. SSO Psrk. R1VO WAST7 -Py rs'h. Ttlwy 5T. WANTED For cash, sued piano, tkiwy. 2s jl). W. E GERLACH. 408 Wash- St; Room 309, BENT Ls tHkDC Jtt9 SPOlLlliHT lenses, deitectors. eieT PortUnd Art ClssV Wks.. 348 Madiroa. eer. 17th. M. 9393 BLANK BOOK Xftl DAVIS A lioLMAN, LN'C.. 109 book manufacturer. A-3163. 2d st, blank fedwy. 714 ALWAYS fltE TH BEST MOUeLiiOLD -GOODS bi'EClAJ LIB T Storage, pacaisvg. att-w am aad awmng; "c! O. PlCETEiSTTR STORAGB CO. 3d aad Ptoe 6 a, Broadway 66. . A-ll-X. . Oregon Transfer Co. - 474 Ghaaa 9t- ' Prearfway X28X DRATAGS rrOBAOE Feur Wsrehnose ew Terminal TncVy REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to ail points ea bonsehoid rooda, Paeifie C- Forward.L Ca.. th .nd Hnru Broadway 784. . (7fc.Si.iiAL. lUlUNti tail Empire li4.