VHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY . 28. 1822. IS CAUGHT AFTER i HILL CHAS Cinderella's prince didn't knew what ' auenaery tu,' In the opinion of John . Vie wry. deputy district attorney, who U in po ion of a number ( transparent silk stocking, delicate pink camisoles, m4t Uk b.Vmers and sundry other artl- ' ties annsmable aa ler as he is con- ' ornM. And as far aa he can determine, t thrss mr four Clnderellaa can lay claim I to different articles of the Unrerie. Mowry gained possession of the dell ate sinks Monday, whan Walter Jack son; It. was tfrouaht to the police sta tion with hie pockets bulrme. While h was being searched bf ths Jailer it a as discovered that ho was wearing unmrn'i silk stocking. , which he had 1 carefully rolled to a. suitable length. i Thia was sufficient to ei plain his poe 't iwMion of ths Blockings, according to Mowry. but a careful examination ; ahowed that he waa not wearing . silk . b.oomers snd the deputy attorney Was A st a loss to find a motive for bis tak ing the lingerie. A Jackson's arrest followed a spectacular rhase in the Nob Hill district, after he Is alleged to have been seen robbing hack yard r)othea line. W. C'tJoodman, 141 North Twenty " tsird. street, apartment house manager. became suspicious of the actions of . . Jackson, whom he had noticed hanging around the vicinity for some time. Just aa Goodman waa about to call the police Jackson was seen to enter lh yard of s Twenty-third street home, where he deftly whipped two pairs of silk . Liocmera from the clothes lino snd hid llietn' under his coatt the witness told Mowry. Dropping the receiver, Goodman dashed .'. Into the street and caught the fugitive J a iter a block's chase. Jackson was taken , .to police headquarters. f After due consideration of the matter, , Mowry reached for his telephone. 5 "This Is Mr. Mowry, deputy district attorney." he said aa a woman's voice . answered. "We have some ah-er-allks iown here. Your ah-ers were atolen, to ,day, were they not? -Would you mind y coming Mown to Identify them and sign a complaint?" "Oraclous. No. I'll have my uncle to no . down to do that." , "Well. I'll algn ths complaint," said 't. Goodman. Aside from the bloomers, Mowry was it tillable to identify any of the stolen property, lie will try to locate other ' cw ners in order to gain more evidence . osalnst the prisoner. ' l wjll have to find ths owners of "' these," he remarked as he turned over th evidence to the property clerk. ., 'What ll 1 do with em If I don't?" with hey daughter, ' Mrs. ' Roy Bailey.! She was a member of the Maccabea and Rebekati todaea. and : of the Christian church. Th only member of her imme diate family surviving is her daughter. Mrs. Bailey. Funeral services -were held hero today . " . Hot Tempered Logger Tries to Hang Self Moscow, Idaho, Fob. tt George Bor ovich, aered 40, arrested last month when ha lacerated the face of Henry Her mann, cook at a Potlatch lumber camp. who asked him to move over at the table to make room for another man, at tempted to hang 'himself in the Latah county Jail Sunday. Bo ro rich Improvised nooee and rope- from a blanket and tied ono end to a bar In the cell door, resting his weight against ths rope to shut off his wind. The night guard found him. lie was taken to the state asylum at Oroflno, Monday. When questioned, Borovich declared he would yet make g-oog his attempt to end his lire. Sheriff of-CIatsop Faces Second Trial Astoria, Feb. 28. The trial of Ole Nelson, sheriff - of Clatsop county, on ah Indictment charging disorderly con duct, will probably be held in May before Circuit Judge J. U. -Campbell of Oregon City. Following the sheriffs acquittal Saturday on an assault and battery charge, the district attorney announced that he would not dismiss the second indictments. f Removal of Five -.. Blind Inmates Is Ordered by Board Salem, Feb. it. Deeply deploring the circumstance which necessitate such action, the state board of control Monday issued statement setting forth its position in the difficulty which has been waged about, the state employment institution for the blind in Portland. The statement . explains that K. , B. Goodin, secretary of the board, has been instructed formally to notify the nve inmates of the institution whoso re moval waa recommended by the investi gation committee, that they must vacate the institution within the next 10 days. The board extends its offer of assist log the inmates is perfecting their fu ture arrangements and declares its read iness to consider applications from such of those who are eligible to admittance to the proposed new institution when it shall have been completed. Roseburg Kotary Club Gets Charter Roseburg, Feb. IS. The local RoUx lans received their charter Saturday eve ning at a banquet at the Hotel Umpqua. Ernest I. Skeel of Seattle, governor of the Twenty-third district, presented the charter. Those in attendance from out side Roseburg" were: Walter Jenke, Salem; Otta H. Becker, Portland; II. S, Gile. Salem ; Russell Catlin, Salem ; A. J. Bale, Portland; George P. Griffith, Salem; Ernest L. Skeel, Seattle; Wil liam Stryker, SicMinnvillj ; John W. --, i . 1 -J-jyu.'i ' - Br inkle?. Portland : P. . M. Gregory. Salem : B. O. fine! ling; Salens ; Dan lang enberx. flalem. .- "DISTRICT SCHOOL HELD , Rockaway. Feb. SsV- The Rock- away Community Sunday school Friday afternoon save a, "district school- social. the parts being taken by the grownups the close of -school." costumed as children. D.. J. Van Scyoc of Twin Rock ; was schoolmaster. He called the school to order with a, bell which belonged to the great grandfather of one of the pupils and used a. Web ster's spelling book which, was almost 70 years old. The program waa full of local color. A basket lunch, with hot coffee, served by the women followed Learn to play Berkshire Congress ? Opens at Riverside; t Salem Man Is Judge Riverside, Cal., Feb. 28 (IT. P.) With 11 head of Berkshire swine in the show of the American Berkshire con- . areas, which opened today, the show Is ? the largeat that haa ever been held on the I'hclflc coast "v Breedera are here from all sections of the nation. Many of the Middle West V stales and all the Pacific coast states are represented. Charles M. Talmadge ; or Baiem, or., is judctng the stock. i Alleged Snatcher of frirlq' Pnrsp TTp11 ' I Woodburn, Feb. 2S. Chief of Police f Ccvey returned Monday from Portland '. with Bert Mertle In custody. He Is charged with sn attack upon Miss Sadie ; Sloller here. Friday night as she was ,,retumlng from a drug store, where she . worked. Mertle hss mads a written confession that he threw his srms 'around her with the Intention of taking i 'her puree. He wlll.be given a pre- , llrninary hearing before Judge MoCord today. Mertle'a home Is itv-.Woodbum. . , i ; Father Snatches Boy From Boiling Water . Astoria. Feb. 2. While his father was seal disc a chicken Sunday, the t-year-old son of Everett Gordon sat down In the pail of boiling water and Was severely .scalded. : Ills father . snatched him from the pail In time to ' save his life. MBA. LIBBIR BOftE rtoseburg. Feb. JS. Mrs Libble Rose, ago 41, died here Saturday after an Illness of three weeks. She resided Hin h n K n S3 n b n sees UIM a I U I I U I mmM 1 i U iii II iif , sVI WMBBBBBBBBBBBSBBSBtS? To win a race a Jockey doesn't put extrq weight on the horse that helps him succeed J WT8M l2 r No tnjtn of wornan who wants to rocceed in the race of life can itfiord the handicap of rsssadacnea, irsKimrtia, indiges tion amd debility. Nor can they fiord to take anything that may keep up a continual irrita tjon of the nenrons system.' Yet thia U what many peo ple do who 'drink excessive aiaootrta of tea or coSee. For tea, and cofle oontain cafieine, a ambatacKS) that is accnetirnes Irjurlotis. llany doctors ay that cafSsine raises the blood preasrjxe, irritatea the Udneys, nd orer-atimulatea the ectirt nervous system. Abo that k is especially had for fro wing chJsdren, or for any one who has any tendency to ner- at insomnia. ITyoa war to avoid a poa- aible cause of headache, insom nia, or nervousness, it might be well to stop taking tea and coffee for awhile, and drink rich, sat isfying Postum, instead. Postum is a delicately roasted, pure cereal beverage delicious and wholesome. Order Postum from your grocer today. Drink this fra grant, hesithfal beverage for awhQe, and see if you wiB not feel brighter, more active, and more resistant to fatigue as so many thousands of others bavefelL Postum comes in two forms Instant Pcsm (la tins) bmkW instantry la ttta cap by the additk at baffiag watsc Poatam CsresI On packava of sargwr bsJk. fatr those who prsser anado the drink whOe the meal as beaoc pswparsd) oaada by bafiing for M Postum for Health "There's a Reason" S-.SJ lfada by Postum Cereal Ox, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. B$ our NEW INTENSIVE METHOD. ; ihouumdt of people, unable to put the neces sary time and money into the old long drawn out methods, have learned to plan piano. IF YOU want to learn easily and quickly to play favorite-old melodies, late , songs and popular pieces v for your own pleasure and others amusement'; if you want to be popular in your own circle, this course is for you. If you think it can't be done, if you think yorf are too old to learn, let us jive you a demonstration You can know all about harmony and counter point and not be popular, but if you can play a popular song, you'll be a favorite, among your friends, even if you rdon t know theory and counter point Oliiirclimeii Gather For 4-Day Session Walla Walla, Wash Feb. ' SL Mb. Istera from all part of Washington are gathering here for ; an laterdenotnina- tlonal conference which starts a four day Session at Whitman college Tuesday. One hundred andfirtyNBlnisters of the state are expected. . Among the ministers who win address; the conference are Rev. W. O. Shepard of Portland, bishop of th Methodist Episcopal church: Rev. P. W. Keator. bishop of the Episcopal diocese ef Westerns Washinrton ; Rev. It. O. Baird of Seattle, state snperin Undent of the Congregatlenal churches f Washington ; Professor K T. Allen of Whitman college, -mn Rev. K. C. Hick man, president of th Kimball School ot Theology, - Salem. Or, --,'' When a man burns with ambition It sometimes tekes the srnoke world 4 put him out. Greenville IS C) Piedmont. I GUARANTEE to teach any adult with a normal hand to I '!T I aaattsal ; i . . i ii ii ass, it i w . a -m a siurius n. I ii w s&sm&x&smm zmm i i t i it a emfmmm. t i i W J J L -lJ 1 I CZj t.f V v VV I I ii I II I Jk.J.U UvOL''l1Lzd "J n 1 mJiiL.is.ML jmL jsajsm is, n I U Tjohn i n a r.vin ii di at Ui n Htmrick I 1 1 JI U iflDi UTH The Only Successful School of Its Kind in Portland Phone Broadway 569 PARKER PIANO SCHOOL S1S-514-615-516 EILERS BUILD INO Fonrth and Washington For the Laboring Man Our new Gas furnace, the "Cottage Floor furnace" built to heat 2 to 3 rooms (having a capacity of one and a half times the ordinary Floor fur naces) is just the tiling. We will deliver, pipe and install one for the First 50 Customers at only Ten Dolllars down and the balance in 7 monthly installments of about $9 per month. Hundreds and hundreds of people will install one of ihese new furnaces and free themselves of chores, but Only 46 More People can be in on this special introductory offer. Portland Gas & Coke Co. EXTRA! (Sja THE MODEL 148 Fourth Street Buys the Entire Stock of the White House FOR A MERE NOTHING ITEM EXTRA! WIRE WHITE MOUSE STOCK Together With Our Own, Including All the New Spring Styles, 0 in ci Sacrifice s Starting at 10 o'Clock Tomorrow n A Word or Two About the White House Stock Thousands of women in and around Portland are familiar with the .tasty' styles and class of mer chandise carried by the above house. We'll have that stock on sale here but at a price you wouldn't think possi ble, even these days. It was our good fortune to secure all of the White House stock in bulk" at a price, representing about J, and even less, of its factory and wholesale cost. That is why we bought it. It will go to the public at the same ratio. Can you grasp the tremendous importance of this transaction to the public? The prices quoted below will make it plain and simple for you. Here is the way we shall ell all jresses e We will make short work with the White House Suits QUALITIES UP TO $18 Silks, Satins, Tricotines or or Anything Else $5.95 Dresses Which the White House Sold as High as $29.50 And Their Very Finest All the Way to $59.50 95 Any of Them Up to $35 $ Any of Their Finest Clear Up to $85.00 $11 A- The Entire Stock of Waists from the White House to gether with our oVn for a mere pittance. Qualities to $10.00 Going on Sale for $ 49 All the Others Clear Up to $18.00 95 Dress Skirts for Almost Nothing -jF- $9-95 values M to $18.00 You'll Be Able to purchase anything at ABOUT 1 OF ITS VAL UE, or to make it still easier to understand 3 GARMENTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Come and See! Just as it will sell reads here we r Coats from the White House Values to $19.50 $5.95 All sorts of Coats in Cloth or Plush Qualities to $37.50 ' $9.95 And their very finest, mag nificent styles Qualities Ranging to $59.50 QoScB) 148 a Fourth Between Morrison and Alder Great Special Cut Spring Hats From Our Own New Stock Qualities .worth rierht.now to $10.00 ii i i r I. 4 3