The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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MONDAY, MARCH 6,; 1822.
Marty Krug Does Not Tliii& Been Given Fair Deal and
Assumes His
New Duties
By Gaartre Barts
Inml mnni KffloOT I v. ti kI.m
tortland. trainino camp, Pas- . T" iSTJ;:
, . Br. GMTtt Berts ;'Vr'-
, ' - Joa-Sal Spat TAHM. . ' " .
Paddock Fields Pasadena, Cal.. March
. -Jarae (Dot) Fulshum. utility in
fielder of th PhiUdalphU Anerleans,
who may eon to Portland, tn caaa
Robert McCann, who u being banked
UDoa to fill th shortstop gap. la oM
This opinion wai
I adena. Cat. March .-Blll Ksnwor- toatah.
thy. tb -Iron Duke," assumed command JKt la nSh aa
J. J "TV!!! IT MuVU Coast "
Ingly wn rclpt or a telegram from U": ?L.T h
TrlM.nt iflnn.r Helder." Assistant Manager Turner ha
Vt. t of Kenworthy a a, high regard for FulghunV. f ielng
mnrr mm Tmarnt followlnr th dV ability - - . .'-W
.1.1.. T.aan.. T a.! a all Vilnt tA I 1 -
r,. -rwdr- Einott. by the war. is nappy
very popular among the players In camp aa a boy with a -hole room full of
hut It believeginat Jtenwortny wuiiioya. a uw rramk i
Young Bloody
Getting Acid
Diamond Test
b Juat aa well liked.
In stepping down. Turner aald. I am
satisfied and oonunt' to aaaume my r-
,,,n h tZWSSZi the fact that he la iffrlng from
coach and scout, we are all working I. , ... ...!,. .
Portland. "Rowdy,-who la one of the
moat eooular baeebal! pUyera-m itne
Coast league, declare that ho tr going
to work hla head off for the Beavers.
Elliott looks to be III wonderful ahape.
the grip.
lot of
for one ohJect, a pennant winning hall
club In Portland."
Marty XrugNwho waa transferred to
fteattle.1 worked out with the Beavera
Buodajr and waa not very talkative
about the awltch, but what he did aay
showed . that ho waa "peered.'' He la
rnln to mtkt somMne nav for hla
transfer to the Seattle club, declaring j third aacker.
ik.l k. wiiiiIH imt hva mlnilMl til dAt I
had It not been made before hla poln- LeRoy Gressett, the EvanaviUe out
ing the- Bearers' training-camp her, fielder secured In the Detroit deal, haa
I will know more after I hear from the appearance of being a speed demon.
1 President BoldL" This ia taken to in- Ua preliminary workouts to data, the
dtcate that Krug will ask .more money I Texan showed up fine and Turner, , who
IS. T. Connolly, a California boy who
nlivcd baseball around, the East ay
I district, waa signed for th Beavers by
Jimmy Richardson, now aocretary of the
Seattle ball club, last year. He is
tha hla Portland contract called for.
Ktnworthy addition to the Portland
. team will result In a change In the bat
ting -order. The new lineup will not
be ' known until Kenworthy gets ac
quainted with all hla players. It la not
likely .that many changes will be made.
aa Kenworthy can lay down bunts in
pretty good style and will likely hit sec
ond, unless McCann la moved up to that
position and Kenworthy hitting after
Kenworthy win add a lot of hitting
waa reaDonatble for hla purchase by the
Philadelphia club, declares that he will
be a valuable man for the Beavers.
Oresaett takes a nice, cot at the ball
and may be another hitter of the "Jim
Poole" type.
HEHAUa. Waalw; March The
Yjk Chehalla high school : basketball
team made certain: the championahlp ot
Southwest Washington Basketball league
Saturday night by defeating : the ' Ho
quiam team before 'a large crowd In- the
local gym, to 12. The gam was the
fastest and roughest played here this
season,' but In spite of these arawaacics,
the local fans mad players credit Ho
qularawtth having the fastest team they
have met this season. The store at the
end of the first half was U to C A fea
ture of the game waa a sensational bas
ket by Elmer Teareau three " fourths
across the floor, -and the passing ot Tbor-r
bury. Huhta and Sahli of Moquiam were
taken out of the game for roughness and
1- Teareau of ,the ChehaUs team was
taken out on account of - injuries. The
line-up was aa follows: r i jr
Chehalia. s Hoquiam.
Schusa (11) ...i..,F.:.....V.i Hoquiam
L. Teareau t() ,...F. ...... (J) Peterson
Creech'..s.t. ... ;.F c & :
E. Teareau ( 16) .. ..C ......... () Cogdltt
8t John t5).......G.........,.;...HuhU
O.. Sahli
G Caldwell
Ruth Signed
;wnn i anics
For 5 Years
Thornbury 4) j. . . ..G . . .
Case of Olyropia waa referee.
Forest Grove, March 6.--Many " per
sonal ' foula and poor passing featured
the 15 to victory of Albany college
over the Pacific university basketball
players here Friday night. The I score
stood 8 to 4 at the end of the first half
in favor of the visitors. The lineups:
Th rookies, who outnumber the ex
perienced players in camp, seemed over
anxious during the first couple of work
outa. This ia natural, but many i oi
them cut down the "alp" after the first
practice, maybe one of the reasons be
ing the absence from the para oi tJune
Burke, the trainer of the Portland club.
strength and If he fleldsnik he did last who was conined to his bed for a couple
year. Fort land win have the strongest oi y """
; Infield In th league offensively. The I . . , 3 '
defensive strength Is a queaUon nntU Ken EeotU the big right-hander who
I th players get working together. starred as pitcher for the Washington
. Th old tlmera of the club are of th high school team in Portland, appears
'opinion that Portland Is going to-have to be In tip top shape aa the result of
'l a winning ball club, a team that will be hie week's training at the SabOba Hit
hard to beat for the pennant
Th players In camp are going much
better aa the result of the work outa
Sunday, the "long session, under a hot
sun going a long ways toward putting
them In ahape.. j.
Till. AftsUYIKO
Two more players arrived In camp.
Charles High, outfielder, showed tip well
la his Initial appearance and. according
to Turner, will appear la.Jtha- regular
line-up. Joe Sargent arrived and la a
rile appearing chap. -i
i Th players to report yet are: Jim
Thorpe. Walter LAverens and Jim Poole.
These players are expected to put in at
any time. Plummer and Sprinkle, young
pitchers, are a till absent. ,
i Reduction Of the squad Will start dur
ing th .middle - of this week. Ralph
Holden, outfielder, win likely be one of
. th first to go. He looks fast but lacks
Ui class needed for the Coast circuit.
' Th Portland baseball squad that win
' break camp here about April 1 will bo
composed of 21 players, according to the
ability shown In. workouts, and past rec
ords. Here's th personnel of tha squad :
Catchers. Bruggy, Elliott and King :
pitchers, Mlddleton, Sutherland, Fromait,
BlemUler. Ellison (righthanders), anu
Ross, Crumpler and Levarem (south
paws) j Inftelders, Poole. Kenworthy, McCann.-
Sargent. Connolly: outfielders.
Thome, High, Cox. Hale. Gressett and
Carl Tuma. Albert Soott and Strom,
Springs. Scott gays that his arm is in
wonderful shape. Sam Ross, veteran
southpaw, ia also feeling fine.
. 1 1 i
Shannon, a Los Angeles rookie short
stop, broke Into a Beaver uniform on
the first day, but he'a taking too Dig a
step to try to break Into the Coast
' -- -
Mike Leonard, who hails from Saw
telle, waa signed upon the recommen
dation of Chet Melntyre, who trained
the Seattle club during their first come
back year In the Coast league.
Assistant Manager Turner Is highly
Dleaaed with Billis Burke, trainer oi the
Portland club. Turner declares that
none of the trainers In the major leagues
hav anything on BUIie. . -. .
By Jefca B. Poster,
(CopyrUht. 122. by The Journal) .,
r" ANYTHING out of the ordinary m
the way of young tplayers has heen
dratted into th training camps, no man
ager has seen fit to go - into ecstacles
about It. The Clawlesa Cobs out on tha
Island of Santa Catalina who are fartbr
tt removed . from baseball civilisation.
look aa if they hav a vrhal of a task
ahead of them to keep trot i lasirpiace
In, their- race That haa been- brought
about by Fletcher'a determination to play
ball again. He shoaia M. powerful am
to the .PhiUlea where they were" weak; .
From the training dtmps In Texas no
bursts of oraise are- mounting skyward
about any of the Httie uinpcenui wro sm
taking their first degree. In big league
baseball. Chicago'e Sox will nang on mo
line pretty much the samev
The OUnta have a uttl outqeio com-
netition which would be settled if Rouah
could be fished out-,of the Cincinnati la-s-oon.
It is too early for any Of the
freshmen pitchers to snow anyunng. a
int of noaiitlnar is belna done fof Groh,
and he doesn't need It. Ho will be Heinle
Groh, becoming a little slower ana slow
er, but always the same style of player
ta hla last dav In uniiorm. , :
Roth nf the St. Louis C1UD are trying
tn aidnnmte voiinr pitchers. Lee Fohl le
mostly interested in wnat usnronn om i nrawmon
show for him. Danforth la the missing 1 PJf -
link to which St Louis has been loosing
to couple itself to a pennant. xni
cracks up Davis aa a possiDuuy ior ine wm.nw.ue University. Salem. March
next campaign. Anybody anouw ngure 4The Wuiamette university five took
aa a poembllity for St. Louis who can the &nd final game of the series
win 2S ramea: in fact, even a score i k. C.M. tTnitMiraitv
would go a long way toward establish- of og 27 to 18. The Bearcat took
Ing St. Louis on a firm basis. ,ead 4t glart maintained It to
BES0TJBCEFn.WE8S 1CEEBED . I the final whistle.
Rinkev ia devoting his attention to a I Willamette with 3 games won and
oair of novice pitchers who may be f u- I lost haa a percentage in the Northwest
tore greats. All baseball in St Louis Is I conference .of .250, while Oregon with
futuristic. He nas a catener nameo i z won ana l lost nas a percentage ox
Grooch, who is to b Clemona' running 1 .125. Had the Oregon quintet been the
mate, and the St Louis manager, with I winner, ; the cellar championship would
an unusual outburst of optimistic assur-1 have gone to the Bearcats. The respect
ance. has brought himself into a mental live percentages would have been:: Ore-
state from which he prophesies that he gortv .188 ; Willamette, .167. .The game
haa two near-best catchers. What he I closed the season for both Oeams.
needs is -resourcefulness on the part of I Zimmerman with 10 markers waa the
his team. I most consistent point getter v for the
Washington has KOt more to brag about I Lemon-Yellow five. Gillette -with 14
than any of them. At least, it certainly points was the star of the game. !
haa more to look forward to. The The Oregon team took 40 shots at the
Grlffities are likely to develop the fast- basket and was able to connect for only
est Infield in the American league, and eight hoopers. The Willamette five took
one that will not be more than a sneeze 66 shots and made only 11 of i these
behind that quartet of th Giants which count for baskets. j
are supposed to excel In speed the daily I me lineups
Albany .
Daniels . .
WHcox ...
.... F
. .Q.
... i Flake
. . Balcom
.. Adams
. . Fowler
Referee T. H. Gawleyof Portland.
. - (By CalUd Kew)
IVrEW. TOR1C March C Bab Rath
has signed -his contract with the
Yankees. Nor la th document a simple
one-year agreement, such as held by the
usual ballplayer. It runs for five years,
carries a railroad president's salary and
offers bonus - for . every , occasion on
which the king of swat batters out a
home ttua. v- " . . :- ' - - - .:
Announcement was made Sunday at
Yankee headquarters of She successful
conclusion -. of th negotiations between,
th two colonela, Rupert - and Huston,
and their star attraction, tn a session at
Hot Snrtngs that ended only when Babe
and Ciflonel Huston had called ln: fate
to deetde the final question of salary.
Col. Huston hardly wanted to pay
Ruth- what he . wanted. They came
within a few hundred dollar of each
other, and finally Bab suggested the
customary flip of a coin to settle the
argument Babe chose tails and Lady
Lock smiled on him.
As to the actual salary, that Is a
secret between the two colonels and
Ruth, but on top of It whatever It may
be. Run is to get a 1500 bonus on each
and every occasion he delighta the fana
by putting the ban outside the reach
Of the outfielders. On this basis, Ruth
would have added 114,500 to his salary
in 1919. 127.000 in 1920 and $29,500 last
season;- -
Consequently, if Ruth keeps his stride.
Bruggy Is
r Man Than:
Kincr of "Rp.avftra
ifraak- Braggy, cateaer. aareaased
y PerUaad fro th Pailadelf hla
RaUoaali at th klghest Cgr rar
i aald 07 Coast Jeagv el ah fer a
flayer, is a bigger maa thaa "Blp"
aiag, ta tig isiiew who la aiaaiag
Us. second atteaiat to break In as m
regalar, aeeordlag U Manager- Tar.
Braggy is balU alosr u Uaes of
Klkg, bat lt .alU a bit bigger," said
Taraer. If they m aay .-hlrger
than King, they ant be whales, fer
Klag is one f the biggest aea t
.break lat ta Coast eircalt. :
Taraer Is not worrying aboat Brag
gy It .wUt, la Taraers eplalea, tak
Braggy bat a few days to get his eye
41 th ball, as hookas beea partlel.
patlag ta n ehamtteasklp basketball
series all whiter.
Braggy waa tw weeks lat la Jo la
lag th Phillies last season. -
Eastmbreland Club
Team Is Bested by
:;r: Portland Golfers
Gibbons Arrives
At 'New York, to
Train for Greb
By Falrplay -l
Cejriabt 1922. by Tha loaraal)
NEW TtORK, March . rommy vjiw
bons, the celebrated St Paul light
i w.- - arrived In the metTOP-
the year will see him drawing down a lollc and today begins earnest .reparaUoa
salary which, with such things as movie j for the battle witn- Harry reo. v
royalties and other aide lines that go th Madison Square Garden March 14.
with tha. tab, nf Mnr ttim wwU'a nra. I nihhnm Will do all I HUB enaoow ookinsi
mler batsman, puU him In a class with and sparring; at th Commonwealth A.
Our leading taxpayers. C. In New York, while Greb. who has
Th question now arises as to which been doing light work at Jack O'Brien a
- v. i ,.w Arm. in the Garden, haa signed up a
Vl ,w i .-i .v. t.v. I nr.umA nf mnA aBarrina oartnere who will
Rnth .m mr nMi n . r,.nrtv laivo him good action. All betting that
hn ,ith nm mirtiiimM. m ia 1 1.&S been done, to date there has
RAIN, snow flurries and a stiff wad
did not prevent the Portland Oolf
Club and Eastmoreland Golf dub lt-man
teams from playing the first how and
hom match Sunday on the Portland
club's course. Th footing was far from
being satisfactory and it waa necessary
to eiae the temporary green., at the six
teenth hoi while no attempt waa made
to ptay -the fourteenth and fifteenth
hole. ; Instead, the golfers played over
in iirst ana second notes on their re
turn. - - ft ' .
. The Portland dub won by three points.
24 to-21. th Nassau system of scoring
being Used.- Roy Moo of Eaatmoreland
turned tn the lowest score when he made
15 on th first nine. ' Rudy Wllhelm had
a hard match with John Rebetock and
after losing th first: nine, one up, he
cam back with a 2 op victory In th
second nine, giving him the match.
The complete summary follows:
EatBMHm Oil
... (1) Jobs KrtMtock
) C. Ntehoto
.() A iteas
...( J. W. Baarbos
..( B. Mo
(!) W. UckW
( J. PttOork
...( H. Kyle
( A. nolo
1)P. Dole
. . . . U Dr. KaowHoa
( A. Hat
(II K. Afiwu
(S) i. K. Bhaofc
A. KsafoMS
(9) A KrW
TESS TROEH waa high gun at th fire
f regiatered shoot of the 192S season at
tn Everting Park trap Of the Port
land Con club Sunday. H smashed 59
stralsht white second honors reawlted la
a tie between Mark Rtckard amd rr. C.
F. Cathey. Rlckard carrying off th
prlxa by virtue of calling th right turn
on the flip of a coin. .
Bad weather greeted the shooters and
this had a tendency to keep the Bomber
of conteetanta so low.
.' - (-
A. 1. . Btf ! 4f
( B. Pmim 4T
Uark nirfcaid 4
J. n. TaMh .1 ae
a, K. ruiMl 4
U. Rata ia
1, H. Caatn 41
fW. M. A. teach st
W. C. Wor 4
A. U Daetoei 47
A. lUaifore :e
PortUad X4)
R. Wuacla) 12)
H. B. Skofarr ).. .
J. Copelsnd (01
O. MeCallarh 9t . . .
L Hnmpkrrrt )..,
Kreel Kay (11
W. StaaiOOT (I)
D. Nicol 2
rw. a. a. stiff (it . .
(. Itotelmna 13)...
C. K. lieCaUerh () .
O. Ouimm it)
E. O. Jsaas II
U R. Him (1)
C. A. 8hro (2)
'Walter Nash )
0. A. C. Grappfers
Off for Pullman
Oregon Agricultural College Corvallia.
March C The hardest wrestllns; meet of
th year will be faced by the Agglea
Tuesday, when they go to Pullman.
Wash,, to meet the Cougar bone crush
ers. . This will be the last wrestling
R. c. lbi
it, W. Mavtcecaery
A. A. Sckaars ....
V. Ta Atta
A. Ia, - Xarbrteoa . .
W. K. Daini Jr. . .
K. jaefTT
Dr. lnlud
I C F. Cathey . .
O. C Maim
A, E. BeixMon ..
W. J. Ue-s
IU Staflonl ....
J. C alarm
K. J. Bi
. r. fi
G. R. Hwa ...
B. C. wtatcr ...
Dr. J. Odell ....
Tower avcat
U. Bata
J. U 8tafTet ...
Dr. Irrtaad
J. T. Morris
J. B. Track
C. B. Prtntoa . . .
. 44
. ti
. 44
. aa
. 4S
. 41
. 91
.. 4
. 47
. . SS
.. 19
,. 41
.. 44
.. IS
.. 40
.. IS
99 '
J ,
. IB
. 4
J. IVUlton Pilots
Durant Special : :
For New Record
bairfoUr7dVffTcrency wi,roer GlblWM " 'tuZZ!
th- t h.. ln 1 a B to 4 favorite. - . th big l 5-pounder. who got a frac
tured rib m the meet with Waahlngton
the exact .amount of his income.
The terms of the contract will be an
nounced, it was said, within a few daya
'On the horixon of every champion at last week, will be out. leaving Simon.
rueh to the dinner table.' Peck to Harris
to Judge will be a trio of sweet song, if
somebody doesn't throw a shingle nail
Into the harmony. "
24 Teams Enter I
New York Indoor
Polo Tournament
Is he a failure, which, should also be con
sidered. .
Speaker is going to take a lot of look
ing at Hammond, a young player, who
was pulled in from Pittsfield, Mass.
Sooner or later the infield at Cleveland
will be in the came condition as a sand
bar after a spring freshet. Part of It
Will be exchanged when Mcl-nnia ia
brought in to take the place of Burns
and Doc Johnston. Hammond Is sup
posed, to be able to play, second, has "And
wamDsganss can play third with no
mean skill. Th day has got to . come
when Cleveland must stir more speed
nto the mixing pot, and no one knows tt
By LawTSie Perry
if. ..,.fc, 1049 ta Tha Journal)
NEW YORK. March . There is a les
aii' for everr city In the country
that boasts a cavalry armory or a riding
,inr in tha second annual national and
intamniWKieta indoor cole toumment
recruit pitchers, wilt be turned over to I h of tha Indoor polo aa-
the Tacoma club of the Western Inter- aociatlon now In progress at the Squad-
rauonau vonneiiy wiu d earned until mn a imrr. In New York. The game
after th season opens, and he may win
the utility berth.
Pitcher nummer Is thinking about quit
ting baseball, and will not report Trans-
portaUon ent to Pitcher Sprinkle has
been cancelled. Mike Leonard, rookie
flratbaaeman. haa been released, and
.' pitcher Banks will soon go. Only play
.rrs who show prospect ot developing will
la antimlv nraotira.bla mad oromises to
do aa much for horsemen aa basketball
and Indoor track games nave aone lor
our athlete. So far as colleges are con
cerned, th government la very much in
tarested in furtherina the art of hlppoV
ogy and lends material assistance to
teams organised in our eaucauonai msu-
tutlons. With other horsemen the club
system of handling expenses of the game
erens, purchased from Salt Lake, arrived I brings no great financial burden upon th
in camp Monday, catcher Bruggy will I players.
.soon be on his way to camp, according to
Bargent who worked out for th first
time Monday.
- Pasadena, Cat, March .Pltcher
pl'cher In the American association.
, There's not a club. In that league that
' would not be willing to make a deal
tor Mlddleton. declares Assistant Man
ager Turner. Roger Breanahan wanted
th big right-hander back again, and it
In th current indoor tournament It ia
significant to not that 24 teams are en
tered. the greatest number of teams that
ever participated in any tournament in
doors or outdoors. Eighty players,-ln-
Middleun, on of the big eight eluding auibstitut. are Involved. This
d from Detroit. Is a -much-wanted P" T.1 toar Jf ?1 atrides
U. of Oraaon (IB)
Audro ..; . .F.
Edlundl F.
Xlaunaraiaa (10) ...C
Burnett. ....... .
nbfUtoboiiB Orefon :
Willamette 17. (27)
ay Logan
. . . . . . (14) GiUeUe
. ..... (2) Dimmick
... ...(4) BoeolofikT
Backer (1) for Ed-
Shanks at third is no Bin Bradley, nor I Hnwb, Alatock (2) for Andre. Gear (2) for
Zimmerman, Kdloada for Alatock. WOlaaiette:
Canghlia for Doner, Doaey for Cauchlia. "
Fools oonorted By Andr. 1 oot of 9 at
tempt; Rocker, 1 oat ot attempts; Ixxan.
a out of attempta
Beferee Balpk O. Colemaa of O. A. C.
V. . . . .
F. ....
C. ....
G. i
s. ....
Referee, Barry Fischer.
Donclaa (2).....
G. Clarin (11)...
H. Clerin . . .
F. lacebberger, (2).
Twintaf (2)
Palooxa (6)
North Pacifte
(7) sfcLoofhHa
....... Pappio
. . . . .. Bogoway
..(2) Niciiolaon
' Penuand
McBrlde. Moeby and Goodale In line
for this event.
The match, will decide the Northwest
collegiate championship, aa the Aggies
have won all their three meets. "Chub"
Patchin wUl wrestle at 195. and Fish
will go in at 145. Fulton will represent
some time or other in the course of his
career appeara a cloud, small enough.
yet not too small to attract the king's at
tentlen. He watches It. sees It assume
size and wondera whether It means
small storm or a cyclone. Today over
In Jersey, after a hunt through lnforma
NEW YORK, March (. J. X. S.) Ac- tion haa been given that Billy Moore, the the 126-pound class. The 175-pound man
cording to an announcement today, 1 9-year -o la heavyweight ' who knocked haa not been picked. The changed date,
Johnny Dundee has substituted for Ben- Tarxan Larkln out In n round Satur- from Saturday until Tuesday, waa done
ny Leonard, the lightweight champion, aay night, could be found In school. Yep. at the request of . the .Washington state
in uie oout scneauiea witn cnaney white Billy is a school boy, boyish and eieani coach.-
ot jmcago at Haaiaon square uaraen, I cut.
Marcn 17. i And e-rowinsr all the time. Looking I nrr arrn aa RTiiTts
him over at the recess, one wondered I vnrk urti a rav rama.av
London, March 6. (U. P.V Joe I whether within a few veara this lad will I
Beckett, British heavyweight champion, j be standing In front'of Jack Pempsey, or j 0tke race at-Madison Squar Garden last
toaay authorized jack McAuilfre. re
tired lightweight champion, to challenge
Jack Dempsey-for a fight tor the world's
heavyweight championahlp. "-
"McAuIlffe can challenge Dempaey for
me. The fight is to be held in America
this summer, Beckett said today.
(By TJnirerial gtrrice)
Portland, . Maine, March 6. ddie
O'Hare, 21, of New York, heavyweight
boxer and sparring partner of 'Jack
Bnuar I Dempsey. died Sunday night at Lewiston
Bsauerl as. tlie result of injuries sustained, when
h attempted to turn a somersault from j he does not see-how he can sign napera
whoever holds the title looks as though
it will be Jack Dempsey to fear. Billy la
modest, a real American and not inclined
to say anything about his pugilistic am
Everyone is still talking, of course.
about the 9350,000 offer to Dempsey to
fight Harry wills which was made by
i Harry Fraxee tf Boston. Frasoa forgot I
I to tell Paddy Mullin, who manages Wills,
: how much the negro would draw down.
Mullins say that this is a matter ot con-1
siderable Importance. In fact, ho says
night. " Early hours of the race were en
livened by numerous sprints for cash
LOS ANOBLES. CaL. March .Tom
my Milton, speed king, with a Du -rant
apeclal. holda a new speed record
today for the ZiO-mlle speedway at Br-
erly Hills after rocketing- arouno to.
death courre yesterday arternoon ax an
average apeed of 110.1 miles an howr. Be
negotiated th course In Z hours la min
utes 29 9-100. . The former record of
109.9 miles an hour for the same court
waa held by Eddie Hearne. If Milton
could have traveled but a tenth of a mil
per hour faster, he would have equalled
the world's record held ty Jimmy Mur
phy for a 2W-mile course.
Jimmy Murphy and Eddie Harts, mn-v
ber of the famous Dueaenburg. team,
copped second and third plaeea. with bat
three feet between them at th finish.
Frank Elliott, piloting a Leach, special,
took fourth money.
There -was not an accident to mar the
day, and but for Jo Thomas blowing a.
tire In the 197th Up there was no thrill
for the thousands of rabid fans who eaw-'
the classic, .
.t v, ' ilk... mii.m I me too i oi a, camp at saDattus lake.
icwuia, nxni v. . aiu'j "-e - 1 -v , k ... . . .
feated Pacific college at basketball Frl- .JVJh " , .11"
tx t in th w,i. am nt brae in the upper spine was dislocated.
better than Speaker. If Hammond shown 1 t,. - .v- at. I An operation was serformed and itu.
. . . , . , . . ... ... I HXO.V KVI I .....
liwaft. nm Of1.lra amM fr ha AAan. V. . I . . . . I h. m, .1. . m .
' w """--"i w umou , xic wii i ffed Terrell Pacific college forward - ran I "va uiwu ci, ioudu itia?5u
go elsewhere. Such is the law of thelin tn v.liintt' . nn. nf hla own. aruarda. I about the Spinal column. 'O'Hare lived
breaking two teeth and catting a; gash an hour after the operation.
in Elliott's forehead.
game. .
Ruth put in a week o cov flirtation
with Colonel Huston of the Yanks, and
they finally agreed on terms. Those
terms were not announced, but it is un
derstood that Ruth win get at least 75.-
uuw iot nis year work If he makes 60
home runs. No ball player ever haa been
estaousned more firmly In hla individ
uality aa this son of destiny, who la un-
hko anyone else. Some day tha New
Ashland, March 9. The second annual
unless Fraxee should happen to remem- j
ber that in order to have the privilege
of paying this amount to Dempsey he
must have the champion with someone
to fight.
Toledo, Ohio, March . (L N. S. I
Jimmy Smith of Milwaukee, one of the
Sandy. Wash., March . Sandy do- I opening of the Armory win be observed J country's leadlne bowUra. la the feature
feated Orient Friday night at bashetball. I ln the near future when the entertain-1 individual to appear In the American
meni committee win put on a three
round boxing bout.
19 to 41.
Kalama, Wash., March 6. Kalama's
American Legion basketball team Fri
day night defeated Kelao'a Legion team.
21 to 25. -
The Arleta Athletic club defeated the
York baseball club will have to become I Oregon City Athletic club Thursday
accustomed to winning- without him. but
he Is so essential to th revolving of the
V"" ngm now tnai ne recognises the
fact fully as well as th man who is to
pay mm ma salary.. If he happens to
nave a bad season ah. then, hear- th
chorus of th anvil, v
O. Russell Ellison, who pitched' for!
the Beavers during the latter part of
the 1931 season,. Is a benedict He was
married during the winter.
appear in the American
Bowling congress her tonight. '
Week-end "er torts resulted in many
changes In the standings, most prom
inent being that of the singles event, in
which Tony Drolahagen of Detroit took
the lead with a score of 978. Eicke and
Rudnlck retained their doubles lead.
night at Oregon City by a -score of 2
to 15. King and Kolkana were point mak-
I era for Arieta.' Harkins starred for Ore
gon City:
At the Training
Oreson Cite
Krncer (3) ...
Harkins 49) .
Green (2) . .
Godwin . ..
Boake .......
MUler (2)
i .If.
. ... .c...
.Spare. . .
. -. (9) Kiat
(10) Kolkana
(4) Johnaoa
...... ; Blake
... .(2) MUler
which th gam haa taken in the last two
year. . Indeed, three years ago It would
have been difficult to have gathered five
polo outfits for an Indoor tournament.
At Squadron A four teams ax playing
in the senior els so no man to rat jit
I believed that President manoar cuid under four, goals In a game ot four perl
wsr vi -- wio tjvuu a w Avwuooins ajsAtsjaa)
Eight teams In th junior els is players
rated at not more than two goals art
playing for th Thomas L. Leo Mlnr cup,
while In the Rookie class eight teams are
competing for the Walter P. Bliss trophy.
Of colleges, Yale. Princeton, Pennsylva
nia and Norwich are playing for th
Coach Turner believe, that Mlddleton To-rnnd intercoUeaiate cup. . , j
hav traded him .to Toledo for. Jim
Thorpe, even up.
' President Navia wanted Mlddleton
ack and ofisred th Portland club a
big price for his services. Klepper could
have sold him to Toledo for 10.000 "Iron
men Immediately after the deal was
will be a big asset to Portland. Mlddle
ron did not go so wall with th second
division Toledo, elvib. but this year with
th Beavers he ought to be a winner.
Tacoma Speedway
Leased for July 4
west ponrr oirr op it
It Is generally regretted that th west
Point officers' teams are not represented
tnthe tournament For several years
th army has been a fore in th Indoor
polo situation, entertaining teams at Its
big riding hall at West Point and in turn
coining to New York for contests. In this
way - the Interests 'ot sport were well
served, while relations between th mili
tary and civilian horsemen brought about
a very oeatraoie exchange of viewpolnta
and mutual understandings. It would
seem that the stand of Colonel Lewis
Brown, who, is In charge Of polo at West
Point. Is not weU advised In withdrawing
tn institution from participation In J
itn contests.
Kinc, Otecoa. City iath. school eoaeh, refereed.
Idaho Champs Leave
For Tourney m East
Moscow, Idaho; March 6. The Univer
sity of Idaho basketball team, champions
In both, the Pacific "Coast and North
west conferences, left Sunday afternoon
for Indianapolis, where it" will represent
i the Northwest in the national basketball
i tournament to be held March 9, 10 and
(I. N. S.) Manager BUI KJllifer of
the Cuba Is calling for ' speed from hla
player this year. Arnold Stats, star
base stealer of the' Coast league, is giv
ing the major leaguera and other rookies
lessons in the art of pilfering the sacks.
Seguin. Texas, March 6. .(L i N. S,)
Th absence of several. athletes is still
cnualnc perturbation In th camp of th j u under theflspices ot th Indianapolis
Chicago - White Sox. : Eddie Mulligan, I Junior Chamber of Comrneree. Dnlver-
thlrd baseonan, and Johnny Moetil, out-1 ajtv stcdents a-ave . their team a bis:
fielder, are two whoa failure to "report I sendoff. Coach David MacMlIIan was
ta a matter of comment, . . .. I con-tommlttal as to what ha exneetad
Inaa. TexanSarch N. S.V-L J'tK
f1 T5m iwhr P good ahape, despite the long trip. The
for the week will give the Indian recruits 1 squad la scheduled to arrive at In-
- - " S , opemjvor i dianapolis Wednesday, March 6.. and Is
umr wsra. Diuxiy aacuuua. iirst oase . . w.-v. i- snav -u.v. ia
"J. tea th clen .? Arrangement, are already underTway
7" " . .. " f I ror two pnacuee games in Southern
day against Dallas, the tribe winning. I Idaho, on, at Pocatello and the other
9 to 2.
at Boise.
' Tacoma, Wash, March (.Roger Bald
: win. general manager ot tha Tacoma
Speedway, association, has leaned the
... .rneedway from the receiver In charge
cJL th property and . will put on the
sndvat automobile races on July Fourth.
Th usual 919.009 nurse will ha kmirun
and som ot th best auto race drivers 1 UK OTJTDOOK GAXB
in Araerica ar to compete for this and I While th indoor spaea la restricted.
auxiliary prise totaling 940.000. Raid- laa compared to the Immenee outdoor
I 1'THIm. TK TssaTI lTinfmr Mma IXamanwa aw
l" meet uua condition. Side consist ot
throe, instead of four, and the ball la
about ot th six and softness of an in
door baseball. But tn aU lta thrilling aa
pocta of hard riding and spirited hitting,
of dashes for the ban. riding oft and th
uaav th Indoor gam eleewly approx
imate outdoor pojo, and an means of
prvpwsuon ror the outdoor game or the
f!.Pm7lt.of W111 horsemanship th
, ,"aBii vaiue.,
c:::::ehcial oahaee co.:
raiam, HNmm v txa-aarre,
aawtacro er mocbt rasrra
vris iwaaai, ,
g. iitn sad uaatiox, g. int.
" BrixBnra jntw cobbts
Hoquiam, WaalL. March 1Twn tea
his courts win be built this spring by
Hoquiam poet No. It. the American
Legion, They will be of fir, with a tar
compound filling th cracks. Th wooden
court naa proved most satisfactory in
thta climate, th decking drying quickly
Tampa, Fla., Match .(L N. S.
With the signed cohtracta of Pitchers
Mogridge and Zachary in the Nationals'
safe. Clark Griffith and Manager Clyde
Milan wore breathing easier .today. The
Nationals were to tak their first" big
woraoui toaay under Milan's semtiny.
New Orleans. Lsu, March C-.(L N. S.i
Falling to reach a satisfactory agree
ment with MUler Hugglna la the matter
ot salary, Aaron Ward, second baseman'
of .the New, York: Yanka. haa announced
nia intention of leaving immediately for 1
us noma in on- smith. Ark.
orange, Texas. March C fL a.w
A confabulation between Pitcher Al Per
tica and Manager Branch Rickey was the
wwawunf xearar or th schedule to
day, Pertica, who is nominally av hold
out, not having yet aimed a contract ia
. 1,11 ' t
' - . fKr' TJnimnaj Hiwli.l
San Antonio. Texas. March C. imtn
Landis. high commissioner of baseball, 1
a xpicna norw uua wees: as tn first
step on nia trip to the various trainrn
camps. , While hero tho jndgo will b
the guest of Manager McQraw of the
utanta. The regulars .were given a day
wt one tne rooaoen got into action in
vn axternoon. Hale, who Is on the
uiant roster aa a nitcner; snowed op ex
ceptionally weu at anortaton, -
'ts:.:j: i:i.:.v----. '
Chicago, March - (U. P.) John Con
ahan. 43. bnslneaa manager of the White
Sox. died ber Sunday. He was on Com-
Iskeys staff JtS years.
" . s '
.-.3 ,'; '
". a. . a
Before long tyou Von't need heat in eyery room.' you will
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That's when our Radiantfires come into
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Just light it with a Match! ; ;
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4- -.v
- arid Canyon ceM v ,
to Spoluiiie
" The track of the Spokane Portland- &' Seattle Railwaj
follows the Willamette, Columbia and Snike Rivers for
almost three hundred miles between Portland and Spokane. .
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-Mountains.. ' V' . .-. ;'..'., - . ;
The canyons of the Columbia and Snake Rivers are rich
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" ; No trip irr the Northwest gives passengers scenery of '
such variety and extent,
Two fast trains daily oJSSbest equipment for Spokane from
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V-' ,r Inland Ksjpir 3rrts Baak r -
. Exarees Umttsd u. -
a-aiave ; Br sy By Klcst .r "
ortlnd9:15 A. M. 7.10 P. M. .
Spokane 9:00 P. M. 6:50 A: M..V
Ban, parlor er sieeptsg ear tickets, bag.
gag csetka aai !afraiatlB rpllsi at
rr no
'0- -viwjf - - -