J3 THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH , 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 802 mcKMAN-cMrrn. ttonu M GUAM B Kit Of COMMERCE BLDs. BROADWAY 1878, m aooiu nocsEicraPTKO M'knUa, good faro ath men, ilini tall, has low 875 P saoata ml. im aimais (847i Mil with mrt. agautaant trosa (173 U (.08 pet Mttki (1600 4Mb, 2 BOOMS Oka In. eft Wsafeinguaa at. goo fas hhian: tha Btaoe to nio and ekM and has goad aUa of kmuli; will enow ea bmhm of (10O MM aaa to boot (173 snore aB IS BOOHS Om4 fetmUm. sa-storeletr farntohed, ataea that to always running to fall ee pantty, aaa mm; fBl only t50 per moota; will as about (1(3 over and above aU ex- ; only ((OO auh to handle; emeu ; 11 Balance ea eeey pameats. 27-BOOM BOARDING HOUSE Fae (station. Uut, rant (40, rood fav araAmga, owMr haa bean as Meat shoot (1&0 eeeh Month, bat oa aaoouat 'of ill . hsalth and having to auk an Immediate haarb win sacrifice for tba amall aaa of 14VO, 130 ton, balance to bs paid oa monthly mstallmea-l at (30 pai has good transient trad BUSINESS OPPORTUNIt(eS " "ffOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE i 502 Thomson & Thomson REALTORS, IXUHStO HOTEL AND APAfirrXaCrT . HOUSB BROKERS . teOOfl win baadlo modern awash BvjreL nearly SO iwoas, leant, reat (6 par roaa. grooad Door lobby, elevator, extra veil faro- hm, n bast of exmoiooa; a ! BeamL Owner aVk. wfll aaexMea M year lease, steam boat, era tod toeattoa. $3000 will handle this bargain. IS BOOMS Oas Nor off Waaatogtoa St.. rant (58, too to buwiuaa district good fumathing, Mo and ting, -gross in corns (200 par tooth. nets 1123 eUar;' price $1800. cash to aaadte SOU. balance (40 par month. BOOMS Okas to taainau district, aieaty far srhhwd, ' very clean : this to a vary liassy DU-s paves; owner haa aiaa 2-rooen. apart ment: rant only $27; crnaa Income (100. aota f li; (500 eaaa to handla, BOOMS ' Qsed IsAtioB, excellent furatohntrs. rant aatti (76; (330 aaah to handla. PUKITMAN-SMTra. BROKERS (16 CiiAMItKR OK COMMERCE BLDQ, BROADWAY im.' WM. A. HUOTTES CO. tlS UaJwaf ifusbann hkU. FLAT 0 ioijm flat with iptnc poreb. walkiag atataoo. lorviy taraitan and homa; can ant out ruoau. kaol 1 43. Pnca $00. SNAP noma, hnamknlnt. eaa ba fixad wp ud tarnM. Bant aoi $2t par monU. W01 aat sow b. iTaa $460. Tarma. ncEtnci 11 room. hooafkMylna-, dandy Viatlaa. walkin distanca. (uroaca beat. astUn 165 pr muoU. hnoa $1060. Cash to handla. 486. VTIIITK TTMTI.B ' 14 roota apt, baaUfuUy fumiahsd. fora aaa toat, Wksuoo can't ba boat ; walkln dktaara; natUnt 1100 par ntoalk and owa apt. ITtoa 2600, Una. PANDT It ranaa apt., luroly faralfnra. akwa B laraMnn. 2 blocks (mm hifb arhonl; nouini Hit and 3 -room apt. Us.t 100 with 1'rttta uoao, Unn. TRADB 4 4 -room rpt; VV'luta Trrapla loration. Ij dmoratod, nottint (231). hnt $126; Would traalo on tinalter placa. WkL A. HUGHKH i'O. IK Kailwar lUolain Ituildina bUwj. sbOs. See Bruce Qoddard for ' Real Bargains S( tmat, oa terra, or will xclnco H "for aouiUar plaos, ar might acorpt soma real av tato. 41 roams modara hotaL with strtat fcbby. and ,aatniBUa tU-tor. ThU to a truutnt plaoa of tha teal hind: 33 mom. Btodara apt., all prints bath, nica .funutura, Laaaa, ato.. (2S30. tarnu. Unrry. IS Btoa aaw rooau, S-yar taaaa; aawly papered and painted Innuia and out. Brnt $46 In- (120. frioe (1600 oa tlmaw or (1600 4 rooma. all 230. nete (330 and niea ant ateaam bean, prirata batha, bast loeatioa. . (7300, term. - , '; j i i ' 0 ruout. lovely awraar brick Wrta, kaaa, lent (3S0; net ofer (4 SO and aiea homa. Wa consider this tha beat boy on tha target today and hichljr recommend U. (10,600. terms. i vi: ymr baas sad new fnrnMriaca of it raomi eaa ba handled vita (1000. AD a. k. Clean (130 nod aiea apt, ITice (2500. 14 room. iSb-k, rent (TO; aa attie ronma, aete over (100 and extra ale apt. 20, best of term. ; We, hare many ethev natmas. B'wB bs to your adrantace to UTaatisata oar Claa ba fora mtcstias. AU prices. Can locate any ' eaa.. j Oara At Tour Berrfea, ' i 20-21 HEN EI BI.DO.. 4TU ASD OAS. WHTTB TEMFMB rim an hoaeekseoina:. walkmw hoaa newly papered, food noma and ta- Bent (50. WU1 Bet OU. (4D0 SmaU baianoa. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 60? DO YOU NEED MONEY L0AKS MABK OS Autombbiles jrV'BMlTUKB. PIANOS. HOCSEHOTJ 43OOTJ0L JU.AL. Kb TAXIS. BOBUS UB AMTIUtt OF TAUK SECURITY CSCAIXX . '. - - IXfT VS IOLK fOSSESSIOB - Also Salary Loans TO SAIjABTrTD PEOPLE OS TBTO KOTB8 WTTHOI T SECURITI. IF TOCB PATMKJCTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES 4R OH rUBKITt BE OK ACTOMOBILK CONTRACTS ARE TOO LABGE, WB WSU. PAT THM IP. ADVANCE TOO MOHB MONET IP NECESSARY. AND TOO CAN PAT CS IN SMAUL I MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO BVII I YOUB XSVXINCB LEGAL -BATES KO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. I i LICENSED) - S04-307 IJEKTJM BLDGj 3D ABO WASH. ' BBOADWAY 5837 MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE OFFER 6TTBJECT 4 Pra., 8 Com.. 2d Northwestera rinanee Corp., at a snap (or casa; make ouer. zoo tharaa Bearer State Motor, bid. 4 Pre. 2 Com., Western Finance, bid. See as to bay or sell any stocks of nrcrit. E. B. H. 4 A K. Homer, 408 McKay bide. " GERMAN MARKS 1 A hi( opportunity to realiza a profit aa year Gorman i aeenritie. State amoont and kind arailable. K-741, Journal. WE BL'Y fir-a and second mortcscea and eell ; era' eontraeta.- P. K. Bowmsa A Cos, 210 Ccam. of Com. bid. Bdwy. 0776. WILL eah aeliar's real estate contract or first 1 mortcaea. Prompt attenUoD. Sea A. K. Hill. 4Z0 Lumbermen bid. CLOSE IN 12 rooms, housekeeping, wafting dto tanee. no racancjea, a money-anker, good fumitnre. Netting $65 per month. : $500 will handle, t SACKIPICB 18 rooms, apartmenta, walking dlstanea, eiran. netting (100 per month and 4 roota apt. for self. Bent $30. Price (1900. Tour term. SEE THIS 20 rooms, apt dandy, good f urn It are, good location, netting (125 per month and lcrrely 2 room apt. for eelf. Rent (76. with 6 year lease. (1800 will hndle. Would consider trade on small place. TRANSIENT HOTEL 80 room hotel, brick building, all ea aae floor In heart of city, with S year leaw, good fombhinn, netting (400 per tnnnth. (3000 will handle; small balance. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO., Bdwy. 4808. 218 Bailway Ezch, Bldg. CASH paid for , mortgages sod seUaa eontraeta on real estate in Washington or uregoa. H. S. Noble, 818 Lombermens bldg. Willi buy small seller's contract or second mortgage. Gordon, 631 Cn. of Com. Mag. MONEY WANTED WANT TO BORIIOW" 651 HORSES AND VEHICLES TOO CROWN STABLES Wa . hare V fresh 'fat f borsea Jost a- rtred;, aocae weB snatched teaaaa. We are in wa none ana mam usjiiiub sn o hire bnirtmwa, Wa would rather hire to resnonaihte weoDtn. tha to sea them, as yen may know that we have got to bsvra stock (hat wiU aVo the work. These are aU far sale r exEdbangs, aad yos wu always nod from u as 100 head In tha Crown Stabtea. Mava a lew en hand that wa wffl sea for toed bitt. When i-wat a team or eats bone. gte. as ane ever. , Hare any kind of hi mess ew and second hand; , bare aocna spring wsgons that wa want to saU. for we want to get out of the wagoa feesihass. Soma we will seB for rage ehargee. Mas aim to taB yea aa aear aa wa know about any boras we aaQ tram this stasia. KrerythBa gmuantera ai Phil Boetter. BtaaageT. 288 Front at AUCTION SALE t wiB aafi at aubSe sals the Dersonal an erty ef the essaca of James Silaa Crumley. de osaMd, at the place. Crosoley's leading.- ad rcaang the Morgaa ranch oa Saarie Island. Or., t anilea from the BurUsgton tarry. Tuaa day. March 14, 11 a. as.: 31 eowa, 6 2-year- oida.-4 eatrea, 1 boO. These sexUa wiB be tnbercuBB tested belora aala; 3 horsea,M eoU. 12 chiekena: lot uehinery. lot hriiam hold goods, Velia aatowsobila, gsaoline tonneh. boat bousev scow, gae anrma, B. r. Muikey. exerutor. 403 .Cerbett buiMing. Portlsad. .Oc UUU W. B. WOOD SONS, A YAXCOUTKB, WASH. iw Uooa taauly cow. YOUNG MABES Just arrrred. carlnad T young asaraa and geldings. : !' Pair of danpie gray. 4 aad 8 rears, XSOO One pair blacks. 8600, 5 aad yearn. One pair of -blacks. 8520. 4 sad yearn. One pair. 6 rears, 3500. One pair blacks. 34100. 8 yesrv. absolute? aotmo, well mated and good workers. 8263. Also several other teams These bones are all young, bioeky and absolutely the beat that eaa be had: a good trial allowed. Mr. StoaL DUOS Powell V slier road. eor. 30th at.. 10 mmutes out ait. tsoott ear. COLUMBIA STABLES WILL ARRIVE SUNDAY March 8. 1922 Carload of nmau aad mares Cram G land Bonds alley. 10 head of Percheron aad Bebrlaa draft norsee irom lauo to 180U us. Balanee of load good farm and orchard chunks from 1200 to 1400 lbs. These are all good agea and well broke and sold with a guar antee as represented. - g. g, Howrrr, S02 fbont st. (1250 AT 8 From S to 6 years on 380-acre farm, bow free from debt. Wish to use money to improve and buy cattle. Fair aet of buildings, good fence, small pumping plant, on Dallas-California highway. It to first-clsas security. Address owner, YX-4C, Journal. FOB SALE, (4000 7 mortgage, runs 4 V years, on b ehly imcroTed 160 acre farm at Riddle, Or. Will disccunt 6 ft . Travel expenses will be advanced to prospective purchaser. Oregon Inr. A Mtg. Co.. 210 Exchange bid. Second and stark st. KEYSTONE STABLES M Span dark gray Percheron horses. 8 aad yean old. weight about 2000 lba. Team of ehnnky buSt mares, 5 and 8 yeans old. weight aboot 3000 lbs. Pair Shire mares, 8 and 8 years old. weight about 3100 lba. Team of blocky built mares. 6 and 7 years old, one In foal, weight about 2800 lbs. 20 head hones (Dtl mares, 4 to 8 years old, weight 1200 to 1800 lbs. Price S4S to (225: harness and farm wagons. Ota be aeea and tried to suit buyer. 381 Water st.. cor. Montgomery. IV Beautiful rooms la White Tempts district, (1700. New, modern, classy. 11 rosea partly furnished. (858. Ton can ase your owa furniture here aad make a ow place ef mousy. 100 room madam apartment noose with every anoTiuueDO aoi oeauurul furniture; net a u v auoia it s a uanoy. - 1(0 room hotel with lanre lobby; elmrs (1000 mot.lh. (18.000 will hsmila thiiU. The above are tha bat buys obtainable In J. BIUTCR GODDARD, 801-2 Cnnrh HMg. A REAL BARGAIN 23 -room modern apartment, very close to. leasa, rant only (100, steam heat, Data (1(0. Price only (2730, some cash and goad term. AC8TIN-0' LEAST REALTY CO. (36 Chamber of Commerce bklg. 18-ROOM apt. bouts, elegantly fnraiKhed. tudera and un-to-dMa. Low rent, long lease, clearing (133. (JoOO with tarma. , Kight-Ainsbury BK4LTOKA 818 Wilcox Bldg. HOTEL:. WASHINGTON STREET IcTIOIf BRICK BCILDINQ T FINE GROUND FLOOR LOBBY; FINE LEASE OVER LONG PEHIOD WITH OPTION OF RENEWAL. A BEAL BUT ANT) AN EXCEP TIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO TUB INVESTOR. WILL TAKE A VERY WW FIG URE FOB CASH OR WE WILL FI NANCE AND GIVE GOOD TERMS. 8EE G. C. rt.RICH A CO.. , 405 Stock Exchange bldg. WASHINGTON STItKLT 17 Ught housekeeping rooms, good loen Uon, always full, nicely famished: a snoney msker, braide apartment for self; a real buy at (3000. ' A C. M. IKRR. ldg. Marshall 2245. - WANTEDS2700 On new. modern 6-room bungalow, garage. 50x100 lot, all improvement ia. Rose City Park. 3 years. 7 . Owner, Tabor 7596. WANTED, loan (4000. Irrington house. WAKEFIELD FRIES & COMPANY Sea Mr. Hodson, (700 FOR S yeftrs at 7 on Wooldawn home and 2 lot. Valued at (2100. Ore-nn Ins. A Mtg. Co.. 2l0 Exchange bldg.. 24 and Stark streets. WANTED To borrow 3500 from private party, 7 per cent, first mortgage on strictly mod ern 7 -room house. H-29. Journal. WANT a loan of $2000 on good security. AuL 643-34. (1500 ON improved city property. No com mission. Private party. 8-569, Journal. SECURITIES in la rue local' concern; need the money. R-50. Journal. HORSES! HORSES! Just received carload of borsea and mare. weight 1200 to 1500 lba. 4 to 7 years old, aU well broke, grain fed, ready for spring work. I have bought this lot of horwa from a bank that had to take them over. I have them bought so i can sell very cheap for cash. If m the market, can and look this lot over and get out, ptu.-e. au ounce guaranbeeu aa rcpreeeuLeu. Trial allowed. 234 Front, Ft. of Main WITH TRUCKS Tonr choice of six teams out ef 12 nothing over 6 year?, all sound and good work ers; weight 2700 to 3650 per pair; harness with each team: also heavy wagons and 1 sawed wood wagon. Cor. of 50th and Powell Valley road. Mt. Scott ear. UVESTOCK a- 701 $30. Phone FINE (real) Gueraaey oowe. with tbrir thud calf, at the Red Front Bam. Oregon City. Or. POULTRY" AND RABBITS 702 ; S. C. White Leghorn . Baby Chicks : " FROM TANCREn AND TOM BABXO&T STOCK - Mocbera ef these roosters have aa an leumd ef 2C4 ead 803 egssvper year. Safe arrival aad foB eoont guaranteed. Hatrhsta aad ahkopers ef baby chicks for 14 fieri. . Hicks Electric Jubilee Hatchery . Petaltima, Cal; FREE ES'CCBATOB CATALOGUE lamaetors. broodera, oat aproalen, baby chicks, batching POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 aJATCHEXG EGGS White Leghorn hatch ing asga from selected 3-year-old free range bene with high , records, bred to year-eld eocs ensis from D. Tancred'a special pen. Ordera ac cepted for immediate or future delivery at (1 for 15 eggs of- (8 per 100. Ciackamaa Villa. t. It. No. 2, Box 175, Oregon City. FOB SALE Two 403-egg Queen incubator. one 126 and 240-egg Petaruma aad on 4)40- egg Must Hatch. These incubators are ia fine shape and are fine hatchers but, I sm installing target incubators. u. ttoy rutman, Tta Springs Poultry Farm. 1 H miles east of Clacka- I, or. Phone Uregoa City 16F21. " HATCHING EGGS From heavy egg-laying strain. Our best bene have NEVER SET. Abo a few fine contrreK HAZEL' GkOVB BEDS, (50 Marguerite Ave. Tabor 3889. BABY CHICKS, trapuastal. high record !--- horns. (20 oer 100. Order from an estsb- Hshed breeder. Tabor 7S21. Quality Poultry Farm, Gresham, Or. Base line road. 4 aulas east or Portland. MAMMOTH White Minorca setting eggs (2.50 per setting. These birds are direct from In diana and are mated with prize winning eockerela. Call and see mem. W. a. swiger, ULaaatoca, Oregon. WHITE LEGHORN BABY CmcKS aad hatching eggs from a mating of several fine strains. They are bred for vigor, so necessary in the .heavy egg producer. A few early dates open. Pufl Dndley, R. 4, Basvertoo, Or.- i eggs, tras nests, noultrr books and snspUea. loa can t beat the St. Helena mmbaior a either nriee or batch. Fvna AO to 4000 egg capaetty ; electric and lamp heated. Bk Heseaa ineueator Co., Centra ha. Wash. BROODERS Master OC or Electric broodera end aU tV L aa abundance r heat, nerfeet rwnlataoa ultctt canopiea. pneed tow. utalog rree. Vioia. 4344. Msater Ineubatcc do., Portland,' Or. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 THE DAILY" AND SUNDAY JOUfeNAL is the tecearaiseel poultry aai the a ef ' . Portlanal aad trading tsrTttory. .Joar aal poaitry ada have beca proven the -Beat aauafactory result getters by pnsctiraUy an ef the bigg tot aad saost , awrriaifal bieedera. Tbay wm make a aeeeam ef yowr poeltry yards tog yea. Phone Mara TITS aad ask lor the aiaaatilad dcpL TEN BBEEDB of inurbrcd ehJckem - Velvet Beds. Baaglet B. Boca, Papa's ftraia is. h Minorca. Wvaadottea. White Bocks, Aadalassana, Light Brahmaa, O. A. C White Lag horn. Brown Leghcrax. Cockerel, (.(0 an. PaUete (Hogsuaisrd) laying heavy. 81-28 to 81.73. EggN (i 59 per anting eg (18 per Buadreu. Call Bdwy. 71UI daily and iw to II oa Sunday. Write to Poaitry Expert, 18 East Broadway. PETSi DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 7( ROSE ClTTCATTBRr i? -'A''.':: aa 'roa toeaaraatvl i f T " 2 " retarsa Wanted.! Partner f. 134 at afOatstrsOant TAB0BIJ7. tc .'.s - tc lUtfAlB CCnnELI ngh ehua anew aad erad doaa Waava Daaa a Wheattoad Jackie, both eaatora anaaan and tul raa rrosa the best pTudmeas ia the wortd, AVITT1NGUAM AVE., PA&CBO&B Tabor 7178. OfiB t Aa eaxJ J BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS 8. C W. Leahorns. bred tor aiaa. health. vigor and egg prodnotion. My pens are heaiVd with big pedigreed Buuee from high record bene. We trapneat the year around. Bint's Poaitry Yard. 4402 80th 8. E. IMPORTED IMPERIAL PEKTN DUCKS FRENCH TOULOUSE GEESE Eggs for hatching from choicest tastings. Duck eggs (3 per 12? Goose eggs BOe each. Blanche Dame. Duck Specialist. 800 B. 87th et, parser Center. Portland. Or. FOB SALE Purebred O. A C Barred Bock eggs for hatching, hoary layers, also a few Barred Rock eockerela. Thoroughbred White Polrin fn,l f ,.w.,in. 1. anun iota. A, A. F?tnoaL B. B, A. Box 988. Barr road, fortUDd, Or. BABY CHICKS From Tanered Imperiala and tha best money ean buy. sold reasonable, Ytdin. 4344 Ifacubator Co.. Portiacd. Or. i .,, - n Ka i or years. omnfcu ituv.iv ana uuii aunoroa ego, - p-r) ft fl1r Wg but fit 25 years a breeder. Come and see our flock. Evans' Poulery Yards, 365 E. Lombard, Wdln. 1606. LOOKING for satisfactory cockerels f You wll be nlsased with these Rhode Inland Reds, Hardesty strain. The price to right. Main 6346 evenings. - FOB SALE Fine Ringhouae strain White Wyan- dotte cockerels and roasters: also eggs for hatching, reasonable. Gray. Courtney Station, Oregon City ear. R. 1. Milwaukie, Or. PURITAN White Rocks. Fishel strain, blue BUFF LEGHORN cn chix aad cockerrlv ' My strain has won highest awards Ji tha Wast for years. Ckicago Coliteum winners. t fil for bow K. lt. BTROMqCl&T. BOX J. TIGABD. OR. Rhsde IsMd Red Fam Bvchrdve bwdra of tooroughbred sicgle easab Rhode Island Red baby chicks tad hatching eggs. Some . one cocker ia for aale. All stock aoM on a money back guarantee. Send for eataJogae. Knede island tied Farm, Boats a Beg ZOs. Portland. Mala 4742. . IXMl OWNELS TEXTBOOK FKEkV gafle ea proper traiatag, feeding aad eare dogv Free with 8 mnwtba aabKraotuaa s in, sea zee teeaa eg sxaavrf i tdy rrorUBBaa'a lnrf alia RmW, i t ArRET3ITIS3tTNTlOJr .- UcKeana Park Frazale - A high ctaa show aad brood bitca. ayMereo. i-raee (is. Inouito by LAA. gLUCB. IMC FXT BlOv a. and HATCHING eggs from vigoroas open range 2-yeer old Vthhe Lrghora heats oith pedi gree aad great laying, record. The heas mated to Iryear-oU cockerel parchased direct from D. Tancred'a own special pen. I eaa fur nuh egs for bstrhing ia linlted quantities after March 1 for (1 a setting of 15 or (6 a hundred. Gee. H. Bannos, Oregon City. BART CHICKS Beds, Bocks, White Leghorn First natra March 1 and every week thereafter until June 1. Order now to secure dehrer. Buckeye Ineubatara end Brooder, leg band, feeder and founts, egg cartons and shipping boxaa, Port land Seed Co.. 1 SO Front st WHITE LEGHORN baby chirks from egg ma chine, Oorvallis bred, the place that produce world record makers. Vigoroas heavy laying free range stock. Pre-war prices. Oregon Car vallit Hatchery. Corralus, Or. WHITE LEGHORN baby cmro from Petaluma's heaviest producing stock. Wa guarantee safe arrival. Literature on request. PIONEEB HATCHERY. 442 Sixth St. Petehrma. Cal ribbon males with hens trap-nested to 270 15 eggs (2.50. 100 (14. C. Uustarson. R. i station. 1, MDwauirie. Or. Oregon City ear. Concord Sta. FOR SAU S. O White Leghorn hatching eggs, Tanered strain. Address Mrs. A R Thiaa, Milwauki. Or. Grasham Mir. Wichita ONE incubator and two brooders in first class condition. Address third house west of Baseline station, south of Baseline road. SETTING EGGS R. L Reds. Meade strain, prizze winners, extra good, (1.25 -per 15, Tabor 6240. 531 E. 76th st N. (2500 wanted on business property from private party. B-i7, Journal. (150 FOR 90 days on my track; pay $175. Owner, East 4590. WANT , to borrow $1500 at 7 per cent jJust Arrived FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA Carload of extra heavy choice yoong draft Bones, consisting of team of brown Belgians, 3600; team of blue roan Belgians, 3500; team of black Percoerons. 3450; team of dapple grays, 3150; 1 purebred English Shire mare, 1860; balance of load blocky-buiit, ' neavy-boned horsei from 1300 to 16J30. gentle, single and double. Call East Side Transfer Stables, 180 E. 8U aL. Henry C. Hansen, owner. . MORTGAGE CO.. 210 SEE OBEGON INV. Exchange bldg. LOANS WANTED $700 wanted. 8. 1215 N. W. Bank bid BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 WE WANT THE FOLLOWING : Hotel that (5000 will handle. Apartment Upose that (5000 arill handle. noarding house that (1500 will handle. Housekeeping that $1500 will handle. We have BITERS for the above places, and if your price is right phone us at once. Bdwy. 5387. ' H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS 821 Cham, of Com. Bldg. WE HAVE buyers with cash for a etgar stand in one of the business buildings if the price is right. Also good grocery with living rooms. Call us on the phone for in terview, -i ACSTTN-O LEARY REALTY CO. 335 Cham, of Coin. Bldg. Bdwy. 1571. , WANT the bnst paying hardware store in good. lire locality that up to (8000 cash will han dle. State all details to assure reply.; J-564. Journal. WILL buv in some cood established business hare from (500 to (1500: five full Darticu- lars in first letter or will not pay any attention to same, u-omv journal. DO YOU waut. a iarEnr in your business? so. see us. Journal. 504 Buchanan bldg. G-589 SEE THIS BARGAIN 10 ronca apartment with beautiful furnl tnre, eat aide local ion, vary class in; good nnme and nice income. A great bargain if said at one. In text irate. Al'STlN-O'. KAMI REALTY CXX. 8(6 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A COOD BUT IT reera apartment In good dkarrint and filled up. newly renovated, cheap rent. This a gonq pny at leas than (100 per a. van ana inveMtigata. AUSTIN O LEAKY REALTY CO., (38 Chamber of Commerce bklg. BUY S etlenu for good, clean, attractive rooeaing boOae of 18 to 35 rooma, priced Mala 8528 such a 'place phone ' MBS. ALBAUCH Joha Ferguaoa, Uerlinger Bldg. U'ANT TO BUY ail or cotitroUing intereot in city or country bank. Address in ail eonfi- dfece. J-571, Jotimal. (700 CASH and (3600 furnished 5 -room bun galow as part payment (or Apartment house. M-7M2. Journal. home worth $3500. Woodlawn 4002. fine 100x100 Rose City Park corner. Tabor 6559. (300. 3 jrs. 9, on new bungalow and garage; suburban. B-934, Journal. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 FOR SALE 15 head of horses, weighing from 1350 to 1850 lbs.; 4. to 7 years old; it wanting a bargain call anil inspect this stock before buying. Helaer Transfer atabls, E. 9 th and Flanders. LIVESTOCK 701 Ua S. STABLES Just received. March 4. carload of horses and msras. weight 1300 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 8 years old. All weU broke and ready for work. They range in price from (75 up. If in the market for good horses cheap call and look this lot over. AH horses guaranteed aa leuienented. 369 Union avenue south, corner of Stevena. G. D. Williamson A Glass. 6 teams of good, sound, young work borsea. weight from 1550 to 1800 lbs. Should you be in the market; for work horses and want to see them working and at a very reasonable price. come to Moatarilla woodyard. E. 80th and Burn- Kids sts. CROWN STABLES For Sale Pair mules weighing 2700 lbs. 6 and 7 years; lust the team for grade or ranch work. They are for aale or exchange with or without bamesa. 285 Front st. TWO American 96-inch hover. 10O0 ohicar size. oil burning brooders; good condition, used one season. Butler Farm. Jennings Lodffe, Or. BLACK MINORCA. Mammoth strain, 10 yeara mating, large ears. Parks. 3619 46lb are. B. E. Auto. 17-99. K. L B. and Mammoth strain Black Minorca. large birds. Urge eces. 6619 46th t -e. 8 E. Auto-. 617-99. FOB SALE 500 baby chicks. 10c each and up. or wiU trade them' what have vnut S. C. White Le chores, Tsncred strain. MrKenna rouitry rarm. leap Mch.nna avc. Portland, Baby Chix, Mar. 18 Only 400 toft. HoTlywood, Tanered, tren- meu, nne creu, zov-300 egg. A lew ft!"1! egs.. Orders lor eockerela. HI LAY POULTRY YARDS 241 E. 84th St. Tabor 8518. WE hatch only from OUR OWN eontinaousiy trap-nested 2 -year old White Leghorn stock on range Orders taken no for baby chirks. March 6-March 20 hatchea- mrr tar hatchina and cockerels for aale: ai-o come and are our piant ana trapnext record. George's Poultry rarm, n. 3. Portland. Main 7669. UAGC1KKS CHICKS R. L Beds. O. A. O. Barred Bocks and White Lechorna, from nigh-producing range- raised flock. 600 W. L. ready March 8. 1000 W. L ready March 20: order now. J. R. MAG I IRE. 77 Oregon St. East 103. JERSEY BLaCK GIANTS Americas premier heavy weisbt fowl. Fast rrnwera fins laver. yellow akin. Free descriptive catalogue and price list. C. M. Page A Sons. Box 999, Belmar. N. J. TliORutoHUULU ttuck. 4 Peaia docka, now laying, heavy teyers; also one drake. (2 a piece. $9.60 for all: duck eces for hatching. 11 for $1.50; Rhode Island Red. Meade strain, hatching rc J1.I5 for 13; Rhode Island O, A. C. stra.n. $1 for IS. Main 4333. Mr. Geo. Day Murray, R. 6. Box 79, Portland. BABY TWO American .96-inch hovers, 1000 chick size, oil burning brooders: cood condition. nd one season. Auto. 614-47. BCFF DUCKS, beuar layers than Indian Ran- nens; tno v sell; 1 smil incubators, $7 101 E. 22d St. N. GENUINE Kellet-tri White Orpingtons, $1.50 a sotting. 4219 48th are, S. aear 4Lt st. Woodstock car. WOOLERY 8 LEGHORNS AD awards in Commercial Breeders rises, Ore gon Bute fair. Booking orders for 1922 baby cnicxs. . wooiery. a-44 o. Zth St.. Salem. Or. AN CON A settings from trap-nested stock headed by first and third pnxe cnccerels of 1920 show. Prices reasonable. T. W. HHr.n.4 25 E 26th St.. East 5434. WHITE LEGHORN baby chix. from vigorous, free range, high egg-producing stock. Taking orders for March and Apr. John Hughes, Hoff, Or. Phone Resvercreek 22-15. REDUCED PRICES oa White Leghoroa. Beds. Barred Bocks. f M V White Bocks, Minorca sad An- wuaa,4 conas. uooking omen now Postal securre FREB catalogue. Write today. C. S. NKEOHAM. 8ALEM. OREGON. r. r . BeeSaraa. AP va ara ewaaa to the N. W for airda aai caiaaa aVa. aaf bbata. cavias. etc Feed, naadaa. etc, Ce ar wrtte. Pvt stork catsJogae aa miiieto Wm ledg Weed A F.oral Co 4 S4 . Portu bivLEiiLG 5 reg! Latera male Pern ailteT. smoke, red. black: kaswe tat brairtir I fine cats all over U. 8. Fee $2 to 94. Pe. laod Cattery. Phone Ante static 814-4. Z FOR BAxJi I have a tea White kaaad peas. that are sao. old: large eaough to work aat, trsia. Prices reaseaabla. H. H Carey. Hv t biwo. Or. B F. D Na 8. PUPPIES FOB SALE CHEAP. ixk8 aUC! Z K. Bin ' I THokoCGftBRED Enghab bull terrU" aaoatha old, splendid dag. Wain. 3(3. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 8o BIO CSED OAS SAXJI s ETERT CAB Ef OUR IRCal IT0CC S3 DLCSO AA. CEP 1 rOXAL 'niTv wxczrnorux. tcbjcs IfO CsTEREST OB BROKEBACB1 f r LTCENSB FURNISHED DUBCfO TBT3 -T. OPES ALL rAT srrwTAT AJtT LN Ilia t O'CLOCK BYEBY ETENETO - WTLLTS OTYTKLAJTD PAtCTTTO OCA BROADWAY AND DATIB eTt Bdwy. 1318. BABY CHICKS From TsncredTs S. 0. W. Leghorn strain. 250-299 egg record. Only April 12 and May unsold. 13 .E. Winch-H st. Wdm. 4919. 1000 BABY CHICKS: win trade for most any thing. S. C. White Leghorns, Tanered strain. Traimeiitcd continuously. McKenna Poultry Farm. 1625 McKcnna ave.. Portiand. Or. BKED in Old Kentucky. Coyote started in Polk Co.. and caught in Yamhill 30 miles away. I 36 hours later, at stud. $5; Barred Rock. O. ' Av C, per setting. (1.50: George Beway strain. Cedsrvale, Kan.; noted pnxe winners, (3.60. W. H. Drtrnnonre. rjheridan. 4tr. RABBITS Buck service, 6 kinds. Seil. 2788. N. Z. bocks, lh years old. (3 to (4 each. 1773 East 17th st AUCTION SALE Vk mOe south of P. R. L. A P. station at Fari- view. Or., 12 miles east of Portland, Columbia river highway. Thursday, March 16, 10 a. m. sharp: Team black geldings, coming 8 years old. weight 3200; bay horEC, 12 years oid. wt. 1400 50 head of much cows. 35 head high grade Hoi steins, 11 head Guernseys and Jerseys. 4 head Brown Swiss, grade llol&tein bull, & years cm; registered Holstein ball, 15 months' oid (sir Bessie Hengervetd Iuksj, registered ball calf (Chief Muituomah Korudyke. pom bept, o, 1921) ; about 10 real ealres; about 25 eows, will be fresh by time ef sale, with calves beside. balance win be fresh during summer and faU. AU cows win be tuberculin tested before sale. Machinery, Hocking Valley No. 20 ensilage cut ter, 12 h. p. gasoline engine ; spring wagon, old wagon, buggy, diss with trnck; 225 ft s-in. cable: Meyers hay carrier; McOormiok hay rake, 66 Lowden stanchions. 30 gal wash kettle. No. 4 Star milk cooler. 72 gaX tank, 25 gal milk tank, barrels, new buggy hamemi, 2 seta breech ing harness, grain sacks.' JOSEPH ANDRAGG, owner, CoL W. S. Wood & Sons, auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. 4 R. L RED pullets, Uaney's strain; 1 cockerel, Meade train, (15. 1 Master brooder. 150 ehick capacity, (6. Call Woodlawn 3358 CYPHERS electric incubator for sale, reasonable; almost new. 4219 48th aTe. S. near 4 1st st Woodstock car. RHODE ISLAND white egg Rooe bird atrain from trapneoted stock. Better than 240. Both rose and single comb. Price is right Boy Law. Oak Grove, Or. Box 97. FOR SALE 4 cows, or will trade part for JUT old White Leghorn baby chicks. Come and get a bargain. W. G. Woods 1 H milea souta eaatof Beaverton. Route 3, Box 131. FOR SALE One Master uicnbalor. 4o0-cfcg capacity; 1 broodor 124 East 33d st. Call Sunday. 42" WHITS LEGHORN pullets fron BuUer stocx. . i eacn. 4 blocks west, 1 block south of Oak Grove, station. Hariey Calease. A TEAM of geldings, 8 years old. weighing ; 2900 lbs., with a good set of harness; price (275. Team, weighing 2700 lbs.. 6 and 7 years old; price (225. Two good single horses, 1200 Urn. each, cheap. At the Bed Front Barn, Oregon City, Or. HORSES AT VANCOUVER, WASH. 10 head of good young, sound, gentle farm horses. 1100 to 1600 lbs. each: one big horse. 7 years old, good worker, (75. Jake's Feed Ham. 5th and Columbia sts. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 10, AT 11 A. M. On my place on Mt. Pleasant road.. 3 miles S. E. of Oregon City. 17 cattle, mostly Jerseys; mostly fresh in last 3 mo. Reg. HoL cow Stan hope Netherland Jewel 2nd, wUl freshen on date of sale. P. B. HoL yearling heifer of above. Keg. Jersey yearling bull Melia Anns Victory Lad. which won first at the bat Tillamook fair and which to of high butterfat stock. Cattle all tubercular free. Also 3 horses and necessary faun nuDlements and tools, incrachnx binder. new no. 36 Iowa separator, incubator ana broodor. Cash or bankable note. George Buach, ovmer. Mr. Hostetter. auctioneer. WANT restaurant, boarding house or grocery; must be good and full value ; buyers waiting with (200 to (1800. Broadway 7264. WANTED To lease or buy small iob printing plant in or near Portland. F-346, Journal SPAN of chunky built mares, 6 aad 7 years old, weight 2600 lbs.: nearly new 2 -in. farm har ness and 3 -in. farm wagon., Price for outfit. 32b. inquire Weber's team, . Fead Bam, 381 Water st (west side). TO BUY half or whole interest in small, paying lunch counter; west ride. N-46, Journal. WANT to rent woodyard: state location, also price. WiU lease. 11-921. Journal. ' FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 IF TOO WANT TO RKNT A BEAUTTJrTJIX,Y ruRNWHKD MODERN ( OR 4 BOOM APT GO TO yv- JHB COLUMBIA, 11 TIT AND COLUMBIA AfAfcTMKNTS IV FOR riWtNIJ. ONLY (43 Tona t'aiat MONTH TO PERMANENT TEN- . NOB HILL rnneaa ef good larnitnre, nice house: rent y,a Pmonth; lady muat sail at once; full ' Bete, to (716. MeCaoJey. ... nnt-KB Bros., Reaiton. i. ay. ai. widg. ndwy. 882. CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a maa to our monthly payment plan. (32.26 lr month for 80 months, eg ' (21.34 per month for 60 months, of (16.17 per month for 98 months, pays a loan oi (1000 and Interest. i Loans of other smounts In same praportiosv Bepaymcnt Prtvilegea EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'S .242 8Utk 8L. Portland. Or. , CITY LOANS At current rates; no delays. FARM LOANS, insurance money, low rates. Mr. .Martin, Loan Dept. CUE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St Broadway T523. 63000 t&SAS aaiAA WTB, handle assail apartment boxue. over 40 eTTa, 18 axtta. Nets ever $223. Rent only l8. witfc Uee to ReiaocB (1500 Ton riT (387. Boom 821 raamtter of O'mewrce bldg. JRK HAVE CLIENTS with (18.000 to loan on r good small homes. Rose City Park preferred. nee jar tmasmtwe, witn GREAT WESTERN UTVESTMEVT CO. 228-80 Chamber of Commerce bldg. (300. (400. (500. (750. 81000 AND Pp. Liowest rate, uuicg action: pay (too or snare eny mteren aam. uoraon .Mortgage sjo. oat hamber of Commerce blut.. Broadway 8370 ' . BEXD. OREGON " brick, moilera. best location, art lobby and dining room, on gmand floor; hot and eoM water la all rooow; to lease anfamished with eptiea to bay furnitura. Owner. Mrs. klsla (703. ( OuUd rt 1000. $1250 A-nt (1300 TO LOAN at 7 Mr cent on residence aecurilv: Quick action. no rea tape. We save row saonay-; M. vwagner la, zso ntant st ' ItSoo" 1 y aaodera brVk apartment house. 80 wren i apos, sncatssi eieoe to abowlng a net evwr (400 with lease to 1938. Beat less than 4.M m reoa. Paoae Bdwy. B3AT, or call I Cnawiber ef (Nowmeree bldg. 6RooiT. Flat S545 Oa yostr ewa tenas, or might rent fmratohed, Fvtoea. 4Wwdy trejasVa VxjaUuo. aear eVspue. west aide! , 13 N. 6th. CoFxtRY (HOTEL FOR TluMT" an ranatned an ran a8wwld trade kev faraa, aoraag. hoass rrtHn4 ew roosalMg heaaa. KRUCB GODDARD, 61-2 OOrCn (tm A (A-BOCiM hrtai, whW dlaUg room. Dining i payaat all taaamg eipesaass, 8 year ' awa ever aauw a moat gad eai ne iiweaan as party gs ao cto!koapr. (30O0 . tell prtee, half am, S04 Buchaaaa bklg. ' 1 IfiRTUtN flIOl'5g. ' Wnem distnei. SI wnms. weQ furanahest, (3160; (2430 to Wadle; reat (40. laooas. (232. beaSdes earner's epartsseav - vacanoae. - r0 agents. OS 88, 15 Rooms, Nob Hill Cased Banea, Wedern and good rorvdrnrs: al ways fall ef gnod tenaate, A dandy bay for aoiy ll(l, and snwio levvnA Peters, 13 N. Bra. TJ"WlnTjS II rooms. at 833. owa. gas aseat. poue ); bag T5750 , 808 MONEY to loan on improved real nrooerty, Ham F.. HaU. tOl II. L Hank bkb. Phnna nroaaway wis. FOB SALE Good sound blocky team 5 and 6 years, weigning zauu : names and good 3 farm wagon: have moved from farm, have no use for team, will sell chean. Take Sooth Port land ear to Grover at. 780 Front st. LOW built black horse, 1250 lba. ; haa been - working on x small berry farm and orchard; kind disposition: gentle and true. (48. Missis sippi ear to Kusseu, 4 blocks up to Uommercial Court, wo. B42. Mrs. 11 timer. - TEAM of brown geldings,- weight 2400. well mated and sound and in good shape: also cood family mars, weight 12Q0. young, sound, to be sold cheap, at 321 E. 10th, cor. Market, 2 Clocks south ot itawtnome. Al TION sale ot stock and implementa, on Thursday next March 9. at 1 o m.. at 1384 Montana aTe. (near Portland bird.) . We are instructed by R. Hartley, owner, to sell the fol lowing: 6 Jersey cows, 3 frwJi, 2 short spring ers; cream separator, crates, bottles, eans, 1 good mare, plow narnepa, plows, narrows, cultivator, shovel plow, onion seeder and corn planter, 2 farm wagons, 2 Fresno scrapers, lot tools 100 young laying hens, Maxwell 1917 automobile In running order and other effects. . J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. TAN C RED White Leghorn chicks 3 weeks "oli ooc eacn; electric brooder. Tabor 3822. Parkrose Hatchery. Portland. 20 RHODE IS1.AND RED pullets, cockerels. Prize winninc birds: Dullata lavinsL WUl sail half. 148 Eaxt S8th st FOR SALE Rabbits, American Blue Flemish Giants, fine youns breedecs. reasonable. 846 Alberta. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red hatching eggs. Mead strain, .5 cents a piece. Rt 4. Box 542. Phone Tabor 16747. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rose Comb Rhode Inland Red cockerel. 1 year okL (5.00. 1188 Boston are. BISGS POULTRY YARD To make room for the young stock we have for sale a number of nice pullets. 4402 SOth S. K, UOBOUGHBRED 3. C. White Leghora van3 R. L Bed cockerels. Mead strain, resacnarile: two portable houses. Ideal incubator and b roaster. 6320 44th st S. li s- '. -" FOB SALE 100 8. C. White Leghorns, yeat old hens, or what have you in trane ? Mc Kenna Poultry Farm. 1625 McKenna are., Portland. Or. DAY-OLD chicks, English Tom Baron White Leghorn; now booking orders; (15 per hun dred. 6201 84th at. 8. K Mrs. H. Koenig, Aut 618-8L FOR SALE 3- C. White Leghorna. trapnested stock of Tanered strain, day old orricks young cockerels and setting eces. Capital HU1 Poultry Farm. S. Sieotte, 41st and Washington sta.. Vancouver, Wash. R F. D. 8. Phone (28Y. Progressive Hatchery Baby chicks, White Leghorn and B L Bed from trapaeated or selected stock. Chicks on hand. 1534 K. 12th N. Wdln. 1485. HATCHLNG EGGS (3 per 100. Irom vigorous bigli producing 2 -year-old Tanered White Leghorn hen. Also aome year-old White Leg horn cockerels. Actomstie 645-29. Parts for All Cars WB WRECK "EM 50 to SO Per Cent Saved Smith's Auto Wrecking Co, THIRD AND CLISAJf 8TaV WHITE WYANDOTTE. Keeler-Manin laying atrain: tine for table. Keeler bred cockerel at bead ot pen. Eg. 13 for (1.30; 60 for (4.25. F. A Smith. Oak Grove. Or. GOLDEN phraantb nuke luccrmung sod at tractive pets. Ne trouble to rie. See them at O'Brien's, end K. 9th St. Sellwood, or call 23 5 Stark. 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs from strong vigorous stock at (5 per 100. Costv ner Poultry Farm, Route 8, Box 840, Portland. THOROUGHBRED Rosa Comb Rhode Liand Red eggi 15 for (2. Wi'J deliver them to 90 Union are. Can Tabor 2032 or East 2419. ALo have 20 good laying hens for sale. BAB CHICKS. Thoroughbred W. L. Order bow for latter part of month and April. 1176 PoweU V. rd. SuderKtxora's Pun 1 try Yards. Belt 1492. BUFF ORPINGTON and White Wyandotte eg? for hatching; prize winning stock. 6200, 41st st S. E. Automatic 6.11-10. BABY CHICKS for sale, Plymouth Bock, White Leghorn. Ancona. 20c each. 8923 57th ave. S. E. Phone 616 87.- FOR SALE 1 full-blooded Rhode Island oook- WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs lor hatching (Bins house's Miiiion-Egg strain) (2 per selting of 15 eggs; guarantee 85 fertile. Myrtie F. Hoover, Sherwood. Or. MAN AND WlrB want to lease smaU chicken farm, .equipped, ready to go to work or with privilege of buying same. O. M. Boas, 413 Uain st Mar. 4377. gJOC " K000 law pullet, at a bargain, ; xHOROUoUBRED Barred "Lock. Rhode Wand WE HAVE only a taw ef tarn 8-eyt cars left. Boal to yoa a eew Bop4 ar seuiag plan at ONLY (10) DOVm 18 MONTHS' TTMX ON BAXalJvCal to purchasers whose credit stamfag asset our approval. Mr. Used Oar Bajar. yoa trl NORTHWEST OAKLAITS Ota, 844 Bavnasde St (Just Wert of Broad way erela, (L60 61st st Phone Auto. 846-88. 4915 FOR SALE 1500 capacity Northwest Korsiy oil brooder, perfect oonrirrion, 1534 K. 12th N; Woodlawn 1485. ONE thoroughbred Rhode Island rooster and thoroughbred cockerel for sale. lamette blvd. Woodlawn HT.IH. 25 Wil- come and see mv Andslnsiana white and rown Leghorn. Am moving away. The lander. 6919 60 th st. southea-st 120 EGG incubator for sale, (10. Some 1 and 2-year-old W. L. roosters and chickens. 4524 78th st, southeast. WHITE ROCK eggs far hatching from heavy laying flock of fine type. T. D. Kirkpatnck, 7520 63d ave.. southeast. Aut 618-51. FOR SALE R. L R. baby chicks ready today. Meade strain; 25e each. 1712 Dwight, near Columbia nark. Empire 699. WHITE ORPINGTON cock and four hens, pnre bred. or four pullets from selected Dock. (10. R. F. Walters Grejham. Or. LAYING While Leghorn bens and pullets (1.25 each, fine Hoganized birds. J. R, Maguire, 787 Oregon st FARM IMPLEMENTS Mew and ' second hand Special prices. P. E. ESBENSHADB ' 360-366 E. Morrison st NICE 3-year-old cow, first calf; dam gave 60 lbs., - calf 6 days oid; price very reasonable; nice 5-year-old Jersey just fresh, milking 5 gal Inns, tested 6 butter fat For inspection caB 381 Water at 15 HEAD of young ewes, 5 yearlings and 10 . 2 -year-old Shropshire and Cobwold bred pa a Shropshire ram. Price $8 per head and- 7 4-weeks-Rd lamb thrnsrn in. Albert Dimbat 3 miles southwest of Owego, Or. FOR SALE on account oi sickness, 2 5-gali Jersey cows, just fresh, with calves beside. Call Saturday and Sunday, 1 block K., 1 S. of Rotbe station, Oregon City carline; brown house. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Wfll sell all our horses, wagons and harness and buggies at a sacrifice; most clean up quickly as our teas, expires shortly. Call at. No, 20 Grand ave. "W. J. Sullivan. East 1314. BAY team weighing 2900 lbs., half bxothr and sister, coming 5 and 0 years old. No lurlber nse for thrnv Sell cheap. 4301 87th st Mt Scott ear.. 3 blocks north. TEAM of young horses,: weight about 3400 lbs.. with good breeching harness and B -in. wagon. Must sell. No nse for them. 1087 Frt nets ave. Woodstock car. TEAM of young mares, farm broke, weight about 2500 lbs.; sound and in goad shape. rnce eiv. oe Tracer si, t wgs aiuei. FOB BENT Good bam. well located tor sale stable or team work. Also wagon for sale. Tabor 1742. (76 FINE saddle horse and almost new higb-elasa- saddle; siao several other cheap hordes, harness, and wagon of all kinds. 240 E. 8th. THE BEST matched team oi muses ever came to Portland, coming 5 years old. weight 2100, gentle for a woman to handle. 180 E. 8th st FOR SALE 5-legged cow, great curiosity, good milker. Address Washington Poultry Farm, Hartford, Wash., breeders of high grade 8. C White Leghorns. . WANTED A few good Guernsey or Jersey cows, recently fresh. High testers and good producers. Marshall 1876, or writ P. 0. Box 47, girtng .test amount and price. REAL family Jersey cow. a years t&A, due to freshen March 10. milks 42 I'm.: tested 6.4 butter fat If you want something extra call Marshall 3515. FRESH dairy and family cows (tuberealosis tasted) tor sale, or trade for dry cattle. 16B1 Weetanna t Rt Johns car. ' 2o0 EGG McClaiuLhan incubator. (7; a b&rgain. One R. L Red cockerel. $3.50. 611 Missto- sippi ave. East 2080. 250 W. L. hens and pullets. $1.25; 7 Tom Bax- ren roosters. (2.50. 72 Cooper, S. E Take M S car. get off at Tremont go mith to Cooper. DAY old chicks from raacs fed. trapnested stock. (lb. 00 per 100: after March 8. wuJ deliver Portland. M.' A. Pierson, Aurora, Or. GRAY Deluts geese eggs. 35o apiece. Also. 24 Rhode Island Red hens. Broadway 7835, or Oak Grove 152R. FOR SALE 270 White Leghorn chickens in lot or part Route 3, box 194, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 8F32. 100 White Leghorn hens, $1 each. Take part or all. At Loa. Cabin, 4 th and Oak, Oak Grove. FOIl SAI J5 Sma U Buckeye incubator and Oskes brooder. 844 E. 18th, near HolgateJt t-none aeti. n 'j 7 . FOR SALE; White Leghorn roo'ier; will aeli GOOD layers, 16 B L It and W. L. mixed hens and puileU. $1.25 each. 1210 Ob-mnia st, St Johns. C. redcMn. incubators. Partridge and Columbia B, Webb, 3 GOOD Wyandotte and Ancona roosters, BeaverUm. FOR SALE: Hens and puiiete from Tancred'a special pen, 83e -each; also two brooders and an tncobator. cheap. Fred Mackie. Tigard. Or. Bed cockerels and Silver Seabricht baalama. Tsbor 4941, 11 my order for 100 W. L, baby chicks Tabor WILL direct from Tanered farm, Apr. deL 6992. or B. Q. Box 692. 2 500-EGG Master incubator; also hatching egcv PoweU. Suderbtrom Poultry Sellwood 1493. Yards. 1174 fFTJSERRBI ERECTED STAINED , leal 4, 888. Other prtess m DftBjOfOvTsaV, Xaat 6888. X98 Wi SITER1FFTI 8ALB v the aheriff of Mnltneanah 'eos8ty will anil eat 1920 Dodge delivery track at III WQBs bar," vara, 2 blocks Bona and 3 baacks Bank ef Kenton, FANCY Ancona eggs, also a few fins roosters. Bheppard strain. A. Blitchford, Bamapo sta.. Lenta, Or. 15 BABY CHIX, Tsncred and Hollywood heavy toy ing strains. Hogs nixed stock. Angell Poultry Farm. R. 1, Box 170. Or. City. Or. Phone 6F2. ESSEX Fine Coodittea Lota ef Pewaf (730 (30 ALDER ST. R. L Ri'.D batching egg for sale from my heavy laying rtrsin free rsnje hens. 1005 E. 84 th st 8. Sellwood 2042. 1919 Dedr roadter. oversized newrd mochaniraUy. (325. BEALEY, GRAHAM A CallLDB, EfGL. 11th and Bumside sts. BUICK UGOT SIX Ji Sold This Weak (560 (30 ALDER T. PLYMOUTH ROCK eockerela cheap; 1 Rhode island Red cock bird. C E. Uragin, comer Brainerd and Sheithe-rd stai. Parkrose. 200 WHITE LEGHORNS. 1 year old, (1 each; good layers; Tanered-Hollywood strsia. Tabor 34SX FOR SAIJj Partridge Wyandotte cockerel and eggs for hati-hing. 1744 Fiske st, Portland. Or reasonable. Call 28B Eugene st FOR SAI E It. I. Red -cockerel, fine stock, price (3.50. 1224 Missouri ave. . FOR SALE Setting liens. Partridge Wyandotte, large trize. Tabor 2474. 6 PEDIGREED Flemish Giants for JW. 4T8 0. A, C. White Leghorn eggs for batching. (7 per 100, or (1.50 for 15. Adreas 1169 E 33d st K. S. C. WHITE LEGHOE3? cockerels frem Tane red Imperial strain. (2.00 and (2.50 each. Phone TgardriHe A-251. S. C. WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs from Tanc red's Imnenal strain. (1.50 a setting. rnone Tigardviiie A-251. PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 & L THOMAS, breeder of fox terriers; a few puppies ; prices reuonabto. H aoutbvast I 1 CHEVROLET 490 Uairinj, Thks TmntA Or TirrvhnBTa, iraycsaw, Ul I -mm apas im 14 er 1187888 ssatcMJscaaj bbbbbx i'iViU'.Ul-U BMfilVr- (51 LL 1 tiilUt-l.O, .71. MONTHS fHaTY RTOrT) hi KrSrrTH aTjvrsAz i or ratTaan, wm rani wmum wiiaai wto GOLDEN pheaaanto make interesting and atr make good price, (all Propat, Bdwy. 4675. at OBrien'aTend E. 9th at. SeCwood. or 'call 19E,iiF1CK SEX "...C T", S?S Rtark I mclnding spare; car runs and soaks aae Bwwl CTNCO TA BOB 1723. 1211 NEAR 4 1ST. Larrabes st. O. A. C B- P. R. cockerels, $3 each. Mrs. R. J. Frakea, Soappoosc,' Or. WHITE WTAXDOTTE egss for hatching. Bing- kouse strain. Reasonable. 621-68. A FRESH Jersey cow for sale; gives 6 gal milk a day, 3537 63d at, S. E. Don t call on Sunday. . - FOB SAI.E One thoroughbred Toggenberg 3 year -old male goat Price very . reasonable. -A. J. Kaaey. Cortwtt, or. (23.000, DIVIDE $1600. $2000.; (2500. (3000. (4000. 110.000. H O. 'Knton. Eat 7504. I - BUILDING loan oa city and suburban prop erty: money advanced aa work iiumi W. O. Beck, 218-216 Failing blda. Main (407. 8100 TO $2500; quick aotion. A. H. BeB, r mornaoa st, rooms iq and 11. (500 (758 PLCS oa dwaUiaga, aa delay. Ward, vv i opaiaing atiog. 1550- 7 oa well1 improved 2 acres Bear s,w-ort, mie avusrsf. SH-.VS2S. I HAVE (300. (1500 sad (2000 to loaa oa' improved city securities, 411 Chess.' Com. SKE6RE0 6 N tStt. a6&tGlGK CO.. 218 WANTED Team horses, wagon and hameaa for board; guarantee good cars and aome pay. Broadway 7208. ' ' " CHUNKY BUILT 2800-lb. team, harness anJ farm wagon. WIU sell cheap. 8702 Faster rosd Mt Seott ear to Bern park. 4-YEAR-OLD dapple gray mare. 1480; a beau- WAN TED i or 1 ood dairy -cmri; nrast bt heavy milKer and reasonably priced. C c Gault Portland. Route 6. box 262. TWO heavy springers. 1 cow, fresh 6 weeks. rich and heavy milkers; sell cheap or trade for horses. 430 Hawthorne ave. :. BARGAIN 2 large fresh cows, big milkers; also 1 tamuy cow witn can gmng z ft gallons, 1967 E. Stark st cor 78th. 180 tiful animal: gentle: single and double. B. 8th at, - -. - t AM going away. SeB team, aarness and This to ao yaak. 252 B. 60th st N. Tabor 5Z88. Lo other Exchange bldg. I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 SALARY LOANS SALARY WB LOAM MONEY to salaried aad wnrtiinman ea their aasass, Kates reasons hie, easy payments. KO SECURITY KO INDORSES tan aaa tn recti rate our aaodera loa BMtnods. AU business confidential - . COLUMBIA LISCOUNT COMPANY (Licensed) . i ' 218 FaULig BuBding. ! "MfiKTriTTi-i a x" Money loa ad on aeoaeheld goods ! " psscea 1 storage with Us at a regular bank rste. vecuias oECLRITT 8TOBAGB TRANSFER CQ. " i. ".- ta ana rae st, - - TTr Is Tliiltnnmsli Botol ' ". Maaa Broadway 171 , 2S00-LB, TEAM mares that are guaranteed to be good workers, 10 days' free trial; harness and wagon if wanted. 240 E. 8th. TEAM. ,2200 lbs., harness aad" farm wagon. 126. All tn good eonattum. 4010 7th st Mt Scott ear. 2700-LB. team, hi mesa aad farm wagoa.; also ZSVV-ID. team witn Heavy naraeaa ana xarm wagoa very eheap. 430 Hawthorn, ava. linnTTl Vn.r,, li.l Mil, ISO t.t n,ii.t sale. BIO Kerby st Bear Russell. Ask for Walter Johnson. DOUBLE team (S day. aingle team (L60 day. 646 Front st Mara 2208. 8-YEAR-OLD browa mare, weiaht 1260; a goad t farm chant ISO K. 8tt st FOB SALE Twa 2-yard dump wagons, re- - paired, ia nrst class shana. 160 I nioa ave. TEAMS for aire, bamenm 'dug. Phoo 98, Bed Ash Transfer, Vaacoover. Wash. BARGAIN Nearly new 8 li farm wagoa com plete. 1967 t: Stark st cor. 78th. . TEAM, harness and farm wagoa. in good con dition. (100. 8416 64th at Woodstock car. I60O-LB. soaa boraa; no mate for him; good worker; price 883. lo K. sta at. . wagoa lot , S10. ., .Woodlawa ZZlftl 4 FINE O. A. C Rhode Island Bed cockerels, i-year-oia. woouiawn 440 ONE 'registered bock, 9 breeding does, also ypung stock. Call 1445 E. 6th st N. 2-WEEKS-OLD O. A. C White Leshora chicks ' (25 per 100; electric brooder. Tabor 3822. TURKEY EGGS; send for catalogue. Mammoth wonae. Taney farm. Wang Wang, Wash. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red rooster. Wdln. 585. 1439 Cleveland ave. RT FP I fliHIIRX F4 foir h.h., W5-S5. FOR SALE Golden Cam pine eggs. $5 a set- ting. .ood natch guaranteed. Tabor 2034. POLAND-CHINA sows and boars. Registered. Also Jersey bun. .Steers and heifers. T. L Robinson. Carlton, Or. ' 75 INDIAN RUNNER ducketU; eggs for hstcb- mg ti s oox. 41 B.dweli ave. SelL 1S74. REGISTERED Jersey bull. St Mawes strain. registered Jersey cow, young aad fresh Sevan Jane Reese, Oak Grove, Or. FBESH Jersey giving 15 quarts rich milk; also Jersey-Durham. 4 gadon. genue easy ilker. 780 Ins ley ave. &e 11 wood car. 2z FAMILY eowa, one cream Jersey, very gen tle. 2 miles east of Lents oa coster road. Route 608. FOB SALE Registered Jersey bulla, 14 to 16 months old, also registered Angora Costa. A, Summers, B. F. P. 2. Deli, Or. SAlJS or trade for heifers, good 1100-lb B, Webb, Beaverton, Or. FOB SALE A 3-mootha Jersey helier calf. Ant 848-83. j TOGGENBUBO mile goata, bred does. Fanni. Branson, rails City, or. -; GOOD fresh milk cow. fresh 2 w U. 8. cream sessarator. R. WeoB, GRADE Tog. milk goata, kid, does and "faH makers, box 10, tyeenco. 1 . 'It CALVES WANTED MARSHALL 3178 A ICE. yoong Guernsey cow, Madison st ; 50. WILL boy beef. veaL hog aad absea. Tabor YOUNG fresh dairy and -family cow. 845 aad up. iti-igs Mi. aso. tVAh-TX" 'BssaV resJ, aad oaav 'tapog 7832. A. C. White Leghorn chick from 2-year- range nens, izc eacn. box 80 Wella.'Or BLACK MINORCA eggs. Woodlawa 4T62" 1126 Mo. ave. TO EXCHANGE Barred Rock cockerel for Legtiorn pullets. Tabor 5718. BROODER heaters with lamps. $5. Wdln. 4344. Master Incubator Co. B. L RED hatching eggs, (1.15 per 15; Tanered strain . u cockerel, z.u. Auto. 843-79. PARTRIDGE Pli-mouth Rocks, the Pacific cliampiuos; eczs and stock. D. J. Richards. Linnton, Or. Phone, Col 983. PEKTN duck eggs, (2 .setting. phone Oak (irove 17 7-J or write Box 171. Sxilwaukie, route 2. ANCONA PUUJ:TS for sale, $1.25 nite Rock and Ancona cockerels. ich; alo Ecca for hatching. 194 Cook ava 120 GOOD LAYERS, must sell; guaranteed; 00 culls: cheap. Tabor 1067. PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE setting ego (2 for 13. Phone Oak Grove 136-J. RHODE LSLAND RED setting eggs (1 for 15. Phone CoL 124. . ' - FOR SALE R. L Bed setting eggs, good layers. Tabor 3914. 125 EGG Queen incubator, used once. Aut 626 CO. ' Bass Line, 4 miles east 'of lift lio... nhvt4- 110a rk aaaal , rwpn a t t ; : . . i a .1 I T 1 Aitu.taidj Hupptoa, iciuicim awxra. evst uirn g4g lvlstrin. totiay. laoor 1021. wuaaty rouitry inn, ;, ., fcfi-i Abiv-K in'.A . . . I .... ' . .J . I I. W WWW Cord area, rood CAVnditxra, Term. X)R 8 ALL Bo ton t-rner male puiJWot. 10 I STasrOtoma iva at 8th Phana Eaat weeks oid. pedigreed stock, good marking, I ,t ; i i ,1 S i!Lt,V ph4-j2908 H lSaiM G res ham. Or. Portland. or less money? Better hiTasUgata. CaB FOB SALE Pups, muted coyote and bulldog. I Broadway 4673 nuouna- or wausiii a. a ana - " U t-TO nigrnifT rl-..L JonmaJ, Vartcouver. Wah. THOROUGHBRED ' American pit bull terrier poppies, sired by Foster road. "Palatine Boy." Chevrolet service now available at 1 Y. RIIJ.rXGRI.EY MOTOR iTfl 1 23 Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Phone East as iaat t Haas-srsi. lSlJi FVIRn mnm. n-d aoBditioa: ANDREASBE&G HOLLERS, nncers at special I good Urea; 3245. -06 Maia st TsnonaT pno 4529. Also femalea. 436 Rodney. SMALL Bo-ton for service. Stuart's McGregor, short body, screw tail, wen marked Fee (15. Wdln. 2303. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier papa. Evans' Poultry Yards. 365 E. Lombard, Woodlawn I trade. loao. Eaat I Wim MU8T SELL Brdck Bght 6 roadster, cheap; aarrifVss (of Quick sale. 419 Cook ave. MALE POLICE IK HI About 6 month eld, (60. CaB Bdwy. 6382. Monday, . AT STtjD Att Boy. A. K. C. 28G0SS. cocks Tabor 8631. 244 E. 51st st STAGE COACH 12-paas. New aad rme. aa4 ready to go. 31230. Will take tight oar U Reins. 644 Aider. Bdwy. 2298. LATE HUDSON hrLLT.STKR, equipped wiZi FOR SALE Barred Rock and. White Leghorn roosters. Tabor 8914. THOROUGHBRED -B. L Bed cockerels. $2.50 PEDIGREED Persian cuU for service. Heicbts Cat Kennels. IM and O at.. Vaneoaver. I ear Wash. 1'bone Mii-X. each. 455 40th ave. S. E. Aut. 625-07 FINE ROOSTERS, reaionabl. price. 335 Graham ave., near Rodney. FOR SAL&T uung Flemish rabbits from reg-s- feTtllEBAKER i CHARMING and beautiful eaaary bird, male for less titan repair bill; has -new too. and female. Sla-a 4h. I batter, new paint all Adams. East 8248 REGISTERED Airdaie dog for aale. Call Cot I IF YOU are looking fog a good Cbaadiar. aa3 tered rtock. Ea- 6368. FOR SALE B.; R. setting eggi. $1 for 15. K. Sherwood, 13S 73d nt S. E. RHODE ISLAND -BED setting eggs. Phone East 1-4S. WHITE PEKIN duck ergs. (2 per setting of 13. -ona werner. u. l. uox a, Woodbarn, Or. 3 BUCKEYE brooders for 150 chicks, also 2 100 size, cheap. 972 Montana ave. Woodlawn 1472. FOB SALE 8 Brown Leghorn bantam hens and one rooster, ' (3. B. L KEDR Main 6232. iarcs birds, lame eezs. - Prks. ooie tn ave. a. r,. Auto. WHITE MUSCOVY duck eggs at- 7319 55th ave, B. K. Auto. 625-57. GLUfrE . EGGS 60 crtu. 2 incubators (IS, Mrs. 'Gray. MihrsaH.-. R 1. 1 Bfll StaUon. THOROUGHBRED Khoda I Unl Bed cockerel for sale or trade. Re u wood WILIS ikllard drakes foe breeding; also hatolv ing egn 19 fog (2. Broadway 2858. FINE B. L Red rooster, giant variety. (3. Evonrngv 278 W. Baldwin st R. L prUXTS, hens and roosters, (1.50 each. 16 West Alberta st Sundays and evenings. BLUE Andslusiin hatching eggs for aalei- Mven. 6003 62st sve.. 8. E. ' Aut 814-29. ONE doeen thorunambred White Leghorn puT- 8T. ANDREASBF.RG roiirs. delightful songster. I , ?' no ehop note. (8; also female.. Bdwy. 1995. I lets. . 147 Eat 75th. north. 13 BARRED BOCK hen. 888-77. Phona Automatic TEMPUrrON strain, dark Cornish cockerels. faeapL Woodlawa 2398. FOR 8 ALE Chickens and coops, fersrm st. 24 Jeffsr- PEK1.5 duck eggs, (3 setting. Phone Oak Grove 177-J. or write Bos 171. Milwaukie. Route 1. Two pair guises fowL one pair Tanlonse white Pekin ducks. R. WeM, Beaverton. TWO black Minorca rooster fog sale, Presrott st 78 West FOR SALE Rhode Island Bed setting has. 1712 Dwight rt Pnonsr Empire 899, FOB SALE Dork eggs, (2 sett int. from good taring breed. r. A. Noyea. Mnber. Or. PUIXETS 9 months old, heavy atrain. aU lay- in t: resstmtbie. 1T11 jst loth ft FOR SALE Porta bre rhirkra house and wins. Call bdVwood 2?4. MEADE " Blsod. - aaiaad - Bed ewJureis, 26-0. - - - - PEDIGREED Flemish young back, aaa . abie esr txads lag doaav Main, 431 0. coed tiraa. rood condition. Wul ssll ear In trade: (1460. Wdln. 1474. FORD touring, '13. goad running order, ESC even for used pa.no. tail ooauaj, 87th st, envitheast 1920 STUDEBAKKB Big 6. all private use. cteu or traoe ea a Msin 1092. ' niadster lJ. 8411 aew: lMaf 3 for aa, 718. CANARIES Female- for mating. 76c. 6427 95in t. S. E. Take Mt React ear. me Suaday st 1 p. sa.; week days. aJW 8 p. m. 14V4 Wabash ave. 1821 MU.MUia touring ear, soots like new, ran 2800 aaiies; (4VO eB or 8460 terms. Ti 3 ai.r fa.'. i aT . ' I FAMILIES of seven take aoUcw: I haws evvswvi T weefcs old. Z7I 13th St. corner Jefleraon, ; -- frBrZsitYi ....k e.i'ei J. t.L. . J. Ituu dl is suy kjo usi sa natwua, viu good tires and 122 Beense. WU give FINE, bright eolored singers, chean. Female Z5c eacBt Aut e.3-7: AT STUD Begauered Airedale A. K. C. 322159, 1 Call Petpat, Broadway 4875. also regmerea Bcotcn txnua l oor 7t FRENCH Angora poodle, great Pet, well trained. East 850. BEAUTIFUL eaaary bud, ia full aocg. $2.50.' Tabor co4B. 'AY ociy. Ford. 1918. steel tjaael aeiirarii (11$ Can Wdha. 2098 Suaoay. - I Today FOR SALE Itrindle pit bnQ, wUl swer K. 8. o, 37 . Portland. FOB SAI-K Coile dog. Weil traiaed eattie dog. Phone Wdln. 2424. 1918 TaE-J tour.Bg. fine aliava, almost Stew ttraa. Must sen rieoe a.i-i. I IFoB a bargain in reiausted, rebaiK Oidaasubiia B. eal noj-t, nroiCway eeie. t WHITE Waring car tor aale ar trade. What, have yonT P. 2 3 Aider st I NEARLY aew Ford eedaa wuh aJ axuaa, lag saiat or swon. V-4. JostreaL I tO AMFHXRS 2- X, Basroory ar ectiler. wlii. PADEREWSKI cattery haa sraeadid stud. O. T.I i.ru. a-mpieto.. Hargam. havat 17..J Placa. Blue, wnrtt. D3S a, a lrt. T. T7T3. I 4Q4 g stnm-en. 1(21 FORD TOCBLSO (368 MUST SELU EAST 8767. cotdjti.v i PERSIAN cats for aerviee: aiiver. hue, otaoa. white, evange maJea, 470 K 53d rl. A-321-87 FOX tevnev wtnwaea. teaalea 87, aaale (10; assail kind. 8921 U at s. k. ear 40ta ava WANTED fimaB female flostoa baTL ssast be I FORD COUPE. 1920. ua tirat thoiwgritrred. ail wdln. eoz. I w!l sen oa easy trrma. ram East ass. AIREDALE cam. .- roc -tered stuck, streoc. I MICHIGAN, wiil auaa. cued hag. (100. (1C healthy. Inspection inn test Tabor 24T4. dowa aad (10 peg -o. Tsboe 191(. ) w rl Il k, lekm aura eggs (or arvuog. 1 per aos I t it a. ta. ear at secruica. s oi cum-osc Ka 11 K. 62nd. eor. A-h. Tasor T104. FLEUISU GIANT BABBITS fur crar-h or piano to trade Eat 4tV. 8411. Tabor I FOB SALE Claa-y Ford tosg, aa Ilea shape. 1921. 981 8122. - ' ' - SXL IT I Farsiaa kittsrat for sale.. Heights Cat 1 1917 F0BD tetuacg. gawd auape. (la. Vsaay- 88d aad. o sta, vaaaxsa-rax, VI sea, . earn a usaa v-ac aia. -s i a-sa. j c-V