The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 04, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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. " ssapnwnwawnuwaa: snuswanwa m m ,.. '...-'
V r 1 bert J. Bender '
- . Cattaa "res (! Cevvwswet.
- tCmkL 1 til. or tMwd Km)
Washington. March 4. P r 1 4 I
Harding la both concerned and Irritated
at the atltude ( congress lu slashing
the funds rr maintaining the Araericea
army and nary,
There h every indication that; the
ruciUn and of the avenue la la for
a showdown with congress on th whole
subject , : ,-J V ' ' '
As the .president views It, there aeema
te he. in the werda of highest authority,
a Impression among many that some
new moment of heavenly beatowed peace
ere oura." '. '.'.
' This, aa high off iclala eee It,'
dangerous frame of salad for congress
or the country to embrace.
The president- hi la no mood te yield
to thoae carrying coomb? to the point
where 'he will Countenance "going to
extremes." ' . ' ,
With all his hope of what the future
may effect ' with the arms conference aa
a basis, he doea not believe that we have
reached the stage where we can be per
fectly ' secure, without adequate armed
forces. ' . .
As he look at the situation, the paci
fist and economy propagandists have
created acute stage 'of v reaction,
threatening maintenance of euch ade
quate foroee.
And- hie personal view, -which either
hae been or will be communicated to
congress at the proper time, la that he
ILT not Approve any measures which
leave the nation, with merely a skeleton
ei serenes in us army
branches. .
The president "has net 10.000 men as
the minimum for safety In the navy,
despite efforts of corigrtaa to reduce the
figure to f 0.000. The army, he believes.
sbould not be reduoed below 130.000 men.
though the bouse appropriations com
mlltee haa threatened to reduoe the pres
ent strength from leT.OOO to 115.000 or
less. ., ,. ' .
Secretary of War Weeks and Secretary
of the Navy Deaby have now entered
the flsht with Harding against the eon
groaslonsl cam pal sn far economy. Hard
ing and the cabinet apparently believe
that Chairman Madden of the house ap
propriations committee la attempting to
usurp not only executive authority, but
also dominate congress.
There lev therefore, the greatest Slg
itiricance In the fact that after Secretary
Denby had decided to Issue orders stop
ping fleet movements because Madden's
'eommlttee curtailed appropriations for
fuel oil, he changed his plane after
Friday's cabinet meeting aad la going
.ahead with , all necessary fleet opera
' tieas, despite Mad den's warning against
Incurring further deficit. .
Orders tying up the fleets are not
so lag to be sent out and necessary de
. ficteoclee will be Incurre "until eon
cress as a whole issues L mandate en
the point.- highest ' naval. fUcinin nay;
In other words, the navy Is not going
to act merely on' the. decision of the
house appropriations committee as tt has
in tne past. ' . ; ,
'. Meantime : Secretary Weeks, on a rest
trip la the South, has Issued a statement
that the boose committee's decision - to
slash from lfts.0Oa0O0 to t0.0oe,Oe from
the war department's.- appropriations
would mean-a decrease ef t least one
third of the army forts, poets and traln
(ng camps and flying fields w the
country.;',' . :-.
Both Weeks and the president are op
posed to this curtailment, which, they
believe, would certainly result from re
ducing the army to 157.000 or under.
. llardlag takes Aha position . that until
the national guard la organised and
trained as a dependable emergency force,
to reduce the army under 110.000 men
would be te skeletonise It beyond the
eatery point. He Is not averse to some
reduction of the commissioned personnel.
The whole situation is aa Interesting
outgrowth of congress -seeking to take
everything In its own hands. The fight
. may bring about that complete change
, in atUtndo ef the president toward eon
i trees, IndioaUona of which have been
evident for some weeks. v
X-Kay to Determine
Extent of Injuries
r To Mrs; Hammersly
:.. Whether Mrs. .Joseph, t Hammersty,
Zt$ Case, Fifteenth street, wife ef Dep
uty District Attorney Hammersly, re
ceived a fractured ekull Thursday eve-
Ling whoa an outbound Woodstock street
ear struck sn automobile In which she
was riding on . Hawthorne bridge, will
be determined by an X-ray examination
today,, according HO physicians at the
Good Samaritan noepitaL '
Mrs. Hammersly wag at first thought
to be only slightly , Injured, but when
she lapsed Into .unconsciousness an hour
after . the . accident . accompanied ,by
bleeding from the ears, it was heU pos
sible that ' she had auf fared a fracture
s the base of the skull. The victim of
the accident rested comfortably Friday.
'and attendants late last night held little
doubt of 1 ir 'recovery. , ;-.
Mies TheUna ' Hammersly,: 1X41 East
Fifteenth street, and Mrs. 'W.; b. Bealey,
110 East Madison street. Mrs. Hammers
lrs daughters, who were slightly ln
Jvred la the crash, are said to be re-.
covering. -: .
Traditions Broken; .
800 Americans See
Sultan at Prayers
Bpeeial Cable te The Jeemal sad Chleate OaSy
; (OepyrisM, ItSS)
. ConsUntlnopIe, March 4.--EljM . hun
dred .American tourists - aboard .the
steamship Empress ef Scotland upset the
traditions of the Ottoman court where
before only a few : very distinguished
travelers specially recommended by tbslr
respective embassies' were permitted te
witness the sultaala -Selamllk" or ' Trt
day prayers, when the monarch, accom
panied by all the ministers .end hgh
dignitaries la full uniform, goes ; from
the palace to the mosque to make his
devotions. - , -i -'..
This year. In response to the request
of the high. commieaioaer thnt a lew
Americana be permitted to witness the
parade, the marshal of the court In-
'" ensnnnnhwnwBwawawaMBwawawnBawMW r.-,
Washington; March XJ, P. The
Newberry , issue will ; be fought out
within - the ,'. rank of . the :. Repuhiicnn
party at the forthcoming congressional
primary? in v Senator NeVberry's home
state of Michigan.
Representative Patrick Kelly, from the
Sixth Michigan district, today announced
hi candidacy for the Republican sena
torlal nomination against Senator. Town-
send, incumbent, and la a statement
made plain he intends to make the ex
penditure of large sums of money by
the Newberry forces the outstanding
Issue. Townsend supported -Newberry in
the fight to expel hire from the senate
because of expenditures in the T
berry-Pord campaign.
t Striking directly at the arguments of
the, Newberry supporters in the senate
who claimed the senate did not know
of the expenditures and that there waa
no financial corruption, Kelly said :
"Michigan must not accept-; the doe-
trine , advocated v by , some, that It -la
proper to spend any sum of money th
behalf of candidate provided It la tiot
used for corrupt purposes. Now is the
time for Michigan to condemn this proposition.'
Kelly, former lientenant governor ef
Michigan, haa been an independent and
progressive Republican. He has been
in congress for nine yean and now is
in- charge of naval approprUUona. He
was one of the few house Republicans
who voted acainst the Knox peace res
oiutlon during- tfee fight against Wood
row Wilson and made a vigorous speech
against it v
Profits TooBig to :
Warrant Wage Cuts,
. Says lator Purvey
i WaaUngton, March 4. A "la.rS's portion
of the nation's industries have concluded
a prosperous year and pleas for wage
cuts ere .unjust, aa official review- of
big corporations earnings compiled, by
the- American Federation Of Labor stated
today.- ' " - - - -)
Tbo ourvey charges that:
Railroad earnings ircre-rdd i in 19tl
over 1920. ' - -
Annual profits In retail store and rail
read equipments were enormous.
Several steel - companies Jhowel huge
earnings. -
Many big corporations declare! start
ling dividends and made bis increases
Un working capital. t-
, Tail does not represent a picture 01
the entire industrial field, the survey
adds. "Many companies lost money dur
tngrtbe last - year, but a great , many
have reaped fabulous nroflta. .
The plea for wage reductions is baao-
ieSS.' i-ew r m:-u
' ' The survey contends the ' Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western railroad offi
clals reported the best year In. its his
tory. : Industries fumidiing equipment
to the railroads made unusual profits.
Baldwin Locomotive earning 15,009.000
net for common stock, or I20.U. a share.
Other large earnings reported are :
United Drug company reported earn
ings of ' 1120.000,000 from American
reoe. The Kreage company declared
a 04 per cent stock dividend. .The Wool
worth company retaiaedf 17,100,000 for
surplus after all charges and cash divi
dends, increasing its working l capital - . - t
The survey Quotes Wall street author!
ties for proof that "tobacco manufao
turers had a nroaneroua Tear : Associated
DrygoodsrgaalsaUons reported a ban
ner year : United Fruit company earn'
lags picked up l per cent over tne pre
vious year; Corn Products earnings bet
ter than a year ago."
Alleged official statements of the com
panies were cited. . - - , .
I Will Revise Trbhi
? w w r i ' -
Law macmnery in
Southern Calif ornia
. The management of the county farm,
county Jail. he Cedars and, Kelly Butte
were aU approved by the February Mult
nomah county grand Jury, which handed
Los Angeles. March. L N-. R
formed the American embassy that the Southern California's dry enforcement
Sultan would welcome . all Americans! machinery vw wrasrge a oompteta .rw
who would care to come to the cere- organisation under. the direction of A.
monyv Aa the specially built pavilion ia F. HaselUne, new dry chief for this ter-
too small to shelter a large crowd, the rttory, who today succeeded Robert C
sultan ordered the gates of the imperial 1 Avery, wno na lorwsxnea nis reniaw
gardens to be opened in Order t ac-Uon to Commissioner Hynea at, Wash
commodate the loo odd tourists, j --, ington. . .
Coffee and sneclal elrarettaa waral The new director will devise new
served to all. At the end of tne cere- methods of trapping the elusive boot
mony the following message lwaa eon-1 lrgr and courts win be naked to Un-
veyeo to tne tourists? ; .4 i poaw neavter ms a nv www . . th ma.tit it returned SO in-
-His majesty noted the presence ' of it the past The brunt of enforcing the durlng.the onth. , it returnea ao W-
tOO AwiarlMaka: Ha m.tlw nmA I law will he nlacad WOOB the shoulders Of dlctmontg. 10 BOt tTUO biUS, SJM Wft
to see them aad delighted to give them the : Los Angeles police.' according to! asee for the next grand jury. -informal
hospitality en the palace HaselUne. who says he will devotetnachj , . . v th. land
j hi. rn.i Mm t An! tovRi in I Walter Long, captured by the lana
tne districts tnat nave neea soreiy neg
lected in the past. -
Grand Jury Gives.
O. K. to Management
Of Jail, Poor Farm
.1 v By Sidney B. Whipple.
; S TJabed Saws tstt Cermponoaet. V
New. Torg; M arch d. Winston Church-
ill, . American novelist, has Joined the,
ranks of British and American, authors
who, after reaching, the heights of liter
ary sumtratioa, have dropped ' discussion
of material things to experiment "with
Churchill haa been silent ' for three
years. He broke this silence .rnaay to
explain te the. Authors' league ia a lec
ture Just what be haj been doing since
Ull, and just what he has discovered.
He believes he has found a now philo
sophyor as he wouli put lt, a new
psychology based o the dual mind
that is seated to each of us ; one '.a
material, sensual, and at tunes sensuous
mindj the other a creative or spiritual
mind. v '-. :v
It Is the spiritual mind, he feels, that
should control and, administer our liven.
Churohilt calls the first of these minds
the "primitive This is the controlling
instinct that sees to it that we are fed.
clcthed and housed,, that our senses are
W. L.!McFadden wHl not be restrained
froox erecting a combination butcher
shop, grocery store' and drug Store on
the park block at Gaat Thirty-ninth and
Glisan streets, la. the fashionable Lau
reiburat district. Circuit Judge Phelps
of Pendleton, sitting on the Multnomah
bench, decided this morning.
; James, L, Conley. W. 1 Page, H. H.
Ward' and other property owners ef the
neighborhood brought the suit, claiming
XnSnf uS lwo Are Arrestea
was to be used perpetually as a park,
Judge Phelps, in handing down his de
cision, expressed.' sympathy , for the
plaintiffs, but saw no legal grounds for
granting an Injunction. .
H pointed out that deeds in -which the
Laurelhurat butt ding destrictiocg .were
described expressly exempted the park
block from those restrictions. -The park
haa always bad the Laurelhurat com
pany's office on it, he said, and
Old Alarm Clock '-
Used at 0. A.C. to
' Set Off Whistle
Oregon . Agricultural College, Cor-
vatlla, March .- An ' ancient alarm
clock, connected " with the college
class whistle, caused a full 10-minuie
blast Friday morning about I o'clock.
This signal ia generally a. sign' that
freshmen are staging ' a rally an
event forbidden to all "rooks." Shears,
clippers and wooden paddles were
carried by scores of sophomore, who
left their beds and appeared on the
campus in various stages of undress.
The clock waa so set that it re-leaned
a spring upon a mouse- trap, which In
turn -trapped a . platform containing
twe bricka. The brick were tied to
tne wnisue suing in such a manner
that even the night watchman could
not figure out the arrangement. No
rooks were found In sight. '
In Shooting inquiry;
Sisters Witnesses
';.-.':-'.' .1 ". .. '
8oattle, March AU. P.) Lawrence
Erickson, ?1, logger, and J. C Harland.
JL machinist, were arrested today fol-
al- lowing the mysterious shooting of their
though the shrubbery and grass on the automobile , companion; Cyrus W.
block was kept up It wag never offi- I Wright, who ia believed to be dying at
daily dedicated as a park. - . . s J the Swedish hospital.
Residents of the. Laurelburst district I According to the oriatnal stories told
gratified l7 reguliu. In. pyaical TBvf f-P1' .V "h'
k. k .. im.. I against the invasion of buelnens by tiling I dit who stopped their automobile near
funotiona ef the body, ouch aa waJklnr,
eaung, digesting. It is manifest in In
stinct -of self-preservation, . sex aad
The other, better mind, controls the
emotions' usually classified aa soulful
and is directly' opposed In character to
the primitive mind. From the clashes
between these two minds, according to
Churchill, oome all the ilia ef the human
race. Hla philosophy for ' complete
-Uiappineaa, therefore, would be to main
tain toe spiritual rated as the mental
executive, the guiding genius, and leave
to the primitive mind all the mechanical
details of feeding, pi esei .tag, and repro-
oucing tne psychological elements of
man ; ia this way. without dashing, each
mtna would perform Its own funotiona
properly., but with the . spiritual upper
most la every man. . k
bxbpoxsible pob jazz v
From the . standpoint of
a petition with the city for vacation -of
the circular strip aad its acquirement as
street area.
- According' to Information received to
day by A. O. Johnson, assistant com
missioner of publio. worka, 300 .reaidenta
have a petition ready to file asking that
East Glisan street be widened at Thirty-
ninth street. This, be said, would mean
the city would take over the circular bit scene of the shooting by deputy sheriffs
dlt" who stopped their automobile near
Richmond Highlands at about :St a,
m. These stories, however, were repudi
ated by two sisters. Haael and Beatrice)
lanes, -It and II, who were with the
party at the time, and. after aa Inves
tigation the arrests were made.
The two sisters, both comely and said
to be art models, have been taken to the
la its final report today and was dls.-W"' pl0 rUWt mind sons-
"i , ; .).. x 1 w w wnn or pacKopnes.
MtllWW'Sl SWIrWtV wvjsj Bg.vf atf wmw
Isabella Mackle. -first woman foreman
of a grand jury in. Jhe "state. -
' The grand jury -considered 45 cases
Maior Afioiisftd nf
Inaultinp Wfttional SlO-,000,000 Needed
Guard Ts PrnmntPii To Crush Famine in
umnese rrovmces
Washington, March' 4. (L N. &)
After a bitter fight behind closed doors
the senate today confirmed the nomina
tion of Major Robert Q. Peck! to be a
lieutenant colonel In the. regular army.
The vote was l to is. i f j
JPeck's promotion had been i held- up
Udr at the .Karisworth hotel. 2SI Clay
street, the morning of January SO, was
Indicted on a charge of robbery. Jacob
Krimbel. returning to his room at about
I o'clock In 'the morning, found j! Long
going through his belongings, ' it is
claimed. He guarded the stairway and
ealed for help. Mrs. Abbie Mayfield, the
landlady, came out. She covered Long
with a pistol and held him until police
arrtveo. - . : - ; st
Other ; indictments ; ' Harry F, k Rand,
problem in the KianaSu. Ahhui. Shan
tung. Hunan. Chekians, Hupeh, Hon an
and. Sbenat provinces, where. more than
for months on account af the'etrenoous 1 1500.00 ;people art tacrhg--starv.tton.
opposition of senators from- Missouri aocordiag to- teperu maoiifUie n
and Kansas, who ehsrged that Peek ta tsrnational Relief Societies ofiJChina.
suited" the Thlrty-fifTh6divislon (Na-1" Last year the terrible fawUnd ia China
Uonal Guard) during the war by making I waa caused i by -th drouthi vblle this
against K.
and unjust
Chicago,. March 4. U. PJ Four rail
roads today announced a reduction onlm 3 " f - CI AT
railroad fares to Western potato for J Q Q ) YQT D t T 6 S
ef one fare plus ft for a round trip will
be made to homeseekers.- V:' . - . r
The transportation will be good tor
U days with liberal allowances for stop
overs. The cut will go Into effect March
onnZn IZZ. iZZ n.h-MMrt 'Alvin Piatt. George Wl,C 0PLWJ fP'lnana and Max Olshen. burglary! to a
Awelllng. for breaKing into tne nuuo-
Ing at 8t Front street, January T, and
Charles D. Goocb, passing a check with
out sufficient funds in the bank, r
Topeka Working :
yxirls Frown a,t
25-Cent Hosiery
Topeka, Kan., March 4. U. P.)
Mans meetings; by working : girls and
other women to plan a "fight" on any
attempt that may be made to -make
them wear 25 cent hose and clothe them
selvea on a total of 87.B0 a, year, will
be held here next week. D. C Walker,
president of the Retail Clerks' union ln
ysar .millions have been rendered aesti
tote by floods from the Yellow river.
v At present only about 500,000 t
available for reUet work'To prevent
thousands from dying of - aarvation
more than twice this amotmins neces
sary, according to the relief societies.
- ; , i'-,- .' 1 -
Westbound Rates to
Assist Homeseekers Ask German Workers
To: Lengthen" D.ty
at the Intersection where the store la to
be built He said he had been informed
that the residents .signing the petition
were willing to- stand the cost af the 1
Edward Haynes, charged with oon
trtbutlmr to- the dellnauencw of a minor.
waa found not guilty by a jury In the J groaning.
court of aomestic relatione, wiucn re
in An effort to corroborate their state
ments. .
Beatrice, the elder sister, says she
was alone with Wright at the time of
the shooting. T
"We had stopptd to go into a little
shack 'ia the woods.' she told police
aad deputise, "and were Just about to
enter when a shot rang out and Cy fell.
I screamed, and Erickson and Har
land came running to me from the au-
tired at I o'clock Friday afternoon aad
returned at t o'clock.. To the verdict waaltomobUe where we had left tehra.
attached the follOWina recommendation. I "rh nantlneA Chra wrannd and vrhen
la reanalble for 7ucn aSTaT Jax, j T. f U..1r ".r,0 I "f1 .f
dancing, scratching one's head, biting
Final negotiations on Insurance of
buildings ef school district Kq, were
consummated thia morning by the port
neea committee of the ' school board.
composed of TOirectors W. F. Woodward
and Oeorgo Einman. vrith the commit-
teo from the Fire' Insurance Exchange
of, Portland, made up ef Case Camp
bell of Martin A CampboUV Howard L.
White of Clements. White' Coleman,
and Chariea F, Milllman of Charlea W.
Sexton V Co. ' '
The proposition will be submitted to
the board ' for ratification at its next
meeting. Meanwhile, the buildings are
protected by temporary le-day Insur
ance policies.
"After several months of negotiation
we have reached an understanding
which. If ratified by the board, will -fully
cover any and every loss by fire la
this district during the Ufa of this
agreement," said Director Woodward.
In a tentative, preliminary agreement
which was entered into when we began
these - negotiation, possible fires - war
taken care of. Therefore. HoIUday and
SeHwoed schools are fully covered and
taxpayers will be at no .loan. The wa
derwrirere have shown a spirit of
operation most commendable. They ana
giving the district a rats, which la the
Judgment ef the enmmUtoe, Is moat fa
vorable a blanket policy watch gtwea
us 100 per cant protection, save la th
event of a fire which would wipe ul
all of our buildings, whew the protec
tion would be M PC cent,"
Director Klawtan stated that aa ew- j
Urely erroneous impression was held re
garding the insurance, aunts of . the I
Mwapapera reporting . that the Holla- 1
day fire occurred Just a' lew hours be- I
tore the expiration of the Insurance. -
"At no time has our lnwuranee er i
been to danger of expiring." said Els- '
man. "We have seen to It that . we y ;
were promoted fully. AD the while we ,
nave oeen conuueuna vw aviuaum
with the underwriters, through the la-
one's fingernails. It leads to over-la
dulgence and sensuality. It ia "shimmy"
gecree : 'we recommend that tma oe-1 hlm np and him back to the car
rT"1. 7""." - u "r""?'"" drove him to the hospital.
"X was so upset that I didn't step to
by the Judge for keeping minor girls out
control of our podlea. It this mind Is !,JhU,nb'riirio about who had tired the ahoL
nM Mi. h . .i..i I- I avery month for one year as to wa oon-i
duet and to the character of ootapaay he
to keeping."
given free rein, the other soulful mind
would become atrophied, v
Unfolding hla new nhilosonhv. : the
author endorsed completely the psychol
ogy of Christ and '81 Paul. In fact, he
bases his argument lasgely oa the theory
of 8t. Paul that the mind of the Setfh
is aeatn; tne mind of the spirit is life
and peace."
As far as he touched on immortality
which wag done with some caution
Churchill establishes a premise that be
lief in after-life ia "conviction" the feel
ing of truth that una gets when objarvv
ing a great wore 01 art. the f eelina that
it ja true "in sptto of inabUlty to provs case where hla own car was stolen.
- " v - I he had tne boys returned toPoriia
the period until our permanent Insur
ance is settled. Had the fire at Hol
laday school occurred at any other hour
of the day than tt did. we would have
been equally protected." -
- Jimmie Fuller. Edward Arndt and
Paul Stuff ay. -boy runaways who were
picked up ia Rosnburg last week, were
released to their parents on strict pro
bation by Judge Kansler of the court
of domestic relations this morning.
The boys confessed to stealing two
automobiles in Roeeburg. One belonged
to Judge George K. -Quine. ' The Judge
reit that he would oe prejuoicea in a
for trial.
t - ru - J
uanton uovernmenr 6uy M gtandifer Has
Behind Dock Strike, Touct 0f influenza
(Special Wilw The Joomal ad CWease 1 dleateef today.
' ? '- .j - Dailj !ewt. -;
' i f (Coprfisht. i22) ,
- Berlin. March 4.-H3erman eapltotUU
who are heavily taxed undeft the new
The pulpit Joined today in the Kan
sas minimum wage ror women row,
precipitated when employers' witnesses
testified that- $87.60 a year was suf-
The roada vntaking the rates were (compulsory 1 plan are - clamoring that Indent for a girl to dreas n.
Rules for Railroad-
Workers: Announced:
the . Northwestern, Milwaukee, Burling'
ton aad RoA Island. v r
Balfour Is'Made1!,
Knight .of Garter
(Br tJuwawd aWrviM)
Loadon. Maroh iArthur James Bal
four, lord president, of the British privy
council and .head ef the British deiega
tioa to the. armament conference at
werkfngmen latoo should do their bit by I
forrsolne: the advantages of the eignt-
hour da' and returning to tea or It
hour day In order to increase the Indus
trial orodubtton and help to mAke the!
heavr paymenta la material the oouatry
must iiwVt t Um alllML . i. -
Both the reactionary Taegllnch Runds-1
ehau and the liberal Berliner Tagehlatt
have, come out for a larger working day.
Sands, Film Murder
Suspect, Reported in
Shadow of (Jallows
Los Angelea, 'March A KL N. R) A
bombshell waa exploded today' in ! the
nrobe of the mystery surrounding 1 the
murder of William Desmond Tayior,
Chicago, March d.'-Rulee and working! garter Friday,
eeadltiena for ralrread tolegraphem, I commoner to be. created a knight of the
teiepnowemen, lewerwten. levermen, block tarter since the reign of George J.' Mr,
opera tore aad staff mea 'were Issued to-1 Balfour has been offered titles on aev-
say ay toe railroad labor board. - Apwl era! occasions, .but has heretofore re-
Hardings Are Guests
.armament conierenee axi . - 'r" ' 1 muroer . ox - uuaiu ohxow tj-'u,
waa made a knight, of thai A T- T flTAWPI I 1 I linTlrYP Olm director, when DetecUvea King and
U JO la the first uaUUed xx v ' . , . XjJ- " iALUVA I Winn of the district attorners office.
: Given by .Will-flays
proxlmatory O.eoa me are affected by I fused' to accept the high court honors.
v (Br VarracaaT Sanfct)
Washington, March 4. Postmaster
General Hays' gave a cabinet .dinner to
President and - Mrs, Harding' in ., the
presidential suite at the JJewWillard
hotel- last ntKht The ; whole delega
tion In congress Waa - invited in the
sense that It! was a farewell dinner. In
the ahaonce of Mrs. Will H. Hays, who
was unable, to-be present: in Washlftgr
9 tkU Hm. ar-rs. Htnlrla 1 Hva.
where such work U f or full day periods J"?!.. iS???:Jf! iJrSlhls sistervin-Uw, ame from BuMtvan,
uiwe way. 1 oree aourw pay is allowed I www.
for two hours' .work aa ell I Distance Telephone company and the
rraciuv. wwppwin wvrpa winy nj
The hearing will be before the Oregon
, -ipuouc service commiasioa ana tne ue
! pertinent of public works of .Washing
the dadaioa which hceomeo effective oa
alarm is. , .
-'The declaioa decrees a basic s-hour
day with pro-rate evertim pay far the
ninth hour aad time and a half pay after
the ninth hour. Heretofore, the men
have been getting time aad a half for
the alnth hour and all over.
Worn en Buadaya aad holidays shall
be paid for at pro-rate rates of nav
Northwest Phone
v Hearing Is Fixed
Waahingtohi March 4-The interstate
cemmlaaum today .set fori
Women Dodge Jum
uutyenfreed Eosewater t0 Hanile
lbUcity.for Hair
IndJ to act as hostaaa f or the: occasion.
After the dinner anotlo pictures were
ahowa. - - J - ' '
1 1 ,1111,1 ni.iui jii no k mmrnt m'..
Montreal; Oitv Hall
Destroyed by Fire
revealed that they were investigating a
report that Edward F. Sanda nueslng
valet of the film celebrity, was under
sentence to be hansred for murder. '
Thia startling development came with
the receipt by Detectives King and winn
of a le'er from A- .K, Swank, Canton,
Ohio, in which waa Inclosed a newspaper
picture identified as' that of Sands. The
caption of the picture stated, that the
man was to be hanged at Toronto. r
tt waa said that the name of the man
in the picture'-was given , as David
Harris. Tho picture was positively
identified, however, as that of Bands.
Only 32 Holladay )
; School Pupils Are
Not m Glasses
Nevertheless, be goes on, althouxh this
la not yet science, the 'time Is cominn
111 -existenoe wui no proved.
-i am not trying to round a new re
ligion, heaven forbid." he said, "nor am
I anxious to force others to accept truths
I have received. -1 da not want to learn i
how to be good. . Z wanted to learn how
to get a new creative energy. That Is
the whole secret of living. I have ar-1
rived at a theory of the naturtf the
mind that, seems to meet the need. or.
at least give a clue to it. Modern
psychology and biology have paved the
way to understanding and will enable us
soon to get what we so deeply need
today the scientifio aanctlon for con
duct or for social relationahlpa."
Morris & Co. Ask
One Year in Which
To Sell Holdings
Washington. March 4. L N. S.VA
petition for the extension of one year in
Which to give individual holders of
stocks in meat packing concerns an m
porwniEy to BJS pose or t&eir Hold inn
-was filed today In the district supreme
court oy general counsel for Morris
5 CO., .!-,...:... -v. .. ...
tho petitioners declared .they have
disposed of their plants at New Orleans,
New- Tork, Philadelphia. BalUmore and
elsewhere. In aocordancCwith the ; do
ore e Jf the court, and that they have
we seta tnetr grocery Branches for
$5,000,000. suffering losses thereby of
Bean Is to Announce
Platform at Dinner
7:;TM Miner, and C Conaway admit
ted te District Judge Deich this morn
ing that their trucks were overloaded
when they were arrested on the inter
state fill.' They were fined $10 each.
J. W. Moors, who pleaded guilty to the
same . offense, was let off with a 0
fine, . ..
. Seattle. March . L h. a) A new
version ef the gigantic shipping strike
in Hongkong waa brought here today
by officers aad mea of the United States
shipping board steamer Bay, Slate, just
arrived from the Orient ' -. -it
Is aa open secret In Hongkong, they
aay. that the bin walkout af 15. tOO Chi
nese seamen eta being financed jby the
government -of Canton which owns nu
merous .- rail, iieea and , ta benefitting
greatly, from the elinwnaUoo. of water
freight competition.
Mora than J 00,008 tons of shipping
were tied up In Hongkong at the time
the Bay State left. The 15,000 strikers
have been deported 'from . Hongkong to
Canton by the. British government The
walkout is spreading to bouse esrvants
and other workers, the Bay Stale men
report . ,
' Ouy M. Standifer to eeVvaleeelng sat
isfactorily from an alack of tnfiaeesa
which threatened pneumonia, but Is still
in bed and under the care of a trained
nurse at the Portland hotet . Mr. and
Mrs. Standifer arrived In ths city about
10 days ago from Washington. D. C"
and Staadifers Ulneas began oa th
train. : -
Flue lspislodgedj ;! "
i ire Damages Home
' A terra eotla flue dislodged by heavy
wind allowed sparks to spread through
the attto of the . home ' of Charlea J,
Vaughaa. (201 Bast Thirty second av
enue southeast Friday night, oauslng
flre which rewulred la $lt00 damage.
Most of the furniture was saved. The
loss was partly covered by insurance.
XU, UA X. BOflAkl
Funeral services for Mrs. Lea M. Bo-
gart who died Wednesday at the home
of her sister. Mrs. Tom W. Leekley.
were held this morning In the Flnley
chapel Mrs. Bogart was the wife of
Dr. M. D. Bogart. She waa born la
Eugene in lttt, daughter af Mr. 'and :
Mrs. F. M. Blair.
3 Die in Hotel Fire j v-
' 5 Narrowly Escape
- Norfolk. Va, March OJ. FJ-Three
persons were killed aad five ovewanaej
by smoke ta aa early morning hotel firei
here today, Tnoae who perished were
trapped on a flaming stairway. The
ruina af the hotet the Garden of Italy,
are being searched for mora wieUsaa.
Farm, Rail Business
To Speed Up, States Conference Called
Eugene Myer, Junior To Perfect Wheat
Bugene. March 4. .Louis Bean,
Eugene's .candidate for governor, wta
announce his platform at a banquet to
be given at the Osbum hotel this eve-
rjing. David Qraham. toastmaster ;
Prank Jenkins. W. V. Oarklmi, Dr. W.
KuykendalL George H. MeMorran and
Mrs. Edith K-Chamhera will apeak and
the luwanta quartet wui atng. - : 3
New Tork. March 4, U. P.) An op-
tlmiatic Tisw of the railroad and agri
cultural situation, with predictions of
speedy business recovery, -were given
to the Republican club of New Tork to- I
day by. Bugene-Myer Jr., managing dl-
rlar of the war finance cersorauon.
, "Baler financial conditions and the're
cent stabllixation of the market for ag
ricultural products furnish a sound basis
for the businoa recovery already under
way,- Myer eaia, ; ;: -
Interallied Parley -
Dates Are Fixed at;
Paris Conference
Paria. March A tJ. P. Dates for
three important interallied conferences
were fixed here today. v -'
Finance ministers of France, Italy and
Belgiuri) will meet in Paris on March S
to discuss reparations and partition of
Oermaa payment.
Foreign ministers of gangland. Frai
and Italy will meet here March IS to I
discuss the, situation In the Near aat
la aa effort to halt the Oraeee-Turklsh
war. ' - - ' ... ... v " "'
Allied experts win meet- at London I
March It to draw up a program for the
Qewea economic conference, "". .
Men's Organization
'Denver, Colo March 4. TJ. P.) Ar
raagementa had been completed today
for a conference of wheat growers and
representatives of the Northwest Wheat
Growers- associaUon - ta Kansas City
some time this month to perfect or
ganisation of .- the ! American Wheat
Growers' association. Thia was agreed
upon at the close of a aeries ef con
ferences between wheat growers of the
Northwest .here yesterday. - v
The proposed national organiaation
would control between 4S.000.000 and
90,000,000 bushels of wheat It was
stated. Taking over details ef export
ing wheat will be one of the chief func
tions of the proposed association.
Vilna Issues Porco '
Out Polish Cabinet
- Baker. Ataroh i-hfaek Duke- aad
Dave PhlUtpa. held in the county JN
for eight months on statutory chum
were freed of the Charges, Thursday be
cause under a new law casea .of this
nature must be tried before a Jury conv
peeed partly of women. Inability to get
women te serve aad ihe uaeertilaty of
ronviettog the men led to dismissal of
the cases,. - . I ;. .-' .
1 '
Counterclaim, Russ"
'r :
' t thy rs Kevi) ' '
PhUadelphia- March , A Announce
nVent was made Friday of the appoint
ment ef Victor Rasewater. . a widely
known newspaper man aad former pub
lisher of 'the Omaha Bee. as director
I ef publicity for the ferthooming aee-
eulcentenalal exposition to be held In
thia city. - ' ' v ...J-"-?
All but 3t pupils of the old Holladay
' , m .. I school, destroyed Tuesday by fire, were
juunucsi, u, (.tw w vv I. sh flMnatM temBorarirT - ar-i
ranged In other schools. Friday. - Boms
of these wer merely kept noma because
of illness and others because their par
Bight destroyed the city halt and a block
of adjoining buildings. The lose is- es
timated at approximately UJMM.OOO, ,The
origin, -of the fire ia not known.
Plan to Pay Debts J; H; Hitchings Dies,
After Long Ulness
Washington. March A tl. P.V Rss
11 la ready to pay all the debts she
omes th outaide world, but with off-
for damages wresght by Deniken.
KsUk and other general supported
lv the er.'.es. according to a autement
cf KArt';n Minltr Tchlteherin. re
r irted t the annate arri'-uiture commit-
i- ifiy br 1
1 n ef the
r I'.vt rr'lf.
John Henry, Hltchlngs. for many years
a practicing attorney in Portland, died
at his- home. 300 -Jackson street Fri
day night after' a lingering ITlneew. He
was U years old and had resided here
trt A. Johnson, chalr-lamca HJt- He claimed dirert descend-
American comsalaaloa oa 1 ajiry from JClng Henry ym of Eng-
Work Is Sworn in as
Postmaster General
WaAhington, March 4-U.
Hubert Work - today was sworn in as
pnstasaater generat succeeding : Will
Hays, who . retires to enter the movie
busineea. ' ; T" . JT '.
eats hesitated on- sanding them to
schools 'which ar at an increased dis
tance trona their homes than they are
accustomed to traversing
Arrangemanto are - virtually complete
for providing text books for the 413 Holladay-
pupils- who lost , most of. their
boks in the fire.'
Cloudiness arid Rain
i For Pacific Coast
' Washtnrton. March U.. P.)
Weekly Xoracart: . Pacific states Con
siderabla cloudiness; ocexaionai raias
normal tempera turea
Portia. Urged for
Seat Landis Left
- , c ,r -
--L- - . L- 1 j
rr raited Kewnl '
Chicago, March A The Woman's Bar
AanoeiaUon ot HUnola. in a resolution
mailed to president . Harding lata Fri
day, urged iJhe appointment of Miss
Florence King, local attorney, to succeed
Federal Judge K. M, Landia, resigned
A copy of the resolution waa also cent
Attorney .General Dawghertj. - .:,
London, : March tWl N. B.-Taa
Polish cabinet, has resigned as a result
of the failure of the VUna, negetiattona
regard ing annexauona, aoeording to a
News Agency dispatch from Warsaw.
Kills -Landlord on
Choose Stunt.Makers
For Women's Frolic
University of Oregon, Eugene. Harea
A-AIpha Chi Omega. Alpha Phi. Zeta
Rhe Eprtlos, Delta Zeta, Chi Omega,!
Kappa Alpha TheU, Hendricks Hall and
Kappa Kappa Gams have been chosen
by tottery ta provide the ntunts for the
April frolio at , the woman's building,
March It The April frolia is the an
nual U-universtty women's affair, with
no men allowed. The committee has
ruled than elaborate settings are to be
done away vrith. "v - - -. i
Rent Being Asked Adoption of Budget
By Senate Forecast
(BytlaUad few) "
New - Tork. March 4. Julian Town
send obeyed the. urge that comes fre-
goentry . toiew xork tenanta. When
his landWfd, Frederick Green, went to
Townsend's apartment to collect, the
rent Townssnd opened fire with a re
volver and killed him. He waa arrested
and admittod the knUng. -
. , -, 1 " ' " ' i -;v
Funeral sen ices for Adrian MeCal
maa, who ' died in Pasadena February
15. were held Thursday fat Portland.
where for 40 year, be had made his
heme. Mr. McCalmaa was a member
of . the finra of Fallinx-McCalman Co.
He leaves, besides hla wife, daughter.
Peart who was with him at his death,
and a ana. Adrian Jr, and brother
of .Winnipeg. Mr. McCalman waa born
lis C-T-ada -"rer tZ9.'tX-: t , :, -
I Washington, March A-a N. 8.)
Adoption af a budget" system- of ap
propriations la the senate was forecast
today in a test vote which- split party
Unea. : The test- came when the atnato
adopted by a vote of 4C to 20 a miner
amendment to the warren bill, which
places all senate control of government
expenditures in the hands of the power
ful senate appropriations committee,
1 1 1 e j, in . . -
. -irortBB uriPECTOBi i ;
Twelve men are taking the examina
tion for deputy state boiler inspectors.
conducted by the state labor commiev
s on today. . tboss passing the exami
nations wd be given certificates of com
petency. txaminatlons are held when-ever-vacancles
occur. ; - - ;
n 1
er s
strongly to the healthy ajp-
pctites created by vigorous exer
cise in the open adr. They are
iiTpsr satictoty
food drinks, as they have; a
most delicious flavor and aroma
;and are nutritious and wholesome."
;--'-.-v;::made only 'by ' -"v '"
Walter Baicer&Co. Ltlv
' . -:; ; ; . Booklet of Choice JUcrpei tent free .; :; - ; '. .'