4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING,' MARCH 5, 1522. p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY ' 402 11 ROvUS, $ ipaniMA 333. $2909. $400. Ask Tabor 1449. LOTS 403 Homedale Ho me dale Homedale ' ' ' Am HOMEDALE today Veens WkUn, ant mo. ATTENTION, are bow twtag grsded. sewer and sede eaxjks wW follow twdaedlateiy. Tan bosses now amder enastxnetloa. mmj kort will aUft Uua VNki These lota ere selline- nekUs. already But ef the fees ea barfcsrfarwd amn are sold, eoea apeaaer -oldea OPPUmUNLtX wiU have alippee Bl. Tanee are box a HmW aanktf of Into left in that, tba Bioat deaatable mas line. aMtlos of all r.rtaaad. Te date aoi a etacle lot haa been told far apwelatiun. every parebeaer being a boaefid Moat of taaee law wui B. nuu sea LSI V EST 1GATE ear tTbaral awtMing plan. The time haa eome for roa to at eeftrute eetloa. Yrm ewe tt to pourmlfto esc Mora baying1 or build in. Tory liberal tana. UoaMdalo la carved by tb BltOADWAY ear Mao whfcih la wttaeat eaastioa too best ear line mm tba aaat side, Haesedaie Ua between lit and 24ta streets ase aorta of Fremont street, bad adjoining Irv asgtoa, Wi ara aaZUat umtt for OWNERS who in Bailing direst and But Uuwoca a svndleet. to yea at final arrvsae vsJuettoa. Tola la TOUH omiHTnm to bay at ratal nail aaUU at WHOLESALE price. . NO SYNDICATE PROFIT PAID BT TOO NEVER egaia will yea have aa opportunity to bar abac la property with the eurnmadmgs tbJa property enjoy, at roeh low prices. LOTS 1500 IP Baa tela pmpeity today. - Salesmen at branch office oa tho tmnada, 24th and Fremont - J. A. Wickman Co. REALTORS tl Stark at Bdwy. 0704. 1 . . WHEN YOTJ BCT A LOT. .Upon Whioe to Build a House, Bo Ion to Dianr.il TTTLB INSURANCE POUCT. Title & Trust Company 91 Fourth St CONSIDEft 40x110 LOT NEAR Peninsula park. , pared Straat and aldawalk. fins neghoorhond ; aaert fteo 1200 dowa; $580. Wui trade for lot la 100x100 OX CORNER ia laaralhamt die trW. I. 34th; 100 down. 910 a month; 91800, Crab Ur 40x180 Pf GOOD iMignborbnod tn MonU tDa: 8200 down, small paymanta; 8480. la tamgita thoroughly. Frank C. Robinson (Xot'open Buadaya) 808 4 MUm bMj. Main S55T. .Woodstock Suburb. Lots Coma oat Sunday. Take Woodstock car to 47 at, walk 4 H btka south to GUtner tract Just avtssde city hmita and pick out your bailding aito. Laraa lota, 1 S and U acrea, 90 to 810 BMBtaly. City water, iraded streets, no. rsstric If yoa enms out in yoor auto you may asm drlre to B2d at, thenea 4 blocks south of eity Umita to trig alga. Austin L'nderdahl. 500 McKsy bids. Hdwy. 7800. Krvninri 632 5. Ooraer, $1000; 8800 cash; ia pared street sewer, sidewalks and curb In and paid. Ntii urn j. woo r car ' Ia Ornokhana at. near MUwaukle are.; 8600. au saw. us monuuy; ataowaika, sewer, ma aadam strast aU paid. ... ' 835 CASH 810 raorttnry. BOxloo'. k. 78th N.t near Cfaeaamee; aidewalka. curbs aad sewer included at arias; graded street- prior 9300. i Johnson-Dodson Co. 01 KW. Bank- Mrlg. Main 877 GARDEW LAND lltxlno T 84S dowa. 818 month. 8 aallee from easitee of eity, 10 atlautea' walk to oar. eity water and lights arailabie. all cleared. 4. I. HARTjsAN COMPACT 8 Caamber of Corn. Bldg. IMwy. 8034. LAL' R1CUIL" tiST IXrTS tfe bars a eery large selection of lota tat thla diet riot, inat aa low aa 8700 taclndiag improre BseBta, If yoa ara leskiag for some real ban. by all. ataaas asa tn. ac wo speciaUse in thii . sa 1 p bf'OARTT. BtAXtncLI. a TMJWWKT. 1 tmiiway .x-nnr bias. Hroadway Td1 Snaday rail Tabor 5057. IJUCnrniT womted Iota near jeffsrno high and PBmaeum park; 8500, 980 amah. $10 . Johnson-Dodson Co. ' 18 yw. BMik Mdg. ' Main 8787 IRVINOTON DISTRICT 1780 for 80x100 with aU impraremrats ia aad paid; 9100 rath, balance 910 monthly. Johnson-Dodson Co. - jai.WW. Bank Md$ , Main 878 1. LACKEUitlliST II mo aipreriate the he-t. aee aoaUiwaet ear. Floral aad riandera. 8300 Ba ft, owaer te last wants cash offer. Baking 91T80, , BITTER, LOWE CO.. REALTORS. 101 - 8-T Poa-rd of Trade bldg. 80tl0w LUTS. . oament1 walks.. 8 blocks Berth Baaedy arhoel. Alberta ear, seme with gas, sleet riiJty $$30 tn $40. $1 weekly if yoa nkn; restrlrtloaa, Roger W. Oary. 1210 N. W. Baak bklg. ; . IRTIVr.foX ltHta!M 1 MO. 9100 snab. bajanre aay: 50x100 lot, bet.ii a Broadway aad IrringtDO earrrnea, Johnson-Dodson Co. igLjtyWkrdj.Md;. Main 9787. .lT UtiTkD Uandy BOxlftO. h E-2Stk iaer wow, 110 tt aorth of I Aineworth. yaat a fws short Mocks (rem earUne; sawer ia aa paM; eaiy so. , klTTlCK. 1MB a, CO., REALTORS. ' 101-2-3-8-7 Boarj rf Trade bldg. TIE lot aserlunk ins eitv. los- knriiwi arrrnaroa ear; tioo caab, 319 monthly. Johnson-Dodson Co. 031 yw. BarA ; Main 878T a-BI.K.LiiLKST "mtthew one. K. 44th end wni pem, meiouina aaaeMeaenta. 61000 T9aH0ils7, t'.U Tabor 4I8!. UITTtlU LOWK Ck. REALTORS. .Ml it . m . . ... i ivmm or Trap, ni-n. WAtJiDit; MSTAMCE. EAST 8IDB uai tiia. A3r a.i V AI4 K 334 St. south of (iaady bltd.; aU hap. In; T. O. PIHT. t) CHAM. OF COM. TWO fete la latersiata are. kxa 8 nnd 8 block 9; saa stew adrtt'toa to keatoa: atake m a X eaaa effae. 104 Bsiaaaere at Columbia 44a " Cell WMBrtera. : BatTTisrKrEi r.i ir dflll . ami sauuui Barorwisa left Walnnt Park . raet Biisaber si Uosaes anriar eoanUoctaoa. W1yan. get by? Call VTdla. mU Lot ea 7-Mh at. btrxlOO. SAO ft soma ftps. MoatariUa ear. bnurored ex- fni't treat; price $J30. Be . - - st. eiorraanav VtT. TlfVR rM- site, tOilOO. SDuthaaua ear 1 - " l1"- 00; pared and past 101 1-3-0-T Board of Tra.ia KM. A1J4INA AVE., let Si'tkvO. $100: ,0x100 -.i wJB4aia. 81800; street Imprcemeata $I0. gent leraia. Ills Albraa a.. " a-r.!ltlri,kV$!,0: "- laqttire 108 ... nnniHiri f jva. UrHTMOREI-kAD gaanflcg, $S66, iae I lib taxi Kaapr. n ui not avtu Better STTTI RMl 11. IB TVvff kaaala aeasw 1 i, w TTf ' .tte. week. U '-' 'axia aiH TfClTT DISTRICT" FOR U.1A.J Wu, Uxli Oa. wrr awstnasskV Sol . Ts la AatsrisT k at. Taa- eart. tteB. lecaUoB: aMTeral Bee U I. Jenka. BBth ..U B.a. raaideac lota Tt'K BALK Lot SOU t. oa 'pave otraet arret tie pre vera en ts paid for, Wnodlswa 4210 ? 74th. Bear HaW . i " j ' iwea. Taeer 6441. sm5R 8ALE Tacaat fit Bear uarV' tnd bUHt aeb-i, nedmoat district Wdln 3040. 9'f CASit. west Uons. J asni. - t'neae rid a XSsl. ClTI Lt om lk:m aU AW bWcka 7? -ear, $760. taber 4111? T l" XuU rULW Two Us, 6.,l00 each. I ataa la imm gliaat mm isai -.- liuml at at .jf a. - aatroisa 944 atarse at REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 ; LARGEST SUBURBAN LOT AND RMAXXi ' TRACT SELLERS IN PORTLAND 2500 lots, one-half acres and larger -parcels of land for sale , ETERT SECTION" EEPEKBESTXD WHITE CITYi PARK , Biggest Lot Bargains - 50 by 100 Lots $.68; Lota fca thia tract aold from f SSO to f 4 SO stvarai year aao. Tony ' ehoioa of 100 lota tor ties. Par $S aaatlily. Vt, fhargo mo tatcraat for two yean Bull Ron t water; (rdad streeU; good location. 724 Btrcet aoatheact. ' Bay ia WbiU City Park ' and bnttd a liola beata. ' . , MENTONE LOTS Pay $5 a Month - Boy ia Mcntoaa; pay 1 10 dowa and Vat no a titUa taeaporary boote. 8top pay td( tba root ataa yonr bard- earned bonay. (0x100-latel iota. 225-240: Bull Kua waur.ru, good acbool aaar; neat cent car aa. Saa ateotoaa today. loa U lika tba location. j QLENADA - West Side Lots . Cloaa ia:" fifteen Bthretea by ear from Fonrtb. and' Bur atraett';. paved hienway frontioc the property; baantifnl Ttlley view; iota SOxIOO aad larger $250 and up. Pay f 5 or $10 aioDtaiy. If you want a West Side boneaito am Gfeaada. More than one handled famillea to wnom we aold aabarban Iota and acre tracts dar ing tba laat yaar are now Urine ia their an bttla homea and pajing for them with tba aane amount of money paid for rent $10 wtll start yoa toward tho coal of . owning your borne. Coma la and Well tall you about it. . j Comte & Kotilman Broadway R50, 418-20-22 Spalding Bid. Orer Ladd at Tilum Bank, Largest suburban lot ana small tract sellers in Portland ' 1WII LUIS FOR SALE DIRECT BT IN CTTT FOR FEW DATS WILL SACRIFICE FOR MICK SALB CALL ,OREOON HOTEIy BROADWAT 680. LT.HOLTE, IRVINGTON DISTRICT - Come out torisv K 1 Kth inH IT,.. tit 4w If an will be on ground to. meet you. Lota $500 10 solo 1 or inside lout. XlOO -eunr- XIO monthly. Lota priced at $750 and np hare ail tmprr-Tenwnta In and paid. Beautiful homes surround tneae lots. Meet the agent at 605 ireemont any tame after 10 a. m. today. JolhnsonDodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 8787. 8 3 5 CLEA REn TITS tlt& ' East-tTowlrtS town and railrrwrl tar rick farming country; vast timber and other reaourcea: fine schools, stores, -etc. Beautiful and healthful surrounojmsi; plenty, of work in nearby mills, camps, etc. CheaD lumber for bniMmir F.nn lot guarantsed cleared and Wrel aa a floor. Great oprportnnity for homebuilders or inrastors. Price only 335 a lot Very easy terms. Writs at once for full particulars to Box 148, Rochester. $T600 FOR tit, fine N. W. corner of E. 37th and Lincoln. 46x100, A bargain.' 9 BOO for a 40x100 on E. 21st 140 feet south of Powell at and Brooklyn carline. Hare some fine lota on E. 7th-and 8th, com manding a fine riew and at the right price., F. L. Blanchard REALTOR 401-2 Swetland Bldg. ; Bdwy. 6850. LOTS WANTED RITTER, LOWE dc CO.. REALTORS. 201-7 Board of Trade bldg.. will get yoa the highest price for your lot that the market will bring; we hare many cash buyers now for horn eat to in lrriiigton. Alameda Park, Lanrelhunt or Ha wtl 10 me; moat of the buyers sse us before buying: enme in and talk It orer. BITTER. LOWE tt CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of TradsTtdc. . 323 DOWN ' ' 2 ACRES $15 monthly Payment which inelrVdea labMt at 6 , all cleared ready for spring plowing, rich' lilt land. Price I1S49. Parkroaa. north of Sandy bird. J. L. HARTHAN COMPANY 9 Chamber of Com. Bldg.- ' . Bdwy. 6034. ' 1 NOTICE BCILDEOS, CONTRACTORS I hare for sale 3 Inta in East lnntrM m.. I will sell for $99$. $1080 and $1175. The streets and sewers are all paid pay $100 oath aad $18 a month and 1 will girs yoa second mortcase pririlega so you eaa borrow to build. Cal evenings Aut. 826-03, or sea air. Comte. 418 Spaukling Bldg. i AXatatBDA VAKt 3 PRETtlUT CORKER BSMxlOO, northeast eor, E 26th at Dunck ley; aU iaproTemento In and Paid: orkasd at 81600 for a short time only; Qoo't wait thai B't kaept Another dandy n-rrtliaait comer, 28th at Imnckley. abo $1600 for onick asie. unsn, ujk CO., REALTORS, . 201-2-3-5-T Board of Trade Mdg. ' $450 IX) YOU wjit a big pieoe of groundt 100x100. 6th are,, faoing. aorth. 64 feet west of 77th St. S blocks eaat of Ht Raott. oar. cement walks In and paid. : nice fruit and aut trees; last think, only $225 for a lot with ndewalks paidl Better hurry 1 BITTER, LOWE A CO.,- KEALTORS. 201-2-3-67 Board of Trade bidg. NEAR WASHINGTON PARK ' $1800. terma; level lot hardsorfaca street, fair view, Joining fine homes, -improvements paid: a big sacrifice, 3. G, Rainey. 517 Aiung ton bldg. Broadway $269. 1 i 1 , SNAPS near KeoUn scbonl. fiOtlOo, ' 43 71 5 each, $23 .cash, $10 monthly. i I Johnson-Dodson Co. 833 NW. Bank bMg ' Main $787. FOR SALE 2 lota. 66 2-3x100. within walk. " ng distance of pew James John high school to sraue scooni. l ones to oaf. I nivendty Park addition. Cheap tor eaab. Call Wdln. 40 before o'clock. , ALA M Eli A ooraer. a real boy; $900,! $200 rash. $15 monthly. S , .... Johnson-Dodson, Co. i 633 NW. Bank bidg. ; I Main! 9787. Biew inj v . balance monthly pay- Bents, buys this dandy 87-ft, corner. B-Jd- wia s Kouney; eutck aettoa twraaary. i RITTEK. LOWE. CO., REALTORS. 201-2 8-5-7 Board of Trade bMgJn '; WHY let the lot lar all. ihm I will Kntnri 8-room boagslow ejKjeT-roof. good baarmeBt M7 jsew. cwsae : asrauL Y $325 Ti:t ilo pen 'anw-rrl !' I-ot- en liL Tahor earlina ewt .L4lnv . puies temporary noose . ajso lot ea aft abor carline. Price 8275. terma. Tab, S1S6. 30 DOWN. bal. 810 month withot tnL.' bnra a mrMr KulAh .tvi..tw , - , . Muwt& swi , scam cksaj to park, oa LTth and Jarretl sta. Price $700. 618 Chanber of Commerce blda. run RALE xt&a block Row City Rose City eonr Lans irs pant i ; . .n . V.1IHIK B5I1S. - 111 UtRfcLlrtRSf lot good j.w& -oj,an at, 60 ft west of 89th at. taeuic $X00 ROSE CtTY IllSTfilCT i . "tllased tot 1 block from earemeatj easy Is'I'ims. Sm Sm.1 S1 a o jt rm . . . 166x100 B. W. tTL ' .Trt ".t;n fall f fa , ai:?CJX OTKICT. 812J0OO. 0WXE; e-tjag. an. alU A $ $350 ROSE' iTrr' ipr 'riicToirU. " 30x100. Aveeaments nakL Tabor A5S9. LOT. 50x100. oa Tloyt St. iwSSd rtV $290 wtnw. iss a- oata st siuocmei.u orred; 5 bore books at " trm. can Wdln. 051:. Y LOT BOxlOO on Taaooaver are. $630.; terms! inuunix vi attneton. i nsK, - iB-ww"1- Owner, 7!PJ LooaHo euiUWe fi store. 2914 , aa.Jt.ac anil Bdwy. 3439. .: j; . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 -. HESDEBSOS-BAXXtTS COk BXSTRX BLDO. , " BDVTT. 4TM ! ! BTECIAXI3TS EC TACAKT FBOPEBTT SOSK CTTT PABJC DISTRICT - I SSO E. Tlat at., aaat facing. 12S ft aorta . of T&am at. $ 425 K- 8th aL. aaat fadnc. 105 ft. aorth of Kwk at. . 9 600 B. 40th at. aaat facing. 5 ft, aoatbl - of aUfekttat, arwer, "- ' I ISO E. 68tb at, eaat fadaaV ft. of gukiyoa at--9 675 E. 67th at. weat facing. 50 ft .of Btantoa at t CS0 E. 63d at. east facing. 135 ft of Trnaont, sower. 9 700 E. 47th aU-eam faemaV 1 ft of Halm. DaTed. ..-- 9 TOO Northwest - corner 8tfa . aad 9 .700 . 46th at. wast facing. 100 ft aorth of Klickitat pared. $ T50 Bomhwest ooroar 5tt and XUctitat 9 750 K. 48th at. west faamc. 100 ft SixklnBu DaredL 9 grxvK. e 2d at, west facing. 100 ft aorth of Alameda drrre. pared. 9 8T5 E. 80th st. out facing. 50 ft aorth of ThmmBiHL nared. t 600 E. 4th at. eaat facinc. 100 ft south fV Riskivnn. tmred. - 9 S0 E. 40tb at. east facing. 150 ft Booth of Tbompaon, pared. $1000 Northwest corner 89ta and Thompson, nared oa both am. 91000 E. 8th st. west facing. 200 ft north of Btaaton, pared. 91050 Northeast corner . 48th aad Stanton. oaeed on both sta. 91478 100x100, northwest corner 65th aad BUttton, sewer. . ir ivrnt smr 9 850 E. 28d at. west facing, 160 ft sooth or Mason, pa ren. . 91000 Dsnckley are., cloaa to ear, pared. ! LACRELHTJRST 9 825 Laurelhurat are., aooth faring. 100 ft weat of 43d at , 9 850 Iiaxelfern Place, south facing, B0 ft west of 43d it 9 .850 Haxelfern Hlacs. sooth facing. 300 ft west of 4Sd at $1000 Maltnomah at. aorta facing. 60 ft east of SBth at $1100 Haaaaltf at. south facing, about 180 ft west Bf 41st at 91150 Haxelfern Place, west facing, 350 ft north of Gliaan at ' 31200 Leurclhumt are., south facing, 150 ft east of 89th tt TOTNTTrRSfN-BANKUS CO. 28 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. FORCED SALE OF CHEAP LOTS CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCES AND ASSESSMENTS Location 1 Block to Lsurelhurst Park $750 -Location E. 21st, Aokenr Caxline 50 . Location 1 Block Irrington CarHne ad50 Nob HiU Apartment Site Near Wash. Uarreloaa Snap. $0000. Most bo sold at once. ' Erery lot a wonderful bargain. Oreat chance tor boons men. A. K. DAVIS, 418 Bd. of Traae. Heart off University Park Ony 2 blocks from pared street. I . bare 3 lots, cement fddewalk, curb and water an In and paid for. Lot coat ma $1200; will teU all for" $600, $200 down balance $10 per month. 1 Riely & Gustaffson 1203 Teon bldg. " , LAtfRCLlWfiSf ! SUNDAY SPECIAL 91475 buy the S. E. cor. of E. S2d and Bumaide. $1500 buys the second lot south of GUsaa, ferine west on LaureDmrst are. : $1123 buys a beautiful large lot oa E. Pine st nesr Laureurnriit park. M'CARTT. MAXWELL tc DOWNEY Room 1 Railway Exchance bids. Broadway 7510. j Sunday call Tabor no 3 7 (Mctrty). BUILDING CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION! , Only $475 each for 3 choice, level lota in rarden -on west aide, Kelly st, bet Iowa and Carolina., just half block fine brick school and carine on Oorbett at, improTementa paid: ser- eral heusea building near; a good place to buy and MIL J. G. Bainey, 617 Abingtoa bldg. Broadway 6269. $45 DOWN BALANCE $0 MONTH Beautiful acre tracts, $900,' city water, gas. all cleared, fine sou. close to car and store. BOONE-OLEARWATER ROB Couch bids. Broadway 5317. HERE IS THE LOT rou are looking for. priced right at $500; elar of encumbrance; E. 32d at, feeing west 200 ft. north of Aina worth. 50x100; look it orer and then e ua. . BITTER, LOWE CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Boord of Trade bldg. $450 BLOCK Rose City Park car. large eor- ner. aanesarnenta paid. Tabor BTioV. HOUSFS 404 j $250 AND BONUS LOAN BTTTS LARGE CLOSE-IN IRYINOTON RESIDENCE Four nice larce rooms and entrance hall down. 8 rooms and btb up. full cement basement fur nace, garag", full lot with all street improvements in and paid. A 'good home and can easily be I concerted into income property, run price only Sft.IoU. Here s vour oonortunitr to let mur I bonus loan and rent buy you a real home.- Close I to M roadway and imngton can. Quick action required. City Homes Dept RITTER, LOWE A CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-8-7 Board of Trade BMg. ' - COLONISTS ! 1000 acres, good for corn, wheat, alfalfa, applet, pears, peaches, grapea, fica. chickens and babies, fiaK in the streams, birds in the air and bears in the mountains. What more do yon want? Everything is prolific. No ex treme heat or cold. Plenty of rain for crops and comfort Mine. lumber muh and carry ing near by, railroad station and Pacific high way on the land: low . price, terms. 1. E. Hunt, 626 Chamber of Commerce, KENTON $4100 NEW. B rooms and bath, hardwood Doors, fireplace, B. nook, cement basement built-in fttures, lot 00x100. all' frnprovemenia tn and paid. $800 rash and terma 450 5 rooms and bath, improvements all in and paid. Not new bat in first-class I condition. Terma W. KEEI.ER, Kenton Bank Bldg., Woodlawn 6507. $8000 albeSta BAROAlW $Tdoo" nrand new onnzalow. Larse hrms room. two airy bedrootr. bath room, best plumbing. Complete Dutch kitchen, coxy breakfast nook, enameled throughout oak floora, eweli fixtures. shades: cement basement sarace. fruit and roses; one block smith Alberta car. 1003 B. SOth I it N. About $500 cash. baL terms. Open all j oay Btnraay. SEIJL.WOOD HALF BJJ-L FROM PARK 6 rm. house, everv eonvenlenee fiOxlOa lot. I rruit trees, paved street; a good borne. See it i $2S00 ; terma , WM. WHJJSQ. BDWT. T763 SIODERN room bungalow with full attic, aleep- ins (-71 u. .u vujiv-un. uarnwwg lionr; lull pssement with lannary trays: lota of frmt: 2 blorks from Franklin high. - A real barnin. $42u0. Take bonus loan for first payment wiui reajonaoM terms tor balance. 8-74 Journal. . f o-hlhjm modem nouae, ail .an una shape. furnttore. poultry, some lumber. $1900: S90O ! eash, balance terras: well worth 12500 must OS sola next week. J. F. GTLMORB 113 H N. Jeney. Bt Johns. Coluwibis 81. SUNNTSTDE $1860 with $600 down. 4- 1 room cottage, evetr partly furnished, saved street, between both ear lines; a bargain. Call on tx. 11. Staub. 1027 Belmont Week Tabor IIS. ' . ' - - ; t T WESTMORELAND - ' T Terr rory and Beat 4 rm. rmrisalew frrw. I piace, eout-u ouiiei, i-orcn xitcben, garage, fun aav.eee tuss one. eiiouu: terms. WM. WIU.rSQ. BDWY. 7783. BARGAIN IN ALBERTA. 850O DOWN " B-room honse. garan. fruit 50x100 lot. enoal .district; - stove, mgs, some" furniture, all for j .4jav. esnrr, zee v irroaqway. i . 6-ROOM HOUSE CHEAP , ' ' j West side, close in, wonderful buy, only vsouv; bwi casn, izv mourn iy. Hee it OTUck. 1. v. mitUj Qgp sjnarapee or oonrmeree bklg. $1300 CASH Mortgage $650. a e-room rand-1 ,! era boose. Alb-rta, sewer and paving, and HOUSE just being finished, aU Baodern. sxracted terrUusy. el to Kenton ear. CaRl day or eventng. 143 R HrtBand at f $5500 $1200 DOWN, 6-room California boa gatow. 50x100 lot. 1 block Suanyatde oar. awea noere, ricoci at perry, twag HetranBt, LEAVING eitr, will sell say Irrington bunga-1 sow, a rooms, ere eata, sxrrctry modern; bmtt I fer hAgie. Bargain. Fast 6864. - B-ROOM modern bungalow, Isrgs lot. paved I .- airees anu awewais. at ttirBOoro, w. v: tCi. aee. joarBst. - - .... - k. a A n .Irt. 1 X 11 1 " 1 ,i , siiMHj inin a-riMifM mum - r.o lOO lot, m Beaorm Heights additton, does in. j rwgy wwA ucCTt m perry, inns rjermont. MODERN room bouae. wffl trade Cor rooming . WeanAaa. atsaaw . w IQOAA T a a -- v - . . I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 f PORTLAND S 00.000 is 1930 " . OWN Tora OWN. HOME 1 AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER 1200 PaotOBTaphs of Homes for sale HOaCE KEEKERS! Dowt buy Year liome 1 Dntil yoa see oars, M few minutes I spent in this aurcs modern office I will Bare yon time aad money, and I put you in immediate touch with the home you are looking for. WE I PROTECT TOCR EVERY INTER EST. If Necessary, we'll -hdp yon j make yaar down payment. - Open evenings "wn to. B. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. 0 Hajeamea wita antes,- 2 LATTRELHUBST HOMES 2 98900 DISTINCTIVE 7-roqm HEART OF I LA.URELHURST hoata on 65x137 j kH: E. Ankenv st 35980 EASY TERMS 1 7-raoa artittte Xtt-atory tmncalow. on Benate A WONDERFUL VALUE. $5590 BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITT bangs- I tow; Ultra modern, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, tapestry and old ivory. ouut-ins, iirepuoe. FIFaTLESS FLH- NACR rfonhl. ..., .w mr. I i, ' " . , i 'GOOD : - . .uuwv .uw 1 dubssiow inu aetass conroenuon. Hardwood floors, massive built-ms f.tm-. Prot. Terras. ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTITE Ef THIS DISTRICT. VL 46th at 95350 FULL OF SUNNINESS! And Joy of Living! Artrstie little Broom up-to-the-minute ROSE CITY gem; narawood Hoors, eta E. 41st ifnnt . $4400 THIS IS AN EIGHT-ROOW Dlmg nomey bungalow that you'll be proud to own. Contains all of those tittle things that add so much to your comfort trtd happiness ; furnace, fireplace, bttUtrins, 5 bed rooms, 2 of which are downs tain. E. 80th st oonvenierjt tn (at. $3950 EASY TERMS. New 4 -room mod em "bungalow with sleeping porch. ii replace, pout-ins. E. 63d tt gsrjso In Gregory Hesrhta, pretty 4 -room I modern bungalow, E. . 80th. I I HAWTHORNT- HOMT5!l- I $5990 EXQUISITE 7-room ultra . modern bungalow; buTJt along unusual lines. EVERYTHING built-ins. Urge lir- "a ivro itui run nrepiace, poos-1 CajlML 1. r-K Ann n1,t. .I.m w.n. 1 cases. French doom, nlate elaa win. dows, solid paneled dining room with beamed ceilings and leaded art glass buffet white enamel Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch. Fox furnace, cement aruta F.. K2rl t Tnm $4250 EASY TERMS! A very sensible and attractive little 5-room modern moaern 1 liawthorne bungalow: fSmn WoTn, u. ?,2T 2old' iryelroorn, sorfaced 1 83990 COtTk JrLVL. -.v 83990 OZT jLmS?fh for-1 -A " . I "w-ii aiLcnen wiu Dreaxiast soot. gas floor heaters, 2 nice bedrooms. garage. . z oioccs to car. . EAST TERMS. V, Cmth.c 33680 LITTLE NEW shingled dainty gray bnoaalow. 4 room. t t umi. 32690 $500 down! Pretty 6-room bunga low with bu3t-ins; paved street E. 32650 $500 down! TifMACTJLATE WHITE rtawuiorDe bungalow, 4 room'?: built-ina. clean and homey as can be! I fruit garage. s. Tartar k REAL SNAP. 8 alrgrt a TTrttni'js n $4725 5-room sheltering broad bungalow, i oiocg to car: exceotMnailv wen omit and artistic paneled dining room and hvmg room extend the ful I irout; white enamel woodwork, book cases at each end of fireplace, buffet. pnc-!i rnrnan, garage fun attic. A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME, "'i E. 25th at TWr. $4490 EASY TERMS will, handle this ar tistic corner Alberta bnnmilnw 7 rooms; breakfast nook, builWn labor VIZI" conreniencea, double garage, MUST BP. floT.TII V 1UI. $3990 8 -room comfortable Alberta home. S. A miocK w car. ri 80th st i mm, v tlAn t,o,,i-.t ., . . mc oungsjow or 5 eom- mocaous rooms, firenlsA. Inflt.hi 1 lmok-aae .. jLIl. j7 i I roHtt teameTln,1n.d .:.. r-.t . r - . " "r , 3 ltcn. iye floored Terms. . " j. iiui a, i $3490 NEW I AIRY 4 -room sunny bungs-w- , Marsruerite are. Rosy Terms. $2690 Comfortable 5-room cottage on paved st, very convenient and neat Jar. . reit sr. tn amnge terms. t9u J500 down! Plaatered 5-room eory , j-uwoww oa iou lot. ii. 12th St Mijir-MBi -reams! Artistie little a room homey bungalow, lots of frnjt f berriea, garage;- -black to cari E. 28th. Z3S0 HOMEY B-room Alberta bunralow buOt-in eonveniences, white enami piumouig. electricity, gas. 2 light ""i wjurooms, neat and dean. Dimmer st. Terms. -a- 6rrMT- SCOTT HOMES 8 uu down! VERT i7T.rrxn T oejigns ever constructed. - 6 rooms; bnflt-tns, fireplace, garage: -rnBwfflianl- wn est aa ana a. ...... ia ori gaTQL laD0 ?300 downl FURNISHED com. O t af A A " " r - ,UW' J"t WajCTJ. OniQ KTfJ. $1790 $300 down! REAL 8NAPI 5-room vC:'-'..uuuxr with bailt-ins; it. mom. z nearooms and bsth . EX-SERVICEMEN, yoo can handle this on $150 down and your n so saiio downl FURNISHED! block to er pjaiiv: , wl u imnr, eempletely furrril: tncludea dishes, etc.? betJl elM-tv4mt . n ln(ito0' iZL; "'"' - " huwui lery nice llttlo dafnrv gray plastered bnnnlor ni 1. roomg. 6th at I . large $500 DOWN! PACRTFTCT! PRICE! Ma.!K?BTH TABOR $32808500 d-rr,! , A bexutifnl snd eat Of the orrlinar, fj.,,,, bungalow that Elace. hT,iit.. i l-..r':'r your ramtiy, : cheery f white ensrod bat fnrt fiTJ; .P'iiaren front porch. AN ideal uttle HoiraTR isdf 38490 oo down! (J to Trunin snnt niii.M i- . . : ST actracrji. -rwm bum ZTllr ?'J?SSL 2. FURNACE; navmf mt so,! parea at. Zvtn ava. wuuwiua. rirrjjas 2 PENTVSTTTA HOMES 2 $379fi EASY TERMS! r-vr.T-i?i ' rr-i " SY TERMS! rvnmrtmmilStHXI built 3-room tuiiealow wif, Um .tw. UOMB BARGAIN . J ateepina- rmreh. ..i. 1 . t .bome vrHh let of httilt-ir. fnmsce W EICTxLE COSDmc Viilarrl ar $2100 $300 down! tTWrn Tl .11. -i,7t. . conrenience. bath, , wnite enamel plumbing.' electricity ggarden apace, fruit berries, chicken house. E. Mohawk t ' t44 aiL5 r'T00.? HOMES -$4490 A -stone-, throw", from Wavwfy Golf Link. ,nd Park. Sellwood csr- Sl,!lh';:AJob,tan, -room ab rracUve ffelrwonrl home. sleeping porch, etc, SPLEXIn VALUE. Must b-soil RIGHT A WAT. Una - .1. are. Terms. $21908600 downl Comfortable SeJtwood . cottage of s roosBa, K. 16th at ,,,,A 2 WOODLAWN HOMES . $2780 $650 downl LOTS OF FRUIT. nettle, flowera, anuaual bar gam ta a -cosy 5-noom bungalow, white enamel plumbina. Wectricity. : . gas. built-ins; elo-e to ear. La land . - $990 $360 downl 100xl00aitj1?ornt fortaha? 4-room cottsge with aa abundance ef frmt HJgUand ava; V DT NECESSABT . ! wall help job snake rewr down rajrmeat Deal with aa old estsMbOMd firm. Bee - - " FRANK L. MeGUTRE. ' Te Buy Ton Home.1 '',.. Realtor, , Abingtoa ,BJdg., v Broadway 7171. 3d St. Between Washiagtoa aad Stark. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 U, Only S2S0 Down . JUST OPPOSITE NEW CTTT PARE $4250 EASY TERMS - a VOnaa amnlm Hrln. i beantif al hardwood floora. plentr ef wndowa. CTrrtaina and drapes- tncladed; artiarto eiectrio flxtnrea. BSasadid new . eaa hrav eaa ranee I aad water beater; Dutch kttehea with aB the I built-ins and linoleum: fall t unseal basement nuiimry traya, a fuB lot. aad yoa eaa bay the Bdjoimat? -lot wrr eheaa; . aacaaaia at: enr i 25 minutes ant on M-Y car. See it at 120 K. 82d at N. at Gliaan (now' vacaat), or eaU j owner, aaarsoau lis, raorainga. A Real loine Ton can make it pay for itself la next three tra. 8 rooms and room enoueh to' finish as a or a more, I lose la, Z4tb and Ksst alsin. hardwood Qooracia ersry4roora. Newly papered and sainted inside and out. furnace and fireulace. run osaannent.- au kinds of I nut aad LcgUsh wainuts esouxll for large family, furnished with finm ftintitiiMh which win .n with n. UhMi bouse, at a bargain. Fine garage. Price $10.- BOO, or will add oa rooms for good tenant look it over at 781 East Main st. then call owner. moor er weea nays Bare zi "BCILT TO EXDCBB' 9100 to $8000 . INVESTIGATE Bigger. Better Honses tat Less Money. BEDIM ADK BUM. CO.. PORTLAND. OR. ' Factory E 11th and Market Phone East 6114. . NORTH IKVINGTON PARK DISTRICT . wn i i ..rranged. good view, lot 60x107. We can ar- range any $2800. reasonable terms. Why pay rent' Johnson-Dodson Co. nee v .to t,v vm. ax.i ev.v MODivKN 7 rnt dwg., with two iota, in Laurel' hurst Exclusire nrivacy and view. Lane, airy bedrooms, two fireplaces, breakfast nook, shower bath, buffet tireless cooker, laundry, 7 coats r1?". "arawooa Hours iurouguou garage. Iinisned attic. lumace. oak stairs, costly decora' Bona. xnis piece was Duut - lor a noma, ana Tt annrMn,,, t T,hn, 1711 ROSE CITY SNAP .r $500 CASH $4350 New B-room bungalow with large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, 2 nice bedrooms with large closets, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement with, furnacs, balance like rent R. SOMERVHXE. BDWT. 2478. 320 U. 8. National Bank bldg. IKVLNGTOil RESIDENCE $5800 for a fine 7 -room with lane sleeping porch. Lot 50x100. on Tillamook. 1 block from arrinaron car. szuuu caen. F. L. Blanchard ' REA TOR 401-2 Swetland bid.. Bdwy. 6851. FURNISHED BUNGALOW S2650 One story. 0 rooms on one floor, bath, toilet electricity, eta, near school; pared st: choice beerins frnit We have a rood lirrina of this uP property and can show yen a real horns at vw ngnt pnee, ana terms. fT1.1Uia0M TAAAM a" . ' a WallSVllIaU8JlSJttI artJe 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. BRAND NEW $3700 good plumbing, built las. .hardwood floors, psre- .. , ' i vaa T-i . : . . , nn.t a meat paid. 709 Ellis are., corner E. 20th. blocks eait SW ear. Sidney 0. Lathrop 411 Abington bldg. BY OWNER $5500' New 5-roorn nn-to-date bunaalow. firenlaee. hardwood floora. buffet kitchen cabinet break- "ook. furnace, extra nice electric fixtures. J wash .trays, irorr wood- tllerr- 1500, balance terms. Open for inspection after 7 p. m. and ail day Sunday. vruiA. 1AAUUCAII Ul fJVfjrT nfUJKL MJa. OVIIUU. WILQ 7 Room Bungalow ONLY 84500 $1000 DOWN Large living room, fireplace, furnace. French grey walls with old ivory woodwork, 5 rooms and bath on one floor, 2 lovely rooms up. A real home that's worth more money. Locsted tn beautiful Jonesmore. Call owner. Tahor 7547. PIEDMONT HOME Modern. 8 rooms, furnished : hardwood floors. built-in bookcases and buffet fireplace, furnace and garage; a sacrifice at $7000 and will take good lot m part payment JSASLEY ROBINSON SPOONER CO. 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6785. $2750 CLOSE tN $2750 a rooms. rail Daaement macadam atreet; a $500 cash Will handle, halmne. a000 ony. monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 63S'N. W. Bsnk bldg. Msin 8787. LACRELHURST Going away, niut sacrifice, new hnnealnw. lt,t tintclliul - ' livtn. Mun, Id.SA. '. rWkl I.a rSJ." kV. t" v.Zl bath, tapestry paper, garage, drives and walks. far below cost; $8500. Owner, Bdwy. 4231 or East 4216. ROSE CITY PARK $4350 Ex -Service Men Attention I wow Bii.K'nr 4-,tx7wd v.- , . . T -T.Tr"T, wlLn excepoonauy large living room, hard- T.0.JA -h doors, ivory' finish. i,muj.i.i, ew, ranoi ana sewer naid MUST SELL AT ONCE. Wdln. 8486. evenings aiivr o V. m. a b6 yOiJ En6w a bargain f o room', east 31st at. modern lfct wa,v. mansbip and materiaL Oak floors, built ins, con ciete basement, furnace. Wculd cost $6000 to replace tne noue. improvements in and paid. etouu. i;hiu a own. J. C. COB BIN CO... 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. PENINSULA DISTRICT. $2800 ( . Dandy bungalow, 4 rooms, , hath and dm, iprdwood floors. -Dutch kitchen,, full basement -. .ua tit it; urn, mm ana Dernes, yi bock to car. near school and stores; ererythlng I in I?,rfeft conditiori; all as&esnneata paid; ree- sonsble terms. Call Wdln. 6714. 6 ROOMS. KENTON btsf." Lot 50X100. Iota of tmlt KauT-u., IK off pavement. This is a very good bur for the I money. Would consider building lot in exchange. Near Kenton car. We h are man t k. . wS I 'a iii kmi. u i. . MODERN SEATTLE HOME I eirni n mn. A& I tl U , 1 .1. A fOA f lT Ilk UT I Wfll exchange for Portland in 1 M I aa . " aVyUUlrJ Or P7 aaSD. Oil ierf?TlCl. EASLES ROBINSON SPOONKR (XK. I u voucn max. Bdwy. 6785. PARKROSE HALE ACRE o room bungalow, built-in buffet Dutch kitchen, wash trays, bath, fireplace, electricity, gas and phone; fine trees on lawn: 2 blocks to xz-zrr? rt. jr1- " . " suiu uvstr, union are. J. f labor 6235. East 2462. ' i ' hi 1.1 : , BUDEBX 6 rm. dwa. in Alb.ru aa itl. .t I n v . , ' I "nnaaiasi nooa. t,T. rm. 13x25 ft, newly decorated, cement basement, furnace. Won- "-'iaM -v m, t j"V. lUSUraVOCe aUUUU. Ail iiTjproemcrit in, S4500. Terms. Cn bor row maet all puixLaU price. Gt busy. Tavbor f . J -w . MT. TABOR DTSTRIPT 5 room bungalow, on comer lot with all street t improrementn in and paid ; fireplace, built-in I bo?kcrt' ! 0,1 basement Price only 420U. on easy terms. R. R. POWNDER, REALTOR. 406 Broadway bldg. Main 9T1T ST OWNER 5-room modern' bungalow, wlQ be complete March 10: white oak flrwre Ia every room and cloeeta. 2 btnkcAa 9 oWim. closets, cooler, woodlift bml, Tnch Kirf,- ,n . .. ... iiuu uucment, cement, iioorsr Itreplace.. aa for 1 tonnn t, . i,t 4 E. L. King, Wdln. 2381. ' ad sleeping porch. Urge cement basement I and garazs. rtrenlaoe. fnrnarw n.k riAnr. v..v t Eook ai. .built-in eonveniences. Rose Motv 8A(5RiFICE' i bare leqnested th. Wtrtiam A. Hughes Co. - to sell my home regardless of ories. If you want a real 6-room bungalow in an ex elusive dfatrlct at a steal, call Broadway 6808. MODERN bungalow, B large rooms. BrcpUee. cement basement, full eornsr Vat, all improve ments in and paid, on 37th; $4700, (TOO eaab; rent terms on bebmre. O. O. SLETTEN REALTOR, " 415 Rsilwsy Ex. bldg. Bdwy, 8400. , NEW 83230 - 4 rooms Including 2 bcdrrjnras. buSltin buf fK. moaern Dutch kitchen, lsaridry tiara ia bas,waent, breakfast room, gas furnace: this ia retllir worth the money. WW, M. Umbdenstock et l o. zm- sjregon owg.. Broadway 1658 AN ABSTRACT of Utn a act a. guarantee ef - yonr -title; it ia rhereiy a history of year title. A Title Intursaee Policy is a gaaraaree af year rttia. , Therefore, when yoa buy piupeity gat e Title IsBuranee Policy- Me abstract reaaarad. Tnie Ac Trust company. "- OWNER will sell Bvodern 6-rm. 'horss W. Tabor district Full basement large attJe and bui't ina. fumaee, fireplace, garage, $4000, $2000 cash, balance bke rent Addrees Q-45. Journal ROSE CITT PARK ' . " 600 E. 48th N.. beautiful aew 4-room bwav galow, atneUy modern, just - the thmg for course; terma. Owner, Ant. 310-19. - : WHEN yon get a Title Itttarsnee Policy, yea do net seed aa abstract at title. One' pre mmm psys for ell time. Title A Trust compeary WE WILL build for yoa oa yonr lot eg ana on easy terms." , ... - 603 ARTISANS BLDG. w 81750 ROSE CITY PARK tMSTRIT "'. 4 rones bungalow plastered. Dutch kttehAn, etoctrfeuy, gaa, larae ftoored attic, fust 90x100 tot, lawn, tnut, eto, aartge Terms, Tabor mUH. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ' Irvlngton 4 SEAL HOMES $6000 TO $7000 1. VACANT, OPEN TODAY. 488 BV 20th N , aaar ThosBpeoa. very best part, Beautiful new paper aad enamel through. -ant; 0 rooms, al. porch; coacreta gaiage; oak floors and ail modern cnovenicnoaa. la ; 6ae shape, hke new. 96760. Mast hare 2. 96800 IRVTXGTON 6 roosa eole srial bwawslew type, nke aew; eusilheiB colo nial parch; wonderful ahmbbeiy. fruit trees: extra large Bring room, rood eased dea or Bunroom; eecood floor baa 3 barlninies (ooe is very huge) with fine al oasts: ivory , finish; wp-to-dat. elecrria fixterea. Owaer saorint to eonatry. By appoiatmeot only. 3. $6880 Tana Bring room. Ivory 6a-' Isht dining room, library, one bedroom. - kitchen. - large back and front porch, feet; doable garage; several choice fruit ' treat. Second floor Three or foar bed rooms aad very larce porch. Hard wood floors thxoaghont whole aonae. aeauti. ful home ea easy terma, Piaes very suit able for making into two flats if ever de sired. NEW TODAY YOU HAVEN'T BEEN- IT. By aripctntaent only. 4. $6900 Impressive colonial. entrance; very large ivory living room across end (bedroom above Is same aise) ; French doors to dining room, compact kite haa, fine Breakfast room or-extra room eft living . room. Costly til. bathroom. Garage. Large plate glass windows. FIRST TIME OFFERED. By appointment only, ARRANGE AN APPOTNTITENT TO SUIT YOU AND WE ARE PLEASED TO - SHOW YOU SOME OF OUR EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS IN IRVINGTON '8 BE8T BUYS IN BEAUTIFUL HOMES INCLUDING YOURS. R. T. STREET Office Open Today TRVTNGTQN HEADQUARTERS , 806 E. Broadway. Eaat 894. Res.. Ea 4280. YEARS of study of local conditions, a thor-ena-b knowledee of districts, familiarity with valuea and a splendid oraanisaikm enables us to give yoa the maximum service la HOME BUYING. Sslesmaa with antos at your serrice. We specisJise on property, in the Alameda Park and Irvine-ton districts, and if yon dcrare a home in this, the most desirable residence section of all . Portland, yoa owe tt to yoarseu to see us beTore buying or oallding- ALAMEOA PARK BUNGALOW $5780 buys this new attractive modern bun galow home of B rooms and bath, break fast nook and attic for two additional .rooms, if desired. Hsrrlwood floors, fire place, furnace, etc. Street improvement paid. Bonus loan eaa be applied. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $6500 S rooms and bath, attic and breakfast nook. Living room ecrom enure front Substantia1 and attractive borne that ehowe its real valne. both inside and out It wiU be a downright pleajore to show '"""lRTTNGTON DISTRICT $500 You should see plans of this attractive apartment bungalow ef combination living and dining sbom, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, bedroom and bath: fire place, bookcase, disappearing bed in liv ing room concealed by French doors; hardwood floors. Dement basement, wash trays. Easy term". ROSE CITT PARE $6000 Beanti'ul bungalow home of 6 and bath, all on oae floor. Attractive piste glass windows, fireplace, bufiet Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace. etc. improvements paid. Terma. J. A. Wickman Co. REALTORS s 262 Stark St Broadway 6794 Brach Office Open Sanday, ' 24th and Fremont Sta. S ROOM house, strictly modern thrrrnajMsxt, ia Woodlawn district, 1 block from car. This place ia worth $5000. Party must sen on account of Alness. Price $3700. $750 dowa and $30 a month. 4 room house, corner lot, 80x100, ia the best of condition; soma fruit trees, $130 down and balance $15 a month.. 8 room bouse, 1 block from ear, lot 60x100. Must be seen to be appreciated. All modern except bath. $150 down, bal ance 115 a month. 4 room house in fSregory' Heights, 2 blocks from Rose City ear. large garage, good lot, for $150 down. 4 room house, with lot 110x196. near carline and paved street The bouse is not finished inside, but the ground is worth the price alone. '$3000 dowa win take it 8 room honse. in Kenton district, abso lutely up to date in every way, lot BOxlOO. If you are looking for a swell little place look thia over. $350 will handle it 6 room modern house, lot 100x100, on corner, with all kinds of fruit a good chicken house, beautiful lawn and ahrub 'bery. not far from ear. full basement, for $2400. Worth $3000. $1000 will give you 4 room honse, in Kenton district, lot BOxlOO, strictly modern throughout Has all kinds of fruit trees. You will not have to spend one penny on it for a long tuna. $250 and you can move in. LANG LOIS A HAMERLYNCK 604 Buchanan Bldg. 3 CARL1NES REACH THIS BUNGALOW IB VLNGTON, ROSE CITY, ANKENY CARLEVES 5 rooms first floor, attic, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, closets, built-in., cabinets, etc.; first -class condition, well built best of material. Hearing fruit treea worth $500 to any borne. Practical, convenient desirable home, fine neighborhood. Very low price. $5000. Exceptional ODOortnnity for honna men. am vaIua will absolutely secure the $3000 state loan. a. aw ajar ta, lis BUAKU US LILA.VK ROOMS-CLfT8irE This b a double constructed. weD-buflt 2 tory and' attic, has fireplare. den. sleeping porch, large living and dining room and recep tion hall. Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms, full cement basement, fruit room, garage. West of E. 2uta, between 2 csrlinea Price $3800. Terms. Johnsonf Dodson Co. 6S3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 7 ROOM modern borne, 2 story squaretypeT full cemented basement good furnace, laundry room with stationary tubs, everything conveni ently arranged: 50x100 lot, with IS ft alley, abundance of fruit, cement garage, all imp. in and paid: on Borfiwirk at. 2 blocks from this office. Priced at only $4000 with $500 dawn, baL monthly at 6 per cent interest Geo. F. Crew, with Albert Hana, P01 Mississippi ve. " WEST MT. TAB. II, $6330 . 6-room. strictly modern heme. large living room, dining room, tapenry paper, French door-, hdw. floors. 2 lovely bedrooms, very large clos ets, furnace, garage, fruit rosea, ete.,1 block to car, Gl-ncoe tchool dist 1500 E. Mor rison. Bear 65th; terms. L. E. ftteinmetx, 406 GerKnger bldg. Main 6091. Tabor 3224. - MT. TABOR DISTRICT 100x100, with very nice 6-room house, recent ly painted and refinished: garage, fruit trees band shrubbery: room for another house; aU street improTementa in and paid. Convenient to Stwo car lines: price $4500. terms. Call Ant fcS27-69 or inquire . 202 ABsky bldg. ' 83000 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Fine modern 4 room bupe-lnw. gmti eorvii- . a . -",Jn" 'aib aran rwm. . im airy oearooms, i.i ,.tnn,hn ut. -slmtch kitcberi : goM i m'rt: - w-h travi. Tins auxiuu lot, lawa. shrubbery, trait Terma. jTsbor 655J. ' ' s T2900 YOUR OWN" TERMS " i 5 rooms, h. w. floors in dining room end jiving room, nest kitchen, good bathroom, spick and rpan througheut an a 50x100 ft tot oa pavement with 4 bearing fruit trees, raspberries and a garden plot . ftAB. 2625. Open Sunday. 1009 BELMONT. 1 LAURELHURST i If yoa are looking for a strictly modera new some et rooms, can Tabor 7404 for infor- fnation or eorae to 1257 Gliaan, at 43d at. and aee a ime baobc. z-nce wui surery suit you, 'jOpea todsy. 12 to 5 p. es. Owner. I JIOOM tXITTAGE 81300 j This is a plastered hocie; has elrctrie light jns, bath, etc.; close in, 8 blka to Him. car. nninrprored streets. Bee Ueo. W. Crow, with Albert Harala. f01 Miaaissippi ava. - ROSE CITY DIKTlUCT Z large noma, aieeping porch, anotber room be easily tmrshed: m good location, close to ear and acbooL Only $1230;. gee E N. Royal 72d and Sandy. Tibor T65. No. 90 E. 16th st has A bed rooms, bath, far i naee, eto.. Is in fine aha p., clot-, to - new Burkmaat and Hawthorne acbocls. - Prase 43800. For Imascticei - tee J, as, Haat, 620 Chamber 33600 0-ROOKs ea one floor, ea Mt Tabor I -ear line, 9 60x100 tots, fruit and berries; sewers in; real buy; stand inspection. Bargam. Clow Realty, 1181 Belmont A eto 323-39. S2S00 5-ROOM bungalow, cement he semen t 1 full attic, hardwood flooia D-itch kitchen, built-ia bookcases. 9 blocks ear. 'Terms. Clew Realty. 1131 Bebnent Ante. 223-39. 1T3Sa TjDjtklcT 8300 down. 8I8OO ban B-roem hr.ee. : waved atreet. sewer ra aad paidl aas tixht sad water. gutter, 246 E. Broadway. East 9113. COOD saodera kome. Irriagtoa district; kaving city.. - Want Quick sale. Low Priori. East T076 for details. FOR SALE Partly ' fialsUd hooaa. " $16561 A6.8 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $2600 WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 34830 ALAMEDA FARE KNAP A a-roora aew and aifty bwnrsVvw. aa bsnlb. L breakfast boob, sshhart kitrhaas r i suli aanivm isaors. raaway: citr liaiauiaeainla aa mmA mid vri mV. tliu. . $4000 PRESOOTT BT. NEAR YfNtON - 6-room aottace. cement lias 1 weask traya, bath. etc.. ia rote oooditkm. harAmrfar street and sewer ia aad paid, tot 50x104V. all kinds fruit and aerrssa; terms easy. $4750 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ' a ruian rraaaaiow. ma aril traya, au esut-me, LHltcb I hard wood floors. . ktrre hiirxe moss avaKkfaaat mook. mtc, 40x100 lot, garageThardswrfar atreet aad arwer ht and paid; reasonable karma. $500 IRTTNGTON HOME $500 dowa bars a heaatiral son. tn Tliie. ton. T rooms aad strictly modern in every re aper, corner lot garage. BEST PART IRVING --" u yoa ara oa the market for a fat home ea rent terms, let our aili us yoa uus 8, E. CORNER 24TH AND HANCOCK ffTS. a a-room strictly modern borne in Irrmgtoe, wrr svawvBtdHt thiM.l.ii .a.saa eiutl rarage. everything is there, folks, inerod- ana nrsCT uiaa eaat Be Beaa; pnoe right: terma yourx. 86000 ROSE CITT BEAUTY A B-room new eoloniel hanealow. rml tie. cement basement wash tram, everr isaaetn- Bhle built-ia feature, fuiwaoa. fireplace, bard wood HOOTS thraaiahont hreakfaai. nnnk 1.-M Bring room.' beautiful tight ftxtarea. finished ia tapestry paper, Tench doors aad every. uxmg, ouxtvu ax, urge garage, city tavprovw. taaaa $6000 ROSSMERE BUT A 7-room bunealow. inlaid Aaa hot water furnace, all built-in (Mtm best of ttp-to-date pmmbiag. Dutch kitchen, oe- auvDt savameai. aaunory trays, etc.. O0X1OO lot. aouste garage, east front evarrtluna! ia asd -naid terms easy. RUUMELL. At WTTUnj. 274 Stark st Broadway 9720. Homes in Hawthorne AND ADJACENT rISTlir-r e.vvv nana n xutH UiuCK to buy a astray s-room bungsiow with fireplace. fuicu alien rn ana cement - rs si si rat 8750 ruh will b.nHW thi. mm k. $3800 8750 cash bars this 5-room bmemlaw. located oa 50x100 comer tot; has fire. place, buffet, cement . basement aad at- nc. nee it today.1 Tou will not be obliratetft taOOtX -SOLDIERS TAKE NOTICE A new s-room modera home that eaa be handled with 6300 cash and year state loan. Has fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, hardwood floors, Dutch 14500 POSITIVE RARfiArs vt emns. aiirnn. anuri Biirina k nere is a oeantuul bungalow of 0 rooms and sleeping porch;, well located; has bring room across front, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, full cement base ment, lumaos and atxle. $1000 01 wui Handle. Do yourself iusttos by wan at urn one. OPEN TODAT R. L. McGrew 1080 Hawthorn, are. Tabor 8802". WHY PAT BCVT . iro nnDrtvruoo cash, $ii monthly, buys neat htUe 3-room eotxage, easctno UghS ba. grouna euxiuv, rs Block to car. vonat fmit - a i. 1 31000 $200 cash. $20 monthly, bora lane 2-rooa aback, ground 120x128. city water and sink; a asaall farm ia the $1200 $350 eaab, $20 monthly, bays 4-roooi ,7ou papcrea cottage la veod- aawn. ground lUOxlOO. 4 blocks to $1250 $300 cash, $15 monthly, buys 4-reora nr. mW aaaii 1 rwvxit I1111 reusu saa papered ootmge. cone foundation, basement, lot 60x100 mock from tVooostook car; able Uttle bus. We. have photographa of' aU these plana, and acaens of others. Bee Mr. Lacy, with y "Alft' 732 Cham, of Com. THINK IT OVER 6-room booat ia good Condi Bon. fine district $130 dowa, $24 par month iacaaiiag V TV WWW. ? , , Bd 1 acre, with frnit treat. aussosia Biafiu, aavu down, a.i.1 mmmj, 6-room . .-.trwr 1 v., ru, lot 60x100; cement walks in and paid: 3 block. ioo i i nee . jau. mama dowa. v (vi munui sna as ii mi. 6-room honse. lot aft Uvlsn m.MU. 41 $3250. $C50 down, balaaca '$25 par avoath MM UWIMl, 4 -room brand ate aniuht. park, and school, with nearly 1 acre of fine wr annuo, bssuo. 8300 down. rslsBf a easy, A. Kosovac 410 Gerlineer bldg. Msr. $401; Bond ay. Wdln. 052L Laurelhurst 1 $7500 A'odcrn every respect, larga living room, dining mom, kitchen, 2 bed rooms and hath on tint floor; all hard wood floors an tiled bath floor; fireplsos. bookcases, buffet Seaend floor has 8 bedroom, fail cement basement, furnace, fruit cellar. Lot 60x100 ft Garage. All improvements in sod paid for. Only 1 block to Park and club bsuaa. $1500 cash, balance to suit Dekuni & Jordan REALTORS. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4th and Stark sta, Bdwy. 2249. Rose City Bungalow 1009" CLACKAMAS ST.. OPT E IXn RT Strictly modern 6 rooms, hardwood ftoera, fire. place, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook and extra large bring room: navine and sewers in and paid for. Owner there from 13 to o. isse boss city car to E. 33d, then ga blocks north. Phone owner. Woodlawn 1530. ALAMEDA BEST DISTRICT This new artistic bungalow mast be seen a be appreciated, good aise tiring room, hardwood floora, fireplace, boil tin bonkraset, . dining room, hardwood floors, large windows, beautiful bttiit in buffet; bathroom, pedestal lavatory. 2 good rised bedrooms: kitchen has ell modera boilu im, canopy over stove patented break last room, dUarpearing seats and table: eeaneBt- tesement laundry trays, latest plpeleas furnace; all ready to move in. The price is $600 leas than market $1000 will hsrrdle.: W. M. Umbdesatoek A Col, 310 Oregon bldg.. ' Bdwy. 1668. CLOSE IN ' e Sea this boms today, E 38 th gad Mill sta. $500 DOWN BAL. EA8T i. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 9 CLamber of Commerce bklg. Bdwy. 6034. 3S150 WALKING DISTANCE 0 rooms and arw j.g room ea oaa fJoor, faQ cement basement divided into rooms, with extra sink, taandry trays, etreet and sewer paid: -fine chicken honse and yard; fm.it trees and grapes; gsrden spot; BOxlOO tot 31000 eaab and $30 mciuomg interest. . Boats. . iArnaon et oa K. 14th st 1 . . JohnscnDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bMg. " , ' Mam 3787. Montavilla Sacrifice . - Booms Vodera: 00x126 r 32B00: $460 CASH No 31 78th st N.t roe, haaement VTih, frag fruit treea; censer lot 6 Ox 123: sewer, walks and carba to and maid- 2 blocks from ear; worth easily 83200; aacrifire for $2900. $450 down. GO. LOOK TODAY; don't bother tenants. McCORMlO CO.. SOT Faihng Mdg. Broadway 742Q. - Maia 0816, ' READ "THIS AND t6t) WtLL"6w5T" YOUR OWN HOME 0 room hotrw. sH ea eae fleer, ia good ee fHtion; lot 75x100: 12 frwrt trees, larwera aad shrubbery; tH cieer f tocabraaee; arwer ka aad paid for; $2200, 8600 eaab, baL $39 eae. 8 rones bowse, full basement frnit tress, etose to Piedmont car banes, 92500; $500 cash, bal ance Hke rent:-" - , a.- - , ateGFJE DEOna. 060 Union Ave. - WdTa. 9634. 9 ROOM modem eoioruat bamcltow. breAkiaet - Book, iirxpiafle. ceiaent iiaasaiiet, a. w. fleers. built-in, do&bi. saroctrd, 30x100-lot. aU iau rorrments ka aad paid; aew aeme, weQ baiiL Pnee $4M0, $1900 eaab eg 9664) aad beams, balance 125 per sea. Located at fca. 11 W. Terry et, 315 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 3261. 7 ROOMS. 12th aad Amsworth, ail eaerreauenees. z Aits, a avrarj nemat si i ua. tasa $. - A O-rooea aamalaa. renisal biasaiaiil, weaa traya. buiwina, Uutch kitchaat, ftoeplaoa. eta, 4xlOO let. earaer; aew aad waadarfal bay aa w OIB, Hltaf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES STAR SALES SERV1C aWVO a STAR 8-reee. waegatow. West Pf . awe. wee? ; eenerawa tuck aad car a; fTnn uaxasetxe bxwa; eaaaaaar g 82700 6 reran, fmataef aa white ana, Dane krtel 100 tot graded etreet, stdewalk in bterkjffjveaBet A BIAR BCXJ as 1 su ,ua rajta. ' v - Bee aa if vow as. InUu w . - t tight pnoe ia any part of the city. STAR RXAL ESTATE INT. CO. . REALTORS Bdwy. 8618. " 919 tst aids WEST tUDfc RAaY ( -3-reom eottage ea fs las I Is aaV 2 $2700 Nam 6-roe. ' cctawT rffti' . . 10t aear aUleigku. . $3000 ftoptamalSaeF. recess, gwad M, 21 aad Rakaga. 1 832O0 Clean, e-rcom cottar, ta end aor ...aa S0"' " "10; Toroata. ssaar If 93B00 N-ar Raletgh sod 234: good f-tU $8000 Fursaoa. firrvaaca. fuU thai rood 7-roosa heeae: kOsiea sues lawa; aaac 2$d aad PeUjgreveJ . BmsJ down paswarats aad easy arma ' JamsUs any of taeee plaoea: w will pay fa Urwjugatsv. Mr. Wiles. Main 2JS4. - ... J' HA1GHT. REALTOR. exa-xT Board M Trade. Broadwiv JO Beaumont Bungalow - SNAP AT $$300 . Recently buUt sackaess eenpesl aaniflee larse rorea, faU cement rasemeat aaaar built-irrs and la every PMpect aa ideal hem. ; J!. an wna aewry bum garage. -$1100 dowa. amsii monthly paymeat Marsh & McCaSe Co. . - i Realtors. SZJ-s-S rauma bide. Bdwy. 0433J Eretungs Tabor SMB. ROSE CTTT BUNGALOW GARAGE 9730 down, be la are atiaisbt .issiini a taenia, eary $30 per mouth, which tad aoaa : ifT- Th brand mew piace ea 4 St i below the hill, east treat, 6 eery alee tineas a BUte, breakf aat Book. French dears, fsiweij. "w. srsos wua aisaru, ran aoxioo rest: this Indeed a barcaia and will be nwinlMMl .wj ue jia. aeaarmoer. anus as below the hill Rose t5ty Park ara erairw. VImi .1, r-raer au """"-i 1. U HARTMAN CO.. $ Obaaber ef CtwasBeroe Usa, Broadway $034. Two Beaatlful COLONIAL HEIGHTS HOI One af 0 One af $ Fine neighliialaeud. ragn easae aedei aU ermvenVwaeeB; Uoaa of tba city. FRANK MeCRXLUS, Henry bldg. Broadway TT. RsH (J1TY BUXCAL6W 95350; 82OO0 m ui its d emdmg totoreat Thia Branas anAlm a. Plete ia every detail, harrjsraod fKra. Fre-J a" brTfrt xajk. firrpUce, eld ivory tin .l TTi i Z paper, aattwaatas gas faraaoe, at i. duws aieieu. Johnson-Dodson Co. exs . w. Rank bide. mm arsf ROSE CTTT PARK - BOOMS $3500 We bar. sold five ef IVami t1.e.A.A t tows in past three weeks. Look that ana ei aavo. Bt-ea. - NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR HOME xne senates ar mup aU. Imaa a. J disposal. Any pried area, aa district tl ywa may wish, with toraat ta smt We wi gladly eadeavor to sopply yoa. Caeao ta ai aire wa an ujvwuiutty te errve yea. uiswuri! u IBTMUT TJD REALTORS. , 1 m Bdwy. 4761. 410 Henry jlda $5250a5250a-35250 NEW IRVINGTON BUNCALOW 8 .roosaa sad storpiag porch, breakfast Ben rirepiace, Bdwd. ftoora, rem. Variant . J-J cosnpietea. irmt Bdwy. 4903. Q. C. Qoldenberg : Of Coarse) ROSE CITY PARK 6 Rm. Bungalow $55G'l Real va.-as. a dandy, hardwood ftoora, aB aval ereaxjast Boo., u Bedrooma, run n a aw i I larage. lasieSI j ssnr. fisxauwa impriiaeiaents all in: am trtAa. OWNER, TABOR 7696. $4830 LALRklklf-ftsV iiwia TOU HAVE NOT BEES THIS .BUNGALOW A rare baraain. large livwg room. Dntrl kitchen, breakfast nook, two svaclou bedroocH oaruwooa iioort, nrrpiaca, tapertry paper, fan1 aee. garage aad attic. Terms! Ever se eaa uet tn toaacn wt-n sum CAMPBEU-RirnARD CO. 1111 Bandy Blvd.. on Viaduct Tabor 24 FOR 8A1J5 by owner. 3 room piasters 1 bawI with bailt-la eapboarda. water, gas and Rgbl mm BOxlOO ft let with fruit berries aad ga ds; 1 block from pavement Mocks to earta. Price 9700. with only $260 eaaa, balance $1 per aaoata. Take Mt Scott ear to 6 2d at , ir Midway's Caab Graoery, 6141 TrmU road. B-ROOM modern Colonial bungalow, brrtila. Book, Hrepiare, eemeat beaomast bdw. floor built -ina, double eoaatracted, tOllQO lei, a tmprovementa ia aad neid: new him ssaH barl; Prtos $4500; $1600 cash, er $80O and boatJ awuaaee z per mo. Located st 11 W. Ten et 813 Henry bidg. Bdwy. $231 ALBINA. NEAR" 'KftLlNGBWGn 6 room, atrirtir asnderA. T vea nkl kae! ood floors, fumaee. fi replica. All asodeea am ins. lovely Dutch kitchen, full ceaaent in i asia 1 garage, earner lot vary 14500, or $1000 aw. naa rrwt, atarryi ndwy. aart, 840 evenrnga. T. O. BIRD. 926 Cham, ef 5osb 8O4IE PILLiMONT tiARiAIVS Cloae tn M-A car, 9 room modera liiisaa grounas; fioo. good terms. 0 room anodera huass, A-l Inoatian, wel ar ranged for runateia. all impravewseats ka aa 33280. $959 cash. $20 per saonth. Dr. 1. bbss. nee a'maa are. wortTH 3000 take o 61000 CASH WEST 8IT1R " T rooms, exeeBeet eood-tion.. w siting flatamal furnaeA, 2 firerkacea, 60x100. garage. A tea aargam. nurrri T. O. BIRD. 926 Cham, ef Ooav X SNAP ta a Moctaru'.a bautaarw, almeat se- la ka firvrbclaw cessditioa. B reoma and betri' farnaae; .11 asodern coavanleares: tot BOxlOT" 3 blocks from eerUae. Praee $2760r $1374 eash, terms on balanre. Ore roa Inv. A Httn Co.. 210 Exchange bldg.. 24 aad Btark H WESTOREiltNC 0 ItOOMA$400r"n Hardwood floors extra large rniims . wall ar rBnged, full rament baas mint furaare. ear.) ar 3 asm eonaiaon. bizvv eaan. waL.iika twai. it Bdwy. 6011 or rVlL 2706 evenings, - x. u. niH.ii. aza ensm. ef Com JUST being eonukietod 4 room buagsiuw. 3 bed tonma, Aombmauon pr. and dm, nav. krt at breakfast aonk, afl Uae baUt-ias; lot 63x10 Ti with extra ferge erdeaan braass to rear; j Milwaokie at; 94600. trraas, CaS Maaadar Bdwy. 3686. " BT OWNER. B room bo&gaiow, faj basesaea hiiiiiiii iu is'iaaw, 1 ahruba, fruit treea, aat down. At Hi! kisas paved 94600. $104X1 ava. Win hoawe from I to 9 Bsnsnay, After awssaay 3 ni SSL zz-bt BEACTirTL baU'ThorxI n&Ug T rooms, bath. lull bassssml, furaare. refiK -d bowte. etose ka. 24th aast Haw-i tborne. Inee SCOO. trnaa 420 Hetrry bldg. dwy. 31.49. Brand, aawiwrj lOR SALE BWx atnets hardwood floota. " f arnaee and fin iilaias Richtaeeat. Pnee 94750. 92000 eaeb. bslsnr. eaay tanwn. Boaaa anraaHen. - ma, 223X. for Mr. Reddick. . . 3 BT OWNER. ROSE CITY PARK . New B eOxlOl tot: a eery- aire comfortable buss a see it st 713 E. 80th st, M. Am lea mag aity mast sell ehsap; farr.it. re for ease. . 7 ROOMS. BATH. 1 L6TL'iS2oo' ' Tall basaanat sarage, frnit chick ea t - sal I csose w car, ecaeei. gsea eoaatitaoa; Mr. Brand. 420 Heary b:dg. Bdwy. 6540 4 kOOMA. BATH. $230 Large tot bsAssaeat, tots trait, sUrJisaead ttoJ met, etose ae ear. ertol. S10O0.- Br. 420 Beary Nig. - Bdwy. 6649.- HERB TOG ARE Rais acre. 4 1 beta, lots ef frait: 8100 J Ctoae ia. Get parOcwUra. B-$2. Jear-al. 9-EOOM buaaatoa ar in. aad hard at Li ia; a nne my at . tersna i. R. WOLi F. 419 HENRY ULTXJ. - ITt zvTT Btre 000 I lauea asodera bb1ow. Boreas paved -atiwet, eoenias foandexawa. tneat ess. meat. If all taesel T. aad eary $20 aa avasta. f btwaaa wok garage aad saaay ethers kg mm East. 6129. 1 T f 11