SATURDAY : MARCH 18, ,: 1022. " THE' OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON.- 13 COMPOSER H TELLS OF II MUSIC ( nrmiDi n 111 IILHULTUULIU Dangerous Decay Here Sellm Palmgren, the Ptnnlah eon-poaer-ptanUrt, tell Interestingly Of low musical MtMllM of country, which. It devel ops, u making wondarfuT Bdyajseement in the domain o( musical art rtnland. one of' the new republic of Europe, ha a population of about 1.500, AO. and tmotii this number ha arisen a Hat of cotnpOMra of auch magnitude that the musical world la now looking toasrd th mystic land of th thousand lakes with keen expectation. "Slbellaa." said Mr. ralmgren. who la her to appear in Joint recital tonight at Pythian tsmpls with Malkkl Jeeroefelt. 1 soprano, known a ths greatest prima donna Finland over produced. "la th trader of th Finnish school of music; hs la th first incarnation of ths Finnish musical .soul. His symphonic works ars wtll known throughout tha world and hl style Is familiar. Then w have Me tar tin, a wery fine composer, who has writ ten five rympHonte. He Is a modern ist, and Ma work shows a alight Influ ence of tha French atmosphere. He has also written an opera, "A I no," .baaed on ths Finnish legend "Kalevala." "Msrtkanto Is a well known Finnish composer of simple, beautiful songs, very melodious. Hs is of the older school and la head of the national opera. . "On of th moat promising of the young Finnish composers was Kuula, of ' whose songs we Include on on our pro gram for tonight. Only is, he tiad al ready written a number of big things. and hs was a very talented orchestra conductor. His fats was .tragic, for he was murdered during the revolution. Two officers shot him. One of them later was ahot or shot himself and the other's dead body was found In th river. The tendency of the Finnish compos ers la toward modernism, but not ex tremely so. Palmgren has written a great many works, on of his latest being a concerto that he la to ptay for the first time In th United Btatea In Minneapolis, March !, with th Minneapolis Symphony or theatre, ilia compositions, which In many Instances show trace of Inspiration from natur of his country, are mors of International character than purely flnntah. Palmgren was born ' In BJorneberg, studied piano with Busonl iY J u., i r. i .K?aliiMiw4; :,?-:ii;-: 1 a-aa ft - "i MARRIAGE UCENSES - Wm. A. Enkht. leeal. East 44ta at and Lala A. MeCtaty. lacal. 484 E. 4Sth at. N. Geo. O. HcAdew. Ircai; SS. Traefce. CaO.. sad Kinaia O. Schwarts. 38. Portland. . - v WaUaes C Briiea, lasal, Batua. wata..,aaa Marie Frairtaeo. tetal. Beaaoa hotel. r Cart Erdt. fcsal. 2T0 E. Slat at. K.. and Ada A. Smith. 2. 181 K. Sd at. S. ,: Atoert jonnaon, , sw b fc, Bloom. S3, Taylor apartiaenta. Jack Wm1. 33. 842 Harvard at. and Gaol rm- !t aas Aawa - GnrniW. Warner, lecal. 14t tymnadala at. and Baasie Corrine Uata. 31, 14 isua AND TISITQtO CASD KSOKATKM 811 atetsaa Btda. Crumbling- pavement' flanking streetcar tracks on Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth Street. Cobblestones evidently have an aver sion to more modern paving material, Judging from the fact that a great many of the spots where th city's pavement surface Is broken ars to be found where cobbles and neighboring; mixture meet. The circumstance is unfortunate, as au tomobile wheels often -stick fh depres sions resulting, endangering the lives of the occupants, who are at the mercy Of fast-moving- street cars and other automobiles.. XTftS MICHAKL80X IS RECITAL ( An interested and discriminating audi ence attended th first of a fries of Bee thoven program fclano recitals given Frt tiay nlghC-by Miss Henrietta Mlchaeltion at th Art museum. 8h played three sonatas of th middle period of the com tioser'a activities. Including the familiar WakUtaln sonata. Miss Mlchaetson Is a powerful pianist, who can also play Johnny Dundee Wins Victory Over C- White By Westbrook Pegler t'nitad Stmt Staff Cofrcmondent NEW YORK. March 18 Bouncing Johnny Dundee, weighing 127 nounda. eneared a neat victory over Charley White of Chicago in a 15- rounder In Madison Square Garden on the nleht of St, Fatrtek s day. Whit, weighing 134 pounds, and possessed of a deep longing for Benny Leonard s lightweight title, made a wild attempt to sneak over his left hook in the fif- tAnnth round, and he slammed Utile Johnny some nasty plunks on the jaw. but th Italian always managed to hang on or dance away and when the row was over there was no question it was Dundee's fight. Benny Leonard sat at the ringside, under a new square derby, nervously snapping his gum. . His brother Joe rooted passionately for White to knock Dnndee bIUt. because It was a matter of business for th Leonard firm, it WEDDING W- & SMITH A CO. BIRTHS PAfel&k To atr. and Uii H. Parker. Baosa- FUNERAL NOTICES 104 roc .wtixr nxxsma rzn c1Te BAMfeEI lo tha city. Mareh It. Joha K.. and at - nara.- aimed C baaa A. HAtamj f St. Hatem. Or., aad broUwr at Ka . Haria and Ha P. Crabba- of Tacaea.-Waah.. Mnv G. SobnaoB aad Jaata Kanuer of Chioara. EL. Bofus Saswey of OsnUsClty. DU and d- m Baanay af aanaOoB. iu. i rtaa wul be beid baadar. Maiek m m nawi anitnn. Hnmaat at tTrtfc. mesda lDTUSd. Ceaeiadiac aomc. ra-i tmt muiicua t eoaM. ; uL Th dsoeaatd wa a awstber' tfivack. foB irnrii'aai Is CDUCATIOKAL 200 , aad d- I aiaiiiiaai awna& w m "labScata yaa 4a aa way. U alia A. F. aad A. hi.. St. fieiana OracoB Cooxaatoo ad Al Kader tampta. - taDy essasad fea th Aata, Txactst. Battery aad ta ante aiafrmai saatnamv wa eaa aawai m a iar ar m.- Tha trial tarda roa aa sacaucet oporto nitx t aa as ess saaoot aad or taautieaueaa ta. Mara - .atwaisxal FsJI parttcviaaa ia -arnr aew ll-aasa Tit 68th ave.. lfarch 3: a aon. BAU6HMAN To Mr. aad lira. G. E. 88 K. 75th N Manh T: a aon. ' STUBBLEFIELD To air. aad Mnv . A. i Stabbiefield. 687 MiasUAlppi. aUreft IS: aoaa tains . HKDBERG To Mr.' and Ma. J. Hadaers. 80 K. Slst N.. March 14 : a aon. KING To Mr. and Mn. Geo. D. KtesV Marion. Much 13: a eon. LAWPACGH To Mr. and Mis. C J. TAw- panzh. 6408 2d aa, MafcS S; a Caacater. BCCKXEY To Mr. and Mrs. B. Bueklay. 146 H Front 'Feb. 28; a dtochter. ISRAEL To Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Urael. 48S K. 37th V . March 16: a daoshtor. DAVIS To Mr. and Mrs, U Davis, 658 E. 79th N., March It.; a danshatr. MARTIN To Mr. aad Mnv E. H. Haeub. 140 Morris, Ma?h 14: a aon. DEATHS -Frank J. McCuddj. 87S E. Tara- LARSOX -itareh 17.-1821, at th hUBfly raa X danoa 28 B. 8th at. Gaorea Hennias tanum. seed XX yean., soa- of Me. aad Mia, ei at. uno trttsf a anaar ana nsasi i -. Larson. SpoAane. Waaa.; Claada Lataaa ot 8e-1 atN. atlir. Waaa.; Cianoe Larson ot AMaria, Or. 1 Hoy.- Madrad-ead UaraM Lanea ml ..Portland. Funeral aorrioaa wUl aaeoedacted Monday. Marofe 20. at 2 p. aa,. tram Faanwn'a BdettakiKS par hn. Rassell at. at Unioa ava - aYifda mrited.' eatalost - CaA ar arka sea Xa 4V If Iraa. - ASCdX AtTTO AD ATTATtOJf- BCHOOU' - -CXIOJI ATS. aXD WASOO ST - VaUaM. aa Aisarta mt. aid aad . Aides, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE tS4 BBNRT talMI sttran. ViOMJLS wit cLud. arboot aa. poUoa bi rirt siamalka ta Mormlnaa Woodaa 84S. arat. la cr aaar ty. Mar. 1140. ICING voaaaa anaaaa work Ajl the day boar, cait SaP-aod 1T. T LaTT aaau aeaiaa as do a bar haata. VTdia. 6TX, LACS eartalna eaighnty da aa by etpeniaead nana. iau stanhad SOI. wr - p. m. bovr. Pbetaa East 8X88. FURN1SKTI ROONCS 88 horvb Tbrd ll 303 Tah ketal ha W tbieatb!y eWae aad wad'ad sfTMd by aiarvtaa: tba bast awTtce ta tba cay Sar lataa taarraa: atams tabby, aWsatar aarra-a. alstaya lata bat srassr. ne Ssust satsa . Tba, 41. DRESSMAtING edw. r. COrtDArft. Mar. ALEXANDER HOTEL; 131 10th SUi raraaiktd raaan. ri aaaWi baaatkiifts tth sHrbaimla. aba oab faoaa j aaaai MeMARTW In tha dty, March IT. Ait-hi L, asad 88 yaaaa autbaad oC KKxabatb McMartia of Li I Madoea at. soa ot Mrv Cora. McMartin aad brotfaar of Karl and Bandy ; McMartia - oi fortlaad. Burr McMartia ot Weed. CU audi Isuiel McMartia ot Giadstoee, X. IX Thai toaeral sernce wul be held Monday. March 20. at I'D. m.. at Tnler" ssortaarj, Motuaoatety atl itn. ' mBaa lnntoa. imd-WANTP--lMALE 20t t - BOSt) ' BALCSMCf ' ' . Aa aaaaia far taro bith-elaaa band sala an: as m s-nianlly to staaaeaaaa-bts-asoaty aaiekly. MR. GtXCII. f- S4 rtttock htock. 4rOaad. Or. iaba vevt fraraa aosnaa aad vntes fat ah eosaataaa tad aa da taaaadaUas at laasna able prtr-aa. - 48 L ArUaaaa Bids. PWw Braadaay 84a. . awsmeay aaa "aa try MiliTrrCIHNa Ah Wrk eeaapssasd aaaw day or WJa y ait. Mail ardsra aea araawi attaataea. 1T1 Park at., aaar bat taraaiaeL UKE&SMAKINU aad Ula arwisf Anna at bona no Aot. 844-88. r am to eat by oty. I AtMrass lies MM sc - 8 aad ao: nn clasa -anrv UTILES Ia this est Hues T7U.n !. 1 aI UiTHAAQBJ? raJtSOX Ubar aaa. BUT ased yean 1 1 months, aaoshter of Mr. aad I 7ZJ-T . . 4" -.T""' -rwi"t ViTt U HtilM .sm ihUn, JZH aawapapaH: 88 to 614 V amsaa; aU or at fth. aVirn iarUL Th Mi.if. I - . I U- APRfNti SLITS aad oaav SS and at: i a i Hi is. at aaa no: nrt taaa nra. s . fitvisthTIUS-W ttk.U ?c aad auk U Abaty btdi . 84 aad Martssoa. ranery t ytfta. ; Friend aartted. The rcmaiils are at the aboaa rasiiiroca. Bottoaa 1006 WHY Fit MOBB ttoa kaka, baeasolrbiac '8e par rradviy !ds. Mtta4T8 nVK asora aoUritoav for biislian. ray Parmaacai. situ; profitabla aia aaoiae. at au aoata: tafarboa a-aaraotasa: nasoasaia. Ail. wns. with fin grace, and her presentations. Ihrrsfor. ars Indeed Interest compelling. Whlu hi won he would hav been a in otner reciiais oi me senes will b m.oK r Tnard. but now th on March It and April 7. Man Admits He ...Made Whiskey; He Is Fined $250 Monteaand, Waah., March la. Herman Brown, acquitted by a jury In th superior court on a liquor .manufac turing charge, pleaded guilty In the federal court at Tacoma and waa fined I2S0. which he paid. Interest in the case waa keen because of the determined fight made to get bsck HMO ball, forfeited when Brown prospect seems to have been spoiled. and there goes a big profit WHITE TOO LATE White cams along toward the end of the fight, but It was much too late. If he had fought that way from the fifth round he might have stopped Dundee. Johnny led almost all the way to the thirteenth. For a couple of rounds he treated White as he might hsve treated some novice. Johnny bounced off the ropes five, six, seven times fn a row and with each bounce ho flopped his smashed three lefts to the face. At close range White uppercut a right to the face. Johnny smashed a right to the ribs at the bell. I Round 10 White put a right left on the face and Dundee swung right to the body. Dundee aent a snappy left to Charlie's stomach and Whit replied with a right t6 the heart Charlie nearly fell, but Dundea caught him aa he spun around. Round 11 Both men swung lefts to the face and Johnny backed against the m pea Johnny went to th canter of the ring and booked Whits a hard right to the face. - They exchanged rights and lefts to the head once more. Dundee backed into the ropes. Charlie then hooked right and left to the face. Round iz Dundee pur a lett to tne face and each landed, a right to the body. White -worked Johnny into a corner ana tney awappea ngnu to ue face. They clinched and Dundee In the breakaway landed a hard left to the i ace. t Round 13 Thev exchanged rignts to tha body. White hooked a right and left to tne race. v mie snowea sign oi weariness. Johnny went back to the ropes and hooked Whit on the nose. They exchange rights and lefts to the jaw. Kouna was aoout even. Hound 14 Dundee put a leri on unar lle's stomach and dodged the Chlcago- an's return. Tney exchanged lert to tne face and then White shot a hard right on Dundee's body. Dundee poked a straight left on the mouth. ! Round 16 White blocked Dundee's left and swung both gloves to body. Dundee hooked r two lefts to Charlie's iace. Johnny blocked ! right and left and then both landed rood lefts on the nee the bell rang Whit was putting- rights ana texts on uunaee atomacn. McCUDDT hill. Match IS. 47 ream: wrieoat drmoid. OftNER William H. Caner, 210 1st. Match I a, so years: maocanuus. LEISLT Eather Leialy, 411 Jetsup. March 19, SS jean; vaJralar heart dtteaae. ' FISCHER Ernest John Fischer. 1761 -! We. man, March IS, T8 yean: broncho pneumonia, PETERSEN Constasre Matilda Pedenea, 184 Minnesota, March 16. 7 yean; diphtheria. WHS DER Adam W under, Multnomah hospital. Much 15. 71 veara: thrombosis. WATSON Edwaiu Henry Watson, 5007 8Sd ate., March 16, 1 month; intestinal toxaemia, REI.NKE Jobs Rank. 874 Interna, March 14. &0. ean: broncho pneumonia. GOBLE Flora C Goble. 228 V Washington, March 14, 51 yean; broncho paeamonia. ECKKRT Georca Eckert. 621 6th. March 16, A6 Tear: initial insadficiener. MeOEART Joan James McGeary. SO? E. 48th, March id. o years: ceraonu apopiezy. PARKER tieorse U Parker. Willamette river. ' Much 15. TS man: drowning tsskade) WIELAND Ids W. Wielaad. 1228 E. 12th N.. March 15; 68 yean; pernicious anemia. lUTHtUr The 1 aneral serrtM tr tha . lata I perxla Millard Mahail bt 1440 Oarfieid areatue wal 1 onlay or Bundiy., Harry B. rurnir, SOT I at yoor home or ilea. held Xoadar. March 20. at 2:80 . p. m.. atl otJ rmiey a mortuary. HoatsToaaary at nrta. . Friends invited Conoiudins aerrica, Portland crema- torram. . year afforta, CSH aa day Sat- I liRESSMAElMi, resaodelras, sawinc ia rai. vsnntT) an i a. yard straight. DIVORCES FILED ' i Mathewa H. O. asainat Gertrade Matbean! Richardson Andrew acamst Beaaoa K. -B.KD ardson. : , ' lamb C. A. asainat Eras tee Iamb. Bchnller Prances M. asainat William H. SchuJIsr. Coleman William R- atainat Katherins M. Coleman. Raher E. E. asairot Mary Raber. NEW TODAt 80 noirrm RUG CO. IflOFFIHISS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 a CA81ET maeSs Fez hanch amiH: nrafer asea amsrleasad aa ! sliow aaa coottracuoa. Do aot apply sales ekined: ataady work. Cni renal Body Corpera- tiow. soa banay bits. SALESMEN 8sataia ate, used 8 UTJtTlTl'lllVil ski. Sa aer CAPABLE saale aad feenale aarara, t'aS aaf ay or tntnv a ev atsr. rtsin I'LltX ItBKJUtMAKLNlJ. Beferewaa. SMU sourtiea. nmvm ftrS THUD AJTD CALMOa - MAW Mt East Side Funeral Directors r. c. ddsjiimo. era The TamOy Bets th Prase" 414 E. Alder at Phone East 68 Dunning & McEntee Morrusa st a 13th Broadway .4 10 Ant 848-68 SNOOK & WHEALDON rSSSi day ta erety aoea. Daalara. looeata ar state saoata, amt r. t rasisffna, aata aiisssar. i usKaaooaa, iowa. WANTED Xouar saaa wth aopaneooa ia tia- ihin room; asaat be ramieher; ataady work. llnlrernsl - Body Orworatlon. POO Bandy Bird. ! A MAN so sell wiadew shades aad raraiture: ahoold have licht ear. Uoaa rrnahia Co.. 1 y I nioa are f. AGENTS PorUaad and ' torn tone. Sanitary nuk eaa onenar aad aealar. RasaBla. t&e. SUta Ijtnbqor, 840 J. 20U it., balem, Or. I WANTED Aa alpert tea cream aaaa for this eaaon. AMraas Bena atairy ate, Berxt. or HEADQUARTERS tar eoocs and kitchaa hUF" 48 H N. C Broadway 113 EXPERIENCED saiieitor wiih ear (or aad dyeins. Apply 774 Williams. hPRINU awdaliac. Taaar sez FIRST CLASS IT4 rURMSHCr ROOMS . rRTVATK FAMILY ' IT OV ar tneSia tat asaa. aiaaa twaa S raaaaa Wrt kat aas eaal water. Saady adaltst aha 8 atrea etade taoaas. ta ar aaa. 8 Moeka W. wt W. . aa Mastaday, aataaata walk se SJ, as a . ana ' rt'JLsiaai' 301 to ral fyosTyvwrwM mraa beaaa, Baa CR. ansa at jear sua nan "as aad ra pay aauy far what yea eet atrsts aaaaaaaaaav. Phssss et - JtitteatK II 1. CtsUU a, af . atatad sates. 1 Vaaatiful narta I awaeh raaaa. 1 tare. wrtA water. ahewar aata. 46 EiuaSW Sanaa atti IM1. AOh H ILL lUT8.ICt at (.Uu.l Bdwy. K. S&th. SWtaiaaT Irarriaasad reeait. lean. two,. 5S. walet fT. Sa IsHau raosa, I tshed. avUUslsr edjasaias. 4 a a ariee 6 a. m. atrarUy ease sens. w larat. B. 6"ta. Tacwa 8441. riBMKHEi tor aawly Saturated , m w tad tar. Mt wka aasml. eatyj r- IM. It draaiaisket.- erk Taaov 8456 tK.SbMKINl and reasodeimg al nearly darontsd. aauiaaa fee two; 66 per Wtak : .aaa adjusts; acasad. Call alter 8 . as. da ta Himna sU tear pnre. Phoha E. T14. NURSES 2S7 KCRAK Anyoaa wistuac a coaapeteot ptacucal wane, eewtetnra. ear r oot, rau atn. ooo ar. 448 Ceinmbia. Main 8802 Apt. kV CAP a RLE aaaia sod (eaaaie wered day nan jza. CAPABLE mala and (estate aunes. CaUa sua day o siaht, 864 18th at. Marahail Z3S K ICR ksiht traaa aneea eatlabat lee a or seaUravea; wautaa, ahsaaace; doaM ten aaa. T4I aratau su aaar M av ll. Ukr.E WW ar ancht. 884 12th au Mar at Steal fcndae. 1 aaas Iraat Kaat 48. 684 1 UUWC5 saad rataaraat; aaa . Orataa, sac Tus- Aeaae, wt:h eoa CLEAN tamaasd mi was, lath, ranwe haeU lertrtS hskta. for asntlsaaia a UaVai: wa Kl KSE will ear (ar raUent m har est hocae; I nt dutawee att a. Pine. Beat ?. rtWESAt, DTRECTORS 8CCCE3SOR TO BREEZE SNOOK BgLMOTT AT 68TH TABOR 1888 Lerch. Undertaker EAST ELETK5TH AND RAWTH0&X1 PHONE EABT Til erperienoed arafters. Nnnary. LaFayetta. Ore. CARPKNTEBS wanted to t'isun on work. FIT K. 25th N. East 668T. Rear. WANTED At oaoa. 8 asea to tear TtUraaisin and tatieadin.t 488 Hawthorne. dirt a roariartv. -TKir STSB th. 'Brook. NURSE EJerUte treatmeata. eiolct ray asv aare, aperjel ftu trretment. BU. Zvis. FOR RENT LaJUK aanter toaaw' awe i asaaa aaa arwiae arhWte. 1 av 8 saaassa aadteat aaeae ai aa ta ertraattse hessa. eeaaa re. " Fast 8584. NOB HILL eiaaa. Ucht well laraohed iTta FURNISHED ROOMS 000 Iaa brat Aaar; sa iae ; waJkws mew weefetred, 646 Wast rv. FINLEY'S MORTUARY IMONTOOMERT AT rTTTH. MAIM t MTf t tm a. TRiiilT. tnAenesd. Innail iti. THE HELP WANTED fTMAJJT. 204 IE WOMEN'S - Ptataotlea . DiTaaoa. city Pwdaad. alien sta samoes ta au aaaa perUinin to th walltra and prataetiea. e( womea aad sirls; intai rieai coa fides tial 614 reetma. lmerala 6T6 and to. Waahiaaaaa I 6683. - I - - t Ells at. Broadway 8661. .Ant 618-44. I WANTED Lady 'acaats. notBe to honee wnri. tor all nartt of Oman. It yon ar wiUlns to work, yoa aaa ask food moDy. Call at room 19, Adrain botei. 886 H K. Morrisoa aU. HOTEL BEVERLEY nOR. PARK AND TAMHTLL Imb KA tmpA nvnu not IH COas I li decorated aaa tu uma tan, airy. water in an ly Inrsahsd. TVaasarat 61 an. Rates to permanent auetta. Au a at Irom ttaa at pea. TOURIST tTOTEL R. T. BYRNES S?aiSiSaS? SSI WIL1.US9 STS, McENTEB at KILER3 taneral parion with all I day. 8 to 12.' 6 to 8. . tha prlraey of a soma; lata ana advents ata Phoae Broadway 8128. Aut 82148. Ae R. Zeller Co-VZLTEriSS. Skewes SroTr1 4l" Mads out ot yoor old worn-oat sarpets and rues. Sav halt tha price of new rus. Us woolea elothios;. 912 Rocs staam-cleanatL 11. SO As East 3580 188 East Eifat Restaurant Bought ! Three Days Ago Is Destroyed by Fire CARPET CLEANING I RCFITTtNO, RCLAYINQ, RE8IZINO, KTO. 1 8x18 RUM 6 TEAM CLRANINOj, ft .50. IMSUfwaias msd ever. Feathers Renorated. ALL KINDS NEW MATTREaSCSforSALI FLUFF ajUQ8 wave from eld tier p ata. Furniture apnel stared and rapalraS. PIONEER WIATTBE8S at CARPET OLEANINO WORKS 11072 E. Lincoln St. Atrt. 88747. Olympia, Wash., March 18. Loss esti mated at 818,000 resulted early this morning when fire destroyed the Crane left on Whlts s chin Just hard enough to Caf boUdlna;. Origin of th blsia Is a Jolt him. Dundee did a lot of holding I mystery, aa no one waa in the building. all the way, but he also did most of 1 the night cook having left a few minutes the leading, and it was easy for him J before. Quests of the Kneeland hotel. to reach White's Jaw at any Mm, adjoining, were aroused from sleep tor White reached him a few times with his the second time within 10 days following MONUMENTS 106 WIDOWER would' lie lady employed- to help wita meala ntcht aad moraine: room and heard; soma weses;- dose in. A-77. Journal. APPRENTICES wasted lor toe Betty X Hair Shop. 401 RaleUh. hid.. 827 Wash-sna-ton. Broadway 888. ANT GIRL in need ot a friend apply to the Btirkttoa Army Reacaa float, Mart sir and Alexander ata Phone Maia 8450. 1M ear. assa Us ill i l i l HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20S Ooe. MorrWea aad First. Warm. aomlormM noma aeedemte taaaa. Tea war day aad wa: nut to permanent aaeeta; tnaateata anbettit VVLiLt I1V 1 AAw ua 2Ui Bt Tender new mananment. One. and two room house keeping anitea. atatta ' and doable rooms. immaculately clean: reaaonahle niee. CALL at T. M. C A. to see tree net M aaedarato priced rooane for mat aaea ta all paras of ta ctty, tndodins rooms at the Central T. M. O. A , with telephone ia each room, abowar balaa aad WELL fartnahed cataa room, ciea aa; pwaty ( haat aad hot waut 808 K. MofTVOsfsV. rOB RtVT TW famaUl rnsa. aeai'W w-n ens wrotean. Mora. ewra, . (real mom anitaem lac twa-4l8 Maaujasamy. Mars 6Q.' ROOM AND BOARD ' 302 tormhai 1 HOME tor yewea peeawe ampseysa. pease cwe- tas sas lams enniaeai naao, nraptare. ereee ta. Oata aad sea. 268 14th t ;.SUia IS8. N TERT pieassiH fraat Ished. etutabst lor awa: wha: trs: reasonable msea. 888 Broadway. 81. Hy. Aa Meal SWSe: dose la and call Mar he!) II. s arlvato ls- yetta aawa: mat rat sartlaasm. dub tsdUtiea- IjK.sni. r. hiul-.' . HOTEL BAKfiiV" &tV'4p4. weil laaasd Under new maaat-eaaest. Nice steaai heat, hot sad eald water ta e-eery room. pneato baths. Beawnahto ntee. DESIRABLE .sseaptna rosea. U4,t aao VUsa; Tarawa haat; skmd sonkms fiat; walkbuj dat-a SW . . MAN and wtfe ea farm. ood chance for nahtl M li'5EBiAii?a' l,..l" US!!1 MARTHA" WASBxifoTuC ae ewafcira. 484 V.B. 1 Jth. people. E-16Ti JoumaL OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLt wCCJICS t OJnUTT FMWIRO R.HHS STl sa4QSlg.T43 4JtaBBwwawaaasBawaa-aai i iian awa I tdij OREGON wainun "- FLUFF RUG CO. FLUFF ETJGS A7TD BAG KTJ68. j. Ktara. st. Tabor 7814 FLORISTS 107 FLdWEES TUB ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 -We Wm Fleaee To.- YAMHILL at TENTH I aWsMOJt! -mTl s 1 as war hows as MAIN ass flrat triad In luatln miirt Thl. ball wss ordered returned to Brown left hook, but never had the science to the burning of the Capital City Bakery j SPECIAL NOTICES BALE 101 last week. At hla trial In auparlor court follow his man after hurting him. three offioera testified that Brown hsd confessed ownership of a still, but this Brown denied, attributing ownership to so omploy. Growers Amyrove 68 -Pound Bushel Eor Club Wheat Walla Walla. Wash.. March 18. Grain E row era. dealers and mtllera st a meet ing held her Friday went on record as Jack Reeves, a San Francisco light heavy, showed Fay Keiser of Cumber land, a native son's idea of a good Urn for eight rounds snd won-, slow and clumsy victory. Harry London and Sammy NabeL New York bantams, went eight rounds to a draw. Nabel waa robbed by the decision. FIGHT BT ROCSD8 Round 1 Dundee was ths first to land with a left to White's head. White re taliated with a right to Dundee's dome. White blocked Johnny's right to the head and each landed body blows. Dun dee doda-ed a rlcht swine and shot over a hard right to Charley's face. Dundee I buoy No and restaurant adjoining the hotel on the west ' j Thomas Sawickle, a newcomer, had purchased the restaurant from F. R. Klumb three days ago. The building waa owned hy George W. Draham, loss on it being 112,000, covered by insurance. The restaurant loss, $6000, was partially insured. NOTICE OF OND Notice is hereby area that the City of Eastside will receive sealed bids aatfl 8 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, March 28, 1823, for 618.000 worth of f treet improvement bond of said city. AU bids most be filed with tha' nndar- slgneo, whose address is East&ide, Oregon. The city reserres the riant to reject any aad all bids. This notice is siren by order ft the common council of the City of Eaatsids. M. McLEAJi, iteccruer. First pobHeation. March! 11. 1822. Last pnblication, March 25. 1922. ffvaWws. rii sa "iff I aT avaV stVltwe aswwauww etowci SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 LEAS1 BOOFb tktnfaUy repeired and nam ted handreds af tatified enstomen; 20 yean ezparV Bdwy. 76T3 or Maia 1984. mesa the K. 8. Ca. Inc. 226 B. of T. bide. PRUNINU LSD &P BATING. W have aood power ap rarer : let aa make yon a price. Tory best Una of Burner? stork. 166 Onnd aea. H. .Ditton. Phone East 8183. PAPBRHANOINf? PAINTING TINTINO Pint-cam work. J. H. JENgrxa, East 784 Z. CARPENTER Estimates atven on reoeir work. roofs repaired and caneaa built. Shop, 1867 TTrta -". I w 9 I PAINTING, paptrhaasins aad ttnoet; wrieas res- ork rosrsntrad. Shap 1888 Baw toctoa Brick stnsctan. eaotaz of Pwrttaad'tl Mee aad aoelai arttntua; iiae irtstwe; avaa as ai . a. uk prieato bath. 82 day. for etrts: shall lrtl. ATTRACTIVE ata retaa 86 10U as. aUr- toeea aautabis far aaa er Reaa-maba Wttfe poara. ZW MID p-8a. 4. lith and itaii: wiIU'a"JEer HUM"! UWlUUia BiTM 81 A - T Z lZj 1 L" IUJJ l t, DAT, 15- A WE EE AND LP. BTRiCTLT 1 K"'. .TT. . V 12 vonr-nv ' 1 t,n aaa tl wm, twe aaaafe; 8T MELVIN HOTEL TJ5LU Well Tarnished aleectnc and rooma, 88. n .a, week and art ' BOTKfi CHiX 2l KottC VarT 'Owe mf si ewtisii.n.ei see a no cold water; steam haat; eUrrator aenics; odrrs eonrenienrea It. house seeplnc asm per meata for two. ROOM aad beard 8S W. Park. ttJs h. a. 4rtruew 1.1. H 4dl1 207 14U illOAWCll 4 I tail Taylor aad ranataed sweiilsa rooms, bath, at hot and cold water: 84 week and no. sc. U. Taawe 04a. Call any tfrne sfue-4 w. m. RCOVCS AND BOAltO ' ' -' - PRIVATE FAMILY -t w103 Nortonla Hotel v , RUTENTH OfT WAUHT03i rUaaS a silra ihi hotel .We gNw paa etaaetaon axarrwtcts ea"au aoaabla: ' I thoroe aea. Tabor 1722 or Tabor 4260. TWO nine front outside 861 18th. MamhaU 1388. 818 Smith's Flower Shop -PorOaad' lroarraatrlea Tlorit Flowem for- All Occasions Main 7218. T. C Lose. Mgr. 6t and AMet UAfetlN i EORBE8 Co., florists.' lit Waaiv tnstoa. Main 868. A-1268. Plowan tar ad oeeasirms artistically tmitnd, PAINTING, aapanns. saLs i Call before 8, altar 4 o'rAock. Ant 636-86. ' ibla. East 1184. I a v-erirmsnqr.111 i is eat. ' eeeew eta. saaaua. i atxjai ao aoaiLD i phewe. to two.' Tear- LOST AND FOUND 108 Will Repair Buoy ! That Took Cruise NOTICE OP SALE Tha Monan grocery, 840 Williams are., hsr- int been sold to Wm. McKillop on the 16th day of March, 1922. all bills acainst sneh store I must be presented within 6 days of this data at! i Hid ator for payment. Sisned 1. B. Winter, atent, 814 Cham, of Com. bids. WILL anyone who witnessed the accident to I pateenfer of Richmond car on tha night of PLOWINO. bammsnt disstss. day or eonuaet. aand tenenU ; asaauns; eaa attar p. Ant. 622-68. I PAINTING AND CONTRACTING Carpeater aad eoaereto work, remcdallns; rea- sonaote ana eapetactory. wun. SToft. CEMENT WORK. GOOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. KARL BATTEE A CO.. rtlU.fc3 KAST 9133 UK BKLLWUUD VIS. J6iLi U'l-ChTeA RYAN HOTEL iSfit New msnacemeaL steam heat, hot aad water, prlesto hatha. Reaeonabte nte 44th at. Bear anadar anaeentswr. Sa other l 41 per waa. Taher 816. 168 a- it f PtS tllMift? KlUtW A4V aVA - - w - " " . vm, XHIII ITCV IIKUU LU LtlC IIW, UUl ,T Ill.O I MnTTTM Tt in. 1'AllimiUS 9Vmw V . .w. s. win viuv wiivms to oe ptJUrtQ a I viiiw l'ilk wiui m oiiavj' icih iu uiw THE foOowins artielaa were foaod on th can of the Portland Railway, Iifht A Power com pany. March 16. 1923: 14 ambrallaa. 2 lunch boxes. 2 names. 1 key. 1 suit case. 2 hand has. 8 pair and three sins is stores, 3- kmkL 12 mekaeaa. canceled check, cane. 2 pair raooen, Z' unepnnia. ranoie aacas. strar- i WANTED By exoerienced faxrever. So. 1 or- sharp pencil, newspaoer. Ownen may obtaia I ehardist, aataataan oa smaR taaeh av wTH take same upon proper taenmieaaon at rint ana chare for widow err old folks. D-B8, Journal. Astoria, March 18.SaS and whistling "sa MIW. Pleaa. caU Brcadw 6113 and 8TRATED or stolen trom O'Brien's sarowS: Contnctlns. hardwood ftootina aad flnishlnr mone nroaaway eaza. PLOWING aad senenl teamins- Oaden takes for cow manure. 884 Loshar it., or nhooa oie-ES. buahel. The meeting waa called by EL L. Krertrh. state director of agrlcultura, to consider recommendations mads by two train experts of Kanaaa to Henry C Wallnee. named to make Investigations and report back. Th report of th Investigators showed ' that 11 per cent ot ths club ralaed tested 66 pounds and that 68 per cent of it tested 68 pounds to the busheL face. Charlie pounded Johnny'a mid- aection at tne gong. Round J White poked a left to the face and Dundee swung a- hard right tea a and Both' lande left to the- body. left to tha face. Charlie knocked left to ths stomach and then Johnny hooked a hard right to White's face. A a Johnny shot another left to the face tney cllncned,. each lanatna- a leit to the face in the breakaway. Dundee brought back to Astoria Friday after noon on the Itghthous tender Man- tanita. It was taken to the Tongue I Point buoy station, where It win be re paired before being placed in position again. The buoy , went adrift February and grounded at Moelips, wash. CTTT aaaa or fsrmer who is interested la thai movement from producer to consumer, send name ana aoareas to v-B3. journal. MEETING NOTICES , 102 ST. PATRICKS BALL EUREKA COUNCIL NO. 204. 8. B. A. Are cmehiauns at Patricks I'k Dli t V TV U stolen trom O'Brien's saidene, I Work wanted. 64.60 nee day. seuwooa, marcn B, two aMSKost tamers, owe a i aomery. alarenall ass. W. H. Montr ! JAILE OTt X.IQTJOB CHARGE I Montesano, Washr,, March 18. Mary The trowera also asked that th grades to , Vhen bounced Lahovich, better knowaa as Mary Kolo- f wheat tak th am differentials ?" "t-JKLHLA Ii'JL.".!! w" 5?" """rtngl upwards that club wheat takea down ward. , Woman Ends Life by Jumtiing Into River; 'Hi Health Is Cause1 bic St. Patricks ball Most-1 LOST Spare tire, day e-renmc, March 20. at the beautiful, larce. female -seal brlndla aad white tnarkinta ace 6 years, ears trimmed, aaswen name Brownie; the other a mala pappy, ace months, seal brindie and white markinca, short kinked toil, sot wen nam Buddie. Phone Mr. O'Brisa, Reli- wood 1080 or Brnaww imi. LOST One Bible, one --ara tha Chris." left lyins en bench. Mflwaakia station, Sunday. March 12th. Findr please caU Tabor 8986. Reward nicht March 14. Base EldiVAVLVG AND PLOWLVd General teaauns. day or contract. mas are for sale. East 8B76. Una road, at end of paTcment. well 8188. Reward. CaU Main DOOEEEEPERv lumber, boa. ease and door ex- prrMnea, m tea for puasuoav a-ia. it naL JAPANESE cook desires position in small fare- uy: amt. booest. is yean' anarieaca kVlTO jooroai. HAVE ear. asli snisa wiah line far diatrlbaOow to stores, rutesa years' experience. U II, I journal. i RECTOR HOTEL 8 N. Bradway. at Aakeny. Modcra rooms, prt TSte baths, Ysle locks. 68 a week np; 61 a day. Hotel OckJey Mta-rktoa at 10th. 61 a day: weakly 88 aad ap; free phone and bath; steam haat Hotel Helvetia 846-248 aabnoa at., .near Third, rooms. Tee op, Weekly rates. BEN HUR HOTEL Centrally located at S4T Oak at.- Bpackl weekly rates. Broadway 6601. RTLLCKESf HOTEL. TSl WA6tflXaf6x Almost fall af a tee people, bwt room for a w more: eom aad as what aaf your raaereetioa. 120 1. It at, ,14 1 WHT BIIaV Bht. ewmfortabis raaaa for tw. iwosa. niwpakoa, real aula pesrues . COOD POOD. 886 aaah; aad I atoaat room. tlk. ' Marahaa 416. WANTED T cans foe a caiid aader 6 yean. where Uttla awa wUl tanate earerral ethers ear and here real e-e WIDOW with home waaat Sfc 8 aaaa S . wr sua aad wife, emnsnysd, asaa a; bwawulal front room. 44; back room. 446. Mar. 14 PLEASANT till I. twta bad, hrsj ateepuic poeea. wtra or. wtthexit Vaard: mthar aaaa wr omen. Maia 488. 680 Balmea at. 1 BOARD aad ar workiac ctfl; fa mats with boa, ta kseely Some; Tabae 6I6S. Hotel Bedford l2 Two bleaks from Dews. Tee awe sm. 84a"week ap. Hot aad eold water to each sewaa. Newhall Hotel r-wralahad aleeptoc fooma. steam beat, he aad M water. 402 K. Wulihutm A RUINED bwsineea as rrol LAROK froat osetrty af 1st 816 Ibaat Srth et. wiiJx room and board small cfcn7 REASONABLE ; ClyOSB TH. Il &AAT BTSSa. BKTWI.K SSTH IKU TTT H. - WILL can fee amaa gut lav aw ataT tWaf i tobTeT tsk, 1 or 8 ywaac aaew eauy, bm Broadway. Maiaball 1 6t. ' tlR8T t'LAAS IUX.U aS5 IoAVT). He" Co- L.tataiiA, tf imtK i QTri. atAiw yeaa. RO"M aad bweS toe 6 pnepteT 8 Marshall SC. aaar tth. daaina a room anuraal fa Its arntne font lea- 1 TAlSTfLh Tairr to Voaiw. IVVmxJ" 2SnrK a&,rT nd pM" work: ".r, - TUUmook, Or, March 11 Mrs. Dan OooQapaad. an old-tlxa rasideao of TU- lamoek, cotnmlttad trolcld soroeUm be-1 and then hooked two lfU to the head tweea . midnight aad 7 face. Dundee waa the aggressor in the I moonshin and fined (SOO and sentenced first two rounds. to 60 days despite her Dlea that the Round J Dundee ducked White's left 1 alleged mash found in her South Aber-Ifor the rium snd sent a hard; right to the Chicago I deen home was chicken feed. John Stu-I1?" anfen oreheetra. ?Za "Jr' wnl1 T . SIX ,IU!,.5 bal. arrested on a farm near Satsop, ra left and a moment, later both landed tte nnM Mntenc. He blajned a lefts to tha face. Then Dundee backed tlTt. SiHrl S .reitiM.I to the ropes and bounced out-to the "ff? lt, It. " center of th rlnr. whera White stood adjoining farm, pleaded guilty to pos- and hooked a lett to tne race, wnite i swamwu uvwr sou waa una z ana swunc a light to tha body and brought 1 costs. a narn lert to jonnnys ear, causing- tM claret to now. . wrtu jaoneo a lert i aranncx TTFT.Ti TATt TsTBS. wiarw to wm lCW sno wwmw w. srrt w. Mftstsssne. Waah Uarot. 1ttVS,n.ra1 One of the beat dance floors in tha city. Two haadsomo door pnaea will be one- for tha lady ani spotted. Reward. 168 nd holdinc the lucky number. tdjmi white aad hrindl leeeup. .- POUND, East Burnside, pocketbook containinc - currency, cards aad photo. Call at 248 Sixth street.'' book at 10th and Ti EXCAVATING, i 6612. I cradinc plowinc Woodlawa I bill .1 l . . - 1 1AJS1 BUfli w'r " na nat ebeck. I at. 6 p. m. Friday nicht. COLUMBIA REBEEAH lodea I Hotel. Room 24. Reward, Madras I ervicsa were nana oero weanesuay I or i rood tuna aemsauoa o eeata. tauadiBS war t iao- -- . , left. Both, landed with left hooka mt th. TKjUI Round 4 Dundee put a left to the fsoe .".Mi'1 wuj'u kuUw td then hooked two lefts to the head re3ent ' Montasano, who died Monday EMRLEM jRweutt a . a a . I a A 1a aaaa- 'wXT1ai-a SBwarsartaW to lr tA I sMVCE Jl IUUVUU VI V WV ajUMWO W1U1 Un3U I evas-aaa ' OCIOCK rriaay i ' ' . ' ' IT" I mntrT. atr. Mir Mw- ,. i. im (J II II II T X6SI aaUXU sBaUH IV 1869 69 i.wuiaM.Us I ...-a w. avw wvwt Ktx If. L O. O. r. aV-m-lf Aoi ' fa .-.t- a ii ' iJJw- N - lr -toUnc.a cturda, era-1 SZZ' MsirTa k, st., earner' Borne-da. l"'t?'i AU Rebekahs! LOST Taa Bastoa aa to Laursiharet, oonmin ara n inrtted. I ins haafee kail ootnt. Beware, Tabor 4SOB. ANNA U OBTOLP. Secretary. Q8T. broom Oxfords. Retara to 2TT BIG carnival dance March 18. flren by Brook-1 bide. . -xr IH t !?Sr'V,Ib1 m,"liOST Bra bnndle boUdo. . "vi '-v r . "i sr. wain. hbs. Ba ran L- GENERAL cardeninc landwspuia. flower and lawns taken can of. Tabor T616. Carpenter rSop. 1i 12th st Aitermc. pairmc. camaet arot ra . wroaaway VBOO, PAPEEOANtilNO aad ttatinc' aew waUpeper samraea; eeoroatea rwjwabed. Tabor 6080. BAAEMXNTls. iCEADQils. til. TtAkLsd Contract or day work. Aev 621-88. EJtPEBAKHCKD LENOX HOTEL 242 third ar . arm atsnt Airncore. mooera moras at 0814 611 aee, A a. 414-16. atocW; THE BARTON CUaa. futwamad raoaea. 11 iS awe wa-t P. awo mm aeosraee ina tab Aider at. HOTEL TAIT beaed: aad- form. Wsto I16 BXXIM aad table beard. 646 per eaa. 121 Ket llth at rhon Eaet 24t2. HOisrxrrrwc noous - i toe konoaa sinst, 66 pea wt; a. retasn. ss. as lvl3 li 1880 Atlaatie- specralty. battona, piaa, . 181-188 Stb at aid. Phone East 888. tWiT-Jtirodelo" do: " aaoatas! tmopy. ttowara. CaB BeilwwsdTSaT Maia 6662. ! EtCATltTSC C. E. Cheese-eta. Wdm. 4128. CEMENT WOTUsT waaa. aii. CARJPKXTKH aa 1 tha bmlfflnc Rwa. p-Qowa Bast 866. morning by Jumping Into th Trask rlrer johnny ahot a hard left to Charlie's I being on of tha earliest settlers of th from fh bride? ow th outskirts of this ' Whits put a hard right to John- county. In Aberdeen ah conducted th 1 . ' ov- t... ..- Kw har dauahtar "T stomacn and uunaee repueo w Pflu toUL t.y. 1 " " v y-j two crashes to th Bead, uunae laooea thuii tnlflnlwtit I vine on her Toed I . , . . Jln - - . w I IWU MmS KllS W WW ASH.-W, MU WUftVUl WV S W iri tew w mm-mim .Hk kMriKtk-im. Vkn femr dauah-1 whit.'. -tbt th- K-ti I "AST BULL BVCX WATZ& ter want tvbr room to aroua her for! Round a They went to a clinch and l MeUger, March 18. At a meeting at vrwaltfaat aha was missing, and an alarm I after th break Dundee sent a left to tha M etxger schoolhouse Wednesday eve waa sriwen. Searching parties went out White'a face and followed it with an- nlnr a committee was appointed to can- i- .n -tinn. from tha city, and early I l"Tr .SSt Taw Metsgar ana .ngarti districta , 7 . ft.rr, M ra. Ooodaowad'a body I " "5n"7.p." - i.r. .nLi I determine the attitude of property own waa found by Bert Thayer Coating in stomacn. Dundea put two bard lefts to Hoqusrton alough, about ona hundred White's face. They went to the canter ward below th old mouth of th Trash, and Dundee shot a right aad lXt to J. .... m v-a i - i. White's face. They riinched at th belL V XLZ I . liound -Whit. rnimtod a nasuus -uj ' . . fsre. sad tha New Torse Bow asaat av letv to th stomach. Johnny then ahot a left to the face and at close quarter soaked a hard right to tba body. Dundee swung to CARD OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANE our many friends and relattTss for their. Wndnati aad. beautiful floral efferinsa durins tha iUneea aad death of our betoeed husband aad father, Mrs. Benriksen and children. DEATH NOTICES 103! i.. John A. Camp-1 EDUCATIONAL 200 TTPIN&. tXQUL&n. SPELLINO AND IH NINETY PAYS- CONCRETE awurtoa bi caa Ben. 168. ! PLUMB IN ( dose P sa Cot. lTth asm Osweh. Laraw. wwn asooe-i rams, at raaanaahie ratsa ar by Use fc. itxikTsa, wry resannsaie be Aut 286-61. VI Xerl h the record behac made hy all af Whifh are msred ia rood Bavin r-aiH.eie Par theae wha eatuaot take day achoei. we haw arnneed a epecially pr pared "HOME 8TUDT WLxtaB,-' wteea .aaakaa st pcaeiMe for yea to! The dency. She la surriTed py a son. Bjxoert Ooodspeed. and by two daughters Mrs. j LmUb4 Irwin ana Mis Katxa uooa- speed. aU et TUIaroook. j .-y; f t - XAKAOXX TUL3T lOrOSE1 be Toted on. CAMPBELL 291 N. lBth bell, are 31 yean, bdored see of Mrs. BrMawt Caaa-baa and the late Mathew Auraa- ara raarardlne a mam to nht In R,,ii t keil aad brother of sense and Carrie OaaanbeU. water from Portland. At the meeting t "a S-1 Ijt Bm, f1 1 ? expert stetrraphr at hoata th "rote in favor was i5 against eight i .k'T opposes. A 10-miU tax Wrtll DC neoeaeary. I Fnn,,! noore later, arranawxiflstta ia can c4lS18-l Dekrtm blda PlMDe BnadweT sa&o i-nr rwcw w wr - . a...... -'."IL. A. Ul Wig"?. JS WW - wr v a aj:M Vx A JhaVswv 19 OJWllU.i--a MClUll, WL, JsaaVfVsa . I, Jl V afc aVy ii fT saaA VP- J A Kan X VU T atal 11 lUK IT Tr i Akt -i j--J . w. w . a. ... . 1 -r-si.-a- Tw aa a a a a I in 1 sMiia n MSB ruMl w AT-as W glKllb W B.e-p WUJ a-awtoww w " a-o a - . - . aw . - : .w -a, , .1 8701100, VTs . Tf . sVHA A9. XT a UWW wBl a left to the face and Charlie returned it lxUd pieaiden t Of the college T. M. C. irhM. Or.; L G: Seatoo of OUaaama City; Both landed lefts to th face at clOS I A. Bad x5dmUtd Bergtan Of Portlaad 1 Mn. L S. Wllarm- of Eerie Sock. Mo., and quarters, uunoee japoea lert to race ana i secrexary. in coiietfo x. w. C A. I ia t. a. Bhouse of Mum, uoex Eemarrra are . amdias and aao sraana J 6661. Sf4 X. 6th. Bear Hawt-rrwa. UAauwutll' lasers, ay aay ec eoatraat. Refer- aocea 149 Bcdney aea. Woodlawa 6662. PAPER . HAMwINO. PAINTUiO. TCfTOia. i IKLT. . tlCAVATINO. laws wort, saidaa apadin. Call emn fl o t. ' CSMEKT nawm, adewaTk pin rot. CaR XXCAYATDtO.i pBme'lTm sUowma aad Tabor rATQ. pepenaa. epeetslty: work suen. HAL LINO WAK TED s. ate 2-toa truck. Owaar. m . zaq at. groaaway tssx. aklULLNU. roof iwnaixiasi week cuanatead. atanneu zxbs. CARPENTER- fuueber. day or conuact East T814. t Phone FATTSTO BIDS AtatCD notrutam, WasK, March 18-Bids for - paying atraels and sidewalks of fir Kast Horruiam torottghf arss war called for by th city cotnmisejon Thursday. ' Ins: White to stagger, and followed- with left to stomach and two more lefts to the tao. Thaw went into av clinch, both Jabhlat left to the face. Whit Jabbed to the mouth. - Round 8 Johnny wonaT a left to th at- inch and than left to face and CARPET TER wwrk ia or oot af city, rasas sza. auuea Annate aea. t ducked White'a return. Charti tooklUetd Panllnai Whitinw r T-- -tn-h las the chaoei of Edward Hohnaa A Sam. Third i Say ar atsht schoal baa bataa th stappto stows I PALMiAU. pp--rncln aad tintina Aaa 220- . Twin raJla. Idaho. March 18. A STJ-1 blow to the rib and Stomach and" they I rl nr-sArlent- rtmm J,MriVZ I 1 SeJmoei eta. Notice of funeral later. - far theamnda Why aot yeat rbeaa Main 664V 1 18. UQ. ' Befl. elal election will be held March t tolaparrad at the belL . 1 . . .1 viUaC -ice oreaident: Halea Skinner IJE.VXET At the reaideare of am son. E. A. POgrrjOjl rOR EACM CRADCATT f!-..!- w?.r i obiti riaTawT m m a nam r raan w aa a 'kaTna-bbb naara i w -- the oommlssloa pua of gorarnmani will Urg- t,- hooked tefta to face, caus- arpias Hay Stee-ft Limited -r-ami - ' 1 5 - a, March 18. VeeV little. ha reeaaiaa 1 titU.iHAJ ia ths str. Marc IT. I. set er H.l ' aLTSKT- RLDC.. Bit Awn vnBRTBn- s oa aoaa ta iwsrumas e aniy. acc n una to I wuunan. saw n ran -aemainB an at xn IB. BROTBXRS, 64T-S2. CABOiETMAEER. wOl npair 70U farnitatw. hotot rooming bowse or store. Eaet 4ST6 local buyer. Tha lart aurtpaa I ftraeral - parion of A. fA Kenworthy At Ca, Whit Dut rirht and left to atomach. Tba ore toot wiir coat about 8JJ.0O0. to b 1 uunoe miaawo paid by propel ty wrr. Aatoa A' from 1620 sas bee wiped ewi aad Uttie re-1 8602-04 2d A. X.. ia Lenta mans at. ta isai ere. -The -rem wiator.lmter main iaa xawarasi aaaaoa t 1 dors tie a.- lew BOoe aaakinr tha and Charik iabbed left r? 1JTL S!? ill woiiit njrui Ifooutam. Waaru. March IE Albert raraaott. atrwd mill worker, fetl from the Clrays Harbor mill dock Thursday, aad hie -leg waa broken. Re landed on a cow moored alongside of th wharf. , to th oa Whit landed. rtThVtVtie l-i-lld'toltol Co. 4Mt4tl!4 face, forcing Dundee to th rope. As he JSStw - 0 mr tolw9 u I of rnnemi later, bounced out .White hooked a right f the! 7'- 1 t ' - 1 CHRISTEN SOS ta 1 aVPECIAL 624 auto trwaaot eoataaa -Why not Hone of funeral j t. , ,,.,1 a. tiwka 4 - Taw oner seoa to a Sauted srumber af DEARDORIT In thai mty. Rum 11. Rnrti aestts aaly. Oaw free emoloyment wffiee Uaaxdorn, atto of iiackamaa, Or. t- Rtmaina 1 roa ae a roea awitiaa sxaespaiu a aata Tractor atawtautni EXCATATlSiG. eJaehas aad Astomatse 618-64. BRICK WORK- apecmrry. Taj 6462. are at the fnaeral seriota of A IX Ke woethe I Behool. 7T 8. Ri. ta Laom. awthume -a r.. Portlaad. PLA8TERIM- and at Tatior 2sa war. 10 K. 44IA - 1 far and went to th I wift aaaem ea aaaas nay watt rones. White followed him only to hit rfonnny. oucaanrj tano a rtgnt. . Kound 8 Dundee put a light left on t.nariie s ooay ana xoaowtea wiut a right iw nemo, unariie sent a icit to jonnnys Crpeatar Wage- oale CItb Notice 1 MOLKB BAKBES CXILLEOB wiA 1 . tha xzoa to a wa aaa: en r-.H kixtcv fUi I. h rntt ale k ll uu I ssarsaac: aisrstiuna e rured. ' Barak Chnitiito-. - RemaAoa are at the chapel Jawa ssof-a etate aai. Write at eaO fas af Edward Betom ek Soa, Tnrd aad Balmosi 1 leswa 864 Bwreaada t . , 1 ato. -rfotiee of funeral later.' - - -. ,i J . .' . 1US TitXGEAPlil ' . PAOiTIKQ, ras-imtmn and iasirli finish, work roan inteed; r 10 rI west to toww. Eaet 82SS, PAIST1SO Paiwrhaaeina. ttoxiax-i wiadow a eneriatt-. Atrt S1T-48. CEMENT- WORE Hare ' Centniia. Wash.. Maswh 1 a. ni A Tw rerwnbac aaaraury of Carpenton Local . he, j ELl-le In Uua ottr Marrh lt? 1822. Andrew 1 tfc7?,1f'" ? 2127. asraawneed yest-rday to earpenten endl M. Elhi. aced 68 years. The body at ' 1 ehanae bids. tay d eUaem osarewtwed that the unioa weca aeaie for I Chamben tMupany, 248-289 EillLCCSWorth are. I THE Peaahry Stadia Betwochinc Bcacai. anw-tuta, 484 mint face. They . clinched , and Dundee aarpentesa for the cocaine year at 87.00 per day. ' Punersi notice later. toatrapt. ta thsaty and techawow, dSTMorrhwa,' a-nrantosd. Phaa before Iaa Tsbee 6T61. IxiOtTSE RAloING: ae nvtrt work ml "afl kladeT .Keaaonable. 1 ManhaU 886. MARRIED MAN waaoT Eaten t Mb East 1848. ea una. .84 14 M H6UZK EETI.H4 New Perkins Hotel WaaWactoa aad rtfth atissla, Bpecsal intstsiiiat retea. MARLYN HOTEL -same wiik VilrVessats 4S-- ly paswswa, bato, aata asm pease. 6Z1 W. Ptrk. at Pay. fcilCE srwat bsustoiwasa asiwi. beat U,- w. IT6 ITta. alSiiUE BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAY AXI BratBtTa 88 per week us. Prrrai balk 8 wa. Free Matthitsen Hotel Roeene 60 day w: 88 weak ap: rWrt, Bht,i 'jmiC!mm' Ti hot or cold water.- eteam heat 74 CenaSl I atwaas beat 646 C LADT. tortus sdt 66.8 a aaai n 1 1 I 2-ROOM ha. ap, aa 1st flea, snnle sJsiy. hat aad aaaa wata. ari Clay at, saner laia, ; MambaR 86 2, . - I K1CELT taea. saaetie kk. 46T easy at; auia iitt. and kiteVaaiane mm wtfl tent eWw si twosm. er 8 atoada r 11 nil In flatto fawtJeenen eauployed; bath Mi iosntoc. plenty of hot water and beat; ramie abas, walkinc dknanee. Bread ay 2680. ROOM wah aitakaa. 44 waaa, anal saeexaea ewem. 6L84 wwak; 1 bat k. k. -asea, 64 66 - PSooe and bath free. 26 ITto av Mara . rkoxt HOTEL .ARTHUR t!4 IT lit at. near Varifsou, CWam. msera iLEfcPliC aeeeaj aaa plat tor UU B." XI. 1 rooms by day, week wr month; -saeanable ntea room, klleksastto seues. warkmcans. 18 room aad 1 room aaito I aw-avuns. w w . . 'tn ' . - I am. 661 Bead at 1. 1 11 1 ateaa. 11T1 MCTNEOTA 2 far rent W din. I486 frASrttV;foK niVrxL 13TH AED WAABTXCTOa BTA AttmUea Means aad twitea at taaaanahla sate by weak ar meats - THE ST. paH lie 4th, cr. a'xU.. i KB-1 1 larob BPEtTTABUE eowatowa aatat Bases Tree am. I rt .wee. Tery Prieato bath 62. Soerjal rates by week er aaearta. I PARTLY fa-nfl" TWO weU (iuwisaea. cUa aad cocaXotrulslaT fmraished I inisjiM eon, !" 28 Writer. East I1IL let raaar; e Taylor. ins mar, turner heat 82.8 aad 68t WalktM dietaneat 62 Hrrrt st Btiwr. IS b-cl TTa o-ftooUT tWO wera ala bath aad t4e-horse: 68-6 per wwak.' R. tlHat Main 1821. rnbee at ttumrwa TVO wewiy Knwta at., 414. 142 w urn 1148. CLEAN, harht. fareVshed Labor temple: 82 8 twr famaia at Vhmmm Main 2T6T VTTFLl fui-iaW t, block fro 278 Ce- TswetlL l-ROOM Mam 84 TTi ss-ir-u trrl isama" abia. rAeaty haat and hot water, walkxag dm- ai aea icy at. urn eawey ttit. raeav 141 llta et Phewa Maanhetl 2. ' . 841 1ITH 8T. - J-ljoM LR.R furnished frwat mom; welkins 878 Bom at Paeoe Eaet 26.. CLE1S. tU 2 eta and A WW. cLeaV R "ST phoae; 8 month. A I aw tar 214-22. axewtaaeaw. beta amtekoe mil; mmart Bchta and bath, e ,, 6- era 1 aja a aivavn pasauy ran M.m aueii. "f-! . whole aVrwnetaxm. Call 616 Bs tmew at 1 AND 2 H. K apL. 612 aad 414 mmt mm. TS. wastirw dietartee. 126H IsafH et IUZ UEU-LS tlui-L. tVeSas 62S7. Mam 4676. TWO Inrmiked aaje B. ti. reeaa. w.h lJ- imtm haat. X I6ih st, aor. Cehnat-a. iUtiME V. 1 1 me and a la for re t 64 neek aad w p. hEALY furnished I 'St room vuh fireplace sad Zii S. Zlst It A St 818-82. 241 w QRi.K airy S3 SO - - ,4 k. . PHth et, near Mai. r a . 1 0 7 Piae - tfjaatlswad aa Psht s's PsaaJ