THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . OREGON. 17. THURSDAY, "MARCH 16, 1922. ' TOTAlS OREGON . APPLE CROP PROVED TO BE GREATEST KNOWN t GG H HAS A BETTERTONE a w. - wTnLiTJi aaa CASKET " KTWt aenCaS THTBSDAT DAIBT TRADE . ' Batter Egg CInm Cube Extra Select Flats Ferttaad ......... tee Sic -8e flu Fraaeleee .... 87e S6Ve tie .VW S VI eeeA W 'r epe-e- Chicago .......... I8e -SSe SOMfe 1,09 Angeles Me - Sie Seattle lie tie tie Br Htu H. Cokes Consumers are again advised to pick up all the snaps they can find in the canned foods market. There arc plenty of anapa beta offered In the retail shopa and It la advisable to crab them without delay. There appears little doubt that APPLES ARE HELD i BY LACK OF ROADS jBy Hymen H. Cohen i , Apple trade condition remain firm and active in all leading lobbing center of tho country many retailors are still selling odds and bat at primary point then I a dearth of kal ends below the actual coat of replace- Bast ' because lot the "Vtnit of aisable stock. menU --! Reports received by The Journal indicate that Thla applies nartlcularfar to fruits and auit liberal stocks of armies ara retained is vegetables, sales being made of some of I 0,Jr3?'on7" tb? Colombia river sc- these article at sacrifice price, xne Market for acta foetia- tho effect of fur ther' enld storage operauoae here. While Um trad hat' reported generally that it will sot aM an til April, eooaiderabW stock if being moved late ieo bousee. . Srnrtns Brie of sera 1 generally fimar. with a high a 1 e reported paid tor currant re ceipta although 16 le tha iqml market. r radical lr ail tha loading firm aro today quot- tn a selling price of 24a a eoeen tor. select hennery' Stork. Mora difficulty h Mn etoerWneed be. egg arjeralatov la aarurlng fanda for torg of aor ran, The beaks have been "atung" generally daring tho pnttmi setaon and ara vry carafol Sheet making further enrmluant Receipt of eggs eonlinuo to (ain her, bat atnrse and horn damand aro takias ear of offerings at tho improved prtraa. ' TVvm 4alrln rrweial Information raordtn ay sas.Fl at theald wnto the Market Editor. Ore s' Journal, inclosing stamp for reply. BCTTER HAS A HALTING T05E . - . . . . I 1. - 1. 1 . k... a i Marie. l"T on 'LIT naa 7T , !a r-soit of oontinotd d-llna la tho Callforals 'nut. Ontput hr Is falninc and. whiia tha 'oiaraat ia warns. It la by bo asaaaa firav same la also true of the cheaper, quality' of canned flan. It la also advisable to purchase dried beans because the market ia likely to show a further' advance. Again it moat be repeated that errs are now at their best and if you want to put some away for the fall months, there is no time like the present. Then, again, better . purchase dried prunes. v ' Retail market prices generally show : K((s 23 9 tOe per doaon. Rattoiw-Pnah eraamcry, 4SC45e lb. Fish Kslmon. SOCJSSc. halibot. 2bc; parch. 10e; snxdt, ISTHe tb. Flour Boat local patent. $2.10 9 2.25 per 49 lba. Potatnaj Barbaaka, 32 30 par sack,. Onions 93 par lb. Tamhlll street prices : Vagetablaa -CarroU, 2e lb.: dry onions. 8 10c lb.; tnnupa, 6o lb.; apples. Se lb. Honey Comb. SOe: aoart. S3e: pint. 38e. Pooitrr UaaTy Beaa. v:e: nsni oens. .w. broilefa. S2e: tarbeya, Diivato amarkat, 60c Fs Pablio aarkeC 2Sc; private atofe, 0 2fte per doatn. 22 CHirKr.5 TBADE IH I.AG01JTO HEBE I tlth r stall buslMta arant and offarinca 1 .nMM, the mafkat for ehVaene aion tha Ivlmisaala way la iMfinf anmewhat, with aalaa tin around lba prlca raaee suotad bare. TEAL MABKET HAS LACK OF S5AF Market for ewintiy killed ralwa abowa lark rf snap bare, bot prWt ahow little rbante. Bntk at the tops morinf at 14 14 He, with very HanHad baalnesa at 13c. Itoaa about steady at 14 I live. roTATo orrranrcs are liberal iVutn rmrera are frisking ary liberal of fara nf suit'm at Ihia time, bnt there la prao trail? no nuliode drmand at tha moraant be rw at farther prire eoareeaioB bains aiada by Ida he aad Colorado (rowers. C00R150 EATS C05T15UE FIRM rmUni fata are showing eonaidarabl strength at this um. with mora or lees talk of oonun nad adraneaa la the prtee. Ird ta now cbaapar then aeeuhle mmpnanrta and ia tipected to how rostral of actlrily. BRir.F KOTES OF FROPCCE TRADE 1 .pah auppiiea a pie for roriulremrnta trrmnge nwkat alow; applaa taking their place. allfnrnia mni TeeatoblM In at higher prices, rhxeae eonunuaa firm, aapecialiy Tillamook, ffnttre Uek of damand (bowing fog hope at moment. Pressure Is Shown In Cotton Trading (Wall fttreet Bureau of The Journal) New York. March 10. The cotton market was unsettled again today, but near month liqui dation seemed to be a little lees actire and re-.-. nutin Mamad tn have left futures in rather a firmer position, both technically and in relation to spot cotton in the South. . There waa a renewal of pressure against M.n.h and Mae at tha start, and after opening unchanged to 4 points tower, actire months anon showed Bet leasee of to IS polnta. This carried May eontraota off to. if .60 and October to 1 0.De. out aa soon as me seinn w months slackened the market showed a tendency to rally. The principal development ia tho cotton mar ket today waa tho slackening in the liquidation of nearby months. This helped prices to rally arter an early week spent and the leuotory was fnrtha assisted in the lata aJtornooa by reports of floods la tha Missiasippi eajlay and by the strength In the stock market added to the recov ery in grain. The cloaa waa strong at the beat prices for the net and a not gain ol C3 to-. points. Range of prleea reported by Orerbeck A MnMH UMm or Treae nuikaina: Close. 150 1900 179S 1T34 1690 1675 tton although, only limited stocks ars shown in warenousaa at Hood Hirer and White Salmon. Boad eooditiooa hare made it impossible for Columbia nrer orchardista to mare their apples for seTerai months peat. Tha result ia that, while the demand is keen, the trade is unable to secure stock, i Latest deeekomenta alaa shn rhafe The Journal's estimate of the Hood River crop, made last July and much criticized by some interests .there as being too high, has Bow turned oot to be eztmnelyi conaerrative. The Hood Rirer crop by actual shipment shows the 1921 produc tion to be tar th greatest on record and the seme is true of the total Oregon crop. various marseu reported: Washington One unbroken and S 4 broken can oa track j demand and movement! slow; mar ket ateady. Halea direct to retailers. Boxes: Washington. Stayman Winesaps. medium to targe sixes, extra fancy, 13.75; fancy, (3.60; Rome, laney, soma scalded, fair condition, 12173 03.00; Grimes, eitra fancy and fancy, small to large iaes, scalded, mostly around $3.00; Oregon. SpiUenbuTK. extra fancy, medium to large sisea, I3.60 38.75.j Now Bark ! Thirteen Washington arrived. Boxes: Supplies moderate, demand moderate, movement limited, market steady, i Northwest ern!. Yellow Newtown, extra fancy, large to very Urge sixes, 33.138.25. faw high as 33.50; mall to medium sizes, 82.75 3.00; very small iaes. 32.25 2.50; fancy, large to very lam sixes, 32.75 8.00. few high as 38.25; small to medium sues, iz.ou as 3.00 ; eery small sizes. WHEAT BIDS ARE LOWER EOR CASH WHEAT STOCKS DECREASE Chlcaxo, March 18. The Dally Trade BulleUa makes the arallahte applies ef .breadstaffa la second Bands In the Halted Klsfdoas, Ar- featlaa aad Australia, with reported qaaaatlea afloat for United Klna;dOB. sad CeaUaent, 12t,3d,0 bashela, aralait 47I,7MN bathels last year: WHEAT SHPMQflS KILLERS GETTING IN MARCH TO DATE MOST LIVESTOCK ARE SHOVING GOOD . 1 HMBmaBMM THUB8DAT LITE STOCK TBADE I Hera. Steers. Lambs. Fortlaad ......;...31Le M tUM Chlearo ........... ' Mi .Denver.. 9J 7.33 14,73 Oataha 9.74 .... 13.75 Kansas City M ' MM 1 San Fraaeiseo ... 183 7.73 1844 Seattle 11.84 v .... lx.ll THURSDAY WHEAT BIDS Hard whita .... Soft white ...... White dab ..... Hard winter .... Horthera spring; Bed Walla ..... Bid. .flil . L2S . i . L2 . lJtt . 1.2 Rise, le le. te te te te Tear 40. 81.44 ltt 148 1J7 1J7 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BT?( Bogs. Cattle. Calvea. Sheep. Can. Thursday 207 Week ago l I Two weeks tto . lit Four weeks ago. Tear ago ......1125 Two yeare ago . . ITS i Three jeers ego . ,693 roar years ago . 788 5 1 22 8 3 105 2 87 7 22 6 None 8 1 30 ' 11 807 . ... 18 26 ... 108 166 5 2368 81 NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Compiled by tha Merchants Exchange: -Cars- Port., Thar. . . 48 Tear ago ... B3 Season to date. 23148 11416 13 4 8993 8770 12 Wheat Barley. Flour. Tear ago Y ear aco Taooma, Ded. . Year ago . . Season to date Year ago . . Seattle, Wed. Taa ft on $2.25 m 2.40; Itomea. extra' fancy, large to very I Season to date large sues, i2.50; eery small sixes, 1Z.28 9 2.40; Borne, extra fancy, large to very large sisea 83.00 & 3.25. few high as 38.50; email to medium sisea mostly 82.75; British ! Columbia, No. 1, small isize Jonathans, 32.50 92.60; Mc intosh, 83.0098.15. ' Philadelphia Eleven can oa track, including broken. Offerings light; damand and movement alow. Boxes; Market weaker. Washington, Winesaps, extra, fancy, medium sizes. 83.00 9 3.20; small sixes, 32.20 92.75. ! Kansas City Five ears on track, 'including broken; supplies liberal; demand and movement moderate; market steady. Boxes: Washington, Delicious; extra fancy, large size, 54.25 94.50: Homes, extra faney, medium sisea, 33.25; fancy, medium sixes. S3. 00 r Winesasa. extra fancy. medium sisea, S3. 50; Colorado, jumble peek jeoetnanaj extra, tancy, ss.uu: taney, fz.ou 2.7a; orchard run winesaps, 52.75 9 3.00. Cincinnati Seven ear on track, ine broken. Supplies liberal; demand and movement light: market dull. 7109 8998 8 1 156 1808 198 567 V'2 97 1089 4T 759 7 1 178 1774 191 802 Oats. Bay. 3 9 16 725 1492 382 1664 2 . 686 764 t 3 4 835 1853 325 1146 126 106 2 Trade omvUtinn a Urn liveetock market at Ncrth Portland Vera again on a sw'fl base with three) loads reported in the alien Tim radar and most of these direct to killers. There waa praeaoally nothina- amiable for sal in the hog alleys at North Portland Thurs day. BeceipU ot 207 head went direct to killers on contract and the open market had nothing to. offer. Alt prioak. went considered ateady ueest in the pig dirisjon. Thee were lower. - eneni nog market rant: Prima Kght Smooth heavy, 280-300 loa. Smooth heavy. 800 lbs. up Rough heavy Fat pigs Feeder pigs . . . , otags Bng at AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES WEATHER NOTICE FOB 8HIFFEBS The weather bureau advised Thursday : Pro tart shlnmsnta during the, next 36 hours against the 'fnilnwtna minimum temperatures: troina earth t" nleatUe. 96 As arsis: snrtheast tn Spo kane, 36 dacraes: east to Haaer. 26 deareea, and enviui 10 Aseiana, 11 agne Minimum tera- paratnre al Portland tomorrow about 86 de grees. . Month - Jsn March . . . May .... July . . . . Ort . . . . tlae New York apc4market. 1840. Lirarpool ootton aloes. 20 up. Open. High. lxr. 1630 1660 1620 178T 1810 1774 1768 1705 1759 1796 4 176 1701 1668 1693 1658 1652 18T8 140 KIMQl'OTS FBOM lint offerings ef kai eme In a email ahinment from Florida to Mar vin A Co. The stork arrived in unusually eood K.ndiUoi roe side ring tha long Journey, and sales , wrre auiie at sue a pound. FLOBIDA SOLD a roquets of tho it from WHOLESALE FBICES IN F6BTLA?rD These are prirea retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept aa otherwise noted: Dairy ayoaucta arTTKTt Bsiitng price, box lota. Creamery prirea: ITtaU, extra. Se.tor plain wrapper; rahes, aettaa, 889860 per, lb.; dairy, buying pex-a. joe par tb. nOTTERTAT Portland delivery baaia, Ne. 1 grade. Se: Ne. 3. 36c; No.1 sons, 37e for he I grade. CHGtSR Selling prtee: Tulamoob. fresh 1 Oregon faney triplet. 28 9 29s lb.: Young !Amerteaa,2 9 80e lb. Priee to jobbers, tab. Tillamook r Triplets, 2fM; Young 'Americas, 87a, Hell ins price, block Saisa, fancy, 869 3 8e; llmhurtar, 80 ): cream brick. 28 930a lb. I KOod t-Baying price. Front street: Current !rarete4e, l19e: bennenee, 20c doe. j selling irrice. rarrent receipts, henneries, 20 9 22c per ;.; select. 22 9140 pet doa; pullaU, 19 920c . I. E04;a Assndatlna selllag prtee: Select. 24a 4oS-: flnte, Jtn doe ; pullets, 21c I.IVr. POILTRT Belling prices: Heavy he, 34t2ne lb: light helm. 21e per lb.; stags, 16c lb.; old roosters, 10912a Ib.t tarkeys, Seessarl, 35 9 88 b. ; Uve, SOe lb.; ducks, lire. JJ 28e lb.; geaee, live, 20e lb.; dreaead. S3 9 3e lb, raaah Vaeatablea and Fruits - rKKftH FHt'lT Oranges. 36.78ie7.wA box; haesnss. 9H910n lb.; lemons, 86.6097.83 ea-e; erapafrnit, Florida. 14 00 9 7.00; Califor. kM, 38 SO at 8 75. P C H R I KB 'ranberrias, loral, 85 box. URlEli rftriTA Datoa, 650097.00 boa; fiBK. black. o120 pee 2-lb. box: prunaa, ua to 60s, 0-lb. box, 14c; 60 to 60s. 13a. ONIONS Selling price to retailers: Local, 67OO91.60; buying price, 86 60, country; garHV, 2ta lb.) green onions, 46 960c. dosea buerhe. rOTATOKS atlng price to retailers: Ore gee, faaey. 81 609 1.76 per cental: buying price. country. 61 00 9 1.10: Ysklma best. 63.00 per cental; sweet 'potatoes. 6lfcc VKOKTAHUCS 'BeeU, 33 00 9 8.60 e seek; rahbaae. m per lb.; lettuce, 84.60 9 3.00 eeat: earmta. 81.18 9 3.00 a each; parsnips, tl.7SW2.On e sack; green peppera, 40e lb.; tnaaatoea, Mexiran, 84.60 per lug; Boner dish, 16c par b.; Kirnula, 20 9 21c lb. arUebnkaa, 3ITt9 8 00 per dea: rauliflowee, 83.369 3 66 erato; salary. 609 00 doc; rhubarb. Ibe 1h j aptnerb. 61 79 2.00 boa. APPLXS Spltaenbum, extra fancy, 4 tier, 93 36: faaey. 4 tier. 32.76 9 8.00; choice, i tier. 8) 00 ay 3 f 8. AT rUCS Cook tog stork. 31 30 9 1 60 br; 23e off all above ea 160 and 168 sizes; 60c eft a 116a aad saaaller. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST an Francisco Market San Frinoww March 16. (U. P.) Butter extras. 87c; prim finte. 86 He. " Rgga. extras, 25 He: extra finta. 24c; extra pullets, 23c: undersixed pulleta, 20c. Cheese, California (lata, faney. 21c. Los Anoeiae Market 1 Ivn Angele. March 16. Butter 88c per lb. Eggs Kxtraa, 25e; case count, 23c; pullets, 22 H a dosen. Poultry Hens, 29e; broilers, 40945c; fry ers, 46a per lb.' Seattle Market Seattle. March 16. (I. N. 8.) Eggs Se lect ranch. 24o: pulleU. 21c Rttp nw rreamen. 88e: bneks. 89c. Cheese Oregon triplets, 24 9 23c; Young America, 80a per lb. 1 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST San Frsmoieoo Market San Francisco, March 16. PoUtoee -Kirera, fancy, 82.1693.80: Buxbanka, 32.13 92.40; Onions (per ewt) Cold atorace. 86.759 7.00; White Globes, 38.00 9 9.00. Seattle Market Seattle. March 18. (L N. S.) Onione California, 797 He'; Oregon. 80 pound, ! Potatoes Yakima Uma. 340 942: local. 380 per ton. Las A no Market. Lot Ancelea, March 18. Potatoes Leg, 80 9 31.00: Stockton Burbaaka. bast, 32.40 9 3.60; poorer. 82.0092.25; ungraded, 31.609 1.75; Idaho Ruaaeta. beat, mostly 32.0092.25; Bakers, 38.25; Salinas Borbanka. 32.25. - Chleaco Dairy Prodace Chicago. March 18. (I. N. S.) Butter Receipta, 6209 tuba. Creamery extra, 84 9 38e; standard. 88c; packing stock. 16 917c. Kgga Receipts, 9292 ease. Misreilaneooa. 21H32e; ordinary firsts. 21921He; firsts, 32H92S4c; rheeks, 18 91c; dirties, 199 20c Cheese Twin, new, 2D 9 20 He: Daisiea, 20 ft 20 He: Young Amerieas. 20 H 21c; long horna, 21H 22c; brick. 17917He. Tare nonltrv Turkeys. SOe; hi ekena, S7e: epriuga, 28c; rooster. 18e: geese. 18e 28c. ducks. ChIeao Potato Xaxket rMcm hUreh 16. (LW. S) Pofla toea Receipta, 43 ear. Wisconsin Round White. 3L66 9 1 65: Wimsonam Ka. 31.6J: Mliineaota Bed River. 81.76 9 ..S3; ; Muuieeota Bound White, 81.60 ay; waxro siu. 1 75 91.85; Maho Buaaats, 8115 91.85. COTJNTBT MEATS SUin price: Country Ken, 14 H 9 18c: top bteokere, about 135 to I4 lba, heavy Mwtt lam; veal, top, about 80 to 104 lb., 14 916a ia, heavy leas; lamb. 3rM1 lb, 8M0KKD MEATS lUma, 38 938 par lb.; bteakfaat beoest. 2446e lb. PACKING HOleaarv.ATB Stoer bee. 18 H est; hetferv 13913c; cow, lie) 18 He; lamaa, xae; wetaera, svei (wea, lac; . lets 9 1 7a lb. uaku aetue, tenoereo. it He ia : tssre coeapeuaa, laa. Dried Fruit and Beaas New Torn. March H. (L . 8.) Bna Market firm. Marrow, ohoaaa, 66.75 9 7.00 ; pea. ebosee. 87.00: red kidney, choice. 88.25. firied rruit Market barely ateady. Apricots, choice to extra faney, nominal: applaa, evapor ated, prime to tancy, 11 m e; "" 60a? I8913HC; do 60 to 100. 6 H 9 12o; peaches, choice to extra faaey, !: seeded ralatna, choice to faaey. 14 ,9 22! ceded raiatne, choioe to fancy, 14 9 15 He Sew Tork Wool aad Hides New York. March 16. (L If. B) Wool if.. em iweaetu fleao XX Ohio. 33 9 48o; do pulled, acoured beets. 88 990c; do Texaa. scoured best. 40 996c; territory staple. scoured baaaia, 85c 9 1.10. . Hidea- Market dull, branded steer. 11 He. Netir steer. 12He; hoca: Wlaalper WBeat OptJos Wi,l lfamh 1 a Wheal ! Thumhday Wednesday Open. Cloaa. u.. II IIH 81.35 H 81.32 July .1 1J6H 1.81 H 187 Union Stockyards, Chicago, March 16. Light run were reported in all branches of tha trade and smal( gains were noted in hog prices, while lambs also showed a gain over 8 cent low point. About 12,000 boga were hold over from the pre noes session. Receipt today were estimated P 10,000 cattle, 23,000 aofs. 11,000 sheep and 7000 calves. - Cattle Cattle were steady, Choice steers were in the pens and there were not many heavy lot above 88.50. Cows and heifers were at unchanged levels. witn tew cows above 56.00. Cannera went at 33.0093.23 for the best, and the trade was unchanged. Hogs Hogs hold 109150 higher. Demand for all grades was bettor than sellers had ex pected, and some of he choice light lots sold at 110.65, -while bulk of the butchers went at 810.00 910.45. Few rough packing bogs sold below 39.00. Pig were 16 9 25o higher. Sheep Launba were up 25 in many shots after a alow start choice lot were placed at 813.73 9 16.00, whUa bast short stock went over at 813.25 ($18.50. Aged mutton held at un changed levels, few lots being on hand. : Chioaoo Hobs 810.65 CliioagOi Maroh 16. Hoee Receipt. 23,040, 10 to 15a higher, lightweights active, others low. Balk, 610.00910.45;' tons, 810.65; heavyweight. 310.00 910.80; medium weight, 310.20 910.60; HghtweUrht. 310.40 9 10.05; lbt licuta. 39.75 910.40: heavy pecking sows, smooth, 69.1599.60; packing sow, rough, U. 0019. 25; pigs, 8.10 10.00. , Cattle BooeipU, 10,000, fairly actire, mostly steady. Beef, steers, choice and prime, 88.75 9 9.35; medium and good. 87.25 98.60; good ad choioe, 37.90 9 9.15; common and medium, 80.85 9 7.90. Butcher cattle, heifers, 84.75 9 7.75; cow, 34.0096.75; bulls, 83.7396.35. Canners and cutters, cows and heifers, 83.00 9 4.00; oanner steers, 34.00 9 4.85. ; Veal cairn (iight and handyweisht) . 36.25 9 26; feeder stotr, 35.50 9 7.60; stock er atom. 15.25 7.25; stacker cows and heifers, 84.23 95.50. : Bheep Receipt. 11,000, fat lam be strong to 2 5o higher, fat sheep ateady. Lambs (84 lb, down), 313.23 9 16.00; lamba, culls and com mon, 310,50 913 00: yearling wethers, 511-25 914.50; ewes, 36.75 910.25; ewes, eulla and common. 33.50 96.75; feeder lambs, 311.30 913.50. - , Kansas City Hogg S10.10 : Kansas City, March 16 (L N. 8.) Cattle Receipta, 2500; market active. Steers, 87.00 98.00; cow and heifers, 35.50 97.25; stockers and feeders, 36.00 97.15; calves, 38.00 9 9.50. : Hog Receipts, 6000 : market active Bulk of sales. ,3.75 910.00; top, 310.10; heariea 33 65 99.90; light. 39.85 910.10; mediums. 39.75 910.00. Sheep 1 Receipta. 3000; market actire. Iamb. 314.50 9 15.00. . Sn Francisco Hogs 8 13X0 i Saa Fraaetoeo, March 16. Cattle Oram fed steer. No. 1. 67.00 97.75: second quality, 1(1.00 9 6,78: oowa and heifers, 35.50 96.25; calvea, ught, 19.00910.00; calve, heavy, 87.00 9 9.00. I Sheep Lamba. 812.00 918.00: wethers, 68.00 9 9 00; ewes, 36.00 9 7.00. ; Hoes Hard grain, weight. 100-175. 313.00; over 800. 111.00. Denver. Colo., March 16. (TJ. P.) Cattle: Reoeinta. 800: weak. Bteers, 36.75 97.50; cows and heifers, sa.oo ?.; stocxers ana feeders, 36.2597.15; bulls, 82.5093.50; calves. 38.00910.50. Hogs Receipts, zooo; steaoy. Top, bulk. 19.60 9 9.75. Sheep Receipta, 6500: 25 "BSC higher. Lamba, 814.00 14.75; ewes .88.50 99.00: feeders, 313.00 9 18.75; ! yearlings. 312.00 9 12-50. : Omaha Horn 89.7S Senth Omaha, March 16. (L N. S.l -Cat tle Receipta, 2500; market beef steers slow and about steady. She stock steady to strong. Oth er claw generally steady. Hogs Receipt. owOO ; market mostly 10 25c higher. Bulk. 39.2399.66; tops, 39.75. , Sheen Reeainta 7000: market killinar els let strong to 26e hiaher; beet lamba held at 816.26; yearlings, 618.00; wether, 110.00; ewe. 69.26; (teusrs steady. Seattle Hose Seattle. March 16. Hogs Receipts, 102; market steady. Prime lights, 811-25911.85; smooth heavi, 810.00 911.25; rough he Tie. 37.00 9 8.00. . Cattle Nona. Sheen Receipta. 82: market ateady. Prime lamb. 818.00 9 18.10: fair to good, 810.509 11.50: cull tamns. sy.uoocto.vv; yearunga. 310.5091100: wethers. Heh. ao0 9 9.60; he ry, 85.00 93.00; we. 36.0097.6. Bid for wheat were very slow here and generally lower for cash stuff at tha Thursday morning opening. Foreign markets wen again under pressure for option and there was prac tioally no inclination to take on further stocks of cash wheat here. Liverpool started tha day with options down 2H93d or S96e a bushel. while at BuenTj Aires the opening 3c a bushel. Locally there is very little interest noted in tha trad bnt nominal bid for cash wen not generally above 31.22 91.28 Portland, although a report indicated the sale of several small lota t 81.24 01.20 late Wednesday. Not only ara exporters out of toe market here this time, but miller are not buying. Then is so little real wheat available for milling of patent flour hero that those Quotations are not following the downward trend of prices noted for export grade. Later a fractional gain was shown in bids. CASH WHEAT Clnb, 81.23 91.28; forty fold. 81.2691.82; bluestem, ordinary, 31.40 9143; Big Bend dark. 81.60; Red Russian, 81.22 1.25 per bushel. FLOCR Selling price, mill door: Patent, 38.60: WinamBtte Taller brand. 86.65: local straight, 86.90; bakers hard wheat, 87.90;, bakers" bluestem, 87.80: bakers' pastry, 36.50 5r. bbL; graham, 36.90: whol wheat, 37.80; ontana snrinr wheat, patent. 89.00 per barrel. Price tor city delivxy, 15e extra; suburban, 20e extra, HAY Buying: Price for eld crop: Willamette timothy, fancy, 314.00916.00 per ton; East ern Oregon timothy, 819.00 per ton; clover, 811.00 913.00; straw. 88.00; alfalfa, 818.50 914.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. 1, Calcutta. 7e; domestic, 7e in carload lota, lass amount higher, MILLS TUFFS Mint-on. at mm. tacked, ton lots, 829; eeVfll. 827. OATS Per ton, buying priee: Feed, 836.00. BARLEY Buying price: Feed, 328.00; brewing, 328.50. SEED Buying price: Bed clover. 13 916c; alsike. 14c: retch, 8o lb. FEEDSTUFFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar ley, 834.00986.00; whole barley. 632.00; al falfa meal. 823.00: coeoanut meal. 828.00; cracked com,. 686. 00; whole com, 888.0 per too; feed wheat, 342.00: scratch feed, 344.90. Merchant Exchange bids: WHEAT March. . . 127 .. 125 ., 125 .. 126 . . 128 .. 122 FEED OATS , . 3550 8550 . . 8500 3500 BARLEY . . 2800 . 2750 CORN No. 2 E. T. Ship. 2750 No. 3 E. Y. Ship. 2750 til. 50911.73 10.25911.25 9.25 910.26 7.56 9 9.75 , 11.00 911.50 , 11.00 9 11.50 0.00 9 6.UU Cattle Traao Nomlnai With only a handful of stuff r snorted in the alley, trade m cattle waa of nominal character at .ortn fortlaad Thursday. Prices wen con tinued. General cattle market ranca: Choice steer t 7.50 9 8.00 Closlntr the parcel lot shipments on the steamship Virginia of the American- Hawaiian, .Columbia-Pacific company, agenta. which, haa on board 108,060 hush- em of wheat and 100 barrels or flour. Kerr. Gttford A Co, for tho United Klnedom. and the full Cairo on the Brit Ish ateamahln JLartto Law. also for the United Kingdom, foralgn shipments of wheat for tha first half of March passed the mUlton-bushel mark. In the parcel shipments 11 carriers cleared with a total of 97L709 bushels. The Largo Law cleared yesterday with a full cargro amounting to 235,200 busn ela. with a valuation of 3300.000. The total amounts to 1.116,909 bushels. Flour shipments for the first half of the month totaled tS.SSo barrels for for eign ports In parcel lot shipments. Flour will run well up for the next two weeks in the month and will check up well with, the heavy month of February. The Susuki line ateamshin Meiwu Maxu. with, part cargo from Seattle and Van-. couver. B. C, will be the next on tn Umatilla mreal-lAts end from Portland will take 1 Eusea 4210 short tons of wheat for Japan og25, Kerr. Glf ford ft Co., and also a Quan- Oregon City tlty of flour for the Portland Flouring ipmiavei Mills company. - Ttdea at Aeterla Trtday. High water: Low waters - t ut a. nv, . ft. 18 J7 a. m, -0-1 ft. 4:10 p. nv. 74 ft. 10:11 p. aa, L7 ft- Seaalde High '.water. . mlnotee earlier. 1 Seaside Low water 21 mlaatee earlier." at ef Saa Francises, Vamnaela. Saa Fraadaea for Baw York SO atflea aoetk of Sea FraBBlaea. Charara BL Cramp. Baa Fwdra lav Baa rrs- eiaro, eft Point Bet, 7 p. as. iwhiu isaoBi, aaa no w aaverpeai. 234 atilea aewth ei Saa Pedrev. News of the Port LONG OVERDUE; GOLDEN GATE IS AT VOYAGES EIIO 10 Adaahml Eeaaa. Asserieaa tneaa aad way aorta; Mahrc stiiiir. free Saa pasBawrs aaa geaiiai ammwh IS San Francisco, Karch II, (T. N. . 7 t alearbera of tha crew of the Kolph aaO tng ship Golden' Gat act foot m land agaia today after a til-day voyage from Manchester, EngUod, to- tiu " port. ; It raqulrwd M days to coma from. Balboa to Baa ranciaoo. This ta believed to' Bet a raoord tor paaaaga from JCngland to thla 'j port. Three) times . during' voyage - the crew was la danger ot wtarratiea, only to ball a passing ship a secure a, fresh supply. . i "' . k ' The men tad been without food for 31 mouthof the river at Booa: Sea. rough: sriad houra when the ship mad POT Jate aat Mara, Japsemi steejater. for Toas- ivobe: wheat, floar aad lumber. Derttay. Aaaericaa tesmsr. for Valparaiso; general. Shasta, Aaserieaa steamer, for Saa Fraadaea lumber. JCABIBE ALBLASAC eVaathar at stiver's taawth North Bead. March 1 6. Condition at i the Sea, roosh: a partly dowdy. DA1LT BJTEB BEADL5GS 8 A. M.. Paciffc Tha night tattoa fcvec I 10 1.8f-Ol(0.OO S.9le.8!.84 7.810.810.40 6.6!e.8f0.8p s.ara.e 8.1 .S 0.44 0.44 68 47 46 40 46 Risuvg, -FaUing. GALE H. CARTER ELECTED FBESIDEItT OF FAC1FIC MAIL New Tork. March 16. (U. P.) Gale The ahrp Golden Oato Is owned by the Rolph NavlraUexi at Coal company and had a hard luck, passage from start to . finish. On January 1 she waa spoken by the Isthmian liner Btael Scientist , some 400 miles off San. Pedro. - Bhe was then short ot provisions and was given . 10 days full rations. . j . Tha Golden Gate again droppe4 f rem , sight aad nothing . was heard, urt!l ' March 11. when she waa ' reported eft- j, I Monterey. A week of snxieiy on-tha . part or, an up ping men am j, warded by her arrival today. ;. . . Leaving Manchester June 17. 19ZL Ti 88 84 84 BITER FORECAST The Willamette rim at Portland will remain Ship CIO lairry weu unw aaa ptiaa p day exoept a aRactod by the tide. xt two r tare I the rocky ooaat of Panama early tn Au- 6.75 9 7.50 6.25 9 6.76 6.25 9 6.26 6.00 6.50 6.25 9 6.00 4.60 9 6.25 3.60 9 4.60 2.00 9 8.60 8.50 6.25 5.00 9 6.00 4.509 6.00 10.00 910.60 9.00 910-00 6.00 ea 9.00 4.50 9 6.50 Medium to good steers . , . . ralr to medium steers Common to fair steer . , ; Choice cow and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers. Fair to medium cows and heifers. Common to fair cows and belie rs. Can tiers Bulls Choice leaden Fan? to good feeders Choioe dairy calve Prime light calvea Medium light calvea .......... Heavy calves . . . .' Sheeo OonUnoe Firm With only a handful of stuff in the alien Thursday, aheap and lamb trade waa limited. ueniena oontmues brie and prices ara well held in the various divisions. General sheep and lamb range: East of mountain lamb 813.00 914.80 Willamette valley lambs 511.00 911.60 Fair to good lamb 10.00 9 11.00 Cull lamb .... 6.009 8.00 Eastern Oregon feeder lambs. . . . 9.00 9 10.00 Light yearlings 10.00 9 11.00 Heavy yearling 9.00 9 10.00 Light wether 9.50 9 10.00 Heavy wethers ., 9.009 0 60 Ewes 8.009 7.50 Wednesday Afternoon sal STEERS H. Carter was Wednesday elected president-of the Pacific Mail Steamship company, succeeding George J. Baldwin, who becomes chairman of the board. Maurice Bouvier and N. DeTaube re signed aa directors and were succeeded by M. C. Brush, senior vice president of the American International corporation. and Lawrence Shearman. A. G. Bates resigned as treasurer And was succeeded by H. SwBrophy, assistant treasurer. The traffic division of the company announced the inauguration of a direct passenger and freight service between a m., AT WOBLD-S F0BTS Astoria, March 18. Left ap at 1:30 Japanese steamer xurt Mans, for Sailed at 1:80 a. as.. Britksh learner Law, foe Cnited Kingdom. Arrived at a. m.. steamer Trinidad, frota Saa Pedro. Astoria, March 15. Arrived at 1:66 aad left us at T a. ca., steamer Admiral aVrnne, - fine Saa Diego and way porta Sailed at 6:16 p. ataamer Daisy rutaam. tor Baa rear. Ar rived at 6:50 p. nv , Japanese ataamer Yen Maru. from Wnlana Harbor. Seattle, Mareh 16. Arrived, ateamer WTO polo, from New York and way ports via Fort- San Pedro. March IS. Arrived. from sAvorpoot, rust. She was floated and . taken to . Cristobal for repairs. Saa baa been constantly In the track ef shipptne. but with the exceptions noted no reports 5rt b been received from bar. The Golden S:4wlteiO IS an oommsuiu vi l7wi www. w- . Haskell of San Francisco ana ctrrm crew of 80 men. ; - . ". V The Golden Gale . ia aateei ship t till net tons, and was built la ZnglA&d 18.1.. .. : m Portland rivedyjteas rk, forBaa at Sound. teamer Santa veronica, from New . . . . . . . . , , t mu. xiusa isnmmi. xor rvnaun via, ran ban x-Tanciaco aia me rniuppinas - Soundl ' Arrived, steamer XAtriaa Locfcenback. Honolulu. from Portland aad Pngrt aou-d, for PorUano. The Creole State will sail Anrll 27 and Am the Wolverine State May 25. These two ships will provide a sailing from San Francisco approximately every 28 days thereafter. They will operate a 24-day service to Manila. Including a Stop of from 12 to 24 hours at Honolulu. Through bills of lading will be issued on shipments from all points, the shipper having the option of rail or water route via the Panama canal to Ban Francisco. Hard white ... Soft white . . , Whita Club . . . Hard Winter. . . Northern spring Red Walla ... No. 2 white., No 2 gray . , Brewing Standard feed April.' 127 125 125 126 126 122 2900 2800 2750 2750 My. 127 125 126 126 128 122 3600 3550 2900 2800 2750 2750 Saa Francises Grate Market , Francisco. March 16. Barley Closed W.. II. Uh IllUa. (a'lmtta araJe am. JnBealy. BO duty. 7 H 0, 8a. i Calcutta grata baas, spot. 1 m, i a Bartay Spot feed, per ceataL 132 Her 137 Hi shipping. 137 H 9 150. Sew York Metal Market ' New York. Mareh 16. (L N. B.) Copper- Quiet, Alt jseettione offered IS . . .. aw I null pwam wiwwr-' gpaher .Quiet.. Spot aad March, 460 9 410 ApnL aaoaais. Liverpool Wheat Higher - LinnesL Mareh IA Wheat closed lis 2Hd; May. lis XHd; July. Ill May ia Ha higher sad July H d hie-her. Mareh. 114 SH4 NS SmsTJ whtu, 87.10: Hrre white. IT ptah. 17.90; bma. 610.60; -ayov, td; . 66.60. mhci laa. hlCBWapaa Ma I. Oe; Bins Bass, 6t New Orleans. Kead. 6 Ha r(TCC Saartoa. 18 H 980e la. ta saefcs re dea ma. ea SALT Coarse, H gr. 100 116.60 ton: K 8IT8II takle dairy. 60. 637.60: walaa, 6J 66 9 4 00; faaey tabto aad dairy. $34.60; JxtmvK, 6ia60 tue. Bt OAS Cube, 37.88: fruit and berry. 86 80; m!Iw l 33.79; beat maraJated, 16.10. estva C, 66.90; aeldaei ti, 36 60.- 4-ANNED MrLK Tails, 84.66; baby atse. 84 60 ease; Ogle, 69.36 ease. . Sr a racaJCka la bum. 14 rb. Nt VS Waiirata, 83 0) 84 la.! alaaoBda, 84 17 Ha Tkv ; nitasria. SO P.. m eaok iota; swaaam. II H 411 lb.: veemaa. 83 lb,: Bre- -.. 16 930 abeetanta, Jipaaei, 23 934c rissi smi Ska-rTM fUB yikft Chinee, tte U lav i Kahbus. 16 ar 1 So lb. : per lav j b-seh eod, 14 lie Bar Ja.; khirweed cod. 6 2 2 5) Una eed. 6 lb.; IIS K-T. . ,. . OT8TKRB sUMerm, 8190 gaUeai Olywinta, 36.00 sal, 1140 plat; cnbe. Urge, 83.60 eeai -mail.. 12.60 doa. . leeae, mreet and mMbs - " 1911 arws, sjeaabwA 17e Ba f -? , " HIDES Calfskin, 10a Pxj kips, . to Bv; . evwee kidaa, 4 M-t salted, 6e lb. " - lrHAUs Piaeau-u. iiam I XJTaTBElt 1x4. Ho, 2VO. 854.00; steprdns. 1 rWOOIe-WUlsv-tt eauay. aearae. 918e- i t S61.00: atom sal taei-SaJoO: n.. .Mwiem. sewsia ia; :--. xtfjaae sajiauto-v Ht4. ha S B, 83 .00 :dmc asdin Wtrni twaewn-Ilahe, 1 8-2ne Rk. ' land reabc. la. No. 3 m B, 358. OO- boards tw, - ' - i HIM. mmenssea Baua. zxa ise. CAsCaak Ukk ills, lev: gnp reoa. I ... so. k it s m4 wa a.a e.,a "... i - . i 1(13. lli.ea: rntn. a. -av .m IhnMmsd fee, I lalTlnla Wtasr VAnJ Ilaae wnr. 84.60 kaa. ' - I BUIKGLlui COdac, Stag Star,' 83.25 bct uiie-nw, aoea, sa.xuj soma- awssaail. - ' 821 healed, bbka. 81.13; saw... caaaa. 81 JT aaU, " oAaSLlNX irea - bbla. ri tt OnBaaU. 11.85 WHir ino twb 11 IlL TbKXTlNXi iwm. (Si, (i.l; BSi, par 6-L, ei.aa. sksaa, IUI; Valed, SOe: esasv 3H abl - keta, lie; 500 Armour Reported As Selling Wheat On Day's bulges (Chicago Bureau of The Journal) Chicago, March 16. A narrow scalping mar ket was disclosed la today's trading in wheat Lower cables caused pressure at the opening and lower prices, but soma of the big locals snnmrtad tha market and forced a aood re turn to slightly abor the previoua close. The bulge brought out selling credited to Armour and thereafter it waa a case ol puouo trader ecu-ins- and be trie forced to cover because of tha rommlanon house demand around 31.81 H for May. , Benttraent ta mixed, but there ar a aood many tn tb trade who still favor the selling side en the traleea Tha domeatia cash wheat situation is harden ing and well posted cash handlers do not expect cash wheat to follow any runner aeenne w la tere' because of tha moderate stocks of unsold wheat in this market. Minneapolis reported matiniiimllal. of ruh wheal 2a to Se higher. Primary receipta were 647,000 bnahela, compared with 616,000 bushels a year ago. j Exnort demand ia tame, a little continental buaineas being worked, but United Kingdom re- r wneat No. Ave. lbs. Price 1 Ma Ave. lba. Price 1 840 8 4.76 I COWS 2.... 800 5.60 1.... 770 8 8.00 1 1110 6.25 1.... 750 4.50 1.... 700 3.50 1....1140 6.75 1.... 860 8 50 1.... 700 5.75 1.... 880 . 3.00 " CALVES 1.... 180 10.00 HOGS 8 170 311 50 4 215 811-50 8 178 11.60 7.... 147 11.50 4 142 11.60 6 230 11.60 2 876 10.50 1 520 7.00 9 163 11.75 1 120 11.75 8 168 11.75 3.... 200 11.60 7.... 164 11.60 8 106 11.50 17 201 11.50 1.... 560 0.50 9.... 168 11.50 3.... 188 11.60 1 470 9.50 10.... 191 11.25 2.... 280 10.50 LAMBS ! 16.... 80 812.00 I 19 51 38.00 S.... 64 11.00 I 8.... 66 9.00 EWES 1.... 160 $ 7.50 I 7.... 180 8 7.30 YEARLINGS 34.... 98 311.00 I 30 110 $10-00 BOCKS 2.... 210 3 8.00 Thursday Btoenlraj Sataa COWS No. Av. Lbs. Price.- I No. Av. Lba. Price. 1.... 980 8 360 2 1150 8 6.00 1 780 2.73 1,... 880 2.60 S6S 963 5.50 COWS- 10 82 311.50 I 4.... 125 311.50 5 116 11.50 I 10.... 118 11.75 6 95 11.50 LAMBS 1 80 312 00 12 85 312.50 EWES 10 113 3 7.50 ! MIXED SHEEP 16.... 92 811.00 1 CHANGE IS A5-K0TJ2TCED 15 SCHEDULE OF J. 5. TEAL Charles E. Steeunnlth; manager of The Dalles-Columbia Transportation com pany, operating the steamer J. N. Teal on the Portland-Dalles City route, baa announced a change of schedule for the spring run. Beginning Saturday, March 18. the Teal will leave Portland at 10 p. m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays on the night schedule. The boat will leave The Dalles on Monday at C a, m. and the morning sailing from the npper end on alternate daya. The J. N. Teal haa been substituted for the steamer Madeline, aa she is a larger currier. BOSTON COPPER SHARES (Reported by Overbeek A Cooke Co.) York, (or Kan Francisco. Victoria. Mareh 16. Balled. for Portland. Savannah. March 14. Bailed, steamer Heavy S. Grove, frota Portland, for New, York aad way porta. -Xtw York, atarea l. Arrives, ataamer av. I Luck en bach, from, Portland. Bordeaux, March 11. Arrtred, Franca steamer Masiasinrii, from PorUaad. Yokohama. March 13. Arrtred. British steamer City ot Victoria, frosn Portlaad. Kobe, March 18. Arrived, Japanaae Maimer Fuku Mara, from Portland. Cristobal. March 14. Railed, steamer Amer ican, frota New York, for Portland. Saa Francisea, March 16. (I. !. S.1 Ar rived 15th: Eldorado. Anacertaa. IS a. as-: Carlos, Grays Harbor, 10:10 a m. Craoat Bute, Calcutta, 11:10 a av; tot Hawk, cruise, 3:20 p. m. Sailed 15th: Multacenah, San Diego. 11:80 a m.; Senator. Los Ancta. 11:16 a av; WU helmina, Honolulu. 12:29 p. av: Modoc New lor:, i.:su p. as, tcbbmi. stiusw 12:60 p. m. Admiral Rodman. Eureka, 1:60 p. m. : B, 1. Banna. Lea -ngwi . I:oa p. av: Caspar, Caspar, 8:23 P- av Arrived today: uawy, Benia iiaruamv- o;y a so,; Sherman, Manila, T :1k a av; t Danes H. Cramp, New York. 6 a. xa; BrenewV-k. Lea Angolaa. 7.15 a av; Ernest H. Meyer. Los Angl, io:ib a av ; .tourer, aaa eeee m Cebo, no time. Belle - touay: aroe Tiuaaae. .nv ' " 12 :06 a m.; La Plaoentia. Port Saa Leu. 3 40 p. av: Santa Monica aurexa, :aw a m. GBATS HABBOB TOWIKO RATES FILED WITH. OLTMFIA BODY Olyrapia, Wash., March 10. Uniform towing rates for Grays Harbor have been filed in a Joint tariff by seven tugboats operating on the harbor, ef fective April 15, with the department of public works. Tho new tariff pro vides alight reductions on previoua in dependent charges and gives additional service. The companies Joining In tha tariff are: The Allman-Hubble Tug boat company, Hoqulam ; steamer Emo gene. Aberdeen ; Forester Tugboat com pany, Aberdeen; Grays Harbor Con struction company, Hoquiam; Hustle Tugboat company, Aberdeen ; launch Union, Hoqulam. and the Washington Tug A Barge company, .Aberdeen. STEWARD'S TROUSERS STOLE 1, HE'S FORCED TO WXAR TEXT t "Jimmy" Ralsrjtv steward Of tha itrer, ataamer Iralda, waa f oread to havrbor his oonsarvaUva and unoetentatioua - phy- tn a pair of pants which would -have served him much better as a tent , after thicvea broke into his cabin, early this morning and stole all ot his. doth In. Inspectors Drennen and Davis found th wrathful steward, who is . of . di minutive suture, stamping about the deck in a pair of caawaa eayaeechea which, would be a good fit. for Dow ; Walker. The trousers were wrapped.. avround tha steward and looped back ana forth in front, of him several times, bald in their very prweartotja poitiOT by . towllne ef rope. The Iralda to docked st the foot ot Alder street : . ' SEXTO MARU HERE FROM WEST " COAST, BOrifD FOR ORIEST Tha Japanaae steamship 8lyo Mars ot ' tha Toyo Kiahcn Kalska. vreeron Packing company local, agent, reacaed-, port thla morning from the weet toast of South Arnerioa. fine Is bound for tb Orient and baa on hoard a quantity oi nitrate for Japan. The Belyo Mara brought 120 rjaJBrera. A nb' steerage paaaemgera hav . bean booked here for Japan. She will, take a quan tity of arenerai cargo- - j Johan PeulseB Haa Fran Awtea Garaka Kagle ............ .Sew York Murdadtoa . Aberdara Admiral Rodman ,,..Sa. Fraa. .... Haanawa t . . . BhanstiaJ ..... Hoakat Mara ....... Eureka ..... Daisy Saa PVaa .... Babinda Seat Fran.... tUeta Oral Seattle ...... Jeob Ik-nbaea ....New Orlaana. Yubari Mara ..Shanghai .... TJaranport San Fraa.... ,vroarals .jowennagea .. Wabash New York.... tamer .wwpar ..... City ef .Uswee.... Newcastle. Knf Chaa U. Cramp Baltimore ... NebraaVaa New York.., .Mar. .Mar. .Mar. 19 .Mar. 19 .Mar. 19 .Mar. 19 . Mar. 1 9 .Mar. 19 .Mar. 19 .Mar. 20 .Mar. 36 Ji Duty of 50 Cents -M !! aa 5wV V Brl T un Bningies May joe . Denied, Report Says. .Mar. .Mar. II .Mar. 21 .Mar. 21 .Mar. 22 .Mar. 84 Muutgumery City . ...S-ettl Mar. 14 r. xe . avow . . .New York.. Bid. Ask. t Bid. Ask. Arix. Com, 9 H 9 Mas. VaOcy 1 2 Adventure 60 . 35 N Butte. . 12 12 H Ahmeek.. 65 66 H Nipiwins.. 6H 7 Algomab. 20 50 N. Lak. . 20 40 Alloues. ; 27 H 28 O. D. Con. 25 H 26 Arcadian. 3H 2H OsaoUMg. 33 H 83 H CalAArix. 60 60 OWJawv . . lit 2H CalgtHeaSeO 282 Pond Creek 14 14 H New Corn 17 H 18 lala Royal 24 H S Centennial 10 10 H 8. Lake. . . 44 44 H Oop. Bee, 44 43 N. 8. itch. 40 40 H Davis Daly 7 8 do pfd. 25 25 H Daly West 2H 8 S. Utah... 6 10 R Butte.- 11 H 11 Sup. Cop.. 2H 3 FTaokMa. 1H lHTrin.Cop.. 2 2 Hancock.. 3 3H Tuolumne 55 60 Helretia . 1 H 2 Ttah Metals 1 2 IsL Oreek 1094 110 tj. 8. Mng. 38 H , 87 H Keewanaw 1 1H Ah pfd. 48 H 44 Kerylatka S 3 X-16 rtah Apex 8H Lake Cop. 2H 2 Ventura. . 22 28 La Salle.. 1H S Victoria.. 14 2H Michigan. 1 H 2 Winona . 40 50 Mass. Coo, 2H - 2H Wolrerina 11, 12 H Mohawk.. 69 60 Wyaodott 40 50 M.O. CoL 4 5 i hi buaheJs: World's Wheat ohipmeat Wedneeday' ahhnantt of wheat and WaEndlBC Mar. 11. '22. 3.039.000 6.240,000 8.000,000 tj. 8. and Canada Argentina . .iu ... A net rs lie. . . 4:. . . . Others . Total aJ;a a If. 8. and Caaada. Argentina . 4. Australia . , vuaere . . , 4. Total . 13.279.000 Total Since Julyl. '21. 31 87716,000 . 33,122.000 .r 72,884.000 . 3,600.000 .442,762,000 seller ara offerina- wheat at So below seaboard interest. UverDool soot wheat was uncnangea to 2c lower and futures lHc lower. Buenos Aire wheat opened 8e lower. Argentine ship ments were estimated st 0.105,000 bushels this week. Corn started lower, but there was good com' mission house buyinc ou tha break and prices showed firmness thereafter. Locals were tb principal sellers and they were forced to cover oa tn bulge, uaeetpc or com nrimai-r raeeinta were 879.000 Bared with 841,000 bushels last year. Cash baaia waa He to le hiaher. Shinnins demand waa tight. Liverpool spot corn elceed Hd .to 3d fewer and Antwerp H franc higher. Oats followed the trend of wheat Trade waa nnintereatine and fi linrnliae Receipt were moderate, but were in excess ef last year, pri- marr arrivala aa-vreeatina' 517.000 buabam. com. pared with 475.000 bushels last year. Ship ping demand waa Ught. Balsa of 100,000 boab li of earn were lenorted ta ee to store. Provision were higher from the start. There V,, V. .. 1 .Ml V. kMM, w. """I heved to be acting for packer. WVaak akieaA mtmut. !st le hiehev. Mae wi. Emwi it i ain. Jul. Mar. 13. 21. 1 September. 81.10 H . Cora elceed 1 He to 1 He 6,514,000 higher; May. 01961e; July, 64c: 6eo 1 eaa Ann 1 aaiZ. ii - at. .1... , .v,-v, . Kuan WWnV, w.. WWW U. t ,1 , , , i 3.881.000 1 May, 33 H 938 ; July. 40H940He; Sep. bu.wu I temoer. tic rorx ciocea uncaangwa.- xauo, 22He to He Higher. Kibe, ZZ Ho to SOe higher. .,, THBEE COOS BOTS 8IGJC TJP FOR TRIP TO KOBE, JAFA57 Marshfield. Or., March 16. Three Coos Bay boys will go aa members of the crew on the schooner Sir Thomaa Up ton, which will sail , soon for Kobe, Japan, with lumber from Coos Bay, Ken neth Rust, son of W. J. Rust, who is in charge of the local government employ ment bureau and who made a trip on the schooner North Bend, has signed as second mate, and Albert Oberst and George iC Hayden, Marshfield boys, will go as sailors. OCEAX ORAIK RATES ARE STEADIED! OFFERINGS SLOW New Tork, March 16. L N. S.) Ocean grain freights have steadied up a trifle but offerings are slow. The re- Bahriuas M Mobil City . Tsmstsa Mara Iwf. Keifukw Mare Muroraa Mempln OHy Seattto ...... Robin Adair Vancouver , Edward Lerkenbaca . . rmiaowtpfcia ., FeHx Taussig New York..., Texan .New York . i.- . in THpeve . . ..,... Times . Kinderdijk . TUXterdsm .. Te Pay art From psrUeas Vtrginisa .: Fnilaad .... Voeeawe1! 5k ... ... Fsrape .... Kiwa ntv . ... Aa. Wtaa ... Aomirai avvans a. mn m way.. mar. is M. fekenbach New York Mar. 18 Led Nktlaea Orient Mar. IS Anne B'rrffy ..San Pedra. . . . .Mac 19 Fukkai Mara Orient ...... .Mr. 1 9 Serye Mara OrWrrt Ms. 36 Admiral Rodman . ...8. r. way . . , .Mar. zo lerh Katrine Nirm Mar. te EagUT...., New York Mar. 21 Wabash fw York. . . . .'.Mar. 22 'dowrerae West Coast ....Mar. 29 Ynrt Man Orient ..' Mar. S3 ( haa H. Oram Baltimore 4l way Mas. 14 Menalres New Tork .Mar. 24 Waahlnrton, March 16. TWASHTN'G- Mar. 20 TON BUREAU OF TBS J0TJRNAL Request of Padftfl Northwost ahingia mXUs tor a duty of IS cents per thou sand on Canadian ahlnglas is likely. to be denied by tho senate finance com mittee when tha tariff bfll la reported to tha senate, acoording to Information received today by Senator Stanfleld. Btanfield said that Inquiries were be- In? made br members ef tha ewssjmlttee Mar' 26 1 as to why Canadian shingles eoramand a Mar.' se I hlrher price than tha Aroerlcasu1, Lam- bermen are being naked If this is true, . and U so, why? ' - Mar. Mar. 14 . , , . . avaw. mm . , . . mar. xv .mar. x .Mar. 26 ..Mar. 81 , .Mar. 81 ..Apr. 1 ..Apr. 4 1 ..Apr. TI nv. . .Mar. IT . .Mar. IT ..Mat. IS PACIFIC COAST BA3TX tTATF-J-EBTr Monday Messday Cleenrgs Taeirtsy. . Balaaeea Teaertsy Halanoaa Wednmrtsy Ct rings Tub i soar. . Bale ace Ttarraoay. . 1X2 $ s.easee jeee.xx 441942 181.041' 3.81.749 083,146 . 8.399.61S 3.O61J70 Oaarmea Taareday TBanaay v ion.-- S 0418.669 1. 4 64.644 . ,340.106 776 .997 ' - T.120.O29- t.Cil.KS 4.699.764 ' 1.633.460 .1 T.T32.1I8. . 166A86 yw Tork Batter aad Eggs New York. March 10 (I. N. 8.) Butter- Market, quite firm. Creamery, extras (salted, and- unmlted) , 386 940c; do firsts (salted and unealted). 82 9 39 He; do higher than extras (salted and U malted), 40H941e; State dairy, tubs, 28939Hc; ladle, fresh extra, 279 27 He, ' f Cheese Market ateady te firm. State wlieht, but Whol speecials, 21 9 94He: average run. bahl eowl-l 20 9 2Hc; lower grades 16 9 17 H . Wlscon JZZr' fS. I sin Whole milk, fancy Young Amaricaa, 23 9 83 He. Stat. Skims, epeclal, i&9 i7e: do choice, 11914e: do lower trade. 6910a jsgg - market iirm. nearoy wnite, laney, t6c; do brown, fancy. 27 H 928e; extra,' 36 9 6 He: firata, J8 9-4a Milk The wholaaale price is 88.37 -per 100 pounds of per cent milk, within 200-210 aaile j - Money aad Exehaage Kew Tork. Marsh 10. ft N. S.)--Call money ea the floor ef the New York Btadat x- a today ruled at a per eeat; high.. 4 par eeat; low, B per cent;- time money was ateady, Rates were 4 41 5 per eent. The sasrfcet for prune saateaatua paper was ALL ALOHG THE WATERFROKT The eteamamn west K.aaer naa smuea i Boooraua .....rwruaae rwu aave i Mar w...i.... from the Irvine dock to the Globe mills I LV towu sura ir"! l.air .... this morning for grain. ' I F. J. Lnckeabach .... Terminal ReZl The steamship Admiral jsvans ot me i Fukkai Mara A.. .Terminal He. 4 Admiral line, with passengers and I O. c Tiadaeer Portland rWawr ann w.ik, h. a.w rnM mil ws aretwed I Haloa ...... Timree Petat . e.i.,l x.-n eki. mnrnlnr I Hoqulam ............... .t ... . e. Uelens ...w- ..w. "-"-- . . . I -k Wane - The steam schooner Trim aaa ta aa-i Mi ; ine lumber for California at Tongue I Noorderdijk . . . Point, ' . . I Roe City ...... The ateamer Shasta is woraing a turn-1 neiyo aura i . . . ha nrm at Rt Helena I "naera. The ateamanin wesf tsw ot we Call aseaaw ia London today was 3 per eeat. Slertine exchange was atoedy. with brninse in bankers' bum at 4.84 tor demand. , 11.64T.0O0 19.097.000 49.806.000 86.118.000 413.818.000 Chicago range by United Prse WHEAT v Open. High, 1 Mar ....... 131 185 113 116H O0BN 3tw Tork Sagar aad Coffee ; New York! ' March 16. (TJ. P.l ugr steady; raw, 88.02; rtOned. t toady; trsaulated. Coffee. Kel T Rio, am. 3 99r Na 4 8aato, 13H913H0. . Hay I July May July May 69 01 02. 64 OATS 37 88 89, 40 tar.' Low. 181 113 50 " 02 TH 89 Cleaa 186 110 lr Bew Tork Fealtry Market New Tork. March It. L N. 8.) Dreased i Poultry Market firav catekena. Zweyese; few Is. ZZMIZc; turkeya, sa 49 tie; a-csa, zy , Xlei essss ltSlOc - Uw routUT laarawt iirsa, ewnsaaa xtregaja-. Chickens. 97 440; fowls, SS9 86e; twrkaya. I 26 945e; rocesea, 18c; ducks. 86 943c; teasa. 19 9 Z2 per lb. Thiatkt in . w a North China line of . the Columbia-Pa- fjSrfea V. cific Shipping company, win euear ior i Tart the nrient tomorrow with a mixed Cargo I Trinidad , of lumber and general. I Knam " . -w.AmwMvai a -tavi c i -w ruuuiii "a -,a,o I Mtro xt. nti hns North Bead sfee the noei-1 W tinn of tha foUowina veseel at S a .av. March Ytww.amnlta.Ttwl.t. sis. iramta. aurcn ta iax: an. ii.i5:iJnit nnr; ..iiei on tree., ia .se m ia IXIB.B2.SUa. .e. . w eiax: aaay, l saay iv i ..1100 ,.1120 PORK b e e- LARD 1120 1137 1100 1130 88 40 3000 1120 1133 Kew Tork Cottoaeed on .: New York. Mareh 16. Cottovnaed oil: Maech, 1126 9117.: July. 1163 91170: -eJeejUSBber, 1117691181: October. UHfllM. Minn mils March : 82.50; JsJy. 62 49; en track. tXl 0 I July ,,V.,..102T to arrive. s.tia -107T , 1031 '$ WT&ttXwnl Stores Market i t New York. March 16. Tnrpentiae: Sa ash. T8H: New York, S3. Roain SavBJuh. 895, New Tork, "815. $ fVsreaf Terk Fetata Market : " New York. March 16. (L N. S- Petttoes fin bulk, barrel or bag) Market dun Nearby'1 4.65 ; Bermuda, 812.00 0 14.60; soutneflss, iisvu ej xv,Uv. Hay ....... 1077 1070 J0S7 . -10JT ais .- 101 104 - 101 104 ! 01- . 04 ; 03 194 ., ... .-, -89 H Asked;. IBM. 5ew Terk-Lesdoa Silver New York, March lS.Orjmmerria& ba(-a0-ver: - Domestie ainikias'i at 09 He; foreisa He I nicber at 64 a a London March 16, Bar aCver .-d bighet alj -f : e m i II.-,.,-, Ryast Fran Election Spokane, Waah., Mareh 1 0 Thomaa F. Byaa aa reelected prasideet el the Byaa rruit com pany at the annual meeting ef stockholder, aad aUeartnea aeld ia Brswsae. - The eomnany . ewn d : operate aa Branenea ew xae sracauo eoaa d ' thresmaeat the - KoeSkea. . "We have had . ewr satisfactory year.' Mr. Ryaa. "The Bmt tw awmtha ef the a-w year ha ween enaeeeTly BTaaryiBa. wnsea srsra as anta aep tor a this year. . The-reWBxt erruer ware raaiactaa tea me euiBC year: T, - F. Ryan, preeeiesit; A. W. ithenpoon, A J.'.Knievel And A. R. Ocarie, etc prieia-Bh. end R. T- Ihlisorta. eeretary, ljiraetora. arar W. rHsll .W. 1 WtS&nm. w. J- amy ana a a -.smsser, Muntoomery City SB Francisco , . West Kader .... Memphhi City . . . Osage I City of Bangnea. Nebraskan . . . . . lawns . . American . Laa Vegas li cent drop In raUs from the ArgenUne :::::L ..55. nag Hats a, usm ciioa iwa?. cww- tions for today are : United Kingdom, ls6dJs: Germany, Bremen and Hamburg. 17 13c; France, Atlantic He; Mediterranean, 12c; Hol land, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 20c; general cargo ; steady. .New York Mar. ..Knclsmd Mar. . .Oriewt ..... .Mar. ..Eerope . .t . . . .Mar. 28 ..New OTiaaa. ...Mar. 18 . . Europe . Mar. 28 ..Kew York..... .Mar. 38 .....Renemm ......Apr. 1 ...New York...... Apr. 7 . Orient1 Apr.1T Clesriao Th-aday $ 1,TTI,400 Sea Fraaiaiil tVasrai - , 821.600,00 .tlt.627.316 Cwsariass Thamday Ts Tli aw. nay's bank! S.08T00 MlaaeapoUs Wheat Optfeei w8a4: Mianeepoiw, Mareh 10 Thershday 1 1.16 CI (IIS 8104 31 3TH - 1A1 . -1.36V Si. Dryeael J NaT" 4 Terminal No. 4 ...Terminal Ne,". 1 . . .Tarnrinal No. 4 ..... Ckarb-Wimea Peetawala , . , . Iaaa-Pwu)asB . ..Tsrmiaal No.-1 f ..a... Weatport , . Twag Point ...Termiaal Ha. 2 t . . . m afcnria avimnrerva ........ Fv ........ Gtobe AUU Claremont. Wulana Harbor for Baa reore. a? mile eouth of Willapa uaroor. - aoiana tvillarw. Harbor for Saa Padre. 43 miles south of Wtnape Harbee. r By Kadersl wirekam: . Ventura Saa Fiaiwaaee for Sydney, 488 axDas south west of Saa FTassriane. - liana wa Bhancnal for rwruana, ewe aauee ef CMeahbia river. - is S tl . .km, n.www. fw VneriaM SIT wit lea earih mi Cariata ' .1 - r Frank o. Dram, reruaaa ler A vow. sums i verba ataru MeevsTrraacHM fer Saa Fed-," 111 taues Berth ef Saa Pedro. 1 Drachmaa ' West Ucewa, aaa a-rancssno xor S3 milaa aoala ef Saa Fraaxaaoa. niilienins tut, aaa rraasuaoe xor avmosam, i unmimi SIS milaa week af Saa Xraacmea . Yorba IAada Saa Pwdee fee Kewett, SO soeta of Gape Mswdocina. . Wsaaeena. Baa ineee tor Baa rraacawa its rajies souta ct tsaa rraaaaso. . FOREIGB" EXCHABOR RATES Correeted dally by the fevekra eeaaaaea partmeet ef the United States National bane. Qwotattoae below feacept the paand aterHns) ara rjead ea the beam ef 100 aaata foemaa car- Opeaias amuaal 'rates ea aaak Draft Cable Par Checks. - Tiaaafsia Varoa eernat..O 4.4 6 4.42 f 4.640 .0.14 . t.16 - 19.80 ..4416. t.20 is sail I SHBekhema . . Kumsr .,,, wm ni , 4.60 20 08 17.10 20.60 .:!! 17.30 " 26 66 23.81-10.80 10 80 3AT0 20.70 ' Ojjr success is based upon adilwTciiiwat" F.W.BAITES & GOMPANY Printers 2Si 82 78 47J8 70.20 8 pi Ostvaaey . ... . IS. 80 Forest Kiag, Baa Pedro for BeatQe. 280 axflas Japaa Yea .... 470 rth of Saa Pedro. V I Shartrhat - , eat B. Meysr, aaa rear lev Boa Fraa-1 Taeas as.aa ISO axflea semtn e naa arrsm-iarii. - I ranedas aoliar Maltneamli. Baa a.armas tar Baa ITwBTO, HartWBcd. Baa Fraartao for San fHdre. till T. E. Xltten Wlso Flckt ladles aoath ef Sea jrraea . - -..,.1 . Paadalphi. Mrae, 18, (TJ. F.) saiiwS eTsaa raic-o.. " R Ittttoa. I' I.I ef the Fkfl.l.ktBg Based uaorgina ktoipo. Baa aTianaas Tee Ban reore, I t renew iiimpeny, as use aaasi munag ef tne Jeaeaataaa- - - l svnr-stvwaa-r at use enmpaay sneer bsiii iiIiiT la Lernaa Stewart. Oleosa- fer Vauou . SIS I ratberma eeengh tmia to wra hie tiaht aemiaat a: lea eoeta of veaeaeeer. - . - . I tee nve tnsargeat anetsa ess were trytn ; maw, jsamia lor aaa rraar a, as StTKa:rO-as. ytbPaV Crkitw Dt. a.- w... . m t t ' S1C-11? Ue taf TraaU imi&rf Overbect&CoolieCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO AUL EXCHAIiGES i Stem war CSVrare Cerree pea teats ed C-a-aero ef Traae Lr Brraa