THE OREGON - SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' LIORIJTNG, MARCH 5, 1CZ2. 201 HELP WANTED MALE baU.m.wTVtid " Oae a AwrWi UM( floor ewerting Btfn 1 tnuUar uvIuiiom (or Oregon teiritory a Ma bevtag following fl , (as ml. -Bitare u4 eferlapnl Mora. KiBwrbaos la haw shIms1 bat ant Baser.! Ml 'W Ms. - . Bios Ilea t WfMUttf fight a. , .. . inuMMii he been tnsds t at ooa- -to Masks Psrnd nntm O lee fan er- Hsrs to mtpMOi, territory sWatred. reler- TT.X OLE CM COMrANT lWk Cemet Brawh. Office, . 19 Clay HUM, Baa Ftbocbmo, 4'ab.forala. ' TetATit i.;ENT WAITED We are tbdM en the atiM a bow wwto- Layie aumal and aar ateae aia to anil fcae slenals through a fUU agency, ana person a lira. Barb state agent to ana and bbv shad iiat to all this itrol m alt state t ibu h t ua for. Mart be a -ad wideawake and rwoncibi person. WUl ee a good etnstract to Uta rant party ana U work and ma the buwassa, W rite to Aaen- a Manufacturing A Betes Co.. Willaar, Mian. is. - F-NTa WlMTVTt T. ba the Sims 4b. Vat at by tha desen and aril tbcn la r enautr. Will nlitfl sweaty aad sore let: want tit say shoe. Ieerriptife areolar, W. aims. 815 Mason St.. Portland, or. SITUATIONS 1 WANTEP---MALE 25 . PRUNING AND SPRAYING I am an exner hwrtiemtarsst aad BUT neiee rlrhl: ham am bat line of aaraary. stock. Cail rrnaa, B. U HAW SOS. Veoabto Hotel, R- 324. A -tame tie 661-84. LEAKY ROOK BWUfuDy a pasted aad painted; wtewata ; at atifled aituBMnu; 34 wars- eniv Bdwy. 7672 or Main- 1994. Frieaa the NURSE, via caro tor teall aad delight how - seeping; reasonable; (ooa .ooa uu Drrsnon -at, - , EXPERIENCED nan win take ca fan or rart time. Bast MemmL Mala S71S. TRAINED nurse. 12-hour duty, all kind af lowest B. B. Co.. Inc. 320 B. of T. bkU. KX-BEBVICB au, Bunriad. aadanUarh oral BMaitninri werk. carDanter. painnm, a hue Mac and taetiieBl rvpain. Win work at aaytajn. V. F. Coaby, MAl at. rhona Mala a54. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 OA Mk-ITIONI MIIJI OK I.1NN, LAMB ASO BE.NTOM COUSTIKa 1 lorailac (or vobmm to vork. for Behaaitsar hportiini, I ao. - hr& aaana Uua itna arm oat umua auBOlaa of bsantlfal imaortad aiatorUla. I Ian a waaiaa to divlay Uwaa aampla aad taka Uiii AD TUfTINO CHEAP. ONE ROOM OB A BLiOCK: BPLKNDiD WORK Q CICELY A5CD CTJ1ANLI DONE.: MABaHAU. 2493. AHU ABK rOK MK. VAKKICK. SITCATION waatod. auddlaccd bmui; h "Ead etparieaea rroearita. otttoa work, "tiata keap- iag, etc Wniinr to da otkar work. Addraat U4. iooraal. WA-SffctM-By practical " ianarr' and ' pooltry ralaar. not a f nnt iiian, a aitnatioa on null raaek. or will take chare of farm for ENGINEER, aaadla boiler burning oil. ooal or wtjou, miay vcu paaipor or any sioan or au anffina: can ehanaa fast hdlff ia aiL G-28. joaraaL fAlNTINQ. paDCTbaartDi and tmonc: pricea raa- aaeabla; ork guaranteed. Shop 1(63 Ha- inorae are. Tabor 1722 or Tabor 12 BO IT PATH. Bcia at eooa Write me aad I ill call and explain work. If n. U. A. Btereaa, B2I, KoraH roea. Or. 1U WoMEV fretacure Dirlaoa, dty of PwtlaBd. effare iU aarrlcae to ill autlart Vrulmaa la tee wel'rre aad proteetiaa of aad tiria; latarrtaae eonndeatiaL Bl oeter kkla.. td aad Oak at. Puoa Uua MCHOOr. of prartiral Uilorinc haa bant opead tr Mr. Bomawrfcldt at 407-ft Ctntral In. for ihi bo aiah to Irara the trada woawa who wiak to make tbair own canaenu r Boakt datiaa aa awlL ThU trvat opportoaity Mnf baoa eclrnd la Portland before. KB auanatiit of the Orvaon Bath Or., wiabaa to enauaanieata with a rkVcbwa kdy aiaawar that eeatrae to tncaae telr aerrlrwe, We alwaya kata aa opanlnf lot autalranL VaNTEIi. inu lady not onf ZS raara of a for ateaearaptiie and iaarral ofriea work, at reat iwa yaan uperivnoa. Moat ae (nod taking iaihoae eraVn. Adraaa J 19. Joayaal. 0ria4 i one anwiaar if poMibie. kHKN in ad of enmpotaat, roliahle office holp of ear dmrrlptiea raU Maia BTSO. The Ulencal tauweMat lima, Miaa A. u. Croaalayi Manas ar in t'ornatt bklc ) ASTEU Laiy with hrmtitchart marhine to ra rare in well located dry fowl atore; d kaatnvaa alraedy eatabUahod In this Una. ptr in Oraml eve. Bortb. rjuvl liau. MNTM A im4 all around reliable trn- agranaer for out of towa, 1'araiaBeDt. N-S7 PrUUTirrj wanud tor lU Betty Jane Bel Bhoa. 4AI Raleiak bkU-. I2T Waabingtoa. Iwy. IStt. t CXMKNT work af au lunai. goaraateed. Karl Battaa eV BlaS or BeUwood BIB. Co. Phonal Zaat ' NURSES 257 casta, reasonable. Marshall 349. , FDR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS MO AMERICAN HOTEL ' Ba Merth ThM bt. Thia botel baa been thnrooclitr deaBrd aad B owned and oDerated br i Amarieaaa: the best la the e!ti for mtea cbarajed: eMcaat lobby, eleeator acmee.. always lota of hot watar. free baths; rates 50c. 75c. SL. Bpeeiai rates to permanent rants. UW. GODDAKD. Mgr. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD 302 T HE LORRALN E " S "NORTH 20TH 8TREET Phone Broadwar 465 - Bass place to tare, with all ww larnicnre aad xi oefleat table board; all airy rooms: rates to $80 pe month; can aeeonuaodato a atora people; single or double rooms. ,- MRS. LAV IN A PRICE, Maragar." ex-S4S ROOM aad board for two. Tounc ladise. Besaoa- able. dose m. waltang daUnce. aast Bau. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ROOMS AND BOARD PRiyATE FAMILY - 303 - (3.04 TO $3.0 WEEK - t - Cscapletdy famhiaaii aonseketying rooass aad roUes; absolately eleaa. 284 k Third St.. Bear Jefferson. - . $$0 FOUK 'faraished rooass. akctrio liahav bath. C34 Bandy bled., near K. Itth at. Ia antra X I. Oedar. 54 K. 16U N Bear Sandy. or 4 Graad are. . Phoae Eut $1 or East 684. - 5 ONE hoonfAeeoinc mom. $4. lower floor. 1 very lam hnnairwiaiir room, anoa for Israa ramuy. $4. z llth at., aor of Main T853. - . HOTEL BEVERLEY COR. PARK AND TAMHILL, large, airy, stesa bested rooms, hot aad aoM water ia all rooms ; newly decorated and ail aewly fontahed. Transient $1 aa Batea to permanent goesla. Across st. from stage depot. PHARMACIST-want work. Oregon , or Wssh. Will reciter in either state. Address. H. B. Witter, 882S M at.. Vsnooorer. Wash. CARPENTER Estimates girrm oa roots repaired aad garages boilL nawworae. 'labor PLOWING, bsaemeat diggin. day or contract. repair work. Shop. 11$I aad geaeral teamlna. Avtomaue azz-as. CaU after $ and spraying done by aa expert, f3 yra. ia Portland. Consultation free. Let me make yoa a pries, East 91 83. 260 Grand are. TOURIST HOTEL Cor. Morrison and First. Warm, comfortable rooms, moderate rates. 75e per day and up; , rates to permanent guests; transients so bated. CALX, at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for yonnc men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Central Y. M- C. A-. with telephone in each room, shower baths and dab facilities. " ' HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th. at Wash- ingtoB -Brick structure, center of Portlands rasiaeas and social activities: neoectable: SDot- less rooms; $5 week: $1 a day an; with priTSte bath.' $2 day. cU bet. Taylor and Salmon. Famished sleernns rooms, bath, steam hesU hot and cold water; $4 week and tip. - Hotel Medford SS Two blocks from Depot. 75c and an. (4 a week rip. Hot snd cold water in each room. Nortonia Hotel J EJJRTENTH OFT WA8HINGTOW Fortlsnd's high gtewntowa natdeatlal boteL We glra yoa the comforts af home Asaertean and ETnopasa plan. Rates reasonable. WANTED Lady toiiimers, empkryed. "Walking distance from Montgomery Ward a. Home pnnlegea. 609 Pettygrore bet. lth and 20th. . Maxwell Hall SSL". SERVICES of reliable nun aad good automo bile for (125 aad expenses a month. U-147, JnumaL EXl'SftlENCriij ehsufiwr ahd mechanic wants - position ia prrrste family. Win work for litr tie more thsa board. F-848. JoamaL MILLWRIGHT and carpenter wants position as HOTEL OHIO. 266 Front, cor. Madison Rooms ooc op, $3 week np; h. k. rooms; hot snd eold wster; steam heat; " elevator jerrice; other modern conreniences. ? ' S" Eait ,4575, general repair saaai non-nmon. (ranlngs. MA.N with wants work, experienoed in Plnmbtag; willing to work as helper. Call PAINTING AND (Y)STBjlfrri Carpenter aad coacreto work, remodeling; rea- annaDie sna mttsractory. wain. 6755. PLUMBER'S HELPER would tike to finish plumbing trade. CaU Tabor 1547 or 1396 Partite at. all day Sunday or Mondsy morning. PAINTING, TINTLNtf and ENAMELING; goo3 wort man; reaaonable; has tools. Wdln. 6036. TELEGRAPH STL'DENT wsnU work siternooa or ererung. 400 Vsnooaier. hlUNGLERS WHEN "TUB WANT GLING DONE. CALL MAIN 6100. 8 ILLS KAL80MTNING. plaster repaying. r-i"''"f rsaaonablei. Main H6$. WoobLAWN 8084 rinmbers. Lo any Job. V ANTED, mMdleged la'ly houaekeeper for widower and girl a jrrs. (rood home aad some Call et 7120 BRtn in. H. K. XTroMEr.RftS rl. ie'oV more, wants per Prices right ateaevt home with rood people, addr KllWr, 6M4 Glissa at Mm. Illlawr, vHTJ ! Van M AU .r.UtN8TRAl'OuA to Uke orders For hi(h grade esrlnaire srtioles; good eomauasioa. v'ArTRKHBKH, out; rhambermaida, otti; house- I S N. 2d st. ' - ' ROOMS PAPERED, $4 sad up; painting and kalaominiiig reaaonsble. Ant, 214-22. PLUMBING of ail kinds, (iravelaas work guar- anterd. East 4852 kt BER VICES with ear. slmost inr thing, si reaaonsble wsge. Wdln. 6728. excaVatlng.' cement work, raising houses. r- psinng nooses or boilding new. Wdln. 624 COCNTTSS As CO., painters and paperhangen. atore st E. Z4 KUllngsworth. Wdia. 8091. BASEMENTS. GRADING. .GEN or NO LALiT. srtwt model, whole or part time; glre pewnal descripUua ss to type. H 19. I. SPECIAL low prices on house painting, tinting. aiain psbp; res. East 8269. LMT GIRL In aeed of a friend apply to the SalraUna Armr Rescue Home, Mayfair snd leiander eta Phone Main 84 50. D-M car. VOVAN Companion for eonrslaseent ladr and da light boaaework, at 5408 B9to aLB. K., peep la. inmaU VIIX pay half fare of resi-onslble panr going to aeettle tnr care of baby en trip. A-6Q, Journal. EXCAVATING, grading, plowing and general munwnnr. rnone Taoor ni;t. alio can sail to bunaa Pleasant work sod good pay. K-62, WE HANG wallpaper et 25 cents a toll. 8450; res. East (269. VaRD griding, basement digging, garden plow. we. stain i f UAJaPENTEH snd eoatrartor. jobelng, anythisg V ANTKD Womea to do housework. Tabor lf(L for geaeral housswork; good home, nice rones. Wdln. 87R4. IV K ealsalady te list and aril apartmsnt snd rnomlng bouses on com. basta 611 Buchanan, MUM AM for general lioueework; plaia mederm nome; alartriral eoaTeateneee. Sell. 112S. TiNTtfl. a woman fc dining roosa work. InaUtetionaL Ceil Mala 8871. flVYkB r.liierljr woman for light hoasswork. IB mnntn. call It II artrr B e elork. ladiee to do cooking and East 9188. .Jkl, lor seneral butuewotk, Alsmeda district. rnmie sin-ni. WANTED, 2 yeong ganeral bmiework. VANY Catholic girl for general housework adults ia family; (80. Tabor 4189. GOOD reliable woman to go to Seaside, family three sdiilta. 880 month. East 2871. ilr'.riNKD nomea tor outdoor aellini ; salaxj. N-$6t. JnurnaL HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20S IrOR a smart farm, man and wife; man mnt naioenswnd small rrnit eoltura, aspeoally w rapes. Alan must anderataad poultry and gar- tenina. Wife to assist some with housework. write, stating eiperlenoe. references snd wares Vtported, ' House, we trie lights and watar fur- nlsbed. sao ngttabiss snd milk. Z-184. Jour- tnal. WANTED Laoy or gentleman to go Into kodak liaeming and Iramtni business wttn me: here eatfit eomnlete sod hsre aood room heiad; Just earns to Portland aad wish to open p J. t.osert. uen. usi., city. rXIERLY maa aad wife, caretaker for ranch IS miles out: sow. chickens, small garden. rnd bonsa. barn. eta. ; splendid water, new ineea. well; email wages; bo near fana work. vae. jonrrnu. ITPIHTS Prepare autbor'a aaaaaseriota for anmlmatlea; 82B-8I00 weekly, spare tune Bend tamp for parttrnlara. R. J. CARNES. Authors' Kepi nentaoso. Tallapoosa, Us, iM.i!U KSTaTS" Ann requirea Uritor. Call be- Na fere 10 l a Monday. Henryblnlg. : gtrKftlRNftn WEAVERS BTKAPT. ATTRACTITE WORK. PORTLASH WOOLEN MILLS. Contract or day work. TEAMING AuL 622-85. in the building Bne. Phone East 8666. WANTED, wood hauling contract. nor htbb. Owens, Ta WANTED, by a baker, a Job aa baker or baker neiper. alcana ma. Tabor 8779. 1.1 i'ii iigure your wiring; old bouses our specialty. Wood lawn 5450. CO.NCRE'IE puunng by mac nine: general ce ment work Call SelL 1580. after n. as. EXCAVATING, plowing snd general team work. Phone Automatic 619-84. GOOD home-cooked meals' ia private fasafiy, (6.60 week; no Sunday Bight supper. 1(1 K dwell st. East 4684. ' WE HAVE room for 2 men for (55 per sao.. with use of bring room with fireplace, where yoa may feel at home. Call Bdwy. S072. or 85 10th. SINGLE room for ooa light housekeeping, only $12 monthly: baths whenever wanted; Bice laundry; walking distance; Quiet place. Sea tl to a Manners sc. Miller AptS.' Sear Mmsd; Sleeping (3 apH. K. 3 UP- Brick. Bet water, clean, respectabie. anr. ae. ONE Inyosekaeninc tjute. (4; S rooms. CaU East 5(7. 1 AND 2 FURNISHED a. k. rooms, gas. heat. lieht. nhone furnished, walking distance, scroas from dental college, 42S Pacifie St. eorner af atn. East 4. ROOM and board in modem, orirate suitable for bniiness man. Fart 417S. BEST OF CARE siren little girl in my home,' more for company. References exchanged. (15 per month. Half block from S. W. car. 678 Spoksne are. - WANTED Two boarders who would appreciate home and good plain cooking; must be refined; might consider inralid; 20 mimrtns out B-935, Journal. ' ATTRACTIVE room for 1 or 2 gentlemen ia strictly private family; all conveniences; meals if desired: local, references required. Phone Tabor 5794. - NICE 9 mom furnished front housaeesriing room. Rent reasonable. Electric lights aad bath in cluded. Place for laundry. Walking ojstanca. West side. 545 H 1st, TTXCl nvwl fnniifdwl baosekeerjina rooms with 3 very large cloerts. Hght water, bath and phone, $6 a week. Stove beat, sroaaway. Ant E28-64. 2 NICE front housekeeping rooms, heat, light, phone, bath, furnished, water in room, $5.50 tier week: also single room. 173 N. 17th. Aut 520-07. LENOX HOTEL 242 THIRD ST.. NEAR MAIN Attractive, modern rooms st reasonable rates. New Perkins Hotel Washington and Fifth streets. Special permanent rates. Hotel Helvetia 346-248 Salmon st.. near Third. rooms 7 5c up. Weekly rates. Modern THE BARTON , Clean, famished rooms. (2.50 per week and up; also light housekeeping. 455 Alder st RECTOh. HOTEL B North Broadwar. st Anksny. modem Private baths. Ysia locks. $5 per, week up, (1 per day. MARLYN" HOTEL Cor. 17th snd Couch. Large, well furnished. modem rooms, st reasonable rates. SOc Day, $2.5 Week Up Clean rooms, bath free, hot water all hours. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. EMPRESS HOTEL. 8th and Stark tts. Clean, wen furnished rooms, single or suites. Special rates to perman ent guests. Centrally located. Matthiesen Hotel Rooms 50c dav up: (3 week up; clean, light hot or cold water, steam heat 204 Columbia. WEST SIDE Big comfortable room for two. also small single room: uouu rwu uvmg room, laundry, real home privileges; very reason able rate. Mar. 416. TWO or three congenial young gentlemen to room and board in pleasant noma where there are other young people. Live as part of family; home privileges. 730 E. Ankeny. Kast 14ot. 1 OR 2 LITTLE girls to care for in good borne. also nice rooms In priTsta family (or z genus- men or couple employed. Cooking privileges. Wdln. 8698. ROOM for 2 congenial young men, very homelike snd best of home cooking. C. 8. home, 414 Market St. . BOOM for ,2 congenial young men. very homelike snd best of home cooking, v. o. noma. Market ft' LIGHT, comfortable room, 10 minutes' walk from town, home cooking snd privileges. 552 Everett Phone Ant oza-u. WIDOW with home would like to have 2 men or men snd wife, employed. 2 meals: beautiful front room $40: back room. $35. Mar. 746. NICELY famished 2-room H. K. apt oa first floor, hot and cold water, private lavatory and outside entrance, free best hght and phone, 835. 507 cuv st near lata sv en; opening m uaui, iuw . good boms with nice people; free phone; com. , MIS A -1 . V tar. BOV DSJBIVD M . XOfcftm. FOR RENT FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 i FLATS FURNISHED 309 Modern Furnished 3 and COMFORT A BIT fwmhhed - B-roasa sa-vteea flat with Hi an leg Bwroh aad flrepasea. cloae an; adults wary. gaA per saonth. stefev eneea veqsurad. W ill be shown Sunday. 4 Rm. Acts.. $45 to S55 PEB MONTH: BKACTTFTJIXT ARRANGED 1 1?4910. AND EQCTPPED FOB 3 TO 5 PERSONS I 5 AND 6 ROOM Data, jaat faraiabed. neat aad THTSK ARK SPECIAL BATEH WM ARK I sw Oat. . tie If waai Waal MAAINO TO PERMANENT TENANTS. NONE a Bice place, good Beigfaberbeod. look at these. NICER IN PORTLAND THAN THESE. I ((5 and $45, 327 Whittsker. 8a. Ponlaad JTIBST CLASS JANITOR BEBVIOV ' fear. Sunday, 1 to S; after that East 4854 .The Columbian, 1 1th and Columbia WALSTKO DISTANCE - OOCPLS to share aaodera Oat, S or 4 asoa to rent, ngut aad cseen. very deetrabw; n rocea. (60 Vk Park. eor. M3L Maia (618. FOR RENT Jwraathed flatT (50 WEST BUTE MODERN (5B Living room, dining room, bath, bediiiwa. Miches, pnrate antraaea, aa light, amtasda reams, beat distrietl SMITH-WAGON KJt 00, 8TOCX XZCH. desirable s-ei Tabor 4B. - - - 2$B ivory finish it at. l A SMALL, tarnished fiat with bath. gas. trieitr: wen convenient and pleasant eariine: adults .only. Aaluasstia 2-Bl. I COZY 1 cleaa rooms, free , lights, hot HOUSES FOR RENT ITJRNTTUSS 5 ' FOR SALE 313 SACRIFICE Two ftass. IB reoaaa. oxeelleaOv eve to been and tableware, seat ealy $; a- nu amount ta sua: iwe part of city; (1BAB. (40 alewn moatiuy. ar wta .trade fat aauy aa aasail was aver ssvu.. - ' Bdwy I2SS ' Mr. Bbarkey. TaW 11 - FRED 8. WILLIAMS CO. - FOB SALE Furniture of a T real bowse at (64 E. 6th at. eicaa in. tag aUstaaca. 1 block from earhaa: baasse Is smnV abla for rausairs and boaedera; aeed lmerkaa I awvet Price rsasrmabta. Phone E. B22B. riVE rooass, a)lenid oak faraxure, brass bads. gas range. Bond aaater. lisieism. eassB 84 cheap. Can rent flat, 64 m Eaet 13th at, (U or Bdwy. 1173 before THE JACKSON Bl4s TJniaa Ave. If. ta.. (SO to 842.(0. brlrJt bids.. prrrste bath, steam heat, phone aarrtea. is mia. walk to 6th and Alder. Base City ear. E. 2846. water. (SO: SannvsKis car till aduita. E. YamhQL I FOR BENT Faraiabed er nafarniked" 181 flat for rent, reasonable. Redaction months ia ad ranee." L-89, Journal. fog B boast for rent (30; furniture tlonally good; Sad Doer tarnished tog keeping. 4A 14HB et. FOR tS"T-Larse SALS MARCO 4 BOOM famished flat, private bsth. East 350. Attractive modatm k-roosa apt taeee. East 1990. WsBdBf dto- ITATSIJN1TWN1SHED 310 B AND (-BOOkt furnishad apartmaat, dean; waikiBf daUADoc, 71 Grand ava. n East 3939. 6-ROOM fist, newt? renovated, 488 m S. i". sraet sooth; $35 a month. MaTITGEB-PABKEB CO., 2 Oak Bt Broadway (8(1. THESTANFIELD Modern 3 room apartment right beat, pbnrsa. seanory taeunua, 8ZZ.B0. Main 7892. 5 BOOM flat ia axeeQent oonditiou. dose in aa est Byte. Cnnssisrstkan will be given to desirable, long time ten lata. , Strong as Co, ooa una. or vom. S OUTSIDE rooms, clean, well furnished, mod- adults only, atast 858. thb RnnivjHrii m 4 so. st 3 a B Coc Market room furnished" apta., modem eonven- teneea. private baths: 825 to $35 per month. "T CLEAN, cheerful four bath, front balcony. Bat view, private rar- xtaea, base meet wwt side, cioaa ia; tor ppranb- it phone Marshall 4ZO. A XSW. modern. 3-room. upper flat, linoleum en the kitcaea lioor. elms in. aduita,. Ilh stodney are. - - FOB BENT 5 room uniarnldied flet able rent East 20th aad Hawthoraa. 3-ROOM house sad sleeping porch; femaoa aal .''. laraa yard with fruit trees. Oa pawausaa ail . day Sunday. 425 Knott. ; BEAUTIFUL tsahegaay farm tare far sale na . bargaia. fist for rent: reoaaa pay sent, want ' aWe. Phone Bdwy. 68 after 10 a, m. ; tIVE room bonsa. sis tying porch, fnraaea and large yard, with trait trees. 415 Kaott, Vial be oa premise from 8:80 to T. ' . FCBNITTRH for sals cheap, hones for swat! . only 81$; rignt ehms in. newly Bssmtwd, . painted: bath. 547 Pwtljtime. CLEAN, bright cheerful. 3 room apt in white, large bay window, fiae view, veranda, lawn. All conveniences, 228 E. 20th. 2 blocks north of uswtnome. r.sst tzot. 4-ROOM Oat clean, upper; gas range, built-ia beds, furnace; vacant March 15, $30. In quire 1040 Albina see. HorsEKEEPrNa and aleenina rooms, nice an clean ; fumaeetfiest rhone ana esscme ngnt; easy walking durance. 120 18th at N. Any leapectable persons desired. 3 iXRNJiaHED rooms for housekeeping, with bath and pantry; 1 single room for lady. (2.50, with beat, 772 Williams are.. Bear Beech. 4th NO CARFARE to town or schools. 2 running wster. 1st floor; also single rooms: (8 and (2.75 a week. 869 6th st. Mar shall 1455, - viWT.v limiihwl 2-mom front ants.: heat light gas, phone and laundry included in rent. $30 and 333: adults only. $02 Tilla mook, near Williams' are. THE JEFFERY furnished front ant. (18 a Corner Russell and Kerby. East 1594. CN FTONTS FIED B-roam fist 10-miaate walk to busineas center. CaU at (10 8d for key. SeS: FOBBENT wood 1638. i-room sunny modern OatT" Call st 842 E. 80th. Lillian Apartments tT ?ir Three rooms, large, right modem, west side, i 381 Btxth st MsrsbsU 1378. GOOD board and room. $8.50 week; real home privUegea, close in, west side, 820 Moct- gomery st. Main 5370 REFINED family will care for widower's child. Best of care. References. $15 per month. Half block from 8. W. ear. 578 Spokane are. 2 LARGE CLEAN ROOMS tlH fcriT-at y ETTE. FREE COOKING GAS. LIGHT. BATH. PHONE; REASONABLE- RENT; ADULTS. 8-S CAR, 182 K. S3P. EAST 7074. Guild -Apartments S room apt. private bath, all outside re Main $705. 394 Guild st CLEAN 2-room modem furnished apartment with bsth, use of porches, ysrd sad base ment: also garage in basement if desired; 2 adults. Call mornings. 671 Gantenbeia are. TO RENT Sunny flat of five Z7 Clay st, near Third. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 rmr.APKST ROOMS IN TOWN Light housekeeping snd sleeping, cleaa and bomehke walking distance. $2.60 week and up. 293 to union are. 1 block south of Hawthorne. FOUR H. K. rooms, gas range aad partly furu- ished. (12. 412 Vancouver are. GOOD home with good accommodations, well fur- ni-ned: light rooms. Tabor Bine. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30S HOTEL TA1T - Modern outside rooms, elevator service. Rates (5 wk. up. Centrally located, 12th snd Stark. HOTEL . BROADWAY AND BTJBNSIDE . (5 per week np. Private hath (9 up. Free phone. Sargent Hotel Hawthorne snd Grand. H. K. snd sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, steam best B. 291. WANTED A child to keep during' the day. CaUSen. 23L BOOM AND BOARD in private family for 2 young ladies. Tabor 6189. ROOM AND BOARD in Swedish fsmily; refer- I ences. 812 E. Alder st Phone Tabor 6633. PLEASANT front room suitable for two men; board if desired. 545 Vi 6th. Aut 525-51. WOULD like to care for 2 or 3 children in 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, nice and clean. 563 Irving, block I rom lew st. eariine; also 1 basement sleeping room. UNFURNISHED hensekeepine room-, bsth. lieht snd wster furnished; 317.QO. iv xtaaen at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 my home. 644 Tenino ave.. Bellwood. GOOD furnished front room with or without board;' reasonable. Phone East 116. TWO large, clean, light, completely furnished rooms for H. K.. in privste family; phone. light snd bsth; walking distance; reasonable. Phone East 4549. WILL CARE for girl over 5 years; reasonable. Phone 22 R. Oak Grove. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED LARGE newly furnished H. Clay st Marshall 1441. K. rooms, S50 WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. Attractive rooms snd suites at reasonable rata by week or month. guaranteed. CEMENT WORK Belief action Wdln. $241. HABDWOOD floors, ay day or contract. Refer ences. 1496 Rodney arc. Woodlswu 6632. BUNGALOW plans man; reaaonable. and blueprints Tabor 170. by drafts- PAPEB HANGING. PAINTING. TIN TIN Q. SELL. 2866. EXCAVATING, lawa work, garden spading. Empire 781. CaU Hotel Ockley Morrison st 10th. $1 a dsy, weekly (B and gr: free phone snd bath; steam heat SLEEPING room (12 per month: garage space if desired; slo sleeping porch room with stove, wood furnished; gsrsge (20- per month. 393 West Park. SINGLE H. K. rooms $2.50 and sleeping rooms. " 71 Ota su nesr Main. Ttvn mrol? furai&hed housekeeoinK rooms, very clean and homelike, light heat, pnone ana laundry free. $22.50 per month. 468 10th st - HOTEL ARTHUR 170. 11th rt, near Morrison. Clean, modem rooms by day, week or month; reasonable rates. CEMENT WORE. Have maers; good work gusrsnieea. rnone before 7 p. m.. Ib 6781. FOR EXCAVATING sad general teaming, phone WELL FURNISHED ROOM For gentleman; block oft Washington st: steam bested; in privste home. Marshall 1650, CRYSTAL HOTEL, 362 H Alder st; dean. modem, well heated- rooms, reasonable rates. Special rates by the week, Col. 894. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 234 THE ALEXANDER Booms 50c up, (3 week up. Housekeeping. Stnsinheat hot wster. 131 10th at Alder. WOMAN with 2 children, 2 and 4 years, wants nouseieeping position; wsgos per week. 1284 East 16th st N. WOMAN wants work by hour or dsy. Reliable house cleaning or other-work. Aut THE ST. PATJL, ISO 4ta. eor. Alder. A RE SPECTABLE downtown hotel Jlstes 7 so up. Private bath (2. Special rates by wek or month. 2 ROOMS $3. week, single (1.75. nesr Market. 342 Front refei 210-27. WANTED. TO CARE FOR CHILDREN' EVE NINGS AT 25c AN HOUR AND FARFARE. TABOR 8422. MIDDLEAGED ladr would N'irET.V furnished sleenine rooms! Private tam- fly. 692 Elliott ave. bet K. zutn ana tiawtn. FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, 54 N. 16th. No children; quiet place, in fine neighborhood. like housekeeper's position; four years In last plaoe. : ret. ex changed. Phone Tabor 2010. 841 E. 80th st YOUNG lads wishes work aa baker's helper: hare had experience and can give good references. Must be in Portland. B-936. Journal. REFINED lady would like to go as companion CLEAN, well heated rooms west side. home. Main 1859. refined FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 to St Paul. Miaa. Journal. YOUNG Moderate salary. -653. Amerkna woman desires apartment worg morning, preferably with elderly peo- . sun ir, sirs, prpwn. ONE lsrge front room with fireplace or gas heat suitable for office or light business, hopsekeeplng room in connection, 129 Vs 12th street, near Washington. 304 OR 3 housekeeping rooms, furnished com pletely, gsrsge if wanted. Walking distance. Adults. 11 E. 14th N. DOWNSTAIRS, congenial people wanted, nicely furnished housekeeping suite, ysrd. every thing furnished. 646 Glisan near 16th, after 4 p. m. Katherine Apts. 3 and S rooms completely furnished, heated snd home-like. Mar. 2996 Wen GARDNER, cor. 13th snd E. Ash. Attractive Basement apartment; large noma ana mux, clean and light: quiet, middle-aged couple pre ferred. $32.50. For Rent, $35 Month 5 -ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW Nice and clean, lame garden space. will lease. Aduita preferred. Reference required. 4525 70th st Bear 45th ave.. Mt Scott car. MODERN 6-room house, nicely famished; aewly tinted: gas piste, taondry trays in basement; furnace. Deaiiable location, walking distance, near car lines. Aduita only.- Reasonable rent Refer ences exchanged. Owner borne Sunday It a a to 2 p. m.. 716 East Davie. Tabor 1295. and after . art of tare its re af 7- for pantry. Bent lor (34V uv (71 13lh wt 'flat' wUS ran 298. MODERN a ted. (33: furniture for asks. B4l E. Wilbams are.. 2d boose Sowtk Bdwy. of fumi. aiwq. IB, 1st, E. Wll ISO f-TiC OOM tare for sale. Call Main 2323 after 13 :04V. vrrwr-c ' '-. - r-1-'- zra Bast vta. Mark Hawthorne. FURNITURE af T room Cat tor ease. The www pay the rewt 24 H N. 1 eiK FCBNITCRB of S rent 284 Clay. loc 10 BOOMS, Nob Hill, income (92. toweiy rav arrure. T4X Everett will . STORES AND HALLS WILL Trade a 166 314 ranch at NewbergT . two-thirds andeT eultiratxev.- with S prnaes. aa kinds of atock aad imniesaensa. , plsstered house, the beet of eotbwiidinga bam: one af the best gAsees ka the valiey. a B ar 6 -room house hi Portland, around (50O4 or aa apt. ncmae w to Sie.ovu. aaa sa- chansa bidg, - WE HATE a eery good location tar a aatteaeg shop with moderate rent GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 3(0 Chamber ef Com. BMg. Bdwy. 7881, WEST SIDE, part store, i or storage, 2487. 1 1x13. mutahea (10. Broadway King Albert Apartments Two and ( rooms, strictly modern, tile baths. elevstor. 11th st Montgomery. Main 859. BERKELEY APARTMENTS 4-room apt with bath, phone inclnded to rent 89 Trinity place. Broadway 6151. Ask for Apartment 6. 8 OB 4 rooms of modem fist including sleeping porch, well furnished; piano If desired, walk ing distsnce; reference 860 H Park. cor. Mill. Main 3018. Adams Apartments 2 room apartment, well lurmsbed. and dean. 403 Jefferson, cor. 10th. LINCOLN APARTMENTS Completely furnished 2-room apt, (32.50. tn- eludmg light; is steam heated. Maia 1377, cor. of 4th and Lincoln.' Mabelle Apartments 414 Jefferson, at 11th. 1 and 2-room fur nished apartments, modern, rent reaaonsble. up; also Close ia. FURNISHED light housekasing rooms will sleep ing porcn; coupas ampayyea preierrea, o E. 3 2d. TWO and three furnished room apartment for rent electricity, aav bath. (10 and (12; at 704 Harvard at. University cast side, second house from Fiske, St Johns car. Empire bZ4. LARGE lower front housekeeping room. (16 month; baching room for lady or gentleman. (2 week. 75 N. 22d ONE BOOM kitchenette and sleeping porcn. luht. nhone. bath and laundry privileges, ov 20th, nesr Wash. Il-KT nmnil 2-room aoartmenta. also amgli housekeeping rooms, cverytnmg clean ana wesi furnished. Rents very ressonanie. ooo am et. APT. 2, first floor front moms, wen furnished for b. k. with bath adioininc: rwaaoaahla rent 498 Clay nesr 14th. LARGE , 2-room front suite, piano, electricity. range, water in room, c a in. 430 Jef ferson st T iRHR moms for housekeeDing. 1 block to car. 685 Commercial st; near Emanuel hca- , i, r picai. $5 WEEK 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. nice clesn, quiet convenient; ground floor. Phone MarshsU 3672. 326 Fourth st TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, heat BEAUTIFUL large front room and kitchen. nicely- furnished, moderate rates, within walk- oov jonnson. rnone sawy. 9zo. 1'WO congenial people jus snare room: -S. KT snd Drivileses of a .real home with 2 adults. walking distance. Esst 4107. $23. lieht snd telephone: children welcome. Stout or 20th and Morrison, West Side. 179 325 12TH ST. One clean, airy, outside room for H- K. : heat light bato, pnone. laundry privileges, with rent $17 per month. TWO pleasant, front U.K. rooms, light and water furnished. Two adults. 87 5 Hawthorne are. Cor. 29th st ONE room, use of psnor snd piano, cooking privileges. Walking distance. Lady oref erred. S1U. 2163 106 K. 12th St. LIGHT, clean, airv 2-room suite. 1 block south of Hawthorne sv. 310 K. 9th st walking distance. Free phone, light bath. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private horns. 268 20th st Can Sunday, price (12 par month. LARGE beautiful front 2 room honsekeeping apartment all conveniences; clesn snd cosy single housekeeping room. 261 13th st FURNISHED h. k. ante, refer ces. distance. 360 Benton, E. 4938. Walking grvt-tg tr g mnm for nemt man. Also sle 1 1 2 ENISHJED housekeepiDg rooms with front SINGLE H. K. room lor neat man. Also sleep-1 rie.n nnt hnm. dii. ing porch. Warm dressing room. (2.50 wk seh. 306 12th st 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. Free pbone, bath, gas, light, steam best; walking distance. 656 Glisan st balcony. Clean. 143 IS. 16th 2 FURNISHED hk. rooms, light, wster, phone tree, iu month; garage so. S44 js. 8th st S. Phone East 944. B20 APPLY NKAT-Al PEARlNll young lad lea under 23. 2 ynnng men: special sdrertlsina. Mr. Perci- flll. Eat i hotel W ANTEIi- Lady or senile man to sell photo so one. Call sftereoona Johnaoa's Studio. 849 S William sre. WANTED Cane wester. Phone WootUawa TO LAUNDER and dry cleaa scrim, lace and other window draperies, at my home, 231 rsrgo st Phone Woodlswu 5547. WANTED Experienoed stenographer; and book keeper wants position with chance to work up. First class references. Inquire UX-162, Journal. NICELY furnished clean modem room in desir able home for 1 or 2 adults. Every con venience. Good neighborhood; walking distance East 848, 683 E. Stark. CLEAN, nicely furnished H. K. rooms, centrally located, block from Washington. Electric li slits, free phone. 149 Lownsdaie st ONE snd 2-room housekeeping suites; (2.50 to (5 per week; white people only; children welcome. Eastern hotel. 211 hi 1st st THREE furnished housekeeping rooms and fur nished sleeping room. Phooa Automatic 525-13. NICELY furnished lsrge room with kitchenette, gas range, clean; home for nice couple able. 71 N. 2 2d. N-EWLY FURNISHED 2-ROOM APARTMENT. GROUND FLOOR FRONT. FVitr At K HEAT. HOT AND COLD WATER. BLAST 3236. ALICE! COURT 8 la re rooms. 2 beds, fireplace, bath; 8(0, Including teleptoua. ' Comer E. 8 th and Bum nde. East 8566. HAVE completely and beautifully furnished 7 room noma oa esst nda to rant lor $iz. BsB. with GBEAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Chamber of Com. BWg. Bdwy. 7581. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 7 room, strictly mod- ero home in Irvmgton, (125 per gaoaui. METZGEK PARKER C0MPANT. REALTORS 269 Oak st Bdwy. 835B. MODERN 5 room, also 6 room furnished hoaea. near Jefferson High: furnare. laundry traya. water, garbage removed: adults. 147 Webstar st Mississippi car. Wdln. 3662. FOR dcetrsbie "pbone B midway 871 (. WANT To rent store with roma. et reaxona ble rent K-T66. J FOB BENT, store bids. 24x4 a. wuh six bvUg moms above, (27' a nywith. Aut (12-60. FOR BENT East side store baHding: few fix. tares for sate. BOS Chamber af Omai rwa. STORE ROOM. or painter. (7. 12x14: suitahss 854 3d. OITICES AND DESK ROOM 31S HALL AND OFFICES FOB RENT; oLX GIuJ FELLOW8 BLDGw. 226 ALDER ST. FURNISHED office lor rant, Call (IB ' of Com, bldg. MODERN 5-roc furnished bungalow, garden space; few blocks to Piedmont ear heme; adults, or with small baby; (30. 135S Camp beU st. half block off Portland boulevard. 7-ROOM house, furnished: 1 block to eariine. 710 Second st Pries (50. CaU Marshall I 5888. FURNISHED office with ioint reomtaon tor uwyer or broker. Inqniw r-408 Henry bidg. DESK BOOM, with teicpnooe and r g r--t Phone Bdwy. 871$, - WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 3 SO FOB RENT Furnished boast at 438 Boa, rooms and sleeping porch, tab and shower both, furnace, adults. bath. 4 rooms and Garage. 1111 FOR BENT Furnished fust floor, ia Esst 21st st N. 6-ROOM bungalow, 5 completely furnished. $45 WANTED Business we maa waste ream fas homo of r fined people; room assy ka either fur nished ar unfurnished, but mast be wall Bghted and heated. Beferences. P 158. Jew L . "WANTET 2 or t n-fuxiushed rooms oaTap ta w oy i am. r-sosa Lr-ta, required: win per month: references B74 Clinton, at 83d st FURNISHED or unfurnished. 5 rooms snd bath. two kite, garage, fruit treat and berries. Terms I 4916 66th st 8. E. ; NOB HILL- DISTRICT 2 room furnished spt. $27.60. Employed people preferred. 687 Glhan. between 21st aad 22d sts. 2 BOOM apt. nicely furnished, cosy and warm. cbean r than can be had on the West Bide foj the dm price. Easy walking distance, 4 15 joucn, near urand avenue. WELLINGTON COURT APT8., under new man- agement: 4 room ant. beautifully furnishad: all new furniture, walking distance to business center; $55. Broadway 1245. FOR BENT Six rooms furnished, does in. East side, (45. Pohne East 8657. or key at 293 Monroe. 826 FURNISHED house, B avenue. SEVEN room house, furnished, with garage; (50 per mo. Cell at 821 E. Ash, 5-ROOM ' furnished cottage, 47. & 15th N.; ROOMS AND BOARD 3S2 WANTED Good bom tor bay. 14 yeam"a . CaU at 624 Jefferson rt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 3S4 REXJABLE lady amate B turn -had ing rooms where aha can giva a rental of saaa. CaB tram ( to U Tab 7(87. - 35 price (32.50. East 8715. 7-ROOM. furnished house, garage. $50. 489 E. Alder, between E. 19th and 20th. East 7820. FLATS ABOUT Apra L, weB famished apirtasaat. Pai or buns-low by reeponeibas fssaly f eta aduMa; West Bide preferred. Marshall 3634. ynrrvri ,ti -t t t-i ft tteaaonaoie. M-79S. Journal. Kerrigan Apts. 1 room fum. ant 815: also 4 room tmn. flat. $25. ,53 R. 6th st N. E. 1150. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow cottage. 1013 E. 8th street north. Cell between 10 and 4. FURNISHED shark with sdulta 1895 E. Hoyt st FOR HOUSES 3C1 MODERN famished eottege to rent East 1502. Leeds Apartments Fireproof bldg.. modem 2, S and 4 -room apts. ; also slpc-vms. : ehw ator service. --Mar. 8597. 311 CHAMBERLAIN HOTEL Rooms, reaaonsble rates, steam heat, hot and cold water; private aad publia baths. (92 Esst Stark. East 82. HOUSES UNFURNISHED t-a-lRD .WAREHOUSE on tracksga Store ,or goods wUh na Lai as da yon t sving aad parking, CLAT ft. M0BSB. ISO. THE DENNIS0N 2 rooms, private bsth, steam heat and phone. Phone Tabor 546. 1027 H Belmont TWO large housekeeping rooms, suitable for people: furnace heat walking " 632 W. Flanders, Broadway 2256. KOZY APARTMENTS 2 and 3 room modern apartments, nicely fur nished, dose in, rant reasonable. 686 Glisan. Broadway 471 6. LARGE beautiful parlor, hardwood floors, use of piano with kite he Be tie; employed people pre- EXPERTENCED neat Jani trass wants offices to rleshevenings, can go references. Phone Main 7665 after 10 RELIABLE woman will care for children after- Phone FINE furnished front room, with dressing room and sleeping porch, : W alking distance, west side. Suitable for one or two gents. Broadway 4829. J NOB HILL DISTRICT -Very pleasant warm, lower front sleeping room, suitable for 2. 63( unseat between 21st and 22d. 828 MAN snd wife went work on farm: experienced in general farming. 293 Montgomery, spt 6. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT 206 WANTKIe J ar 6 reejWMisible mea to Joia fac tory o renisettne j prefer those able to in vest reaannahli amount; good salary sad large profile swared. Phone Broadway 4(34 for sp- pnrntmeat. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 PLLMBLS, d.4ie tery r-seenaaas by the ev y Ike Job. Ant, 181-81. tlAMlNJ adiae aaa eseasarnse.' i!! Kft ait I. 1T4 K . 'h. Beer Hsa-iiar-e. Pftl'MNG. grafting sad s(raytng; prkw s sble. rKnr- Ml $148 after & o Ll'EKiENCKD aotei storereoia heitier 48 N. 21ST FRONT BOOM. FURNACE HEAT. HOT AND COLD WATER. ELEC wif! i.mHT mmr.r. broadwat 4300. CAPABLE person with daughter 12 years, wants room, suiteble for 2. 687 Glisan. between uiu er renins, exevps nunaay. Waodlawa 6333 between 0-10 or 2-8. DESIRABLE1 housekeeping rooms, ground floor; private entrance, walking dwtHT" reasonable rent East 7279. 170 CHAPMAN at, near 18th and Morrison? 2-room apartment heat hght and phone. $5.25 week. Broadway 2537 NICELY furnished rooms in private family, home comforts, gas, phone, bsth. close In. bellwood ferred. (35 per month. 893 W. Park. 1907. MAN AND WIFE, preferably employed, to share borne with owner; men moss, 15 roadway abbi after 6 p. m. . CHATEAU BELL MAK Modem 2 and 3 room anartmenta. sraTkhs e Distance, reasonable. 14 ronrtn ft CLEAN. cneap. hght well furnished H. K. rooms. 868 W. Broadway. 1171 MINNESOTA AVE- 1 snd 2-room suite, furnished, electricity snd gas included. Phone Wdln. 1488. NICELY fum. single H. K rooms, reaaonshla. Free gas, heat and lights, use of phone and batn. sou 4ta sr. noaitiaai aa hnmknnr - ennd . .fee rea. Pbone Auto. 641-11 or write E-65, Journal. ToTnTT sll PLEASANT front room, furnished, with bath and eleetric lichts .furnace heat walking dis- . experienced typist familiar with I tance. a.. 6567 geaeral office work, desires Position : best FBONT room, suitable for 2 lsdies, in modem SINGLE or double housekeeping rooms, stove best; hot wster sll the time; close in; (3 a week and np. Z46 Montgomery. 2 SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. REASONABLE BENT. 407 COLUMBIA 8T. FHO.NE MAIN 2205. of references furnished on request D-38, Journal. WOMAN seeds work. CaU Auto. (21-09 before 9 am., after 6 p. m. WOMAN wishes homework, day or hour. Auto. 626-36. Cau 7 a. m. or after 7 EXPERIENCED ' chmoer maid wants work. Rocra (1. Broadway 1842. borne: 20 minutes on three carlines; break- fsst and dinner if desired. Woodlawn 1976. , CLEAN, furnished room, hot water in bath md, furnace heat also garage, zuu . jugena st. near Willis is ave car, FURNISHED 3 room apt, bath snd sink, pan try, ursi iioor, nose in. uan oeiore l p. or after 5 p. m. 431 Esst Ash, nesr 7th. NICE, clesn room In beautiful home, steam beat, lots of hot wster, near ksaoTnineq, uuuu nousekeeping rooms and board resson- sble at 343 W. 10th. Will cam for children aunng aay. star, sao 9. PIAN6 taacher; lady. wes' minlls at their home, WT walking distance. 215 14th. Reasonable. Aate. 621-59 ANSWER PHONE, roa erranda. or cooking; 8 hrs. KTLlABLE (1.75. id work. 0-36. Joarasi. housework. I NICELY furnished sleeping room, suitable either for business rirts or genoeraen. Kent reason able. Nesr library. 410 Salmon. Mar. 1020. wants housework. . East J4. B to 13. Lace curtaIns HASb UIndered.: li VKisa1 vvprsirvCE virt sioa ri-r.i. . vi. .hi i l . l ,l. l I . Phone, a.i ua.iis ssuy wants xo worn oy uie aour or I rlose in. WELL FURNISHED sleeping room In steam heated apt. kitchen privilege. Bdwy. 6409. T2B N. 17th, spt B. 2 NICE heated rooms CLEAN single room, everything furnished but gsa; walking distance: $J2 ner mo. Mar. 3836. iw KbAr ro ined housekeeping rooms: resaonable nrioa. 293 Vfc Weidler at. East H331. day. Eady Phone Kart B298. can be rented separately. bath cn same floor; reasonable rent 188 17th st mlka. ' Good Tsferssx so. K. 78M. Jonrnal rmrxrtirmu?. is ha at iitenng. - "Win wWsrt week. Bmedway 750, I As a.HiA.lJ aad UiiUaa, asmplM: ewtiwaate tnrahhed. new wallpaper Tabor 8980. BIllNGt.r.RA Whea you waat sbirlwT eaB Wdln. 8204, asomlag er evening. LADY wishes work by hour or day. 40c hoar. Wdln. B602. NEAT reliahla women wants; day work. 8757. LADT'wUe. day work. G KNEBAL TEAMING- Rrsdlna. plowing. eieavsUng. East 1(78, MKt TtA.MC waate Jaaltor, elevstor ar chauffeur ; rr- 313 24. 141 Hth st CAT H IN-J and ahinsietl h7 Caoper, 1(3 HoUadav eve. EaM 7741. ODD Ji'tltJ' kaaUag lot Kr.rd 1 ton truck ;"ge bt,wis w nnws eeow. I (aINTING. bating. A I ra. reasuaeble prleea Call HaliW. Mar. 2703. "uatkng. enamel work a T" malty: wnrk laranteedj Aat. S1 1 Ol fXTmBI-R IK ANY JOBJ BIGHT PRICE! FT WtHUd-AWN 0UM4. BlALWVlNlStl," A I S T I K a. CI.KANr.D. AfTtA 628-40. I'APtU rLABTFHIMO end colas aey wart, t Tiber 245 6. S-IR8T I'LABA. 10B B. 4$ reuebla eanwntar. haiMlne. fiitsshine. r aiiiwa. esaasnable. East S.I A a r A INTT lfc G rsi-r ha nsi g, tialiag; Wiadow signs BniNiilJH Aey kind ef sh.naUog done by A-l i c -n f i i sol. UIINGI ING laky nwrfa Batched, gaiters re palred, ekimne-i . re' hed. Marshall 1072. Ti.rSi. UiSl. 31, atrong aad w illiaa. eaa drlws. Wdln. (954. wants I1.J w, , wn nnrn. e Ct si VTTl'CJJv. ING prvasviy doaeT rCeSMA.Si OPEN"' Wtl LS'l'si'slilriT Oaahrwd sneetal eawinalgw. R-39. J-sraal tSTBtlTl t ma. aaia luT ee gintea to gadsj wants seusec leaning, washing or ether work. Good work guaranteed.- Wdm. 6305. PIf.ASA.NT front room, steam heat shower bath, - walking distance: priced reasonable. 47 Trinity Place. Apt 10- Broadway 6526. FURNISHED room suitable for 2 gentlemen. very desirable; raf. exchanged. 403 12th st. near Harrison. East (343. DRESSMAKING 258 NOB HILL DISTRICT Room in steam heated apartment house to gentleman with loferenoi aaras- dose by. Bdwy. 4546. TS1 Hoyt very I JULE'S LOVELY ruom. Maia 2941. BEAUTIFUL front room for 2 water; walking dote ace. plenty of hot Broadway 1995. BOOM, very ressonsbie;wslkin( distance. Phone and bsth. Csll East 4I4Z. : Wffl make year frocks, tmwaa and w ine fas $n eoraisotai gad asm aa remodeling at re&soo- ole Btirea 431 Artisaaa Bldg. . -hone Broadway BOOB. nri adw ay aaa us g M. HEMSTITCHING wt:i:e. -a per yard straight i WELL bested, furnished rooms, plenty of hot , NICE front room, plenty hot water.. I inmbia. - 290 Oa- Blip-aver dresses a specialty. Button dk Plsit- tng Shop, 509 Royal bug. . ALL ROUTS of gowns and errspl remodeling. beadiag. wWbtXMsVHlTnC. Main 2791.' K sai-tailored anite; water. 742 Lovejoy St. Msin 5616. THREE Urge, partly famished rooms. Ne objec- tions to children. Wdln. 5378. - NICE rooms for refit. : 1080 CKptoo st kiatltCHfttG, white Te and a te,' 16ft AUaky bldg.. Third sad Momson. LATJIES' TAIL0RIN0. alteratioos. coat, reliaed. , Mrs. Mnrkler. 449 Me-raton, Bdwy. B31B. VAN TED -Sewing by skilled 302 or by the day. Tabor 2566. ROOM AND BOARD T 111.-1 niAT Krtf )r tv.u u wt ci-it ABLa FOR TWO. AND HOME COOKED HEALS, l MAIN 4S7B. 779 MSRJ8HAIJ 23RD ST. CAR. NURSES 257 GOOD practical aur-e waaa positioa; ref.; (( sea p. TV one mi, t WANTED Roomem at Hoed at. Boath Portland (1.60 per week, and the best meal in Portland lor PRACTICAL aerse wenu work fraaa to 4 n. m. Phone East 4191. OaIabLB 8 au as. excellent pnn- ana, da y or aad female aunao. r'aila night (94-12. Marshall 2294. NUBSE win riee awrvseee reasonable; 01. iasalxls, eeavalsinata. Marshall 388(. ; i COMPETENT Bight Barse waats position; beat of referem-a; state salary. CX-384. Jonmai. M'koA, waats audrotharophy work, doctor's af- fVw er X-ray- work. BX-92. JoaraaL WEST SIDE lovely big room for meet, living rooms, lanadry. leges, (33 KvnrfT.y each. Msr. 416. WEST SIDE, single roosa. eieaa and ceilenl'taeala: cengenial bunch of young every Lome comfort 634 Lovejoy t MABTHA WASHINGTON Room and board for girls; moderate rates, 88;10th at Mar shall 1251. - -. i t QUIET rradrntial hotel; 10 miaa tea' wsjk from Meter Freak's. 833 loth. Sunday 1:30 FURNISHED H. K THREE rooms for rent, 698 Wihama avenue. Call East 4101. 3 LARGE H. K. rooms, walking distsnre, 469 K. Oak. liiltEtL new housekeeping rooms, creryUiisf inmisned, to couple employed. Wood. 6607. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, close in, reason- I sole. Ksst 7279. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light heat pnone. az r. Asn st 3 LARGE outside connwong rooms, everything Tnmisfaed. c'ose in. 352 Boss st Esst 8084. SUNNY front. H. K rooms. (14 up. Else lights. nam, isa Attn st. n. 1 LARGE- light 334 Mill st i FOR BENT 1 and 2 room (10. 2 ' rooms (15 par Sheridan st Msin 6005. I X TOOBk At 225 THB VICTORIAN 4 room furinahed apartment batn; close ta. very reasoaabla. 4ZS Ooiu r- bla, near 11th. Marshall 2277, and NEW laMnta 1871. completely famished 2-rm. armrt. stent (25. ZOth and Upshur. Bdwy. JULIANA APABTMEaTTa 45 TRINITY PLACE FURNISHED 2 AND 8 BOOM APTS. DURFEY APARTMENTS One S-room apt. with Private bsth. for March z. aus Btanton sr., near Williams. hniwa ping room, cheap. BCSHMABK. Washington it corner 17th: dean modem 1 and 2 room outside snartments; also sleeping rooms, grosawsy 8463. BEAUTIFUL- fruat Eleventh st 2-room apartment 841 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 APARTMENTS UNTURNISHED 303 IlAUUUa 11 lU AI UAIAj LARGE front housekeeping room. $15 a month: 2 rooms, $28; gss. phone, electric lights, bsth. fnrnsce heat close in. 621 Johnson cor. 13th. TWO ucht housekeepfne rooms with kitchen. water in kitchen, free heat 331 Montgomery st., near nrosa ay. 8-roon apartment bath, balcony, hard nod noors, walking distance. JEFFEBSONIAN apta. Under new meat 3 room modem, apt, reaaonable rent 814 rareron. : FRONT APT., 2 rooms snd kitchenette, lovely new . furniture tnr ognout. modern. 10 ta Wash. St. Phone Marshall 3058. 2 AND 3 -BOOM modem apt. steam heat free batn ana pnone. special rates by "' 409 19th at . ARBOR COURT 14th aad Columbia S rooms beautifully decorated la lvere and tapestry, good view, rent reaaonsble; adults, ref erences. or without garage; RENT walking distance. house famished. 532 Market st yard; WANTED For 4 to B months, a amsB ar ase dinm steed famished or pertiy farntshsd huea for the -care aad kpfcerp of bones and-yard. up ; gardener ana win ram lab tree plants and shrubs for Ibuiiimi meals and careful nmi-lii pai. U swsy this n your rhenne to havi errnpted aad kept np in Perfect expense. . Can. give beat at reisre Journal. mm. Kxaelieat yens an aeinc i y-ar pkBsa shape ki-42. B aedwsy j84 TO. " 4(4 CBmn at I FIVE rooms, new. modem bungalow, facing on Dekum ave.; lust wort of Denver ire. stent (35 perrnonth; can give lease. See uuta juttLiAji, naan-rs. (23-4 Chamber of Com. bldg. 4th snd Stark sts. Bdwy. 224B. Atlas Transfer Pisnis moved. (S up; furniture mewing proportion. Get our prices first; an gusrsBtesd. Bdwy, 1207. HOLLADAY IBVINGTON 787 Multnomah st S-room modem bange r, garage: (55: adulte only. Key at 4(0 Wui tester bMg. WHEN moving, eaty at k rest orica a. Oi 1261. 303 H Alder at. or eonntry, gat the best Trans, ca Maia EOT-ES WANTED Big Can for B and B Boom BMTTH-WAGOKKB CO, STOCK VrrTf your houses and Eats with aa for re at Wa hare many daily ess lor than fat al parte of the city. PARJUSB. WATKXNB CO.. 252 Stark at Mara 1844. (WANTED At aaee. a taraiahad ar partly far tshed modem house or sower fist with yard sad range for (25 per asoath. Would pay 4 menus m aevsnce u any todncement na-cBtf dren. Phone Eeat 1639, or T-48. Ja-raat ' FOB quick results in ranuag year house. Cat af store punaing. can oa GREAT WESTERN IXTUTlaZNT CO 280 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. Titl. YOUNG COCVL den spa s Beas liable. P-141. Je-msi. FURNITURK MQvrNw, (3 PEB HB. A5D UP IB DATS STORAGE FREE ELK TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWT. 244B 787 MULTNOMAH st. near 24th, 5-room. mod-1 em b rigalow. rsrage. (53. aaaBM our. Kay. at 480 Worcester bldg. BENT 7-room modem boose, walking MISCEZANEOUS WANTHD Te rent. 382 rage with rtorsce. Tab 1918. 4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALS ' BEACH PROPERTY 400 FOB distance; (86 1st Aut-matic $27-38. Apply at (84 lat BbTAT.T. rant twl fnar .at money will tm y acre and B room bouse. Owaer, 4(14 41st B. E. . WEST SIDE ' ' First floor at house for rant ta reliable party. Walking fctr . CaU Msr. 1768. MODERN 6-roem Boose oa two earlinea. Elee. 1 and gas. Tscant about March IB.. Near hi park. Phone Mar. (599. 2 ACRES at Vsarj-tvwr. Jure a, S roora boana. Bond weiL la i pate af berries, extra good soiL Prase 81300, (2(0 cash, haia one monthly psrasenta. N. W. Merrif ield (10 Washington Bt Vao-.swr, WaaK The American Apts. 4 and S room modem anartmenta. Twento- first snd Johnson. Broadway 8360.' FIVE room bouse at 175 - Stanton et newly cleaned; rent ressonshk. InqBire at C5S Borth- wicg. FOB BENT 7 rooms, modem house. (27 E.I 15tb at Price $39 per saonth. Gait at B2 Front st Phone Msin 7804. FIVE room bungalow to rent lot 100x100. 25 i mates ride to- town. Inquire 416 Coodaough bMg. . , - BEASIDE House and large lot 15ih aa near Seveblh at, ((00. Tanas. Owaec Wdte. 1763. . . 2 LOTS, Cannon Beach, stream running thrangh. Win sscrifice. , Cant baeA thia, Phene 310-44. 1047 Haaeocfc et. FOB SALE View lot with good games, btosMB, Seaside. Or. Phoan Mara 1072. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in private family: hght and bsth: rent 815. One block from Couch school. Main 7925. BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, $14 a month. 334 Sixth, cor. Market; suiteble for 1 or 2 working people. " HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished. 1 and x-room suites: walking distance: $3.50 and tr p per wink. 554 Taylor. " CHILDREN WELCOME 1 and 2-room housekeeping, 383 Dsvis st, eor. Park, opposite play grounds. NICE housekeeping rooms, bath, sink; heaters; Close in; $18. 503 E. Market TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms, tight snd best $23. 566 Rodney sve. East 8077. 2-ROOM suite for rent 43 per week; no objec tions to children. 545 Front st NICELY fun bed housekeeping room across trom Meier at Tank s. ai Mon rison. LARGE wel-fu lished housekeeping room, walk- mg distens. Call 449 E. tx len. HOUSEKEEPING and aieeping room. able. 316 Graham ave.. Ehst 9281. LARGE housekeeping 325 4 housekeeping rooms, light, gas; (3 a 4 FURNISHED 1070 E 18th M, FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 200 14th at.; clean TWO large outside housekeeping rooms; rent - sry reasonable. 818 6th at. eor. Clsy st- TWO H. K. rooms- for i per week. S2 N. 23rd. sn er lady. $3.50 Phone Main 858 BEAUTIFUL 4-room apt, 2 beds, walking dia- FURNISHED fight housekeeping rooms; ehiiiirea welcome. Broad my 4436. IS7 H. 13th. i FURNISHED housekeeping apt. new and clean. furnace heat snd electric hghts. 543 Yam- MH. Main 8630. Highland Court Apts. Beautiful 4 aad 8 room imfurnished apart ments. Msnhan 3181. SEMI-MODERN B room house for large family I or boarding; close in. east side. 403 Bail-1 wsy Exchange. - ' FRONT aad lower 2-room furnished anertment running water, i gink, electric lights, bath and 1 en-, K 1. 1 . T paonv, up. aoi sua nan n. WELLINGTON Court apt. new management 4 raoma, newly papered, ka no lined, walking dn tance, steam heat, operated by owner. Refer- $44; S. B. GustefT. Broadway 1246. 5-ROOM lower tenement Phone Esst 3694. INSPECT 1020 Grand N. 3 rooms. den. Adults. $20. Tabor 7055. olih iJ KinS Albert Apartments suites. 544 K. 7th st a, unfurnished. LUCERNE APTS, Two and B rooms. Btrietlr mod rn. t hatha. ea aor. lira as mowtg mery. aam sa, (30 FEB MO.. 5-moea aew, modern bonne and garaga; 7196 65th ave. H. E. Aat, 418-27. IBVINGTON duplex, choica S 2-room modem furnished asta. Cor. Sd.and Hall. MarshaS $070.1 6TRICTLY aoodem 4 -roosa spt. and bath, un furnished; new duplex bungalow.; Aduita, Close In. . Mismnppi car. Wdln. (034 any time BUDday or alter e p. m. msekdays. ARBOR COURT. 14TH AND i . ,, l m mm -svwu. in Bill 11 s cvrmww i jry BOOM furnished apt; entire floor; 8 bright I uri tan Rt ui Adnitm n.f e . .. V mwBBw c . . ' rv mim . ntm w. iiii i room, private bath; heat furntebed. Adults only. 555 E. Tanihill. Eavt 3232. FOR BENT Street floor. room apts,. (35 monthly. 387 Yamhill. Badar, downstairs. iirst ooor on ngnt or entrance. LARGE light yi room outside spt suitable for! e opie; exa. eoa rm .rx. : 3 ROOM fumtehed apt.: erUre floor; 3 bright. cheerful rooms. 7b9 K. Broadway. WILL sublease 5 room lst-daae apt ;, walking distasce. Mar. 1410. Hardwood floom 3 ROOMS and private bath. Bent $27.60. Call kt 7737. mornings- aad evenings. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment light, heat, hoi and eoM water rurrosried. Tabor 4224, 1092 H Hawthorne, apart est A. CECELIA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN' Tery dexirahle unfamishsd 8-roosa ant with naieony. atarsnau lBue. -t - NEWX.Y famahed apartment at 266 McMfllea 1 KICK- 4 room, lower. (13, st. 4 blocki east of Braadway bridge. I aou ta. m-v ear. MUNCEY 2 rooms .and bath, walking die-1 tance. -Main emw. aap-ciay sr. 75 S. 76th. 1 elk. " I , , FLATS FURNISHED 309 FCRN. 3-room apt. $22.50 saonih. 1(4 aVbbs-Ia FCBKISHKD modem 5-room upper Oat; hat ' V84tas; vv.. m. ea ai . He able" reak FURNISHED apt, dean. 693 Johnson at, ; ONE z-room apt.; l-ernste BouseteepuiB room. 489 xvetmont, - fbone ut a fir Mace, a porch, a nunn. and walking distance; rent 84T.&0 -tooth. Call 441 11th st 5-ROOM flat famished. Wood laws 588. with . garden spot CLEAN single hoaeekeepws rooms, walking dis tance. 193 IT- at Mar. 1344. j -3-ROOM houssseeping apt for rent cheap. . 7T Union If. r " - - ATE. - ana - Kiasmgsw orth. fas. ( aB coses lew: cc-cveta se. 3-ROOM modem apt, private bath. 727 H M3- TWO light upper rooms, ileipmg porch, cloae ia. 820. East B868. - B-KOOM irnAshed fist sad gsrsge, $36. ,74$ Vsnc t rw r ave.. Woodlawn lBoS FURNISHKD light H. rooms, beat. light ami NICK large room with Dutch kitchen; very waaccablc rent 458 Qrumby et 51 i Hj THB ALBRET Furnished a beat, private bath. 8444 Mw sisuppi are. NICELY fnraished modem ,4 Toom fist (27. 885 Cable st Chapman, cor. Maia 3476, UPPER flat, three, nice, dean, hnuiekeeping rooms lor iw nr. sbb atB at. 4 ROOMS. BUSINESS PROPERTY ' BUSINESS PKOrERTY SNAP 401 oa Wibams a ran. 2 lota. FOB SALE or rent 0 roomed house, Woodstock ear. Ant- 626-21. and fireplace. East 801B. FIVE room house. 382 Division and Union ave.; (17.50. Tabor 623. GOOD (-room house, furnace aad garaga, 398 E. Balmon at (40. -room hoa ae. CaU Columbia FOB BENT- 694. or 414 Bri-tnl rt MOVING f 2 -Ura truck. Urge covered van. $2 1 an bo r. 2 men. woa i.swn a. MOVING. TRUCKING. CONTRACTOR Flat or covered bodies.- Johnson. East 1517 WE HAVE the truck for a rm. farair-re. with 2 men. $2 aa boar. Pbone Main 6290. WK move furniture of B-a-B rooa a-ose far $10". For further tnformstlon Main 6290. Only (600 cash, balance like rant (0x190 V foot lot and eery geod 4-room swagslew with ' 4-piece plumbing, large fireplace, eleettte Bgkda V ' .. snd eaa. -Laeaiia onre 40 faet from Baartr : blvd. Tlrd at. This tiiat will Iiii mis in value very fast. I oration ia ideal for aay kind of bus Pries for quick ante etiry -- eaww on voe asre ibtttbi van a lane ... Bandy blvd. ' ; - APARTbIENT HAL'S h.AP - Fv or-ctery brick apartment ha nee aa gean eorner lot in cbcaoa aparuuaat hanaa dial i at. , eieotrss elevator, etaaa heat; good net Bt-aaBa. Owner rick sad w arB for (10.000 ban thai actaal value. 712 Lew bldg. Broadway 3 8 48. . .PARTMENTS and flat PROPERTT 4T ' BEST BUT IN PORTLAND " - InieatBuiil ant lortsmity; 2 etora rweeaav BrtakC -' ?.. re nana rear at sture: 3 S-rooas flata ewer mures; 2 pnvste garages; 50x100. oa corner; elsse la. - bsdii i ti.rrw-t Mil Bsda. Tam all ansa law .. (4000. (3000 cash, balance terms, Frank C. Robinson: - (03-4 BeBing Bldg. Ma 2 (FT. HEBE IS A REAL INVESTMENT 4 LARGE modern rooms. - 2 fireplaces, fruit. berries, garden. 5650 85th 8. E. Aut 624-14. IATJ TTCL house for rent; gsrsge; furniture. very One, lor aaa. -4414 41st.- FOB BEST Broom house. (50; waikiag dav tance. Mara 4245. FOB BENT 6-roam house, Inquire 1365 Mil waukee st- Phone BeO. 2670. 6-ROOM he-se for rent Automatic 616-67. HOUSES FOR RENT CTTRNXTURE. FOR SALE 313 flata oa Parte street. s U . avw. re: all to aood 4 swinging better thsa 12 par east am yowr isv imliss.r prtea . - MeGKB Jk DENKIS, BBB Cafe- Ave. N. - Wdm, 04(4. -T (72TO (90 tNCkB ' 2 B room flats, axorllent loaatsoa. Tam w not Cad any fists in the city ta tma. Always rented. Tito garaav 2571. - . PORTLAND HUM. W. B3S Bailwey Escbaage Bide. ' - r 13 BOOM APT. some, aiceiy faraished. A-l . ; 4-BOOM flat, new f armtare for ass. fiat sar I asaka you a comfortable - rent z to a. bsm wsarj-tgion. - 1 Pri 8140' soastion. tow rent, with goad ike you a com tor lame nan pnoa (2400; goad Seraw i. Thia win BICE 4-room bo-se for rent. (30; furniture I iUGHT-AINSBUItT. -EAl.TUa, . r. tor ale, (450. 293 Crosby at I .13 -iaeox utnt. FURNITURE for sale, deairabia 5 room ft for I (1104 EOUITT ia aparUaent hewse fee ea S - rent- In imediate 11 TRS-1 T T LET af B 887 12tb at Cat lag sate. .Bant I 100x104 NORTHtTf 0-44. iiii i Sa-a. $B. i Uain iitiT to a. SA h, AZth i 4U&4, Jsaia. 4l a JaUacsua. , .,,, PSIVAUk 4-&OOM APT, AZ .10 CLAX ST, adaw Xakar 1231. BAB B. -V- , 130, 424 JlUm ft,