THE OliEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 192- STUDEBAKER AND STEEL. SHARES REACH HIGHER IN THE EARLY NEW YORK TRADING STEEL SHARES AT NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS ' . , t : Krported by the Joaxaara WB Street BlRU A HIGHER PONT I f. We. af TIm loral) r.n M l Mr Tort. Marsh 24. A rather .! uout ef hesitation nt shown ia ail tee kuhti today. It was evtdea eoooatng epeeuiative fa- vsamv SHORT LIWE HITS FAR Wall Streak Haw Tork. March I- Orrroa Short Lisa Ss touched pax im tke Bond saarket today. Tka awTaiat at bob prices UUf Indicated that little a was i felt orer lae aay tka bouse at eoldler koaaa bllU. ik rty koala, arnica wtra expected to re flect first whatever lectin there was nc 8-ardIar .tka i axanUra aeuoa, 7 kept steady aad tka market e-eae rally worted klrher. Mitt of tka forelg-n roTerSBteat i... niui Us hut rraetktBallTJ . Tka iia. '"i JE. IS featnres af tka arena war tka 8 win 8a, exeheoea, resulting tai ep orer sv point, aseuynsa ijmm , tMt weakness n 1 nu d bhMui Ha A aaa at aaa see bave. Tbei foreign I levels, jhwsj a " - eie b a aw ea, toehxnng I toads sold off oa the eoatlnaed eater marks a well aa atan-1 .!.- hmHIh that Milt leal ul niU etal reUtloB betweea that eoaatry and .,ui ti ia tha tka Halted States. The late leaders at Oirau lurauattous I foreln BOBd Catted Klagdoai ,H aer matter. They were net i.-.., ..a tka Freaek 7V4S mad 8s ta do m uck I .v.. r .tarda and franca. Tba principal changes I WB1CB were BxarsiBB; xuoe, la ue U'Miatni aaea usi were upweru. 1 mrvr vMK BONDS esernmer ! I t. Tark. March 24. Total sales o bonds 1 . ' . , . K Qff AAA Particular iaOraet was Ukaa la the United 1 oa we owe xnange nw " ' " - . . . . ... k-.k - u.imt 1II IM OOO MBtFTIUT. ai7.09.UUW I nuw l""ni .T-'TX. I m SA1 AAA m L4 . k - - t imihi ir'a vntlcx ao. nonaw w tn vanld Ilia wtMam U IWUlW't Um bM aa tba aotdivr bonoa biU. Tha ( the T&rioua Ubart lama atitu haa haaa InUrnraM M aa lirrlno of baltaf Ulhal Saaplta tha aaormoua mtjarttj to tha Inwar braaeh of aoncrtaa this mawara voold not Wfa a tew. or It aitsbt hara mmna man of tndrrrarraea bceaaaa for at laaat thraa frtn ta anana ao laronuDantal inaaeioc 4imI Om raqvirad wbttmr hatipana. OoaratWina (or Ux rwa la atoeka t BtaMwaor and tha atMl aharaa, whaa nmntimm (or tha darllna ooocmLratod arwa tha Itaikma tHl and tha ansar atoeka. I Tha turn huh nrlaaa (or StwUbahw aatpaaial r axtraaialj optiouatla pradietion . arrtain tha ropon (or tha (hst quarter at 1 922. wbila tha atraocib ml tha aUala waa far- ! tlxr kwtoal nmm to th anocam o( tha tn- 6ipt Mailt enaspajuaa In attlnc thronsb thair bmliar piina anaiaa. Whca tha a achadula m anaonncad a fnrtnMjbt thnr eam ta Irr ajunh kptiral ananaaat la tm trada oh etrm. Mat nnar it ahnva to hara beea a rarr ' at rrwtl aaaa. (oral a f tha hand a( prrwaarini tMMi bj kiijwr aad taartlng ta a aharp Ineraaao in i: SrauiKi. two yaara aao. From Janaair 1 78,000 acainst t68T.lS2.000 a year ao, and 88J, 742,000 two yaaraco. UBKKiritU.tUB High, low and rioain prlcaa are cien: Tha tal hlMH la h at ftaqarnt Mailaan OUa la ataalraa Patraamm aim aa- t that tha attuatloa ta tba untrr la on of tha treabl apota aaarkat which ran Da rcllad apoa onoMiona to braic ahoat noaatlla- tha mtmMI that aianta. o raaaon waa afiparaat ta tha lufir trad nawa (or tha bnk la tha rofar atoeka. Tramaurilr It nothlnt atora than tha andotna ( apaeulatioa that had baae pnahed furtnar tnan waa wurantad by tba Improrrment that baa artaailjr oerumtd In tha outlook (or tha hsduatri task Olaaa Strooa Today'a atnek markot ekwad ganarally atrone atfrr a aartaa of vary rnnfnaina noranrate in ladtrldnal atark. KTtdantlr ona art o( tradn wa wnrklna to brlna about a raaetlon. whOa another -pL wara tniun bi (nrtbar onarattona (or tha rta. Tba award taadanrjr ' waa plaiaar ai int iwa oiaa at any ataca aunng tba day, Petition Is Fil6d For Reorganization Of the State Bank Aa affnrt la bains atada to raonaaiM tha Rial Hank of Portland, according ta a petition. filed ta tha dinult court Tharaday aftanxxm by Frank C Braatwall. atata bank aaparbitendeaL Bramwall autaa that ha wlU ramalp ia chari af the bank during tha paiiod of 60 days al kiwarf by law (or raorganiaatloa. Chart K. Walkar. 5. T. Utnime-hmr and May nard Radmond have baan naaiad aauatant aupcr IntanaVnta at 1250 a atnnth earh, and tbey are aiaklna inmrtortaa of the aaarta. Tha petition aaka that H. Gordoa'a plan for rW-nring aa liHtebtadnrai of 136.000 be ao eaptad by the eoart and that the ptngna saade to laf be approaed. Uherts IKl 8J-47 Liberty I Ha. rag.. 82 47. Ubrrty lt 44. SZ-7.. Uberty lat4a:rec. S2-47 Ubarty 2d 4 Wt. 27-42... Ubarty 2d 4 Ht rag. 27-42 Uberty Sd 4 Ha. 38 Ubarty Bd 4 H rc 28 . . Uberty 4th 4 Wa 38 Ubarty 4th 4 t reg. 88 . . Victory 4 22-33 Victory 4 a a rrg. 22-23 . . . Victory Se 22-23 Argentine QorU ha '49.;.. do 7 kd. of Belcram THa 5 do 8a '41 do 6a '2S fit, of Bergen 8a '4 J .. .. City of Berne 8a '45 City of Bordeanx! 6a 'S4. . . City of Irona 6a '84 nts nt MarmeiUe 6a '84 . . Cttj Bio da Janeiro 8 1 (,Hy of Bao Faulo B w. 1, City of Enrich 8a '45 brine 7a Uaniah MnnL 8a A '4.. .. do 8a B 48 Dutch E. L rcta. 6i Dora. Can. 5 aotea '29.. do 5 '26 ... L do 5 SI .. Puteh B. L 8a of '62 French Got. 8a '58 dn 7 U '41 J In.p. Japanew 1st 4 Via 25 do atrr. loan aa ii.. Kd. of Denmark 8a 45. do a ctfa ......... Kd. of Italy 6 a aer. A 25 Kd. of Norway 8 '40 . . Kd. of Bwaden 6 '80. . . Kd. of Netherland 6a .. Rap. of Chile 8ai'26 .. . Rep. of Chile 8ai"41 do 8a '46 .. J Ban. of Cranur 8 '46 8tete of Queensland 8a '41 do 6a etfa Swiaa Oor. 8a '45 8tate of Sao Paolo 8t '36. . U.K. of O.B.Lj 8 Via '22 do Ha '29 1 . ... do 5 Via "17 . 4... Rio Gr. Do Bnl I High H06 792 9830 9782 9822 9772 9838 99101 9832 9812 10090 Low. 970 9792 980K 9782 9770 9772 9910 9884 980 9802 10078 1006110060 1000 83 Vi 99 109 108 103 108 V 112V 86 86 Va 86 V 102 Vk 102 Va 112 95 Vi 110 110 94 I 100 ! 98 98 94 107 102 89 75 110 97 94 111 100 94 101 103 104 106 108 loo 119 104 10002 83 99 V, 108 107 102 108 112 86 86 86 102 Close. 9796 792 9820 .9782 f9776 772 9938 9910 9832 9810 10080 10062 10002 83 99 109 108 103 108 112 86 86 86 102 112 112 94 95 110 110 109 LI 10 94 99 98 94 106 102 89 74 109 97 111 100 94 191 103 103 108 108 99 117 104 104 1104 105 104 100 I 99 101 1U1 DOMESTIC BONDS V. 8. of Braail 8a. 41. UB. of Mexico 5a, '45. do large 5a do 4a. '54 dn ' lrr. 4.a ........ N. T. City 4 a, May. '57 do 4 a, rtor.i o i dn 4 Via. '65 . . . do 4a of 1971 105 67 53 46 35 105 105 105 105 104 56 53 46 85 105 105 105 105 94 99 98 94 106 102 89 74 110 97 111 100 94 101 103 103 106 108 1100 119 104 104 104 100 101 104 : 56 i 53 46 : 35 105 105 105 105 6 10 -, 04 0 86 95 13 12 ew 7 83, 5 73 40' ; 83 85 65 10 84 77 j 93 1 6 9 78 114 78 90 102 61 88 99 103 97 86 40 99 102 88 77 88 58 82 50 94 100 95 62 9 I 94 84 95 75 69 98 VEDKRAL BESERTE BA.AXS SHOW LARGE GAI58 nrmli radoetlona of t53.900.000 In the hnWinga af dtaoaanted and parehaaad bUia, aa , against an incrraaa of 1128.200.000 in tba holding of trraaury certifleatea, aooomjpanlad by an aweewe of tl3S.400.0OO hi total depoaiki and a rwrnetian of tK.8U0.00O ia federal re aerve note eirculatioa are indicated ta tba fed- ara. man board a weekly bank atateeaent le aned at tha clone of bueinaai March It. 1922. loM raaareee ahow a gain of 110.180.000. while total onaa Minn inereaaed by 87.400,- 900. Aa againat a daareaaa of 17. 400,000 in grr emment depeaaa, mwnbera nei re depnaitaahow aa innreaae of 1135.600.000 aad other de neita, eiaMpoaad largaty of eaahier'a ehaeka and n-maihrm clearing aooounta, aa inoraaaa of S 1 5.200,000. Tbaae tnoreaaaa repreaont mainly payetenta to the credit o( the banka (or matured ' raftHW-ataa aad will largaly be wiped out dor Ins tha following days aa tooome tax ohecas drawn oa the banka are cleared. RAIL. WAT AMD MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Adams Exp. col. HI. a. o Ajax Rubber 8a Alaska Q. M. eT.db.6aB'26 Am. Agr. Chem. 7, '41 Am. H melting 5a, '47... Am. T. T. crt. 6a, '25 do eoL tr. 5a, '48 Am. Bne. A Rfg. 6a . . . Aav T. A T. era. 4a '33 da. crt, 4a as. do. cot. 4a '29. Am. Wtg. Ppr. at f. a '89 '89 '95 '52 75 100 10 101 89 114 96 98 102 83 89 82 68 87 87 88 80 89 103 103 98 80 78 79 91 76 89 75 100 10 101 89 114 96 98 102 83 89 82 66 87 87 86 80 38 103 103 98 80 78 78 91 78 66 88 mHERMK' STRIKE AT BEEDSPOST IS SETTLED Heedavort. Or.. March 24. The controversy and strike here betweea the fishermen aad' the fieri enaipanies oa tha river, which baa been on (r the last tw weeks and ceasing the fishing Industry to be at a standstill, was brought to aa end late Monday might, when the companies Reeled aotiraa that all fisherman that atUl re fused ta fish before 13 o'clock Monday would not be allowed to fish for tha company at any time this year. The porting of this notice eaoeed a number of the mea to take out thair neta. The earne price aa waa offered by the eoainaaies, that of 14 cents par pound, wag sc repted by the fteherewa. ' The local union here had heid out for IB cents par pound for tha eprtng run of aaiasoa. Warm Rata Helps Alfalfa rreewater. Or., Marrh 24. The warm raina ef Tuesday aaea haired thinga wonderfully in the alfalfa rertna. The season ia ao backward Wis tb-fanaera are . ail behind in their work. The fal) erwa wheat waa mostly s failure, aa . the anew (rem tha avmataina melted so rapid'y that moat of the grain waa washed out, In meat of the reetsawo the farmers hsre had to re seed. Tbe plewmg. needing and pruning ell raaae at enre and there are ao idle hands in t'reewater and vicinity Creamery ,te-kBOdn Meetlac Career. Mareh 14. The Clear Creek cream ery keM Its annual etorkheMere' meeting oa Mon day. Mr. smith of Lngaa waa alert wl si on ef the dirartnra, K other change waa made in ' tbe direr terete. T. .B Anderson, eerretsry. and B. K. iMmw, eashier of the Career Bute bank. r, were reelected. Maat Xarast Ckaar Haadt Caie Rork Wash. March 24. Prank 'Wolf the Home Meat Market, to ferine of Beaum, Wolf enla kia kneiaim. B. B. BVnwnde and U. will engaa la stork baying. The new firm at re Bmuaeaa at Heattie and wig eparat la eon Junrtioa with the city market ta buying aad asUlae eloek for tha aaarkat, Maax Bastaess Ckaar Mad Castle Reck, Wash. Mareh 24. Castle Rock Bttdaigciiaa aa eptdvmio ef ta tha past week. Tha pioneer fine, of Booth , LeaepBia anal their store building and huge stork ef graaral merrbandise to O. - Hanaon. a funnel CasUa Bark lurideat, hat wke has been a etnre at taaar tor tbree or (aer Mr. Booth will am bark in tnarasaa athee piaee. Mr. Laaapkia wiQ remain ta Ann Arbor 4a '95... Amr. A Co. rt ea. 4 a A. T. k 8. Fe gen. 4a AO. K. AC. 4a A. C.UL.A N.ool. tr. 4a Aa Frt. crt. 7 '34 . . AU. Bfnry. 9a '31. AUaa Pdr. 7a '36. . B. A O. 6a '29 do. ref. 5s '95 ... . do, crt. 4ai'8S. . do. gold 4a '48. . . do. nr. in. 3a '23 do.4ir.L.E.& W.V.d.'41 do. 4 T. A O. dr. '59 dn. 3a 8. W. dr. '25 BU T. of Pa. 7a '45 107 1107 n m. f - . I SO f fiS rteecu . revs - i " " i ' ' Beth. Steel 1st ext 5a '26 . 1 97 do ref. 5s '42 92 da d. m. ta '86 1 89 Braden Oopper 6s '31 95 BJwt. 7th Are en be '43. 63 B. K. aen 8a sex D '30. . .1108 Brooklyn Ediaon !5a '40 ... I 94 B. R. T. 7a "21 . .1 75 B.R.T. 7a Tr oo etfa at '21 72 Kklyn Unl El 1st ta '50.. i 81 Bush Tcr con 5a '55. .1 87 do BuikHng Ba '60 89 Canada Southern 5a '62... 96 Canadian North 7 "40. . . 110 do deb 6a '46 1109 109 do is J 7TI 77 One of Ga. Ry. 1st 5a '45 98 do a '29...J 98 Cent. Lcath. gen; 5a, '25.1 06 Cant. Pac aid. 4a. '49.. 83 Cent. Pac. Bb, Line 4a. '64 80 Cent. R. R. of N. i. 5a, '87 106 Cam de Pasco crt, 8a. '31 thee. At Ohio crt. 5a. '46 do gen. 4 a. "92. . . do crt -4, 'SO. . . Chi. A Alton rfg. Sa, '49 do 8 a. '50 Q. gen. 14a. '58. 3 a, 10.1 dir.. '49 ref. ta .1. Joint 6 Ha. '38 . . .(106 106 V ec Erie 1st 6s. '82 Chi. Gt. Western 4a. '59 aM.A8.Pcn.5t, tr. B, '14 do tea. 4a, 589 do g. nv 4.' '89. do crt. 4 s. 1832. . . do rfg. 4 a, 0014. . . do 4a. 1923.1 4. Pug. Bound. 1949. C. A N. W. gen. 5a. 1987 do den. sa. iss. . do B, 1936. .. do 7a. 1930 C Rya. Co. ta. 1927 C. R. L at P. gen. 4a, '68 do rfg. 4a. 1984. ... a U. 8. 6a. 1963... C A W. L 7a, 1935 do 4a, 1932.1 Chil. Cop. trt 7a. 2S.. do-col. tr. Sr. 1982.. C. C C.A S Uoeb.4 Vts.'Sl do gen. & a. do G. M. 4s. 93.. do 6a. 19 Colo. A Sob. 1st 4a, 29. da Kg. s. IS... uoa. uea C. B. do do do do TO. 97 93 89 59 62 107 94 75 72 81 87 89 96 110 98 98 96 80 106 75 100 10 101 89 114 96 98 1102 83 89 82 68 87 87 86 80 89 103 108 98 80 78 78 91 76 66 89 107 88 97 . 92 89 5 63 107 94 75 72 81 87 89 96 10 09 77 98 98 96 1 . 18 113 88 84 85 57 45 87 79 98 87 84 85 67 45 87 79 6 89 61 66 74 84 4l 5 78 67 103 97 109 89 61 85 74 84 4 58 73 67 103 97 108 106 106 80 I 79 82 82 79l 79 114 114 101 101 7 J HI 73 101 101 88 I 86 a. Ku Si ST. bnainma ehsngea I Oeaap.-Taa. Record 6a. 41 Conaoa. Uaal of atd. Sa, SO tXna. Baa act. 7a. Z Cora Prods a fJ 5s. 14. Cuba Cana Sue ta etfa, 80 ao Ta, 30 ....... Cabaa Railroad la. 53 Caaal'd TeL A Tel. Ba. 81 Uei. 4k Hud. crt. ea, IB.. An asmin, 4 Ua 99. Beak Stock Hast Be Assessed do rec 4a. 41....... BatHa. Or.. March t4.-8h.tua of bank ateck aT JT Vi 55 ' araa be aessmsed at their true cask Tatae. ao-1 2? Shwti .? - - J BBB. SB Sat MriRallal BNiM,. gt I ! RB.-tas,alK aTA Sa,n a a I "w awasraaawm 84 B 79 99( 1 TV4l B3 931 87 84 96 79 9 1 87 1 93 8SH . CTsl V Inkle fog the lnformatsoa of the do ooa. 4s, St.. Da, kVuaoa rfg. 6a de 5a. 81 aer.B,40 reattrr iBdattry Tkrlrtt ekeh, Vraak.. March 14. Tha Bwoltry Tares are bem tsetaUed I Jiz?, a. 5SI' . I S?? RTaa-Va. 4t Ga.oou.ta,' 5 eietn7. i mm . j ei bts eena edjaiiat Se Bsase, eewenl of them lanre former me af duatry most try eftai ftrtlra ticsBire Varkst rtest Tort, March 94. V. Pt Daaaaad arartiae agiand at 94 38. fraaoa .9904. lire .UBi maria .vvevm. da ta. '4ft TW fTn. Rra. 4a. ti Ma Match deh. f a "8S poatu imaa are greatlr tam thru? Ooeas. I TW Kara fteiraf tL IT I l ?' profitable, W. D. Bechanas, pom-1 f,S La. i areeaala, kmaniwd U the Basse ebsb thia do ei7 A. M - - ' n tub reweiu er taa uubmm Haarn eompaay: abuwa net aaminaa after rhargea and taxes ef ll.ST1.409. Thm la enual to S SS a share aa aeeuiet 113-St ia 1920. Tha regular Boar- aerv ainuaau ea dee waa urea) ran. -' wo oca. d, ee..ew do Bar. D, '51...... Rrie Cernaaea ta ..... Hrie A Jersey Se. 'St.... PVk Rubber Co. 8s. '41 Ph W. A I. City let Be. '31 Ft. W. A Rio U, 4 a. '- r,. H. a a. ts-.. U.-.. Gea. Elen. aeh. eV 49. ta. 'S3 . fc R. C. 8a. '41 6ear T. A j . , .... wo ea a set . . Cr. Tt, of Csa. fta, '48. do 6s "a Great Korthern 7a 3 da 4- a 'l ...-., do 8a fJrn. Bay Wast. deb. W H. A ht. ref. Se, aer. A '87 V do adj. inc. Se '67 . . nimcss Central rfg. 4a 'tb Interhoro-Metro. 4s '56 do 4 Via Tr. Co. etfa. 'SB Interb. Bap. Tr. ef oa 'B interaau. ArncoX aa 32 . Int. Paper Se B '47J . . .. Inter. Mere. Marines aX Baj 1941 . . . ... lows. Central 1st Ss '88.. do rfg. 4a '61 Jaaestown F A C 4t '59. h.. U Sonthern 5s '50 . . . do 1st U '50 Kelly Spring. Tire 6 '31. Lackawanna Steel 5s '50. Lake S. A M. 8. 3 s '97 : k. deb 4a "28....,.. I do deb 4 31. ...... Lehigh Valley t '28... Liggett A Myers Se '51,. Long Island deb 5s 'ST.. LoriHard Co. 7a 1944 j LooiaTtfle A Jeff, bridge 4a 1945 L. AN. unt 4a 1940... do Ss do 3r St L. die '80 . . Market St. Ry. eota, Sa '24 Msrland Oil 8. war. '31.. Max. Pet. Ba 1936...... Mich. SUte Tel. 5s 1924. Mtdrsle Steel crt. Sa '36. Mmn.8tL. lt rfg. 6s '4 9. It. 8t.P. AS. S.Maria &s '38.. do 6a 1931 do 4a 1926. M. K. A T. let 4a 90 ... . do 4a, aer. B do 2d 4 etis.. 90 . . . do Sa, aer. A do adl Sa. aer. A .... . do 6s, aer. C Mo. Pacific rfg. Sa 23.... do rfg. Sa 26 do gen. 4s 75 ..... . Mobile A Ohio new 6a 27 M. A O. St. L. A C. 4a 31 Mont. Pr. Co., 5a. aer. A 43 Mom Co. 4 He 89, . . X. Orleans A N E 4 a 59 New Or. Terminal 4s 53 New Or. T A M inc. 5a 35 T. Air Brake crt, 5a 28 N.Y.C. A H. R. deb. 6a '85 do. rfg. A imp. 4 Ha 13 do. coL 7s '30 do. rig. 3a '97 da deb. 4s '34 da. M E. 4s N. Y. Cm. Rrs. 4s '53 !. T. C. A S. U dh. 4s "31 N T G.E.L.H.A P.p.m.4s'49 N. T. N. H. A H. 6a '46i do. deb. 4a '56. do. of '51 N. Y. O. A W-. gen. 4s '55 do. G. M. 4s N.T.R. rf. 4s t. c cfa. '42 do. adj. 5s '42 N. T. S. Ry con. 4s '62 N. T. T. gen. 4 s '39 do. ref. 6s of '41 .V. T. W. A B. 4s '46 N. T. Ed. ref. 6s of '41 Nor. A S. 5a, aer. A, '61. Nor. A West. con. 4s. 96. do crt. 6s, '29 do dir. 4s. '44 Nor. v Pac. 6a, aer. B, '47. no prior Ben 4s, 97 . do gen. 3s, '47 Nor. States Pow. 6s, '41. do 1st 5s, '41 N. Vt. Bell TeL 7s, '41. . Or. A C. 1st Ss. '27 . . . Or. Ry. A NaT. con. 4s, '46 do con. os, 46 do rfg. 4s. '26. O.-W. R. R. A N. 4s, '61 Otis Steel 8s Psc. Gas. A Elec. 5a, '42 Pack. Motor 8s. '31 Pan. Am. Pet. A T. 7s. '30 Paris Lyons rood. 6s. . . . Perm. R. R. 7s. '30 do 5s. '68 Penn. R. R. con. 4 s. '60 do gold 6 a, 1936. do G. M. 4s. 1965 do gold 4s, 1906.'21-'41 do con. 4s. 1948 P. G. A C. of Ch. fis, '47 Peo. A East. 1st 4s '40. do income 4s, 1990 . . . Pen. Mar. rfg. 5s, 1956. Philippine Ry. 4s. 1937. P.C.C A S.L.5S, ser.A70 P. R. L. ec P. OS. '43 Pub Serr. of N. J. 5s, '59 Prod. A Reg. 8s Reading gen. 4s. 1997 . . . Rep. i. St. 5s. 1940. R. L A. A L. 4 Ha. '34. Santa Fe Pres. 6s 8L L. L M. A S.ien.5s.'31 8. U A B.F.pr0ien45.A-'60 do os, ser. B, 1850. . S.L-AS.F. gen 6s ser O do ad. 6a 55 do inc 6a '60 S. U S. 1st as '89 do con 4a '32 do Term 5s '52 S.P.AK.C. SbX. 4a '41. 8. A. L. G. sta 4s '50 Sea. Air Una adj 5s '49. . do eon 6s '45 Sin. Oil ct 7a '25 do 7 W. I S. S. H. os '41 8. P. B. S.' 7a . S. P. a 4s Sou. Pac crt 4s '29. . do rfg 4s '55 Sou Ry. con 5s '94 do gen 4s '56 do 6s Spok. Int. 5s .......... Stand. Oil Col. deb. 7s '31 Steel A Tube Co. of Amer ica 7a 1951 Third Are. rf 4s 1960 do adj. 5a 1960. . . . High. 1 Low Close. 02 101 102 108 i 1107U7 fct 88l 88 96 Vs 79 66 8S 95 18 12 Btt 76 83 S 74 89 83 85 65 105 84 77 93 91 6 93 78 114 78 96 102 61 88 1 98 103 97 86 40 99 102 88 77 68 58 81 50 94 100 95 62 102 87 94 84' 95 74 68 98 : 101!101 87 I 86 107 76 87 58 87 84 81 69 49 46 71 66 33 7 66 92 103 42 107 65 87 107 84 107 85 62 79 89 107 97 86 100 89 79 97 88 1U4 97 83 107 H 96 95 106 88 88 88 86 75 32 94 50 95 84 79 101 84 93 80 99 96 70 84 98 78 62 76 74 79 78 53 19 49 103 99 95 97 92 89 86 94 . 63 95 77 106 106 76 6 1 7 B 85 5 18 12 60 76 83 5 75 49 88 85 65 106 84 T7 93 91 96 93 78 114 78 cr 102 61 88 98 103 97 86 40 99 102 88 77 68 58 82 50 94 100 95 62 102 87 94 84 95 74 68 98 101 87 107 76 LUMBER MARKET IS MUCH STIMULATED 57 87 84 81 68 49 46 71 61 33 7 66 91 102 42 107 65 87 107 84 106 85 61 79 89 107 97 86 99 Baa rmnewee. Mareh 24.-The iBToaeing i mand for lumber from the Middle West and a decline ia freight rates ta tba Onset has SQmu- mfratae mmbar aaarkat. TEAS - " - New Tork. March 24. Greater strength manifested in the market here for J arm fa in rearjanse ta sdTsAres . in nrieaa at nrunanr ten. The trend of prases on old form anted tees ia npwsrd. . , i . MAPLE STJGAR i Detroit. March 24. The Michigan maple euxsr crop the. comics eeaaon ia being apt to be tbe shortest on record. ortaem Michigan er- ehairnsta say. Tba disastrous February aleet storm broke off thousands of limbs and destroyed moat of tha hoda. . Grower declare that permit ting the trees to rrcoperste thia year s tht only thing that aria make a crop in 1923. Most of the large owners bare decided ta follow this SHOES Brockton. Mass.. March 24. Shoe .maaufae- tnren here hare reduced the price of shoes 25 to 50 cents a pair wholesale. About 21,000 workers were affected br the waa eat of 10 per cent which preceded the reductioB. GLASS Pittsburg. Pa.. March 24. Decision will be made at a conference in Washington soon on standard classification and nomenclature for plate and window glass. Plans to simplify tbe build ing glass trade hare been under the direction of the bureau of etandarda. COAL AND COKE j BrownsTflle. Pa., March 24. The La Belle Coke company baa been sold to the American Connellsrille Coke Co. of Pittsburg. The plant. idle for 18 months, will resume operations at WALL STREET STOCK-QUOTATIONS Cache Os.. Basra of Trada Building Sew Tark, Xarck !4-(TJ. P.) Steel aad motor ea more ware Strang aa 1 ITsw ' Tark stock exekaare today, hut the was a eontinaatloB ef ares, sure bb sarar stocks. . - Adraae la steel Issues was ta Battel- aatloa of advaac ta prates ky the United States Steel reraXieB. Btndeaakcr furnished tha - fireworks ef the ssotor dlTisloB, Btakiar . aew klfk for tke year wader keairy h Byrne;. - As Botated oat ky Dow, Jeaes m Co. Thursday, tha decline la sagar Is da as Btaek to a weak teeknleaj aosltloa as BBTthlag else. However, trader ased tke redaction ta refined prices today as another excuse for selling- thia gTona. There was little la tha aews ta affect tke market obb way or aaotker. Tke kead of tke largest coal dlstrikattag eoBtBBBT la Chicago does aot oxaeet Ions; coal strike aad says his eompaay Is aot flUlBs; lta yspds to capacity. rrocrs da rf d. . . . . . InviacQtm Oil , . Island Oil Lfewet Tea K. C Bouthera . fc- tx Boa. ptd, Kany-Spgfld. . . Ksanamtt . . . . hveystana Tiro High Tire I Lehigh VaUew .v . , .iLarillard . . . . . . . . Laere - . . fl. A N. 17 1 19 25 '44 .. Z9 ..I 18 -.1 49 SH sa 148 1 ..IMarmad Ofl ... .. . .(Martin 4s Parry ., ..May Storm , ..IMex. Pet, ... .. heal . . Middle States Od. . .iMvrrae Btad . . . . . M. K, A T. Wl . . - do ptd. Wt . . . .(Mont. Power . . Mont, Ward . . Mo. Psc do pfd. -1 STOCKS 300 300 600 1400 1800 270O 1800 8400 100 600 57 87 84 81 68 49 T?2 61 S3 7 66 91 103 42 1107 65 87 107 84 106 85 62 79 89 107 97 86 I 99 RUBBER t New Tork. March 24. The local rubber mar ket is marking time to some extent in anticipa tion of announcement from London that rabbet production would be sharply restricted. STEEL i Chicago, March 24. The TJaited States Steal corporation .is one rating in this district at 69 per cent of capacity with 15 of 27 furnaces in I blast. Gary Bar mills are running at 80 perl cent 01 capacity and the leading Independent, now working at 60 per cent, expects to increase production soon. Four large railroads are about I ready to place car orders. 20W 2200 1800 1900 1600 800 Adams Express . . Advance Rum . . , do pfd. Agr. Chem. do pfd. Ajax Rubber . . . . Alaska Gold lAlssks Juaeau . . . Allied Chem. . . . Albs-Chalmers . . . a. Beet Sugar. . n. Bosch n. Can Co. do o(d. Am. Car A Fdj. do pfd. a. Cot. cm. . . do pfd. Am. Drug Synd . n. Hide A Last do pfd. .... Am. Ice Am. Intl. Corp. Am. Unseed . . . Am. Loco. .... do pfd. .... Am. Saf. Raaor. . Am. Sbip A Com. . High . I Low. I Close. 63141 llOOiAm. Smelter 200 JARS Kane. Pa.. Mareh 24. The Sager Jar com pany of Buffalo. N. T , has purchased the plant! 01 tbe PennsylTsnia Stare company at He tula. and is converting it into a factory for the I 'manufacture of the Sager vacuum r. 8OO1 16001 80fi 500 870C HATS New Tork. March 24. Opening prices of I men's felt hats to the jobbing trade for fall de-1 liven are reported to be 10 to 15 per cent be low those which obtained last year. Quotations I run irom eiz.uu to S3U.OU a do sen. 1400 200 600 7400 2800 1 CANNED GOODS Chicago. March 24. Trading in earmed mods I Bionnl continues slow, but there is a good demand for high grade peas for quick shipment. LIVESTOCK Chicago, March 24. Farmers are getting good prices for hogs in this section, although prices have slumped somewhat recently. A record production of pigs is expected this season. Pack ers report the export trade outlook to be gloomy ana couecaons only isur. 10800 200 1300 78 97 88 102 97 83 107 96 95 106 88 88 88 86 75 32 93 50 93 84 78 101 84 93 79 99 96 70 84 98 78 62' 76 74 79 78 53 19 48 103 98 94 7 92 89 85 94 62 94 77 105 Tidewater Oil Co. 6 '31; 97 64 I 52 101 108 1107 Tl T 85 83 85 I 88 79 I 79 93 I 93 96l 0 89l 8 89l 89 80 i 80 44 I 4t 48 I 43 41 41 77 77 108 1103 8 I 98 9SH1 93 Vi TTI TT 107 MOT 104 Va lies 103 10S 96 1 96 106 1108 Vi esvel at i 01 89) 89 8 aa I as 86 '- f 86 104 104 B9 I BB 19 79 87 I 87 IBS IIOS 9 I 98 14 114 09 HI B9 80 106 13 87 84 85 87 45 87 79 96 106 11 89 61 74 84 64 58 j7S 67 103 i 7 Va 108 106 ;0 82 : 79 114 101 7 3 101 86 84 96 79 9 81 87 82 87 108 83 83 79 90 89 89 80 46 48 4V T7 102 88 77 TOT 104 ' 103 8 108 t 11 41 104 ? T8 87 IBS 8 114 f ToL St U A W. 4s 'SO. I 65 Union Pacific 1st 4a 19471 90 do crt. 4s I 83 do ref. 4s 1003...... 86 Union Tank Car 7a 1930. 103 United Fuel Gas 6a 1976. 95 C. S. Real A Imp. 5a '24. 94 C. S. Rubber 7s 1930. 105 U. 8. Rubber 6 1947... 87 U. S. Steel a. f. 6a 1963. 101 Vir.-Caro Chem. Sa, '23 . . . 97 do d 6a, '24 ... . 79 do 7a, 82 95 Virginia By. 5s. '23..... 93 West. Maryland 4a, '52... 62 Wast. Pacific 5a, '46 .... . 88 W. Un. real est. 6 a. '36 108 Weathae. Elec 7a. '31 106 W. A Lv E. con. 4s, '49. .1 67 Wilson A Co. 1st 6s. '41. . I 96 do crt. a, '28 86 do 7i J 97 STANDARD OIL ISSU: Galena Signal Oil 4 Ohio Oil 27 Ulinoet Pip Line 100 - Intl. Pete, 15 Standard Oil. N. T 378 Standard Oil. Ind. 87 79 97 88 103 97 83 107 96 95 106 88 88 88 86 T3 32 93 50 95 84 79 101 84 93 80 99 96 70 84 98 78 62 76 74 79 78 53 19 49 103 98 95 97 92 89 86 94 62 95 77 105 AUTOMOBILES Jackson. Mich., March 24. A most unusual condition aa regards deliveries of cars has de veloped here. A local Dodge dealer ia accept-1 ing orders subject to two weeks' delivery. At j this time of the year companies are usually able I to make prompt shipment. Tbe Dodge factory I is maJnng more cars than at any time w ita I history, running dose to 700 can a day. ' LEATHER Philadelphia, March 24.- Shoe and belting manufacturers have recently placed orders in this market for 22,500 oak backs. Demand for upper leathers is quiet, HARDWARE New Orleans, March 24. For the first time in months the hardware trade is showing a material improvement. Passing of the fear of price cuts eeeme to bare stimulated disposition vt accumulate stocks among the retailers. COTTON GOODS Manchester, England, March 24. Among the most cheerful indications of the cotton goods trade is the increased demand for Mulls. Cheot- ies and Jaconets for Calcutta. Tha Indian mar ket for print cloths has been hampered by the Heavy charges 01 dyers and calico printers. DRTGOODS Chicago. March 24. Distribution of whole sale drygoods so far this year haa been less than' that for the corresponding period of 1921. but collections are improving noticeably. 11600 PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Portland Banks 1922 6.627.191 1.562,915 4,502,327 979.226 4,690.930 998.818 3.639.908 815,087 4,092.441 805,557 Clearings Monday . . t Balances Monday . . Clearings Tuesday . . Balances Tuesday. . . Clearings Wednesday Balances Wednesday. Clearings Thursday. Balances Thursday . . Clearings Friday . . nuances trndsy . . 97 64 52 101 65 90 92 86 103 94" 94 v 105 87 100 97 79 95 93 62 87 107 106 67 95 85 97 E8 46 23 99 14 375 i 86 1921. 5.853.933 1,730,929 5,006,067 1,067,858 5,157.569 831,340 4,299,171 1,019,912 4.084,999 1,002,851 97 64 52 101 65 9 or 92 86 103 93 94 105 87 101 97 79 95 93 62 87 108 106 67 95 86 7 stat 23 f 99 16 376 86 San Francisco Banks Clearings Friday Seattle Banks Clearings Friday Balances Friday Oakland Banka Clearings Friday Let Angeles Banks Clearings Friday .$17,900,000 .$ 4.688.816 . 1,165.592 .$ 1,941,700 tl2.714.010 Indifference Still Shown in Drygoods do pfd. Am. Snuff Am. Steel Fdy. . Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Sumatra . Am. TeL A Tel. Am. Tobacco , . . do "B" Amer. Wool . . . do pfd Amer. Zinc . . . . lAraconda Associated Oil . . Atchison do pfd. Atlantic Coast Line Atl G. A W. 1. . . Baldwin Loco do pfd. Balto. A Ohio do pfd. Betht Steel 8 ... do a Booth FUh B. R. T Butte C. A Z 400 Butte eV Sup 2300Burns Bro. Caddo -Oil Cslif. Packing Calif. Pet do pfd. Canadian Pacific. . Cent. Leather Cero de Pssco. . . . Chandler Motor . . . Chi. A N. W Chgo. Gt W do pfd. IChili Copper .... Ohino C. M. St. P do pfd. Coco Cola C. A O Colo. F. A 1 Oolo. Southern . . rCol. Gas A Elec. . Columbia Graph. . Con. Gaa Cons Gigars . . . . Contl Can Cities Stc Bankers Com Prod. do pfd. ...... tCosden Oil a R, L ec P.... do A pfd. do B nfd. Crucible do pfd.- ...... Cuba, Cane do nfd. (Cuban Am. Sugar Dei. ft. Hudson Dome Mines Dei. A Leek. 1 Davison Ohem. . . . 1 Endicott Johnson . Erie do 1st pfd. .... Elec Stor. Bty. . . Famous Puyera red. Ming. & Smelt. do pfd. Fisk Tire Gaston Wins. . Gen. Cigars ...... Gen. Electric Gen. Motor ...... Glen Alden Gen. Asphalt Goodncn , . Goodyear Granby Great Nor. Ore". . . . .Great Nor. pfd. .Greene Cananea . . . .Gulf States Steel. . . .Houston Oil .Hupp Motor ...... Illinois Central Inspiration Int. Agr. Corp.. e. . do pfd. Interboro do pfd Inter. Callahan I . . . Int. Harvester do nfd. lint Merc Marine. . do pfd. 66 r 15 14 46 46 89 88 'ie' 'ii' - '63 62 43 44 41 40 43 41 46 45 101 101 155 154 118 118 25 24 36 70 97 32 121 135 133 86 51 107 117 7 18 51 96 35 68 97 31 120 135 133 86 50 38 96 96 90 28 107 Nor. lOOlNat, Nat, M-SCP. 4k aB.M.1.. 25 113 I 119 Z7i 13 34 13 82 16 31 OS Aba Blaruit 66 IS ss 88 14 20 10 T 11 1 18 86 .... 29 17 41 32 B8 148 14 as 2 112 . 117 2TH 13 83 12 82 "is 21 63 64 18 34 88 14 19 100 74 85 I 2H 8 u 8 38 48 62 47 37 79 27 I 29 27 86 IT 8 61 27 7 76 83 16 8 27 70 i 71 .1125 ,12S 124 .. 14 14 73 j 73 37 71 68 87 43 60 30 47 82 3 109 86 46 60 29 46 81 3 108 62 I 62 20 -20 104 104 114 35 40 92 78 57 114 1114 83 Hi 35 5500 .lint, Nickel 27 114 79 78 59 39 27 86 .73 78 74 15 101 40 58 3 27 35 72 71 74 15 101 39 15 70 .INat, Lead .iNevada .(New Haveu . Norfolk . W. .-. .INor. Pac .(Nora Scotia Steel IN. X. Air Brake . .1 4000iN. T. Central ... I 86 . . Klkm. Prod. ref. . . . Vt ..lOntario Silver j a . . toniano at w 24 . . (Otis Steel . . . . (Pacific Der. V ., .Pac. G. A K. ... 67 . . -IPnnta Allegre ..a 39 . . . Pacific Oil 49 . . . Pan. Amn. Pet. . . . 54 - .1 do. "B' I 48 . ,.Penna. 87 ... . rm uea . .i 80 . . . Peru Marquette ..) 28 . . . r-ure uu I SO . . . PhilBpa Pete I 35 . ..IPierce Arrow ....I 17 i . . . 11-ierce oil . 1 a . . . j Pitts Coal . 61 H . ..(Pitts. A W. Vs. ..) 27 oo. pi a. . . . Prsd. sa Car . . . Pullman .... . . Ray Cons. . . . . . (Heading . . .(Remington 32 Vat 8 . . . Beplogle 8teel 31 j SI , Bep. LAS 52 60 ... do. pfd. 77 76 . . . Rep. Motors f H 7 . . . Royal Dutch Oil . . 53 62 . . . Ry. Steel Spg. ... 96 96 . . . Saxon Motors .... 3 8 ...Sears Roebuck ... 72 70 . . . Shattuek. Aria. ... 8 8 i . . . inneu T. a 1. . . 39 39 . . .Sinclair 25 24 ...ISloas Shef 42 40 . . . So. Pacific 85 85 . . .ISO. Ry 21 21 ... Standard Oil Cel... 95 94 ... do Ind. 1 . . . do N. J 172 1169 .. St L. AS. W 28 I 27 . . . stromoerg laro . . .1 46 44 . . . Studebaker 106 104 ... tswiit at uo. ...... I Term. Cop. A Chem. 11 Hi 10 tTexae Oil ....... 1 43) 42 ITexaa Pac . . 82 31 Tex. r-ac C at U. . .1 23 25 lTob, Products ....I 61 I 61 . . . . 1 iTsn. uonu. uu . . 1 v H I Union Oil DeL .... 1 18 17 union rac 133 18 United Alloy . . . . I United Drug . . . . : . -ICnited Food Prod. (United Fruit . . . 200Unlou B. A P. . . U. 8. C. 1. Pipe. j United Retail Stores! U. S. Ind. Alcohol. C. S. Run. . . I do 1st pfd. . U. H. Smelting U. 8. Steel do pfd. Utah Copper Va. Chem. ! do pfd. Van. Steel Vivaadou Wabash do A pfd. dn B pfd. Wells Fargo Western Pac do pfd. Western Union..... West'hse A R do E. A M. West MA White Motors WUlra-Overiand do pfd. Wilson Packing .... Vt oolworth IWortbington Pump., W. 4 I. K, White Oil Money Total sales 75 11 1 18 a 48 29 17 48 33 68 141 18 118 Bl 26 28 III 118 27 18 84 12 32 as l 21 62 68 186 84 JS8 14 19 lOO I 79 27 2 86 2 8 23 11 9 6 39 48 68 47 37 80 27 AUTO BUSINESS IS GOING f CO tt.81t.824f. "as esaksat eaaataw sailing t.nanlaary FAeetne ecaapa rter taaea. a tl.lBX.4Te eeer far the 1 1 mm 111. 943.TTB fe 31. 192. aaa. after The riubrat w first half fee the Puctrw Gas 8 iay or 1 ?1 --w art earsieg.;:. asi 12B. Thm fees. ear eg 63S.47. earn a lasr f Sl.leB.I44. ; Bfirued Tel t A :i.M SM mswe af bead e the Oefaaat Beiiroad af France witt be eflisad Sara ia tha y PBN a. Maaeta BeeesAl Ceeiaaneadeat af Tha Journal Detroit, Mareh 24 A surrey ef 2 ef the Somnbtle aad asnmiiri asanas here thm week balm the atory af eonuanad bmproveaaeM whksb Israel the gist of the renerta of the aeasmfse- Tbe tiaimnemmt bene ta Jeeuarv aad aot halted. Bereral nasals rearmed aermal ty prodnatioa the end of February aad are now tarnrac eat (rem tt t 48 per eeat more good than ever before fas their ahujartaa Thia eonditaoB does aot apsty to all peseta yet, Maay ef the mas fortunate companies are eeae ine steadily, however. Taking the Industries af tbe city sa a whole it is conservatively astiasated that about 7 per rent of peak anginas m now being handled. ' deS lib ka Ota mal mmi lliiw nf Michigan report that the eenditioa of tha term ers is steadily iaapiwving. They are myiaej pmaa Fear aedttMual asula ef the A a Tmniate enaumn at be put ta aperatmei March 21. Osso. unl reetened. AmaHiaa Itrabe asou and suefeiiad. Bums Bess !. Tahtustlmt A Bermratmx. iea The tS.SOB.eoo Ax bit am the Boa read will be sold to nikea. Cm. St S price to produce 1B1.SB em their value. which matured acreage aad are paying If met (ail. anywhere eountry bankers predict a fined of ( thg aboat July 1. As evidence ef the Improve ment hi the rural aartions is seea bs atearaaeats of bead booses that Michigan country basks are buying bonds for their own account far the iirw Base m ro years. TM industrial prospect for April 1 is promm- iu. viiia larmert eommg Into the market at harvest time, automobile asea figure there m a pimsiDunv as a car aliortage. Stock MOT hew York. March 24. The Norfolk wa era railroad haa ordered 4000 TO-toa eosl o from the Primi il Steel Oar coaansay. the Am hma Car A Foundry eompaay and the Standard nteei car company. The United Drug company today declared its regular quarterly dividend ef 1 par rent oa tne nrst p ret erred stock, payable May U to stack of record April la. 67 6 137 66 36 44 46 61 85 96 116 63 34 73 39 10 9 28 18 ..... I 63 S 137 66 I 34 48! I 46 60 '85 98 116 62 34 78 37 10 9 57 18 86 10' " 40 8 40 SO 4 85 S9 T 89 (or the day with bond business of 815.24 3.000. 60 8 9 4 834,300 14 73 32 31 52 77 7 58 96 3 71 8 39 24 42 85 21 94 87 170 46 46 106 104 11 43 81 24 61 9 17 132 80 6 S 187 56 35 44 46 80 103 35 5 116 68 34 78 89 10 28 18 79 19 SS 97 85 67 9 89 8 39 89 153 49 9 9 4 The Gulf OS corporation and its aahatdiariaa, m its annual report lor ivji shows a Bet in come after charges, taxes and inventory adjust ment, ec SV.06S.787, against S2S.68S.1S7 1SZV. Tha Middle West coma, after taxes an Utilities cosapany net ta- I charges, lor 1931. was Pfd: oral Baking Harsestse rawsya. 1-le 1 anwferred. H, R MsIUanoa A Co. nceferred. Xa ooaai urenca preferred. Peed Creek Coal. Mm, era Electric aad Waatera rsooa aaa -ekfcmd a. The regular losoeu Co. euarterte asvwaiaU ar 82 cenm waa declared today. ayeMa stay 1 St j Tha Fiesjcb An 7 aa IaduBtrial Deealaaeaea per rent heads aaee autted so trading ea the exchange. ' SB ittl Ressmrs OBeraUaas . March 24. The Caaseeoa aesrmtl has resumed opa rations after a loag idlenaes. , The mil cVoerd down whaa the demand for mmbri by th- aovarament nemt Tbe mil aaam looking forward to oanactty pradw-rJoa darbsc Safety Fir TT PAYS to advertise y A doing: unto others as you would have others do unto you. That's the explanation for $12,000,000 of prime bonds distributed during t92t to Investors by Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. eVeSBBBMBMB BlM VOrrtAJfA a . MM,' SI WW? v shares I Trade Not Pleased At New Wool Tariff WINTER HAS BEEN HARD ONE FOR OREGON LIVESTOCK Grants Pass.. Or.. March 24. This winter has been one of the moot severe for many year on U restock on the range m Southern Oregon, according to Supervisor E. H, MacDaniels of the Siskiyou national forest. Mr. MacDenieil states that the snows are unusually deep and aoming very lata ia tha staaun when usually th -enow ia all goo from the lower hills and tha grass in good condition. Maay cattle aad Koch at all kinds in the Illinois- and ApplegaXe Talleys are sofferktg severely ss a result of the extremely heavy kUa sneer in tha mountains. AU vehicular and automobile tnftm butwsen G rente Pass and Crescent City haa been held up for a month and at last reports the snow was some 10 fast deep on Oregon xaountain. The mails for the coast towns are packed over Ore gon mountain, a mats ana of 11 auus, by (Wall Street Bureau of The ojurnal) New York, March 24. Buyers maintained their attitude of indifference in the drygoods market today. Wide print cloths continued to be inactive with sellers unable to secure hkh for any large amounts st prevailing Quotations. There still waa some buying of sheetings for ex port and a little business done by Domestic bag ; trade, but the volume was smalL Fine goods were stagnant fl though the prices prevailing are extremely tow. Bilk prices were firmer in response to the better tone in Yokohama which followed the peg ging of prices there but consumers held aloof here. Some trading in broad silk and ribbons waa in evidence, but msnnfactnren still talk earnestly of further curtailment of production. lint Paper 45 44 45 (Boston Bureau of The Journal) Boston, March 24. Wool dealers and manu facturers here are anything but pleased at the untative tariff rata on wool agreed on in the sensta finance committee and trading was dull but the new rata, ft is understood, pi nans the giuweis and price allowed no recessions. L4W. don auction prices continued firm although than was little if any buying for American ac count and the Australian market was strength red bf German buying. The factors aided to maintain a firm ton. Some sharing haa started in Wyoming and while some of the high er grade wools are Backed for sale, buyers ham withheld bids. Thia action, it hi belle red. waa caused by the high limit of 85 cents a pound set by tbe Johnson county growers, which was of fered at Buffalo. tBBillDlIIIDBKHHBIIIlli Where Millions of Dollars have gone into developing the Northwest Each little dot on this map irprescnU some constructive community development, calling for sums ranging from $25,000 to $500,000 each. In trie aggref ate they count into many millions of dollars, and it was provided by this bank, through bond issues. 1 With the money thus provided, vast areas of arid lands "have come to be productive ; twamps have bees reclaimed ; schools have been built; highway t constructed, while towns and cities have constructed water and sewer systems and have added to their attractivenett and heAlthrulness. When you bay GOOD bo rid m from JhU bank your money not only u amply secured, but you are helping the great west grow.. Broadway and Oak Wanted! Canadian Municipals Lumber aad Boor Company Besaraes Montesano. Wash.. March 24. Schafer Bros.' Lumber A Door company haa resumed operations after a abort shutdown, occasioned by the instal-1 Don 01 new machinery sod repairs to old machin ery. The mill will soon start a double abift Sol care for exceptionally heavy orders. r?0REIGX . EXCHANGE RATES 4!Vrreeted dally By the foreign exchange de partment of the United States National bank. - - Quotation below (except the pound sterling) am (noted oa tha basis ef lOOj units foreign cur rency. . Opening rates oa hank tranasctiona: Draft Cheeks. Lha. sterling. t 4.38 Part franca. B.04 Berlin Marks . .88 6.11 4.18 Drachmas Cownhsaen Kroner 81.20 Kroner ....'26.10 HoBtaont . OnrTsnrS' . . 64.75 Jepae Tea .. 47.35 TaeJs 73.45 Cable Transfers. 8 4.t8 905 .30 8.12. 20 81.25 17-85 88.1S 7 85.68 -4T.S0 T2.T5 Par Value. $ 4.866 18.80 23.81 19.30 18.80 38.78 t,T 28.79 NEW INCORPORATIONS; Balem. Or.. March 24. "arataliaed it 11- 800,000, the Millionaire Mining company of I J season county filed articles of IncorporatioB with I tne staat corporsoon aermrtmans bera Thursday. The incorporators are Charles. Knight. 8- K. I Uaoeriing and Kobert Ugntbody. : otner corporaOona ruing artaelea were: MeGeorge Gravel company, Marshfield. 850.- 000; a K McGeorge, . A. McGeorge and I ajewv mcueoTgu. 1 Fox - Armstrong Tire rampeny. Portland, j 86000; lmwrenoe . Ainsworth, G. X. Went-1 worttt ana aooerr Treat Piatt. Third German Baptist elnrrch. Portland. I szovo; tauata Jtann, G. Janke and Bteshfieldr A certificate flled by the City Motor Trucking I company ox roraiH snowe an ii iiias la a irom 315.000 ta 375.000. We will buy short or long term bonds of the following Canadian provinces or cities (PROVINCES) Alberta Call, British Columbia wwr . write Manitoba New Brunswick Ne wf oundl and (Colony) Nova Scotia Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan or Phone Main 4195 (CITIES) Calgary Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Quebec . ' Toronto Victoria . Winiirpeg Winnipeg Water District YIELD Cansitisa dollar discount 4 per east. -. -Mi- : Meswy ud ExcBaaare -Kew Terk. March 24. (T, K. S.Cal! Lsasney oa the IJoor of tbe hew York exchange today ruled st per cent; high. 4 per cent; low. 4m ner cent. : Tune monev waa steady. Bates were 4 J4 per cent. The aaarkat for Minis mercantile naner was auies. ; ta aienooa sooay was a per cent Call Kivltnf eieaiam was afeeili . unlb Till i in M 1118U101118 Uoaars' bills at 84.38 for dexoaad. , v Urerpool Cottoa Easier - 1 UvarpooL. March 24. Boot cotton ooened in I good decoand. Prices easier; sales 18,000 bales. ABMriasa middlingi, fair, 12.14; toad BxsttHngs. 1 11.19: mind ting. 10.69: low mirklhngs. 9.79; I eooa oranmry. b.h; ensmiy, rw nfienerl tust I Stocks. BoiMb, Cottotw Craim, Eta. 316-317 Boanrd of Trsaio Ba3aliB Overbeck&CookeCo.l DIRECT PRIVATE YIRES TO dLL EXCHANGES XcssBcra CaJeac Board of Trade Corresnoaaeat at XeSgaa e Bryan -. CsUcaa-B . - r Mv Tbx r We wUl pay best market prices for prompt deliv eries. Oar. specialist tvHl be? glad to give you any information. . ' ' t COlVaPANY rals.irvX-jTlli T"b ijr i Vi if" HtlooK NOIOTWESTERN BANKlBLDQ. poritand I'lononniDDlllIfllllll isiipuiiHuto The Top o the Market GREAT bond-bavinf power, marrow mar (ins ef operatiom' and quick turnover are Ue taaia reasons te Morris' Brothers Corporation can offer at all liases a list of earefolly selected bond "boys" waich arc BaparaUeled ta those featares . which the careful investor taTtst seek that ia, safety of prin cipal, certainty of income and a rate of interest consistent with reasonable earnings on his money. -, AX ERIC ATT JICH1C1PAI.S , , . Rate Maturity Bosernaa. Montaca .................... 1923-27 - tCaarper, Wyomlna; 6 1123-27 Coaurjopolnx, Washington 7 1923-28 ' fCharlcBton. WaAhinrtxm 7 122-84 Laaacn County. California Roavd District 7 l2t-n Moateautao, Waahina-toa 7 1913-82 i Roundup. Montana, 8 19X8-27 Price TreW To yield !. To ylnkl 7j9 100.00 100 00 tAI . 10 00 1 loo.eo f e To yieed 7 - CAKADIAK MTJTicirAX. AID G0TER5XEKT B05SS Bat Matoritw Prtee . New Wemtmlnater ...,....... 13 9S.SS - New Weetmin-ter- 1923 9SJ2 tNortlk Vanooax-rer, B. C 8 '1928 port oi coquiUAm, n. u.. 7 i4i. iw.oo Selkirk . - im 88.08 tSi. James. City of - 8 ' . 142 97,17 tDenoteai tlOOO tfenominauon. aotea fractional bonda.. : Yield 7 -as - 1 1 IM IjSS tDeootca 8S08. IDenotaa 8298. -le- '. -Tlf8eBB ex TdegTBfh Orders at Oar Kiaeaaa MORRIS BROTHERS CORPORATION ' Karris BaBdlaf. rerUaad, Ortrss - . BrBadsray tut . --. , ; 888-811 Stark Strael -tal Pcpesit Beie