20 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 rtifwrfn our ' AT JUCOCCKiO PRICKS :' COUXIUh BaUGHTo DISTRICT We have mid (50.000 wrtk fete to. tsna tkMu close in i snsarl.l mUw ta 1H. pu raw mmaitm; (100. 000 be bee Mt or to M-ar way ta the rmc&oa of , Imm to dale om iJ mM; we 1mm er-y ft few left, effered slightly above lb l. i nt -lw. H - your M oppoT-wtf. HKNOFrUiON BANKUS CO.. 2$ Bean bklg, Broadway 4194. REAL ESTATE FOR' SALE HOUSES 404 360.9O0 PORTLAND IS 1980 . Ul'an.tll'ft.sT UU n.i:H . asvuw iitv at'ir 'vow W fl that w. are better equipped to torto yea. Ml U dwArfc-t than anyone an m nm bad; am past wmcuoa with the Laurelhrst 4 . baa givea a the advaatage of obtaining a very tome and eoai paste ttsOng tot aad KobTirIT.WAT EXCHANGE BLDG. Hvnadwsy 7519. MrfABTT. MAXWELL AND DOWS1T LfrTS WANTED RrtrRR, iwk m, realtors, iflij Rnard a Trade aktg. will get yoa the hlaneet price ln fow to that Ik Baarket will bring; . k., awr now for hoexesites u i p rk. La rrlhurst ar tf-ti-ww. ami f the buvr aaa am before kuivraw n ad Ulk It ovwe. RITTV.lt. IIWK CO.. REALTORS. 0 a-lH-T iww of Traoa owf. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON I ; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t - TUESDAY, MARCH 7. -1822. HOUSES 404 , - i A It HAL. OFFER . $500 eaah and easy terms buy a six room fcosne. in the Rfchmoad district, located on a Pea street with all iraprovement in and paid for. Cement basement, hot air furnace, hardwood floors, large noun and cioeetst.. No ami Mmgrrt. jScm bearing fruit trana on tne property. xlS ' Wen worth, looking at, Ho. - InSURANCE LOANS GOING! tiOINGI UONKl " .s , (w3 WOK a) TIY PARK - --- ivmsm . with an ii wn,u jmid on BOTH MIDKH; lnwl kit a4 aa dt to h pa in vi.raHnN-RA'ikUn to. Hnr bMa. Bmiwy 4754. (I VnIKo UJT ON ALBERTA ST. fo 1 1 m ft. Trm. h Mr. HieaUad. ISTKfWTATB IMTEBTMIMT CO. M7. 4Ttl. Raaltor. 410 Unrr Bids. HOUSES 404 ' f ROOM bn. utrtrilf modern thrrh myt, lb Wnndlawn dbtrtct, 1 block from nr. Thto plar U worth 00. rrt mail' mil nn areunnt of illnnn. IT4oa' 11700. 1780 down and ISO a month. 4 fomn hrntw. corner lot 0H0. hi tha baA of emMltUoa. anma fmit treaa; $150 down d balanrn $ I i a month. mom Voom. 1 blorb from car. lot ROil (XI. Mnat ba mrn V ba appnclated. AO modern aicerl bath. S1B0 down, bai aae IIS a month. 4 mom boona In Gnanrr Haifhta, 3 bin-ll fnm Ho Hy ear. Iara carace. (nod tot, for 9150 down. 1 ;o PhotocrapM of Homea for sale. AMERICA LARGEST HOME 8ELLEK PKRKONA1XY WPBCTISD I'KReONALLY API'BAISEU Ton ara cordial)? inrltad to TiIt oar gnat dia rUr room and took orer oar I N PARA LI ELfcD djwkw of homn for mlo. We protect your eenr tnteraiC If necauary we U help you male roar down payment PKKNONAM.Y IS8PECTKD PKRHONAI.l.P APPRAIS1CU Haleamrn With Autne Open Kreninaa Until 9 - 14410 OWNKR ;01N EAST. Tbia la an excellent opportunity to eecore de I rhtiul n room HAWTHORSB tranca- low. Prtca rnt from 15000 ; hardwood floor, fireplace, built-in. K. 44th at 13250 HOST WAIT TOR THIS 8UPER ALRF.R'TA BARtJAINI 8 rooms: erery wanted comfort: itplndid eenditioa: den built-im; 1 block to car. VACANT. Kent "JOth at. Term. t KNTKAI. EAST POBTIND Mlft UOWNI IS00 DOWN! f3490 MMI down! CLOSE IN! OLD 1'AHHIOM.U cnzineea ana comion an yours In fW aubsUntial, warm home of 7 room: eiceoUonally convenient: bviK- Ins: den. bath and 1 'bedroom down. 2 . Urge tunny bedrooms l; aarace. frnit; IN 8PLENDID CONDITION! A PICK I PI. E. Couch, 1500 down. Monthly Ic rait lika rent. 8ea Frank L. McQui re To Buy Tour Home Realtor Abinrton bids. Broadway 7171 Third t. Ret- Wash, and 8Urk TfTE: There Is an opening on our sale force for a lira high-rUm mln-man with car. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 "5 fcKW BtN;ALOW VOR 8ALB ROBE' 4 ITY PARK 1244? EJ Broadway, 5 rooms with attic, hardwood : floors through nut. Furnace, i garage, light futures and win dow shades. In fact, ready to ure m. trtvx 5550. i . - IBVINGTON' DISTRICT 780 E. 30Ui N-. 6- rooms, attic large enough for 3 rooms, hard wood floor throughout. Tha 11 Ting rooms and dining room, acmes the front, must be aeea to appreciate it. Open afternoons. Easy terms. Price 45900 with garage. . s CEOKGE E. WELLER, Owner and Builder , 220 Cham, af Com. bldg. Broadway 5231. ' Aut. 317-44. 1 LAVRELHVRST - ' ' -. $5000 . . 6 Rooms and Oarage. Large liring room, ivory finth, Freaeb nn between bring and duunar room, complete with hardwood floor, full ce ment basement, furnace. Owner moving ' from Portland and must aelU A. Q. Teepe Co. CTSCRAXCE- REALTORS - H70 8aodv Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 858. ROSE CTTT PARK DISTRICT $5800, i LARGE 6 room house on one of Rnso ' City'a choicest comers 60 2-3x 1 0O. ; Complete in every way. Located at 1133 Tillamook, corner SOth. A. Q. Teepe -Co. INSURANCE REALTORS 1170 Handy Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. BUILT TO ENDCBS" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Housr for Lem Honey. BEDUIADE BLDG. CO . PORTLAND. OR. Factory E. J 1th and Market. Phone East 5114. 9 ROOMS. CLOSB LN" This is a double constructed, well built. story and attic, has fireplace: d?n. sleeping porch. large hving and dining room, reception lis'l. Dutrh kitchen, '4 bedrooms, full cement base ment, fruit room, garace. west of E. 20th, be tween; two canines. Pre 5S0: terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 Jf. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37 7 J LANGtTS A HA3IERLTNCK ' $04 Bnchanan Bldg. Rose City Park $3250 ON EAST TERMS Five-room modern bungalow, on . paved itrpvt, block of Milwaukee av enue, walking distance K. P. shops. This is a beautiful little home and can be handled on very small payments. If you want to be your own landlord, hew is your rhsnec. MILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ky. Es. P.!dg. Bdwy. So26. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Tbor 8483. 7 ROOM ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 35000 (2000 cash and S30 per month and interest: modern with hardwood floors. French doors, fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases. plate glass door, mirror Ira ten gitcnen, tine light fixtures, economical beating plant, full basement, garage, nice lawn. E. 39th St., near Kandy bird. Johnson-Dodson Co, 633 N. W. Bonk Bldg. Main 3787. 5-KOOM modern honae, Allierta district, all newly painted, ready to move in: $3500: terms. KEHF.-E ANOTHKR GOOD BUY 6-room house on Ainiiworth . blvd., cor. lot. 50x100, with garage: $3800. ' 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH lyot 50x05, aU kinds of fruit and berries price $2900; terms. McGEE t DENNIS, fl9 TTnion ave. N. Wdln. S684 LOOK READ Here is a 4 room plastered house, completely furnished, with good furniture, lot 50x100 with garage, for $950; some terms. ; i $2700 A STAR BIT $2700 6-mom 2-story cottage, finished in whius enamel, concrete foundation, modern built irjs. Dutch kitchen: 75x100 lot, plenty of fruit and shrubbery; street graded, sidewalk in, block to pavement. $2700, terms. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. BKALTOKS. Broadway 5C18. 512-13 Wilcox bids. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 FOR KAI-E so" LOTS OB CROrxD i from Tigtrd SUtton oa Ball Motmuia, C-19T. a rooms, nc4 QaiLe finished, gas and city water: I Journal TIMBER LANDS 411 of timrMrland. 3 milea eeaerete foundsUoo. 120w strawberry plants. 13 assorted iron trees, all kmda of hemes: 1 acra at I v ru a nisTf arat CCTtTT A.t mU Price. 2O0. M)0 casb, 23 aaoatn- I svr --"-"- ' -" - ly; Woodstock district. This is a splendid bay. 1 ; yQH SALS OR TRADE Terr near tittle 4 room bungalow - with cat a. I . . , 20 ACRE RANCH toQet, electric Hghta. gas. coecrele foandatioa: l ift acres wider, enlnvstioa. Tha- ass good croand 100x100. near argreen station an thai luiun isnd: 1 room nonsa. 1 not hoaaa. 3 Oregon City tine; natural shrubbery. .Prical haras and other outbuUdings. 1 good well a ad $2350, 70 cash, 2S menthly. - . . . .1 string. Fenced partly with woven wire-, garn- 3 acres, ait m cultivauon. au ainos 01 Iran. 1 fv. for cash ar will trade. E. A. Mifler. tot ana nemea, tomb eeiiea ana paperea coxrage. 1 w stb Vancouver. Wash. chKten aoase, small nan, i muea irom unr- gon iJity; everything m first class condittoa. 5 ACRES. EI G EN EI OREGON Id acres in hearing fruit, about COO ord very derided nap: $3150. $800 cash, halaaca to LrZ mii pi,.m .r rfi s Mr. Griffhh with I wooa- odra 5 .room bungalow, other out- 8 733 Chamber of Commerce buildings, near car, church, and arnord. Trad for acreage or home in town. Price $80110. 314 Coueh bklg. Bdwy. 65. or East 3592 eve. We to ac . . r Hi in a 1 imo ia Ulvv. mvnare ar iwawss rents $20 to $40 per month, with or without bring 1111 am easa or terms. Garwao. all pries, from $S0OO to 315.OO0 e.h m- 1 1 1 1 tor iwwt- km leases. BUBTtaaraata. tvem SllMiu to bauov. wner trVy show won they do tne Masinosa. ContorOonerv ana mgar : stores in ua very best Iccabons to suit your own pram. Is fact. wa ran rive na aav Kind nv HW a . you want. Call aad aea as before yoa bay. . BAF1D BALt.1 J. 404 Couch Bdg. FOR SALE. 4 -room modem bouse', 1 acre of ground, half in berries; garage, ' chicken house, tots trf fruit trees. This is a bargain. $300O. half rash. Tabor T281. FOR SALE Small boase. 80x110 lot. gaa ana HERE'S a good trade. 40 acres, stocked and equipped: prunes, dairy, ehv-kena: a muea of Tam bill. 1000 chickens hatching. Will trad. for boose. $4500. balance $2000. easy. Bona udo place. J. BOBBINS. 301 Ry. Exchange bldg. Tabor 5319. Broadway 5931 dry water; terms. Main 6333. FARMS 407 V 11 mt TaLAav We are ore Dared ta arranca a trad, tor won. Brine In your proposition aad wa win ma tub yoa oa anything of merit: lots, nana an, atoace. farms, storks of merchandise B. B, AV. 113 uoncn niag. COME AND SEE THIS BUNGALOW Mississippi car near Killinzswortb. Strictly modem 5 rooms, hdw. floors, furnace fireplace, beautiful buffet, 7 years old. extra featured Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, garage, corner lot Only $4500. Yonr own terms. Don't wait, call today. Bdwy. 6011 before 5 P. m. ; T. O. BIRD. 52B Cham. 'of Com. SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE Beautiful 6 room strictly modem home. Fine fireplace, every kind of built-ins, hardwood floors, vrhite enameled kitchen. Lot 108x05. Two chickenhouses with runs. All kinds of fruit trt as, berriei and shrubbery. Near Franklin school,. 1 block from earline. Price $3785, if taken at once, on terms of $1185 down, with baiancg to suit purchaser. Phone Wdln. 5865. IT'S BEAUTIFUL IT'S MODERN IT'S A BARGAIN 5 room, absolutely modern bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, all improvements in and paid, $4200: $1500 caah or small cash payment and bonus. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Com. Bids. Bdwy. 5634. Nice 6 room house, one lot with plenty of fruit and bemes. 6 blks. from rranxlra mgn WALKING DISTANCE school, g Jjoo with terms. . . s roorrf modern house, furnace, fireplace : KUBB1.NS KEALTV IU, KBSt ,4fl, jth h. NEAR HUBBARD. OREGON 20 acres, 2 Vt milei from electric sta tion: 33 miles south of center of Portland; all under cultivation; good sandy loam soil; mile to school; woven wire fence: bear ing family orchard; 1H acre raspberries, 2 hi acres loganberries. 1 V acres straw berries; good, 5 room bungalow, barn, cliickenhousr. Included with place: These horsed, cow, chickens, cream separator, wagon, buggy, harrow, plow, cultivator, 2 4 set harness, 40 sacks grain. 5 tana hay, etc. Price for everything $4500, $2500 cash. Consider rooming house or restau rant in good small town. Ranch inspected. by Dans. 4 house With plumbing 20 acres, 13 milea south from center of Portland. 1 Si milea to school, near Ore gon City. Rocked road. 18 acres can be farmed; 3 acres under cultivation: 7 acres slashed and seeded. 24 bearing fruit trees: berries; rpring; 4. room house wsth running water; plumbing; barn, chickenhouse. in cluded with place 2 cows, 10 chickens, pig, crops tools, etc. Price $2800, $1400 casn. ask tor Mr. Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. . !; MY $2000 canity in beautiful new do. new home : - room for family 6 or 7 : bouse aad garage : double constructed. For smaller property. Phone Woodtawn 8443. SMITH at BARNES player piano with aver 100 rolls to exchange for lot. acreage or bona equity on paved at. P-13S, Journal. 3 BOOM house, plastered, electric lighU. gas. water. 50x100 lot. $250 or a good light car I a part of fir-t payment. 611 Rnchanan bldg. EX-SERVICE man taking state loan wishes to exenanga 7 lots In Newberg. Or., for Port land lots. T-S4, Journal. WANT house; 80 acres, at station, good soil. buildings, some cleared. Automatic 631-30. or wntar J-38, Journal. 1 LOTS in Lawndala addition in good ear. Call East 4930. exchang' STORE bklg. in Willamette valley tow; trade for Portland lota. M-61, Journal.' sto TRADE or sell cheap. 100x100. East 5th st- north. near Hassalo. Owner. Brdwy. 72Q4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ' BUSINESS OPPORTUM I ILS STORES, ETC SOO : Bargain Pat yonr money Into faying v tha best luting of bt This Is a Bargain Grocery, doing- $60 to $73 per day. rent $35 per month. ton letsa and excellent lor n. . Ifrhira. -rill invnuw at set end hand $33T Will cast them In and inctode $73 advanced no leas, and t2300 insurance Doht-T. iu-tt raid, for 50n and awoke the stock about $1 800. $1350 cash, about an per asoain. This store has an old extablifhed trade, as prest at fawner lis re had it for seven years. 404 Pooch Bldg. GROCERY STORK NO RENT Dandv cash and carry grocery; splendid east aide corner location: doing $40 a flay ; s nvin; rocms downstair and 7 rooms nnetairs aad tne rent from the rooaae more than pays total rent. This is the plaro you have been looking f or Price only $1350. See Mr. Solum, with GREAT MTtX I.MUIxl.M IU.. 230 Chamber of Com mere, bldg Bdwy 7 ." 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES HOTELS AND ROOMING HQUSLS FOR SALE - i 502 HOTEt- .WISHIXTOT STKVKT IjOCATTON BKICK BLII-MNG FINE GROUND FIOOR I.OBBT: FINK LT.A8K OVER UlNG PERIOD WITH OPTION OF RENEWAL. A REAL BUY AND AN fcXCKP. TIOVAI. 4IPPORTLNITY TO THE INVESTOR. WILL TAKE A VERT I IIW FIG URE FOR CASH OR UK WILL FI NANCE AM GIVE GOOD TERMS. SEE C. C. ULRP-H A XV, 40J Stork El-hange bldg. A- Auto Paint Shop Here is splendid opening for a willing worker to connect with an expert painter; have all the work two men caa handle, catering to the best firms ia the city. W. can easily draw $160 a month to start with. 1 will tearn you tne oun ness. Only $323. Apply 310 811 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sta. BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT Fine nicer r store, building and stock: rooms newly plastered and place look fine: store has meat department also; 4 fine Irving rooms 'tore nm, smoke house and garage; property alone worth the price asked for ever) thing: good east side location. Price $3650. Mr. Solum, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 73S1. For Motels and Apartment Houses Q. C. Ulrich & Co. 405 Stock Exch. Bldg. APARTMENT FOR 1R.U. Apartment hour. m.Wni. hrirx. 1 vj lease; $804iO. with 35GOO cash, . r will uar 3 mraa mouVva bungalow dj to $4lKMi p.n pay- WESTERV BRtiKURAGK CO. HIT Ni-rthwenrm Bai.k h'Az. HOTEI -40 rooms. bra-k. 5 rr irw, $4500 handle: net inrome s-i mootn: tore; swell location. 3na BorHanaa hkdg. (ami- 406 Hawthorne Ave. Open eves, and Sundays, 'BEAUT IFI'LIiT ARRANGED 5 ROOM HOME WITH ALL BUILT IM CONVENIENCES, FIREPLACE. TILE BATH ROOM FLOOR AND DRAIN BOARD. EVERYTHLNG THAT MAKES A HOME. AND IS COMEPLETELT AND Newly FMniskd , IN BKT OF TASTE. INCLUD ING El. EC. RANGE; IN FACT EVERYTHING; JUST MOVE IN AND START KEEPING HOUSE THE PRICE WILL SURPRISE TOU. G. C. ULRICH A CO.. 43 Stork Exchange hWg ROSE CITY PARK ' a Room Bungalow $5250. . riRST TIM ADVERTISED. lav eatad bekrw tha IifU. modern to tha last detail, leolndrng furnaaa. fireplace, full ewment basses en t. hardwood floors, gsrsge. K. V4U sc. 3 blocks from car. Truly a baJValB for anmeoae. A. Q. Teepe Co. - TNKOBAWCE REALTOR) 117 Baady Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9384. lioarae Seekers WHY NOT BUILDT ' W. ar. intere-ted in how Well We CBU DUlld, not how tnuch we can get for building. It i lem expensive. ...... See us before buying or ouuain. Robnett & McClure Builders 302 COUCH BLDO. BROADWAY 93 it. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY TOUR HUM 8 , The services of our sale force u t your disposal. . Any priced home, any dis trict that you msy vrtah, with terms to suit- W. will gladly endeavor to supply you. Come in and give ua an opportunity to serve you. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. $ 1 900 WOODSTOCK $1 900 For $495 you get a deed to this 5 room bungalow, baL $15 per month. With a little fixing you can make it worth $2500. A good home and fine investment. ( ' Ralph' Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Com. Bids. Bdwy. 5654. into 2 flats and double rent, $3600. Half cash. i: s a snap. R M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 tt 4th St. aimi u-AIJTINli DISTANCE a mom and sewing room on one floor, full content basement divided into rooms, with extra er? .1., unir. i.v. street ana eewvr paiu; iiw chicken house and yard: fruit treea and Bjapeaj i ---, mt- AflTlllll lot.: aiuuu casu inu .ov nr month, including interest; south of Division on East lui si ROSE CITY BARGAIN $4850 EASY TERMS rieht in this new 6-room bungalow, plate glass windows, garage, lurnacv. 3 fine bedrooms, outcn aitcnen wiiu prau nook: let us show you tni". . K. 8QMEKV1IXE, BrtUAllv Al IB. ' r EX-SEUVICE MEN $4000 Rose City Park, 5 room bungalow. with attic'. Hardwood floors, fine place, full crment basement; double constructed, lirst time advertised- Easy terms, $200 down. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. On Viaduct Tabor 2467. READY TO MOVE INTO . 5 lovelv colonial bungalows. good neighbor hood, all built-ina, plate glass windows, furnace, electric range and water heater; French doors, hardwood floors. Why not buy from the ouua- Priced $4500 and S460O. O3Z-S34-04Z PIEDMONT $4500 Nice 7 -room home in excellent condition. All street improvements in and paid. Full base ment, furnace, level lot. A bargain. Mr. Hart, with J. R- HAIGHT. REALTOR. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy 2043. ACREAGE 405 E 34th st. Owner. Sellwood 2S59. $3W Down i ' CLOSE IN WEST SIDE $3J0w 3-room cottage, 21st, near Raleigh; gead tot, garden. . 13760 - room cottage, worth mora. Raleigh, near Itta. $$006-roora eotlag. corner, alec tardea, - trult. $8100 7 room boas. 60x100, en Raleigh. near 2Sd Tar small down rwurmanta give yon poms to af an of tha place. Tha balance at your kervaa within mason. Absolutely no chance to : lea. Baler investment than money in the beak with tha added attraetion ot your money ' gowbUnc la a abort time. -Call Mr. Wiles, with J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. t?$ IT Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2043. Johnson-Dodson Co. N. W Bank Bldg. Main 3767. $2400 $2460 $2400 ft -room- semi bungalow fax good condi tion. Dutch kitchen, full basement, trays, corner, fruit, berrioa, flower. Owner leav ing city; possession at once. Will make terms. C. M. DEER 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. New modem 4 room bungalow, very large liv ing room, fireplace; 2 lovely bedrooms, 3 Piece bath between, fuu uuten aitcnen; imp. an in and paid for; $3200. $300 down, baL to suit. Tabor M669. ' tar.nn RY OWNER 33500 Clitar 6-room modern house, furnished; 1 fclnek- n nr. store, ete. : earaae to. basement $750 in furniture. $500 down.i ao per montn nliis intemt. Call Aut. 527-28 evenings, or sea owner, 314 Columbia bldg. No agents. v. Hide. 10 min. to town. 6 ran and aleeping porch, floored attic, furnace, cement basement. Newly painted. Modern. terms. Q. C. Qoldenberg Bdwy. 4908. 223 Abington Bldg. For your Home. a innui ivti Hl.F.K.PTNG PORCH Near new hirh arhool. St. : Johns carllne $2550; $400 cash, balance monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ! Main 3787 ROSE CITY FARC $4350 (mm bungalow, with exceptional ty re hn.g room, ivory finish, tapaatry l per, ft" reach doom, hardwood fkmra. completa with light mtxtrea Bpienfltd nroposltloa lor ex-EW. - A. 0. Teepe Co. INSURANCE REALTORS lilt Saady Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. ad "", 4A0 -AoU WIU. HANDLE Five ronm doabla eonstrneted bangalow near rsainsala Park, modem in tvrry rMpaet. cement Basement, maadry trmrs, lota or kntre Ins. lOinm . W. Close to cat and arhool. asiao. tau Mr, Y.uaa. INSURANCE pans iOTTOLI j I IARK50N MODERN HOME. HARDWOOD FLOORS Three acres. 10 miles from center of Portland, 2 blocks to electric station; ma cadamized road. All under cultivation. Lots of bearing fruit and berries. ' Good new 5 -room plastered , bungalow, best of plumbing, basement, electric lights, run niqg water, garage, large chit-ken - house 20x50, woodshed. Nice sightly ground. $500 cash and soldier a- loan, terms on balance. CI.OSE IN CHICKEN RANCH acre, ' 1 mile from Multnomah sta tion; all under cultivation: large bearing or chard; 5 room house, sarage: large new chicken house, capacity 500 chickens: In cluded with place sre 300 White leghorn chickens. Price $3000. Consider building lot and small amount of cash as first pay ment. Property inspected by Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bide. Stock Ranch SACRIFICE, QUICK SALE 643 acres under ditch. 325 acres in culti vation, all easily cleared ; $5000 in build ings. Free water risht. Fully stocked and equipped. Will feed 500 head. Plenty of outrange. Finest ranch in Southern Ore gon. Total value, including stock and equipment $95,000. Will take $60,000 for quick sale. Will consider exchange with some cash or any. offer. INVESTIGATE! TERMS. Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Blldg. Bdwy. 6528. Are You Satisfied We have many fine ranches which we caa sell oa easy terms, or trade yoa for yonr city property. We also have some good homes in the city to trade for am all farms close to Port land. If you have a lot. a car or a business that you wsnt to trade or sell, eea us, w are sure wa can get you what you want. W can trade you from SO to 100 lota on yonr property, either in the city or country and party will assume. Quick Sales Company 406 Conch Bldg. Aut 511-09. $1050 GROCERY CORNER LOCATION Dandv store, near big school; doing good business ; fine place for man or woman; living rooms can be arrangea: rent oniy .; . as year lease on buifrung. 1.1IU.KM1. BA1.U VU. 02 Railway Exchange Bldg. A GOING DAIRY FARM 150 acres, 100 of which is bottom land, 83 of this is cultivated; some standing timber; large 8 room house, good barn, room for 50 cows and hay: good silo and other outbuildings; water piped to all buildings and all are electrically light ed. Personal consults of 33 cattle, 21 of which are milch cows, 4 horses. 3 hogs, chickens, ducks, harness, wagons, ensilage cutter and blower, and. in fact, all machinery and equipment needed to run a place of this kind. Located 40 milea north of Portland. 3 miles from county seat town, !4 mile from Pacific highway. Price is $20,000, snd will consider some trade. Some cash and long time on balance at 5 per cent, GEORGE F. CROW 801 Mississippi ave. Wcodlswn 1201 FOR SALE OR TRADE One of the best 83 acre farms in Douglas county. Or., on paved highway: 2 set of build ings; spring water piped into buildings: 20 acres in apples and prunes, 20 acre grain, balance truck and pasture land. Finest of rich berry soiL Only a few minutes drive from Ro burg. This place ia fully equipped in every respect. Would consider good residence prop erty as first psyment, balance easy terms. Bdwy 6523. 404 Couch Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL 6 acre tract in cultivation. House and other buildings, good water system. Just out of city limits. Can ba arranged into a beautiful country home. Will aril cheap, or trade for house. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. Seven Acres, All cleared and in cultivation, located only U mile from Witch Hazel station on S. P. Red Electric; on paved Pacific highway. Here is one of the garden spots of the Tualatin valley. Reduce your living costs by buying this fine little farm now. Only $165 down, balance $16.50 monthly and interest at 6e. Close to school and station. Autos at your service. Coe A. McKenna-& Co. 82 4th st. Bdwy. 7322 5 ROOMS ROSE CITY $5250 Beautiful bungalow, reception hall, oak floors. beveled plate glass windows, furnace,- fireplace, garage. Easy terms. Mt. Church, with J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. 825-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. IBVINGTON 32800 S moms and Bleeping porch. No. It ia not new and needs some little repairs and the lot ia not full sis. But think of the location. Irv- fairton. and on 19th near Broadway. II yon want furnace and hardwood floors the price will ba $3050. Hurry, if yoa want una Dargam. Call 12 R. Bailey Co.. Marshall 04. t aaaou gaftOO $3900 Hawthorne 6 room bungalow, fur- a-asw' nace. splendid basement: a auosian rial home on paved street, all paid. Price $3900: $500 rash will handle. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 5654. vr i vi a l v I it BO AO AND 19TH ST. A good 6-room house, double-constroeted, all the b nil tin conveniences, handy walking ais . - aiwi to Ttenaon and Wasbmg- "u . , . r , r. til. X.-.., ton him Softools : price i " - 75S3 (owner) $1500 $500 down, 3 room cottage, on lOOx inn Albert.? nav no rent: $800, $40t down. 8 room, on 50x100; snap, $4500, 3 new i . at aa. sT Tsnw.il modern 6 room oungaiows. d j. v.. 542i Williams ave. rnone am. aiv-vt. 1 RiVtiia hath, aleentnc porch, garage, bam. nhiek.n baus fruit. . acre, pavea h. rra 3 rooms, water, light, toilet, basement, wood shed, large chicken house, garage, fruit, 2 lots. Prtca $1100.1 8 room house just like new, v-E-iR wnJAMETTE BLVD. Goine cheap. 5 room house, extra large lot. earare. ihed. new bath. See and maxe otter. Terms. . t , T. O. BIKI. 020 t nam. oi i,om. . rrvm' HistrirfL two blocks west of Kenton D..V- a nie tviynsHB noUSe 3U31 DUUi; sAJU -i i.i'.. w Kiwi On ft Price $1000. Easy terms. Sea R. B. Carey. Kenwood hotel.. Wdln. 2766. street Price $1000. Ant. 621-01. aaonn ROSE CITY PARK $4200 $700 cash, balance $35 per month including hew. tat oaved interest. 5 large rooms, rrsncii a.. niHE IN. EAST SIDE $400 EASY TERMS . Between Hawthorne and Belmont ran: 6 large rooms, full cement base. ) snent, farri.ee. fireplace, paved atreet. t At.VIN JOHNSON, Ka.AJ.TUK. (4 Board of Trad Bldg. Bdwy. 37. Evenings. East 2941. ' "".R'lN;t6Ni4WE tiU6 TM beaad aaw bungalow is very rhoie in Inraoea. deaiga and fintaa. oak floors ail luroaga, til bath, furnace, fireplace, garage Easy tanas J. TL HAIGHT, REALTOR. $1327 Beard of Trade Bdwy, 2043. X450 ROSE CITY $4500 ' 1n-mnra bunsalow. 50x100 lot. 3 brocks north of Bandy. This place caa be bought for 4750 furnished and ia up to the minute. See it today. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOME COMPANY, 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. furnace, foil basement, garage. for 5 p. Bdwy, 6011 be- $350 Down 6 room modem house. 4 rooms and bath down. 2 nice bedroom up; full cement base ment with laundry trays. 1 block to ear; $2700. 1350 down, balance to suit, labor . ALBERTA REAL BUT XS800 5 room bungalow, with fireplace and . ... , j v a KflTin I nniK-m. r aii smut. - o . lot. This can t be beat. wm- j. nuira :1R Rr. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. gu. Gonn a iKim house in Montavilla. on large tot. -1 block from earline: can ;De oougm iot $1575. Mr. O'Connell. with ' GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of-Com. Bldg. a Bdwy. 7581. 1 ACRE WATER. GAS, LIGHTS $45 Down Finest berry soil around city, growing community, close to cars and paved high way; 20 minutes' drive from heart of cityj price only $900. BooneC!earwater Bdwy. 5317 506 Couch bldg. ; i Attention, ExService Men We have several good 40 and 80 acre Irri gated alfalfa and diversified farms in Deschutes county, which can be handled with bonuses; im provements and paid-up water rights, some of which are stocked and equipped. The purchaser can walk in with hi suit case and find a com plete home. No inflated prices; $2500 to $800i. For general particulars tee J K. Smith at Im perial hotel. Room 635. Honrs 4 to 7 p. m. FOR SALE or trade. 20 acre chicken ranch. close in: will take small car as part payment or sell cheap for spot cash, fjnaa. W. Bice, lAyrtkt creek, or. MY EQUITY in 8winton lot. Will take Ford bug and some cash. Call Sunday bet. 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., or Tuesday, 6 to 8 p. 410 Calhoun st. St Johns. FOR SALE cheap or exchange for house. 25 acres of good tillable land, fine aoiL partly improved, near LaCentrr, Wash. Owner, 5804 69th st, S. K. Mt. Scott car. VH ACRES, Urge house, lawn, buildings, fruit "paved st paid. Write G-49. Journal. TOR SALE or trade, 160 acres of good taaber land for acreage in or near Portland. Add! 810 8. Princeton sU. Portland, Or. DOUGLAS county timber land and city lota for sale or Tsbor 5476. exchange for Portland property. WANTED REAL ESTATE SEEING IS BELIEVING Take a short car ride Sunday. 1 1 milea east ot Vancouver; you are under no obligations and e will show you the most ideal 40 -acre tract m Clsrke county. . 7 acres of prunes. 2 acres: valmits. family orchard, a 7 room modern house. iirepiace. Data. lumace. Owner is old and. nek, huice the low price, $12,000, small payment down, long time on balance. AU stock and equip luent goes. . J. B. ROCK, 403 Conch bldg. Bdwy. 6363. LAKEGROVE ACRES New subdivision near beautiful Oswego lake. just put on the market. These acre tracts oniy ou minutes irom rou ter of city, all level, cleared, school oh tract, on t,.h hiohmav nnlv . few feet from station on Bed earline. 'iney can oe nau iot a smu payment and a little each month. This is the ex-service man a cnance; a umuu mmm. w be sold. See us early and get your choice. Ex clusive agents. 404 Concn Diag. mwy. 79 ACRES at Cathiamet, 40 acres under culti vation. 5 -room house, good outbuildings, water piped to house and barn, all stock and farm implements, all for $9500, cash $4500. 10 acres at Vancouver, "4 mile from the Orchard earline. 300 young fruit trees. 7 acres under cultivation, 3 acres in timber, hi mile to school and station, 2 miles to Columbia river; $5000, $1000 cash, -balance easy terms, oi win trade lor noose in Portland. McGEE A DENNIS. 969 Union ave. Wdln. 6684 Columbia Boulevard SUNDERLAND ACRES 1 to 20 acre tracts. Office, 29th and Colombia- bldv. J. O. ELROD. Owner. 283 Stark street- Broadway 1188. A TrrU lasaraace polary.m a guarantee by a iiiiiiiTi compaay that yea will aot suffer lew ea aot anal of the title to your real eatata H a yoa bay teal estate get a Title Insaranos Pal ley. Ne aaatract required. Title as Trust eea. p. ay. ROSft tiff BARGAIN 7" $24334 room bangalow, with modem eon watencea. tm a 10x100 tot, If yoa want a rame. see tbet oa. Wa A. Haghes Co.. 21 S Hv. Kir, hkig. Mvf. 608. RoSS-CiTT PARK F . my equity IB aaw 4 room California rust alow, famieheii' or nnramiahed; leaving city, avast aell at ore. 78a K. - 3th N. T hoOMrt. BATH. J LOTS. $3264 Fall baeswa.nl. garage, fruit, chicken bona. rose to rar, arkoal. good condition; (300 down. Mr. Brand. 420 Henry bklg. Bdwy. 3549. - : ' room's: bath, mt bowk Large tow baaamsnt. tot fmit. Richmond dk trvs, rlese to ear. w-bool. $$040. Br. Brand. - neary wmg. nowy. oeav. 4 TITUi iaearaaca Policy a a guarantee ot' tk title ta roar bam. Whoa yoa buy your bam have toe rale sxaarea. Better ba ai than aorry. Title 4k Treat eompaay. HAWTHORNE district -room bungalow snd reception hall: full cement basement, fun cor ner lot, all improvements in and paid; $3700. $700 cash, rent terms on balance. Morgan, with O. O. Sletiera. Realtor. 413 Railway Exchange building. Broadway 3400. AN ABSTRACT of title at not a guarantee af vnur title: it is merely a history of your title. A Till Insurance Policy la a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when job buy property got a Till Insurance Policy Mo abstract required. Title A Trust eompaay. . 100x100 ON PAVED street, fruit aad nut trees. berries, grapes. 4 -room ceueanouse, emcaen house, garage, good apU. Ill" B'rancia are.. near B t Lb st. ; BEHIND every policy of Title Insurance la a deposit with the Mat ot Oregon to protect yon against toes, yet it is cheaper than tha abstract method. Title at Trust company. $1900 ROSE CITY PARK ; DISTRICT Modem 4-room bouse, good condition, full plumbing, elect., gas, basement, large attic, fine 75x100 lot. lawn, garden; terms.- isoor eesv. LAERELHURST Must sail my new bom, just completed. This U a real bom, well builL up to tha minute la every suspect, rumaoe, Joes ot. nnnsoai raaxnrea. Garage. Iee than cost, issmi. xsawy. ezai or East 4216. VACANT HAWTHORNE S ROOMS $3500 furnace, extra large rooms;' 30th at.; easy terms, good condition, lull cement base ment. Sea it, Bdwy. mh. peuv .iot eve. SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SACRIFICE I ha to requested tha Wm. A. Hughe Co. to sell my home resrardleea of price. If yoa want a real 6 room bungalow in an exclusive district -. t t. ... - V .1 u , ... a puwi, n 1 1 pawj. ti r " O. sir neat 4-room bungalow, modern ventonrea. all improvements in and $3630, $500 cash, rent terms on balance. Mor gan, with O. O. Rteuan (Realtor). 415 Ky. Exchange Bldg. Broadway 3400. con- KUUKKB AT 82D ST. This 6-room house for (2600, easy terras fruit trees, berrim: biggeat barn in in the dis trict, w. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregoar bhig.. Broadway 1658. - rose crrr (nap (2230W-4 room bungalow. Thia it a beautv a a 010 lot. wax. A. Hagbat Co., 21( Ky. Wve. bMg. Bdwy. 6808. , I ROOM heiawt. medere, block to oar. MontC villa aistrtet: lot 71x100: imarwved streets. .-! down will beadle. Price (1630. 61 poen.waw eng. caianrl lot, 75x100. full aaraaa,! . A saooera bom. RoUM 1W (430i vary easy teraaa, (17 Ooiag atraat. I ' i after t 10 HOCSB PLAN $14) to (13, ar apeciallv aa. at cjoaebU fae. U R. BAnAT CO.. 924 W. W. Bank Bldg. Uki HAV9 already exaaxaaea the title ta year a"raawvt aad aaa asswe yea a Title haauaace tie i PW witheqC pvtay tiUO (12S0 DOWN Trust Btny. a-rnis. Caiifaraia ban. fcaiioa an, 1 Morw Hanare-i. well hi ia. Bentt a ftterry. 1038 tWrnnut, as R KM yoa msreaase your aoma nav. ta. ' inraroa. Get a Title Uauraaca Policy, b Trt eempaay. I r.AOif aaiVra bungalow, hsrge tot. paved re- aad aidwwalk. at HUUbore, Ov, CJL- !. Jnara.1, till Talt T.r 1 I I 6 -4 oi-e, lars. let. frail, (li flewa. i awaw aua ji-nan.a t 'a IBVINGTON (6830 A Btrictly modern 7-rcom home, built only 2 yean; a .real bargain and good terxaa, Broad- way 653Q. or Bast aawz evening. BUILD A HOME BOS We build homes aad help finaaoa aaxaa. Arttaana bldg. ' CALL OWNER Brand new 4-room buagatow. Alberta, xT9: cement naasmmt. nraplace. z oeamnma nam. aaa. EVERT najehascr ot real eatata anoald have all title sBsarea. Bettor Be sal tnaa avrry. TUl at Traat company. KENTON Call For sale, (-room boas oa Lombard. Woodlawa 4038. ' - 1 ROOMS. eksriUichy. aaa, water, small fruit! oam, acra: . a.uv oowa. Ienta. 3404 loota st. (1650 ROfeE CITT PARK D13T. 4-room aangalow. 3 fall fata, trait.- chicken ravas raraew. as-ta. paid : terms. Tabor 4803, BY OWNER la Keetoo. 7 -room mod. borne. cma to car, srrmoi. lite eowa, E. I4I REAL euburhaa hosw (70U rauh, 333 a month. liwruning inurresv. win ftavwiie. Kast loea. 7 R. FINE aaodera aome. tot (0x144; xdaat fmit- Phone Wdln. 177. i-kooit1 mMBe, bargain; aoto and caals aa tint ONE ACRE AND BUNGALOW RO(l 1.1(1(1 DOWN Just 30 minutes to center of city and has a dandv 3 -room with bath, all wired tor elect. gas close. Bull Kun water soon; house almost new and plastered. Stop rent; save money. Bdwy. 751 . . Six Acres, $1500 . On Pacific hiehway. 13 miles from Portland 1 H acres in cultivation, bal. easily cleared. Plenty wood, 5 room bouse, small bam, cash, bal. to suit. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. , CLOSE IN FARM 96 acres extra choice land, 80 acres in cultivation, 16 acres timber, 6 acres ber ries, 2 acres orchard, 7 -room house, bam. windmill 15 mile .Portland; $16,000; terms. This is sn extra fine property. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th st. CITY PROPERTY LOTS LOTS LOTS- 450 We aoecializs in the Bale of vacant lota. Tour lot bsted with us will therefore receive the beet attention. List wfih na if you want to turn dirt into money. HENDERSON-BAN Is. US CO.. 628 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754 A' CrOOD borne restaurant. regular boarders: Victrola, 125 records: new White sewing machine: all furnisbeiBg and supplies go with this. It will pay to aee Mr. Pirkeai, 318 Ry. Exch. bldg. rhone Bdwy. 6808. 11400 RESTAURANT VSmmt Ride "U" counter. A-l kitchen equip ment; doing good business: brick building; wife Bck. reason for selling. Ktii-rr-tt m tuwni 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6656 BUSINESS -OProRTUNrTIES WANTED 550 WANT the bast twymg bardwvr. Mure t. gvi hv. locality tnst up to gftvoo ram wtu han dle. State sU detail, to taut reply. J 364. Jovrnal ' W ILL hay ia Meae good established liaises have from g0 to siaov; give loll ranara lara in first setter or will aot pay any aUrntrs to same. G-3nS. Journal. HAYK chant (or cigar atand. amaU hajnch ronm who wUl Imjr Vodu. 326 Cham. DO YOU want a partner ia your sis mam I If so. sc. as. 304 Baehanaa bleg, G-58. Journal. WANT Rooming houwe or excar vaod. Kav. 10 a. fine land aad cash to (1200. Broad- way 7264. WANT restaai-nl. boar ig hnnsi ar groceni; most be goad and full value: buyer waiting with $200 to 31K0O. Broadway 7264. WOUL buy cigar stand or ever (1500. from owner ey. not G 37. Jear- (500 ONLY, for nice, inull grocery. i00 for on on Russell st.. or will trade for rooming bouse to (1200; (800. another, on East Side, take car to (400. BURNAl GH at PACE BXALTT W. 416 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. iidoo Cigar staxd Wast Side, downtown hotel lobby; Betting $175 month: owner has other basiaem, eaa't at tend to both. A KIPPER at CROSBY 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadwiy (656 WANT mak living; St or D: have real astaia boa- traet. Shelley Hotel. Rotm 17 (500 TO (1000 AH FULL ar part P. latent in going .husinesa ; no ageo 3-Joarnal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 GOOD shoe repair shop, good tocatton, good trade; leaving on account of health. See Mr. Pickens, 218 Ry. Exch. bldg. Badwy. 6808. for GROCERY AT A BARGAIN Heavily stock on: . good bumneea, 10 - house, garage; (4000; might exchang valley farm unincumbered. C. O'DOjiOVA'. 427 Wovoeater bldg. . (280t riROCERT AND COSFkCTIONERY East Side comer location : . ( modern living rooms and bath: doing good business. SKIPPER A CROSBY 514 Rsilwsy Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6656. FOR SALE Sawmill, fully equipped. Sff.OOO to 40.000 ft daily capacity. V mito from K. R. With or without 4,000.000 ft- pine and fir tim ber; 30.000,000 ft mora available. CI 161. Journal $2100 SCHOOL STORE Comer location, grocery and confectionery, doing $40 to $60 day; rent (30: living rooms. KE1PPER A CROSBY 14 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6636. CTTT LOANS 50 COMMISSION Oa Improved pTupertj ar far u-imivrmeat purposes. The best and easiest Berthed ot paring a asaa as our monthly payment piaa. ($2.26 per month for 36 aaentht. a (21.34 per month for 60 months, or (1(17 per mouth for (6 asonths. tat a loan of (1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts ia aame proportion. " Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS' 243 B Lark -St.. rorUtnd, Ot. WE HAVE CLIENTS with (16.000 to toaa on good mall homes. Bote City Park prrTed. See Mr Imnsmore. with CREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. -, 228-30 I'harnber of Corns w bldg. S60. (466. ($00. $730. (1000 AND UP. Lowest mte. quick artioa: pay (100 ar avore any interest data, Gordoa Morta-gs l-a. al Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6370. ANSWER THIS QUICKLY Have client wants 100x100 or larger, with livable shack, near earline;. not over (15?0, paj (200 cash. bal. monthly. WIN8LOW CO. 419 I Jim he rm ens bldg. Broadway 8669 BUILDERS AND OWNERS If you have a late model bouse, tell tu about it at once, and we will sell it for yoo. J. L HARTAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber oi Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ' AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS Full line equipment and tools: shop full, of work; over (300 month clear profit: illnea causes owner to sacrifice; will take (500 and give clear bill of rale. Room 401 Dekum bldg. (1100 BAKERY East Side, 5 -shelf bake ovea; full pastry equip ment; (500 rash will deal KEIPPER A CROSBY " 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6C56. WE HAVE client for home in Rose City and Hawthorne district. Phone us and we win have a man call on you. GREAT WESTERN INT ESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. RESTAURANT Lev town, near Portland: 8 furnished room in connection ; beat of equip ment, good cash business: 6 year lease, tow rent: all for (2200. some terms. Morns, with O. O. Slrtton, 415 Railway Exchange bhig. $650 BARBER SHOP 2 -chair; rent (15. with 2 living rooms: 3 year lease; doing 3100 week busmeaa. KEIPPEB aV CROSBT 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 6636 (1000. (1230 Aoti (150O TO LOAN at 7 per cent on re-oenc eeci invy; qui aci, no red tape. We aave yoa money. 4i A. Wagner Co. 230 Stark et- MONEY to loan on improv.d real property. Harry E. IlalL (01 V. B. Bank bldg. rnoa Broadway 2013. . BUILDING toaaa oa city aad suburb. a p n- erty; money advanced, as work progwiaaa vs. O. Beck. 213-216 Failing bang. Main (407. (100 TO (2(00: quick action A. H. BoU, 231 Morrison St.. room 10 and 11. ' SEE OREGON INT. at MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg- w . BERRY AND CHICKEN FARM FOR SALE A (3500 piace for (3200. Must sell at once to settle other business. (2200 cash. (1000 cn long time 6 per cent; 15 acres, 5 cleared, rest in good pasture, house, well, wood shed, chicken house and barn, 80 fruit trees and a small creek. Uon t write, but come ana see for yourself. John Josephsoo, owner, Warren, Or. ONE mile from Clatskanie, between 7 and 8 acres, well improved,'- fenced. ' 5 room house, bam and all kinds of outbuildings, a large span of horses, good wsgon and buggy and all kinds of farm equipments. WUl aril for (2500. Small mount cash, balance easy terms. Tom Peterson, Clatskanie, Or. A MODERN GARAGE Fine location. 5-year lease. 65 cars steady stor age; aell gas, oils, auto parts, etc.; (400 month clear profit: (2750 required. Room 401 Dekum building. CAUTION. BUYERS Before esoarng a deal af so-called totorest ia ei tab-abed real bturmeas, get svic of Portia nd Realty Board, 421 Oregon bids. Pbone Broadway laoz. A PARTNER WANTED Wood and coal business: pay (200 month WANT cheap 3 or 4 room house. (200 or 1 clear profit for each partner; (800 required. (250 down. (13 month. Any part of city, rioom 401, uekum bldg. Phone Wdln. 8497, . HAVE calls every day for bouse-. See m if your price is right. ROBERT S. COE JR. East 4728. 384 Bawthc te. YOU WILL GET ACTION LIST YOUR HOUSE WITH US PORTLAND HOME CO.. BDWY. 2871 1040 ACRES WHEAT Near Heppner, 775 acres in cultivation: will take up to $25,000 in suburban or city home. This is some of the best wheat land in Eastern Oregon, $50 per acre. Broadway 2571. rVKTLA. Lf HUMf. to.. 683 Railway Exchange bldg. COTTRELL, ON BULL RUN LINE (165 per acre. 15 acres, 9 cultivated, fine ofl, fronting on car line, only 13 miles from city limits, small payments. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. ' ROSE CITY CAR 5 rooms and sleeping porch. furnace, fireplace, gaa range and water heater, atreet improvements in and. paid for. Owner. East 7729. - A BARGAIN. & room bungalow, partly fur- nished; corner lot. sewer, sidewaiKs in ana paid. Close to Franklin high j eeneoL t-riee g R2aO. aooo casn.. bau easy terms, am. o- A-l 5-ACRE tract for sale. by owner. 20 miles e-sf vf Pnrt-vmi mod hoosa. bam and other outbuildings; small orchard; place in crop; for full description, price, terms ana josson. . oi selling, write Wm. Dawson. Boring, Or. ' MILE from Clatekanie. between 7 and 8 acres, well improved, fenced, 5 room house. bam and all kinds of. outbuildings; a large span of horse, rood vraa-on and buggy and all kinda of farm aquipmen- Will sell for $2600. amalV amount cash. "-""e. easy terms, xom reirraon, Clatskanie, Or. . GEES HAM DISTRICT 5 acre, excellent aoU, all cultivated, level, near station, store, arhool. price (1500. Very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co. 210 Oregon Phlg. 6 ACRES on paved road and electric line, part in cultivation, anaec; price aoav, asu oowa. (10 per month. .i i DRAPER. 408 Board of Trade. 1 92 ACRESS9200 On highway, near Gaston, 43 la cultivation. house, bam, orchard; 1-3 cash, bal. easy. Owa- 732 Patton road, city. Main au. 40 ACRES. 6 or 7 hav. been cultivated, about 25 can oe cultivate-; nouse. earn, ootouuo- Ings. trout creek, on cream route, gooa roaas. a mile from Estacada earline; (230Q, (500 cash. M. Rom. 6338 BOth are, a. f- (509 CASH ALBERTA Nets- 3-mnm bungalow, modern, full oeraent basement. 30x100; price (2850 a good buy. Broadway 6538. or roast aona e-roms ROSE CITY PARK 660 E. 48th N., beautiful new 4-room bun galow, strictly modem, just trie tunc iot couple: term. Owner. Ant. 81QV19.- TITLE insurance is tne modem way cf -tndling title to real estate. Quicker. cost less and , abstract required. Title V Trust eompaay. (3500 (1000 DOVtri, o-oom cottage. 5 Ox 109 lot in BeacoB xieignts aaaraon, ciose in. easy terms. Scott aV Berry. ipa xseimonu FOR SALE Two acres, one mile east of rvrtim station, buildings, well. fmit. Fel- lowa. Milwaakie. Route 1. Box 195. Also three acres partly cleared. 1 ACRE at Wichita station ia high state of cultivation, 2 blocks to school. S blocks to earline: : buildings ar fair; 33500: will take aood ear as first payment, wain. bum. ROSE CITY DISTRICT S room bouse, modem with 1 acre of land, S blocks to Rose City. (500 wll hiadla. 611 Im -R.n.n. East list St., near Gbsan, one aero for your . eViw-kens and berries. (SO down will give too pcawskm. See W. M. CmMenstock Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. CLOSB your real estate ooat without annoying - detail by using a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title aV Trust company. 5 -ROOM modem bu-eatow. all on one floor, on paved street: roil basement; 1 oroca uiot arw nne. Upper Albina. 426 Ivy, East 78 18. TTTLB Insurance savea tun ana money because a ahctraet is require-. ra at xrust com- IN IRVINGTON Comer tot, large 8 room hoaae. hardwood iloora. furnace, all modern (T00O. Call owner. East 1304. GET title iasaraaco iastrad or ta abstract. It to qoKksr and cheaper aad you are abeolnteiy uii.'tected agatast error. XI tie at Trust eompaay. OOIT tr St. John bungalow i small down parment. fm-utca BtotrLhly; exsxaider sot , - Peninsula district, Owner. East 1275. - WHEN voa get a Title Ins-ranee Poiicy. 1 do aot aeed aa abetrart of title. One pre ana pay for all tfoxse. - TtB Trost company. 919 rlwrKi 503. tH OVLRUg 1 room boB-vb, owoar. t.4 IemCT-rw. WamUawB, 1771. MODERN B room bouse, farnaca, garage. Woodward eve. - or Sett. 1551. : MY (359 equity in 4-room plastoced "house. 10 ACRES 7 acre cultivate-, balance pastura nonsa. larmsne : rao earn, o t buildings, small fra.it, cow. V chickens ; (500 will handle. B. H. Stewart. 165 4th street. S ACRES, only 3 blocks from highway. 1 block from city water ana eieetrus pgnm: su icncea: mile from Canby. (1500. Call Tabor 6600 or U-B5II, JOUBHt G RES HAM 100x370. nearly -on acre, fine aoiL level, cultivated, beautiful view. (350 takes it, yonr terms, w. si. uma-e-saoea a t. 210 Oregon bldg. ROCKWOOD 8 miles from city limits, right at station, one ar more acre, level, voder cul tivation. (509 per acre. (10 monthly payments. W. a I. Umh-enstock a; Co.. zi Oregon c og. . -- -- KAt.E OR TRADE If yoar are looking for acreage it will be to yonr aavantage 10 caa jsb oao-wo, - S ACRE tract near Beavertoo. cleared, etoso to higfawav, alSd - per acra;- torma, Kofcaenr bevms sccepted. (26 Chamber of Oomaieree. 8 ACRES. Sa milea oat on Bamea mad: wi aell ail or any part: $5000 easa or terma, or what have tout 11T 1, ln - (150. 683 41st awe. S. E. (3260 (50O DOWTi. 3 tots aad 7-room hoaaa. y owner. Aut.-310-17. EAKUAIN 4 room Lvuse, (iloll; Urav. Ca Tabor 7208. , 4 ACRES, house, bam. near MuRnomah suboo (30o. Owner. 07 Wiseox - Mdg. (0 ACRES amber; bargain lor ca-it. F-3-J Joamai. -r , . .. r 1'UR SALE Eight acret Giena Oak na-oav Pnca (1200. AtoxuAs-etar uoom. FOR RESULTS list your property for aale or trade with Nelson, Realtor. 70S Uaaco baxg. Main 2072. WANT small bungalow ; have (500 cash'; no (450 RESTAURANT, corner location; H0 amity rash buatneea: good eoa lpment. low rent. busy corner: half cash, balance easy. Morris, with O. O. Sletton, 415 Railway exchange bklg. MONEY TO LOAN CTTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles rtniNrrcRK. pianos, household goods, REAL ESf ATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTE" WrTHOt T BiSCUBITl. ir iui rtiss.119 TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR .ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE COrTTRACTS 4Kb TOO t-tHAi-, wa, v IIM- rmm - UP. ADVANCB lOt HOUB. awsi NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN PAY IS IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 8LIT TOUR UMSBiai6 . CECAL RATES KO DEl-iT PORTLAND LOAN CO. iLICENSED) (06-307 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. JJKOAlitvax or. 1 agents. $lono 1st mte close-in noose: snap Woodlawn 6566. 1 0 Overland, some cash, f o WELDING and radiator snap N. Union ave. tor aale. 16 Main 111". IF your house is tor sale phone Ralph Harris I Co.. 616 cnamper ot commerce, ndwy. nat. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 802 ACREAGE 455 50 ACRES. 20 acres in cultivation, balance in li( mmm rth vsnber. xsam ana ouier oot- buildings. - Young orchard, S springs ana gooa welL Pric (3500. Terms. B. H. STEWART. 165 H 4th st. BEFORE deciding definitely or making pur e)h nf fnfare home, learn more about Kelso, Cowtitx county, Washington, and wonderful pros- oerts for prosperity now At nana, w at r. u. Box 341. Kelso, w asn. TO SETTLE an estate. 2 00 -acra dairy farm. (17,500. one ot tne pest an toe suue. see McKenna for terms. 1151 Belmont at I9ta. Tabor 6493. CHEAP 402 acres, horse. catUe. pigs, hay. grain. ' farm ' implements, deed to 60 sen water right from Canyon. Information, write t, Dran. Tule Lake, Or. - - of bast river FOR SALE, by owner. 32 W bottom land ta Clackamas county : stacked and equipped. Box 117, Rt. 5, Oregon City. FOR l-EOTFARMS 408 FOR LEASE for term of years, farm suitable for general farm or dairy: good building aad well I .need- im aeree nnaer piow. oesiae at pasture aad timber land- ' Cash rent. 7 ' so n Portland; nna roaas. Btrong at Jtac- Naughton. Mam 815. KO. 1 Ranch for rent, 120 acre. 100 level, 30 plowed, good Baikimgi. hot and cold water, electric lights, hay. grain. 14' bead dairy cattle, registered, tine team: au n vaiua cwn. oefi lor 2tnt. von year's rent free. 301 Corbett bwiiding 1-TH RENT 15 acra with good 6 room boas and bam. chickenhnuwa, fruit, pears, apples and plums, near Tigard, Or. . Appiy J.061 E. 7tb N TO RENT. S to 10 acres, close ia. aosac archard - and grapes, city- water aad aaa, Paona owner, 632-83. ' ? -- - - - .- 15 ACRE frm with building, near Port-utd. Telephone Wdhv ;12. IRRIGATED LANDS' 409 124 ACKBS irrigated land. (50 par acra, vYrA . X aV At-otec, AT-neviiia. ot. WANT SMALL PI-ACES. CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, ea good Afoad. close to electric traneportatloa aad Portland. Small payment down and owner to accevt soldier loan. J aba a trgusoa. Gerimger bklg. . WBTTE TEMPI JE 8 moms with good furniture; house Just, newly dororated and going to be painted on oataide; rent is very veeaoa aMe: this place ia a ascrifice; full pnoe. (550, (350 win handle. See MrCaulcy HILLER BROS.. Realtor 211 Ry. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. (626 FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES j tlav aevarai people wanting to rent acra ag or tmall farms, close to Portland pre ferred; some poople wall buy the suae after leasing for year or mora; ww mak tots of aale this way; will buy eqatpmeat if priced right, JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. Largest Fsrm Dealer on Faeifie Coast, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HIGHWAY HOTEL AND POOLHALL Th larttng ho si ia prosperous Eastern Ore gon town at juncon of Coluamia and John Day highways; ground 100x200 ft.; 36 moats. 40 bed, always filled to mpaoxty; nopalar dining room: good lobby: mclades fso poolhall and soft drinks, etc Owner. 70 yean old. wiabat to retire. Ini place 11 real bay at (13.0w oaa-tliird eaah, balance eaay term. See Mr. Sorom. with GREAT WESTERN. IN VEST-tEXT CO. 230 Cham, of Cora. Bldg. Bdwy. 7381 STORES, ETC 500 PARTNER WANTED For real estate escba age. basincm asaa or I wtman. Some finance. I have the experieaos I im property. 4Z2 k Morrison t.. Room 17. WANTED Carpenter and painter with (500 or more to work wild Bwuaxng ana selling com pany. Money secured nad share in prof its 6 1 guaranteed on Investment, A-7 1 7, Journal. (250 RESTAURANT (250 Nifty bttle place, taken on debt, bow eloaed: torated at (12 Burnside at. ' See Albert Harala, I oi Misaawipia ave. wain. izoi. S00 AntSnwar SlO price. Acorn Pre, 886 WasMnften. nr (th. WANTED At one, man to take half interact good vulcanixtng shop, centre r located . 432 MawtJiorne. CLEANING LEASE FOR SALE. 4 -year lease oa a new -mail apartaarat hosuc, partly furaiabed with new farm tore; also nice garage. This to tha -toast small ho is ia city: be (ore aad esa tha before kmyiag. For further in foTBaattea See MeCaaley HJLLER BUO8,. KeaHora 211 Ry. Exchange bide. Bdwy. (626 t ROOMS aad kite-enex-.. booawkerping. ( gaa ranges, plenty of furniture; right down town; rant (73; act moot- (46. Prtca (1000. JOHN FEROrSON. Realtor. T Geriuager Bldg. SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY in salaried and workingmea oa their Rate reasonable, easy pavraeww. MO SBCCR1TT NO IN DORS 3 I r, 11 r invevtirate our modem BBOBC tog -rrtheds. AU baainr-a ronfident-il. COLUMBIA DISCOINX tUBrsi ( Lx-ensed I 218 S Bwildmg. "f?5NET TO LOAN llssn loaned un bouarhold good ehandise placed in tong with a at a regular bank rate. .-- S-CCCBXTY STOHAC K. Ac laasor-a w. 4th and Pin t. Opposite Maitnoatah Hotel Phone Broadway (713 TK--LLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUY first and eeoed mongaaaa aad arll crr rootr-rta. F. E- Bowaraa ax Co- 316 Cl-m. of Com. bldg Bdwy. 6776. WILL cash .Uere real estate coe Irs rt or first -tortgage. Prompt attevilioa. Bee A- K. HlU, 426 i.nmbervaenv bldg. CASH paid for sxortgagea and aaller coalract sn real estate xa wesoiagiou H. E. Noble. 316 lamber-eits bldg WILL pay $973 lor $100l. P l 1 f. Oa, 8V gold no4c ii, jooma- WILL bus raiall arilera contract v asortgage. Gcrdoa. 631 Ch. of Cob- Mdg. MONEY WANTED WANT (1500 at 6 Clark 651 1st mortgage to. a U; awaee. Co.. 732 II farm in vaha. (4000. Fred Cham, of Crea WANT (4OO0 at 7 5- for 1-t mortg-ge toss) ' a 2-atory brick b-Udtag. exv-eueat -tra-vm. rs rentable, rained at (13.000. Fred vT. , German Co.. 7(2 Cbaav of Com. WANT to borrow (2750 oa tar tee fen-wo, far 1. 2 or 3 yeara. Call ta a aa at 2 -Ua-tory v. Owner. F. vefe tv. (1500 WANTED at ( oa Awxiem. a-roreB wuncalow. Row ("nv 5vrv-t. Tabor BiiB. SEE OREGON INV. at MORTGAGE CO- 21 ; and Sandy 1 new building rone Broadway 34 649. (273.1 SACRIVTCH 22 win an. apt-, walking dartance. ssaet aide. tteam beat, bet and cold water to ever an - ri.-.. k,. i I amaya ibu. aetuag ii aaa s . . I hi, a i Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Mvtn (3(0. 192 (d st, FOR SALE Candy kitchen, doing aood bma- nesa; good tocatioa; sow rant; tei 3814 92d st. 8. E. nd ralcaau-ag -hop cheapl 14 ROOMS, H. Nob Hill; rurnac beat; goad rurnltar. eJeaa; rant only to aaa dto. Prtoa (1(00. fie Mr. Carm,. I. W. GBUSS1 (13 Beard of Trade Broadway 745: owner called east. , 363 E. I canetoa. FIIXIN'G sttUoo eood Inea tsoa: 11th rt. - Phone E. 8429 (1250-r-REAL live cash and carry cor. gtuceiy. SEE THIS 11 mora . aenrnkm nine ralkia: new raga. newly dewiated. fornace beat; aa w rane-m. rnca eio: term-,, zi a a-ulway Kxca. dmc. sdtry. . BEAUTY S nireeivirrg looms: rant 525. . 423 Ch amber I umias tavifl (mti mnmA Mmi.i. i of Commerce tMg. - - I walking asinaec: 4 year kwase. . Bee this fee GROCERY Oeaa-atock; mill in voice ; rent (33. 1 Boa set ag nice. 216 sty. Jkxra hldg. Bdwy. Tub is something good. 308 BnehanaB bldg. I ' -Yin Ril.l jtaslL eat. lUnelli, fMlanniil I , . SACRIFICE Itmrfa eoamtrr, good location. 942 Wash. at. I 11 room, housekeeping, walkiag di-tanee; wrTl . &!0. journal - : - ' I " " r "7 "Mt' 1Mwy- n- w,'o'or 4n-s-w 3.i7rwUt-t tort-ow - -- , i nanriie. a pacnsviaa Bklg. vn ssut -tea mar-e a k groocrx- 798 Lombard, FOR BALE SO room note, centrally lorat-d tZLLil-iG , V ea owaer, SlUX i"-e rd. vTote Baaa H. Vseob. i-ttox-w Cn-axw-' :. Ewrwraaw bklg. HORSES AND VT-HICLES 700 TEAM af bay lain, 2100 lbs., bar farm wacoa. (125: grcti. and good worse ra . 4610 (7th rt., Mownt aScott ear. THE BEST ma U-bed team et saaara ever em ate to Port-UB-. tomiae: 5 year e-L wsmb 2 1. gentle for a womsa to aandto. 10 E. Sth at. TEAM af well mated bay marae, yarn - wnght about StMrO x : aaaohitrty aoaatd aad eewtto. Fnce (323. 4 27 i-- 4Tay. - . 4 -TEAR-OLD dappto gray as-re. 1440: a weau- Ufal ammal; graue; atacto aad doobi. 16 " E. 8th ac CHUNKY BLILT Zto iam. B-r-at aivd farm wagrm. Wid sell eawap. t3 Fosuc A. Mt- 4tent ear ta Kern park. (73 FINE saddi aoma aod a-ats-t ar h-tT rkuas sadxue; aaw arreral atarr ctwan taia. Karen m and eagooa of all kvoda, 240 K. th t. 270O-IJ3. team, -araeas aad iams.wagta; al -bOw-r. team wtua Heavy t ii ma aaa tares wagon Tory tmeaa. . 630 Hawlbarua ava. -. - 2300-LB. TEAM of males, 3 aad 6 yean old; raeap. or and lor stores, or cawa. Sta tt. - - - - - !10 TEAM, ha rue s and farm vcagoa, la good cow dnioa. 614V9.' B416 A4'h sv. Woi-wao k ear IXiLBLE team (3 day. sm team LS( iJ- (46 Front at, Maia 220.