THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, '; SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1822. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 HrvoVRsnjt-BAJsrrs co. jnyfRT BLDG. BDWY. 4754. fmt office b a saeetlng nlaee for uyer and hIWi of varant V l( yen ' bv Mrt M ta aril mm Invite eon to otaC tt rrwr rnr paric " $04w B. 4h H.. farina mx. 34) ft. outh of Klwkltat it. aWwere in and paid. 330 K. 6th at, ferine east, 0 ft, south f KMIna t. . 373-K. 67tb t, feci, watt. SO ft. raorth 4 Stanton at. 600 K1 4ltk and KHrkltet Ma. Bewthwaat S0 E. 6tb H . facial east, tt a north ef Send Bed. I 630 E. M at. facing eot. Mi ft south . of rnnoit awer paid. $ Trio If, ant snd ' at. North wswt TW!. pa) kt. ' I 710 r.. a id at., facing au. MS ft. south aa IIimU iriM. lie ear oakL . $9 K. at. ferine; east, a 00 ft. south 4 -ataftiana driva linti uald. 7 SO r. aoiti at.' and Klickitat at Sontb- weak mrwi. - newer oa!. f TOO K. 46th -. fartn west. 100 ft. aortb , nrf K Iwlt, t All iMra in and Mid. 710 K. aj, ,t.. taetng weat 100 ft. eonta of HKktrim at. imps, all in ana pan. I 100 B. 46th at., (iwtna east, 150 ft. aoutb f aiatltna at. Imos. ned. ISO R. list at., faring . 10O ft. north of Handy blvd. FMnMit paid. 17a K. XUlk at, lacing east, 60 It north nf Trtnmpaaa at Bum. all paid. I 936 E. 40th at.. faring . 10 ft. outh mt TWnmnina . - ImM all paid. ' it 00V K. Oath and Thomnion at. KortJiwest nnwr AU 1mm. naid on both aide. $1946 K, 64tb at. facinc weat, 200 ft. Berth nf Rtanbm at. imp, an pan. $1000 K. OAth st. farina west 250 ft. norfn nf Stanton at. Imp, all paid. $1930 K 4tb and Stanton at. Northeast earner, lmpa, all paid e both ados. '' ALAWIKDA PARK ' t tnO H. 2Sd at..Man iraat. 150 ft. aoutb nf Maann. AU lmpa. paid 11400 lUmbl't a . (artn anatb. 100 ft. waat nf 20tb at. All lau. paid. I10O0 K linth t-. falB w. 80 ft. aoutb p Piwott. All hnpa. paid. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 $640 CASH 100x100 Two fin ' lota with an orchard In fun beat- in- Thia ia a raal bar for aoaaaanv wUo mate a bniaaiaalf aad a kUJ aaoni trauad. 1 block to woodiaam ear na 17ta and Baratoca. :uu. look; 1 blnrk north of earlin. Bdwy. 2571. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE" HOUSES 00,000 PORTLAND IS 1030 Amnira'a Lraeat Homa Seller 1200 Fbotocrapba of Homaa for Bala. $500 tss nown fit MONTH PAHKBOSE LOT On. Sandw Bird., taat out-Ida HIT BaiiU. praaaura watrr. ana and iactrvnty. J. l 1UBTNAN UOMAXT 0 Cbaatber of ComaMrea Bids. , - Broadway 04. BT OWNER Wa na, a. Itrm of our brauti ful full nttitdl&a Iota and hi acre kft on ?d at. bifhway, which we arc arilinar from tlOO to 1200 tach. Xear lit. Scott car and Wondmara acbool; alaarad; gaa, watar aad clce- xnrny In atraet. Cone oat and aaa weaa. 0020 S2d M. Phone 041-21. Abo ooa 5 -rootn hoa and lot aixl large rai-en iwma in aame tract. ItOO DOWN 30x100 Raaux-ci toOO to auit. Jaaaup at. near I'oiun ata. All ImproTtmrnt paid. j Richanbach & Co. 1 207-0 Couch Bide Bdwjr. 4143. SO ft. ALAMEDA PARK'S prettimi comer. 58Hxioo. N. K. cor, K. 20th and Dunrkley. all improTa- manu in and paid. Priced at f 1800 for a abort only. Don't wait thia won't keep. Another dndy N. K. cor'. 28th and Dunckley alao 11800 for a quirk aaw. El I I Ml, lAfWti m W.. BtiLIUlia,! 201-2-3-S-7 Board of Trade bid a. j IHVINUTON HEUtUTS, oa Irrinrton car. lot f50. f 100 caab. 110 monthly? Restricted for rrkicnna Burpoan only, but yuu can build any price bona you w1h. Johnson-Dodson Co. 3 J. W. RANK BLTX1. MAIN 3787. ' 1 J . ' iSli REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LrKEIJirRST I S0 flur-lftni Place, facing anuth H nl fill t Ittao Maaeirrn Plar. facing north, 300 ft iiaa MnKnomah at., north front, bat 37th ana SMth Ma. IIAOW taaakt at., facing aontb. ISO ft wt - of ild at. atliawifaaelfeni Plae-". faring, weat, 350 ft. north of lilhaa L 1130(1 UiirrllMirt ata.. facing amitb. ISO ft ea"l of 3th .t . ;0O K Urud weat. 2f)0 ft. north of Unlln.laj. II5S0 lurllinrt are., facing 'north. 100 ft. ne-t i.f flat at I12TS lakl:nitnu t'irtirt, fasing aooth. 150 ft. wat of Vt tt iiittTiionvr. maTRiCT -K. .V.M at, faring west. 05 ft. outh unit K. iM t., daring wt-t. 130 ft. north t nnerman a. ... (toon r.. 27th t.. farina reat. ISO north nf Harrlacn t HOtlO K 27th (.. facing eaat 231 north llarrtann at. tt'lT 81-OI'K MT. TABOR 1000 K. AOtli at. facing wat 100 ft. aoutn of E. Tamhlll ft. 7r00 rpuare feet IKNIKUIM IASKrrt CO., 2H Hefia BWg. ftlwjr. 4754. J. I. 11000 ROS8MKHK I)T Improrementa Paid. . HAKTMAN COMPANY. Broadway 6034. ALAMEDA PARK, coo of beet comer. S. E. corn-r Glenn and Itunkley, beautiful tree. 00x100, ndticed to $2000 for quirk rale. : Johnson-Dodson Co. 083 N. W. BASK Bl-Pt;. MAIN. 3787. 73 I'KK'E $325. TERMS $10 MONTH i One block from Mt. Tabor car: lot 50x100 on K. Morrison. 275 ft cut of E. 84th at. facing south; eamrnt sidewalk, paid. Build tern prrary house. Will sell 1 or 2 lota. Tabor 31H0. LArURUlL'UST If you appreciate the best, sea H. V. cor. Floral and Flanders. 8300 aa ft. Owner in eart. wants caab offer. Asking 02 (50 RITTKH. LOWE CO. REALTORS.. 20 1-2 8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. . ft. ft APARTMENT HOUSE corner on Irriugton car; $1,150. terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 033 N. W. BASK BLDtJ. MAIS 3787 IT U1T8 IN LACRKLHtRST, $600 and np. lOOalOA, on 15th' and Skidmore; $100; ONLY $000 ON PAVED ST. On eut ride Corbett at. 70 ft south of Irmlletoo. Right on the Fulton canine, near stores and acbool, level. An immense sacrifice tic see it today. I iena pa'd. J. U. Bainey, 517 Afmgton "ajclg. Bdwy. 0260. 1 ACRE IN RASPBERRIES Joining city limits on eat : no city assessments hull Run water; $100 down. Bdwy. 6297 rtayler E. Smith. 318 R. Exch. bldg. i A FINE LOT for sale cheap on Marguerite are. I Just off Hawthorne car. Pbone East 4 500 i Mr. W. M. Wert Erery Home fisted with our office baa firrt Been PERSONALLY INSPECTED and PER SONALLY APPRAISED by our expert ap praiser. Homes in erery district of.tha city. At all prices and terms. If necessary we'll ' help you make your down payment. Open ereninga en til 9. I Open all day Sunday. 60 Salesmen with aotoa. . ! LACRELHCRST 1 $7400 TjOVELY borne in HAZELFERN . I'LACE; rooms; utmost ia con venience in appointments throughout; HEART OF LACRELBTJRST. $0490 SEVEN room dignified LAL'REL Hl'HST home replete with lataet Bodera appliancaa. E. Hoyt st. Term. i ALAMEDA PARK -$0150 WISS CHALET type of rambling 6: room bungalow, ! all on one floor; ideally located on corner; every im aginable comfort and convenience; large living room with great glowing fireplace; dining room with beamed , ceilings and massive leaded art glass nutlet: HAittmuou rtioojts m i EVERY ROOM; central hall; fur-' nsre; THE SPIRIT OF HOME IS ALL PREVAILING HERE. E. 28th St WEST SIDE OF -RIVER $B0 SPLENDID VALUE in thia 7 room modern, substantial home on Quim ,by at, H block to car; fireplace, furnace. All improvements in and paid. GREETS THE "MORNING STJN! $5590 EVERY ROOM HAS AN EAST EX POSURE! This home is out of the ordinary, havins 5 room, all light, large and airy; immense log fire place in living room: beamed ceilings: hardwood floors: dining room with beautiful built-in ; buffet; breakfast room; closets; beautiful 75x100 grounds with a profusion of shrub bery, etc. E. 46th at. PIEDMONT JEFFERSON FURNISHED ON CARLINE $5250 FURNISHED substantial 8 room ' modern borne with. 2 sets of plumb ing, 2 baths, etc; double garage; close to Jefferson high. Can ar range terms. Albina ave. EASY TERMS! REAL HOME! $4990 OWNER WANTS TO DISPOSE OF THIS HOME AT ONCE. In Bdwr. ' addition, close to car and Fernwood school; 6 room distinctive borne, sub stantially built; large living room with fireplace and bookcases; aolid paneled dining room; convenient kitchen: garage. WeidhVr at. VERY EASY TERMS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! REAL HAWTHORNE HOME $4490 YOCLL FEEL AT HOME RIGHT AWAY 6 room cozy, attractive bun 1 galow jnt 1 block to car; hot air furnace, fireplace; abundance of bear ing fruit, roses, etc. i Division st. Terms. NEW BUNGALOWS $4730 ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow just beteg finished, UtepJace. hardwood -' . floors, buffet, , every aaudam, built-in, goad sized rooms, iargw closets, breakfast room, purchaser can select fixtures and wall paper; easy terms. $5650 ALAMEDA PARK, in best district, new a inane bungalow; must be seen to be aprradatedi good sized living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buiit-in bookcase, dining room, . built-in buffet, large window; .bathroom, pedestal lava tory, 2 jrood-sized bedrooms, kitchen, ail modem builVin. canopy over stove. Pullman breakfast room; cement Base ment, laundry trays, latest pipeleaa fur nace; ready to move in; easy terms. $3250 MONTAVILLA DISTRICT, on 74th at. . near liaise y. This new 4-room double - constructed bungalow, best workaaan ahrp, gaa furnace, all built-ina in kiteh- - en. 2 bedroouu, breakfaat room; easy terms. $4250 PIEDMONT DISTRICT, on Minnesota ave;- Thia ia a first class new 5 room bungalow with breakfast room, ail boUt-ius: easy terms. BONUS LOAN ACCEPTED ON ANT OF THE ABOVE HOUSES WITH A REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT. OUR ACTOS - AT. YOUR SERVICE W. it. t'MBDEN STOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1638 COME OUT TODAY 11 34TH ST. X. For Sale by Owner Modern 3-rooaa banzalow with furnace. wood floors, breakfast nook, all built-in, large attic, cement basement, garage with concrete runway, beatuifnl lawn, lot BOxlOO. ail improve- wctivb m am jmju. one owe, uvu -&5500, terms to sort buyer. Any reasonable offer accepted. Inquire for Mr. Davia. ewoer. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 IRVINGTOJi -$2800 Fire rooms and sleeping porch, block ' and half south of Broadway. No, it ia not new and need aosne repairs; ia not full lot aad haa no hardwood floor and no furnace, but it ia real bargain aa ia, and would be even at $3000. If you want furnace and hardwood floor we win install and the price would be $3050. Think of the location. But money talks. L. R Bailey, owner, residence Tabor 2290. office Marshall 4. , . WrJlTMOHELASIi 2 beautiful loU ia this district; HOi and 0OO. ROSE CITY PARK, an paved afreet $800 BUYS $030 for dandy lot II 80 ft E A f T 1 F f I. LOT. Everything paid. AlJlMEDA PARK. LAURELHIBST KUMMK.IJ. A RUMMELL 274 HTARK ST. ACFtft TRACTS YOUR OWN TERMS At fiarden , llnm. en the Oregon Electric. Una. with enmmutatira fare, 40 electne traasa nails and . elac and other city con venlewcea. POSITIVELY YOUR OWN TERMS Price: $000 per acre and np. 100x1 DO bldg. ait. $10 down. $3 month. 0 per cent , DON T WAIT UMiK TODAY ' (Vase out today. SUNDAY: agent on ground. all day Phone Main 018 before tarttng. and va II meet you st ttarden Hum nation. IS. O. McCOIIMlC CO.. 07 Falling Rklg.. 31 aad Washington. ' Bmartway 742". Main 1318. EVERY ONE A BARGAIN 76th at. near 45tli ate. 5 rooms, bath, all ronenienees, fine garage, fruit and berriea. 30O0. termt. Practically Tien. 4 soonM. bath, all conveniences, full base ment cement Terms. $1700. This h fine, new 4 room, bath, au conveniences. 2 loti. Sumo buy. New. . 74th st. . 5 rooms, toilet, bleeping porch fire attic, dandy houre. $2000. terms K km, 4 room, larze hall. Urge attic, garage. henbou'e. large shed, all conveniences, a tnile irorn Kcnoaii nation, on 82a at SUNSET REALTY CO . 803-6 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 562 HOMKHRr'KKH WHY OT BUILD' I .h kaa aspeaalve. We are inter- tMteillm hnw well we can bnlld, not huw ' aiitrh w ran get for hnilding. See us before buriag or building J Robnett &. McC.ure RUtLDEHS. 02 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6374. HOUSES 404 EX-SERVICE MEN. let us show you homes on which bonus loan can fee applied. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW HOMB $4750 Buys 5 rooms and attic, hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. St imp. in and paid. Corner lot. Very easy terms. LACRELHTJRST BUNGALOW $7250 Now under const ruction. Beautiful cor ner bungalow noma of a room ana Datn flown; 3 rooms up. Strictly modern with tile bath etc Imp. in ana pa. uti us show you. Terms. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW $5750 Will buy this attractive new bungalow home in the best part of this much desired district. 5 rooms and bath with attic for two additional rooms if de sired. Strictly modern in every detail. Easy terms. NOTE We have homea in all districts on terms to suit It will be a pleasure for us to show you.. II you Intend to build see HOMEDALE before lecung your tor. RITNNTSroE DISTRICT New 5-room and glassed-in sleeping, porch, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fire place, built-in buffet ant) bookcases, kitchen has built-in, breakfast nook, etc, in white enamel; living zoom and diniruT room in old ivory, cloaeta off all bedrooms and sleeping porch; on paved street, all improvements paid: lot 60x100; 2H blocks to car; $5600, terms. Will consider bonus and some cash. Owner, 601 McKay bldg. Broadway 7420. - LAURELHURST COLONIAL - On a sightly lot, consisting of 7 commodious rooms, garace, fine reception ball, large living room, dining room, sun porch and breakfast room; 3 large bedrooms, tiled bathroom with beautiful fixtures. Opea afternoons. $8700, terms. 1016 East Couch su T. B. Wuuhip. Automatic 312-24. NEW HOMES $4750 ROSE CITY PARK, S room bungalow . yuat being finished, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, every modern buiit-ia. V good aiaedrooeaa, large cloaeta. breakfast raoan; porchasar caa aalect fixtures and wall parr: ey taenia. $5650 ALAMEDA PARK, in beet district, new arctatie bungalow; auat be seen to be appreciated; mod need Brine; room. hardwood floor, fireplace, built-in booh eaasa. dining rooaa, bail t -in buffet, large windows; bathrooaa. pedestal lavatory. 2 good aixed bedrooms, kitchen, all modern built-ina. canopy over stove, Pullman breakfast room ; eeaaent base aaent lanndry traya, huaat pipeteae fur nace; ready to jnove in; easy terns. $3250 MONTAVILLA DISTRICT, on 74th at. neap Hahwy. Thia new W.rwoaa double constructed bungalow, beat worknvan- ' stun, gaa furnace, all built-ina in kitch en, 2 bedrooms, breakfast rootn; easy terms. $6250 LALRELHTRST. beautiful sew T-roota bungalow, first floor latga living root library or den, good aixed dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, breakfast rooaa; upstair. 3 bedroom. Purcbaaer I can have aelectioa of furnace, electric fixtures and decorating. This la really worth the money: in best part of Laurel hunt, X block to Sandy bird. ; easy terras. $4250 PIEDMONT DISTRICT, on Minnesota ave. Thia is a first claaa new 5 room bungalow with breakfast room, all built in ; easy terms. BONUS LOAN ACCEPTED ON ANY Or THE ABOVE UOUSF.8 WITH A REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT. OUR AUTOS AT YOUR SERVICE W. M. UMBDENSTOCK at CO.. 210 Oregon bMg. pdwy. 1658. ron 0x100. fcata at fruit tree, (tee $150 tioa. 4 rooaa. aaoa s lot 110x16. aear warHnav ecanpteted inside, $$04) oowu, bai i aa reat triotly of fruU. lot 0xlO. $250 BBodera throughout, tots Mast be to be 09 Jo Ao Wictaaa REALTORS, 262 Stark st Bdwy. 6794. Branch office 24th and Fremont Open Sunday "SOLDIERS' BONUS ACCEPTED-' New modern bungalow. 5 rooms, large floored attic (can have 2 extra rooms and a. if), fire place, full baeemcnt; double construction; $4300. $300 down, bonus plus 2d mortgage; wQl stand appraisement R. M GATE WOOD A- CO.. 165 H Fourth St STRICTLY modern 6 room on 1 floor, bungs -low, below hill, 43d North. Hardwood floors. fireplace, bookcases, all built-ina, - full cement basement, 60x150 lot; St.. sidewalks and aewer linoleum, screens, shades, shrubbery and fruit treea; $1500 will handle, balance easy payments. Tabor 3434. By owner. HOUSE AND THREE LOTS $850 House about 15x24, new; walls, roof, doors and windows in: partly floored and ceiled: ga rage; 3 lots. 25x100 each: near MV carline. Owner ill and out of town. $850, terms. . Joh!.onDodsoini Co. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. ROSF. CITY NEW Owner forced to sell equity in this modem new bungalow that will be finished and ready fnr nOTinaiu-v within the next 10 days; hard wood floors, all built-ins, tinrplace breakfast ranntr Trr 47."i0: easy teams. W. Jt. Umbdenstock tc Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy 1658. Ttv mtvr.n vw modem tranealow. large liv ing and dining room, oak floor, book case and ihine built-ins. convenient kitchen, fine breaa room; full plumbing and laundry tray; 2 bedrooms, Jarge closets and linen press; cement ba-ement AU improvements in and paid. Cor ner of Mason and East 11th N. Price $4000. Any reasonable terms. Phone Columbia 925. $6000 WILL buy. 2 room house and ground near Bdwy. bridge, suitable 'for 4 families, with basements. 2 shops, electric light, gaa. two bathroom. These houses have 2 of the best heating plants in the city. $2400 cash, balance less than rent J. Landigan, 458 Vancouver ave. East '6039. SUBURBAN HOME IN THE CITY 100x200. HIGHLY IMPROVED 5-room semi-bungalow, modem and la condition, beautiful grounds, in garden, fruit and berries; there are several nice firs; close to car and acbool, 6 block to Reed college. It ia a homelike place and the price ia only $4000; small payment will handle it So me today. Have your frutt. berriea and garden at home. " C. M. DERR 634 90 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Mar. 2243. 4 rooaa house, aO aaodern, tiuraat lot 100x100. lota of fruit Thia plae la a dandy for only $$00 down, balaaoa easy aaonthjy paynseata. 4 rooaa bowse ta Gregcey Hetgnt, Vat BOxlOO. S blocks front Baa City carline, for $160 down. It baa a fine gsrac ea it. 5 rooaa housa. dose lav. lot 50x133, S blocks from ear. ia Motuaxilla district, al modern, for $300 down. 0 room-house, strictly aaodern. with H acre ground. Will take soldier a loan. Near carbaa. 5 room Hottse. in Woodlawn davtnev, worth $3000. Mart eell em account mt iU, neaa. Lot 50x100. all modern tnrsmab out, for $3700. aad $750 down LANG LOIS HAMXRLTNCK, 604 Bacbanaa bldg. HOUSES 404 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IRVING TOS. JL'bT COMPLETED avaaexirui aeane. Vast nvnataan asa sanw. if stow net an hsu a aee aa ideal looatkaa. awa 44 K. 14U at, K. Thai price aad tern are ncht . H. KELSON WTta. 441 WESTMORELAND A handaoraa new 4 room bungaiow, with garage: all moans are large and loada af built- ins; hardwood floor ta 3 room. Wonderful fire-a place, large baaeaaent; home feeae asat. Handy to links. Everything in aad paid. Only $$700, and $600 takea it WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO.. Bdwy. 6808. 118 Ry. Ex. Bide OPES SUNDAY $4041 DOWN, baUae like rent; ft-twaa otte. ' bat $0x123. otmhlm mrnrmmm. T trait tree. rbiekea nark. Near oar. K. $813 er K, $!. 7" SMALL k6Ms rklcHi tltJIlT $$030 $$00 raab, $30 atonUsly bwya brarU aew aaedera htlV buasalow type af cottage. 4 raiwas. kat 50lll(. 1 auwrata f roan Mt Tabee car. A. riaavy btta . place. $233s $70 cash. $33 aaonthry. tsadaaa a tereat. buy a tare well bwklt 0 tauaa bunaaiow. fall tiaiawiaait. laaiian 1owa datka. arreral htrge baarteg traxt trwaa; . eade punting oa the ewtaade, but ta a ..... ' r -claaa buy; located a Weodaswm. $1$75 IV caah. $23 aaoatbtr bwya aeat KtOe 3-rooaa bangalcw tyre of ewttaaw tor the aid folks; aaUva firttrvssa, beia, toilft. electric Uchta. gaa, ttreplaea. caa. Crete fswndatioei. $1934) tlOO rai. tZS aseatMy bora a wear-" vnuj new a-rooaa retiaa. rail taadera prumMng, electric liguU, near S24 an4 Slakiaba: avwid nr 1900 $40w raab, $: aaontbhr nan 1 H. aaory -rooa plaatend boejw. ten baa aaeat. ecaerete fowadalion. electric bxata a ad caa. let 50x100. 1 tlock Iroaa Mt Tbor ear. 1"' $50 cash, $25 month V bay S-wai ewuaga oe enleantai corner lot. BOxlOO, atactne bgbta. caa. palest tnairt, 1 . bloe rreaa Alberta car en 16th at Thee are inat a fw r ik. ..... .- Pbotua of these placea at office. b Mr. Laey with A SACRIFICE MAKE US AN OFFER A beautiful bungalow with large living room, fireplace, furnace, very desirable arrangement 1 block to car. Has nice yard, with lawn, shrubs and flowers; located in beautiful Jonasmore, 1X27 E. Flanders st, bet. 70th and 71st st A CSS WORTH AVE. BUNGALOW By Owner On beautiful Aiaaworth ave.. 100 ft paved street with center parking. One block from Union are. New, Juat completed. 5-room bunga low and sleeping porch. Double constructed throughout I full cement basement: Queen fur nace: nrettv fireplace: hardwood floor. Very attractive lighting fixtures and ahadea. Breakfast nook, and all kitchen convenience. Tni a not a speculation bouse, but one built to stay. On comer lot, all asseasmenta paid. 410 Alnsworth ave. Owner will be there 12 to 5 p. m. Sun day. Offered at $4900. $1000 cash. - $4600 WAVERLEIGU HEIGHTS $4600 Six rooaa. eery modem. S bedrooaaa, karga Mt. rmvwment and everyuung ta and paid, ga rage, lota of fruit, berriea aad ahrubbery. A place that row would be proad of aad a w derful home for the family. Coaae ia aad let us tail you about Una buy. WM. A. nUGHBS CO. Bdwy. 6808. Open Sunday. 218 Ry Ex. Bldg WE6T SIDE BBAUTHTUl. HOME Only 1 5 minutes' walk to, business center. Fine view of city and mountains. 0 well sr ransed room. In first ciasa condifion. Shown only by appointment with Mr. Wiles, Main 2334, or J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. , 325-32-7 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2043. BELL, might lease, 1 hi acres, 3-rooif house. water, gas, electricity, teiepnoue, iieruia Multnomah district. LIVE IN 5 RENT 5 10 room housa. near Albina hoDS. $3130. Terms. Raise chicken.. $1850. 1 rocro house, lot 3x100, fruit treea and berriea. Bargain. Easy tarmt. 5 room house, partly furnished: gar, and fruit trees. $230. Eauy terms. j BUTTER MAN BOULES. 246 E. Bdwy. East 9213. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Account ef rickneas. must be .old at once; attractive 5-room bungalow .n 49th street; long living room arm-s the front ; hardwood noon. fireplace, plate Blase windows. Initcn kitchen, hroskfaxt nook, two nice bedroomi, attic, fur nace and garage. Name yiur own down pay ment R. SOMERVILLF-. Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat. Bunk Bldg. IUV1NGTON DISTItll'T Com nut todsy. K. 15th and Fremont sts. Maa will pa on gruund to mret you. Lot $31)0 to $878 for In ld M.; $100 ra h. $10 mouth, r , 1ti pr red at 8780 awl np have all tm I'rovrment In and pahl llfautiiul homes aur mmd tl.e e lots. Meet the atvr.t at 0113 Pre ax nl any tiaa after 1 p. u. loiliy. JohnsonDodson Co. 63$ . W. BANK Bl.lwi. MAIN 3787 OS SANDY BLVD. $150 DOWN Kaat and smith facing, comer kit. being the Kartliwaat comet of 79 th and Sandy Blvd.. twt the place to BaaM a ensy little home among the tree, monthly payaenta only $20 per nxmth. Property clear of all incumbrances. i. I. IIAKTM AN COMPANY Cbamner ef t'nmmerce Bldg. Broadway 0084. LAURELHURST $4850 Snap $4850 i In thia location you would expect to pay more. Large living room, hardwood floor, tapctry paper. Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook ;. finished in ivory; garage and furnace; easy terms. ; , CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandv blvd. on viaduct) . Ant. 315-44. ; ROSE, cut PARK -2 Story House .V)0 down for this nice house located on 4t h t., 2 b k. north of faidy btvd. ; Iriird wdod floors, fireplace: all buutins. ivorv fiaisb: 3 sleeping moms and sleeping uorrh. full cement basement and furnace. Price 4 7 no. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy bird, (on viaduct). Aut. $13-44. ' -ArARfMfcSf SITS I1IKNF.R ISTH AND MORRISON " MINI no I SACIUHCE g . PRICK I'J'.'IMI (Ml tlWNKN'N PlIONK. nil I VBM 12" RCSE CITY BARGAIN 34 830 EASY TERMS You ean move right' in thia new 6-room j bunealow. rlate alas windows, garage, furnace. hardwood floor, cement Dorch. - nice fire-1 niace. 3 ffne bedronml. ' Dutch kitchen with I breakrast nook : let u shew you this. R. SOMEHVIIAB. Bdwy. 24 7J. -S20 r. S. Nat. Bnk Bldg, ALBERTA SPECIAL! $500 DOWN! $3150 $500 down! Here'a a 7 room semi bungalow home on paved at with all improvements in and paid; 4 bed rooms; every modem convenience. E. 10th st $500 down! BALANCE EASIER THAN RENT. CENTRAL E. PORTLAND $4990 ALMOST NEW dainty 5 room mod em bungalow, CLOSE LN. E. Couch st; garage; improvements in and psid. Terms. THE HEART OF A BRIDE $3100 $500 down! WOULD BE DE- x light&d with such a love ot a bungalow as this Airy 5 room gem. E, Farragut St. NEW! VPENIN8ULA! DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED $3490 IMMACULATE BIT OF HOME LAND in this 4 mom, warm, beau tiful bungalow; just completed; hard wood floors; pretty light fixtures; old ivory woodwork; breakfast nook: " built-in buffet. Can arrange terms. Denver ave. $500 DOWN! WAVEffLY RICHMOND! $3390 $500 down! PRACTICAL bungalow, 5 rooms, good floor plan; living room; solid paneled dining room ; built-ins ; furnace; large flooored attic; garage; A MODEST COZY HOME. E. Kelly st EAST OF LAURELHURST $3490 Beautiful brown rustic bungalow of 5 rooms, with lota of mult-tns; fireplace, sleeping porch, living room 14x22, large dining room. Unusually home like and inviting. E. "2d st MONTAVILLA BARGAIX $500 down! $500 dawn! $3250 $50U down! 8 room artistic home with 5 bedrooms;! newly renovated throughout; old ivory and tapestry: 1 garage. FORCED SALE. E. 78th street $300 DOWN1 BROOKLYN! $2490 $$00 down! Practical 5 room cot ' tage; neat and comfortable. Mary st FINE GARDEN SPOT! VACANT 8ELLWO0D HOME $2190 $300 down! Pretty, comfortable lit tle a room Bungalow, -with bath, elec trie lights: daudy pi are for garden: paved st. paid: 2 blocks to car. E. 18th st $425 DOWN! REST LIKE RENT! 31700 1425 down! Nice little 3 room homey bungalow in Mt Scott; 1 block to car; built-ins; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. ostn at See Frank L. McGuire To Buy Your Borne Realtor. Abington Bldg., Bdwy. 7171. 3d st bet Wash, and Stark. 84500 Well built 5 room bungalow, tall cent, wash trays, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-in features, comer lot, in good district 43d st 1 block south of Division. Also number good building lots cheap. J. H. MeMATTON. 2606 E. 4 3d. Tabor 5361 REALTY COMPANY 414-1516-18 Henry bldg. 7 ROOMS, bath, sleeping porch, garage, bam, r hie ken house, fruit, H acre, paved st Price $3300. 3 rooms, water, light, toilet, basement, wood shed, large chicken house, garage, fruit, 2 lota. Price $1100. S room house just like new, large lot, paved street. Price $1000. Aut. 621-01. . ADJOLVING ALAMEDA APPLY YOUR LOAN , I will sell for $300 cash my $500 equity in a $3900 5-room, double constructed bun galow, full cement basement, 50x80 lot; inv pruTcinruia in loa iiu. . -n riwwH a-, vtv from Alameda, including Rudd heater, aaa plate and oven and linoleum. No agent, wain, ozuu 8WELL new bungalow, near Alameda drive: 5 large rooms and den, strictly modern, with ail the. latest built ins; hardwood floors, massive buffet, very large plate glass window in living room. French doors into den, tapestry and old ivory finish; on comer lot, with nice lawn, iiow- trs and berries; price $6000: 31SUU down ano easy terms. See owner. 618 E. 46th N, 5 ROOM buagalow, concrete foundation, full basement Urge rooms, well arranged inside just finished in ivory and white .enamel. Thia ia located in Rose City Park, close to Sandy blvd. Price $4500: some terms, or might coo aider small place not too far out. Call owner at Aut 614-80. SACRD7ICE TO SETTLE ESTATE 5 room modem bungalow, large living room. fireplace, bookcases, buffet in dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms aM closet, bath. conservatory or sleeping porch, full cement base ment, jroodnrt front and back porcn; garage: all Impa. in and paid; lota 100x112, fruit and ahrubbery. 291 E. 51st st, 100 feet S. of Hawthorne ave. Pnce $5500, term L. K. 8TEINMETZ. 406 Gerlingor bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. SELLWOOD H BLOCK FROM PARK 6-rooaa modem houae. 60x100 sot, f rait, paved street; a good boa; aea H; $2800, easy term. WM. WILLING. BROADWAY 7333. 82700. A SNAP 8S700 A S room bungalow that ia well built and close to car aad achool. huge room and aseay builtina; whit enamel plumbing. If you want a dandy home at a snap HI K HT. WILLIAM A- HUGHES CO.. Bdwy. 6808. 218 Ry. Ex. Bldc OPEN SUNDAY 6 ROOMS AND LARGE LOT FOR CHICKENS I .orated near Columbia park. 6 room and bath, basement large, lot 100x110, fruit This Is a good p. ace for keeping chickens aaa a cow: plenty of room for garden. H you are looking for a place where you ean maae a living with chickens and ccw and still be in the city, aee this place. $2250. $250 cash, bal ance monthly. Mr. Green, with Wilbur r. Jouno, Henry bldg. Evening pbone Col. 1172. W e have- many other gooq buys. 3 RM. BUNGAIXiW NEAR PENINSULA PARK CHATEAU BELLE MAR Well built neat bung., hardwood floors living snd dining room, fireplace, builtina, basement attic that can be made into 2 mom Thia t an exceptional bargain at $3830. $730 No mortgage on thia place. STAR BARGAINS 6 rooms (1 Vfc story ). full ceaaeat laundry tray, furnace, paved etreet, caoa near Union ave. car. $8800. term. aooo taan, 3 -room new Bungalow, on pavwa street, 50x100 on corner, garaga; $2700. 314 Couch bldg. Broadway today. 6436 WESTMORELAND 4. rm. cosy bungalow, fireplace, MH-ta buffet. Dutch kitchen, full lot, garage, kitchea atovea aad linoleaa inr haded. $2H0O. $730 eaah. Bdwy. 75$$ ar Sell. 1159 eve. W g mm T32 Cham nf Co I HAVE A DANDT RASHMENT ' FOR SALE tor only $9200; Il&uO dew and t balance at easy term. I U anrmde with thia baaesnaait a real boaa ensr bead; a wonderful brh- moa with a real flrwpaic: a cheerful dining room. S Mi-gB bestronam. a aimtleaa Itatcb krerhea with bwilt-in. aba a mt af other thiacs that srui )ut easit Ua must nil Ma hove, buyer. That woo derfal bom i nrtd fa an Mel Hose City spot. V ill be glad to k" it at your eoavevatapce. Mr. J. W. f Council, with GREAT WESTERN INTFJTMEVT CO. 230 Cham, of (Van. Kdwy TSHl GOOD HOUSE BITS PIDMONT mam mmW. hnulw fnaw aare, fireplace, nir bailt-las; $3tOO. easy terms. EAST 12TH ST. Waikine dkvaBo. a - modem, farrmn. fireplace: -tVt. trvn. aasrsriLLA a mswa modern benca,sw. ra re, cwaaeat raitan. laraw ana- B s.u,i't aiasta dosva: a good buy. MONTAVILLA 4t rarAm Van ., Vaa lika new. furnace, in flrsa-riae caaditwe: vacant, aaoee right rn; $4230. $700 down, baaince vawy MONTAVILLA 5 man. Ur. uv. rssakd bavw S as. aear ear: $10uo, easy eermsv PENINSILA $ enne mmlrm buncaksw. rw; ruatjrr aad Lombard ata. ; $$3H. $704) SELLWOOD 0 mm anu. yA, W nf fruit and berriaa. paved auswt. near srbaBil $4300. very ey term R. M. GATE wot H 4 CO 163 4 th at imVIngton rLtirtsu tSiLoNl $630 CASH Modern B-room bnanlee. eaaa finiah Dutch kiteheu, pared street, 2 blucaa to car, $2850, term. STAR RRAL ESTATE 4k INT. CO.. 512-13 Wilcox bldg. Broadway $61$. kakviaaT eetr. mwil mft hmM4isiriv I aaory tneaaa nU ganage fa batevnrat AO aaodera anwjmnuaenta. 2 firrplarw. Can of bm bnU kaaii ta Irsnngtoa. Meat be aavsa t be aawcakv4 $1300 vnU Kaaitle with v-mu like r. Na agawta, 611 fc. Jth st N. Ant. tlb-lT. soldier's loan. We have many other bargain. Mr. Green, with Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bklg. Bdwy. 4t37. $2250 N ROSE CITY $1250 - Fwuished 4 room cottage, only S bmcka t Would consider nr, ana yon can moe la lor FOR SALE New, double constructed 5 .room CaL bungalow, strictly modem; all up-to-date builtin ; fireplace, hardwood floors, tapes try paper, old ivory finish, latest electric light fixtures, cement basement laundry trays, gar age lot 50x100: $2300 will handle, or will take lot In good district as part pyment 50 ft off Sandy blvd. nd 80th st ALAMEDA QUEEN ANNE BUNGALOW For sale by owner, nearly new. G lovely light I rooms strictlv modem, hot water heat, ivorv 1 finish, tapestry paper, fireplace, cement base ment, all built-ins, garage, garden, fence, shrubs, luncheon, gas ranse. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Call East 5193. Hoiraes in Hawthorne AND ADJACENT DI8TRICTS $3000 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE to bny dandy 5 room bungalow with fireplace, Dutch kitchen and cement basement $730 cash will handle this cozy borne. . READT TO MOVE INTO 3 lovelv colonial buncalovrs, good neighbor hood, all built-ins plate glass windows, furnace. electric range ana water nearer; rreucu uuoru, hardwood floors. Why not bur from the build er? Priced $4500 and $4600. 632 534-542 E 34th. st. Owner. Sellwooit ssog. LAURELHURST $3800 5 room modern bungaiow H full cement base ment: floored attic, fireplace, uutrn kttcnen; lots of built-ina.' Block 'and a half I from Sandy Blvd. Will take Hgrt touring car as pari payment By Owner. 977 Wasco. TRUE VALUE IN THIS S-room plastered house; electric lights, all plumbing but bath (room for it) , full basement (cement walls), 60x100 lot and 16-ft alley, all imp. in and paid, in Minn, are-; price $1950, $750 cash, bal. 6 per cent Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Ilarals. .801 Mississippi ave. OCKLEY GREEN BUNGALOW-COTTAGE A very attractive little place of 4 large airy rooms, aleeping porch and large attic, full plumb ing, 50x100 lot, 1 block to car and stores; price $2700, and terms can be arranged. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Misaiasippi. IRV1NGTON $6500 Wonderful bungalow. $6500 6-room colonial bungalow type. $6900--01onil. $6750 485 E. 20th N. Unlocked today. Below $6000, 701 Clackamas; unlocked today. Easy terms. t $8500 830 Hamblct Unlocked today. We will show you others glsdly. R. T. STREET IRVING TON HOMES IRVINGTON 7 -room modem bom at 675 East 23rd at north. 2 fireplaces. 2 baths, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors on first floor. Open from 11 to 4 Sunday. Lot 60x100. Double garage. Come and see for yourself. Make an offer. Can ar range terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO.. 284 Oak St. Bdwy. 943. LAURELHURST Must sell my new house, just completed ; a real home, well built up-to-the-minute every re spect; furnace, lota of unusual features; garage; less than cost; $8500. Broadway 4231 or East 4216. 5-ROOM house, furnished, with garage, 3 blocks from Ccrtimbia pare, innt ana wal nuts, pruned and sprayed this spring; lot 75x100: "first-class Chevrolet car, 1922 license, all complete $1700 cash. p. c. RHODt-s. i a l-ompara ATTENTION, EX SERVICE MEN New 6-room modem double constructed bun galow $4700; your smaier oorras. smaii on payment will handle. Owner 1016 E. 3d Bt N. Call afternoon to o eiocx. NEW BUNGALOW ' IRVINGTON DIST. Five rooms with large attic, hardwood floors throughout, breakfast nook. 50x100 lot; close to achool and car. Motor out and look it over. Call owner and builder, Broadway 5231. ' Automatic 317-44 payment and the balance like rent Larva aleeptng porch. Yon will have ve aaa that pvae to appreciate. , WM. A. HCGHXB CO. Bdwy. 6606. Open Sunday. 316 Rv. Fx. BMg. $200 CASH. 6-room house, 2 blur froaa Alnsworth ave.. 80x100. fruit, be men. Price $2100. $500 eaahf 4 room bungalow, buirt 1 year. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, 92x100 earner, paved etreet. $3200. $1- Couch bldg. Broadway e:.3 today. INCOME PROPERTY Four 5 room eottagea. newly renovated, good location for renting, now showing 180 becoi on small invesuaent WiU sail cheap. Call aad Investigate. AUSTIN OT-EARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Core me roe bldg. $9750 TERMS Yon can buy thousands of Inside lota with bungalows) built under your neighbor's window. with little staff y bedrooms, but if you want home privacy, individuality and exclusive view, see my real up-to-the-minute 7 room dwelling, with every modem appointment, at 279 E. 39th N., cor. Multnomah, today from 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tabor 8234. 2 FOUR-ROOM FLAT BUUJiING 964 Garfield ave., one block west of Union aee. Good. Here ia a good investment Cramer ' non-resident and will Sacrifice for quick aale. Price $4950. term UNION SAFE DEPOSIT 4V TRUST CO.. 284 Oak at, Bdwy. 943. $1800. JEFFERSON HIGH $1600 DISTRICT WeD-arTanaed home aad aa uuauaaled loca tion, l block to car: lans and airy rooau and an abundance of fruit and berriea; only $500 down. , WM. A. HUGHES CO. Bdwy. 6808. Open Sunday. 218 B y. F.x BMg M EST tUDK 12 room aooa. 2 seta af rsremhinc: basement. Rrerlaaa, farnace. rornar' tot 73x11$. cloa aa a Firs, at, or-poaile the Vailing cheol: a aosal nvMamt aad aparulataoe, for the prtnr of $6300. , JOHX SINGER. 430 Olara her of Obibi ii. RWlg S-BOOM aoudera bouae. garage. 1 blk. to car. ezzuo; bsob noes, taoe uk rent 8 room house; $730. $200 down. baL $12 50 mtn. 0 -rooaa boose. $2OO0: baa lot iMS n..- era and fruit; chick ea houae. $700 dvwa. bai. id eaooth. KEESE. 4704 65th at .. E. Aut 82 01 $4200 5 ROOM HOUSE Easy terms buys this well arranged home in a good district, paved street and fine car serv ice. House has furnace, fireplace,- oak floors. Excellent condition. Mr. Hart, Empire 1144. J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 325-327 Board cf Trade. Bdwy. 204 5. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE New, modem, 6-room bungalow, big attic, cement basement, garage; it's a beauty; built and for sale by owner. Call 459 E. 13th at N. Saturday and Sunday. -- LAURELHURST HOME One of the most beautiful homes in eurel burst, 7 lrge rooms, everything positively n,wiern. 90x100 lot Price $15,000; $5000 down, balance 10 years. By appointment only. all Tabor 407. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW New 6-room bungalow and breakfast nook, plate glass -windows, polished oak floors aad tapestry paper in all room; French doors, fire place, fixture,' shades, costly plumbing, inlaid linoleum, cement porch. Fox furnace and garage. 982 Wasco st. 1 blk. north 33d and Sandy. Owner on property. . MT. TABOR 3 -room bungalow oa weat alone of Mt Tabor. Fireplace, naual built in, fall bneeatent Comer lot with all street improvement m and paid. Price for quick aale, $$230. 'Eaay term. YVousd take in well located lot R. R. POWNDER. REALTOR. 406 Broadway bldg. Mia 2717 FOUR room modem bungalow, dandy baaeaaent and good farnace. bOxlOO mt, double ga rage, fruit, in the rarinity of 60th and Hoilay Oay. Low pnce of $2200. Heat of term. THOMSON THOMSON. REALTORS. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. HERE ia a good buy and a good home. 4 rooms and deeping porch, bath. toilet. electric rights, baseaaent in restricted district $2250, $600 cash, balance easy. P. L. Miller, 1997 E. Glisan st , - A BEAUTIFUL HOME Overlooking the river, on one of the curves Willamette blvd. S living room. S bed rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, 1 to lota, 1 block from ear, garage, fruit, berriea. etc. Price $7000. i. E. Hunt, 626 Chamber of Com merce. i i lai NOT DKI.AY I ack today t tlx corner of E. 84IU and TtwiOMama al-. : all Imps. In ami paM m both atreeta. A gnat anap at tllOO My nan la W 1100 N. ROHM Hank Mtg. xraiNKSSi LOT ALBERTA ST not loo I t. Term. See Mr. Hleatand. Office mmn from 9 . m m p. m daily. ' INTERSTATE lNVK..MTwENT CO. KKALTOUM Mwy, 4731 . - 410 Henry BMg. - KtMsK UY l4T BARGAIN 47lh Street. Abnnt a blnrk nnn ( Sandy on 47th at. faeea eaat. level to. Has out atgn oa it. off It. thru vavae an after. BF.VERJ'AN INVESTMENT CO. lio Bldg. Bdy. 2934. EX-SOUlFR'S BARGAIN 8150 CASH AND BONUS 83150 foe $7000 bunnldw. wonderful w. 7 nice rormi. banlwocd lonrm fire-1 $80O-$75O cash buys this 5 .room bungalow located on 50x100 comer lot; has fire place, buffet, cement basement and at tic. See it today. Yon will not be rhligated $4500 EX-SOLDIERS TAKE NOTICE A new 0 room modem heme that can be handled with $300 cash aad your state loan.i Ha fireplace, : furnace, full ce ment basement bardwnod floors. Dutch kitchen. wh trays; 50x100 lot. MT. TABOR STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Aleberta district, $2850: in paved st, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, full basement, berries and beautiful flower. Appointment, phone Wood- lawn 447 nlace. mahogany trim. Dutch kitrhen. break fast mom. garage snd furnace, attic; on linn- tna mad. - R. SOMERVUJ.E. Bdwy. 2478. 820 U. S. Nat. Bsnk Bide WEST MT. TABOR : t850 TERMS ; - 6 room, strictlj modem home, large living ror.m. diiitne. taneatrv nerier. French doors, hdw. f !-. 3 Mvelj bed room , very large closets. furnace, garage, frn't, rose-, etc.. 1. block to ear, $4500 POSITIVE BARGAIN 5-ROOM house. 50x100 lot full basement fura ace, improvements in and paid, close to grammar and high acbool. walking distance to O-W. shops; $3500. See owner, H2 Minn sota ve. s.ROOM huimlow. 1 blk. off Lombard st, 4 Wta. from Portemoutli school, lot 100x110 Owner will aacrifice for $2500 cn-hr P. C. RHODES. 815 Lombard st ROSE CITY PARK New 4 room California bungalow. 2 bedrooms. everything complete: $300 cash will handle in quick sale. So K. 65th st 3 blocks north Sandy. - 7. ROOM HOME $3250 Sell wood. IS til and Leo Sta. Comer lot all larg rooms: must be told: $1000 cash, baL like rent Bee for yourself. It's a bargain. Bdwy. 6011. Sell wood 2706 Sundsy. a 01t.eoe school diat 1300 E. Morrison, near! ft.Vli: I.. E. Sreinmet. 406 Gerlmger bldg. I Matr 6001. Tabor $224. ROSE 'CITY $3230. easy term1, new 6-mom bung-ilow j with garage, laree living pom. fireplace, herd-1 smod floor. Kuffet in dining room. Dutch kitrlten. breakfast norb, 3 nice large hed- ro- m full cement basement; fine location. b.-row the hill east fmnv. R. SOMERVILLE- Bdwy. 2478. Here is a beau jful bungalow of 5 rooaa aod sleeping porch; well located: has living rcem across ; front, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet,; full cement baae raent, furnace and attic. $1000 cash vril) i handle. Do yourself justice by looking at this one. ; OPEN TODAY R, L. McQrew 1080 Hawthorne ave. ; Tabor 8892. S,. HAl tii lots, eacept'onall? well located dsstrirt, lot a abort time cniy. $10 down and $19 per month. Corcoran ' S2.V6 Lnmbanueni Bidg A ROOMS and' BATH $3600 100x110 corner, all imps. paid, which eos'l 400; wot a new house, but clean -and com-1 fi nable. Has garage: west slope Mt Tabor; I feimn. . -m , m spsea W . , . s . 4 'n.s r. 4 oca uniir ivi. NEW 4 rm. bungalow that I am ncAshamed to show you. Just finished, ready to move in ; harvl mrf see street, sidewalk and curb in: I build'nc on lot suitable for ere:' 40x100 !-l with alley. Price $2800. $800 dovm and $2 per mo. and intere-t. Call Aut. 620-SH. COUNCU. CBKSf VIEW HOME SITE OWNKIt aoat nil. lot 30x123. is alt land evened and ba wewdertul view. Located two hlnrli from ear. $lMiw. WiU eowrider terms. Bmedstay 4T16. Apt 6. forenoons and evening. JL8T LISTED Handy 50x100 aa K. 28th .V. tea. weat. 810 ft. aortb of Ain worth. Just a few abort bkwka froaa carline. Sewer ta aad aatd, aoty $530. ItITT ku innra a rn srit toik 201-3 a-a-T floam of Trade bMc. tW(t beaaUful k-ta on Eaat 30 .n, paved, neet Hawthorn.. - All avrmrnta paid, aewer, Me- waia and svt.t. At $12, oa easy terms. 10I0 SS.I MtlSiT. OPKN HC1AT. TaboT 2623. 1 INK VIEW M)T ci lmag:oa car. Johnson-Dodson Co. 4J3 N. W. BANK Bl.TMl. MAIN 3787 ruull'K plowed a red 100(100, N. at aad womg; nota ecreeta Ira $$30. Wrme. Owner at 966XK. 24th AfAMKDA PARK DISTRICT, all iaprassr- wMmts ka, $107$: oarr terms, phone Tabor $, 644 K 80th St N . ka Ro- City. Rich loam sou7 STNit lx W fee aarova. t. eash se BY OWNER 6 rooms, hath, pantry, stationary trays, full basement On N'S carline. $2850. rerma. Large rooms; improvements paid. 808 Corbett rf. Mar. 942. liiVK , -5-room bunalow on Portland blvd. and Interstate ave. You must see this to appreciate the value. For particnlara call Wdln. 1169 of Wdln. 202. $4 so rwo-snnm house es and water, yidewalks in graded street in and paid for Owner. 2 86th at N. Monuniia car. ttnr.n WALKING distance. 361 San Rafael near Union, 7 room house; paved sta., 50x 150 lot: fruit trees; term. Z Ky. U. Bdwy. 8497. ivip xann will HANDLE Tt nn fact, from Sandv bird, on 73d kt electric IKEt. gas ana mm. wwa em property, call at i onay oivu. CLOSE IX HAWTHORNE .DISTRICT $4200 Beautiful 5-room bungalow, fun cor. I k-.t. 81 000 down. - Thia is a bargain. Land-1 qui-t Realty Co,. Bdwy. 3222. 415 Chamber I of Commerce bwg. 4-ROOM HOUSE $3130 Near Beach achool: cement basemerrt chicken I hoves. 33 frait txee. vlot 100x100. . A ftnet little home at a fine Bttle price. Tertna. E. Hunt. 026 Chamber of Commerce.! KrOEXE AN If" 82ND ST. Thia 6-room ba-e for $2600; easy term fruit tree, berries; 'biggest bargain in the di trie. W M. t wjivt-u tock Co.. 310 Oreerw B!d...Bdwy. 165S. BEAUTIFTLLT ARRANGED 5 ROOM HOME W ITH AL- BUILT- , IN CONVENIENCES. FIREPLACE, TILE BATH ROOM FLOOR AND DRAIN BOARD, EVERYTHING THAT MAKES A HOME. AND IS COMEPLKTELT AND J Newly FEnjished ' IN BEST OF TASTE. INCLUD ING ELEC. RANGE; IN FACT ' KVERYTHING; JUST MOVE LN AND START KEEPING HOU81? THK PRICE WILL SURPRISE TOO. , ' , , - - S G. C. fLRICH V CO., i 405 Stocl Exchange bldg. PIEDMONT RESIDENCE $5600 for a fine new aad modem up-to- date 3 room bungalow, hardwood floors, ail bunt-in convenience, large atue, only Is block - . V axrm V . m i ill hum nnmc.i a uutm. mv-u. u. - i, UoDF.RN S tone bungalow, until furnac. f uU 1 it in Irvinutoa near Kaott; etreet, or terms cssnm care mens, issmiii ? i is j.,- cirrki,iim 9 right par.y. .loTowner, ViW.t?a F. L. Blanchard, r Realtor way Pirroay or - lev " y. - w-e. : 4,.. Swermnd bldg. h Bdwy. S859. ore. Kara luam soii I irett and chicken. K. a:h and lo. $471. 1HB 9W an alt Av -24 44 ..'.- " MODERN 4 r. bouse, partly fnmiahed: garage, ceaaeat walk and drive, aztsuu. It BOSTEK REALTY 0. $1 4th Bt Bdwy. $044. GOING TO SAN I'lWiO 8 roam house, fura- bhed. at Mt Tabor, near oar and acnnol; bdw. floors, farepiace, furnace,, only $3000. C. O DONOYAX. 427 Worcester bldg. . PAY RENT TO YOURSELF ana save atwntv eoannai-slca, MNR ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH 5800. tenaa. : Close in, oaotrat east aide. betwaem Ilawthome and S3 Cac double plnaab- iac hire attic, full eeaaent baseaaent, trait room, garage; near cntircn ana aroooi. - :: JohnsonL)oGson vo. S3 N: W. BANK; BLDG. ' 'MAIN 8787 a-tiRVISHF.D BUNGALOW $4000 5 room, hardwood floors, fireplace, trays, oak furniture ; good neignoornooa. R. J. Mctit lRK. QJ tnmi ase s onrni knanViw 081 K. Irvins. Laurelburst lwl 1 Lvirs. lireoiace. 1 u t itmiv, smuic ' ' tnrea large attic, cement casement. .i iuv ..rmi Call Sunday 12, Dr. J. D. Duback. $4250 TERMS Have just completed title by foreclosure to 6 room, modem home in Alberta, on 17th St. close tx car; Bring room 13x25, breakfast nqek, full basement, furnace, large front porch, screened back porch. 2 toilet ; insured $6000. Originally sold at $6500. Tabor 8234. IRVINGTON SNAP VACANT, UNLOCKED TODAY 761 Clackamas. Ivory finish, oak floor. garage. See this through today and make your neat ouer around xonOO en easy term. R. T. STREET. East 4280. HOI OREGON SOLDIERS! Have beautiful home. 6-room modem bouse, a wonderful 100x100 lot with frait and vines and shrub bery; 2 blocks of car; close in. east aide; SoUOO. Arcpt S3UOQ bonus without payment Snsp L-4 8, Journal. $3000 6-roora houae at 912 Cleveland Ave. near Skidmore. Fireolace. No furnace. Now vacant Owner non-resident and has no use for it Ka-sr terms to rirht party. VISION BAJTfc DKPOSIT at XKCST VO. 284 Oak Street Bdwy. 948 ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow. $700 rash, $35 month, including interest; large rooms, 'French doors. built-in, full basement, furaeoe, garage; only 342QO. Bdwy. 6011 Monday. - PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT Thia beautiful little 5 r. bungalow only 2 blka. from the nark, priced at $4200. i real buy. Very easy term. 423 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $2850 $500 DOWN New 5-R. bung., all builtina. 50x100. near Aineworth ave.; this is a fine home and worth the money. Broadway 6536, or East 3592 evenings. TWANT to sell my equity $25O0 in a modem 5-room bungalow. Hawthorne district, H blk. from carline, hardwood floors, furnace and fire place, and all builtina, near grade and bieh schools, good car service. Tabor 6054. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS $4500, good terms: a beautiful home and splendid location; worth more; 6- lare room. ail very modem. 60X1 Ot). in paved st, near Jeff, high. 314 Couch bldg., Bdwy. 6536 today. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 5 large rooms, with large attic: all modem and up to the minute; come and inspect this at ziz K. 3d at. is. ; easy terms, $5700, T. B. Winamp, Ant 312-24. A GUT i room and breakfast nook, not quite finished, paved st, a big lot; $300 down, $20 per month. Price $1300. 8305 roster road. Aut 643-57. BARGAIN For sale cheap, modem o-room bouse with garage. In beautiful restricted in tern rban district Close to Portland, close to carline. Call Sell 3342 after 4 p. in. ROSE CITY Park, (or aale by owner, iust com pitted. 7 rooms strictly modem bunealow: lo cated at 419 E. 40th at. N. near Hancock; 1 m block from Sandy blvd. East 2078. FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 -room coxy cottage, woodshed ; cloa. to 'two carline. Patent toilet - Fruit tree, garden tools, 2 cord wood. 3549 E. 66th st For eaah. $900. FOR SALE A strictly modem 6-room buagslow, hard' wood floor, firepffce. built ins. constructed two years; an ideal borne: $2250. Mdwy. 722. X K- nttAkkET. TT. 7SSZ. FRKD S. WILLIAMS CO.. 606 Panama bldg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN HEART OF IRVINGTON DISTRICT 6 rodkns. strictly modem in ever rear act. roomy with all the tnvto-the-tninute Improve ment. I ot 60x100. Price $6700. $$000 down. balanoa on good term. For further nartmaaara call Woodlawn 6865, CtT THIS QUICK WEST S41E NKAR 23D 6 kfraOMS ISOIHI Tnia asiranantial bom ta noatarat ewnditvwt. I baa rieepuua aalL asm hnng. auiunc ronan, dea, Fivus. Vw. white rnamekrw kurbwa am- nira. 4 evieaiTai rrnimi am. fuenaew. tray: SOt Os lot: fin dtatrict: rieannatila term. See tt. Bdwy. 6011 Mnrt T. O BIRD. 2 Cham, of Csm Bk OWNER, m PWassmt a 60x104 ft m. ha I fttaplaoa. ave, paved atrert, atn-nb. frwlt and - $1000 4rm. At 1124 llis tea. Will be at bowse from 1 t t,nad.y. a'ter Sunday Call 22$ 57. $130 DOWN, balance montblT. bav a a bungalow with bath. ImtM, kitr4. i,;h i flreplaee. buffet, waah trays, hahta." us d wr: on aaavruwrn earim. at i0iu Sam ave. 8. K, Take llawtbora ear. ert off mt Oth and ase it HERE IS A REAL BAUOA1N $6500. aom term, will hmw , ronaoie 10 room borne. U lam rooma. log T2I1O0, with baanng fruit tree, berrx ana sarden: Al Vocation, 1 block from llawibome car. Klyht A maoarv. realtors. 811 n, WESTMORELAND 6 ROOMS Barry. Best bay. Hardwood floor, far nace. all large rootn. full eeaaent baaement, eaat front, beautiful lawn, ideal boat. 61200 eaah, balance haa rent Bdwy. o 1 1 or Slx 27o r T. O. BIRD. $26 Cka of Osa, $500 WILL hand, a 3 ruum new boos, half basement, double ronatnact:on. bata, ensetria fixturaa, aewer. amieaminu ad; lot $0x109. Aiac small boos mn bark of lou lric etObo. 236 Wiilia blvd.. 2 block aorta and 2 Uuoti west of Kenton bank. $2800 $2800 $2800 Let ne anew you thia bungakrw. $ bdw. floor, Dutch kitchen, fine condition, aewty painted : cement baaement: bus lot, fruit; clnaa to car; alt Tabor. Clow tteaity. 1191 iwiaaom. Aut 223-39. LEAVING the city, tee your boaua. $ room. full attic and baaement furnaea. Priced af $3600. Easy term Hear 38th aad Beanont Snappy buy. Clow Realty. 1131 Behnoat. Ant 228-3U. $300 CASH 5-room Lauralhurst bungalow, fireplace, bdw. floor. French door, book eaaea. Dutch kitrben. erment baaement, fnmaoa. Chance to us eoldier' bonoa. . Call carry. Clow Realty. 11 3 1 Belmont. Ant 223-30. COMPLETELY fumasbrd 5-room atlic. modern ba every way; etrweu mv4 and paid: $5800: $1500 eaah. balance (w Baontb and latereat . DADS REAL ESTATE. 1890 DivM-. 5-ROOM noo-w, taaaemeot, hot and r4d s"l. avuw tot, aaxuasag tor chtckena loot); 3BOO eaah tJU. BALE 8601. eurnv K Ji sad Prmu road, nifty boaae. laree froauaae an Pmaiw road, amitable for bwalneaa looauoa. 2 4ooks mo ngox, reaaunai)ie aowa paya $6850 IRVINGTON comer home; a valuable oreraiae corner, near 23d aod Tillamook: modem; Boynton furnace: Ivory finiah, hardwood floor, 3 bedroom and ales-pine porch, garage. Big value. R. T. STREET IRVINGTON HHSf.S WALKING distance, 2 miles Broadway and Wash.. Imntue. 11th at-; 3 bedroom up stairs, hardwood floors down tain, furnace; beat terms; $4900. East 3765. $3500 3-ROOM bungalow. S8lb and Yamhill. Yon. can't beat this district; 1 block ta ear. near Laurelburst park: room for gar; street all improved; win make good term. Call early. (Tow Realty, 1 1 1 1 Belmont Aut 22$-$t. 6 ROOM houae. 74x100 Jot. 12 fruit trees. berriea. Richmond district. Located 1233 Taggart st $2900. $200 down. Mr. Brand. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549 MODERN 6-room bungalow. 1 block from Hawthorn near a&th. cut ta aiuao lor hail down. Garage, fireplace, furnace; paving paid Call owner. Tabor 763. . MOVE IN. buy tola place like rent; 4-room houae. new paint, paper, toilet, fruit, 73x100 lot; $150 down, $15 mo. 803-306, Buchanan bldg. j hard BY OWNER. A BARGAIN modern boose, fruit treea, floor, enameled woodwork, aomo fi ture and wood; $2900. term. Beat ear awrr- ie in city. 112 East Salmon at $1900 FURNISHED BUNGALOW $1900 S-room bungalow, bath, good eomar lot. aewer paid, partly forniahad. bargain to ca .later term. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. t-ROOM - bungalow, on Ived at. l-amrnj PUB OJ- OO Z-wtiVV, Wit mscm 4W. n-wwv, ,4100 on aee. . . X". j. IU1W Wi c, a GOOD BUY 4 room bungalow on Alberta at and earUne; 8260O $600 down. tan ow roannrs. i- quire 512 Alberta at FOB SALS Reasonable, good room bungalow nZ. TT. TLwmen. Main 1287. or Multnomah hsteL WEST MT. TABOR Don t tau to too, at mr. Soia Stthdkf. at mer K. 49ih and rUlmoa. if yoav araat good bom at reaaonable 8 ROOM aaodern bungalow, Juat like new; S- i85W,: Ant. 621-01. Prica Fut R ktrg lots. 3J and Powell atreeU; paved, waaef and sewevage; bearing fmlt trees; ebeaav C 1 1 .vewleg. ' Weodlawa 4730. $350 MOSS CITY TAUK DISTRICT Ne, $0x160 lot, am.iameala paid. Tabor 9. : aanuy fut 14, Call 494 Ti i LOOK! USTKN1 lrYf x-ai-rr TlKTt . ksaa doara will 1 haikl n M acre fine tardea. Year ewe terms. Owner. I --. auilH bunealow on b - acre tract. 414 K. 4 1st at., Wonrtanek ear. ! -! 1 1 mndm i for insncetion. pay balance $2000 tike 10x100. WITH 4 room ceiled Ikhm. chicken j rent; smuinei bargain for thrift Jhoaa noilder. soa a, caraar. ink end nut tree, berries. (rape; good eoiL 1110 Francis ave,, beat aisu .r f"; 4. lnet ch. 326 Chamber ot Ocmmercc, BOM'S aaen, a dandy eoay vnme, earner lot, ad trnprnsnocats paid. Easy terms. Ante. 643-07. j , ROOM modem bunaalew. with garage, i by JWN-RES IDEN T 4JWXER MUST 6 ELI, 33650. Easy xaraaa. 133 E. Sahjaoas, Bear 45th. 6 noma, aemi modem : partly faroubed if desired. Tabor 5702. ' $35uO 5 ROOM: aaodern bungalow, 2 blocks ear: uaa.,iama . atam. -- ssowy,. . at 2956 iv.n. flit R BY OWNER mmt sacrifice tome- m srvingtoav Bdwy. BEeoME buying your1 hosne or-, building lot see 8- L. Jenks. 4tb and Sandy kiwi7 Rso drv car. :- !'" MY HOME ea beol:fnl Alameda dnva at Vo tl Vinkll N- Dan. - ' $150 DOWJf, $2i a asoncb 7-rmga booae, fui St Johns. Owner. Main 4531. lot- KEAL HOME $300O. 6 rooms. 1 Lorn fruit. Automatic 621-17. By LOOK -5 t, house, foil tot. Close m, for $1850 ; .W AUt-lia. o-i av our. WESTMORELAND Five-roora lumse. hardwood floor fnmae. aad fireplace, large baaement; $5500, $1000 down. SeUwood 2776., HAWTHORNE district Buy from owner, nave . commission, Dandy 6-room modem bungalow, attic finished, garage; $1500 win handle , Aato- niar zzo-z. SIX rooms, atrictly modern, ail rooms enameled hardwood floors, concret garage, bearing frait tree. All improvement paid, owner, lell ti. jaaoiaon. near ostn. $2w0 CASH, your not $150. balance payments. 4-room, bath, toilet-wash traya, hot water, gaa. electricity. 2 mrlinea Price $2185. , 33 806 Buchanan bMg. NEAR AIN 8 WORTH AVE. Seat $-room bungalow, aaodern. floored attic. Price $3400. $70t eaah. bai. eoay. Call Mam 2717. aek for Mr. Possnder. $1700 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 4 room bunealow. lameta-ved. Dauv-fe kit electricity, aaa. Urge floored attic, fine 50x100 tot, lawn, fruit etc Qrg. Term. Tabor 4803 5-ROOM" HOUSE. LOTS Bat of oiL lota of frait, 2lO laying bem. $$0OO. Terms, or smaller property. - Main 1439. Sunday cr Monday. Owner. ROSE CITY CAR: 5-room bungalow, with large aleeptng porch and attic, hardanrfae st: saa wage ana neater. siovw eaah and Owner, r-aat -jiiv. - , m IckE. 5-k66ia Uo&ERy bungalow, bdw. floor, etc.. 76th aad Division. $3300. Big bargain. Owner. Aat, 527-50 or tselL 239. TODD'S ADDITION See this 5-room new bungalow for a real buy. Pbone owner. Tabor $483. , 4-ROOM house. 50x100 lot 2 htookT to ear; $30 down. $23 aad in tercet a month. Wdln. 76. TSS. Garrtenbein ave. $4259 BY OWNER, new saoderi Going; terms. McAdama, Tabor 1443. S3d at 73X155. AT NEWBEBG. Oregon. Fruit tree, comer lot.. Inquire Ml 10 Fraacm ava, Portland.-- 1 - - MODERN 4V-rorn buagatow. lrrinctoa diatrtct. Call Burback, Man nail- 409 or Woodlawn 3248. $1650 TAKES 5-room house, ptascered, bath, ete-i $500 cash. . Two blocks to ear. -Apply 4 JBtII M n.- r.. $3204, SiOtt DOWN. $40- 7-ronja hostse. 3 lots, oTchaTd. garden. Aotcmatie 310-1 1. LET ME build year bungalow; aee a and work. W. H. Read. Tabor 8. 5 ROOM bouse. $3250. $.fA down. $25 ajmeat Tab 9322. KENTON 3-room anfinished hoavm; bath, sleep ing porcn. pram Drag wnn aewer connections. Sunday aad evening. Terma. 1649 Omaha ave. - . NEW 3-ROOM house, toilet, electricity, gaa, "not water, enarcea run, lot &UI13Z; $450 down. bal. $13; price $1850, Ownef aack, goang Cat. 305 Tloehanaa bldg. 5-ROOM bouse, .mfiirmhed. hveablo, lot 10x 1Q: stow down. i sno.; priea $1200. soa-aua xwsenaaan omg. BRAND NKW-te-: down. $13 ma.: prica $2600. $05 Buchanan bldg. $300 Mow. VOU. SALE New bostae, 143 E. Holland near Kenton car; cawae and aea tt day ar - rrng. rari on urns s LEAVING Monday., will aeU or teat- maafl bom. aritb orchard. Sea Owner today, 1131 , 4 0th rt. Aut. 44m, ' - S400 CASH and bal. ease- term takes- that .. little i e. eottaaw. allium., close in an paved at an trap, rn ana pain, eza s nam, ot torn. FOR BALK 6-room boaae. 3 lou. Woodstock car. $22. Aut. 8ACK1F1CF.. -mou ' bouse. $3000; $r49 ml W. Treacott, DAD B REAL ESTATfl. 1890 TnvaaVwi. HAWTHORNE-Mt. TABOR DI8TR fc". Modcen 1 W etoev bunealow it.t ,n,M. bardwood floota. furoare. fireplace, fvssry enaawt wood work, au bmrt-in. Pnce $3300. term. For apTsotnUnenl, Tabor 4620. KKNTON DISTRKT 6 room lbanaaiow. haraaraod flaar. fiwolaMs- Taatch kltcbeB. furnace, full rem. at baaement. laundry tray. chMiea bouse, frutt roam. $38o, Terma. Wdln. 735. ALBERTA borne for quark aale. 7 am. fan ata baas maul. 1st aOtlbo. kllctwa. Ua (or hght house keeping apsuira. fraut tea: ad aorattoa and good car Woodlawn (IS. HAWTHORN F. DISTRICT New f room bungalow, larg uar. saoaera ba every way. Located 1176 tiawUjorbe a. ' CaJ Tabor 54S8, PORTLAND HKU.UT8 Fnnxiahed 5-room honae nliii iin4in nnrrn. $45. Opea Sunday "from 11 u S. I.. 4' I'prwr drive from MontTovavry dnw te T60 Fern ave. R. J. Staehb. 424 Henry etog 6 ROOM anodeen bunealow. fireyieea, baedwaad ftfora, eombiaetum slwpag porch and bed-' ram wneraira; aaminca, garaaw. fma utragc near Kentno acnotsl. bargain. CafJ W dln. 68. 3 ROOM eouage. famuUd. $ brxka from ea end of Broadway bridge: $23. 280 K. Broadway, earner Wbeeler. immediate Key 234 E. Bdwy, .31650 2 BLK S. ROSE CITY CAR 4 room bungalow, 2 full lota, frait, chirk ea boose, garden. I nnam iB paid. - Term. Tabor 6559. . ' 8-ROOM HOUSE, aear Laareinarat Park, furn ace, fireplace, doable art Plumbing; mrga lot. improved etreeta; Snnnymde ear; ti 1 iaa. Clow Realty. 1181 Behnoat Aat. 22S-S0. 83150 SEC Ota Bating Wore Wm. T- room bungalow, neat aa a ptn ; as raw lot with (rait Mt Tabor diat. Forcasl ta aeU. Goad Cknr Realty, 1131 Bemxant Ant, 2$-$9. 483 WE BUILD yoar hom oa soar ylut ot oara lor emeu oowa yaiyi fet wa eiplam- Wil: Chamber of Ounimeree- 2 NEW bunsalowa. fast cotPMad. For prica and term, call or poone Ospma lifevoiM. 107 Shaver at. Wdtn. 201 $250 DOWN, diatrmt, fall 314 Couch bade. SEW 5 -roam modem kaaacalow, Kentoa 334VM. Broadway lilt today. o? 53 Maple at. 3 blocks aoutb 14tb aad Hawtbora ae . - BUILD A HOME - W VaiM bosnea and kajs noo niiweiai okiss. $259 W UA. tin yoa i iia of a fine 3 room pmeterwd boma. with eaactrie ligiaa, gaa and water. 411 Bnrtmnan pvtc. FOR SALE ba - fumabad or anfwrnashed. Term. Soldier . l. 1 . . . . a k as.- . V14 .,iy. , v, w. o.rj. KENTON New 4 room boncalow, $1609. Urma Ida K. GiileUe, 1741 t leaver ava. k-ROOM bunealow lope bouae; coiassieT guod cat a part payment, worn. 437a. 5-ROOM bouse and $ tota, lots mi (raU, etieap buy. t Haa ROOM cottage, $1950; $450 Hardwood floor, f Wdln. 979 LEAVING aortb o' Puiiamua Pars, $22 39 per mvc'h. water, electric letbta. By 11 aew bangabrw. S garden -lota, fraut. bar, rharke handy to mm and acbool; $2000; tbirtt I -none Barry, jaax. . WILL bEU. my i-room boaa. ulUnilaa, walk, trust and flower, tor $1259: take small eaah naymapt and easy term. Owner. Jasiwy. 3171: ezt Henry ttkis. OWNER wifl take auvumewt laaa oa 3 rm ssngalow ml 9ZI E, kranklka at Wriia 177 rtrgo at, dty. J. G. Hunter. $21 MARGLtRJTK AVnV, 1 bbsrb Uaanaora 4-room oat baa a. saraaa. larae art: ezzaw: IwwXiaVO. KICK na. Saw Wdm. $$43 ; kvss-ef frast and bnv heated bona, $J50ss. $13bO $159 down. $15 par month, bay 4 room no: aleniaaf pnreb, an fiaamrd. Tf3 at. betsfwam Caeaaar and MeCvr. Brsratwead and, tTYB room 1 11 an a at 921 Kerby. Lot 4144 8: 109. East front Frio $2000. $1140 son. BwUanco $29 per aaontb. Oai.i. Awto. 33. ' FACING eaat eade para, T room he, earnme4 by tarn UaaOar: reat $43; apieadid eahse at $$400. term. Wdla, $$$$. $ ROOM bungalow, to.l 04). 4 bMcka'ta ear Gaa, hath, e-nrtrir. 37tb at. Cat to $2v. Qwaei. 826 Uhamber of faaei bldg. & OVERLOOK, one 7 swam bnawe. 34)7174 lot. - Fall wan 1 ait baaum 'at' - Btu.t-tn. Bar gain. Wdln. 1777. 636 laatsy. are. , hdw. floor.' $5H. aay ; s $;im KOLKliN 4 tones: au atei; uraaw Aat, 6ii-40. Wxiia O-Il. Jonrnal. BO." K CITY 3 na, no- Punch door, raraaea, garage. 1st 1111. e?