The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1922.
www mm w mr mmm m sw mr p mw mm w i
Oneral carousing-. " white giila ot
tender years clutched Iq the arms of
tlrunkrn negroes, high- schjtol boys whirl
ing negro be Ilea In dancing such was
the scene at the Nerada house, not orl-
ua negro resort at X28 Fifteenth atreet
1 north, when 14 members of Ker grant
Oelaner'a vlre squad raided the cafe
early Hunday morning and arrested. 28 '
' negr.jea and whites. 1
Several young men, said to be high
school students,' were arrested for dis
orderly conduct, snd held for ball at
the city jail.
fblU-e swooped down on the dive
shortly sfter midnight, when .almost SO
whites and blacks of both sexes were
mingling . In drunken disorder. Bola
trous dancers were fighting for places
on a dancing floor In the center of the
cafe when the officers broke through
the doors.
: rojrraiQ follows baid
The room was thrown In confusion
when the police entered, and many bolt
ed pell mell for the door, only to be
stopped by police. Others succeeded In
escaping and soon Darktown was In
wild disorder from fleeing guests of the
One negro, Jess Halsell, 20, ran from
the building and sprang Into Patrol
man Pierce's automobile, lie" was pur
sued In the stolen machine and captured
at fteyenth and North rup streets. The
fugitive was jailed on a charge of auto
Wine, whiskey and moonshine was in
.virlarva everywhere, according to of
ficers who conducted the raid. Every
table had aome sort of liquor on It, they
Police aar the establishment has been
' a rendesYous for mixed races for almost
a week. A' search warrant was sworn
out for the place, including a. not el above
the cafe. At one time previous a raid
was planned, according to Sergeant
Oelsner. after whites and blacks had
' been, mix lug there for some time, but
It was evidently tipped off, because for
; several weeks afterwards whites were
. barred from the place.
The ' police patrol wagon was obliged
to make three trips in order to handle
1 the arrested guests of the place. Many
, negroes were permitted to go without
I being arrested.
The following names given by those
arrested In the raid, appear on the
police blotter :
y Maintaining a nuisance or assisting in
maintaining a nuisance R. D. 8tuart.
47. colored ; IOuia McNab. 27, colored ;
Mrs. Sue Stuart. 21. colored.
Disorderly conduct Mrs. Rthel Davis,
SI. housewife; Anna Watson, 18. clerk
Mildred Watson, Is. clerk ; Gladys Pratt.
24. clerk; Mildred Watson. 22. waitress;
KllsabeUi Noble, 22. colored ; Mrs. W. a
Wsyne, 21, housewife; Louis Steen. 44,
salesman ; C. W. Rich, 33, grocer ; John
Lawrence. 22, salesman ; B. S. Coyle, 17,
student ; Harry Wolf, 27, lumberman ;
John N. Taylor, 25. salesman ; A. Therlk-
son. 27. real estate; K. Coulter, 25
salesman ; B. Beasel, 32. Insurance ; W.
freer, 28, stockman ; Louis Janek. ZV
salesman; John-Benson, 21, motion pic
turn; N. LerUhwalte. 22, paper "mm ;
I. L. dray. 22, paper mill ; P. 8. Cramer,
44, laborer ; A. E. Case, clerk ; Q. C Gal
lagher. II, student.
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the budget estimates of the state instl
TThia new law gives an opportunity
to practice real economy with the budget.
it gives authority to 'act upoa the
various demands of the state, depart
ments, declared Governor . Olcott in
commenting upon the work of the new
commission. Thla. law opens the way.
I believe, to very material savings, over
which the board - of control never here
tofore bad any supervision whatsoever.1
No definite decision has-been reached
to 'the prospective secretary, of the
commission, it is stated, but it is under
stood a number of names are under con-
Comparative freedom from dissension ZtJ?
between printers and publishers la Ore
gon was revealed Sunday afternoon by
John McParland
John McParland of New York, president
of the International Typographical
union, who spoke; before members of the
local organization at Labor temple. Mc
Parland spent Sunday: In Portland, stop
ping here on his way to San Francisco
from Seattle.
. While 7842 typographers, or roughly
1 19 per cent of the union, are on strike
benefits in United States and Canada at
approximately one half of 1 per cent
of the state membership are out in
McParland told of the success with
which the union, is having with its pres
ent contest for the 44-hour week. Funds
totaling $7,802,492.64 have been raised by
the anion for payment of strike benefits
to, striking members, of which 86.864,
834.48 has been expended. "The union
is stronger today," said McParland, "in
the midst of its strike for the 44-hour
week, than it was at the end of the
struggle for the 48-hour week. It seems
that the harder the struggle is the
stronger it makes the union."
" Sunday morning McParland, who was
on his first visit to Portland, was con
ducted on a tour of the Columbia, river
highway. "It certainly is wonderful," he
commented. '
Following the union meeting in the
afternoon a banquet for printers and
board . consider the position i one of
utmost importance in the- future' eco
nomics of state administration.
th'afe "no OregoriT matt has more honor
and lability." 5-; t -v-- .-
Mrs. James Montgomery- advised voters
to write friends all over the state. -
Colonel Mercer declared that Bean has
accomplished wonderful .results in the
legislature- j J. - ' '
The body ot William O. Ritter, 25, 428
East Ankeny street, missing since
Wednesday, when he- left the steamer
Claire - at Municipal terminal No . 2,
where he was employed as cook, was
found on the top of Rocky Butte Sun
day afternoon by two Boy Scouts. A
bullet wound was found in his head,
where he evidently shot -himself with
the .32 calibre revolver which lay near
his side.
A note' in the . dead ' man's clothing
stated that he committed suicide because
of ill health and inability to work.
Hoi man Wood. 15 East Fifty-third
street southeast, and Homer Smith, 4
East Fifty-second street southeast, found
the body face downward over a log
while they were taking a hike. Deputy
Coroner Faulk was notified and de
clared the case a suicide without i
doubt. The body later was identified
through police records.
was held at Bab's restaurant, 326 Stark
street, at 4 :30 o'clock. McParland spent
the evening In conference with local
union officials, the nature of which was
not revealed. He left shortly after mid
night for San Francisco, where he ex
pects to be for some time,
Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis
March ff. Edna Readen of Gresham was
elected president of the 3f. W.C. A. for
the coming year at a 'meeting of the
organisation Saturday. Annette Weather
ford of Corvallis will Jbe the vice presi
dent, and Ruth MoCeland and - Hasel
Ball of Portland., will occupy the offices
of secretary and treasurer-
Police detectives Sunday admitted
that apprehension of the youth i who
entered St. - Stephens , pro-cathedral
Thursday night and shot Miss Willa-
mene Fuller, 17, choir girl, will depend
entirely on the discovery of new clues.
Every tangible clue to 'the shooting
has been exhausted, and police are no
nearer a solution of the crime than at
the night of its perpetration.
Reports from the Good Samaritan
hospitaf Sunday night were to the ef
fect that the girl's condition is satis
factory, and little doubt now remains in
the minds of attendants regarding her
T am satisfied that the three sus
pects we have already taken ito cus
tody in the coarse of the investigation
LIS- -kV. ST;; ' Inspectors Harms, Sunday.
Budget Coimiijlssioii.
To Organize Soon;
Police, however, still hope to pick up
clues which will eventually lead to the
arrest of the gunman. "It took a cou
ple of months to get the Liberty theatre
bandits," reminded one inspector, "and
there is just as good a chance for some
thing to leak regarding this case."
The absence of any motive for the
shooting has resulted in police being
left baffled on the case, but they are
still counting on somebody "talking."
Eugene, March 6. Retrenchment, econ
omy, law enforcement, were the keynotes
of Representative LyE. Bean's banquet
speecn nere saiuraay nigni oexore a oig
crowd. Great enthusiasm was mani
festly taken when his platform was read.
Bean said: "Oreeon lacks 'but 16 per
cent of adopting Henry George's single
tax. since s per cent taxes are from
land, which in- some cases pays full
rental value. Oregon's debt is 6313,
000,000, almost one-third of the assessed
valuation. The war debt is 8121.000,000
bonds, 8141,000,000, and mortgages, 852,
000,000. Personal taxes, notes, bonds, ac
counts amount to only 3 6-10 per cest of
the total. The state's bank deposits are
"Oregon lost its chance for irrigation
when the federal government transferred
to the general fund 89,000,000, while the
state paid in 811.000,000 for national
"State taxes have increased 244 per
cent in 10 years, from 812,000,000 to 841,
000,000. Oregon's enormous tax burden
is the greatest question faced by any
state in the nation. I oppose Invisible
government. Law enforcement is the
paramount duty of the chief executive.
Women have made good with their use
of suffrage.
Other speakers were David Graham,
toastmaster; Frank Jenkins, who de
clared that "Electing Bean is a com
munity enterprise" ; W. V. Calkins, who
said he was associated with Bean in the
legislature and that "Bean was held in
great respect for his integrity and abil
it" and that "all Lane Democrats should
register Republican.1
Rev. E. V. Stivers declared that "Bean
will stand for right and will enforce the
laws." Dr. Harris, who has been 14
years in the legislature with Bean, said
he possesses moral restitude and plenty
of common horse sense.
Judge Skipworth, associated in the law
To Name Secretary Soldiers Held on
v . i-rii n . . man
Auto ineit unarge
number ot articles of jewelry. Entrance
was gained by jimmying a 'window.
Window smashers burglarised the borne
of E. D. Berry. 223 -East Fifty second
street north, and stole valuable jewelry,
according to a . report ' made to police
Sunday, ; ',- - .'' .' ".
and Empire to
Join in" Campaign
0n ColumbiarBasin
Spokane, Wash.. March 6. Launching
an educational campaign to carry the
Colombia basin project to the leading
communities of the Pacific Northwest.
party of Spokane business men will
leave Wednesday evening for a two
day -trip that will take them to Walla
Walla, Pendleton, Pasco and Kennewick
Special meetings with business men in
each city are toeing arranged.
The first gun will be fired at a lunch
eon s meeting- at Pendleton Thursday.
During the afternoon the party will mo
tor t Walla Walla for a luncheon meet
ing. A .night meeting will be held Fri
day at Pasco, and the party will catch
the night train for Spokane.
N. w. Durham. W. R. Abercrombie.
Fred A. Adams and J. A. Ford will make
the trip, and R. Insinger and W. T. Day
will be in the party at Pendleton and
Walla Walla.
Pasco. Wash., March . A. F. Wehe.
secretary of the chamber of commerce.
has received a letter from the -Spokane
Cn amber of Commerce, stating that
Spokane business men will visit Pasco
Friday in the interest of the Columbia
baain project. Preparations are being
made by the weal business men to enter
tain the visitors while they are in the
city, and a meeting will probably, be
held in the chamber of commerce rooms.
Burglars Enter Two
Homes on East Side
Prowlers Saturday night entered the
home of C. 8. G reavers. 369 East Fifty
secona street, while the family was
away and after ransacking the house
business with Bean for 20 years, asserted made off with 33.05 in cash and
-Freewater. March . The H-S. Deaml- -soa"
Fruit compasy baa leased' the" top
floor "et the new Milton lee 5 4 Cold.
Storage plant for two years. This will i
give the company three times ta present -storage
capacity J ..Jr. -,..
Salem, Or., March 6. Organization of
the new state budget commission and
selection of an executive secretary for
the commission will be undertaken within
a few days, according to Governor Ol
cott. s This commission, which was
created by the last legislature upon the
recommendation of Governor Olcott. is
composed of the governor, secretary of
state and state treasurer, who serve
without additional compensation.
All state departments, commissions
and institutions must submit their
budget estimates to the budget commis
sion for inspection and approval before
it i given to the legislature for action.
The commission has authority to in
vestigate the needs of .the various de
partments, commissions and institutions
and to use its best judgment In trimming
budget estimates submitted for its
action. Heretofore the board of control,
whose members constitute the budget
commission,- have had control only over
Gilbert E. Weddell and Arthur Delaur
ler, privates in the first recruit casual
company, Vanconver Wash., were ar
rested at the Vancouver post late Sat
urday night on a charge of auto lar
cenjf, after they were identified as the
two soldiers who stole a machine from
730 Irving street Friday night, which
they later damaged in a collision with a
taxicab at Third and Clay streets. The
suspects have confessed, according to
police. Their company left Vancouver
barracks Sunday morning for the Phil
Astoria, Marchr-eX The body of Victor
Anderson, 55, a laager employed by the
Deep Kiver logging company, was
found in his cabin at Deep River, Wash.
Cause of death was not ascertained.
Stilus Are Seized,
Couple Arrested
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Billings. 208V&
Twenty-second atreet north, were ar
rested Saturday night when Sergeant of
Police Oelnner and a squad found two
stills, three kegs of moonshine whisky
and other paraphernalia at their red
dene. Billings' ball was set at 2500.
his wife's at $250. The same squad de
stroyed 80 gallons of mash and to quarts
of beer in the home or Edward De Late,
107 Revere street '
Auto Bandits Get
$100 From Victim
Three gangsters in an automobile Sun
, dy morning held up Charlie Bow. resl
; 4nt at Pllklngton'a nursery. Second and
Salmon streets, at Yamhill -and Taylor
streets, and' after forcing him into their
automobile, robbed him or 8100 In' cash,
' according to a complaint made to police
by the victim, lit said they hauled him
rut to the Lone Fir cemetery, where they
left him to walk back to town.
bmf hosiery
At Your Dealers
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Present the coupon to my
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It multiplies the alkalinity .of the
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Every application rives these ereat
tooth-protecting forces multiplied f -
If you prefer, let your children make
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This is a way to whiter, cleaner,
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Leading dentists evey where advise it.
Let someone in your home this week
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Why teeth look dingy
Your teeth are coated with a viscous
film. You can feel it with your tongue.
It clings to teeth, gets between the'
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Ordinary tooth pastes do not effec
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1 ?.
Film absorbs stains, making the teeth i v
look dingy.' Film, is the basis of .tartar;
It holds food substance which ferments
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contact with the teeth to cause decay.
Germs breed by millions in it. They,
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creased, j
Must ranpre it dairy
Dental science has long been seeking
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tive methods have .been found. Au
thorities have proved them by many
careful tests.
A new-day tooth paste' has been per
' fected, to comply with modern require
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tooth paste is Pepsodent.
ldlions of people of some forty
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Two other new effects
Pepsodent brings two. other effects
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It multiplies the starch digestant in
saliva. - That is there to digest starch
t PAT. OFF. ft
The New-Day Dentifrice
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Now you can know what really clean
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. New be&sty in a week
The Pepsodent effects are . quickly
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It will bring you prettier teeth, and '
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