THE OREGON StJNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY. MORNING, MARCH 12 1S22. 4 vHH" ato. NEW TODAY 80 KEW TODAY SO , ESTABLISHED 1891 . , ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAXEK AUCTIOjr HOUMS H Wa hsra rc1wd a ry ehok elec tion of Horjee rurnUhhiw for this Auc tion, alao Ntnlo Kurt. Havlland AThlna War flUnrvirt. eta. Following U a 4'Mrtlat Mat f amnds (OT thlS Said : Awnm-taina- verr pretty Kuwoom Sulfa In tli new color (Forest Oreen) In cre tonne upholstering-, wis : Chaise lounfe, ; Bet toe. Rocker and Chair ; Mahocaor Out Back Davenport and Chair In valour ooverlrns, very stylish Mahogany ' Library Table. Rocker In walnut and . mahoffanr with spring; aeata ; two over-1 stuffed jWkera in rich vetour cover; Rimhna Btools. Navsto Rues. Rattan Chair. Cedar Cheat. Fumed Oak 8ec . . tlonea Bookcase with Desk, alao Ma-1 hf rinimhad Parlor Desk. Wilton and Axmlnster Ran In 9x11 sl. Small Run. PortleM. Monis Chair. William : at Mary Walnut Table and Bet of Chairs to match, nearly new' Buffet, also Din-1 1 inr Mult In auartered oak. via : Pedes-1 taT Table, set of Chairs with leather eat and Combination Buffet and China Cabinet. Uavtland China Dinner Bel Glassware. Silverware, several pieces of which are sterling. ; Bedroom Furniture Vlrat clnna Brass Bed (full slse). with Walnut Dressing Table and Chiffonier to match. J alahosranw finished Steel Bed with , massive Colonial Chiffonier and Princess Dresser (this makes a very pretty I "''other rood Beds m various finishes. Tmmm rm in ink and Ivory. Also old- time Walnut Bedstead and Dresser. ah nria u com Diets with , best Fprtngs. Hllk Floes and Cotton Felt Mattresses and Pillows. Also very pret ' i umA Mat af 4 nieces as follows : Hand embroidered Spread. Bolster Cover. Heart an1 Center Pieces. Bedroom Rockers. Brussels and Orass Run and ' 1 many other useful tot totrfcdmerous to mention. Nimiiu aiinvai roods are now on display at our salesrooms and await your most careiui inspection, uroy in tomorrow, you are welcome. ACCT105 OX TUESDAY SEXT AT 16 A. M. ' l RH ALL II ATE A 3CEAT CLEAX , LOT OK H0t'F.UOLD GOODS TO OF VICR TOi;. THKHR GOOD CAJT BE EICW VTEDKF.HDAT AFTEBSOOW. ACCTIOJI OS THUBSDAV 5 EXT AT 19 A. M. Note We buy household goods for cash or will sell for you on consignment, either at your home or you may have the uss of our central ly locaiea sales room. Phone Main 8WJ. W. C. BAKER aad W. H. DEATf Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers FTTHIAK BUILDIHO ' Yamhill and West Park 6ta. Albina Industrial Sites Bight la the Heart et , the City. Ibarra nee buwoi, Sear Us Broadway Brides. ; Trackage, Sidewalks Sewers. Water - Paved Streets LOTS it x in o77C FEET m ISFt.V.!$2900 Aereage t9e te 46e Per fteaare Foot xerag io Bait BUILDING ASSISTANCE nisstrated Folder tJeoa Applies tloa SPEClAi. NOTICES lOt I WILL sot be responsible for any debts cos mruil trr n wife. Josephine La Ehon,- after March J2, 122. Signed. Jock La Bane. NOTICE I am ax leagonrihlr Tor Mb. Dan Lance bitls. ' m.i IuJ-.ub. . I WILL aoi be responsible (or debts contracted try aw wife. Alberta maa " e. n. uixon. MEETING NOTICES 102 INITIATION and ENTERTAINMENT EUREKA COUNCIL NO. 204. S. B. A. Regular meeting Monday evening, March IS. East Side W. O. W. hrJL East 6th and Alder. Beautiful tableau with wed drilled stULnia find decree staff. Sister Augusta Johnson. entertainment chairman, hat nrenared a splendid procrua. iRclndinc fancy dancinc and special musioU Mia ban. Mention weed to be preaent and enjoj a aoelal boai after eoanefl meetics. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 KXTZEa At twidesee. 6 Hoiir at. Louia Krm-r ajml 11 vpsik. Mniwl Bnaband et Hata L. Kener and father of ktn. WaUer J. O UunneU and Wilfred Keyaer, oa of Mia. Peter Kcjwtr, brotbsr. at Jan. HaaUe tvnua. FanenU wiB be held ftooi UcEstse A Eden parlon. 16th shd rerett (tv. Moodar. aUreb 13. ta a. nv. Uienee to at. iTJiirp ren cfanrcs. K. lLh and Hlckoer it, at S JO a. aa.. veer tetnueai maaa wui na ausnu. FrieBda incited. lnUtnaeut Mt OtJrarj - - - : DIRKS EN Mirrh 11. 1922, at tha family Mk denee. S0 Kedney an., Mia. Jaai7 mruea. ami a ianL bfOnred wife of Ke- BenrT 1. IHrkaen. mother of Henry Dirktea Jr. Paaeral anira win ha aravfewted MondaT. March It, n m . .1 im flffnaA Aaveath Das iiitenM fhniwh- hit. at Rkxdmara at. and Mal- lory an. ' Frienda kintad. Interment lioaat Soott cemetorr. . Binuns at Pearaoa'a under takinc parlon. BnaaeU it. at Coion afa.. aatU lo a m. Monday. . 10S BTIUTED or atolea from O'Bnea a aaideDa. ScUvood. Maich 8. two Boatoa umm, a iwiam ami tvnndie ana wniv LOST AND FOUNO nan. aaea trmniri aaewara aataa Bi the other a nala pospy. ae atontha. seal brintDe and vhite savkiasa, abort Hake "U. aaaweia nana Boddie. Phone llr. O'Bnes. Belt- vood 180 or Broadway TM3. KSXP WANTED MALE 201 THK fnllnanM artirlaa wan fonnd Oa, the CI of the Portland Hallway. Larht rvwer March 1. 1922: 14 SAbraLiaa, 2 laach boxaa. a aafaaa- 1 nair rnbban. S - amtcaaei. - 4 ha baa. 2 nain clone S book. S paekacea. bmf twa. health dept. ear tieketa, aaek potatoaa. Qwa- en may obaun nune npoa praper JOjeaoncauoa at First and Alder it, ttation. -LOST Oa Ker road betwaan Oak Groe and Uladatone. a tiaelinx has coataiBina a ledy'a eoaa. apaecaelaa aand (17. Finder pleaae aoofy ewnar at Boa S2. MilwinkW. Or.. Boote 1. and receive reward. TBB EMPKB-THOhUS OOmPAXI ef Cte cjaaatt ha epra Korthweat katiiiaij aaaUable at an. aad would Bka to hwar tmai a bn pewer specialty aahanaa who is ante te ssppty proasA proof a( kia elauaa for leeocnrUoa. . Ui cbaracter and sal eapaeky araat be at par witi. hia eawlie ta ewaaeet iwnaanHiy with a hnthly ewanentiiw aad recwtasle taetors. The hae atabMcea the hisbant attalsable art aad asaSts ta exchwas ealeadaia. aroatbiy awiltec easrared holiday aieetma. eta- ta ineLtj with a anpenar and anaimr hae of HSU WANTED MAH &AUhlE.S WaN'TaU X01 Oaa ef ti.ii.a- wm fraaa saea ha Tina farm tare sad depaitawat atoraa. la Uae daatrad bat jwt bbanl a amiartnai naid etsu-awathly aad I aS-year Una. W. W. MEBJUAM. Uatriet alea Manatee, lilt Waaea at.. Portland. Or. I Portland Realty & Trust Co. 0W5EBS Ui Railway Exenang Bafldlaf PHOSE BDWT. 1S I TEXT No. 1. MACCABEES, will bold a rerolat reTiew next Thanday eyenias. a 1922. at W hall. 8o Waahms toa at. to which aU Sir Kalsata aw tnrited. Special bnsineaa per talnins to risit of Supreme Com- Bianaar D. T. ilarkey will coma op. Brmj your prospactirt eandioatea. , w RATTEY -Marrh lO. 1922. at the family resi donce, 647 E. 7th rt. N.. Elizabeth Hay Battay. ased 2 yean S montha. bekmd danshter of Mr. and Mrs. Fredi W. Battey. Faiwial aerj aeea will be conducted Monday. March IS. 1922. at 11 a. m.. at Pearaoa'a andertakinc partMr. BnweH at at Union are- Friends innted. In terment Boaa City cemet-ry. BIGGINS At the residence, 574 W. Farragat at, Man 11. 1922. Byron D. Bledna. ax Tl. faaaband of Mairaerite Biccina, father of Sin B. W. Ctorer of tail city aad K. A. Busina of Hissonri City, Ma Fanenl aerricei will be beld Monday. March 13, 1922. at z p. m.. ai the chapel of Chambers Co.. 248-250 EUliDsa worth aye. Interment, Rose City eemeSry. NAMK your ewa reward for tha fiadinc and ratonuns of a piatlnna diaaoed nn. loat between Slit aad MacahaU and 20th aad Vorth- LOST Froea apaxtmaat Ko. 21. Broadway 2295, asaall box keys. no qaeettona aaked. Return. UOST Bnclub ball terrier poppy, old. Phone East 893. Reward. atha Wm Aawmbly. No. 121. Catted. Artisan, re-1 1 . n A mm, and Tote . lor a tha rapreme asaembUr. Bobinaon. Master Artisan. Fiam a nomine and Ud be elected. , U all fJ mamben of mm u uw ' ''-- the aopreme loose. Be awe and come oot leada? ereninitrMareli 14. to Maoeabee hall. 888 Vi wagpinrton atreei. AuctipnSales SEE $? OUR y 3 J PIECE K r v BATH. U ROOM Y Pt SET m in . TVUi UNB OF BXPAIBS Portland- Plumbing Supply Co. 192 FIRST BTBEET. -Sail Dleaot to Veu" AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 1M.I71 Seeosd Street (Kear Horrlsoa) BEOULAB SAXESDAT8 Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 A. M. FOB MONDAY'S SALE, an excep tionally fine assortment ot general housefurnlshlngs, including: : Living Boom Furniture. "William and Mary" and Colonial Dining- Suites, Bedroom Furnishings, rood assortment ot Room Slse Rugs. Carpets, -Bedding, Dinner Set, Cooking Utensils including several nieces of new Aluminum Ware, Gas Range, Steel Range and other numerous lots, all In fine condition. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 10 A. M. for general consignments. niXPEI DASCEl For ' the public. Tuesday, March 14. W. O. W. ball. 128 nth f ' ivn by Anchor Coun cil No. 748. Security Benefit association. Good floor. large reception committee. Music by iiu.w fnunrJl orchestra. Ad- miwioa 8 Sc. including check ing" and war tax. ALBERT A CAMP No. 9741. M. W Another of tease enjoyable parties will h. mivmn rni., erenine. March 17. at Baker hall, corner Albina and KiB inasworth are. From 8 to 9yoaee a morie fall of langha. From 9 to 10:30 soo it the game. Then old fashioned music for dancing. Refreshments. Bring yonr friend and hare a good time. Committee. RUSSELL March 11. 1922. at the home of hi narenta. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. BoneU. 1003 Height are., Deaa Sidney Raaaell, age 1 year T moa. 11 days, brother of jbetha: Funeral serv ices win be held Monday. March IS. 1922. at 10 a m. at the chapel of ChamDers ua, . 250 Killtngsworth are. Interment. Boea City cemetery. ) THOMPSON At bis late residence, 119 E. 33d St.. Toll ThomDson. ased 64 nan. hus band of Marie Thompson. Friends are mrited to attend the funeral aerricea to be bald at tha Portland Crematorium, East ,14 th aad By bee aivouay ki . u, in. nemauis ar a am EDUCATIONAL 200 TtPlNG, ESGLISCPXLIJNG AND IN H1HETY BAYS ' is the reeoidV being made by our gndnatoi ail of which are nlaoed in rood paying poaitaoaa. I For these who cannot take day school, we haee i - .-11- .. "unur RTTI1T COUBSB." which makes it possible for you to bcome aa expert stenographer at noma, ioe tint leaaon are D'lthK. write, pnooe or caJI for them. Twin a Bnonaana ecnooi, 1S-19 Dekam bld( Phone Broadway 6950. chapel ot 85th st. Snook. As Whealdon. Belmont and MOOIi At 9S03 R9th are.. 8. E. . on March 10. Mattie H. Moore, aged 02 yean 3 months and 7 days. Funeral services will be conducted from the mortuary chapel of A. D. K on worthy & -Co.. S802-04 92d t. 8. in Lents. Sunday, March 12. at 2 p. m. Final interment at Clear lake. Iowa. ODD FELLOWS, ATTENTION KREMLIN BAKEK, IM PBOVED OBDEB OP MUSCO VITES, is iroine to bay a big ceremonial here Saturday erening, March 18. Ail nobles meet at 11th ana Btarx ar we will form ur parade and march to place of k.K.i w-.r tout fez and yonr best smile. Wm. A. Marand, Cair; Jesse T. Jones. Chronicler. WILLAMETTE THIBB No. . Imp'd O. B. M. Meets erery Monday eTenias at Wigwam. 08 3d rt. Members ur gently requested to be present Visiting chiefs always welcome. A. 8UCVERS, C of & I.Q.O& ANDERSON In this city. Matilda Anderson aized 74 years, late of 109 East 75th st. N. Funeral services will be h(ld from the chapel of B. W. Gable A Co.. 7 Ea&t 80th au N.. tomorrow (Monday). March 13, at 1:30 p. m. Friends invited. Interment in Mt Scott Psrx cemetery. FOUR vntXXi' TRAINING FTSB WILLIAMS At San Francisco. Cal., March 7, Bert Wuhams, beloved son of Jane Williams. brother of Aa Williams of TigartL Funeral services will be held Sunday, March 12, at 2 p. m.. at the Evangelical church, Tigard, Or. Interment Crescent Urove cemetery. Arrangewl ments in care of Miiier & Tracey. We bava hnndrads ot aradaatea bow aaec tally en eared in the Ante. Tractor. Battery and the Ante electrical aminesa, We can assist yea to a good pcatao-t. too. we eive yoe a toar wi 1 S TRIAL no money in advanee. The I obligates yoa ta no way. It afford yon sa ax cell em ooartnnity to size no ear school and test yonr Qualifications te leara SMchairical work. Full' partiroiara in oar aew 112-page catalog. Call or write for it today. Ask tee book No. 4. It s tree. . ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST.. Woodlawa or Alberta ear. 3rd and Aide. neat "'arriUPBaHi have haaa aaada to carry ao plate stacks PorUaad wanhssaa Gtae tO teaian as to iiyimasi. tonitary daauad, tefer- TEX OUQf COMPANY Faofv Coaat Braach OOfee, SI Clay Street, a Fraaetsce, rahfoiwia. AN eatahlwhad fine dosac luirliiias ka PoeUasMl I DOES t0 MONTR INTZXEST TOUT r Una of feed prodoeta duwrt to the eow I Tintsaentitlias We eaa Siva aoa exclaarre tamtan aa lahatJata aafatv aaefaa ta nni ymsna liaa w aoniavra. inn aoa eniet OMtnets; prater- I tors rrora ttpptag backwards aad killing an aace will be given to ata wbo are aoi afmad ef I Evan ferdiaa aaraar a bosMjv uiiiarl. wjrk, aad who have bad esperwwoe hi Uua baa, I kaadiwds of tractor opera ton killed aad tajwral ll yoa have a convalesce, thai la an oneor- I each year Droves 19w nae east deaaead tor s taaity to bafld up a baainrai ef your own: m- Idrviee of this kind. Balls to tract av anw for veatigate uiw at oaoa, ideal Tea Co.. 80-aOT I eie; your prorn aa. ew m ue oaae ewirs. rnioa are. N. I Act ewirk. Tha is a PorUaad product rt TAILORlxo ACExra atma -lreu a.r. m. r-oa. ae caeasan m Maka SSO L. Sioa . k jh. aseros wag., rsrusss. ut. ear wonderfol all-wool oae-prtee Uae; suitB orU SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 r APE kHA VwL'i ae t tNH A XUA.; PAIVT - INO ANn TINTtNO "CHEAP. POOX OB A BLOCK; BfLENDLU WORK OCPKLT aU.lTAl.I,I.I)M.1 MAHSHALL 3493, a.-u Asa rv la taEnlta. ' ttAtTBOOP BkJBfaBT SmatapA aaA ' aaadnd af aartfad rwa aiin: yasrs adw. 1473 ar atsia ). m a. a. Co.. tne 1J4 B. wf T. bala. BJUWSTa,BEl tai o;rST. ' aai mi ; oaMi af f 1 1, ri alii ' is ar-. PracgM, 147 E, Uajebetdt at, FaeV taad. Oe tocsiu at. w-nr aaiwnuu adweaaoa waata yoantow ta a rr gaaSs aura: will war at . id.a4 aalary-to ret exprnaaoa; a r owl md evty. S-4. JnavwtX &KLUBLK art ire aish grndv ab atlary. TsW 74 in. for 129.50, no higher: retail stores ask at least I ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MAN teatherweisbt fabrics to sell at 31C.7S per enit; I arrUsiag asan. mast be act ever 2b swaes. Wee yoa collect your profits at oace; we ship C. O. 1 Ueh srhoal aad soaae college edaeaUea. soeae u. to customer for balance; we furnish beautiful 1 anieraamc sad aewapaner exDenenre. Meat be exv swatch outnt and powerful eeousraooa. 1 able to Oe aetail aa weB aa ezarattsw work. BtMUen write at Suapsoa. Inc.. DasC A-74. 331 W. IU.AL ESTATE oALiUfcN" A Urea real estate onanizatioa baa aa ax. eeptinnal opening lor a real eetemaa with a ear. runty of leads and yoa can go right to work. The right man can make a valuable rrmarrrtim that should maka him better than 35009 a year. Get into this profitable and dignified bosinest now. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 280 Chamber of Commerce, Bdwy. 7581. For au ef sood personality, eatbasiaea aad eneta-r with the above eaahfieatioaa. tha M a sptenaM opportunity. writing, stating puaont salary, oathable riFtare if pnsaible. Your ietter w01 be atricUy acetfioaariaL K-75S. JonrnaL - BClLblNi. npairuig aad ram deaM; rieeeaabla for finx ua wark. PbuOi 7S. . wi'Js hietbrt. bca. a4 aad dnoc Joaraal far r 323, 20 FIRST CLASS bm wsat work; 3 piiuwbesv 4 earpaateri. 4 pauitrrs. 3 rrraaaja. 3 roafiac man. Pnee is ncbt. Ww4ki 4e4. paiairr aad oetwrsWr sds aanikiiaa ill C. Tabar 78:8. kPO.aIRLE" JoavwaL apply S, dawns aighi XrX. reiar 144. CBESCO RAINCOATS Sell fast. High Quality low. prices. . Oldest amaafactanre raincoats aeQing direct so eea , earner through asenaw Handreda ef men and man now have steady ineomea owling toe C I uam Kne. Big aew spring outfit frvw. Spring season aow oa.- Wnte today, trap roved M:g. Co.. Dept.- 253. Ashlaad. Ohio. , CEMENT work ef faaiaelesd Aarl Batase or BeUwaed 919 PAINTlNO. pa cbxsco 3 In 1 and Utility ahoppiag bags. Hot water bottle, waterproof kitchen amms. Hmndla these fast aelflng articles and Increase your I SALXFMTN WANTED In PorUaad and State Income. For nineteen yean we hava beea I ' ef Oregon by Baakers Reserve Life ceea- manufactonag good merrhandise. New seinna-1 paay. one of the atrongaat old line rnmpaeiea. outfit free. Improved Mfg. Co., - Dept. 234, 1 First class contracts to reputable salensee. . la Ash is nd. Ohio. I aarance expenevww not nee e wary. Call ar ad- SAUNDERS A SAUNDKS. Slate Maa- CAaU'CNTKK soars renairwd -- eava Bswtharaa. Tsboe It fee PAINTINC. papering. Call before 3. after 4 o'eiore. Awt. ta-sg. PLOWING, baaeavrat aaad general aeamlag at 22-8. BCILDEBS and eoalnrton. tadal rataa fee aaoving aauuaaent aad seaeral caallaa. Ta bor 3117. GAGNON The funeral service for the late Archie Gagnon of 14 Vi Front st. will be held Tuesday, March 14, at 2:30 p. m., at Pinley's mortnary, Montgomery a tSth. Friends invited. Concluding7 service ML Scott cemetery. HIGGINS The funeral service of the late Hannah S, Higgins of 66S E. Broadway will be held MofJday, March 13, at 10:30 a. m., at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service ML Seott cemetery. WOODLAWI? LODGE No. 171. I. O. O. F., meets Monday evening. March 13 kt 444 Dekum are. at 8 o'clock. Final action on Stirchase or erection of hall, very member's presence re- degree. Yisiting brothers welcome. , R. W. TAPP, Sec- PARK ROSE LODGE U. D.. A. F. and A . M., stated communication thia (Monday) evening, March 18, Sandy road and Byan sL Work in F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. ROBERT W. PETERSON, Secretary. GROFF The funeral services of the late John Graff will be held Monday, March 1ST at 2 p. m. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. In terment in Hone city cemetery. STEAM CAR SCHOOL For men who desire to become or chauffeurs for steam ears, trucks, tractors or motorcycles. Be prepared to meet the increased demand for experienced men in the steam car world, both practical and technical inttructiona Call A. L McC ABLET, Ueeler. STANLEY STEAM CARS, 62 Cornell sL Main 8081. A SOUTHERN manufacturing company haa aa opening for a high clans man who haa ex perience in salesmanship and who handle other men to open office No cash raquired but mutt be able to give reference and a real real estate bond. The B. 8. L Safety Lamp Co.. 4 00 A Interstate Bank bMg.. New Orleans. La. ....Uj..,.l L .. . i 1 , , 4kwi o wees booaing orders for ni agars. 401 raaaaia buildiag. PAINTING AND OONTBACTINO Carpeaver aad eeaerets wnrk. remodetiag: raa- aoasble sad aansfartory. Wdln. 73. patented aluminum handle culler set: writ ten guarantee: experience liniiinani y . yoa simply display sample and write erder; we de liver and collect: pay you daily: eemuie free: trv it oaL Jennincs Mfg. Co., get 770. Dayton. I Placement Bureau. Miss A. G. Croaaley. Maaager. 1 620 Corbett bide. HELP WANTED FEMALE ZQ4 Yrt WOMEN'S ptotecuvo iavisioa. city ef -Pittlaad. offers Ma serrtcae la aU nutters pertaining to the welfare sad protaataoa ef uiuea aad glrhi: la-jtrwas coafidcataO. 314 Worcester blag-. Sd aad Oak 8533. I ivUEN m need of competent, reliable office halo of any description call Main 3730. The Clerical THAT CHANCE FOB PROMOTION IS JUST a HEAD ARE TOTI READY FOB IT WHEN IT COMES T day or aJght school baa been the stepping stone for thousands. Why not yonf Pboae Main 399. YOU can't drive a spite with a tack hammer: SftoOO EVERT TEAR. (2000 easy in spare I WILL lady who teaebca one u lean auto tune. We share crofita with von beside. 1 knitiine machine writs Maranatta Graham. neu -Heatner Monarcn- rainecata. Ask about Z93 Union eve., city sraai ixau- .o. 8. Get sample raincoat I ',VV' -rbf. free. Ni-Walls, Chicago. MEN en tea alnminnm handle cutlery set: writtaa guarantee: experience unnecessary ; yoa simply display free sample aad write order: we deliver ana collect; pay yoa daily: try it eat buick. enmngs Mfg. uo., Bet IT0. Dsyton. Ohio. GROSS The funeral services of the late Fred B. Gross will be htld Monday, March 13 at 2:30 p. m. at the Portland crrmatorium. Arrangementi in care of Miller & Tracey. YI8IT OC-B PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT Everything to Furnish Your Home GOODS OF THE HIGHEST MERIT AND EQUAL TO NEW. QUALITY CONSIDERED, 0UB PEICE8 ABE AL WAYS TUB LOWEST. 3. T. WILSOTT, Proprietor. We pay cash for used Furniture. Call Main I2. nJbLfcU March 11, 1922. at the family resi dence. 455 E. Buffalo arm nnrth l-'Hr.. R K tv. . aged 30 years and 18 days: beloved wife of C. E. Kelso and mother of Orin Lyndin. bun , snoiw. rern vireinia snrt in, Hh,r. Kelao and daughter of Mrs. Ida Boom of Rote- vuie , yai. Kemams at H. T. Byraea Parlors, 901 Williams ve. Funeral announcement later. o,cr,mraw, vai., papers pleaae copy. i ji-'-i r - u to $3000-$3000-$3000 46th and E. Lincoln Greatest snap of today. Corner, payed streets. Brand new. Haw , thorn car. Terms. Dat Walt Until It's Completed GRAB IT MOW TEEMS G. C. Goldenberg AktBftoa Bldff. Bdwy. 4NS For Lease Central Location Spar sa seeosd flaor ef aew aiodera bafldlaf, serthwest eoraer Park aad Tern kill, opposite aew A a to Stage Depot. Yery aaltable for dorters, desUsta, taUorlag or klidrtd Uses. Berth we ters keaUag. PARK & YAMHILL COMPANY ' 434 Chamber ef Comraeree Pkese Bdwy. IsM APARTMENT SITE 100x100 Feet Northwest Corner Fifth and. Montgomery Sts. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. - 85 Fourth Street . Mortgage Loans Costnet and Residence Property 6 Interest . Montkly Bepayaeat oa Besldeaees WILLIAM MAO MASTER US V. 8. HATIOSAL BASK BLDG. mvHed. PORTLAND CBAPTEB So. ' 0 O. E. 8.. Social crab will eive an entertainment nnder the 'direction of Miss Aiys Kay Brown, end informal aance at Municipal Auditorium. Fri day evening. April 14. 1922 All Masons. Eastern Klin &nri fvin1a J. r. wane, chairman of committee. OREGON ASSEMBLY No. 1, United Artisan.. will give the regular "SOO" card party and dance Thursday eaenina. aTsn-h 1 A iin r va hall, 128 11th st Cards will commence promptly an uaucwi irom xv to l z. uood card prizes, also door prize. Come and he a winner. Admission 25 cents. Free tc members of the agsempiy, fc. tl. v an Alstine. sec BOSE CITY CAMP. M. W. A. meets each Monday evening in the old h r. hall. 409 Alder st near 11th. Work' each evening. v inters always welcome. F. E. Smith, Consul. 3. W. Simmons, Clerk, 1218 Teon bldg. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 TBTBD AND SALMON MAIN 807 East Side Funeral Directors T. C. DONNING. ISC " . "Tha Family Beta the Pries' 414 E. Alder ft. Phone East S3 Dunning & McEntee Morrison it. at 12th Broadway 480 Ant. 34B-S8 SNOOK &WHEALD0N FUNERAL DIRECTORS 81CCESSOB8 TO BBEEZE A SNOOK EET.MOTT AT 85TH TABOR 1SS8 neither can you succeed with an inferior busi ness training it takes the beat, a given by the rf Tin NOrTTHWOTlXri" ) MEN 372 a week to apeeial men to travel by anuxnooue ana in trainee soo-ceadlenower coal oil lamp and lantern for fanners, dairymen, hucksters, gardeners, eon tractors; we farmah the auto; sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. File 8941. Iieyton, Ohio. (LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, amended) Morrison at 1 0 to Day and Kicht Bdwy. 6083. POSITION FOB EACH UBADDATB ALI8KT BLDG.. 3D AND MOBBIBON SPECIAL 825 anto tractor conrasa. Why take advantage of this special offer and learn to operate and repair autos, trucks aad tractors! ims oiler good to a limited number of sta dents only. Our fro employment office helps yon to a good position. Hemphill's Auto Tractor pcDooi. 71)7 nawtnorno ave., Portland. A SCHOOL of practical tailoring has beea opened by Mr. 8ommerfeldt st 4UT8 Central bldg. for women who wish to learn the trade and women who wish to maka their own garments for home duties as welL Thia ireat onnortnnitr has never been offered in PorUaad before. Those qnaulying can secure immediate positiona Lerch, Undertaker CAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHOBNTI PHONE EAST 781 FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMEBT AT FIFTH. MAIN MILLER A TRACET. independent funeral di- a rectors. Ftmerals 876 and an. WashingtoS af Ella sr. Broadway 21. Ant 518-44, R.T.BYRNES ESTABLISHMENT 901 WILLIAMS ATE. KORTHYi AT A laf BOTAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. OREGON ROSH CAMP.- meet every Thursday evening. Pacifio Statea haU. 400 Alder street, first Thurs day a 500 party, last Thursday a banquet. Royal Neighbors not affiliated with any camp hi city particularly invited. Office, 1218 Yeon build ing. Main 4483, hoars 1 to 5 p. m. daily. Ger- troae e . Hunmons, recoraer. BOTAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, OREGON ROSE CAMP, meet every Thursday evening. Pacific Statea hall, 409 Alder street, first Thurs day a 500 party, last Thursday a banquet. Royal Neighbors net amliated. witn any camp in city particularly invited. Office. 1218 Teon building. Main 44ss, hours l to o p. m. oauy. uertruoe McENTEE A ETLEBS funeral parlors with aU the privacy of a home: letn and Everett Phone Broadway 2123. Ant. 621-83. A. R. Zeller Co VilTwniiams ave.' East 1088. CLtni, UNDKBTAKING CO. Maia 4153 Corner Third and Clay. MONUMENTS 106 lytlliiKiiMlli! 1 x e ' -4 - - , Ullfa III IF. Simmons, recorder. z-i-rf. i. . j FLUFF HUGS Made out ot your old worn -oat arrets and rosa. Save bait tha prlco of a new rug. Uae wooUa alothlna. txlS Rata- staarav-cleanaa, $1.50 East 3SS0 500 PARTY given by Royal Circle No. 528. N. O. F. W. at V. o. W. temple. ias 11th street Wednesday evening. March 15. 50 pound sack ot flour first prise. Everybody welcome. Margaret weTtnnenner. cnairman. BENEFIT dance at W. O. W. haU, E. 6th and I Alder, given by MUltaomaa camp, w. u. w.. I No. 7T baseball team, beginning Feb. 28: 5-1 piece orchestra. Admisaon 80c EMBLEM jSWELBT a specialty, buttons, pma, 1 charms. Jaeger Bros., isi-iss eta as. a CARDS OF THANKS 1 WISH T6 EXPRESS heartfelt thanks to I friends snd neignnors. jiwaiomiii cmpwr OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WQCXS VfUAUTI nhnUBMLS .THTTO A PINE STS. WrOMg fM3 MOLSB BABBE& COLUEGB WU1 esach the trade ta 8 weeks: receive some pay while learning; positions secured. Oregon es-esrriee men 'receive state aid. Write or cail for cata logue. 234 Bnrnaide at. 81EEN SEWINu SCHOOL I! leek's system of latuer tailoring and drew making tcngbt: pat terns cat to measure. Phone East 2358, b- 8S0T. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. RAILROAD shopmen, sawmill and other me chanics list of 150 railroad shops, sawmilla. brryards employing thousands. Send SI. James ue Fee 420 Huntingdon, E-, Savannah. Ga, HOW to talk, public, bnisness. privste; 8 part course ny m. isna taw. S3, las k. zuLb at. n. nose city car. Phone East 2879. LEARN TELEGRAPH? Bafiway Telegraph Institute. 434 Beltway Ks snangs owg. my ana mens learn aaitjer trade: waeea while Oregon Barber College. 288 Msd MEN. learning, son at. THE Peaaley Studio Betouchiag SchcoL Thorongh nwtrnct. m tneory ana teenntana. 407 namaoa. HELP WANTED MALE 201 CA HP ENTER etau eoanawors. paraut free oa besaalow. WU1 eesuader asy AH repairs dona nascent la. a at S13-S3. EXPERIENCED vuicaaiaer aad" waata steady toe: eaa siva refa eva. aad eowoay. Tabor S770. MAkKlED' farmer waau work: gas tractor ea perspoce: sua rata hooaa, Wifa cant take wark. SH-548. Joaraal. EiflNGLLSG. leaky ro.s faatchxi. guilars re paired, 'ehimaeys Teflaahed. Marshall 1072. TRAP DRCMMER taasateurl wad with small archeetra. East 1479. la need ol a freed spply to the Salvataaa Army Baacae Home. Mayfah? aad 1U..u4m mtm Vttfmm Wa HIS i-U m 1.u,!rb0m!ii0nS'?, f"r D""t P1" I aTPRINTICES wanted tor Uie Betty lane Hair shoo. 401 Raleigh b)dg 821 Waaa- tngton. Broadway 3589. UXDDLE-AGED WOMAN aa companion and de acanouaaviaa city, Acht hoasewurk. 2 in family preferred. 5408 th at. 8. R WANT LADT for smaU bust: propoatBoa For appointment. P-135, Jeor- AGENT8 93.50 an hour Uing our gnar- anieea Hosiery; just ss necessary you eat: everyooay must buy: i that's where the big profits are; ao experience or capital required; sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 2S41 Thomas bldg.. Dayton. Ohio. good chance. nau WANTED Lady as housekeeper for geaUs- man; good home to right party; give age. ad- dreae and phone. P-151, Joumal. aarr as the bread HOVflEKEEPER. middle-aged, to take charge I 3 rooea boose while mother works. 2 girla, 8 l 5ZLZZZL end 7 yearn. 330. Good home Wdln. 45. MEN 33 an hour; newest kitchen tool; erery woman will toe 20 times daily: saw sailer: big profits: sample free. Thomas Mig. Co.. Peak 4S41, Dayton. Ohio. WOMAN wanted for homework, pontsrai per- - maaent if astfefaetory. Phone Bett. Tl call at 1584 E. 18th rt SUITABLE woman given board and lodging for ainlsting with household dntiea. Sell. 2PS1 INEXPERIENCED gtria to assist with cooking PHTSICIAN. ATTENTION and 721 Glisan. Main 4818. We have aa excellent location for a tmvaVaaa I WiKTED Two ronna- Udiaa for houaework and in an artabUahed ofOce. Thia is aa exoestional to cook. Can Eaxt 9183. jpportanity. Apply suiotly confidential. P-118, 1 n ivTrn xAd;a-al au foe anend JeimiL- OPENING for several good aalesmea to "saU Fords and Lincoln cars. Our new propositioa is such that a good man eaa make from 3300 to 3500 per month. Call at Wm. L. Hnghson Co., 00 N. Broadway. Sales manager. . WANTED Three solicitors, city; one Jar OtrmDia. Wash. llnnn averv nlvht aamnt depends en your own efforts Twenty aaea aow making good. Call all day Sunday, any evening after 6:80, 207 Sixth at. Harry B. Foamier. hoosewort; wages 840. SeU. 3788. ELDER LT women for light housework, month. 1171 Interstate ave. GIRL wanted to assist in housework. 827 Col lege. AGENTS wanted, to aeB battonleai house draav Main 5278. S asm tsausa; anaaa vaa- work naraatead. haoo 111 llsw thorne av. Tabor 17:3 or Tabor l!0 eailb Aaaa, ITS Eajt 1184. cal after a. av to got SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Z54 iNTEBTTrE OPKRATOB Girl 2 Tsars' araooi exTjerwoea and 1 wear efUna, wants paeltioa as country weekly, epeed aaeat evv per hour. Ethel Bchruja. 1319 H ist sjauaa, sr. WIDOW with 5-year-aid easUy a am reii- Cafl at 918 Cot tare pteee. aaar Blaatoa at. WANTED Ecperieaoad steaagrapaar and book kesper waau posaiea with ehaaee to work wp. First clave refirinuas. Inaaire CX-193, Joaraal, MOTHER with two smaU chiidraa wishea oare of rooeaing or apt bouse for ant. aad wans.. A-288-I1. MIDDLE-AGED lady aasta houaek r. post A Ie. Jaar- Uoa for widower with family. aal. WIDOW" rissiria poaitios aa hsueataeper for a genUemaa where I eaa hare fail cherre: capable; irfereeces. 818 S Tamhil st. Boom 13. POSITION wanted by stenographer ieat ftauh sag baainaeB eoUece. Caderataada eXfico enpU aeaa and fUing. K-T88, Journal. EXPERIENCED iTeacV amhrradery WILL give piaao rng or houework. WANT reliable salesman with close-in lota on easy tsrai aato to aaU I JohnsonDodson Co. la exchange lor iron- A-58. Journal. . HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 ly done; can furnish samples; feast of eier- eaeea Wdm. 2754. TWO respectable lads wowid hke a laras roiias . ing howse to rua. Call Saaday. Phoaw Mar. 2541. LADT wishes work by hour ok do ; 4Ue I' hone Wdln. 3t02. . H6XEST. capahl. woeaa wants care of hoe-. Apt. and wagva. M-7a. Jsarna WORK la boarding howat. dining room or gttcnen. lss. Joarnal MARRIED exchange PIANO MOTION PICTURES Individual registrations ot prospect! . fUm to piey parta- ua uw 838 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T. pvWi ' r ',, : ', ,i . h , ' I olaxera of both S"j. iwimk. iuc f on. car uwii. i - . . 9 ont or lO bnv. Atlacfead in oaa wiintita I f"--"" SI A - . . B.l Oi - ... - 1 . . vw . mmj . qcui av oraia tor ouatiaerje I . z - . . . . . , . it. Money returned if you want it Paul H. 1 .. . i..T,,, "TT- t n lib ri v .i. v asans or lam aius dii'viuo, --i.. . ... . i jdilwsukie. comer Bash st. AGENTS, canvassers, distributors, sell the new I t, ' - I t-. n . . . . . . . . . rrriin rnimra ,uuun 1 11 r.rssy nau. r.very cnuu wants one. circles. I - .i Urk. rock. Mt. r,Min. C. v. I puoucauoB ; i.ifiiw wwesjy, w trolled. Quick aalea. Liberal profits. Wulard Mnltirool company, Lansing. Mich. EXPERDiCED tha day. Ant. 313-85. WOMAN wants day week. Phone Bandar after 13 and aU week. WdTa. 275. ELDERLT lady wafcas aoaseasvswng and aaa. rng wt eonntry. tan SSI Tsyaa st. AGENTS wanted to advertise our goods .aad distribute free samples te consumers. 90c an hour. Write for full particulars. Amerieaa Products Co., 5648 Amerieaa bide. Oiarinnart. unio. and stamp for rjartkrolan. B. J. O Uunr nnanlsdn. TallaDOOsa. Ga. TWO neat-appearing young ladiaa ander 23, 2 young men: special Btlvarudeg. ML Pero- full, Eaton hotel, bet. 7 and 9 am. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 151 WIDE-AWAKE man to take charge of earl RESIDENT of eito sines 1904; good references. local trade; 85 to 88 s day steady: no ex perience required; pay starts at once; write today. American Products Co., 5647 Ameri can bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. Would like to assess apartment Souse. K 888. Journal. WANTED Two good men to solicit orders for our new 'process of repairing and rubber coating all kinds of old leaky roofs. Boom 54, SOltt First st, 9 to 10 o'clock. GARDENER wanta wark. all rouad sardeoimg or small reach; care for suck ar poultry. TOD CAN MAKE 8100.00 AT ONCE I B40, Journal Selling Magiv Marvel Washing Compound; alto GENERAL gardening, Madwapiac. Aowar bads bluing paddTW;. absolutely new. Biggest sell era. I end lawns token ears of. Tabor 7SIS. ?L LJKS, E.nt ,P?iltwbTfrn.1Ir? GARDENS .paded. Window ocreaas aaiUdaao .... - . . -. . ... - - , .... , umln STll. t SALESMEN Only patent in Oregon; 25c seller, 31.25 doxen. Special on territories. Dis tributor, 340 N. 20th St., Bslem, Or. MANAGER for an old eatabluhed real estate office; executive ability and experience neces sary. Give ace. reference, exnerienoa and nhone J-577. Journal. . FLORISTS 107 O. E. 8.. and Albert Pike lodge A. F. and M.. for beautiful floral offerings and many acts of kindness during my sad bereavement. ItS East EXkboi I p- M. Pratt. I HE Wlsn to exprees our nearueis mams w our many Iriends tor uieir oeauuiui iiorai i FiX)WKli3 FOU ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 "Wt WHI Please Tea. TAMHU.L at TENTH 'And Floral liesisnaTTS irge riot nouses. Me B r a n e h Stores: 23 vaare oa Morriana. mt. d jpi ss . t02 SB ST. NEAR TAYLOR. SAVE MONEY By baytoe irkot mom pao , Bkb made et wft. tow we amae it. POITTTJII WtOKBR PUIV MITURK SVAHUrAO- TURIM OO. AIR 3C91. tirrmm Hnil sets, and avmnathy shown us dur-1 inr our recent bereavement, the death of our I beloved mother, Mrs. Mary xoomey. Madden. Anne Coleman. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Prog i estiva FIoriM Flowers for All Occasions WE WISH to thank our friends and members 1 Main 7216. T. C Lake. Mgr. 6th and AMer : ff the kfaaniuc kidea for their 'kindness and I V..fcrrtw WtDnrt, rwi - iit. ass WaZTtT seanmui itowers aunng tarn u:nw nu uciu of mi, hMinvi bitsnand ana zstner. .naries u. Olaen. Mrs. Bertha Olaen, airs. JS. fe. v.rouw Adolph O. Olsen. ' ' WE WISH to thank our frienda aad every on that waa ao kind "end sympathetic during the Tineas and death of our dear husband and father. I Mrs. Johns and Children. SALESMEN We want two of the best aalefnv-n in Portland ; men well acquainted in city: remuneration exceptionally good. We pay every night. Beo Coulter, 1001 Spalding tide. SALESMEN for Salem, Astoria and The DaBaa. Make 840 to 950 a week and live at home. Write or call 205 Artisans bldg. North Ridge Brush Co. WE PAT 336 weekly. 75c hour soar time. selling hosiery; guaranteed wear 4 montha; spring baa; big apportanity; experience un aery. Box 7, Darby, Pa. WANTED Young 16 to 18 years old. to learn plumbing trade. Call Monday saorn- fng. between 9 and 12. at 178 let St.; aeUbrl Meyers. rBox WANTED By established real estate firm"! N. W. Bank bldg.. a live salesmaa: must know city, have ear; commission 65. Opportunity tor right man. J-23, Journal. tneton. Main 260. A-1269. eeeeaiona artistically arraiged. WANTED Bookkeeper with some knowledge of atenographx. State aga and give references. -602, Journal. Flowers for all A-l OBEGON company haa 3 or 4 openings. PorUand-Selrm-Eiigerie-MedfotTl-AsuUnd. Call or write. 456 Pittock Mock. trKTiNnrntiNn in every one i . - sw - v w. ww during the I LOST Fox terrier male pup, full grown, half DEATH NOTICES 103 black and white. 2 tan soots bet. eyes, bobbed tail : "collar hned with red felt, Beward. A. Pottage. Box 600, Lennox ave.. Route 8. IF TOTJ have experience In auto washing and want loo oa rom mission basis, phone oar ae- rage. Tabor 885. MORTGAGE LOANS A U , i u t ...u n.i- n.. I on jaomson or ; Ijn i w.u .v.. .h.nj - tvhl 1 Kewaro. Maranail oo. LOST -Silk bag with lady's small gold watch and black purse, betweea' 10 end ll a av on Mornson or Alder near Olds King s. P. O. Boa 877. JOB printer to ran small ahop for 50 per cent of proms I fumtih press,, type, power ana rent. Broadway 4994. WANTED A maa with ear who knows city to sett sad net stores: a Ave maa eaa make good. money. See me early Monday. 404 Couch bids. Raalaeae areaertlee 8- Saaldeaea loan i Holman Si Son. 3d and Salmon sts.. Monday, alarm so, i as a -av, p. ut. nnawn, w fcw abipped. to Los Angeles. Cal. , where iator- mnt will be made. BECKMAN Of MUAukie. Or. low rates. lastaUateat rrpaynieBts U desired. Loan promstlx closed. i. j i A.H.BirreU-GfllCo. 818-819 KartfcwesterB Bsafc BsHdlar LOST Friday, near Woodlawn school, child's classes: case marsea uarse-srower. . uui Wdln. 5520. . Theodora Beck' man. aged 80 years 2 months 28 dajn. The I doc. PICKED UP Airedale dog. very stockily built. bob tail; have hua st 041 Front at.; mam Main 2208.'. - BUSINESS PERSONALS -! i WEDDINQ" W. O. 8MTTH A CO. AND TTSTTING CARD ENGRAVERS 811 Morgaa Bug. eemaina are at the residence funeral parlors ef Walter C Keuworthy, 1582-1534 E. 13th St., Selrwood. Funeral notice later: WINESETT In New Tork city, Feb. 28. Alien Edear Winesett. father of Clarence WUbert Wineett of this city and beloved . brother of airs. Dolly Magoon of this city. liliunn mntS mn. nlatinum. screw. around library or downtown aistnet. szu ward. Main 2T78. LOST, an North Broadway, bunch of kera. one with "Shea Co. stsmped on it. Broadway 1384. ' ' white. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 FOUND Two Pointer brown ears: other. Lees, Beaverton. dogs, ooe liver aad white. two B. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 GERIV1AN MARKS WANTED Holders of Marks, Bonds and Reeurt tiea, communicate with this address and real isa a profit on your Invest msnt Aajr amount accepted. .A-46, lournaL . School Property For Sale ADAMS soe funeral serrice for the "Ete J PARTIES taking greoa silk umbrella from Bieh- Pan-ival L. Adams ot eaz Kast B5th st- N. will be held Monday. March 13th. at 8 10 p. m. at Finley's Mortuary. Montoomery at citta. I LOST In South Pertiaad, canvas pavno cover inera wviieu. uwuhuhk wnsa anas uky i Bd 4 -wheeled uoiiie. tmaer eau JWwy. remeiery. : 1 4222. Reward. -Hunting knife in Blue Mouse Theatre, I LOST- Satprday. Main 2374. I." OB aide! M I -1 - tLaaa t f is) I aad narta of lots 4 a ad 9. black 65. Famsa Parkadtit4oo.letwara sa hsid Monday. March 13. at 110 a. WILSON At the residence. 732 East 60th st. i N March 10. Rebecca Wilson, aged 94 Krch 12..C 3:30 P- m.. at the chapel of LOST Bii toae. miuri "Ji. Miller rracey. lnclaeratiDa Mount Scott I '" ' """" ' ereamtorium. ' . " I LOST Bruwa parse, containing about 823 ny. lurt ii mL-L: " '".K.1 I incidental. : Beward. Call Wdln. 1736. WUhaat Jmse AUaro hue. sue sv a i iaoT Ahoot to days ago, nam goal peneu. InrtJah) M. D." Marea 16. 1923. aWiOeatioas at 491 Coart-1 " 'LZ...,"ll"- V-"! i LOST Brown bnadie euLdoc " acaaol dutrlefc sa A. t lse" ;..r" . H. T7J0MAS. aeaoal Oerk aad Baa. Mgt - st Reward. LOST Hsff Phone East 756 13SQ AUaaS growa collie, abort tail: reward. East 8, MOPOay. - : CONNER. The funeral service for the late Monday. March 13th. at 1 p. a it Finley's I LOST -Black jutd whrte Persiaa cat. Morturary. Montgomery at Fifth. Fneads ia-1 ca 'spot CoBcfadaig 'service Kiver-riew cemetery. AMBER raaary. name Mm. -T. . Finder vited.. SEALED bids will ba received anal Friday. Sl.rh ltlk 11 . . am -- - - v - .. M et. I riTRRAV Tha funeral aerrica tor the mta Helen tm.mmJ -J -kZTi. i IT Zlr JTTVen-. I Maa Cwrran ef 459 Foavth St.. will be faatd A eartUied check ef 10 per cent of the amount I on iay. asaroa , " , 1 eat accampaay each bid. The ncha ai re-1 aiorwary, jumwrrj r ui w u aa reject any or aJl bxis. 1 vnea. coBcroaing- aemco ruverview rraifary. . - tWK. L , . ISAWrEB The funeral aerviee for the late 441 PSttra-k Blnrh r " I n , ., - - list nam . m . will Cm sua or farmer who is interested ia thelbe held Taeaday. March 14. at 10 a. ra-. at Ffaiey a mortuary, saorjtroraery ax atn. ineaa iniued. Coacludiag eeriave Mt, Scott cemetery. ciuss: rewa name Mrs. - T. MeNai Multnomah hotel. nt from Producer ta minmai sand .ana aoiuwai as v-, jearsm BLACK fos fur loat oa E, 12th, betweea Morri son and Taylor. Heward. Call Tabor 6556. LOST A brown, sueda pone, between 7th aad 4th oa AMer. Beward.- Tabor B362.- - LOSTA pocket esse with some money, auto driver's tieease; liberal reward. SeHwood 1352, LOST, Sunday, brown silk hamfhag, esataiau ... gloves, aeys. . auxa isia AGENTS WANTED, to buy the SDJ3 BHOEUqq papered, ts'asyfap: pa In ling VENTILATOR by the doaen, and sell them In i"ngaaona!hk.t. 2142. every county. W ill relieve sweaty end sore feet. Worn In any shoe. Deeertpure circular. W. B. 8ima. 815 Mason st,. PorUaad. Or. CARPENTER work in or out of East 825. Mullen ChrtoUaata. exty. Pbene SALESMEN, if yea want 86000 thia wnte me. Strong una tor retail stone. Na tionally advertised. Liberal weekly advawee to producers. W. Morgaa. Mgr., 1929 Eacnd. CleveUnd..Onio. Dept. 312. BIG PAX Maa or woman ot character to dis- tri irate religions literature. Chaaee te aaake 2600 or mora. Full or spare tinaa Re capital or experience necessary. Universal Bfbl Tin nan. Philadelphia. CARPENTER SHOP. 128 12th St. Altering, re- sairma. eabinet work. Broadway Tee. TEAMS for hire, haaameuta duZ Phone 9a. Bed Ash Transfer Co.. Vanooavar. Wash. EALSOMINING. PLASTER BEPAIBING PAINTING REASON S BLE. SiWZMi. EABN 910 daily eilvring mirrors, plating aad reOnistuac metal ware, aeadrigtita, eaaadettera, rtrteads. Outfits -furnished. Write tar ia- fonosuoa. Kenaeth-Decie. 288 Fifth avi New York. PAPERING, paiatmg and innde derorattas. by day or contract. Tabor szsa. FOB PLOWING aad excavaaag. call Tabor 9088. WANTED Cottages to bwLd at Seaside . Baseh. Phone Wdln. 2422. HOTEL MOVIES With the one in your locality, yoa belper M-58. Jearnai. PAINTING aad tinting by contract. waau position; twlar- E. 1459 eaa operate a good paying business withoat I W4NTFD flhaet mettl work of all kinds; first capital or experience. FENSHOBM JLEIEK3 662, Stockton. Cal. clam work, reasonable prtosa. East 44 79. P APE RHANG IN G aad batiag; Bew wallpaper WANT 8700 or u0 on 4-room hooaa and tot 75x104. located' only 4 blacks froea carnne; win pay 8 Quarterly. John Feigueuu. Realtor. tMriinger bldg. eatimates furaiahed. Tabor eOSS, PLASTERING by ooatnet; good work naaa- teed.- East 2011 WANTED Br aa eidenx maa. work about piece good gardener; will leave city. B-3. Journal. SPINNERS Good spinners for night shift. Oregon City Woolen MOta. Oregon City. for take oare of r T-32. Jewmal. lady. Auto, 321-39 wishes pupils at tumr its beam a ink part of rfFAT. experisajiwd woeasa wii care far ewa' dnrtng day. Msr. 3038. GIRL ek oatnaL wanta Mar. 4 77 Will work WANTED Howe spoaaiblo lady. by assSdie send , rr- Mua Jh4, Can Mondav. LADT waau howaer ira mng. washing or other Oood wark guaranteed. W SlOi. COMPETEN T, or rooraiag I LACE CTBTAISS HAND LAINDEHED, 12 ISSU UrEKIUUK EAST site. WORK by Asy or hour, 40 eases, oartara. Ma ietea. aula. ai7-a. EXPERIENCED WOMAN waau work fry day hour. East 9298 V7 MAS waau oay wora. MALE AND FEMALE SITUATIONS WANTED MAN and wifa, charsw of references &-54S 255 eapeneooed, would tike ta take apartment haeae or hotel; A -A Journal. MOTHER ead daaghter wsat Mara 4SSZ. DRESSMAIONC 25S wm saeaa able prtosa 491 Artaaas JULE'S yoar frocks, gowas sad ESTIMATES si van on eaaipool. aeaer aad ent work, rnono wain. ia. PAINTING, papering aad tinting by eoatract'or 60e aa hour. A at. 614-26. SALESMEN Smethias aew. aaad 8 times el OFFICE MANAGER and crDt aaan daaTraTi Bids. Pboae Broadway S6. Broadway aad Oak St. HF.USTITCHING AH wwrfc eoaspirtod esme day or while wait. Mail eeders given prompt attention. Park at., wear baa terminal. - . SPRING 81 ITS and ooaav 88 asid br. njt diuaius. 64 end wp: first-class work. 314-62. HEMSTlfCHlNO Whtto 7a, and auk fie. 5wl Ahay bids.. 3d aad Mamna. DBE&6MAEING er plaxa aewiac, st Sataaaetiom gaaaurtesd. mom Pboae 624-98. , BEM-STlfCSKd aUu. Se per ysru etssWbt. Blip-over di ii m a aperlalty. BuCiaa A PianV tog Shop. 60S Bnyal Wdg. WHT PAT MOKE Buttons, bwttoe boles, bamstrtrhteg 8s Per yard. 1096 Broadway bldg. Maia 4473. day in every hoaaa. Dealers, iobbea ar state sgenta. wnte W. c, Feaiagto sales Uskaloosa. Iawa. HOC HE to bouse maa with satsHiihid route sa town or out of town: epsem fall tiraa. I will stock yoa CeB spy tana. 182 Madison gtrwrt. WANTED Man with auto who eaa finance self selling my line of candiea Oaa 114 Wash? iagtoa St., Vancouver. 85 TO 310 day gathering evervreena, roots and herbs Is the finds and roadside; book and price free. Botanical. 135 West Haven. Conn. MEN WANTED to Quality for firemea. b rakers en. experience unnecessary. Transportation fur- itifhed. Wnte W. Boggem, 803 St Louis, WANTED Maa to take r Large and develop my poultry ranen: aioou r more reawired. E-755, Journal.. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT . CO. 14 N. 2D BT. - Headrraarteri for Farm. Mill aad Hotel Hera. WANTED. work aa Oral payment oa 3 sates rich arret Mad. close ta. Ant. 63S-. WANT partner for good business proposition. man or womaa: good chance. smaU fin. 422 H Momaon at, WANTED Retail tiro salesman by wall aetab- usned iunaa Marrira mta ore! erred. Must W . UrfU - o eT . T .1 . 1 MAN wiih battery or clactneal experience aa eerper m sasau station: state axhry renaired. C-945.- Jonrnal. WANTED A carpenter to figure carpeator work oa a room oungsjow. ant, zio-ze. HEA DOC ASTERS for 43 W. 2d. Broadway 23S9. WOCLD aato kaittor demonstrator, formerly of i tyivapa arrar. emu asw. 49 TO 100 per, sent selling goods mig. jeov neraioeo ax. ot. jonna car. ) WANTED Salaemea . for aato George Foster. Tyga Valley. Or. WANTED gtaXurs. Brooks Kxneriaaced Nanery. Lafayette. Or. WANTED Boy. . 13. for light work. . 14 Ltoeolw at. GOOD bxaae aad 10 moathly offered cleaA cnorva. a. r. waiters. Creahaia. Or. SELI, hosiery from Bulla, , $5 ! to- 819 daily. . ave m asroaaway. . . . oonneetioa April 1. B-49. JourwaL BASEMENTS., G&AUINU. GeTT TEAMING CAPABLE male and female m day or night. 394 12th at. Contract or day work. Ant. S22-33 DRESSMAKING very reaenrianlo. CARPENTER aad mntrsrioe. inamna x the bnHding Haa. Paoae East 3664. DRESSMAKING at 4 W. Concord. Mrs. E Ilrbbe, BRICK work, first-claae firepleoas; caiasaeys specialty. East ises. MAN wanted to dear 16 scree, here. WiU give I i-TTI V " . . - .. pertly Improved 18-ecrs raacb. 30 mile, from W2"f,fk. n--9' "ood X-Il. ASK i. PorUaad in axchaaga wash. d,.. v.. i jinirnsi AOThVAtnott nana lanusaea. say siaa eg SALESMAN to eover local territory selling eoaatrwetioa. Earnire 1844. ers; guaraateed axlary of 8190 week for light CONCRETE pen nag y mseame; sua.. The Comroerciai Radium Co., Fifth Ave. eng.. aew lora. nt work Ca3 SeR 1834. eftor 4 p." aa , CEMENT WORE Base sacxera; good wars geannteeo. rnane wetora 7 a. m.. 1 7 a 1 WANT to aseet aa ex seniuo asaa who wants to taw his bovras, at 6 per eeat or at bttle I PLUMBING Saae ear au be haa UsU Ml Whan 41 IT. I . w. .w. ta, a. eas-ai vwows-w. ISP.LiVA I .i. rvtsonitie bf the MEN wanting - railway write mica. Karon rare Transportation furnished. Write Baker. Sept., lapr. itt, nmwnrny pw aioma. AGENTS Mama sold 18 Comet gradiae aaa exeavanaa. Caa 6531. 274 9th. Beer Hawtaeraa. HAkXMOOD flaova. by day or erx-ea. 1499 Rodney ave. tract. Rat Weodiawa 9932. arttowaabars Satarday. sa PAPEAV Profits 82.69 HANGING, FAINTING. BELL. 2S46. TINTING. twnlara free. Rosier Co.. Johnetoww. Qhia, Pnr- CEMENT WORJa Salafactina Wdln. 8241. TOU CAN MAKE 615.00 PEE DAT Make tad ae3 yoar owa prod acta. Six far- malaa aad raatractioae seat tor 28 .coats. Cretty, Boxbary. 1. Mm EXCAVATING, aote plowed, maa are for (eie. T. J. Hrtea. all IMI 171 EXCAVATING, grading, plowing Pboae Tabor 9043. SELL Holmes tiro and tabes. . No capital re- a aired. 3186 weekly rncests, Priro sen them, quality gets re-orders. Co..' 1509 W. 15th, Chicago. PAINTING, papering, thrumg. eaemel work apeemlty; work guarsnteed. Bdwy. 2223. - Holmes Bobber j EXCAVATING, ntowio aad ae-esal toaaswwi Aatesaatie eia-s. 9183 MONTH, to coaaon, paid railway asil I FIRST-CLASa. clerks. Men. bore 18 to 36. Steady work. I rratahtow raoalrliic. rata vacaooa. aer aarr wo is re ansa saaag sara I ,a.,vn . WX-S4. JouraaL - - . I "T" a'.T. . . i . A u , ' 1 III L I '""r --jr- "'-"- mantuactarig aaOdiag. 6346. 198 K. 44t sad technical graduatea as traan Beo. tastiag aad - teapartina work aats high sola PAntTixTs PapIrLayw, r-if switchboard and power equipwtewt. K-86. Joamai. j -XCAVATI.NG. Iawa work. LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER waata egaats I . " '" . . t.r.... wuimg aoy, ib CaO to sell coarptcto hoe af shirts direct to Exeiamve perterna. - mm MA1HBOS MILLS. 66 Broadway. New Tork. Anything. 369 Stkntoa et.. E. 4313. MEN WANTED for detective week. Ftparieana I CABFE",'! ERwor wanted. Aafe. flf-91 unneoeamryr Write J. Gaaof. tormcr gori HK.H oCHOtH. boy wotud hse work drvretive. 479 Bt Loo is. school and Sato rdays. D-43. JooraaL WANTED Boya to work afta school. CeC. IvSKLNGLKRR Whoa yoa want ahraglioa doae. silk m m.. w a w m .w I n x i , m'-c-w mm. xm. iwiuw - I MmU QW. SOrnTBg WS aveWUlg. HIGH-POWER aalenmaa for mansiartanag con-1 LOTS plowai and narrowed. eeva to can en dealers. L-36. Journal K. T624. 69 East Alder street. TILS sexier to Iawa 6311. Phoaa Weed-1 HAN LT MAN." oarnimiar work. aUinglmg. add jobs, rem one Die clierga, Weodiawa IZZi. m. Can aay Mar. 2294. East 4376. PneoaU sc. cog. NURSES ' 257 CAPABLE eule and female Bunas. CsQa eaa! day or eight. Ant. SS4-13. Mersaaa Ilea. PRACTICAL NfFPE apenahang ia Mar. ZTIT. MA TERN ITT Price reasonabte. E. S6. BEFORE tha 20th. Oat a fwraswMw. labor 66,4. WAKTEIl. lmraediileiy. wet aarsa. inmAtamm Main 6936. FOR EXPERIENCED ears, prmwe Main 1013. FOR SENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 HOTEL ARTHUR 179 11th ex.. aaar MotTwol Clean, nam by dsy. week er asoath; reason Me retse, . AanLtGt-w H6TFL'' ' 12TH AND WASHINGTON 6TS. Attract- aaeeaa ead amuaa at by week or month. Hotel GckJey Msrrwow at 10th. 81 a dar: wowkls t3 aaS oo: tree poaaj aaa sets: furnisa 88 gajsaed. rouoa E998. 326 E. 1st, et If. 0 HILL WORKING GIRLS KLEEP I A 34 ROOM FOR AFTETE: RrWlM FOB 4: KITCHEN PRIVTLECEH. Maia I4. FOB BENT, alarvinc roroa to aa aot. Co aaaa au eg lady. Braauaa atta 299 12th ol. apt. 2- s - tHK ST PACL. law 4ta. coc AmUr. A E8V - SPECTABLE dewaotaa hotas. Lsias 7ae aa. Pnvete both 63. Spwtal raua by wee er aaaa; a. lUa JLU IN 11 kL. 3W" VLj at.! ransna and aaea ?v wvit 64 wv k aad vm. SWitaai sweterrad, 46 9LRNIKHED a. 15h. LAH' E lavaiy tursuad lioat r like; w 321 Sta. twA ALEilrTNG lor railroad SRpaoyea 6741. vU