' f r i ' ilv- Ih'i i . THE OREGON : DAILY JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, ' OREGON. MONDAY. MARCH .13. 1922. 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 FOR RENT BEAUTIFULLY furn-L nlshed 3-room modern apt. $45, and 4 rooms for 550 month; these are special rates. THE COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA , ' T JACKSON . . IlK Cm Am. !f. tnm apt. $0 to 4 2.50. brick blag., private balk. steam -brat phon. an-viea. 1( min. walk to 6th and AH. Haw City cr B. 2844. FURXI8HT.D S room apt, dm, bat and mid water, 22.10 aonth. 194 Lwnsdale. corner layter. MVINO ma. and kitchen, alaeptng B h If desired . walking distance; raf Maia 8010. Mabel le Apartments 414 Jfr.a. at 11th, pH4 npartaseffita, caisrn. 1 and 3 room tor rent reasonable. 0KB t mom apt., 1 single boakepig room. 490 Belmont East 171. Leeds Apartments FVaproof bktc, modern 2. 3 and 4 -mom ! : also at rms. : elevator urtW, Mar 837. FLATS FURNISHED 309 BOOK CUt. aewly decorated. w furnished; saw 1 room h. t. tig aad as. 271 North Slat at. Main 1982. 'Hi' BTRICTLT modem. Oat. 345. 110 East 1653. ' I dean. 5 E. Madisoa furnished lax 20th. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 IBVINGTON. upper flat. 4 rata, aad bath, ihot water bent, furiabed. nnn if wasted. Adntti only. 481 Tillamook, cor, of 9 th. -I i IitViS'6t6 Cpwr'nat. 4 rms.' snd bat-. At aaur neat lurais-ed. garage W only. 481 Tillamook at-, cor, of 9th at. 1 i j ; 8CNNT flat of fi. noma and baih. Clay at, scar Sd at. ROOM. lower flat; 267 U ! 614 Powell; $35. C. A. WAGNER. 230 Stark. 3! FOR RENT room flat, 256 E. 43d t. Boar Hawthorne. Inquire upstair. - i HOUSES FURNISHED 312 7 ROOM, boo., f 2 no Ceil Handera after 7 through the wk. , . 389 Grand are. N. p. m. and any time rOR RENT. I to. famished 1 room aback, with gang. $13 ; aoi table for bachelor or working eoaple: no children. 1895 E. Hoyt st 5 KM. funusbed. garage, all conveniences, . a month. to Sweeney l 1293 Cherry st. Ant. 514-57. Take Fulton FURNISHED HOUSE to learn or rent in i If vington. 433 B. 15th at. N.. for. Tillamook. 4-ROOM bonae, furnished. (20; on ear line. Wdln. ear to 18th at. 2 blocks 8. H blk. E. t :T durable lnr apartment, including light beat and telephone ; rent very reason able; aien partly f umahed basement apartment. .94 Irving ? SAN MARCO Attmrtiv modern 3 room apt. Walking dia ls East 1990. , Rose-Friend Apts. excellent rm. fuirrished. eefitrally located, liar 1410 Mar 2921 King Albert Apartments 3 and I mom. strictly modern, til batha, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main S59. ROSE APARTMENTS I mora apt., A 1 condition; private bath reasonable rent 414 2d at. cor. Halt ROOM furnished noose for rent East 1743 3 ROOM boose, famished. 11 a. ra. to 2 p. m. 691 Kerby. Call rii RRENT 2-room boose, tarnished. 310 month; garage. 94 a month. 143 E. Slat N. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BEAUTIFUL NEW BtTNGALOW IN SUNNYSIDE (550 wQl pat yen is prewion. pay i : vat the balance like not 349 per month. Tbia little bwagalow baa firepUoe. book ; . cues, modern bath, liehta and gaa, 2 aleepiric rooms, fine Dotes, kitchen with breakfast nook." fine brine room with beaatiral hardwood floors, good cement ; basement, foil stag lot It bandy to ! 8nnByaide earline, rood atorea and fine school., and is a fin. .littm koeae for 942501 and qniek ponaeeaion can be .bsd. ' Why pay rent when the aama money will : boy too a beaotifnl tittle home? Com. in and let. ma take yoa out and show 'i this. Be. - E. W. Hughes, 507 lotrrna Bldg. Main 2858. I WILL TAKE AUTOMOBILE AND 1100 CASH , AS FIRST FAIMEXT. fttx-rooni home in Woodstock, double atTOcted and folly modern, 50x100 lot, 5 bear inc f rait tress: close to ear and school. $3850. Owner, equity is 31100 for which he will take S10O aah:am a ear for to. balance, uau sir. Young. : :. . I IMSUDANCE LOANS 413 Chamber of Commence, Bdwy. 6389. 8PRIMKI.KREI WAREHOC8B on trackage. Store your goods with us. Let ni do yotu monng and packing. CLAT Broadway 3470. 8. MORSO, INC. 454 Gfeu at. Atlas Transfer Plania moeed, IS np; furoitore moetng proportion. gnaranteed. Get oar price. Bdwy. 1207. first; an work IlAVKNI-OllT APT8. 3 room modern, fnrntabed. apt ; hardwood flnnra, ntraU bath. I' bona main 6433. 305 Jetferann at Luzerne Apts. 3 room modern furnished apts. rf 3d and Hall Mar. 3070. REW and anmnletelr fnrrishd 2 rm. apt Kent 1-3. 30tb and lbuT. Bdwy. 1871. 8 IRGE rooms, hardwood floors in erery room, just refinished inside and oat: will lease. 781 East Main it Rent 373 per mo. Make good rooming bouse: win make contract to add on more rooms. Call Tabor 2032 or East 2719. HOIJ-vDAT lEVINQTON is 787 Multnomah at ' B-room modern brtnr. low, garage; 855: adults only. Key at 430 Worcester Mag. WHEN moving, city or era itry, get the best at jowwm prices. Grata Trans, . w., mala IZBlj ZOItt Alder at ON Urge front room, kiU.be neUe and sleeping pnrrh, bath, hvrmdry traya. beat, lirht, phone, hnt and eoki water, cine, in, lor 130. Pbon. t 9341 or Kt,4549J FURNITURE MOVINw, 92 PER HR. AND TJP 15 DATS STORAGE FREE ELK TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWT. 2445 WE HAVE the truck for furniture moving with top and carpet for 31.50 per hour. Main 8290. I ALICE COI'RT . 3 mrte moms. 2 beds, fireplsee. bsU: 850. Inelndlni telephone. Comer E. 8th and Bom xte Kast 88. a rr THE JEFFERY mnm furnished front apt, $18 a Russell and Kerby. Kest 1894. THE DENNISON 3 moms, private bath, steam heat and pfeceML rVss Tabor 544. 1027 H Helmont. BK.ACTirVU new, modern flat I re room. kltehen. bath, aterplng pnrrh. Partly fumiahed. Adults Kafarto . JBU ft.no It au, near nui tame ave. Katherine Apts. 3 and 3 rooms completely famished. Vealed and homelike Marshall 2998. WeU Kerrigan Apts. 1 mom fnrn. apt- $15: also 4 room furn flat $23. 53 K. th at N. ft. 1150 VTrWI luk! mnm hniukeemns aoart- mewt, first floor front: fa mare heat, hot and row rannlrg wiser in mom: wauans very rswaonable Kast VKRT deairabl. 2 room furnished apartment with suk, Dutch kitchen, use of porch, yard and basement: also garaaw if desired a Me fall 97 1 4antenbe4a, ave. SAN MARCO Attract! re modern 3 room apt tarre, Fst 1990- Wafting dls- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Rose City Park :' BKAUTTrTTXT ARRANGED 5 ROOM HOME WITH ALL BUILT IN CONVENIENCES. FIREPLACE. TILE BATH ROOM FLOOR AND DRAIN BOARD. EVERYTHING THAT MAKES A HOME. AND IS COMEPLETELT AND IN BEST OF TASTE. INCLUD ING ELEC. RANGE: IN FACT EVERYTHING : JUST MOVE IN AND START KEEPING HOUSE THE PRICE WILL St RP RISK TOU. G. C TJLRICH CO.. 405 Stock Exchange bMg. ; IMMEDIATE possEssros! Too don't have to wait 7 or 8 Sears tor fruit a to grow: they a an here! and in fall bearing, cherries, English walnuts, apples, peach, apricot grapes and all kinds of shrubbery; 8 room house with hardwood floors tn every room. gsrsg. ) loement corner; dose in. 781 East ROSE CITY PARK LAUREtHURST If you are going to buy In either of these dis tricts v mm it ta voonelf to inspect our list ings. W. specialize la the sale of good homes in the better districts. We ban any number of nooses in ROSE CITY PARK rsneinr in eras, from $4500 UP. In LAl'RELHURST we have any number of exceptionally attractive bungs k at very rea aocabl. prices that can be handled ooj-excep- tasnslly easy terms. AC'TECPE CO. 2ZA130RS 7 INSDUXHCE ASFkSmt dtli TABC5R55SS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 40S , LA KEG ROVE ACRES) I Xew aslndlvmsi near liaanliflll J at pot eat the market Tnea. acre tn em cast- SO mfaantea from asm- ter of city, all aavnaL eteaia-L school em tract am paved highway, only a few feet fraaa statical on KM carina.. They eaa be a d for a mall c a pa ant and a little ass month. This la ah. u man a chance: a "- a bar to be aoU. See as aarry and set yoor ehotoa. Ks- crasive agents 404 Coach bids, Bdwy. 6523. -ROOM Rous. sere, with ban, fruit trees. weu. u wire tenced. 60w tt. to Ton a au. O. E. 3500: 3350 down. Bdwy. 722.V Mr. Sharkey. Tr. 7883. , FRED & WILLIAMS CO. 500 Panama bids. 160 ACRES slons a mountain stream; hasting. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALS -SS a a. 14 aaOaa fraaa PxirUsad. 20 acres ta ewhiwatioa. 10 ba e l 9 la ea-ehard asst berriea. 4 roeaa house, la bars, ugh . pool try ho, for 1000 thiiiaa.. 2T0 White Lachora emckaas. horse, t oowe, beifars. 1 cog. waaxm. asovser, haka. plows, barrow, gaa draar aaw. 3 toast at . bar. arm. Bead and po tatoes, some fwradtara. Vote of sraiTI tooai all for 80, mcivstmg text to October 1. usa m -w par year; pusiusaoa anytime. ' STEWART at JOHNSON 315 Northwestera Bank bMg. fashing, trapping; $500 C-378. Journal. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 it toj appreciate it Open wonderful view of the Main at Too must i for Inspection aS Sunday afternoon or call Tabor 2032 or week days East 2419. Price $10,000, 51500 cash, bat $100 per mo. . Might rent to right party. I ALL GOOD BUYS Brand new 5 room bungalow in Woodlawn addition, corner lot 44x100; modern in every bay and a real home. $2000. Hera is another new 5 room bungalow, dou ble constructed, full baaement; all btriris; $3800. A bargain. 7 large rooms, hdw. floors, sll pontine, toll basement, furnace. Overlook add. : river; $4500. LIVE IN 6 RENT 5 10 room house, near AJbina ahopa. $3150. Terms. Raise chickens. $1850. 7 room house, lot 75x100. fruit trees and berries. Bargain. Easy terms. . 5 room house, partly furnished ; garage and fruit trees. $2350. Easy terms. SUTTER A MANBOULES. 248 E. Bdwy. East 9218. ror 32750. $900 cash, you can have a real horn, right on the earline, pared it, sew ers in and paid; in Alberta that 4 McGEE A DENNIS, 969 Union ave. N. Wdln. 5684. RM. HOUSE for rent, 525. on East Gbjaa at Call Bdwy. 492 after 1 p. m. week- days. ' J. Elk ins. ; SIX rooms and garage, furnace, (sa ranee and water beater, laundry stove and trays. Owner, 998 E. 17th N. -i- MOVING. TRUCKING. CONTRACTOR Fist or covered bodies. Johnson, Esst 1617 ROSE CITY BRAND NEW $4750. Very essy terms. Living room across the entire front Plate glass win dows. Dining room with built-in buf fet Two good bedrooms. Dutch kitch en. Oak floors. Good furnace. This is an unusually good boy, as it is m a good lo cation and all the st imps, are in and paid for. Amn Johnson, Koaltor, Board of Trad. bldg. roadway 37. Sundays. East 2981. TBU1LT TO ENDURE- 100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger. Better Hod i for I Less Money. BEDIMADB BLDG.' CO . PORTLAND. OR. Fsetory E. 11th and Market Phone East 6114. BEAUTIFUL LACRELHURST HOME L nul April i this fine home with 9 rooms. modern throughout: hot water beat very desir able location; w. offer for $8000; for a home, i saw this st once. Terms can be arranged, if needs be. Rofonett & McClure, CONSIDER PORTLAND HOUSE 3 acres oa macadamised road 44 mfl from electric station; an under cultivation ; fruit trees, lota of berries, attract! new 6 room bvmgalow finished with Bearer board; some plumbing; also old 6 room house. 2 chicken booses capacity 800 chick ens, root cellar Abtro, fruit house, etc. In cluded with place: Cow. chickens, cream separator, cultivator, garden tools, incubator, etc Pnc. "jt everything 34800; 81500 cash. Consider Portland bouse for full amount, WELL FURNISHED AND EQUIPPED One acre, 4 blocks from electric station just outside city bmha; Tel road; an under cultivation; bearing orchard; 200 strawberry plants. 75 raspberries, locari ber ries, etc; 4 room plaster-board house, wired for electric lights; city water in house; mall barn, garage, chicken boos, with capacity for 400 chickens. Inc hided with Plae: One good, fresh milk cow, 1918 . Ford car, 2 beds, springs ana xnaUreeeea. 2 dressers, dining room act, heating stove, cooking stove, rugs, carpets, kitchen furni ture, tools, etc Pries for everything $2500. Owner must sell. 3 large lots hi mile from Fulton car , one;, rocked road: all under cultivation: ' bearing orchard; city water; (as: attractive 5 roam bungalow with plumbing; wood i shed, chicken nous, and runways Price $2200; $600 cash. Inspected by Mr. : Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS FARM FOR RENT 40S 5 ACRES, ho as and bar: good aoU. caty water, sac. - z vk scree orcnara. Am 74 acres. 7 room ho, ha, chick ea house, orchard, grapes, fin aoO, watec, gaa, rieetrieite: doe. to ear. . f hosts earner. ; Auto. B8Z-S3. . IRRIGATED LANDS 409 A GOOD BUT 100 aeres . la Sanaa creek district. 9$ aerea old water, right, 130 acm amder cultivation, 00 aerea in alfalfa, bnildiriga fair. Near stale high way. Prioe $50 per acre. 81400 do , bal ance easy; will take $2000 good Portland prop erty as part payment Wat. J At. fees. hiso-Tv, or. WANTED REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 4S5 WANT SMAlXw Ft CXS. CKOSB tt I tweed pas with aw Mir am g read, dose te el PanlaB BaaaD aaadkar-a sosa, FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 "Wanted o kfc.t-l&UI pLacUT" Has. aaieial nesxits waarttaa as at 1 aaw or ssasll fa s, dose tw Pas tkuad pee ler a: . soma pas at wan boy the after seaatag for WW aaaa. year or as; way: arm en a prcd raybt. JOHN FERGUSON. Cerihar eld. IA eat Farm Deakrr oa Pacific Coast BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES : FOR SALE - SCI For Hotels and . Apartment Houses aj) Q. C. Ulrich & Co. 405 Stock Exch. Bld. TIMBER LANDS 411 80 ACRES of tiberlaad, oa good rock road. 12 miles from Portland, S mile from Tigard station. 1 mil. from highway and 40 rods from school. H-26. JowrnaL EXPERIENCED dai eaa a with herd of hath daas Jar re. wants te raat farm a-airessd for production of high daas milk for Portia sJ trade. Forty to 100 aerea, wlthja it miles of city. D. C Ho rd. Shesod. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC 500 WANTED, PARTNER TJ EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 2000 acres level land, good state of cultiva tion. 1 la, hooae and 1 medium, large barn and sheds, blacksmith shop, vrarehooa. and ese vator for about 25.000 bushele of grain. R. R. ataUoa at elevators 4 mites to coonty seat arteaian wen water piped to an buildings. 250 acres in fall grain, 400 in spring grain. 100 in alfalfa, balance summer fallow. Sotl dark sandy loam, plenty of water 0 to 8 teat from surface, no rock. 700 acres hog tight fence, balenee 5 barbw ire. 75 H. P. Holt cat. SO foot Bolt ooea bine harr eater. Expect 50.000 bm heal annually. Price $200,000. $25,000 cash or wl take $100,000 in good trad, near Portland, balance to salt II you want an up-to-date farm, in vestigate. F. L. Blanchard, Realtor 41-2 B wetland Wdg. Broadway 8859. LOOK AT THIS 8rx acres, 5 a. in oolt. 6 room boose , ham and garage, 00 fruit trees, small fruit some wood; 1 mil. from Oregon City; S3900. terms. B. H. STEWART, 165 V, 4th St AT TIGARD 13 y acres at leas than $500 per acre, highly unproved. 5 room house, hug . attic and modern plumbing and electric light and phone; R. F. D.. nice orchard; one acre chicken yard, balance cultivated : cement basement and walks; some stock snd implements. A few rods from Psane highway on rook road; trif cash. R. A. Twisa. Tigard. Or. READ AND PONDER GONE TO SPOKANE Will trade 8- room ptasered Woodstock home for Spokane property. Priced at $3450 Owner's canity 31000. Act Quick on tni. THIS ONE IS AT TENIN'O 40 acres with good 6 -room bouse, splendid chink en proposition. rice zauo. -llave 31500 canity to trad, for 40 ACRES RAW LAND in Clark, ormntv wun spring: i BUica to depot Pne. $600. or -uau- iut taoo or two clear lots m s ruana. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdy. 5654. WE move furniture of 8-.-0 room ho us. for $10. For further informsUon Mam 6290. FIVE rooms, large, $13. 556 Bescon st, Brjooklyn. See sgent evening. 612 E. 1 2th. 39750 TERMS Ton can buy thousands of inside lots with I Bdwy. bungalows built under your .neighbors window, with little stuffy bedrooms, but if you want home privacy, individuality and exclusive view. see my real up-to-the-minute 7 room dwelling. with every modern appointment at 279 E. 39th N., cor. Multnomah, todsy from 11 L m. to 6 p. m. Tabor 8234. 6574. REALTORS, 302 Conch bldg. 7-ROOM modern. Wsseo st, Stratton, Broadwsy 4487. CHEAPEST, quickest best results 27 th. piano moT mg. HOUSES, flats, gas. st 667 Hond st furniture. Acme Transfer. East 5940. i MadisnA electricity. 554 Marshs.ll 4313. 4 ROOMS and bath, west aside: 800 Kelly $18.50. Call Broadway 2487. 7 ROOMS, furnace, garage; walking distenee; $45 a month. Inquire 625 Hawthorne avei WE HAVE the truck-tor b rm. furniture, with 2 men, $2 an hour. Phona Main 6290. FOR RENT 7 room bouse at street. 639 Reedway Sellwood car; fruit trees: will lease. MOVING t 2Vi-ton truck, large covered van, $2 an hour, 2 men. Woodlawn 803. EIGHT room house with block of ground. Main 4789. WEST SIDE HOUSES THREE TO SEVEN ROOMS EACH GOOD INVESTMENTS Prices range from $2500 to $5000 iost about the assessed valuation. Located 'between 19 th and 23d. Pettygrove sad Thurm sn Lots alnrus wrvrth flu. tnim Clonnir mn '' tst S 4 ROOM house. Gregory Heights, 2 blocks from chance to doable yoor money. Safer than a w rar, garage, 10s uviivu. lv i oank. Mr. Wiles, with 1WO acres, 6 room bouse, barn, two aood coicsen nooses. sounriancA ntr tnut arwi smM On paved streets,. in city limits of Portland. uvu. oaio r-oster road. Auto. 620-34. ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH MU8T SELL ait HAJWtK SHOP. AUT. 213-95. down, balance like rest. 4 room house, lot 80x100. corner lot on. ear- line, lot of fruit trees, in good condition, for siou aown and $15 a month. o04 Buchanan bldg. i J. B, HAIGHT. REALTOR 825-327 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 2045. BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT HOME Really a good buy: 75x100 level lot with beautiful shrubbery. House has 6 rooms, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch: in the heat of condition; 36100, terms. Mr. Church, with J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR 32S-327 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 2045. 2 XL'R-BOOM FLAT BUILDING 964 Garfield are,.: one block west of Union 3 LOTS AND SHACK 5625 Close to school with 150 feet frontage on macadamized street some nice fir trees, 5 blks. from car, a splendid value, $9 down, $9 monthly. y 782 Chamber of Commerce bWg. New. ROSE CITY BARGAIN $4300. EASY TERMS attractive, 5 -room bungalow. large liv- HOUSES FOR RENT FURNTTURE . FOR SALE 313 FURNITURE of 5-room house lor sale: no re a snnabl. offer refused. Marshall 2070. II NEWLY cleaned and Ten ted housekeeping it pne. $4 50 and $5 for 2 rooms. 1 bWsrk fmaa Hawthorn, bridge, Esst side. 301 Vfc Hswthom. ave, f TWO mom front apt. walking distance , close tn schools: don't kill your children; bring theea te my place: Vte of playground. 272 Mont f ery. Mam 3528. , Adams Apartments 9 Mem gtrtm i-fiL, w41 fumJhpxi. modern ukd nit m 40n jffiiTwwi, cf. toil. GLEN COURT 3 end 8 mnm apts. : rinse to bnsineas center. 582 Park, ajnrner TsyVw. Main 1981." COXNER APT . walking dis. ' bath. bwd. floor piaso If desired. Eaat 4 274. ; Highland Court Apts. tiea.uf.l 4 mm fumiahed apartment, also 4 and 9 me n nnfuniKhed Mar. 3181. MODERN newly fumtahed 1 room and kitchen: all front moms, laandry ro . hot and cold rnnnina water: heat and light furnished; aleo gave 4 29- d t Mar 3029 Dl.lJ.IITrl'l. 2 room apt., excepttoaally at tractive, rlean i and well furnished, convenient laaaunn and the rent is only 330. 248 13th aa eff Mam. a-HMM APT. nicelv furnished, white enamel. larg kitchen: nicer than nan ba had en west aid. for same price: easy walking. 415 at fVswh, near Grand ave. NOR H1IJ. 687 liUSAN 3 mom furnished apartment. $27, ire-hading gaa fur easAlag; also beat light hot and cold water. i ' Ual.LlX.TtN t'OI'KT APTa., nmler new man- ave. Good. Here is a good investment Own st M" rorgn , fireplsee, French doors to dining room nrn-residrrjt and will sacniace for quick Bale. rnce 4aii(J. some terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. 284 Oak St. Bdwy. 943. $4250 TERMS Have just completed title by lorrrlosrjre to rai. modern home in Alberta, on 17th st. close to car; living room 13x25, breakfast nook, full basement.- furnace, large front porch, screened back "porch, 2 toilets; insured $6000. Originally sold at $6500. Tabor 8234. handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 nice bed rooms. Finished in old ivorv and tapestry pa per, cement basement and laundry trays. 47th st Everything in and paid. Easy terms. R. SOMERVILI.E. Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. National Bank Bldg. STORES AND HALLS 314 SPACE 11x33. suitable for painter or storage. $10. Cell Bdwy. 2487. FOR desirable Pbon. Broadway 871.. STORE TtOOM. lireproof warehouse ft; 5x65. with basement 40x50 steam heat 917 Union Ave. N. i OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 31 S ONE large srrite, 3 room suite, 2 room suite and angle office. jooaoadated Securities bl s run St . ONE ball for rent by day or evening. fellows' bldg., 228 Alder at. Odd DISK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. 1'hone Bdwy. 3715. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 BUSINESS PROPERTY $6500 600-602 WILLIAMS AVE. 401 493 Union. North. $ 12.00v Phone East 2195. LOTS 403 WHY LOOK FURTHER f ' T" FOR SALE A strictly modem 6 -room bongakrw. hard wood floors. firepSbe, built ins, constructed two esra; an ideal home; $2250. Bdwy. 72J5. MR. SHARKEY. Tr. 7882. FRED 8. WILLIAMS CO.. 508 Panama bldg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TN HEART OF I IRVINGTON DISTRICT 6 rooms, strictly modern in every respect, roomy with all the ' up-to-tb e-minnte improve ments, let 50x100. Price $6700, $3000 down, balance) on good terms. For further particulars call woouwn'&8:i. $3000 6-room boos, at 912 Cleveland Ave., near Kmamore. Fireplace. co lurnaoe. Now vacant Owner non-resident and has no use for it Easy terras to right party. i'niuin sAjrci i.i!irvsrr at Tjtuevr w. 284 Oak St et. Bdwy. 943 PIEDMONT CORNER $4500 On two paved streets, very fine district Houso ,hss- 8 rooms, fireplace, garage.. See it air. Hart, with J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR 325 327 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 2045. ! NEW BUNGALOW IRVINGiTON DIST. Five rooms with large attie. hardwood floors throughout, breakfast nook, ovxiuu lot.; dose to school and car. Motor out sou itns ; is over. i -au owner ana douugi, Broadwsy B231. Automatic 817-44. PENINSULA PARK BUNGALOW Pleasant living room, comfortable dining room. French .doors between. Practical kitchen with built-in features. Breakfast nook. Two large sleeping rooms with large windows for light and air: 2 blocks to school: 2 blocks to Et Johns car; $3800. terms $500 cash. Will consider lot in Irriagtrm or Laorelhnrst as part payment NELSON. REALTOR. 706 Gasco bMg. Main 2072 3100 CASH AND BONUS Will handle) good plastered rewne of K rooms, close in on fjast Yam hill Street pared and paid. Hones years old. in excellent condition. Price $3800. , Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdy 5B54. FARMS 407 THE Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. has recently opened un for settlement their last lam block of fertile park bunds in the Uoydrrunster and narxierora irm tncta in uentral Alberta and Sas katchewan, where grain growing and mixed farming conditions are ideal. These lands can be bought on 20-year terms at an average nrlee or sis per acre. 19 cash, with no further payments or. principal until the end of the fourth year: 6 Co interest Under certain con ditions of occupation and development only 2 inter t first two years. Personally conducted parties of hundseekers with reduced rates. For rurtber particulars apply or write Canadian Pa cific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange 'Bide. Portland. Oregon. L. P. Thornton. Distrvt Representative. . for woodyard timimn Man who can handle a truck. A good chance to get in a paying bvauneaa snd only $500 re quired. O. C. ri-EICH CO 403 Stock Exchange Building. Main 4334. HAVE 3.000.000 ft yellow and sugar bum. 23 8. fir. with 400.000.000 ft adjoining winch eaa be aero red good baaia; located Nortb sra Cahfornia, near main lin S. P. R. R. and ltardsurfacsd road, logging coadrLKsns v ry beat; want man experienced in puss, eoeitnct. Ksr-ofl and nun; marketing arranged for. J 565. Journal. GARAGE SAY. LISTEN! Do y really want a real paying basin Beat equipm eat fin. location. 3-vear lew., net ting $400: rent $100;' sum terms. Owner a eg la Pea. VtueK acttoa. RAPID SALES CO.. 404 Oo-ch Bldg. OPPORTCNITI for acergeUe young man "woo willing to work Kt-ir-" on hi an architect's and builder's office, one who has some knowledge about plana and ia wining to Warn drawing and tracing preferred: hberal weekly drawing ac count for man who can invest 1500 for ooe- thind tote st. 0-32. Journal. 8PLNDIX oocssetonitr for man with ablhty ta eosuaaet with fast growing bminissi first-daae nferencta given and ex p led: in vest merit 85000 and op. Tall oa about your self fully and ves will arrang. for tebarrarw by apt Ksmtment only. Mr. Kyssr, room 412, Bass son hotel. SACRIFICE 48 room bore!. Lean of rtty. 8499 per saonth. at.nt $2b wrth a straight 5 year tease. 414U. wp eat th. lease that g wita the buy. Prace $i0tw. bast of terms. VIM. a. in tillES CO 518 BUulway Li Kite. Bdwy. 4 SOt. NOB HILL II re a . housrk rsmga dsady V tma, walking diatsn . some swsr rug, farnacw beat, wwah traya, raoirra. neltng 883 as4 a.-artmen'. k-i far asie. HI cash, small balance WM. .V. IUV.HES X. 21S Railway Li. Bldg BJwy. C89B- LE-tSf! Hav. a leas, on 4 0 roo-s hotel. La eated on th st. Bncfe h;oc : all e ease floor. Beat transient location in town. A chance to make soese money tn s stent 4198. 218 Uailw.y Ex Ht'GHES CO. Bldg. Bdwy. 18 BEAUTY room ape. on Froadway. near high . varanciee. walking diet ace: Bea ting $130. and lovely 2 room apl. l-r sr!f. Beaaufalh famished. Has s Issue. If tetsreswd. call Broayfway 808 WM. .A. IH 1.HES 1X1 21$ Raflsay Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 09. WBTTK TEMPLE 12 rones good pan a ung boose, far walking distance, ail ranted oat: doa t hav. to Kvw there; netting $65 per aaontii; for qntck sale, will take 8499 for say eqaity or take light car. Broadway 4608, 480 ACRES. Eastern Oregon. 320 in cultiva tion, .u tools, .'O head boras., 3 bams. room bungalow; $25,000. Will trad, tor farm dose to Eugene. 10 acne at Vancouver, Clark, county; 800 young fruit trees, berries, 7 acres cultivated. 5 room house, 3 timber; 1 mil. from school and station. Sen or trade. McGEE A DENNIS 969 Union Ave. N. Wdlit 5884. HARDWARE stock, good country town. able rent, value $4060. Sell for $3100 or invoice snd dfceount 16 per cent: good raa for selling. ( rear bill of sale. Get ta business now. Small investment right prvre KX-740. Journal. WILL exchange my $7500 hosne. sJl ia bast of condition; rental value about $75; some in cumbrance: favorably located, in west part of HoUaday addition, for a small boas, in city: some income property or close In improved acre age. Owner, Broadway 9173. 024 Henry Mdg. GEN. STORE WiB invoke: domg fin. bust- as: good- town: part cash: terms. Gen. store snd nostAffl . wiiF sell or trad. tor ranch: good terms Also aom. nice email and larga ranches, with good terms. Box 22. gr. Or. Oregon ExService Men Too can bur nice farm wieh that stata Imn Hav. a few ches irrigated tracts on highway 2 H miles from Klamath Falls, Or.. H mil. from R, R. station. These tracts will appraise about $4500. WU1 make nice homes and close in. Owner will carry second mortgage long time payments on balance over $3000. Write or Wire L. I GREEN, Klamath Falls. Oregon. " MONTANA-OREGON COMPANY Realtors, 1029 Chamber of C mere. bldg. Pbon. Broadway 7839. Sell city property, acreages and farms of every description. Bring in your trades of merit for us to match. Last yoor property witn os. GROCERY CASH AND CARRY No credit: no delivery: will invoice : 3 living rooms: sals, a rage $50; so tee terms; seust sell. RAPID &A1-EH CO., y ' 404 Conch Bldg. SNAP! LISTEN: Cash and carry grace, good kva tie-, new stock, excellent fixtures; $50 per day business. Cash $2300; terms. F. J. Dietecb. 326 Cham ber of Commerce. BUSINESS OPPORTIWTTTES ' WANTED SSO WANTED Grocery surrl have real beryer; for quark acrioc. see us bow. Broadway 4523. W A N T ED A gocsl gTvirery urm in a goo neighborbood; from $300 to $5O90. Froaa owner: ao agents. G 699. Journal IOST WITH AN OKf.lS BUt tor avuek sale, or lease e it apta.. boua esr burin orrsnnnirii T-887. ioarnaL FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION Oa map eed inupeity or for asspesr sssva parpneea. The bawt and easiest method of paring a asaa b rsir monthly psjsvmt pis a 332.24 per aaorrth for 34 aaontha, asr 321.34 per saotrih lor 40 ssKsatbs, ear $15.17 per sonata for 94 pa I m loan of $1000 and tctenwt Loss, of other a mount te mi prop rtlc a, Kepe sent Prinlegv. EQUTTARLE BAVINOH A LOAN AU'X 243 Stark St. Portlsoa. Or. 95 Acres on Highway Near Frsrest Grr H in cultivation: hoosa, bam, orchard; price $11,500. Want hoosa or small acreage to $5000. bat very easy terms. owner, u; i-atton rosq, crty . Mam B3o. INVOICE GROCERY INVOICE ONE OF THE BEST STAND IS CITY. CORNER LOCATION. DOING OVER $73 PER DAY; BRICK BUILDING, LOW RENT. WIIJ, ING TO INVOICE rXBL QC1CK KALE. FOR ArrUl 3 TM E T CALL BDWT. 8363. 14 STRICTLY MODERN HOME Wanted, tn exchange my $4 500 equity in strictly modem 9-room residence, restricted dis trict, for dairy ranch equipped, or for stock, equipment and lease of the ranch. John A. Meiss- . 821 i.sk-o bldg. 160 ACRES at Buxton. Or.. 17 acres under cultivation, good 8 room hooae. all built-ins, good barn and outbuildings, good family or chard, about 30 acres of bottom land; $7500. $1500 -cash, balance easy terms. 160 acres at Giendale. Or.. 40 acre, slashed, about 10.000 cords wood; win sell for $1500. - fill acres, fronting on highway. 2 V4 miles to town, good buildings, 200 aerea tillable, 75 acres in crops, living water all year. Price $40 per acre. McGEE A DENNIS 969 Union Are. N. Wdln. 8684. ROSE CITY NEW Owner forced to sell equity in this modem new bungalow that will be finished and ready for occupancy within the next 1 11 days: bara wood floors, all bout-ins. fireplsee, breakfast room: price $4750; easy tenuis. W. M. Umbdesstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. BY OWNER New modern rmngstow. large br ing and dirstna room, oak floor', book case and china built-ins, convenient kitchen, fin. break fast room: full plumbing and laundry tray; Z bedrooms, large closets snd linen press:': cement basement An improvements in and paid. Cor ner of Mason and East 11th N". Price $4000. Any reasonable terms. Phone Coram bis 925. 60 MEN WANTED to buy 10 seres snd op in our 1400 acre ad dition to BEAVER SPRINGS FARMS onlv 1 uours anve irom Portland, now being rapidly colonized. Ideal for fruits, berries, dairying. ciover cnicaeas, wneat or any agricultural empa. ... 1 ,, , , . a. au Ewn soli, no rocs, no waste portion of tract has magnificent' panoramic view of Columbia nver and 6 mountains. Get first choice now. Low price, your own terms within reason. JOHN A. METSSNER. 821 Gssco bMg. $5 down. '$9 monthly for 75x100, good aoiL a , : , m 'i, I I'ltiws inm T-r, prn evw. BY OWNER, A BARGAIN 5-room i modern boos., frnit trees- hsroV $5 down, $5 monthly for Va acre of rrr md f wood floors, enameled woodwork, some fnmi- lust ootsta. dty bmm, gaa and water, pnc $650. 1 Mire and Wood; $2900. terms. Best ear serv $13 down, $15 monthly for 45x139. 2th I tee in eitv. 1182 East Salmon st blocks from ear. Price $450 plus small bonded 7-ROOM house with sleeping porch, near Pied- .... -"-- . . Li! I district sidewalks and paved street; ' " jV """"y. fr wiu take grocery stock to the amount of $2000. Z T?- ZJ!nctea; pnc 55- j terms to suit you on balance. Woodlawn 3206. "FULL VALUE PLUS" 0 room modem house, bungalow type, nearly new, fireplace, nice built-ins of all kinds, thor oughly up to date, fun basement double con struction, cement walks and steps, garage, M-V. ear, $4500; $1500 down, bat easy. K. M. 4, ATE WOOD oe CO.. 165 hi 4th St Be. Mr. Dwyer, with CaU for Bl M. G. 4 mom apt., beautifully furnished: all new fnrnltnre. walking distance to cesser; $53. Broadway 1245. 16th JEF"ER80N1AN 'APTS. a isna modern au.. Rasoaable raat sad Jeffen ma. Jtl.lANA. APARTMENTS 46 TRINITY PLACE rNI9HF.D 2 AND 8 RXM APTa CHAT EAT PkUJC MAR 3 snd 8 be, prtvat. bath, ra aaonaM. rant be wis, er month. 414 4th. . THE 8T AN FIELD Msst 3 mom corner apt. tight beat peon.. saond faeiHOea: 928. Main T32. ELEANOR APTSV NEW ' Suvgte and kooseks-riini sattes; ehotce loca- Mcss: sssTdarate ratea, 944 K. 7th at rf. rAYwa sa to share 3 room avaruneat with tear b r e bust new omaa. Park st Phone Mai. 2446 after $ p va. s snsi a, s wvv I w in", IWW Ml, as4 1 (ingle and 1 doable em 24 floor. 95 K, 1 ?th. at Wssblngton. hTddSn-HALL. litH AND HALL 8 Itssea apartn seat, beta, balcony, hardwood 733 Chamber of Oomme e. I $5 a MonthPrice $168 No Interest for 2 Years BTOPI LOOK! LISTEN I Aleberta district $2850: in pared at. 5 i rooms, sleeping porch, full basement berries and beautiful nower. Appointment pbon. Wood lawn 7.! LACRELHURST $3800 5 room modem bungalow hi full cement base ment: floored attic, fireplace, Dutch kitchen lota of built-ins. Block and a half from Sandy Bird. Win take light touring car as ' part payment. By Owner, 977 Wasco. $6000 WILL buy two 8 roe houses and ground near Bdwy. bridge, suitable for 4 families, with i basements. 2 shops, electnc lights, gas. LDdnU knw, RS.1AA Ia. fll 1 - . --" i,t), TX kn . V...- f .V,- k 1"marTn?e1ftl,-.h,oi, k S heTlInte to SM;aA grammar and high school, walking distance to O-W. shops; $3500.! See owner. 829 Minne sota ave. The, are positively the biggest lot bargains I 6 ROOM house, basement hot and cold water: lesa than rent ave. East 6039. J.. T-niysn, 438 Vancouver oa th, east aid.. 50x100 feet graded streets and BnH Ron water, nice location, 72d i st southeast Remember, you pay ao interest for 2 years; 60 lots to sea Don't delay. Bee as today. Pbon. evenings. Automatic 643-08. i COM TIE A KOHLMAN, : 418 Spalding bldg. i! Over Iadd A Tilton Bank. 1 1 $1000 ROSSMERB LOT Improvements Paid. L. HARTMAN COMPANY Broadway 6034. 100x100 lot: building for chickens. Price $1600, $500 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments. DAD'S REAL ESTATE. 1390 Division at 5-ROOM bungalow. 1 blk. off Lombard st, 4 blks. from Prertsmouth school, lot 100x110. Owner will sacrifice lor $2500 cash. P. C RHODES. 815 Lombard at LOOK LISTEN Homebuilder $500 cash down win bund 4-roomed modem bungalow on hi acre tract, model for inspection. Pay balance, $2000, like rent: genuine ba am for thnlty homeb miner. F. J. Deitech, S26 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WESTMORELAND 6 ROOMS Hurry. Best buy. Hardwood floors, fur nace, all larg. rooms, full eeavent basement cast front, beautiful lawn, ideal home, nzou BY OWNER 6 rooms, bath, pant, stationary balance like rent Bdwy. 6011 or Sen. 2706 eve. txars, tail raasem ear. un iss canine, tztsau, I T. O. BIRD. 026 Cham, of Com. terms, ia e rooms; improvements pauL bus Corbett st. Mar. 942. THIS property has got to be sokt! Make us Jour i at v .it, win si once. BWlBlon Dlocg ' g. Lots 12. M and 14. Winchll street, off iim.. FKtMT APT., li rami and kitrheoette. sovvaj I ,Vau.' B?rk''T ,blo 18- 17. 18 and 19 fa rait am throughout modem; 10 mia- a te Weak. st. Phon. Marshall 8U58. ATTENTION. EX-SERVICE MEN N A-rnoni i mod rn douhl. conatrueted bv m- $450 I ealow $4700: yoor aoldinr bonus. smsH down tme-room oouse. gaa ana war xtaevraiis m. I mrmsnt will handle. Owner 101S R. 2Sd at. graded street tn and paid lor. Owner. Jt 86th I n. Call aftnoon 2 to 4 o'clock. fl rm, walking distance. st N. $1450 Mpatavilla ear. new 3-room cottage. French doors and MODERN up-to-date- 5-roomed bungalow, also IA ,m , I A 4. 1 ... .I.mh mmI, windows. Lot 50x100, fruit, berries and shade I, dairy. Sea Mr. Newman with Dietach, 826 st N. Owner. Tenms. $33 MONTH fee 3 room steam bested tunhad apt., not. aoW water, tinsj id at. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 FOB. KENT unfurnished at Arbor Court, 295 14th at. 4 arte room t and bath, finished in ivery. firepaie.. walking aiataac. Adults only. ieire a nam TsaTj The American Apts. 4 and 8 room mod apartments; 21st and Jr-awarsa. Bmadway 8360. Ott at. off Woodstock car hne. ih onii I trees. Rose City ear to 78th at. 077 East 78th Chamber of Commerce, oJ Hastings at. wear- Vancouver. B.: C. SEVERAL fin. lots, exceptionally well loeated dBtriet, for a short time anlv. 1 1 A and 1 10 per month. in Corcoran 325-6 Lomtiermeoa Bldg. j LOT 50x100. Union sr. $2100 outiou on Royal Court Laarelhurst . .U0O 50x100 on 7th. near Alberta $ 850 MoGEE A DENNIS il : 989 Union ave. N. Wdln. S CUOI' E JUVT IN WESTRELAXD. "ONLY . ARNAl 3600 WILL HANDLE Bungalow. CO feet from Sandy bird, on 73d I furnace. at. electric i lights, gaa and bath. Good bosi- Skidmore. nesa property. Can at 18Q8 Sandy btvd. 7-ROOM 1 bungalow on paved st. University Park dat. 66 2-3x100. will sell for $4000 $4200 on time. P.j V. RHOUES. 81? Lorn aara SALE Nothing finer In Walnut Park, new 7 -room bouse, fine place; hardwood floors, best of everything. Owner, 295 SOLDIER'S BONUS ACCEPTED Peninsula district modem bungalow, street improved, no encumbrance; easy terms. Tabor 8023. I SHORT ON HOUSES If you have a good buy in a bungalow or cot tage with terms, call as up, W. have aom. real buyers waiting. RAPID SALES CO. Broadway 6528. 404 Coach bldg. GROCERY and apartment bowse. Store and nnsaa. store does 850-360 a day: owner or - copies 4 roc as and the rest rent for enough to pay 6n aboe. rent of whole boildmg: a real Bnon-y-maker; price Soon, esr will invom e. Bt WIN ESS FKKYH K. T18 I Vfcura Wltg CONFECTION FRY 4 ROC ERY BAKER1 Good east side lnrauon, doing $49 daily business, low rent na lea.: rnvne aboo t I - AOO BUSINESS 8ERVICK. T18 Dekum Bldg WANTED CITY HOME for 4 acres, near Durham station; 8 room farm house, large bam. chicken boose a and plenty of bearing fruit SeU for $3500. Use, Lee. 15 N. 8th St GROCERY with living rooms In Coram hie Park neighborhood, doing $43 ossh daily, eslabrashed business : low rent; long lease. Owner taring. 180O. Bee Brvmnaa. with O. V. JACKSON A CO.. 201 OREGON BLDG. TO TRADE A 40 -acre irrigated ranch, located about 1 mile from Bunnyside, Wash., clear of all incumbrances, for Portland property. Will aaramew Van Delden Lumbar Co., The Da Ilea, Or. NEW modem 6 room bungalow. West Side; hard- wood floors, furnace: street improvements paid: trade for farm within 25 miles of Portland. Owner. Ma R. Gillette. 1 761 Denver ave. WEST SIDE groee ry. doing $13-20 asaain . day. gad eaa b. in eased; two Irving rein. fumtahed: low rent. Here ia a good chance to make r on ifortable being: price $873. Rl BINKIMt ricKVIi r.. 7I llrtim SMt tea ATTENTION BRING TOUR TRADES IN. HATE GOOD RU8TNESS PROPOSITION WAITING. 260 FRONT ST WANTED A real aaleamsa with car. msk. good money. Business ia good. RAPID SALES CO.. 404 Coach Bldg, GROCERY with hnng ro a in lie locality doing $23 daily eash. This s a mint at the 88o0. Se. Br i nan. wrui o. t. JACA SON A CO.. 2Q1 ORyXN BLDG. On MONEY TO LOAX adrts aad anartgasaav MdRTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY 91 Four.. Street I WE HAVE I.1ESTS ana ll.i6 is l.rJ". aood ssasll a aea. Ruse City Psrk preia See Mr Ihna-m .. with . GREAT 'VtESTERN IN t F-8TM EN T CO. 22b i hamher of C ase btdg. lloo. tttiA." $ 1 7307"$ I Mo AXrVT Lowest rates, quack stio; pay $109 ear bv say tat rt oste. Gordoa Mortgage Oa. 431 Cnsmr-T of t sseene bldg Hroadssa 61 T. $1400. $1250 Ai lliftt TO LOAN at f per c nt ssa rvw sdewc. scunty : aan s act ia. a red tape. Me save ea aaoaey. t A Wagner Cs . 28n Stark st. M ON F.Y to loan "5 TaiprreH rv-si pnwy. lUrry E 1UH 301 V. 8- Bsck bide. Pa a Brdsmv 2013. BUILDING Vans ra rtty .ad asibarnaa ert-v: aaonev advatsrv st aa w rk rsrearre saa. W. O. Beck, 213-216 Falling bdt Mate $447. . $400. M0. 6nt. 3I0O0. $150n ta .'kf. no rtty unproved prrjisfty. 6ni fir bldg. WIW. TRADE 700 equity ia $1250 house as first payment I on 4 or 5 room house or will take lots or acre age. Broadway 5173. CLOSE-IN FARM FOR SALE 11 hi acres. 1 hi miles sooth of Reedville Or i n seres nnnrr cultivation. tiood mom noose, bam. 2 chicken bouses, wood shed, root hc.cse; well, orchard and berries.. Furniture farm implements, 2 horses. 2 am. 90 airing nens go with place. Call Kit Simonaon. 622 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035 between 12 JO and 3:30 p. ra, 160 ACRES in Lincoln county. Or., for sale or trade for bouse: 110 tillable, ess to clear: SO. aeres hire been cultivated: on read. 1 mile from highway now being na .ved. a miles from R. R. station; $15 per acre, good terms. Owner. 808 Second st 8. W'ILL TAKE good player piano or good ear for my equity in 6 room borne. Broadway 492, after 1 p. m. week days. J. Elfclns. 40-ACRE farm, 6 muea northeast of Waahou- gsl. Wash.; 15 aeres under cultivation, bal ance easily cleared; wfil sacrifice at $2000. $1000 cash, balance terms. Can owner. Tabor 5966. 92 ACRES$92Q Oa highway, near Forest Grove. 45 In cultiva tion; house, bam, orchard; 1-3 eash, at X easy. Owner, 732 Patton road, city. Main 8380. . FOR 8ALE--Ten seres apples. Yamhill. $165 . per acre, or exchange ror los Angeus lot. I. Unmsck. 6318 Hollywood blvd , Los Angeles, Cal FINE modem hooae. good location, fruit, 4 lots and about Vk acre of land. will e sider trade. Address Rox 129. Amity. Or. FILLING STATION, Tukranixing shop, n plete. good locaPoei; rulca nixing e uipm ent sera rate; $250. 363 E. 1 1th. Phooe East 842.. CAUTION, BUYERS Bet e nng a deal W ao-eaUad intrr-at ta established real esxaw bminesa. get advice of Portland Realty Board. 411 Oregoo bldg. Pbc Broadway 1902. LCNCH count aad card mom. good buanee ; must aeiL 4ve sura and a this 1803 E. flth St. Sell aood car LOANS oer bousebold aooda in at, Oak street. J. U WILLS CO- Price $900 barns. $1000 MEAT MARKET Dandy east aide Vo cation, low rent teas, renewable, living room. rent paid 8 month in advance. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekam Bldg TRADE small .tore fof car or light delivery. 416 Oregon bldg. Broadway 7264. LATE model Buick 6. gone 11.000: same as new; will trade for good lot Woodlawn 8562. FOR SALE or ei change, good Seattle business pruprrtj. WU1 take good light oar in ex ebang. aa part Harry Smith 669 Holladsy ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE 10 ACRES land in Clark. Co.. Wash. Has some timber. Will sell reasonable or trade for city property. 223 V". Olympic at. St Johns. RESTAURANT, good phv ee for man and wife; dean $200 mo. Rent only 812. lease. 4 16 "Orel bldg.. 5fh and Oak. , Printing tor Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 6830. 192 84 at CORNER grocery, value about 82500. for 'dose-in improved 2 to 5 acres, first nsortgag. or what? Principals only. Woodlawn 1642. BEFORE deciding definitely or mirir,f pur chase of future home, learn more shont stlvn Cowlita county. Washington, and wonderful pros pects for prosperity now at hand. Write P. O. box 841, Aetso. wash. TRADE or sale. heap; 65 acres Washington, around Goldendala Sea D. John. 6818 95th st IRRIGATED FARM Between Redmond and Sisters. Squaw creek water right; bargain, for gala or trade. Tabor 8023. CHEAP 403 seres, horses, cattle, pigs, bay. : grain, tarm .implements, deed to 60 acre water right from Canyon. Inform itioa, write J Dunn, Tula Lake, Or. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FOUR-room hooae, lot 75x100, fruit toilet dee. e chicken house, close to ear. sldo dovrn. $15 'month. Mote , in. save rant 805 Bu chanan bldg. HOUSE PLANS 100 detriima. $10 to $13. or specially de signed at res sons hie tea. Is it BAILEX or CO.. T W. W. Ban BMg. $700. TERMS- EAST 6196. King Albert Apartments '"Upr, ww as I m r asrwruy moras TO, 111. DaiQS elevator. 11th at Montana, Main 839. riRNrTTRK or a rooms for sale; the SAMS APARTMENT FOR RENT. PRIVATE BATH. 414 b CUliD STREET, CORNER V'W HAM rr-. . L J 1 ' Vtr ll.MiXO COI RT aoC. new aaana sen t. 4 loesse, aewly parsd. ksWarilnad. walking 1 ii.. Et district FOR SALE 6 rooms, bath, laundry tray, two lota, fruit trees aad bemea. garage: near park and liigh block from school and earline. For terms. worn. s,p.i if. I owner, 4fa a Bin st. a. r- $7500.00 New 6-roora home for sal. by owner, all modern, hi block from I .urelliurst Park. Phone Automatic 230-11. runrp w. . k u ..il t hot water. HOUSES 404 chicken run. Lot 50x132. $450 down, $15 sAn ..iv-Id 1, I month, price $1850.; Owner going away. SOS ,iTV LT TvTr; "ii?.. ! . hungsl Bochanaa bkte, Chaa Ruder a. Mam 1287. or Murteomah KOSK CITY CAR &-room bungalow, with large x,t 7039 FOR SALE By owner. 6-room modem bun galow, lot 50xl0O. bemea, lawn and aea. CaU after Sunday, 624 East 12th st B. 8-ROOM ho use, Kva block from B-laall atT, one block from Union ave. Terms. Owner, ale tsar, etaam beat operated by earner. Refer- ev . B. a B. tiuatafT. Bmsd ty 1245. 4 ROOM aaf-raJahed apt, aastr akte. modnm. with beat Mtmde ivinma. eheap raat. garaga v wsi a. Hiwavi l lss. ioOSn-IU r.Kia ava. N witK ' garage". 823. J rotaa. 480 H Catea ava. N $i. .. ra-rf past ai. ifmCTLT medera 4 roam apt. aad bat- fa is he. : new danlaa baagalow. Ada Us. I cm. us js us r KteL FIVE room boas, at 421 Kerby. Lot atl- 100. East front Pries 8.00- anna balanc $20 per month. Qarner. Auto. 635-1 L evvw o ii, room sn oimga ra, oa paved .st- 50x100. .a corner; garaga. Price $2700. 314 Oooch bldg. Broadway 4,34 today. FOR SALE A smaU equity ia a au-rn BMdern houaa. $35 ner aa No ih D--i.r Main 6920. TTT BEFORE Main 6333. sleeping porch aad atoc, narasonac. av; gxs 1 r 'g.n !-.. an.11 A . .,. ,--T .t a 100a eh and teia. 1 FOR SALE Small boose. 80x110 lot, gas ana - Vmj 7724. i , I aTT waver , terms. : 1 1 . 1 - ing porch, phimbing with sewel ronnection a. I ; At.g-E-Ufc ' 4U5 Sunday and evening. Term. 1608 Omaha j WANT to sail on. acre fine cleared land oa sve. - 1 ! " .i " '-- ' I highway oa Or oa road. 15 mte. from pub he BRAND new 3-rooms, uniinished. liveable. Lot I market. An Meal pis tor iionst or : ebirkea aea 8. buyi-g la rippl car. Wdln. 3080 aa timal 5007. Rosa Citr ear. ,""'V w' m v. wm w .y. your 69Ut or hoildinc oaouy. kt I 100x100. $200 down. 315 month. 8190A. rlrcji ta ear. i 80S Rnchanan bkte. lettXl-O.i NICK caittea: lota of fraia aad ber-1 3 hk ACRES high ground of the Johnstoa omoo Sea. Wins 11 .- trin lirhtnl hiwisa 11 HOP 1 ranch, three muss oat Irom Mil aaki. Prinalmaa: not Main 9670. cite. Inquire of owner, tthon. Other aerea for sate. Wdln. 5583. CBCKLIA APTS., 32D AND G LI SAN err AesimbW anrorntsed 9 iiiis ana.; th I . r-xn - mm . - li - .-..n ian ' I yy -, w a w us 1 - - a msm , w ,aM.n REAL HOME $3000. Lota fruit By' FOUR mas, low., aalx 113, 7ft BL 74th. 1 p w 1, jm v r. MT HOME oa beautiful Alameda dnv. at Na I avii, ssa man 1. xaaa. ; i, . : 1 lWoaaJ full ssaia soil, 1 p. Lake road; aom. fruit t ee; hardsurface toad. i TODD H innrros . . I v. : r:L A . ttite Ko. a-, mn--l. ro- . --I tre oa - rw . -"'- -wa-a . . I nouve s:. m. - . ,, i, ; ... 1 1 laoor aass. 1 " rrr-'r. r ." ui . . 1 s- nil 111 1 visa yar s a. smammi am an eea szso t ? ?-. "S1 tl $9110. Buy w ftey Isst snd build wnea you 6 rooms. Automatic 421-1T. hoosSL garage, fruit and ant trees, berries. pea; good gait - 1110 FTsneia ava, Bear 87th. ' FLAT- fURNTSHED - 309 t IT AN apper aad lower three aad fiv. roon C p " -tt i, grs . ir aire y. . s-irst. NICKLY 3.4 Cab at Chapi ? ?-.27. Mam 4474. SMALL modern bungalow, near Keatoa. r-- tieany new. Woodlawn 821L ',- f.14: PRICE 31750 Four etec- ina. taxes. 19 1 sere, era r. a. ,1 pew. ant. 237-27. 4-ROOM bona, and a lota, lote of fruit cheap ., Km fr - .ai Tl 1 L ''T' 1 . ..I. .a,;, svwa saawusoi a, ' ; j ji 73X155. AT NKWBERG. Oregon. Fruit a corner 1 tpi, . ta ra , 1119 msca its, T. J. Dietach, 820 C-amber of Com merre . 10 ACRES. 7 m crop, sea tevd, beat of so-7 LET ME baild year bangalow; aea at and work: W. H. Bead. Tabor 88. SACRIFICE, 8-rc house. $3000; $1900 a-; kaTtec ts. 67 W. Trescott, , aute Ore a City. ten na 1143 E, 24th st N. road. $250. 7 , SALE OR TRADE If sb ara looking for aereaga tt aI ba te your advantage to ca- Aat 633-96. FOLK aerea, house, barn. Bear Mnltnemah atauoa. 33000. Own- 907 Wuosx Bidg. WE LIST BELOW A FEW OF THE MANY FARMS AND ACREAGE TRACTS WE HAVE FOR LEASE. i CLARKE COUNTY! 40 Acres, about 17 miles from Port land; an cultivated, except 5 acres: best of soil; no rock or gravel: 3 miles to two : railroad points; graveled road; good T room house, larg. bam, family orchard, personal property for sale; team. S COW B, 1 heifer, 2 hogs, 25 chickens, wagon, harness, 15 tons nay, cream separator, spray outfit farm im plements. Price $950; 3 year lease. YAMHILL COUNTY 80 acres, about 70 miles from Portland. 4 hi miles from railroad and one mil ta school; 15 aerea cultivated; bearing orchard of about 60 trees; 3 room log house, fair ' bam; graveled road; abundant outrange. .Bent $75 per year, $ year lease. ' CLARKE COUNTY 40 aerea. ao it 17 miles from Portland: all pavement but 4 aules which is graveled: excellent soil except 42 scree; family or chard aad berries: ft room house : good bam i and poultry house. Personal property for j sal. include team, wagon and - 4 rows, 2 h fees. 50 chickens; very com plete , hne of implements, a teobator. brooder. plenty of feed for aeaaon. Price $950. 3 I - year, lease. - CENTALIA 40 aerea ia Lewis eaoaty. Wash.; 25 i aerea cultivated, balance pastor, with creek ; : graveled . toad. Bulk route, mail ddieery. S mile to school. S room boose, larg. ' bam, family orchani. Rant $200 par year. .'' CAKBT - 40 acre aboat 24 milea from Portland; , vw 1 pa 1 a an 111. near an ' did soil; all m caRa. ! " UATHLAMET f - 130 aerea, TS piiies from Portland: 40 1 acraa cama ao, , aa aerea - leoced . wttb ! wovea wire; bat sandy loam ami: bearisg i orchard; S room houae, bam 86x40, V mile to ec-ool; abundant wtraage. In i sdaded with place, plow, harrow, rwltivaXor, t seeder, baras, Sent $290 per year, 3 year ; as. witJh apOam ta t ir base. ; , - SEE MR. HUNTER WITH " JOHN FERGUSON. GEBXINGEK BLDG. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY .450 INCOME PROPERTY WANTED Hav. eontract for $17,800 on 800 arras improved Canadian wheat land, including personal property worth $4500, together with 320 acres of first class wheat land ta Alberta rained at $13,000. dear title. Will trad, for income property or weU improved ranch in Will met 1 valley. HOME WANTED $4500 " 6-room modern home, most have hard wood floors, furnaea, fireplace. WQl pay cash if you hav. a strictly modern home sooth of - Hawthorne, west of 50th street- INVESTMENT WANTED Wfll pay $10,000 cash and assume $10,000 on a first elaas ipeom. proposition showing 10 per cent net or better. Must be well located and first clam property. Don't waste your Urn. or nuns with any thing else. W. G. .IDE. 817 LEWIS BLDG. GROCERY near larg. school, doing good bod nesa. Just right for two people. 416 Oregon bldg.. 5th snd Oak. BUSINESS CARDS C fl rf AH rjrfnting now at pre-war eVJ prtcca, A com Prvaa. 286 hj Washiggtr-. nr.. Mh. FOR BALE, country cenersl store, paying, well located. Too deal with owner only. If looking for such business write G-35. Journal POOL hall and confectionery. K. side: prvw only $650: aom. terras; rent $18. 416 Ore gon bldg., otn ana tiax. WANT a partner in woodaaw bniins. plenty work : small investment n squire a. . 6V4 Buchanan bldg. BUTCHER to open shop in grocery store growing community: good chance to partner. CaU at 1012 J CASH and carry grocery. $50 per day; good 'loca-on. new stork and fixtures; $2300. Snap. Dietsch, ,826 Chamber et Commerce. VULCANIZING SHOP for sale. 1190 Mllwaa- kie st CaU 644 Umatilla ava. FOR SALE Small. Beat attractive rrstearant lunch counter, good location. 642 Wash. st. WELDING and N. Union ave. FOR SALE, small confectionary and light gro- e tail fountain Pboae FOR SALE Cheap. Bdwy. 1990. -HOE repair shop for mte cheap; most be sold keen your hoaaa when we eaa aen it for 8500 down and you eaa pay us eonanianon oa our NEW deterred earn m slow plaaf ASA US ABOUT IT. WE hav. CUSTOMERS ready to BUT on these TERMS. . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY ' 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 0034. WANTED ON WEST SIDE Between 29th aad 25th. Oliaaa and North- ran. 4 or 7 room borne, in good eood rUoo . priced rwht Baa, phona Main 2534. office Bdwy. 2049. WE HAVE cb its for home, m Rose Crty snd Hawthorne districts. Phrna. na and aa win Bar. a maa call on you. . GREAT WESTERN LNVSTLKWT CO.. 230 Chaa- of Cam. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. HAVE aaU every day fag koaass. See am If your pnc. la right ROBERT CO IS. East 4720. 384 Vk WANTED- S er B-roomed ksoa. 8204A te 8S5-0. SeU d r Woaastoek. Hard surf ana or gravel sta.. Pleas, giv. parca -a, tecatwa, x-ll, Jooraa- - - YOU WILL GET ACTION LIST TOUB HOUSE WITH US PORTLAND HOME CO- BDWY. 2571 WANTED Small bona, that $250 to $304 wiQ handle; aa agenta. Call Tabor 1322 befera 12 o clock G-598, JearnaL Bf yoar boo ia far as xsaoae Ralph Barria Co-. 816 C amtxsr of Com mar ea. Bdwy. 6834. ACREAGE 453 WANTED On. 10 acre tract improved wuk houaa. Will rest or boy. Meaning. 119 24 at. . - . - ' . . - A. H BaU. 10 and It. SEE OREGON IV. A MORTGAGE CO, S10 $100 TO $2600 281 Vt si qmra Lot abr lxchang Mdg MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY, LOANS MADE ON Automobiles furn iturk pianos. HousEHoisn nntrrm. titSl. f.oTATL. rnisi SIT1U1, OF VAIE SECLRtTT I 8UALLI LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THETB m WITHOUT SECURITY. IF TOUB PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OK ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTBAa ARE TOO LARGE. WK WILL PAT THEM VP. ADVANCE TO!" HOss HUKIl ts NECFJiSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY US IN ' SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL BATES AO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. LICENSED) 104-307 DEKUM BUM... 3D AXD WAAH. BROADWAY 5857 SALARY LOAN'S SALARY WE LOAN MONEY tn salaried and working sra ea t 4r Botsa. Rate reasonable, easy paymeeta. NO SECURITY NO IN DOBS ER 1 Can aad investigate oar modem aaoa Xwmt tag method. AU basinsss c nfxJerrtJaL COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY 318 Fa-lag BoiUtin. "iiOS y to"Coa n " : Money loaaed oa -eaaehold good or asse-c-sndm placed ia stcrsg with a st a tagalaa bank rata i SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. r '4th and Pin ea Or ate Moltnoauh Hotel Phone Broadway 3715 MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 anop fog sale. 16 eery. 241 E. 21st N. at once, m wont of aickneaa. g od grocery ; a 827 Afberta (. WA.VT with $50O0. a boy g waiting Broadway 7264. ' WE BUT fx a and at-ood inanaa aaa !- its' coatraeta. F. E- Bowman A Ca 319 Ckarn. of Com bldg Bdwy. 4776 WILL cash srller's real reCsle eontract or first mortgage. Pr-vmt-t st oa. (Me- A. a Hill. 426 Lorn b-rmena bldg. , CASH paid for aaartgag and sellers eoa tracts ra red estate ra vtasna igura er BL E. Noble, 314 Loiatraiua bldg WILL bar ams alters eootrsrt wr mortgage. Gordon. 631 CV of C a Mdg. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 602 A BUY 14 rooms, fin. karaiina. Beta $90 and ha a lease rent anly $2S; water 1a ail rooma; anyone wanting g deaa ptec to Mv. sid a money maker beat aea thta. CaU Hubbard. Broadway 0808. 33-ROOM hotel with dining room. th. ptec. i netting bow treer $300 a month and eaa be increased ; fUted .0 the ttsoa, a 6-yar laaar. cheap rent; th. place ta ail aewly painted. furaitara m good eonni-na. frw eaty 9ZT60, as party mast eU; $12 down. 504 ben-ong. BEACTTTULLT fandabed flat walking d-tanr.. aa wast asde. modem; can rent oat noma; cheap mat. $250 do aad $10 per moath oa balance. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. - Bdwy. 6908. ApA-fMENT booae. 15 rooms; steam. "EA water, vent $75 erth. teas. a. log waited; Caely f am -had. good toca-oa; $1500 MaUa 305-304 Barbaaaa Mc lPAbfMENt HOf 8 B bay ia'dty.'U ro aas ; srsjking d a tea tr yvara' team. Bet aat S4w araatn. rrsr. . loa beat rt 398 Bwrhanaa Mdg. TOR SALE 50 .ra Baasa, a-Uay located aad doing exee-oat- aamasaa. Writ. Earn H. Webb. Astoria, Ovv sa. TO LEASE 34- 79 First lv ww 263 tiibba MONEY WANTED 651 BEX OREGON INT. 4b M0-TGAGK CO 3.0 Kxrhance bug. I HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 659 LBS coal bak abiding. years' old, a .. real draft horse : mart be sold al esse. ' gardiem of prv . Cor. East 9th aad YamVilt . 2300 LB. TEAM bar. " and 9 a earn old: bar' Bess aad fs i wg : sWl cfwap.. Haattarud FaH C... 6844 Foster road. Wt Boott ear. . . - 4 ta $ tears auli LIGHT bead af to 1700 pound snd s el 1200 Inquire af George Brow w &44 NeesArv . 9U FOR SALE Or trate, bsw-uf al ret .raft ate-km. a as to auri ; mat go at en 1 84 f IB HEAD of bo Ha. all kind. aUl , $23 asp: harass aad wagogar af 240 R. Sth at. BAY team, coming 3 aad 4 m. Wvugat :98l tba.: sand and trvj. 67th trt. Mt Bcott Wfll t. 1 4801 lHl-CT bwiK 2ft9 la. team, bar a wag Will aril cava. a93 ya Mt- 8 X ear to K Par. 24-0 lb. KPAN of lti.1 a. good l-aa. Baaila az4 Stable. 914 Kerby -ear Kai I- t, i;a EXITED aad-i. banc. 1100 fta, aad eaddta. 240 EL 8th at TEAM btecte. rsuag. 16O0-1700. R. F.' Walt. G arw I. Or. DOUBLE team $8 day. smgie Warn $1.16 4y. 644 Froat et Mate 2249. - HOTEL 24 reovaa. brick, steam beat; $2000 kaadlea, 305 Bachaaaa bldg. . KL'ST sell 9 R- R. H.: teke aoas. lode; 2 B. - patta foe rss Aa 2S2. 17M-LB. a-sd wo mast ra sea ax i ti9 LR. , -40 tl t ,t..O Lit- TLAi. U yvatkg at . tCiatiwaH .aa FaHaaiag EagaT