THE OREGON SUNDAY- - JOURNAL", PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19. 1922. HELP WANTED TXMALK 204 Lsl'Y HOI iikWLU ia county $60. .room aad board. ., . family. and intftt If lawwoilL. $36. Eastern Oregon. 4 Im ill country hotsL ' UHT HOTEl. MAS AG EH, VlONEEr. FMPITMF.NT CO., It NORTH, BrAONO r. , THB Otl. WORTVAJ At v: KINO " STORE nadm th wnMw of traxonshly nail tost tunMk-ntry bookkeeper. - iWd of rfer fni rwumrtsL Apply suotrrinteodeot's of (Has, 1 U l 80 B. A Hi IIOOL of practical Wdiea Ullriog h been sponrd tt 407 1 Central bid, by M. Homwier tmMt. lot MM who wish to leant the trade. Bed wonvea wbo wUh to auk their owa praratt during apre tiara iron bob duties aa wail. Tim r.l anuortnuu hu sever been offered ! Fnruasd before. Pom usee Buy be provided lor tb s who qualtry, WANTED, led player for orchestra work. Tbey bus attend rbarav Following ptoM Be b. sweat: 12 violins, 2 violas. 2 tflkt, 1 B serfng. 4 ewfooots. It elartnetnw. 2 ale, kaineawa, -. 1 tmaaooa. For further infer! tin eail Hdwy. till. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 MAstKlLll mmn. 42. auuxl in wind aad limb. work ha all harasss, inciud nt anto repairing. track driver, tnunster. ansa gardener, chauff eair for private .lamsy: diabwasber, fry oook. shipyard Krt-wiaa, slab leader, (nod at eieensg lana ana handling an an any lob of oonatrmction work. Go anywhere. Can rn rood buaisses refereraoss. Aixnnu, X-S80. Journal. ' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC W kin obtained the aa trims of of the Righewt irada tapestry- pacer hanger i oa the Pacific coast and we guarantee ut, w ni. . Browaaon 4k Co.. paintem, Maia 641. Baa. Mala 6497. LEAKY ROOFS mnfnOy repaired and pete ted; Tefereseea; bwjadrada of aatnfted erastntners: 20 years experi ence. Main T1 or Msin 1994- Prim ths lowest R. g. Co.. inc., 226 g. T. bjdg. EXPERIENCED 2 years oraopoadant. koapat. atockkocpar: good tjiput. prorraaaira: local aaroauanidauona; eouaca aaneaooa; 24: atas-ia; atart 20. C-l Journal. THIS WOitkl.V't .rrotrrUva UX'kioa. city of Portlaad. affaaa Ita aarrlwa ta all auttan tUiBin ta the wal'ara and protaetajB.- of wuuiaa aad ctrkt; tntarrWaa coafidcBtlaL B14 Wnrratar bldg., ad aad Oak au rboa Main f11 UANTklt fur aaral liouaawork. not otbT IS yoan of aca. oaxr plarv, raniiy ci : tax be arpartmoKl and raliabU; prrmanont arautlon; aalary ISO montb. Kaat SM82 altar tv . WANTIU WKfcnr vnman. no objecUon to one child. ta aok for farmar and bia aoa; ctnaa la; 140 p"T BKmtb aad btnl. Aitaiy tndar. 'J2 MnnWto t. X WlTTrj rmiplc. two rhildrra, d-air houta- karpor Immaiiiaujyi will b treated aa om r u ramiiy: waaa , mhi. jonrnaj. It AMTKO Kivrt but parlor operator; lfr- uiallo preferred; permaAraL Ma W. Ilalrd, PlanfW bkU.. I'andlatnn. Or. jTrsw.itAJ-nrR mvTEr-vi t room u city. AOWNTANT Toiu au, beat lafereBcea, dealrea poaitioc). Lumber, meat packing, produce, merchanitiaing. any touafaotarioc or tntnaportatjoai bosUMaa. OS, JoqmaX. CHiDLNO 'AND rXCAVATI-Nd Iaj or Coatrac. RAWSOM I - Maia 8T44. I UAN aruli tourina ear wiabea iob doins anrthinc. Hare bad aaieHnea. battery, electrical and macoanirai exnrrlenoe. Vhat hare yout 'Write er call 101 NcetfU at. fity. 2 THOBOUUU nmiitiiiu want permanent loca bona. Both hare bad charge at ftiiops. Refer- racaa if waDlad. Mamed. Addrew 1703 2nd at Hakrr. Or. WILX eachance carpenur wora and painting for elothina and aroceriaa. L-1S. JonrnaL 1 cabinet maker. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 T' AMERICAN BOTEl ... 2 Karth Third St Tbta Bofd baa beea thorotuhly cleaned and kt awaed and operated by Aatervraaa: the) beat awrice in tha ety lor rate eaargeo; eiecani lobby, elerator arrrice, always lota of hot water, free hatha; rates 50e. lac, II. Special ntaa ta permanent goeata. ,uw. r. GOPMKP, Mgr. CALL at T. M. C A. to aee tree iiat at moderate priced rooma for young maa ia all parts of tha iaeladtne mmi at -the Central T. M. C A.. with telephona ia sach worn, abewar baths ans ciuo laniiuev HOTEL KETHEBLANltS. 12 11th. at Waah- lAaua ttnex atrnrture. renter of roruaaa a basweaa .and aoeia) actirities; respectable ; apot laaa rooau; It week; 1 a day up; with priTats aau. J day. Hotel Medford It? Two blocks treea Depot 75eacdan. 4 a week op. MM and cold water in each rocca. LENNOX HOTEL 242 THIRD BT KKAR UA1X Attrartj-y. modeni rooma at reaaonabh ratey EMPRESS hOIEi 6th and Stark sts. Clean, well forniihed rooma, tingla or aaitea. Specttl tats to permas- cit gutata. tjentraliy loca tea. MARLYN HOTEL Cor. 17 th and Couch. Large, well furnished. modem rooms, at reasonable rates. KECTOK HOTEL ft North Broadway, at Ankenr. modem room. PriYUa batha, 1'aie lacks. IS per week up, II per day. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 I HAYT3 two Terr cheerful, amny which I will rent for aleepisg; gentlemen preferred : also a rare for rest Modera Row City home, 893 ii. Stfc at. K. rboas 12-18. 302 ROOM AND BOARD WA N TED Roomers at Wisconsin; houas, S45 Hood at. South PorUand; BEa, clean rooms S1.50 par week, aad ths best meal in PorUand tor zse. MARTHA WASHINGTON Boom and board for girls; eBoderan rates. BbO 10th St Mar shall 1251. GOOD rooma with or without board, for business people; warm, clean and home hire; close 285 W. Park. BOOMS, with Main 2Tft. or without beard. 73s J oh neon. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OTP WASHINGTON Portland's higb-alasa drwntown reaidentta) hotel. We give yon the 'eomfcrts of home Anerican and Eniupaaa plan. Rates reaaonsble. BOOM and board ia private home. We hare pleasant room for 2 men with S meals for tl per day. Use of living room with fireplsce, where you can feel at home. Bdwy. 8072 or OK f A.W ' O. XVUL FOR RENT FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 O.N K lares front room suitable for oKioe or I dressmaking parior. with ' bousekeepinc room a sjicneneua m eotmeeaa bet. WashintloB) and Alder. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 LOOK! LOOK! LOOEt Shigla and ' doable light housekeeping apart- at is very best tooatwo ta town; au raoaas loaiZ i e.v airy, ana weuy 01 utan wrertoosina trict: but 15 annates' walk from Boisy dis- Broadway. (S WEEK, abaatntaly clean, completely furmsbed I if you are kjokinr for a Bios, coxy Bttle honas housekeeptat- suites; erery coorsrueBos: - hot I for yourself and wifs without ths exorbitant rent water at ail hoars; right downtown; as ear I prices. See Mis. T. Q. raJtoa at 682 lara. -ins uusiiae, 3d near 4etiersou. 16 lorely outside room apt Cozy, well fur- rihill Bishedr beat, lights, aaa inr hided. dren. 27. Selrwood 1068. lis dul- - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30S TWO er 8 unfurnished rooms suitable for housa- keeoiBX. 682 . Ash. Bear 20th at East 8804. ! - TAK VT TT1 TJTESB ARK RIGHT MODERN 4 ROOM FURNISHED APART MENTS: ONK FOR 255. ONB FOR 860 MONTH; BEAUTIFULLY F II R W ISHED ; EQUIPPED TO ACCOMMODATE TWO TO FWB PERSONS. -NONE? BETTER THAN THESE AT ANT PRICK IX POBTLAND. XOC'LI, LIKT5 THEM. THS COLUMBIA. 11TH AND COLUMBIA, WAIJCINO DISTANCS. FURNITURE of 2 roons housekeeping apt. for sate; rooms for rant no objection to child. 173 E. 7th at Phone East 8387. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 8PIO AND SPAN Rlcely ftrrnisbsd lower apt. with ilwiring porch. telephone, (arage. prirata bath; was of aJeetrie washer aad laundry: newly papered walls aad steam deaaed rugs. Ant 610-84. 4928 list st s. LIVING room, bedroom and use of kitchen. THE JACKSON 81 Union Are. 9. I room asta.. 230 ta 842.80. brick MiJg- pnrfcta bath, eteam heat, phone serrioa, 13 smb. cold waS. rctrtTliS: S, t h and Alder. Rose City car. E. 28 and fuel, all for 825. Lincoln. Kant 81 lO. 888 E. 6th at, near FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED -i WEST SIDE FLAT FO& &Al ' 309 Beautiful furwtara of daaay 6-raoca boated flat at a bargain. . Coach., Vag 4. Bear IPth. . - - . - HAWTHORNE ass., lower flat, modem, old lTory zuush: cas tlreniaca. fni-aara r 288 sw 4th at . ' MODERN S-room flat up to data. Kx-ely fura- isfasd. priTata. 11)7 ta Graaan at Woodlawa T0I. 8 KOOM ground flat with furaitara. Private bath and tourt eleotrto ligtua. gss rtara aad water Beater. Wdla. 8. MODERN 2 room lower flax, ueely furuiahed; water, garbace sarTjoa; -waikicg rligtinra. 420. M M1U at . - - Flats ltnfurntshed 310 6-&OOM new flat,, with large den. aloiiprng porch. all modera built ia affects aad garage. A desirable location, sear 40th. convenient ts 3 street ear Uses, Hawthorns) and Burmyajdai Large lawn, trees sad . Cowers. Ths idesi place for boBMtovent- Tha rent is only 850. By paying a year ta advaacs will rant for 840. For In formation R, M. Cstrwood A Co.. 165 H 4th st CLEAN, light well furnished first floor with small kitchen, rsa ranre. hot and cold water; all modera conveniences, 653 Hoyt, cor. .i. iiia THREE lira outaide rooms, beautifully fur- Bished. lam privato bath, lam porch, all dean and well lighted; electricity, heat, water, phone; tenant furnish own silver and linen. 145 per mo. 800 Union are., near Beech. - UNFURNISHED Cat 4 rooms sad bath, siactrie lights sad gas, Privato entrance: part of basement; close to 8 eariinaa 662 av. Mrs. Whits.- rooms and bath, upper Rat, FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 KOOM furnished hoaae; basdwobd floors, fur " BBC. firer-Uoe, gang.; cense to ear aa acta. 81 Beat 870. , Will giro lease. Near Frsak ua high. THOMSO THOVSON. P.KALTOR8 .820-21 HENRT BLDG. BDWT. 48HO. 8358 BOOM modera bungalow, mostly tur niabed: fiaa vaew: lam sinauMla. Irvincteai " Heighta. Irriagtoo ear. 012 East ltth aorta. , Open today. U E. Btatasasts. 401 Gerimger ' Bldg. Maia 8091 or Tabor 3224. BOOM farniahed baBcalow, sera grouad, ' fruit cress and berries fearing. 6510 C2d lu " sod of Woodstock car ha. Has nail bacue south (' . ., th. Ave. FOR RENT 4 room furnished - hgtrta. hot aad sold vases, 82X80. AAaiuv 899 MrWTwVr Ave. M. A. car. FCRNI&HSD 4-r aoarby. 1ST Eaat to high. Owner there us til 2 BOOM boose, partly fniushed, doss to park sad Ockley Grasa arhool. $30. Ownac. 148 Leaore st, uoiuei of Bellevuo. T 8 FfrOM fnrniihil bmwa tlth a nit Wn-niaaTS - at, 858 a -month; ao liaaa or suwar. Fog sa pointawnt eaQ Tabor 90TS. WELL furniabed 8 room upper Oat, BadiantCra. . snuuirs oes aw Ilia, 1 Bat ear; adults m:y. Bent 125. PLOWING, base mai't digging, day or contract, and general teaming. Call, after 6 p. u-, A u to ma tie 022-08. - CEMENT work of all amaa. foa workwianhlp guaranteed. Karl Battas Co. Phones act 183 or fwllwood 819. ! PAINTING, papxrnancing and nnting; pricaa raa aonable. work guaranteed. Sbop 1345 Haw thorne ate. Tabor 1722 or Tabor 1280. SHISGLKKS WHEN YOU WANT SHINGLING HON E CALL MAIN 8100. taMpuwamna bids.. Fifth and IMarfe eta. 10 o'rlopk Monday morning. WOMAN for company; homestead 2 V miles from bard anvfaro road in Wlharnatte valley; I have 8 swell boya; leaving Feb. 25. O 'JO, Jonraal. W A N TKD lderl y lady to go to the country to ke baw for old gentleman, 83 a week. OiU Tabor 8284. ; ANTUD Two vsltnma, 114 and 116 per woah. out of ths city. Lewes Emu. Co., 43 W . rond at . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 NEAT HOLSEKEEPEK. uod coo. wmU work where I can have 2 children school ac. Waaaa sufficient for iichool expenses and cloth- ins, tin. I tter. Uood tuver, ur. jt. .ia rare of Mohr Bros. Wit ITU woossa to dn family waah at hnr hom W1 for sad dehver wash. Main 6542 vmil 12:80, MUHK1 LENHINS ssclmnred for aewtng or anything ho of arinal vslae. Main 80 18. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 203 'SPECIALTY aeleemen and woman, wholaaale and retail, beat furniture and floor -polish on the market; ao taveatmeat; dandy commission: you enn dean np on this. Call at V77 E. Hsltnbn. fioI.fCITOR rleaning and preasins. oeroentage basla; auewly u you caa aauver tar gooaa. Wnnrllswa 'J 7 9 3. Wants,! Uetinga. -A partner in real mlala buaina Aut 632-01. for HELP WANTED WITH 206 INVESTMENT t ('AIU'KNTEU.H wanted who have If. 00 or mnre to Invest In a funding rnmpany; we tmild and aril, alao mrdrart; steady work and . all annne eemirvd. You ahare In ths protit.v ;it addma and phona. AUaa Tonker. 90S Wllee hMg. 50c Day. 52.50 Week Up C3ssa rooms, bath free, wot water all sours. Hotel Cadiliac. 8d near Jeffcreou. WEST SIDE: 1 single and 1 aouble room, clean and warm, in pnvata homo with congenial bunch of young men. Every horns comfort 654 Lorejoy near 20th. - HOTEL TAIT Modern outtide rooms, elevator service. Rates 85 wk. up. Centrally located, 12th and Stark. OR 2 LITTLE girls to care for in good home, aldo nice rooms in private family for 2 gentle men or coopla employed. Cookins privileges. Wdln. 3698. BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAY AXD BURN SIDE $5 per week up. Private bath 19 op. w;"ree phone. HOTEL HARRISON dean tarnished room". $2 week. 25c to 60s per nignt; rtory pnek building. 4Q3 tToot. ATTRACTIVE room with 2 meals, every con venience. 320 11th st. corner of Clay. Marshall 672. WE have room for 2 men where you will feel at home. 3 meals for 11 per day. Come and try it 65 10th st, or call Bway 3072. GOOD board and room, private home, real home privileges, close in, west side, 18.50 week. 320 Montgomery st Phone Main 5370. WANTED Novelty specially or art needlework lirut-hylady traveling with husband la car. Territory, Oregon and California. 14-720, Jour nal. Matthiesen Hotel ' ' Booms 60a day no: S3 week no: dean. Biht hot or cold water, steam heat 204 Columbia. AMRmOUS young lady wants to learn milinery trade in wholesale or retail shop, where thorough training is taught O10. Journal. WANTED To do embroidery at home, children's dress or nightdress, pillow slips, scans, rea- ecr-ablet Mrs. OlMed, 464 Fairbanks. MARRIED lady with 2 girls, 7, 8 ears, like to exchange services for rent of apartment, near school. Phone East 879 S. i EXPERIENCED niiddlea.ied woman wishes to take charge of apt bouse for lady or gentle man: willing to work. Phone Auto. 644-42. COMPETENT, experienced woman. cleaning, washing, ironing; any day work. Main loCi, Room 25. WOMAN with 2 children. 4 sad 2 years, wants bousAeeping position where she can keep children. 1234 E. 16th N. REFINED young woman wishes light office work for small aalary. Can use :typewriter. East 1767. MARRIED WOMAN want to take home wash ing or will go out; can do p'ain sewing; good work. 10S0 Grand Ave., north womsn emploVl YOUNG for room, board Journal. half tlay will work and some aalary. M-391 A I HAULING contract with purchase of light traek. Hons ftle non tract, soars Investors Tien. 1 1 000 will handle. See Mr. Eel too, 430 Bttmetdai CSK IIAI.F interest in chicken-duck ranch, nui alng water, experieBced man, working Interest 170 K, 2IH ft or take helper for New Perkins Hotel Washington snd Fifth streets. Special permanent rates. HOTEL ARTHUR 170 11th tt. near Morrison. Clean, modern rooms by day, week or month; ressonanie rates. BEN HL'R HOTEL 347 OAK 8T. bet. Broadway and Stark. Clean comfortable rooms, electricity. Central location. FURNISHED sleeping room, 32.50 per week. 406 4th st UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A PARTLY furnished room. 11.25 a week, evenings or Sundays, 16!H Front st Call FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ATTRACTIVELY furnished downstairs room, use of bath, light heat hot water free kitchen and laundry privileges; also complete uncle sleeping room: 10 minutes to town: carlines. 93 Water St., 1 block W., Bancroft MCr.LY furnuued. newly 'anted room in re fined home, with kitchen privileges; also 13 attic room: walking distance. 84 N. 21st st cor. Everett WIT., -il eatar.llal.ed Win notakle. hosiery and underwear .nabl.. Phone Ant RI7 08. is re- SrTUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 fcAl'EHJlEN'f'ED pritals secretary will work free one month for transportation and expenaaa to New York and return. Y-13, Journal. INSPECTED Oregon Champkm. goo-eberry plants, 40 per M. F. S. Siarbard. Bt 1, Porv larnt Tabor 7537 WE HANH wallpaper at twenty-five cent a roll. Ak fur prices ua tinting, painting, etc. East 3349. FIRST-CLASS lady manicunst. vnnhes position in goti barber shop, carr alonaay, ts road way 6716. REFINED young woman wishes poation as companion to wealthy lady; specialist in all beauty work. Monday. Broadway 671 6 HOUR work wanted for Tuesday and Saturday. experienced woman; reference. Phone Mar shall 2521. WILL care for children. 4.50 week. Uelmont st, bet 13th and 14 th. 669 STENOGRAPHER-" Will work aiternoons o whole day per wpek. M-3B9, Journal. WANTED Homework by hour; washing, ing Phone Kat 4811. CAttPKNTCR Estimates given oa repair work. rm.fa repaired and garages built Shop, 1367 Hawthorne. Tahorl itIO. - I'OrNflfS '0., Iieimers and ixrwrhaigera. tors tl K, 24 KUlinasworth. Phone Wdln. 80l FftMIK aurfarn, faiiahing, waxing, polishing floer and linoleum. W. 1L Tibblta. 4803 3d svw S. F.. Talvw 4032. PHACT10AL tinter and paperttanaer. F. tl matsw free. 22 aamplea. Sellwood 8234. M J Vnorhee W ILL exchange rarpenuy wura tor clntbaig and groeenea. A-l cabinet malar. Box 3188 rltv avXPl.'.iUaVNt'ED pamvrr snd decors uur neena wort will furnish eu.uiiaienu 14.60 day. Tahor T828. '26, BflklJM shop experience Of labor ia Portland. sill Uka P-146, any' kind Journal. HOOKkl.Kl'F.ll with lumber and geueral ex pertewee will keep your book a ia auare time st a low figure. P 14a. Journal. FaTnTING and enntrsc.uiig, carpenter and eon- EAPEUIENCED WOMAN wants day work any kind llraidway 1642. Room M. EXPERIENCED GIRL wanU work in boarding boo. J'hone Main 2UII2. Apartment 6. FINE furnuihed front room with dressing room and sleeping porch. Walking distance, west side. suitable for ens or two gents. Broad way 4S29. 2 LIGHT, well furnished rooms, euitable for two. Free heat light, bath and phone. Walk ing distance on Rose .City carune. Phone East 1 (07. 2 ROOMS nicely furnished, newly decorated ladies or gentlemen; heated, bath adjoining 83.30 and 34 per -week. Call after 5 p. m. 350 hi Harrison st, rear house. BOOM HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT. ALSO SLEEPING ROOM: WITH OR WITH OUT BOARD; PRIVATE FAMILY; CLOSE IN. WOODLAWN 4123.J IRVINGTON 3 laraw noma completely fur- mshed: oa canine: ground floor: ptayer pis no; fireplace; 845; phone, lights, beat, wa ter; two adults. East 4384. NICELY furnished front 2-room apt and house- keepinr rooma. Free caa. lisbt heat and on ana. I Call Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays between 1 and 4 p. m. 650 4th st, W Lh i biDfe, 2 rooms with wood range and gas plate, also pantry and large closet electric light, phone and bath; separate entrance. 129 12th st, near Washington. V I C P". warm room 2 windows, large closet ei cellent boaro. very rcaaonaDie, to man ana wife or two employed men. 191 11th st WILL board school girls more for company; no other children; good home advantages. 1 can give references. 343 Fremont Wdln. 4434. CLEAN, attractive room, suitable for 2 young men. with board. East 8813. LARGE, airy rooms in modern home, with board, ISO month: walking (lists nee, -ui fe. 1st N- Phone East 9283. BOARD and room m private home, close in, walking distance. 1 block from car line. blocks south of Hawthorne ave. 364 K. 6th t NICELY furnished room, with board, for busi ness girl; piano, home pnviieges; reasonaoie. Wdln. 1719. LADY wishes to care for 1 or 2 children from 2 to 5 yrs. old; mother's care. Tabor 2544 WANTED, lady boarder, room and board $10 month. 1.11a nnney, Kt. 2, uervais, it. BOOMS, home cooked meals, all convergences. Working people. Close in. Main 3-'5. CHILDREN will receive good care in home of motherly woman. Auto. 630-J5. ROOM and board, private family, no children. reasonable. 5029 41st STe. . WILL give good home for small child; reasonable. Close in. East 7298. WILL board little school girl. $15 a month, mere for company. Good home. Tabor 8792 ROOM and board, near Hawthorne carline. privfleges. 405 E. 37th st IB.VINGTON-- 4 nartlv furnished tt desired: hot water, beat and water included; carars if wanted; adults only. 481 Tillamook, cor. of 6tlL .,.,,,V-r.v. t 1 .1 8-BOOM furnished apartment, newly papered and "f. tLTr iii: painted: all new furniture: light neat tain, i , ,. ... . w . - I- a kll. !eTm"- mm .."- t. . - . t Broadwav 6267 tram east end of IS road way ooog. saw jroaoj t - at Kent 640. LARGE CrTw82BSB 854-16. 658 2 flrraaaoss. - fruit bath B. ta. NICE, ckan 2 room suite for housekeeping. 84.50 per week. One largo front room, house- keeping. 13.50 witn gaa and elec. turnianed. 301 17th st. 8. W. I DOWNSTAIRS, congenial peopie wanted, nicely furnished hoosekeeping suite, yard, everything furnished. 646 Glisan. first house above 16th. alter 4 p. rn. TWO big housekeeping rooms, neatly decorated. 34 a week: 1 housekeaping room. 33: 1 nice sleeping room, '32.50. Main 7853. 295 17th st SAN MARCO Attractive modern 3-roccn apt Walking dis- tarce. East 1990. BANNER APTS. 2 room furnished spts. now vacant all outsids rooms, reasonable rent 48 t lay. Mar. Z04. CUMBERLAND APTS. furnished apartments, all outside rooms, walking distance: sdulu only. W. Park and tommbia. Main ipso. LOVELY 2-room h. s. apt. newly papered. I electricity, gas range, running water, steam heat: walking distance. 658 'GlisaB. Bdwy. 2125. TMO CICMHiTbB M 334 6th St 2 AI1U IL.flUMal'OilUilll Cor. Market 2 and 3 room furnished apta.. modern conven iences, private baths; 128 to 635 per montn. 4 ROOMS: heat caa. phone, llchta included; modern well furnished: all outside rooms clothes room, bath; 335. Adults only. Wood- lawn 3996. TWO 3 -room flats together; modera. clean; Fulton oar. off Pendleton. Broadway SJSl, Sundays. FOB BENT 6-room fist, 23 E 43d at Bear Hawthorne, uxraire trpatairv 800 MODERN 6 room Cat. newly cleaned, Graham ave. 4-RO0M' flat walking distaaoa. 333 Tabor 3477. ' LOWER flat 6 rooms sad bath. 614 PewsU. 130.60 tneroduur water. MODERN 8 BOOM Oat, S2S. 204 K Mo- Mulan tt. 2d floor. FOUR room, modern npper Oat 820. 831 Gar field ave. Bdwy. 20TI. room n. 7-BOOM ail modera house partly faratabed. chicken house for 184) chickens, garaaa. lid ' ft from streetcar. Call Wdln. 6688. -' FURNISHED Four rooaaed bsngaiow wuA ortwkfast nook; 840. Tabor 2961. 2743 est a at o. E. MODERN 6 ROOM bungalow. oanpUtaiy fasl ' BxaBsn. aaraweoa lasers, piano. sswiAg ass cmna. Wdln. 2362; BOOM modern hooaTsnd' garags. M. llW. . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 i BOOM boast oa Grand av.. doss to Mo 120: furnitstfw fa Ws keep boarders sad have 160 to 176 grooanwe oa nana, j twniDoms pay the rent Bent paid bbxu atarca. ators tnan a rood Bvtng. sji lor 6626; terma. East 7384. 4 64 WEU. furuiahed 6-rooaa ssodara Cat, neat clean aowa towa oJatnot; HOUSE aad Cat. gaa, else 671 Hood, Marshall lean rent rooms left to more than pay 4S13. 1 e- Yi iota at . nr. CASH OS FIVE room Cat, modern. Owner. 79 E. 19th FLAT 4 rsonvTT 26; with piaoo, I piets fnrniahinga tor tale. 3126. FIVE room flat, $35, 1798 East Morrison; good I ,,tiJtJ" N. TWO large, clean, light, completely furnished 4-BOOM apartment, well furnished, private bath. rooms for H. K. . in private family: phone light and bath; walldng distance; reasonable. Fixing Kast 4549- - ONE KO0M, use of parlor and piano, cooking pnvHeges and walking distance, suitable for lady employed, 112. East 2163. 166 E. 12th street ! H. K. ROOMS, ground floor, rent reasonable" walkin distance: no obiection to children; also 2-room apartment: reasonable rent bs4 Taylor. S room apt. private bath, all outaide rooms. Main 8705. 54 Guild st close in. newly tinted. south of Russell. 139 Page st, 1 block THREE furnished housekeeping rooms near Williams avenue car. 267 Knott st East 1748. i Kins Albert Apartments Two and 8 rooms, strictly modem, tile baths. elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main ao. ONE and 2-room apt., plain but clean; stove heat, near Adcox school. 325 Schuyler st, close in. East 9118. GIRL TO SHARE flat who wishes to study music; lessons; use of piano : desirable; walk ing distance; 62a, G. C. preferred. Main 3018. FOR RENT Two single housekeeping rooms. suitable for two; tight, gas, phone; clean aa a pin. 805 6th st Main 3589. Home HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 2 LARGE unfurnished H. E. rooms, $15 month. tree water, lights snd phone. 871 heiiy st Phone Main 6320. 3 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms on 304 ground Qoor, near carline; no children. E. 89th. I 293 SINGLE and double H. n rooms, clean and' airy; furnace beat: hot water; phone and bath. Walking distance. Reasonable. 260 Chap- man st $3 A WEEK ; Furnished housekeeping rooms. electric lights and bath included; quiet place. west side, walking distance. 215 Mai at, corner First 2 ROOM suite, light housekeeping. 310 E. 9th; walking distance; one block south of Hawthorne ave. Free light phone and bath. NICE. LIGHT. CLEAN Housekeeping apartments, 1 and 2 room, suit able for 2 or 3; nice yard. 940 Corbett st NICE larire front room, first floor, for two young men. Also modem housekeeping, fireplace, hot water, phone, west side, walking distance. 590 Couch. Bdwy. 8888. WIDOW with boy 19 mo. old house for small family. Sell. wants to keep 14 93. FXPEKDXNCKD woman wants work by day or boar. Pboae Ervt 92BH. MCK CURTAINS HAND IAUNIERED, 12 Y EA Its' EXPERIENCE. Esst 6196. WIDOW wishes day work, 33c an. hour. Auto matic 624 88. WOMAN wishes hooe work, hour. Aut. 626-86. work by day or BIG, warm, comfortable room adjoining bath in pretty bungalow home with large grounds, close in, east side, cheap to one or two employed. 411 Cook sve. Automatic 323-10. NICE, clean, well furnished apartment; also tingle sleeping rooms. All recently renovated. Modern conveniences and Quiet Gentlemen pre ferred. Call afternoons. 64 North 16th st NICE dean sleeping rooms; furnace heat hot water, electric lights, telephone, home priv ileges; reasonable. 188 ltth st, between Yam hill and Taylor. Marshall 1751. TWO or three light hou-iekeeping rooms; Ladd'a $3 to $ Mfcirk, completely lurnianea iiouse-1 silver. 409 Larch. East 74S5. aeeyuifi iwuib tuu buiwd, mumuiv . li. nuhid i .p g j men, eveij cuuTnucuuc, i. r. a . . . . j.. Save car fare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. 28th st N . near Davis. 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: heat hot water, phone. lights and gas, $30 per month. 6728. THREE famished rooms h. k., upper flat, $27. Call any tune. East 7389. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and kitchen etie with sink and running water. 360 N, 23rd st NICELY furnished 2-room apartment including light, heat, water and use of phone; walking distance. Also on car line. 751 Kearney. Marshall 1865. PIANO TEACHER (lady I gives leesnns in pupil's home; reasonsble. Automstic 521-50. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 25S MAN and wife, colored, want work in private family. Wife cook, man chauffeur and gan eral work. Z-719. Journsl. BY MAN and wife, work in hotel or rooming Iiouse: experienced. Marshall 509. MAN AND WIFE wants position on hop farm; one child. 249 t.rant St 46 N. 2 1ST ST. Furnished room, with garage. Private entrance. . ARGE front room for 1 or 2 working girls or men, with kitchen privileges, or furnish break fast; walking distance; 1 block to car. Phone East 1184, 321 Morris st WALKING DISTANCE A comfortable, very nicely fur. room, fur. best; use of piano and library; reasonable. 381-12, cor. Montgomery. Main 4 8ft. LARGE, choice, , homey, warm room in very choice home and location. Stationary wash bowls. Suited fur 1 or 2 men. C. S. pre ferred. East 4 898 I FURNISHED h. k. rooms: gas. light I steam heat furnished; across from dental col-lea-e. near chiropractic college. 423 Pacific at v..i xsaa v COZY, well-heated h. k. rooms; home privi leges. $15 per mo. 363 E. 12th st. cor. Stevens. Phone East 5467. 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, phone, light and water free. 816 per mo., garage $5. 844 East 8th st: So. - ' . TWO CLEAN light housekeeping rooms, conven ient and homelike. $6 per week. 468 10 in st 2 ROOM suite, modern, new house, new fur niture, heat, electricity, gas. phone, H. and C. water included in rent; $35, mook, near Willams svenue. CLEAN, light housekeeping rooms, strictly mod ern. Phone Mar. 1081. 468 Taylor st 302 Tula- TVVO housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 31 E. 12th st new. MT car. FOB BENT 4 room Oat. 748 E. Taylor, near 23d. Rent $20 per mo. Call Wdla. 709. NICE 5-ROOM FLAT 644 Borthwirk st Wdln. 1606. HOUSES UNFURNISHED Z trackage. I do your Ajwtrtasrnt t. $16 Bsato. Ns psoas NEWLY FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. WITH PRIVATE RATH ALL tUJIt.1- FENCES. $35. APPLY 415 E. 10TH BT, COR. GRANT. DRICKSTON APTS. 448 11TH ST. 2 ROOM MODERN APARTMTCNT. Three rooms, large, light modern, west aide. 881 Sixth st Marshall 1378. ALICE COURT Available March 1. 8 large rooms. 2 bed. fireolsce bath. $50. Including tel. Lor. 8th and Burnside. East 3566. Katherine Apartments Comfortable 8 room apartment, very home like and clean. Nob HU1 district Msr. zt. Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern z apts; elevator service; close in. and 4-room Mar. 3597. bV'wTS-LEKED WAREHOUSE Stora ,-tir goods wtih as. Lot moving sod parking. CLAY B. MORSE, IN a Broadway 84 TO. 4 84 Onsen WISE CITY Uodern T room bungalow. 611 Est 46th ft. N. 1 V. blocks north of Sandy blvd.. for rent or lease, as is, at 350 per montb; key at 607 East 46th st N. A. OOKIJON KU9. 580 Cham. . of Com.. bldg. Bdwy. T681. - . FOR BENT - TRYING TON HOME T large rooms, now vacant 100x100 lot, tine fruit, garags; rent $30 par month. see REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. I 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 8954. FOB RENT 2 MODEL BUNGAIjOWS 6 rooms. Piedmont $55. $ rooms. Walnut Park. $65. NEILAN A PARE HILL, 219 Lumberman, Bldg. Atlas Transfer Plan-w moved. $3 up: furniture moving tn proportion. t our. prices urst; au guaranteed. Bdwy. 1207. HAVE lease for 3 months oa noose which rents I for $2 7. 60 per montb; am leaving town; will I sen kaas for $65. After 8 months are up I 4 BOOM howas, partly furniahed: I acre: ga-. rage, good chick an house, cow barn; 44) W. L. laying hens; 3 miles from city limits, eaa -Bass ling road $135 cah for alL Main 6886, I AM forced to sell my fumiturw ia s 6 roosa flat Furniture is rsrscooxlly bow. Good Income; rooms well arranged. Must be said. 6o0 takes tt 122 M. lSUt COMPLETELY furnished lower t rooaa Ha t inchxding dishes, eortawa, eta. WQ1 eacrifVaa if sold at once. $400 cash. 188 R. 14th. FOR KENT 4 room flat over ature: f ami tars' for aale. $200. Anobr 698 8t. between 1 0 and 4. Waahinateas HOUSE FOB RENT Fumiturs lor sale. AA aewly pspered. painted. Coma sad mass ass an offer. 647 Pettygrovo, near 16th. WILL sell say furniture ta a 6 room or rent out 8 furnished rooms; rood knea tansy 467 23d st, BOTthwset 614-28. 6-ROOM house, rent 326.60 per month; fur niture for sals 8350: within walking distiarw) west side. 607 4th st Marshall 4382. 7 -ROOM fiat for rant with sleeping, pores, fur niture lor saie. Main soon. FURNITURE 6 looms, 3378, flat 823. good ta- ooms. East 9247. 450 V Betmont FURNITURE 4 room hoove. $160. 1446 East Everett, 68d Bt M. V. car. GOOD furnitasa. 6 rooms, $175; sossa tenia; flat lor rent zl H Mooter st STORES AND HALLS 314 12 Grand Ave. N. Cor. K. Bnrrsridw. Boom 60x60 for neat A tn location and rfvhw for any baataeaa. P. H. Dunn, East 6109 CHEAP, dean, nicely furnished 2-room Cat sJso houl)e b, rented for any length of .time. 4-room flat with bedroom and bath, 1 block I Taoor 004 - from Broadway bridge, waiaing uisiaace; reier- rnces. 344 Benton. The Stanfield Modern 2-room apt., light heat phone, laun dry facilities; $23. Main iavs. Wir.P.T.ANn coi;rt APARTMENTS. BEAU- TIFUL 5-ROOM CORNER APARTMENT, WITH PORCH. ALSO 4-BOOM FURNISHED. MARSHALL 8181. BEAUTIFUL 10-room borne -with garage very modern convenience. Last 20th snd Knott sts. 880. PANAMA BLDG. FRED 8. WILLIAMS, HOLLADA Y IRVING TON 787 Multnomah st 5 -room modem bvmga w. rxraa-e: 856: sdnlta only. Key at 430 Worcester bldg. ARE YOU moving or have you furniture to STORE ia brick building. No. 810 Oak i Sixth. .- Kent reasonable. Lease if A. u. Btrreil-GtTl Co.. 216-219 North eaalira Bank Bklg. Mar. 4114. . WANT to share part of your ami a what bsvw you to offerf Giv. pajtlcniars; wast assnnsa district 0-39, Journal. ewatral 2 ROOM apartment, just renovated; also single I MODERN and clean, close in, phone; light and ha k. room. Everything neat and clean and everything furnished. special rates by monta. TLc Bellingham, 421 H E. Morrison. ONE housekeeping suite, $4; 2 rooms. Call East 587. small sleeping bath free; cheap, adults only. 290 Graham ave. ONE good, clean furnished h. k. room, private family; 33.50 week. 75 Park. FRONT b. k. rooms, first floor, sink, reasonable rent 182 17th, cor. Yamhill. 414 Jefferson, at 11th. 1 and-2-roora fur nished apartments, modern, rent reaaonsble. CLEAN, completely furnlsned 2-room apartment, $23. 680 Lombard. St Johns car. Co lumbia 617. ROBERTSON APTS. Furnished 2-room apart- anenU: also one S-room apartment uniur- nished. 1678 U Eeit Glisan. Tabor 7025. nished. clean; walking distance 355 Hall, corner of Park. rrete work, remodeling: fertorv. Wdwt 675.1. rwaaooable and tstia- 1F YOU want rw painting, pa"rtng. tinting dno. right, cell the in. nwa Painters. We wttl pleaww yon. I'hone WoodTawn 6363. PAINTINt;, kaieoniining, goiid work at reason able pries. Marshall 14.18. HANDY MAN, carpenter work. aliingling. odd Woodlawa $223. )oh. reeaonable charge. CaRI'ENTKU work by day or contract; plans farutaheri. Marshall 3183. FIRST t'l -A8S painter, day or oat. tract. Broad war 33H8 PAPkllHANGING and tinting, aa tnplwa : estimate fumiahed. new wallpaper Tabor Nl. DRESSMAKING 256 JULE'S Win make your frorkv goans and wrane for all occasions and also do remodeling at reason able price. 431 Artisans Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 6606. Brosdway and Oak St ESCil A HOIXJ5VOET Dressmaking, hemtsltcliing, tucking, cording. ml loping, button covering, expert remodeling. 207 Globe bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 1414. work, satisfaction Woodlawn 4219. FOUR nice clean furnished rooms in private family for housekeeping. 1004 Commercial sS, phone Wdln. 5724 between 1 and 6 on Sunday. FOR gentlemen or couple employed, large front rixm with porch; wonderful view; fine, nearly new, modern house, $45 for one or $75 for 2 persons. Mar. 746. WEI.L fuoiished tront room, modeni. close in. 15 minutes' walk to postoffice. 292 16th 2 LARGE front H. K. rooms, across from Y. M. C A.: cas range, electric lights, water near, stove heat free phone: very reasonable, for couple only. Marshall 1675. NICELY furnished suite, 2 or 3 rooms, house keeping rooms, at 409 N. 19th st. cor. Up shur: rates by the month. $8 and up; free tele phone, bath and pool table. Broadway lo6. TWO large front rooms with fireplace, furnace heat electricity, ras for cooking, use ol pnone. bath and laundry tuba. 141 N. 23d at Phone Main 5960. TWO large rooms, first floor, easy walk down town, $6 per week. Mar. 1455. 369 6th st WELL furnished H. K. rooms, walking distance. 808 College st, between 5th and 6th. DAVENPORT APTS. Housekeeping room, furnished. 60S Jefferson st Main 5435. THREE new furnished hi E rooms to sdnlta employed. Everything furnished. Wdln. 6607. SMALL h. k. rooms, 2d floor, $13 per month. 154 N. 18th. LARGE light h. k. room, electric light, bath. $3.75 week. 805 tt 3d st St, between Jefferson and Columbia Sts. Main ihomelike, walking distance, $2.50 week and up. FURNISHED housekeeping room for one man. 655. DRESSMAKING, first class guaranteed. Quick service. Call evenings. HEMSTITCHING white. 6o per yard straight Slip-over dresses a specialty. Button A Plait tng Shop. 609 Royal bldg. ; Full esoavsling and general Warning. Phone Co lumbia 894. rllUNGI.KIlj) Vtli.n you want rlilngling done rail wdln. B3n. morning or evening. HAI LING MANTEL lie 2-to truiA. Owner, 856 tt N 22d st Bdwy. 4A6.V ' CTuFLNTKR-Ne r'b to large or too small; aU wnrk guarantee.!. Main 6348. . PAt't'.RIIANuING and painting. Lowest price on first class work. Eaat 784'J. RESi'ONrliBLE woman will take rare of children evening. References. Ants. 220-18. arhanse furnace or tinning work for seat covering job en ray Chevrolet t'-I53. Journal. . CEMENT sunk Have mixers; good work gwaranteed. Phone before 7 p. in.. Tan. 6781. or day. 7163. LADIES' TAILORING, alterations, coats reliued. Mrs. Mnckler. 443 Morrison. Bdwy. 3219. DRESSMAKING snd nmolrlling. Prices re sonahte. 850 tt Morri'wn Ht Apt 310. DRESSMAKING By Ule 5ay7" guaranterd. Tabor 1324. Satu.1 action SEWING By day or st home. Woodlawn 4:; 7 HUM ST ITCH INt; 7c. coUon or silk. Ideal Shop. 2 NICELY famished rooms, 1 large, other smaller, hot water, furnace heat use of phone and bath, on car line, 4ear hospital, walking dis tance. 253 N. 21st Main 4078. A VERY light, nicely furnished, steam heated front room. Lots of hot water. Apartment honae, went side, close ia. Phone Bdwy. 2266, before noon. NICE furnished front room, all conveniences, in private family of three young ladies. West Side, walking distance; phone Marshall 1790. 12th and Montgomery. YE3Y large, pleasant room in nice home in Ladd tract, for man employed; close to cars. Phone East 102. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TOWN Light housekeeping and sleeping, clean 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 'for rent. 503 E. Market. 320. TWO room suites for rent, furnished for house- and I keeping. 83 suite. A yard. 54 5 Front st. 293 tt Union ave.. 1 block south of Hawthorne. Close in. Cheap. 402 4th st Mar. 6059. THE MAPLE SO N. 17th. NEAR WASH. Best h. k. and sleeping rooms for ths money. Hot and cold water, steam heat LIGHT, nieasant h. k. room in family of three. suitable for man alone, or lady employed, with child. Could care tor child reasonanie. sou Broadway. 257 12TH ST. Basement II. K., walking dis tance; private entrance; men only. $35, 4 H. K. rooms. 425 E. 57th. only. No nnokers. Abo garage. Adults APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 LARGE front housekeeping room, gas. electric lights, furnace beat, phone, bath, $16 month. close in 521 Johnson st, cor. loth; MODERN 3 ROOM FURNISHED APT. $55 MONTH: FIRST FLOOR. FRONT. IT'S A BEAUTY. DISAPPEARING BED AND DAVENPORT. 424 COLUMBIA ST. LARGE front room in privato family ' for 2 men or man and wife. Board if desired. Wdln. 1&74. 717 Broadway bldg. VARPK.N TICK, experienced, contract Jlabinet work. Kerencea. East alias in Uwratry paper nauging. Phone Main 8450 PAPERING, painttug and tinting; floors fin lahed. . cheep. Tabor .5259. '. FLl'MHINU dune ' vary reasonable by the hear er by the job. Aut 333-61. .PAINTING i' ape thelitis ai.d tinti. j. Aato. 41143 KXCAV ATLNG, plowing and general team work. Phone Aat 619-M. , i.1 figure your wiring; tcialty. Wnortiswa 5450. old houses our CARPENTER ao.l eonlrae'ut, repair work, ga rage, buiit 32-37. fchop. 391 E. 4 1st at N f Ki t KIN; CONTRACTOR MOVING. Flat or covered bodies. Johnaon, East 1517. v TEAXINU. grading and excavating. Call East .!, 174 K. U'h, neat Hiwthoma. ; "Las em km . uKadi.m.. ;en. timing . C.Hal naet or day work. Ant. 622 35. l-stparnitc. Uatinti. n.aiti work nw kHT won fnfntfts. Ant. M3. litHrn, Wavia-s tin Mejji auU rturw. wtth niiivr tiivv. 1J45 , Fain riVV.. pspering. tinting: winter cut prices tut si. i-aone toin. n.xis. ta 1-LA8TI KING an. I chimney work, t Tabor 2658 109 E. 46th NURSES CAPABLE female and , nisUe nurses lay or night. 257 calls ans. 394 12th at Phone Msr. 2294. HIGH CLASS, private maternity hospital. particulars call East 8101.: For ICR LIGHT SLEEPING ROOM, IVORY FUR- M1LKK, flJ.M'1 FltLSil AIR: WEST 8IDE. WALKING DISTANCE. MAIN 7681. SLEEPING rooms, each suit) Me for 2 occu pants: hot water heat and. board if desired: 1 Hock from Woodlawn car. Woodlawn 568. PRACTICAL nurse, specialising cases. Marshall 2727. in maternity LARGE ROOM suitable for two. Steam heated apartment W. S.. walking distance. Broad- ay 1429. MAN AND WIKE wants place, suitable for small Hairy. M-.V2, Journal. EXPERIENCED NURSE. Call Main 1072: NICELY - fcunished. large aleeping room, good location, private family, snttasie for tnan with car. Call Last 31 & or apply 614 East Oak. FOR RENT LARGE, light front room for rent in modern home; walking distance. a JU. 6th st . East 8473. " FURNISHED ROOMS 300 ' THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms, 82.50 per week and op; also light housekeeping. 455 Alder at Maxwell Hall T.rluinSS: Furnished) sleeping rooms, bath, a tea as hears. hot and cold water; $4 week and up. WELL furnished, clean aleeping room. Very good location, reasonable. 623 Couch st Bdwy. 817. COMPLETELY furnished room in new mod- ern borne for girls employed; everything new. East 9216. or call 275 K. 46th. A REAL HOME for one or two; large attrac- tive rooms with plenty of heat line view. Phone Tabor 8709 Hotel Helvetia 246-249 Salmon St., rear ' Third. Modern rooms 75e up. Weekly rates. fUTf EL OH1 0, 266 Front, cor. Madison Rooms 60s up, $3 week up; hk. rooma: hot and cold water: steam beat; elevator aervice; ether mod em conveniences. Sargent Hotel Hawthorne and Grand. rooms, not and cold water, H. K and sleeT-tng steam beat 2tL M T hF.KV If Eft with car; anything reasonable. WeoolewB e)iZ8. "WANT iui ' rent a set of faUa or ladder, and Wi' East 1 19. iilAV ATING AND GRADING Tn., or portraet; reasonable. Fyt 8873 . aHINGt EK-a-Aay kind of ainngUng done by A-l a-yetianic. P'apne East 1201 , fLlLrJt trmuaMd aad tewaa aaasle over; b by honr or er.wtrait ; work trsarantev-d. Ta. 7613. ". tR-bkMEUWOKK. RAIN DRAIN. ETC rlreaslwa 6480. MaUtrom. al A Rl W mil i Inors. by day or ro a tract Rafer- WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TU AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms snd suites at' reasonable rats by. week or month. eneea, 1 4 4 Rodney ave. Woodlawn 6632. CAKPKNTEK esd eeoUaetov. yceoios. esythtat hi the banning ws. Fboee Ust nn. "rAPEIl UANGINt;. A IN TING TINTLNG mki.u a see, COM'ttKTK pwannc b, aseeniae; Braeral wont wnrk aJ II It 30. sfler 6 p. C.tki-K.NttK rtNISIlsR d.wr, W seV.w seat. A-l. snick. built -ins. Bdwy. K re nek 716. tirmlKsTICII ea-ewr oateee eowntry Seek. B-3SO, Jowntal. J I.AsT KcTLXG "J contract, Ka tuenlslie-t i after !. 4lka isiaUa lUdil CAkl k-NTLAl wsark wasted. Aat 613-81. Hotel Ockley Morriscn at 10th. 81 a day, weekly 86 snd up: free phone and pun; steam nest al.TTVAVnFR MlVTft. Clean sleetnna rooms. IS p. 2 room H. K. mite, steam beat cause ia.; 131 tt 10th st st Starr. ' FURNISHED sleeping room and boosekeeping r-rm. Inquire 385 tt San Rafael, half a block to oodlawn car. llP.IARD hctel 419 tt Morrison at at 11th. $1 day, weekly 83 snd no. Pros phono sad bath; light and airy; food heat THE ST. PAl L. 130 4th, ror. Abler. A RE brECTABLK downtown hotel. Rates 75c an. Private bath $3. eoecial rates by wefc or Baonth. KKWUALL HOTEL, 4C2 ha at Waahmgtoa st, ror. Grand sve.; modera aleeping rooma, atasm pest not and cold water in rooms. CLFAN. plaauant (urn used, rooms, owe block two rarhnea; 83 per week. 826 K. 1st N. East 2JO. i THREE Urea, partly fomithed rooms. Foster street Wdla. 6376. DOUBLE 1621 atngis room, ateam beat walkuat ahatsBco. kKchwa prinleass. stdwy.. 6409. LARGE, well furnished, clean boosekeeping room. near bath. 693 K. Madison st &ast S!11. SOME splendid furnished spartments at 669 Sa vior st; rents very reasonable. Phone Broad way 3075J ! HOUSEKEEPING rooms 82.75 week and np; close in. near Main. 247 tt 6th st Phone Msin 6476. 8-ROOM suite, cheerfully furnished, electric I SUNN Y 2 room apt. newly and completely fnr- TWO room apt, nice and light; just tinted. light phone, furnace heat. 830. 654 E. Madison. cor. lata. ' light and bath free, within four minutes' walk of busuiew center, $25. 306 4th st Dished. 20th and Upshur ata. $25. Bdwy. 187L HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, with or HO DERN Jam heated i s-room without board, in widow's home, very desirable place: home privileges. Bell 8. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in Bunny side; electric light gas, bath, suitable for two working ladies. Phone Tabor 3092. 2 OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING apartments for rent; very reasonable, at 302 tt E. Burnside and Grand ave. everything furnished; Ft. , near Montgomery. reasonable. apartment, 370 6th 2 FURNISHED housexeeping rooms, also 1 single housekeeping room, well lighted and clean. 414 Colombia st Main 8390. A .PLEASANT sleeping room for gentleman, oh east side, walking distance. Board nearby. Phone East 6990. - ROOM, dressing room, with running water. heated apartment on Broadway car. dose. East 5968. 257 12TH Single, hot and cold water in room. warning distance; men omy. BOARD and room for 2, with family privileces. 535 E. Conch, cor. 12th.r Phone East 4126. CLEAN room, furnace heat West Side. Gentle men only. $10 a moata. Broadway 2274. LARGE front room, well furnished, 2 beds, aU conveniences, as a. zutn. near w ashington. Bich- NICE room tor rent 1030 Clinton mond car. TWO elegant furnished front rooms, 83 per weer. nasiness qix., west sine. Call Mar. 814 FRONT room, first floor, furnished including piauo: waning distance. Last 2133. 'j.. . v. . : r . i l t LLAA, weu kept aieeiJing rooms- tor rent Mrs. A. Johnson. 131 Madison st Marshall 1377. FRONT light bousekacping rooms, one sleeping 2 ROOM apt, complete and well furnished ; de sire 2 girls employed: everytning lurnisneu. $5 per week. 92 N. 18th st Bdwy. 3016. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, HEAT. LIGHT AND PHONE FURNISHED. 530 JEFFERSON 8T. MAIN 4581. $18 TWO large front housekeeping rooms bath, electricity snd .phone; 68 E. 10th st S. also 2 for $16. ONE and 2-room Housekeeping suites, $2.50 to $d per week; white people only; children welcome. Eastern hotel, 211 tt First st MILLER apartments, 264 tt First, near Madi son, b. k.. aleeping, transient, by week $2 np. Respectable. Phone Auto. 539-02. FRONT housekeeping rooms, everything fur nished, walking distance. $25 a month. 285 E. 3d, near Hawthorne. Aut- 217-14. TRUNKS DELIVERED DOWNTOWN 25c each 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE ELK TRANSFER CO., Phone Bdwy. 2445 CHATEAU BELL MAE Modern 2 and 3 room apartments. Walking distance. Keasonable. 414 4 th at FOR RENT A 2 room apartment in a private family; good accommodations: meals if desired. 121 North 2Sd st 3 ROOM modern apt, rent reasonable. . JEFFERSONIAN APTS.. 16th and Jefferson. if We have machines for 8 or house snd piano and 4 men for $8.50 aa hoax. Day and Night Transfer Co., Main 6290. 6 KM. modem house, 893 Graham a vs.. 1 his. from car. METZGES-PAKKEB CO.. 269 Oak st Bdwy. 6358. IJiVINGTON Beautiful 7 room bungalow: hard- wood floors; furnaoa, fireplaos; built-ina; furnished, 365. Uiifurniahed, $60. 678 E. 30th N. East 9103. G BOUND FLOOR aad east Portland. Grand A vs. about May 16. C-320. Journal. SPACE for rent 30x60; good for painter or Sirs painter. Bee J. A. Masts Asa z Couch at Bdwy. 1774. STORE FOE KENT, Lll Second atrsai. Sdwsl 1 14. - . TO LEASE Small ir-odern West Side stars exceilent location. Pnone Bdwy. TO 94. . FOR desirable phon. Blued way $71 8. rustproof saialnuas ROOMS and bath; 4jomer apt; well fur- I FOR KENT Good 6-roora house, garage; full 10 minutes. basement hen house, garden, fruit trees, near school. 5 minutes from Firiand station. Mt Scott carline. $20. 4138 73rd st ft. E. CLOSE in, good ear service. 2 rooms aad sleeping porch, light and pleasant; gas, elec tricity. East 8368. FOR RENT 1 and 2-room fumisned apanr menta; 1-room, $10; 2-room. $15 per month. Call 225 Sheridan tt or phone Main 6605. NEWLY furnished 2 and 8 room modem apartments, $25 to $50 per montn; aieo garage. Main 7759. 4Z sa st 3-HOOM furnished apt. walking distanws. rent $4 5. including phone. rnone u roadway 6151, apt. 5. FOB LEASE 2 floors. Flatiroa badsv. 13tb and Stark. Cheap rent Brasdwsy 687. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 31 S PHYSICIAN Aa canabhahad locatioa. oewr a drag store, for rent: aa ex reliant DrjcxartusJts for s good phytaeisn. Main 792. FUSE LOCATION For jeweler or wau-hmakwr. Some futuim for sale; cheap rent Call Mna Am 9S1 t- .. II ., r yA mwA kAmw BCNGALOVV. $1 8 ; 4 rooms. .bath; partly fur- I prw ..Jl" ntsned. inauirs 2X1 3 r. ruassio. s oiocxi i . . 1 north MV depot service, r-none asqwy. sua. DESK room with phone snd ataa-oarraciaara aanwioa. Broadway 637. WHEN moving, city or country, get ths boat at lowest prices. Green Trans. Cow. Maia 1261. 202 tt Aider at V NICELY furnished 2-room h. k. suite; range, -running water, first floor, snitahle tor tam- fly. 807 Market st . BOOMS, nicely furnished apartment private bath; rent 630; garDage ana water iree. tau 680 Milwaukie st, cor. Haig. WI5LLTNGTON COURT APARTMENTS Under new management ; 2 room modern: all newly furnished; rent $4Q. Call way 124a. FURNITURE MOVLNsv. $2 PER HR. AND CP 15 DATS STORAGE FREE ELK TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWT. 2445 MODERN 5 room bouse, inlaid linoleum kitchen and bath. 251 E. 74th st N. Montarilla car. Tabor 2086. 6-ROOM house for rent to a responsible person for $16.50 per month. Inquire at 1776 Denver ave.. Kenton. Saw filer. 4 rooms only. FOR. RENT 4-room cottage with bearing fruit trees snd atrawbemea, $12.50. 1747 Fow ler, St Johns car. 11-KOOM house with garage, auitsbis for two families. South PorUand. fireplace, bath, laun dry trays: will lease. Broad way 7326. MODERN 6 room bouse, on paved street; gar age, chicken boose, fruit snd garden. Inquire st 4230 65th at S. F... or phona 645-63. fit WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 3 SO FURNISHED BOOM WANTED MUoT .BE CLOSE IN. WTTH GARAGE. CALL 8CNDAY. JAS. GROSART. CARE OF HOTEL OREGO. WAN TKD A room, furnished or safurniaowdl 6 blocks from Crystal laundry; alas garags. C-101, Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD 352 YOUNG saarned oonpte with year-old baby anaa t board aad room witn rauaais party whs wiu m ru.Hjja aparuneni, ihiiiiiihu, sM I - -" - I , . . . . , . . domestic use: Woodlawn car. Phona Wood- FOB RENT 4 rooms, bath, attic, ntodern. 561 Zl,7 dBnn Uwn 1150. 651 Dekum ave. v. KOtb V Tk. Mnvtevilla ear to nOO. I 6t'8a ' rn-A i.ra.riieht fnmished moms: walkhu Wit! he Uiera Monday. AN ELDERLY MAN, retired, wants good - " TT-.. 7 . .. 1 - . I hmm m.wmA lM is ninu f, l ii.ti, mmi nau. Knma . . .r . . , M .... , . . , . . . , - distance. 4549 MODERN 2 room apt, furuiahed; adulta N. 22d st Til TWO housekeeping rooms, first floor ; beat. water and light 95 E. 12th and Washington. BEAUTIFUL modem 7 room bungalow, 41st, lOOxLOO corner, on carline, double garage, fins grounds. Inquire 75 Park kny time. 6 ROOM boos, snd 2 lots; boose in fin con dition: on E. 86th St. paved.: za per menta. 825 LiC H A.N t, hi BlMti.. Zd sno rtlarx rates. A era let home. C-400. Jewrnal WANTED Good home for boy 14 yea Has emeu teeoma. E-721, JosrnaL aid. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 APARTMENTS UMTJRNISHED 308 The American Apts. 4 and- 8 room modern apartments. Twenty- first snd Johnson. Broadway 8360 $45 ft ROOM " boose, adapted for hoarding FAMILY. S ad tills, want two onfonuahed or house, east side, close in. 403 Railway Exch. I Partly famished rooms sad totcbenesis, poaafbhy ' ;-J w s e. a,..-. i. '. a P r car. around vksstvlngtoB. sAlA aaa um. B awn iwssi , I D-4T, JonmsL inquire ooe iwrmwwa. IONIAN COCBT 18th and Conch Modem. 4-rcom front apt West Side. One block off Washington st Adults. Bdwy. 2761. WELLINGTON COURT apt New management 4 rooms, newly papered, kslso mined, walking distance, steam heat operated by owner. Refer ences. $45. S. R. Gustaff, Broadway 1245. WE have ths truck for 5 no. furniture, with 2 men. $2 an boar. rnons Main nzw. WE move furniture of 3-4-8 room house fog $10. For further totormatton as am ozwo. MOVING 32 per hour, larg. van. 2 tt ton truck. WOODLAWN BUS. 2 OB 8 LIGHT atppi aad, Bkidmora. ling Tabor 1698. FLATS THREE to 6 rooaa f urns, bed. wttb phone. L-44, Journal. 35," MOD. 6-ronm Tab. 7844. house on carline, $30 month. NICELY furnished new 2-room apartment: also sleeping rooms; walking distance. 701 Davis street CUMBERLAND APTS. S-room corner aDartment 2 large bay win dows facing Park, old ivory woodwork and tapestry paper, walking distance. Main looo. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartment to rent cheap. 815 Vancouver ave.,- near Al bina yards. ' NEW YORK APARTMENTS 2-room furnished apt 827.50. including light heat, hot and cold water. East 7th and Belmont King Albert Apartments Two and 8 rooma. strictly modern, ale baths. elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Mam 859. CHATEAU BELL MAE Modern 2 and 3-room apartments, walking distance, reasonable. 414 Fourth st VERY attractive 4 room upper flat newly tint- eo. line view, soou KBuwntuiM, tj- ww. i . , . . . . w with beat water and gas range. 961 Front I AJ" .r .""i.r.T01 cor. Lowell ave. Mar. 3978. HURRAH New building, new furniture, 2 to 5 roora swell apartments, seasonable rates; also nnfurniahed. 544 E. Seventh N. COMFORTABLE 2 room apt, white kitchen, pretty drapes, new rugs, piano lamp, light furniture, gas, phone, $30. 629 E. Ash. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in 2 and 3 room suites ; dean, iiaht; sdnlta only. 504 Albina sve. Phone Bast 8820. HOUSEKEEPING room down town: reasonable. FRONT, housekeeping suite, also basement Market, cor. Sixth, $3.60 np. for bachelors! right 204 tt Fourth st 315 1'URN. 3-room apt, sink, pantry, bath, also , single, h. k. rooma. E-32, Journal. F CRN ISHED light bousekeepinc rooms; children LARGE outside room, in a fine apartment, walk ing distance. Marshall 4&nr. FOR RENT, complete 5-room furnished apt garage. Call Wdln. 2138. -ROOM furnished apartment dean; walking distance. Tl urand ave. N. East 2939. FURNISHED 3-room apartment vacant Feb. 194 Lonsdale, cor. Taylor. - 649 2 LARGE rooms, light water, phone free. E. 11th et. Phone Selrwood 558. Durfey apartments, SOS ONE 3-room modern. Stanton at welcome. Bdwy. 4436. room. Well furnished. 707 Flanders. NICE, large, light, comer room, all boms privi- legea. wrmin wanting mstsnce. at am B73I. LARGE tront aleeping room; dean; suitable far 2; walking distance. f6 N. 17th. NICELY famished room. Irvjagtoo, 1 block Bdwy. ear. East 1784. FOR RENT, fumisbed room, also garage, 475 East Everett- : - ' oa carline. MODERN sleeping room, reasonable. 753 E. Ankenr. Ant 2rw-Q. BOOM FOR TWO. HOME CONVENIENCES buaku ir ptaman. Btu,wut'u aiOT. N ICELT f umUhed room. Bonuyaide detract ; - oreauast ll aeaireo; tso garage, sat 214-oti. 2 NICELY furniabed ruosse. reasuaable. Hawthorne ave. ..--... ITfl FURNIttHsiD batA. hot aad sold as of garags. Bdwy. 4213. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, suitable for family. 444 E. Osk st East 1136. 1 AND 2 room h. k. apts., heat, sink. dee. Phone. 806 12th at FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 12.50 per week. 290 tt X. 16th, near Pettygrove. ITJBN1SHED 2-room H. K suite, dean, close-in, rent reasonable ; front rooms. 307 Market st 2-ROOM AIL. CHiSE IN, FREE LIGHT. WATER AND PHONE. 545 tt WASH. 3 SINGLE b. k. rooms, furnace heat, 293 10th atreet, comer Cohrmbia- ' TWO large housekeeping rooms, whole up stairs. Mill St.. 315. Call 329 Salmon. Monday. . 2-ROOM H. K. apartments, 12 a room Walking distance. 301 tt Hawthorne. up. FOR RENT Nice furnished spartment, furnace nest asiii vteraier st 2 ROOMS, right Beat, gas. $27.60. McGuire. 545 N. Union sve. B, J. TODD spsrunents, E. 8. of Stark; 2-room sat. rooaern. rjss i oua. 3-ROOM tarnished modera apt. outside rooms. private nam, i n ft sauwauaue st heu. 1719. THE DENNISON 2-room apt. 34 th aad Bis moot Tabor 846 FURNISHED er nnfarniahed apts., cheap. vanconvCT iv.. near aidies inopa. 511 1 HOUSEKEEPING 384 Park street everything furniabed. MODERN 4-rooms cosy, furnished, $25 an. to dean, sweady tenants. 739 Albina ave. ECH'R furnished "b. k. rooms at 690 Upshur st Tl nS.WA tTt. - a owa s i ar& trXTON AVE. 624.80: all ana suitnasiworta. fnr . apt. ewtnevo; u'alita ajwlldtlag THREE ROOM apt, strictly modern. Jeffer- aoniaa apt. ltb and Jefferson. THREE room : furnished modern sot Prirata bath. 727 tt Muwank-ie et Sell. 1710. TWO S-room- apta.. rest $2B and $26. Call 680 Milwaukie st. cor. -of xlaig. FOR RENT, Gltssn st 6-room house. Apply 909 E. HOUSES - 381 WANTED to rent by reliable party. April 1. a nwiers f er 6 room rnrntabad avjbvxrbasi Bt Johns. 118 per Owner, Mstn 4B1. boms with 1 or 2 acres; rent mast be sola. Call at 4121 47th st B. E, ear 644-31. 7-HOOM bouse. Cement walks IN WDLN-, houas and largs groanus; au miaam i f-J, ivraaes aad Cats with aa (or mat or frtnt mam si so. I Wa have many dally calls for thaws ta all MODERN 6 room unfurnished bouse for rent. I parts sf the city; - s, 167 E. 31st st. $35 per monin. iimrsui.i fahkihh. HvATAXao st ui.. FOR RENT 8-room modern bouse. 98 Calif or- 252 Btark st M4 nis st Inouirw Broadway 13. I CITY or aabnrbaa modera 4 or 6 room, aswut car line. Anto. 626-21. lots, frtnt cbicksa boose, near car and schooL Best ears gwaranteed. KING'S HILL APARTMENTS Six -room, suitable for family with children; one five-room furnished front nroaaway dizo. la-1 r ROOMS, tower, 1 oik. school and car, only 113. Searie. 1928 E. Glisan. NEW. modem. 3-room aoarianent for rent 487 tt Roaelawn ave. FLATS FURNISHED 309 UPPER, clean, neatly furnished 4-room flat. modern, rent reaaonanie, union are. 800 tt E. 6th N. 4-ROOM - modem lower Cat nicely furnished. aleeoiag porch. $33. B31 uarueia ave. Broadway 2071. apt 6. COUPLE to share fiat bedroom, use of Utcben and Irving room; desirable; walking distance C. S. preferred. Main 301S. 7-BOOM bouse, good condition, fins view. quire 817 Willamette blvd. 6-ROOM house. 127.60 per month; vacant about Feb. 25. - 828 Minnesota sve. 6-ROOM house for rent doss in, 647 Petty- ! grovs. vent 615; not, cow water; patn. EIGHT BOOM honae, near Jefferson hies, spletv did home, ze-i n runner st. FOR RENT, 6 room house st Lents. .6521 93d t B. E. ; Wdln. biz. FOB SALE or rent 8 room houas, Mt Scott ehatrirt Anto. 632-01. . - - ; WE HAVE THE TRUCK- MAIN 6290. ; WE MOVE FURNITURE. MAIN 6290. . - HOUSES FURNISHED v 312 -Fur. & room exnusge. $42.50 mo. reasonable. Call - WootUswa 4959. IBESPONSIBLE party with family wishes to rent - By alsrcn 1st, 4 or a-sroom naoae or ijbs wiu garags on East aide, not too far out Parmaraanf; ' reasonable rent Tabor 8S or aowy. wis. 4 OR 8 BOOM bouss or bungalow tsamsdlately. ' Bear Peninsula aeaosl. with garags ore! erred. , Woodiasrn 2761. ' WANTED 6 or t room assdem aowsa. yard partly furnishod, not over 630. By - fsmifcy vrith children. B-937. Journal. , WANTED To rant 5 room mod era houas. for ked er unfurnished: garags; wvlkwjg dts. tanco to FrankHn high- Phone tVDwood 2523. WANTED T. Bssbed horaae: 12 to 15 rwoans wjaiuav in. X-08I. Jcwrnsl MARCH 1 Thrao or 4- room furnished or as. - fumisbed kw. Msin 6311. ' ' FOR BENT- MrrKenna. 1151' Belmont Tab. 6493. . 1 WW , . I. I ' . . . i . Modem; garage: on car line, restricted - die-1 4 ROOM lurassnea bouse, on Bt Jonris canine. Vf A-VTKD To low. about 10.000 as. trict Irvington. B-788, Journal. ,t szo monm. i mveq. aw. ajwmnan. i epecB for light BBanafsctxtring. FURNLSHED or partly famished. 4-room flat MISCELLANEOUS 362 ft, of 7-BOOM furnished Cat 3558, $150 dawn, $30 $40 5 ROOM well furnished house, 28 .E. floors. Water, gas, electricity a month. Bdwy, 8719. " ' 29th. near Ptns st East 6829. Le Welfstw Industry. Ask foi iS THREE-BOOM, furnished, including light, I $20 ONE ROOM, use kitchen, view cottage, to I water ana gsroage. - ivvs mm. xi. . wb. iTn,w r- r. . , - for MerreiL 427.50 -FINE little Cat. fireplace; seat couple J MODERN furnished bungalow at 96 E..26IA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE only. 67 E Maia. CLEAN, furnished 3 and 6-room Cats, .garage. N-S ear. 854 tt First st - ae i mi wr rmrn "t-v sews Apply between 10 and 4 Tuesdsy. , ptAVn ritwutu Louss, Hi I BOOM eottage, 4 lots, at iBenmay lioo. ft. N XICELY furnkbed modeXB6 per montb. Closw an. boo. osu LOWER 4-room furniabed Cat; , adults. . E. 85th. Tabor 6014. ' ' .- - 310 1 2-ROOM house, partly Cell Wdln. 1 553. famished, is Kenton. I ROSE CITY PARK.- Nicely furnished 4 room Ttrper flat Baitabie for ersvpK Talwyt 7933. MODERN 6-room lovely furnished lower .flat piano; 648. 793 Mwsoon. Mississippi car. LARGE HOUSE., elegantly furnishsd;. piano. garage; Woodstock ear. 4614 R 41H st MODERN T-room twrnished boose wink gangs for rent or lease. ass Monroe a. S BOOM house. 2 seres fins tardea, fruit Pala tine MIL Lease. . East S BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 ' " GARAGE OE FACTOR! 6 ITS Half block on Grand aew bet. Stevens and 7. an. 100x300. vast aad. of street.; 1.2 .wo. mil ell U cms aaane t litis. Eaat 7212. Mr. THREE 5-room fuTrnshed flats, $18 and $25. inc. water. 66b tt vilam are.' - 4-ROOM famished npper flat class in .west axis. I FURNISHED modern 4 room cotteew with bath. 293 11th et Marshall 1696. v I 1154 Raymond Ave., near 29th Ht APARTMENTS AND FLAT - PROPERTY 402 FLAT- r. rooms, ground Coor. $30. Williams 5 KW : 262 Bats t Phccvs East 850, MUST BK BOLD. 11 rooana, 2 apte. met aaa 1 i . , . 1 . aaa? aatn as aswoiea. i"s e , n . , A kma. aw $7IwAbc74 Jgcbool ey. 12 . CUm. -V- ; , L f