THE OREGON SUNDAY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1922. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 lACiraJTTRCT BTJNCrnLOW M uet modern new home, This lovely new banralow Sn located ta th cma . of Lanrrihurst. to block from ear, ur , tnandad by lovely bom. Then ar 6 . larva, delightful rooms down, kronging room and larg. bedroom op: bdwd. poi ihd Oaora. plW glass wind ova, double rvoaco doors, eld ivory aad .tapestry paoer; Bat anion, builtins; floor tab, padvotai. lavatory, f! replace, - finest hot air heating plant; double garage. Coma mi Sunday to 103 Roy Ooarx. between Gllaan and Flaadar. aad inspect Uua baaattfml boa. I), w. alton. Aut. $:-i. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1304 nnWN BOBS CTTT PARK Aad analWt' bona or car, new 5 room bun galow. (o20, easy mi. $-00 DOWN OR TAKE CAB AS PART Nifty aaw 4-ruum bungalow, Baraga, (3500, terms to suit, I moo down 6-room "tew bcngiiw Hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in, fumac aaia buy; $4750; trnruf rey. r Many others frwn (3730 np. LUNIKJUIST REALTY OO., 415 t'lieniber of Commerce bldg, Broadway 1222. East 8130. PARKKO! BUNGALOW (4280 OS CRAIG ROAD. This la a eney 8 rnom buncairw, lirrplace, builMn buffet. Patch kitchen, molem plumbing, ground 100x150 ft Home fir tree In yard, fa and electric eon-a-rucma. Tarra half eash, haJanc. arranged. J. U HARTMAN CO.. t Chamber ol Commerce bid. Broadway 6034. Frank G. Robinson , 303-4 SeUke Bide ' (7300 Hawthorne 8-flat bona, each flat rents 850, always occupied ; 1 6 per eent on investsnri; splendid home, exceptional bargain; term. I (6500 And op. Leurethurst nosnen. 12800 6-room Woodstock horn, garage; ear 1 block; tree, btrne; basement Tarma. i . ' (475 0 6-room lm City home, strictly raod rn ; builtins. fireplace, hardwood floors Term, i 1900 Nearly new. near Hawthorne ear. 8- roroi boom, basement, doable garage, 10x2? bara. fruit. Terms. 31850 Brand new 4-rrx-rn modern home on S lot in in park. Excellent buy 8300 down, balance like rent. Will accept Ford for part. 8 750 Two room and lattie. bearing tree; tractive place. a-r car. Term. Frank C. Robinson 503 Selling Bids. Main 3557. City Rose Price Only $4750 mom bungalew on 60x100 lot. near ear- below tit hill; ha all builUn. fireplace, rwraaca, ate; alao giraga; raaaonabla payment, and term. In offica Monday, ..... "CTKET INTEsiMkNT CO., "10 'Panama bllg. Broadway Wf42. ClfWnV V' laiiirelliant acruic; 7 ronu, larga thing rncim. den, dining room. Dutch . kitchen, brakfan room and 1 fine bedroom and bath firnt floor, 3 hed . f rrim ami hath aeund floor. 2 flre- J place, interior dona In old irory and real malwwiny: (75UO. term. AWin Jrwiaaon. realtiw, 204 Board of Trad bldg. 1' Hilary. 37. 8andy YmI 2ttl. KX 8lJjir.T3, MAKK Yol'K tUN TKRkfS 34?00. new. arrutia 5 room buncalov; long tiring room, flrevtane, French door to dining rman, hanlwood tlnr, hamly Ititch kitchen, bnakfant m; filmaoa: rxtra wall built; elex in; arnr lot. patl UeC No liana. Apply yvw bunoa on thin. R, BOMRRTTUR. 8T0 r. W N-atlcnal IUnk Mkig. W. I4T. K-CSEHVICK UKS W hire om real, dcairabl. modem bun galow rady for Immediate oooupanry, very reaavoable. terma ARK YOU COfNO TO BnLDT Rea onr plan and up-to-data ideaa. W can help yon finance. W. M fSCBDENSTOCK PO., 310 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. IBVtNOTON BFNGAfyOlV NEW ANDi ClJtSST Thi is- a moat charming new 6 room bungalow, large floored attic. The rooma are all urge and cheerful; plate glaa windows, rfench door into library and dining room harda(od poiUned - floor, fireplace, old irory and tapestry paper, beautiful bnilt-inv famaee, garage, snr rounded by lorely home; a deligbu'ol home. 8H250. D. W. ALTONj Aol. 329-18. TOD ABB LOOKING FOB A BUNGALOW? HERE IT 13 1500 down, fireplace, hardwood floora. large bedroonn. oombuiation living and dining room, oocy break fast nook, j'nst the built-Boa that yoa like. Cement basement with laundry tray. 33650, balance oa decreuuig monthly pay nietit plan. ' J. U HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of C)ommcroe Bldg. Broadwajt 6034. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LArRELHtBST BCSGAIOW . CLEVER NEW HOME Here i just a dandy new "5 room bun galow with large floored and plastered attic. Nice cheerful rooms, plate glass windows, French doors, hardwood pol ished floor, old irory and tapestry paper; floor tub, pedestal laeatory, CrepUce, ' furnace, garage. $585U. 1. W. AJjTONV Auto. 32-19. ROSE CTTT BTJNGAIvOW 85000 Nearly; new & room bungalow on, full corner lot. jn t irff Sindy; tinbhed in old ivory; hard wood1 flooro, fireplace and all built-in. Very easy term. Q'Farrell-Fortiney 838-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4172. BY OWNER BRAND NEW Modern 4-rocm bungalow. Dutch kitchen with kit of buiit-in. large breakfast room, targe living room with fireplace, hardwood lioor. bookcase. ec. : 2 large bedrooms with big closets. electric light and window in each closet: full basement with high ceiling. Located at 580 Sherrett are.. Sellwood. on cared at., Vi block from car. Oi?n Sunday aitemoon; key next door. i'TO-e cumirfete (3800; terms. Ji-4 Uttos. Main 8311. Brand New4370 Strictly modem, eomulete. 5 room and bath. living and dining rooms in taestrjF, woodwork throughout in Kiench gray, hardwood floors. buffet, book shelves, half basement (cementea) pared ftret. Terms arranged. Ssdney Q. LatSirop 411 ABfNGTON BLTifJ. SACTuncia A fonr-roma houae, S acre, fntlt tree, bam. wall; l fenced, 3 mile south of Tualatin. 0O fmt from highway. iTvas $900; 8250 Wn.. balance to suit. Mr. flharksy. TORD S. WIIXIAMS CO.. Broad way 722S He, phooa. Tabor 73 S 2. ana ranama Bug. NEW BUNGALOW 32000 or a very amall cash payment and easy monthly installment will sell you a new 4-Km double constructed bungalow, one block from a paved street; might take lot np to (1000 as part payment. I SMALL APARTMENT HOCSR Vma 8-room uites, rented for $20 per month, 2-story frame building, basement, fin condition, lot UJlSO, one of th beat corners in Eugene, $ji00: tloOU cash will handle. W. G. IDE, 817 Lewi bldg. WEST SIDE NOUTHRCP ST. 7 RtJOMS $6500 1100O CASH Cheerful living room fireplace, large den fire place, dining room, dandy pas pantry with built-in and kitchen, 3 bedrooms ni, large baaement. furnace, laundry : good home, ex ceilent condition; lot 50x100. garage. Mr. Burns, Broadway 011; Marshall 2103, erenine. T. O. BUU), 52H Chamber of Commme. Here's Your Chance Move Right In! 3250 down, for 4-room modern bungalow Alberta ditrirt: balance S2150. payable (2d month, including int. Call, after Sunday, Wood lawn 1017. WHY PAT RENT? 33750 EDGE IALRELITCRST B rooms, breakfast nook, pretty hartrwood floors, full cement basement, concrete runway. 325 a month like rent. Absolutely gilt edge. House are just being finished building. Blk. from car. Will be on ground Sunday, 4 7th and E. Elandera. You'll buy when you see these bonsea, (600 down, Will consider mnr down payment and bonus, J. BOBBINS, 301 Ry. Eich. Bldg. Tabor 5310. Bdwy. 5931. rvlt RALK, by owner beautiful new 6-room boo, everything modern; full baarment, gar ga. cement walks and on kmprovad street If ywa are looking for a home, saw ma baforw yen buy. I'aab ant terms, tall Sunday from 10 to 4 at 3i K. 10IH at N. Tak Roaa City Park ear to 50th. waik 8 blocks south. W. N. rlarlntngrr, 2800 K. Morriaun, I'hoo Tabor 2X0 it AuBKUTA lit'NGAIXW (2550 (300 caih. 335 monthly, for neat 5 room bnngali'W. full banement. oomplrte plumbing, 1 bloc from car. 8--e Mr. Ince. witli 732 CHAM. OF COM. rtvsfj cm ftrsftALow This dandy 5 room bungalow; hag flreptac and Dutch kitchen; 2 blnrk from ear and arhoni. Price (4 200. Will trad acuity on aparV aaens ar bnilding lot, AC8TI.N-O I.EART REALTY CO.. 834 ( hamhrr of Corn, llldg, Bnawiwar 1571. BKAHTTFl'l. TIKW BCNOALOW Mount Tabor. 8 ruoens; fireplace, bookcase. Bwff. nnnent hsamnent. pared stiWt; very ncwy plan (40O0; (1000 oaah, balaoca 328 and Inters monthly. Johnson-Dodson Co. 833 N W. Bank MWr Mala S7ST. La I; ukT.iic "SsT n ef n , rooms, hardwood flonra UI b'h, large bawmint smendid New , ho throughout. furt , garage, n fact sverytliihg Uiat goes wiui a home that ymi wUl like. Grnie out and it today (Sunday) . meet th owner. If a bargain. Open 10 io S p m. 1257 GUasa at., at O call for tnformatlun. Tabor 7404. BEST BLY IN HOSE CITY PARK $.".S0O Terms. Attracuva new 5 room bungalow below the nm. extra well built, Plate g'avs windows. rarawooa iioors. lanre II vine anrl rimine mnm firejilace. Imtch kitchen, breakfa-t nook, fur' pace, 2 nice bedrooms, wardrobe closets. A real noma. Tt SOMKRVTLLE. 320 P. H Nat. Bank Bldg. IMwv. t?4 7S. 6 Room Bungalow $500 Down Strictly modern fl room bungalow with sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, finritac fnrnu-. and all builtins; cement garage; close in, near oaxuiy oia. in oince wiinuay. DPntiFT TWUstmpvt rn HOB-TO Pan am a Bldg. I Bmalway 6342. PENINSULA pVNGALOW Located near tha beautiful Willamette brrd., rooms, hardwood floor, fireplace, bookcase, mil basement. 3 bedrooms, lot 50x100. paved treet; price ha been reduced to 342T.0 for quick sale, reasonable cash pavment. balance monthly. Wilbur K. Jnrano, Henry bldg. Eva- ning pnrme (Vmmhia 1172. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ROSE CTTT PARK ROSE CITY PARK . lAtTRELHURST ', iAtTRELHCBST ALAMEDA PARK ALAMEDA PARK If you are going to buy in any cf these dis tricts, inspect our listings. We have some splen did properties listed at prices that are very at tractive. . Tt mArtttiem t twrr doamtown office, w tain an east aide office at 40th and Sandy. It is our aim , to constantly keep in touch with the best buys as they are put on tne mancet, axtu atn act aa selling aaenta for several of Port' land's best builders. If yoa contemplate duuo- ing, we can be of seme to you. $4600 ROSE CTTT PARK DISTRICT -New nnnsraiowr select tout own ' comuiete with hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement, garage, eic large lot. Will accept bonus loan. 35250 ROSE CITY PARK .New. ' -room bungalow. complete wita narowow fifw.r fiwmla-e cement basament. etc Everythins one could expect for the money. Baiow the tiu. raving pun Terms. tt irp THE BKST BTTTS IN ROSE CTTY PARK AND LACREIHURST. MAN NEW LISTINGS. CALL OLtt tiai aujr OFFICE TODAY. (5800 LACRELHURST Splendid 5-room bungalow, located on large corner lot, Titr car all assessments paid. Built by one of Portland's best builders. You will una nere everytmiia jua ju... pect in an expensive Home. (8750 LAURELHLTIST Colonial, mountain view, unusual buneaiow wiiu obuhcu lines; designed for comiort and con venience; 6 rooms and sun parlor, an on one floor. Nothing could be done to add to its fineness of quality and workmaiUiip and beauty of finish. In spect. ALAMEDA PARK DUTCH COLONIAL DUTCH COLONIAL Owner leaving Portland and must sell. Your opportunity. Built by one of Portland s best builders. Hardwood floors throughout, tile batn. 2 fireplaces; mountain view. Inspect this prop erty and make an offer. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE ALL, BUT IJ" TOU ARE IXMJKING FOR A REAL .HOMT. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INSPECT OUR LISTINGS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 4Q4 WJ5 ARK HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES" America'a Largest Horn Seller 1 20O Photograph of Bosses for Sals REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE HOUSES 404 -BUILT TO ENDURE" (100 to (3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Less Money. BEDIMADE BLDO. -CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Factory E ltth and Market- Phone Eaut 5114. Waverley, Near Car. 3 heautiful colonial bungalows. 532. 534, 542 E. 34th., Small payment down, balance like rent; electric range and water heater, furnace, hdw. floors, all the built-ins. plate glass win dows, street imp. all in and paid. Price (4500 and (4600. Owner, Sell. 2859, 1016 Brooklyn. HAWTHORNE BUNGAIjOW 54750 Five rovms with largo atitc. fireplace, full basement, Gasco furnace, tray.. Dutch kitchen; paved street. Some extm. EafT term'!. 0 Farrell'Fordney 338-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4172. DRIVE OUT TO OUR EAST SIDE OFFICE TODAY. NO OBLIGATIONS POSITS ELY 1-Oul.L NOT BE URGED TO BUT. THE HOUSES MUST SELL THEMSELVES. East Side Office Open Today. AaC'TECPE CO XEALT0CS A INSURANCE 270 STARK. STv7 A V 40 iSAJCTf i omcss (4350 TERMS 34350 Brand-new Rose City bungalow, 6 large rooms, large living room, plateglass window; cement porch and steps; Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures. Rose Citv ear to 67tb, then 2 blocks north to 744. Owner there from 11 to 5 daily- KENTON 5 rooms and bath, new, hardwood floors. breakfast nook, fireplace, full cement basement. lot 50x100, improvements m and paid, (1000 cash will handle. W. HEELER Bank Bldg-, Kenton. Woodlawn 6507. ALAMEDA QUEEN ANN BUNGALOW For sale by owner. Nearly new, 6 alovely light rooms, strictly modem, hot water beat. ivory finish, tapestry paper, fireplace, cement basement, all built-ins, garage, garden, fence. shrubs, linoleum, ga ranca. Will sacrifice for Quick sale. Call East 5193. Can Yom Beat It? 2 room house, bath, toilet, woodshed, fruit trees. Lot 80x120; fenced. 75 down, balance at your terms. Price (S50. MOVE RIGHT IN 4 room brand new bungalow; 2 bed rooms, bati room complete, full cement basement, laundry trays, kitchen builnns, with nearly an acre of ground. (500 down, balance easy. Pre $3800. HOME AND JOB 3 acres, all cleared. 5 room house, chickesihouse. shed, 28 fruit trees, facing Fonter road. Sycamore waiting station in front of place. $250 down, balance $25 per month, interest included. Price $2500. A. Kosovac . 410 GerimgeT bldg. Sundays Wdln. 6521. Homes in and Adjacent 8 KuOMS, $3250 BrNOALOW. $500' CASn ratlin street near 9th. 8 room down. 8 m . Bnllent condition, full cement basement, wah , tray, ssrw cement garac. paved St.. dandy lot. Variety fruit; leaving city; payments like rent. rW It. Bdwy 8011. Tabor 848 evenings. LALKKLHUK3T. NEAR BANDY BLVD. Ja completed, strictly modern 5-rm. bunga Ww, IhiU-a kitetxn. built in buffet, flrepaaea, turnaoe. basement, garage. (8750, tarma. Let us show you. WTLL.AM wui.rso 401 Panama hUg. Bdwy. 77H3. IRVTNGTON DIpTRUrT Five-room bungalow, with finished attic, fireplace, built in bookcase, buffet, breakfast wk. hardwood floor, old Ivory and Upaotry finiah. tilrtt sink aad bath, cemant basement. ITica 85500; terms.. Open for Inspection from mop. na., BOH Fremont near 18th, Kosi TrrT" parkin eWHT room bungalow ana gang, oo R. 00th sL N.. 80x100 lot: ba rnent, bath, flraplaea, breakfast nook, all boilt-ins, h r, Toor. - A very aio home for only $4500, $730 cash will handle thl. 1. .ft, WTiiyr, 419 Hurt Bldg. uTJiaf CITY M ngaLov? $4750 frown, strWrtry modern, aQ imrTiii iianls in vl paid. Be It at 1 K. 55th N. or call Mr. Krwln, Vfcdla. 8714, and w will be glad t ahow tt. . FmitsiiW -R-Rfioki Bt'NtULovv WFJsTMORELAND. $4330 iMTtrtg city, very attractive, extra Urge "a firepjac. ttonkcasra, etc, attic, all kind tsnmnpery; wen rtirnisiMi. Com see It, Bdwy. 011 Bq 8708 evenings. FX) RSALE OR rrSPTTAvnp. A nice 10 acre farm with boune. barn, trees, etc,, to exchange for one or two-acre home on Base Line, Sandy or Powell Valley road. Mr. Sharkev. FRED S. WILLIAMS CO . Bmadway 7225. Res. phone. Tabor 7382. boh Panama Bldg. 675 LADD AVE. OPEN TODAY Drire out and see this brand new 5 room bungalow. Oak floors, fireplace, attic, etc. Fine district. Will be there 2 to 5 p. m. Mr. Church, with J. B. UAIGUT. REALTOR 825-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. ONI.T (430O, by owner; hew 1H atory. 5 room modem , home, exceptionally large attic, floored; Dutch kitchen, very best plumbing, full basement, built-in buffet and bookcases, ivory enameled throughout; beat hardware and lieht fixture; 1- block north of M-V carline. 174 E 7th t. N. $3800 $500 CASH- East 2961. Hawthorne corner, 5 morns, attic, full baiement. hardwood floors, close to car. all improvement In and paid for. Alrin Johnson, realtor. 204 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Bdwy. 37, eve.. BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW WOODLAWN DISTRICT 5 rooms and hath, fireplace, electric fixture, window ahades, Ihitch kitchen, breakfast nook; will sacrifice for $3750; $750 cash, balance to suit. RICRANBACH A CO., 207-08 Conch bhlg. Broadway 4143. WAVKRI.T IIWIi.lITtI This Is a apVrKlid room housa, flaw lot, foR aarmant on paved it,, 1 bina to oar. Price j.tav. anon eaaA. AU8TIN- I 'ART REALTT COl. " v-namper or tws. rung. WR SA I Bungalow, $ room, aewly der ated; fireplace, hath, lanndry traya, fun baee mefit, enrMiMd porch' Jot 0xl 0O. variety jfrUlt iraxv berrkw; 3 mtnatna from Ieninsula park and JtVro high, owner, Woodlawn 8887 . I i SO CAM I 4 mn houei. near Lairreihurst ; good baaant. garage, fruit, chicken honsa, hnre kK. Improwaarat all In; a bsvata tsun-nv-l oar. Pnos (2300. Ciow Realty. 1131 rUlioiint. Antn. 22.1 39. BOOM house, strictly ap-to-date, not far from oar; nut be asvn to be a ran rer iated ; lnr lot: for $1950, worth $2750. $300 down will handle it. (04 Bwchanan bldg LAURELHURST MODERN BUNOAIOW Ton wovjld have to hunt some to find a bar gain hk this; 3 mom, strictly modern. 1 block to oar; once 85non, $1200 cash handle. AUSTIN -O'LE ART REALTY CO.. Chamber i of Com. BWg. Phone Broadway 1B71. FOR SALE, cosy 3-room house; pantry, toilet, watyr and gas, newly papered, woodwork en ameled, lot 50x100, paved sidewalk, raspberries. strawDemea, barn ana garage, 3 blocks to school, walking distance to Kenton factory district. Price $900. T.f0 cash, baL 310 month and interest 183i Haven st St. Johns car. $2200 (500 cash buys this cozy 4 room bun galow, locatea in lucnmona on uuxiuo lot. Nicely finished in tapes try paper. Gas, full plumbing, electric lights and basement. g3500 r mom bunsalow. located in Soutli Mt. Tabor. Has oak floors, buffet,. Dutch kitchen, cement basement. LARGE IXT 83x176. S3T50 500 cash bars this brand new bun galow, located near Leurelhurst, Hae oak floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, ivory finish, cement base ment. ULBUl. S44O0 room house, located in the best Hawthorne; has Duttet, expensive iigni fixtures, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, furnace and garage. Let us show you. OPEN TODAY R. L. McQrew 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. MT. TABOR DISTRICT $36on Bungalow of 5 good rooms, fire place, all built-ins, large unfinished attic, fine cement basement, paved street; good neighbor good, close to school, stores and MV car. Very easy terms can be arranged. Owner, 1569 East Eierett. Tabor 24 47. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT Very neatly arranged 5-room bungalow. 2 bed rooms, bath between, full basement, furnace, built-ins. paved street, very coxy little home and worth more than price asked, $3200, (i."i0 cash: would consider a soldier's bonus. Wilbur F. Jonno, Henry bldg. Evening phone Colum bia 1172. $500 DOWN Brryi a 8 room furnished bungalow; furniture very good. I nested oa paved street, close to Overlook Addition, Large lot; 60x100. Price 81680; balance $25 monthly. This place can be seen today after 1 , o'clock. Phone Bdwy. 8387. BY OWJiER 5 room bungalow, close in, ce ment basement, nice electric fixtures, lanre porch, reception hall, very large rooms; builtHn conveniences, near canine: no incumbrances. 3500, terms. 735 Tibbets St., comer East 2d. Phone Seflwood 877. -ROOM house with bath, close to car line; has garage; large lot with fruit and berries. $2200, $300 cash and $20 per month. BAll.fcK K. SMITH, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg., Bdwy 6297. Sellwood 2267. evenings. 8 BOOM MODERN HOUSE Coed lot, all furniture and automobile, chick en. (20O worth of .lumber; all go in for $2200, $1450 cash. Must be sold this week. Actually worth (3000. See J. F. GTLM0RB 118H W. Jersey. St Johns. PL 81. ROSE CITY PARK. BLK. FROM CAR 5 large room and dandy aieenina porch, fire place, furnace, hdwd. floors, every convenience. A real hornet. $6100, term. Will be a pleasure to ahov you thl. WHJJAM WILL-IN Q 401 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7763. BKAUTHTIL new modern 5 -room bungalow. ivory and mahogany finish, breakfast nook. furnace, full baxemeot, garage In basement; all the modern builUns: oomer paved atreet; by owner; bargain. Take Kenton car. 61 E. Lombard. MODERN IRVING TON HOMH BAORXFTCKD 8 rooms, fine aondition. atrvrtlv modem. Priced $6000, eaxy turns. Don't misa this. Crockett Co., 550 Washington bldg: LAUUEI.Hrlt.4T Tb pnrtrW bule 6 r. bungalow In thai dis trict (of $7310. $4000 cash haadl. Call Blwy 4079 for appointment. '3-Room BUNGALOW NORTH OF PIEDMONT $2f)fl0. $500 eash. $15 per month otns 8 per cent. This has hardwood floors, gaa, elec- w iigooj, water. i an E. D. SCHOMACalER. Broadway 7338. MUST IKU, LA C R IXinTRflT MAKSIOX $3500 down. bal. to auit. Thai new un qnalsl $13,000 palace for $9500. For full m formaiiow phen Bdwy, Jjja or East 8130. (400 IniUN Sr. cottage oa ir Alhina ava Only $1700, Troit tree. Imp. all In and paid J .Chmher if Commerce bi-lg. Bdwy. 4079. ",r" uaak double tai fruit trews. bal BblS or TSfn. T .,7 " f' 60x123. (8100 down, -" ir sausuai aaa laiereat, Kat $ . $j00. MODERN. room bungalow, with bath. In tlrtom district, ssratial between 41t aaa K. eB M titer, 4 MocaS seuth of Haw- ivmrn- move lantir ,4 on 8190U BARGAIN (300 DOWN t M the fir trees. 4 mnana. bath. aWerie Bghta, gaa, lara Iswn. It 82x143; fruit am eerrHss. vrwner OJH TOtn st. B. E. '11 WX 3r S'FI"" . ! 1 i - A ii av swasit. pno .iiuio room cottage, newly papered; lot $3 w x!24 : heart ot Bunny- pctwi av pvttj. f vof Deianetw, TT00O CASH, luU price $I40S7" Nw 4 bgalow, up-to-date, Ut, 8oott cat. . A Berry, 1038 Barmen t. Beutt W N KB sut U 4-rooa bsmcmaow. tarnulMd i paven eueas, 2 mock to v avw. yso ca.b. 423 Sumner at. 4 ll KiM bue, strwtiy modem, eeervthina snv -. n (OglOO; pVnty of font; in a gowd tiv qi'wn. oo tiwenanaa rklg. awn novae la smsl eontiitioa o. Mrii. tot. 80x1 !, nrnr hit, $150 down, balance 7.eni no rmenenan bldg. S-RoaiM 111 hK. eharkra knw awl ruav, fin Vl.l.x, T-T ay. upt. IVTITf. J.ili 1UWTIIUUNE bow. txxf at brmin (rum piwr, i marry a) no. i RF.AX. BUT. Wt kiW V.oiul 2i limveyiport. Bdwy. 690. 1-UH QUIGK al. in, $33ta. FOnm bint. mm it 4.te. aase Us. $600 will hendj. 408 Railway Kx! WESTMOKEIAND 4 morn bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kit en. basement: garage: 50x100 lot. A oocy little (2800, (750 rash. WM, WILLING. 401 Panama BWg. Bdwy. 7763 E. 82ND ST.. NEAR FRANCIS AVE. 8 room modern bungalow. laeran rjorch. DUiit-tna, basement, turnsce, garage: (3b00 8800 cash, or soldier's loan aad less cash. Owner. Sell. 1159. 5-ROOM furnished home, 18 minute to Port- land hotel: schools, churches, stores, street cars handy: for (3500, clear of all incum- bersoce: liberal terms. J. p. MrKenna, Realtor, HOI iseimont at Btttn,, Tabor 6493. 5-ROOM e;iri-modern home. (3000 a snap lot 50il00. Improvements In and raid: very ITlv.l tmnm' A - K 1, - t n f. Nenna. lieaiuar, 1131 Belmont at 39th. Tabor ea. . SURPRISE your, wife with thi nifty 5-room oungaiow, near 3ta St.. only 2 Mocks Sun- evsiae oar; iirvptaoe. built-UM. tmo. streets. ITlced at (4730. Claw Realty. 1131 Bel mont. Antm 223-89. NOT LA RGB BUT NIFTY 4 room stew boncalewr. lot 80x80. ova Onra- wHwaai r. rno s,'ou, man. oai. $30 per asenth. Including Interrot. Albert llaraia. 801 Mnvoippl are. Wdhx 1201. 8-ROOM arose. Alberta district, 40x160 lot. ofcioken hoo. mat! froit; dam to Alberta ear. (S.iOw, $500 down, bakace te Wdln, 21 IT. ! ONLT (3300 H ACRE. & - TtOOkl i IfnTJTrKN Bwngaferw: hardwood floor, builbna. etc Owner. Antcmatie 887-80. Miht eotaoder bnikling lot. ROOM hue. center lot Suanvsid. 83 W ft. tot, (2100, (SOO down, $23 paav month. iimisiJ, imis ttelmont. moi.m lAliott banfitlow,. a real home. H acre; n replace. lurnace: ga rare : irory finish, fiwmry paper. tlwrteTj Tabor &OS7 FOH CASH BAIJi. naidera 3 -room bungalow. ear car. . school and alums- 4ta Cmi. . 1 .t I irw 1 V e. Or. 6-KttOM tiO S and l lot--, skiewa k in. fruit. "rrje; i-iiju. lerar . Tabor aiju ALBERTA DISTRICT (3250 buys brand-new 4 room house, paved street, hi block to school and car; (auo down. $4150 buys 4 room modern house in Alberta, on paved street. ' V block to car, sewer in and paid. A bargain; $400 down, $20 month. $2750 buys 5 room modern house, right on Alberta st, paring and sewer in. A real buy $750 down. Must be sold this week. (4350 burs a real home of 7 rooms, mod em, full lot, H block to car and school, in fine condition, & ea.rage. This wont hut, so hurry. FOR A BONUS BOY $2900 traja a 4 room modern furnished house on paved street, sewer in, full basement disap y bed; $400 down. FOR A BONUS BOY (3900 buys a 4 room modern furnished house, full basement, wash trays. Radiant fireplace. A wonderful buy; $400 down. DANDY HOME $2800 buys 5 room modern house, fun base ment, wash trays, lots of flowers, roses; $800 down, (25 month, including interest You'll have to hurry. McGEE & DENNIS 969 Cnkra Ave. North. Woodlawn 56S4. Open Sundays and Evenings. SUNNYSIDE, .in business center. (3850. good terms; gnod, clean, 8-room bouse, fine double garage weil rented, house suitable for two families if need be, making big money on in vestment See this. H H. Stanb. 1027 Belmont week. Tabor 219. $3dM) Down Nvw a.mnra hiinff&!r,w rt OO-rlAA In.. tn school and ear, price (3650, (300 down, bal. to suit Tabor 8589. KENTON 156 W. Watts St., 5 rooms and bath, all im provements in and paid. (2600: H cash, bal ance terms. Yi. Keeler. Kenton Bank bkiz. Wdln. 6507. NO DOLL HOUSE 5-room. bath, cement basement. wl tzwv. large attic; well built, convenient home; new. Lot 80 by 100. $3230. 1041 N. Marguerite. Take Alberta car. S BOOM modern bungalow, built-ins, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, garace: to nerfect condition; all imp. in and paid; $2204) equity; win sac n i ice tor (ouu cash and good auto. Owner, T-40, Journal GOOD INVESTMENT (8500, TERMS Business lot 50x100. facing Broadwav: 7 room house. Lot worth more than price asked. SUTTER & MANBOULES. 246 Eat Broadway. East 9213. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room, modern bungalow. unoar construction, au narowood floor. Dntch kitchen built ins, fireplace, wood lift Full cement basement. Very reasonable. Inquire 1490 Missouri ave. w am. za 5 1. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW AT $4500 Rose City, double con.. 4 rms. breakfast nook. fi replace, buffet aad hdwd. flooa; interior ivory ana tapestry; au nanny oouuns; terms. Sell wood 1230. SWELL little borne. Owner must sell. Built for a home; just completed; 4 rooms, strictly modern, extra bedroom; 8 nun. to West Side 4 caxlinea Snap at $4350 cash. Sea owner at E. 9th and Knott sts. BUNGALOW 4 rooms, bath, hardwood floors throughout fireplace, built-in bookcases, Dutch kitchen. 5 -coat finiah; basement plastered, larga garage, ny owner, i on B. 1 1st ct. N. MODERN 2 -Oat bide, good income, in the beat location, nob mil Oiitnct, lot 60x100. ho A-l eondinon; reettnihle prioa. 420 Chamber ot uavunrce Mag. . ' ' HOUSE PLANS 100 designs, $10 to $15. or peejaSy dx- U B. BAILEY A CO., 924 N. W. Bang BMg. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW S room, breakfast roeta, modern, hardweod Tioors, tne oatn, nrepuee, buut-ina, garage. am r sag st. . - s ALBERTA For sale. 5 room modem bungs tow, fi replaces cnuf-in wa-h tras's. full bs,ment Pnee ISJWt. ,IJ sown lrxjmre. 512 Alherts $200 DOWN (1 ISO TOTAL, Balance $10 morrfhry- 4 room house, ilarge lot, sidewalks paid. 7 fruit trees, chicken house, garage, Mon tavilla car. $200 DOWN $1500 TOTAL. Balance $15 monthly. 5 rooms and bath, 2 lots, small fruit Mt Scott car. $400 DOWN $2500 TOTAL. Balance easy. 4 room modern, large floored attic, cement base mi ot, cement garage. sidewaJks, streets snd sewers all paid, close in, gas oven and coal range connected hot water go with the bouse as well as 2 rugs, dining room set, etc. CORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6370. EVERT HOME PERSONALLY INSPECTED and appraised. Among the Hundreds -of Homes listed with ns. you will find THE HOME THAT WILL MEET WITH YOUR EVERY RE QUIREMENT. U -Necessary, we ll he You make your down payment SERVICE MEN! Buy Tour Home NOW. Apply Your bonus later. HSVINGTON COLONIAL $7790 BEAUTIFUL NEW 7 room THYING TON Heme, exceptionally well con structed, and embodying the finest of modern architecture with every ultra modern feature. K-. 26th rt. Terms. " ON IRVINGTON CAR $4850 LOVELY little 5 room bungalow, de lightfully homey and inviting. French door, living room with fireplace, book cases, indirect lights, breakfast room, buffet, ivory and white enamel wood work throughout SPICK AND SPAN AND COZY. E. 15th. ROSE CITY PARK $6490 UNUSUALLY ARTISTIC SOUTHERN California bungalow of 6 rooms; ideally located. Big, cheery living room with art firrilaee and haded glass bookcases; solid paneled dining rocm with massive leaded-glass outlet; a wonderful Dutch kitchen with every conceivable convenience: HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, aven in 3 bedrooms: furnace, garage, beautiful ecmcr. Hancock st. Terms. ROSE CITY, WITH VIEW! $2000 Under Value Today! $5990 ONE OF THE BIGGEST BARGAINS BOSK cm PAKh nas ever oiierea is right bere in this massive i room bungalow, ultra-modern in every re spect den, dining mom and stairway paneled in solid oak, 2 firepiajoes, HOT WATER HEATING PLANT,- hand some built-in features, sleeping porch, 87x100 corner" with delightful view. THIS REAUTIFUL HOME IS BE ING OFFERED AT A SACRIFICE PRICE, and MUST BE SOLD. E. 4 7th st KENTON WONDER BUNGALOW! $5750 PRICE CUT from $7500 for IMME DIATE SALE 1 In the ILEA tt 1 Of KENTON, beautiful borne bungalow, concrete "blocks, warm in winter, cool in summer. Large piate gla-ss beveled windows, reception hall and dining rocm full paneled; innumerable built in conveniences; linin closets, etc., hardwood floors in every room except kitchen; largo attic, fireplace, furnace, concrete garage patterned after house. Beautiful 100x100 paved corner on Kenton carline. Denver ave. REA SONABLE TERMS CAN BE AR RANGED. rose crrr (4750 JUST Vt bI8. to Fernwood school, is this REAL ROSE CITY home of rooms, exceptionally well constructed snd modern; built-in features; white enamel Dutch kitcbtn, den, S bed rooms and bath: two garages. Paved street paid. Tillamook street. PIEDMONT JEFFERSON HIGH $5275 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REAL 100 per cent BARGAIN 7 Here ONE! 6 room modern attractive homey home, elose to Jefferson hifih. 1 block 'to car: IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION throughout A 11 improve ments are in and paid. Cleveland Ave. Terms. FURNISHED HAWTHORNE $5135 COMPLETELY FURNISHED NEW bungalow in Hawthorne, one of those little "gem" home, you re always wanted to fix up; hardwood floors, built-im, furnace, etc : clo--e to car. E. Caruthers. FORCED SALE. Can arrange terms. SUPER HAWTHORNE VALUE $4190 CONVENIENT to school and 2 ear lines, b room biingulow, all on one floor; double coatr:cted; hardwood floors, arti-tic built-in feature ; 3 cheerful bedrooms and attic; fruit; paved street. Ean 4 3d St. EASY TERMS! HAWTHORNE $4250 A SENSIBLE little warm bnngalow of 5 rooms; up-to-the-minute m mod ern conveniences; hardwrwio. floors; liv ing room has fireplace with book cases st either end; paneled dining room with buffet; 2 ivory bedrooms bath; full cement basement. East Lincoln st ADJOINING LACBELHUBST $3750 PRACTICALLY NEW. arttttic 4 roomed bursalow wiih lots of built ins; DAINTY AND IMMACULATE and eay to kon that way. Close to car. East 4 5th St. ALBERTA HOMES $4950 ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE BUNGAItWS IN AIiBEUTA : 7 rooms; living room 14x28: fireplace; lx. ok cases; indirect light?: leaded glass; buffet model Dutch kitchen: full cement abasement with fruit .compart ment snd furnace; enrage. Terms. Eat 13th St ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! $3990 FINISH THIS BUNGALOW to suit yourself! Se-ct the details that would satisfy your own individuality. 7 moms with everything. EASY TERMS WHi HANDLE. East 36th St 500 DOWN! ALBERTA! $2550 tr00 down! COZY LITTLE 5 mom Alberta bunKalow. YOU'LL KNOW IT'S A BARGAIN WHEN TOU SEE IT! Has th happie-t ontlock on life! Modern built-in conveniences: white enamel bath, 2 cheery bedrooms; close to car. Et 17th t HEAD THIS! WAVERLY RICHMOND SACRIFICE $3900 "HAS TO BE SOLD1' says the owner. "and I will offer it at a price tnat WILL SELL IT!'' So that's why you're going to secure this beantiful 6 rwm bnncslow for vour own on EASY TERMS. Has all kinds of built-in? : sleeping pnrrh: solid paneled dining room. RIGHT ON CAR LINE. (Don't have to wait in the rain) . Gladstone Ave. NORTH MT. TATtOR $32t0 BUNGALOW ARTTSTTO Ha 5 rooms; rlebshtfully nomehRe; TireTHsce and bo'lt-ins; to Dutch kitchen. You'll like it Eat 73d St Terms. NEW PENINSULA $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! $2590 STiftO down. NICE COZY 5 room bun galow with garage: built-in laoor sav ins cinvniences; fruit; etc Foster St. WOODSTOCK $300 DOWN' 179fJ $300 down. HERE'S A REAL SNAP, a 6 room well constrnetea ana com fortable home out Woodstock way. HAS I-OTS OF FRUIT. Close to car. VACANT! 59th Ave, $300 down TAKES IT! HUNDREDS OP OTHERS See FRANK L. McGUTRE To Buv Yur Home, Realtor. Abington Bide. Bdwy. 7171. Third St Bet WashiiTton Star. BITTER -LOWE A CO. REALTORS HOMES WORTH THE MONET $300 DOWN $2700 Walking distance) to heart of city, ma Broadway bridge.' 5 rms. re ception hall, hving rat, dining rax., kitchen and pantry, -3 large bedrma. and bath. Full concrete basement. Just a eocy, clean, litt cottage, ta , good repair. Only $300 down, tha balance hke rent. Vacant. $500 DOWN $4800 New 3-rm. bungalow, owner leav ing city and must sell at once. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, old ivory finish, tapestry paper, Dutch kitchen, breakfst nook, sleepinc porch, cement baeement furnace and trayg. 50x100 lot, paved sts. and ewer. Rose City car. Close to school. A bargain. Be at bright and early about this. ROSE CITY PARK $3800 5 rm. bungalow, fireplace, boiltrna and cement basement Not a new home, but very crxy and comfortable, located in a $5000 section. Psved ats. and sewer. 1 to blk. Sandy blvd. and car. $1000 down payment ALAMEDA PARK (5500 Owner reduces price from $6500. must sell at once, tt lance rat, hard wood floors, fireplace, massive buffet Dutch kitchen, 3 bdrms. , bath and sleeping porch, 2nd floor. Full cement basement, furnace, trays, 50x100, level lot, garage, concrete driveway. Located 100 feet from Broadway car. If you want a real home in one of the best restricted districts In the city you can make your dollar do double duty bere. $2500 hand'.es. BITTER-LOWE & CO. REALTORS CITY HOME DEPARTMENT 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 40S BKKE IS SOMETHING WORTH WHILE 48 acres, right at Orea-oa E'ectnc station, alaa! clear, so rock, no riaer mod in the state, he fine, jwt placed on tha market. Fee sale at $160 par acre. Can giv terant. Will 'consider Port land realty to Tain of from $2500 to $3000 a part pay. Also 7 to acre. 2 to miles S. P. K. B, atarion. dear, all extra fuse toil, good road, room boase. rood barn, some fruit,- fine writ, fine neighbnriiood. near echoes. Only $2500. $8utl cash, bat $230 per ann-tn Low interest SEE J. H. RICHARDS. 88? McKay bldg., 3d and Star rt $425Acre . TractsS425 HUBER .STATION-, near BEAVERTON. 2- ae-re tracts, with cily water and caa, all dear and under edlti ration. Located on good crave! road, abuat S minute' walk t$-P. station and stare highway, stores aatd acbooL We aavurw you thai it' a gnuiine bargain, ae acn . tracts are sold in this ncimry for $ 00 an acre. Cash $200. balance $10 per month. M. E. DE JOICE CO. 307 Henry BMg. Brr-adway 1631. FOB SALE or exchange. 7 acres nnimproved acreage, all under cultivation, on Lake mad close to Milwaukie. Will take house in Port land in enhance. FOR SALE or exchange. 3 acres, well Improved suburban br-me. on Oregon City line at (.ourt ney station. Will take acreage . at lliUsboro in exchange. OREGON INT. A MTG. CO.. bWg.. 2d and Stark street. 210 Exchange LOOK AT THIS SUNDAY ALAMEDA PARK A nifty 5 room bungalow. with floored attic (space 2 rooms), cement base ment, wasti trays, hardwood floors throughout; every lmaguianie built In feature: cabinet kit chen, large breakfast nook, plate glass windows, aruaac iigm uxtures; all' large airy rooms; miaia tinoienm in kitchen and bath. Reallv. folks, the best built bungalow ii th district. ooxtou lot; garaue and runaway; city improve ments paid. Price only $6200. Terms reason able, A. L. Anderson, builder. $6600 DUTCH COLONIAL A 7 room Dutch Colonial bumralow. with hard- wood floors, large living room, with gun porch, den with fireplace, also fireplace in living room; 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; full cement bae ment. wash trays, furnace, and everything; 50x 100 lot corner; city improvements in and paid. Price of $6600, with your tarma, It's a real classy home and worthy of your consideration. $6500 ROSESIERE BUT A 7 room bungalow, with inlaid hardwood floors, all' built ins, hot water furnace, very best of up-to-date plumbing. Dutch kitchen, cement basement and wash trays, etc, 60x100 lot double garage; hard surface st and sewer in and paid. Price $6500, terms, Houses and bungalows in all parts of the city 8EE OUR LIST BEFORE BUYING. FOR QUICK SALE LIST YOUR HOME WITH US. BUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. 22 ACRES, 8 acre cultivation, balance pas ture and timber, to acre strawberries. acre small fruits. 4'roorn noose, barn, out buildings, spring water piped to boose; 1 horse, family cow. 36 chicken: farm implements; 16 miles from Portland; $3000. tenua. 6 acre, all cultivation. 5-roora house, barn. outbuildings, family -orchard, small fruit, 6 mile from Oregon City. (2100. terms. - B U. 8TEWART. with. . O. W. MILLER SHU' 163H 4th st Main 5275 UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS $800 for half an acre. Sc fare, few blocks Council Crest car; only two mile court bouse all in cultivation; eTery foot almost- level; , i wonaertui new; frontage on paved road, no hens; city water, etc. More land with it if de- aired- The biggest bargain on the West Side. G. Kainey. 517 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269, RIGHT At ELECT E-lO STATION 1.12 acres assorted young orchard, bearing, good macadam road, electric lights available. 3 to miles east of city limit. $37.50 down, $7.50 monthly. XN- 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $5000 5 ROOM bungalow, Groveiand Park. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, built-ins; fir trees and garage. To see is to admire. 457 E. 3 2d st Open but no Sunday, business. Owner. Tabor 688. ONE of the beat location for poultry ranch about 30 minute drive from bean of city situated on main mad in fast growing commun ity, near school. The soil is esieciaJy adapted for small bemes snd poultry raising, almost 5 acres for $1750. $175 ch, three year to pay balance. R H CONFRKT. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 7 ROOM modrtrn home, on hard surfaced strret. l"rice $S500. Terms. The Old Reliable Real avm.e vtuice, cor. st. and M S carline. ACREAGE 405 CHICKENS AND BERRIES 15 acres elose to Amity, Yamhill county, part iu cuiu., lenceu, lino soil, some umber, county mad, close to school. $1000, $200 down, baL 6 e . 38 acres, adjoining the 15, running water, part in culri.. about 100 cords of wwd to aere demand for the wood on the place: $2200. $200 down. haL aa you sell the wood. 226 Chamber oi commerce pirig SEACHREST BROS. MS DOWN ASCOT ONE-ACRES Water, gas, lichta, fine soil, wonderful view, close to oar and highway, rapidly (rowing -ection. few choice acre left. $900 each. HOONE-OLEARWATER 506 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 5317. 1 to ACRES at Multnomah Station with good honje and barn; on a good mad, close to school and carline. $4600. 10 acres at Capitol xiiu. a acres unaer cuiavauc-n. 4 room boose good barn and other outbuildings; creek run tnrougn place. Price (-5300; term. McGEE 4 DENNIS. ""9 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 5684 FACING POWELL VALLEY KK1U Over 7 city lots. 135 ft frontiute, a few shade trees, laeai location, (BUU, only (90 cash; it is situated about 1 mile E. of 82nd st on the leu; you wui see our sign. R H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. 1WE A CO 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade b!dg FOR SALE IN PARK ROSE 3-room house, acre of ground, 50 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, eood chicken house. Take Rose City car. change to Parkrose to end, d blocks rota car. 2 blocks from high way. Inquire of Mrs. Kittner on Prescott at. second Douse from Slansson. FOR SALE By owner, fine 8-room modern plastered house with part basement, on lot 50x100: gas. electric lights, bath, garage and garden: facing south, nice porch, hail block from pavement, only o niocas irom canine. Good abstract of title. Price $3200 cash. X?00 down on or before 1924. No. 2 This nouse also has 6 room, not and cold water, garden with chemea, apples and near trees, on let 50x100. half block irom pavement . and 3 blocks from carline. Price is a anap at (22UU, witn iituu casn, oauuice terms. Also has late 1918 Maxwell touring ear in A-l mechanical condition at $300, with only $10O cash, balance at $15 per montn. CJ1 hit time. No Dhone. At Midway Cash Grocery. 6142 Foster road. Take Mu Scott ear to 6 2d st (14.) 6 ROOMS and bath; on EL Oak st near 57th Rt Garage and plenty of fruit on large lot, 75x100 ft Will take ear and some cash as first payment balance like rent Only $2850. See Edgerton. Open Soaday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4751. REALTORS 410 Henry bldg. KENTON DISTRICT Modern bungalow, fireplace. furnace, oak floors, buffet, booki. i w n, French doors, breakfast book, cement basement, pa Tea suuet, uu $1000 cash, balance terms. JohtisonDoGSon Co. 633 W. W. Bank Bldg. Mara 8787 WHY RENT? When yon can buy a neat Utile home for $1500. $300 down, $15 monthly; gas. electric it,, city water, bath and toilet Thi is an op- poctnnity. JohnsonDodsoai Co. 3S S. W. Bank Bldg. ' ; ; ' Main 877. A TITLE iBsaranea Pohej i a guarantee by responsible company that yoa will not gaffer tma on account of tne ntie to soar real estate. When you buy real aetata get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title efc Trust com pa ay. , . v - $2500 $500 CASH BALANCE A ! , ' - PER- MONTH 4 mom modem i hews,.- Mna'avilla, ft blocks to Mt Taavr car. Phone 227-16, - . " NIEWLY f Bulled 3-room plastered bungalow. J white enamel kitchen and bedroom; thai at ntp; term to wt patty. Leering town, most K:i at oace. 83. Powell Valley. Hawthorn m -r-.i-.T u. . A,.a. tfuuaanb . 2.4 3 ACRES, ideal for ooultrv ranch nr - line, and hard surface road, in good school ."s eiv, viaij i o casn; nere s your oppor- lUIlltJ. E. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade hldr. 1 ACRE, CITT WATER AND GAS $4 5 down. bal. $10 per mo. and int st per cent; bes t garden and berry soil, beau tirul view, close u csar aand highway. Price oo. uall Buwy. 5317. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREACE AOS ACRES, on recked road, 1 Bail front good town with hich eod grade r4inoi; -good dark leant - aoU; 10.000 acrawverry plants, rather berrie; food 8-rooa hottaa. ganasa, eiurkeei boats and rawer, wood- . bed. laehxled with pUoa.- . 34 - White , Icuora rharketts. garden tool, hiwimhra d furnicare, canned fruit, eta. A vary at tractive) tlaor ta good eonditiaa, . Pgace $2250. $1125 case, 3 H acres at.Crerhara. 4 Works frora rtatkn: acre raiberriae, to Krawberrea, orchard. 3 rears old : hoarse wuh sleepuig porch, till Inner Pora-..-kand gas. city water, chicken anane. ca pacity 300: rorlrd road. Prioa $3500. , incHvdiBs 60 W hit; Leghora ohiokena. Large oaah paynient - WFtX. IjOCATETi CHlC'ejg HAS Oil 4 to act, 5 Mora f ma atatioa. Oiw gon City hue; 'rucked road; bkicka to chaol; It bearins fruit trres; 200 arrtw- -berry tdants; 1 to acre under eaxltivatioa : ' , all eaa be fanaad: well, laruag, wtaw piped to 8-rooea - boase; barm. Chios aa hcaxsev Thi u an excTHona3y good chicken aocation. 1'nce (2100. $128 8 acrva, 4 Uoctni from electrle eta tina; 10 mile from center of PartWt AH under rultivaQoti. wire fanes. 2-rooea ktoose, 12x24, eieetrie light availabka. Pnce $1250, $3ou cash, baaana payments at 6 per iwt J01LV FERGUSON. Reetto GEBXJNGEit BLDG. Let Your Money Grow in Vancouver 11 acre, on pavement In city Brntsa, aTl levei, good soil, all cleamd. kaye flso; our big municipal dock insare ahipoaBC and a big growth. Three big mills bare . purchased site bere. Price $3750, half ' cash. Adjoining land llin far fross $500 to $800 per acre. 5 acres cn pavement, highly lnrprovad. 2 to miles from (cod town, to mil from plendid educational academy, near evnei -lent high school exeeUent saady loam aad - back soil. aU in fruit 100 young prune trees, 2 to loganberries, K acre black bemes, 1 to a- strawbemea, bearing pears, cherries' and some yoainc appiea; good 6 room modern bungalow boost, good barn. $1950, some term. See Karl C. Miller Atkinson & Porter, 70S Main tt, Vancouver. Wash. ACRE OR MORE. CLOSE IN On pavement: real value at $450. $100 down $10 month: best soil, cleared and plowed; drive west on Jefferson St. and Canyon rd. 5 to miles from City Hall: see sign on property, south side of highway, or call at farm house; 90 acre to select from. D. McChesney. 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505 HIGtrrST TTPT! FARM LANDS 10-YEAR TERMS EMPLOYMENT 3000 acres, all good soil, mostly level and bottom land. ia the Nrwaukixm vaUry at Onalaaka, Wash, (southeast of Cheba-ix) ; i farm and dairy district, many advantages, roads, neighbors, numerous streams, ideal eiimata and pure water: midway Portland and Seattle good m&rketi; 20 acres or more, $15 to $50. long time payments: settlers given preference aa taming employment mills or wood. Sea aalase Dan oo gTonnd, or write t. , GRAHAM PARDEW IAND CO., ' 1008 AMERICAN BANK BLDG.. 8EATTTJI 8 to ACRE BARGAIN 5 room house, garage, woodshed, soma fruit all in cultivation except bout 1 to acres in light brush, less than to mile from station and hithway. Iriced far below aujouung property; price $3500, term". LUEDDEMANN CO. 013 Cham of C-m. 11 ACRES, to mile from railroad and god town, with high and grade schools; ail fenced; 3 acres in cultivation, balance rd pasture ; to icre in fruit and berries; good 4-room cottage. good cliicken houses, barn, woodshed and well. Price $1500 cash. Write owner, Chaa. Hansen, Clat-kanie. Or., box 74 A NICE tract coverwi with a beautiful grove of native trees. 50 ft. on Bse Line road by 200 ft, deep, for $550. $53 cash, bat $10.50 per month; it's a real buy. R. II. CONFREL, Realtor, BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Bargain in Acreage on Powell Valley Rd. Absolutely best acreage buy Bear the) eity: little over 9 acre; wide frontage oa "Powell Valley road, 1 mil from city limits; nic second growth timber; price $400 per cre; away voder anything jseV' joining; non-reident say acll at est. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North 6th tt Phone Bdwy. 4 $81. 20 MINUTES, (TH AND WASHINGTON Big acre. 8c fare 4 blocks Council Crest ear; only 2 miles courthouse: all la eoltivataoB. ail level; wonderful, unobstructed view; traBtag oa improved road. Bull Una water, ate. A great big anap for $1600. Term. Yon will never get a bigger bargain close-in oa the West Side tha Una An inspevtioa will surprise yoa of th. at tractiveness of this sere. J. U. Rainey, 817 Aa ington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. f ACRES. 5 room modem new bungalow; 150 fruit trees 110 years cadi, bam; 9 cows. chickenhoase and milk house. Last year fruit income (450, cucumber (SoO, sweet corn and early potatoes $500. 1 block from electric station, 6 blocks from ihow and bank. C927 92d st R. E. Acre, 6 Rm. Mouse Rath, gas. electricity, modern chicken houses and mni, plenty of fruit and flowers, 1 block to car and larement Surely a great bargain. Only $42i)0. terms. John F. Znber. Tabor 7547. FOR RENT 5 sere, with hoite. good bam and chicken house, 3 acres of strawberries, to acre gooseberries, close to raved road, macadamized mad in front of house. 2 miles ea,st of Ints. Take cars going to Gresham. Get off at Bellrose. Ask for J. Lntheiser. 10 ACRE SACRIFICE $1600. Eicknes compels me to sell ray 10 acres and 4 room house, completely furnished ercept bedding and di-hea. Some terms. W. M. Umbdcnstock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. A DANDY tract on 82nd st. 125x105 for $975. on mighty good terms; drive out and ltwk it over today. R. H. CONFRET. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2 3-5-7 B-stni of Trade bldg. TEN ACRES BEAVERTON DISTRICT Buildings, young orchard, berries, fine sofL 1 mile to electric station, very aightjj. A bar gain at $3500, easy terms, LUEDDEMANN CO. 913 Cham, of Com. ONE and three tenths acre at Rnby Junction. on 2 carline. gr,O0. (25 down (IO mo. STRONG & CO.. 606 Chamber of Commerce. YOU can't beat thi? ifrrw; one big acre $500. $10 cash snd $10 per month; if out the Base Line road, in good district. It H CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO 201-2-3-5-7 Board of TrsdeTildg. gm Qty Car Line to acre to 8 acres. 5 blocks from aartkm, S blocks fmm hard surface bier mad, doss to WiUamett river. The land is all teiarial and in cultivation. Beautiful building apoa. Will aeu any part or alt Let B tract A. C ROWLAND. 620 Main St.. Oregon City. DIRECT INCOME WTLL PAY FOR ITSELF $.100 DOWN BALANCE MONTHLT PATVEfTS 2 ACRE TRACT IN BARKROSK 200 from Columbia Highway, beautiful rich salt ami- all in bearing berries, you can make song livliag off of Uua tract, lue carfare. J. U HARTMAN COMPAXT S Chamber of Com. Bldg, Bdwy. 6034 ' CHICKEN RANCH 7 to acres, all cultivated, right off paved road : 6 miles from city limits: 3 chicken houses 31x 100. brooding house 14x64, incubator house 12 x24, good incubator. 500 to 1000 laying pullets; 1 acre in berries and fruit; good income: sold at a sacrifice. Bx S8-A, Clackamas, Ot. SMALL CHICKEN RANCH FOB. SALE CHEAP One acre with -rovm house, garage, chicken house ana about 50 chicken; also fruit trees, near car snd city limits; price (2350, terms. Inquire of F. E, Fenton, 9218 Woodstock are. M S car. E. 9 1ST NEAR GLISAN For your chickens and berries, 3 acres, fine soil, unaer cultivation, water, liehts, gaa avail able, 8c car fare; only (S00 per acre on small payments. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. STAR SALES SERVICE (600 DOWN $600 DOWN A dandy 5 room bnngalow, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, finished in white enamel, Dutch kitchen. PAVED STREET: fruit and shrubbery. A cox yhome and only 2 blocks to car, near 20th st., on A-B carline. $3000. $3000 FURNISHED BUNGALOW A lovely 4 room bungalow, with new furniture. Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, cement basement gas heating system, laun dry trays go and see this wonderful buy. Terms. $700 DOWN $700 DOWN A lovely "5 room rustic bungalow, fin ished in old ivory; garage: 50x100 lot; concrete foundation, on pavement. 1 block to car, south of Emerson, near 21st St., $3600. Superlative Value ROSE CTTT HAS EV ER Y THING NEW MODERN 5 room bungalow, enamel finish, sunny bedrooms, solid buffet, dandy fireplace, full cement basement lanndry trays and furnace. BELOW THE HILL, $5000. Terms. Star Real Estate & Inv. Co. REALTORS. 812-13 WBcox Bldg. Bdwy. S618. Sunday Ere. Wdln. 6652, to ACRE NEAR CAR LINE In good district, for $400. $40 cash, bat $S per month. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. T-ROOM BUNGALOW $4900. $1000 cash, $25 per month and in teiest, large living and dining room, French doors between reception hall and living room, 4 fcXtra large bedrouuis and closet. Dutch kitchen. full cement basement, pipeleas furnace. 60x100 lot, trait, berries and shrubbery. JohnsofcDodson Co. 3S N. W. Bank BMg. ' Main 3787 B ROOM modern bungalow, larg rooms, tap estry paper, hardwood floors, white enamel kitchen, bath, etc; foil cement basement: 85 rosn bushes, 3 fruit trees: lot 80x100. no irt- eambrance. Price $4650. About $1200 will handle, balance $33 per month, inducing 0 h.terest Will take light ear np to $500. . No furnace. 310 E. 34th st Tabor 92. $1800 EQUITY in 5 room Bungalow and fur- msntngs. to trade toe amau csjauppaa larm; wiu assuma. - pnoxa isast 4o, POWELL VALLEY At Gillii Station, 10 miles frora city limits, acres for $1500. fronting on Bull Run Elec tric Ry., level, fine soil, under cultivation; $100 gives you possession. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658; E. U1ST NEAR GLISAN For your chickens and berries. 3 acre fine soil, now under cultivation, water, lights, gas available, 8c car fare: only $800 per acre on small payment. W. M. Umbdenstock 4c Co., 10 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ONE ACRE IN STRAWBERRIES Just east of 82nd st. face good road, produc tive soiL city water, build a small house and work in town. Price $950. $100 cash and $50 every three months. Sailer E. Smith, 318 By. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 6297. CLACKAMAS Co. Stock Place. 160 acre with some improvements, plenty pasture and living water, bldgs. and orchard. Snap at $1400. Only 35 miles from Portlana. i. K. WUIT, 41 Henry Dim. FOR SALE 10 acres, 9 cleared, on good road. mile from North Plains depot, near good ac-hooL No buildings. Now in cultivation. Pnee $1700. Phone owner. Main 3267. 592 Msdiscn st H. Bailey. to ACRE with chicken house, garage and large house, on graveled road, outside of city nmits; price $2200: (300 cash, balance terms. In quire the Old Reliable Real Estate Office, cor. 2d st and M S -carline. 40 ACRES, mile from Spangier station; logged off, fine creek and springs ; to acre in culti vation, 3 or 4 more easily cleared; fine for chicken ranch or goats. Price away down, easy terms, jamas l . Barron, sua fc, roue at. 2 CLEAR acres on Base Line road, close Jm $1750. See us for special terms. B. H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE by owner or trade for a home. 10 acres, 8 acres in cultivation, near Ramsxio station. 1 to miles from Lents on the Gresham carline. Call Woodiawn 2330. KOCKWOOD 1 acre or more at station, near Base Lane road, all cleared: (500 ner acre. easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock at Co.. 210 Oregon bide. Bdwy. lBSS. BX OWNER 2u-aere tract near Tigard. on rocked Durham road near highway, six arras .ImtmI hMl nf lanH n.n X r. (1 . h r,t 1.,, land here much higher. Terms. Z-733, JonrnaL FOR SALE 14 acres, highly cultivated; 4 acres orchard; creek running through; good bnild- lngs: to mile east 82 at, on, ouxoryad. road. CaU Tabor 6818. - - FOR ACRES AND HALF ACRES, close in. caH Jiroadwey 5672. WILLAMETTE REALTY CO,, 433 Cham, of Com. GRESHAM 1 to sere for $600. well located. beat of vtL all cultivated, water and lights le: (50 will handle. W. aft. Umbdenstock o., 210 Oregon bide. Bdwy. 1638. 2u ACRES of good rich land for tale, road rocked from l.'rd to state highway. . W rite for decsrtption to owner. A. Weisenback. Beednlie, Ob 2 ACRES on Foster road with 4-room plaaterrd house for saw cheap. P. R, Fenton. S218 Weodstnrw ava, - M-S car. ' ACRES. Oregon City car, OaUiald load asm a.vergreet ava, 0. jau sa ia I an, - (1500 ONLT (300 CASH 10 acres, 11 mile from Alder street, to mile of electrio station. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. LAKKGBOVE ACRES few subdivision near beautiful Otwaf aUt. lost put oo the market These acre tracts only (0 minutes from av ter of eity, all level, cleared, school on tract, oa paved highway, only a few feet tram .taboo oa Bed carline. They can be had for a small dawn payment and a bule each month. This to th ex-servic man a chance; a limited Bomber to be sold. See u early and get your ebosea. Ex clusive agents. 404 Conch bldg. Bdwy. 0(23. DO YOUR fingers itch to work ia tha antll Now is the time to ret ready oa 82nd at. corner of 43rd ate., we offer a large tract of land, deep, rich soil. 88x211 feet, about e naii m raspberries, lor (1150, only (12 good terms on balance B. H. CONFRKT, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board e Trade bWg, RAISE CHICKENS AND BERRIES Very choice 6 acre tract miles frost Taa eenver, 300 feet from Ilcifie Highway. Prao tioaUy all cleared, fenced aad ready ar paawt ing. Small stabl aad gamce; small ov cLard; beat quality clay loam soil; (2500; T34) caah. balance to suit JOHN H. KLWETA, BaaKor. 81 3 to Main Bt.. Vanooarver, Wwa. -- 10 ACRES. 1 to miles from town, io Waao ington County. 5 room bungalow, 22x34; four acres In cultivation; 8 acre in potatoes.' I-and lays good, no rock or greveL Nearly all tillable. Good water. If oid ooa caa taaa (1200; (800 cash, bat to suit Ah 8 sere. 1 mile south of Forest Grove; all level and in cultivation: no buildings; (200 per acre, t, cash. 325 Exchange Bldg.. Second and Stark, COLUMBIA HIGHWAY COUNTRY HOMESITE 16 to acres, 500 feet paving, some cleared, 6 acres timber, grand view. 4 snoweaps and river. creek, gravity water; (6000. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-H-7 LEW BUri. 4 to ACRES of Umber land. (200 per acre; also 7 to acres all in cultivation, (300 per acre. These places are only 1 mile vrom mgn way and school. Easy terms on both. A. Yanskey, Hiltsboro. Or.. Rt. 2. CHICKEN RANCH 5 room house newly painted inside and out: lots of fruits; 2C0 laying hens; 9 lots; best of garden suiL Pnc (3000. .Terms, Main 14i, Owner. 2 to ACRES. (30 CASH No gravel. 1 mile N. of ciandy road, on Barr mad, (is per mentn. wkw wooa- STRONG It CO.. 006 . Chamber of Commerce. lu ACRES. 4 acres ia fruit and be mo, good 5-room house and 'ham. chicken house large enough for 300 chickens: everything goes with piace- CaU Woodlawn 60HB Sunday oetore noon. 10 ACRES, cleared, near BeaverUm and hard- surfaced, running etream. no nuudinsi; will handle. J. swaUedge. reaJtor, fast 3628. (1500. - TWO rn near Huber station. 4-room. mod- boose and oatbwildings, nOO cmckena. ACRE AND ONE-HALF . $25 DOWN (15 PER MO. 400 yards from city limit. ( to Bules to m ter of city, school, carline and stores wtthia 13 minutes walk, beat of garden suil. parU cleared, city water available. J. L. HARTMAN OOMPAXX 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034 -'' ' . 4C ACHES. 6 mile from town. Wsalungtoa county. lay good, on county road. Living water: (1000; (250 cash, balance As 40 acres, 6 miles from town, 3 acre ta raKi- ' vation. A nice piece of land; $1$00; $309 ca. h, balance 6 . Also 40 acres, 8 mile from town, on county road; all tillable. Let of good cedar. Pnee $20 per acre: $200 eah, bal ance 6fc. 325 Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark. BEST BUY NEAR THE CITY Almost 3 acres, ya off Base Lin road la fast growing community. $1400, only $140 cash needed. S years to pv balance. P H. CONFRET. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2 8-5-7 Board of Trade bid. 8 ACRES. ruU out citv limit, ea road; partly Improved, fenced; ideal gfarfcen rsnchl $450o; good terms. 5 acres at Rock wood, near Baa Lha. road, fenced, pertly cleared. Price (lbOO. CLOW KEA TT. 1131 Belmorrt Ant 22-. orchard, locans, and strawberries. (3250. $1750.1 ACCOUNT ill besith, cash. r. Duboia, 804 Spalding bldg. I - acre, to mil Tui 16 ACRES, to mile of town. Washington eoanty. 7 acre In cultivation, on county road, lioaas 16x30: fruit honse. hen boose, bam. family e chard, berries. One horse, 2 eows, etuckers, ducks, farm tools and hnosehoid goods: $3000; to cash. bl . 325 Exchange Bldg. LISTEN TO THIS 15 acre fog $2500. in heart of PwweTl sal ley, right at statiaa. excellent sofl. lassutlfal view 9 acre cuitivatM. fna for frrut aad poultry. Easy terms. W. M, Uvabdenatnck A Co.. 210 Or-g'-bl'le. Bdwy. 1 65H. ' WEBER'S fruit ranch on Gsrden Home road oppoaita Bantow station. Baaem etectnc, to be sold in to , to and acre tract, by owner. Anton Weber. 5 ACRES tery good soil. 5 mile from Van eouvar. Wash., to mil from electric line. near to Walnut Grove school: malty cleared; price $800. Phone Ant 632-41. . SEE STOKES TRACTS, just ouUxi city, near 4 2d and Ainswortb. Water to each tract. $10 payments, ltoger w. try, lzia a. w. xtaax bonding. WOULD you be interested" 2 to acres Waver ley Its. district near Clinton KeDy achooL Call at 264 Burnner st. 14 to ACRES with 6 room snd bam. near Tigard. Or., for sal or rent. Apply at 1061 E. 7th st V. city. $600 BUYS 12 acre of land near Gobie: good location; for particulars writ D. B. Marshall. Prescott, Or. - ONE ACRE, all improved, ekee U Garden Horn, station. FWier. An to. 640-41. 40 AC IB DAVEN snVobt FfNK LAND S.50U RT BUCHANAN BLDG, will sesl beantiful ten acre, to m:l Tuaiaua. s acre auuvaoa. arre stamiing tnaner. water, oauaxancw- mn. berrie. highway, 2 eiectrie bnex, L...Y. BeoU. Taala-m. Or. - 9 ACRES, by owner, to mil oath at Aloha - and good road; new 2-room boos sad bara, $ acres cleared: in boa, aad Partly fnr pjsbii Price $2500: terms, Phone Main 8311- $1850, ON TERMS. 3 acres and $ rsom boas. 80 nu nates out. near eme aaua ana hard road. W. M FmbdetaaUca V C 210 bxlg- rMwy. lss. Taker MT. TABOR DISTK1CT V. aer traces. uea new, be S0"T. ' . (C00 BUYS 12 acre of land. 4 sua frwa. iioble. Good location. For paroralar. wma D. B. Marshall, prescott or. ONE A. in cultivation. Byn atataos, iiiue. (50 00 caah. bal, to salt Wuhar V. Joaaa, Henrr bldg. HALF ACRE (5500 m; water, gas; term. modem hovma, eaoaa 8-747, JgnrnsX CLOSE IN KB p. . At sou. mxTixa a ssut. Owner. Eat 74$, FTVE acres, rins in 3 roam luaisr jVTdia, 4WI.