MONDAY, MARCH 7. 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 15 RISH FACTIOUS AGREE TO GO TO LI lUget, SO. Portland : Ceorf V Green, lgat, and Cora Mi Rth, Jdxal,' Rid- a, . ... . miiti L -' j m a imux. nun; nuiwn.ui. uohki . Portland, and Bessie K. Csinnlnsham, II. Hood River, Orif Eivin Q. Stewart, 50. and Marriret K. .WeUer, 18, Port land. '.' ". I. .BK'HEN The - tuners! icmcn ; of taw late Peter aoebea. and 6Z Dean. months and 17 days, who died m this city March 28, 1932. win be held tomorrow (Toad,),! March 28, st 2 :30 a. m from the chapel of the Bkewe Undertaking Co.. comer Third awl Cmy. Friend invited te attend,- hriermeel Mount Scots cem etery. ' -ii " ' - " f -- MEETING NOTICES 102 . r- LoBdoa, )iarr 17. U. P.) Tke Iiim el tore tadav paaead tke Irish MU mm ft third readls;, wltaoat a record vols. Tele eosttltaUs ratlfleatloa of the Irlsh-BrlUth treaty. ' ' Belfast, March L N. S.) While nii wii arriving; today of fresh out breaks and violent death, the Ulster cab- Inet mot and accepted on behalf of Pre mier Fir James Cralar the Invitation to ce to London to a parley. The derision of the Ulster cabinet as ares that the peace council will be held In London under the. patronage of the British, government. Michael Collins, minister bf finance in the Irish provisional government at Dub lin, already had accepted a similar Invitation. Btr James will go to London tomor row and the pacification meeting is ex pected to open on Wednesday. The British government wilt exert strong pressure upon both the Irish free ttsfers and the Vlsterttea to com pel them to settle their differences and restore peace along the Ulster frontier, where guerilla warfare is now In full wing. Eleven deaths have been reported In Belfast and elsewhere in Ulster . since Sunday morning. Four deaths were reported from Cale- don. County Tyrone. The victims had all fallen In border fiahtlns. Terror reigned throughout the night in this rlty with rifle and pistol volleys and bomb blasts in the streets. Some of the street battles between Sinn Keln- ers and Orangemen rose to savage fury, Larga forces fought fiercely In the cen tral business district, throwing bombs inoiscnminateiy. Many stores were set afire and gutted. There waa much loot ing. LLOTD GFORUE RETCRSS TO TACKLE I MRU EM Iff IRELAND London. March 27. (U. P.) Premier Lloyd George returned from Wales to day to tackle the Irish crista. Absence of Sir James Trait; and Michael Collins, who were kept In Ire land by urgent problem threatening Ihelr governments, prevented the pro posed, Irish conference at 10 Powning street, however. CJovd George turned his attention to the Qenoa conference.' Kenator Mohan er, Italian foreign minister, arrived to confer with the premier regarding the conclave. The economic situation in Ireland where a lockout of 600.0(H) workers la threatened, also claimed the premier attention. .... . GUI. REAZEE GROTTO .NO. S. I Regular satin ate las Monday. March 27. at 8 e'ebsrh. Prtbiaa Temple. Ira pwrtant bueinesa. Program. r- freshmenta. Wear las. Adatls- ton by 1932 rant , Ialon aaaee PrVUr. March 81, at Prtbiaa Teeaple. Masetrie fraternity a friends invited. Grotto team will miter at. M. degree at Waahtoatnil wdae Aoril 6. Bormg cere monial Saturday. May la. -If yea wish a aood time, help make tt. Harry A. MeKae. tee, PTBPl SB ' C NO. nd Bpo- tt Hon- brethren M. . oea. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. lit ' A- F. AND A. M Special Tuesday eveninr at 6.30. Work M. deeree. The desree team nl the Standard Oil Co. eifiee wiU confer drsree. Vfanttnc brptJireo weleran. E. MILKER. Sc FUNERAL HOTICES ' 104 FUNERAL, DIRECTORS lOS THIKD ATO taXMOS MAIX Ml I East Side Funeral Directors r. C IHTJOflNGj ixa : "Tha Wtmiii Sola tba iTio.- 14 K. Alder at. rboaa Rat S Dunning & McEntee Horrboa tt. a 13tb Brfadwa, 480 ' Aat.S4R-SS SNOOK & WHEALDON I IC VETS At. DntECTOBB acccesaoBs to RREKZK . SXOOK BKT.irrrtT at th .tawvr i2. l D. KENWOBTUTt B. 8-: HENDERSON A. D. Kenworthy & Co. BSOi C2d t. 8. K. Aoto. 618 21 MINERVA CHAPTER. SO. 105 O. E. S. St. John Stated eommnniratioii Taeaday ( tomor row . Cone. i SAM Ah IT AN SOCIAL CLCB will aa rntormal becefit dance' at Binikr'a ban Nm 8. N. 11th t-. neat Wednedar CTemnc. AH Odd FVIIowr. Bebekah and their friends lnriud. WM. H. yOITNO. MB. JtXSE T. JOSEH. See. MOLXTiHOOD LODGE No. 15T. A. A. SI. 334 Rowell rt. Special tamorrmr. March 2t. at 7:80; p. m. Examination in M. M. desree. Social committee ha prepared a prcaram. fome. WAVERl-EY LODGE No. 174, A. V. AMD A. M. Kast 2th and Clinton mu. Kpeciai cemmu tiira tion TiMadaj eTentnf , 1 3(1 p. m. Work in 54. At. decree. Bt order of W. M. WJI. JAPPERT. I Ser. Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HA.WTHOHJTB PHONE EAST 781 KELP WANTED MALE 201 BONT 8ALESHEH A ODenins for two bisb-claaa aaicnaea; as opnertunity to auks tome oig money qnicaiy. . alK- GREENE, 344 Pittock Blk. Portend. Ox. 1 ; A -, HEMSTITCHING (- AJprWork eeaapleted aute day er while yoa wmn. atan eMora.crreB prasapt attaanoa. 171 Park- at., aear boa terminal. t AST INTELLIGENT PERSON, either aex. stay eara 1100 to t-00 mootnly eorreaponains tor newspaper; 15- to $15 per rolaam; ait or apaie time; experieaca nnra renter?; - no caaraaaiBS. Send for paroctuAn. , National Preat . Bureaa, Baffalo; X. Y. -2 J liKS. railway matt postoffico aemce. Expenenoe nnneeeanrr. Correspondence coarse unnecea- aTT. Particulani free. ; Boat wasn- iepoti. D. C HEAHQCARTEBS for cooaa and kitrfaen Italp. 43 4 N. 2d. uroaflwmr zaay. . HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 THIS WOiLKN 8 anotactna ZM-rwaoa. vxa l'vl.nH -ffen its ' tmi kaa Is all matt pertaiamc to tba weJlro aad proteeoua 01 women and tr; -wtareiewa eeoiiaennu. Worcester bide. Sd add Oak ata. Pboa Uaia 5SS2. . DRESSMAKING 256 Dti.Kb8MAK.lNG by7 Woodlawa 4857. day week, ai FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 Pl.KaSaJiT front tooaa. bar winooe), fttmaco beat, attractrrelv . and eoaafortabl tarabbad. aaiuMe for 1 or V, 4teairable kxatioa, cioaa is; teaaonabtei. Afee" single room, fS. ' BL'S KeetwU. NURSES 257 FBACTICA NUBfiE. wiU take any case. iz. - Eaat BIG eomfortabla front nom adjoining bath, in pretty baagaloer boan. with la raw around; eloae in. east aida. Cheap to 1 or 2 employed. 11 Cook are., Aotcmarie 133-10. - MASSAGE, batbroom traaunent; practkai nana. FOR' RENT" CN VSC ALLY pleaaaat terse aoaay front room. suitable for. two: exceptionally reraJabed: aue one unfile room; moderate rent; home priailesm. aa Market, comer Hth. alaia tt;i. FURNISHED ROOMS 300 WANTED Competent maid to take care of lit tle rirl. 4 U yrs. old. . Mast torniw oest 01 references. Maid who speaka French preferred. Best of wares. A bore position w for home in Irruixton. Portland. Phone Oregon City 600 eollert. ANY GIRL in need ot a mead apply w tha Kl ration Army Kescne Home. Uayfair and Alexander eta. Phone Ifain 3450. D-M car. Uke care of lady and , . AMERICAN nOTEa " " :' S2 Ksetb Third Sa. TMi bote! has been thonmcbly cleaned and t evaea end omratea . by Aawncaoa: tba bi ervice in - tha city for rate t Wged; elecant lobby, elevator aarrice. always lota ' bot watae. free hatha; rata. aOe, lac. 31. 8pi sataa te pexmacant iraeiita. EDW, F. GODDAkD. War. CALL at Y. U. C A. to see tree list ot awderato priced rooma for yoons men in all parts of the etty, Inriadina rooms at tba Central T. M. C A.. ante teiepoobe la eaca room, shower bathe and eJuo faeUiaea. ONE and two room h. a. anta.. steam beat. b and e. water, elerstor service, raxes, sinale apt. 34; 2 r. apts, 35.50 to 3T per week. Also teepins room, 33. 33.50. $4 per wk. Hotel Ohto.'gs Front at. cor. MadMon. WANTED Woman to 5-weeks-old bsby; no housework. 51134. CaU East EXPERIENCED cifl to. iron. Tabor lanrtdrv. press and hand FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONT60MZRT AT FirfEL ' : MAIN BULI.E& TRAcCY. mdepeadent funerst di- reetors. Funerals 373 and wp. Washinstoa at EHa at. Broadway 261. Ant S1S-44. RT RVDNPQ RE8TDRNCK O I IVl.'lEraJ EBTABLiaHAtSKT eoi tvrtxiAMS ave. McENTKK A EILKH9 feneral parlors with aU the privacy of a home; 16th and Everett tta Phone Brosdwsy 3123. Aot. S21-33. A O 7al1.. rA SB WiTnama aea. Pbaew East 10SS. HAKMONY LODGE No. i. A. F. and A. at. Special Urts Monday renins at 7 oVtork. F. C. ds gree. yhitinf brethren welcome. 'C!,an,M UNDERTAKING j CO. Mala 4163 UMiVba HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20S V.NT Three men or women, to take subaenp tinn for the "Dearborn Inrteoendent." Henry Ford's own. pnblication. 33 to CO per cent for ever mharrintion. Solicit Ford car sales. Ter ritory allotted yon. 3150 if you want to work. Call Wdln. 460::. Mr. Stronsr HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT 206 Corner Third and Clay. VY. If. DeLIN, Bec-y. SfNNTHDB IIDGE No. 183. A. r. and A. M. 89th and Haw thorne. i Special at 7 p. m., March 2S. E.' A. detree. k ROSE CITY SOCIAL CLUB. O. E. K.. Is tirinf a dsncing psrty at Pythisn Temple. Tbnrnday evening, March 30. Good nunc and a good time awnrrd all friends of the order. SARAH H. JOHNSON. Sec y. 1 MONUMENTS 106 mxCRETE man with some money as partner. I hare new mixer, truck -and tools. Phone Sell. 2577. WANTED a aDecialty Oreean State sales man aeer Call 80 Va 6 th or phone Bdwy. 7110 Mr. Marsh. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 ; TOURIST HOTEL Cor. Morrjjon and Hr?t Warm, comfortable rooms, moderate rate. 75c per day and np; rates to permanent guests: transients solicited. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 12 13th. at WaJi me too rsnck strncture, csnter of Portland: bnsweas and social activities; respectable; epot- waa rooms; as week; 31 a day up; with priTate bath, f " day. HOTEL BAKER 285 Stft unoer aew aaanagement. Nice outside rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water in every room. priTatg oain.. reasonable rates. HOTEL ROYAL 182 E. Third, cor. Morrison,,. Congenial home, moaern rooms, under new management; reason- sole rate. SAN MARCO HOTEL 422 Washington. Attractive, modern rooms. rac m aay ana up. FOR RENT ' FRONT ROOU. newly faraksfced. a lea. lighta, bett, phone, pteoty hot water; suitable lot gentleman; wafting distance; .very - reaaoaabie. iamenhein. PLEASANT, well lurailaed room anitabW for two; wholesome borne - cooking; Trescwable rate. Also beds, 31.50 per week. 82 Broad way. Slain 3001. BEACTITL'U light front rooms, turaaee keaC 283 X. pbona. aoitable maa and wife. nice, eaiet puce, close in. eaat aide. 6th at N. Eaat 314. apartment, beautifully fum- IN WEeT SIDE isbed sleepina steam beat; easy walk Knickerbocker apta.. Nt mm. cltone. riano. etc. ntoved onur. 4 1 H Hamaca st. 8LEEPING PttBCH. with small sittinc room. mitabla tor one. 474 Yamhai. Marshall 516. ' LOVELY, clean, well heated rooms, west side. nice district. 2 cariinea. 739 Nbnhrup. kiaia 15. FUR BENT Pumbbed room er furniarwd Ught H. K. mom. 1 blork from Suaaysldc ear. Addre 1108 E. Tsmhfll t WLLL-KLKMSHED In ml room for rent by the first or before. 315. West side. 22 lath at., beoseen Cohimma ami Jefferarn. Jlsm BS. FOR RENT in priraU family., neatly furnished Deo room suitable lor two gentlemen. Keter- races exchanged. 443 10th st, coe. College. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Hotel Commodore FOR fcTNT HOUSEKEEPING- ROOMS FURNISHED 304 313 per asoath. Neat, hjht kueu seeping raoml ra best ef corxnuoau cosaiartaaty rarsunaa, goad stoea beat, fasa femlsbeS. taw ixa mac for - verktag pemoa, - eaay .walking J taare. Etortricity. bee and cold water., aiaadre prisilegea. Deiasoata. 137 Stout at. Week aoatk or SOih and a'hmrton. . WTO H. K. siiwi, aroaaa doer, iara rare. free wbeem aaA aatb- wtth aineaf ramc. Xa obiecuoa 4a I cr t caUdrasv- t 5 per Asa. simile a. k. roosas. rheaw beat 2 4 1 or Its E. Milt, comer 3rd. Barber Apartments S K Grand are Nicely famished house keening mums. 33.3 a weak aa4 aav. Spec is 1 monthly rates. ' ' 2 OUTSIDE rooms acenmaeA 31. 303 is AUa. 4 rooms sad paatxy. 333. wkk aitraenetat. $!. Larae amgie rum. 31. -SO Poanb st. r TWO faraiaaed ke ska. rang rwwua. eJertrhrmy; adalts; cleae ta, 13 E. 7 lb, et. Eaat. 1IJ. THREE furnished buawawemaa Ughm am wi 31.30 - i Good BeanekeeDiaa room for rest. IIS North ITta at. Broadway e414. asm, aa wnaaie . Marlwded. eei ha sera ta he anare nate VERY daairebm 2 room trawh4 armrimeat ansa beta. Iksasb baachsm. awe ef pane, yard Call T1 Gtnteaeeln e. Adnha family: abime. Rghm earn seta; also garage: ea. Tabar T1I3 SINGLE H. K- room with or vmhout astrptag Borra. 34 a week. Larre H. K 34 a week. I. J. er Iretagta ear. No obiertioa to.l er 2 chislrwa. 233 1 7 ta ft Mam 7 148 . ; PLEASANT, well iuramhea tweea. euluble or 2 Whnewoms borne cooking, mwhm ratea. Am beda. 31.S0 per week. 323 Broadway. Mara - ONE kowMke aping ewite, 14; rooma. Call East 367." S small ileuses 34 TO 33 WEEK Large, eama suites, every eeavenieaoe for tight bowsekeaptng. right am- town; are carfare. Tba taouiac ana Jefferson. THE DOLORES Under new management. Furnished keeping rooms and transient mums, 431 m Washington at. Broadway 3283. Homelike residential hotel, fcrtable surroundings. Meals Titing. Bares reasonable: . EVERETT artistic, ccm tasty and in Hnral Iwnrttmif I2ta and STARE a lutbl as XafUtygi BATES 31 A DAY, 85 A WEEK AND CP. STRICTLY MODERN. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE OCAXTTT MDwOesMXS THIRD R PINE $TS fHOm.W.t43 FLORISTS 107 Dr. Sun Plotting to Be President of All China, Report Says Shanghai. March 37. It Is reported un officially In the Chlneso press today tftat a tresty has been concluded between Dr. fun Yat Jen. president of tt) Southern Chinee republic and General Chans; Txo Un. war lorS of Manchuria and one of the most powerful Independent flfues In Chins. Acoordins; to tho prens. the objeeu of tha treaty are three told : Klrat Overthrow of tho Peking arov mment. "eind Defeat of Wu rl Ku. ThirdInstallation of Sun Yat Sen as president. After being; Installed aa preeldent. if tha now alliance attains Its objects. Or. Hun, according to tho stories publlnhod, la to to on an extended tour of foreign capital in the Interests of China. Dr. Hun, at the head of the armies' of the South marching, north agalnnt Wu re l pti, has reached cnangsna, in itunan provincs. Reports received here are to the effect that Wu Pel Kti Is busy preparing for de fenao of his lines, sod a clssh In the near future is predicted. NORTH PORTLAND LOIM;K NO. 230. I. O O. V., at Kil patrrk and Iierby t. . Kenton. H-x-tst meeting tonight. March 27, 8 o'clock, t isitiug brethren welcome. V. M. MILLER. Ber. EHVK;E ( lUI'LE 850. Neiglibnrs ot W oorl rrstt, will hold a dance and card psrty on Morula r. Msreh 27. lit loth and Taylor. lanr Ing H:80. Iterisrstir room for cards. Good miwtr. Enjoyable time. lTues giren. Ad miwion 35c. i ALREIITA LODGE NO. 233. 17th end Alberta sts. Regu lar liieetini ererv Tuedsr ere- liing st 8 o'clock. Third d-eree. i. B. ;. BKED. N. rt. - . H. A. BBT'SKMEB. Sec. Martin & Forbes Company 354 WASHINGTON 8T., MAIN i 239. Fl.VK FLOWEiiS t tllt ALL OC CASIONS AKT1STIUALLX AKKANUia. ' FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 "We Will Please You." YAMHILL at TENTH LEAKY ROOFfe 8 lrffl fully repaired and painted; references; bundredt ef astified customers: 20 years' experV- eace. JBdwy. 10 1 4 or atara ta. rncea ui lowest. R. 8. Co.. Inc. 223 B. of T. biog. PAINTING. KALSOMINING, PAPER CLEAN ED: 20 YEAJIS' EXrEKlESlE. BAfla BEFERENOE8. AUTOMATIC -628-40. PAINTING, calcomining, tinting, paperhaaging ; material and workmanship guarantees, ecu- wood 102T. PAINTING, papering, sai.; prices reasonable. Call before 8, after 4 o'clock, Eaat 1184: Ant 639-85. PLOWING, basement digging, day or contract, sand general teaming; call alter ti P- as. Aut 622-68. PAINTING AND CONTRACTING Carpenter sod concrete work, remodeling: rea- sonsble end ustiBtsctory. wcun. niao. CEMENT WORK. GOOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. KARL BATTEE & CO., PHONES EAST 9153 OK 8ELLWOOD 919. CARPENTER waoU wots by Ue day or con tract: work satisfactory. 288 ?4 Third at. Msin 1625. MELVIN 333 W Tamhill StL Wall furnished sleeDinr and bonaekeeDine rooms, 33.60 a week and up. MODEL - rooming house. You can find nice Bleeping and housekeeping rooms at reason able rent. Call East 6057. or 283 Vs Grand are., corner of Hawthorne. Maxwell Hall Varnished sleeping rooms, bath, ataam heat, hot aad cold water; 84 week and up. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTO.1 TorUand's higb-elus aaeutowp nsulewttal bcteL We gtre you the comforts ef borne American and European plan. Bstte reasonable. THE UlkUAINE. 212 NORTH 20TH. PHONE BROADWAY 3463 Exclusire citrate hotel, running water in rooms, shower, borne pririlegea: ratea 843 to 373; excellent board; pew furnishings. MRS. LATINA PRICK. Manager. CLEAN, eunay bonssseepiag toosas. beat, ligbu aaa. nhsna batu. water, soea uaadry: walk ing distance. 317 College at.. Bear Week Park. stajn site. baXTUb BdTZC aaa limlin m marmr AlbHma: n tailed housekeeping rooms; also sleetwag. 83 week and op; very ressoaabU teat by sraath. trtU IjrvT a .mnw aoaaakawtHna raosaa. awt or ewe or tww sww. m",-- and aster tree. 237 Knott tt.. Bear VtUUaau are. East 1748. PlkST PTjmiII luht mom and Ume kitenea, electricity, caa range, ateem near. eTerrxaiwa burnished except cocking gas; No mil OftS Glisan. Brnsaws zize. BOARD and room in residential hotel, walking distance. Newly furnished. Broadway 1309. 633 Kearney at., comer 20th. MARTHA WASHINGTON mob and board for girls; moderate ratea. 380 10th at. Mar shall 1251. RYAN HOTEL Jff. New management, steam heat, bot and water, prirajte bnths. Reasonable ratea. cold RECTOR HOTEL 9 N. Bradway, at Ankeny. Modern rooms, rri-. rate bath;. Yale locks. 35 a week up: 31 a day. as HOT HOUI Ml l.TNOMAH CHAPTER NO. 104, 0. K.- 8. Stated cemmuniration tomorrow (Tuewlay) eeening H o'clock, Kenton Rank building. Vis itors welcome. By order of W. M. ESTHER M. CANDY. Sec IVAN HOE L0DE NO. 1. K. OF meets erery Tuesday night at lock. Sth floor of Pythisn bldg.. aiKlull pt. All l'ytmans wci- mmr Til AH I.. I.BAF'. . . SILVER LEAK REBEKAH 1OgMtE NO. 203 will meet at Thieli hail. 104 Vs Killingiwortli Tuelsy. MerrN 2. st 8 p. m. EMBLEM JEHKI.rtr a p-islt.T. buttons, pins, iarm. Jaeger-Brr., -t"l-13S flth rt.- MII.Ell- DEATH NOTICES 103 In this riti. Msrrli 26. Johnsth T Miller, helored ftther of ('better Miller and Mr. Ella Riitterftrld ot Portland. Mr. Uilie Paiue o' Vancourer. Wash.. Mn Minnie Mc Coj o BeDd, V. S. Miller of Tacoms and Fred die Miller ot Cashmere. Wah. ; also 15 grand children. Funeral nptire later. Remains st residential parlor of Miller A Trecey. Mr. Miller wt a member of the G. A. R. I a?2 Ta--caKw- a T T TwTlfiTt Wsmr' atV AT HCTCSISONaTetTWirM.!933 MAIN 7709 HOOSISON STatTWltH - Smith's Flower Shop Tortkada Progressive Fhrtof Flowers for All Occasions Main 7213. T. C Luke. Mgr. tb and Alder CARPENTER Intimates given on repair work. roofs repaired and parages built. Shop. 13G7 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. PAINTING, paper banging and tinting; prices reasonable: work guaranteed. Shop 1365 Haw thorn are. Tabor 1722 or Tabor 1260. TOCNG man with motorcycle and side car wants deliver or light transfer work: steady, re liable. Mar. 416. - Hotel OckSey Morrison tt 10th. 81 a day; weekly 85 and up; free phone and bath; steam heat HilJcrest Hotel 5Eox. 'Almost full of nice papole; room for few more. See what we have ami make your reserTation. Newhall Hotel Furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa.ter. 402 E. Weahinfrton. MIDDLE AGED man, steady, reliable, wants work as janitor, watchman or handy man. Wdln. 3S77. PAINTING in sll branches. Not the cheapest man but the cheapest good workman. Wood lawn 5.")63. LOST AND FOUND 108 LOST Thursday niglit, between St. Vincent hospital and Madras it., a brooch if gray irregular Khaped pearls, with carred gold back. Return to room 35ft -St. Vincents hospital nr k fiir Mrs. G. K . Smith by phone at hospital. Reward. ' CARPENTER will finish your house, con tract or day work. First cla. Whisler, Wood lawn 34 77. PH'MBEU. first Haas wora. done East 4852. large or small jobs Hotel Helvetia 246-248 Salmon St., near Third, rooms. 75c up. Weekly rates. Modern Sargent Hotel CORNER GRAND Attractive, modern aleepmg and H. K. rooms, reaonable rate: private phones; elevstor. HOME for young people employed ; home cooking ana noma privileges; pis no. fireplace, close m, tome ana see. , zse ietn st. Main zoss MAN with nice room, twin beds. board WORKINt in welking distance, wants roommate reasonable. Mar. 2660. 4T1 6th at. DESIRABLE furnished rooms riutahle for two. With or without board. Wdln. f913. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ROOM and table board. 330 per "month. 121 Eut 11th st. Phone Eaat 2522. NEWLY furnished 2-reem raits; reasonable 163 X 13th at, Broadway 1112. LARGE, dean, light house ae ping rooeaa. single and 2 z-roeea apta.; glee aieepmg rw rents very reaaoaabie: asacr aear saanagrm Call 423 Alder et Phone Mroadwey 3441. NEAT, dean H. K. re nam, aigale aad ea auita. nawlT kaJaoaained and nam lea: nec. ana eou water, electric rights sad gas, .bath, furnace beat 190 B. 12th tt H TO 13 WEEK, deauanie auiusa, oempietaly furalshej for bewaakaeptac. every coevamenca. Water always hot; baths and liaea xraa. J Cadillac. Sid near Jefferson. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, iigbw nhene aaA hot water furnished: walking d Unce to west aida. 474 Eaat Washington St. corner East 9th. tint FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM3 FURNISHED AND UNFURMSHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO Beat, forassbed hnaaae epi.g nmm : beta. fnraare Wat. ta prleaae faauty. H beach e r: counie asnnsnwad. A3t at. 13th at. . Wdm. 5t4. - TWO er three fi aaewiag rnnmi. kMrbea with smk, aca 4. adults aaly. r aeWa 23T Eaat 324 et, , Tahwr CLEAN (roat reoaa, with kitrweaw-le. campWaely asc. Hgwta, VaLa, aaa. maa fwet 1M a. zaa as. sa twrattaest: esse. TT4 3 RtKjM3.-naiarnabed. with uemhiBSOee taatre and drapsTMe: inrradea lacbt asm water; abas stst - rawwaahed alliens reams, 336 let, as.. r GnM. TWO newly feiabbsl Vvauskrereng warier;- rstaa reaaeaaMe. A1B Meatawasery. 1TRMSHED fraart avpiag room: ab aange bamarsevtnc reoat. furwwhea. far avwtteaaaa that wiabee a seed piece b reoea. 411 let at tenth. Reeacnebm. bIm; is tinted fake Dai: 38. HOtftEEEEPiNO roaw3 a. k. rooms, private bath. separate eatiaaca. :Tsj Haatey at. Adulta eti?y. . LARGS twe-rooaa euile. well farnssbed. float, 1 ueor. eteetrkjtr. oboBe : sautaMe for S er a. alas atagje a. k. maaa. Walking distance. 431 ntth st. ONE LABGH furnwbed reoaa, a of klU-ewa. neat. agbt. wator; rewrm. SIS; aes mwsu mm wffh krtrbra priTilasea. 312. 8T3 Cable.. r Mill, vet u NICF.I.Y famished aoai keaptng twoas. rnesii. Walking dananre. Iicbt. beet saa and pbewe free. Call Mondays. Wednesday aad Friday, brl. 1 1 a. m. awq 4 p. m a eta t - . APARTMENTS TORNT5HED 307 Leeds Apartments nrssreof bide.. taodara.S. 3 and 4 we apta.: also tLrms.; elevator aervica. Mar 7. WAHH1NCTON HIGH APT. reoaa farsasbed apt. privet, bath, kna outside rseeaa; walking distaaee, 5T3 E. Stark. earner 14th. fast 363a. - I ROOMA or mere ia best part riadasoat: aTat , floort, furnace, fireslaae. gaa raaae. sleeping porch, eaaasel kitchen, pivt. bath, toilet: aucely L'n. si turn.-, aear Jeff H. S. Wti ll Multnomah Apartments t room apartment dcae ta, 330. 22T Mar ket st. Phone Msin 4.1. - IE YOi; suDnciate houaekeeping suite is a clean. quiet place, right ft own town, no carfare, look at these. 34 te 35 week. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jeffersonu v WANTED To care for children nnder 10 years during tpring and rummer months in country, wliere they will receive good tare. Write BX-930, Journal. . WARM, pleasant room, suitable for 1 cr 2 people employed, ia modern home, walking distance m west side: excellent borne cooking. Marshall 303O. SUN NT. comfortable room, 10 minutes' walk from town. Real home cooking and privi leftes. S52 Everett Phone Automatic 525-20. 5c Day, $2.50 Week Up Large, clean rooms. Baths free. Water always hor. Hotel Curlirisr. 3d. near Jotfferwn. PAPERHANtiINU and tinting; new wallpaper samples: estimates furnished. Tabor 8080. BRlt'K work, fireplaces and chimneys, cialty. East 8492. a "ape- IF PARTY who louhd my pnrkethook conUlni- R. ' R. passes, ab eardK. my name. please retern to cashier, 1'ortiand'Ilotel, he will reeeive rewaM. STRAYED Male (ox terrier named Billy. ,: Evonly marked, black and brown, cpots on faco aind cars, with black saddle. Reward. Call Tabor 864 1. HITFAVASHLN'G and epraying. Mur,.hy, Mar. 1779. CaU F. J. LOST! Monday, becween 1st and 2nd and Yam hill, gray pur?e. Finder please rail Tabor 490". Reward. MARRIAGE MCESSES Vanrouver, March 27. The following marriage llcensea were Issued Satur day: Vlrtor W. Schllberf. Z2, and Lena Ttamsdell, II. Portland ; Claude K. Simp - son. 23. and Kachael A. Rowland. IS. Waahougal. Wash. ; Arman Nlolaon. 38. and Mildred West. 30. Portland ; John P. WIHIsms. letsl. and Sophia A. Bye. legs), .Seattle; Thomas Johnson. 20. and Maybello Smith. IS. Vancouver, Wash. ; John A. DahL 14. and Hilda BROWN Msrrb 27 z'. 729 Kat Ankeny. Mrs. Klirabeth Brnwnj sued 60 year, beloved mother of Mrs. ii. It Marrum. Mrs. K. 1.. Mc t'abe of Clorenlale. Or.. Edward J. and Gordon I". Brown: ?iter uf Miss Anna I. .thannon. Mrs. A. B. Warnock and Daniel V. Shannon. Funeral announccmvnt leter. ltemains at A. It. y.ellev Co. psrtiim. 602 Williams ave. TILLtM II In tl.H city. March 26. Nl T., aged 32 years, itife of Charles W. Tulloch. of PendleUin. Or. : imnther of Muriel and Jean Tnllnrh and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John It. Todd of Pendleton. The remains will be forwsrded Tuesday. March 29. by J. P. Pin ley A Son to Pendleton, wlicre cervices will be f.eid and interment made. OKK.HG March 26. at the residence of Mrs. Llnte Ixell. 373 W. Broadway. Charles Oberg. aged 49 years, husband of Marie Obrrg and father of Ellen Oberg. Rfntains at Pear son t undertaking parlors. Russell st. st Union are. IA)ST Inaroond bar pin. either waist cr mil linery of Meier & Frank's, i Reward. Bdwy. noo or Bdwy, 0020. WANT PLOWING AND HARROWING PHOSE EAST K'JRO. SHl.VGLERS When you want shingling done, call Wondlgwn 5206, momtng or evening. PAPER HANGlNti. PAINTING. TINTING. BK1.U. o. sioewalks and steps. Call El CEMENT lloors, pi re i 81. BASEMENTS. GRADING, GEN. TEAMING Contract or day Work. Ant. 622-?3. v LADY, aloDe. will rent double room, or 2 single rooms in flat to gentlemen employed; bath ad joining, plenty of hot water and heat; reason able, walking distance. Broadway 2580. LARGE front room with wonderful view. Wil lamette Height. 340 for one. 370 for two; 2 mealv Mar. 746. COZY, tight room fog 2 young men, with board it desired and reasonable. 414 Market, eor- er 11th. Lame front room, with board, in lovely borne; slrnty of beat and hot water. Tabor 870B. 18 E. 89th at. 34 TO 35 WEEK, desirable suites, completely furnished tor houaekeeping. every eonveaienoa. Water always hot; baths and linen free. Right downtown. Hotel Caditiae. so near jeiievaon. J ATTRACTIVE, higb-elaas. madam ; kitchen, bath, steeping porch. aarUr furaisbv; adults: rclareacsa, 233 Knott at. hear Wil ms eve. King Albert Apts. 3 rooma, atncuy modem, tue bath. er eVvator. ONl NICELY furnished sWping or a k. room, suit able for 'bachelor or lady. 314 te 319 per month. Everything furnished, including gaa. 4iS2 Market near 13th, LARGE front parlor, facing park, beautifully furnished, with use of piano; aecomrnpaate two or three; also kitchenette: 333 per jafoath; garage if darircd. 833 West Park. 2-rosau aad one 3-rooaa aoartaseaL new and clean: steam beat, hot and celd water; refereaces lesruired. Basarraa hotel. 243 Xaar- mn. THE DENNIS0N 3 rwwaa, private bath, steam neat aad phoae. Phene TfrNiT 543. 12Tsi Belnwwtt. eloae ta NEWLY fumi-bed single I keeping room. 2 blka. club. 310 to 326 per mo. Main 7618. nd donbla from Moltaomah 231 Chaptaaa ROOM apartmeat acaool, walsiag me and look at Main 3323. aav i.h hnwrtmiM rooma. well furn ished, close in; also urge airy tearoom, iigos. and rWan. home eookiaa sad lursaa aaaw 434 MtlL - New Perkins Hotel Washington and Fifth streets. Special permanent rate. LARGE, sunny room for 2 men, 355 aa; use ot living room vrut fireplace aad Diane; you may feel at home. 8 10th st. Bdwy. 3072. NICE front room, furnace heat electric llghuC cloae in on west aide: home cooking. 3 meals. 332 per mon; gentlemen only. , Apt 513-86. Hotel Arthur 170 11th st, near Morrison. Clean, modern rooms by day, week or month; reasonable rates. FOR RENT Room and breakfast., if wanted; would like matron lady who would like home. he a companion, stay in evenings. K-785, Journal. WIDOW desires one er twh young men te room and board: close ia on west side: reaaon- shle and home privileges. 264 Btont St. EXCELLENT board and room. 83 week; real home privileges, wsikmr distance, west aide rhene Main 5370. 820 Montgomery st. ROOM and board tor one -or two together, nice front room with home privileges. S71 12th. Hotel Medford LOST Black ami white femuie; dog. black spot rn 'hark. Answers to name of Pegay: collar with I !'.".' license. Reward. Call Wdln. 2641. ,Wta! Statistics, 17lMt7isg3.Blrtte.Dco1J)SL IXtST In middle of Morrison briilze st 2 P m., Saturday, blue fox .fur.; tinder phone Main 3124. Reward. CARPENTER and contractor, cobtag. anything -i the building line. Phone East 8636. GARDEN PLOWING - Excavating, gentml tesrning. East 8873. STRAYElV--Bnnday nomine., foroale toy Boston Mill called Spark. Call Tabor S328, x LOST Aairedale dog. brown head end limbs dark body. 12 mo. old. Reward. Aut 517-57. EDUCATIONAL 200 FUNERAL NOTICES 104 MARRIAGE LICENSES iFnVii7 JOCHR1N8EN Edward L . born Aug. 22. 184, at Hood River, Or. Was married March 20. 1307. to lura 1..! Bowe of Vancouver, VVah. In the fall of mot. he located on bu pleasant place seven miles pmitbeast of Estacada. He died March 23, 192. aged 37 years, 7 months. 3 days. He leave to mourn his loss a wife, three children, mother, two brothers and two j sietem. He was the youngest son of the pioneer i family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jochrtneen. located at Hood River. Ot.. March 27. 1"2. where his mother still resides. The funeral will take place at the Spring water church. Tuesday, .March Js. at. 2 p. m., conducted by Joseph E. Gates, nmtertsker ! WITT BE OCT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN C-PPAH POSITION I We hsvo helped butidreds of onr graduates to positions paying from 3200 to 3500 per month. tJ-t us help you, too. sou- can pay half of your tuition down and the balance after you have graduated and had six months of steady employment at auto work. A pretty lair oner, don't you think so? KX-PCKYlt K MEN Invest your bonus money in an education. It beats any other kind ot aa investment. School open for inspection daily at 10 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. except (Saturday. Large 112 page catalog mailed free. Ask for Book No. . ADCOX ACTO A AVIATION SCHOOL 372-374 Wasco St., Corner Union ave. PORTLAND. OREGON legal. Vancouver J. Tarlur. legal. Je,t J Wash., end A Mr. Milter av. r'ram-W Nsndi. 24. Na 74 4 E. 67th it. N ami Grace M. Dengerflrtd. 21. No. 60 K. "ijlh . N. Fred C. Canine, 36. Benson hotel, and EtUa h'h Stanley, 27. o. 37 l.nrretia rAsre Barracks. No. 364 WEDDING , vr n. smith co AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS 811 Mergae Rida DIVORCES FILED Mr. C. M. sgainst C. W. Williams l.oriUe Marie aaainn CflWING At her lte resldinee. 674 Kast Mid leun st.. March 26. 1322. Abbie F. Cowhig, wtiWrw nf the late Thomas F. Willi, aeed 7 7 ycura 1 S days. She survived by the follow ing children: Eugene H, and Tom . of Port land aad Edith C. De Psrcq of 1os Angeles; also 6 erandrhildren and 2 a rest grandrhilrlnrn. Funeral services will be bcld tomorrow. Tues day. March,. 2S. at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the lste resilience-, menas invited. . inter ment Mount Bcott ;Park cemetery. The funeral arrange men: are In care of Walter C. Kcn- orihy. ' CONCRETE pouring ey macnute: general ee ment work. Call SelL 1330. after 6 p. m. PLUMBING done very leaaoeaoia by the boor or by the lob. Aut 235-31. East TEAMING, aradina ana excavating 6631. aT4 a., utn. near nivtwrw. HARDWOOD floors, by day er contract. Refer ences. 1406 Rodney ave. woooiawa ooaa. EXCAVATING, grading, plowing sad general team work. Phone Tabor 063. PAINTING, papering, tinting, enamel work a specialty; work guaranteed. Bdny. 23.25. SHINGLING, roof repairing; work guaranteed. Marshall 2186. 120 N. 6 th st. Corner Gttsea Two blocks from Depot 75c and up. 34 aVeefc up. Hot and cold water in each loom. 3 ROOMS Bedroom, sitting room, kitchen, gas range, beat, bath and phone; everything fur nished, close in; )i block from Bdwy. car. 352 Ross st. East 8084. LENOX HOTEL 243 THIRD ST.. NEAR MAIN Attractive, modern room at reasonable rates. THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms, 82.30 per week aad op; also light housekaernng. eao Aioer st. EXCAVATING, lawn work, garden spading. Call Empire 781. PAPsTING. papt-rhanging and tinting. Aut 220- 13. U O. Neii. HOTEL TAIT Modern outside rooms, elevator service. Rates 83 wk. np. Centrally located, 12th and Stark. MARLYN HOTEL Cor. 17th and Couch. Large, wall furnished. modern rooms, et reasonable rates. WORK wsnted. Janitor, handy man or witch- man. Phone Aut. tm w. PAINTING, caicimining and inside finish, work guaranteed: prices lowest m tewn. tast B-vs. PAINTING Piperhinging, UnUm: window aigui a apeciilty. Aut. 617-48. Willis Htoul Js-k HilW.TS. Ray mond Msmle H. agalmt Rr.bert B. Stout. slsrv ssa'usr Myron Jsrkson NEW TODAY SO RUG CO. FLUFF JIUGS tad out ot your out wora-Me, aarpata aad rwcav Bava half ta prioe et a mw rue. Uaa woslea ciothtnc r 9r Raca BlMaacleaava4. SI. 80 CmI 3U0 I ISt East Elfa CARPET CLEANING terTT'"a, etCthVIMat Bf 811114), tTO. HI Rtl BTtAst ellAIN, tlJktt. sa.itoaam as sea ever. SUAevrtMl. AAt am s agwr MATTagsst 8 a aaca reeewaiia , rtsMllaN MTYRt8 sk 0ARPIT CtlhMI31 bVCRI r' tSTl t. llaiam SU A4. S3V-Y. BfStl In this city. March 23. 1922. Frank; E. Bush, seed .10 years, hushsnd of Theresa E. Bnsh, lather of Rrtth, brother of Eugene end Wilbur Rush of Spokane. Sherman Bnsh i of Coarr d'Alene. Idaho: Edward G. of Dulurtb, Mine., aaa Mrs. K. Mrlver of Demidge. Minn Funeral mikes wiH be held Tuesday. March 18 at 2 p. m. at the chapel ef Chambers Co.. 248 250 Kluingsworth ave. Interment Rose mmmpm SHOvTTHANO IN 90 DAYS We haae students holding law office positions after 90 days instruction in our school. For thore he cannot attend school we have a "Home Study Course." Many ot tha students take easy letter dictation after 2 weeks' study. If you are working at an underpaid position it will pay you to investigate. Write, phone or call TWIN S"' SHORTHAND SCHOOL 618-19 Dekum- Bldg. j Bdwy. 6950. THE young people sshom we bar recently placed in positions realise that opportunity seeks out those who have a superior business training. NORTHWEST CEMENT WORK Hav. mixers;, good work guaranteed. Phone before 7 p. m. Tabor 6781. PLOWING and teaming done. Call Tabor 5876 or Kast 7820 after 8:80 Call FOR DOMESTIC HELP 510-92. Japanese labor ssrocistton. HOUSE- RAISING: cement work of all kinds. Reasonable. Marshall 3865. by WANTED Work ol itijl kind; painter mite. J. L. Smith. Apt, 1, East 675. HxcaVatIxo. plAWIng and general TEAMWORK. ACT. 619-84. CEMENT WORK Satuiaction guaranteed. Wdln. 5241. GARDENS plowed, manure for sale. A. Wolfer. 864 Upshur' St. Aut. 815-26. 1 1KST CLASS eicavatlng, cement work, house moving and raising. Phone Wdh.. 6804. 1 ( cemetery. City taOBTERMAN March 26. at the late resi dence. 4 M9 East 17th at N., John K aged 16-yri, sen of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Klos termaa. The fnweral corvee will leave the above res'.dewe Tuesday. March 28. at 8:30 a. nv and proceed ta the Church ef tlie Made- Hne. - S3d and Riskirou at.. where mass will be celebrated et 9 s. as. Friends invited. Coa- eiudlat aerriee Riverview eemetery, private, j J. P. Finley Bona.! directors. t MiT.Ltkrj.-U-.v. Uarro IS. 1922. Henry P.. Miller. aged ; 71 years, father of Harry. Dave and Pierre- Miller and Mrs. R. WUhelm. all of Portland, fuaera! win be held Tuesday. Maf-h 28. 1922. t 2:30 p. .. at the chape ot Edward Hoi man A Hon, 3d and Salmon au. IntermeM at Riverview eemetery. Baa Fnu- cieco papersi please copy (UNK'8 business colleg: p) LEGE Expanded) Morrison at Tenth. Day A Night Bdwy. B803. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QllCKXX - Enmll for day or night school at this -great business college, the training school for successe. I curses include comptometer, stenography, bask ing, boekkeepins, private secretariat. Write or pscae Mam 390 for free caUlcgne. Fourth, near Morrison, Portland. POBITia-4 rOat EACH GRADCATB JOYKLIN March 26. at th. reside wee of Mr. aad Mrs. W. F. Markenste, 1 too Williami ave.. Julia Lett ice Joyshn, aged 78 jean. . The funeral service will be held Tuesday. March 38. jit 1 n. m. at ritiley'i mortuary. Monuromrry at 5th. Frtends invited. Csiec hading service: TVrOsnd etwrnaloriam. -I FOXTOX The funeral aenica for the late Martha Elisabeth Ponoa cflj East 6th W N.. wi3 b. held Tueaday, March 38. at 10:30 a. aa.. at Finlcy's mortuary. Meutgomery at 5th. Friends Inritast , Concluding service. Portia ad crvswaioenim. J i: LACY At hie iete evidence. 1537 CurUss gva, Frank B. Lacey, ased 60 yean. Funeral serv ice will be held it the Portland Cmantoetum Tuesday et 3 p. aa. Fnenris Invited. Bemaies at P. U Lerch fnaeral periors. E. 11th at Haw- P- eV e-Tt . : 1 1 1 - . asmvajBTmS nsi rTM BBC TaYsUfla lb. held Tuesday. Marek caW alfi At 10 A. f.L TmrtArYnw lFtnley, mortuary. Montgomery t 8th. Friends IV afwe 3 OHIOXTOW ntl Coneravljii wrvier Rose Cite cemetery. UT( HBI RN In! this city, March 2.' 122, John Ditchbaraj member of the Ditchbuni as Dewwea lew firm. 1 Itsml services will be held at the ehanei ef Edward Hoi maa A Son. Third and Balmoei sts., Saturday. April 1. 1922J at 2-80 p. m,- ' 1ricrm-m Rose t'ity eemetery. 1 I JA ASON The fanerat service for the iaate Abbie M. Jackson of 91 m C.rsnd ave -will AUSKY 1LDG.. 3D. AND MORRISON MOIXK BABHEJt COLLXGB wiH teach w23a the trade ia weeks: receive acme nay Manilas i position secured. Ottawa ex-eervice area recerve state aid. Wltk or call tot cata- lorue. S84 Barr:de tt s . . , - - i SHOW CARD WRIIlNtJ LETTERING WILL do plowing and all kinds ot team work. AVoodlawn 8S3. WANTING papering, painting, tinting by con tract or 50c per hour. Auto 614-28. SHINOLERS Reedy to work. Call Taper 9390 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 YOCNQ German lady. 17 months fa this coun try all alone, wants poeittou on a farm. Address all mail ChariUte Gedlick, Gen. Del, Portland. Or. ' '. - --' DRAPERIES and curtain maaing, also - modeling. WiU ' give prelect satisfaction. 644-88. BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAY AND BTJRNSIDE 33 per week up. Private bath 39 up. Free pbono. Matthiesen Hotel Rooms SOe day up! S3 week no: elesn. right net or cold water, itesm test. 04 coramaia. THE BEI.I.EVTE. 248 YAMHILL Best dollar, a day bouse in Portland: new management;, rates by week or mohth: newly refinisbed. Moyer Brieendine, proprietors. WASHlN'i'l'o:. HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooma and suite at reasonable rata by week or montii. NICELY furnished sleeping iry premiaes in modern Eat 9276. room witu clean home, eaat ' side. LARGE front room, suitable for two or three people, desirable location, reasonable rent 141 13th St.. comer of Alder. WANT to care for child 4 or 3 year old; good heme. Phone East 6503. G room and sleeping poich suitable (or two in modem home. Tabor PS79. LARGE front room with board in private family ot adults, near z canines. Woodlawn SniK. MOTHER'S CARE given one email child. week, or 3.0 a month. I all East 72. 85 a ROOM and board in private family; real borne privileges. Woodiawn 4784. CHILDREN will receive good care in pie home of responsible woman. 630-26. ant HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ONE ROOM, first flour, 53 week: 1 room, kitch enette. 2d floor. 325: 1 room, kitchenette 3d floor. 314 month. 194 Lowmdsle ni. hAnaaeaefiine rooms, waier ix roma; bath god phone; V block from Laaor temple. Price 83 per week. S70 lolamBia, Main 2757 2 aad S room modern apartaswt. 88 CetomWa, Maeaba'l ;46. ROOM apt. completely furajsrisd. steam heats aesvty reworstsd and papered: hot water all the time: centrally locals : 830 par ssoata, IH7 TamblH at. Mam trap. SINGLE and doable furaiabed houaekeepiBg rooma: nice, on let olare: all oaiatoe roei walking distance, west tide. 211 Mill, corset of First TWO nira hAtiaeae.ntn rooms, wltb water single room, with kitchens ue, neat, ugni ana pnone. wain issi. NICE clean 2-roem suite, one block aooib of Hawthorne are.. walkMhr aiattaea. 310 aw tut. Free tight, phone ano Patn. ONE and 2 room houaekeeping auitra. 82.30 to S3 prr week; white people only; cdimrb wer- come Mstern hotel, Sll JH it 3 ROOM sot on 3d floor, hot and oold water. furnace beat sa.o a week; l amgie nauae keening room 88.50. 490 Taylor St.. Msr. 2727 l EMMIKI) 1 and 2 room aousekerptng apta. newly painted and papered: clean and reat sea . . . - . . a,w -. TWO fnmiahed front, h. k. rooms: rent sonabie: ao ob)ectaaa tn cnuo: piaee toe sauw- dry: walking distance, ot1 nrst at. 2 LIGHT front houaekeeping rooms, furniahed compleu: gaa range, telephone, rent 794 H Ttmrmaw et. bath; cheap FURNISHED h. k. rooms, auittble (or (aasily fur., wtur, light, phone. 444 E. Oak street East 1136. CLEAN, nleasaet bousekaemng room, good" service, reasonable; fine (or girls employed. Tabor P4WW. VERY DESIRABLE 1 AKD 2 ROOM . With kitchenrtbr. every ooe walk lag distance, select nsstghberrtoon. 76 rioyV- FL'RNIbHED H. E. rooms. Si. 30 per week and up: electric lights and cloae m. 324 4b Flnt at., bet. Clay and Market PRIVATE garage with furnished housekeeping room above; scry comfortable; suitable for 2 gentlemen. 84 N. 21st. cor. Everett HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30S SINGLE room with kitchenette, 33 per week. front sleeping room, first floor, w.ll fur nished, fnrnsc heat. 404 Taylor. Msin 2131. H NORTH 1BTH BT. Clean one. two, tiiree- room apt.; h. k.. bet and cold water. 34 per week up. Under new management BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern clean houae keeping rooms. Very reasonable. Close la. 497 Clsy st. llsln 0304. TWO completely furnished aeaseaeeping rooms. S3 per week: gentlemen trrefetred. Hawthorne. 854 H NICE, clean, housekeeping rooms. 82.50 per week end up; 1 block from the Hawthorn bridge. 301 H Hawthorne are. LARUE front housekeeping room, disappearing bed. good heat, fireplace, clean. 83 wk. 713 Everett. SLEEPING PORCH'containing atove. wood turn islied; also garage or parking apace. 3D3 West Park. Marshall 568. NICELY furniahed sleeping room, bath adjoin ing. 1 block from Multnomah elub. 614 par month;. gentlemen preferred. Main 7466 CRYSTAL HOTEL 362 Alder st- Clean. strictly modern well beated rooms. Reason able rates. Special rates by week. SLEEPING porch with dressing tumi for gen tlemen Atl borne comforts and with or with out heard. East S023; THE ST. PACLvlSO 4th, cor. Alder. A RE SPECTABLE downtown hotel. Bates 75c up. Private bath 32. Bpecial rates by week or moath. 708 WASHINGTON. ,. Marshall 65-7l.. Sleep lnr room, with private bth; tlo basement sleeping resent -neat to bath- aadpapne. LACE CURTAINS HAND LACNDERED. YEARS' EXPERIENCE.- EAST 6196. 12 LADY wishes work, by hour er day. Woodlawn 8X02. 40e hour. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. 7648. Maia REFINED lady wishes position aa I practical nurse. Q-24. Journal. aa housekeeper or COMPTOMETER operator desires position, years' experience. Y-8 T, Journal. " STRONG, ccmpetent woman, cleaning houses, 'offices, day. evening. - Main 1625. Boom 16, 6 week to 3 njoothi eoarse. MeDEBMOTT SCHOOL Or I. UTTERING 32 Vm tt. Phone Marshall 164T. LXARN TEIJCGRAPHY - ' RaBway tesagnph lwsutuw, 484 RaHway eaans ciaav sssy snq aigot MEN, leartUas. tea et ktara Barber tradai waasa ssbim Oregoa Barber Coliegs, 333 statlv HELP WAJvTED MALE f 201 WANTED Experienced aoueitar with ear. Ap ply SltWmor Uetnert and Jy era, 774 Wil liams tre. - ; "r - i - ;l WANT El -Partner la aoouax bitsiacis. Plenty work. Small aevestment reouired, 504 . Bu rns nan hide - f ) WANT A eoficitor fr -. wort: fine commission. ave., corner of Broadwasi. EXPERIEM ED nt a EXPERIENCED women auU work by day or boar. Phone -Bast 929. EXPERIENCED. dejwuiUble wjmao will cere for vies during day; references. Mar. 3Qa. WOMAN wanu work by bout or day; reliable ret; hoane cleaning or other work. Aut. 210-27. a nOTlMS. liaht. heat. aaa. - B. J. McOurre, Ms jora .l oiMr . NICELY furniahed room, walking 'disUoo. and ery reasonable. 265 E. 3d N. v FURNISHED room, . gentlemen;, preferred. "Ti X 15th at FURNISHED T.OOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ONE furnisbad room at 742Levejoy it 5616. i -w " ' - Main NICELY farnisbed sleepinsv rooms, lovely private hnmn. trvington. tie moata awa up. i Wesca. cor. 19th; Broadway or Irrtnrton cars. WEST SIDE Lovely room ia modern home. walking distance, 312 month. near 1 4th. - 497 Harrison LARGE, clean front room for lady; white enamel furniture, private telephone. 580 East Aa- keny St. Phone Btst :-6ftS7, PRESSMAK1NG 256 JULE'S WiR ansae your tracks, gowns aad wraps tar sll eccaness ssd alsa ao remodeling at reasaa. tbts nnces. ' 431 Artiaaai Bldg. Ptsmrw adwa . xBrodway sad Hk St EEMSTITCHING 5e . den solicited. wa BM --- straight, wbiia. Mail er- JDorotby hop, 1006 Broad- DRES.S pnen. Nti and remedeUes at reasonable Phone K. 7140. ; . -- HEM arm -HI NO Sc yd; we give ants trading stamps with enters. 2TO AlKky bldg. XICE Hrht front'! rooms with bath and beat close in. ' X. nth and Broadway, test Sl. 522 NICE large fuliy luru. o. k. suite, first floor; walk. out., elec light and water tree. 134 Porter st Owner. Phone Bell. 1109. 2 ROOM suite with kitchenette, first floor; one ROOMS, partly furnished, fast light, heat aad water; location rent cheep. Wdln. 1194. bath sear TWO toomi, unfurnished, maa. bath, elan, lighta. fiett floor. 134 East Ota. Phone East 4SIS, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30 FURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE IN Housekeeping rooma, eae. two wr three rooasa, with gas. eleetrie lights, etc. 11 nrst near Morrison t Main 7113. FOR RENT With private family. 3 large front rooms, aieely fsraiaeed for light be keeping, suitable for 4 adulu. 424 3d. corner Hall. Phone Main 6880. FOR KENT Two aouseksepiag rooBu 112 month; also garden to work oa share. Call Mrs. Melntyre, 31 Fifth et. TWO nice sinale boa.keotsai rooma. 3 3, 30 84 per week; elec. aad gas futsnabed; ! sleeping room. SOI 17th. 11th tt Mneitrosaery. Mala 839. aad eae 3-rooaa aoartaseal. ' aio aad cieaa. children 2TZ ktowttosswry. Cambrian Apts. KATH ERIN E APTS. S room tnsrtssrat. clean, hotaelire; . bttlt pleat r heat not water. Marshall 3996, JEFFERSONIAN APTS. 3-rooaa modern apartment, walking dataaee; reasons Me rent. 16lh and Jefferson. tAiUPLEiLLf .arnUed i room aela -ioctiv. aaadera. all eoavenieares; a mtaatee wsj m Meter ek FTenks: 823 per taewta 138 13th at., ear. of Morrison. Bdwy. 226T. 2-ROOM (aramhed, 3-rooa (uraished er aefare- athed aparuaeata la the No Hill, 176 Ulwea street. Rates eery reasons blr. semoe th bnL MerahaTI 267. ADAMS APARTMENTS 2 -room apartment, well furnished, asoAera swd- clean. 463 Jefterson. eor. 10th. . THK ALBERT Furn'shed sot. vate bath. 340 Miss. tv. heat, pri- FIR3T CLASS HOUSEKEEPING APT : HiT; WATER HEAT: NKW1.T at BNISHFII; SPOTLESMLY CLEAN; CENTRAL LOCATION 195 21st BT. BROADWAY 766 - TUB AalCADLtN ' 2 room tarnished apt., strictly modi a. walk ing dtetanre. 76 Everett. Mr. 371. THE ELMS Furnished apt. 3 treat rooava with klu-Waette. 191 14th rL. between TewibiW and TsyW. WELLINGTON COURT APT a.. wnsWr new bus- sgemrnt. 4 room ett. breaofally fsirsnsnrd. 1 new rural tare, waatiag diataaea te beasni r center: 360. Broadway I24S. - TWO auractive room, either oingle er ea suiu! sit ssuavra i ; lot ca heat aad hot water; splendid locaUaa. C fi. pret erred. Mar. 1132. 2 AND I HXI1I aavdrra alL, steaa beat, tni bath and nboae. 469 19th et. ' Bpecial rates by atoaia. THE KERRIGAN APTS. has a 4 rwom teraWM flat et S2 fit tin 2 ROOMS, luiwiaaed. light, beet, bet aad rold water aad gas famished. 1092 Vt Hawtherae see.. Apt A Tsbor 4224. WANT empseyad reamle abase large haxaa. west ssde. weksng dirteaee - Pbtaas Mar.. 269. . . BKRkELET APT 8., 89 Trinity piaee; ten. I bed 3 na. apt; wsikiag dtttaaot. Bdwy. 818 L - large front room. Jefferson. dose in. 3 ROOMS aad kitchenette, newly famished, gaa, .! (.1 watr and Hsts aeh Can. 261 14th. near pi. employed er girts. Wood. 6607. - OUTSIDE H. K. rsuiu, tinale and en tuite: larae yard, fine atec for children: from 813 te 322.50 per month. 133 N. 16th at. 2 FURNISHED houaekeeping rooms, right, phone. bath. waving distance, ttrasonaoi. zt4 Jefferson. 2 OR 3 housekeeptng rocnu, lurniahed com- pleuly; garage if wanted: walking distance: adults. 11 E. 14th N. housek THREE LARGE LIGHT ROOMS. FUBNUHED: LIGHT. PHONE. GAS AAD BATH. 0 CLINTON ST. SELL. 896. NICELY furnished larae room wUa kitchenette; aaso e asceiy ismsnei -rc 710 Ls-e)oy. 4 FURNISHED piano. 393 Braxee. the month. ping rooms, with Will be vacant first ot 2-ROOU basement b. . k. apartment. 84 per week. Including fuel. AIsoj nice front sleep ing room for two, 35.60 wk. 8S7 Taylor rt. ONE. two end three lame rooms, aewly t tahed. walking daUnca. 083 Everett, eor. 2th. FURNfsUKD housekeeping reeai ia private fa 11: 2 good car 35 WEEK (or stogie ateam beated hoasekeenieg room, bot sad cold running water. 402 th Third atreet. MANOR HOTEL -2 roem apta. (or housekeeping. 271 1 Morriwn st Msr. S508. 1' ok 1 ' iioL'bEtEPlN"U 'roosav ' claaa' aad eomfortable; smtani lor couple; reat able. SWO Jefterson t. TWO well furaiabed a. k. rooms with km pantry, link, private toilet; (int floor; 133 a month. 314 Mill st. aVRNISHKD hk. recmi. aot nut, Lgbta, keaU pboae tree; 33 and ao. tilNGLE 173 N. housekeeping -193 17th st 17tb et, alcepiag hottackeepiag rocau. - 471 NICELY (urnuhed. room, lighw .et Phone; ..V,t. , V S.S - , FlRRT-CXJISS rooms, sentietaea. preferred. 693 Ell'ott ire,, between E. 20th tad Hawthoraa. MCE room for .coup!., with huchea privies. man CUatasi at. s - MCK (roat room to lady employed, i(l. ' etrllns tad Bellwood Park. 811.-1886. ROOM 1 or rant, elaea ia, ttaikuis dirtiaca, Paooe rjasc aaue. cieanms and !reng .DRESSMAKING hcnr by .tlwday Calj at 334 -Willies. - guaranteed. atsr. 2489. ; Call after 6 Work p.. ra. vihe.: - inexiipetefienll Basil lip. sonj. ra rmnt tiled in plumbing sop i n Tahor I ed not apply, PorUaad Juid'riTCiiI? MILLINERY lesson given ia lour home or anine. Sii abite. ae tier rant straiahL. Bnttoa A PlaitiBC Shop, 509 Roral bldg. y.sht a-rbi&a svwta. waiajng aiae Broadway. : - - . ' , DKSIUABU; room ia lute ' aide-, - weTklng rljtric. aaodWsi ar,!.. Itfsr-liaH 4368. west SICE ceaa front, root, suitable for ma cr tee. Heat- tot ef hot. aster. . Sis vs - NU'ELI furaiabed Main tt l' .NICE clean bk. room, rarnubed. eiertrie light bath and ua of pboae. S6M Moota-oeury et. 2 AND 3-ROOM luralshed apt.; newly papered and kaleeminea. ' 1 1 1 1 E. Market. Tabor 426. FURNISHED room at C8 WUUaaw aa Phone text eiut. TWO nicely iuraisaed Bouses seplng room. 318. 529 Kearney tt, between 15th tod 16th ata. Ii'ICS cleat 3-rocm tuite 3 bed; quiet sod A- AJi vsaa . a t sssuaaa sauw. aew homehke. , dot ia. 8JI 6th. FI R.MKHKD a. k.. rooass 83 per week aad 581 Hood st- ttp. S31 W. PARK 2 raw. connecting bath; light gas, heat, lumatiea, ckvse in. LARGE bring room, kitchenette, for eoonle: 83 wk. 306 12th st. SINGLE, housekeeping rocaa. suitable for lady. I hone Msin 744. or can et T46 Irrtng st, saa . rang 2-ROOM sni-.ea md X aieerung tt. ' Phone Mar hail 2. 16T 11th DEhlRABl ii hottjeketping rouot with Potth et 226 14th. . - " - NICELY ruraiehed ma suttee tor . ' privileges. Irvmgton. . . Phone East 7404. I CUE-1S ' - .rata eel ilwiiim vorca and kitchenette, hcie- arate retranee. 201 W. park at. CRNISHED b. k. rooasa, ground dear, C cad of Broadway bridge. 376 Vaneouswe ave. spartaveat at clean, pleasant rooms, Tabcr lazs. SIX per. mouth; H. E. ROOMS, fnrwiihrd ee anfuraished. ground floor, 3 blka of Waabiagtoa, St N. 17th tt FOB BENT Single room Reaa 284 V rrrst at. east etunbl. bniaask i aimis WANTED Girt te share beaauiul 8 rout s-sl West aide, cloae ia. teat riateaahia. Y-6. Journal. ' - ' TWO room rurnsJaed steam saa lest I roat aiC with private bath, 886. Br sawek ar asmth. Aba 2 room without betb. 320. 402 H 3d n HANNOO APTS. 5 room fumi-hed apt. wow vaesnt Ytaaece bte rent. At 49 Cly 1 fsr. 2074. NR'ELY fanuabed. clean 3 ar 4 reosa apart raaeoaabie. csoee ta Wewtgosnery Y Ward etore. 650 Tbnrman. wear 26th St. 8-BOOM fun sib .4 apensaeat, eteem heat, free pheae. 27h sad heady hied.. 3 Mats tree. 2 carlta . 34 3 Neksoa et. - 2-ROOM tjarttaent, furushed; (aa heater aad dem eerie a; Waedltaa etc rboaa WoeaV ttww 1130. 381 Dekum eve. H ADDON HALL. 11TM AND UaLL t-rosaa apartmeat. hath, balcaay, hardwood near, wsikiag dsvuwee. CLEAN, akely (uraished H. a. reears; heet i CHEAP Newly pelatsst-aioaly taraiebed 2 aad light sad cooking gaa. turnlahed ; wsikiag sis- 4 roeea flat aastbalh: 1 block freta Broed- tance; laundry priviiegee. East 3353. way bridge: leftrenre. 344 Rentes. F0CR urJurnished H. K. room. 18 swath: privtu entrance. 1434 X. Gluaa; M. T. eor to s,d et. BAHEMENT a. a. taosaa. 334 tb. car. Market et. toluol for 1 or S working peoci; Dhaas and ba'h. i:iRD. kB roe. E. 13th aad E tive baiesimi sparuacat; Z asrae beh: elees ted light 822.60 THREE cleaa apeUir raetaa, furnished for bob sake ping, larjodee agbt. Phone, water. bath; ea ear line. 690 Cliatoa et. Belt 398. VERY close la. 2 sera rofrnt, ruwaing water in kitchen. 33 a week. 6 th tu ... Mar. 1433. ... TWO eksa. cheerful rooms with (oiduig door: ao ether aparrsssmu; ales hums ef ret lard couple. . 266 14th et . . -2-ROOU suite H. K.. asoely (arnlabed. pnvae bath. beat, tight 380. 866 CbepmeB et HOUSEKEEPING rooms with beta, aewly psa- ereq ana peiwen. mi t mow eve, is, FRONT houekseutng and sleeping eoaabm, -cleaa. quiet Bess. 143 It. 16th. ON'B (roat roost, ksxlrooa. katepibf perck aaa tttraeaetra. rasx . FURNLSHED too as lor mplod people: light I 4I4T. boieekeepina; privQeges. Marshall SMALL h. k. rooasa taitatt tar aachaios, 134 K. ISth etrssst. r TWO large fara. h. 1 ide. 703 Heed st LIGHT . bMsaekeepiac Phone K-t SSI 7. 1)3 50, PARTLY lamished hoaaatsepiag reeea. per week. 169 1 Ironist. NICELY furu'iU.ed TT51 wi. Kan 5467. betiaaepiag rooms, 363 Y- 12h t MCE. easaa eintie heaswaesping roost, 34 per 831 3d at. Maia S43. BEAUTIFUL paww st beech, sashed: 3209 adraaea rent ear. 4614 E-.41t at. reatpiMeiy (ar-rear.- Waeststack AUime- WllA FOR RENT Oae 3-iaeea apt. aeeUy issraasbea. , wtta iroat porcn. iei aoraarup atv, nae., 3d st Main 37 6. ' BEK THESE aad ysta wul look aa further; eery cleaa: bat, paooe. iirrpasee. as aaa aaa. 366 Market tt. SUNNYM0NT rtHNtSPED A PA RTMRym. TABOR 1989. COMPLETELY furnished 3 room apt. with ' nrlrtt bath: easy walUag ttaaaaee; letwul ak4 rerrt. 410 24 et . i! UixlU ape, aise aiagte loom let raai, tara- ttaea. BOwy. taaw. OU RENT Completely tarnabed h reeat apV. ' S3 per as Wdla. 2136. CLEAN, complrtaty raraahed 3 reoaa apt, t.A. aaoVs Tsmeara. eor. r-sme wt nv. s wv. ONE furnathed ai-C. teeTrsttliia Peat. 0a A ererfMsla 2634. - APARTMENTS sad tieepiaj soesvt teg tcab . 407 34 et B. we sshowo Mala 2861. ' BOOMS, V acre, mail paymsat. ytaw asauj aaeve ia todsy. 4614. E. 41at et 325 MONTH ler 2-cwem asntm aeated tarsiiksd tesirtmewt.- 463 ta Third sereet. s. heat, iigat, stater saa asVsna, 149 E. 1 1th St. SIrwarsf . TWO ssrte 923 ssoetn. 33461 all