:CITY EDITION ie All Her and if All Triitr THE VEATHKR Tonttit and Saturday ' ' " rain: -westerly wtnda - - Mint mam UmnirMimt Tauraday : . CITY EDITION lf$ All Her and AllTrue! HEALTH, HEART AND HOJ1B is the bead under which a collection of Interest ing Information Is assembled for readers of The Sunday -Journal Magazine Section. ' The page ho Ms an especial appeal to tt Portland ....... 7 , New Orleans... (I : Boise .., ........ . Jl New Tors ...... 21 Angeles St, Paul..... .., it "womenfolk. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, . MARCH " 24, , 1922vTWENTY-SIX PAGES. : PRICE TWO cents; ; VOL. XXI. NO. 112. Xataass as bmMha Mattes at Foetsffke. rsrUaad. Oregon. ; CLOUDBURST Great, Artists Sing Tonight EDITH MASON, lyric ' soprano, and Lucicn Muratorc world greatest tenor, who take the roles of Juliet and Romeo b Gounod's opera which will be given tonight Jby the Chicago Opera association. I y i I: ll'i'.: 1:1 :i !1! mmm-' Four-Persons Known to Be Deao", and Business Section of Bur- : lington in Rujns as Result of Rushing Water Many Homeless - Burlington. Kan., March 54. (I. N. 8.) Hearing the scar of the greatest dis aster In Its history, this town of 1000 population was a desolate scene of mud and wreckage today. IA cloudburst made Rock creek a roar inn torrent which swept through the tualneae section last night, causing f 1. 00,000 damage and taking four Uvea. The body of Miss Oletha Falling- has , net been recovered. The bodies of Mrs. Henry Ramsdell and Mr. and Mrs. I S. McOee have been found. - Nearly a foot of water fell in six hoars. a A 1.1 HAMPERS wou . ,' A heavy downpour of rain was ham pering flood relief work here this after noon. No outside aid hss reached the tows because of the washed-out roads. The Neosha river is still Hslng. The south part of Lyons and the north part 1 of Coffey counties are under water. Ksgle creek was a mile and a half wide at a point 20 miles southwest of here. Coal creek and the Cottonwood river are at flood stage. ,One hundred families were mads homeless and the buslnees section of the town atmoet rained. Piles of Wreckage lined the mud-covered streets and bands of workers were tesring at them In an effort to find the bodies of the missing. BOt'SES SWEPT AWAY The cloudburst struck at I o'clock. A short time later. Rock creek was over Its banks. With Incredible swiftness, a wall of water rushed down the main bus iness thoroughfare and engulfed the . business section.. . .' Bmall houses .were lifted from their foundations from the force of the Water. Motor cars wsre swept from the streets. Household goods Of every description . snd merchandise front the stores was borne along on the crest of the flood, the muddy waters of -which moved with, ter rific force. -HHI BURGLAR HIT ON HEAD VITH BOOK . Another 5 o'clock! burglar made his debut in Portland this morning, escap- ; Ing with a handful of loot from the Twa, Ihouund feet of trnV f IK. Mia. 1 home of Mrs. C. F. Clark, 1 9a East Ash sourW Kansas Texas railroad were ' "treat, after receiving a vicious., wallop , wasnea out. me . bridge across tnsiwu w " win h.,w Neoahe river, of which the creek is a rately-aimed book .'hurled - from a seo trlbutarr. was awent awav. . Tracks of ond story Just as he .Jumped -from the Seats; Fe railroad were also washed! th window below. , The book was out. t "' ; , '. . v, ... r i fr A thrown by Harold Clark, a studentt a E SCCll THBJLLllfO As Uis flood reached Its greatest denthl -l' r " v: L ' " - tn the business section. Store JronU be- " Mrtn Btegeman, a teacher at gsa td give way. Nearly every building Lincoln Ulh hchool. at the along the street was ruined. The lobby Claris home, discovered the hurglar in of the National hotel was badly damaged house. ; Miss Stegemaavwas awak T' Uig rushing wstert. which tilled It n4 b ths sound, of aonaeone moving half way to the celling. - about in her room on the second floor. " Many thrintfiar reacuee were made dur- BCBOLAB IS TI8COTEXJB r m. m.- una. raons cemg laseoi fn.nln hat. v aha u the tfle. i .ITT.-' ,. . . r: Viiy WM ri't'- I V 1 - fe " I iiiuiuiiui ii 1 1 1 . iw OF ROMEO TONIGHT AUDIENCE IS EIGHT ll ENRAPTURED ROAD ROUTE BY LOHENGRIN IS ADOPTED Wagner's Beautiful Opera, With Highway' Bod Accepts Water Edward Johnson in Title Role, Grade in The Dal les-Dufur Part Replete With Streaming- Mel- odies and Elaborate Settings. of Way to California; 70 Miles of Road to . Be Improved. By J. Jj. Wallis Magnificent and beautiful beyond the power of description was the production of Richard Wagner's "Lohengrin by the Chicago Opera company at The Audi. toriura. Thursday night. What streaming melodies, what colos- The long discussed location of The Dallea-Dufur section of The Dalles-California highway was definitely settled today by the adoption toy the state high way commission of the Eight Mile creek route. ' While four miles longer than the ; present road the selected route is on Seague RadioNews Bracer Farm Life "1 wish -to thank The Journal for Its radio news service which we enjoy every I evening in our home. The news Items are wall chosen aad cover the field very well for the brief space of Urns covered by the broadcasting." . So writes Dr. Karl- P.' Moraa, Port- Xm A vim..' t.Hw. M Ik. n4U I n . m . . . I - ' - I failure oi neceni oonvenuon xo editor x -me joumai. . , . , p i beard The Journal's sews broad - Adopt Resolution Calling for least last night.- It cum Tory plain aad PACIFIC PACT PASSED; VOTE WOT 4-Power. Agreement With Hard-'ing-Brandegee Reservation At- Investigators Arouses G. A.I munlcation from WiUlaia McC ready of rvtached,'; Literally Sweeps Sen- Mansfield and E. E.Faviile. These communications are typical of ate": Amendments Snowed U nder I the lavorable comment from various I parts of the stats upon .The Journal's Expressing unqualified disapproval of I nightly - news service, broadcasted by I Washlagteil. Mirch It. Overriding the ' the methods pursued by the Tax Reduc-1 Charles U AusUn of the North western I hitter opposition f a handful of RcdUo- tion league, which convened Monday In I Kaaio Manuracturtng company. tm I . " an effort to lessen tax burdens and seek I service is especially, appreciated : tn Um I lean. b-recopci1stlea"- aad a score of readjustment of tax valuations, E. E. Favllle, editor and publisher of the Ore- i sees in the radiophone another agency sal harmonies, what prismatic voices and practically a water grade, the maximum what elaborate settings ! I being a little over 3 per cent, as com It is doubtful, inded. if the ooera ever I Prd with ( per cent on the existing has been presented more gorgeously, and road. A condition of the adoption of It has hn mint- timox nnon thouaanda I the ' Eight Mile route is that Wasco Fortunate were those who attended. I couniy win equalise ine sum invesiea oy and long will they remember the per- I the state in a pavement on the route formance as one of absolute musical and I abandoned. dramatic perfection. I WU.L A8KXBIDS ON ELABORATE SCALE I Bids for. grading the Eight Mile sec- Hart Wagner never written another j tion will be called for at the next meet- work but the preludes to the first and 1 Ing of the highway commission. third acts, or either one of them, his Another possible relocation by the name would have been entitled to im-1 commission is a change in the route of mortal fame. But he wrote more than I the Oregon and Washington highway in that, for the text, as well as the music, I Gilliam county. The present location are his, and not alone in this opera, but j connects with the Columbia river high- many otners. Ana ine psycnoiogy ; n is I way aftne mouth of Willow creek. Con- gon Farmer, and George A. Mansfield f' t relievo tfce tedlam of . tarn as ex- as wonderful, when the story is present ed as lucidly as on this occasion, as the music or the tragedy. i From Wagner's operas one may draw powerful sermons open to many and varied interpretations. To Conductor Giorgio Ppllacco the au dience of Thursday night owes a debt of : gratitude for a performance that held : them spellbound from beginning to -the end, and to Mary Garden for the elabor ate scale on which the opera was pro duced. h PLATS PART WELL Applause swept the huge building in waves and after each act the principals and Conductor Pallacco had to bow ac knowledgment a half dozen times. . The chorus which 'was conspicuous ba its absence in "Monna Vanna," Wednes day, because that opera baa little to offer for it, came out In full force and regalia in "Lohengrin." In. round numbers probably 100 - or more , occupied the stage at times, and the .climaxes were stupendous, particu larly so in the courtyard of the cather dral during- the second act. Here Con ductor Pollacco 'gave, hjg' forces full M away aaffone; felt ft, It peiery 4hulf yEeT$ara offflon. ycar3na tK tor, l to aaeriaowv wortn Lohengf id, tor tie "sang hi-part beauti fully and acted witn rarBreimemenu FCB5ISHE8 BELIEF V t j : At first, perhaps, his voice seemed bit light against the powerful voices of have tendered their resignations ecutive committeemen. 'a "1. am not tn sympathy with the atti tude of the committee on educational Institutions." said Faville. Mansfield's resignation followed the committee's refusal to endow an In vestigating group of with authority to country: districts. One correspondent I Democrats, the TJntted Btates senate this . afternoon ratified by a oote of t7 to T7 the moT-power Pacific treaty, bringing J America. r Great Britain. JepaA ' and Franca Into : new International agree roent to respect each other's rights In the region of tae Padfle. This was four votea mors than the necessary two-thirds struction work on this location involves an extensive expenditure for right of way -which Gilliam county is unable to afford. : It, has therefore been tentatively agreed to change the route leaving the Willow creek: valley at Rhea's siding bridge and cross the hill intersecting with the John Day highway two miles south 'of Arlington. In the matter of the improvement of the John Day highway in Gilliam county the commission decided that it would adver tise for letting, next month the section between Arlington and Shutler. This wit leave- unimproved a section Between Shutier and oiex for future considera tion. . COURT TO DECIDE 'Whether to improve the Pacific High- from which the committee would obtain its recommendations for legislative measures. SUBMITS LETTER Mansfield's letter follows: "Within a Jhort time after the meet ing of the Tax Reduction" league, con vened on the twentieth of March-In the Public library In the city o( Portland. I sought to present to 'the meeting, be fore it went upon record on any of -the questions before it, the following reso lution : . "Whereas, there is no longer any dis pute as to the -serious condition con fronting the people of Oregon in regard to the tax situation and the necessity for in some way lessening the burdens of the government to the people of the state; and "Whereas. It is likewise recognised and admitted that the formulation of measures to bring about the placing upon the tax rolls of all the property of the state, both tangible and Intangible, at its true valuation and the equalisa tion of the burdens of taxation is a task that will call-for the best brains that the state affords in order, to present a proper soiuuon ; Therefore, be it resolved that in order life, for; if In the evening., the farm real- dent can. listen la on radiophone pro grama of news bulletins and -musical se lections, he will be brought a step closer to. dally contact " with the -centers of population. i 'Directly after fiMShins; Tba Journal's news broadcast at 7 M o'clock last eve- I ma tori rv needed "lo ratify. seven, he said. I nirtg. Austin, at his uount Taoor station. present reports I began tuning for the scheduled radio address of .Dr. Charles P. Steinmeia at Schenectady. N T. Austin tuned for 40 minutes Vltbout locating the speaker. A speaker .at a. distant point who was! giving an address on radio, telegraphy Attached to the treaty was the Bran deges reservation, stipulating that the new pact, does not contain an "all La nor." ' even though tt replaces the A nglo-Japanese aUtance. Ratification of the treaty' foreshadows the) adoption of Uta . whole lot of treaties that grew out of the was faintly heard,' but the vote of Dr. I Washington conference, for all of op- StelnmeU was not to be heard. The at-! moepherte conditions on this coast1 seemed to" be excellent, for the Colin B. Kennedy broadcast ot rausic from - San Francisco was hemtd with unusual clear ness and perfect modulation. RilDisliii IN S MEN 0 positron tn those pacta was centered on " Ute' four-powers Pacific Instrument. , " U RErCVLICAIB FATOR. ' . Fifty-five Republicans and It Demo crats voted for the treaty.' Four Nftr- ; poblieans and - 2 Democrats . voled against It.' - .' . Roll call follows : ' ' For the treaty: - Republicans Ball. Brandegee, ' Bur sum. Colder. ' Cameron. Capper.. Colt. Cummins. Curtis. Dillingham. . Dupont. Edge, EUklna ErnsC Fesnald. Freling hoyaen. Good Ing. Hale. Harreld. Jonee . of Washington, Kellogg. Keyesv Ldd. La root. Lodge. McCormlck. McCumber. . McKinley. McLan.- MeNary. Uoaes, Nelson. New. Newberry. Nicholson. Nor- beck. . Norrta. . . Oddla. Page, Pepper. , Phlppa. - Potndexter. Rswson. wrt- -ridge. Bmoot. Spencer. Staafleld. Bteri-.: Chicago. - March 'tC Ths . United States. Grain., Growers'. . Inc. largest farmers' cooperative organisation la the MrM fw anllt wbl. Ann ht4lf - jne tirst annual convenimn oi xne or- i - - ; T ,7 1 laereiore, oe n resoivea uaai in oraer i . - . . . - i ... . . - , j way between JuncUon and Harrlsburg to secure such results and lo V1'ti,'" ta rkZ T -"T . - or miwwi 4uowob Alia uwuuwr i . " . . w . . ., i ' . . ; . . . ..I . rw - , v 1 miiiee oi seven oersons oe seiecrea. reo- county.UTtie county is prepared to build I reeenttnr every phase Of our social llfn the grade between Junction and Lan-1 and specially qualified' for. the task, to caster but wants a few,dys to consider I act in cooperation with the present tax Whether it Is financially praparvXJ TO WWJ rauueuon comauiven ior uje purpoae tlnua nn td i rrisbunr. -vs T ' - -.1 formulating ,s- program anf drafting fnJtSJZ&yiiji vmW'ltnl flto bin.-'UMba -ubmlttod through ine ,proper cnannets oy oroeriy process for adoption af trio, peopie -os we state. ytx, tnneiropinwn win correct trie con- and announcement of the refusal of the I North Dakota director to serve. William G. Eckhardt. DeKalb, VI. for tner treasurer waa defeated foe; reelec UonT.i2.84i fo IWli. . 4 - : ' -Protest was made by any-admiBlttra- The estimated - cos "to thi bounty' to -tWJHJttdtV Cokosa Oae)- ZZZZllT U of a flashlight playing about the htT . wrw- Mmnr Lucren. Murt tort, the famous Frenchl (Concluded on Pate Twenty-two, Column fire) .through the celling. XEIOHBORIXQ CITT 8E1TDI50 RELIEF TO STBICIETf TOWN Emporia. Kan.. March 4. (I. N. &) IN.HOUiS.HUNI NEGRO ASSAILANT Th tnin-t&r waa on hla knees 1 the CMcago Opera company proauces rummaging about in a bureau drawer 1 uounoors opera, nomeo ana junei, which he had placed on the floor. ..-'- 1 i.e AMiiwiuni, in iw ruis v vuno v,,. a,. ... a - rn,,mA I s wui nave ample ppponunity 10 nie- Mlss Stegernah screamsd and rousedl the u, QUality mna i.rSe Relief supples for Burlington flood vie- next door neighbors. She also gave the1 ? . " y" , -.i-i v . lima arera atarte from hun hl. .nm.lhlnr trt nr a twin t. He I ' AlSO. at this performance; . the ballet 'ing. One hundred families, tt was re- Jumped and rushed pell-mell down the carried With the Mary Garden forces ported, had been driven from their stairs. Harold Clark jumped from his will' be Introduced for. the- first time homes. bed and ran to the win' . He looked during the- Portland engagement, under :' All wires into the flooded town wen but lust as the bur- a bead appeared the. direction ;Of Andreas Pavley and .either down or short circuited by water at the window below. Young Clark said George OukramsKy, ballet masters. Washington, March 24. (U. P.Y snd attempts to secure Information were I the book he snatched up was the only 1 other , principals cast for the prpduc- Scores ' of men wlUv bloodhounds were being made through railroad channels. I thing unattached and handy. ' jUon are Edith Mason as Juliet, Hector I searching the region around Jackson - The Chamber, of Commerce called a I rv. ...nwM . t iaa- fram above onlv I Dufranne as Capulet, Theodore Fitch as J station, Virginia, a few miles from tie Iperisl meeting for noon to provide re- caused the -burglsr to snort once. A-next Tybalt. Margery MaxwelL former; Port- capital, today for the negro assailant of ttef for the sufferers. I door neighbor eame- to , the 'window and I land girl, a Stephana : Conatantin. Nloc- jg.year-old Agnes Hawkins, government I The Neosha river was reported over I leaned out to see whatwas the trouble. ! lay as Duke- of vVeropa, , Kdouard employe. There was open talk of lynchr Its banks, threatening heavy damass This brought the only- wprda spoken by Cotreuil as Friaf Lawrence, Manaiing. Harm Hi raurM. Rain waa atni failing I the E AVVnek tiure-lar. i Ciaesaena ; if. tsenruae, ana sauusuo i The girl was brutally attacked, men -. W.-t. I 4V- Mnnwi ka snanlail 1 VtM M vtSui I CaMMIMSt All IsVUiUUK J we WCt-iaa wb- ' "JTW WeaWSh w Ui'llt 4"V s- . . . i a.. . , . -n t l Tk- Mlrttwir oomnlled wit the earn-1 PLATEB FIRST TS 18 T. rmna .ner nome. oecorains wmuuu. mand. the burglar disappeared in toe .Tha opera Is In five acts, with words f?)f "Sii?,,S-S?.5!5 hJ!. early morning gloom. , J by Barbier and Carre Sfter Shakespeare's I LOOT IS LISTED ' v v I drama, and -was first presented at the t..t : t ur.u Af v- ivnrwi I Theatre X.yrlsue,- Faris, Apm zi, night relief was called to the house im- I v. The opera , opens In the palace of the mediately, ssoraa leamea mat ute our-i capuieta wnere a masaea Dau is nem. glar took a gold ring, a gold pendant, . a I Romeo of the rival' house-or Montague gold watch, several small beauty pins comes disguised, as a pilgrim .and he and room. He entered the house by Jimmy-1 frothed to Paris, scion of a family not V a ti T V K T ft ilOQT'ha Ing a front windowi on terms with the Montagues, Juliet's WUUW U uu iUMUMU Atter tntertng,tne house the burglar I kinsman, i Tybalt. Tecognised Romeo leisurely surveyeo ine ura ijoor. lurwng i yevals; his Idemyty, and vows ven-i Gibraltar, March 84. (L N. S.) A on lights aa ne, went anout ana leavmg I glance. Capulet himself.' Jiowever, lets i navaj court of inquiry which has be an ooors open, ine several memoers or the incident pass and the act enas vmn Kun an investigaUorv into the sinking of Wa havm aaWmB mm i mmm A W a lhAadl m mx tmm 1 -a - .1 . V . the British submarine H-4Z with the .:V.V--!yM 47 UNIONS TO JOIN .-'t-:.?" - ' ' 1 1 '" ' CLOtDBCItST crTS BCRUTfGTON FROM TOCCH WITH OCTSIDE I Parsons. Kan., March 21. (L N. S. ' All communication was lost with flood- stricken Burflngton at B:I0 o'clock this morning. - Reports received from the M Issourt, Kapsss AV - Texas railroad. however. 1 stated that the Neosha river was rising snd warnings have been sent to points la the path of the flood. Two bodies. It was reported here, had been recovered at Burlington, Two oth ers were reported missing. to- a neighbor s house, where a doctor said her condition waa serious. Destroyers Crash I On Rising Submarine cation, it new o nearly xsos.eoo, of 1 , krklk (its una ?v Tlllnnla Ae-rlml- S SJTSI,m? bT,"'"'' l turaT aocUtlotu Tters ,1a a deficit af 2.-- -. ' 16000, and tbo aasodatlon faces akewt TEHBEX8 BE8I6HATIOX v I ooo I. Arfltlo-l .d.M.. . . x "The meeting . did not wish to con-1 . Tba United Btates Grain Orowera has Democrats for treaty Bros sss rd. Dial. Fletcher. .Kendrlck. McKeiUr. Myers. Owen. Pomerene, Randell. Trammel. V derwood and Winiama. ; . i .: . t . rot KEFrucA orrofc, - tkm defegates.jespeclaUy Xfom JOJ-lBoMb, Franca. Jobnsoe of . California, the conventJon,.,- , . . . , I . Democrata Mansf-Jmtaiwr.- ! -ireart w erpreeaad btleaderaof w I enwosu-aerr; UXaa. Karta iLu , moiwni lot vi m. mm i H,fi Mitcneock. KuiK. Overww a. Plitman. ReX. Robtnaon, SbeP7rd. Ehtelda. Simmons, Smith, StnaW. Saa SdnWalasi. Mssssrhnsetts: Walsh, Moo- . tana, aad Watson. Oeorsria Two senators were absent. They were Ml I Crow. PeDnsylTgBla, who is UU ana . . , , ,m . I . i ii um . ..J Jones. New Mexico. It was announce Was HIRQ Uiai A ' BJ1UU1U HTBnH ll I mv imm -ww uvu.w. w - V , . .. . . m- after the organisation '-was perfected. I -Alter a icreo-oay ngni in ine eoavaw and that a permanent committee ofUon over election of directors, ths ad- mm wnntil bA annnlntait tn armrrfanAa 1 ministration forces, led by C H. OUStaf- with Hs provtslona v- . I rll .lL. " J - I This course was not followed. The - . r fW. OiUoue'. complained of and permit re vival r business ana prospertty jn.oor state without at the same tiwia injuring jtxtndon, :' March 2l.-Atf P.) Forty- seven labor unions, . comprising more than 600,000, workers affiliated with the resolution was finally adopted, but atter ,niLd.SriH tTLT'Jmml .nriT-.oer. nAw livkAd nut -hv voted 1 .1 v. - .. 1 nnu-admlnlatratlon forces eJaimod. were t .t th. .mnlnnr.' t.rm. I i waa I JT. . 1 . Mwownwnw uw uriuiiiiuuu, uaoiwi- - r " ' 1 a inuiupiiL-iij i sudjku in wnu ijviii- 1 inir u.n. PnrmniL X'iirira ft T MRAtirwt (Mil Th nrlneerlna' Inolr-I .j..... j , 1 nn Vrgeeon. iNiagara. n. V, announced today. The engineering lock out probably will be, extended, aa a re sult of this, to include a million work ers. sider an manner. ill advised and Inconsiderate a. jv Mclonea. Daxf, N, D.. who was botli would haver voted for - ratification If they had been present... ';r .' ALL CHARGES DEFEATED . - . r Preoedtng. ratlflcaUon. a long, string of reeervabona, amendmenta, , resolu-- tlons and.Uxlual changes were swept down, to defeat. 1 ' ,h . V..- Tbe tour-power treaty disposed of. the senate turned " to the supplementary. "I now understand, that it Is the pur-1 to serve. Robert A. Co lea. Bloomlngton. pose or this committee to simply. act asUL; Robert Peterson, Oswego. ILL. aad an executive committee to carry out ths I K. N.i Clarke, 8tronghurat, UL. resigned declarations of the tax reduction meet ing. - ' 4 "My position upon this question is cor- chosen a director, said hs would refuse I treaty; excluding the mainland of Japan Barker Guardianship Remains: Petitioner W i t h d raws .Charges rTKiSls: Tj ,:e.. TJe-U: nou!rnow VU wrlw' and song. HtJlllttlUa i r O tl llUUtSI i.u"L TT" .JrfV:,? The famous balcohy -cene forme the hich was furwisbed the police.. He man, not mors than wore . Attorney Seva Btewart, a trustee of ths estsle of the late Columbia C Bar ker',' Is lo remsla as guardian of Wll tlam c. ' Barker. Judge Taswell today aismlsaed Barker's petition asking Stew art's removal . and . requesting an ao tountlng. In a statement addressed ths court Barker withdrew his request for a substitution of attorneys and re tracted allegations made against art tn the original petition. "I want say as far as Mr. Stewart's honesty and Integrity are concerned,' Barker's state- rent reads. T have no doubt about it; do not question his honesty or Integrity at all. I would tike, your honor, to have the estate continued as It Is now at less for the present". ThUadelphia Pair . . Appeal Is Made by :: President Harding second act. In : the third act the clan- destine marriage of Romeo and Juliet is - , , t V, , J performed In the Krtar's ceil, in tne nope macklnaw and a smalU close-fitting cap. mf w, nTllOB m end the family feud. J"h m" llou, JmVi nlT-Trnne Romeo's page. Btephano., is discovered which he Jumped was found the imprtnt ..gjchJueT for his jnlssing master, near of cloth -sneakers- .which' are some- cappers door 1A Verona. " "m!J 72? Ver trt noe'b3r burlar STABS HERSELF ' ' . i. a 'Mi 01 . arrogance on ; nis nart nro- vokes the .servants, of the house and shortly thereafter Romeo, and his friend iMercutio meet Tybalt and the Capulets in the street and; the quarrel becomes general. Mercutio la slain and Romeo j avenges kirn by ;ikillIng';TybalU In the fourth ,acLRomeo visits Juliet in her chamber and. departs lust as her ! i I father comes In to remind her of the Exoneration ot Rufua Hobnan, county I sonroachlnr marriage- to Paris. ' white v.v....u .v..,, uwt. w vui- uie gucoie assnmois lor ine 5 nupuais, ployed a stenographer at county expense Juliet seeks the Friar again for advice. xor personal . worn ana denunciation or I He gives her a sleeping potion which those who" brought . the charges as at-1 win render ' her unconscious and will tempting to Uunch political- propaganda I lead her friends to think she is dead, against the commissioner Were contained I She' is to be earHed'ln thls'condiUoA to report of the .Multnomah county it Holman Is Not Using stew: linployes.forftivate worK, Jury ueciares loss of 26 lives, established today that the submersible. arose to the surface in the path of a speeding destroyer.. The destroyer did not have time to swerve from her course and crashed into the submarine, cutting a great hole. The H-42 disappeared from sight almost Immediately. London, March 24. (L N. S.) The admiralty today revised the casualties in the sinking of the British submarine H-42 in the Strait of Gibraltar, raising them from 23 to 2. Three of the vic tims were officers, the remainder ' sea men. The Jury report 1 stated that' the letter containing' the charges was published' to a. Portland newspaper before? HHwras given - to the ' grand Jury. Those who signed the letter were W. EL Winslow: Washington. March Si. (I. N. a 1 WUllam Wambold and Hi E. ShieWa. ! pMlMnt 1-1 A I Y Janr rmmmmmm. 1 1 .. . .. T congress today asking Congressional sanction and approval for the Sesqul centennlal exposition In Philadelphia In m. .. Ths year la the JSOth anniversary of , the algntng of the Declaration of Inde .pendertce and the president declared he thought It fitting - this - anniversary shosld be made tho occasion for a fU- I tttnelwM on Frnae Tmuu-two, Cohuaa Two! 11 of 3 Doukhohors. ; Taken'Near Eugene . .."v,i ...f . 1 r ..'.. v i One of the three doukhobors walking from, British , Columbia to - California, wna are wanted by' Vancouver authori ties; .waa, arrested on the .Southern Pa cific railroad tracks Just dutside of Eu gene at .3 t o'ciocK this morninsT - by . night policeman, according to tnforma MtnUter Vandk. in urging, the - Dutch i tion received by R. P. Bonham. head of ( tlng display of the achievements of the I budget" today wald : 1 -A hostile attack here! Offteials believe that the other American aad other -peoples in an inter- I u always possible,; The moment kas not I two men are .somewhere about' Eneenc tjcomo tor general disarnmmeat.' 3 f A few native doukhobors live near there. Dutch War . Fearful- of-Attack The Hague. March 2. L"K. S. War national exposition. Fred Arnt, Auto . rTTl ft- i. fi T7. . 1 1 sty position upon xnis question is or X Met i vjOtS mm 1 earS I Ta tted in " resolution J offered. . V.. . land I could not consistently serve upon MM ft M OI 1 lalartfil ths committee, restricted and hampered IViOlXCii lOiaiiU. m the way that this would imply. , . ," . I "I am fully satisfied that If measures Two Tears at McNeill's Island was this I are initiated In this hasty and Hi-con afternoon meted out by Judge Bean tolsldered way that; they will be repudl- Lee Arnt, who pleaded gnilty "to the I ated by the people at the polls and great charge of conspiracy to violate the na-l damage done to the true cause of rec torial motor vehicle act. I form. , Arnt Is said by Allan Bynom. assistant I l wish to reiterate that in order to United States district attorney, to bo the! secure anv true measures of reform, we ringleader of an organised group- of I must present such mature and well -con-automobile thieves. . In all, 28 cars are J g(jcred measures to the people aa win said to have been 'stolen and brought. mmju4 th' .Wr t . .ir from Seattle to Portland where they wn informed and thinking people .:SDj:"r"r I. therefore, hereby tender esLta xscoow jsaauay bvvuu-usmim awwiuvwin. i firm . which worked them over and dis posed of - them. Both Hoffman and Stater are now under Indictment. Their trial will be held Apr 9 25. -' Arnt. when - arrested, had in his pos session a bunch of keys that would fit any Ford Automobile made. , as the meeting adjourned la a tumult. Nine More Are Killed In Ulster Warfare my resignation aa a member of the com mittee. Mayor to Sift (Jut Best Candidate for Municipal Court Job Bend Attorney Is in Race for Judgeship Bend. March 24. W. P. Myers, for- merlydistrlct attorney of Jefferson county mit now practicing in Bend, to day announced his candidacy for the Re publican' nomination for the office ',f circuit Judge of the Eighteenth Judicial district. comprising Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties. Ha has not yet filed- with the secretary of state. Judge T. E. J. Duffy, incumbent,1 has fiiea lor the Democratic nomination. $10,000 in Jewelry ..Stolen by BaMits , . 4 - y . X. - . Chicago. -' March 24. L N. R Dia monds and Jewelry valued at J10.D09 were seised this afternoon by bandits who held up the wan bank ot Max Rosenthal'' and escaped after slugging Benjamin Gold berg; who came-into ' the store ae the holdup was tn progress. - ; . , - .r- l Appointment ot the successor to Judge Rossman aa municipal magistrate will be made only after deliberation on the capabilities of the numerous candidates who have sprung up since the announce ment of the Judge's promotion to the circuit bench. Mayor Baker announced today.' The vacancy at police court will not be effective until AprUlO. .. Among: tne candidates are: (Jay stock- man. deputy district attorney; Fred C Stadter, deputy city attorney; I C Mackay. former deputy city attorney T. J. Hewitt, chief probation officer of the court Of domestic relations ; Thomas Garland, W.'T. GilUrd and C B. Beats. A communication was received from the American Legion asking that an ex- service man be given consideration. ; County Grand Jury Eeturns Indictments - Indictments retnrned this afternoon by the Multnomah county grand Jury: Lucy Cook and John Farm, burglary at Abex Bicycle company,; 457' Williams avenue. January 2 ; William J. SherreL theft of J800 oupe from Lou Wallace, February 37 : "S. A. Beadle," paSsins; checks with no funds tn bank ; Archer Robinson, recetv l?j'stoa jrbperty. . : - from- operation of the four-power pact. Lodge wanted to press this Immedi ately ; Robinson wanted tt to go over until Monday, saying there would be en amendment requiting considerable time. , and anyway, ho was anxious Cor. a holi day over the week and. He finally ob jected formally to "present eocssders tlon." Lodge announced that; it would be taken 'up tomorrow. ,.( ,-7 PEOPLE D1EII TO Boy WiUiamsdn, Who Robbed Local Safe Begins Prison Term Less' than two months after Roy Wil liamson broke into , the safe of the Luckel-King A Cake Soap company. 14 S Hood street, and took 993 In company of other yeggs, who were not appre hended, he waa on his 'way to the stats penitentiary for three years confine ment. , . . -.'-.'.. ' ". ' ', ' Circuit Judge Evans sentenced Wil liamson today following his conviction Thursday by a Jury. Lawyers pleaded tn vain lor a parole on. assertion the blow ing of the soap company's safe waa WU Uarnson's first offense, along this Mne. V Two others, who were suspected , of having been connected with the robbery. were released. , . Belfast, March tt I.' N. 8.) A red wave of murder. In which at least nine I men were, killed, rolled through Ulster province today. Following the killing of Owen' McMahon. a Catholic saloon keeper. and three of his sons aad a a- j other member of the. household, wb Mrs. McMahon pleaded with tho aosaa-j uis for mercy, -news waa received of the violent death of .throe more Feiners at Trilllck. County -Tyrone. The 1 Sinn Feiners at TriUick were killed ml .1. Anaalea. Ifareh 4. (tL P. Four a battle with Orangemen. s I earthauake shocks were felt In the sou h- WUlism CampbelV a municipal cor-1 an nortian of .Loo Angeles, last nlfht. poratton official, was shot to death (his J People rushed from their horcea tnto ths aiternoon. streets. So damage was reported. i STREET BY tuna . t 1 t lin the scconci or Mrs. Fannie Greer.- HI 3 Months,1 Dies At Daughter 's Home a f chr of fiqred draw- 7 ToumaV :. -!i.vyvl t f - w 7 g - : Fannie ' Patterson Greer, widow of William J. Greer, who died a year ago psssea on xuesoay in tne -home of Mrs Frank M. Taylor, her daughter. - Mrs. Greer "had heen tailing for about- three months, one -was ta year old, . Mr. and Mrs. Greer came to Portland from Minneapolis in 1135. Mr. Greer waa a X contractor ' and - builder. V Mrs, Greer waa born In New Tork. , - One daughter besides Mrs. Taylor sur- vive Ifra. Q Van - fb-Honrwrwm. - ; Funeral sericee win be held at J .-e--- --. - - -. - - - -- -.. o'clock Saturday in the Flalf y chapeL' t 7 ' ' S'Sf''gl Z 3 ft I! t . -s- w vs-ii - -. - -'.' ! K-i - j. i .. .1 z : r '.. . A. "A , J