The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 24, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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American Federation of Labor. And. ac
cording to Matthew "VVolL rice president
Of the federation, tba executive council
tmw meetlnc here, will probably go on
record aa favoring a rirtioa of text
books to brine them op to date, with cur
rent economic thought . j
Pope May Extend
Time for Electing
New Head of Church
'!SpeUl W micas (a Tbo Inaraal sad Chiracs
iwur flaw)
Cofrriht. 122
Iterlin, Feb. X4. "Although the ahop
owners, atdoon keepers, and movie pro
prietor rr rret - The departure of the
greater pa ft of the American troopa from
the area In Oermatly occupied by them.
lUn majority of the people in Coblens are
clad to aer them o in the hope that
food prices and the coat of necessities
will ro down and that the native will
once more be able to ahow their faces
in atorea. eafea and theatres." .
These unfriendly worda retarding the
American troops, whosa conduct In the
Khins country has been, declared offi
cially to be beyond reproach, are printed
und.-r a Coblens date in the Deutsche
Aileemelne Zeltung of Oerlin, a Stlnnes
i) ppf. '- -1
"Ttie American soldier," continues the
article, "with his pay of li per month.
which eouaia 7000 marks.' waa - liberal
rnouch with the money In trying to take
advantage of the low rata of the Oer
man ctirrancy. -But Coblens . haa had
. to suffer a good- deal under the occupa
tion, especially as many of the officers
brought their families, over and these
were crowded Into the homes of the
c ; Armaria. This waa especially unpleas
ant where there was only one kitchen,
There was no end to the rows amdng
thn hired help, which led to numerous
i-o-nrfa.lnt. , Now that the ' number of
troop and also of officers haa become
comparatively small. It Is expected that
: It will no Innser be necessary to wish
American farnlllea on the Oermana
Altogether It is hoped that the occupa
tion will be far lew of a burden to the
Verm an citlsens than it haa been up
to now."
On the whole, the German newspspers
h.v.-e greeteti trie latest reduction In the
number of American troops on the
, flhlne aa proof of ITealdent Harding's
grind Intentions with reapect to establish
" Ing friendly relations with the German
(Spsctel Vfintaa ta The Jonasl aad Cbieaca
Daily New) .
(Coprrvht. 13J -
Rome. Feb. 24. The news that the
pops Intende to modify the rules of Pius
X aroverninr conclaves by extending the
time between the death of a pope and
the conclave to choose his successor to
20 days la considered a direct concession !
to the Americana. The failure of the
cardinals from the other side of the At-
lantio to arrive tn time to take part In
the recent papal election caused consid
erable regret among Americans of all de
nominations. The view is held by some
that a cardinal Is primarily a papal elec
tor, and that he should not be deprived
of the right to perform hia duty.
It is said to be the intention of Pope
Plus XI to give the church a mora in
ternational character. The placing of
the American church in Rome under the
cars of the Paullst fathers is held to be
the first step In this direction, and it is
thought that It wlU be followed by oth
ers. Including the naming of a third
American cardinal.
(Bpaeial Cabs to Tba Journal aad the Chieaao
(Dailr Mews.)
(Copmrht. 1S22.J
Stockholm. Feb. 24. Katherine Tingley,
tie American leader of the International
Theosophical society, is being subjected
tm a. violent campaign of criticism by
the newspapers, but she declared today
that she intended to stand her ground
and complete her lecture tour and go
ahead with her plan to establish a school'
on the Swedish island of Visingo.
1 One newspaper. Dagems Nyheter, has
printed under a display bead a story
stating that Madame Tingley claimed to
be the reincarnated spirit of Saint Brig
itta, Joan of Are and Tycho Brahe.
Every Stockholm newspaper for the
laat week has carried one or more arti
cles daily pretendirfg to prove that the
Point Loma, CaL, theosophical school is
governed cruelly, and autocratically by
Madame Tingley. '
The attack may be traced to the bitter
opposition aroused by Madame Tingley
among a certain element of Swedish
theosophista by her summary dismissal
of Herr Fernholm. a former Instructor
at . Point Loma. because ha developed i
eccentric ideas - incompatible with her
ideas and interpretation of theosophy.
Fernholm is believed to be supplying the
newspapers with their material.
tkmpist nr. teapot ; - 7
The whole matter amounts only to a
tempest in a teapot," said Jdadame
Tingley today. "If I were not sure of
the loyalty of my friends here I should
cut my visit short and proceed to Ger
many, where we expect to estanusti a
school In the near future. In the face
of this opposition, however. I shall re
main and complete my lecture tour. I
shall prove beyond Question that the
charges made in this campaign of perse
cution are unfounded. '
Madame Tingley expects to visit Ger
many, Holland and England before re
turning to the United States. Eha ar
rived bere a week ago.
Liquor Smugglers
Organize to Invade
Prohibition Nation
(Special Wireless to The Jooraal aad Chkaro
MM? ewa.i
Berlin, Feb. 24. German, ship owners
smuggling liquor into Norway, Sweden
and Finland, which are partially dry
have organised on a business basis. In
a Sfr
a - Hamburg . daily the owner of
horsepower cutter advertises for
captain or sailor with a capital of 100.'
000 marks - to Join . hlro In forming a
liquor company ("limited.") - 1
: "The risk is small.' says the adver
inement. "and the profits are so great
that the 'partners will be able to retire
as millionaires after several trips. The
extension of the business to the United
States Is also being considered."
Denver, Feb. 24. U. P.) Six news
paper reporters dressed as hoboes at
tended as many fashionable churches
here, expecting to be ousted. Instead,
they received a hearty welcome, money
and offers of Jobs. -
Japanese Count to
. Repay Wood's Visit
-'.. . .. ,
Tolcio, Feb. - 24. (U. P.) Count
Tanaka sailed today for Manila to return
the- visit ' of Major . General . Leonard
Wood as a representative of -the' Japa
nese i government. , Gener! - W ood. now
governor jtt - the Philippines, - visited
Japan Just before he assumed -office
- Eugene. Feb. . 24. Indictments against
five, - prisoners In the county Jail. were
returned by the grand Jury Thursday,
Herbert Collins and Corey V. Stan don
were charged with forgery : William Ne
biU obtaining money under falsw pre
tenses ; . Chester Wbeatfill . and llarol i
Sluman. stealing aa anuwnobile.
Queen Alexandra Is
Reported Improved
'London. Feb. 24. 4.U. V.) Qaeen AW
andra. grandmother ; of .Princess Mar,
has recovered from a temporary llmesa
which threatened to cause postponement
of the wedding of Vtoeount LnsceUes and
ths princess next Tuesday. Tba dow
ager queen waa out driving today. :,
England and France
Agree on Agenda at
Genoa Conference
I Spaa! fabk to Tha Journal aad the Cblcao
i Iallr Nw
(ropyrlcht. 1B22
Farla, Feb. 24. One of the chief ob
stacles to diplomatic agreement between
Kngland and France, namely, doubt as
ts ths enunwvthe United States intend
ed to pursue, has now been dissipated
Both.; nations , are convinced that 'the
United States intends, to do nothing
whatever, at laat for the present. Hoth
are therefore apparently disposed to
make many mutual concessions.
It la now certain that the Genoa con
ference for the economic reconstruction
of .Europe will likely take place not,
indeed, on March 8, hut within a few
weeks afterwards. It haa seemingly
been agreed that there shall be no dis
cussion of Near Eastern or reparations
. questions at this conference nor shall
tha existing treaties be considered in
any way. The elimination of ths repara
tions question equally eliminates the
. question of the allied debts for the two
ar closely connected and this in turn
. eliminates various allied pacts now nn
, Her negotiation, notably ths Anglo-Bel-'
glslt and Anglo-French pacts. It is.
therefore,' clear - that by. ar the mot
important point on the i Senear agenda
. will . be Russia. Next in Importance
Ut be a Crltlsh proposal far a general
pact or resolution In which all the signa
'tnries'will sgree to refrain from aggres
sion against their neighbors. ,
On ths economic side the main effort
of the Genoa conference will seemingly
be to set up an International consortium
to facilitate the economic reconstrue
tion of -Eastern and Central Europe.
Labor Sees Economic
Errors in Textbooks
(St IlnltMl Nam
Washington. Feb. 24. Belief that text
bnokn used In American schools subtly
'Indies erroneous economic doctrines In
the minds of children, has resulted in
Investigation of the situation by ths
ai - m
III rr-at 10 and I i
mjmjlw v enis
in i - . I H I
in . H
i i
r -i ii
Thp Is
The Last Week
of my
.Big Bi
Suaits wMr O
A a "M,
Butterscotch Rolls
, Made in Our Own '
Model Bakery Special
Saturday at 20c Pan .
O tks Eighth Floor.
c M ercliandi
of J Ment'Only
Chocolate Nut Fudge
Delicious Confection
for Young and Old
Special 24c Pound
On the Street Fleer.
Now Showing
New Coats. New Suits
and New Dresses
"Vampish" New Veilings;
From France Oo ! La La !
New spring hats without veils will lack much of
the beauty they may well possess.
Singularly handsome are the new French veil
ings here so interestingly priced, 65c and 75c a
yard. The final touch of attractiveness is in their
dotted, hexagon and novelty patterns.
To match the hat, or to furnish a contrasting ef
fect, these veilings are in black, sorrento blue, navy
blue, magpie and brown. .
Veiling "Section On the First Floor.
One Sensation After Another
New Silk Pettibloomers and $
Silk Petticoats in a Sale at
Have Portland women ever before witnessed such a remarkable procession of
special events? Here the dress . sales Here the blouse sales Here the sweater
sales And now almost incredible selling of some of the most attractive petti
bloomers and petticoats seen at any price, anywhere. See the illustration.
"TRUHU" Silk Petticoats and Bloomers
are included in the. assortment at $3.95. "TRUHU" that name alone tells of
the superlative values. AH the balance of the garments are of extra heavy silk jer
sey :and one has choice of all the following colors:
Rust Shade 'Peacock Brown' Gray Black
Emerald Gold American Beauty Harding Blue
Petticoat Sertloa Ob ths Third Floor Upatss, Wslfs It Ca.
Hand-Embroidered Initialed
two specially priced groups
at 25c
One group consists of a great number of
pure linen handkerchiefs, all with initials,
skillfully, beautifully jhand-embroidered.
The other group is composed of initialed
sport handkerchiefs and dainty affairs they
are, made of Irish lawn in the desirable sport
colors. And these, too, with hand-embroidered
News of such handkerchiefs at 25c
makes advertising good reading.
Haardkerehlef Sectloa On ths First Floor
Just Off the Through Train
Women's Wool-Faced
Hose at $2.00 Pair
New 'heather mixture hose in
brown and navy; some with two
toned clocks. They're so uncom
mon you must see them if you are
to realize how important it is that
you follow Fashion suggestion
and select at least a couple pairs. -Hosiery
Seetloa First Floor.
Women's "Augusta"
Vests and Union Suits
New shipment of these famous
"Augusta" vests at 50c and
"Augusta" union suits at $1.00.
Os the First Floor.
Sparkling beauties
What Fashion already has said
about fancy combs is full assur
ance that "Madame of Portland"
really can't be without at Ieltft one
of them.
And everybody should make it a
point to see all the attractive new
combs that are here "jeweled"
combs; in many shapes, in various
sizes set with brilliants in white
and the richest colorings.
Oa ths First Floor.
I Fiber Silk and Madras Shirts, Special $ 1 .65
- a
! Shirts of "Galley & Lord" fiber silk, $1 .65 each, or 3 for $4.50, which is but a
fraction of their actual worth, shirts of soft, lustrous fabrics that possess highly
unusual wearing, qualities knd launder beautifully.
And madras shirts at $1.65 each, or 3 for $4.50 these are
shirts of character desired by those men who are particular as regards
to the furnishings they wear.
Plaited Shirts $2.95: 3 for $8.50
Thesfe shirts are made of soft, firm fabrics loomed in France
fabrics in distmchvely original patterns. Remember too, that soft
plaits are to be "the thing" for spring and summer 1922.
f Any Silk Shut $5.65: 3 for $16.00
rri . t; -.:iJ . 't : Tl . L
Actual Reproductions
New Shipment Another Sale
Spring Hats-S marter Hats
at Purely Amazing Price
Folks are saying it is Upman, Wolfe & Co. that has
the hats, the' beautiful hats, "the irresistible" hats. What
are they going to say about Lipman, Wolfe hat values
after selling such as that taking place here tomorrow?
Could you imagine such hats in a sale at $5 such hats
as are shown in the above sketch and in our windows
Real milan hats for $5 imagine thatt
and feather-brirnmed hats, and soft straw hats every
single one handmade every model new, for spring. The
shapes you want, the colors you fancy the triinmings you
like. But on sale Saturday only at $5.
Mnnsery Seetloa Oi Us Third Floor LI sm as, Wolfs Ca.
Elegant shirts shirts tailored to perfection. They're of broad--cloth,
empire crepes, Kingscloths and silk tnirtures -all of these
shirts are from our regular stock all are far below their original
pricing.'-:. ;:'"::",..:'"'. 4 , --?.-
Heft's Seetloa Om tha First Floor
Extra Special-Group of 1 50
Boys' Wool Suits
all-wool suits in smart styles at
a price below present wholesale cost
Choice $8.45
Buy the boy one of these suits and see how proud
hell be and why not, .when he has a suit that
looks like suits costing so much more?
These, suits with coats in full belted and semi
sport models; with yoke-effects, fancy vests and
durable linings--ihe trousers are perfectly shaped
and fully lined. Extra buttons and repair swatch
with each suit-.' 6 to 16 year sizes. ;
BstV Ssctfom Oa Us XlfU Floor Llamas, Wslfs A Ca.