'tip XHE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON FRIDAY;' MARCH 10.' 1S22. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - HOUSES b.rKgTTmE U liout WDM. TLUK 129 Home to ebon from ' , Ivr Bo Personalty Irmprrtri. Appraised . ead PHOTOGRAPHED Ataervee's lml Ha ne. HOUSES NEW BUNGALOWS 404 fp H s r. wTl My ye nta yesu dowa Erase. rvioa an. w hat bu bow est with a nmi which yoa esa apply 7 i RKUurr iocrh kuwi At Year rWrtW 40 Coerte alasm. Opes veaiags anul 0 'dock. . ; real hawtoorjc hom 98499 4,ood home environment! . . Splendidly eoBstiweted. practical good looking" Mrge T nm hor. that will nnamfriiij i bn family: 4 nie ' . light btdrooas, furnace, ate., large I 919 Oregon bids . :. M wild innt i, mount iwott snap! put tocr car in 11150 1400 down, o wUl seaslder A car .as part pay meat One ol tha pre. , tasst ww tiftl 9 room bungalows . nt Mount Seott: built-ma, whit ' eases el blh: elos to children's park , snd plsvgrmind. 86th see. rt SKHVb) K MV.S I 9200 DOWN! $,$ ttKMiHtlil Hpiek and span; nothing nsatntt It I Everything In. . 1 ot; broaa bungalow tm oeilwood "." ready lor you to ato into! 6 ' cheerful rooms, white enamel bath, 1 mre hedreems and convenient kitchen; bars lot, 3 gangs , A REAL , HNkPI Hamld ev. ' $1400 TOTAL PRICE! " " 90OO DOWN! t0 IiOWSI 1 TBI MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE! T nana v.r sebstsnUal modern bom - on tha J-eataonl. lust 1 block to St Johns car; ewavealeat to Industrial district; 4 airy bed- , f-v-ime, lans rvnrr Int. A, WONDERFUL CMA.NCH FOR KPF.CU l,AT0RS. fu tt up o4 khII t ft alee profit! North Seneca at. 14750 BOSK CITB PARK. 5-room rmngalow )nrt bainc finished, ftreplac. hardwood floors, buffet every, modern kmSt-ia, . rood .uiaad naaaa.' Ian doaeta. braakfaat TOQt. paiihlii Ol i fiztoraa and wall nacar: aaar tarmt. 15650 ALAMEDA PARK, in best datrict. aev artiaAo banfaiow; ma ba aaem 4 ba i apptaelatatl; toad aued Irnac rona. . . hardwood floor, fireplac. Vailt4a .: . bmAi tUaiBaraaaa. baiit-ta buffcC larra wtaoowa; patnrmwa, panaiTii iaTa- ' tory, - rood-aized badrootaa. kiUhea. aU modera bailt-iaa. eaaopr o. PnllmB bnaklut ma! HITMTit baae- aimt. ktnndiy traja. hueat pipcltf ftir un: read to wjot in: M teraa, I tS2BaMnXTATILtLA DISTRICT, oa 74t at - . aar Hakn. Thai aav 4-room dooblt eoaatractad bmncalow, beat workfaaa ahi), km fmmaea, all boilt-ina in kitekr n. 2 iwinwnn, liiiii nn rooi $4250 PISUMOMT DISTRICT, en MinnaaoU an Thi la a first cka bw S room bungalow with hraakiaat room. AH boilt-iDa; y torma. a ! B05U8 LOAN ACCEPTED O" A5TT F THX ABOVE HOUSES WITH A BUBU.i JLBua, DOvm PATMENT. OUR AUTOS II TO0B SERVICE v -u TrunnvvHTiirir a fV - : uawy. aoo. Rose Qty Park Brand Ner BEAtmFTJLLT ARRAKGEt 5 P.OOM HOME WITH ALL BUILT IN CONVENIENCES. FIREPLACE. TILE BATH ROOM FLOOR AND DRAIN BOARD, EVEBTTHDJO THAT MAKES A HOME, A"D 13 CO MEPLETELT ANi Kewly REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREACE 405 FARMS 407 I TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BUNGALOW FOR LOTS 413 SHALL PBTJN? RANCH -'10 acrea, 1 miles from eraUr ot Pott bBd. am ood rucked road. 1 ndl from paramott. nil to aebool. 1 mOe to atoo- , trie atatkm; bwck loam roil, aa mader cultl Tatkm; ortr t acnt fceuiac prune orchard, 100 peaf tra. 73 PetUe prano treat, -loom botaebam, faraca, chickea. houata. - J4x80 atorahoaw. woodshed. . etc Pmea i $2500; tare caaa, jwyment. Inspected by ' 1 aena. 10 mQet from tStf &rU at PortUad, rocked read, IH. mOe to electric ' etatloa; T acrea ander calbTation: all eaa be farmed wbaa cleared: toed black, loam eon rone acre bearins orchard, 4-room Booae, , flaiihed with bearer board, ban, chicken 1 bouae. woodshed... Price $3000; $500 cash, balance easy terma.' Or conrWer Portland i booM for fall Talne or leta. - : I Gcdinxer Bids. 1 Realtor. ACRE TRACTS TOUR OWN TERMS . At Garden. Home, on tha Orecoa Bee trie Una, with 9c consultation fare, 46 electric trains daily and ce, eke, and other city oonTeBMOeea, POSITIVELY. TOCR OWN TERMS. Price: $600 per acre and up. 100x100 bid, sites, 910 down, $5 month. ,fl per cent. i Q. Q. McCormic Co. 20T FtSinc blds-Sd and Washinettm. Broad say 7420. Krenino Maia 8J18. - OSLX 800 DOWN , . i, 22 acrea. 2 maea from ForOanL 1 aiBea from coed town nth hica achoel; S acres ander esUOTatsoa. IS acres eaa be - farmed when cleared; ood dark bm soil; crack on place: over 600 coras at first- growth fir wood: bearinc orchard and berries, v 4-room nouM, bam 26x40. etockea boasa. Inrhtded with placer Horse, cow, chickens, bsmw, plow, hamw, baggy, stamp-puller. , honsehold furniture, bed. couch, table, 12 , chairs, steel range, heating store, cooking : utensils, etc fries f or aTeiythinc 92100.. - 'HOCKE WITH FLCHBTSOVi -20 scree, IS miles south from center at PorUaad. 1 H miles to school., near Oregtm City, rocked road; -19 seres eaa be farmed. X acres ander cultiration, T acres slashed and seeded. 24 bearing frnit trees, berries, spring. 4-roou house, with running water, plumbing, barn, chickea house. Included with place: 2 cows. 10 chickens, pig, crops, tools, etc Pries 92800, 91400 cash. Ask for Mr. Hunter, . r JOHN FERGUSON . Besltor. eilmfer Bldg. bungalow, oLiats f oastdatioa. full extra sane rooms, eery well arranged: needs pain ring on tha ouUide, bat is in eoodi tuso. inside. Price $3000, $1T50 acainst it. payable 20 momhly. Will tak lota in goad i ntrct ap to lull ream or equity. - Be at otshaas wttn : v 9 DEL1CATESEN AND GBOCERI Ta such cbsss was kk apt, bowse district. 1 really dotna 970 to 979 daily, aa cash. Price 9209 and a Wonderrol Bargain, terms, Suoms, - 910 tteary bkic. TS2 Chamber ef Cisiimiws. WILL tad 1920 ear and cash lor choice baiid- tng lot Sell. 818. - REAL ESTATE " FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 "HtCHASGfi FOR ft" PROPlEllft ' " ' 80 acres, all unl: 40 sens Bearer dam. balsana aplaad; 90 aerca in eultrratioa. 9 acres timber, paatare; good a-room oungsjow, laree new Lowdea barn, dairy house, alio. weU. ream. ovtMUktings: a cows, neuers. ra snt: tools and machinery oompicta: .1 V miles from smau town, 80 miles Xrom Foruaad; pne 912.0V0. ...... Mr. Tmsaxpsoa. wttn 250 Cham, of Com, bfcdg. Broadway -758L FACTOR! mssinr arrirtiins, as inters tvinsl land, bag sales, kinrtmsss tjcocub. asUblwtiesl I as, m ncasmrina to sataaad- proa at farintir I to taka ears increasing dessaad; wan i or lady to swat ta ssanagesieat rnTastssent of 11800 bow wiU sacar at-1 rm tntawast sa thia boalae wbioh win re-1 l at eoBaarratay astimsta an $10,000 1 yeaily. J -6 TO, Journal. 80 Ae, CASH IN BEBT OF TASTE. INCLUD ING ELEC. RANGE; IN FACT EVERTTHTNO: JUST MOVE t AND START KEEPING HOUSE THE PRICE WILL SURPRISE OU. . G. C. ULRICH V CO.. 405 Stock Exchange bldg. Frank L. McQuire i To Bay Toar Ilnms BffsHff Abtncton bldg, - Bmadwsy 71T1 Third C Bet. Wh. and Stark THERE'S AN OPENING raa ear sale tore for a lire, high-das malt-man with rar. BEST OF BUYS !- . Oe 90th and Hawthorn I bar a ' I nm hnose. double eoeatrarted, gas and A else trie lights, two nice bedrooms with rwamy rloseta. Ixrt 90x100. Acressibl !''., o both Hawthorn and Mt. BcoU rar ! IlnAs, Price only $3200. $00 down, BaJanee same as rent. Watch 'our ad for real bargains. Ricly & Gustafson, . 1208 Teon Bldg. ROSE ITTT PARK $9300 A decidedly attracts mora btmga Vrw. emnpleU In erery detail, finished in iTory. Wdwood room, wry pretty firepUre. Dutch kttohea and berakfast room, full cement bae- HAWTHORNE him vrw ' Rirvr: aixiw. Double - c stniited throagnoaU Hardwood fkwrs, fireplace, old irory fimah. Upestry pa per, built-in buffet Dutch kitchen with tile drain boards, beautiful TTLE n,ro wiw . tub that you find only in the higher priced homes, full cement basement, trays, 50x100 letel lot; pared its. and sewer, close f t school and ear. A genuine bargain for some on; $1100 will handle. Let us show you real raloe today. Oity Home Dept. BJTTKB. LOWE At CO... REALTORS. 201-2-8-Q-7 ..Board ot TTaae osag. a SUBURBAN HOMTj' IN THECTTT. 100x200. 5 room semi-bungalow, modern and tn good esnditioa, beantifnl gitsrads, in garden, fruit and berries: there are several nice ftrs; rtose to ear and school. 6 Mocks to REED COL LEGE. It is a horae&k puoa ana, tne pnee i only $4000; small payment will ' handle i See me today. Hara yoxtr fruit, berries and garden at home. IJEEGBOVI ACRES I Kw subdiTision near beaaaial Oswego lake. last pat on the market. Theaa acre tracts only 80 mtnntes from ter of city, sU leyel. cleared, school oa tract, oa paved highway, only .a few feet from station on Bed earlin. They can be had for a small down payment and a little each month. This is tbe I ex-serrioa man's chance: a limited number ta nld- nee as early and swt your rnasce, w elusiTe agents. 404 Coneh bldg. BJwy. sazs. Columbia Boulevard RTTVDKRLAKD ACRES 1 to 20 acre tracts. Office, 29th sad Co lombia bldr. 3. 0. EXiROP, Owner: 288 Stark street. Only 850 per acre and within - 8 miles at Vancouver, 18 miles bosi nesa district Portland; nothing eaa be bought in the neighborhood all in stumps for less than $150 per acre: 20 acres in coltiTation, 9 acres good timber, balance stump pasture; all hi good oil, no reek or gravel; level and will drain; running water, R. F. D. cream roate; building very little rains.'' This is real rjargain. You can speca lato on this. It will make yon bom and make money if yon should want to sell later. This must be sold at once. Owner is making this pric on account of financial needs. Atkinson &, Porter, , 70S Main Street, Vaacouyar, Washington. 148 ACRES timber land in Douglas Co.. cruie- tnc 6.000.000 ft. jLtooxias nr: pnc. wui trade tor ranen. vau JH. 4a. G.- W. COCHRANE, 809 N. Jersey St. i CLARGE and sxaalf farms to exchange for city property. Snrnaugh Faea jRaalty Oa, 41 Oregon Mag.. H roadway. Taaa. POR RALE or trade. 160 acrea of coed timber - land for acreag ta or Bear fomsnn Aim ism 810 S. Princeton at.. Portland, Or. 40 ACRES good land sal or sKchang for Fort- lind bungalow or cash grocery. Owner." P.O. Box 1027. Portland.. Or. . WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED. WEST SIDE Hava many lnauiries for the better class homes. I earefal, consdcnUotts appraisal and expert serv ice assure quick, mostsctory results oa oar oss- lings. J ti HAIliHT. Kearroc 825-S27 Board ot Trade. Broadway 2048 "BUSINESS OPPORTTJNTTTES STORES, ETC 500 - BUSINESS OrTORTUNTTTES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 501 ffOIEE . PARTNER WASTED Old astshlahed FORD speemtty repair snap, 8 year Issa. need partner ta tend ta aCQe dstaiav Experieao net aeeea-sarx- Can came 8200 par saonxh. 8880 gnal half interast. 60irOoac. bldg. 86jci rAJ MANCFACTCRING VPARTN ERSHIP Excellent opening for rshanlB man is a aauhald wesssity manalactnring basineaa.Thia aj a bona &d proposuloB; pretna ar 200 per eent, an easy aeUsr and a valuable asset to any nose: giooo lor hail Interest. 910-S11 ma bldg.. Third and Alder sta. WEST BIDS CONFECTIONERY Good down tow kteataon: low verhestd: smod I Qxtaras and clean stock. Doing' 840 daily aver age. Pneed right, and 82500 pats sea in poa saaaon. lie air. voaaor at f . GREAT WESTERN INVXSTMKNT CO.. 280 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 7881. WASHINGTON STREET LOCATION ; BsUCX BUILDING FTVE GROUND FLOOR IjOBBT; .FINE LEASE OVER LONG PERIOD . WITH OPTION OF RENEWAL, A KXAL BTTT AND AS rfxCFP TfONAL OPPOBTCMTT TO THX - . INVESTOR. WILL TASTE A YXRT LOW FTO-' TJRB FOR CASH OR WE WILL Fl BANCS AND GIVE GOOD TERMS. SEE - G. C ULRICH V CO. 405 Stock Exrhang bide. FRANK. C. ROBINSON 903-9 Selling bldg. Main 5587. Wo hava many Tins rooming - HORSES AND VEHICLES - 700 : Arrived March 1 Pah at biarka. C years. 200. Pair of b larks. 9400, 4 asm ft. yearn. Paw at bays. SOO. I yyara. Patr serrel and lay. 800. 8 and . Pear wf Mace, 90w. 9 and . Black and bay. 2400. 9 and yeara. Black and dark tray. years, 1304. ar as toad workers asm rtaa er riees aa n.,i.)ii. - :ws a httch-aay traaa, give ye ta haea sad SK ywa rf eau uoarn Bteet. etiissr 9th eu veuey raa. -JtL. Mosu aa. ABSOLCTTLT THX BarTT HEATT TEAK E lOKrL-ANIX .CHABOJB stTCTL, 1' lOR SALJi. cbaeo, a geati yoaag eow. "C!! Jersey aaa aaJ( Hnsms. bow crvtag 14 wauy, aak brr Qwa is 19 eearm . picsm coaa ar pasture. I see her and talk ta 9 aatisSsd I sac aaaxpat ef walk. Ova 1 meat srP. Ill K. Ataflanl Wsediawa 8I0. lTKAM at Vouae sactt SOOw aba. rhaasy ksuit Shir se rmtst; trwj aikiid s aat bwyvr. KEYSTONE STABLES 981 water rr. COR. aTONTOOMaTRT. CONFECTIONERT. LUNCHES. POOLROOM tas opportanity tor building up trade that at aireaoy on paying basis: fine east, sm looaaoa. close la; price 91800; soma terms, or might eoo aaler ear ia trade. BU8CSESS 8ERVICE. 718 TJelrnm BVrg. 1KT, ja Broadway JT88- t BLOCKS CO C NOIL CBeST CAB 1 1-5 acres, with frontag on paved road, city water, gas, etc ; all liens paid; a real beauty spot, with all kinds of trees, looks tike a park. wonderful nnobstrurtcd new, nicely unproved places on each side. This is the biggest' sacrifice of high grade acreage ever oflerea on the lieignts. Price 92200. terms. J. G. RAINET. 517 Abihgton Bldg. Main 1269. Oregon ExService Men Ton can bay nice farm with that state loan. Hare a few choice Irrigated' tracts oa highway 2 4 miles from Klamath Falls, Or.. mil from B. B. station. Thee tracts will appraise about $4500. WiU make nie homes and dose in. Owner will carry second mortgage long time psynmnm on balance over 93000. Write or Wire L. L. GREEN, . Klamath Falls. Oregon. - WE NEED MEDIUM PRICED Houses immediately in approved residential dis tricts; have clients waiting. Call Bdwy. 6619. or write. ' STAR REAL ESTATE at INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 512-18 WILCOX BLDG. SANITARIUM TO RECOVER HEALTH AND REST 18 rooms, nicely furnished, all modern, fin location, furnace beat; rant 3129 per mo., with clearing $s00 per month; $000. tanas, SEB MBS HANNA. With C W. MJLLRaHTP. 168 Fourth St, Main 6278, A REAL PURCHASE Gioasnr. corner lorarine. brick aid. : doing rood limiisni rent $37.60: loner kaas: rood I DO TOD want a partner ta your buai Baeoaaaa Blag. fixtures. Look Una over and soak aa offer; your cash price goes, SEE MB. WTMXB, 814 Chamber of Commerce bldg. V 2 ACRES 5 -ROOM BUNGALOW Only 32000 on terms for this dandy little place to make your living on. with reduced taxes, etc. just 25 minutes east of conrtnonse. eat Powell Valley road. Bull Ban water, eloctrio tsznts. A nice summer Dome, .wiua a grove or trees for shade when the son is hot . Broadway 7019. Tabor 6057. McOarty, Maxwell tt. Downey, Railway Exchange Bldg. I21S-. 5. W. C M. DERB, Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 13 acres extra good farm land; good house -and ontbuiidings i fine outside range. All kinds ot ' fruit, good water, black loam soil. 7 miles from Multnomah courthouse. good rock road. 10 acre clear, in high -state of cultivation: 37000, 33000 cash, 6 per cent afar. 2249, I interest. Oscar Alber. TVburg Shoe Co.. 4th and Alder, f none Bdwy. own. i 8400 CASH WILL HANDLE Five room double constructed bungalow near Peninsula Park, modern. in every respect, cement meet and garage; below the hill. as show you. . :AMPBELL.RICHARD CO.. 1111 Bandy bird., oa Viaduct , Act. HH -M. 1 ui-Rie ia mi r ppinTi:NITT $$000 burs 6 ronm home. 4 ra ms and bath I Snn 9 todroiims urt. Kumar, full base- , wont wash trays. Enamel finish. Sewer - In nd psld. H Work to rar. On 57th t. direetlv east of Lanrelhurrt. Terms. J. A. Wickman Co. u REALTORS. t3 Htark st rldwy. 6794. Kosft' Cltf BARGAIN asa.tw KA8T TERMS . "iBw Tea eaa move right In this new room ban 4 galnw, plat glsss windows, garage, furnace, hard wood floors, cement porch, nie fireplace, 3 fin bedrooma. Duk-h kitchen with breakfast nojuk; ' la aaSfliow yon thK , R. aOMKRVlLLE, BDWT. 2478. 320 IT,. H. Nat Bank Bldg. ALL IMPROVKUENT8 PAID Fairly elna in 8 rnbm bungalow, bath. tolls, tWtrtrlty and gas, pavad street, choice frait If this typ of bom eppeae to yon. we wUl Strang terms to suit your euu lenience, i i ' Photo st offios. 8JBOO. Jolyison-Dodson Co. " ,W. WBankBM. Main 3797. ROOM' bath, sleeoinc norrh. rsrsgs. barn. eMaea kouss. fruit. M acre, paved st Price stsna 8 rooms, watar. light, toilet, basement, wood-' shad, sera rittckaa ooase. garage, iriut 2 soia. lrtra a 1 100. t iwb boas fut hk new. lsrr lot, paved 4nwt Pries gioeo. Aut il ill, xTrma'Trt rt JSzrf yzzjo loung. Call Mr. 1 4-10 ACRES.- fine soil, new 4 room house. gas, water and lights; 3 blocks electric sta tion, 32650; 8700 cash, win taka soldier's loan. z acres, a room nungaiow, au Duux-un, jrar- lrolt trees 601 Stock some snap at 93ZU0; Exebasge bldg. good terma. OTOLi mstiPANCt t O A N S ARK50N lio'me Seekers ; : WHT NOT BUILD t txr. .ra tnterested in how well we can build. not now much we can get tor bnikhng. It. is leas expensive. ".. See as before buying or building. Robnett & McClure ; Builders 802 COUCH BLDG. BROADWAT 6574. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME Fin view of mountains and only IS mimrtea' walk from businem center of city. Six rooms, veil arranged and in first dam condition. On 1 4th at near HalL Price 87600. Som terms. Shown by appointment only. Mr. Wiles, with J. B, HAIGHT. Realtor, Bdwy. 2945. 825-327 Board of Trade. . Bnndsy Main 2834. . ONE ACRE IN STRAWBERRIES Just east of 8 2d st. faces good road. sr I dnetive soil, city water, build a small house and work in town, race auou, siou easa ana sau every 3 months. Sayier m. Snuta, 31b xty Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 6297. FORCED SALE Must sell this week. 40 scree or more, some I clearings and buildings, red shot soQ. nearly all .tillable. 91500. with terms. Inquirs evenings at KeQogg s boathouae. Ask for Campbell. Main 1766. UrajlF.RR AND OWNERS -Pit yon have a late model house, tell as about ft at once, ana we wui seu u iot yon. j. ju hakxauln wmrxx. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. ' " Bdwy. 6034. Attention, ExService Men We have several good 40 and 80 acre irri gated alfalfa and diversified farms in Deschutes county, which .can be handled with bonuses; im provements and paid-up water rights, some ef which are stocked and ecraipped. The purchaser can waix in wita nts suit case and rmd a eom plete borne. No inflated prices; 82500 to 380OO. For general particulars see J. E. Smith at Im perial hotel. Room 638. Hoars 4 to 7 p. m. WB HAVE chenta for homes tn Rose Wty and Hawthorns districts. Phone as and w will have a man call on you. GBSAI WESTERN IN V EtiTMZNT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. W ANTED 6- OR 7-ROOM HOUSE Between 20th and 26th. Glisan and Northrop am.; must be in good condition ana pncea ngnx. Res. phone. Main 2534 ; office phone Bdwy. 2045, HAVE calls every day for your pnee is right ROBERT S. 472." bouses, Ses ma if COB JR. S84 H Hswfhorne. WANTED 3 or 4-room bouse, east side district not to exceed 31800. with 3200 down pay ment; no dealer, tall Bdwy. 4220. 240A DAISY RANCH. TILLAMOOK Stocked snd eonipned. Owner too old to handle. A money maker from the start, 85 cows, all machinery, good orchard, small fruits. o nuies irom town. fart of this paved. 3 quarters mile from good school, half mile from cheese factory. This place will cot 100 tons of bay; modern bam now being built; good hoase; two good creeks; aU cleared and in meadow but 20 acres in light brush and timber. $41,000, on easy termsr $10,000 down, rest at 6 per cent; payments to suit Write to owner. M. R. llanexikratt, box 7, Tillamook. Oregon. YOU WILL GET ACTION LIST TOUR HOUSE WITH US PORTLAND HOME CO.. BDWT. 2871 IF your house is tor sal. phone Ralph Harris Oo., Bin Chamber ol commerce, pqwy. oooe, HOUSE wanted in Hawthorne dist np to $3500 have 2(K1 cash. xt-B32, Journal. ACREAGE 45S A-l 5-ACRK tract tor sal by owner. 20 east nf Portland: eood hoase. barn and otner outbuildings; mall orchard; place in crop; for full description, price, terms and reason lor selling, write Wm. Dawson. Boring, Or. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH FOB SALE BY OWNER 80 acres, all cleared except abont 2 acres. Good house, fair bam. rood family orchard. fully equipped, 20 cows, 1 team, wagon, har ness, all necessary machinery, half mite to cheese factory, H mile to 9th grade school, 5 miles from Tillamook, on good gravel, road, 3 miles of una road is paved. Price, $250 per acre; $10,0UQ down, balance to suit at a per cent M. it HAN N hJtlATT, ' Box 7, Tillamook, Or. WANT SMALL PLACES. OLOSS TN Improved places with buildings, on good road close to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down sad uwuer to - accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson, Gtrlmger bldg. WANTED One 10 acre tract improved with house. Will rent er bay. Henning, 1104 Zd st NEAR Estacads, Or.. 12.43 acres, good soil. mostly lereL running water, 'litis 19 1 kui FOR $600, half cash. May consider less. Wm. Willing. 401 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7763. vriD Mnkm Ar n vnnri mad 4 IT acres; all cleared; young family orchard; good soil: fenced, $1400; easy terms, wm. Wining, 401 Panama bldg. .Bdwy, 7763. HiAhSUMC T6UR fERMl"" DON'T BUY anything near this pries before 1 fnstarting this splendidly constructed bungalow of 9 attractive mom, roomy attie. swell big cement baseaMBt fireplace and all built-ins; berries, garden spot, pavad at, near Mt Tabor school. stores and MV ear. TaVft44T. OVSkl-L aew bungalow, near Alameda drive : 5 9750 10 ACRES $750 2 clear, close to water, rail sad highway transportation, nve neirhbornood, terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St ONE ACRE CLOSE IN I On pavement cleared, plowed. Bull Run water, $450. terms. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Broadway 2505. "BUILT TO ENDURE" 9106 to 98000 , INVESTIGATE Blggsr, Better Hoasss for Less Money. ROCKWOOD 8 miles Irom city limits, right at station, one or more acres, level, ander cul tivation; $500 per acre, $10 monthly payments, W. M. Umbdenatock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. CENTRAL OREGON STOCK RANCH . FOR SALE OR LEASE , Stanley ranch, 12 miles east of Bend, on main of Central Oregon irrigation Co.: laoo acres, 1000 acres irrigable, largely in alfalfa and grass; good buildings, 2 nooses, horse barn, cow barn. wagon shed, tool house, blacksmith shop, oJiirfcen houses, bonk house, other small buildings, snd some machinery; immediate pos- FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Hat. aev si si people wan tins to rent acre age or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred; soma people will boy the place after leasing, for year or more; ws make lota of sales this way; win boy squipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer oa Pacific Coast " KENT 928 IJCARF Oaar aver I5aU fun. 11 me all bat one; good tarnishing, $110 wfB handle. 14 "ROOMS FTSE FURNTTUTUC in conservatively $89: 9 as nana 1 eqsl ranee; always foil: fine opportanity to get ta a paying boas tor 91200. 9800 DOWN CLEABS 8160 Brand aew furnishings. $ 1 rooms; will stand I ropa sciBuny. V or boarding and rooming hoaass. Frank C. Robinson 508-4 Setting bldg. Main 2587. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTnES WANTED 550 HAVE client for good pool hall and card room. in small towa onrsirl of Portland, an as $2000: give full details. GREAT WESTERN 'INVESTMENT CO.. 280 Cham, of Core. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. CLAY ST. STABLES 16 bead of yweng bane aad ssaraa. aU aa rrwd shape, ready for any kind of work; 1200 ta 110 Bav. for sale a vr ; seed with a gnaxaata. 477 K. I ay ef. UVESTOCX TO I $5260 NEW GARAGE Nee stack and tmlieeeiit; fnll as dew working three -i- Rent $150 per month, live year lease. $500 paid Building 60x130. tuurPEB as CRoeoi, 614 Railway Exchange. ere as. 604 Journal. ' 1 WANT a small grocery st eaos; have .oath V - sA. a area m a I . FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 1 CITY LOANS KO COVaaTSSION oa Improved aiupenj or tot AUCTION SALE H mOe aowth of P. S. L. A P. eta tloa at raimew. Or 12 mil east wf PerUand, Comssbaa river highway. March If. II t a sham: brack refcxtnga, eraaiag 9 year eM. weight 8200; bay bone. 13 year Id. wt 1400; 90 head ef auVh raw. 98 Wad high grade Hoaiteins, 11 bead lias mas vs. and Jsvary, 4 asad Brawa Swiss, grade Holstesa kwJL 3 year M: rig ate red llotsan ban. $ ssaBtka sad ISrr yiMsi. Heearerveld laka). vecalsmd ban calf (Chief Maltxanaa 6-oradyka. bora Sept. . 19211 abont 10 veal calves; about 28 eewe, will be tresfe by tnne ot sal, with eatvas basate. raJanr wiU rrvah earing insai m aad faD. AH cow will b tulterialai ttissd astwe mav Machihery. Heekiag Valley y. 20 ratter, 1 1 a. p. sasoltn eagw: wagoa. eld wagaa, baaay, esse 223 ft S-va. avMs: Me bay earnar; McOormick bay ink. Iewde ataachiona, 20 aL wash kerO. Na. 4 Star milk eooirr. 73 gal teak, 28 sal milk tank, barrrla. new baggy 3 seta braachirig haraeaa, grasa Old Estab. Truck Line 9200 and better per mo, clear, in and eat of Portland every day; 91700 bandies. 007 Coach bug. THIS WILL SUIT YOU Grocery corner tocabon. doing 840 to 980 per day; rent 932.50; living room. WE sail at inrotoe. about glooo cash, tialsne on WiU ran abont 92000. It has the value. SEB MR. WTMER, 814 Chamber of Oommeree BMg. GROCERY, corner, everything is new, 9800. tHooery, rent only 9 1U.0U ; oargaln. prate 3750. Keetaurant clears 9S00 mo. ; rent 912. Small store, confectionery and light, grocery. $375. 416 Oregon Bldg., sta and Oak. I lir c war a f- - and asaaaat aaethed af aa-rta. . X.. 1 WOl. W . 3. V (XU CZ OITS !S? if mmtt l" I! m1 " Auctioneers. at21 14 tnavV ffgf9kf), 4t9 AA aaa I lli.1T w saonxh for B mtaT .was . I VA300CVT-H. WASH, loaa ot 91000 aad iatsrest. ' Loans of other asaorinta la same propsrtloa. EQCTTABLK SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'S 242 Stark St. Portlaad. Or. WE HAVE CLIENTS with ils.000 ta loaa oa I good small bosses. Rose City Park aiefsrieii. Be air Lransmore, wrtn GREAT WESTERN INVES1MENT CO. 32B-30 Chamber of Coaamw bid. 1366. 8460, Cigar Stand Downtown office bldg.. rent 840; $1700 cash; a bargain. 607 Conch badg. YOU want to boy or saU. see aaa, I have clients waiting with the rash for garages, restaurants, etgar stores, eta. MR. WTMER, 814 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 8296. 34000 GROCERY, finest location on East Side; $3000 monthly business : owner baa cleared 61750 ia past sxx months above living expenses; books open to verify arstrmmits; owner leaving state. BUSINESS SERVICE. 719 Dekum Bldg. DAVENPORT-STANLEY RANCH CO.. 605 PUtt bldg. Portland, Or. sroniADK mr.nn m Portland, or. Factory E. 11th and Market Pboae Bast 6114. 1 VMm JUST OUTS ID B SCITI LIMITS New 5 room bungalow, paved -street city Owner. 159.9 E. Everett 50x100, modern' chicken hense for 150 chick ens, choice bearing trait Tula at an oppor tuaity. $3800; terma Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank BVt Main 3787. 8tt ACRES and 2 rm. bungalow, close in; all dear, $1200. Henmngs, 227 H Washington, 226. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 BERRY AND CHICKEN FARM FOR SALE A $3500 place for $3200. Must sell at once to settle other business. $2200 cash, $1900 cn long time 6 per cent; 15 seres. 8 cleared, rest in good pasture, house, well, wood shed, chicken noose snd barn, so truit trees ana small creek. lon t write. Dot coma ana see for yourself. John Josephson, owner. Warren, Or. 1 MTT.g. fw, ri.t,lrL liTMl 7 and- 8 acres, well improved, fenced. 6 room noose. barn and an kinds of outbuildings ; a large spsnl of horses, good wagon and buggy ana au annas ot farm equipment WUl sell for $2500,-small I amount cash, balance easy terms, Tofs) Peterson, Oatakanie, Or. ' ' r - r ears rooras and den. atrHtly anodern. with all the latest batik ins; hardwood floors, maaeive bnffet vry ssrr plat glass window In bving u . . .. . . 1.4 VaOSS, ITTBCil UOOrs UlW urnf Wi(w-M.rj IWJ una Ivory flkisht a eomsr M, with nine lawn, flow em aad Brrt prir 96000: 91500 dowa and eaey terms IW owner, 6 IB E. 46th N, 'Oct SALE New, double constructed 6 room Cel. bangalew, strictly modern: all np-to- data batltia: fireplace, hardwood floors, tapes try paper, eld. Ivory finish, latest eiertrie light . fixtures, eesnent basement laundry trey, gar .. lot 30x100; $2500 .will aandle, or wiU take lot In good dtstrvt ss part payment 60 ft eft Hendr bird sed 80h st - A RENT SAVER 9 fwsvas ta Alberta daaort. cboic lot. olec trielty, gas. toilet Tha Is s rhanr for the man of small means. Only 91200, 9300 down, 9Jit monthly, mcmdlng interest f Johnson-Dodson Co. a 8 W- w. Bank BM. ' ' Main 8787. 9 ROOMS. 94200 GOOD TERMS ' Mas bwnsalow oa paved Mreet Oak floors. ' famece. flrepaic. (rood district la best ef ressdIUra. Priced for quick ssle. Call Mr. .Hart, Empire 1144, . J. K. HAIGHT. Realtor. IMsty. 2045. 32.V327 Board ot TvVjc. Here's Your -Chance ' 4 room modsra bungalow ; has flreplaos, esaient basemecit laundry trays and tamaoa; ndv garage; lot 60x100. Eaet front ISJOO, $)0fl down, balsace $25 month; elTHhna; Int Tabo W569. READY, TO MOVE INTO 8 lovely rolonsu bungalow, - good neighbor-1 Bond, all buiH-lae. plats glam wiadowa, furnace, . rsrlai ranse aad water heater: French doora. tardwond floors. Why not buy from tbe bwild- I erf Prieed $4500 snd $4400. 532-334-643 1 K 94th st Owner, S-llwood 2A59. LA fRKLH U B8T Mw, jest Fosapteted; it's a beautiful bungs- lew ef a looms aad breakfast aook; yon will fiad all the atodera feature, that on could" pos stbly desire; ytei owe tt to yourself ta as this taway; petee SXSO &83 Wsaco street 1 Block north of $34 snd Sandy, , $3500 BT OWNER $3500 Tlsar. room modern hons. furnished: 1 blnrh to ear, stor. etc. : garsge tn basement; $750 ta furniture $300 down, $35 per month pins interest. tall Aut 027-XS evenings, er see, ewaer. 814 Cohimhla bldg. No areata. , T-"I REAL RliKE CITY BUY rbwwptlea hall aad six tin roosas. tarnaee, nieplsoa, etoss to xcrUmt car service; 34S00 takes it oa ear terms. Mr. Church, with J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor, v Bdwy. 204.'.. 323 327 Board of Trade. $3550 Furnished 8 room modern bungalow. 1 floor, large liv- fnr and dining rooms, fireplace, buffet best of bdw. floors, 2 very pretty bedrooms; roll Dutca kitrhea: full cement basement laundry trays. aio clvckeahoua and garage; lot 50x100, $1000 down, bat to suit Tabor 8569. ROSE CITY NEW Owner forced to sell canity in this modern new bungalow that will be finished and ready lor occupancy witxtta the next 10 days: hard wood floors, all bail t-ins, fireplace, breakfast room; price $4750; easy teams. W. M. L'mhdenstock Jt Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. HAWTHORNE, 6 room bangalew. furnace, splendid basement: a sab i lUnttal hpms on paved st, all paid; pnc 93V00, $500 cash wui CanOlfl. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Cham, of Com. Boadway 5654. LOOK! LISTEN! HOMEBUTLDER, $500 down will build a 4-roomed modern bungalow on H acre tract model for lBBpectioo, pay balance ,$2000 like rent; genuine bargain for thrifty home builder. F. J. Ihetsch. 826 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER WANTED To exchange my $4500 canity strictly modern 9-room residence, restricted district far dairy ranch equipped, or for stock, equipment snd lease of the ranch. John A. Meisaner, 821 Gaseo bldg. HAVE buyer for about 40 acrea on paved high- way, not more than 20 mOe from Portland. Mr. Thompson, with -y GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com, bldg. Broadway 758L WANTED Snappy buys In farms and acreag. C. Cole, 426 Lnmbermens bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 160x130. 15 nearimt trait tress and 4-room boas. . chicken hoase and yard: best ot soil; best bay m Portland; terms easy. Two blocks Hawthorne ear. 2819 68th S. B. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN On of the moat productive and sightly sub urban homes on the- west side, with beautiful view of the mountains and ' valley; four acrea of fine land, all cultivated, on high level ground, near Oswego ' and the new paved high way. A good 7 room hoase, with bathroom. laondry. cement basement 'fireplace - abuiidance of water under pressure, garage, brooder house and all kinds of fall bearing fruit and big asparagus bed. A genuine home in every sense and only 20 minutes' ride to your business in Portland. Win sen . place nearly furnished with tools and family cow for sozsu, liberal terms. Caa deliver four .more acres adjoining if wanted. See H. Atwater. owner. 100 Abingtoa bide.. 3d and Washington sta.. Portland. ' THIS IS A GOOD ONE 6 tt acres, 7 -room modern home, private water system, gangs, up-to-date, chicken boose, SO as sorted fruit trees and lots of .berries: lb-eent car fare, at O. E. atation; $6500. $2000 cash, terms to suit Johnson-Dodson Co. ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. " JUST LOOK AT THIS ' MS. AND MBS. HOMES EEKEB, Beautiful 7 room residence with one and half acres, equal to 12 city lots; lawn, flowers and vineyard; on the electrie car. and only $6500. I have many other beantifnl sohorbaa homes from $2000 to $6500 each. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-319 Panama bldg. i HOME SNAPS 1 acre, S room house, 3 blocks to station, a miles oat simo. saoo casn. 1 acre, 4 room home, in small town, $800. lOOylOA ft. lot 5 room olastered house. tbt water. $900; $400 cash. 601 Stock Exch. biffs. ONE acre- at tjth and alia at, for $750; nice name tract. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. 1 Main 8787 FOR RENT FARMS 408 IN 6. 1 Ranch for rent 120 acres, 100 seres level, 80 plowed, good buildings, not ana coia water, electric lights, hay, grain, 14 bead dairy cattle, registered, fine team, aft implements. Value 82600. Sen for 32000. Quick cash, on year's rent free. 801 Uorbett nniiamg. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 WEST SIDE MEAT MARKET LOCATION Good west side location for a meat market corner room in a brick building. Se Hall, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 7581. GENERAL merchandiSB store, Willamette- val ley town, doing 3103 per day: stock 38000: 90 per cent cash, balance short credit Owner I has larger interests; sell home, store, etc 1 .r- ticnlars O. V. Jackson A Co., 201 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE Sawmill, folly eauiyoed. 30.000 to 40.000 ft daily capacity. V mile from R. B.; with or without 4.000.000 ft pine and or timber; 30.000,000 tt more .available, w. F. 8 track, Sandy. Or, - CASH AND CARRY GROCERY Corner, brick building. 4 year lease, low rent living room. $35 average; $500 for fixtures. CASH ANT CARRY .No credit so delivery. Invoice, long lease, 2 living rooms. Daily sales guars nteed $50.00. RAPID SALES CO., 404 Conch Bldg. $875 GROCERY, west aide, doing $16-$20 a day; good living rooms: tine chance for man and wife to make aa easy living oa small in vestment - BUSDTES8 BERVTCK. 718 Dekum Bldg. MINING ENGINEER familiar with Randsburg district where biggest strike since the Corn stock hss Just been uncovered, wants parties to join in locating claims. 425 FVxiner bldg. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 FOR SALE, by owner, small modern apt. no agents. $1800 cash handles. G-50I. JonrnaL HOTELS AND. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 ASf 18-ROOM transient hotel ta brick building, lease; place is tilled all the time; for only 61500, $1000 down. 44 room apt., nearly an 2s and 3s; lease; showing a net of $216 and can be increased; very close in; 83500 will han- oie 9300. 9760. $1000 AND ti. Lowest rates, quack sctioa; pay 9100 or saor any interest data. Gordo Mortgage Co. 631 Chamber of Comment bldg. Broadway 6370. 81000. 81250 AXt $1600 TO LOAN at 7 per cent oa ressaenee security; eajek actio. no red taps. Ws sera yea aaoaay. tl A. Wagner C.. 230 Stark st MONEY to loaa oa Improved real prsrwrty. Harry K. Hen. 301 li. a. Bank bed. Pboae I Broadway 2013. BUILDING loans oa city aad sabarbaa pre erty; money aavaBcea: as work tnianasi. w. Q. Beck. 219-219 Failing bldg. Main 9407. 9100 "to 21500; oaks action. A. H. Ball, 231 H Morrison st. room 10 and 11. SEE OREGON TNT. tt MORTGAGE CO.. 210 lxixacer Excnang paig. 347.200. diride 91200. 92000. 92600. $3000. $5000. $8500. $25.000. Call East 7504. $5000 ON IMPROVED farm, going rat ia - tarest Private party. 601 McKay bid-- 9500, 31000 up on d veilings, principals only"; no delay. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg AUCTION SALE I wiU sea at mtbUe sale the iweswrty af the estate ef Jamas Baas OrtaW, deeeased. at the place. Owja-k-r s Laatttag. adjemmg lb Margaa reach ea Saavie Mend, Or.. 3 muas from tbe lrtlagtoa fry. Tnaaday, March 14. 11 a. sa. : Zl eewa, 3-year-elds, 4 calves. 1 ban. Tbwa cattle win be tnbarouha tested before the sale; 3 berasa. 1 eott 13 chirksn: kH aaa ehiaery. lot beeawhoid smda, Veh aate Baobtla, gasoane laanrb, fee heaam, scow, gas eaataa, B. F. Miliary, exsrav tor. 403 Cerbett Mkling. Pertlaad. Or. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons Auctioneers, VANCOUVER, WASH. these woa't aut 124 ACRES irrigated land, $50 per acre. Write I invoice stock about $1900; some terms. T. J. Minger, frmevme, ur. ';K01U;E. 248 Stark St HOMESTEADS 410 STOP I LOOK! LISTEN I Abjberta district. $2850: ta paved tt. 8 rooms, sloerang porch, full bsaeaaent berries and beautiful Sowers. Appointment paon Wood- lawn 447. - KENTON district,' two blocks west of Ken toi I FOR SALE Small house. 80x110 lot. gas ana xtsag; a nice two-room, aoose just nout; gooa i plambing; lot .60x100 ft Price. $1000. Easy terma. See at B. Carey. Kenwood botet Wdln. 8766. - ROSE CITY 692 60TH ST. N. J net rom Dieted. 6-room bowse - aad Vary modern aad weU built Wdla. 740. owner. ' By t teesa $350 Down Oder hoase. 4 roams aad" bath 3 bsdroOBU bp: tall cement hemeat. with trays, real stave, gas range aad heater; all toe 91T60; $ down, nal t suit Tsbor 6569. "r ALAMEDA PARK '.BUNG ALOW" JwA completed; the asast ap-te-data 9-room awneaiow ia ua eiciavv aistnot: nas every wia.ra fearers that yea could ask lor: price il aow apea lor year latpectioa. 132 IH ev .1, lea fol HOUSE PLANS 190 estgas. 910 ta $13. or apeciany de si gned at reasoaahl tea. L R. BATLET ex CO.. 924 K W. Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY SNAP TT"""' $i550J4 room bungalow: this a beauty on a 5 Ox 10O lot William A, Hughes Oo, 218 Railway Kxchanse bldg. Bdwy. 6809. ' REAL BARGAIN . i 8 room plastered boose, built-in effects, lot 90x100: 9250 down, 913 month, Pric $1000. 611 Martians a bldg. - - 1 NICE 9 room bouse, hardwood floors, do ia ! oa pavea street only 93600., soe wui , dT.. Ant 229-71. -i BY OWNER Onapletety farn. Bvodem 5 bunaalow. with rlonbia cams: a SO win ban die, beX lik rent Tabor 8744. ' IN IRVOGTON Ccraar - let, large S room baasa, hardwood Gaocs. furnace, an modern fenvesuencca; 9700. Call owner. East 1304. 40 ACRE relinquishment near CoUoa, Clacka mas county, for 9350; no improvements, part ly clear, some timber. This, claim can be mad into a fine place; owner is not a farmer, he's a sailor, is. w. ueira. zz vnamoer ixnn. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 ACRE RANCH 10 acres under cultivation. The mat good mature land: 1 9 room boose. 1 loot house. 2 bams and other crtboildingB. 1 good well and spring. Fenced partly with woven wire. Sacri fice tor casn or will trade, c A. aaiuen u W. nth st, Vancouver. i 95 .Acres on Highway Near Forest Grdre. H in eoltrvation; atoaas. barn, orchard: price 911,600. Want hoase or small acreage to 95000. baL very easy terms. Owner, 782 Patten road, city. Main 8380. MONTANA-OREGON COMPANY : RaelUwa 1029 Chamber of Cominerc. bldg. Bdwy J 7839 Sen city realty, acreage, farms and ranches st right Dnces. Brim fa yonr trades, we can match them. 2 HAVE a beautiful -home in lrirington. free and clear of an incumbrance, tot losxioo, that I will trade in oa a large modern home: esnat hava hot water heat 9 sleeping roams. 2 baths, large dining and living rooms; slso double garage, in gooa location; wiu sesame.) air. Cameron, wain. 6084. wiLu TKALJ, - - We are prepared to arrance a trad for yon. Brrne in yoar niuiiusitioB aad w win mslih ONE mils from Catskame, between 7 and 8 j farms stocks of merchaadisa?" JL "V" aV.' 'llii acrea, weu lmproreo, -ienreo. a room noose, I ijoocn aiqg. bam ana au kmos ot oatnaiKiings. a mrge spaa CASH AND CARRY No credit no delivery, invoice, long leas. 2 living rooms, daily sale guaranteed 350. - ItAt'llJ HliW Jt.. - 404 Conch Bldg. WEST Side good paying cafeteria; selling be- cause of poor health; 3750 will handle. Se I Mr. Pickens, 21S Ry. Rrnhango, Broadway 6808. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO. " GENERAL mercnaiiaa business, lpcated in live I commuxuty, uiswr eiusmcue vaiiey; ii.i gross 335.000: 90 cash, balance short credit Particulars, O. Y. Jawkaoa tt Col. 201 Oregon 1 Bldg. s . CONFECTIONERY, central location, corner Washington st. doing 940 day; long lease. stock and fixtures $2000; small payment down. oeorge, wttn INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 249 Stark Bt ' DELICATESSEN AND GROCERY " Central west side; rent only 975. with lease. WiU invoice. Price about .$6000. SMTTH-W A GONER CO. STOCK EX. city water; terms. -Main 6383. FARMS 407 A MONEY tf 1KF.H $a acres at Kewberg; 8 roam lamas, fine barn,, city water: 6 ac bearin Drones. 2 seres apples. 2 seres pears. 1 acre ehernee. a acres loganneriea, o acre oiaca cape. 1 Vt strawberries, balsace plowed; 31500 eaah, balance 9 per oant, loo: term. 61 Stock LISTEN SELLER If yoa have a bmrinea yoa .-west to scQ or exchange, see as f or - resxiita, . ' RAPID SALES CO., ; , 404 Conch Bldg. ' $950 BUSS restaurant in busy part ef city doing better than. $50 buszaoss daily; a real money maker. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 DeJhim Bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS Betore eiosing a deaPoi so-eausd interest ta estahoshed real estate besmeas, get advice of Portland Realty- Board, 421 Oregoa-bMg. Pboa Broadway 101. Rliur.fi-GARAGE Btores ISO cars, long lease, West Side loca tion. bldg. A bargain. Iatextigate this. 007 Coach BROADWAY LOCATION -Restaurant . finely eqnippgd, . $3000, KOS. X ITT BARGAIN 93498-4 moos bangalew with ssedera ena- , weataaeas aa a ftoxlOO tot I? yoa want a hear. trite on. William A. Hughe Co., 219 Rall way Fverisvre bMg. Bdwy. 40, a. IRVINGTON SACRlFICg 9 room bangalew. big attie. aarage; it's a baaaty: bailt snd fee sal by owner. Call 433 S. 13th st, N. Baraeday snd aanuay. uavbI 8 BOOM HOUSE 8150 DOWN- T beared l!ts TamrS tltiAA we 1 Brand, 430 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. aft. ef horses, good wagon and boggy and all kinds at farm equipments, wilt seu lor Sitawo. Bmau amount eaah, balance easy terms, Tom Peterson. Cmtskani. Or. WE have some of th best wheat ranches in Esstera Oregon: some of them we eaa accept Portland and tnbarbaa pruuertj for part paxment II yoa want a wheat ranch, see as nrst PORTLAND HOME CO.. 833 Rxiiwiy Exclmnre btdg. : Bdwy.. 2671. HAVE 80 ACRES of land. Bk to- seU or rent tor clesring of same, near Oxacoa City; young apple orchard, smail hoase. ; tan pononally. Ask for Mat, , Peterson.. 4 T 6 .Main 13th at ' . :-' - . - . . FORTY ACRES Half cleared, stocked. . equipped and paying. 86500; $2000 cash, er will accept Soldiers TRADE small store tor light delivery car; new 5-Daar, ear and 32500 for poet room: STocen. value $3000. take rooming hoase; small room ing hoos tor grocery, value $900. 410 Ore- grin bldg.. 6th at Oak. INCOME PROPERTY All kinds for sale or exchange: none too large or too small. See Mr. Fisher, exchange deparbnent, 414-19 By. Exch. bldg. O. O. Sletten'a otTice, Broaaway ow. TRADE or sale for hoos in Portland, on acre with a 10 room aad s room house, stable. chicken hoase and fruit; block from main at, 3 from B, P. depot i- Apply Mrs. E. AtcGat- loarh. Box 95. Woodbarn. Or. ... INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 249 Stark St A SNAP ia a good" paying eleantng and oveaing. Wm pay yoa to see Mr. Pickens, 218" By. r,.ir Broadway 9808. .v . - WTLLIAM A. HUGHES CO. - One of the best apta. in th city; 90 rooms; hss a watting list sll the time; net ovr $600 a month; 4-year-lease, everything ia exeenent oonditloa; baiMing one of the finest on the west side; $10,000 will han dle it and balance oa long-time mortgage if desired. LANGLOIS eV HAMMERLTNCK 604 Bochanaa Bldg. ' " For HoteU and Apartment Houses See Q. C. Ulrich.fr Co.-. 405 Stock Exch Bldg. 88 ROOM hotel with dining . room ; nets 8300 a month and can be increased: 6 year lease at .cheap rent: furniture aad building ia first-clam shape; 82750 and only $1250 down. 504 Buchanan bldlg. WORTH THE MONEY 11 room hoase, 8 of room hoasekeepSug aad ruu. xsixeaaent rurnimra, not yank;- terms easy. Mast sett aow. - 400 Colombia. Call laaia 2205. after 4 p. m. Owner. 14 BOOMS. H. K-. Nob Hill: fumac beat: good furniture, eteaa; rent only 835; 8930 a nsnnio, race 9 1 two. Bee Mr. unrri. . i. W. GKBjBSI. 318- Board ef Trade. Bdwy. 7492. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE ' 0 rooras. all foil with steady boarders, deer better than 9100 month. lours for 9700. Mr. aoxnm at GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber ot Commerce. Bdwy. 7581. NIFTY 9 ROOM HOUSE Clean as wax. fall of Bice roomers beantifnl I ivory furnitor. most be seen to be appreciatsd; I ior a qmcK sale, sivvu, astro oowa. J. HKUta WUAK1, ft 07, Cowch BMg. MOB. UILL ' Akr eioaHent buy of 11 rooms: ta tact a a rifice; wen fnrniahed and a money-maker: 1 than 8100 par room aad- only 9376 Bdwy. 6808. with Wm. A. Hnzba Co. HOTEL UNAP MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD POOPS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSIOh- Also Salary Loans TQ SALARIED PEOPLE ON THETB NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. Ef YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORS MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOD CAN PAY CS IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVJt.VLnJCE LEGAL RATES KO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. LICENSED) , . 806-807 DEKUM BLDG., 3D AND .WASH, BROADWAY 8897 SALARY LOANS SALARY WS LOAN MONEY to salaried and workinaiaia ea their Botes. Rates reasonable, easy paywaseta. NO SECURITY NO LNlXJUBiLR Can and investigate oar modera aBoac tog methods. An baameas confidential. tajLlisaxtlA UUMJUlnx tAjavraiaa ( Licensed) 218 Fai-lag BofldinaV MONEY TO LdAjT Money leaned oa huiasliiild goods , er Bs pieced ia atorag wtth an at a awgala pank rata. BECUtUTX BTOKAGK TrtABBrZUi u 4th and Pin st Opposite Maitaoaaab Hob Phone Broadway 9716 THREE of the ftaaat Jarsrs rot trash, -other ta freshen aooa. looking for somalhing cheap, yoa. 361 Water st TWO heavy spriagvm. 1 eow, fresh weak, rich aad heavy milkers ee-D rlin mr t4 ttm bonra 4 30 Hawtborne are. YOUNG Jersey-Durham, yoat trash; also family eow. 35.- Widow lady man sell. 398 Madisoa st FOR SALE Twin teafaW calsws, Haistess, ' 8 days old. CaR Mar. 2293. Mother gives 8 gallons. TWO but Durham, water dairy both Iloaaata sad jost fraah; heavy sailkars. 991 913 BUYS am Jersey eon. 944 24iA. CALVES WANTED MARSHALL 2178. I RAISED 9 betters (all coming fresh) bag prodoring row. MDwood 2476, holsteIn IT Terse 1 tab. tested. 1903 Cartas av. 1 Jerasy-Daraaaa, WssJririrgwi. cor. 61st ONE JeVsey liolstetn, 6 gal fresh. Jast 202$ E. YOUNG fresh dairy aad testily eow, 943 aad aa. 741-739 E. Ash. WANTED Beat, swai aad baga. Tabor tsTT POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 WRITE TO POULTS T JUDGE AND SPECIALIST Bee. L. Whiddoa. 906 Wast are.. lHyrtlanrL for any chickea yoa want; hava 10 breeds sad eaa got 25 leading sewada, eaoks, cock en la. baby chieka. pallet a. beaa, lacamnees, ertxtng as cheap. All asy tuaa givaa ta tbe charAea bass Bern; gasrsBt d psrfsact satiaf acUo ; wui Hagaa ia year chic era (pick eat call and layers) , for iau cost Win aaaea yoa th ejnekea kaarssm aa A to E cbeaa, by aaail er at year heme. Phone Bdwy. 1707. Rhode Island Red Farm Evaluate bsoeev as? xlsarBSisbead stssrio eamb Baao istaaal Bed baey eacfca aa Sosas ba aacksrels for sal. , ea a Bkoary back gwsrantaa Send for Mbcoe ksiand Bed Farm. Koala 4. Portlaad. Mala 4742. Bos. 2X lVU5CLUJUtAJU3 tinAntlAL 9UJ I wee 640-ess . a .u. van vtiiat, siu, bbsi nana nrpw eow uM H.ra, 111 M .SK .K Vmhakl, , , , Bu I " tn few weeks. Wood is wn 304. Oaeea larabaasta, aa 139 WE BUY first and second ssortgages aad sett- en' contracts. F. E. Bowmsa a, C 31 Cham, of Com. hi da. Bdwy. 6776. WILL cash seller's real aetata contract er first I mortgage. Prompt srtetitsna aaa A. I HUL 426 Lambermea Mdg. CASH paid for ssorigaa-ea aad sellers eoatAeta ea real estate ns . Wssiingtoa or H. K. Noble. 919 Lasabermens bidg. WILL bar sou II seller's contract or saortgag. Gordoa. 831 Ch. ef Coat badg. ar ta ft aaa Bmeaa tmse ' strger tacabators. tt Ba rmsaaii tvis Bpriaga Poultry Farm. 1 milre east af Ceacka- ur. pnoae Oregea Ctry 16F21. Watte 1 nSnsi llisl Bsktr atarca i aad ovary week theraafier astfl 1. . Order aew to saoar deh Inrabatces and Breeders, keg tesmta. 'ecg eartoa. and sstseaag ssao aea -Jo..- is MONEY WANTED SELLERS' contract, Portland property? 31130 equity for 8990. Adaaas, 926 tea blag. WANT 92000 aa first cms real estate ascority. - Interest 1. C A, WAGNER CO.. 23 rfrarfc. WANT loaa of 8860 oa 6-room bwagaiow. good . district. T per cent, 3 years. Broadway 2971. SEE OREGON INT. at MORTGAGE OO, 319 ' Exchange bldg. HORSES AND VEHICLES TOO BABY CHIX RXDCCED flUC La aa Wau Waits Boaka. MTapsvas aad Aa- - "1 I ratal siibi ii FBEB aataior Wna avsasv "car. I O. K. yt-EDHAkf. aALEkf, OREGON. : KEYSTONE STABLES ?rZ? 20 bead horses aad mares, weight -12001 P"- fV? . . , araa. . . a a , I taw sail erg wresmevc. A sew earaT WB hatch ealy tram OUR OWN eanttaBsaity tran-Baated 2-wear sad White Lsghora stora ea raaga. Orders taka aew f n baby ehtoka March 3 aad April $ Banes. Ear tar aaacsxag aad ii. i s... to, I., ab. Cemm ssd sea ear aeaaa asm - vaarwda. Georawl PoaArr Farm. Ev . l.l w. tut Progressive Hatchery Baby ehtrfca. White Lasrhora and Jt L Bad from txatmaeted er sin ssg sxeca. csjasaa lasad. lia M. 12th X. Wdla. 1485. Uuitk LLa,Ii6rn babT CmCZl saaong af avvaral 1 and farm wssjoaa. 991 Watar at, ear. Maas- gomery. Paal Dosyey, Ft 4. Besvwnaa. Or. FINEST eausmed bakery, good locality, sale, oven capacity 10OO loaves daily.' 91200 cash handle. Bee Breaaaa with O. V.' Jackson A Cow 201 Oregon bWg. - ' POOL hall and fountain hi good axation, 8900 tt can ju ncaens m '- -'., . WILLIAM A HUGHES CO. 218 Railway faehange Bldg. Broadway 8808. Printing tor Less 22 room hotel, weU located. aB fiirt-exam furniture, 9 story brick bid., low reat, clearing west 1 over 930O per moot; pnee 9600; 94000 vail at 7 IX Lewis Dniioang. WHITE TEMPLE -A little money ajaker and oabr 8400 down: let yoa mow In and start to xaeka saoney; goad loeatsoa. Doa't delay. Broadway 9909. wxta Wm. A. Hnghes Co. ' . GOING OCT OF BUSINESS - Wm sell aB war bnnss, wsgoaa aad and baggies at a aacrifiee: mast deaa a ss owe lass e-rptrss shortly. . Call at Ma. 20 Grand av. W. J, follrvaa East 1914. SPAN of Bsares, weight 26O0 aba., 9 aad-! yean etd; road farm wagna and ta farm for oattit, 9Z80. laonu 991 Water at tweet aid). - WILL take $73 cash for 2400 lb. team, eeaad Barnes aaa lam w sell at ooc. BUI Ltadaley. stable Bear Kassell. MasaaiptB ear MAX AND Will vast ta farm, eqatpped. reedy urt wore. r wtta Prinssge of bwytag sum a M. . Bossv. 418 Mala at,. Mawmail 4677. FOR SALE J Baft Coelua Baaaaaa eaiast en, flne roridrtioa. 1332 St Ota at J. ' Weodlawa 1217. 9. C White Isdkoras for sals. plrt aad svar Dari. ktytag aow. Pnc 91 each. Lsat 91st sad Tasaaook. - - 910- Xerby. It 8 ROOM hoos sad money for medium six I Rwjer Prmtrtrg Co. Mata 6830,' 193 gd st ranob with stocx aaa tooa. a bo , i act SO annates .eat for oar proueru. Write or en 44 BidweU w j - - - FOR SALE Or trade, awantifal Kiixt milAj I cm draft " a. earn beaatiful aew rag. road faniitnie: I to work; most go at onea 180 E. 9th at walkin daAsaee; aettin I yginc rm roaaUla-r ta 24ftO-lK. laam. kae. rTeW. rtKMSHU) 6 room hone, aU improve meats I tm, snd raid: 60x112 lot; 1 block to oarline. I twiry 3tM. Liberal terrnv, 223-71. OOZY new St Johna bangalowi small down!" Aa hkrhwav. near Foraat Grove. 4S ia eultrea- wbkq, rjaiaara sasatniv: emtariear as bim... - hue -jeaanif l.x easa eai mmmw "aasa nsmn. -.rwaeT, can ilia. I oaraer. T12 Paxtoa road. eaty. Mam INTEBSTATE LAND CO.. 248 8tavk St 92 ACRES-$9200 B-room baagslow aa Portland bird" east- usjsratat ate. tea) mast see una heass aawreriata th vala. - tar aaraealavrs call Wills, inter Wills, SMAli, saadera bangalw.' near Kaatoa, prat -rlly eew. Weodlawa 5211. ' ' - - thK K 9 I 60 -Fear mesa. I acre, water, gas. "-. "- uvea, ma, raw. At. HT-27. KiH'M aau-e vl-v ia oa K. 1 1 th st 4 K far R. )3 260 WILL give and 4 1MB at tf Ssady. .- si iii wt a small bone 75 th at N 1 block ACREAGE 40S . Bjti.K ns Txtansi If ryen are looking ter server H will V ta jynar aitvaetag to raS Ant 33-. ACRE New gas: -Hose tn: 9250 frait F-845. JesyrnaL 1 BEFORE chase of f atar home, leant snore aboat I Cewiits eoanty. Washingtoo, and aaawleifal pros- I ports for piaspertty aow at nana, wot C .U. Box aet. a ego, wsea. - CHEAP 402 sere, bones, eattk. ptgs, hay. min. lun imDMama ana to e water right from Canyon. Inforau&on, writ 4. Deaa. Tale Lake, or. FOR SALE IS . " CANADIAN FARMS WaQ farprosae. all sixas, 930 ta 850 aa aero: exrjhaage for farms, acreage aad city property here. C. Cot, 426 Lambermens bldg. ... ATTENTION BRING YOUR TRADES IX. HAVE GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION WATTING, 260 fffrV8?1". jrOR oALE60 ; INTERSTATE LAND OO.T 248 Btark St 369 par moath. Price 91600. T Railway Exchanre bldg. 'Bdwy. 680. 219 TRADE Ford roadster far 2400-ia. aad aaaoav. F. Palsies. Troaudale. Or. Boats 2. - MUST he P1" I FRONT ST. Ei SiTRVICK rrrhanr 7 lots m Nsbbbis. Or tor Porv- mad lota. T-94. Journal. . - EQUITY Writ Sss H. Webb. Asterta. Orwgoav- 8800 OR INVOIC - grocery, liring iwcma, I HAVK eliema for roar' hotel or irt. hones" rant sit. so; gooa tocsxion; snap. l.alTeraal I voum 83 1L. G. M. Harms. 191 West Sales Co.. 602 Railway Exchsnge bldg: ' - I ParT-T , - ,TT? Ait Jt- SioSQl HOUSEKEEPING rooras, rent. $13 gaaath. All CTtntiag aow at pre-war . wsvvw t . itsa. w. i . wi - . " - " -1 soa-g BBerjaaaa BUg. FOS SALE Light grocery., ksaeh aad eoaf ee 4Zs) wthl t,--- or Iww-emaaafat laowim E, 8th st at -ess 930 sf fJJSl amfWrn 9166. 160 2700 LB. team, harness aad fares wag; ales 2800-fa. team with heavy km in aad farm wage aery cheap. 43 Hawthovae av. 1300-LB. HOUSE, good worker: ao set cheap. 240 East 8th. "wSl av. R. E. Aut 629-89. tags. ia 6 room bungalow. V4h at, gang or mig. Aula 312-01, For- PARTNE&- WANTED . lmawaal I For Sjas snt meet G-47, JoarnaL aat-w b-i"raitfw, 3 l.,fwy. 74.!, Bdwy. 4794. 6 V ACRES, close to Muwauki. oa ssaia road. ISO. Heaaiaea, 227 V, Wtshinrtaa. R. 22. 4 ACRES aear. Viewer ausuna. Salem eiectnc; kJgaBbern-a, a?y terms. WdLn. 1640. - 20 Bt 4 12 miles from Portland: rent. C boseneon. BeaeetUm. Be 6. .- TRADE c ..".V. L. .'.I' I rVtUmDO, K. ( U J J,!.- U Wawa, saw yuw amwsny wt avetm Or. ' t. CAW 9, Win, . . V..W KKV . f ISOt). J. A Beriman. 37th and WashiEt- i laaj-fcuV LD kit far ton, aluwaitcia. i hone ka-iweuoe aw. 9 ACRES. 8 in. culu ration, close in, trade for . hoase in Rose City- Hsnnings, 227 1 Wssh inrteB, Room 220. " - - - 2 lots. Tyrh Valley. Or.. . for Ford. ON ACCOUNT ill health most seU my Ocsmt -shop.- Awt--Sl-5. i , CASH. SAl-E 9S0O -larnished for hoaaaxaspfe Newman. 682 East Taylor. 9 BOOM a. k. Good faraiAra, east side; aalk in danaaee: rlaaa rooms. ; 4"4. - COW, ta tmahea 3rd 10320 It see. R. E. for 2500-LB. TEAM ef 24 rt East Sta, B.7XCBLB taam 93 day. ssegi t $1.6 dag. Bor 209. er trade: will take fust mortgage oa acre, 8405 87th at S. EL. WELDING and .radiator snap for, saie.. li X. Ebbs set -.--.'-. - : ? FOB SAJ K Small, neat, attract! e maitnst hmch eewntev. good hicaxwa. 942 Waeb. ot brick, steam beat, hi income, . $2000 . smndk. 306-90 HOTEU 24 toe - good - lecatk Bachsnea bldg. A NIFTY LITTLE BCt tKX. asoms. west axle, teat 930. arts 940. 876 ease. Can 906 Clay. 2 tOO .LB. TEAM of wagna, 1 days' triad. 24 Fast 8th. CHUNKY Wui be sold rnee. 4 1 vvoet' 1300. FOR SALE On botm. wesght 120 PW WeneDaw 1424. FOR SALE Ueat.maxaet and grocery. 798 Lombard. - .Can 11 ROOM eaa 860 tarnislied. foil Last 330. us- 1 nvft-LS, good 86; FOR SALE et L B. aad P. 6t baby clucV ready today. Z6 each: ela r. 946 Taylor. BABY CHIX. Taacred aad Behywead basvy Mr Beg srjxuav Hf sii I ssd stock. Aaawsl PeaJtry rna. 6L 1. Bos 170. Or. City. Or. paaa 9F2. TWO 600-eg Master twenheiors; asm aatrtSg mm. BaiMisuum Poaltry - Yards. $179 HeUauol 14P1. ra BkOWlt LEGHORJt aad R. C As ta area for ssle. - rre Mare bred, and KndalL rVrtlaad. Or. Ware. 4434, R. L RED hatrhmg eeas far Beavy asag stram irav va-ss-E. 94th st 8. ' BeOwoed 2042. SB? 1006 TWO yeariiac Tealoass gar aad ea rander, good stock; astrSrag eggs zee aaca. xaaei 1825. - ' W. EXSHORN halclua . , 41.23. iajriea - aaUats. rbsie Taacred stork. $1.36. A, U Tfaasntew. Hell sr. stasma. Or. Ory wvaa RatODK JALA NO 6.ED (or helrhsn. 61 wmss.- 19 Orvwon - ONE rwxwkrrsd back. 9 brwediog osa ass yewrrg streak. Cell 1449 B. th at. W. TrBlEI BMiA: seed (or reutkara. M Broaaa. Tarkey farm. Walks Wsua. Waab. A. C Vaita la-hara esurka ffom eat tanr bras, lie ear. FOR SALE, two tarebauwa, ea, 94 FYee-t at. or Msrs 71IV 9. want. v. . .Ai At ' It