Thursday; march 4 so. 1922.1 18 THE OREGON. DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. PUBLIC CQMSUT W SECURITIES NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS Bevorted b the Joamars Wall Stmt lanu . . 1 - INVESTMENT PUBLIC SEEKING ADDITIONAL SECURITIES WITH RECORD TOTAL BOUGHT tUNK P. VTaTI Ptrwrt Rania af Tl Jonrnal TV all Iim,; N.w Yor. March 10. Tba ButM todav eropbaslard crra mora th ap- aervaur -Mailable iwtUt of the pahlt for This ravestBant bnytnc Mint bu now bn a-otna on witb rarrvlr a tnterrnptioa tor alna Boath. It bat Inroad old Una mortfafe arsura lav 1 to 1 poauta. ha broaght abont area atora of aa advance tn aarond and third rata bond, haa carrwd tha bast of tha preferred Indintrtal lor from a 1 to a B k Pr orat basis .and haa absorbed tho (roaleit output ol Ban saplUl la the hi- I V - ,' M Wall street, ew Tart, Xarefe St. T ipwara twlag of bead arteea treat a wlt.oat laterraptloa today. Tk it- aad tor eeearltlee at all elaseee la every aaarter af tba liat aot oaly aesfced favorite leeaea ap eotaatiauy, at toes la aintroa koad walck are rdliarUy qalte laaetlve. CoadlUoa. . la tie ax- chance oaey aad atker ataraeia. as wall ae aood trade news, prove belpfaL Carreat efferiars, too, were I any eaa eeribed for, aad trading at a tUft-at preaUam keraa la at least two aew loaaa. Meat of the ferela-a bead kept steady today. However, tke Mtuca laeaee, the 4s aad , Made aew Wa records for the present movement, aad so did the Japaaese 4V4 of It, Sao Paalo 8s aad Bio Uraade Do ai e. These last aamea. alt boar h stroaic, did aot participate to ear extent la the receat advance) of for else lasaes and are now gettlag Into line. Liberty bonds darinr most of the day held aroaad yesterday's closing. ior af tit eoentr- tto MEW YORK BONDS Yet 4hrr U no IlKlk-atioe lit Uiat tin tnvaa n ant do- M ad Is aaarlnf tshaustion. Nrw rndirate offer- tnca to tba earaeat of I10.OWO.000 wart quick If tnappod ap todBf. tha bond market pushsd forvafd oa a author bis turovar and biffh srado rail av atm-a, alons wtt nurarrraaa uMTutnal !. roarhod botur prv-oa than tb baT pre' vkmaij sabtttod ttui rear. Invertnant BuTlne Lead liiHa Una dainiatfatiofl of inffiUnmt bny Ine poovr, . rorrthina rlao In Uia i a occur raa aa at bfriir eormqnrnro. HtcrlLnt and aotttlnontal ntaa avot nicher anln but arra t ill wall bo In tba hicb polnu nf 1 day, afix Tho aaala latarvat la Uto oirbanca anwrmont tiwt now Ha In tba reactioa of tho martat to tho latmt Uaroun raparatioo detluiariit, aipvciallr to tlia rafnaal of tha German (urrnmnt to accept too taraia for 10Z3 laid doan br tbe allied con oaiaaoa. Tha (act that atoning, franrs and eran aurka ahmaM not bare boaa darreaonl. bat Tatbe ahnuid bar rUn, in tha face of thu na aoaipUralioD, U further umnf that exchange ratea are moving primarily under tha influeoca of iBtarnaUonal trada conditio na god that politic are eauralr a aaoondarr factor. roan eat Marbat of Year r' Tt wa lwrhap tha broadnaU market of tba oaf so far on tha atnek exchange and alio one , of tba most acttra. Tha teat had coma In the - firm three da of the work, but a atronc el fart wag made to tperulatlre rircles to brine alioat a reaction. Tlia uaahot wa to ghow that tbe mala drift of prtcee liad not changed, Ujat there had been no dUtribution to aoeak of. etf tmportanl holfbnae and that tlmee who had en Id out expert big to buy bark cheaper were del lined tn be disappointed. It rctild not be de puted that tha market yceterday and today er-me back morb eauier than It I ad gone down ' areetnualy. Not only waa all the ground loot between at Priday and the following Tues day morning retracted but many of the loaders vent higher tha a before. Tbla waa true of iiuch '. npreaentallra induetriala aa Htudebaker, Hild m Ijoromotlre and Buthlehem Steel 11 and ia wan true aim af aume of the- rail. ' I Tha etork market la many reeeta was the , most aotabla of tha year. It not only continued the mam upward morement interruiited at ttie . beginning of tha week, hut it eaw many of the leading storks reach new hich rerorda. Tlte . bat yrlcae of tha day were made right at Uia Vew York March 0. Total sales of bonds on the ntnck exchange today were $14.45.000, eain,t tl.l.lnTOOO veaterdar. I16.VH4.000 week aat. ttt. 005.000 a Tear avx and 113.483. 000 two year, aro Krom January 1 to oaia. SI 1 44 Sin llllO ,jrint S7S0.05S.0O0 a year tm and S9tT.0T3.UUO two years ago. is we reronL High, low and c'oning prices gra pren: High. tow. 1 Close. '45 '34 '44 1 ACiriC COAHT BASK STATEMENT Portland Bank! 192J 1921. Monday.. I E.OAH.RST t B,177.4 1.401.BTS l.oou.sal 4.OO4.0HJ'l.U 4H7.0U7 M3o.&MH 4.71U.473 4.044. Ola 1.131.490 TIH.'J-Jo 5.M4K.730;N.3U0 U.D7.H0ti 673.113 flleer! iiga Relanree '4artnga Tuesday.. Malanoea Tueaday . . Vwringa AVedneaday BaMma ' 'Wednesday '4mrnigs Thunday. . BeJaoore Tbunday. 4.5ri.3:.5 I.U0M.O71 .3 1.040.000 Seattle Banks flearinga Thuraday Ha Is awe Thanday Taaoma Bank! Tbarsdajr's traneaetlons San rranolaso Banks . weilearlata Thuraday 313.-0OO.O00 . Oakland Banks vv Cleartngi Thunder 3 1.723.600 aa tea ansa las Banks Oaarlnaa Tbunday 311.870.673 Liberty 31 '47 Liberty 3 Hs reg "47 Liberty lit 4s reg '47. . . Liberty I'd 4s '42 Liberty lit 4 44s '47 Liberty lt 4i re '47 Liberty 2d 4 '42. . . Liberty 2d 4 'it reg 42 Liberty 3d 4 s '28 Liberty lid 4 s ret '28 Liberty 4th 4 "4l '38 . . Lilerty 4th 4i rez 38 Victory 41 23 Victory 4 s reg "23 Victory 3 s '23 Argentine Oort. 5s, '43 do 7i. W. T Ring, of Belgium 7 Vi , do 8s, '41 do 6i. '25 rity of Bergen 8s. '45. City of Berne 8s, '45 City of Bordeaux 6s. (Mty of Copen. 5 Hi. City of Christ. 8s, '45 City of Lyons 0s '34 . City of Mar. 6. '34. City of Rio de Jan. bt. Has l'aolo 8a. '52 ... City of Zurich 8s, '45 H-ine 7s, '42 lan. M m. 8s A. '46. . do 8 B, 46 Dutch K. L rcu. 6s. . Uom. of Cans. SHi, do o. '26 .... do r. '31 .... Ptttch B. 1. 6i. W French (;ot. 8s. '58 do 7 Hi. '41 Imp. Japan lt 4i, do 2d 4 S s, '25 do Imp. Loan 4s. King, of Iimmark 8s, do ctfi. 6i, '42. K. of Italy 6 Hs. sr. A. '25 King, of Norway 8. 40 King, of Sweden 6s, '39 .etherland i, "72. . . Hep. of Cliile 8s, '26 do 8v '41 do b. "46 Rcimb. of I'niKuay Hi. Bute of Queensland 7i. do 6. '47 Rwiia Crtjrt. 8, '45 . . . HULe rot Sao Panlo 8i. U.K. of U.B. ft M. 5 V do B. it I. 5H. '2. uo ;j S 3 7 Bio Gr. Uo Kul 8i . . V. B. of Brazil Ks. '41. t". 8. of Me. 5s '45. . . do, I Arte 5s do 4i '54 do Irr 4-a New Yorliffin 4Ui -R7 '46 '29 L . '81 '45. 0838 0802 0800! 0820 A860 0840 9832 0814; 0954 0936 98S0 9842 100R6 lOOfirt 10002 84 99 108 108 103 110 113 86 92 109 8 86H High. I Low. Close. OUTPUT OF STEEL Hallway Manaver Gives Talk f faeris lis, Wash.. Marth 30. At Uu luncheon ar tha Hull nana Wednesday noon w. r.. Brown aimm of tha Cowllta, ChrluJis A Cavade Itauway evmpany rare an Intereatlng account of hi, receat business trip to Missouri rirer points. t binege and aovtb to Louisiana. He report teat boanaaa eoodlucng are better bera lu the Northwest thta la tha Last. Ha reporta that at eartoua ptacaa be found tha Palmer Lumber as ktaaufaaturtng company nf C be halts ta well tmes hi ranae of lu actieities In marketing ewl Uveerter hoasea and that he waa greatly lapreaard with the ra.t potaibilities of Iwia aouaty far Imlustrial growth, particularly along tbe Haa of lumbar by-products. 36 113 S 95 112 112 94 H 100 H 95 H 100 94 107 1024 89 88 74 7, 112 97 H 94 . 112 loo 1)3 'i 101S 104 103 106 , 108 100 118 104 H 104 105 . 100 103 105 59 55 49 84 105 Hock. V. 1st cob 4s ' I 84WI 841 84 H. A Sl. ref 3 aer A. 51 l 80 I 7-80 do adj. toe. 5s '57 ...A 60 I 60 60 Illinois Ceo. 6a '! . . J IOC 106 106 I. C A V. it 5s A '63 ..1 05 05 I 8 Illinois Ceo. rfg 4s '58 .. 86H 86) 8SH Iattrboro Met 4( '5.. 14 14 14H do' 4 H g Tr Co etfs '56 I 18 112112 Inter. R T. ref Ss ,66...60 601 60 Inter! Hart Co, Ba I 78 I 78 78 Int. Paper 5a 4 1 . . . . . .1 8l 84 84 do "B." 84 i 83 84 Inter. Mere Mar. f 6s '41. 85 Mi 05 95 Iowa Central lrt 5s "38 . . J 77 1 1 75 1 75 do m 4s '01 . ..1 41 40 40 Int. Oil 8s j. . 1 9T 1 961 97 kana. C. Ft 8. A 31. 4s. 36 78 78 78 K. a Sou. 1st 3s, 50 63 63) 63 Kclly-Hpgtld. Tire 8s. 31. 105 (105 (105 Lack, gtsel 5. 23 93 99 99 Lelde. G. St. L. 1st Ba, 34 90 90 I 90 L. 8. A M. 8.1 deb. 4s. 31. 92 92 92 U VaU of Pa. gen. 4s. 03. 80 1 80 80 do6s. 28 102:102 1162 Ligsi A Myers 7s. 44 ... 114 : 114 114 dol 5s. 61 i..,. , -95 95 95 Ixme laid, gen! 4s. 38. . . . 81 I 80 81 U. S. 7s. T30 108k 198 1US dr 5S.J.... 102 102 102 Manati Sugar 7. '42 . . 10O 100 100 Man.Ry.Con.4i tax ex. '90 60 59 60 Mexican Pet. . '36. . . . 104 103 104 Mich. Cent. deb. 4s, '29.. 90 90 90 Mil. : El. By. 4s .. 85 i 85 85 Minn. St U con. 5a. '34. 76 I 75 76 do 1st rfc. 4. '49 41 41 41 M 8L P AS JS Marie 5.'38.. 100 100 100 do 8. 1 rfg , 5a 39 89 1 39 do 4s, '26 I 87 87 87 M K A T 1st 4i, 90 77 77 (77 do mtB j 1 68 I 68 I 68 do 2d 4t. 90 ... I 50 501 50 do 5s ser C 82 82 82 08161 0S16 da adj 5s. ser A .... 51 31 51 9802 9802 I do 6s. ser C , . 94 94 94 0800 0800 1 Mo Pacaifie rfg 5s, 26..; 93 95 95 9820 9820 do gen 4.. 75 62 62 62 9844 9856 N U T A M inc 5 35.. . 68 68 I 68 9840 9840 x. Y. C. i H. R. d.6s-35!102101il02 9824 9830 do coU 7 '30 .1106 8lo d6 con. 4s '98 942 0942 do deb. ia '34 . 024 9924 x. T. C. A St. L. d. 4- 31 9848t 9860 x. T. Dock Co. 4 Si.. 9842 9842 v. V G.E.LJLA P. 4s 49 10II82I10082 n. T. S. H, A H. 6s '46 10O62tl0O62 I N. T. B. H. A H. d. 4s '56 10002110002 v v.. O. A W. . 4s '55 do gen 4s S T Hys ref 4s, 43 .... do ref 4s, tr co ctfi. 42 do adj 5a, 43 Y 6ute By coo 4 a. 62 N T W A Boston A s, 46 Mag Fl. Pwr 6s, 32 Sort A Sou 5s, ser A, 61 . Nor A West con 4 s, 96 do eft 6s. 29 Nor Pac 6s. aer B, 47 . do pnor ben 4i, 97 . . do gen 3.s 47 Nor SUtes P 1st 5s. 41 X W IWU Tel 7s. 41 Ohio River gan 5s Ont Pow Niagara 5s Ore A Col 1st Bi. 27 . , . . Or Short Line gold 5s. . . . do its 4s, Hu . .!. . O-W R R ft N 4s, 61 . . . . Otis 8tal 8s . Pac A E 5s, 42 . . Paekard Motor 8s, 31 ... . Pan Amn P A T 7s. 30 . . . Paris Lyons red 6s Peon U R 5s. 68 Pv R, R. gold 8 s '36 . . do. (i. M. 4s '65 PLANTS EXCELLENT Cbieaco. March 80.- Three new hotel projects in the marker, for SO.OOO tons 'of structural steel to ce dsBrered within the next few montna. Youncatown. Ohio. March BO. Steel pianta of this district are on tha highest operating schedule since the Utter part of 1920. Ingot output ia 75 per cent of capacity, sheet 65 per cent and tube over - 70 per cent. 84 99 108 107 102 109 112 86 91 109 8H 86 1021 102 103U03 113 04 112 112 93 99 95 100 94 107 102 89 88 74 111 97 94 111 100 93 101 103 103 106 108 100 117 104 104 101 99 102 105 67 54 48 34 105 84 99 108 108 102 110 113 86 91 109 86 86 102 103 113 95 112 112 93 100 93 100 94 107 102 89 88 74 111 97 94 112 110 i)3 ' 101 104 103 106 108 100 116 104 104 104 99 102 105 69 55 48 34 105 80 87 78 82 69 49 71 66 37 34 8 67 45 101 67 86 107 106 85 62 90 107 91 94 9S 99 91 79 99 8H 102 I 97 I 83 I 98 1106 r 8i 106 80 87 11 81 69 48 70 66 36 33 8 66 43 101 65 86 107 106 85 62 89 106 91 94 98 99 91 78 97 88 102 97 83 96 106 88 COAL Harrisbnrg, Pa., March 30. State cored ab- nlarv axe being reassigned nun make them quickly arguable in case they are called on by the ehertffs of coal mining counties to suppress disorder arising from a poemble mine strike. Pittsbure. Pa.. March 30. The Whitney plant of the H. C. Frick Coke company ia being ready to resume orieraoona alter an raie- of 18 months. Workmen are lighting 250 orecs and preparing others for resumption. CARPETS New Tork. March 3'i. It is expected many new and attractire patterns ol tloor rorenngj will be shown at the auction rales of Alexander Smith A Sons Carpet company here, which will beein April 3. Buyers from all orer the,, country will attend. FISH Portland. Maine. March SO. So formal open ing prices bare oeen named Dy Maine saraine canners and it is prooaole tnat tney win name none until they begin to pack April 15. WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS ' : Reported by Orerbeek A Cooke Co., Board of .Trade Bonding . i (WaU Street Journal Financial Review) : I Aew Tork, starch 4 P. P.) Com pletely ifaorlng' the tails. re of the fed eral reserve bank to red a re tke die eoaat rate aad tke imminence of tke coal strike, price oa tke standard In dustrial and railroad stocks moved Into new kiark groaad oa the Sew Tork stock exchange today. What appeared to ke a wen engineered drive against a newly created short la te rest bant ap daring; tke last week In anticipation of the widely predicted re actioa started a resumption of tke for ward movement la the main body of storks daring tbe morning; trading;. Oaee tbe apward swing became aggres give, stop loss orders were aacovered ia Issaes lately selected aa targets for bearish attacks aad market orders ap peared la heavy volnme from interests which bad hoped to get stocks on a set back. j This combined Impetus gave tke early market aa appearance of almost unre strained bnoyaacy dnriag the early afternoon dealing and many standard Stocks reached new high levels for the present bull market. galea. Sales. STOCKS I High. Low. Bid. liOMESTIC BONUS New York City 4 s do 4 s '60. . . . 67. .1105 . 10O 1105 I00 1105 100 RAILWAY AMI M'SCKLLAXKOCS BONDS Aiax Run. hi 1 10 1 Alas. (i.M. rr.deb 6s A'25 9 Am. Agr. Chem. 71 '41.1101 Am. Cut. )i 5s '31 Am. Smelt. 5s '47. . Am Tel A Tel. err. do col. tr. 3s 46... t 88 . .1 89 :3iU5 . aaokaae Coatrartors (Jet Contract - CbehaUs, Wash.. March 30 The, county eemmWeilonera of Thurston and Irwts county awarded the ormtrvt for the Zenknrr drainage ' dfctnet to 1C . Cheatham A Co. of Mpnkaue at a yniat marling held In Olympia Tuasday. There waa a large number of bidder,, one earning fmm Minnesota. ' Tha succrmful hid waa 116.160, which la 60 per eent below the enlnoer oatimaf. but tha latter waa made duiina the nartod of high aaloea, Tha company bad (20.a0O If It tahea tha bonds. The ' im eoaamanl will be 3.8 miles long, 3.1 being in ThareUia eeunty and 2.T miles In Lewis county, earn prl. teg 633.3 arrea tn ThunUin and 266.83 Sana ta liewla roaaiy. Work ia to start on tbe dnuaact at saee. NEW INCORPORATIONS Ralam. Or.. March 0. Articles of incor awraumi were filer! with the state oorporation derartjwent hare V'ednday by the R. 8. Wad del; eeanpany of Portland, capitalised at 323,000. Iba eMwnwratnr are W. t;. Ida. ti. W. Uor aan and Chartes E. Leanon. Artielaa war awo fUed Wedaaaday by the Icnnwlngr lat Hey Chib. Corrallia. 3400; John C. El Brfriw. Wallace E. Prterton. Floyrl C. Jonas. tireenwond rVmetery aalurtatinn, lane coun ty: It, M. liftman. C. W. Alien and J. J. l'e- Am. Sugar 6i Am. T A T. col. it '29 Am. V. Paper a. f. s '39 Ann Arbor 4s '95 Armour & Co. r. e.4 s'39 at. r. a d. r. g. 4s '95 do crt. 4i '60 do ctt. 4s "09 do Tr. S. L. 4s '53 . . . Atl. IWt Line 4 s '64 do 7 "30 do 1st con. 4s '52 do K A N. c. Vir 4 '62 Atl. Fruir, crt. 7s '34 , Atl Refinery 6s '51 Atlas Pdr. 71 80 . . B. A O. 8, -L' do ref. 5i 05 . . , . do 4 'S3 . K do gnld 4s '48 . . i . do prior liens 8 a do 3 P. J 411, 'as do 1), I. 4 U dir. '59 do 3 s 8'win dirj 25. BelL Tel. of Pa. 7s45. . Beth. Steel ref 5. ii. . . do p. m. 5s, 36 ...... do 6. 36 , . . . . Idwy. 7th Are. In. 5a. 43 96 98 89 82 88 88 87 97 77 84 86 100 87 80 35 104 104 98 82 79 79 92 90 66 89 107 93 89 96 62 100 jlUO 91 9 101 rioi 88 I 88 89 f 89 1141114 Bklyn. Edn. gen.8sMr.D,30il07 21 "Out of Ashes!" quoth the ashman, "I see where I'd better move. Jrw earn. a 'inese vrasco tsnqoets cer tainly raise Ht for my busi ness. "Ererybody that hasn't ot a Gasco furnace seems to be orderin. Gasco Briquets.,?; - A. ion. i $2650 For ton of TvoXab. 4 Mala SoOO Brooklyn K, T. 7s, 21 do 7 Tr. Co. ctfs., do Ht.. 2i Brooklrn I n. KL lst6s.30 04 Ifas 6a ntjirt K, KO Our C. R. Nor. 5s Buff.Hoch. & Pitts. 4 1,5 7 nuin. Tern rllds a,, nil Can. fien. Klec. 6s .... Can. Nor. 7a. 40 do d-b. 6 I. 46 do Pae. deb. 4a i l-arollna nnfld.4 O.ts, 88 tent, of (la. Kj. 6.i 2 . . . do 5s. 43 Cent I-eather gen 3sJ 23. . Cent Pac gtd 4, 49 Cerro de P tn 8a.i 31.. Cbea A Ohio rfg 3s. bo . . , do crt 5. 4-6. .' do gen 4 a, 92 .". . do et 4 s, 80 do BAA lit 4s. 80. Chi A Alton -rfc. 3a. 49. do 3 a. 50 C B A Q gen 4s. 68... do 4s,. Ill dir. 49 . . do 8s, Kldtr. 49 . do rfg. 5i . n, . . i . j do joint 6i 68 C A E. I. 6s. 61 ...... Chi A Erie 1st 3s. 82 . CM tit Wast 4a. 69 U M A St P gen 4s. 89. do crt. 4 a '32 i dc rfg. 4s 14 do. 4s '25 I. ... . do. 3 s set tt 89. . do. 4s Pus Sd f4 . U. N. W. gen. 64 w. ucv u, a ., .... . Od Rys. Co. 5i "27. . . . C. R. I. & P. gen. ,4i "88 do. rfg. 4s '34 . I C. A W. Ind 7 i '35 . . do. 4s '32 L Chile Cop. crt. 7 '28 do cot. tr. us '32 Cln. Gas 6a '66 C.C C.A 8. L. dh. 4 s "31 do. tea oa '93 ...... do ta "29 Oereland S. U 41 '61., CoU Gas A Eleo. 6s '37.. . do srams Coo. Coal of Md. 6s '50.. Cons. 4M sen. Ta '23 Cuba Cane Ser. 7a ctfs. 30 do 7s '30 Cuban Am. Sugar, i 8s '31 Cuban R. R..aa 42L..... do 7s etfa. -..!..... . Iwl A Hnd. eTt, s '33. Denver A R. S. imb. 6a '28 do rfg. 6s 'S 6 Dct, Ed. rfg. ta set B 40 do 4t 4ri....;'. Itatrwt Rir. Tun. 41 a '1 lietroH U. Rys. 41 "3 tHamoad M. deb. T 35 DuDoni da Xem. Ts '31 IWauaane U A P. a 4. do 7a Erie 1st eon. Ta art '36. do gen. be 4a VI .... do prior Hea 4s '... do rn, 4a, aer. A '33. do evt, 4a err. B 'S3, do evt. 4a. aer. D '68. rbk Rub. Co. 8a '41 Fr. A me. lad. 7 Ha .... rt.-Wr. A Rio Ur. 4s '33 General Bak. 6s '3..... Gea. Klec. deb. as '42 ... . Goodyear TAR. 8a '41.. do of 1981 ........ .. Granby Mining 8a "25.. . Urand Tr. of Caa. tt '46. . - de 3 Oreat Nor. 7s ."3 . . do 4 a '61 -.,..... do 5a 96 98 89 82 87 87 ' 87 97 77 84 86 106 87 80 35 104 103 97 81 78 79 92 90 66 89 107 93 89 93 62 107 76 73 72 82 93 97 89 89 101 110 109 77 86 98 97 83 112 94 88 83 85 82 58 .. 45 86 88 81 96 106 77 90 61 74 64 68 73 70 96 98 89 82 88 88 87 97 77 84 106 87 80 35 104 103 88 81 79 79 92 90 06 76 76 73 82 93 97 89 89 101. Ill ieoH 77 86 98 96 97 84 112 04 88 88 85 82 58, 1 i 86 88 81 96 106 77 90 61 74 64 58 73 66 71 87..ni2!113 98 I 08 79) 78 82 HI 82 79 79 101 101" ' 73 73 ioi 86 94 89 94 S 99 R4 1 1 87 169 84 84 I 104 , 82 102 96 8 46 102- er 65 7 108 io 103 104 104 45 1 40 40 43 104 101 106 101 86 94 89 94 99 93 90 IU 108 83 83 104 81 103 93 80 4S-V 103, 3 85 79 1V8 107 03 89 96 62 107 76 76 73 82 93 07 89 89 101 111 109 77 86 08 96 97 84 112 94 88 88 85 82 58 46 -86 88 81 96 106 77 90 61 74 04 68 73 66 70 112 98 79 82 79 101 73 101 8S 94 89 94 99 oa 91 91 87 109 83 84 , 104 as ... 102 . 95 -80 43, 102 93 8a '79 108 P G. ft C. of Ch. 5s "471 87 I 87 P. ft E. inc. 4 '90 32 32 i P.C.C.ft S. U 3a fr. A '70 94 94 P. K. U P. 5s '43... 84 84 Pub. S of N. J. 5s '59.. 83 83 I' R. L. ft P. 7 a 103 103 King. gen. 4s '97 84 83 R. G. A. W. lrt 4s '39. .1 79 78 R. I. A. A L. 4 s '34 . . 80 79 R. W. AO. M '22 09 I I S. U I. M. A S. an. 5s ?31 97 j 97 ! S. K A 8. F. p. nL 4sA'60 70 70 do. 5s sr. It '50 1 85 I 84 I do gen. 6. ser. C, 28.. 90 90 do adj. 6s, 55 78 78 do inc. 6s. 60 62 62 St. U 8. W. lit 4s. 89. . . 77 76 do con. 4s, 82 74 73 do Term. 5a, 52 80 78 8.P. A K.CSh.L. 4s, 41 78 78 S P. Minn. ft Man. con.6s.33 94 94 Soabd. Air L. rfg. 4s. 59. 37 36 do adj. 5. 49 ... 20 19 do con. 6s. 45 49 49 Sin. Oil crt 71. 25 1103 103 do rets. 7s 08 98 So. A Nor. Ala. 5s 98 98 Sou. Pac. crt. 5i, 34 97 97 do 4s, 29 90 90 do rfg. 4i. 55 86 86 do Coast 4s 92 92 Sou. Ry. con. 5a, 94 .... - 94 49 do gen. 4? 66 4. 64 63 do Mem. dir. 5, 96... 91 91 Stand. Oil of Cal.deb.7s'31 105 105 SteelATirtM Co.of Am.7s,'51 97 97 Tex. ft Pac. 1st 5s. 2000 93 93 Third Are. 1st 5s, '37... 92 92 do ree. 4s, '00 64 64 do adi. 5s "60 53 53 Ter. Assn.of StL.4 s,'39 . . 92 92 do 4s. '53 79 79 TCwstcr Oil Co. 6s, '31 10210I Tri-City By. A Lt. 5s.'23. 100 100 T. St. L. ft V. 4s. '50.. 66 66 tn. Elec. 5s." 80 89 Cn. Pac. 1st 4. '47 91 90 do crt. 41. '27 1 93 I 93 do ref. 4. 2008 851 85 I n. Tank Car 7s. '30. . . .J103 1103 I'nited Drug 8i 106106 t'. . KeeJ lim. as. 4 U. S. Rubber 7 s, '30. dr. 5s. '47 T. S. Steel s. f. 5s, '63 . Utah Pow. A Lt 5s, '44 Vs. -Car. Chem. 5s 33 . do 6s '24 do 7s '32 Airjinia L. C. A C. 5 '49 la. Ry. 5s '23 . . Wab. Cnt. R. R. 6s. . . AN aba-ii 1st 5s '39 .. . do iter Pnwer 5s. . Western Elec. 5s '22.. . We-tem Md. '52 W estem I'a. Pc er Ss. . . V extern Pac. 5s '46 .... We-tern Union col. 5s '38. do real eiL 4t '50.. do real est 6 s '36. . . 108 80 87 85 78 8 69 48 71 66 36 33 8 67 43 101 67 86 107 106 85 32 90 107 91 94 98 99 91 79 9 88 102 97 83 96 106 ! 88 87 32 94 84 83 103 83 78 79 RICE New Orleans, March 30. So heary hare been the demands for rice for export that it estimated the old stocks will be cleaned up well before the new rice comes en the market this year. , GLASS Pittsburg. March 30. The United Glass com pany, the largest makers of pressed glass and tableware, is on a G5 per cent production basis. Domestic business cn table and other pressed ware is growing in a most satisfactory way, while foreign trade is dull. , RUBBER Akron, Ohio, March 30. The production at tbe Goodyear Rubber company pianta has now passed 22,000 tires a month and is still being increased. HIDES Chicaxto. March 30. Light cow hides are in demand and holders are standing out for better prices. - Boston. March 30. One of the larser sole manufacturers ia reported to hare bought a larite quantity of heary packer hide. Demand for sole leathers, however, continues quiet COTTON 8 Lawrence. Mass.. March 30. The Arlington mills hare closed down on orders from the man agement The Pacific, Everett, Katama. Ar cadia and Monomac mills are all affected by the strike which followed the wage reduction of 20 per cent put into effect Monday. ONIONS Chicago, March 30. Local cotton goods jobt ben announce that the fall prices for ginghams in this territory will be unchanged. FURS New Tork, March 30. OTer 185.000 squir rel skins will be included in the offerings of the New York Fur Auction company sale, which will take place here- April 24. Among other furs. 18,000 kolinsky. 88.000 raccoon, 110.0O0 mar mot and 118,000 skunk skins will be offered. PAPER Erie, Pa., March 30. The paper mills in this section are working only three to four days ; a week, but it is possible that this schedule may be increased shortly. W. ft lke Erie con 4i '40 Wilion A. Co. lit 6s '41. do tn. 8s "' V, inst-Salem Sthbd. 4s STANDARD Ang. Am. Oil do. con. of Lo. . . . Bkeye. P. I Intl. Pet 111. P. It . Imp. Oil of Can. led. P. L Stand, Oil. N. . Y. . . . Stnd. Oil Ky. new . . . Stand. Oil Ind. 67 V 96 86 97 94 105 87 ! ioi 90 97 96 95 90 93 96 88 95 100 62 103 87 94 92 108 106 67 95 86 97 '80 OIL j ISSUES t 171 IT 97 70 84 90 78 62 77 74 78 78 94 37 19 49 103 98 98 97 90 88 92 6 64 91 105 97 93 92 64 53 92 79 101 100 66 89 91 93 85 103 106 94 105 87 101 91 97 96 95 no 94 96 86 95 100 62 103 87 96 92 107 106 67 95 86 97 MILK Minneapolis. March 30. Milk is now being sold to the consumers in the Twin Cities st 10 cents a quart Mate olticials declare this - is the lowest pnee in effect in the entire country. WOOL Philadelphia, March 30. Wool prices are be ing well maintained in Lais market, the prospec tive agreement on the tariff schedule having served to sullen prices. OIL- St Paul, March 30. The state oil inspec tion fee has been cut to 3 cents a gallon. Economy in operating the service re stilted in a saving of 870,000 last year and permitted a re duction from 5 cent, the former rate. LUMBER San Francisco, March 30. A slump in the demand from the Southwest is noticeable in the lumber market This has lessened shipments, but in general the mills report a steady call from other sections. WEATHER BRINGS : BOOM IN BUYING 17 I 23 I 21 21 I !5 I 95 95 j 1H ! 15, 15 11751175 1175 1100 noo Itoo 1101 . ;ioo iiot 1376 !372j372 I ,77 76 1 77 I 88 87 I 87 By Jamas Allarton Special Correspondent of The Journal ; New Tork. March 30. The warm weather of Sunday which brought thousands of spring costumes oat on tbe avenues and streets, started retail trade off here this week with a fresh burst of buying. Manufacturers and wholesalers, how ever, especially in the garment Industrie!, are less active and both woolen and silk mills of this section are talking and practicing curtail ment. , They declare prices for raw materials are too high to aliow them to operate at present prices for finished goods. Millinery is active and there has been a corresponding improve ment for the demand for ribbons from the Pateron manufacturer.. Retail piano dealers report an increase business and the craze fcr radio telephone - out fits has resulted in a tremendous demand for these goods. The paper trade in aligutly mere active with prices tending upward. The demand for confectionery has iknproved materially and the warm dan are driving in creased crowds to the soda fountains. Building operations continue to increase with a corre sponding strong demand for lumber, especially yellow pine. The jewelry trade, although quiet. Has taken on a slightly better tone. FOREIGN EXCHANGE KATES Corrected daily by me foreizn exchange de partment of the United States National bank. Quotations below (except the pound sterling) are quoted on tbe basis of 100 units foreign lurrency. . Opcninr' nominal .rates on bank transaction!: , Draft . London Checks. sterling. . 3 4.36 reris Francs.. . 9.00 p.erlin Marks.. .31 Genoa Lira .. 5.10 Athens Drachmas.. . . 4.44 Copenhagen- Kroner...... 21.00 Chrrrtiania Kroner. ..... 17.70 Stockholm-- Kroner..,.,. 23.95. Hongkong CurrencT.. . . 54.66 Japan Yen..;. 47.50 Shanghai Taels 72.70 Canadian dollar discount 4 Cable Par Transfers. Value. $ 4.37 8 4.866 : 9.01 19.30 : .31 23.81 5.10 19.30 4.76 19.30 21.05 26.70 17.73 26.76 26.00 26.70 ' 64.90 i 47.65 73.00 SOME MILLS WITHDRAW FROlf A WEAK MARKET (Wall Street Bureau of The Journal.) New York. March 30. There was no quick enrng interest m the dry goods today. Some mills rave notified their agents to withdraw goods un- ti' prices become stronger. There were reports 'of si tiding in wide print cloths again but tha mar ket for 38 inch 64 0 60c and 39 inch 68 x72s still considered 7 S 8 c. respectively. Sheetings continued the mainstay of interest with export demand still in evidence. Pajama checks were somewhat soft and drills and sat eenv. inactive. Raw silk quotations were nominally about the same but tbe market was not active. lis Tin islied goods, price cuts which present bargains have stimulated sales. per cent. BOSTOX COFFER SHARES (Reported by Overbeck A Cooke Co. ) STRENGTH IN FOREIGN WOOL TRADE IS FACTOR (Boston Bureau of Tbe Journal) i Boston. March 80. Strength in foreign mar kets was asain a sustaining influence in the wool market tviiv but manufacturing eanMEmers de mand still failed 'to assert Itself. ' Some small amounts of new wool are coming into : houses here from tbe West but buying on tbe rsncea still is haneinz fire in most sections.1 The I London auctions are expected to msintain ; their strength op to tba dose tomorrow and the Uruguayan wools are practically cleaned up. Australian sales have shown some small buying fur American account lOOlAdams Expreda . . . S00 Advance Rum. . .'. . . . . do pfd. 400 Agr. Chem 350UjAjax Rubber . . . . 200Alake Gold .... lAlaska Juneau . . . . ISOOjAllied Chtm eOO Allii Chalmers . . . 200, do pfd. 700Am. ret Sugar. . . 400Am. Bosch 9XU0 Am. Can Cs 70Oi do pfd. lOOO Am. Car A Fdy . . 100; do pfd. 400IAm. Cot Oil. .... . I do pfd. 100, Am. Drug. Synd... 200Am. Hide A Lea. . 1200 do pfd. - 3400Am. Id 4 4 00, Am. Intl. Corp 1 800 Am. Liiueed 800 do pfd. 5000 1 Am. Loco 600 do pfd. 500 Am. Saf. Razor. . . 35ire.Am. Ship ft Com 3200Am- Smelter .... 400 j do pfd 770 Am. Steel Fdy. . . 1800; Am. Sugir 100: do pfd 300 Am Sumatra . . 3700iAm. Tel. & Tel.. . 1000 1 Am. Tobaceo .... 1000 do "B" 8000Am. Wool .... do pfd ... . ' Am. W. P. pfd 500; Am. Zinc 5400;Anaconda ...... 1 00 Am d Od . .V . . . 3600 Atcluscn .300, do pfd. 3100 Atl. Coast Line.. 3700iAU. Gulf A W. 1 32900lBaldwin Ii-co. . . . 1001 do pfd. 19500-Bait A Ohio. . . , do pfd 1700Beth. Steel "B". . 600Booth Fish 6200, B. It T SOO Butte C. ft Z. . . "OOiButf ft Sup. . . 2100Burns Bros .... 2001Csddo till 1900, Cal. Packing 1500;Cal. Pet I do pfd lR00Canadian Pac. . . . 3700jCcn. Leather 300, Cerro de Paaco. . . . 10700 Chandler .Motor. . . 5400jChgo. ft N. W 300 Cheo. Gt W 10001 do pfJ 6000Chili Cop KOOICbino looo c. m. st. r . 3800 do pfd. HOOjCoco Cola 2500C AO lOOOiColo. F. A I soo Colo, souuiem . . . . 1500ICol. Gas ft Klec. C8H0Colunibia Graph. . 100jt cn. Gas 100'Con. Cigars .... ... do pfd. 1300 Contl. Can . Itities Err Bankers 4700, Com Prod do pfd 5500!Oosdeu Oil 7500IC. R. I. ft 30O do A 2001 do "B" 3000Cruuible . 300 do pid. 1800 Cuba Cane 1900 do ptd. OOOCuban Am. . . .l)el. A Hudson. . 300IIome Mines . . . 130011 el. ft Lack. . . . 6800ilavi&on Chem. . . 800,Endicolt Joiinnon 4800!Erie 4900; do 1-t pfd. inoiltr.lec. stor. dij 5500:Kamous Players . . . . iKed. Mm. ft S. . . . . . t do pfd 7600 Kitk Tire 400Gai!ton Wma. .. . . . . IGcn Cigars . . . . 500jtien Electric . . . 14200iGen Motor . . . . .... itileu Aincn 4 4 00 j Gen Asphalt . . . 100, Goodrich .... Goodyear SOOIJranby , 1100;Great Nor Ore HOOjGreat Nor. pfd. lOO-Gm-ne Cananca 12O0 'Gulf S Steel . 3(l0jHouston Oil . -. 1 100 Hup Motor . . . 8400;ll!uiois Central 600 Inspiration . . . . . . . . Int. Agr Corp c. 3001 do pfd. llnterboro 300! do pfd 1270O!lntenitat Callahan 300 Int. Harvester . . . . I do pfd 700O Int. Merc Marine. 14300! do pfd 4 .",00 In t Nickel 1300ilnt Paper .... 1 do pfd - 8800 Invincible Oil . . . 6200ilsland Oil 3001 Jewel Tea 2700 K C Southern . . . do pfd. 3200lKolly-Spgnd. 4500'Kennecott 1200Keystie Tire ... UflO Lack Steel 700 Lee Ttre 11-000 Lehigh Valley . . lOOjLonllard 20-OiLoew Theatres . . 100L. ft N 200-Mackay bOOiMarland Oil 67 16 40 17 64 47 92 39 I 4 1 48 102 67 16 39 17 63' 46 92 39 43 46 1UZ STOCKS Oil 155!15 117 25 "5 15. 70 107 44 34 67 V 111 117 7 15 53 96 37 7 a .1 98 -i 32 .1211201 . ! 136 1S3 .133!132 . 87 86 ! 1 117 25 '5 15 69 106 42 33 67 110 117 7 14 62 95 37 71 98 32 67 15 46 39 17 " 1 63 47 92 39 43 47 1101 1155 116 25 53 5 15 69 106 44 83 56 110 116 7 14 58 95 37 71 98 i 32 20 135 182 87 106 26 14 51 67O0iMartia Parry 700!May Stores . lOOOOiMex. Pet. .. lOOlMiami SftOOfMiddio 6tea 8800Midvale Steel . SOOOiJC K. A T. Wi, 300 do ptd. Wi. lOO.Mont. t-awr .. SOOOfMont. Ward ZSOOiMo. Pac 4001 do pfd. .... M. St. P. A S. 8. M 1700.Nor. Am. ...... 400 Mat, Biscuit . . . . , aoOjNex. Enamel . . . . 1 04I0 1 Nat Lead 100 1 Nevada Ucn. .... 800New Haven 27 00 j Norfolk W 4S00,Nor. Pac lOOINova Scotia Steel v 200 'N. T. Air Brake . 1840OS. Y. Central ... 11 00 lot la. rrua ret. ... 300Ont Silver 400IOnt A W SOOOtia Steel ' 100, Pac. Dev 1 SOO 1 Pac. ti. A E. ... . SOOjpunta Allegro . . 4S00Par, Oil 5 -Od Pan. Am. Pet . . 1000) do. "U" I3200ima 600 People Gas 4000iPere Marquette . . 3000Pure Oil 2300pfaillns Pets. . . . 1800;Perce Arrow . . . . 1600Pierce Oil lOOOIPitts. Coal 1000P. A W. Ya. . . . . . - .V-1 do. pfd. 40iP. Stl. Car 2SOOlI'ullman 28 I 26 117lll7 1121 trse Iligh . 1 Low. lOoey 27 13 34 11 34 ! 17 22 34 06' 140 36 1 13 I 21 M 103 76 23 64 I 88 51 24 I i 9' i 69l w ia 1 27 18 33 1 I 34 . 6 I 16 22 54 55 1137 o 13 20 162 73 25 62 87 2l 7l 54 111 9 6 40 50 I 49 I 66 l 65 I 5) i 39. I 83) 29 32 ; 37 I 17; 60 28 49 39 n 30 16 8 60 21 I 71 71 28 114 121 27 i 13 33 13 34 6 16 22 54 61 66 139 85 91 14 21 103 75 23 64 88 2 8 24 11 9 68 40 49 56 60 39 83 29 31 ss 17 8H 60 27 78 71 DECREASE SHOWN EN UNEMPLOYED By Lwtw O. aimpiaa Special Correspondent ot tba Journal. Saa Franeiaeo. March. 80. A ronUnned de- la unemployment, aa tncraasiax in build- tnc opera Uoia and a widening range of industrial actirily eharaeterixed the opening of this week in California. Bidding for this aeaaoa's erons aa yet unmatured, ia increasingly in evidence. Asparagus u msna Xo market slowly and prices are bigb. Crops are semi what backward owing to eooi weather but tha outlook is excellent for both fruit and grain While labor trouble in the building trades eonttnnm ta aome dmuicta there ta lam disposi tion on part of ettnee rmwoyer or employe to force the fight A erarrity of skilled mecbaaiet kt a factor In tbe situation. Inquiries which have followed tba anaoua Bent uf lowrr railroad rate indicate a heavy tide or toanat travel. 1 o enetal trade are showing marked improvement in conditions with a gain of 10 per cent in tba number of people employed. Tha revival or shipbuilding promise further expansion. The dregoods trade t. im proving aad in all other retail lines the outlook for spring is bright Baak Fresldeat Retaras Kelso. Wash.. Msrch 80. Mr. and Mrs. Wal aaca tiunangton nave returned from a foar- monta mt in the Last lfunrmgtoa ia Tirana of tba Cowttts Valley bank. Ha found bush- men generally very optuaiatk over the outlook for this year, and they expect a return of pros perity very soon. ID TRAOIilG CONTINUES .j . . -1 . . 'JoaraaL By . B. Special Cor upood-at of Tbe St PaaL Uarcb 30. Economic te-eraOy are Uaprovlny week - by weok la the midwest Ranraad shipmeata are tocraasiaf with lumber. autooKMlea. aeeearor'aa and - -! merchandiae ewaattraring tba tmlk at tho fmrM. Farmers in tba Southern dmtrira are pee-eninT for anriBg work and exorwa araat-r eoafida-o ia tbe outlook because of sasUined big bar nnoei for sgnrultaral ptneurts. --tensive bcildiBr caieratkin wm be la pen - gmw within 10 dava. lumber mdla a " era ung aad froa m- are peruana to in mm! onrrattr-- on a basis .if 30 per cent ei aapacn producum. Wholemlen in tba twin exUaa re port a whoteioma wing trade FSnaneal ro ndit m are eaoenetrt lAould as wm nf old debt is tarreaa-ng rteadily if slewiy and tbera is aarple Trrdi: for leaiumata entenirwn. Loans of tha federal farm baak an Janwary 1 totals 86.iOO.oOO. RaUraads have begna taaM spring improvement work. Tney W 1 m md an proximately 330.000.000 and give emntarmant to IO.O00 additional men ia tbe Northwest. Spring retail trada is good m tbe eitsas and country, merchants rrpon a demand lev vn-e variety of ermm.litiej. RenUU hate dmnwd 10 to 20 perrrnt here in the last waek and ar expected to level out at about 13 par ceat bale the Kale cf last year. Sao Halts Farmers' Wart Whit Salmon. Wash.. March 30. Tbe ViTb of tb n 1 section were scam roaetad wttb a lignt faU of moa Wadrnwday aaorntng. Tb back ward spring is greatly hand trapping nr-bard-ae aad farmers, at well as retarding tbe mcfiaf op erations ia tha tsnoda, where the ow is auS deepL 200, Kay Cons. 1320OReading I Run 11 ngton 800 Key. Steel 2500 1 Rep. LAS. .. I do. pfd. 8 0O Rev. Motors . . . l100Ryl. Uutch Oil 800,Ry. SO. Spg. . . . i Sax on Mutora . . 6900iSears Roebuck . ''200ShaUuck. Ajiz. . 800 (Shell T. A T. . 8200 Sinclair 2 100 Stand. Oil Ind. . 300iStand. Oil N. J. 500 SIob Shef. 12412S124 14i 14- 76 j 74 82 !'3' 33 I I. . 15 I 141 .1 51 .l 50 I -1105 1105' I05 . i 97 97 1 97 . 88 I 88 1 7 . 94 I 91 94 . 30 .9 30 111 ihbh liu' 4400)800. Pac lOOOOISou. Ry 1200!8tnd. Oil. Cal 280018. L. A S. K. . . . 7008-ratnberc Carb. . . 73600 Stndebaker Swift A Co. l00Tenn. Cop. A Cbem. 550OTexas OU 2800Tvxa 1-ac 700 do C. ft Q 28oOTra Contl Oil . . . lSOojl'nion Oil Del. . . . 1500('nion I-c OOOjl'nited Alloy . . . . lOO lmted Drug 300llnited Pood Prod., 400l"nited ituit . . . 200IAmn. B. A P. ... 700 C. S. C. I. Pipe. . 900 United Retail Store 3600C. S. Ind. Alcohol 4300jL 8. Rubber da 1st pfd. I. 7 l 54 98 74 8 41 24 88 178 41 86 23 974 29 47 111 1103 I 11 44 33 26 9 18 134 31 68 5 140 60 33 45 48 62 62 I 7" "l 54 96' is " " 8 40 24 87 173 40 86 22 96 28 46 14 75 34 31 52 78 7 34 98 8 73 8 40 24 81 173 40 85 22 97 28 47 107jlll iv- 1VI 11 43 32 25 9 17 133 30 68 3 139 60 83 44 46 61 1H 43 32 25 9 17 133 31 68 6 L40 60 83 44 47 62 107 40 I 57 HI 74 1 7! 18 I 6l 28 1-8 107 106 39 1 40 56 M I 72 7 17 6 26 137 P. . . pfd.. pfd. Sugar. 37 35 "i 1 73 72 8 20 17 27 23 37 49 02 30 47 84 4 109 24 "e.V ioo 86 40 -93 . 79 -5T 85 -1 5 33,;, 22 57 74 7 17 61 - . 127 12 75 52 90 il37il37 11 12 1- 12 I 75 75 I 52 1 52 37 I 35 72 70 8 19 17 26 23 36 48 62 29 47 83 '-i ! 3 109 V 24 'tiiu 105 "80 40 02 79 56 85 14 33 118 59 83 . 11 .1 1 .1157 i 80 1 37 34 73 71 8 19 17 27 23 37 48 62 30 47 84 H 3 109 24 50 61 20 106 114 36 40 92 70 56 84 I.- 33 22 116 lOOIf. 8. Smelling 86 36 36 IOOO C. S. Steel 96 93 95 300 do pfd 117 117 117 900 I'tah Copper 63 63 63 200 Va. Chem 85 35 35 do pfd. 75 2000 Vanadium Steel ... 39 38 38 eoOiVivandou 10 10 10 4100Vabash 10 9 9 :4200 do A pfd. 31 29 30 200 do R pfd. 20 20 19 i Wells Fanro 79 20tiWetern Pac 19 19 19 100; do pfd. 54 54 54 300 Western Union 96 96 96 1 Westing house A. B. i'6 2D00 do E. ft M 58 57 57 800 West Md. 10 10 10 1700j White Motors 41 39 40 LI00IWilly-Ovrlnd 8 7 7 400! do pfd. 39 38 38 1 Wilson Picking 39 200Wif. Central 30 29 29 lOO.Woolworth '. 164164 162 OoOiWorthingeon Pump.. 51 50 51 17 00W. A I. E 9 9 9 300White Oil 9 9 9 Tr-tal Kales for the day were 971.400 sharei ana $ 14.808.000 in bond. ' 26 I 27 1 1 5 1 1 1 BUSINESS BRIEFS Br Leased Wire 6 83 11 18 1154 78 ".I 1U 17 1 I 157 1155 10l 10 61 U 30 V 36 72 26 72 7G 15 1 1103 i 40 .1- 60 39 26 36 72 26 71 7.-. 15 102 40 40 1 38 .1- 7 6 96 17 73 16 47 10 1 19 25 45 29 18 50 33 60 148 15 116 .1 82 I .1 25( 7 6 90 15 71 15 46 18T 1 19 '45' ' 29 17 49 33 59 148 15 116 12 !5 SO 83 11 19 156 79' 9 39 17 C8 155 10H 43 60 39 10 27 36 72 26 71 75 15 10: 40 i 10 38 -' 7 6 96 11(1 17 72 16 46 19 1 19 25 56 43 29 17 49 33 60 147 15 115 82 , 25 New York. March 30. Tbe Delaware. Lack awanna & Western railroad tooay aeciarea ine 1 regular quarterly dividend of 33 a (bare, payable t April 20 to slock of record April 8. Coffee sold at 39.43 for May today and 39.26 for September and December. Raw sugar we quoted at SZ.48 for May: 82.68 for July; 82.85 for September and 32.90 for December. Refined nnr was at 35.85 for May: 86.05 for July and September and 80. 65 lor December. Tha Erie m SI road announced today thai I that principal and interest due April 1 of its I three-year 6 per rent notes will be paid on and after April 1 at the Bankers Trust Co. The Pacific Electric A Gas Co. showed a net balance after charges and taxes and preferred dividends of 3728,968 for January and rrb-I ruary. Arbuckle A Co. and tho Federal Sugar eran parjy t"day r-slueed the price of refined suga r I to a 85. -o ba&M. The Standard Vnder. round Cable today ds clarvd an extra dividend of 3 Per eent and the regular quarterly dividend of 3 rT etnl I payable April 10 to stnrk of record April 4. The Chicago. Rock I-land A Pacific for the! first -6 day of this motrth hguled 102,0 1 9 car. cf fr.icbt as against 101.054 iu the stmilar prrid 1 -t ear. Public. Seer ice Com oration of N sold extra dividend today. , few Jersey I Spain is in the market in Great Britain and tha L'nited States for a 850.000.000 1'. is reportsd oegoaUoem hare rived for an 8 per cent $6,000,000 loan for the City of Montevideo. 8peyer A Co. cr rnrnt about. equipment trust have rurrha led from tho gor- 86. 500.000 Waba-h railway 6 per oent Stockhnlden of tho Magma Copper company have authorized the tsrue of convertible boo d not to exceed 34,000,000 and tb inorwejie of the capital stock to $50,000 sharea of $6 par -value. Bid. 9 60 60 20 26 2 13 103l04 1011102 . 104 1104 113 1 109 101 17 , 89 : 104 44 1 39 89 H 42 104 1101 105 114 1 iat' ioi 107 89 104 43 61 4V 4B- 104 99 101 106 114 99 L - 109 161 1T 6 Aria. Com. Advent ro A -meek.. Algoaub. AUoaes. . Arcadian . BincMns. CTLftAria. B Cal. A Her. 279 $ew Cora 17 Centennial 10 - Cop. Rre. 43 Darts Daly tT Daly Went 2 R. Butte. ,10 rrank-Mg. : 1 Hancock., i 2 Het-etaa. . 1 Indtaaa. . 66 IsL Creek 102 Keewanaw- r 1 Kerr Lake ; S lake Ceo. ; 3 LaSaUe..- j! 1 Michigan.. 1 Mohawk.. 38 Bid. 4 1 24 34 1 43 Ask.) 9 M. O. Col. 62 Alaa. Valley I (Nip sing.'. 5 K. . Con. 27 OseoIa Mc. r s ( irjijawa. . . 13h-U-Mng. 6 Isle Royal 23 281 IS. lake.. 44 17 U.S. Mch. 43 -12 I do pfd. 26 44 . f8.ttah... 3 ' T!SuB,Cop.. 2 Trin. Cop. 2 10 fTuobxmne 65 1 ICtah Meta-i 1 S ICtahCon.. 1, 3 C. S. Mnc 46 60 i do pfd. 43 103 IT tab Apex S - 1 IVentara.. . 52 3 Vtetoria.. . 1 3 jWmona... 30 . S - Wolverine 11 2 - twyandott 30 5 I 6 25 35 2 44 23 44 43 26 6 3 2 76 1 ' 2 47 43 8 52 1 4ft 12 40 STOCKHOIDERS OF OREGON j 8TJRETT CASUALTY CO. MEET The annual - meeting of tho stockholders of the Oregon Surety A Casualty company was held at the company 'a office in tbe Board of Trade building Wednesday. Tbe report- of tbe officers showed tbe affairs of tbe company to be In nourishing condition. The folio win- officers and directors ' wi elected: O- M. Clark, president: R. W. Wilbur, first vice president; Amadee Smith, second vice nresident: Harrison A. Whitney, third vice - presi dent: H. B. Beckett, fourth vice president: L. M. Know, secretary: R. M. Dooly, assist at aer re tars C. U Woodco-k, John F. O'Sbea. S. 8. Mon tague. J. P. Jaeger and C. XL. Weaton, directors. i Shoe Store Owaer to Move Cheba-s. Wash.. March 30 G. W. Hatcbin who has opened tb Raster Brown shoe in Cheha-s nearly a year ago. expects leave ia a few days for Missoula, Montana, where he will take ever the Buster Brown store that city- Mr. Hutchinson haa built up a 1 good bn&incsa while m Cbehaiia. and baa made 1 many tmB waa regret to have Mr. and Mr. H-tchiaaoa leave. . , t Elvlair Coat ia Caaada Decliaes . Ottawa. Ont.. March SO. The crat of living ! in Gaaada ! steamty eeciining. Tbi decline. iwever. baa baaa far lesa rapid than tbo fall I in the cost of hring in the Cnited Stataa Prkwa I in general are about 66 per cant abov the trie f IB-It. , The canmuan aalaa tax, wtea open-1 atea a aa mUrmal tariff, ; ia declared by many ! I to be largely reapomibie for Uua state of aftaira, , May BaDd Cheese FaeVory i Prine-iU Or.. March 30 H. A. Carba and Mr Kiaer of PortU-d hero her yr trrday mak kic eitia-Uo and talking to the m-al ben- nea men ia regard to tb poabitit of starting a eneesn . factory sa Pnnevillc Both man am of wide, experianoa ia this srork and aeemej farorablj iunitmwrl wnh the conditio here. OREGON iSchool Bonds SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 32. COLOMBIA COUNTY, a farming community, has issued 6 per cent old bonds due serially 1928 to 194 to construct and equip a modern school building. We have bought these securi ties, and, subject to prior sale, offer them to yield 5.40 Denomination $500 Clark, Kendall & Co. Ine . 29S SUrk St, Portlaad, Ore. F.W.Baltes r Company Printers We offer an expert service to meet your individual needs First and Oak Streets Bdy. 7165 S116S - OiregoEii Income Tax Exempt Municipal Bonds We own and offer subject to prior sale Yield about 4.50 Oregon State Highway 4Vs, 1931 Duo Oct. 1. 133L A&O. D. tlOOOQIOO. 4.90 Portland Aaaeasment Collection 5V2', 1928 Due Aus. 1. 1S.8. Opt. 'J. 5.00 Union Co. Road F&A. D. I10009100-.1 5i4, 1928-31 Due Jan. 15, 192S-3L JAJ. D. SlOO0ei01.S-10.7L 5.125 Gilliam Co. Road 5 14, 1942 t Due Jan. 1, 1941. J4J. D. $1000 101.55." .ij 5.125 Morrow Co. Road 5Vt, 1929 Due Nov. 1. 19.9. M4N. D. $10006 101.40. 5.125 Tillamook Co. R6ad 5V2a, 1939 Due Jan. 1. 1039. JAJ. D. $100010.i;. 5.375 Ashland Refunding 5V2s, 1936-37 Due Jan. 1. 1936-37. JJ. D. 500 lOLIO-lOLJC. 5.60 Forest Grove Funding 6s, 1929-f31 Due Feb. 1, 1929-31. F&A. D. 15006 10.S7.103.S1. 5.60 Clatsop Co. School DUt. No. 10, 6s, 1941 Due Nov. 1, 1941. Opt ,,3l- MtX. D. $500810185. 5.75 Union Water and Street 6s, 1 929-35 Due Mar. 1. 1929-1935. MtS. D. JlOOOl01.42-10.r4. 6.00 Beaver Drainage District, Colum bia County, 6s, 1924 Due July 1. 1924. J&J. D. 50910O. 6.00 St. Helens 6s, 1931 Due May 1. 1931. MtX. D. JiOO 100.5. 6.00 Sandy Drainage District 6s, 1924 Due Dec 1, 1924. J4D. D. $5006100. 6.00 Sandy Drainage District 6s, 1926 Due Feb. 1, 1926. FA- D. SIOOOQIOO. Full details gladly furnished. , .Wire or telephone orders "collect." a Use our Partial Payment Plan Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. Lums!mkns iLDa, ronuw -n rim yrpftTTi?rv raom Stocks. Ba!a. Cettaa, Grain. Etc. 31617 Board ef TmU BUiat Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Uembera Ckiear Beard of Trade Carresyoateata Bryaa Income Tax .Exempt Paid From Municipal Taxes Diking District No. 5 Cowlitz County, Washington 7 " " ' v ' - General Obligation Gold Bonds Dated Feb. 4, '22, Due Jan. 139 Den. $500 J For centuries the rivers have beep build- ing up the extremely rich and fertile bot tom land of this district Dairying, hay and grain raising are the principal indus tries. , Price on Application ; tiyTtf.E ' '.. -", Broadway and Oak i ' ' t t . I r . - 1 -