MONDAY; FEBRUARY 27, 1922. THE OREGON -DAILY- JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON FINANCIAL MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 803 WK BUY lint aod second nort4" ud all- r' eoatreeta, F. E Bowsaao A Oe-. 3,16 Cram, of (W bldg. Mr 6776. tRU paid (at mortgag-a and mDi enntnA reel aetata la Washington eg ' H. r.. Noble. 316 Imrreeoa bids. Onto. ILL. a email BaUera rl aetata eoarract or toad esortgae; renaapt aiteattoa. . A. K. Hill, til taaiin bmim phi. . t ' . MONEY WANTED "WAS T T BORROW $300 WIT! rlv par east Intofaat a th Bewfii an sale a Boo. lata s-J . G-4 3, J-eimeL 651 tlJKNT want teas af 11000 m book timber Iaa4 lud at 1 10.000. Win pay 10 par wn. Fred w. flaan Co., 712 Chamber f fc-eaeaeni. bine. rOk ftiUttsiJ -Ur". eoatrect. rarteg I pee neat. pd ap la year. Bayer got deed a (1000 knea Cits, boas. Contract mlj ln ebrnc. K 4ivwint Tbnr 1496. ItK OREGON INV. MOETGlUaTcSTTTo KtrfwiM rkl- w tnftiwn460. 1 i." .'"y.r. - ftnU rsC aapftyjaarita. Brrvulway 1 070. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 'HIull.lS lx-.RAi.-9. lUILSiXsi AND WAGONS AH aorta af wood wagoa. farm aad d LIVESTOCK 701 TWO rue, big. fresh cam, firing 8 sad gai- ma oauy. rrro very innn mvw war erection pail 381 Water at. FOR SALE Eitn fine Jersey cow and calf. neb. bear milker. Gilbert tUOoa. U. W. r third biM aouth. 0. Shannon. FOR SALS 13 taunt dairy cows, mostly Dur- bta, mnui aaitn. z m yr. w roan bun. F. Kocber, Wrreodle. Or. tkteU dairy eowa 1 I nt 1 1 i I family cm. bead of enrinxera Oak Grew. I bat. fmm etaUo. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 Exclusive bracdaa of thoroughbred single eomb Rhode Island Bad baby chicks and batching cam. Coma baa eockerela for Bale. Ail stock tokl. on a meary barb luiutH. Band for catalogue. Rhode laiand Had Fans. Boat 6. Box 202, Portland. Mala 4742. wagnaia, te.j 3800 lb. apaa of boiaaa. tow and pawky built, la food shape; Wat kind af all amwnd team. $110: 1200 lb. rpan.-i-l work arm. both traa and all right ta every way, $138; pair af llUte etmnk. about 3300 lb., arpj bat ajnaUa. rial Uttla laaa. ItlOr 12S0 lb. man. a faa!af rbavk. aoaad aad boat warttar, $63; t00 lb laa, raacy bmlt. a aood all around aaaai of bnrai. $0; ItOO lb. aabtla. Bo auLa. Ml; 1300 lb. horaa. woaUd aiki rood bona tor aaall farva) ISJ. Wa alaa bara a lumbar af feoram that ara ma worklroi eo toba that will aa ba fiaiahad that a alao vaat ta aalL Thara ara aMarai autehad team aiaorut tham. aa low a MS par mu : not or tlto. Biafla baraa from ISS ta 0. AIMaa Tramlm (satrwurf Co. Can at lUbkaa. 110 blarby. naaaon. BABT CHICKS Bada, Barka, . YVhlta Letborna fTr batch March 1 aad rrrr waak tbmafUr , until J on 1. Ordar Bow to aacora drUrar. BBekara Inanhatora and Broodara, lec bands, feadsra aad foBnta, acf eartona aad atuppUc bosaa. Fort and Sard Co., 1 HO rroat (L KtULCEI PRICES aa WhiU Lrcboraa; Rad.1, Barrad Bocka. Wbito Eocka, bUaorota aad A aoaaa. Bookina ordar bow. FMtal aan FREI -eataloeiw. Writa today. K. EE1HAM. SALEM. OBEOON. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 BABY CHIX ! tTET MOTOTt CAR OOMTAST " BABGACf BASEMBiT TfaH la a Mil "AnttaacMla Barnte Cnoitler." Waay aukea nt can aro ta bo fonnd bora, not racka," but can tn food eoBOitaoa. rvaoy 10 mo aad aapecully moallaIor Uio prsoa wna waata a oax to "run around In." Tmty won- dniDl baya ara to ba bad ta tm 4pinm Tba atack la '"'"'''"r aad chanting rapidly. CojnDara ear nricra wtti thosa aakrd for sim ilar merchandise. Csnaliy UtU will new S ala lor as and ear for yea. TbcM Can Ara Not Rebuilt Bodaea. Snper-SLl. brine; painted 1465 11S Ovarmad a. very low nuieaai em, tood nraa," paint and ieallr in fin ' condition .... ISIS Overland Country Club, paint 1014 Overland tonrin 1018 Maxwell, lost painted.... 1018 ttodees from $350 to 1010 Podta from 43a to 1018 Kiaael Kar. new paint, lieanse. ..... 1018 Franklin, new paint, battary, lioenae. 11( CadtUae 1915 Cadi Use roadster, rery fine tires, U- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 KEYSTONE STABLES - tm af chummy bntlt Balflaa maras, 8 and f Iwar aid. walght 2700 lha, : araa of staai rray Parrharnaa, bona and mar. 4 year old. waurht f0 lb., taia of brmra maraa. wnkbt 8000 hm.. f aad 8 years old; pair of btocky built brnw assraa. wmsbt 3800 lbs., ana la foal; ma mara. waiabt 2400 lbs. -ana la foal: 20 timmd boraaa and nana, 4 to 8 years old, walsht 1200 W 1800 Iba.; 3 aaddlo boraaa; hamem aad firm aaana. This stork must ba an Id to mas room for other coasinf In. 181 Water at,, wnwr bl'ntmery. EPLACIRG WITH TRUCKS 1 1 mad yootta taan, rothlnc orr 8 7 Walchf fmra 2508 to 8660 per team. 6 an i af airaetinaily bow . hamaa; 2 practically run $U-ta.. wacoan. 8 atarrd wood wacons. on 4 ' Vat earna bark, on 2 M -In. wacnn. Absolutely awat b old by Ifsrcb 10th, as w are raeetrmc 8 arw trueks an that data. Will fir liberal ' taima ta rwrior(bl pertiae. cnicsTOM rein. co.. C. BOth and Powell V tiler. Mt, Beott ear. ROOSTCBS OB COCKT.KKLS. LATIXQ PVXL.KT8 WysAdottra. Tairet Bads. O. A. C Leehorns. Brown Laa-hnrns. Whit and B. Bocks. PriUets layin. baary. 11.5V Cockerebx $2 op. Writ Iter L WhVldon. 285 E. Broadway. 1820 Chalmers toorinc, Boenss 1 . . . . 11 rhalmers ........ 1820 Chandler tourinf 1818 Chandler . . . 1819 IH)rt tourina. 1822 uoena ... ltlS Packard tonrmc 1811 Pierce tourlna 1821 Prrd tourinr. Bcenae ivis4balme "0" 1820 Ford eonpe. Dew paint, lioensa MARCH BABT CHTCC9 from trapneeted Wbito Lea bom rtoea. ZOe aaen. uraer taaen w. Aba an for batehins and a few choice eockerela far sale. Phons or wrlu for full in- formatim. Georges Poultry Farm, H. 0. Pocv Und. Main 7668. SETTIN'O aces' from produrtire tborotirhbred Wtul Lecboma. postpaid 2d sone. $7.50 per 100, $1.60 per 15; . 20 per cant' refunded when carrien) r tamed. Wasubond trait farm, Nrwberj. Or. . Progressive Hatchery Bsbr chicks. Whita Leghorn and R. L Bed. from trapneahad or eeleetad atock. band. 1884 E. izuirt Chicks on Wdln. 1485. MAr.tTlRK'H CHICKS R. L Bad. O. A. C. Barrad Bock and Whit Leghorn day-old chicks from range-raised, nicb- prodadBg norns. urder now. J. R. MAGUIKE. 787 Oregon. East 1805. BARRED BUCK and Buff Minorca eggs. Incu- bator luts special ty ; 25 rears a breeder. Come and sea our flock. Ersns Poultry Yards, 865 K iomBard. wain, man. kOWN STABLES Just arrived, a eonntgnment of horses for sale, Mr or oschanga. Any kind of a bona that aaa b found, aound or blemished, good worker or a balky on. Wi sell Uiam uet for what tnv are ' Uttia one or a big ana, young or old. Wa Barry mora horses rhui all the barns pot Snaeuier to pirk from. Any kind of-a bameea. Bew or asconit-harid. Moat any kind f a wagon yea are looking for. ,Au stork guaranteed si ntarl. 28J lYoat at. Phil. Suetter, Mgr. FOR SALB or trade, 8 doaen fine Black Minorca hena. 8 doaen Whit Leghorn hens. Will take beef, real, bogs or fresh eowa 8. E. eomar of Bnekley sve. and Section line road. WHITE WYANDOTTE eegs for hatching (Rine boru'g Milaon-Egg strain) $2 per eatting of 15 eggs; guarantsa 85 fertile. MyrUa Hoorer, Sherwood, Or. ABOUT 2 dosen fine large hen and 1 rooster. T. Delano. 9$lh and C Erarett. MontartUa Depot car. - TWO weeks' old O. A. C. White Leghorn -chicks. $25 per 100: electric brooder. Tabor 8822. St 6 Vh ite Leghorn chickens, wire netting, bone cutter. Root 3, Box 194. Pbona 8-F-32, vancourer. Wash. 0. A. C. BABT chicks, fine laying strain, $3.50 per doe. or $20 per 100. Pbona Tab. 8239 or Bdwy. 518 week days AnounaA, hatch- DELIVERIES 1918 Bulck "4" 1918 Iodt-e, acreen side 1920 Ford. 1-ton chassis. license 600 375 96 185 450 825 349 565 600 6S0 675 675 840 495 825 850 350 375 875 495 485 .;.$215 ... 325 . .. 285 FORECLOSURE -AUTOMOBILES t ' " " eft - WB BATS IS CABS TO SELL AT PRICES EQUIVALENT TO THE EQCTCT, BECAUSE THJS ORIGINAL OWSEBS. OWISa TO EN- EBAl. BCSCTCSS DEPEESSI0X, WEEE TJ5- ABLE TO MEET THEIR FATMEXTS, THERE- FOR IT IS THETR LOSS ASTD .TOCB. GAIN 317 TOO TAKE ADTASTAGB OF THIS SALE SOW. FOB 8051E ABE PRICED AS LOW AS AND NEED OXLT MINOR ADJTSTMENTS WHICH A.VTOXB OAK DO, AND CONSISTS OF SUCH POPULAR MAKES AS DODGES, BTJICE3. CHETROLETS. DORTS, OTEB- LANDS. FORDS, CADILLACS, STEVENS, KING, MAXWELLS, ETC. COMB TODAT AND SEE FOB T0CRSELF FOB THET WILL SOT LAST LONG AT THE PRICES WE ABB QUOTING. 430 BELMONT ST. ALWAT8 "THE BEST. CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES" Open Sundays. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY 21st at Washington EL. Bdwy. 6244 28-80 N. Broadway. O HUQHSON'S O R FORD CORNER v R Better Fords for Lem The feSow who wants to ttre you. something for nothing is most ahrsys an expensr fellow to deal with. A few good rued cars of high value, priced right, with your terms: Tourings ..... .$140 Roadster .......$100 Touring 1651 Coupe 450 Touring 2151 tag 250 Touring ....... 250) Sedan ......... 450 Tonring 200 Truck '. . . 215 Touring 250, Truck 293 Open Evenings and Sundays WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealer 60 N, Broadway at Davis. Broadway 321 AY ST. STABLES SO young horses and marta for tale cheap, a esehaase; the, are from 4 to 7 year old. ii IB weH-mated (eanw. welcht 8400 to 8200 lb.; my pooaa ara from $160 to $850 for abiaea tam ; thw art aU young .and sound, amll broke tn work; 1 hare a few' good work homes that are ntd. In good shape, 889 a ptoaw; I bare well nated block y-built teams for Bernard work that cannot be beat; I guarantee vary hor aa I represent, U. M. FIELDING. 427 E. Clay. BARRED ROOKS and Redx ing eggs in email lots. $1.25 (or 15. 3092. WHITE LEGHORN Cockerels for Tabor bred stock, reasonable. eo. Or. C Tbomaaa, pure Oren BABY CUIX, Tsncred and Hollywood hesry lay tng ft rain. Hogs nixed stock. Angell Poultry Perm. R. 1. Box 170. Or, City. Or. Phone 5F2. THOROUGHBRED Red ere. $1.23 setting. Fine cockerels, (t. 4535 40th ara. S. E. Aot. 625-97. FOR SALE of trade. Buff Leghorn rooster. Angora doa. also Buff Leghorn eggs. Aut. 638-30. ?0 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN puUets. trspneeted $100 TJf GASOLINE TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN FREE TO THREE PURCHASERS OF USED CARS THIS MONTH See us for particulars. !y cars to select from. Priced from $75 up. CAS TERMS OR TRADE Open evenings and Sundays. OLDSMO&BLE COMPANY Broadway and Couch St. Just Arrived FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA My ennd shipment of all 5 snd 6-year-old kwrsea aad maraa, eonsiating af 8 hasd af, as good dark dapple gray perrnerons aa ever ram la Portland. Team of Balaiaaa, 3800, a hita elaa draft team. Balance of load blocky, heavy baa Mork from 1200 to 1909, well broken, Stella snd doabl. Prices right, as they must ba sold t once. CsQ East Si.l Tranirfar Stables, 16 K 8b et. Henry '. Hansen, ewner. S-- HORSES W hav a lot of good yonng boraaa and insres. weight 1300 to 1600 lbs.. 4, to 7 year eW. low dowa. btocky built chunks, with lot f bone and a.nalit-i soma eleeely mated teaaaa. If In tba markxt far bonm. call and look those re, a w will sail very cheap for cash. All haras guaranteed. Trial allowed. 234 Front, Ft. of Main .IlK Urge team of an s res, weighing 3900. Weft ated. suitable for heavy hauling of- farm an wgnrng 2900 and another 3800; also 3 si Bale ruvtee wilbmt mate. Tbea boraaa are emi ad aud true puller sad wfll ba Bold ebaap with a guarsBint a represented, at the Badfront Bra. Oregon I Itv, Or. Frjvy jyfi.ikCVTS i Kaw and aseond band Special pricea P. K. E8BENSHADB 860-866 E. Morrtann TkAM of man. 2AO0 Ins.; harness aad farm wamai 1 1 IB. Aim Sflou-lb team, nan aad farm wagon, $185. 420 Hawthorn aaa,, enrner r. Bta. TEA mT aameaa snd farm wsgoa; sen Li an gnnl workers. $115. Woodstock ear t 64U at, walk 5 blocsa north to wblto heuaa la fir trees. CALU al 846 Front si. for aew a tnohlSum wagons aad all kiad, of 2d band wagons; good harness; hones from 1208 to 1600. to 10 tr., very cheap. f kill al yoaag Paroheraa Bones, weight 2900 Iba.. mid aad traa, with breaching, bsraras and I k Bala wagoa. . 1087 Francm ava. V owryH-s ear. atock tike new and 1 No-Gold oil Can 63 burning brooder, R. I. RED hatching agga for aale, from my heavy Is Tins strain, free rang hena. 1005 B. 34th L S. Telephone Sellwood 2042. THOROUGHBRED ' R. L Red hstcbing, aggs from winning stock, heavy laying strain: reas onable 0138 88th at S. E. O. A. C. White Leghorn chicks, setting egg from 2-year hens. B. A. Shoff, Wells, Or. WHITE Wyandotte hatcnicg eggs, thoroughbred atock. Woodlawn 6281. 1185 E. 26th N. TL'KKKT EGGS; ied for catalogue. Mammoth Bronae. Turkey farm. Walla Walla. Wash. C. VVHlta LEGlfrlRN" batching" eggs, from Hnganised Tsncred strain. Phone Tsbor 6742. 31 SOOaiH Masur incubator. 8uderstrom Poultry Yards; 1176 Powea Sellwood 1493 R. I. R. SETTING EGOS, il.iO aetung." Hie Macadam. Msrsnall 6726. JtuSFtSrSSZutt fta 125 H THErFENDER MAN FOUR Hollywood 1-year-old eockerela, $3 each. Corona Poultry Yard, 2030 E. Salmon rt. .' DO YOU KNOW 4hat The Oregon Journal" is Indorsed by suc- eeiwful poultry raiaers f to Wast ai tb paper wai reaiir sew leeuiiei The "poultry columns" of "The Journal", are aaed by people as far sooth as Los Angeles and s isr aorxn as neatus. Whether you are a large or .small, raiser an ad in "Tb Journal" will ba your willing salas asaa sarin a Quarter millioa people daily aad nearly half a million Sunday. WE MOVE April 13. and must reduce our Ktock. 65 cars in stock. 1917 ChevToVt touring, A-l shape.. $175 1916 Dodge Touring, snap 175 1913 Packard touring, repainted.... 175 1917 Grant 6, touring 175 191T Ford touring 175 1913 Ford touring. 1922 license. . . 200 1919 Ford touring. 1922 license... 225 1916 Ford touring, Hs-sa. shacks... 115 1918 Chevrolet roadster 225 VRANSON'S USED CAB EXCHANGE Union are. and Belmont st, upstairs. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 THE USED FORD SALES CO. , - 191 GRAND AVE., COR. OP TAYLOR -PHONE ACT. 214 10 - j WiS buy your Ford for cash. CaS and gee our appraisals. "Yob will find they art right. A LI j kind at ears mud. ,. Saaall eowmiasioa eh rod. Wa aeR Ara auicfc. ,- .uojtsey s uarage, ata and Moyt. gawy. sn. - CARS wanted to wreck; parts for all ears for less. s. v H. Anto Wrecking Co.. 1 bin ana Atder. ' Broadway 686. - - CASH PAID FOB CHEVROITS, FORDS AND OVERLAND MODEL 4 At 10 Grand Ave. N. FOR SALE MISCEIXANrlOUS 900 SHOWCASES NEW. USED AND MADE TO ORDER. Buy. aeR. ex change Cash. Bagistera! Scale, Fountain. Misc. Store anxtmaa, . aa a firs. BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 First at Broadway 7438. FOR SALEITSCFIXANEOUS 900 1 ; " : , V BOILER FEED PUMP BARGAIN . offer Shire" Board ho Oar I feed. 'Buffalo,1, 10 in. by 6 in. by 13 vnjnna. in., capacity 230 G. P. M. piston type duplex. Due. 8 in, weight Saoa pounoa. Full bremas fitted. - Hunts metal rod, glands bronas. bashed. ralv gear hrona bushed, brona neck hashing in stuffing boxes. Suitabl lor ' steam to 200 lbv. with correspondina; preaaar eat water end. Tbea pump are brand new and mack better than standard paeap; coat, $603 at factory now; oar prist t. a, b. Port land. Shipped on approval to rawprmsihl paxtiaa: If yon are going to need a pump within the next two years, now la your chsnc. , M. BARDE at SONS, 240 Front BU, Portland, Or. " BARDE INDUSTRIAL CO.. " V Seattle. Washington. " HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Electric Fixtures . Buy direct from factory show room. Finest election, all sty lea. Save one-third. Coca and aea mmples; you an under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LCTZ . ,, . 207 CHAMBEB OF COMMERCE BLDO. Third and Stark St. Bdwy. 4253. CEDMC1ESTS mnr hem. and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; latest designs. Write for catalogue. J. W. HIGGIXS 80S. 1912-16-18 R GI13AN. TABOR SOS "BUILT TO ENDURE" Portable and Permanent $45 to $300 Beat Sectionsl Gsrag Built on Pacific Coast. HEDIMADE BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Fsctory E. 11th and Market. Phone East 8114.. USED OFFICE FURNITURE, SAFES Fine office, eafea- few half new UTV-e. Burrouaha O ' bejik m model. ......... .8128 Burroughs 7 bank flat model. ...$150 Dictaphones, transcribing or diet.. 40 DESKS CHAIRS TABLES FILES Wa rent office furniture. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bd. 2739 or 4775 $190 STTJDEBAKER FOUR In exceptional condition, cord tires, new ton and battary, good finish. Call Henderson. Woodlawn 4802. .... AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 DON T BUY any more acetylene taniu uxitxl you investigate the new loan system at the North west Welding Supply Co., 88 First St., Port- tana, or. Auto Beds 8' "s Auto Top Shop 706 M Will isms Avenue TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 - NEW . TRUCKS AT USED PRICES WE HAVE A FEW NEW RE-POSSESSED MOTOR TRUCKS of various makes and sizes which we ara disposing of at prices equivalent to the equity which is far below factory costa. SEWING MACHINES GIVING AWAY stocking darner with sale of each, new or used machine. Slight ly nied, $15 to $35. Phone Main 6833, to rent or buy. Singer Store, 1. G. Walters. Manager, 193 4th St.. near Taylor. Underwood duplicator, bargain... $ 20 mimeoTaih. self feed 80 multicolor press, cheap. 150 1 multigraph, band driven 80 AMERICAN MULTIGRAPH SALES CO.. 212 Artisans bldg. Broadway 3528, Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn- ode, cor. 10th. Bdwy. 6674. CHOICE. field selected Oregon Yellow Dent and Champion bite Pearl, thoroughly matured 5c lb. on cob or shelled. Also Burbank seed potatoes. Order early. F. Larsea. 1610 Co lumbia blvd., city. Nelson Ladder Works 267 2D ST. PHONE MAIN 3268. Extension Udders, sten-lsdders. orchard laddan. window cleaning ladders, ladder jacks and treaties. THE FUR SHOP K C. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER Fur Chokers for Spring. 615 Eilers Bldg. 287 H Wash. St. Sewing Machine Emporium afacHne told for So agents rr ployed. Guaranteed . used ma eUnea cheap. Parts aad rep inns or au maaea, sjacniaa rented Main oaai , 190 3d Near Taylor St. ' Davenports - W ar aaasufactarer af all hatr uaveraporm r1 chain; highest Quality Bn built oa th Pa eifie easst; frames ar as good a is r nmihla ta build. Watch yonr davenport aaade troaa aakad (rajs to laet atitcb. Our upbnlatary hair aad eouoa ar hign grad aad th ealy filling mala rial wa us. Don t take our word for it but com and let ua prore all w say. New and up t the minute rtylea. Large line of coeeringai fina -mar and tapeetrtea 610 to 8176.-Para silk aad bast Bsobair 8154 to 6238. Tb prioca ar recolar. not special: evorytlung rua ran teed. Saav pie mom open evenings by appointment. Phone 633-zr evemaga aaa sunaay. Taaor oibi or 35-27. . - MICItAFfON-MATSON, Inc. 64tb aad Foster road. SATE MONET Try oar sals dept. if row wast to bay a aaB aaebold goods: reduced freight rates to SBoat aB paints to oar thraogh pool cam. Expert Baching. iBiaiiiii and icfmisbiBg. htoaay rosBd oa good in storage. aireprool storage, j insurance rates. SECURTTT STORAGE aV TRANSFER CO. 3 Foortb t spp. MuRaemah aotoL Pbon Broadway 3718. - BK SURE to see W illiam if roa need furniture or rugs. W bar aovn big aalnea in bow aad sard. Wa are aot ae'ling out "beww coat" ut lor Ies profit. W Uham Furnlturo Stare, 34 roster road. Aut. 637-57. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY CM I "cO K CTO R HJALTU vs. gUseasa, 1m. McMahoa (hUMaa). 12tk year. Screw imetgradaato ramarcB oarkaa. Exaraded Tim, ' 31 djatnram DR. W. W. BUTENSCHOEN. Chirorraetnr. Nervous an4 chrouo deam , - 1X80 Oraaley tt.. cor. Ansswirnh ar. OOAL UNO VOOa PER LOAD-34 .- CI TWO-IiOAD 24T , 16-ba. ftr block aad alab aused, ran partly dry; guana 1 Hm cords to tb doubt loaa; oual to 182 cub feet; $4.56 lor axnal tea da, AU kiad of dry wood aad eoal rv OREGON FUEU Wdlal 4163. ' 12 IN. DU 1 lA. WWU4 iAIlD LOTS Heavy dry hbicks $6.60 Coaatry alab ..................... o-OO Dry aord wood t.Ow Rock griaas-Ctah or Moaarch Ooal pTompt - Dettvory Phoa East 281S- Standard Wood Co. GOOD fumitar of fiv room boas for aale. reasonable: no dealers- Tabor 3149. NATIONAL. CASH REdtSTERS SECOND HAND. FACTORT "REBUILT TOTAL ADDERS AS LOW AS 350 Mechanism and Tith Guaranteed Rerair ServW by Company Mechanics. NEW BEGISTER3 AS LOW AS $73 EASX RM8 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER OO. Broadway 1816. 880 Sttfk 8t- ONB 1H-H. thorne ava. WB SAVE YOU MONET Hoae anrtcg, lighting fix ture, electrical repairing sup plies. Third 8treet Electric Stor. 224 3d st. near 8a men. Main 5053. FRINTINU FOR LESS 1900 enveksoea 83.83. oend eavetanesr 84.83. 1000 letterhead $4.60 ana up: good rat oa Otuer farms. Muiagrspning a specialty. PHONE WOODLAWN 6354 Berglund Printing Co. pr t44 Sewing 'Machines ClSlOSr We have ' the largest stock i fc3 We hav ' the larcest stock of ased aewiBg asachinea to tb city Compare price. Wa rent and ra- peir. 172 3d near Tamil Ul. 10 DROPHEAD atvnag macninea with attach ments. $20 each; portable electrto Bsachia for rent; aewing machines .cleaned and repaired. g. H. Steen. 153 UranoT ave. Kast 2359. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 801 SibSico Pipeiess Furnace $ 1 35Gsiaranteed $ 1 35 PHONE BYRNE, EAST 4172. . FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 P. gas etiguw. $25. East 1434. 371 Uaw- LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 MODERN 6-rooaa hooboat with braakiaat aaok. SelL 3512. FOR SALE, cheap, l-moa Bourn boat, foot of PerMtieton street, Fultoa car. FOR SALS Houaeboat and rowboata. Vermont t, Ful-.oa. root of FOR, SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT typewriten. all kino tor m, mt, exenanex. Wa ara exenuive aaarlbatnea ml Corona, portable. $50 complete with ea trying ie. Supplies and repairs for aQ makaa. Oragoa Typewriter Co.. Fifth pt- Broadway T169 makea guaranteed oa year: I struetrd trmwnters oa roast, Ni Wbolesal Tynrwritor Co. 821 W ashing! na at. fcrtttnu. Or. REPAIRING a specialty, tree eeuasataa; reebsK suppliea, buy. sell, esx-h; add. Batch, nraired. Typewriter Inspection Co.. 813 Stark Mam 6549 OFFICE ITJRNTTURE 906 ROLL TOP deak and chair 826. UaR 72 N. Sd. . 84.00 PER LOAD $4.00 1 6-INCH BIXKTK AND SLAB,-. PARTT.T DRY. FINK FOR FURNACE K'H HEATKR. SOLD AND fElJVERED IN 3-LOAD Utl FOB. Sb.bO SINGLE LOADS $4.50. NATIONAL FUEL CO. EAST 2041. CflAM lu0 !.. 2w lb.. w 1 400 vv" lb.. ft Iba.. half ton aad ton. Australiaa hottest. Bock Spring hardest, Ctah good. Liacola cheapest; email order. - uck V tvery. "Sample Delivery, braedeay 343. WOOD IN COlil! 1XT Heavy country alab at 63 25; dry fir OorsV (:; neavy oiocka $8.o a kod. BkRJCK tTEI. to.. EAST 1158.- UNCOLN coal. lump. 31T1 ecsnut, $19 per oa, deaVered hi your taennt. Irfeetiy dT lab wood. 66.75 a load. Waster Fual Co., 381 E. Momaoa. K. 2226. TAYLOR FUEL COMPANY Block and ib viwiur. luxe load $1. dnr bl load $9 Short ua a apocmnx, B'waT 284$. Woot&twa 1945. Box Wood $4 Per Load Dn ead Grara Ml.liw.n.l Fuhoa Wood Co. kiata 4173. , SO. 1 DRY. old growth fir. 17 $0 cord; bioca aad alab mixed, partly dry, 68, dowa load; prompt delivery. East 210, FIRST GROWTH fir. 4 ft., $B tier cord Inch, 87 per toad; 12 tech, 87 23 per ROBERTSON FUEL CO.. Mala 942. 16 DRY wood, ltr crvelh fir. 14 in, $6 owe; jgda4 wood. 16 ta.. $8 our, l'hoaa d.a NICE 16-mca. alab, 8. Tb; oe Baavy or gTaded. 8ft toed, an) where: bargata. , Dry 12-16 tech coBtry ma, 7.a8. BtiL 1149. Coal DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, millwork, glass, roofing snd hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors lor prices. D. R. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., between Morrison and Ysmhill. Msin 4218. FOR SALE. 2 carload of Netted Gem potatoes at $1.75 par sack. Guaranteed specially on baking. Oregon grown. Sold at Wood's garage, 454 E. 37th. 1 block north of Division ar. Potatoes in by Thursday morning. 1 ein iffiiiiig V . M. B. FISCH Radiators, !&, bodies, hood, . - . , , , it,, cSri: a I auto sheet-metal work a specialty. 100-107 N. laCD Bt, Phone Broadway 3299. DODGI 8530 This ear runs and looks like new. Call Hughes. Woodlawn 4603. ii SHRUD'V BUYERS are taking ad ran tare of this sale for tney know thai the prices wiD never be low again. By placing orders for future delivery. Come in. Let us show you these trucks, for wo know that you will agree with us that they are the BIGGE3T BARGAINS ever offered. MOTOR -TRUCK CLEARING HOUSE 430 BELMONT ST. OPEN SUNDAY WILL your watch keep time a year- from today f 1 gusrantee it will. STAPLES WATCH SHOP 461 Wsshlngton at 13th St, Quality Watcti snd Jewelry Repairing. SAFES Fire and burglar croof safes, new and second hand, at right prices, bought, aoid and exchanged. ,asy terms, if desired. NORRIS SAFE 4t LOCK CO.. 105 Second St, Broadway 7045, WHAT A SHAME! What a shame to tear oft that roof when the s&m can be repaired. Rubber Bonded and rejuvenated for at lea&t 10 yean lonser. Phone today. Bdwy. 79. WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS Must Sell Quickly Easy Terma $550 Bradford, latest walnut $200.00 $600 JeweU. nice dull mahogany 185.00 6600 Thompson, latest, plain 225.00 tST.O W. W. Kimball make, fin 173.00 8700 McPbaQ. wonderful ton 190.00 $375 McCamon upright, good 100.00 $700 Pease, late raahogany. fine 240.09 $600 Sweetland. plain walnut 175.00 $800 Genuine Sohmer. plain upright. . 183.00 8700 Hobart M. Cable, vary latest. . . . S&O.oo 8850 player plan, latest perfect 823.00 8600 genuine W. W. KimbaU. fine. . . . 223.0O $700 Kroager, fine walnut 168.00 8550 Gaylord. plain oak $350 Harvard piano, sweet tone 150.00 8700 IL M. Cable, just brand new . 837.50 8800 Forrand player, just new 830.00 $850 player, Sherman 4k Clay make, perfect 825.00 $275 phonograph, perfection condition. 123.00 $350 R. S. Howard, latest, just new... 283.00 Others. Act quickly and get a fin piano at a positive bargain. Terms. BROKERAGE CO.. 312 Worcester bldg. SWAPS ' 92S 6.NE drmeer. oaa bed. one poonagrapb. Apollo player with 50 rolls, to trad for safe or anything of use. East 6504. TRADE OR SALE 6-ioa lugging traiiex. $32$; 4 wheel trailer, 8200. braraa, 680. 8, Jacy, Vancouver Wash. iPfaone 3601. TWO lota in Vaavoucer Wssh., to trad for good piano or oar. 148 13th at. Broadway 2553. COUCH, library dresser, bookeai table, refrigerator; want rug. e, or what! Tabor 8328. CHARTER oak range for gaa range. Mar. 13 76. 810 AND 611 PER TON DKI.rvEBED PROMPTLY. EAST WE3T Ft EL CO.. EABT 193. OLD established foel evanpaaj waata to buy a foot wood ia oartaad iou r aajr tor aawaf dellve-y. K-747. J-urnal A NO. 1 tint growth coruwood, f T.kO; largo econd growth wood $6.80. ' ' 1 PoUf. Tabor 5938, BEST 4 ft. 7228. oauatry assa $4 per oord, Tabec FOR 8AI.K Good dry wood. No, i. 17. 69; No. 3. 66.50. Phone Aut. 616-3 1. GOOD DRY CORDWOOD. 67 PER CORD, ' Maia 6141. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS VjctroU, Style X, with records $100 Vktrola. Style XI. with records 125 COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH, fine condition 75 BRUNSWICK, new demonstrator. with records 100 BRUNSWICK, new demonstrator, with records 225 SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth BL WANTED MISCLTXANEOUS 9S0 WANTED Peopl ut Portland to aaow that I pay th highaat cash prios for sacurae-haad housfehold good. No aaount to lasao- or to imatl Prcaapt attention. N M. SKATER Phone East 2208. 143 Baasen tt SECOND-BAND CLOTHING BUYER MEYER THE TAILOR oara mora for ond-band (ait, aho, eroot. W call day er evening Marshall 1Z28 or Z3i tt, pear 3d. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Do not throw things a war. W pay price for ased furniture, tools, clothing, stoves, carpets and all kinds of lank. Phone Mala 2020. HIGHEST pricea paid for used furniture, tools. clouting na rung or every aeecnptioa. CHAS. ZIDELL HARDWARE STORE. 235 Front BU Mam 5538. CALL MAIN 1313 EXPEBT TAD.OBIN7J Independent Printers Best work, prompt delixriea at less cost Let us estimate your next lob. Smith Printers, 11 N. 8th st ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale: 1 -light chain. 85c; 3-light fixtures, $3.75; perch lights, 90c We do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, Union at Rnrll. Eaat 3686. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. CLOSING OUT $4 75 Irvine Piano Co.. nnrisht mab 1213 $450 Smith upright, ebony 195 1 $425 Hallet Dan upright 163 $750 piano and plaxer pise-., oak 295 o parlor organs, sis, za ana 63 caan. Pianos- stored. 75c per month: bought and eold for cash only. Call Broadway 1678. 108 1 0th, Cor. Start and Wash. Bta Hichest Park, cor. pricea for used clothing. Muiiaton. W can any 189 West I MUST hav a carload of all kinds of furni ture and tools; highest price. Wdm. 58 99 J. E. DURHAM, take th kink out while you wait; repairs radiators and bodies. Liberty radi ator cores for all types of cam tn stock. Bdwy 8214. ,80 N. 11th rt.. near Bumaide. PETS; DOCS, BIRDS, ETC 703 THOROUGHBRED Boppiea. aired Fner roa American pit bull by "Palatine Boy." terrl. 9123 .OKI team of brawn rtorsee, well mated, weight 2600; prtr $113. Aim 1 bane, wiha 1300; prtra $43. 831 E. 10th, eor. Market, 3 Inek wmth ef Hawthorn. Ll'IHT Beam, barneaa nd wacnn. $85. 1816 trmun at, 1 blank won Peninsula ava. B. L. Ba rrett. THE HMT matched team of muW ver cam to pnrtlaad. enmiag 6 years eld. weight 2100, gentle for a wnroan to handle. 1 AO E. 6th at. 6-YKA H OLD Black Perrheroa gelding, weight liaoi a roal drart bone. Mut be (old at ewe. 10 E. 9th at. TEAM of 'kw blocky stare. 6 and 7 yean old, 200: a perfect err hard team: single and drniN broken. Mnet be sold at one. 180 R. 6th TWO heavy tearov. 41650 per team: absolutely th beet two tram 1 tn PnrUaad. Cbarkw Steal, 8069 powrfl Valley wad. 2 1 00T B team of mares, sruannteed to aod, tru worker; barn aad wagon if wawied. 340 E. 9th. FOX TERRIER, mala, 4 months eld. Evans Poultry Yards, 865 E. Lombard Wdln. 1666. PADEREWSKI catury baa splendid studs. 0. T. 01 ara, ana, wmta. . eaa g. eist- w. T. ilia. TWO LOCATIONS BROADWAY AT ROSS 2 blocks cast of bridge HAWTHORNE AT UNION Expert radiator, fender and body repairing. Phone Eaat 8498. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. BT OWNER 1931 FORD TOURING 1931 Would you pay $450 for a new Ford? Well, here 1 one. It is the last 1921 model put out by Ford. 1500 mi., demountable rims, extra new Goodyear diamond thread tire, set of chains; can not be told from new car. East 4619. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB 5 cord tire, C9T SS.O Arvw 9K n., mn 1923 license; Ml'tcbrU, 19 model, 7-pass., lots of extras, 4 cord tire. $325. $75 down and $25 per mo. These aro good bargains and cheap at the praoea. Bdwy. 7001. Prince house. music dept. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR $700 for a 12-20 Cleveland tractor, fust been overhauled and oan be seen at 1004 East Grant street, near 34th, street Phone Tabor 2555 or on week days call at 401 8 wet land bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6859. FOR SALE An 18-85 Holt caterpillar tractor with 5 bottom Canton Reel plows; ail in good shape: at a bargain price. J- S. Beau, Portland, Or., Woodlawn 8171. A SPLENDID Ford truck, special chassis and fin covered body. For quirk sale, spot cash $450. Used only a few months. Cost $1100. Can tt Pacific Coast Cone Co.. 221 E. 8th t CLETRAC tractor in first elaas condition, used but very little, at a bargain. Phone 1079. 469 Richmond. Sslem, Or. FILBERT TREES of approved varieties, true to name: when writing, please state number of trees wanted. Dr. J. H. Wilkena, ilcilinnrille, Oregon. , FOR SALE Little's unproved Cory's thomleas blackberry plants; heaviest producers and best flavored. Write for pamphlet ana price list. C. A. Little, Seba-topol. Cel., Route 4. SELECT green slso. plenty of inside wood, $5.75 per cord. Special prices on carload. Fine block wood. $7.25 per load. Apartment nou-.e trace aoiiciteq. tan Eaat 7UZ0. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing will b tcund under these dif- ferent claseificatkms. GMC 4-ton, pneumatic tires, with choice of open express or eovored express bodies, cheap. 430 Belmont at. CASH REGISTER and computing scales bought. sum, cacnsngex anu crpaueo. ronuoa v man Register t Seal Exchange, 226 Stark St., bat. in ana 20 stx. Broadway 7334. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 MOTORCTCLES AND fAKTS. ALL MAKES. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE 'CO.. , - 44-46 Grand Ave. ( NEED CASH. Smith motor wheel bikes. Call East 1862. PURE roller, yellow, ffnan Imported stock, mated pair, unporfa Btra. East 4175. BLAChTSpiU puppy for sal cheap. 24Q-E. 8th. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 1918 MAXWELL TOURING CAR. $200 good tire and in fin mechanical condltioa, a bargain at the price. Win aeU oa easy terms. Pbon East 1962. FORD ROADSTER Fine Mechanical Shape, LoU of Extras, $250. 530 ALDER ST. 1920 HUPMOBILE TOURING CAB ' In fin mechanical condition. Looks like new. Haa some extras. A bargain, on easy term. Call East 1962. 1931 FORD touring oar, run and looks ka now. Electric starter, now tires, shock ab sorbers, tpoilignt, large steering wheel, and many other extras. Will sacrifice for $325,f and give easy terms. Phone owner, iuast 178. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, run $00 miles; haa bungalow curtains that open with doors, 1922 license, spotlight and many other extras; will discount and sell on easy terms. Phone owner. East 178. 406 1ST ST IF FIN LAY CAN'T FIX Your Old Battery Throw it A war. Any Battery Recharged for $1. MAIN 4343. CitlNWI baUd 2400-lb. team, h farm waam; will U eheacv 6793 read. Meant 8-ot ear to Kern Park. JSt'R ALK Team, harnee . and wagoa,' 93 JO ,58th kv. S. & and eery Aut, CAN'T YOU SELL YOUR CAR! I can. Hav ren of prospect aad will I e41 your ear oa commission. Iat youo car with m for quirt sal. Walt. Tabor. 1800 1918 I 0DGE touring, saw top, original finish. lite new. geao. BRA LEY, GRAHAM at CHTLDS. INC., 11th and Purusid Sts. veaanBahla. 19 81. km Pt'YS team of young maraa, we lab about $i509 lha, frm broke and ready to worm. i nt'rTW. fwest mdel $41 FOB 1190 1b. mr with good boggy and 940 K. TTo-TakEs" b. 6th. XIU TA&k4 bar mare, weight 1300 lb.. ound L rru ann gen lie, tfi Water ay (Srset Id) mulea; the ar M 3800 LB. team of yon amga, 940 R. 8th. ItfiURLK team $3 day. tingo team $1.36 day 646 Fmat t, M.I 3208. GOOD frh cow, heavy milkers, tub. tested. 346 K 8th. LIVESTOCK LAkGkl frosh Holon Imrbw 701 Asia and Jmey dairy 836 ta 865. 341-733 E. 1921 HUDSON SUPER SIX. 7-paaa. driven 8700 rails, took nko new, roa tike Same air, All extra eQuipmnnt. 1922 Call H. B. King. Sunday, Hotel Alder. ILL &tL lalrnt 'modal Chevrolet, dnveit tea than 56 mikre; perfect eoctdiuoa. at 823 err; rm rxtna aod tamrane aato tachsded. Eaat 7482. 1821 FORD coupe, 1922 hceose; many other extras, s.-a. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHTLDS. rNC. llthand Bortistde Stt. . REAL SACRIFICE 1919 VUe, ta best of eonditioa ia every way. Com and iti you nam th prica. 348 itilamooa. bsst 1120. r!C$ HoUteia eow widi m.f : ' big Jersey. freak March ll 1 nWt family ow, fer $60. at 417 BV Clay. or. R. 6 th aa. Jersey lloisuin. 6 gaOoa; will take bee) 3038 Eaat Waahirrtoa, eonstc of to trado. Hat . Tki:S"j easy gv T-Durham. 4 ealloM. sen Lie aad milker; alao fraah Jersey. 716 lasers Seliwnod .ear. iloMTEHklD Jeney iuO, 3 an ld. Price 61, ana reeieaerpd Jersey b- tier. 1 t. M. 9T5. iak Grev. 133 R. or Bdwy. T833. . 138 R. or- Bdwy. r: U' onaags eg tr I G.HiD miVh cnr.' M oheatx or trado for aoreae. 4'Q llawtiwona, ClTTO! aaJ Wn.., U-VJer-y UH KklU anwa and beora. T. L Kobineoa. Carltna. Or. I JIlCE fa.ira Irtkam dairy etwa, WIU sea areo. erg I sat 9tn, south Will, buy f,w veal, bogs Tabor CALYFsl WANTED MARSHALL 3176 eU-e family Jereey eow, vary TCI rUk: to Trepbea anoa. 881 Water a. LI Jersey euw, any ehild oaa aiil.' 4004 Tta a t t 8 UKAWT avirer, to aeX 1630 later etet avv Tek tea to ear. 3 blocks north. WASTtKiaC-ad-Boo. . t.boTt$li: 1921 FORD edsa with '22 license; good eon ditioa, $330. Mr. Da Boie. East 8118, 7:30 to 8:80 p. m. MUST eell toy beautifol Chandler Six touring car, used sognuy; aa axceptional bargain lor anna ttu n roadway 3273. Auto Tops Sarmoa rt. betwe 6th Bad Broadway. 1923 Chevrosrt 490 tounng. turtain open doors. epotlight, 1922 beams. Terr Utest BsodeL Run only 200 anles. TabiT 3933 WE PUT aseel aaoth bb your otd rtywheet: eraak abaft turning, ryl griBdiaa. H. B. Bktek. awacniae shop. 634 AMct St Bdwy. .3681 1918 MAXWELL touring car. in srondrrful aharm. for 8230. Becaea tan). . Call Mr. , 1 uw.,f ee 1 e, bb and Ball tn Auto Wreckraar Co.. 631 Akter. Bruedway 6234.. Mail order rilled. Portia 4 lit. Auto Tops jSTlifw 20 porS toi rinTS" Choap, bxama. Iocs of aatm. East T439. KRb COurt. WiyifSi. aaarlfW tor 4:: AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 1921 BABY GRAND Chevrolet touring ear, looks and ram like a new ear. Will sacrifice far 3730, or consider cheap 490 Chevrolet or Ford m. trade and give term on balance. Phone East 178. 1920 MONROE, only run 2800 mile, looks like new. Lots of extras. Will sacrifice far 8573. Easy terms, Godbey Garage. 5th snd Hoyt. WE WRECK THEM Hixuert caan pnee paid lot eld ears, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., intra ana irasan. 118 BUICK roadster, good ore, repainted. line, nerosDvai conmuon, BRALEY. GRAHAM At CHn,DS. INC.. 11th and Bnmrfde Sta. il.i J.A - I a . . ' i 1 W-i tirui aeatn. 'inu cat u brand new. never Ilconsed. Win aeD at a discount and giv very ecy terms, or will take : aa first payment. Tabor 5935. ; FORD OWNERS Ford overhauled $20.00 Rear axle overhauled , 6.00 Valves ground, carbon removed 3.00 Transmission reiined (Scandinavian)... 4.75 MAGNETO RECHARGED 1.00 We band-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc, which insure a perfect runntng motor. Genu ine ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front St.. Cor. Jefferson. BA TTERIE3 RECHARGED..' 31.00 FORD MAGS. RECHARGED l.0 LABOR. PER HOUR 1.25 E. Z. PICKENS MOTOR SERVICE. E.ART 4461 880 UNION AVE., 1 BLK N. BDWY. Auto ,& Truck Repairing my - garage by expert at mechanic ran or Ma-shall 755. CURLY'S FORD SHOP We specialize on elimination of chattering transmission, over-lubrication or cylinders and leaky rear wheel. 227 Salmon at. Msin 81 a4. USED FENDERS Si? half price, 1000 to jriek from. Fender repairing. B. B. Body Works, 345 WUliara av. East 1198. AUTO REPAIRING don at yonr own garage or my garage; prices reasonable; au work ranteea. fnone Main inso. REL1NE trant-miions with Silver or Gobi- DON'T buy any more acetylene tacks until you investigate tne new loan system at the North west Welding Supply Co., 88 1st it, Portland, Oregon. LNGLIbH walnuts, prune trees, apples, plums. pearn ea rears. CTaDee nerriea. ehemea. mam and all kinds of shrubs. Woodstock nursery, end oi r oouatoca canine. our. mu-yo. Dentistry hrf, Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. DIEBOLD sates: new ana second hand: special prices. Pacific Seal Supply Co., 48 irront rt. Broadway 1966. BUSINESS CARDS ROSE CITY PRINTER Y 249 Washington Street, Bet Second and Third, HAVE a new all caatiron pipelea fumac which will beat 6 noma; mstaliwl lor gioo. call room 324, Artisan bldg. washed BUGS Beach cleaning on your ioor with Hamilton. elactric carpet washer; alio vacuum done. East 4045. SHELF oilcloth. $1.20 value lor 48c 12 yards! add 7 for postage. T. D. Co.. P. O. Box 3082. Portland. Oregon. LADIES' slightly used garments, good a new, low prices. Vogue, 4tn floor, 403 Alisky bldg. Bra near Momson st. Mam a 13a. ELECTRIC fixtures for. b rooms, $18; big selec tion other fixtures. 207 I Hamper of Co metre bldg. Bread wsy 4253 " PRACTICALLY new Wedgvwood gas range, up nght oven, glass doo, hood and shelf; excellent buy 325; will deliver. Marshall 69. WANTED Camping outfit, shotgun, rifle, tent. riroaoway nai. TABOR 7314 WILL BUY OLD CARPET. 85 GKAFONOLA. 10 used records.... $ 23 395 Stradirara and 10 used record. . . . 48 rl40 Pathe. cabinet. 20 used records.... 95 173 Sonors, cabinet, 20 used records. . . 148 n orunswicg. Zv usea recorus $175 Colnmbla. cab. .20 used record... 115 85 sends one borne, then 83. 83 snd ud monthly. Sehwan piano Co.. 101 Tenth St.. st vissmngton at. SPECIAL SALE OF PI A Now Wheelock Co. upright piano $245 Martin Bros, upright piano 23 V. ellington uvrigbt piano 193 Delmar renewed piano 263 Pianola p'.sver. plays 88 note 6$ LIPMAN, WOLFE It CO.. 7tb Floor. OPENING SALE NEW LOCATION 1000 NEW COLUMBIA AND VICTOR 10-INCH RECORDS. 2 FOR 75e 12-inch Records. 7 So each HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Park ( jut back of th Telegram corner) . MODERN. aparUnani-size, upright paano. splendid ease, $200. vl HAIebs. GII.RERT, 107 West Park. Low rent, small -expense; little profit, low prices, Lrg sales. PRONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any maka, All work absolutely guaranteed. Reasonably pricea. SETBERLING-I.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 Fourth St. BEAUTIIT-X" Cheney phonograph, electric equipped, mahogany case, valued at $360. win e4 or consider trade for Ford coupe oi touring. Call Gordon Court, Apt 16. a. nv to 12 noon or evena. after 5 p. m. Main 2755 BCHILLER PIANO, plain; mahogany ease, equal to new; a wonaerroi bargain; terms given. BKIBKKI.IX'- LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth gt. KIMRitJ player piano, new at. a big roduotion"; ae it; terma given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth at. CROWN Cabinet Grand Piano, beat of condition $285. terms given. SEIBERLIVG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 133 Fourth 'St. oak case; like new. PRICE TEMPLE, 8250 Terms given. SEIBERLING-LCCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St FOR SALE A Webet oiayar-niaao. 88 note. mahogany case, price including cabinet and 33 rolls of music, $550; all in first das con dition. W-3, Journal- WANTED FURNTTURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. .orrIson We went nmrr used furniture, sums, carpets end piano- W pay the highest cash pnoea. 186 AND 168 FIRST ST. Call Main e I ffl Al ROCK SPRING 100 to 10O0 XSli wwUesiBPLB IEI JTERT." Bdy. 3421 65T a. Bdy. 8428. - - - wm.. . - , vw.e eou eefte, i.t,, SMaaea tnmmmgs, $8 36 load. Weodiawa $649. fA Al AlSTRALlAN. 100 tolftw0 LBS, VOUf 6ii m DEI4VEBT - Bdy. $428. CORD WOOD. $$.40. VtLRlEZSi HIT 7691 COkbWooh. I.3u and it.tfl ered to 2 -cord rata. curd. UeMir Woodtawa 6112. EXTRA goud first growth fir. heavy bark and none ary. guarantaea. IS corn. A ttto. 6 1 rkl. GET oar arma mn old a-roenA fir, drr W Oe- nver career Trees country. East 1728. CO A I lH ELN. TO 100w UiS. w v. ira,iipi ra SAMPLE DEI JERY - M. ftssa DRY wood. 33 ur 16 Inrh w 4 It, Beaeooabie price. Res, phone Marshall 1917. . i FIRST GROWTH FlR-,lRf' 8T.56 a IvOAIk WOQ1H.AWN 2863. FIRST (IkOWTH mi iuw 87 A 1XAD. Wtn.-tM.AWN 2363. MARSHALL 2643 1-loot block ooud aa3 roaa o-: also gbort 16-inch block. ra-i- l1Bd " 4.6 per cord. ( all Eaat 1697. - KOKTM BANK rUKI Wl .1 .tr order solicited. Ant. 636-36. 639 Upabur. Dejrarr. DR. B. E. WR1QHT 4 floor Baleigh Bldg.. Cot. " 6th, - ' aad WaabJagtoa St. li roa away 721 9. . M. R. S EATER boys tbt best g fl a 'tea per grid of ona nsnq rumrrure. axo ortLa ve. aut. zx-b. W A NT ED Second-hand YictroU cabinet. tyl 90, in good oonditma; must be reaaimaba. T. ColHna. 171 W. Park. WE buy ased funriturt. rtove. etc Rehab Fnrnltar Co.. 303-208 2d Main 7808. PERSONALS 07S nnvtc4nr "ML A W Stl'Sr "- J StLst Watbiactoa St, WTthoat Phx latest Nerve Blocking Met hod. 000, CAT ARB H0R St MOSPfTAt, " "ROSE CTTT VETFgtLNARY H08PrTAlT" 164T. E. TTH AND GRANT A- 319-68. ELtCTBICAL WOUtl PIANO JAZZ, beginnars 1 leaaon; popuiar songs, 2 lessons or money beck: over 40 pupils enrolled since December, 9 from another rag acbooL Waterman Fiaao ScbooL 818 Columbia bldg. $1 GETS both feet fued up at fr. Eaton'a th CHIUOPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST w doeant hnrt you. 6 yra. her. Exaaa. free. Glob Theatre bldg.. 11 tn t Washington, Bdwy. 2824. JAZZ Piano beginners, 10 lemons; popular songs 8 lessons, or money back. Our ad may be copied but not ear system. Parker' a, 514 Eilers bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, mole, kla.-tb.ead. pim- rxpert operator Medical Board) plea, laree DO re removed (Diploma Boston. Chicago. State 601 Broadway bldg. Maia 6100 DR. MABELS EDO WICK"" In chare of patimta of Dr. Flora Bfowa. Evenings by appointment, 409 Panama bldg.. 3d at Alder. 1'lion Broadway T30. WILLIAM TIEDEMANN Psyeho-analist; teacher of health aad paychol- ogy; talents read. Meeuncs Maarday and Friday. 8 p. m.; Wed.. 3 p. m. 390 16th l. Main 4660. i TO GLASSES . Thousands oT mtUTie4 pa trons can testify to our effV eieocy and (air dosliag ia the laet 20 year. Uotwott am. Chaa. W. Gondmaa, 209 Ma riaoa. bet. ltt and Fnant le Samuel Goodman, Associate Optician. Main 2124. REDUCING metfcoa of Boss pkyuenan. No dieting. Eat what shsu waat aad reduce. M L Maire. asanagar PorUaad offlo, 618 Pitteck 61. Bdwy. 4416. THAT Leehberhfe Habo. One good habit Hot grow on you. Try tt aa aaoaa. name aad anto tope. x ntn edge Kaybealo lioing,, $3.3(1 up. raartnteei 27 16th rt. iliin 238. Service Sleep in Your Car Have gout front scat cut far a bed. 706 U William avenue. R. J, KOFF CO., automobile and general ma chiniata. Experta on Oontineatal, Studebaker and Chevrolet eng. 613 Jefferson. Aut 536-88. AUTOS reconstructed to sleepers. Our aystem doe not weaken or disfigure tba body. B B, Body ft Tops Works. 845 William. Eaat 1199. 1919 KING 8 Sedan, ia perfect condition. S ill tak amalier ear in trade, balance terms. Price $675. Godbey's Garage, 5th and Hoyt. 1920 DORT touring ear, used very bttla. WiB aeU for vary low nrac. if taken thia week. Call Mr. GOdea, Broadway 3275. IF YOU.- want to sell your car bring it to Godbey. 3 th aad Hoyt Quick reamlta. Phone Kdwy. 1686. REO roadaur, ceediLioa excellent; win take Chevrolet or Ford in trade and fir 10 gaa, on balance. , Phone Tabor 776. TRADE 1919 Chevrolet, good condition, for later model Chevrolet and pay tb (Ulferouro. xast 0384 Irora a a. m. to 6 p. ra . MT MAXWELL demonstration in fin. Condi Hon. new tiro all around, 1 extra. , 8100 down, 610 a month on balance, Wdln, 1474. 1820 CHANDLER touring, apjandid condition. cheap today. ear use new: will sell r Call owner, Broadway !S99. A NEW 1921 Proauhsr 7-rieireT."w?th factory roarantee and 96 days' acrric. $2256. a sun, tmwy. TWO W-pasangr 1929 Stats very cheap: will can r. aaa. jjawy. MAXWtlJ. toarma car. 1919, in good ooodi- uoa; Bargaia: bo tteajera, V-49. Journal. .1917 HUTP. good paint and a new top; very eaeap. tan nana, tviwy. g. 1919 BUICK -psenvr to A-l abap. new 6830. Kas. Bdwy. 2994. H. C. STCT8 Kaaa. etdw. yaw Hk aew. . trade. T994. 1921 NASH 4 No real estate. Bdwy. 2994. Hk aew. $800. Kann, LATE Ford coups. 1923 neeeoe, extraa. $400. iruam t tam car kacoange. East 437a. 4-PASSENGEB Premier. Kane, Bdwy. 3994. $1200. 1920 COLE 8. 4 Kann. Bdwy. 2994.. Cell 1921 FORD toariBg, asod eery little, aecriOc. vraaaoag u4 car iUriiange, . ACTO REPAIRING AT REASONABLE PRICES -YOUR GARAGE OR MINE. WDLN. 2474. RB MC EXPERT; GODBEY'S GARAGE OUiVa Broadway 1S86. 5th and Hoyt. MIKE DE CICCO ft BUOa. utomob0a repair ing. Rates rrasonabJe. Maw 3112. WELDING AND BRAZING, radiator and Jendsr worx. vor. t nion ana Bormnae. MOVING picture machine with Masda light. cost $150: wiU seU for $50. Room 206 Rivoli Theatre bldg. HATE fox sale Calorie . fireles cooker, new, $20; one man's bicycle, $12. 359 . 57th north. TRAVELING baga, brief case, glove od all kinds of eeather goods. E. J. Keller. 49 N. nth st. 100 LB1 bleached Uundered flour sacks. 11.2b do. Mail orders and 15c for postage and insurance- SnowflaJke Laundry, 4 80 Belmont. 0 a specialty. Other struments renal red. SHAW'S SAX SHOP. 129 10th St- in- HIGH-TONE Grsiophon.. cost $300 Ftb. 9, 1922, $25 reoords sJl (or $165; from owner. 2017 E. Glisan. CHTCKERING PIANO. 6130. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth SL PIANOS moved 83, grouna uoor" Work doo Dy expert na guaranteed. IXU7. Atlas Trans. 4k MADE FROM YOUR HAIR COMBINGn NATIONAL BOB EAR BOB SWITCHES 460 FAILING ST. WOODLAWN 6339. v, ...a... 1 1 m. 1 j m . - ub. aas'K n.Lis, sso sst sc. nrurlan psy sieiaa, leetne tfeatmeat for aeaMua. rbes- ein,m, w-im.1 ice, au acoe nq rjaina. MEN and women, tak your traataarnte at bora and gat the full bnfit of them. Call miropractor. woxxtlawa 6149. for arsointmeot. COME to 607 lUleigh bUig. to have your fact treatau; maxueure, rs-'ii and smampoo; opea eveainga chiropractic; oaUM. aoaaula saaa and Mdneiae f li.ieii. I . eaM. udeu. l-s-tt-o Beuine-airsa. MlB 7 766. bv.PERFI.LOU8 HAIR, mole, wan, n moved oy iu neeci melbod. Trial free. J Fmler. 616 Beh ft Lao bloc Maia 634 GOOD second-lmnd lumber, door, window, and eaoogh building ruck to build a good hoa. cheap. Tabor 3017, after 6 p. an. LAUNDERED flour aaeks, 1 AO-lb. siea, $1.20 a dozen. 8. Hade. 424 Belmont, near 6th. East 4569, Mail orders. FOR RENT fcesetnc vacuum r leaner. 8ft par day, delivered. Woodlawn 1259. IF YOUB furnace smokes, or don't heat, or if your root seaas. can i-eonarq. Ant. azq-5i. ULNZEMAN 1'IANO. $125; terms sriferi. 8IBEuLING-LtCAS MUSIC CO.. - 125 Fourth St. STCa 'Z? clof'Sr V?Alif ED. ior adopuoa, baby girt: no obUoa Storage Co.. 104 It. ftta, , to Illegitimate chud. 'eX-8, Jomrnal, Beeore $450 Hallet ft Davis trfjright Seeririty Storage Co., 103 10th. for. Stgrk. GOOD player roll exenanged. 11 A 1 16T layer roll exenanged. lOe HAROLD S. GILBERT. West Park New7 Location). PIANO, new. At a anap. AUTOS FOR HIRE 808 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRrVERS. Latest model ft aad 7 Baaeeuztr cars, Bmccs. Wtsv eots. Crow Elkbaru; rejuonabla rates, at), aignta, weekly. CITY OARAGE US 12th St., between Washington and AkteL ; ! ' Bdwy. 846.- OREGON USED CAM EXCHANGE New car for rent without diitr $1.25 net bonr; roadsters, coui'e and touring ars. K ease ruble rstea, Open day and night 825 Gttsaa. bet. Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. 5593. GARAGES AND PARKING LOWNSDALE GARAGE" 807 Antea and trucks stored. 65 mo. Auto pairing $1 per boor. Waehing 81 an. 16th and WashingtoB. WANTED -Doubie garage fr auto repair shop, Broadway 8448. AUTOMOETLES WANTED 850 , OLD CARS WANTED - Oregrin Auto Wrecking Co. Belmont near fjth. WE WiB pay cash for yonr Ford car. Vaeanri' Used Car EX., 156 Union am East 4376. WE WILL loan you money on your automobile. t Granrung 4t Treece. 942 AJder st. TCRN - year Ford hi to object. 101 N. 11th at. ah, oovkditinn no Broadway i 4 53 WILL FAY $309 cash for late model Ford tour- tog roadster. Eaat 4619. SAFES NEW AND 6EOOND HAND. BAR GAINS. 70 SIXTH ST.. NEAR OAK. STOCKYARDS MANURE FOB SALaC WOODLAWN 2863. aiMBAiAi r-iA.Mt, new. At a anap. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., iz ronrtn au UPRIGHT piano, small also. $100 term r $90 casB. 166 Tenth at. FOR SALE, Stewart model banjo. 11-ia, aheO, A-l instrument. Phone 528-27. WANTED PUoQocraph and records, Newmaa't FLUFF RUGS AND BAG BUGS WOVFN OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. TABOR 7814. FOR SALE A new Rifint Fir 998 E. 17th N. LADIES' USED APPAREL of aU kind in horn; very reason Die. la nor aeza. TTRNITURE of fivo-ronm flat, ' $273. cash or terms. Bdwy. 184T, bargain. SINGER aewing machlae. $8; bargain. ii umoa ave., near aider. Storage, FOR spring cleaning ae Kactoa oil cleaner and potisn wooatawa 29. - FOR SALE InvaUd'a wicker wheel chair, used very rntie. nne conaioon. nrooe a8-27. ALFALFA HAY FROM GROWER J. W. KOGER, HERMISTON. OB, GOOD ased gaa range. Tulcaa, tor Bala cboaa. . m. ee. wr mmim s;i CR after 6 p. m. Monday. Main 6368. PAPER hanging 3 be roll. Phono for book. Kaisorainirig, painting. East 6649 ONE doaen t. Hohrate. FOR oALE Large 927 XV'36ifc aupoiy -66T Clinton at. of carpenter toob cheap. BEAVER fur, never worn, for aaie cheap. w33a. 4 JOB. FUP-NITTJREj rabbitsand hnteh for Bale, eheatpl 181 Russell at, East 4684. WlCfita BABt BtGGT" in" W. aUp... til laoor . Exchange, 128 First, near Alder. Moat be cheap. PIANO WANTED for practice. Broadway 6576. PIANO WANTED Will pay caeh for good used prano, u reasonably priced. Marshall 1532. WANfTb To buy piano for apot9 aonable.' Eaat 8882. IT- WANTED Sweet toned piano for cash. Broad- way j 04 8 Before 6 p. m HOUSEHOLD GOODS' 902 SPLENDID golden oak library set, eoaeieting of table, aettee, reciter gad armchair, genuine leather, or chair cneap. 1183 E, DarU street. Aut. 281-28. S MUST SELL complete bouse turrriture. good as new, 3 wardrobe trunks, 2 band begs, 2 suit- eae and also an g room bowse, i Ev SOtb at. N- Call ra foiertouw sex ft to 8 p. m. sTliURNER gaa plate aad oven, 85; rug, 9x12. $10; aolid oak dining table, 8-ft, exUnaioo, $18. 1890 Atlantic at.- St Johns car. SEwING " machine, old-fashiuoed Singer; Iroa I rVfrComoJ,,U lnm- floT- 499$. -" 404 Bcewrttie bid.. 4 6tb at. $3 Morgan MANICURING. S3c: ladies only. bldg.. Marshall z86. MAS 4 A0I, bath, kidneys, rneumstem; both exss. Dr. EIn Boreaaen. 806 fsasma bldg DRUGLESft tree: exes. ao am. ta for rbeamatiam. Maip 3589. "Both DR. LOUISE MILLER, 693 H E- ehlropractor, ictfu Morraaoa, Professional and Biisiness Directory SCCOUETIIK C BLTTERFIAXD. aoditer d SAM tax analyst. 205 Arrisaaa bldg. Bdwy. ft4 ALTS RATIONS SNt TAIt-ORIHtl Wanted '21 to bar their cloto rieaaed aad pri-sial. Suit ft0e:.4eaael aad gnaml. 61-ftO. negai s-i- arooey back. eaaera. 127 N. 6th. SfTTIFieiSL LIM88 EXPERT fiuing aad ramag. Write tog als marion. W. E. GERLACH, 48Wn. St,. 864). BENT LAMP SNACK PANELS bad and cring. 1301. 864 Grand ave. 8-. East LD3RART table, $15; high enair. $3, wood and coal heater. $10, gaa beater, $3; other thing. 11694 Hawthorne- Tabor 3326. TWO dusea laying bans. 1 green bono grinder nd other araciea, 8330 31st are. 8. E. &SEAT bargain ia iuruitui, rangaa. gaa raagaa aad aa oiate. , 318 Graad a,. SPOTLIGHT Mao, defiectora, etc. fmrCSH Art uiaas was., bas jsauieaa. eor. 7 ta. sa. viiz BLANK BOOK WAKENS K.via I1 UAf u a v '-rvrt ' njt v , M msMwm e.-v, . v v u e,, v. book snariufacturera. A $163 Mala 183. OAT TRANSPORTATION BOAtFOE THE DALLES' CALL MAil 806ft OR 219-42. Motors Rewound AND REPAIRED. . Bought and Sold ; NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS fho" 827-87. 326 Ma a gt. HCB6TTTCMINa YE LADY'S SHOP. 895 BDWY. BLDG. , Hematitching. Lingerie, Aprons, Novaltja 88U6IO SCHOOLS AND TT80HCR9 Carroll day. teae 148 Jth re. er Broadway 2356. E. LA W BON, 20 year' cxperieBoe. rtiaao lee tow t your borne 31, Auto. 64 3-18. OPTOBgTWI6T6 WHY PAY MORE? Glaeae la gold filled frarae fitted to yonr eye. $2 60; double vision glaseee at low prase; atrCctioa maraateeeL h. E. Hurwita, opteinetrist. 225 let. Maia a si THESE are no better eyeg'j BBkde ihaa ,W. g'laail fitted by Babenstria, the teraB anie. a4aa. from $8 6 to 88.60. attafaetaua gaa. Bteetf. gg PAINTIN0. T1NT1NQ, PARERINeV C H, TERRIL, hao gad stgB sateUagTTaaeat oangtag aaa tinting. 467 E. S7te. Tabor 2611 PAINTING I'aperhria-ina. tiniiny- amA firm e wsiarT. snt nil-SB. H- CI.IFTON. painting aorwrtrg. tfntteg. 134 W. 17th at, Broadway 4414. WaoHtwit 1 2 6 PATRNT TTORHT6 C a. GOLDBERG, pa tenia, traoemarka ZZ. rghta 40 Woraeeter bldg. Pl-g RtPAININO tirCO PipaKl.op. 73aaa. PHTkiciaaa DR. B. A. PHILLIP tV Broad way Ride. Office Prctlre Only. Pimaaiwa ao itiam r-iTTlwa- LOW pnee oa all kusoa piambaBg Mappur le to flgur oa your iruUlkUcna AJberte Prnmh. Co.. 61T Crrkm gve. N.. near BnearU. g 42. Print irrrr r- w- baliea a coTiS rinA-laig and Oak, bdr. 7143. 611-6$ THE IRWlN-UODrKJN COMPANY 387 Waarriftgtmv Brodwy 3144 A 118. ROOF RCPAIRtMO ROOFS reeking led aad leisure, I aad eevacol wita rooiing paper, ataia HBCT MgTAC bVORK MULTNOMAH SHEET METAL WORKS - Boofing, gutteriag. anoutlng. robbing end ae. rral vwroirleg PMbac Bmedwiy 92. f$ Ash. CTABaftNO STAMPING FatCE, 6S" Hemstitcbiag. Mail erdVn prompt ItttgHf THE PETITE SHOP. 331 M.W. Baak bidg. Maia 4986. Bartnaa. BattoaOotes, Plaariag. Bfaaciag. . TRANgf EN AND 6TORAOE " ALWAYS PICK TnB tESlBoUSKHOLb "" COODS SPECIALIST Storac. paextng, atrlo- oriaci aoass aad aaua 0011 Bate te all C O. PICK TRAJfSrZB A fTOKACB CO - ii tad Pine Set. Broadway 696. A-1991 UILDIWO MA6 ltVO STOCa, DESIGNS. 10.5w 1 Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Gliaea St Man X231 DBAYAOE STORAGE Fear Ware boose oa Terminal Track . why Tat" .torage" oa that pUao wbea yoa can kava tt takea ear of for aotkiag? Boat oarit. Cii 47, a 803. ' UlKrJ.sF TRMSFER IV aa. 313 UNION ATR M, LAST 6609. gad ass, (Xbara to Brorwy 1649. Ot St. AKBRS. 616 LEWIS. BXXKX REDUCED FREIGHT BATES to all h Bubals' gnoda,. Pacifa Coaag Fr7aJdia Oa.. 9tb aad Hoyt, Broadwa 7938,