WEDNESDAY, TIAfXIT 22. 1S22. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGOIw 18 Sick Vet Who Hiked 100 Miles With His Wife, Is Succored Ante the- rar ... i . from other sources I dvriag the yaw . , Transfer of Thomas V. Corawell. ex service) wan . Buttering from tabeirculo- I hamt " aitWisali ' "ami la. frm Msrshfleld to a coC In rierco a sanitarium; u aocompllahad Tuewdaw and Wednesday by the nnttd States Veteran bureau and the Portland chap tr of tbo Had Ctom with tha speed and proctaton that characterised hospital . service In the A. K F. Corawell and hta wife went to Brook- Ings from their home In California, Both INSURANCE STATEMENTS 1 75 SYNOPSIS ef liie annuel statement at tba! Na tional Baa Fraahna Pira Insurance company. Pvttarmrg. Pa., tn the stale ef Pemasylaania. the Slat dar et . DevmatBer. 12 1, bum w of the State at Orjsos. panaaot' to law: ,. j ..,- capital t Aawaat ef capital stork paid up. . 11,006,000.00 INCOME . - , . ;.i Kat premiums received waring the . ' f ' year . . .sz.sis.tzs sz 260.979.19 K S.478.89 ' Total income S . . i . '. .33.174.884.81 - DISBURSEMENTS " . . , '. Net Van said durine the year tndadiBC erjjmrtwcat expenses. S1.338.62L13 Mvtdenda Bald oa eanitel stock during the year ............ 160,335.06 CammiasicnB and aalartia Daid dwr- 1,011,779.88 ktrua 111. The two walked from Brook- I Taxes. Umsm and' Im paid duV- l.n Unrahfleld. a distance Of Wl W u raw , raliea. The Red Croa. wma Informed of Aamaat of aU ether eapenditorm their plight, notified L. C Jeasnpn, 01-I Total expstidituree .33.120.688.97 rector of the United States voterana i - . r assets, . ui. --a iv.. -,a .tuI I Vales ef -real aetata owned Btf- mireao at ww i kt sainai ... . ... . saa a4.a arranged for Cornwall's transportation I Ta. e. .v. bond, ceraad I muut iuci . . . . M,i s.os loaas oa Bsortcaces and eallateraL - ate. ........... ..... J. 720.1 68.00 Caeh a banks and ea band. S4.5.S4 Premiums a eouna of collection written sirice Beat. SO. 1821. . 474.08f.20 Interest and rent doe and seemed " S5.2yi.S2 Ail other assets ' 9.41 1.17 by boat to Portland. Cornwell arrirea with his wire wis momma n at tho dock by an ambulance. Jury Disagrees in Narcotic Case and Is Then Dismissed FUNERAL NOTICES 104 EDUCATIONAL ' tOO SITUATIONS WANTED 4.TALE 2S1 aUKIXIM At the faaii'y borne. 100 Eaat riaadem. Meo-h. 20. WiDiam I. Maltalua. asd SO mn. Inaband Untto M. Uakrhm, father i of Boiaett and Stanley MakMua. Mia. Lnat Tieesa, alt ef thia ot. and , sirs, vmaii Tibbetta. nmamg to Alunada, Cal. : brother of Mr.- Belav Brawa fl tats car km Hmm .. Maketiai of Baa : Fraivrtono. CaLi mrmher ef Oreaon State Bar lain iiliiiii The fneefBl aprr- Irea will (ake plane at the twsKfcftte. 1100 East naaoars. at - a p. . -M. Tbaradar, Marea za. rrwinfa tnvitMt Vault. MtAmhntfnt at the Port land gminuma.. arraaeemeata - ia . care - of . the Eaat - Bide Kaoeral dirartoriL . AkLfey- At ' IdS N. 22a C, March zT. Raehael Anaa Dane. beJored aaother of Mia. Weilar K. BeJaran ef -Chiracoy 10. Mis. Davaea A. BUaesam of New Orleans. lav. . Bert and Clsnaaae L. Kinsmiey of this eity. The fnnerel neea wut ea mu in we eoore resnenra narrow ( 4 Tbnnolay. afareb - 2 - at 2J9 o'clock p. ia. ' Frienda inritod. bterment. at If ooat Boott Park renetery. 'FoBersl arrsBca neats in ewe of Walter C. Kevworthy. Chicaso, UL. and New Oneasa. L.. papers please copy. kUKlKNEB At the home of ber ont, Mr. S. G. liaDhaat of 228 Jeasep vat.., aUrch 20. 122. Evelyn ImUs Bseffer. aced 7 danchter ef Mr. and Mr. B. 1. Raeffer, ef Donald and Edward Borffer. raneral wfll be held Thnnday. March 23. 122. at 2 P. in. at the ehapal of Chambera Co., 248-250 yilliaeswutth are. . Interment Bosa City eeme- Lite iAkih&i SHOnTHAKO IN 90DAY5 Oar mntque pbiw e tescblns yed Kbefthsad at aoosa ia prarina wry pepttlar with thoas we ton ml a Hmitxt aiannitt f time and SMayay. Tea take yoor ahorthand lnitrocooa like year v j, .1.-, n at mr noon V in tk mftr wolk. and by the aid ef oar especially propel naooiTiiciCTj boeaa. ; Many of oetf atadenta take letter dMta tina after 2 weeks of ilMtractkm. we Bare oay vi KnrM. ar-hnal. aln. awl taaeh typinc. Ena li&h and epeUisa. - Write, phone or U for j formation o oar "fow-prwe, easy-parawnt plaa. , TWIN -S " SHORTHAND Wty"um 81 8-1- Deknm BWsT v Bdwy. 50. .-. trrrr ; nrr rw A JOB OK WOBi AT Alt CSDERPAED POSTTIONl We haae helped 'bwadreds of to poaitkma payinc fro" 20 Total .(5.38441.80 admitted saeU . LIABIUnES IGroaa elshna for loaaea nnpaid. . .1 447,868.87 Amount ef unearned premiums on i su entstsndlns ruts S.120,5t.l Due for commtwooo and brokersse 23,516.71 All other nabtbOea . . . iai.VB2.Ti STSTROM Ia thie city. Match Is. Andrew Nystront. sssd 50 years. The tnncral eerriee win take place at the mmm latory chapel of the Eaat Bide Fimerai IHrector at 3 D. m. Satur day, Marco 25. aader the aaspicea of the Order oi vaaa. rnenos ana aiemben of the order tn- rited. Interment Boa City cemetery SCOTT la this city. March 18. Ralph Boott. seed 11 years, eon of Mrs. iia scou, jnonerai rriessi will 'take idaee at the eoaserrstory chapel of the East Bide Tuners! Dinetors, 414 KsU Alder street, at 2 p. m. Tliuraday. March 23. Frienda inrlted. . . Interment Multnomah After an all-nlcht aeaaion the Jury J XoUI UabiliUe. ' exctaaire of try ln Bert Hwarvey or renoieton on a Mpital stock of 11.000,000 $8,748,971.70 narcotic chars xaiiM to agroe ana was i bubi.nkbb in okeuon fob tub tear diafharraci inia mornint oy rwe uamw Judco Bean. Tho rote is said to have rear . , unmmmm uku unn UM . been T to for acquittal on every najioi i iJOmet iBnmi dnrlnc the year. . 10.702.14 NATIONAL BEN FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. 37.887-42 8.8TB.4S akan durine tho nlcbt Tho Jury ra- ia iiu .u ma ml -A n m TueadaT. The! H. M. 8CHMITT. PrendenL s, . . ' . 777. - Vi a I THOS. A. HATHA WAT. Beeretary principal wiinea. "" I SUtntory raHdeat attorney for aerrlce. P.i M. Ooorae Husoes, an uuiti, Hiaxintoo. Portland. Or. ;i to purchaaina- druits from tho defendant I Approved and filed March "18. 1822. f :! This la tho second tlmo a Jury has dla arrerwl on this caso. a similar verdict having- been returned about three weeks aro. The prosecution relied greatly on marked money which Hughea ia said to have given Bwaney. . Failure of tho gov em men t to actually prove that the money naaaed from Hughes to Swaney ia given as the reason for the Jury's verdict. An effort will be made by I Swanev'a attorney to have the Indict ment dlsmiaoed. A. C BARBER, Insurance Commianoner. SPECIAL NOTICES tot NOTICE OP BALE it Grocery rtoro. at 1568 E. Uliasn at., sold Msrch 18. If there are soy bills present them to nspw cawa tjo.. eoe twca eMg. NOTICE ia hereby cUan that atora at 1568 East Oliasa, has been aold; if there axe any Uus present them by March 24 St 1868 East utwen. Six Pojtables to Be Moved to Serve As Holladay School ' Holladay school patrons were advised by tho school board Monday nignt mat the business and properties committees, torether with the school superintend ents ' would endeavor to remove six portables ss rapidly as possible to the RUTHS Or HALK , Grocery atora at 182 Rnmell at., March 18. rrcaent puis at? 404 Uoucn btag. MEETING NOTICES one sisdustes to- 500 per ' nrt , m heln a too. IOU CSB Pay ,,mT .. .. . -. - . , .1 v nail or your tniuon oown ana tow mwmmmw too have araduated and had sis month ot ateady ammoraient at ante wors. (pm " don't yo think sof . ETJSERVTTE MEJT ' rnrest yoor bonoa ntoney in an edacanon. " It beata any ether kind of an tnTestment. School open far inspection daily at 10 a. m. and 2:80 p. m. except Saturday. Large 112 pass catalog mailed free.. Ask for Book No. . ADCOX ACTO A AVIATION SCHOOL 872-374 Weeeo St.. Corner Union are. PORTLAND. OREGON and- painted: ref BOO Fa BUnnuhr Tecaired fcaadreda ef aanfied feat mini: SO Bdwy. 7573 or Mam lrta. Pneaa B. 8. Co.. toe.. 226 B. ef T. bids. PRUNING AND BP RATING We asae rood uamnt aorarar: feafc price. Tory best line of smraery stock. 166 Grand are. . H. DUfcta. Phone East 818a. - FOR RENT FURNISHXP ROOMS ' . AMERICAS HOTEmT-" as North Third lias been tboroachly iliiait and a aaat open ted by Aaaarirana: the best ka the eitv for rates laaiiid: absaat lobbr. dmlar arrtksv arenya k net waaar. nee Batha; astas owe. fee, a. ' Bgaawa sates aa EDW. r.-fJODDABIX Ver. ' - - .1 . PAINTING TINTING '.,.5r - Fimt-eiasa wort.. '' ' . H. JENKINS. Eaat T842. - PAE'TING. panaraannng and uatm; prieaa raa aonabla; work snaraatred. Shop 1363 Haw tborne era Tabor 1722 or Tabor 1260. - EXCAVATING. PLOWING AND, TEAMWORK. AOT. Sia-8. - SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 WOMAN wanU work by boar or day; reliable - rat.: notiee-aareoeo4aerwerK. as, ziv-zi LADY wants bonaa elaaaina. wwhinr or other work: rood work roaraateea. Mais. S2U3. EXPERIENCED ; woman wants work by day si boot, rnone bast vze. - - - DRESSMAKING 256 CtRRAN In thli city. March 21. 1922. Jane Cnxraa. scad 80 yesn. Remains are at the late residence, SB 8 Park t, and win be taken to the' Pro-Cathedral. 15th and Dana sts.. Tbnraday, March 23. 123. where serricea win be hold at a. m. Interment at St- Marys cemetery. .-! I1 MOIXR BARBER COLLEGB wiU the trade at B waaks; seectre aoai Wradna: rjoaniona aeeayed. Oreao" taen raeerre state aid. WriU or call for 284 Bnmside ak - pay white KELP WANTED MALE 201 COLES Tba. funeral, service for the late Ed ward Coles of Fulton Park will be held Thnra- day, March 23, at 8 .30 p. m., at Rinley'a Mortn- ary, Montcoraery at nth. Friends mntaa. t3on eludinc eerriee, Portland Crematorium. Please omit flower. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 : THIRD AND SALMON MAUI SOT 102 REGULAR stated session of Al Kader Temple wiU be held In the Pythian temple. West Park and T am hill, at 8 p. m .. Saiarday. March 25. VL"t'a ell be on hand. Entenainnwnt after the bosineas session. Ad mission by 1822 card. V bat ing Nobles welcome. By order of the Illnatriana Pntuntmia. 1 HABVET BECKW1TH. Recorder, East Side Funeral Directors ! F. C DONNING. INC. The FamilT Bets tba Price" 614 S. Alder at. rbons East 63 BOND SALESMEN An opening for two hiah-claaa bond salesmen: an opportunity to make soma b money otrickly. , ' ME. GREENE, 344 Pittock block, Portlsnd. Or. MEN wantkBg railway station -office positions, write qnick. Experience nnnecessary. Trans portation furnished. Write Baker, Sopt, Dept. 248 Wainwnght, pit. Louis. EMPLOTMENT COT PIONEER IS N. 2D ST. Headquarters for Farm, Mill and Hotel Help CARPENTER wanted, batcher need apply. Op. m. A-l man. No Call Main 6636 wood after JULE'S WiU stake year frocks, (owns and wraps tor an eecaaiona and ales de remodanas at assess able 431 Axbaaas Bid. rwe Broadway saoa. Broadway ana ata bx. HEMSTITCHING wmTe yea Mail orders girea prompt ataratioa, 171 day or AH work completed wait. Mail orders sir Park st.. near bos terminal. WHt PaT MORS Buttons, bnttow boles, bscaatitehttts Be . yard. 1006 Broadway bids. Mam S4Ta. HEMSTITCHING While 7c and ailk 8c Ahsky bids.. Third and Morriaon. 208 TOURIST HOTEL j vr. atorriana and Ftcst. Warm, eoanfortabat laa xaoiseeata raaaa. TSa Bar day and as: rates is parmaBent . gaasta; traseleatt an licit ad COLE HOTEL : r TTnder new 'ssansaameBt. ' One and two recaa aoaseaerping . eaitea aingla Bad dooM iwmmawiy dean, 1 1 wiiiains raw. CALL at T. M. C A. ta as tra lb ef FOR RENT 304 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED ' fob TiMtLT 2 and a room tmaM kaacana loaaaa. 34 AO to 65.78 par week. AB Ma. caaa, eotaaas spts. Qifldrea wiilumm. PneaM Broadway 8. Uasst Apia.. So K. liu trCa tfnm arTmVrVWT4a. " " FOR RENT' S04 . ' HOUSEXXEPXNO ROOMS - -. FURNX5HED - i OCTbtDE m. arnV ii. let iU. ' 4 -rnan sad aaaar. 833. Larea room vnk km k east H. ta. - - . Irae aaare raaaa, SIS. , 800 rWta wt - - ' ' ' Barber Apartments S2 H eraad aa mealy TwrawAed imt iwaaaa. 82.80 a aaonthly raana. HOTEL ROYAL 133 E. Third, cor. Merrawa. Caeaial abla rate. ta all perm of the ctty. tnrimiins rooms at the Cwatral T. M- O. A dob facilitiea. - . - ;NDER aew maeastment. aewly ejaaaad aleep . tas rocau: lao 1 roam aad kitnheafta . 403 Btaadway.-. " - 1 84 TO 35 WEEK Lsraa. cma mutes, every , eoaviBiinaa lor ncht kansakiialna. newt towa: sara earfara. The Cadi Has. 3rd Jen DRESSMAKING and taaonns. 13 yearn exper ience m East. : Babstscuoa roa ran teed. 4707. ' MILLINERT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY v SOI A DESIRABLY located, spacious and wale fur- nubad room, awe eavtrooassnt, Hawtnerae car aerrtee or 18 BUmite ' walk to downtowai hot and cold water ia room ; bath aad phone ta aonae; ivaaoaable rent; prefer- refined yoons man who can play Branca! Instrument. Earn 4 BBS. PLEASANfT beaatifiilly larruahad aUaptns room, empkiyed woman enly; privueass, ia ehahng piano, poone. ironins. ate., steam neat. hot water, easy walk.- Knickerbocker apta, Nm 3, 410 Harrwon at. CiiUICB of . walking diatanoa. tuca lawn. 1 beanufnl parlor room. 1 ileep aa Kvarett. Heaaonahm. Bdwy. me porch shower beta. 8501. Call Tabor 8663. given ia your DRESSMAKING sod remodeling at reasonable price. Phone E. 7140. HEMSTITCHING whits. 6c per yard atraichC Bntton A Pliiting Bhop, BOB Royal bide NURSES CAPABLE male and female nursea. awered day or night. shall 2294. 894 12th 257 Calls aa- et Mar- NURSE -Electric treatments, sere, special fin treatment. violet, ray SeD. 2988. FOR experienced nunc ref., call Main 1073. WANTED Partner in woodsaw busineai. Plenty work. Small investment required. 604 Bu- ehanan bldg. ; DDVQHRn ..m.H txr ttnffTnan oreefi. Aonbr I Home Cleaners, 181 N. 16th St. HEADQUARTERS for cooks and kitchen help. Dunning & McEntee ; Morriaoa at. at 12th Broadway 480 Ant. 848-88 48 N. 2d. Broadway 2339. NEW eaBvassers wanted, auto furnished, before 8 a. m. 110 Grand are. Call HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 ALASKA FISHERMEN '8 UNION, NOTICE I A meeting of the Alaska Fishermen's union members will be bald in the Sailors' union hall, 8 Si 3d St.. Portland. Or., Wednesday, the 22d lnat.. at 8 o'clock n . m. Members in rood . Holladay grounda for the housing of a Iftaading are requested to be present and to have ,- . .. 1 their IWV iMP Wmit.t m1w.m t H. M. L0RNT8EN, Agent VICTORT CHAPTER NO. 130J!o. E. B. Stated communication Thursday era., Mw. 23, at ' 8 o'clock. Archer Place ball. Decrees. Official vast of the worthy grand matron. HAZEL BTRUBLE, Sre. SNOOK & WHEALDON i sDNEBAL DTRBCTOB8 ! i Bl'CCESSOBS TO i i BREEZE m BNOOK BELMONT AT S5TH TABOR 1288 D. KEN WORTHY R. S. HENDERSON A. D, Ken worthy & Co. 8802 92d at. 8. E. Auto. 618-21. nortlon ef the pupils. The Holladay delegation, appearing before the board, asked that portables - wufflcisnt - to house all the pupils be snowed to the arounds at once. This would raaulre about 14. The board Is contemplating the push- I Ing forward of tho permanent new HoV laday building, as soon as uio insur ance money Is available. 4 i a i Final Argument in : " Barker Homestead .Action Completed! . final arguments In tho suit brought by tba heirs of Hlmon B. Barker against ' Hugh P. Hlndermaft to retain poaaeeslon it .,r Kmrteataad In The Dalles land dla- "7 ttrlct, wera heard Tuesday by Federal Judge Bean. The court took tho case . under advtaemont. Before Barker died he brought suit against Hlnderman, at- leglng that the latter had no right to the land. According to the complaint on file. Barker made entry In 1198, and his proof was allowed In 1901. No contest was filed, but following sn Investigation by a federal land agent the entry was can celed. Barker contends he never was notified of the cancellation. In 191 Hlnderman secured a patent to the same homestead. The defendant alleges that Barker perjured himself in making proof on the land, and gives this as the reason for the cancellation. Hlclerman con- tanda that Barker never lived on the place, but resided In Condon during the time ho was suppoeed to have resided on , the homestead. HONOR TAlO WORKER , Oregon City, March 22. The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday at the Union rooms, ob- serving the birthday anniversary of Gen eral Neal Don, a noted prohibition worker. ' - - OKEONTA TRIBE. IMPROVED O R. M.. meets every Thar da nifht. W. O. W. hall. 112 K. 6th at. Visiting brothers wel come. ; F. 0. LEHMAN. C. of fiJ 4 -i- COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114, A. . F. A A M. Special eemmu nieauon tomorrow 1 Thursday) evening at 6:80; labor and ex aminations in the F. C. degi Visions brethren alwsys welcome. By or-ler W. M. FRED U OlON. Sec; 3vair ORIENT LODGE Na 17i L O. O. F.TmeeU this Wednes day ' evening in Orient ball. East 6th and Alder sts.. St IK m. t Open meetmg. J. C. M ART! N DALE, N. G. CtAUDR HALE, Secretary. " SAMARITAN LOfxiE No. ' 2 I. O. O. V., meats every -Wednesday evening at i 8 o'clock, 8 North 11th St., near rltark. Viaitina brothers alwars we worse. h h. barstow. N. G. ', JESSE T. JONES. Rec.-SecJ THE Coon of Honor will give a 500 party and asnee Wednesday evening. March 22. 129 4th st i Forest ere ball). Members urged to come and Bring irtenoa. pnaes will be given at cards. Public invited. Cards. 8:80, sharp; dancing, 10. J9 KB. a. BUUT1LL1ER, ' Chairman of Committee, U v MEETS every WaduaeiVsy night at tckxt, tils Will isms kra. Vsxtttng brothers A. C. J. NESS. N. G. B. TRACET, See. 3 wi TT TVvt--v-vj'T - - eto 1 Aarwar rrn svwi In. j IjAX EllkUss V. Aj- iraaj-eu- at. uww. s- pit CTDPloyment trureaa oetore xu :u v, m IJpmsvn, Wolfe fc Co. ! Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNE i PHONE EA3T 781 FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT 1TFTH. MAIN M3LLEB m TRACET, independent funeral U- leetora, runeraa 870 and up. Washington at Ella st. Broadway 2691. Ant. 818-44. Rrr QDrin2 NEW RE8IBKNCH . a DI 1vjInaS3 establishment : e soi wiiiLuss tit. tm WDM F.N a Protectiva Dirknon. city of Partland. offers its services in aU matters pertaining to tba welfare and protection of women and girls; interviews confidential B14 Woreester bldg., 3d and Oak sta Pboa Main 6522. ' - ; - WANTED Lads saenta. house, to house work' for all carta of Oregon. If you sre willing to work, .you esa make good money. Call st room 19, Admin hotel. 886 ft E. Morrison St.. js e-v . n as m mnj amy. v xa a sc, o w o FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 3Q0 V f sUbi bwv js.rui is. . is i stLami m lAsgm., ss. apt 34: 3 r. apt, 35.50 to 37 per week. Also wceviiia, iwiu, e, so-ou. per wa. notau 1 . AAA . . . , . , : vii,. v, - inni si., cor. s&bujscki. Trwdsw Waabtegtea St. THS DOLORES trrestway 3238 482 HOUiyUXLTLNG ROOMS UNFURNISHED : SOS TWO renaaa, arraamaa. aaak. heiA. se. kckta. srat florw. 154 Earn Bta. PVeew Ka( 4 IBS. HOUSEEEEP1NC ROOMS . FU?21SHED AND IJNrLTOOSKID PRIVATE FAMILY S0t THREE vary dswraba a. a. raissa. awaiiy laws ssaed aad ciesa; rewt vy asm asbte; taswaea beat, see and aaartrte ngbta saraad la real; CLEAN, sua ay honsserane rwaasa. beat, hgfct. ess. pbene. bath, water, sued Mvaadrr; walk r (bsUBee. SSI Cotieaw ga wear West Park. Mala 8134. BAXTER H6r 664 Larrabaa at. ebbed biamsiiiuias weak and Bp; vary taasnesklt reast by COMPLETELY fwnaaed aiagis aad doable AT a. ttsMsa. Cassa. light aa Newly Bapieid sod kslsomrnad. diatasee. 200 14th sa Eaat, !:. bath aad 343 M. 17tk FURNISHED room, ssrwly di do ruled aad far- Bkthad. amtahw for twav 84 near week: bath adjoining. 358 Hsrriaoa SC. rear aouse. , Call after 6 p. m. FLRXXSHEt) roogfa, - newly decorated, am table for two: 84 ser weak: bath adioininc: heated Call after 5 p. m. Hi . Barriaoa at,, rear house. HOUSEKEEPING sold water fas aU a month aad an. 421. ONE and 3 room modeta h. k rnnsm. clean aad Bower rsuaameo, neat, latht. res, peeae slUBdry rrae: rant rmsussslHi. BS3 near Wflhama eve. FOR bachelor, stasia famished rooaaa. 88 per week and as: tree bath. S883 Broadway. Elmer Apta. 95 aj N. reewer nandars. CHEAPEST ROOMS W TOU'N l"I. Bneety rannsawd Mtaaf raaws ants hisra- ramahsa. smsay rsrs. ra rsMAear. rieas to: avhsa-wwd tar lesai rwasa. 21S West DOWNSTAIRS fast ramiebed ehild. 346 Aftar 4 p i yard, a irw tor ncili wits waw BIS. TWO ansrate 3d fkaae Msg. as sad 810 ner atean eleetne hgits.assl sslfnhiia zzae. H. : wa 632 W. Light b atias kteuina bemeuke. waikms dartanea. 82.30 week and ap. 2P3 H tjalraj in., 1 blork south ef Hawthenia. NICELT fnrnisbad room ia whiu easatrl. strvrtly - modem house: sentlewwa ' only: private gar sse, with right, water aad aewar. 196 E. 3 Ota. Tabor 6501. PLF.ABANT front room, bay winoow. furnace heat, attractively and eoeafortably fnrnisbrd. suitable for 1 or 2, deurable location, doss ia; ressonsoie. Also single room, S3. S2S Everett. NICE tight I root room suitable for one gentlemen; walking distance: double or twin beds. 747 Everett SL near 23d sL' 7829. HOTEL BAKER lltl Under new management Nice outside rooms, steam best, hot sad cold water ia every room. private baths. Reaaonable rates. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. ISO 18th. at Wash- LARGE light outside room. 7 blocks from East end of Steel bridge, near good l stall rant; also l single front room. 434 Oregon, oor. Tin. East 4068. - ( FOR RENT in pnvataTamily, neatly furnished bedroom suitable for two gsnUemen. Refer ences exchanged. 443 1 Otk st, cor. Coilegef ONE furnished room at 742 Loveioy sr. on l o. W4TJ.L furnished clean room, close in: phone Dkenty of heat and hot water. 608. K. storraon. TS "siwr-na Hwwra, cenxar oa rwussa s I ...... , t . , ,l i bnaineaa Ant teitia- NmrhhU nd I FURNACE heated rooms, walking distance. less rooms: 85 week: 81 a day as: vital sad 88.50 per week. 615 E. Coach a. Phone private bath. 82 day. I hast 242 B-irAl II 12th and STARK: FIRST-CLASS rooms, genUetnee preferred- 622 11 11 HJ It CI irUUUUlS BATES tl A 'Elliott are., between K. 20 th and Hawthorne. uAnVt, A WEEB ANI LF- BTRICTLX I NICE room for eoupie, with kitchen priile. . I IWHIJ CDntOB MODEL rooming house. Tou can find nice j NItE boot room to lady employed. 310, near TC . ISm"rf'"L' " I canine and Bellwood Park. Beu. 1988. uw .cub. ave., corner P lank. VERT DESIRABLE NICELT FURN. H K. 1 and 2 rooms with kitchenette: beat. Bent, phone, select neighborhood; walking 736 Boyt. - ta Bcieatei asauy; paeaw. BgBIa assa water ta sake bath; am rsrage; matt be sere i nstee. TStaar It II. KL.VT ,UiL. pHmi. .arnUy. 2 v'srvty fwtntswatwamjl wtftfl HaTA 7i5 424 VERT asatrabla 2 room farwaahed avwrtssewt wtta wata. uwtca kitrban aaat basaaaent: assa garaca u Can Sf 1 OaneraranB ave. Adnha. ONE rooms. Call ite. 84: East 567. steeping TWO aaat. fumns.4 ksaukeeomg faraaae Baal, la prtvam (amily, ear; aoapte ampasyed. 1066 E. wdia. ao84. CLEAN frssst room, anib kstchaassua. eissplsteb; fwrassbad: reset, brats, bath. gaa. pbsei feee; raaaaaatia rent: adaJta. 162 E. 234 at East 774. FOR BENT Faraaned clean and neat ; gas range, electric ncbtt aad t water. Rent reaaonable. 63S Knapp ave.. corner kfilwankie st. FOR MEN Completely famished room sad suites. IS to 14 Baths W ater alwsys hot. Public smoking room. Hotel CadiUsc. 3d aesr Jefferson. 325 12TH 8T. On horuekseraac looking yard: light, clean, airy; beat, right. bath, phone sad laundry priviksrm, vita teat 817 a awnta. IF YOU aoDreciata bousekarDma suits la clean, auiet place, right downtown, ao eartare. look at these, as to e week. Hotel larnuac, 3d near Jefferson. FURNISHED fr Rawsoaabie. s. enath. NICELT twrBsshad baat. beht, gaa and Call be rotes II aad 4 P Pri.. Sill 4th sk 431 10th m. Maamay. Was. e H. K, ROOM, with kitchenette: also nice front sleeping room, neatly fnrnxtbed: reaaonahle rent; csoee ia. Bdwy. 1783. 583 Marshall St. near 1 Sth. TWO Bioaly rurnisbed troat hoaaekeeptas swam,'' light, water, fareae. bath; rewt nexaaka, 2 adrota. 875 Hawthorwa ave.. comer 39th. FOR RENT Tw boswaieeping rooms ilja atorith: alas sardea te work oa auia. CsB Mrs. Mclntyra. 214 Fifth at. Three Ufe liUf Ru6iia. ri SHhM- LH.HT. PHONK. GAS AMD PATH. 590 CLINTON ST. BKLL. 3. NK'ELT famisBed lama room with kiiehewettr: also a Bscety fmrnisbed room apart ssmt at 7 1 0 LoveSgy. 'slUVj.l I1.17 nr atU r.nirf I , of 'Hawthorne.' I ROOM tor rent, close in, walking distaaoa Phone aiast nous. FOR RENT 8 suites of 2 -room hot kat ping rooms, nice for one or two pepole; ligtrt, bath aad water free. 267 Knott sc. near WUnaass ave. Eaat 1748. NEWLT furnished 1 aad 2 room apta.; strirUy asodera: heat, lights and water furnished; also sleeping rooms. 198 N. 17th, cor. Kearney. Bdwy. 4427. MELVIN! HOTEL TOUNG girl wanted to assist in upholstering and drapery work: experience unnecessary; aiarried women need not apply. 566 Williams sve. trpen evenings. MOTHER'S helper, general housework and care - of two babies; no washing; out of eity. 885 month;- send phone number. Box 187, Oswego, Oregon. ; MARRIED couple -want rooming house to man- McENTEB A EILKR9. funeral parlors with all the privacy ef a borne: lath and tsvemtt am, Phone Broadway 2128. Ant. 521-88. Aae Ra Zeller Co Ko'sl: PL.,,,.. UNDERTAKING CO. Mais 4153 a7ltfvV9 Corner Third and Clay. 853 Tamhul St. Wall furnished sleeping aad housekeeping roomt, 83.50 a week and up. M-BriMS Heall 207 14tn sL. bet, siauAvfvis asaaaa Taylor and Furnished line iail rooms, bath, st hot and cold vater; 34 week and Ttp. THREE shur. rooms, partially rurtuahed. Call mornings only. tii tp- ROOM AND BOARD- 302 I VERY pleasant front room, piano, well ,fura- TWO nice front oo bride 361 19th. MsrshsU 1258. 810 month. sge or Journal. would like to rent same. Z-198. WANTED Neat, reliable woman or girl for general housework; 4 adults. Phone mornings. Tabor 2477. ' MONUMENTS 108 ANT GIRL in need ot a mend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Mayfsir and Alexander sta Phone Main 3450. D-M ear. WANTED By farmer, widower with family hefn. lady for housework; good borne; smaB Morgan urenams. ipe uoru, wuo. WANTKD Chorus girls, steady work. Call at Casino theatre. 285 Burnside st. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE VOBKS (V 1 tjaeajTT TaxKMnAis .TwrRO AWHE rrs PHONE t-343 FLORISTS 107 Martin & Forbes Company 354 ST.. WASHINGTON MAIN 269. FINE FLOWERS FOR ALL OC CASIONS ARTISTICALLY, ARRANGED. COURT MT. HOOD NO. 1. Forest ers of America, meets every Wednesday night at East Side Busi ness Men's hall. 114 H Grand ave Social , night fourth Wednesday each month. AU Foresters invited. j . , i i 8LNNTSIDE LODGE No. 163, A. I P. and A. M.. 89th and Haw- statistics, mrrUgcs.Btrtbs.J)eoib3L FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 "We Win Please Ton." TAMHTLL at -.TENTH HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 WILL exchange violin (320) and lessons (either or both ) for men s ready-made or custom tailoring. Marsh. 3780. RYAN i HOTEL New msntgement. ' eteam heat,, hot and eokd water, private baths. Resaonsble rates. isbed. suitable for two; wholesome home cook hi; reaaonable rates. 829 Broadway. Main 8901. BOARD AND ROOM Large, well lighted room, ! to 340 per month, corner Broadway and Bom, 878. Phone East 2560. DESIRABLE sleeping room, light and dean; furnace heat; good looking flat; walkmg dia ls nee; noroe rooting. 494 Mill, oor. 12th, RECTOR HOTEL 9 N. Bradway. at Ankeny. Modern rooms, pri vate baths. Tale locks, 35 a week up; 81 a day. MARTHA WASHINGTON ttoom aad board lor giris: motterste rates. 380 10th st. shall 1251. LARGE front room and kitchenette: clean. fortable and convenient: tew minutes walk to center or town. 348 Clay, off Broadway, 3458. ri'RNI&HED how levying room ta private f see- Mr: 3 eteaa. pleasant rooms. 312 per moata; food car wnVl Tabcr 1326. THREE partly furnished, clean h. k. rooms te reliable cwupia or working gtrkv 497 aUr tet st. COllPLETELT funusoed H. E. room oa first h floor; clean and light: prefer saarried couple; reasonable rate. IBS N. lata st. lsu tram 10 to 4. FI&ST FLOOR, light room sad large Uichee, a4eetrieity. gaa rang, ateam beat, tvtrruuai fUTTuahed except cooking gaa; Nob HlH diet net. 668 GUssa. Broadway 2125. NEWLT fnmahad 2-rooaa seSte 168 N. 15th at.. Broadway 7773 PLEASANT, straw front H. K. room: beta. ymaee. ass of piano, riairhlc. waikms dw maea. 663 Sth st. Msla 612. FOR RENT Near SOlh aad Baady. 2 aaiar aashed ksaawekeeptng or stuping room I ; aaa- ay. Bsodern. reasons kie phone bast 4997. TERES furaisoed tstwaekeepiaV" 844 hgfat. water 8th st. B. TiTXw- 044. CLEAN, nicely tarnished H. K. roams; beat, light aad cooking gas farraabed: walkint dis tance; laundry prtv. lerea East 5256. POrR WBfwrwisbed wrivata to 63d at. H. K. raoasa. 615 asaatk: 1434 Ev Giwaa: M. V. cue LARGE, clean, light housekeeping rooaaa, I single sad 2 2 -room apta: also alsepiug room; rents very reasonable; eoaro I rrnum iiiiih,i,i , mar- I Call 426 Alder at. Phone Broadway 6441. Hotel OcfcSey Morrison at 10th. 81 a day: weekly 88 and up; free phone and bath; ateam beat. HOME for young people employed; borne cooking ana nome privileges; piano, ft replace, close tn. Come and see. 283 14th st. Main 2588. Splendid foe two 870 Hotel Helvetia 246-248 Sainton st., near Third, rooms, 78c up. Weekly rates. Modem LARGE front parlor room. business girls; use of piano; two meals ; per moBtn tor two. 898 W. Park. ROOM aad board or room with h. k. pririleges Tabor 9049. Call any time after 4 p. m. BEN HUR HOTEL FURNISHED H. K. rooms. gl.ftO per week sad up: eiertrie lights aad does BL 324 H First St. bet. Oasy and Market. SINGLE room with kitchenette 33 per weeA front aleeiang room, first flowr, wall fur- nuhed, fnrasce heat, 494 Taylor. Mais 2121. 2-ROOM furaished Iroat h. a. rooms; real rea aenable; no obieetioa te child: place for Isaa- dry; walking dsTtanee. S4kVk First at. farnahed" - Centrally located at 847 Oak St. weekly rates. .Broadway 6601. Special 1 ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WANTED Man end woman for Central Oregon wheat farm. Call Main 206. HELP WANTED WITH 206 INVESTMENT CONCRETE man with some money as partner. I have new mixer, truck and tools. Phone Sen. 2577. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 PAINTING, papering, sal.; prices reasonable , Call before 8. after 4 o'clock. East 1134. Aut. 639-85. aa i- MOT HOUSES Stated at 7:80 p. m. March 28. Discussion on Sterlings Towner bill by Professor Bice. Abo oa school problems by Director W. J. ft. Clark. U MARRIACE UCENSES Charles 8miiK, ALBERTA LODGE No. 172. A. F. and A. M. Special communication Wednesday evening March 22, 7:80, Work In F. C. degree, - Tlsiing brethren invited. Order of W. M. F. W. NICHOLS, Sec .aar..... 1 f mil am sssssWT -Avm. . m msk I gag CSrsgevx aeow ouitowx rtowews SaV JflH (WMBS01,STotTwet-)R!. .jg. PLOWING, basement digging, day or eontrset, aand general teaming: call after 6 p. m. Aut. 622-68. i PAINTING AND CONTRACTING Carpenter' aad concrete work, remodeling; rea- sonable and satxstactory. Wdln. 6755. lagtL Alro apartmentaT Ted I Mahl J gtewart.' btal. 890 E 45th at, north. ImiIitI RsisnnrBoff. Iraal. 77S Rooaavelt as.. and Buphlnia Mikevitch, leeal. 670 Eaat 17th st. Petsr Keller, leeal, S18 Ivy si, and Man Hekunrk. legal. 80S E. 10th st smth. V i Hartman, .36, 8S8 Salmon sL, and l-i tmli r hassketlaia. 11. 8H8 Bslmow at. . H. Levems Wricht, 24. 151 17th st, and lae I. tiaatt. S4. 2ZS ata t , Charles Scott Golbnme. 29, PorMand hotel, aad Uetaa Bern Ice t haanell. 24. Clyde hotel. VT a Btaaard. legal. S41 F.. 11th at., and Lilly Allea, leeal. 200 E. 18th st. - Adam Bckwarta Jr.. legal. 1000 East 29th at. and hvatjB Flatrr. ksaal. 846 Mont- WUItam John Berg, 24, Astoria, Or., and N.lma Matsnw. 33. PoetJand. WEDD1NQ aiKsAm, ' W. O. BstrTH SCO. Stl Moreea BMa PENINSULA CHAPTER NO.- 43, B. A. M., Masonic building, St. Johns. SprrHal eoavoRation Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. M. B. decree. Vis itors welceme. By order E. H. P. q. H. LEMON, Bec'y. t EMBLEM JEWELR1 a specialty. buttoBS. pins, ebarma Jaeser Broa.. 1S1-188 Sth at. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Fiocist i '! Flowers for AU Occasions -Mam T31S. T. a Luke. Met. Otb and Aldet CEMENT WORK. GOOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. KARL B ATT EE It CO.. PHONES EAST 9153 OH BELLWOOD 919. MASTER carpenter with 0tl and services. What have you to offer? I can build anything. M-78S, 4onmal. TOUNG man with Dodge 5-paasenger car wants I Sargent Hotel Attractive, modem sleeping and H. K. r reasBnabuT ratea; private phones; elevator. LADY, alone, will rent double room, or 2 single rooms in flat to gentlemen employed: bath ad joining, plenty of hot water and heat; reaaon able, walking distance. Broadway znwo. HILLCREST HOTEL, 783 WASHINGTON Almost full of aaca people, bat room for a tew more: come and sea what wa have and make I your reservation. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFT WASHINGTON Portland's higb-aless awwutuen residential hotel We fiv you tba comforts of borne American and EuHipaan plea Bates reasons his. FURNISHED roam with board ta private fam ily. An Ideal home for young men; West Side; close in and on earuaa. For particulars, call Marshall 81. Hotel Medford lt2 Two blocks from Depot 75c aad an. 84 aweek up. Hot and cold water in each room. A REFINED employed lady, wne will appreci ate a beautiful borne tn Nob Hill dattrict, reasonable price. Call 794 Glaaa. Phone Main 8853. bousaaeeptng all entatde roe ass: -1 Mill, corner SINGLE and doubte rooms: nice aaxet pmee: welkins distance, west sada. of First. ' . - COMPLETELY fumaaed S room sttie apC. mut able for a family: walking distance; 820 month. Arm single H. K room. 184 N. 17th. Bdwy. 2069. ROOM H. K. suite, iroat first fmor, phone, near Woodstock aad BraoaJya cars: cheap real S87 R. 20th st B BOOM with krtrr, swells, fawnaee beat hght. phone, beta, vxtb sr with wet sarage; asulta 830 WeaOer st LARGE two-reom front asuta. alacuvsty. pbowe: APT. OF S ronmi, fust rxer; large pasu-t sink la kitenea; wwti fsataanee a. k.: g plot 496 (W. Bear 14th - Mam 4486. FLKAaAN'f tarBwUd M T. family for mil: crowed floor: aaat Broadway bride. 376 Vaaeowvrr ave. 5-uH.'fexUHf5 amen kttrbeaetia Eaat 2299. pnvaue cad ef beaul isiin twee wria 234 E. 20th. st Paoae NEAT and rlesa aa a pia. frost a. a. ruusa. with kitchenette, beta, phone, water, lights sad heat. free. Easy walking distaawa. 822-50 ave. 844 Co I Vee sC - THE WAUNITA 386 TAMHTLL One two room saute aad aiagle a. k. rnnms Transienta also: reaannable ratea. rsTis Newhall Hotel Furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot aad eoM water. 402 E. Washington. NOB HILL, close m, yessns man to room aad noard. small congenial family of yonag people. 88 week: piano, modern. Main 698. NICE, large room, with fireplace; good board. every home convenience, near csrtine. S3B I and 340. 270 E. 3th st Tabor 8188. - LENOX HOTEL 242 THIRD ST.. NEAR MAIN Attractive, modem rooms st reasonable ratea THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms, 32.50 per week aad op; also light nonsckeeping. 480 Alder et PLEASANT rooms, twin beds, large sleeping porch, with or without board: either men or women. Mam 5830. 580 Salmon st BOARD and room, private family, walking dis- tan or. tor marrwd coo pie or 3 rrsenda; 610 o. 201 B. 1st st N.. East 9288. LARGE (rant room, with board, la lovely home R1rvtrc.eV HrvfrAl 1ITH AT kjutAir.iattMV . a iuwi plenty of heat aad not -water. 818 East 89th st Tabor S709. work. 3498 all or part time. Call mornings. East BASEMENT digging. 40 cents per yard.. Wagon work $1. Lota plowed, 82.50. 1892 Thorn bum ave. Tabor 9"38: t LOST AND FOUND 10S CARDS OF THANKS WE DK81RE ta express ear sincere thanks for the many kind favors , in ear recent bereave ment. ' Mrs. K. Tount and family. DEATH NOTICES 103 THE following articles were found on the can of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., March 20: 12 umbrellas. 2 lunch boxes. 4 purses. 1 bunch beys, 1 suitcase; 2 handbags. 2 pr. aad 2 sgl. cloves, 2 books, g packsges. Evershsrp pencil, steel tape line, shopping bag, knife, comb, lipr. roller' skates, egg crate, basket, overalls, 1 pr.' 1 sat. rubber. Owners may ob tain,,, same upon proper identificabon at First and Alder street station. LOST In the virinity of Hillsdale small white female i dog: light tan on bark; answers to name of 1 "Pests?. Liberal , reward. Call day time. East 318. NEW TODAY 80 DRAKE In thia city. Marsh 21. Fred M. Drake, aced 3L years 6 months and 11 dsys. Husband of Mrs. Amy B. Drake, brother of Prank Drake. Dayton. Ohio, and Edward Drake M this eity. Deceased was a member of the A panne-American War Veterans. Remains are at the conservatory ohapej of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder.' Notice of serv lees will appear in a later iswte. ': LOST- Package containing several pieces of tan tines and lunen r.fcout worked in olue; ail Bern stitched, t Aut 818-14. Reward. LOST Orange Persia a kitten 7. months old. from 1113 East Washington st Phone Ta bor 281,. Reward. : FOUND i-Auto tire. Owner can have sa by proving property. 1 Beaachsmp. Belivue hotel. ' ! noirraY RUG CO. s FLUFF J1DGS ' Mr eajt ot yamr old vrorn-osrt aaurpeta aad ruga. 8av halt tba . 1 prtoa ot a new rns. Use) wcaaa aiolhlTig. .- tslS Rats ssaasa claaaad. M last 3SS0 1M East CstxJk STTTE8 March 21. 1922, at the neidenre. 1020 East Twwnty-fifth street N , Louwa Btitea, aged 81 years, mother ef Dr.. H. A.' 8 tit, aunt of Ada Btitee ot Sherwood. Oregon; Etta Hedge, M vats villa aad Mrs, Grace Btohs, Mont avtlss. The body m at the sartera of Chambers Co.. 948-250 KUrngwewrth avemsm. 1 MADARJ8 Marcs 21. kt the avie reetdenoa. 486 Cswganaa sL. WUlaua T. J aged 64 yeara. Husband ef Alios G. Madaria and father of B. B. Msdaria of PocUaod. The remains are at rioters mtartmuy, Montgomery at Fata. NctVst wf faaeral bereaAer. , HIIJv March 22. at the lata residence. 984 East Stephana St. Lnaerne L. aged T4 years. bnscejtd ef Martha A. Hill and father of Grace aad Ctewde HOI and Mrs. r. A. Teunger of Port- ksed. Mrs. Hattle I. Brownhfll of McMinnviUe, Or., aad Walter K. Hill of Antalorm. Or. The tav maias are at Flnley-i mertoary. Mraugoraery. at nttn, wottce of runeral neswaJter. CAMEO RING Lot between Laurelharat and Peninsula park: liberal reward. - Bdwy. 4623. LOST Black and while fox terrier, scarred -near eyei answers to Teddy. ' Reward. Ta. 1781. LOST Parkace con taming , unfinished work. Liberal reward.-Aut 818-14. FOUND Airedale deg. M Sellwood .. 1258. maeaaxomms Weasel! Bad Yamkla At 10 a. M. TonnxiTow BCRL58 AA her kata- mas ii law ay East Bevwatb aaa usasoaa sou sta, Marsh 22. l Bales, aead 49 years. Ttemaina at P. L. Lerch ranerat parlors. Beet Elewenth at FUNERAL" NOTICES : 104 VkEClSO la this oUy.' War. 22. sirs. frmacS I CARPET CLEANING eaiTTtw. avtaviaav. acsiriM, rro. 37 vwara. wife of Carta Prarsasv Bvetbar erj Aaarostine. Mary. Fraak. Joe- aad Louise Preckm, all of this city. Funeral eecrioea. wilt we nsearweted frent the- St Phi Mr Neri I chaenh. K-16th and Mvakery st, Friday: Mar. 34. at 10 a av Prise la Ssvitad. Intanaeat ia I sit, t-aiwary reenerery, I avis aoas STBASI wtr 0' NIM. 81 ao. Att BiwOS KIW SIATTakaStS see SAtg f tors N WAS weiaa vrses esi lana, ramltuew eekelitessd awe) up ah it sHONgga marvagsa a OARpgy '. otsaata bvcsiKB tOTt - kwiisla SS, Aea, SSV-SV. STEIN KR At her bite resnc. 404 East 88th sa, jsawxa. asarra 2t. 1BZX, girsaftefb Bbsusar, saotbec et Mrs. A. M. Gmiser. . Bemains ars al the cbanat ef Uward Halasaa ak Boa. Third and Salmon sts. Bslem tsvoera nlrsss earsv. ITbiisssI aerWres will ba hew at the- First Cvmgfeemtional eaarca as esism. uc. Tklirsdsy. Maach 23, 1923, at x p. ay - - - , .j . WANDRKT Tho faaeral serrioa for the' late Ferrhnaod Waadrry of 997 GarfVid ave. will be kasd Thavwday. Mar. 33. at 3 JO a as., at Fmkrya Msrtnmrr. Metttsoraery at 5th. krieads Invneu. IJoaclBsUag eervica, Mv Boott orsaetary. CARPENTER wants work by the day or con tract: work satisfactory. less itura ac Main 1625. CARPENTER Estimates given on repair work. roofs repaired and garages built Shop, 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. POSITION as manager of apple orchard; 8 years' experience in grading and handling ot apples. N-54. Journal. : 1 TOUNG man with good car want work, all or part time, tall evenings. Sellwood 3471. TINTING PAPER HANGING. PAINTING, , SELL 2866. Attractive, modern rooms Elevator serrire. STARK. reasonable ratea. HOTEL TAIT Modern outside rooms, elevator service. Rates tSwki up. Centrally located, 12th and Stark. New Perkins Hotel Washington and Fifth streets. ' Special permanent rates. . WILL ROOM AND BOARD SMALL CHILD REASONABLE: CLOSE IN. 821 EAST STARK. BETWEEN 26TH AND 27TH. COZT, light room fox 2 young men. with board if desired and reasonable. 414 Market, eor- ner 1 1 th. LARGkV sunny room for 2 men. 355 as; use of living room wstb fireplace aad plane: , you tray fed at home. 83 10th at Bdwy. 8073. A WIDOW- CLEAN sleeping aad housekeeping per week aad an, Tww aad three a sites. 310 to 820. Commodious lobby. Vsuchn. I Sth and Vaocbn. FRo.Nf two room aula, eserytalng furnished. FOR RENT. 2 tu rushed leu ass fwaiaeabis til N. 2 2d at; ladies only ee asaa and wtfe; will fix one for Light lasawkeepteg PLEASANT frwet 1 H. E foeasa, teL, eieu aad bath free: baby er sasaU child atnepted. 318 me. 66 E. 10th at B. . FURNIbHKD rooaaa lee h4TJPSSj6af savpvywJ pmwejisf Mar-ha" 4147 SMALL b. k K. IStb street rnnssl salts Ss for bscbelor BAbt TH The tarladins sea: 830 tie room for workiagmaa. board. 380. 210 K. 28d. th. Abe aioa at- 810 a merrta, with mar. itzi CLEAN H". K. faraished apsrvssent cheap; elect, gaa. bathe. 704 Howard at Bt Johns car. oft at Flake hall, west five blocks. Phone Empire 824. . 830 TWO single h. k tlx kte. aaa ranrea. floor; reaaonahle rest tor working people. T trior and Broadway. Marshall 1S7 5. ONE clean, assay hoeseksepins room aad kark enetto sad 1 aiagie sleeping room: asodera: waikms dataara I'booa Mala 8689. ' 603 6th st - TWO famished H. K. asectne hrhta. bath. F. 1H.C. &66U8. J 166. blecaa eft Waahiasriee at . good rin ssi Tor sasssser; coeey rrs. as 17th st FL'RNIEHF.I East 2617. - . IaaKmEN'T Ii. E. toeens, il4 WttttaWe fee, ITT aes-Tlng T T 2 LIGHT bowses rep. a vwaeas klrhly lar fee eeamle. awe aWpeng 707 rwders APARTMENTSBURNISHED 307 apt ea srwaiad fjaaf. Mill st MARLYN HOTEL Cor. 17th and Couch. Large, well furnished, modem rooms, st resaonsble rates. desires one or two young st side: 264 Stout st room end beard: close ta on sble and borne privileges to BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAT AND BITRNgTDB 85 per week up. Private bath 39 an- Free pbona GARDEN PI-OWING Excavating, genera! teaming. East 8878. WHITEWASHING and spraying. Murphy. Mar. 1779. . Call l I. Matthiesen Hotel Rooms 5 On dav no: S3 week nn: clean. Heht hot er cold water, ateam beet 204 Columbia. CEMENT work, first class workmsnship guar anteed. Marshall 1823, PAPERHANGING and tinting; new wallpaper samples; estimates furnished. - Tabor EOgO. THE BELLETCE, 248 TAIIHTIJ, Beat dollar a day house in Portlsnd; - new msnsjpment; rates by week or mouth; newly refmtsned. Meyer A Bnsendtne. proprietor. BASEMENTS, GRAD1NU. GEN. TEAMING Contract or day work. Ant 622-85. . CEMENT WORE Satisfaction WdltE 5241. guaranteed. HOTEL ARTHUR 170 11th et. near UorrSon. Clean, modern I rooms by day. week or month : reasonable ratea. fancy i - EDUCATIONAL - 200 WE are satisfied that our reputation shall de pead upon tba merit of our high standards of service, i .,,:, . 4f it jnr NCrtTHVaTSTlT -. i - - or link's Busmem CoTJece. Expanded. THoMnck Xhiiii we Traintne Jssv end " i .. .-' Nisht BchooL . ' . ..." t Morrison at Tenth. , - - Brtaalway 5083. TTP ING. alNGLISH. SPELLING AND THAT CHAHCB FOR FTtOMOTTOaT TS JTJT avHxtaiy. aitsi iuu suui svux rr WHEN . IT COMESf - J day or aikht erbool baa bees, far thorsssnaw. Why Be yoaf CARPENTER ang contractor, joomns, snything 1 the pnisTiBt Hoe, pnope sast esaa. CONCRETE pouring by mar nine: ment work, caa Ben, iwe. after S p. as. the hewj PLCMB1NG done very Tieaonsbta by or by the Job. Ant. 235-61. TEAMING, grading ana excavating 6581. 374 B. Oth. Bear Hawtaars HARDWOOD floors, by day or eontraet Befer- encea, 14PQ Koaney eve, woooiawn aaaa. EXCAVATING, grading, plowing rnone is nor rvss. PAINTING, paperrng. tin ting,- enamel work specialty: work guaranteed.- Bdwr. 2823. SHINGLING, roof repairing; ; Marshall ilSS. work gusrsAteed. "general CARPENTER. A-l. finisher; iobbinav nHUOnrunn vork. Wdln. S477. EXCAVATING, Iswa work, gardea spadinx. Ca3 Empire 781. CEMENT floors, sidewalks sad steps,. Call tS- nils 781. ' ' I PAINTING, paperheaging and tinting. Ant, 220 -13.'' Ifc O. Nett - .-v.. -- v'--. , CARPENTER work end repairing of any kind estimatea given. Tahor TX8S. , tba ataamiag stnoe Phone Mam BOO, posrnoa for each eBADCATsm I le3TLPt-w AUBCr BLDG., D AND MOBBTBOa i LEARN TEL EG RAP HT aUxremy Teasgraph Institutav 484 Ralraat atag. fay ana nignt cjassaa. - MEN. smra sstrbwr trade: vasea while Oraens. Barber Collage. 338 Madv THE Pwsslav Btmlis Brtowhing Bcaoei. ksstract. ta theory aad txxOmarasv, 407 Morraosv WORK. , wanted, iaaitotv handy ; man or watch- man. - Pnone Aut 044-vo. : PAINTING, cauominins aad imnde- ftrdsh. work gnaranteeg; ppces lowest in rws. ilsh esgo. PAINTING Paperhanring. txatkag; ansdow gsgas a spertstty. ant ai 1-4 a. - --..,- - rxTtrF.NT -, WORK Have guaranteed. Phone oetore p. m. isoor e let. HbtSE RAISING; cement .work of aA kinds. Reasonahla. Msrsnail ssoo. PLASTERING" and eilimney work, 10 X. 46th st Tabor 265. WANTED Work r . wf -. any kind ; peintex trade. , J. L. Smith, Apt 1. East 675. Phone SHINGLING, 31 pet Mi also leaning ling Tsbor 1758; i ' : FIRST CLASS exeavatinc. cement .work, bouse - moving and ratting. Phone Wdlu. 6804, BOYT I. WANTS JOB. . CALL EAST Boui EXCELLENT board and room. 88 week; real home prinleeea, walking distanoe. west side. Phone Main 6870. 820 Montgomery at WANT to care for child 4 or S years cad; good home. Phono East S50S. ROOM and board fur 2 people, bo 6.30 Marshall at. wear ZOta. WANTED Children to board. School age aad uadrr. 9314 Slat ave, Aut 616-13. DOUBLE room, one etncle; good board; swod- em; home eomforta. - Main vSZB. priviiagaa. BOOM and table board, S30 per mo. Ka-t 11th et Phone East 2823. 121 WILL care for assail girl ia aw home . 4438 40th sve. B. K. TWO' meals and room. 325 pet month. 649 Ankeny. near 18th at 1171 MINNESOTA 2 .room and 1 for rent Wdln. 1488. room suite HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED 304 WASHINGTON HOTEL -1 12TH AND WASHINGTON UTS. Attractive moms and seites at reasonable rata by week es month. laRCK. lovJv furnished front ilearsng . twin beds, furnace heat, close in. ideal for 2 rrrxs or eoupie emriioyea; axuex, mam in e sur fnundings. 321 6th. ALEXANDER HQTEU ISt 19TH 8T Fwrnisned rooms, reaaonahle: Boaaekeepuvg rooms with kitchenette, also stoaie .room; steam beat ' MANOR HOTEL 3 room acta for bowsekeectne. 271 H Morriaoa at Mar. 2608.-1 FRONT room aad kite bene its lot neat raaa. 13 week, large room aad kitrtienette foe couple. So week. ns i fifl as. tl.tcplS'ti room, aaa Plato for light H. SL. kitchenette suite, workingmaa. lie PLEASANT sleeping room, moderate rent good atonboo, close tn. S3S 13ta at, corner of Market Mar. 8870. T-ovrnsedle. l'Oft 2 HoL'fir.KEEPING exmtfortame: em table f able. SBO Jeffersow et 590 COUCH ST. A aura room for J or 2 roune men. wrta gas Mate; caa do exwknxc. Phone Brnadwsy 3388. COM PLKTFI.T fwrvjahed 3 -room rente, tange. raa. running water, first near, eJectrte Ugbts, eonvenhnces: rewt rmsimehls 807 Msrket. ween 6t and Ota. VtiT rkoae H E. roeeaa. stasia and ea suite. It kahwjsained sad nai a led: bet ana com water, eleetne Hghta sad gas, beta, furnace beat. I9S K. 12th at T6 ii Wl.tK. desirable aaitet. eoaspietety rarnished for howss k eeninsT. every mswansw. Water alwars hot: batha and lines free. Hotel Cadillac, Srd wear Jefferson THREE laree fumhtned b. k. rooms with try; not and com water, etc. esse vvaoa- ato-k ave. B. E. 2 ROOMS, faraiiksd. larbt, beat, hot water sod gas tsrraisW. 1092 sve. Apt A. Tabcr 4234. 1 SINGLE end 1 t ssrae rare, f Easa 2949 866 T- I VERT attrartivw 2 swam apt, rssssaatiis. Ai-e em wHh aleemag perck. biiexaSsiiiiai sete- Oerea. 3 N. 22d at ttS.HHl I rwoam. ! Weds. clw. ia. trig a maea. ea eeruaa. ass sta, gaaia 1267. n ' I ROOM, APT., iaraiehea; walking dsUaa ikssa I csrbaas: S3S. avast 1S47. .314 tTsaoa ave. sr. jtLiivi afAtrur.xti 46 TRIJOn PLACE yritNWHgD 3 AND S BOOM APT ONB AND TWO ma assmmssie tec resit, vvvry- thine rwrBasbed: issisatklt rates: steam baat 4SS Jeff FOR RENT Irce swaay Irowt room for two. Abo lis si mi at H av. Z ruem apt X prefrrrrd. S87 Taylor st ' ONB and g room bouacaseptBg atutaw, 63.50 SS per come. NLUxf- ibea. Sf Tsmbitl sworn apta, rrkres TWO completely furnished bemwisspiag re ems. Is per were ; giunasasa preterrea. .sits Hawthorne-. , ; TWO" "snr 619.50; isri tai as fwrnasbsg sat with snraat bstk; ta 60S Sth as. -1 la beat. rise., be. a. mire tioeeeaiciiiiia rmawi 8 2 AO week end an: 1 block from tba Hawthorne Vrirlce. 801 W. Hawthorne eve v - eewtral. 6S0 as. 416 Breadwey. BtBHMAEsL W ssaiws-tea at rttuaeway S4S- ITth! ; aba 822 NICK Urn fully fwrn. a. k. suite, first floor: walk. dst. esse, lights sad vater free. 134 Porter at Owwer. Phone BeU. II' light. Phoaie. 264 2 Kl R.M8HF.ti Bouaekeeenag . bath. Walk lag dataems. Jeffevaow. 2 OR 3 Bouseke-pins rooms, (ami pbtely: garage H wasted; wsikiag dSBUace; adulta. 11 F. 14 th W. to sr.h fwrnauSed h.. k. rooms wnii Urge pantry, emk. primts toilet; first floor;. 335 a month. 314MUlst ' LARGE H K, rotaa with kMcaoaeue aad 1 2-room ant: aa close in. 550 Cooch. 35 WEEK for single steam beaked sVaaacsoepiai mom. hot and eaat ranking aalrr. . 492 m Third street 3 AND 3 rr je fawwaabed apt. 316 earn 623 er moata Wong ass Ugat larwrnbea. Pbowe East Ta. 240 BaaweO ax. - HAWWOfcNg AF A RTm ENtb . '-and 3-wwa apt steam beat; rewt 628. Fbowo Mar. 1792. . 2 AND S-ROOa avaoera apt. ateam heat, free and Bdwy. 1SIJ. NICE fnwTt room, suitable for two; akse baae- atent bed; very irasonaoie. aw n. iota st Bdwy. 1 S34. - " IVH R famished b. k. rooms on Grand Hawberne. Apply evansus tneatra, zsa taraas see. ' ' - - DOWNTOWN, cheap rest, . far. H. 358 H aanington. eorner sa. virKT.T fwrnlshed aoome. naexMra and reaea able, plenty fieas aan not war, wananaj cuw- mnee. oat neerpoy as. txrwy. vstv. TWO faraished huaaaksiiiilBg month. 427 Movrtgomeiy near 11th. S16 2 LARGE movns,- Crst floor. Bear 2 schools aad ckwe in, 85-50 per week. star. itsa. ses ath THE St. PAUL. 130 4th. cor. Alder. A SE- t SPECTABLK downtown nopM. - Ktwi tse ay. Privsto bath 82. Special rates by week sr month, j FURNISHED H. K. -- ttp.. ssi Heed st, v - NlCaV cleaa, furniaheA bonsr-keeping rooms, fus. asee beet 293 Weadler. East-8381. ' PARTLY furmabed aousekeepiris Lsrrabee st Onldrea welceme. TWO well furnished, clean aad comfortable sle-p- ing rooms, rurnaoa neat, ana as; easy walking distance. 529 Hoyt st' Bdwy. 292. 2 ROOM suites and 1 sleeping ; at' Pboue MsrshsF. 982.. 292 m 316. Hi iiih VA ear nlrassnt sataade - bath aad telephone; 33-39 IT. 21at aa Main 1631. .147 1 AND 2 H. Htfi 4BTB. K. apC 312 aad 816- pec aaa CLEAN, bent, furnished room. H block from Labor tempto; 82.50 per veek, 278 Co- Phone Main 2757. - asmtlemea, preferred. HOC8EEEKPTNO and week wp. Owumbta. sLn'gLS b. V 247 Vi Fifth at. let. aad Car. sTTo SL39 week aad en. by tXRNISHED , v N lata st. Til TWO trirety rarvuabed butiaeasi ping vnoeaa. 618. 529 aearaey st, bet en a ISta awd 16ta eta. LARGE tunmhed front room; walking rtistsare" FOR RENT 3 furnished hnmekeepms reotoa. S73 Bom et Phone Eaat 3560. S I reerable. 482 E. Church. ' r.l.Els. iizha roomt sbone:. 86 month. f 26th and Aider. Automatic 214-22. NICE rJeaa 2-roem aoite, 2 beds;. aasH aad Borne irk, t'lose ta. 821 Sta. SEWt'lt fartusbed front room- wuh fireplace aad I FtRNISULD hk iwosna, hot water, ugbu. liseTJ . fcttmeaetxa. 25 B. 21at at Awt- 519-32. I phase free; 33 aad aw, 178 h. 17tb st FREE BATH, pboae. eleotnc lisbt. desa h. mess, ewwtraua aaeatea one xnora from vvi st Reesowsble raves. 149 Lowwsdale 1 1 sth at I TWO tmsaiorUBty ro is lsbed rnnms, 88 aaat 64 asrtwdeet SSI 17th 123 FOURTH BT. 1 bath so ita st f. 2-HXM aawrtment furnamad; i SBestia war: woadlawa eag, 1150. 551 Dwkass ave. "ktjbO'i HaLL. iiTU aKd UaLL l-fwsm asrlanl. BatB. Hi MONT U ior 1 ravi. steam Uatri landed t'j amriaveftt Intrd street. ' TWO auwe nn I. beet, hsbt, water awd sza saeeita. wee K. iita at. ewia f-tOO Si" far ars,, reea sea. isase bps-, agbt, beat aad aaaae; Lkms dans nee 17S Vssta aea. m . lia-bt ' brmStl Pott 1LEXT i reoma aad kitraswatteT -sac week; awe aad - phone Beat SI SB 3 aai 1 tVsrougUy cleaned aad Manussstd hrmiskmplag ra Tery reasowable. - - - N0RR1S HOTEL Huusekespbsr. reoma fee rent - Bdwy. 2aag. I S BOOMS, hebt heat, water, saa, 815 saaeiOt. R. J. M-Gwre, 346 71. teles aea. East 640 7. 4 ROOM farnahed lever att. awe yeas, iT mowta. a. J mrviwir. s w. uwtea see. ENION AVE. 6X4 -SO ; ag VERT sweety famished ream eieeahse weeeb with wall bet ead cold water. 464 8. Broadway. MCE cleaa' 3-room eaita. one block sooth sta usd krtebewsrie. steam beat be Mara S79A "a 2 tad S 418 CotrrreMa Cambrian Apts. Marshall ;S4 Haartkusrae -ave Hh. rree right phone aed beta. -WEST BIDSV APT. MS TWO Bice haBSakeepies rsnssa ask water; aleol aiaglB mesa, wtta kit rns awn a. swat, agnt aaa aaia asi. ebiMiww, a ran n-vrt',-r. - - , CLEAN' light Bathed: i Tabor 949 eptag to be rsmt letely far-1 LARGE. Irons, kwueekeepiog foom. fau-aavr host t7 rfcue heta. seearie kxMa WafkSsa nsatasta, S31 Jobwaww at. ewe. 15th. .... - H. ,. teeas. faraished. atee aad I WANTED Gsri tw , JTieii nel. T-wS. 268 ONB anc H. reesa. far eiesa; esse, af, bath, aae of Mmuua'ii. a Mi L cleaa ha. ronas. lurnashed. elsrtne bgbC aad mm sf pheem. . :s atowtgimirj at 2 ebV. MARNOt; APTS, apt. wow re-wet. At 49 fNay at. Mar. JOT4 ONE turvuebed apt, reett, Men 24. 49 le- jCialleaead sa Fssiwsrssaj : . v.' - V-