10 THE OREGON SUNDAY-, JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 5, 1022. t 'OTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 "." ' ' 1 1 ARLEY-DAVI DSON Motorcycles Columbia Bicycles .-" . .;, ' , ' am' - . . :. Tin WOKIJJI UAtTfO CTOLBS uo bargains n used machetes (til w4 eUe.,wlth 1 speAlkhta. . wuiliiur, Dream taadaBt, sew Una , ' in ataemeto asodel ............ II 1I29 13. model -....." 200 T8 OTHER OOOD BUYS ON BAST TERMS WS -CHAROl NO BBOKrRAGB Motorcycle & Supply Co. 'r,' TTITTID AT TAILOR Ttw Meet Complete Cyrl. FAtabUauacwt ia the norm west do it iori . A KB tUTi; bio MONCT real ' aotrtreyolai at rutteolooslf lot . ' Xot wore oat motanntlea. mind roo, bat mnUtnrMm tnat are ! aieeUent eonditinn, thor- anchir aoni orer by va, and read for tna road. IWeaae we hare aa arenrtork we are anotinc "war eatlra rtock ' at prieaa tbak will mora 'am quick. A SMALL PATMENT DOWX. and tha bal aa aa ana aan afford. Coaia 'In and ride K ewa. - EAST SIIB MOTOKCTCLB CO., 44-4S Grand arc, .tJard parti (nr all machine U a Ml diaoonat Asa and Baadiac BUndard Agency. , Indian Motorcycles Something entirely aew. Sea them bo fore you spend ynor money for an old atyl sna-hine. W sell our old ones for leaa, i Indian Motorcycle & ,"v". Bicycle Co. Mala 139. 209 $4 st $k D LUX HENDERSON ! ; Bw It, rid U. the; you wffl bay tt. . EAST TERMS ' , Banking la BsbuUt Motoreyclm. . STTtlNB CTCLS CO.. 4th and Taylor sta, Mala 11I. llCTCLaf for' sale, U4 inch fram. goud shape, ebaap, 112 K. Taylor, Call Sunday or artr a-amkdays. ALIOst NEW motor heel, $85, and bieyele. $25. Will ipt vmtpoeket kodak. Aat 41-27. MOTOHCTCLF.S AND PARTS. AtX MAKES S EAST SIDB MOTORCYCLE CO.. . 44-46 Grand Ave. IX Li, aiactri Kxcwlslot. also 21 )wl Waithaia wateav 4. W. Bingham, 1 11 T PrinesCon. St Jnhrv UENDKHAON mtrcjel, $5. aOI TosUr -. ri, ana, ass SI Bl"TCLIl fur aaia, food euadlUm. 115. SOi th at. - HT KB SAIJie 1$1 Indcut motoraycia. 7t cash ' s f 10 towns, am gad N. 0 KCTfXJt praoiioally aw, Dacly equipped; i girl's siryel. B early new. 8i (;himn. TOU SAI.K -Hlryel with carrier. 115. 134$ i :yj;rjv. Tsjephone Woortlawa $524. ' ' AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 . FORD OWNERS Fr4 vrhaa!d 120 00 Ba axis svrhanld - . . v 6.00 atva gfwaad. rsvraeat removed 8.00 Tranwein rlln1 ( Acs adiaa visa) . . . 4.75 MA'LNKTO RECHARGED 1.00 wticrf naaw-ttp pttnoa, scrap baartacs. ate. laaiw a perlart ran nine motor. Genu- rww parts rmly awed. All wnrk lunnUid WUAHANTKKD AUTO HF.PASK CO. $H0 Front St. Cor. Jefferenn. BATTERlKi RKCHARrtKla. . . MHU MAGS MKfsIAKUED ..$1.00 1.50 ijtnoR. rr.H hour 1.2$ At av niHFM MOTOR 8FKVICW. FAST 441 vu i 11 in lis. l ni.n.. w. nuwi Auto & Truck Repairing " garag by expert M-haU '88. . llRCn CKWIM3DC JUST LTKB C. .JL T NEW AT VJ JL . U ,r"m- "iKler retailing. """V vrwnrs, m vtuiisms av. r.aw ns. at J uyr to., aatomobll and general ma rthiniat Experts on Conunentai, Htudtbaker V-' hevmlet wig 611 Jellervoo. Ant $36-68 ALTO RCPAUiLNQ don at your own garage or mf garar: Driest rvawmabl. all work guar- aeWd. Pbone Main 1W80. MlaR 1R IK'IH A BBUS, aoaoatchU npalc i 8113. . Kato. rvaannabl CTfTTUi X'aTTO rtfPAirtlSq. VoeR A- rvai.a n atI.K. HliL.1 S4T. ANY TIM E llaJlCK EXJ KRTi OODBET S GARAGB ut;lvu Broadway 1686. 6th and Hoyt AUTO1 FOR HIRE 806 ACTOa HtNftb WITllOPf BKlYKRA dl 8 aad T peeagee ear. Baseas. Wasa. nt. Crow Klkaartai leaseaabls ratsa. aaya, uauMa wrwiv. - CITY 0ARAOE -' 113 12th at, aetw.ea Wsshlagtoa aad I Use Plwy 840. Ll '' ' ATJTOS FOR HTRB VVTt av withawt driven; day or aight a Couchman Oarage 1tTH AND COrCR. BROADWAY 3696. Rememb-T Our Number' Bnswdway 8696. . ORE,ON CSED CAK KXCHANQI "vw cart rev rent without drWrs, $1.33 mmwt iiwwu, ewapea ana soanng far. Kil r7. ttAinl i.iw. i l. . A i ..v -. - -. ' - y f vj n i niiwr. DDV9. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 XOWNSDALE GARAl.fi" Antra and tracks stored, $6 mo. Anto re- painng $1 par aour. Washing $1 up. Iftth and v i t a1 1. t A N T KD to rent, plaee fur repair shoo. Tabor WANVKll and M. -Tw ia vieBnitv 65th rtvwrvrt Phone Tabor 6097. I'- AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 , 4 ANT Wl lawt. vuU susd sjodm jtuh m firsst vuiX kiik 4 for Mi Ford. 6iv M tO nriaaalif Ileal aUmfA gAtTRA atVaatfh py WANT Tsm.iUr ar U. & g. roaAstar.' Mast U t a g4 ahap aad priced rtcht C H. Hon, . BAtiAiN S lota aaar araUaoraah ia chant far awto m a-w ifwiiqow. v-isa.i jonmtL rf .t-I , actio oa you Bruat to the tats tlsarlng Hoasa, O BUT lig panel track: mast a. t twj "I rwnv Br- , JOTIIBSU. " olt CARS VrANtUS L. veywi wrertaig tvx B.lnxmt Bear gth. , will pay (ana for year Ford ear. Tn. , v Ex.. 180 Cnlna av. East 437. AVIU Law twodal Bght toarmt car frora w.uai , mm msilia I-pxaa aai-41, Hh.M your Fnvd Into eaah. coadirJoa a e i-et 1 01 N.. Ilth sc. wmarway 4tg. i h wtitrrt. 491 Aider at V ,U. PAY $300 eaah for lata asedel Ford toar- t- or coeislevi IV! sl. -r l-.1T-(r.rt.ad 4 rnadstor aoS !? mr later, R Ji, JrmrrmX. v... a far can at 491 Aider at, AUTOMOBILES WANTED S50 'CABS WASTED If ywa wish to dfama of voor ear. a4 fh pries righv w on solLaame for you eBeklys with M stone. ermrge. ' 410 Bebaont at. ' CASH CASH CASH CA&H ' I will Bay cash tow tome late sod an that are first earns Buiek, Dodge. Maxwell, Cbarrro- w, roru. starters only.- Bring your cu IU M tU aavr. 514 IkWiU mckpht motor Co. " . Want trucb, " ' Have I lota worth $3560 with SI 040 f- rarabraara, will exchange lor IK or' 2-toa 'track la coed eoostitioa. ' far - mr aauitv. J-558. JearwaJ. MOUNT BCOTT BARGAIN . room cottage, natatored. cu. cfciccea hous. fruit trees and terries,. 2 lota. Pric $1300. Wftl'aosept awt for soy part pajaiiiil. bar Bo aaar. Mr. Kmc Broadway 87. LOT AUTO Clear lot, 60x100. 7 1st and iiaisey : rjurcnaa price m 1700. Want even trad. Mr. Yoa Klin, ear Willye Overland Co., Bvnedwey and Darts. WAN If first-class' automobile, in aood condition. lata model: will air A'l nortnm and band ta payment What have ytm? Civ phona nntnber. J-575, Jorrmal. WANT a coed automobile for my equity in very rhoiee home, 2 ato rim, nearly new, balance ivv per montn. Including interest. Iocatcd in beat district in Imngtnn. Call Auto. 829-32. WANTED To trada iny S-ped Indian Power. plus and aida ear. fully equipped. Ha 1922 Pee Tim aa part payment on Ford. 4.714 41st sootneast CARS wanted to wreck; parts for all can for lea. 8. at S. Anto Wrecking Co., 15th and aitt. nwtimt 636. WA.VIED Pord coupe body, body. Wdln. 612a. Will Inda bu FOR SALS -MISCELLANEOUS 900 Desks, files, tables, safes, addlno MAtUIta, Ti PEWBITEBS,' DICTA Dictaphones, tranacribisf or dictating.. . .$40 00 I Koyal typewriter, flat model S7.S0 Farroacha ft-bank. aquar 125.00 Barrongha 7 -bank. Oat 150.00 A number of good aafea in perfect condition. One large chrome ateel bank aafa. cost S3S00, for 550. Time clock, show cases, counters, par titions, etc Our ptic-s Are the lowest. D. C. W-. 24 28 North Fifth. Bdwy. 2789, or Bdwy. 4775. CHEAPER HEAT Landigan's new gas rapor system. If eats any six room or bail dins cheaper and better than wood or coal; no labor, dirt, dampness or fumes. Poll cord at bed and all radiator in the house are hot in 80 minute. No large basement boiler or chimney: required. Costs about $55 per room to install. See demonstration plant. 4 as sncourer ae, hut S039. Pipe Stopped? Frozen? "DesolTo" cleans sewer drain nroea rn 20 mlrutes. . Generates 280 degrees heat IJoar It in, out she goes, 75s postpaid. Writs today. FLEMING PLUMBING StIPPLT HOUSE. 292 Washington St "Portland, Or. 258 NEWTON, 140; Enfield rifle. $40; Rem itigton automatic, vods .30 and one .35. like $50; Remingtons -ham merlees .pump .12 gauge trap gun. a new. $57.50: Remington automatic .12 gauge, with rubber butt recoil pan, . BKN S. BACKMAX. 110 Third St PHONOGRAPH SNAP Latent type Bush A Lane $325 phonograph ana jou worth line records, ail like new purchased recently. Outfit cost $535. Will sell for $300. Terms if desired. Call Mar. 2203 today or Bdwy. 12600 tomorrow, and ask for Mr. Young. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT A POWER CO. GOLD NOTES WANTED We will allow you oar on above for new Vktrola, Edison, Grafonola or Brunswick pho nograph. Hyatt. Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. FOR SALE 100 FEET OF IRON FENCING. GOOD . CONDITION. REASONABLE. WOODI.AWN 2579. 966 MISSISSIPPI AYE. NEW PHONOGRAPH" RECORD FREE To tbe first 3 persona next Saturday welch ing 132 lbs. on our scales, in front of our store, we will give each a new, la text hit, 75c record free. Ilyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. 10s SHINES at Dekum bldg. Exclusive for .ladies. Mash., near Third. 10 chairs on stair. Ladies' straws made new at Tony's, 287 H Wash., ent Eilers bldg. HUL'ARE platinum diamond ring with 11 dia monds, lor s2ou. lnamond broom witri 11 HtU diamond and 48 pearls. $100. C-398 JonmaL CARTER car, complete parts, set 32x3 hi clincher tares, tubes. Preston t tank charged, twin auto seat, closed delivery body, all good; your own price. Wdln. 1375. UNDERWOOD" TYPEWRITER No. 5 No. 5 Underwood typewriter, perfect condi tion. Price $60.' $15 down. $V a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. 8ALE OR TRADE Incubator. 1 cream sep arator,' for a camera or Bosch mag. for 4- cyL auto: also 80 acres, cheap and 20 acres foi rent 26 miles out 616 Upshur st N. CURRANTS and gooseberries, $1 per dozen; grape for 15 cent: rhubarb 5 cents: Cntli- bert red raspoerrlee $5 per 1000. J. Buhr, Troutdale. Or. ENCYCLOPEDIA BritUnica, 28 volumes, 9th edition, also Murphy In-a-door bed with or without new' mattress; other high grade furniture. Wdln. 0727. TUNO WANTED Wffl nxcriange New Edison. Diamond Amber- nla and 800 fine records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. INVALID wheel chair, good as new, $18; also large trunk: cheaD. 493 Sherrett av. Sell. 3158. SUIT, lady's, sis 38. blue, slightly used. $5 silk liMd hlu. can. 12. Kaat 1S71. 529 I Eat Ash, comer 12th. PAK1X)R millm. ery Making to order, designing g hats. Tabor 2850 for appoint- and remodeling menu. BLACK leather gocart, also small due bill on loci pi.no hous. If interested call at 486 l East 2Sd st and mve money. LAtKSt .tyW - bed davenport. $35; waits I leghorn pullet $1.25. First hous on right arm Lb of Kendall Station, on 82d st DElCf-ilOYING PICTURE PROJECTOR Portahl. motor driven, like new. Costa $250. snap tor iov. Pnon 915-83. FOR S Al Second- hand barrel, also new kegs. Get our prices. Starting Pood Prod- vet Uo.. 1122 Macadam. E1MBAIJ. ORGAN, hall tree, Royal Rochester percolator. Eat 604 8. tR0P-HEAD Golden Oak tewing macjbine, per- fect condition. $12.50. 171 Park sr. GARDEN WHEELBARKOW and tooU. I 290 K. 9th. H block Hawthorne ave. cheap. DANDY doull bar bicycle. $16. and small boy's bicycle, reasonable. 852 Chapman. CARTER hand concrete mixer, good aa new will sell cheap.' Aut 223-39. FOR SALE 6 White Leghorn ins and soma furniture. 633 Insley st D7 YOUR furnace smokes, or don't heat, or If your root leaks, eail Leonard. Aut S-B-Ql. HOUSEHOLD furniture cheap; range, ward- robe. beds, chairs, etc. 900 East Salmon it JtLuFf rugs and rag bu;s woven OSKWM FLUFF UUU CU. TABOR 7314. ALFALFA HAY FROM GROWER 3. W. ROGER. HERMISTON. OR i TRAVELING bags, brief 'ca.u, gloves and all kinds leather goods, E. 1. Keller, 4A N. 6th. CEDAR POSTS aad cordwood. cheap. Frank lin, rot 13J, Ki.iKweiro. Hoone a Ferry M. FOR SALE Safea. office sale, good aa new. I eheao. W-30. Journal ' I - - MONARCH maleable range, wood or coal; library laoia, pargain. - i Minnesota ave. SOLID BLACK walnut bed. new mattress and spring, rneap. pnon Main BS9B. ; FOR SALE Singer tewing 1337 tlreely at I LARGE wicker baby carriag, goad aa new, 1 $16 cash. Sett. 1610. ' FOU SALE Portable ehickea hoos and wire. Call Sellwood 2846. FULL-DRESS rented for all toy. the Tailor, 104 4th. FISHING OUTFIT and trana for sal chaap. tail lnuo s. ueonara. GLADIOLI list of quality BULBS free. A. Drewa, 1028 N. E 23d st . SIX-FOOT eouatar, cigar ease and counter. In- QUIr 216 H N. Jerarv. - T . 5AJF?r- SiAV AN D SrNbHAN'b-" Ba- iw emu nr., near OAK. FOR SALE Bahy buggy. Usquir 820 &aat HEY WOOU-WAKEFUILD wicker baby busgy." first-class exwdiUnat.' . 811 7 . hi;xa atw 1J Crochet ana me. tnmminga. - 210 E. B2CI at. WILL xchaag new rheaograph for typewiitac. xajwta Taming ssaftun te,, srai Alder. ZBARGAIN Fiv 33x4 eord tires aad tube yu saonoay evenmg; Kaat T804. YARD, grading. digging,: gardem ptow- reg. - mil- 172$. lkAO front iM wheaev--euraiHeca. , tires g g. - m w -T' 4- ,ntFr-v, vmu a.yorv. stara nor. - s PArERIIANGING. &a en; p.Tnt 1 1 am. r-AsTWJ nTM EXPE RT pUao taioine aat . rapainag; work gnarantd. Wdln. 9440. TeNvkT aa rang fur sale o trade. CaU 174 "JSfLLZ Wwrtjwwrn. Crrte A w" FOR RENT Aiectne nema' 64 day. aalivtrad. .Woodlaasn Zl. FOR SAIXOSCXLLANEOUS 900 Sale ofR. R. Freight axd RAirPTj-noons - Mondty, Tn-edarand Wodn-dy. a. m. tsiO WUUI.WIAI.It ISO KETAOt Tha work will snrei-1 b a kamraer. : Wa nt abJpaanta from "tha 8. P. AS., alav from the Union Pacific; com goods Irom tha boats, W will be (arced to continue this ml J1 week. We am joat swamped with goods. , U Read Carefully i SS AK1 $a MT2TB BAT8, S1.S Then earn in nee-1 brown, tni and crwan. 81to Sfa to 7. " si irKSjarra. hats is so ' Thaaa Telowr hats corns In anoBse color, green. onrwo ana Diack. Bisea to l. s.eo BATS AT si ' And S1.25 for doth or felt hat, all aicea. Way hare them for metx and boys, afi spring style. S2.50 AXD $3 BOTS' AKD MEN' CAPS 85e I This is a grand opportunity to get a good hat for little money. ' . . i $1.93 for $4. toiJaiuy pants, aGghtly tcratcbra. I2.P5 for dark color $5.50 cordn-oy pants. 2.9o lor tine dress pants, 50o for $1.00 knit ties. 65o for $1.50 knit ties." S3e for 7m suk tie. ' $1.25 for summer weight Todon gaits. Coopers, slightly soiled. c for 15c linen tablets.4 j S3.80 BOX OF ITtTBD'S PAPEB $1.00 1 This paper has 4 ream of paper to tha box, ery fine: inst tbe bcxee damaged. 75o boxes of, 24 sheets paper, 24 nTel0pes, zae. !.' i 85e ladies' vests 15e. ! , Jazz caps for boys 10c. boys' bib oTerslls 46c; aces 6 to 12. I $1.85- BOLLEB SKATES $1.85 For boys and girls. Ball bearing, extension. skates. None to dealers. Uingham, 2 yards for 25c. 17 rolls of toilet paper 50c Clothespins, 2 Vi dozen in box, S boxes 25c. Ladies' 60c knit bloc me rs 20c 35c liquid shoe polish, all colors, 10c 25? shoe paste, all colors. 10c each. Plates All kinds plates 10c each. Women's blue serge cape, $3.50. Boys" overcoats $2.00. $10.00 boys' knirker suits .$5.00. Boys' web suspenders 20c Dairy salt $20 -per ton. Ladies' $8.50 oxfords $3.75. 2 1 -ox. can pear jam 25c can. v 1 1.25 whisk broom, large size, SOe each.. American mixed candy 10c pound. We hare hundreds of other items that must to at some price. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. This store is open every day from 9 a. m. to 5:80 p. m. Consolidated Sales Co. ' 226-228 CLAY STREET BETWEEN FIP.ST AND SECOND STREETS HALF BLOCK EAST OF AUDITORIUM. I Big Monday and" 1 Tuesday Special On Nearly AH Makes of Standard i Electric, Cleaners These cleaners have been thoroughly tested by our expert motor-testing depart ment and are in fact in th best of con dition. . 1 $74 Special Hoover, good as new ...$50.00 1 Special Hoover 85.00 1 -$74 Special Hoover ......... 27.50 1 0 Baby Hoover 22.50 1 $55 Ohio cleaner 22.30 Scores of other exceptional values ia electric cleaners ranging Irom $3 to 1 15. ' Very Easy Terms ' . k May wa suggest yon be among the early shoppers to secure the best srgainaf Service Go. - Main 7370. 128 Vi 10th st Builders, Attention! BATH TUBS T0II.ET3 BASINS SINKS LAUNDRY TRAYS GUARANTEED If you want to , s&ts money on plumbing supplies, see us.' ALL KINDS ' OF FITTINGS. PIPE AND FITTINGS NEW USED AH sizes frotn inch to 12 inch. ALSO all kinds of fittings and valves SPECIAL PRICES ON FTPS ONE 66x16 Buttstrap High' Pressure BOILER as good ss new. EVERYTHING FOR THE SAWMILL AND LOGGING CAMP FOB TX)WEST POSSTBLE PRICES ON MACHLNERY, PIPE, PLUMBING SUPPLIES ZldellBeresison Co. ; Marshall 1333. . 209-11 Front st Portland, Or. TNGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC. .. $50 Western Portable 4 Hot Point Electrio 4 Drop-heed Singer, com. 5 drawers. . 2 Drop-head Singer, com. 7 drawers. 80 N w White Rotary Cabinet 50 Golden Oak drop-head New Home 22 New Knval drop-head. lo Latent Davis 15 W rent portable electric or drop-head SINGER STORE. ; ' 3. G. Walters. Manager. 1 193 4th St.. Main 68S3. Pipeless, 165 Pipe, $200 Up Installed on easy terms: 1000 tn Portland. Phone Columbia 28. Write Aasoriated Engineering Cor poration, ? factory foot of Bur lington st ACETYLENE outfits with gas, $38. Wefur- nish strictly A-l guaranteed regulators and torches, supnuea of flux, goggles, rod, lighter. hose. 220 cubic feet oxvsen. 230 cubic feet acetylene. We loan you the tanks witn tnese outfits. A call wul save you money and convince you that good welding equipment and service can be had" for , less mosey than heretofore have been aked. W instruct beginners. North- west Welding et Supply. Co., 88 1st CADILLAC SEDAN Fin 8 cylinder Cadillac Sedan, wonderful mechanical condition and appearance, only $1730. $350 down, balance- monthly. Win ex- change for first mortgage or fine lot Hyatt Talking Maehma Co.. 850 Alder. - BRUNSWICK SNAP $225 Bronswiek snap and SO fin leccrds. only $170. $23- down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. rFOR SALE Three 82x3 W tires, nearly new, with tnbee and rimv $7 each, aa $20. Bosch high tension mag. $10.- 679 E. 73rd N. CHEAP for quick sals 8-foot counter 242 First -st1 eaSY'S all wool 3 piece suit, good conditkm. Wul sea ebeep. East 4668. FOR SALE Cheap, wicker baby 1387 East ShermaB at, near 60th st BEAUTIFUL" new silk coat, large size. "Cal 1220 Dei sx. FUR I REPAIRING Remodeling; expert Rea aonaoie. oa-ai. COAL OIL' burner, SO gallon tank; footoower grinder. lawn mower. Aut 834-58. DROPHEAS sewing machine, $18; bargain. Storage. 114 Union av.. near Alder. 9x12 VELVET rug, like aew; sprint oouch. Tabor 8663. vtAIJiCT. fruit trees, all kinds of shrubbery; delivered. Anderson. .Nursery. Tabor 4213. FOR BALE Auto knitter, with instructiona, S2 per 15. - Mermom at. , -- DARK, giant Rhode Island Bed Postoffic Box 1015." SILVER Campm eggs, prize stock. $3 per 15. P. O. Beat 1013. : - KR SALS, adjustable dram farm, $5. , Phaae Wood awn 6066. " - . , -. . MISSES brown eelour suit for sala cheap: size . 14-16. Wdhv S24S. : ' ' V FOR SALE 1 kitohea cabinet. $2. 250 ' Nartiua at Mata 3189. -: -- - RKI.D baby earriago, ' reversiMe - body, wooden wheels, fiwt-clasa eondrtion; $15. .426 3d et APEX electrie ' washer. $80 eash. Tabor 8649. 2 ROUT Hugfaea etec plate. $9. 321 W Park. DBT CORDWOOD for sal. $6.60. East 784 FLOW aad harrow, cheap,. 494 Kerb? at r FOR ' SALE nSCELLANEOUS 900 BUT HEBSt BATS KOKXTI . SHOES, CTOTHING, FURNITUKE, HOCSEF0RXISHXNGS, LAWN MOW. ERS, WASHING MACHINES. STOYES. ETC, SOLD AT YEB.Y LOW PBICE3. 'Becaoaa the merehancSss w seB cost Tn nothing, and becaus WB NEED MO PROFITS, our selling price of an ar tiei is based only on the east of Ubar lor prepmrmg the ftrtjcl- IN s. CIAK. ' KEW-LOOKINO CONDITION. Why buy new (nods and pay th new j price when oar goods will - hare nearly : AS GOOD AN APPEARANCE AND WILL COST SOU SO MUCH LESS! Surely, tha cost of material-and tha quivak-nt of "SUPPOSED PROFITS" of a businesa are two big items which : TOU WOULD WAXT TO SATE. CONSIDER OCR LIVE OF SHOES V how fast they are selling.' Cnstomers 'i come back for more and are sending " others. WHY f Because our shoes will if wear as king, will keep the feet aa dry and will look practically 'aa well as new ' fhoes. AND WHA,- COST ONLY A '! FRACTION OF THB COST OF NEW OSES. A desire to save money is THE RTJI.K. Too probably are likewise i mentioned. For YOUR GOOD, visit our store. Then yoa will be convinced THAT THE PUB LIC WELFARE STORE IS THE PLACE YOU WOULD WANT TO BUY FROM. PUBLIC WELFARE STORE (In Business for Service Not Profits) 212 3d SL Near Salmon, Plumbing Supplies Big Removal 'Sale - BEFORE MOVING TO OTTR NEW HOME AT 207 THIRD ST. WE WILL SELL FAR J-.KLOW MARKET PRICE OUR COMPLETE STUCK. WIS SELL TO ANYONE. Bath Tubs Toilets Sinks - Basins Gas Water, Heaters AlSCr A COMPLETE LINE OF PIPE AND FITTINGS. BtY NOW AND SAVE YOUR SELF MONEY. , Mesher Plumbing Supply Co. WBOT,ESAT E AND RETATT, 248 Third Street Main 5277 ' Bet Main and Madison. BEAUTIFUL Victrola, just like new. offered at sacrifice of even $100 for quick sale. This is the resular $225 model, and excellent selec tion of $60 worth of records wiH be inelnded. Terms, cash or Liberty bonds, or for $5 extra will sell -on terms $30 down and $8 muntn. See Phonograph Department, third Coot, Eilers Music Md.. 287)4 Washington st. just below. Fifth rt. PLAYER PIANO MUST BE SOLD Partv leavine town left, flna nlaver nianA nd rolls for sale; says slaughter for $285 for quick sale. Would give terms to good people. This a $865 Autopiano. one of America's finest player pianos; call at Oregon Eilers Music House, iisii wasmngton st 2d floor. CLOCKS. WATCHES Uncalled for clocks, and watches at repair price charges, : 209 Washington bldg. Belding s Up-tairs Repair Shop. 4th and Washington sts. VULCANIZING equipment, new and used- Be fore purchasing elsewhere, let us show you what we have. Can make immediate delivery at bargain prices. HAKPKK & HALXi 464 Burned; St. Portland, Or. LYON & MEALY silver trumpet stand case. $32.50; Conn cornet $20; Vega tenor banjo and case, $40; check protector. $4; Hamilton 1 jewel gold-filled cae. $31.50: Bausch & Lemb 8 power binoculars, $35. . BEN S BACKMAN. 110 Third St IS YOUR PIANO SILENT J . Let us exchange' fine new Victrola. Edison, Rninswick or -OnlnmriiA for Tour niano. Then all the family can enjoy the music Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. MUSICIANS AND SINGERS One fulldress suit, nearly, new. tailor made. silk lined, size 40, $36; Prince Albert coat size 42, $15: from private party. See Svendsen, 311 Russen st ' RUUD water heater, $12.50; hew one, $16.50; 8 burner gas range. Detroit $15: ulcan 4 burner, $1.7.50; 8 hole steel range, $27.50. Will deliver and connect reasonable. 322 E. 28th. St. N. East 4852. THE JOURNAL has 14 Braaeolite lamp fix tures, complete and in good order, carrying any lam up to 2 CM)-watt, for sale. Come and see them at The Oregon Journal bldg., ask for George N. Hamilton, Supt . OLIVER TYPEWRITER Lateet type Oliver typewriter only $35. $10 down. $2.50 a mcnth. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT Right out of the river. Sold in 50 lb. and 26 lb. boxes, 2 hie lb. Kelso. Order now. Kelso Smelt Co.. P. O. Box 44. Kelso. Wash. STAMPS AND COINS Bought and sold. Columbia Stamp 4 Coin Cc, 94 North ICth st FOR SAMS "-Cheap on account of sickness, 1 Long Bakins popcorn crfapette machine, in A-l condition. Write The Dalies Crispette Plant 316 W. 8th st S.. The Dalles, Or. 'MOTHER'S FRIEND" Beet knife and aors sharpener on earth; last for y ears. Post for?re paid. 50c; guaranteed. D. N. Byence. 249 6th st, Portland. Main 7352. ISIRCURT , RECTIFIER- SO amphere, like new, for sacrifice price, 483 Union ave. N. WALTHAM watch. 17-iewet size 18, open face. good umej&eper. sell Teasonaoia. sa w, Blandena.' FOR SALE Galvanized iron tank, round, hoM- mg aoout 8U barrels, II you can use it make me an offer. Columbia 648. SACRIFICING orchid chiifon velvet areas. 36 or 88; georgeUe hat to match, $15. East 5355. LAUNDERED flour sacks. 100-lb. size, $1.20 a dozen, 8. Hodes. 424 Belmont, near 8th. saaii oraers. FERTILIZER FOR SALE GOOD COW MANURE. PORTLAND GAR- BAlim CtJ., yVtHJULAW.N 2893. Dentistry j'VlSt Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. FOR SALE 2000 cedar fence posts, 15 cent L o. b. cam or will trade same tor nay. Nagely. Route 2, Box 93, Ridgefield Wash. EVENING dress for sale, very reasonable. Has never been worn. Will fit slender girl. Wopdlawn 3203. . FOR SALE Willow bassinette in perfect condi tion cost $14.60. WU1 teU hail price, 48 S. 3rd st LADIES' attractive used apparel in Prices low. Evening appointments. 2825. home. Tabor t45 COLUMBIA xrafonola. oak case. $30. $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE Solitaire, 1 hi , karat perfect dia- moud ring, beautiful platinum setting. Wdln. 40S9. , NEW farm lighting plant (or sale -cheap for casn or win giT. terms, t . u. Box 67, DIEBOLD sales; nea and second hand: special prices. Pacific Scale at Sopply Cow 4ft Front st- Brocway 1W6. . BUSINESS CARDS fl B!g ROSE CITY PRLNTERY sPfl.Sil 849; Washington Street. Bet Second cad Third. BUGS slashed oa your . rraor with HamOtoa. zteaca eiectne carpet waaaeri am cleaning done. East 4045. $175 Edifon Diamond Diac. mahoganv in fme shape. $125. $15 down. $7.50 month. Hratt Talking Machine Co.. 360 Alder. POTATOES for table and seed, early and lit! $1.75 to $2. L. F.-Wagner, Gilbert station i . v.. ajraa staoou. as. at. a, box. 4iw. COMBINATION double-conatructed gas, coal and wood, range, xax new. vsea a months. $50. MONARCH RANGE A-l eooditioa; also cabinet poonogiaiui ana so .secoras. 2a 3d avsv. WOULD like to buy a Mason it Hamlin "Baby mw piano iw iraan, '. auoert -meaao, P. O. 1 us exenaag new p&onocraph for rag suit 9 aMe for store. Hyatt Talking Machin Cat, FOR SALE 600 AIMna ave. feet fir flooring. 1692 GOOD -PIANO for cash. Ford touring. 1914 model 1084 E. 82d N. Wdhv 9S CORDWOOD, delirered or oa th ground. CaR Aut 63S-92. MANURE FERTILIZER , So sawdust Delivered. East M7S. BTOCKI A RDS MANURE FOR SALJiV FOR SALE MISC33XANEOU3 - 900 v United Army Stores 194-198 Third at, ' Tin World wm Tread a Beaton Fata to Out Door.-' TentsIewTents We were fertsrnate In i In tM. at. Inaxni of dock, so as to be in a po&itinn to cell you tenta- luesa amneara ot prices wmca. wm mat only while present stock is en hand. Therefore do cot wait tiR next May or Jane and expect to buy a tent at these price. , Tnese prices are sot guaranteed. Dealers are buying them by the doses. An snr tanta an mad of U. 8. standard 29-inch width white duck. new; are maw l-o cuon OOU01. stitched with gay ropes and toggles, reinforced at rids ends and eaves. AH our tents carry the brand CONWAY ARMY TENT which stands for quality. 7x7 8 cat, 3 ft side wall $ 6.80 7x9 8 ox., 3 ft side wall 8.20 81 0 8 or.., 3 ft aide wall ......... 9 00 10x12 8 ox.. 3 ft. side wall . 11.00 10x14 8 OS., 8 ft side wall ........ 12.70 12x14 8 oa., 34 ft side wall 15.78 12x16 8 or., 3 H ft. aide wall 17.20 14x16 8 ox, 4 ft side wall ........ 20 65 7x7 10 ex. 3 ft side wall g.sa 7x9 10 os., 3 ft side wall 10 00 7x9 10 os.. 3 ft side wall ......... 11 15 10x12 10 os.. S ft aide wall ........ 13 80 10x14 10 ot, 3 ft side wall 15 CO 12x14 10 os.. S H ft side wall 19.50 12x16 10 ox.. 4 ft side wall 5.50 18x22 10 os., 6 ft side wall 86 80 16x24 10 ox,, 6 ft aids wall 40.75 If mor convenient yoa may call at our branch stores, viz: any ot BEND, OREGON. 122 Oregon at SALEM, OREGON. 230 So. Com! et A BANTJY, OREGON, 217 Lyon st ' MEDFORD. OREGON, 32 Com T ave. S. CORVALLIS. OREGON, 380 So. 2d et, MARSHFTELD, OREGON. 78 Com 1 ave. E. KELSO. WASH.. 307 2d at Our tremendous outlet gives tn the Big Buy ing x-ower, nenee uie saving to you. Ton will be STUTTised when yoa see tb. rw.r, . bargains we are offering ia army goods of all CONWAT AUTO TENT is Just the thing for your camping trip. These auto tents will Gt any car. Yen do not need poles. Tbe front flap ndea on your anto top. 7x9, win fit any auto, 8 ox. $ 9.50 7x9, will fit any auto, 10 oz. 11.50 Storm curtains if desired, 7x7, 8 ox. . . 2.4 5 4 ft 9 in. b7 7 ft, per pair, 8 on. .... 8.40 Mail orders filled promptly. United Army Stores 194-196 Third st. cor. Taylor. If you remit by check, add 5c for collection charges. J. T. CONWAY, prccw. mgr. Pioneer Arm? Store Uaa of Oregon." LARGE STOCK OF Electrical Fixtures Wholesale Prices Porch Light WHITE BOWL AND COLLAR COMPLETB 90c !Light Bowl Fixture Complete $14.50 OPEN EVENINGS Chain Drop 85c LXSS TUB SHADS Reliable Electric . RUSSELL AT UNION BAST 8688 OCR SALE extraordinary of ohonoirranha vmbn- - uu.ua. merer oeretoiore and never again Will it be nnaoihl tn ,r. k aa wv are Miensc in f hi. i. i. ntf5l I' i month for phonographs actually .i.oo, auu now accusuy less than naif VSZ? .t yesr or more ago. Many for only $35, $67 and $45, actually less than half former prices, at payments of only $1.25 a week 57 uJTco r-uers Music House, second floor cruras isusic omg. ceren aoors devoted to music mn muunans. WHY THROW YOUR OLD FEATHERS AWAY i wneri TJlev can b. HmmI ,ii ww, vj mux new una nai A. guaranteed. HABTNEFS FLTJJJtE fmOT, 882 Washinrtnn Rt Formerly Park and Yamhfn 8t) or-tCA o. B. extra long ex tension, 6ax8 H. reversible beck, $35; Eastmaa SA anto kodak. 5eciai upnmo shutter, 800th of a second. F-6-3 anastigmat and ranee finder, $35; Seneca 1 , long exTensioa. sia. BEN g. BACKMAN. 110 Third Garages Wired . Old and new iinaaMr wirrf floor plugs and switches put in by licensed aseo- jician. xjig peimont, or Taaor 6932. EXCHANGE TOUR PIANO FOR A mVAUUKAfU we win exchange fine bow Vkrola. lViscei. vxaomma or Brunswick for your piano. Hyatt r i roe va. SIV AJOez. BATTERY CHARGER MOTOR GENERATOR BET Cksrget 1 to 60 batteries, Bargaba. 488 Union ave. N. " ' ' LARGlii atcrage bat&eruav suitabla for bcai farm lighting. 4 wheels witn rxrthion tires axeas, surtaete lor a trailer. East 1702. tVW T. Ia AlOl 1 INSI St, ac w . camera with caas, 12 plate noiaava, complete wrta kite . for 5x7 color v i.r ' HJ?00- locuatng eiota. 8x7 itf.. WA.tt. aaaor wiez, AISKA lynx necx fui. WMC isawy. 'l I. TROMBONE aad mr or Uade for vast pocket kodak. Aut 641-27 BAT. $10 a too in bar. Rt . 1. Box Si. Brash Prairie,- Wash., GRAY SUIT, siz S7 $1.50. S54 Sd at $12.60. 6dd eoats FOR SAI.E Mrble game getter, perfect ooav oinnn: aa suaermaa soemx. ast 5434, ii riLnlNlv&ji CARDS A1.5Q All pnntint . ...... n K-At;vf- 7 FEBT 2010.' . r tAROR FOR SALE; Reed baby buggy, good reasonable. - Empire 1521. SATIN and toll evening drees. 36 or. acaaOar. aw nr u, ah zzt-t. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 00 M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. 240-4 FrtsBt St, . Portland. Ot. i Maiat ettS. Guaranteed Money Savers STEEU Jtot purchssed JO. 000 tons atod. ant foe, bars. oUtea. thanes. GE ET OCR PRICES ROOFING 100 Tons orrugateil; New, gxlraaixed. 8. 9, 19 feet lenguia. SATS MONEY BUT NOW! TRANSMISSION Pulleys, boxes, .hangers, shafting, ream, pinions. btai BARDE BEFORE BUYING. BELTING Rubber and leather. OCR 8ZOCK IS OOMPLETB. Loggers' Equipment WTRE ROPE; any six, any quantity. Scookxun blocks, "th block that makes log ging easy." Axes, pea Tim, sledges, wedges. Falling, burkinr snd drag SAWS. BARD ITS PRICES ARK RIGHT. Woodwork's: Machinery Bandsawa, surfacers, planers, matcher, stick are. suns ucAfLA.vrr.rJJ ALU SALES.. - Barde's Big Bargains " PUMPS 32 6x5 xS Blake pumps $110 is eisaie uardner pumps ......... 116 16x7x6 Bisk. Damn. lis ?2 12x8112 BafftJo pumps 210 aa iv-ia American eirru latin oonhlak suction centrifugal pomps 22S 2 10-in. Ames circulating double sTVtinw centrifugal pumps 825 1 4Hx2x4 Dow duplex pump .... 75 2 3x2x3 Worthington pomp : 45 3x24xS Worthington pumps 60 1 3x2x3 Gardner pump 45 3x2x3 Snow pumps " 45 2 8x2x8 Fairtonks-Morse pumps ..... 45 a wxvxo vvoruungvm pump : 160 4 Single - az-tin. feed pumps. - inch ruction n 2 1 hi -in. centrifugal pumps (new).... 35 8 214-in. centrifugal pumps (new) . ... 60 4 3-in. centrifugal pumps (new) 75 3 4 -in. centrifugal pumps (new) ..... . 85 2 5-in. centrifugal pumps (new) 110 2 6-fn. centrifugal pumps (new) ISO 3 3x5 Typhoon belt-driven pumps. . . 60 10 FEB CENT DISCOTJNT ON PURCHASE OF TWO OR MORE BARDE'S BARGAINS SAVE TOU MONET : Miscellaneous Engberg lighting end generator seta. Steam engines (upright snd horizontal) . Gasoline engine. Boilers (vertical and horizontal). Steel tanks, air receivers, 300 to 1500-gsL Motors, 10-hp. to 850-hp. Compressors (aU sizes). MACHTNb! TOOLS: LsAhca, Shapera. Planers. Key eeatere. Milling machine. Boring mills. Grinders (electrie and belt drive) . Punches. Punches and ahear (vertical and horizontal). Air hoista Ingeraoll and Drake. Locomotive cranes, etc WRITE. WTRE OR PHONE TOUR ORDERS- M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS, Sewing Machine Emporium Machines sold for less. No agents employed. Guaranteed used as etines cheap. Parts and lepah-ing or au mazes. Mac nines rented Main Sill 190 3d Near Taylor St. WE HAVE the following used, office furniture in aooa eonuition at exceptional prices: rou top desks, 14 flat top desks. 7 typewriter desks. IS of fie chain i f. . , - -- .. , , - a ty.t . THE IRWTN-HODSON CO. Furniture Dept. Tenth at Stark Street Broadway 3144 Electric Fixtures BUV direct Venn, f"tnr .hnvMM Selection. aU style. Save one-third. Camm i samples; yoa are under no obligatUa to boy. 207 CHAMBER Ctv CluuvRrr arm Tnird and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 425B. annurriflrs vr-o. USED AND MADE TO UUDKR. Buy. sell, a cnang fjssb Begister, Scales. Fountaiaa. Miae. Star Fix tors. See u first BOXER TRADING CO., 129 First at Broadway T418. ' CEDAR CEESTS Dtrect from fsctorv to vorrr noma. Teens end Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; , wm tor earajogue. J. W. HTGGINS tt SON. 1912-16-18 E. QT.1SAN. TABOR 808 WB SATS TOU MONET House wiring, lighting fix ture, electrical repairing i phea. Third Street Electric Store, 224 hi Sd st, Bear Sal mon. .Main 6055. r3 Sewing Machines rVtvU W. have the largest stock r tP ttsed sewing machine, in th dty. AAVTjll Compare prices. W rent and psir. 172 3d near Yamhill. ITS th little things that count a little more nartieular. a little more erne taken gives you a lot better service irovn your watcu. STAPLES WATCH SHOP, 461 Washington st 13th st DOOR5L windows, lumber, moldings, mill work. glass, roofing and hotbed eaab. See mar odd stock at aaah and doom tor rjricee, IX B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT STL. between Morrison and TsmhiU. Mam 4Z1S. SAFES Fire and burglar proof aafea, new aad second naad. at right pricee, nougat, aoaa aaa exciiaagt - rasy terms, II deaired. NUKK0S BAA Si at AyUCla. UU 105 Second St Broadway 7048. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented end repsired. Walker Electrie Works, 418 Baxa- nde. eor. 10th. Bdwy. 6674. All Printing Pre-War Prices Acorn Press, 286 H Wash, Bear 5 th. Sihloco Pipeless Furnace $135 Guaranteed - $135 PHONE BYRNE. EAST 417 BCICK SNAP in towav 1920 -- 6 cylinder Buick. Fin aaechanical condition. rrne area, only $673. o trades. ; Hyatt Talk- uig axacaine to., sn Aider. ELECTRIO FIXTURES at whoteeale-. 1-dxhT fights. 90c W do eleetjie wiring! Rahahls f-iectnc. union at BuseeU. Esat S686. ACTOMOBILEa. MOTOKCICLKS, LAUNCTISV8 beam ar aeparat r asms rare tinn mrge- Bating win be sound amdaar thee dU- terent ejsasTnatxma. FOB SALE Little's tzaprovad Corr's thoralss . bsack berry paaats; beavisat' producer aad beat navoreoL writ for pampolet aad C A. Lrttla. SebaatopoL Cat, stoat 4. per eord. Special price a carload. Fin bAork wood, $7-25 per load. T land. A East 7020. bouse trade sprinted Call E CASH REGISTER aad coaaputtaa eeaie boearat old, exchanged and repaired Portland Cash Beganer Seal Exchaage, 2?6 Stark at, bet is ana xe sts. proaqwey ese. 10 DROPHEAD arwimt asei nmie with alraWv. : aaaerta.. $20 each; pertahl slectilu mactma ipr rant; sewmg martnne clr.ned aad repaired. FOR SAIXr fCIlLANEOUS : 900 OVERSTOCK CLEAMKC3E SALE Can Yon Beat These REMEMBER QUALITY THE BEST, PRICES THB LOWEST Beautiful 4Llght Fixture COMFTJTTE WITH SHADES, AS SHOWN PRICE DURING SALE Solid Brass Electric Brackets aa show abaoe). Paring Sale Elegant Ceiling Lights With ooHer, cvwanleto aa showa (lam shade) This Cxtere wfll Ot any standard elso- triC ah.a Beautiful 3Light Shower Fixture Cornpleto as 0NLT A FEW AT THIS PRICE IF TOTJ ARE GOING TO NEED ELKtTHICAL FIXTURES IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS TOU WILL SURELY 8AVE MONEY BY PURCHASING NOW. BX STJBa TO SEND FOR CIRCULAR DESCBlPlT V B STAM.EY LIJTZ PROP. " TEX UPSTAIRS ELECTRIO FUTURE BTORX SOS-S-7 Ch'amber of Couimenj Bldg. .Broadway 4253. . We Do Hous W iring. - a Pipe! Pipel Pipe! BLACK AND GALVANIZED NEW AND SECOND-HAND PIPE Prom t to 10-tnch 4-inch pip. 25e per foot B-iaeh pipe, 85c per foot, -Inch pipe, 60s per foot All kinds of plumbing suppliea. 1 -fU bath tab. $37. 1 H-ft bath tub. $30. 1 5-ft bath tab. 1 toilsc. 1 lavainrv aTl iwr eo.. Portland Pipe Shop 269-278 Front st Mala 6323 A. L. HOWARD PLUMBING AND HEATING STPPUaa Wholesale aad Retail pre and Fittings. MUELLER PIPELESS HOT-AIR FURNACES Estimate Give Free. 230 THIRD BT. MAIN go$ WELDERS. A TENT ION t Let a UrnTaE yoa with eoamereisl seartylen. Yon buy th gas exdy, we loaa yoa th cylinders. Test can nav as maay at a um. as your Job requires. u yoa mast save rntu Lata ey under w turn yoa nanxs witn cervsee agvweraents at a treat mving. North west W aiding m Supply VICTROLA Bmutiful wasrxaiaiiy Vietroia X Bk arw and 60 records, only $128. $15 dosra. balaiaee rnoBuuy. xiyatt Talons atcn;ne fjav. 359 A per. GOOD fumitur for a 7o7 reasonable, as am leaving city, rent 482 East Clay. East T7S8. Hous for W ILL wirharagw New Edasoa, Victrola, Caasbis or Brawswick phoawgraph - aad record for pvart. nyatx Taming Mactune ij. gap AMec, REED baby h buggy, nversibia body; military "a, bowb eaainmosa, nr gam eaaaaa. a. ilia n. 17-JKWXL William Mcxinley ia-2T 16 ciaa Colvmbm 896. 1 F. SMALL COOKING STOVE CALL WDLN. 1788. MUST cell a Winchester pwmp shotgun, m I rtnl 1897. a be Train. $15. Aat 819-52. WHITE SEWING MACHINE, $10. 57$0. WoodlawB LADY'S hair switch, dark brow, aew, fresh. aeeiury aar, z ta. irmg. Kaon K. bovz. PLUSH coat $5; siA draw $0. after 11 a. m. Bdwy. 7339 DROP-HEAD Binger .emg Bir'i'na, coed a $10 ?5C U m mm a 11 XArg AsaorV K 3 Va ment ot . if Bowl ma a Priced as low hmjS0 - . FOR SALE MTSCELiUUTJ-Hn totj DANGEROUS .V a - - l , and aura mmm..'j0l. ' I ) th body. TV aatwsr i ' thaok. m, Lawto gtmrnV . !U T rmf an th fhs atw iasuujs Use to vatMmmtk. BuHderz9 Harriet-. T'l - m m mmm aa rw aa s w . TBM FACTORY TALKS TO TOO XS FRICB THROUGH UTO Tm Rrrtay aVmra front eVssr kick. SSvZS retail: bttittaro PO0..77. .7T7. . .T. "$1.T.V For tao Vstter greo f boa, es-ajr, witk PooaW barb amba bstaaraksw hanriw miA hgaaaa eyUader lock. $13.60 aateiU IwilUar. lam ssaw-eww. t rw. fi. owaga swimbto tor say type A wS w took sat ta eat tha "war. sat eacarksts v oouaoa-s yoat taqwtre th prkw f 1 ? he eoaclao. that tbaar m xaetw yoa an aaaatakwn! " wayiasi zae eaca tor glace exawar ot at eaulder- pric of Is. The your sungea, baerment aeta. rsMsswnt V ?" tseaera, drawer wolls. aask c4 pel wendlirts, rope, caipeaieai toraa. lai s ily th bwiVUr sever oonUdrra. A printed buildar't bat kav res yoa. Mr. "ovaroa liner, a . real mriixg down to wwr asm II your pric oa eaapboard BaDha 7- $0.99 Caseatetst adjuitersi eo grade at. . Concrete Wheelbarrows A solid, heavy fram fin late In 1 1- heavy wheel; btukter-t pnee ...aS.7 CVat1ijsi mlmuisa. a real a4n nh. wm eaiic asax uu aa way your esuaoasr bard. Roo finer uii".i wua mils 4vwi vT-tao: ' !'" 148 8-pty roofing x.M This le th BOBS of tb Bia weaA. Storm Ease" toofiac. IT ywa was twrno. deBradable gnod mat yoa HtU aaar. Medium guaranteed 10 years aaat giv row IS swam sss-rto;-sauldar- praoa, par roil SS.SS Carpenters' Tools We hv wot ocas aaotto. X w s cqwara. for goaersi as. .9$ gjodeU-Pratt sartor boa aad aa 14-TI Good wed baad- and wpmws. 4 of cssw pric. Wood oHsei, bawm edra. H-toch SB opu aoaa, a va.1. for ..... SU6 ta ear ensnpiet. Bn mt 'tod the Dston. Btotcmda, Atheas. Staa 7. Bad Denl. eta. Oine at teal vaAoa ta yoa. Blacksmith Tools lamicastor blowwrs- raw. $21 60. whnl. wA cost bow $2$. war wm $2L$w Self-feed Maokamith a; to tower our A good repair anvil arO. SIS vA- . 19 4S S4S rrtoa prraortaonato est all caasl azrrtav. f 'en. 1 ' toaaea. mmr ..w,l,,u tm oiaoxnuin cqnmrneat aew mr mwd. at values. " " Woodcutters' Tools Anything fr OotogoB steel splitting bar $L,TB A 4-horsepj.ai Vanrha with tmr- mm ' but to MMft. esmaiuoB; at a Fencing AJtf tTrm Oi rKwskaw rrv.es. tJaaaV j u3 ZevIn1 fSS. Levin Hardware & Furniture Co. 221-223-225 FRONT ST. 202-204-206 Corner of Salmon at Our One Big Aim: To always treat you Fair w IUI UJLLiCT FOREIGN STAMPS! A hobby both aduearioful bmI nvJi.. . ' - . kinds of U. 8. snd foreixn avainna fr Sets, packets, stamps also cent on innnl Special inducement and rata to ecalamwa in surnng., Philatelie aupUea, W. K. awarda. box 214. Ashland. Or. Nelson Ladder Works 267 2D ST. PHONE MAIN $284 . Extension Udders. a.i window cleaning ladders, ladder lacks and trawila. THE FTB SHOP K. C REINER, PRACTICAL FURR1TR. Fur Choker for Spring. 40S Morrisrm, fermetly Eker bkig. Independent Printers Best work, laumut dslta.it at Im Let wa eetimato your next Jokv Ssaith rilsgma 11 N. 8th at. " ' RUBBER BOND The teateat nleiswliii am earth for all kinds of lah mh ur i like magic, bringing old wankad -i uinr nsmrai pcauonB m a snort traa. Bowy. 7. , CELLO SNAP For ml or trade, hirh-crada earw, hat t t pullets or rust growth fir wood, Caa b -498 E. 16th N. East 2964. " FILBERT TBEES of approved varkebaa, traa i name ," whea writinc. nieaa. tamia .rmKm trees wasted. . Dr. J. H. WUkena. McAtirmvifia, Oregon. - tTAVniPn v.-rn.-a vi. a a . ' . ' including cue, balls. aai e-n ' ment I da ax want to asisiHaly arm tarn away, but win aell tt wrry Th ib Tskii 6284. DON'T BUY sni mora aoaX.vl.nt. taak. y. uTwunu uat aew soaa craiem at tb Keeca. west Welding Supply Ce.. SS Flmt st, rr lsnd. Or. LADIES' misfit aad aughtly aaea epoaraL good -.?'?. to" pr', toT rrT toaoB. 4 th floor. ataia sisz. ENGLISH wmlaats, taran tr. arjota. PAches, peers, crapes, tome, chcrrmt. au aiaa or an run, wetsastoek Bi of Woodstock carlin. Ant SI a.S WANTED Men uxi yoaag Baca I bar it aa. . at TOT 11.13. lllol aafa 11 Kl ... 9.rc 451 Waahinrtna at lnfa.ii 9 A .'a a JteCTRIC fixture for 6 raoaaa. (16: kie tsoa otber fixtora. 207 i'KtMtKTT bldg. Broadway 42&S U. 1 BLBBANK poUtoaa, 1 BL'KBANK f L.i fmr (BOB. east of Leata. s Mjuauat m arm a Foster rood MOVING picture machine with Mazda iicat eost $150; win sail for (50. Rocaa 26 iJLa Tneatre bldg. " swsaci 1 RHODE IALAXD EZD maurr JTl Italia prane and aoola trwaa. nmW tauaebein plaata. Price right. CaU Mate 4216 ua, at a i n i j sonM. ai ... . - bsutver with 60 gailoa storage teak. Weed ewa 3837. 22 WLN'CHESTEB repeater loag ruj alika! 1874 ""uiib, sex anawcu a. KITCHEN range, heater, first el plat aadwl 3746. 738 Irving st FOR KALK A large, beauttful iera at "TIT E. 9th st. N. FERTILIZER for aaks. ng for wuS or ' aaa. Ittmm nw a 79th. blocks couth. DAVENPORT, oak and leather, with" rim da. eoatditioB. East 6957 FOR SALE Chbd fkiiiac bed aai for $. Aat 61 8-7$ HIGHEST grade wall paper aangmg oauy. . WALKER, Mate 747. FOR SALE Lara, bwauulul fera at 666 r1 Ninth north. BLACKSMITH aad woodworker sale. 109 N. 4th at Bdwy. 945 LADY'S tweed coal, sis $8, .ilk hoed. aer worn. $16. 1020 WUHams a- W. CENTER tabj 26th aorta. S-A AX SCO loading CaU zT rreiott t DODGE-MAX WELL stone battery. A-l ewav' dition. lUMwahas. Phow Mala 1941. LAWSON1' gas water beater, quart Jam, gas paala. U stov. Tabor o40. 6 FOOT table, raitehle for hotel kitchce; prkw $$. $69 ta et WOOD and rue I rang wits hot water aou Taoor szs. aza g. ist N. FOR SALE Squirrel 3846. SPECIAL Mea s $$ md-to are $54 Sd t GLAMOIA 26 chosce ssuea, $1, T. A. lfw. 1925 E. 23d at X. ROTTED FERTLUXEB, $6 peg eawd. CaU Kat S4A4. - ,.V7 in HE tc .c asai awrs 27. as. ja. gusaa. Aaa waaa svw. .A ZS68W - .-7 -srnwa fli, Alt Jfast at, !