The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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, i
io w Monday; march e; 1822.
- '
- - -.--A
j t " -
Sole Portland
Agents for
. Underwear
' - - ' t 3. j
Don't Say "
Underwear '
s. .
. OP
1 SaWm. March . Picture In your mind'
tank covering o 'ordinary cityr block I
Ready With Complete New Stocks and Special Price Advantages for. v.
and extendi!) 150 feet Into the air., Kin I
ihia enormous tnUwttn gasoline and
T7 9 9
j-ou will hart aoma Idea of the quantity
ha motorlaU of Oregon have consumed
In the laat two years, since the atata be
glut ayeplng- a check upon gasoline sales'
' mmmm 1 4 '
I . ' A
r v
A DPrortmatrlr .149.000.000 saltans of
gasoline hve oeen consumed by the Ore
gon notorial alnce February 25, 1919;
according to Hecretarjr of Bute Koaer;
vlio figure that It would require a tank
4l feet In diameter and 150 feet high
t hold thla enormous quantity of motor
tr loaded Into the ordinary tank truck
i,l too gallon capacity, the trucks placed
Zi feet apart would' make a caravan 1110
mllea In length, covering all or the princi-j
pal htghwaya of the state. ' I
If transported by train In the 40-foot
tank cara a total or M.jso cara wouw oer
required, each with a capacity of 10,500 1
g-ellons, and the train would occupy' 101 1
mllea of track. '
Gasoline sales' of January totaled,!
Z.M.tit gallons, a gain of M per cent
iter the sales of January, iszi.
Jk total of Sl.M4.40S has been collected
In. state. taxes. oh motor fuel oil salea In
Hi two yeara for the benefit of the state
.highway: fund. '
Brownsville. Or., March 6 W. Earl
Cochran. ' formerly of Brownsville; has
Wn called ae pHior of the Bethesda
Raptlav churrh In Tacoma. He received
training at Albany college and the Bible
Institute of Los Angeles and served as
a missionary to the Skagit district In
Alaska for several months.
Nmpav Idaho. March August Wal
breeht. 2, deputy sheriff of .Payette
county and overseas veteran, "died of
pneumonia Wednesday. '
II A. Mi to 11 P. M.
11 -1
1 .V 1
in Prices
" ( HEAB
I "I A5 THE kia JEW
:V-'jV? AYA-:rA
state lAfeMHi
Wash WauU
Clearaway of a limited
mimhA rtf fiiA vnilA and
lawn waists. Lace and embroidery
trimmed. Mostly sizes 3 to 44.
All desirable models. i
Middy Blouses
fReeularly 1.49. Misses
and women's middles
made of good quality middy twills.
Red and blue collars. Sizes It
to 44.
Our -Special L29" mer-
Flesh color, double elastic cuff, re
inforced, loin cut. Keguiar sizes.
Regular $1.49 and S1.98
aftlr iamlailM T . a t
trimmed and tailored effects.
Flesh, navy, brown, white i and
black. Regular sizes. j
House Dresses
Limited number of Mlna,
Taylor house dresses
made of dark blue percales with
light stripes. Broken sizes. About
off, 2 it a
Night Gowns
Regular $1.49 gowns of
eenuine Windsor crepe.
Slipon styles, round and V necks.
Wing sleeves. Regular sizes. I
Muslin Underwear
Regular J1.29 to $1.98
values. Clearaway of
broken lines of muslin underwear
inciuaing gowns, chemise, skirts,
eic. croKen sizes.
Regular $1.29 arid
S1.49 petticoats of
high grade sateen in solid
colors. Some all-over
designs .Deep
Regularly $1.29
to $1.69 Cleara-
away of broken lines of
Warner and Miller cor-.
sets, in flesh and white,
some fancf brocadee, me
dium and high bust.
Silk Hose
Regularly $1.49
and $1.69. Full
fashioned and seamless
pure thread silk hose in
black, cordovan and colors.'
Some with clocks. Lisle
heels and toes, some gar
ter hems. Seconds.
Bungalow Aprons
Regularly $1.29. New bujt
aralow anrons made of
ginghams and percales in light and
dark patterns. Some solid colors.
AU sizes. v
2 Union Suits
Regular 59c and 79c ach
values. Women's lizht
weight cotton union 9suits in bodice
and band top, cuff and shell ! knee
styles. Sizes 32 to 50. j
2 Bloomers
Regularly 79c and $1.
I'l,,riiv of several lines
of high grade knit bloomers. Flesh
and white. Nearly all regular sizes.
Some seconds. j
3 Union Suits
Regularly 79c each. Light
wdia-ht patlnn ribbed
union suits. bodice top style. Cuff
knee. 81ses 36 to 44. ;
Women's Shoes
Women's o X f o r d s ' and
pumps in patent ana DiacK
kid. is early an nave
hand turned
soles. Sizes IVk to 7.
Regular Values
from $3 to $5.
2 Women's Vests
Regular 59c and C9o each
values. Llrht welarbt slain
ud swisa ribbed lisle vests. Band
top. Flesh and white. Regular
extra sizes. j
4 Women's Vests
Regularly 35c each
Women's light weight cot
ton vests in band top style.
2 Pairs Hose
Women's fiber silk hose
in black and colors.
Ribbed tops, double garter hems.
oenuine Holeproof seconds. Kegu
lar sizes. ;
4 Pairs Hose
. Women's mercerized cot
' ton hose in black and
colors. Plain hem and ribbed
Regular 'sizes. Substandards
35c and SOc-pair -grades.'- f - -
4 Pairs Hose
Children's heavy, - fibbed
Hla rlr r-ni tnn hnm In aJl
sixes. Also some substandards of
children's fine, ribbed cotton, hoee
in black and cordovan. - Worth 85c
Women's Chemise
Regularly 11-49. Silk top,
knitted chemise ' In flesh
and white. Bodice and band
styles. All sizes.
3 Pairs Hose
Regularly 49e pair. - In
fants' wool mixed hose in
white and black, silk heel and toes.
Regular sizes.
Boys' Knickers
Regularly $1.29 and $1.49
pair. Boys' corduroy
knickerbockers with adjustable
knee. All regular sizes.
2 Blouses
Regularly 89c each. Boys'
blouses of madras and
percales, some of heavy twills and
cotton flannels. Nearly all regular
Regularly $3.39. Youths'
trousers of wool mixtures.
Cuff bottom, belt loops. Sizes 27
to 33. Limited number.
Regular $1.29 and $1.49
gingham dresses -in solid
colors, checks and . plaids,
to 14 . years.
Sizes 3
2 Sleepers
Children's outing flannel
combination sleepers.
Elastic at ankle. Nearly all sizes.
Regularly 59c to 69c each.
Men's Shirts
Regularly $1.98. Clear-
away of about COO high
grade dress shirts made of repps,
Bedford cords and madras. Soft
cuff style. Sizes 14 to 17.
Union Suits
Regularly $1.49. Medium
and heavy weight cotton
union suits in ecru and silver. Long
sleeves, ankle length. Regular sizes.
Union Suits
tegularly $1.29. Men's
Spring weight cotton
ribbed i onion suits in white and
ecru. Long and short sleeves, ankle
length. Sizes 34 to 46.
Union Suits
Men's genuine Kerry Kut
athletic union suits made
of fine madras, nainsook and silk
striped materials. Sixes 34 to 48.
All first quality. Regularly $1.49
to $2 29.
5 Pairs Hose
Regular 39e pair. "Men's
hose with ribbed tops. Excellent
for all outdoor use.
2 Men's Ties
Usamlariv 89e each. Men
large flowing ends. ' Desirable de
signs,' good colors. I Slip bands. .
Night Shirts !
i Regularly $1.29. , i Men's
lar1i aaK i-4-aB m a 4a ewwitV
Quality outing flannel in pink, blue
'. and grey, stripes.; 'Sizes' 1 to 19.
Meier at Frank's : Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony.
12 Handkerchiefs
Regularly 15c each. Men'i
whitA mmhrif1. handker
chiefs. Hemstitched borders. Large
Silks, Yard
Regular $1.29 to $1.75
dualities. Wash satins.
foulards, figured radiums, . silk,
mixed lining satins, georgettes, 'etc
au colors in oesiranie patterns.-, se
to 40 Inches wide. !
2 Yds. Goods
Regularly 75c to $1 yard.
Broken lines of English
checks and plaids, wool finished
cotton dress goods. 36 to 44 Inches
wide. I
5 Yds. Ginghams
Regularly 35c yard. Fine
zephyr ginghams. Stripes,
checks and plain colors. 32 Inches
5 Yds. Nainsook
Regularly 29c yard. Soft
finished, finely woven
nainsook. Yard wide.
6 Yds. Outing
Regularly 20c and 25c
yard. Yard wide heavy
outing in plain white and fancy
3 Yds. Organdy
Plain- colored organdies
of a fine sheer- quality.
New shades including nile. 'flesh,
pink, orchid, salmon and white. ; 40
inches wide.
3 Yds. Crepe
Regularly 50c yd.
Imported J a d a-
nese cotton crepe In a
good heavy weight. All
new shades, including
many high colors.
Table. Cloths
Hemstitched and
scalloped table
I cloths, excellent quality
merccrlied damask
Square and round, 58 Inch.
Large size single
Co 1 1 o n fleeced
sheet blankets in gray and
tan, with colored borders.
Whine any of 200 remain,
each $1.
6 Yds. Percale
Regular 25c yard qual
ity. All new Spring pat
terns light and dark grounds. Yard
3 Yds. Voile
45c ' to SOc yard quality.
New dress voiles in va
riety of new, designs, mostly dark
grounds. 40 inches wide.
2V2 Yds. Sheeting
81 inch heavy bleached
sheeting for full sized
beds. Limit 10 yards to 'a cuBtonjer
Crib comforters filled
with good cotton and cov
ered with soft challies and silko
lines in light and medium colors.
Size 36x54.
Feather Pillows
Well filled feather pillows
nverfVl witn sranrl. wl
fancy art ticking. Size 19x36. Reg
ularly $1.50 each. ,
Luncheon Sets
Sets consist of Japanese
table cloth in size 48x48
and 6 napkins in size 12x12 Inches.
Popular blue and white designs.
Some subject to slight imperfec
tions. Graniteware
Heavy blue graniteware
Reliance plate. All lartro
piecestdish pans, pails and tea ket-
ues, ; iteguiariy to $2.50. .;
Aluminum ware
Standard quality . alumi
num : t Quart rice boiler.
3 piece sauce pan sets and round
roasters. ,
30 Cakes Soap
Liberty White laundry
soap. Full size - cakes.
Regularly 5c cake
25 Rolls Paper
Regularly 5e rolL ; Good.
bullrv rails of anliiKI
-crepe' toilet paper. (-ounce size:
Women's Union
Suits $1
Regular sizes, each ft. 00 or 2
for $1.75. Extra, sizes, each
1.25 or 2 for $2.25. Medium
weight cotton union suits in all
styles. White. -
Women's Union
Suit $1.25
Regular sizes,' .'each 4 Si. 2 5 or 2
for $2.25. Extra sizes, each
l.5o or 2 for $2.75. Medium
weight cotton union suits in
good styles. ,,:
Women's Unon
Suits $1.50
Regular .sizes,, each 1.50 or 2
for $2.75. Extra sizes, each
1.75 or. 2 for $3.15. Light
weight cotton union suits in low
neck, sleeveless style, with tight
and loose knee. Flesh and white.
Women's Union
Suits $2
Regular sizes, each 2 or 2 for
$3.50. Extra sizes, each 2.25
or . 2 for $4. Medium light
weight lisle union suits in Spring
and Summer styles. White only.
40c Nippon China Hand
Painted Plates 28c
Very special while any remain.
Nippon c h i n a hand - decorated
plates in floral-design three pat
terns to choose from.
Nippon China
Plates 37c
These, too,' may.i le chosen in three
attractive floral -designs.
. "O'Cedar" Mops and Polish
The O'Cedar polish mop dusts, cleans and polishes with little effort.
New lower prices 1 and l.So. O'Cedar oil, 4-oz. bottle 30c,
gallon 3..: Speclaldemonstration now .going on.
Meier Frank's: Basement. ( Orders Filled.)
; for Wood and Coal
It has been a long time since we have been in a position to
offer a substantial, welRinished range for less than $50.'
;:. '' "' '" - Specif icatiohs. . U '
. Full six-hole f. top ground' and polished requires ino blacking.
Electric welded oven 16x18 Inches. Western 'firebox well pro-
portioned 'and fitted . with' duplex grates burns wood and coaL';
f Plain'nickel 'trimming. ; - : - . ; . - v - ".1
" -i-- vv-s -.:.-r.i- V' , - r'"
k. good. baker an-' exceptional valne at, 4S.7S (coils Textn if;
. Ybur;0rrj
Meier aV Fraoik s
The Seasonable Event for All
the Family Begins Tomorrow
The most particular people wear Munsing undergarments.. They
prefer Muningwear for its uniformly fine quality, for its excellent
workmanship, for its perfect fit. Because of these, because of its
properties of washability and durability and other excellences,
Munsingwear is most economical. People who buy Munsingwear
buy less underwear in a 'given period. They buy it particularly on
occasions such, as this when they can achieve special savings by
purchasing two or more garments. It is these considerations that
invest this occasion with a meaning and importance for ALL who
appreciate a good underwear buying opportunity. ,
All Fabrics, All Weights. All Styles, All Sizes
Here for Every Member of the Family
Women's Union
Suits $2.50
Regular sizes, each 2.50 or 2
for $4.50. Extra sizes, each
2.75 or 2 for $5. Light weight
mercerized lisle union suits in
low neck sleeveless style with
tight knee. White only.
Women's Vests
Each 85c
Special, 2for $1.50. The t.00
vests special 2 for $1.75. Me
dium 'weight cotton vests. Pink
and white. -
Women's Bloomers
Pair 85c
Special, 2 for $1.50. The t.oo
bloomers special, 2 for $1.75.
Medium weight cotton bloomers
with elastic at waist and knee.
Pink and white.
Children's Union
Suits $1
sizes oo to 3, each 1 or 2 for
$1.75.. Sizes 4 to 6. each 1.25
or 2 for $2.25. Sizes 7 and 9,
each 1.50 or 2 for $2.75.
. Medium light weight cotton un
in suits in all styles for boys
and girls White and cream.
. Meier ft Franks: Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
50c Nippon China Cups
and Saucers 22c
Limited number of Nippon china tea.
cups and saucers in patterns, to match
above plates , v; . -. .. . '
-Meier" A Frank's :; Basement
$!. 75
Terms in Reason', '
Sixth Floor. , tMn Orders FUled. -
Men's Union
Suits $2
2 for $3.75. Light weight cot
ton ribbed union suits in Spring
and Summer styles. All sizes.
Men's Union
Suits $2
2 for $3.75. Medium light
weight cotton union suits in
ecru color. Spring styles. AU
Men's Union
. Suits $2J0
2 for $4.75. Light weight
combed cotton onion suits in
bleached color. Good Spring
and Summer styles. All sizes.
' Men's Union
Suits $20
2 for $4.75. Super weight cot.
ton - union suits in ecru and
white. Short or long sleeves,
ankle length style. AU sizes.
Men's Union
Suits $3
2 for $5.50. Light weight cot
ton union suits in bleached color.
All popular styles for Spring and
Summer. AU sizes.
Big Drapery Sale
yard for regular $1.35 to
$1.75 colored drapery mate
rials suitable for use in liv
ing rooms and dining
rooms. 250 yards.
Sale of Pillows
$1.50 S2.50
also 3.So and 4.50 all are
exactly half price. Filled with
floss and covered with ere.
tonnes, damasks, reps, velours
and tapestries. '
New Spring
. . ...Cretonnes
Beautiful hew sorinr cretonnes
chintz effects, tapestry pat-!;
iernsana-large nngm aenjn
for ion rooms and beach homes.
Yard A 5c to 2.So.
. Meter it Frank's : Seventh
Sale of
Croscn laapertwl Tan-kiah FIs,
Smyrna puWed figs in wood
en boxes, about ?" 7Q
- AVi lbs. ....... wJLsl &
Faacy P ch , large California
nearly peeled fruit. QV
3 rbs. S1.05.'ib.- Ol C
Bartlctt '' Pswrs, .' fan cy h aires,
CoUm AprieoU, , Moorpark,
- .:::: 37c
. YoUow Paacaat, thinv Skinned
. . halves, 13 lbs. 70c, 25(
Xookinc Fifa, white or black.
lb. ...";...... XW
Ckuit' Fita. white or ruck,
- .'3 rbs. 40c- - "I Art
Men's Union 7
Suits $4.50
2 for $8.25. Fine gauge highly
mercerized lisle union suits In
short sleeve, ankle length style.
Bleached, blue and flesh. AU
Men's Union
2 for $12. Light weight wool
and cotton mixed union suits in
long . or short sleeves,' ankle
length style. Natural color.
Boys' Union
Suits $1.25
Age 6, each 1.25 or 2 for
$2J25. Ages. 8,-10-and 12,
each 1.50 or 2-for $2.75.
Ages 14, 16 and 18 each 1.75
or 2 for .$35.. Super weight
cotton anion suits In short
sleeves, .knee length, and long
sleeve ankle length style.
Boys' Union
. Suits $1
Age 6, each ' 1.00 or 2 for
$1.75. Ages 8. to and 12. each
i.2S or 2 for $2.25. Ages n.
16 and 18. eactr,l:50 or 1 for
$2.75. Light weighty? cottOBi
union suits in short. sleeve knee
length style. Cream color.
pair for regular $5 to $7.50
net curtains for any room in
the home. -White and ecru.
Beautifully trimmed with
lace. Only 50. pairs.
New Curtain
Nets '
A new shinment ' brings the
latest designs in bungalow and
Hawaiian nets. , White, cream
and ecru colors. Yard 40c to
Cretonne Dresse8
! ; $2.25 $3.25
Rerutarlv SJ.lS J and 4.55.
.Smart house- dresses made erf
carefully selected : cretonnes
from Tegular stock.'-A big se
lection of patterns and -colors.
Floor. (Mall Orders FU"d- t
Dried Fruits
CWUr Raiaina, $ lb. cartons : .
51.75. 2 lb. . HKt
cartons. ..'.....,".. lot
Lra- Pnrass,' fancy Oregon, 30
to. 40 size, r- 5 .lb. CQ
cartons , . . i . . . . . 0l
SOvor. Frsuts. J lbs. - Q A
,35o tb, loc
. Bakery Bulletin
SULP SQwakW . Styb Ryv
tfmi. made from finest pure .
dark ry flour, perfect flavor 1
K'riS!-:)-- 20c
WVuU Braatd. keeps fresh long-
- er, -2 loaves-,Z5c
loaf . ......
Canar BrwsJ. oblong f?
-Sotttbern style,' loaf XJV
Rattia Cokiaa, Sun - Q.
: . Maid variety, doze a XO U
Meier k. Frank's : Ninth Floor.
The, Quauty store
- of Portland