.THE OUEGO!f ; DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY, 1IAROI 24, IS: 0 DAMAGE IS DONE BY FIRE AT OREGON CITY Oregon City. March X- Two tmtu barer acap4 from pertahlnff In flames rtsen thcr fld Jo thej street soar mld-ti!e-ht Thurwdar nlltnt from the wooden Buach Boa bulldinx. eleventh and Main street, which burned for an boor and era eoenpletaly deetroyed with ail 1U contenta. Total loaa waa estimated at fioioa Jlr. and Mr. Ralph C Parker and two table, one a year old and the other one month, were awakened by the blue nip ping' at their ball door. Parker; carrying the oldeet baby, bad on only nts pajamas, while bla wife, with the Infant, was clad In her nJchtdreas and a kimona when they reached the street. Neighbors sup plied them with garments. The Parkers bad an apartment on the first floor, where. In another section, the fire Is believed to have started. Parker Is employed by the Corey Motor com pany in Portland. The only outer occupants in uie oaua Ing were Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Bain. They, too, awakened by smoke pouring Into their rooms, ran Into the street In their UrM clothes. Neither family saved any bslonglmrs. Miss Edna Russell, teacher In the Ore gon City schools, resided with the Bains, but she was In Portland Thursday night at a social function. Her wardrobe loss was complete and she appeared In the classroom this morning In her "party" dress. KBITS A TK OF DAMAGE Following are the estimated damages: The building Itself, $15,000: Clackamas County Auto 4b Tractor company, ten ants. 350.000: individual automobiles stored In the garage, 135,000; Busch apartments, proper, $1000; adjacent building, 1600. Except to the Bosch apartment build ing little damage waa done to buildings ' adjacent to the burned building, to which firemen turned their attention when it waa perceived that efforts to aave the Busch building were futile. Thousands of persons were attracted bv the blase, which made rapid head way. It waa seen first on the Eleventh treet side of the building and is be- , Heved to have started near the entrance to the garage. Two streams of water were played on a gasoline tank in front of the building and an explosion waa averted. CACSE HOT DETERatlHED rnu of thai fire was not determined today. It started at 11:45 p. m. In the entry off Eleventh street. In lees than five minutes the entire building was In flamea The oil and combustible ma terials la the building, coupled with the light and Inflammable character of the . structure, made a perfect fire trap, and the local department waa unable to check It, although they kept It under control, preventing serious damage to adjacent structures. As the fire started In the south side of the building, people In the Busch apartments, adjoining, were able to get out of the building before being en dangered. The garage, according to Jake Klaley, manager, Is covered by two-thirds In surance. Thomas F. Ryan, president of the Bank of Commerce, la the head of the garage corporation. The fire raged with extreme Intensity ' for the period of an hour and a half. The flames from the oil, interspersed with small explosions of gasoline as the fluid In the auto tanks vaporised, rose to a height of several hundred feet, scattering bits of burning wood and sparks over the roofs of nearby houses and into the streets where several thou sand spectators had gathered. The flames were visible in Portland. By concentrating two boees near where the main a-asollne tank waa located, un derground, an explosion waa prevented. In the face of a stiff south wind the fire i1 pertinent successfully, battled to pro tect the buildings to the north of the Darning structure. After biasing half an hour, the entire shell, both walls and roof, fell tn with a crash. The blase then took on added ferocity and It was not until 1 o'clock that It was extinguished. Only the tall brick chimney from the furnace shoved Its height above the smouldering mass. The entire building waa reduced to the ground, and the au tomobiles and trucks are but a congealed frass of wreckage with practically no salvage value. The last two-ar from Oregon City were prevented from leaving, due to the breaking of the guy wires which held the trolley wire. Hose was stretched across ' the street until 1 o'clock, an hour later than the last scheduled P. R. L. A P. car. Baidlt Oit Of Lick Perry Wescott, 11 East Thirteenth street, reported to the police he was held up by a lone highwayman at East Seventh, between t'ooch and Davis streets, at 1:15 this morning. Wescott said the burglar cot nothing, since he carried no money. Inspector- Joe Morak Interviewed the victim and got description of the suspect oaaeaaarssea I III I I iWl I III TONIGHT when you hear Romeo and Juliet listen to the beautiful. quality of the brass sec tion of the orchestra -with the Chicago Opera Asso ciation. . Notice th clear brilliancy of the Holton Revelation Trumpet and the rich tenor tone of the Holton Revelation Trom bones played by Amer ica's foremost musicians who for many seasons have used the famous Holton Instruments with splendid success. - I If you are thinking of taking up a musical in strument, come in and hear the Holton demon strated. ' Where Faniilies Were Imperiled "issTas1sjsBssassss T"" ., ,,.., - s - - - . i i - i .at' " c s ' f - TT 1-1. rJ :m m-" -lc-; s ?f-". A.-r -1 hubtZ&P' ; , ""' " v k - . " - : - r jSiMMMiMMiisy & asss""sssssssssssssssBsssssssssssssse ,;:f ! ; - va., : t " v . , k-&to'iriVg-&'',''. x ' ' l, i. , t . BAR ftSf Mil ! MEETS; PROBATE ,,sIm " CODE IS AMENDED IT,-: - h V-' f :H MsjsgssssjsiijsiiiUfBsiwe rmrmnniOTsiiiiisTiniinsi'iniisiifr I M sssssswssssssssssaai-,, sj , . . . : AUD1E11GE HELD SPELLBOUND BY WAGNER SOPERA Oael Bosa Balsa, as Hlsa, and Cyrena Van Gordon, as Ortrud, but as the work pro gressed. It developed that Johnson waa an ideal choice. In bis voice is that pe culiar tenderness that gave to the fa moos Swiss song such an lrrestible ap peal that it may never bo erased from memory.: There Is a little tear In his voice and It furnished that welcome relief during the tense moment when he was about to float away tn the dove drawn boat as E3sa fell dead upon the bank of the River Scheldt. RATSA WTS8 PBAISE Rosa Raisa, the young dramatic so prano, whose remarkable rise has been watched with Interest by musicians and music lovers of Portland since they heard her as an -understudy in "Caval leria RuBtlcana" at the Beilig some eight years ago, with the forces of the late Cleofonte Campanini, was a beautiful Elsa. Her voice has developed into the most opulent of dramatic sopranos on the operatic stage today. There were those tn the audience who declared it great In this role than that of Nordics, and Kordica reached the height of her oper atic fame in this very role. And Raisa as actress is no less satisfying. Cyrena Van Gordon, contralto, heard here last fall in concert, was a splendid match for Raisa, and a srore stirring duet than that sang with Elsa In the second act could not be Imagined. It was the very essence of perfection. COMMANDS ATTIKTIO She, too, is a singer who acts with freedom that gives to the performance that sppntaniety that compels undivided attention. Georges Baklanoff, the Russian bari tone, who made his Portland debut In "Monna Vanna," completed the perfect quartet of principals, and he was heard to better advantage, for the role con tained more possibilities. The scene in which the four leading characters sin& each an individual part against the huge chorus and the orches tra, was one of the particular high spots of the production. But there were two other roles placed In hands that call for mention, and those were King Henry, sune by Edouard Cot reuil, basso, and the herald, sung by Desire Defrere. lyric baritone, both French. BOLE IS DIFFICT7XT They were superb. The herald's role appears as a minor one, but in reality it is very difficult, for it contains many measures without accompaniment of any kind. Especially delightful orchestral effects aside from the preludes, were the ex- tne defunct Colombia Dairy Products company. All bona, Ode claims . were allowed and became preferred claims and will be paid la full. Three claims were taken under advisement By tne judge. ;". : - - - --. ' " : - - -- 'l- j- -f : BAIL APPROVAL ' AVTH0SJZEB Olymola, Waslu March tt Attorney General L. Ia. Thompson has ruled that any officer authorised to execute a war rant in a criminal action is empowered to take recognisance and Justly and ap- nrove bail, when arrest is made upon warrant issued after an indictment or an . information has been filed. The court is required to Indorse the amount or we pau upon un warrant. A New York man was fined 1100 fr hlttinr a newsoaDerman for spite, at doesn t pay to hit a newspaperman not even xor money s i!.-vanvuie unr. BUILDING PERMITS K. ZOUs SPECIAL NOTICES let WILL ant ha Nsxaubl, ft las any H. K. BOM. NEW TODAY SO RUG C0t fluff imss Made "out or. tow M earpeta and ruga. Save half the prtee of a bjsw rug. Us waoles e lothtng. txlS Rags steass-cUaswd. S1.&0 East 3580 ISA East Eighth A. E. Gebtria Erect reaaene, 17 Z at. K t&OOO. L. Bristn Esset TCsttence. 114 Fa In at saooo. A. B. CennaQ FTrt tmfkttnc ll Tsmhm brt. W. Park aad Tenth sea; boilaar. ZaseUe Bne.: tSS.OOO. B. B. Branwell Etert radiVmcv, 1SSS & rVndm, ort. 4Tth and 4tth, sta; bmider. mm as owner; 128O0. B. B. Braowril Erert YsaiasBMw 1S(1 C FUndm. bet. 4Tth and 4Stb eta.; builder, aama as owner; -S2 80S. Mrs. K. i. Bhrnn Erect rsndenee. 10 28th m., bet th and 67th sta.; baudar. earn as umrj 821 00. L Not Matte Era restdrnea. 1 IM K. Slat St., bet. Bybee and Kaapp; bulkier, U L. Hnksk; 85000. R. C. Walter Erect feridmwe. 7710 BfHh ae.. bet- 77th and 78th; builder. T. U. Wood a Bon: S2000. Mr. Noonen Erect resMenea, 68 84th at, bet Davis and Bunuade; bouaar U. P. Meker aon; 82200. Ueorc B. TarnboU Kmet leatdenne.' 701 K. 20th st. N.. be. Pmnont aad SiicUtat; boildsr, Joe Wickereth: 84000. E. L. Brahaker rert reddrnee. 1601 E. Gnsaa. bet let and 624; builder, aasae ss owner: 13000 J. W. Bickford Era meMeaee, 191 Kins xton mrtt.. brt. Miim bivd. and BeU are; builder, Anid Andmoa; 16S00. 8. Ki Bketcb Erect tendance, 993 Weeco, bet. SSd and 82d; buildtf, same as owner; 64500. lire. A. iMttLn Erect resldenea. 889 14th L. bet, Hawthorne aad UnoUn; builder, aaaae as owner; 8S500. Kocoo Papesedero Ereet rastdeoaa. 427 E. 46tb rt.. bet. Liaoola and Bharmaa: buialar. James U. Clemone: 1SS00. W. H. Norral Erect resideno. 641 E. 24th N., beL Braiee .and Knott; baUder. suae as ntr; oooo. lire. H. C OsseidT Ereet iMndenre. 78 Teujeeet. bet. Dmvrr and Fenwick; buildsr. B. U. Cenaday; 83000. Hell an Edward Ereet renaeoee. 1187 E. 29th st. bet lUDinnworth and Jarretf: builder. J. G. ron CVrre a J. T. Edwards: 882O0. W. E. Brown Erect residence. 46 W. Jeeran. bet. Intentats and Voooni; buuder. seuw. L O ST! Between Piedmont and the city. ladya gold octagonal wrist watch with strap of gold ribbon attached, on Tuesday. March 7. Call Broad way 4800 and receive reward. CARPET CLEANING RiFimse. nciaviae. ncsizifie, trro. Iiit Rues sTtasj clean tae. sio. aaaOrwane made seer, 'eatbere Meewvetea. XL KINDS NEW MmilUtl tar SAC6 tiufF euat n at rarntture uebeMareel wMI mm it PtOaglll M A TTW E 18 A CARFCT CttANIRa MrCaKS 1 1078 C. LtncMn Si Set. tST-ST. FUNERAL DISXCTOK3 10 EDYARD EOUlAIi &S0H - TEXXD ATO fAUtOa 114131 Hf East Side Funeral Directors. 414 K. F. C. DCXXEfG. IXC. Tae rasads Sees U AkW at. n Dunning &. McEntcc 1 vmia at at tna i Ereedwer 44 Aet 646-SS SNOOK &WHEALD0JC at IT A, D. Kenworthy & Co.h 82 92d t S IV A wIl SI 6-J " rcxrsAt riTKKCToaa BI OTESSOBS TO BREEZK a AS OUST Bn.aTrvTT AT 81TH TAPjOE ItSV U KKSWORTH1 B. a UKXDK8 Lerch, Undertaker S' EAJT aXKTKXTH AKO BiWTHOUl k PBOW UIT TS1 FINLEY'S MORTUsAJY UAvrcnuriT a iiiiu win acruxm a tracct. rertere. rwavrmB) ST1 aad wa. KDa m. BnalnT 1IIL Aet 111-44 R. T. BYRNES SMSS2a set wnxiAMS itt UeEXTKB a KOJCKS luml ii waA prrwecr e a sis; lets eael El Breedwer 2128. Aat 121-88. MEETING NOTICES 102 EF.r.l'LAH etated Man of Al VVJ 7 Aider Teaipte will be beld NfX tn the mhian teazle. Wet r " MONUMENTS IOTTO ftCHUKAMM HARBUI rauirrv an sat sj tar a ffLTisreo a mmc m pam tS3 FLORISTS 10 Baturdai. Marcb 2V Let's ali be oa band. Eatertainmest I alter the bniiiwee eieeion. Ad- nuaiion by 1922 card. Ttet- lnc NobW welooase. Br order I of the 1 le-uxnii Potentate. , HABTET BE KWITH. Reoorder. W. W. Yacer Era neidenea. 976 Irvine. brt SSd and 82d; builder, same as awner: 85000. R. u Guntaer Erect resldenw. 690 Knott. bet 14th and 15th; builder. Hummel a Lb- P. KEGl'LAR meetinc FYidaT nicht. March 24. st 7:80 p. m. L O. O. E. ball. Qrreath st. near Btark. Etae- Uoa of dekt stes to rrud lodre. CommiUee hare ittuimI rial entertauuaraL Jt larce etteadanee ie le as I Quieted. . Vieuors always weleoaa. H- K. LiOWRT. J(. O. i.o.ar. W. D. BQOTT. Ran, (tea. Martin & Forbe Company 854 washing to 5i n. MAIN 29. nxr. niwtKs nm Aix. o CAS1UN8 ABTVTICAUJII tKKiVilCH. : rtOWEKS FOB AiX OUCAgiOg I Maifl 473', -We WTO neeee Tea." YAMHILL S TEXT L Bifler Erert residenos. 192 E. 10th bet Sumner and Kmenon; builder. W. Ureen a Boa; 82400. A. J. Fee Repair raRktrace. 1088 E. 22d st K.. bet Bumnar and Kiaeraan; builder, same SlBUO. yit1 Statistics, 1TlarrUycsrBlrtbs.JeatIt3. MARRIAGE LICENSES DeweyST ACME REBEEAH LODGE. 1 O. O. P.. sarea the eeeond and fourui Batardare of aai month a W n W KT1 an Ilth. between Aider and Wubinrton. All Odd FeUows and Bebrkah. etranrn tn city, are we J-IB FBmjHABTi. N. U REBECCA GRAY. Bac'y. WINONA EEBsTEAn LODGE no. 209. v o. o. win bold Us recular laanlne at 8 p. m.. Fridar. Marrb 24. Ka ton Bank bide Jtetorrsh decree. AH Bebeaa cordially tainted. PUTB K. EAPP. N. G. W. HODSON. Bee-y. GRAND lodre school of tnitrortloa will be held by Brother Andy rrtu at Orrron lodre No. 101. A. F. AND A. M.. Saturday at 7:80 n. An Muter Masons wwwaiie. as tor mows Smith's Flower Shop ! limn for AM Mate 7216. T. C. Lake. Mrr. U aad AM LOST AND FOTJTTD Weias. lecaL 288 E. 9th at. and ITtS -. 1 A PORTLAND Lodse. .6. A. F. ajunenne juoca-wooa. zi. o3 u. isroaawey. peared on the balcony and when tram nets announced the coming of a new day. The opera was sung in English, which made it less arduous to follow the li bretto. WEDDING W. G. BMTTB a CO. AND VISITING CARD ENGRAYESS ; 811 Monaa Bate, M. E A. communication 10 buildina. Bne- Friday, SPECIAL NOTICES 101 1666 COtTRT ALLOWS CLAISS Vancouver, Wash., March 24. A hear- . .7? "TT '"rTlffnA not be reapooAible for any bills charced NOTICE is hereby deen that store at East Ghsan has been sold; if there are any biSs present them by March 24 at 1368 East Ghean. The Oregon State Bar association converted In Circuit Judge Evans court- room this morning for Its annual meet- lng, with amendments to the probate code' as the subject for discussion. A committee composed of B. 8. Runt lngton. Karl.C. Bronaugh and P. P. Dabney has Been at work on the code for two years. The revised code as sub mitted has been printed and copies were distributed among' those at the meeting. Harrison O. Piatt, president of the sedation, called the meeting to order. He directed that the code be taken up, section by section. The first section, di recting that handling of probate mat ters should be confined exclusively to circuit Judges, aroused considerable op position from judges and attorneys from outlying counties. The argument was that several coun ties are visited by the circuit Judge only a couple of times a year and that that much hardship would result from delays In filing, wills and getting estates in the hands of the beneficiaries. Let the county Judges handle probate matters aa they do lat present, was the argu ment A motion to that effect was de feated by a small majority, however. and the code stands as revised. A telephone call was received from Assistant Attorney General Moore, who stated that be was leaving Salem for Portland. He asked that the sections dealing with Inheritance taxes not be given approval until he had an oppor tunity to object In the name of the state. The meeting will continue Saturday at which time j Beverly L. Hogeshead of San Francisco will speak on plans for the National j Bar association meeting at San Francisco. This will be the second time the West Coast has drawn the national association convention. Above Oregon City, firemen playing water on gasoline tank directly in front of blazing building which beld garage. Center Charred skeleton of frame Btructure less than an hour after fire broke out. Below Flames which brought a thousand Oregon City folk out of their beds at midnight and endangered lives of two families, who fled in night clothes. Pictures by J. A. Weber, Oregon City. day in the matter of labor claims against ' to me after tiua date. P. E. Clifford. O. A. C. STUDENTS' SPECIAL TRAINS (Red Electric Cars) To CORVALLIS Sunday, March 26th 1st Special 2d Special Leave Portland Union Station. . . 4 :10 P. M. 5 :00 P. M. Leave Portland, 4th St. at Starlc4 :15 P. M. 5 :05 P M. Leave Portland, Jefferson St. ... . 4 :21 P. M. 5 :11 P. M. Arrive .Corvallis, So. Pac. Sta 7 :20 P. M. 8 :05 P. M. Stops en route at Oswego, Sherwood, Newbere, McMinnvflle and Independence. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 141. A. F. AN D A. M. Tomorrow n nine ISatnrdajV-at 8 o'clock. Lee tnre. Vuatins brethren eeslmme Order of W. M. J. W. WTLK.LN8. Bee'y. ACME HrVE NO. 023. Ladies of the Maccabees. ham rtunrd tbair mertina from eemnd to fourth Thunders to second snd fourth Pridasa. at W. O. W. hall, on 11th at. EMBLEM JKWELET a apermltr. ba turns, piss. charms. Jaegrr Bros, 181-118 6th et. CARD OF THANKS WK WISH to extend ear baertfelt thanks and apprecaauoo to netchbars and friend, also to teachers and popfls of Peninsula school, for nanr acta of kindness shoera as. and for the I beautiful floral offeripes. durins the illneae and Iufmui m ow iBurw auo wmi mhw iw. . Mra J. W. Bre; and Familr. THE fallowing eroclaa ven loaad a tat el of the rorUsad Ratlvar. LScnt a fever eee pesj March Zi. 1922: 8 miahreaae. 1 Ima box thimbie. role. 1 suit caae. S hand bat 1 pair and 1 suits Ckwe. 1 poos, n naraar baakrt. Bcnte rase, pack sack. 1 paw rabbe hand aw im im ryrwi oaas. unn amae a tain aaaae upon rropar WWrfilVaona at Til and Alder BtreK Htaooo. LOST Peceeae lier oiwiiainirig asao of W mttiitmp and nan of Ia Bun ou nau eeeersl cerunrat-a of Green Brarr Patrolso C& stock. Pmder naaaas return to Aparrasr 500. Wheeldon Annex. Telephone Mam t4 RMward. LAST Bctaeen Pwdmont and the dtl, vnWt ArlaMrMvaj vnat watch with etran wt - ribbon attarbed. eef Tuaaday. March 7. O RraedwaT 4800 end ttctt rewanl. PASTY takina bine silk -ombrU frees dr mar nnrnirtinii booth. WoodjeM Clarke C Wadnaada afternoon, rlnaae call SeBwood 41 or leae et Joornel o(w, ss row sre sneMr nartr who found rioUa on Braaae. Irnnaton ertraoi. pnone c es ew repu ana rryi.e rewaroi near public saaiiartu PorUand Wool Warehou.' 48 E. lth N.' LOST Ofera" ions East 66 1 7 Phone Kewsra a. s SYiT'XI r'h 21 clcetne sutton. lady a pur4 Deacnbe contents and par aa. avste. e DEATH NOTICES 103 WIST BMtar nok Dl 88th and Woodward, on toe ne-nmnnq liberal reward. Tsbor 1it8. BCSH In tins city, March 28. 1B22. Frank E. Bush, aeed BO yaara. rraaoana ot loans E Bosh, father of Ruth, brotb-r of Eocene C. snd Wilbur Bush of Bpokane. Ehermaa of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Edward G. of Dntnth. Mtna. ; Mra K. Melrer. B-nidJi. Minn. The body is st the parlors of Chambers Co.. Z45-ZWI Aii linesworth sve. Puneral notice later. IgOODSELL At his late residence. 481 E. 21st at Msrch 28. 1822. Dsrid OoodeeU. bns- band of Liirnle GoodseQ and father of Darid Jr. snd Dean Ooodiell. aUnuuns are ar tne cnapa of Edward Bolmaa Boo. 84 ana Salmon eta. Notice of funeral later. Baa jrrancteeo. uu.. papers please copy. FOUND Auto bra by prorlnc proparty. botrL Basis lianui BaUH IVST SVw monnlad Gendrear cord tire. twees PorUand aad SeUwood. TelapboJ Main 1185. K-ward. . I SHT l mrk of loan tia. m..w u i.n iitf CAMEO KING Loat betwera Laoreihniat n Peninsula perk; hberal reward. Bdwy. 48 FOCND A (old pin. office end dej ube. ritw. March 28. C. W. Bteeie. exed 49 yean. The r-melns sre et the eon- serratory chapel of the East Side Funeral LM rectora. 414 East Alder etreeC Notice of eerr ioee win sppear la a later heoe. SCHWARTZ In thia citjr. March 28. Mrs. Kate Bcbwarta. aced 78 yaera. baJovsd ssovcr I of Mrs. Kate Jensen of 971 E. Morrison. Re mains are at the cnapei oi Bnooa at aaajoon. Nodoe of funeral later. THOMAS la this city. March St. Georie B. T)WM.a utri 71 mft. at. ot SoaSU. UT. Th. remain are at Finlcy'e Bsortaary. Mont-1 toauery at 5th. LOS T Pecaaew coats uunc wnrk. Liberal reward. Aat 818-14. Own apply at Joans F-8SO. Journal. unfiaishea EmDUCATIONAL IS SHORTHAND IN 90 DAYS FUNERAL NOTICES 104 Ex-Portland Writer Faces Check Charge dicationa now sr that the farrtoua star I spend the remainder of. her life in will have the pleasure, as reneral man-1 penance. Leaving- her there, he begins acer. to craze unon a capacity audience. 1 tae ions journey pacK. 113 late com- With her at the matinee will he Klc- I pan ion comes ever Dei ore aim in lrre- eardo Martin, the ' distinemished Ameri- I aistihle beauty. cam tenor, aa Niciaa : Rector Uuwaiiiiie. l tsoucuoe, aieepiess msnts ana iownsn French baritone, aa Athanael : constan-1 aays increase xus oemenua ana vne tin Nlcolav. basso, as Palemon: Mar-1 baser passions take possession of him. grery Maxwell. Irene Pavlovska. Maria l in his madness he laDora oacK xo tne nunem and Sail na ti Clvai in other I Bbnvent to declare hla love, and finds rotaa. I Thais dyine with beautiful words of Jules Massenet's opera "Thais" is j peace, tranquility and redempuon upon based on the romance of Anatoi. I her lips. She passes away ana Ainanaej France, which rjortravs the resenera-1 rushes out into the desert, a derelict. tion of a famous courtesan by a monk. Saturday nleht the season will close wham nhvslcal hardshlD drives maa i witn tne stuaepnaoas v eruu ui-j. -Aids." when his mission is fulfilled. X03HC IS TBITJ3CPHAST Uvine with fanatical cenobite. monks Ct.iil.v A 11 n 13.oi11. fftiniarle a vw 1 in the Thebaa desert in the early Chris- whsuic j er iiwh syvaewewi avi Suva ay was a 1- - . , .ti .-I... e .v. nni.. a ra. I tim era. Athanael sees in a dream the mAt ... ..nx, tnr I dezradation to which the city of AJex- Poruand authorities In Vlnnipes, Can-1 anoria nas.xaueo. sou -" ada, according to information received I generaUon of its voluptuaries canbest hana Km PiI. TVvll T. V tMiia I h, 1 hamil bv the COBVerSlOn Of " TuAlS, Beadle is charged with passing about I the idol of the worshipers ot beauty and jmer time. 1300 in worthless checks. No word has I leader oi ins aissoiuts nca. euc,uis been receded vet whether or not he will I to the city, he obtains introduction to Louisiana Berries to Eeach Local Market Regular (Red Electric) Trains Leave Portland, 4 th at Stark 7:45 A. M., 1:20 P. M., 4:3 5 Arrive Corvallis, S. Pac Sta. 11 K) 5 A. JVL, 4:25 P. M., 7:55 For further particulars ask agents M. M. I TAPPIS At the family borne. 228 V Waah- inctou St. March 28. I-sae K. Tspptn. eceo 69 years, hwband of Dulcy C Tappia. Uthet of Mr. Sarah 1. Bairr. Met. Marearet A. Hut- rins of this city and Oddie Hunt of Crooks. -. Member of Knishta and Ladi-a of Security. The funeral eerTieae wta take ptace at the eoneere- atory ehapat of the East Bide Funeral mraotors. 414 E. Alder st.. at 2 SO p. nv. Monday. March 2T. Friends faulted, lntaeraeot Boas City 1 e"U lW J . --........a--i BHIPLET Of 688 Barney s-sl. S-alesia etup- I Our aslaue dsn of teachine; ytm at hi, la pra-tnc eary popular with thea w naae only a oautMI aesoenu oi oa, an aaai Tea take your shorthaad isdtrucuoa Bke .j Bjuak! laaacrt. by eppotntsaeat. at rear 1 hour or ia the eeeuins aitar week, aad by aid of ana a-j--i.il- DretianNl h mrm pneiUci hnene. Many of oar -td-ejta taae lrttar dan tloa artce 2 works ofaaetrueooa. we Baser 4 and nicht ernool all aad teaea typtac. ' itih and BM-ir-r Write, nbone or eaB for foraaatioa an our k-prW. a-y pajiw nt fiesj TVTTH 8- BllORTHAAU BCHUUt, 18-1 Dekuss BUe, Bdwy. M( oa t WHY BE OTTjriT A JOB i V0U AT AM MMttTAJD POBTtrDS key. aced 41 years S Boaths T days, bsloeed I . w wife It. A. Wnpley. another of Lewreoee A. I and Edward K. Bhircy (at hocee. The funeral I Mink ua wiU be held toasorrow (Bararoayi. Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger A cent fight extradition. Dncn UIIILU TONIGH ftwto Afaats BoMaa Baa IstlrsaitBU BUSH A LAXX BriLDnO . Broa4way at AJ4ei IMURATORE IN ROLE ui ti , (Ooaonaeel rrota Pace Oat) the tomb of! the Capolets and Is to be wakea when Romeo comes to take her away. . - .:, , In the fifth aet Romeo comes and thinks his sweetheart dead. " In c-riet be takes poison and Juliet la review! only to find him beyond - mortal aid. She stabs herself; and dies...; , ".f',-- HAST GAKDEK TO 8IKG 1 -.f'- The Saturday matinee, when Mary Garden will sins; the title role in "Thai." will bet-In promptly at 3 o'clock, and fat her through her lover of . the moment, KTfoisLS- who has known the monk for I " - - . . . . . . , I VLIA Ultuguuia W AWi&lV . . M many years, and begins is "e1" company. The berries .are A sign of spring time, and even sum- Is distinctly displayed here with the ordering of a carload of straw berries for Portland, to arrive here next Tuesday. The "shipment ; is : en route from IVouisiana to the Pacific Fruit racked in crates of 24. baskets and the opening price for the season at whole sale will be around S3 per crate. This means around 35 cents in the-retail .ahOPS.-.1 'r' ' Impossible task. Thais receives the monk with banter and ridicule, and then ia piqued because i k. jiom not tall in love with her. Gradu ally Thais finds - herself neamg tne tju4iina or the Strange aesert maa. Alone with Thais In her luxnnous l wak.EIAGK LICENSES T3TCB.EA8K i home. Athanael pleads eloquently witn i Vancouver. - WasK, March 24. Mar- Kr. and when She IinaUV sees toe Uiu I Mn Xmhu ihnw an Inrrftajsa rlnHne her religious fervor mounts to the height J March OTCr the aame period ta Febru of his fanaticism, and she allows the nrb trember tesned' in March, up jMuini of liar maamificent bocne anerl . .ai.t, im -hiiA ., .ma everything in it. , 1IDA BATCMAT SIGHT . rhla set iso " Infurtatea the' crowd of revelers that they threaten to hang the monk. The timely arrivu oi iicias, wno nntrklv arasDS the ; sealousiiewS of the situations on:averta jdismBter. Thaia and Athanael make their escape. , Athanael leads Thais far across the Ldeeert to & convex where , she is to to the 22d. totaled 130. while ia the same time during Feoruary only 11 : were issued. But two cotrplea secured licenses Thursday.' : They were : Clementa 'Arti- ago. 33. and Anna Maeklherg, 34, Port land ; Conrad Beeson, 22, and Alice Beck, 20, Portland. President MacCracken of Vassar says that woman is f0 years ahead of man. It's a long lead, but the villain still pur- sues iisir r mres. -. . Changes in Trains Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. SUNDAY, MARCH 26 On and after the date named above the changes outlined below - 'will be in effect on the Spokane line of the North Bank road. . LOCAL TRAINS, No. 6, now leaving jPortland at 7:50 A. iL, and No. 7, arrivineT Portland 5:45 P. to and from Lyle wiU be discontinaed. - ' SPOKANE TRAINS, No. 4, leaving Portland 9:15 A. M., and No. - J, SOTTving; Portland 7:45 P. M.-8:00 P. M-, beginnins: March 26 wfllmsie additional stops on signal at Washougal, Skamania. Cascades. Carson, Cooks and Underwood. -. . . ; NO. 4 continues connection for Goldendale. Spokane. Portland tS: Seattle Ry. We fceee hernad BSadrada ef aw ITailaaf poaluone payuay Iroca z i aeww P nth. Let a. balp yea. toe. Tea eaa t half of year tsiuVia eVnra aad the lanr aft! March 28, at 3 e'doek P as., freea the r-et- I , , a a awettf salt etls lU.f 1AU1 . raiwww. . him. mhw.ww. I l.IfJII H B liitw mailt Mt grots PstIc er-setary. I !- soar bona Boor, ia aa i sDrrisni. ihk n. - slaiph 22. fiancaa I tieala any ether kind of aa timauw-asl Pnrki. aead 17 yeara. wile at taurio ITedao. i eoaa lor aaaperooei fiauy as v a. aa. aaes a BVither n( Ansnrrlna. Arena. Msry. J-e and Loiriae Pierian The funeral eeriliae) will take rttan. at Rt PhfUD Serfs ehnreh. EL 1th. naar Hickory, at 10 a. ra.. Batorday. Kai-a SS. where meea will be offered, rrianda hsTtled. ln tarmeat kit. Cilnry camatary'. Arraneements in eare of the Yr "-wie rum rsi ierenr. CORXACCPIA Ureh 33. at the lata resirlaarT , Linton, Or., ataria Roaeria remaocpia. as ad T rears, soothae of Mono, rhffin. Menolaa, Rose and leer Comaeoina. The fnaeral eorteaa) win ken Fialey'e aiortaary. Moatsscaery at BtA, Satarday. MareB za. at v:ia A as., ana pre eeed to 8t- La a i. me eharrh, 34 aad akersaaa sta.. where mast win be citable tad at a aa. Friends iaeited, Cnvrlm1tin earnee Kteer Slew cemetery. of the D. as. asset B tartar. Lavae IIS APCOX At TO AtlATlU OCHOCn. 8T3-3T4 Wsare t.. Comae Cakes eaa. r-OBTXAyr. OEryyH ttpino. ausuuaa. apEixxa' aIsd THAT CHAJCCB FOB rOwOTX)SJ U rci AHBAJJ ABB 1 VU i I Ml fU8 whj, rt coktrsf 1 CHRISTE The fanersl corivaa of the Uar Bertha lj. uinaoe of tf 1 tafaasma w. ui kaee rinlrr's inprtnarr, Montaooety at 5 th. Saturday, Marrh t5. at 10 a aa. and pra eeed tn St. alarys Cathedral. 15 th and Deris atreeta. where asaae wiU he eatahretad at 11 A as. Friesale taerted. Cesar hirtint arrrtce. Moont Caleary eeinaury. SUSOS At Taeosaa. Wash.. Vlarch 22. Corrine kfaaoa, forsatrly Corrtne Tlmsaer, axad years. eeJoreii wire, oc ieek ataaon. smer oa Lawrenee MiBe of les Aacctas. CaL Fwaeral earrieee wiU be held Aa tartar. March 21. at 1:80 p. sa.. at the Chanel of afiUer A Interment Boas City eeeaetery. Mra, kf a aseenber of, the CnKed ArUaaaa i 4ms aa encht Sae lAeaasiejds. WM M yoel nasi asaas in poamoki roa CAca &aAiCAxa ALgfr sjLDO.. 3D AWP MOMaOl MOLCa BAMflKa CULAAOB ana saaak the teads am weak.; eenajee aaaae pay arei aet etete aid. 234 rpavea as. v SHOW tikkb WRiTiXG LXTTAiOt, HILL The faneraT To ably X: I. the lata T- 9 mj te 8 saoaths earn. kfcnF.RJfOTT SCHOOL or LCTTtarxO 3S HSM rt. PVaa ktarahsj ! L. H01 of 384 Kaet Bu-abena ac. erffl be hetd Saturday. March 28. at ! JO ji as., at nnley-a sjortaary Moatteeaaye at th. nwodi tnritet . Coarimlmc asrrice, Elrer Vie- cesae tery CSXEB The funoral arrrire for tb lala Fsa ana Pattarana Oreer a 42S Kaat lth at. wiH be bend aatarday. March ZS, at 1 p. as., at Finlrr afortaary. Moatcnajterv at 6th. FTiends tneHed. CeeirJndine; ami a a. Mt, Beott wwurr. WrhpMf Tea funeral aarrloae of Edward ' U af rrrr. lata of 217 K. Waehnartoai eA. enfl be heal Moaday. hUrch 2T. at 3 p. ea at the Portland ereraalfrrinni. nVrasins at the resiilea bal rarle-B ef Mr.W a Tracer. FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOS A. R. Zeller Co-.-sT 'aSkfewes LKAKX TaXSGaArEl Tcaarraofe laatrlaea. 484 r Uay and aarat SVtXCNQ CLASS LA Conpteeaet-r sad bo, roach cslcnistne. Muarr Ocnaea. 414 Xeo BVks. . t- aasraaka. Ceeawa Bafbey CnsieteA 143 Ka HELP WANTED MALE 20 WAiiThM At eone, l assa te Ian ruab! sat 483 Haatherne. WANTtU fcswei.uwd wrdsy. Tabor 8788. . earner We t7eTDESTA3Ua CXX Mass41A3 Taint aa Cess. . . r tXPAKU-lNtTU faraarw ataaaeae. Paone ai leinfnrd. Belay, . fe rMntiiw. s KKW eu'iain mated, aaao --trl . Cm before I 1 a. Ill Grand aae. a t