ItltS ' UKCUUM JUAAL,Y JUUKNAL, POKTLAMU, UK&OVJW. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY - 2, KZ2. a. MR DOW I ENTERS WEST II DIICOMI OIIER Interest and principal and that she baa already set aside approximately $11,000, OOO to pay aix months' Interest on ber Indebtedness to America, baa. produced a profound Impression and la another evidence of the betterment ,of Anglo American relational ? y , ..There are of course three-way by which Europe ' can . par her .debts - to America tit gold. In goods and. In aerv- tees auch as freight carrying. Gold can be tranaferred only it America, buys of Europe, " Should tbe American peo ple Indulge ,1a the purchaae of seenri tiea of foreign enterprises? This would tend to help the situation, but Americans IIR'I CUIZEIISTfl GET THEIR RUM: PAPERS TONIGHT Iow Y. Valker officially entered the I have .been known in the past to. invest t primary campaign today with a formal heavily In European businesses. ; announcement 01 nia canaiaacy ir am - Republican' nomlna- Gray-Rosenbaiim Co. Inspects Mills ;With View to Purchase ilenresentativea of the Orav.Ttnaen bauin Grain company P. N. Gray, in I chare of the European Interests, Charles Kerachter, agent of tbe Holland branch ; H. Marx, South. America, and " J. : A. Pease, Seattle today were - going over the business charts and inventories of i the Portland Flooring Mills and the Pa cific Coast Klev&tor company, in order to- acquaint tliemaelves with the business f f if i Great interest la evident in Portland's first ; public naturalisation 'ceremony to be held this evening at 1 o'clock In The I handled by the concern. - vik .nnM k-1 a ' t. imfMnKMtiMtf -iney ssenuMea in truana Tuesasy. tion for on. of thJ mt v 1 .....mmb. Jl'fJfl whVt kn adjourned session of tine - pany to gain control of the local mills. sionersmpe re . w reduce the amount that Europe can sell I leoerai coun. vunn s. r mwr-( t 7- . T - - filled by the voters I w ft tft notion of I w m rt Mttnn. 1 Un wlU one of the most impoxt- 1 .t tha rmntna- elec- v- rr" - - ant operating points of tha company, tion. Ha Is the third I '"'' '"'I'6!. " .l .'Ta I to a aarga class ot aliens. & agnv i Tbe visitors after . a conference with :. - - 10 nave rnirrcu im i i.,,! ,,-1 r;. ih. bmbiin ou d n-Knrnx mien ,- 5 race. Burua u moi-i navment of foreign d man and Kaipn 1 , v stM minr k..k 1 .r. ...... o But there is a mean between two ex- are included in -the Portland bankers, were taken by boat VrZ. ZrrZnT, n forVlai debts ss. They will be presented with mem- down the river to the properties of the be to forego payment of foreign debts , Tn 1 Portland mm.. Rth Krw , and 2-22-22 Is Hot :-. Cryptic but Fine rDay to Eemember It hasn't happened for a long tune, and ' astronomers and - others who compute- the calender say it won't happen for a long time to come. Fig ore it out, if you wish. . It can be dose, they-say.-- ; At any ate,' the "nnmerala do not form a cryptogram, but mean simply, that today is February 22. 4922. or the twenty-second day of the second month in the year anno dominl 19S2. In the modern haste of cashing checks and meeting the grocer's bill there is not enough time to give it its native dignity, r i ! : - . 4Anyway, it is a fine day to remem ber, because it ithe anniversary of the birth of George Washington, the first .and foremost of Americans. 1 E. MUler. the presentation being made I Marx, - wno- nave been in numberless , m iuu I r ,t - .1 .1 rmin olAVatora : tRrane-hau th world. trrmtM line below which America can- -t ----- --irT ' Tr?r -".r-r- the recent Past I . . . " "IT y I aar- "8" aiajrnani juuut vi. n ooii- 1 u is the most modern elevator x have HA.HS I 1 V ass dvui vvniwiu .v - 1 jiiKlulk MJm. e urwiucu kcuci ca wa, vu nr coramoamw in tn unitea cixict. i paUgbters of tb American Kevoiuuon, x tjC shipping of grain." said Herachler. la uift mirerence oetween pro-1 who im in tn cttv to attena tn siatei nMV intimar ks. k-. r "TM r. VY aaVllvBr MVI ; 1 .... mm 1 1 ...I sa - iumiumicu umv two vuivuoov -The Uxp a y e r' WbiUve tariff and a competiUve tariff, conference of .that organization, will PortJaod, mffla was probable. He are 'entitled to an honest, elflclent and " Sl" 1 uJ,e(.u::"r" J ' v. ... j " buoleeaslla administration. I""" 1Z' gevf-mment Is" absolutely necessary- . , 1 The effect of the statemeets by former 1 " :" " TI" wkZi - -n. .tr I . f 'V" ' wo ; ""i Anglo-Irish' treatyv which threatened to of France and Am- I " JT- "';JT ' I weJ. we snail suomti oar - numga wi . . K..V..T, . . Mn. k .n. I v . : . . .... . imsuae, ,um uracui.- various orfloera of the cmoDanv-for coo. "" - . in naviiis uirir utiiL sua v w w w A u 1 i itaiw ssi 1 rn vivme 1 . . - . . tv i f , ergleeto 'reducln. : the cost of Kov-rn- T -,ty of n M.'$sZ 111 FEIN HAVE AGREED .Dublin. Feb. 22. The fight over the SU ECT S1I0 HAVE NAMED Ml : ill un cunT TAVi nn Fifty -eecond street, at Marjroerite ave nue and Division atreet. Ira'E. Jte- Cauiey, a real estate dealer, -was arrest, ed at Broadway and Vanooover avenue. He was released on 2250 ban. I firmation.' r:,t .tl "iM o money to consideration ths foreign debt haae Of addresses of flNcome will be made Increasing the amount of tax money to .... Th Halted States w ru., - r a t. t.v pe raiaea. . . v ,4 - , I Chamber of Commerce and many, for- I and the principal address will- be &C03TOXT -vyATCHWOBD , '"'feign trade organlaaUons have been say-. I riven by Dr. Edward H. Pence, pastor I aaaume that all projects under way I ng the same thing as the French and I of Westminster Presbyterian church, if this time should be carried. to com-1 Italian sDOkesmen and have been urg- 1 whose subject will be "Americanism. Tllon. but no new project of any kind j ng caution in handling the tariff, an In- r' A group of numbers by, (he Ladles should be initiated auring tnene times, 1 fluence which has been responsible ior I Columbia concert orchestra, otrectea ny th mmnlv delavs encountered by I Mrs. Frances Knight, will be a feature the high protestlonlst 'advocatea in the of the evening. Lucien E. Becker wUl last year. If it had not oeen ior tne foreign trade auestlon, the. Republican I party would long ago have passed an .except under pressing public necessity, and only then after a'careful and thor ough Investigation of probable coat, with the money on hand or, In sight before berlnnln the work. "We can well declare a -holiday' on old.fa)lh,oned tariff. spcnuing puuitc tunua, uuiu i icub tan catch up and get our breath. Archbishop Christie Entertains P rie s t s At His Heights Home . .1 , m I v ae. -a e w . vvuvuv fa lOW VV WV ;r " .,L 1.1 I arch-diocese of Oregon City were en ZV KriZ?"-X"U," I tertained at a dinner Tuesday adjusted, and the following terms jof compromise were announced today : ,L There will be no general election in Ireland before May. 2. The constitution of the free state shall be a campaign issue. 2. The dail eireann shall meet regu larly. 4. No party vote shall be taken re- auiring the resignation of Arthur Grif- . 1 fith nm ilMt f th Hail nor thu rfa.ll noon at 1 ; ;.:: ' The great game of excuses and pre- 1 . . . . . . . . . WAUXUVk. which win follow the ceremonies. The 1 V;r: .L.IT ' 1 1 Eamon d Valera announced to the wives or the new cltlxens Will be seated jr" iT ' , T.T "''"" Sinn Fein convenUon here today that vith ttiAn,' nn ths sfaira nA - TmwA I street. Portland Heights. I n, .) ... I iu in naironlclnir bomi Indus-I texts, political and economic , ior non- lMa.ta will be Vent until S o'clock for the I The archbishop purchased the old JU I in. n fh tfv fis-ht had hn tries and the employment of home peo-1 payment of the American debt has be- other relativea and friends and for citl-1 B. Menefee home several .months ago I reached. A three months adjournment . a l.'.a...l. I m ITtia A eviAsla tva sal area, Visa Ckl I a 111 J i . . ii. I - . m I ' pie. J-ei us aeep our money in . .v-.. - 1 sens aamiuea qunng uie -past. year. 1 ana movea into 11 recently alter a lew i of the convention will be taken, he an tion at home whenever possible and con-1 ready been started, tnougn senator 1 civic students from the high schools 1 alterations were made. Prominent f nounced. pending the framing of a con Intent with good business methods. I Med ill MeCormlck of Illinois recently I will also occupy reserved seats. among the alterations was the construe- I gtitution for the new Irish free state. VETERANS TO ATTEND tion of a private chapel in one of the I The threatened split in Sinn Fein ranks Vover-the-Ton noat No. 82 Veterans I spacious rooms. rne Duumng is situ-1 nas oeen averred oy private conierence "Too much money, leaves this state. We I gave Europe a surprise -by putting should encourage more industries and through the senate without any diffl- We also should encourage more home I how European governments were1 spend. building and tilling of the soil, which j Ing their money. . ' ' mean good cltiienshlp. . I vrraoPE IS OFFENDED AID EX'HEBTICE MES I uroDB took offense at that the factories, which mean larger payrolls, culty whatsoever resoluUon inquiring -r ttV w.V. h A'r,t' n tnvijl! I ated so as to command an excellent view I between Griffith. Collins. DeValera and We at law H in 11 anrniiri aTsa mnrm, nntmA 1 tirrttr' IniPrinaan arrvtroTrnmsn t al vrara snAfiil. I " - " I . . . , .... I . j - o: j a tion to attend the ceremony. N Members 1 01 tne city. - uereteiore Archbisnop i otner leauers, me omn r em presiueni lef the post win meet at the court house J Christie has lived at the cathedral resi-jsaid. I at 7 -5ft n n and win m. in Tn Audi, dence. 62 North Sixteenth, street. I iurius muuua inx tnrlnm In a hndv KmrnninM trv Dmr. I Th tinnat xoaa infnrmil nn -iiTor I dal'-, as Sinn Feln'S Parliament, Will "Full recognition of the duty we owe French press Is still saying harsh things the-Ttop band. . speeches being given. The archbishop continue to mnction m an aepanmenta to the ex-service men and women must I about Mr. MeCormlck' s Query. But i The following peUUoners have been I expressed his thanks to the clergymen be given. Iubllc officials should co- when the American fundine- commission I examined at previous naturaiitation 1 fo their loyalty and labor and ex onerate with them to their fullest extent I starts work, it will ask more . pertinent I hearings have been instructed to appear changed personal greetings. by assisting them to get reesiaDiisnea questions and tell Europe some more " n Auaiiorium lomgni to taae line Announcement wag made in .the or to get a start. facts about the origin of the ten billions o01 M allegiance and to receive their chUrches of the arch-diocese last Sunday "The wage earner and hla family are I which were lent during the war. In the 1 rUficate of citizenship : I that the archbishon would lnformalrr re- ..... . : . ... k...U I . . . . . ... .1 In.ilIIn. Hj, m n &4-f-11n rn.AMl r -emiiiea o a wjuare uemi. no biiuuiu i rirst place. America wants to Know wnv lew. Benm-v, Bo mucn has bee spent on land arms- I ' ' . . an, oo j far whlrh h. .hmild recelva honA.t and -.v... ' I many; -jeorge Aiirea ranis, tireat tsru- w " 1 I UKIIl MIU muy BUIIja UL-lIie lUIia OlUiail n 1 lavM p... UanrAv IZr-m t HHta In ivininji.i.v. i uui pe vara io pay mieresi ana prmci i neu retreon, sveaen ; Jtmes Hcunsor, t rir T 'J ft T im .wunij wmminiuwrs aro r-1 pal on the allied war debt. France says I vireai Britain; wiineim rearicn iiem- i - rm fn li ti rt inTl 1 sponsible for the operaUon, maintenance I ene needs the army because Germany I rtcn Rune, Germany; Sam Gladstein, 1 v V UUU. UUli i.O and upkeep of the county's roads, bridges wm not pay. America and Great Brit- tFJ?7,- Railroad Political Club to Be Formed Permanently Friday Detroit, Mich., Feb. 22. L X.:S.) The name of the man alleged directly re sponsible for the " murder of William Desmond Taylor was wired to loe An geles today by Sheriff Cofxiiwollowlng a long conference between the sheriff and. Harry M. FieMa. county Jail pris oner, who boasted knowledge of Taylor's slayer. Fields declared the murder the result of a drug peddlers' plot to gain revenge on the director, who blocked their operations in the Hollywood movie colony. He denied part In the slaying. but declared he and three other members of the ring, one of them a principal in the killing, fled from Hollywood the night of the crime. :- - Fields Was arrested for the Detroit police In Buffalo, N. T, : on February C and returned here for trial on a for gery charge. He was convicted before Judge Marsh February 1 and remained to the county Jail for sentence. SAMES BOFE PEDUIEM Names of three "dope peddlers al leged to , be implicated in the plot to kill Taylor, were given police this after noon by Fields. He declared he --and the three men, members of. the ring which furnished the movie. colony with drugs, fled Hollywood onMlie night of the crime and that one of the three would be directly connected with, the killing. The names were wired imme diately to los Angeles. Fields' first recorded conviction was in King county, Washington, September 30, 1S15, when he was sentenced to six months to 20 years in Walla Walla peni tentiary. April 22, 1919, he was sen tenced to six months- for vagrancy In Santa Monica, CaL The following year he was arrested here in possession of 100 grains of morphine and turned over to the department of justice, the record snows, STORY DOUBTED .- Subsequent to bis arrert on the drug charge here he was sentenced to 20 years in New Westminster prison, British Co lumbia, for forgery, but later was par doned. Chief Fox declared the information furnished by Fields would be valuable to the coast authorities, if true. ' He expressed doubt of Fields' story, however, basing bis hesitation on the fact that Fields is apparently suffering from long continued use of drugs. t i it - ii .v.- ... i ... - r . - . . . Dnuw ; ueoree trice, ureal .7"....::. ,ZZ r: r;., V:. " m 'J Prooamy oe cpmpeuea in tne i Herman Mandua Hansen. Norway; Pete . . . . L . ""-" . 7". "1 ena lo ar" n-om oermany such aermue John Andresakis, Greece: William James Inafed from the business administration I assurances with respect to the amount Crocker, Great Britain ; August Theodor th county's and common ,he pay t0 make unnecessary the Dshlstrom. Sweden ; Ernest August Cart- rnBlf tnanr rf lartraa rnilitorv fnrnai nn I "" v-.- r nl 7. i " J Great Britain; Thomas Edward Law n si Mint lnsmnr . l . w 3 Missing; He Leaves Missive to Parents f' u jt ! ordinary business methoda will bring the desired results. 8TTDT PUBLIC TtF.EDS "I propose to make a careful, sys. tematlc, detailed study of the county's affairs. In order that I will be better able to run It In a -businesslike way, without any noise Ov Buncombe. "Ite possible that some of the county and cty departments can be consolidated, thereby effecting a saving to the tax payers, bat at thla time I do not feel warranted In making any recommenda tlona "1 do, however, take exceptions to the , present practice In connection with the management of the Interstate bridge, the "side money" or tfle 50 per month drawn by each cptnmlstoner in addition to his regular salary jf $250 per month. It - appears irregular and is certainly estab lishing a had precedent in the adminls tratlon of public afralra" , TIRES OF PASSING BUCK ON WAR DEBT (ontlirod From Tut One) Great Britain; Great Britain the continent BORROWED FROM PEOPLE , ' in tne second place, tne fact that the I Ada Olson. Sweden : Edit Soohia Sen. American 10 bUllons rich treasury, but borrowed it from I Mladenovtch, Serbia ; 27,000.000 persons men. ' women and t youraa. Greece. . j children-has yet to be explained to the 1 24 ARE ADMITTED ' son. Great Britain; Joseph Hindley. jnaries toian siewan, ia-pouna son oi Mr. ana Airs. J. r. i ay Friday evening, in hall J of the Labor temple;, the Railroad Political club will be permanently organized and put in running shape for the coming campaign in the state,- according to announcement of F. M. Wells, temporary secretary of the organization. The club, which is composed at the nresent tim of railroad emnlovea and James C. Taylor, 18-year-old six-foot 1 their wives, held its initial meeting last Sunday .evening at the Public . library John Wagner, Russia; I ior, 4S8 East Eleventh street north, has when a temporary organisation was ef- vu,,u mo laui mai. niaiAaa Olson. Sweden; man sopnta Bep-la-one and run awav pnli snont tndavIT j r " government didn't take the panen, Finland ; Simo Mlkkoben, Fin- f""!,? rXL Itected. . Friday night's meeting la for out of a surplus fund or a land; Nels Hellem, Norway; Dushan I Li2 JzSSL the purpose of permanent organlsaUon. - Spiros . H. Ka '- e at which time officers will be elected European financiers. The American government cannot cancel without the consent of virtually the entire electorate, which, besides, losing on its original in vestment, would have to be taxed fur ther to pay Interest or principal on the Liberty loana themselves. Such a course Isn't for a moment considered , here. In answer to the French and Italian pessimism, the -tendency in official cir cles la to tell Europe not to be so dis consolate ' about Its own future and to point out what remarkable progress already has been made in reconstruction. Early this week police found young ario-cloclTi'n the morn Instead XVSV? h . . . . .... I - Thfl - Ml ttor, 4h ll IntAMOlM oi taxing the youthful owl to Jail they The call states that- ''all interested voters who 'believe that there should be a ' political, organization pin. .the interest of tne laboring people or uregon" are 'Twenty-five aliens were passed fori took him home, much to his disgust. citizens at this morning's session of thai He penned the following note to his federal court hv Jndra Wolverton. seven I Barents and diaanneared : of whom are ex-service men. Th itidee "Dear Folks I coild never keen on I Invited to-attend and become members. denied eleht annlicants admission and I staying here because I have been de-1 Th organisation, though started prior continued three cases until a later date. I ceiving you all the time. So it is good- to the recent national meeting in New Samuel Sinclair was denied admission 1 oye forever. Don't look for me for you xora, in wmcn organixea moor ana tne because he had returned to Scotland wm never 1 111(1 me- with-his family during the v last five I years. To secure a passport be had to swear allegiance to Great Britain. Sin clair will have to start all over again by taking-out his first papers and de- J. D. Willys, Auto Magnate, Coming John N. Willys, president of the Th nivn- nf Rnmtwi ! in nnv I daring his intentions anew. b poets greater than was anticipated. In 1 CM John, who ran a soft drink stand I at Fourth and Stark Rtrt was tnM tn "in. yeTr Europ4 woe wait at least aear andlearZ 4LLJ bankrupt, the - American debt commia- tne laws or the land. He has been ar slon will proceed on the theory that rested four times by the police for op Europe is strong and resourceful enough erting a punch board, tor shaking dice, to pay her debts If she is given time for sellings moonshine and for selling can pay unless the tariff wall la removed la regarded here as having some basis of plausibility from the viewpoint of 'sound economics, but the belief prevails that Europe will look around for many an excuse to postpone or repudiate pay ment until finally compelled to meet the question directly In the official negoti atlona The action of Great Britain In an nouncing that she fully' Intends to pay and that no doubt will be granted. Mrs.FifiStillman's . Father Found Dead Richmond, Va- Feb. 22. (L N. S.) James Brown Potter of New York, New port News and Tuxedo, father of Mrs, James (Flfl) Stillman, was found dead here early today In the home of Colonel W. Frank Powers. Charter Week Sixteen, years ago thia week Oregon Life was granted a charter bv the state of Oregon. N The confidence placed in the incor porators of this company by the great state of Oregon has never been abused. It was planed then that- this should be a policyholders' company. To that end the directors voted nearly , a 0 increase in dividends to partic ipating policy holders effective March 1. Policyholders will also receive 4 interest on dividends, trust- funds and installment settlements left with the, company a voluntary increase of . over the 34 provided for by contract. . From a humble beginning we have . grown to be the substantial company of . ' the northwest with nearly twenty seven million of business in force. We want to makm this a red letter week in our htttory. Phone us Main 447 better itiUeign an application tor a. policy today in . Insurance Company OWest la raelfte ! Xertkwett Home Office : Corbett BIdg. : Portland, Oregon , Qregonlfe cigarettes to a minor, Other petlUons dismissed were : F. Casciato, no-appearance; Johan Reb man. Insufficient. witnesses ; Nick' Jae ger, no appearance; Henry Gosch, no appearance; .Gabriel Roth, illiterate Edith Clark, no appearance; A. Kater tnsky, illiterate. TWELVE TO BE EXAMINED .' j Twelve names appeared on the list to be heard this afternoon. As soon as the applicants were admitted clerks had them sign all the necessary documents, and the linal certificates were filled out Clerk G. H. Marsh has arranged the ap plicants in groups by nationalities, and will swear the group from each country at one .time tonight. The exact number of men in each group will not be known until the- conclusion of the day's bear ings. ' The final total Is expected to be about 6027 names, from the December hearing. 25 admitted this morning and about 10 this afternoon. The ex-service men admitted today are: Maxie 8. Lewis, Great Britain: Andrew Zoyle, Italy; John T. Knutaent Norway ; ranceaco jKotonoc Italy ; Alek Alexis, Greece, and Victor Bene- ventslt, Italy. The regular petitioners admitted are Frederick Aandahl. Norway: Carl L. Anthon, Denmark ; Daniel Wold, Nor way ; - Dennis - Doyle, , Great - Britain ; Henry Johns, Great Britain; Chris Jef fries, Greece; P. Majovski, Bulgaria ; Joha Gibson, Great Britain ; Ignac Zel cny, Caecho-Slovakia ; Georges. Borbys, Greece i ti. i. Anthon, Greece ; Martus Larsen, Norway ; Paul Kestea. Hungary George V. Jensen, Denmark, Carl Jacob sen. Denmark; Elijah Morcom. Eng land; Barney Johnson, Denmark, and Johan Nelson, Sweden, Alleged Would-Be Apartment Kobbers Caught After Chase Two would-be burgiars, who dodged In and out of hallways and doors In the l laxwell Hall apartments Tuesday eve ning, while unsuspecting tenants -went about their affairs as usual, were today behind the bare 4n city Jait One of them-Reno Kiljuna trapped in eae of the rooms by C Jacobs, pro prietor, was taken tor police when taey I arrived tn response to- Jacobs telephone call. Walter Owens, the other, slipped down an obscure stairway at the alarm and was not captured until 2 :S this momlnc -. Doth Owens and KHjuna admirted that they were attempting to rob the place. Neither, as far a police could learn, was armed. ' Kiljuna. caught ' red-handed, readily admitted his part. From papers in bis pockets police ascertained that he had been making i his . borne at 282 Sixth street. There they waited for Owen a In a few hours be appeared and was organised agricultural interests Joined their forces, is in line with that idea, and according to its proponents, will follow the trend of the eastern move ment. "It is expected by those who have been active in fostering the club that it will take an active part in the com ing primary and general elections. . Senator Capper to Organize Fight on Ship Subsidy Plans Washington. Feb. 22. (L N. S.) By International News Service) Organised opposition to tne sup subsidy was planned today by Senator Capper, Re publican of Kansas, and other Western members of the . senate "agricultural bloc. - ,v Canner.. who is slated to succeed Sen Washington, Feb. 22. (L N- 8.) Tne ator Kenvon. Republican of Iowa, as departments of commerce and labor are I chairman of the "bloc' upon the latter's allowed ,33U,U8 tor tne rtscai year i retirement Friday -to become a federal 1922-23 under the provisions of an ap-1 Judge, declared that he is "unalterably propriation bill reported to the house opposed" - to the plan for a government today by the house appropriations com- subsidy or guarantee of the American mittee. Of this total, the commerce de- merchant marine which President Hard- partment will get 218.S03.164 and the I ing is expected ' to submit to congress labor department S6,sze,9zu. either Saturday or Monday. LOS AHGEI.ES KEEPS WISES BUST OK DETROIT ABBERT Los Angeles. CaL, Feb. 22. (L fi. S ) A telegraphic "third degree"' which kept the wires hot between 14 Angeles and Detroit, featured the Investigation of the William Desmond Taylor murder mystery today, when - by telegrams, Sheriff Traeger directed, the question ing of Harry N. Fields, under arrest In the Michigan city, who claims to know the man who. billed Taylor. Sheriff Traeger flashed a series of questions over, the wires which, were put to Fields by Sheriff Coffin at the jail in Detroit, and Fields answers were sent back to Los Angeles almost as soon as he spoke them. By the telegraphic "third degree" Traeger sought to estab lish the truth or falsity of Fields' claim, he knows Taylora -slayer. Doubt was expressed that Harvey W. Adams,- arrested at Concord,"!. C, on suspicion -of; being Edward S, Sands, sought,, as a suspect in the case, was thousands wanted in connection with tne muraer. Detectives today sought to learn the Id.ntlty of the woman to, whom Taylor gave a $1250 Jade "tassel" which he purchased here January 3. It Is Re lieved that Taylor presented the jade as a. gift to a film actress who was one of his most Intimate friends, but detectives cannot understand why she failed to mention it to them when they questioned her. Ohio, will arrive in Portland Friday on a tour of the country, which began in New York and has included the South ern and Southwestern states. Willys will confer here with Harry Hayes, man ager of the Portland branch of the Willys-Overland company, and dealers in the state. i Departments Are Given $25,330,084 . The Prodigal Son . Returns Home! BUT THE DAUGHTER: WHAT ABOUT HER? This age-old, yet ever new question, is power- Fully presented in - JOHN M. STAHL PRODUCTION The (t Song of Life" With an ALL-STAR CAST An Unusual , COMEDY-DRAMA Of Dishes and Discontent Coming Saturday "THEODORA" .: ' .:-; r ' ', -' The Greatest Spectac ular Picture the World - Has' Ever Khbwrt. ';: 25,000 People ? in , the CastT.'- ; Two Drivers Held On Drunk Charge Two automobile drivers were arrested Tuesday night on charges of driving while intoxicated. Ferris Peterson, a truck driver for T; W, Jenkins whole sale grocery store, was- arrested after his truck had collided with an automo bile driven by E. Sweeney, 448 East , hat. - ' lull n if, r j ift 'rti v Holiday Celebration! dce tomgMt; BROADWAY HALL ijejers Famous Orchestra 'Jack Bain Singing The best music you ever stepped to. , - .' " Free Balloons to the ladies. - THOMPSONS Deep-Carve Iieases , Are Better Trademark Registered) '. The Sign of Perfect Service Refusing to fit many persons with eye glasses has made many satisfied cus tomers for us. They foHod ear advice, r A few hm.T9 Insisted upon reslaaMs whea tbey tbuld , wear spectacle We lefoscd to allow their -: ' tniriiitenre to sway enr better jndsmeot. and we lost their mtnioace foe the ' tiawbelBc.' Experience brrmght then bck to accept our adrice. .. . " " If 7 cm earn wear an eye else. Shar-OB eyeciaeies as we fit then will fire the ' gnatast ssriitaetiaa. - OTB OWW COKPtETB lEKS GRIST) I KG PLA5T OS THJB PK3tlSS SAVE YOUR EYES THOMPSON Optical Institute ; v '.Pyeslght SpectalistS' . Pertlaad's . Modera Beet w-- s Kxelaaive OaUeiU , r fstaausaaieau Sts-fe-U CORBETT BIB. WFIH ASB MOKIllMOS . t.- v . Siace lW , Cast. A. Kasee, Presldest - aad General ataaager NOWI HERE i mt t , X w -. - i - -: i 5 t . iS f u Am 4 " ' urmt raiDAV V'.--NIOHT . V": ONLY '.fxv.-ri ION G HANEY THS STAR OS" "THI MIRACLE tMAH" lit HIS LATEST AMD OREATKST. MOOUOTION largest, Kelt Best JEealppes 66 THE NIGHT ROSE"n ,ii,t-'. IT GRIPS! IT THRILLSI COMEOVANO NEWS WEEKLY BLUg MOU8r-eONCERT OBCMCSTRA COatlMa, TNUHDKRCLAP. t DO El 1 hr y nr j inr ee. 3 1 ;T , Directed by TH0SJL1NCE PLAYING With an alUtar cast -including FLORENCE VIDOR LLOYD , HUGHES THEODORE ROBERTS MADGE BELLAMY U Other attractions - including -KEATES AT OUR ORGAN arrested, - - ".'