1G TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1S22. HKCUIUTIES ADVANCE CENKKM.LY IX THE KARLV TRADING WITH NEW HIGH MARKS STMUpPHFil'IflT THE OREGON v DAILY JOURNAL, rOIl'f LAND, OREGON. Bf 9Vt P. tot - - IWiD Street Bureaw of The Joaraall WH Street, ew Tor. April 4. New high of the Liberty bends. further til funics trbeaga Bad t riding In storks bat vita mack saor n tartty i the- pno Bifiw thee were tha ssala' - toeideate at the linsaetal . Biitia ! today. Tht Ul exempt Uhvrty S. Uw row WUthle )ti M , lint loaa. that f t 4.d the fourta .1 4 V U Teebd Bw - nuns. " n -i leader w another day a 1 .aMBAa WALL STREET STOCIC QUOTATIONS ; v. - Bcperted b rbeck A Cocke Co., Board of Trad Building f j j I . ,, v JSew Terk. April 4-ir FJ Stocks roatlaaed tkelr breed forward - T meat dartae; tka nseralag trading; tke 2tew Tart aiek&ar ow Tolasse f traaaaeUoBg exeeediaf ; aTtalaf am aa ta exekaas for early; twa yaara.,., -- '''- v-,-. J- Traataetfoas far tke first hoar reacted the klghett total slaee April IMS, aid aw bUxk were reg1terd Ja.Btade. haker. Bald wis. Steel Cen.oa, Aater. eaa LoeoaaotlT ayed asaay ertaer repre- teatatlT laaaea. . SahteaaaaUy ' Beary- reaming- saieg kad to ka tbllked aa a. drop of lira plill li Btadabaker teaded to. mate ttl tka wfcole Dst, StsdekAker immih after iu sharp break aad reeorered part af Ita le. Bat dartae; Ike latter part at tka day, tka faaarai list u kar aetertied by eoailderaoU . lmralarlty with bmI af tka , atteaUoa located mi deaeOBttreUoB - fa ' ladlTMaal "1. ''T tiw,. atoeka. sack a Daloa CkeaUcaJ, Bald- to uve raniwia, lateraeuoeai .jtnruuw wreiwi , !: America JateraaUoaal. Btmlartoa I aoc wttiMas that tlx tarax Tka Mlrkat chad atraaf' m.,.--7-i- t Tlat ol rtarllnt .eroaa ua Typawniar at 44 lawt ! tlwra " tnr" to taa tlmta oU o afldaaea th prwil arlatotrr 1a tha honaa at K"" M a)bt, Taa Ma at tba Iaorln ""i"""' ante tha flnanrtal eoanaunlty mdar alwt tha ha... had aaaa for tha Ulk ft aa antral fflrta. lth baa ban beard ': ! aurtag tka but ta alalia and hlell at t.a.a fcaa bad cooudambU lndoanea apoa tha aicaaaaa atackat. Kxi fl,. steal Spa.... 100 Saioo Motors ... 400;Har Boeback 200 270OiSiBcUir ........... 2 I 4 . . . .Htaad oil lno. i-,r- -"- -1 )',Hea Boeback.,.,1 74 ) 8iatuick. Ana. ...A liShell T. T.-. . .. II f 41H SiacUir ...........1 2Sa VRjU .j Low. tCloae. iMtajxL hl N. 1 00!Ska-8beL 44008oa., PacifiO i. . . . 640USoo.Hr ...... SXOUtMtaad. Otl. Cai.-. . . 18tH Ht. U . F. . . . . MOfSuxmbara; Cani,:. L0i0i8tiidebakar . . .Swift Co. tOO Tn. : Ooo. 4k Cbcarf llk 21. 10 134 1H 431 41 a. 23 VI 22 9 Hi 9 t K 4TH 1S , , , , Adam n. lAdranca na ....( do. pft-.,. .....( do. pfd. 20ASa Rabbar . :00Alaka. Ookt oOiAiaeka junraa had aathack today. Tl dTaa ' I ?M" MoT . T X hIm hol iamtiarly attar a tarsal . hIm Tlia markH froaa tm an bra ri!raalif lrrtr and toward Iha ka tba raartioa waa VU xlMd and aoito lttOOIAav kaa. K0Aat.'JtOL.h r.., JUO'AJa. t'aa Co. . . foiAo utr, . immL . aturfahaaa Outsat . OfiKT ' ; Tkra wara two taHMaaUna1 aiJoaiiiiit tManna dirwilr apoa tha itork markai. Una waa Iha ataiamanl M tlw MuioVbaaaT prtaktoit that tia ananainf ' output dnrui 4ao lint .wrtr of tba ea raa 141 oaol "d ,.f tha tiraj tha aHmtha at -ltl. ,"d that lluh waa Iha laraaat aumtb la tha huuny at ta aooipany. Tba oUiaf wa tha atatamant. avb M tht annual auaUna ot Batblahaat tttaal ainrkboklara, that thara waa aabln ai tba foomt mi Mat fpar that Ua diTldaod aa tba KMhhhM ataat aenuton atorka aiicbt bo radaaad. Tha atuOahakar aawa baa baan ao wll adaar- wad ahaad mi ilmm that IU Biartct allatt baa diaaaontwl. atadabakar atork barina (ooa ' im I i painta wlthta a wak M waa not turpna- l thai at aboow ba a anarp paoau. . Mam at la WaaHUad - V , Tt aai kawr or aa tba kraak ta IhU tvm- Uitia favraita aaaaUlad Iha autiro aaarkat. Bttt na fmh cim ka ethar daraattoiui and opora tu.w for rwa wara ranawad in a nnmbar of alwtad awha. Aaonf tbaw wriw taa anan, whirh wrra tufhwarad b an adianao la. tha Phra r( uhaa rawa. TUia adranco Waa aflalit hut aararthalM, atanrllrant aa fcmttnc t uphold tha tuw that aurb o(tatn( aa baa rtcanlljr aMturrM 1n tho aurar tnarkat wad dat o tha lla haary tlilvawtu treat Caha.- dorina V00 do. pld. . r. .a-llT HiO'Aa. Cot. OU 1001 da pfd, . . . . - 4 (Ml, Am. iHuc Bjad. - soafAw, a a U .. M do. pld. . .. . ItuoiAm. ! 1700A lntt Corp. . 1H 40 1"4 6S 4TH S 41j 45 48 Id 4T . b th awt month rary laiiMinaaaa. or ao aad waa of only teoipo- Siyf TORK 1AILVTAT B05D 199CB IS QIICKLT AB80BBF.D Tha anW-k baorptloA of tho lp.oO.00l " Tarb Railway oaaiuany twr oant aafandlM nrtfaaa 4nda atmncry widlralaa tba eoalia ad atransta h tba bond nark.' .'.The aab a rtrrfUia baoka of tha ayajdiaata tahnaaara ia hw Tarb wrra rlnaad within aa hour attar, thaj nw offlrlally epanad lionday, t hararml Vocal Lnatnnt haaava partirlpatad tn-Uia laaa and Li-rtr Indirl-hial allot at nu wara auit dlapoaad of, Tba bntflo. bwuad ta daoomtnattaoa of 1 1(, ti and IIAOti. autura In Oc lobar. Jolt. 0p t'nal ta at 101. Tbay wrra offttad at It la ylfbj about t.10 pat aaat. . Xtuf lit EUkir W : S.w Tort.' Apr J 4. (t H. ) Call ov. rm ta floor ol tho Xw Tark Htork Exchanoa tlay rwlad at 4 par cant;, kuah. par .aant; hw. 4 "4 par cant. Time money w eaiat. Itaia wara 4 H 4 t par , cent. . Tha aiarket f r prlaM wraanula pa par waa aulrt. - CaH .away a Loaidau) today waa ? St oar ' eoM. Hiarling aavbanaa waa ataady with, baalnaai ta biMkar' kill at It 19 (or dawiand. . . -' , , t . : - rOJHECrTlYH CASH ' DIVIDENDS Maro Ba Val4 ta . Holder at . Northwestern Electric ) rreftrred SkArri . , - Otar ,i ' 1 , $30,000.00 yraa Dbttrtbaled la Dltrldeadt aa' April : First Northwestern Electric ; PrafarraJ Ihirai paTToaortt awnarahlp la over efehteen rjiiinona ot aotjara la property and qulinarit A rood tnraatment In art eievu-K-iu puitltai tttuity. ; . Northw Electric estern Pre f trad whnraa rill anlr your taranlmont problem. To way partKMpate In tha profit of mia bouimi. aDto company dollar monthly a; tit come for Uta futaray A few awuuta .arv In . Northwestern Electric . , Prafarred rtbare'"' MflLl. FABM j l ,. O.X torn YONKT - 1 rrU-o ; lr.TT.IIfJHT" ". Ikakjert tatbaace) V Mail Coiipbh MUTnwrtTmx r.i,i;cTBtc co. I'vrtlaad .... s n.t ma full Information concern yoijr prrierred enarra. A 1 ! i a ....! KAO iu. Unaeed ' I0l da pld. d TOO Abu Loco. ...-. I do. pfd. ' S4BO Anm.. Kal. 7aoAia. 8. am O. HUOiAnt. BmrHer ;, 100 do. pfd.- ..... Aaw . Itauff ' . . . .40Aaa. Blaal I"dy. .. . SdOOlAja, Bncar . . . , 40 do. pld. ODOiAaa. Buaialfa .... SlOOiAau T.L A TaL... bOOOiAam. Tobaaeo 1 r.00 Am. Tobaeeo ' BM ttOiAai. VooL looj do pld . XOOiAbx. W. P. pfd.... - tOAa. Biaa .. . . ... . 14.000Anaenna ....... 70Aje d OU ........ JV00 Atrhaaoa 00 do pfd. ...... , 14MIOIAU. Oulf A W. L. 1000 Baldwin Loco. ..... , . i. .( do pfd. .. i ... ... lOOBaMo A Ohio .. . ... . tool do. Pfd. . .... . I Beth Steal 8 .... lhlOO do B",,.. . . . .... 100, B, R. T. .. .i .... 40 Malta CAS...'.. ; htXiMotta A Hupt .... . 0ft Born Bra. ... ... lbhOHtCadda Oil SraaCat aPekiai ...... i.4iM.Car. Pet. ,.v. .-... on -de pid. i . llOOlCtnadiaa rao. .... 'X 100 lea. Uather I4O0 rarro do Paaeo.... i . 00 iC handler Motor . '. . SdOO'Chleaao A K-W.'l . - 7001 ClKO GUrW... 1 WOOl do pfd. .'t "l400rhUi Cppar 1700p3eun 400) do pfd. BSOAiCoco ...v.. ieoa A o 'iSOOCola. I". A-I...,. aoolcoio. South ev , ISOOCoL Qaa A Elae., 400lcoiujnbta. rapb. . 10O:tav. aa ....... luO Oona. Clear . . iw V .A. do pfd. . . , ". t . UJOOCoatl, Can. . 4-ltMo'Sre Bank an 4000 Cora . ProA , , . . . saol wo old. ...j.. IROOiU B. I. A r... too , do A Pfd. . .,. 3001 V B uli. ' . . 12000 Crociblo .......... 4001 do pea. ....... 6VO0 Cuba Caaa .... tOO do afd. ...... 1100 Oabaa Am. Socu 100IaU Haaaoa .. COOiDoata Mlaea .... 1000 Del. A Lack. ... ITOO.Darlaoa Ch Too Kndtoota tOOjErio tK)0 do lit pfd. . ... 140f"Elee. Btr. - Bty.. . IMOOit'amoa Player . i . . I red. Mis. .A Bbmk. . 200) do ptd. ........ J 100 Ffek 7 Ire ........ 40OiaHon SHOOHlen. CJaare . . . . . . 1400:Uea.' Elertrit . , . . . 46OOliea. Motor . .. . .. TOOililea Alden' ..... 10200!ea. Aaphart .. ... 1 1 OOilloodrlch , . . . . , . . . Uloodyear . . t . . . . - 4hoUiranbT ......... 00it. . North. Ore. . . ; i 1 0B5t. North, , pfd . ', . I'Olljlireene Ctnenea . . . t20ilaM B. 8taal...Vws eeoO'Howaton t) :..,,. il.lOO Hirpp aloror' . V.. ' B00 lltlnoia Cent. ' .... l00lnulrtioa' . . . . . . . . . (Iat, At" Corn. . . j saa v do pfd. . . . : . lioojoterbero , kOfli da pfd.', . a'.. . . JlnttnUU CaUahaA. ' 401 Int. Bare I00t do pfd, . 4 2 00, Uh Mer. Marina v . 11 10W do pfd. ...V... aoollnt Mckel,, 1200'lnt.-, Parrr ....... do pfA ....... 1 1 00 IwrtnHbla OU , . . . 1400 bland U 1...... 200 Jewel Tea ....... 2T0O K. C. Santkera, . . . , :o do. ptd. ...... BlOO Kelly-Bpcfd. . . .i . t0;Kaaecou ....... 150oiKayMone Tire ... . IJ0O latk. ktael 14O le Tire ... SSeo lhlh Taltey . . ' 60 UrCatrd. .....:'. '510 Xoew Theatrea . . . . . ItUI. A N. ....'.IMarkay -SSrrO'ilarlaad Oil ....... - aoo iiartla A Party . ISaoMacy Rtarae ...... 11400 Met. Pet, ra0004iamt v. lJDta MHMh atataa Oil . a0 Mtdrala. Steel . . 200 M. A. A T. wi 00 . do. pfd. 1 . . . . . ..... i Meat. Power , 7!00 Mct. Ward .. taoOlMo. Pae. r.',. ISOOI do. pfA .. lo SI. stP. A B.8.M. 300 5 J 1IH 10S 45 as 10 i . 40 S 41 44 H 47 14 . za ta x 44 107 4SS 11B 1 7 7H ts Bt 121 141 hk 117 us 108 ts 88 114 42 7 7W 128 14 H 18 4 04 85 78 72 8 20 17 2TH 24 40 80 88 80 48 8 ' 8 27 2 105 H4ai4 61' 7 71 88 82 121 180 188 88 ... 28 14 81 107 7 87 iii i J m a a 41 67 ii a f. 28 127 18. 77 51 4 187 87 85 t 20 N 17 27 28 S8 48 02 SO 48 4 - 8 - 8 108 If..".. . . . ioi' 7 18 47- 80 88 18. - "" T 48 PS 41 44 47 158 117 28 9 8 14 88 108' ' 44 a- 110 115 7 14 84 , 87 128 S 72 . , 88 :: S3 ' 121 : 188, 188 88 105 ' 87 14 81 107 87 87 88 113 107 a m 118 -74 V 8 .28 1X7 14 7t 88 88 187 87 88 lL&OeiTeiaa tU 600Ta Pac. ,. . .... lS700Teza Pto. CAb.. tOOlTraa. Con. Oil..., 2600.Cnioa .Oil IX. . . . 2800Vniea Pac 4 OOj United AUoy : lOO Uniwd Drut . . . . . SOOiCnited Pood Prod.. 2900!rnttad Fruit ..... dOOjUtaioB. B. A P....v 870010. 8. C. L Ptoe... 2800Colte4 Betail Store) - wowo u. B, lad. Aleoaol. 850ef. 8. Bab. ..'.-.l'r do pfd. .. ..iv.. ' lOOIU. B. SnwItuuT.,. 48200 C. . Steel. , v. 500 - do pfd. ....... lOOTtah Copper-.,.. 8001 Va. Ckem, .... ; , . ... . . I do pfd. : . ... . . 24 200 Vanadium, Steel 800 jViTandott 100! Wabash . 10100) do A ptdw. 148 81 ST 48 48 68 87 88 117 44 200 .7001 -8001 1800 800 S100 ,8500 600 's 800 1400 800 2200 do B Did.- . . . . .Wei to Farto -, '(V western- iae, . do pfd. . .. . . Western I'nioo WestinAhooee A B do B. A M... Wait, Jld. ..... White Motor'...' Willyt-OrcrUad . . do pfd.- . . Wahwa , Pmckini i Woelwortk . . . . i . WortbJncton Pomp. w. 4V L.. White Oil . ; . . 47 Mi 104 ii -: 82 28 9 18 1188 41 8 144 60 85 45 r 44' 81 88 3 74 8 42 25 88 175 41 X 86 23 47 - 115 -105 11 44 82 26 6 .18 183 80 88 1145 61 85 45 :454 1 44 4 J a 81 31 30 68 58 10 44 40 42 '64 0 10 . ; .-wilva 87 117 V 6si :42 Jit 80 'io' 55 67 48 ; 8 40 42 '64 9 10 .I 84 W -f'ttll 87 08 117 83 42 10 '! 30 20 78 ? 10 55, 0v 89 ' . 57 42 .V 8 40' 42 160 i 61 . 8 LIBERTY BOIIDS AT MORRIS GOES TO. 1 CORVALUS COMPANY Money 6, 4 . 8 per cent. . Total ealea atocka. 1.822.500 ahare. Total aalae bond. S18.43S.00O. . - BUSINESS : BRIEFS r e- By Laa ITIra New York. April 4.-r Tke Graaby Consolidated Minioc company will erect a dam costing 3400.-00.- It ta eetimaUd this will reeolt in a fuel a rtnf of O8150.0CA) to $ TOO. 000 a year. Aa bane ot new atock baa bees underwritten. . -. ' Beporta- of railroad eaminga attracted eoa aklarabla . attentiun here today. ' The Fannayl rania road earned 82.70 a share last Year as acainat 83.28 la 1920. Canadian Pacific earn- lna showed' a decrease in tha fourth Wrek in Wsreh. The Chics (o- Gnat Western deficit for 121 was oat from 81.548.878 to' 85f2,601. Tha Plttsbarc. Cinelnnati. Cbioo A St. Lonia showed ..a-deOcib in 1B21 of "87.060.231 aeaonst 4 set income of $4,183,628 4a 1920. KarrtiBc of the American Bxneltinc A Befin- !n eosapaay for January showed sabstaatial profits abor preferred diridend and -bond Inter, est requirements ajad . preliminary - firures show Kaimiary - earninss war almost as' reat. .The resumption of the Porphyry Copper companies is expected to res alt ta improTesseitt la- Bmetter' earninw the last ball year. Coffee cold today at .6ff for sy. vtftiot 6 I July, v.al lor elepteaiber ana ueeeatner. xtew 1 . - I ttissr was ; uoted at 2.87 for -:Uy. 8.77 for 8 IJtuy, i Ma.BeptemDer ana pc ior: veaemner. 194 I Refined ittgartwa at. 5.85 tor Hay, J.10 for July aad aaptemDer, ana .vu lor jjeceattwr. - NEW YORK BOND IwANSACTIONS J 0111 j . f , Beported by tba JonruePa WaB Street Baaaa - 'v'.--"; ;'" . j I -1 III . .. f. na&n. I AVaTiw. V. fTlam. I - deh . . . carried yaaiy faTorttet ta their blg-ktt V. lstor. 4 , . for W Tear or last aad waa led y tba S, a.T " I'alUtd KtAtea aTerasaeat loaas. as eat of EL Cen. a 14 . I'll'. .1. ..vii.v.. .. t... tvn .t. ta - dr. It. 'M wuw esuHKwaea w r" , - - -... Liberty liiae wm Mil tkreft tk a a d.e s.L. u.u.Ui t eaaHaaad 8,... " m.w y - j " 1 on as a 3 .... . . atrwasrtk In tka fore Ira axteraal trei. I TiL Steal deb. tu. 'a: Calted. KlafdOBs 8H par ak koad Ta. I U,tl J "66 . . . . fleeted teat atfrbfa- Tata t eoafldeae L t. ref66 accorded lAa.Briuaa mniinr, idi hi tint. Pser 6 B '47 loaa rislas U a. aew kirk aad tka 3918 I J- L M. a ; f. a '41.. .J 1 aaatarltlea aqaaUar tkelr aersri o 's. . i. prtees. Daalik and Seat k Asaerleava. Is I xZj 7 J" -...... sacs aUo f ot into Wgher rromnd wkfU j Kaoswb JtJei; ia tk Mexleaa IroTeniBteBt loaas reacted 1 f. u. Boatn. let 8s iso after tkelr aaadea Jaaip yesterday. Botk tka 4 aad were Irrefolar. Tba far mer adraaced akomt a poiBt, tkea r. acted almost tbree, aad tke 1 per eeat went dowa oyer a. polat kelora rally lay maderately. 'A. R. Morris After reslBhintlYrom the Portland Cheeso company ana making j prepara. tlona to go Into btiafness kt Salt Ikke, A, J JR. f Morris, for ' lf) jrearsv connected with tjie- cBeese.wincer inhere, nag ac cepted A irrr03t emptina; offer frorrj the jorvaiiiaieornpany, to oecoTne Ita . city lessrhaaget.;,'The offer of the creani-. ery r coflcrn;came Just x MrvXIorrlB He i"liot only well known In trrocerT circles- afeftj" but is one of the leaders of the Portland association of credit men. SOUTHERN LUMBER OUTPUT IS SMALL 37 41 94 ' I 80 60 86 16 86 28 . 1 16 116 68 . 88 12 19 160 81 89 17 . 72 159 11 44 65 40. 26 ST ! 73 To 17 108 40. 40 8 8 T-V 98 '. 108 ' 17 75 16 47 19 , 1 19 2 5 47 S0 18 83 SS HO 149 15V. 118 e e 4 37 29 119 1124 27 14 84 1A 88 18 36 40 83 80 68 85 15 84 31 26 116 61 83 11 19 159 89 1 88 16 78 - 158 11 44 62 39 , "2" 86 l '71 76 16 102 40 89 S . 97 108 16 78 ia" .. 26 63 46 29 17 60 82 68 t48 . 26 '28 117 121 87 18 3 14 is 61 I 87 as 16 59 103 75 29 , 67 87 3 "24 iiNor. Am. .. . . .IMat. Plat nit ..... 43001 MaU Enamel .... at. Lead ...... Tno.NeraAa 4'oa. .... 3 New Haraa ..... .l400!Norfolh A W...; 1 Jo Nor. Par, - lfo,Na rWria steel. 200(N..T. Air, Brake . Jaoo N.. T. t 'antral ... 800.1 ilia. Pr.d. ref.. ..... huarie Silrer . - . a Ontario A W.... Nloo nit nteel ...... tO0 Par. it A tier. Y: IHana- .Vnti'.v. St ion rcillr fiTi .'.-. 10?nn Pan. Aw. Pat. . . . I S0. do--. . . .. IJulXliPenna. . . .. . . . SOU I'ea lias ....... Jiii 1'era Mrartte.. two jure tiu iaa Phillrp Pete. . .-. 8 Pteraw Arrow-.-.. hta. Coal . . . 389W Prus. A Vt f aim. ( A , SotMr Steal Car.....( 74 9 69 42 65 67 51 I 41 2 29, 3? 37 - 61 39 740W PuUatsn irtt Ray ( w 58 liaadina ....... ..... Henitnatcw . , Anoa Hepli,e ateel. . I xoi) k. 1. A 8 , Hl do r.td. , . 8i0 Pew Mntnr. ' . .. J HOtn HnU loir h Am. ...A(123 78 87 3 A4 74 i 7 61 86 94 . 15 20 162 73 24 67 86 3 ' 9 68 40 54 55 50 46 81 S 28 81 36 6lt 28 t 73 123 14 74 84 S3 53 17 27 23 89 48 62 29 aw 8 10S z . 60 61 20 104 118 86. 40. 93 -79 69 ". 88 15 33 82 lit 26 116 63 83 11 19 1158 f ti ac 9 88 16 71 158 11 44 62 38 ie se - 86. 71 26 71 76 17 102 40 S T 97 108 16 73 16 46 ' 7S 194 19 36 64 46 29 17 61 83 69 148 . li - 26 28 118 122 27 13 32 14 34 66 ' 18 22 34 61 , 8T 134 86 1 14 29 162 73 28 86 ; 2 7 23 13 6 R 46 64 . 86 60 40 93 28 81 36 8 60 29 78 . 78 126 13 74 ts tit 53 Fort Worth. April 4. Lumber production, hi the Southwest continues at - about 20 per cent btlow normal although . huildint operation u tliis section are moTing at a faster rata than they were, a- year ago. ' - AUTOMOBILES ! - .. ."Ksncas City. April 4. Laoh- of demand for fjwd -mofbr jcars is holding back the sale of new cprs in tha. territory; : Dealers say owner are t r.wiUrnj to take ; what the market offers for tl-eir old ears and are holding off on purchase of new cars. .. ,-.., -. Detroit. April 4. The ' Liberty Motor Car company has orders on iiahd tor immediate shipment which will, keep the plant operstm at etpscity 'nntit July. Since reopening in Febru- r manafactunng schedules at the plant bare 'beea increased twice. . ' . . ; ' Saa Francisco. April 4 Sales of automo biles are- setting records here. : There has been a n.markable rerirsl of demand and this has ex ttnded toarnd ears which ara now well cleaned VTaU Street. Jtew Tor. April 4 Tke award snoTeneat at bead prices today 7 B. A W 9 85 61l S 9 108 96 86 82 90 17 . 14 61 .,.J 84 95 80 41 98 66 81 106 9 98 92 102 SEW YORK BONDS New Tork. April 4. Total sales of bonds I on tha Btock Exohartce today were 820.810.000, SAsntat 619.780.000 yesterdsy 815.765.e0O a week aso 31i:i1.000 a year ago and 312.- 538.000 ,two years ago. Froea Jannary- I Ju date Sa.218,920.e0O, atsinst 8743.824,006 a year ago and 8974.531,000 two yean ago. High, low land closing prices are gieea.'. ': Mia 81000) . Mature High,' low Close Liberty ,8 .1.82-47 9890 ,9842 9864 8 a res. V i . . 32-4 T i 9850 j 8 5 : so ir2& i i 27-42 : 9890 9866, 9876 t.4'S'4.V.ii-.tJ-4T 10000,, 891 : 924 lt 4 rtg. i ;2-47 9920'; 9906 : 9920 .Sd 4A i.-ivV32-47 10008 9950 9960 2d, 4 a ,.. .. .27-42 0894 9879 ' 891 ' 2d.45reg.127-42t 9894' 9876 9894 '.ir ti 4 ,i.- j. IkiU 28 3 9858 ,J 9948 -,f 9954 28 - 9984 9934' 9934 38 5 9923ft999S ; 9916 38 V 6894 ,9888 ! 9694 108U8 C IsL ref. 4s '49 ....A 67 6 k N. ara. 4s '40.. . , 91 I 91 6 s ...... t ...... tie j ,102 : 8d 4 reg. . . 4tkV 4 -... i. 4th 4 a reg. 'v . ViTtory 4 i .... , 4 reg. t .., : teg." . . . a. C Taras. 1 a. ills Belly Bpgfid. Tir 6s 1831 steal a 1823 do 6a 150. J 8. A M. 8. deb. 4s "81 . uentgn alley- s 1S28... 1. at do LvAN.8o.Bv.Mob. If 4a '8 a Maa.By.Coa. 4s tax ex. '90 Market 8. By. con. 5a 24 MrrlaadOil 8 '31... ... .! da 8s warrants VI.. j. . .j Max. Pol. 8 36 .. . fc, . . . si id rale Steel cel.: 9 88 . StlBB. Bt. u. cow. a 34.. Mine. ABLL. 1st rta. 4s '49 do ret. is ......... M.8I.P. A H.8.1I. l do 4s "26 Uti K. A T. 1st 4s '9w,. ,do 4 S. B. . .:.';:.. do 2d 4s -90 , do 2d 4 etfa '90,. . . so- s note "23..... , da adj. is Ber..A.;., do 6s Bar. C j Mo. Pscific 3 '65...... ' do sen. . 4a '7A. .... M. A O. St. L. A C. 4 31 9 85 81 . 68 9 9 , 81 58 89 I SEEK iiVESIEIITS STOP HU 94 86 81 90 16 18 66 83 93 79 41 96 93 66 80 106 99 98 91 102 22-23 10068-10084 10064 SO 102 102H" 102 FOREIGN BONDS 45. . . It wsj . conceded today that plan for a merger -of a number of steel companies at Youngstowa had been abandoned. The improved eondiuoa of tha eompaniea which were to hare been merged i aaaertod to kay been the causa of the soandoament 1 :" s v'' i'. V Production of - tha -- Pirastoae company ' at Aknaa haa been increased to 20.000 Urea a day. Goodyear ia . maintaining prodoctioa at 322,000 a day and Goodrich - A Miller An. aoane . production will be maintained . on the March basis.. a .... ,-.ir .a.v'. -i" ' - Tha Indishoma Refrigerating company showed a aet loss of 81,104,027. after -charges, depre- Slattoa . ana ' aepieuon m uaa oeen ; ae aeted. against a. net income of $996,782 in 120 - . . . - .... - - . -v..- . . - .Tha feelsey Wheel company today declared tha reguiat quarterly dlndend of li u on tee pre ferred etosk payable AUy 1 to stock of recopl on AAru 20. Tba regular qnamrly Kelly-Springfield Tire rrMdasd of -3 ner -cent on the pre I erred stock declared today, payable May l o stoos 01 reoord ktay 1. v -r Weber A Heilbroner. for - the year ending Pebniary-28. a922, ahowed net prptits 01 3243,489, as against a aet profit of 395,220 last year. - -. ' '. . rh Anurriean TrleeTank A Cable company toda deelared the Tegular quarterly diridend of 1 par cant payable Jane 1 to etocV of record May 21. v? ." -. sf.nH.nl nil af California for the mar end ing December SI. 1921, showed net profits of $33,688,281. against 4 net profit of 4l,ei 254 in 192,,;.r' , -'i . V?Z;r- - - . 7 -ra-. .-' i- . -: A- ' raarhawBlovakia has sold a loaa of 835,000.- 000 to 6 lynuiraU of London banksra and th bonds will be offered in thi msrsei uua wees. The vWyardo . Bngar company declared tha regular Quarterly diridend of 1 per cent, pay able May 1 to stock of recora on apru zu. tk. BiAin TaeoiBoriee soasDanT ass just re ceived aa order lor wo 'ioccsnoure irom dspuu. PiircliaseajB ills of U. S. Show Increase :4 Combined li of abowt 335.700,000 In aHwonnaad and vnrchaaed bUav as against a -r doctkMt of 32,300,000 in goeernment aectiritiea, aeeompanied by aa increase of 330,600.000 is deposit ltebilttie and a reduction of 81.500.000 ha federal I f earre wota circulauoa. ar indicated la thw federal leuerte board' weekly consolidated statement, award at thw cloaa of business .March a, ltt'j. Total earning assets show an tn- ereem for fh week of 833.400.00tt. . Gold re serves declined by 81.800,tKo ana total case mere by 81.200.0OO. A . anmmarv - of changes In taw principal asset aad liability stems of the rearrre banks, as com pared with a wees, ago ana a year ago, iouowb , J ; u, Increaaa or Decrease tn r " Miliiona of Dollars Sine .. , . .-. ; .. . . ' "' , s-2z- :i. : a a sva. Total reeer.es ..... It.; .L lJec, -1.2 Inc. - 642. lield rearrrrs . : . . w. ., Deo. l.S- loo. 128. Total ' aarrune aset . .' Inc. 88.4 Oeo. 14SS. IMeeoumed bills, total. Inc. S 0.0 Dot 178 Becured by C. A gee. ..... ' ' 3 ebliaationa ....... Inc. 16.7 . DeCJ 707 .All otner Inc. 4.3. Ilea . 870. Pwrehaaad bills Inc. 16.7' liec.',. 4 U. B. eecnnOes. total. Dec S.S-'lot -J84.8 : Bonda'and notes- Dec. t. Inc. 174. Pittaaaa certifies tea . . Dec J.i f Decv 138.4 Other Utasnry ceruf- - . " - eate . . Inc. , 7TB - Ine. .148.6 Tctal depoaita . I . . . rue-8b. 5 l4nc 15.9 Members' - raaervw. de- - - pouts . . . .1. ..-.-lae.'' 40.P ; Inc.. -, 86.4 Oeremmeut deoonu, Dec Ilk S Dee. ' 26.1 Other deposits . . .-. '. Dec. . .1. Inc. - - - 3.6 Fed ersl reeui u note ht J..-. . .' - errculatioai . . . .- Deo. 1-3 Dec '726.8 Fd- ie beak auftea" in ctirulattoa. net la-. ' btirty . . . , Inc. 1.8 Dec -89.4 Cuiontown. i Pa.. Aprn 4.--With practically no desertions from mtuea and ovens the Con- telhrville coal and coke district is moving towards capacity prodncuon. Despite the atnka of an ion workers the market is barely steady. Fttteburg. April--4. The coal strike ia now proving costly to the taxpayers of .. Allegheny ermntv.r. In tha iwtinrv. bnt mitakla at tha lim it of, the fltty of Pittsburg." approximately to, 000 miners families are dependent, wpon the poor director. In . many lnataneea- the - miners are living in bowses owned by their employers, while they ara collecting food and clothing from the county poor board. Port .Worth. April 4 The total number of striking coal miner tn Texas is 240O and there are bnt 15.000 out in the entire Southwest. 1 be dispute In Texts., however, are old ones. Most of the miners on strike have been oat tmci April 1. 1921. .. . -i WOOL ' ' - Boston. April 4. Tbs rnilla are not buying raw wool except for filling-in purpose and the wool market is very quiet with a slight downward tendency in prices. -,,- Argentine Oott 5 do 7a W . L: . King, of Belgium 1 '45 00 .a., 41 ... . do 6 '25 ; . . 1 . . ... . . Cbinaae Govt.' By. Sa 51 City of Berne 8s '45. . .. City of Bordeaux 6 '84. . City of Cop'hagen 5 a '44 City of Lyons 8 S. .. City of 1 Uarseillea 6a "34 . . City of Rio de Jan. 8s. '46 City of Tokio 6s '52 . Oty of Zurich 8 '45 Beine- 7 '42 . . . I .'j . Danish Mun. 8s eer. A '46 do 8s ser. B 46 . . . Patch E. L rets. 6s. Dominican Beo. 5s '68 uom. 01 fan. 4 .note -291 do 6s .'S . . ; do 'Sa 8t . .. ."." .v. Dutch K.' I. 6s '62. French Govt- 8s '68.'. ' do. 7 Us '41 ..J ... .- Imp. Japan 1st '25. V' do "d 4 "25 .. ' do sterhnc loan 4' '81. King., of Denmark 8 '46.. no os ens. King, of Norway 8s '40. King, of Sweden 6 '39 Netherlands 6i ...... . Rep. of Chile 8 '26... do 8 '41 ........ do 6s- '46 ... . . : . . ... Rep. of Cuba 6 '16. .. State of Q'sland 7 '41. - do 6s coupon '47... 8 wis Govt 8a 4i. . . . State of 80 Panlo Ks '88 . U. K. of Gr. B. A I 5g '22i OO 111 -z . , t. do 5s '37 . Rio Gr. Do Sol 8s '48 J XT. S. of Braxa 8 41. B. of Mex. ::'4ij do ; Large ........ do 4 '54.. .i..;,,. do In. ,4a j N .T- C. of Ater 5s . T. City 4s '63: co 4a or '11. .. do 4 '60..... do 4a '64.'. j.... do 4 65.L... ?do"'4 of 80;', . . 22-28 10100 f0088 10088M.-P'r; Co. 6 8. A '48 m v enu i : . Montreal T'wy. coJ. S '4L atom ft Co. 4 "88., . Xaaaaa Klertrie 4a ... Ns-'h. Chat. A St. L. 5s26 Kys.,of Mex. 4 '57 , do 4s '61....... National Tuba 5 '62 . . N. Orleans A N. 4 '89 K. O.. T. A M. inc. 6a '36 N.T.CtAH.R. deb. 6. 15 do rfg.Aimp.4 , .- 1I 00, cwa 1. do ,. ia W. X. 'IS... . do eon. -4. '98 .... do rfg. , 'f7.... . oov. oeo. , - do M. E. 6 !.T.C.M.C.col.tr. 8. '88 N.T.SJL AH. c.3. '06 .V- OO , OS, 'A ..... do deb. 4a. '56,. X.T.Ont.AWt. gen. 4s, '55 U. S. t CASXED FBC1T . San Francisco. April 4. -The susnlv of canned fruit on band j small and canners' agent, who are tn the rfuit districts attempting to contract this, season', prop in advance are meeting with little SBccess. : i- , ; P1BE PROOFING ' Pittsburg. April 4. -The Dailv ootpnt of the national Fire Proofing company shows an in crease of sbout 6000 tons. Production will be increased to- meet tho demand -which, to 'ex panding with enlarging building operations. -;.j.I ' jt. , . , . OIL 4 Port Worth, April 4. Oil production to the Mld-Oontanent field continued about wnchanged this weesr but oil prices in- some aection were a trifle weaker. .1 PAINT- , , Detroit April 4. The Detroit division of the Tri-Unioa company reports that the saint and aatsrproofinc balneal o the conipaiiy here -i showing handsum gam. 1 : , CEMENT i t New Tork.!- April . The International Ce ment eoApany expect to chip between 75.000 and 190,000 barrel of cement to Havana Una spring and summer for use on harbor improve ments as u port. ; : , t ", vmai'i.e sykup - . ..Madison. Wi... April 4. Maple syrup makers of Western Wisconsin (.report- they experienced the best scasprf in yean. - Some deelared there was sa mack top their equipment was not equal fas handling it. The price of syrup has dropped swu percent to i a gauea. , 1 COTTON". GOODS ' '. 'Bostoa. April 4 . The market for cotton goods hn dull, and heavy and the curtailment incident t the. strikeout: tba cotton . mill has not- af feeted trade as yet.; Some agents have low ered their asking price but demand is ao light end volume of business to small that auction are Almost nominal. , j - - - : - -- . - " . 1 , V. - . - , STEEL ' - . Mereer; !. April 4. -The Elliott-Blair com pony started it plant at, capacity-thar week with , two abifra. The Besenor . MannfacUiring cam- pany wth resume operations tn roll April 16. - , tuiMtHv.. vutv. j.inu -oiavi .plans, np enttioa aclmrslea tlm. week are on a 75 per cent kvn of capacity. The additional furnaces and mui will operate next week. NEW INCORPORATIONS Salem. April 4. Tke Home String A Loaa awociaboa of Entcrpnv. . Wallowa county, capitalised at 850,000, fued erticlaa of ineorpo- rattoa with tho state corporation denartaMnt her Monday. The tn corpora tors are W. P. Savage. George P, Cheney, B. Mayficld, A R. Thompaonetad W. J. Orttntc ; . ; - , - Art!etet were alas filed Mondav tv the Great Western Mining erwipany ai Medford. capirahaed at 3806.000. - The incorporators sre R:luird W. Turinn. Clvda C Clark and B. F. Landu. Permits to operate ia Oregow- were grarrted to thee Sowthofvi Oregow Gaa rcmnany. a Cali fornia 'corpora tioa rsoiialtxed at 6.'&O,000. and the rented utae iiafiman klacbinrry carpora- Uoa of lwlwrrv . . . 1 , . . - ... 1 - t 87) 34, S i ' r ' r-a 1 s - Foreira Kxekaag Market , New Tortj' April 4. I'.- P. Demand Krr- ling ote--.i lot., at 34 8V; frauca, A91$Vi lire. .0,"32; n.erk. .0030 . .-. .: The list rl.l with demand sterling at 84 SS ; francs, .0913; hre. .0530; maris. .0031. ... - - .-.', . . . ' . r " ' , . ... MEN'S FURNISHINGS St. Pan. April 4. Msa order bouse report the tale -ot men av inrnabmgs tn lu tarritorx larga than , hut year and state, business gener ally improving. - - - - t ... . mmn upr i , r ----- r''Js --- - " - '-'-.."A- ' PAID AX D- TS OCTJL AT. E D : i Oregon Agricultural College, Corvaliia. AprH4. After payint; 142 juniors in the R. O. tJ. each for commutation of sub sistence. vLhe miUtary departruent pre sented the men with their first "shot in the arm" Saturday. ,AN men who. will take advanced military training; at aunv- mer camp this year were riven the in ocnlatlon for typhoid and prophylaxis 8T 99 109 -108 10s ; SS : 113 87 93 87 87 102 71 71 113 86 - 112 112 94 91 101 , 99 98 94 107 103 89 75 112 88 112 100 S 102 104 103 87 108 1101 117 104 108 106 100 108 too - 63 88 68 39 8 105 105 99 100 1105 83 99 108 107 102 .-112 8 92 86-; BS 102 71 71 V 118 93 112 112 94 90 100 9 98 94 106 102 89 89 74 112 97 112 10044 85 102 103 103 87 108 101 116 .104 105 105 100 103 10a . 81 7 64 IT. -55 105 105 99 100 1105 99 j 80 8T 99 198 108 102 112 87 . t8 ? 87 87 102 71 71 ' 113 95 112 112 94 90 100 99 98 94 106 102 89 89 75 112 98 112 100 98 102 104 103 87 108 101 116 104 105 105 100 108 ioe 61 58 64 7 63 105 ' 105 99 100 1106 8 78 62 90 92 99 103 86 79 . 44 46 161 87 77 68 60 60 83 63 95 87. 63 - 86 i 96 ftoo 86 v 85 -.; 4S 99 32 81 99 88 67 102 88 107 94 80 77 87 104 78 44 70 70 66 S.T.Rys.ref.4s,tr co. etfs.'42 84 8l 103 5M 98 103 8T . 49 , 108 103 8 85 62 107 87 100 79 90 91 . 94 101 t 78 62 .99 93 99 108 66 79 , 43 -46 Ol 1 77 68 60 4)0 82 62 95 87 63 86 94 99 86 85 2 99 SI 81 99 81 87 161 86 107 94 86 77 87 104 72 44 70 70 ee 96 66 81 90 16 13 60 64 93 60 41 ; 94 99 66 -81 106 99 93 92 102 66 91 102 78 62 99 92 99 163 86 43 46 101 87 77 68 6 60 83 63 3 87 62 e 94 100 86 85 -42 99 s: 81 99 8S 67 101 88 107 94 89 77 87 104 78 - f 81. f. k auras a Special Csrvawiwdiat af Tha Jewrwal , PiUawarg, April 'C The aalaera rnk ka Bot tntavvered . with pradwrthM.. la at bar knee of fcadnwtry as tka aekow. Twer 1 aa aaeja- of coal aaacked aad a kvcra ausuawt est railroad aMincs, New -aai mhsea have kaea pwahtat ' eaal prodaetiea -and acka aa hand aad awppBaa aa neat lead ta tka bapa that, the cos tre verey wut be , aettlad before iodwstnal . '- ay C 1 Special CerTuesMwdcwt wf TW Jowrwal Bt - BaaL, April 4. Tba fact that ewaatr a ater are aeeling tovaatmawta'la ik4 traders here 'a oemd ertLm . t., aa aa tba Northwaat. Paras kthoevr. va aeuur aongnt at warn of ISO to 149 a moot j pbuita era. vitaCy affected. vita how sag and faaA Botk wholesale aad I "" Tke fart I that, saftVicat aaaa-enioa aeal retail trade ha. . ... I twiwa wrodored to aee tha dcetawd. Tery few warmer veatker approaokas. Soil colfatiaa. arel tha cumbers af tka. wba 4bd kav aeea aceuaoT. ana a aormsj crop acreece ia aaauMd. I rfwt by tba addittoaal wortaa aaapligad The mQK deeaand for .w. . . I B.oadaT. - - . . - - v 11mm UBU iwh . . , . roaoa Teport Maadus hmui.. - - . I rwaa proawcuow eesueew eej tw wravuuu. .Tba North wst has. a 90-imr coal aapply oa I drteud farnaeat and mtot are goaag toto o-' T "w aaw copper aainea am m. I rm.m - opening and axtawaiv. " I tdcher arvaas. . Weak rpoU i JrTt eatablishmewt of the tola grading system, it a twmid. will raer AO eawta a hnsli .w- to taa legal aetton to brb TSI of ba wrtWr aiaUa grading ebugatary. -Z LT"" " city are toaduy tocreaatog oa both th SeatluwiT Pa- cuv ana rat Hortnarw mail. s . 01 tn tnicago Great Waatarn haa beea let awt - aavu Been sua r4T bv the r4lrod.. Officials eetimated the. -iu L 51OO.006 , ,rr- .EmPlorm a . waa wffg ;.r,.r - or is " aiar Doara nrica. klgher lrvaas. Weak etaaa a tk beang eliminated aad the order Ana llm aula f at tbe ktran bst crests baea awra Mnia. ma. -Stoat asekers are warwln aaawuf7 BBdwe aptlmu bat ta tndwatry a aiaaahly I wormaL Ola a rUowtag to tha wake at steel with pasta gau ta pc)kl The plaata af the larger gnu rraarania ar wraeUcaJly at aonl ptrjdarttoaw - , Bid. lArts-Oem. Adiaaimw 60 thmeek.. 61 : fclgoaaak. 39 s s r-v ... . . . 1 auowea. . za w .TV"' t-O-aST BA17K 8TATEME3IT I rcadiaa.. 2 B08TOX TOPPER KHARER (Reported by Owrbeck A Cooka 0.) AakvJ BmL 9 TT. Batto. ; 12 riall.e m W . ' - a A..4 CWring. Monday 4.876,761 if Moaday.,-, 1.12521 f kantigt,. Tuesday.. ' 4.509.183 oaMnce. Tuesday.. 627,605 - 192t. I 6.1T3.756 .-1.379.051 4,78.246 . 893.696 edy transactions Clearing,. Tuesday "mucw, xuAsaay Bank 2.101.004 S.eS4.34 831.617 v"' iTbtotoy . . . . . . . rsis ire ana 8 103 91 48 97 102 87 , 48 107 105 86 83 61 107 87 99 79 89, 91 94 161 RAILWAY AND . MISCELLAXEOCS . BONDS Aiax Rubber 8s Am.-Agr. Chetn. 7s '41 Am. Smelting 5s '47... n. x. c X. cvt- Oa "25 .. do eol tr 6a '4fl Ad.' Sugar and Rjf As Am. TeL A Tei. eoL 4 '29 American Writing Pape, s.f. ua - . . . Ann Arbor 4 '05 1: 8. -tr. gen. 4s '95 ao c vt-- TH) f ; do evt 4 '09 . i , do dL 4s sti 'ill u. Coast Line 4 Ha 'K Toolt 101 99 115 97 2 71 88 80 80 81 HT do 1st con. 4 '62 . . . 4 87 do IAN eoL tr..4a 2 I Hna AU. Fruit en. 7 '34 ...I 85 Atl. Refinery 6 'SI . .l04 hk B. A O. -29 Vk . -. . . .1 .88 . do ref. 6 '95 88 uo nL una . aa- -. -.1 hi OO gold 4s -'4 8 . . , . . .i 80 no prior ben, Ss 25,J. 82 W is X-.lB.tVT.V, dlT. - 41 . . v; .. i,i . 79 do 4s. T. A i div. '691 67 . ao 8 4k 8 win div- "2 H I su Bell Tel.of P. 7 '45 i.llo7 Beth. Steel 1st ext. St '261 97 do ref. 5 1942.-.UJ..j 94 P- m- n. iat...v.. -.i 0 do os 1BS5 ... . ( aa u umren tjoitper os -131 . -.1 7 viwujiQ : f.uison t; en..; 7si err. 1 sssu ....... . da ( 6e r: 9tt losn oroo. Rapid Y. 5 1845 .1 do 7 .1921. i do, 7 tr. co, ctft. '192ll 9 101 fAllOO 107 101 48 60 da tr. ca ptfv rt. 191 Brook. Cnion El 1st 5 50 lAnadk South. 5s 1 962 . v Can.! Pac deb. 4a J. : . - Can., North. 7s 1940..,. do deb. 6 1946... 1 Gen. Elec St . . . . I . . . Cent, of Ga. By. 1st, 5s '45 - an tj 1029 V. . i Cea. Leath. gen. 5s '25.. t'ea. Pac gtd. 4s '49.. .. C. B, R. cf N. y. ;5a 87 Cerrw de Pasco evt 8 "8 1 Che. A Ohio eon. 5 '39 -- do evt. 5 46 j . do evt. . 4 W, s 'SO b . . v -r ' Chi. & Alton Tt, S '49. do 3 '80 C. B. A Q. ,4 L;, div. J49 ao ret... o. ; t". , . do Joint 6 '58.-. . dejs of '61 . . . t .-. . . : Chi. A 75ri 1st 5 83.i. Cbl. O, W. As '69. i '. . CM. 8. P. c 6 SAB. 2014 i do . mt. 4 '69 : do vt. 4 '32 do rfg. 4t '14 do 4s '25 . ; V. i v-. do dehV 4 S4 i i j . i S A N-W. gen. 5 '87. ... ao a so .... 4' i --. : , oa -oeo. a -S3..... -. do 5 ... r. i!,v.. w m a. ve e ........ cat. Kys. Co. St C R. L A P. gen. 4s '88 do rfg. 4s 34 At..-.. C St. P. M. A-O. : Ch. Cn. Sta. 4 r A '68 00 '8S .. i. i.'i.'.-. Chile Copper evt. Te.'SS. i (x. n ...... C.C.CC 4 8tL gen. 5 g. C.C.C. A St. Lonis' 6. 29, (olo. - Indus. 6', 34. Colo. A Son. 1st 4s. 29. do rle. 4. '85... CoL G. A Elec 5c 'ST . do stamp ..ji;Vi, Con. Coal of Md. 5s. T.O Conml. Ga evt. 7L '2S Com. Prod, a. f. 5s, I4. CBba CAnugar 7. "SO. Cuban Am. Sugar 6s. '81 Cuban Railroad 5s. '52. - do - 7 s ctf a. ..... : Ctam.. Tel A TeL 5, '37.. Del A Hud. tn. 5.i'3r: do ref. 4s. 43 D. A R. G. imp. 5 s. -. oo rig. oa. . os ao coe, ts, j. 77 3 98 57 110 1O0H 101 98 95 98 r. 5 100 113 99 89 86 68 7 46 88 96 106 77 90s, 63 87 84 67 61 77 63 102 102 88 86 85 74 82 80 - 103 I 114 102, - 66.'. : 90 .' 99 74 91 87- -92 S 87 109 .98 84 104 .82 ' 102 92 94 88 81 46 77 101 89 115 . 97 98 90 82 71 87 80 86 81 87 87 80 85 104 8 83 -80 80 92 78 60 89 107 93 80 96 76 101-101 48 79 79 77 j 83; 98 77 110 h 10 101 i 98. 9S 97 84 106 -118 9 88 88 7 45 88 94 105 77 90 61 66 84 66 80 75 62 103 102 8 86 85 74 82 : 79 105 SI 112 ' 101 85 9 ''99 74 91 87 92 92 87 108 98 -- 84 - 104 82 s lt)2 88 81 . 4 76 I 161 90 illi- T 98 91 . 82 71 87 0 .80 81 87 , 87 80 86 104 98 83 -80 80 92 ;. 00 9 107 97 -93 196 76 net Ed. rfc. Ss, er. B, '401102 HjilOS Detroit Edison is, 40 f 94 DUaaond klh. deb. 7 Hs. 351108 Itopont de Mems. 7. 311104 Stoclta Botvda, Cttot. Graixw Cla, V3.S-317 Board el Trail BaHtliag OYerbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PIUVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES aiSBbers Cbtcar ' - torrepocdetl f . Chicago 1 Beard ot Trad Logan A Bryaa . Jw Terk . 161 164 47 i 61 43 43 44 88 Itoqueene Lt. A P -6. 49.1 Erie let con.; 7 ext.. 39. . w avti. juvm vs.. a. d prior Ilea 4. 86 . . . .do evt. 4s. srr A.'sl. . .do evt. 4a. er. B. 63.. -. do evt. 4. .. D. : S3 i . Erta A Jeney . 55..... Fa Robber Co. 8a. 41. . .jlOS hne A Gen- iver a ...(. Fr.-Ama. lad. 7s . . i . 99 ! Gen. Eire. deb. , 49. . . .tl ft do d-b, 5s. 52. . . i.i ?.il0 Odvr. T AB. to. 6s, 41.1U6 tin of 31.1 . . .1 98 I GA Trnk. of C& 7sK 40.1109 ilOO !109 db 6j '36...ii.i.,U102- tlOlVllO tit,-- NoTtherw 7 s '36. ;i ..107 il7 1107 fit. -Falls Pew.- 6s ... I 7 i 7 -. I 7 Gj. Nrthera 4t 61..-: SS I SH rln av.. - . -' -1 HkiniLi Otti 104 101 48 -80 79 77 83 98 !' 110 108 161 .88 H S"3 97 86 106 111 98 - 88 86 58 . 46 B8 -96 105 77 90 63 5 87 84' 66 60 76 63 102 103 91 86 85 74 82 79 105 91 114 102 85 90 99 74 91 87 92 92 87 H09 98 84 104 83 102 92 94 . 88 81 - , 46 77 - 102 94 - 107 104 101 164 46 41 43 42 44 88. 103 86 99 : 106 9!10 ' 115 1115 99 I 97 83 98 9 107 88 87 92 87 105 82 84 98 66 80 86 71 85 99 77 66 j 7T 74 80 ' 79 -. 65 22 . 54 103 98 90 86 82 81 94 64 98 106 97 102 100 91 94 94 93 105 88 102 97 93 94 -,80-97 100 81 . 87 9 92 108 106 82 96 62 96 86 99 ' 77 97 85 97 96 106 88 8T 92 87 105 82 4 98 66 80 86 70 81 AY adi- 'H X. T. TeL deb. 6. "'48 do- ken. 4 a. '80 . ' K. T. W. A Bo. , '46! Niagara ra.ua row.. s. 82 N. X. Td tea. 6s. "el.. Be.- W. eon. 4 rg. '86. ( do 4 of 1955.:.,:... do evt. 6 192t.'-. Sot. Pac 6 Ser. B 2048. ..do 4 2047, ... d prior lien 4 1997. . ' do gee. 8 2047 JtV.W. BeU Tel .7 1941. 0. B, A N. eon. 4s 1946 . 00 gold 6s ....... i . . O-W. R. Kt 4s 1961.. Pac. Gas Elc. 6 1942. Pac. Pow. A L. 5s 1930. . Pc TeL A TeL 6 1987. Packard Motor 8 1931. . Pan. Am. Pet. A Trans. 7 1930 Psris-Lyon roed. 6s. . . . Penn. R. R. 6s 1668... .do. eon. 4 80..,. do. gold 6 '86,. . do. G. M.4 -65... P. G. C. of Chi. 6a ,'47 P.C.C.A S. U 4 sr. J Prtl, By 5 of '80.'. P. B. L. A P. 7i Pub. gerv. of X. J. 5 '89 Rdng. gen. 4 '97 . . R. L A 8. 6 '40... R. G. A W. eoL tr. 4 '49 R. L A. A II. 4t '84. 8. L. 1- M. A 8. sf. 4s '204 O-L. c S.F. P- L 111 '00 vita 5 r. B "60 - d gea. i. er, C, 28.. aoadi. o. eo ....,4.. do inc. s. 60 -. . .'.li . St. U A . W. 1st 4s. 89 do coo. 4s, 32 ..... - do term. 5a, S3 .. . BtP. K.C.Sh.L.4 . 41 gsabd. A L. Gold sta. 4a. 501 l do rfg. 4s, B ...... I do con. 6a, 46 ....... Sinclair Ofl evt. 7, 25 do rcta. It ......... Boo. Pac. evt. 4s, 29... - ao ng. as. 09 ..... . ..do cot. tr. 4. 49... .. 'do 8- T. tana, 4. 60. Bow. By. eon 6- '4 .... . da gen.' 4. 68 ...... do 6 . . .. ....... 8. O.. CL deb. 7 '81 . Steel A T. Co. 7s '51 . Tidewater Oil Co. '31 Tri City By. A Lt 6 '28 U. P. 1st 4 '47. ..-... i - do evt. 4 "37 . : . United Fuel Ga 6 '76 . . C. 8. Real A Imp. 5 '24 TJ. 8. Bobber 7 '30 .. '' do. 6 '47 rj. 8. Steel . t. 6 '! :. Y.-C. C 5s '23..'...... do -7 '32., ....... '. Railway 5 '28.... Wah. Term. S 'SB... Wabash 1st 6 '39 .... . Western Elec . 6 '22.-. . West Mtryland it '62. Western Pacific 5s "46 . - -' do-' 6a. - . .'. . . . . '. ...'j. W- L real est 4 '80,. do. real eat 6 '86... West.' Elec 7 '81....... W. A L. E. nt 4a '66,. v do 1st 5 . ,'26. ... . . .. . W..B..A E. IK 5 '42... Wilson Co. 1st 6 '41. . do evt 6 '2$.;...,.. do 7 . ... ... . Wis. Cen. gen 4 0 .... - STAKDA&D OIL. ISofES LD ABO FREIGHT BATF abb ; DECLARED - AS DIRCHIwiw a -rr.. Line railwav . --1." Y"". non .K . .." MW IB day night. SiAgMna. 18 ialakalta.,. ... atasns. . CaLAilac S72 New Corn 17 Cawtenerlal 10 -Cop. Raw. 43 Davie Daly 7 B. Batto. 11 Hftni4CaL. W Helvetia. . ' 1 Sw ' lL Creek 102 Keesrenaw 1 , Bare Lake S Lake Cob. 3 La Salla.. " 1 Mohawk.. 68 MO. CoL- 4 UacVaUay 1 61 J i 24. 3 lO.li.sw. fNr N. Lake. X t og wlawa.. 3. 20 . 24 ' IV 4 18oodk 16 sK S7 17 12" 43 S S 60 104 1 3 S - 2 ' (9 S -.- .:- A. 12 4 46 36' 2 -43 1 24 XV- 43 24 ia . ' 3 Oak Royal 23 K. Lake.. . 44 - Lann. Boatoa 96 K. . Mr. 43 ' tifd. 2 a W. Lteh... - S 7!St,Cvp.. 3 1 1 ITrtn. Cop. 3 rrwsramAA aa tl tah Mwtakt 1 6-18 1 a n tak Cob. . 1 3 f0.8.Mng. 17 I da Bid. 48 rtah Apex B Vewtura.. 35 Ttetoria... 1H Wtaoaa... B9 Woivwrina 13 WyaadotA ' 46 . 48 7. 44 .. 3 33 . Si 40 iiX 63 V 76 a 34 8 103 91 49 97 10s 87 49 108 ' 103 86 85 61 107 87 99 79 89 91 94 103, of the BuhrU ZZrZl V oecuuo 3 , oauiBwn. aivan Um iT. JTTr which kntod-aU day. of eommTv-rrL,r-: . enambef , " '..,iy.. ntn and other town in Idaho iiJT!?T,L oy jr. on. awd wff. attended la the TfrSen,ed ' Idaho Bwlftiare Campaay ta BaakrapUy wk a av4I 4 All Mini ' bablluie wf 819.487.940. B tnvainnmry Puvaiw ruptry was filed thi aitonkaoa j l-J. . tha. MwUtaara Od T j pany by attomers for a Bawiber of creditor. meouoa at aaaoa ia taw proiw . bank- the natrtr. IocateHo a. aarwt Bo-: idTh, Fn. in VTcgon Short tevi general : t.lvarweol Parcel Market Uveroool. April 4. Pareal market. peBed firm b the abara dva of tha export aaty at agent: P. 1. Goodwi. and Bj Thomn: wheat from Ar,. which waa fixed y Represenung Pooatolto- wwiw Ftoto VlV?. terday at 1 cat a bnabel over ta prwailtn J- Toung. .Georirfrttono- to VI I TatTof a moatli age and 3 cent higher Abaa t- r82J. Prme, crJ Receipts month of March: . rm- ITTI "" V 347. l8S:'J February L. WUBlpef Wkeat OaUoa. . L": ..4iTi:isi u iV. Tuesday Monday Opn. Ctow." - 1oev 133 133 ;i34 ! milb-ua 4826 ax., feed ISO 8 77 65 - 77, 74. 79 79 53 21 53 103 98 90 86 83 81 94 64 96 106 97 101 106 91 93 94 94 195 87 101 97 95 93 OO . 97 100 62 87 98 92 107 106 z . 96 62 95 86 97. 77 97 83 97 95 106 88 87 92 81 105 82 84 93 64 80 85 70 rta Walnh'iaSSr 12? V' tt' Oo" V. aahington, la water, nmr n s. n t. 10 77R . - - ur, ax.. I "... - w' 1 " . eeai ooao sr.. middungs 2S50 I caatll ewanpauv ?LVLa 16.000 ax..1uirun 24 rV loarUnent to the bran 630 y; From I or. ex . , nothing. - TtratataAklBK DeaartnseBt la Btero ' Precwator. Or.. April 4. The PaopW'a Mee- t A oraaawsinB Mrs.- W .U. Birdseil their storm. and Mia Haset BirdaeU are to charwa. 98 77 66 77 74 79 79 53 31 64 163 98 90 86 82 81 94 64 96 106 97 101 100 91 93 94 94 103 67 1102 97 95 99 80 97 100 e :; 87 98 83 107 106 93 96 62 96 86 98 - 77 :"..- e- offer subject to prior sale ....... I 17 A." ... . I 21 94 - 107 tfw4 101 104 44 61 43 43 44 87 :- 104 86 99 105 Anglo Am. OU do crpn. of 8. A. Cont OH 6 . . ; . . ... . . 1108 Imt'l Pet. .............115 Imp. Oil of Canada , ...fl OS Indiana Pipe Line ......10S- Piairi OU Ga . .)667 ' Prairie Pipe Line, Penn- . Mex. Oil .......... 1230 Standard Oil Neb... By. Beer) 78 . do N.- T. . . . ..... , .1375 ' do Ohio of By. old i. . 40 do IaA ... . .1 88 Southwestern . Penn. Pipe.) 02 - V- V ' ! 1 e-i ". " .- FOREIGJT XXCHA3GE RATES - Corrected daily by tha foreiga axehanga de partment of the umtca state aaaoaal bank.. Ouotattoa below . (except the pound sterling! are anoted on the basia of 100 waita foreiga Opening aomtnsl rate oa bank ' tranasctlons '- Draft , -k- Cable Par- Dtsdon ' ' ..'- Check,' " Transfers. Valoe Lbe. sterling.. 8 4-80 cf 4.40 . - 8 4.806 i-...l ; 1S.OO 21 108 16 101 108 657. 226 77 870 1480 ' 87, 63 i 1715 21 103 15 102 - 103 -557 - 226 77 7 80 ' 87 62 Berlin Marks. . . .30 Genoa Lira.. . V- S.S3 . Athens -.,,-' i5, Drachmae . - "4.45 r Copenhagen .,rj 1 'sr.- Araner . . .. 21.20 CbristiaaiJr -. Kroner .... 18.15 Bkockholm , r 5 - ' Krone a. i. JS.lSA. '84.25 - 47.15,. 73.00 Currenev . I Japan- Yea i Shtnghav Taeht .30 -34; 4.47 --f 31.23. I .:'2o;:--. 260?' : 54.50 r-47.6.j 73.58 ,-23.81 : : 19.80. 1 19.80 N 2.79 i .:- -; S6.7B .... -'36.70 - Canadian dollar discount; 6 per cent. : 1 Government Seeks Supplies ..Tn C cited State armv ia adwrrSKne. t.u. I on large qusntiuej of rsest. potato, butter and other foodstuffs for the Northwest army posts . WI- Atav. - rviGi win. De opened I at both Portland and SeartU .ffi- , 1 linformattoB and appiiratB blank aaay be eb- !S"TJL.Tr"iI"-r1?tr-Mi taa new - 5ew Terk-Loadwa silver See lork. -Apra 4. Commereml bar silver: ucanrsae iiwhnga at 99 e; loretga. e lower abw J 1 -Z. i. . : - - . -Vrr10 Vwwi -ilrtr 4 lorn ml Wa4NTED 1 1000 BALsES OLD HOPS Must" Be Low Priced ri 5ft' Pr.r7sv. TTr.r.1 . Central Railroad ' "'.-',.'-.-.'.-. - ' ; . ' Refunding and Improvement Mortgage '- 5 Per Cent Gold Bonds " Due October 1, 2013 , Optionad 1951 at 105 Price 94y2 Yield About 530 Per Cent Details on Request This isue his already "been oversubscribed. . We are offering our syndicate allotment at the original offering price. y - D0N3 DEFAirTM DTT OPEN 8:30 TO 5r0O , S-turdays) 8i30 to 2sOO ' Oldest tn ths Northwest . WASHTNGTON 1 - ' . aTHIRO - " . First andRefundlm 4 ; ; Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds ' ' J : Yield about. -Price . 94V2 Dens. $100. $500, $1000 it : Due October 1, 2013 Optional in 1951 at 105 ' Within "a few hour after the sabscrjption book were opened this, ;'.' - Issue Was Oversubscribed : We offer our participation and must accept res ervation strictly in the order received Phone or wire reservations, or call in person. .' , , ., ia-laJTa " Broadway. and Oak';: '