.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. OREGON. 14 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922. aptist Church Converts Sunday School 3nto theological Seminary Cast $Jekmg University iilen to Jf ill pulpits News "From Pulpit and Pew (United fSrettren Revival Sinnouncetl Hide 4 BIBLE SCHOOLS HELCI ON SUNDAY ; "Overcrowded conditions at the East fide Baptist Sunday school have made it necessary for the church trustee to pro Vide additional equipment to care for the rapidly crowing school. Last Sunday (49 were prrwpt- A modern two-story ilfht-roons bouse on East Salmon street. Adjacent to the church. naa wen pur and remodeled Toy the trustees at a poet of 17000. i The first floor of the building will be ' rard by the beginners' department, which Bombers 90 children, and the second floor tooms will probably be used by adult clamea. This chance iwan that four simul tnneous BUM schools will be held here after on Sunday morning. The Inter ' mediate, senior and adult departments will meet in the church auditorium under the supervision of General Superintendent J. A. Hmlth : the Junior department will neet In one-half of the church basement ender the supervision of Miss lva Shel ters ; the primary department in the other half of the bajsemenl under the direction f Mrs. Croaaett. and the beginners' de partment In the new house under the; , aireciion or. airs. u. u. pievene. r.a-n department will meet as a separate Bible school, having its own opening ana cios- Ins; exercinea. A covered passageway connects the church and house. The new property will not be converted ' Into a community house, but will be uned aa a certer of religious education. The ' church owns X0 feet of. vacant property between the church and house. If condi tions become more acute the trustees contemplate enlarging the main church Lulldlag 20 feet. One of the features of the Sunday chonl work Is the real Bible ohooT'whlch supplanted the old fashioned Sunday school on- January 1. The experiment i It twlnr watched with Interest. All les son helps have been discarded and the entire school Is using a Bible lesion edited weekly by the Iter. Daniel Bryant, associate pastor, and published in ad vanoe In the church bulletin. The school In reality Is an Incipient theological sem inary. Dr. W. B. Hinson, pastor, has In mind at a future date the addition to the Bible school of chairs of lectures which will be filled by men of national Iiote. inning- his recent visit to the Moody Ttible Institute of Chicago. Vr. Hlnson discussed this contemplated enlargement ' of bis work with Dean James. M. (Iray and other religious leaders. Associated with the rorUand Bible school, if the tUn Carries out. w4ll he conferences on ' Utile fundamentals, held In the Bast Side Baptist church as a center, with branches ex tending along the coast. r The following course In the gospels 5t Mark and Luke will be put on In the Bible school In March and extended Into June: Ieason 1. "Preparatory H vents of Christ s Ministry," Mark 1, 2, 3. Lea ,., son 2. "The Period of Ministration and Opposition." Mark 4 to 8:2. Lesson J. The Kingdom by the way of the Cross, Mark :27 to 11. Lesson 4. "The Period of Sacrifice and Triumph." Mark 12 to is. Luke's gospel Is divided Into eight les- t S-eV I 5. -4 MS if .L tjt n-r-si r "tt -r.rj mrfWin' ' : - I V a The rtc-r. Henry XV. Luce-, J. D. (left) vice-president of Peking .university, and the Rer. William Hung of the Peking School of Theology, who will speak Sunday morning at the First Congregational church and Sunday night at the First Presbyterian church. Two Portland pulpits will be occupied Sunday by leading educators from China who have been in attendance at the disarmament conference the Rev. L. H. Luce, D. D.. vice president of Peking university, and the Rev. William Hung of the school of theology of Peking university. The educators will speak at the First Congregational church Sun day morning and at the First Preeby- terian church Sunday night Dr. Luce graduated from Tale In 1892. While in college he became one of the founders of the student volunteer move ment which sent over 500 missionaries to the foreign field in 1897. In 1897 Dr. Luce went to China, visiting Japan on the way. He arrived In China just after the Chinese-Japanese war and in time to witness the Boxer rebellion. For u years ur. Luce lived in tne province of Shantung. He Is. the author of several books In Chlneer, which are widely used In Chinese schools and colleges. Dr. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NT TWELFTH ana ALDEN MaROCB Leaner- BjeWSMH NONMAN KIMBALL TULLY MIMSTERS A 10:S0 A. M, . DR. BOWMAN PERACTtEA 'Terrnanence and Progression f:8 P. at., ADDRESSES BY I Rev. Henry W. Luce, D. D. Rev. William Hung Or PCaiN tNIVKHSITY J A' First Spiritualist Church CAST TTH AND HA8SALO STREETS SUNDAY COKn&ENCC sTKETTNO and MESSAGES :00 P. . TuBCTUU B:00 P. M. CBJirr "WHici did wrt ooaii AND WHIRI DO Wl DOT 4. MALLARD fclLLS, PASTOR, at. 4, MflLLARD HILLS, ASHISTA.TT. T - by UK and MRS. IHIX aad stber Medhuna MB Retvlee Krmrj Wednesday Evanlnc at S P. M . demted antlrair to Mam The IhM oi the Payohie Club n rmi Yalentlne' pert; snd dmnne tonifht, Peb Mary 18. at I o'clock. Admbsloa 40 eenta Luce has devoted his life to higher edu cational work in China and now is vice president of PekJng university a union school of all Christian Institutions of higher learning in or near Peking. Id eluding those of the Congregational, Methodist Episcopal and Presbyterian mission boards and of the London Mis sionary society. The Rev. Mr. Hung, who Is known as the "orator of China," Is deeply in terested in interpreting China to Amer ica. He was instructed in China's his tory, philosophy and poetry and then came to America for Western education. In five years he captured three degrees from America's leading universities and was elected memberof the Phi Beta Kappa. He speaks excellent English and has a keen sen:--e of humor. The Rev. Mr. Hung is the designer of the Chinese city in the Centenary World Exposition and one of the organizers of the bureau of Chinese Information and trade counsellors ic Wall street. sons, as follows: Lesson 1. "Infancy and Preparation, Luke 1 to 4 :13. Lesson Z, The Gahllean MiniPtry," Luke 4:14 to 6. IeaHon 3. "The Oalillean Ministry" (con cluded). Luke 7 to 9:50. Lesson 4. "The Judean Ministry, ' Luke 9:51 to 11. J-eB-son 5. "The Judean Ministry" (contin ued), Luke 12 to 15. Le?son 6. "The Ju dean Ministry" (concluded). Luke 16 to 19:27. Lesson 7. Ihe Jerusalem Minis try," Luke 19:28 to 21. Lesson 8. "The Jerusalem Ministry" (concluded), Luke 23 to 24.. The membership of the church now runs between 900 and 1000. The pastor and deacons reviewed the list last Mon day night and found but few who were not active members. Name or the in active were dropped. Forty were re ceived into the church during January nd seven last Sunday. Additional bap tisms have been announced for tomorrow. Dr. Hinson will continue his series of addresses at the Sunday morning service on "The Real Lord's Prayer." and tooth of the pastors will speak at night. Eight young people win take part in the discussion at 6 :30 p. m, at the B. Y. P. U. meeting on the subject, "The Sec ond Coming of Christ" The young peo ple are publishing a weekly multi graphed paper known as the Beacon, which contains the news notes of the union and a short, snappy story. Har ley Simpson Is news editor and Fred Bertz managing editor. Baptist Baptist Sunday school superintendents and workers in Portland will meet Tues day evening at the Bast Side Baptist church for their regular , monthly con ference. Supper will be served af :SC p. m. At T :39 p. m. the Rev. Frederick Bueermann of the Third Baptist church will speak on "Baptist Antecedents," and Miss Gertrude Jacobs of the White Tem ple will discuss junior work. Plans will also be -made to entertain Dr. -E. W. Chalmers, -secretary of religioua educa tion for American Baptists ; Dr. W. K Rafferty. editor Aachief of Baptist Sun day school literature; and Miss Meme Brock way. elementary director ror the Pacific coast, who will be here March 19 and 20. Dr. Lociele Withers, medical missionary from Swatow, China, will addrew a rally of Baptist rating people of the Willamette a&wciatioc on Muck IS at the Whit Temple. PTOfesKir Cbirlea E. Rutnerfetd, sopenn terdent of a Baptirt sckool at Hanemakonua, India, will occupy two Portland pulpits Sun day. He will preach "at the Arleta church in the monuiw i and at Clarj church at night. Prsfewor aad Mn. Bntkerfacd are craduata of Ijnfietd : sage. They are in chareo of the cnlr aaaool in a province of 65.000 people known ' as the Preecott Memorial Industrial achooL That is Professor Rutherford' first trip home aince he left here 12 ceara ago. Dr. Arthur S. Fnelm will coeak from the subject. "FintfBe a Wife." at the White Tetn pie Sunday night. The Temple quartet and Toanc people a chorus will iunu.li special musjc The Ke. T. J. Sjolander, pastor of the First Swedish Baptist church, is an Taeoma conduct inc a serial of eTaca-eU.stic services in the Swed- is Baptist church there. His pulpit will be occupied Sunday by he iter. t,. Bjorkquise Sweden Baptist mi-ionary in Oregon. The Bey. Haroid Nelson has arrired from Bellingham, Wash., to talse charge of the work at the Elus Swedish Baptist church. Christian : At the Sunday morning service at the First cnnstian church . the Rev. id. ti. Grlffis a-ill discuss the adaptability of the religion or tne .New -testament to tne mind of man in the light of modern re search. At the evening service the ordi ranee of baptism will be administered, after which Miss Margaret Holden will give a Drier organ recital. The pastor s evening discourse will be an exposition or tne suDject or sanctirication. The trustees are gathering information on ma terials and workmanship required in the new church building. They hare appointed Harold Pew and C U. McKeynoida to map out meth ods of operation and report at the next meet ing of the official board. Congregational At his question forum at the First Congregational church Sunday night, Dr, w. T. McKiveen will answer four ques tions. as follows: "Do not some American need Americaniza tion as much as many foreigners?"; "Is the American atandsrd of Bring declining?"; "What Fouieaxes policy r and What problems must rl pope sole!" On Sunday morning Dr.'I. H. Loee, Tiee president of the PekiB aniTersity. ud Dr. William Hung, a leading orator of t. 1'tna. win fire 20-minute addresses. From - 30 to 1:30 o'clock, Sunday noon, Herbert i ijem will cG&dact ma -Molden aula Ouen Ft rum." which will , djaeass the Christian's re lation to the state. A patnodc srrHce will be conducted SundaT night at Suuhj-side Congregational church onder the auspices of the Men's league. Special music will be furnished by the chorus choir, 'soloists and the Errand Army quartet. Roy Klliaon of int.- tlWon-VHuu Lreeum will deliivr the ad- dieu. The in termed is te and senior Rndearorer will hold a joint meeting at 8:30 p. m. The pontponed meeting of (he Sunday school workers will be held Monday eTeninx. Stroma- will be (erred at 6.30 p. m.. after which the basinen se&non will be held. 'The missiooarr circle, of !."-" ninnen is leaden, till meet T'leidsy at 2 o'clock at the parsonage. Next rnoay evening tne Ladies' Asd wUl gire a colon a entertainment in the chnmh. Admiudnn -.;l hi free. The six-reel - picture. "Behold the M.-ni os rawn Sunday nifht at th A taring u. ntorial Oongrecationai church. An Amenoanizaooa serroe win be held Sun- msm, at tugniand tkmsresatianal r-hnrh , , vraB WU1 mn America, the Beauti ful. I W f tt: n K mnjnan OI iian FraneJacn. Tnr- Uon. will preach Sunday morning, at Pilgrim k-ocgregatumai ehurch. At 720 p. m. dele gates from the state Christian r.n-i.,, Tt - --- V ' , . " M-v f 4MSBWA ,' ' IS CHURCH THEME Vrofessor Komi-oc '. Wilson (loft), obedr leader ana singer, and tne Rev. U. I. Champion, evangelist, who will arrive In Portland during the com ing week to start a series of special meetings next Thursday at the Second United Brethren chnrch. Pi Hi Episcopal The Brotherhood Of St. Andrew fans arranged for a patriotic celebration at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral on Wednes day evening for all the men of Portland. The service will begin at 8 p. m. Dr. H. wnxuu. win preside, and Bishop W. T. faumner will talk on "Washinirtnr. 99 Churchman," and Archdeacon Jay Claud Black on "Washington aa a Patriot Morning prayer will be substituted Sundsy morning at tne pro-cathedral for the usual ser vice for the third Sunday of the month. Other Sunday serrices will be as usual. Miss Wil helmina Fuller will be in charge of the young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. At the li o'clock serrice Sunday at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, the Eer. T. F. Bowen will gie an exposition of the epistle for Sexagesima Sunday. The holy com munion will be celebrated at 8 and 11 o'clock. At the Sunday school session at 9:45 the amount the children will aim at as their Lenten offer ing for missionary work Trill be determined. Talks on George Washington will be given at the young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. by Harold Ban kin, Lewis Roeppell and the rector. The weekly meeting of St. Mark's yonng peo ple's society will be held in the parish house at :30 p. m. Sunday. Elden Beeks will speak. Bishop Stunner will attend the convocation at Salem on Sunday and Monday. At this meeting Mrs. Wilson Johnston of Portland will present a Next Thursday night a three weeks evangelistic campaign will be started at the Second United, Brethren church, at Blast Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets, under the direction of the Rev. Ira Hawley, pastor. Evangelist R. L Champion and Professor Roscoe F. Wil son, both of Ohio, have been secured to conduct the meetings. The music will be in charge of Professor Wilson. Both of these men are coming highly recommended to the local church, the pastor announced, so successful meetings are anticipated. It is possible they will direct a similar campaign- in another United Brethren church before leaving the city. People of all churches are Invited to cooperate In the great revival campaign. The Sunday services will be prepara tory to the coming of the evangelist (Concluded on Page Fire. Column Three) tatc JXetreat for r311 Congregational jtlinisters 31 armed Thursday afternoon and until late Fri day afternoon the Congregational min isters of Oregon will hold their annual retreat at the First Congregational church. Practically every Congrega tional minister in the state has pledged his attendance. Dr. A. J. Sullens, super intendent, who recently returned from the denominational leaders' conference at Chicago, will deliver a special talk. The retreat will be divided. Into five sessions to discuss five distinct church problems. The Rev. Edward Constant CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CAST 1ITM AND PINK STREETS WALTER MERRY NUGENT, O. D. MINISTER. "The Test of Friendship" O THE MORNING TOPIC AT 11 O'CLOCK 7:41 RMOfl LECTURE "George Washington-the Nation's Deliverer" T was glad when they said unto me. Come, let oa go into the house of the Lord." Central's pastor and people inrite you to both eatTicea. You will receira a cordial Too will enjoy the messages and DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND will have charge of the first session. which will discuss "The Development of the Pastor's Own Spiritual Life," Thursday night Dr. W. T. McElveen will conduct one of his question services. after which an informal reception will be given 'to out-of-town pastors. Friday morning Dr. J. J. Staub will conduct a symposium on "Public Wor ship." Friday afternoon the topic, "The Message of the Preacher," will be dis cussed. The concluding talk on "The Vision of a More Effective Service" will be by the Rev. J. W. Price, PASTORAL COITXCIL CALLED The Rev. W. G. Eliot, pastor of the Church of Our Father, has called a spe cial meeting of the pastoral council for next Friday to meet with Carl B. Weth erell. Pacific coast field secretary for the Unitarian church. Sunday morning the pastor will preach a sermon on the life and character of George Washington, WESTMINSTER EAST 17TH AND SCHUYLER ITS, E, H. PENCE, D. D., PASTOR 10:30 Americanism: The Is and the Is NOT 7 :30 Washington, Lincoln and Sexagesima Sunday Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Elisha and N asm an," 2 Kings 5:1-27. Golden Text "Bless JeboTah, O my sonL and forget not all his benefits: who forgireth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy liseases." Fa, 103:2. 3. Young People's Topics Christian EndeaTor "The Source of Happi ness," Jno. 4:9-14; 13:12-17; 15:11. Kpworth League "Tithing as a ' Good Per sonal Adjustment." Matt 22:20, 21. Baptist Union "The Source of Happiness." John 4:-14; 15:11 Baptist First White Temple, 12th and Taylor. Dr. T. J. Villers. Preaching by Tr. Arthur 8. Phelps. 11, "Its Great".; 7:45. ."Finding a Wife." East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Tr. W. B. Hinson and Bey. Daniel Bryant 11. "The Real Lord's Prayer"; 7:30, "The World's Political I is intern station; What does It Portend 7" Dy Mr. Bryant: "A Rained World Reconstructed by Christ." by Dr. Hinson. Third Vaneoorer and Knott. 11, 7:30. Arleta 8th are. and 64th st 8. B. Ber. Owen T. Day. 11, address by Ber. Charles $. Rutherford of India; 7:30 CaiTary E. 8th and Grant Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11. "Laws of Christian Liberaltiy"; 7:30. address by Rer. Chartm . Rutherford of India. Glencoe E.' 45th aad Main. Rer. W. B. Stewart. 11, 7:80. Sell wood Bethany B. 11th aad Taooma. Rer. C 8. TnnneU. 11. 7:30. Grace E. 7 6th and Ash. Rer. J. F. Hnckel berry. 11. 7 :30. 7 Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. Sjolan der. 10:43. 7 :30. St. Johns Chicago and Leonard. 11, 7:80. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Rer. Walter L. Riley. 11. "With Jesus After the Last"; 7:30. "The Tme Confeasional." Tabernacle E. 4 2d st. and 45th are. II. Uni-rersity Park Drew and Fiske. Rer. Q. R. Bchlauch (xapply). 11. 8 All church at Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. Dr. W. T." Mc Elveen. 11, addresses by Dr. H. L. Lnce and Dr. William Hung, both of Pekin, China,- 7 :30, question and answer serrice. Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Dr. J. J. Staub. 11, "Buying tp Life's Opportunities"; 7:45, patriotic serrice. Roy Ellison, speaker. Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Rer. E. E. Flint. , 11, "The Greater Citizen ship"; 7:30, "Jesus, Our Sartor." Highland E. 6 th and Prescott. Rer Edward Constant 11, "The Uplift of Prayer1'; 7:30, "The Real George Washington." WaTerleigh Heights E. 33d and Woodward. ReT. Oliver P. Avery. 11, 7:30. Lanrelwood 45th ave. and 65th st S. E. Dr. A E. Cook (supply). 11, 7. Pilgrim MisBoun and Shaver. Rev. James W. Price. 11, address by Xr. George Hinman of San Francisco; 7 :30, report from State Christian endeavor convention. University Park Haven aad Lombard. Be. & H. Johnston. 10:30. S. Finnish Mason and Albtna. Rev. A. A- Harju. 8 and 8 pm. St. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bev. D. Elmer Nonrse, 11, 7:30. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d ana Bumner. Rev. 01 Torgesssn. . 11, 7:10. First German Ebenazer K. 7th and Stanton. Bev. George Zoeher. 10:80. 7 SO. Seeoad German E. 6th and Skidiaorai Bav Henry Hagelgana 10:80. 7:80. Ziob German E. Bth and Fremont Rev. 1 H. Hopp. 11. 7:80. Dunk aril Church of the Brethren Borthwiek and Brsin- ard. Rev. J. U. G. SUveocn. 11. 7:30. EpfaMpaJ St. Rtenhens Pro-Cathedral 13th and Clay. Right Bev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop; Very tlev. K. X. X. tucks, dean. 7:43. 11, 7 :4a. Trinit lth and Everett. Bar. A. A. Mor mon, rector. 8. 11. 8. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont. Rev. Thomas Jenkins. rector. 7:30. .9:30, 11, "The Thorpe. 11, "A Survey of Modem Methods": :i0, community gathering, followed by evening services. Mt Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett Promise of the Sons of God"; 7:30, "Sin and Rev. E. A. Rev. Rev. Rev. FIRST NAZARENE CHURCH OOHNtR MA IH ASD TWELFTH tT. REV. A. M. BOWES, PASTOR ' AM 01 A L 11 A. M. an 7:90 P. M. Rev. Mrs. De Lance Wallace . or mania err hcadquarters potrr uv nns orpoRTrNrrr to near mini Y. M. C. UNDAT AFTERNOON MEETINQ FOR MER-r-:90. SrEAEEB Rev. W. E. Brinkman PASTOR St. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH UsWEOTi ' "THE LIFE THAT COUNTS" ALL TOURQ Mil IRVITCD ' GETTING MARRIED Dr. Arthur S. Phelps on 'Finding a Wife' j Hoy to Be Happy, Though Married WHITE TEMPLE, 12th and Taylor Sts. SUNDAY, 7:45 P. M. 1 QUARTET AND CHORUS 11 A. M.- "IT'S GREAT" Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8 Lents 88th st and 60th ave. Smith. 11, 7:80. Second German Rodney and Morria V. Hoffman. 11 7:30. Italian Mission E. 44 th and Sherman. En Irene Fantetti. 2 JO. school; 8. Khm Swedish E. 6th at Alberta. Harold Nelson. 2:30. Cash one Cathedral 15 th and Davis. Rev. Genre X C.m,-ll a. 7:15. 8:30. B:45. 11. nt. Peters Lenta, Rev. I. P. O'FIyaa. A. 10 80 7:30. St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman. Bee. J. C Hnghea. . 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. St. IVaDcis K. 12th and Pin. Rev. L UrNiinn 8 8. . 10. 11 Immaculate Heart of Mary William, and Stanton. Rev. W. A. Daly. . 8, , 11, 7:8. Holy Rosary E. 3d at Clackamas. Rev Ar thur Tovmlev O. P.. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:30. St. Rote E. 831 at Alameda, Rev. . M. (OTsrreU. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. Bth and ARwrta, Bar. Thorns Kiarnan. 8. 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine B. 24th and Siiktyom. Bee. Georg. F. Thompson. 7:80. 9. 11. Ascension K. 76th and TamhiU. rathera. 8. 10 80. 7:80. Bleated Saerament Maryland and Blaadeaa. Bav. B. V. Rally. 8. 1IJO. 7 J0 Holy Cross 774 Bowdain. Bev. C Bay mond. B. 10:80. 7.80. St. Una tins 1220 43d at. 8. S. Jt8R rathara :S0. 8 10:80. 7. St Stephens B. 4 2d and Taylor. Be. Warm A Waits. 8. 8. .1S. 11. T JO. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Taa Mum ave. Rer. P. Breganaar, C. A. S. B. a a in in t a 'I ShiH Vmrt IPinlW TlKll K 1 8th George E. .t Hiekoi-r. Hv. M I- Ftem. tl a. P. iKngnah) 7:80. B. 10:80. 4. Chnrch of the Assmnptioo 8. Smith ave. at Rewton. SerriU rathera.. . 8. 10:38, 7:8 A. Saered Heart K. 11th and Center. Be. ftnaor. TlnhL O. a B. a 10:80. 7JO. Bt acrntna K. lata and wenetem. stev. Jozm Cnmmisk. S. 10:80. 7:30. Bt. Stan Wans (Polish) Maryland and nll- ma. Be. F. Matnswskl. 8. 10:80. 1:99. St. Joseph (Uenaanl lata and coaea. Be. Frovnn Eddw. 8. 10:80. t) St Michael (Italian) th and MiQ, Re. a tj-i i a ..a li-lA f ti Bt. Causra Capitol 'Hill, Falbar Aloyxhal O. r M. T:ll 0:1. Bt. Charles E. 8 3d aad alberta. Rev. M. Wallace. 8. It? .80. Ail Saints E. 88th aad Gltaaii. Rev. Wtt- ttan Cronln. S. 10 JO. St. Patrick s 19th and SavWr. Rer. CharVst U. Smith. Masses. 8. 9:30. 11. 7:45 St. Brtcttta's Chapri jmton-GIen Barbae lAtteaded from Bt. Patrltsm) . a. Our 'd of Sorrows . J2d aed Wood- rtoca. Be. G. C. FiUu. 8. 10:45. t AS. St. Anthony Chapel 7022 45th ava. Re. O. C Falhi 0 a am. Holy Fasaily Chapel K. 8Tth aad Baav Bee. the Fall." St. Marks 2 1st and Marshall. Bev. J. O. Hatton, rector. 7 :30. 11. St. Philips 242 Russell 10. 11. St. Andrews Hereford St.. Portsmouth. Re, John D. Rios. 8. 11. Qraes Memorial East 17th and Weidlax. Re. O. W. Taylor. 11, 8. St. Michaels ard All Angeb R 43d . and Broadway. Re. T. T. Bowen. 8. 11. T: Church of Oar Sartor 60th ave. and 41st st B. K. Rev. John B. MeCormick. 10.11.7:30 Bmhoo Morns Memorial Good Sa marital hospital Re. F. a. Howard. 7. U 10 a. aa St. paols woodmen. Be. Oswald W. lsj tor. 4 p. so. St. Johns Memorial 13th and Harney. 8eO- wood. Rev. John B. MeCormick. 10. 11. 6. St. Matthews Corbeu and Bancroft, Bar. F. H. Clark, vioar. 10. 11. Good Shepherd aneonver and Graham Rev. John Dawson, rector. 7 JO, 9:43, 11. 7 :80. Mission of St. Johns Btekner't haO, Ban. John D. Bice, vicar. 2 and 8 p. m. St. Peters Chapel E. 80th and Ankeny. 10 a. an. St. James Chapel K. T2d St. and 8Ttt ava. 10. T:I0. Chnrch of the Transnguratlon a. 50th and Dlraioa 8 am. Evangelical East Market Street E. 6th and Market. Bev. Ezra Manrer. 11. 7:30 Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stock er. 10:45. "The Purpose of the Ministry tiifts"; 7:30, "Meaning of Death." Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Gosan. Bev. C J. LediiL 11, 7:30. Swedish Free Missouri end Sumner. Re. Bostrom. 11, "Thy Ways"; 7:30 "Satan, the Deceiver." Lent Rev. F. B. Culver. 11. 7:30. West Portland Multnomah station- Be. H. B. Schenrrnua 11, 7:80, evangelistic germon. Frwe BMtnodlat nnt B. 9th and Mill. Rev. W. J. Jehnaon. 11. 7:80. . CeBtral & 5t& and nanOers. Key. a G. Roper. 11, 8. Altxrta b. lutn aad Wygaatv Be, a L 11. 7:4. St. John. E. Rlchmrrnd aad Wndaraa Rev. V. B. Dawaea 11. 7 SO. O. H. Blair. 11. 7:30. and Rodney. Rv. a hIL , Sands; He. F. A. Be. Chester A. First E. 35th and Main. Badley. 11. 7:45. Seccnd 9 2d St. and 61st ave. S. E. F. J. Cope. 11. 7:30. West Piedmont Borthwiek and Jessan. Carer Jeesup. 11, 7:45. Be. Be. Q. C- Falla Israel f1tronad 12th ud Maiav. Babbi Jonah B. Wma Office 71 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Sabbath semes tndaj at 8 p. at. and Saturdsy at 10:30 a am. Congrscauoa Anavai anotoa rn and Clay . Rabbi N. B. Krueger. Fridajr. Sam.: atarday. 8:30 a. Be. TJT. S. 9:45. 7:4i. ChfiaUan First Park and Cotumhia. Bar. Harold H. C.nffis. 11. "The Esyehotec of the Gospel East Side E. 12th and Taylor. Crorkett. 11.7:80. Chnrrh of Christ Rodney and Knott. Be Iiaxh Bnvd. 11. 7:30. MonUvilla B. 76th and GBsao. Bet. I F Hoskms. 11. 7 .30. Kent Park Re. F. H. G harm lev. 11730. St. Johns Central aad Oswego. Be. Her- I Bnnkmaa 11. "Our Colleges and the J"!r, "v,"-...v ..a r. , Miawtry"; t:45. "The Cost of qhnsuaa Ser laocrnacie ju, .sui am aucna. an. n . K. Lewis. 11. 7:30. I J Tanl K. 12th and ClintnfL Re. A Sellwood: K. Btix and Bpos-awe Be. J. B. I -tr 1 o SO (Genua). "St. Pan! Gbrifilai Jahsyvoav It. 7-ao. - .... . I the Grace of God" ; 7 JO (Encash), "The Four- Advent vimsuajs oeeona witu uau ana i foa Hoaxing of toe Word of God, LUKOta. it. Copararation Novah Sedek Taland Terah Ath aad Hall Be. Abraham L Roaencranmm. Friday. 8 p. sa. Saturday. 9 a. as, Sunday, 1 a am. Beligioua senoot. a laur Daw aafm Crnreh f J asm Christ of Latter Da Saints B. Z3ta aad Madison. Marbart u. wan preaKSetrc. 1U. :au. Baawcaniaed Church K. 7th aad bvtaa. Bttor U as. Jonea. i:a. i -- a-utliaau St. James W. Park and Jefferson. Re. Wit- Bethany Evangelical Norwezlan fFra! xe-m. gant and Rodney. Re?. B. A. Rorwvik. 7:4 5. Grace Enellsh (Vmnim i.ki v oki, Broadway. Rev. E. H. Bernhard. 11. Bethanv Danish r.in..iiMi T'i um. tia Bev. B. Rasmussen. 10. 11. Ladwig. 10:46, 7:80. Swedish lnnuuni thntM 8sv. T. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:48. Immanut 10th am trrlii. T? a W A. tenon. 11. 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortnna. Be. 8. C B. Knutsea 11. 7:80. Eion Bvang.lical (Mlaaonrl Rvrmdl rha- J"a and Salmon. Bev. H. H. Keppshaaaa, 9:15, 10:15. 7:45. Immanusl (Miasonri Synod) B. 15th and Lao. Rev. H. C. Ebelina 10:30. German service; 7:30, English service. Chureh of the Redeemer (English) K. 15th orth and Wygant School 10. service .11. etnmsn 179 Fargo. Bev. A. Balminsn. 10. Sauiday school; 7. service. Methodist Episcopal Carson Height Eighth and Hums. Brown. 10. Centenary -Wllhnr K ath anil THn nr Charles Mac Canghey. 11, "The Cauma of the unurch": 7:30. "Believe in America.'' Central Tancouver and Fanto. Rev. . A. R. Mariean. 11. 7:30. CUnton-Kelb E. 40th and r-ow.IL Bev. K. S. Mace. 11. misbionary address by Ma F. E. Dodds of Spokane, Wash. Epworth 26th and Savier. Re. Frank L. Moore. 11, "Christian jn Spotai"; 7:30, mu sical program. Errol Heights Darlington school, 11:15 a m. First 12th and Taylor. Rev. B. E. Parker. 10:30. -The Lteht of Man": 7:30. "American izing Americans." First - Norwegian Dantih 18th and Hart. .Rev. F. A. Scarvic. 11. "The True American": 8 is Sin a Reality Mind?" German Rodney and Stanton. BCMimann. 10:45, 7:30. Hon St 15 th and Hoyt. Re. K. K. Hertzler. 11. 7:30. Lanrelwood E. 63d and Foster. Re. F. at Finlsy. 11, 7:30. Leati 86th st. and 58th ava Be. T. B. Sibley. 11, 7:45. Lincoln X. 6 2d aad Lincoln. Rev. W. N. Bjars. 11, "A Blessed Faith"; 7:30 ran mm, by Paul Wapato. Lmnton Robert M. Gatka 11, 6:45. MontaviHa B. 80th and Pine. Re. F. A. Ginn. 11. 7 30. Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Be. D. L. Fietds. 11. 7:80. Patton Alberu and Mlehlgsn. Be. Georg tt- Bennett 11. 1 :u. Rose City Park E. 58th and Alameda. . Be. V. w. Hoett. 11. "Seeing Jesus ': 7:30. serv ice in charge of Hostlers club. Sellwood E. 15 th and Taooma Guy Fitch rnelps. 11. T:SO. Suanyside E. 85th snd TamhilL Re. T. H. Galagher. 11, "Elemental Chrfcuanitj" ; 7:45, "Why i n ot a Christian Scientist." St Johns W. Leavitt i and Syracuss. Ber, W. E. Eloster. 11. 7:30. Swediih Beech and Borthwiek. Be. G. E. Kallstedt. 11, 7:30, y.tvyii.r. service. University Park Fiske and Lombard. Rev. H. T. Atkinsoa 11. 7:30. Taneouver Ave. Norwegian-Dm nih- Skirl mors at Vancouver. Rev. Gortave A. Storaker. 11. 8 Wwtmoraland Milwaukee and Midway. Bev, E. S. Mace. 7:30, sermon by the pastor. wooditoek E. 44th and Woods tock ava Rev. Walton Skipworth. 11. 8. Woodlawn EL 10th near Durham av. Ttsv. J. H Irvine. 11. "The Real Issue in the Dance Controversy"; 7:30, "Did Christ Intend Hi Church to Be a Motley Mixture of Wheat aad Tares?" African Zlon 417 Williams ave. Bev. L A. Moore. 11. 7:80. Bethel African Larrabe at McMillea Rev R. Fox. 11. 8 J ire ties. 87 N. 16 th. Bar. S. Ceianra. 10. 11. X At, C. First Cnton and Multnomah. Be. J. B. Harria, 11. 7:45. 14 First 12th aad Mam. Be. A. M. Bowes. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. 16th at SDokane. Re. J. G. Bnngdale. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 6ta ave and 67th 1LH.K. Be, a Ludlow. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E 14th and Jarrett, Be. Slack Cantll. 11. T:30. Fresbytertgjn First 121h and Alder. Be. H. L. Bowmaa and Rev. N. K. Tully. 10 JO. Permanence ass) Procreenon ; 10:30, addresses by Rev. Henry w. Lnce and Rev. wuuaa slung, both of Pe king, China. Rev. John U. Dr. Be. Many Portland churchs will jota ta the) observance of Americaniaation Sun da tomorrow by devoting; either U4 morning or evening- acrvtce to diacooraea and music of a national and patriotic character. The Portland Ministerial as soclation was recertly addreesed by Judge Jacob Kanrler. cliairman of . Portland Americaniaation veelc. who aaked that February 19 be et aside aa American txat Ion Sunday. A resolution to this effect offered by Dr. E. tt Penc " was unanimously adopted. 'American Ideals as proclaimed by Washington" a ll! be the sub)ect At tha evening service of the Highland Conrre- gaUonal church, of which the Rev. Ed ward Constant Is pastor. "Americanizing? -Americans" . will be the subject of Dr. R. Earle Parker, pastor of the First MethodUt church, this special servic being held in the evening. There win b patorlotlc music Er. Arthur Phelpa acting pastor of the White Temple, will devote the even ing service to patriotic exercliasa his ser in an subject being "It's Great." "What -Is Americaniaation,' win be one of th four questions to be considered by Dr. W. T. McElveen at the evening servic) of the First Congregational church. Dr. E. EX Flint, pastor of Atkinson Memorial Congregational church, will preach oa The Greater Cltlxenahip" at the even ing service. Paul Wapato. the Indian orator of Wi:iamette University, will sneak on "Americanism' at the evening service of the Lincoln Methodist Episcopal church. George Washington will be the subject for the young people's meeting at St. MlchaeU and All Angels Episcopal church. "Americanlsm : The Is and the Is Not" is the Interesting topic announced by Dr. Edward H. Pence, pastor of West minister Presbyterian church, for the evening service Patriotic music will be featured. Miss Carrie L Over, Christian Ameri canization secretary of the Woman's Baptist Home Missionary society, will be the speaker at the vesper service at the T. W. C A. at 4:30 p. m. Miss Helen Hallgren will tell of her work with the American! aa tlon classes. F. W. Parks will tell of the T. M. C A. Ameri canization work. Chinese children will sing. Greek children will give the sa lute to the flag and Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Fantetti. Italians, will sing. Re. Alex- Gee Sine fv:hinn"; 7:30, "The Bride Who Didn't Like Her Wedding Present" Forbes Graham and Gantenbetn. Rev. Georg B. Lewis. 11. 7:30. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska He. Joh D McLennan. 11. 7:30. A rubel 56th snd 37th ave. Paiton. 11. 7:30. Millard Avenue S3th ave. and 78d st Henry White. 11, 7:30. Marshall 8treet 17th and Marshall A. J. Hanna. 11. 7:30. Mirpah E. 19th and Division. Rev. J A. Thompson... 11, "The New Life"; 7:45, "Siam." by Rev. Henry White. Cnity 71st and Sandy. Rev S. W. Dm. mann. 11, "Coming After Christ"; 7:30 "The Sympathetic Chrfct." Arbor Lodes Brvant and fnrtla ander B. Evans. 11. 7:30. Holt Chinese 1 S3 5r1 T Boy. 7 d. c., school; 8, preaching. Moreland-Sellwood Commnnlrv TTrmm- V !, at Spokane. Rev. W. S. McCullagh. 11. 7:30. Reformed Evangelical First 12th aad Clay. Re, o n.fn.r. 10:43. 7:80. Second E. 33d and Columbia blvd. 11. Third Lenta Rev. F. Lienkaemuez. 11. (German); 8, (English). Reformed rYesbytsrtsn First Minnesota and Ainsworth. TtaT n Fraaer. 11. 7:30. Seventh Day Advent! sts Note Regular services of this denomination ars he i-1 on Saturday. central K. 11th and Everett. 9 45, 11:15. Tabernacle 6th and Mnnlniiifi a J Hlbbard. minister. 9:60, 11. M on ta villa- K. 80th and J. A Cm. hart. 10. 11. Lents 94th st. and 58th ava D J. Chit wood. 10, 11. St. Johns Cantra) av and nharlMtnn 1 M. Meiklsjoha 10. 11. Albina Skidmora and. Mallarv. indar Joh a or Only a Delusion of the ssaaa iu, 11. Salvation Army Com No. 1. 248 Alh at. Onmmandan A T. Piu. 11 a. m.. 3:15 and 8 n. m. Corps No. 4 128 H 1st. Ensign Jeatl. Millar ana laptain airs. L. upton. 11, 3, o, 8. Spiritualist First E. 7th at Hassalo. Re. 2. Willard ixuls. 3 and 8 p. m. Independent Spiritualistia Society 591 Com- "Amer- rnerciaj. Res'. Ida M. Schoci. 7 J30. "Eeveal- mena oi uivme tnteihgence. sredenborglan New Christian Church Portland Hatel As sembly room. Rev. William H. Reeca 11 Steps On the Path to the Presence of God Making the Journey by Stages. Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Ti hilL Rer. William C. Elliot Jr. 10:30, "Free dom as a actor in the Stability of Institutions, United Brethren Conference Superintendent Re. G. XL Mo- Donald. 89 r 18th et First E. 15th and Mcmaon. Re. Bvron J. ciarm. n, "Wimsuan Cooperation" : 7:38 The Church and the Community." Second E. 2 i th and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawiey. 11, "Be Definite"; 7 ;30, evangelistic sermon. Third 67th st and 82d ava. R TC Rev E. O. Shepherd. 11. "Prayer That Counts" 7:45, "The Answer to Prejudice." rourth 62d av. at 70th at. S. R. Rev R kosb tvana ii. "The Anchor That Hold' 7:45. "The Wrong Answer." Cioverdale lOld Constitution) 446 J Bev. Walter Reynolds. 10. 11. 6:30. 7:30. United eanglosi Centenary - Wilbur WHI hold HOME COMING SUN DAY, Tomorrow. Hoar the old Songs. Friends. Meet the old Morning Topi. "THE CHURCH Evening, 'BELIEVE IN AMERICA" Recognizing Americaniaation Day. EAST NINTH AND PINK STREETS, Rev. B. B. SUTCLIFFE CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ELETEHTH 15D CLAT 8TS. 11 A. M. "So Great Salvation,' Hebrew. 3-30 P. M. Exposition of Roi "Deliverance From Law." First METHODIST TWELFTH AMD TAYLOR B. Earle Parker, D. D. PXST0B 10:30 A. BL 'THE LIGHT. OF MEN" 7:30 P. M, "AMERICANIZING AMERICANS" SUNNYSIDE METHODIST CHURCH 35TH AND EAST TAMHILL. 11:00 A. BE, "Demental Chriitiacuty POPULAR SUNDAY EVENINO "Why Pm Not a Christian Scientist" (Third in Series) -DR. GALLAGHER, Speaker. HE HITS HARD I HE TELLS the TRUTH! China's Problems Discussed DR. L. H. LUCE Tits PRES. OF PEKIN rVITRBAITT. DR. WM. HUNG THE ORATOR OT CHINA-" AT 11;0O A. 84. AT THE First CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND SaADISOM STS. B4wv. and L 1. Can to Bkoek of CbTsrea. 1S-.SO TO me p. ra, oococa mrus OPEN F Oft UH, M. P. LEE. LEADER. AT 7:46 P. M. DR. AsosTLVEER ANSWERS FOUR QUESnOMS: 1 ro 'oC Soma Amencaas Nmd A ssertrarris rm a staca uSosae ForaigTseraf 1 Is the American Standara f Living Declining! 8 What Is Peincaires Poller 4 What Problem Most th New Pop Stfve? ON THURSDAY NieHT, PEN. fa. DR. BMELVEEN ANSWERS THESE QUES TIONS: 1 U Protests ntisw Driag is Meav Tork Citf 5 vVbai Has Eoosoeaiea to Do WtU Real Religion 8 What Are tbe Primary Tralhe of ChristianlrjT 4 How Shall We Walcora. Germany . and Rossis Back Inta the Broth erhood of Mataonsf THE OHUROH OP THE ROA D OUTLOOtt ARD THE HEARTY HANDCLASP. CnrlsUan Ijesaoa Subiect "Mavi." Fire Xth end TCveretA. 11. AC Vorand E. ta aad HoTladar 11. 8. . Third EL 12th rad Salsson 1L. 8. Poortb Vanconvw aad Essenea 11. A. . roth S8A .twI aid ava a EL 1 1 . aiilh Masonie tesss.''3a tamhilL 11. S. Smnta Smith ava. sM Bew Iota. 11. Triaitj afissenrl Syaod) Rodnsr aad I Bev. 1. A. Biraharh. 10:15 (Genaaa). I (Knejish. --. t drorch tar Deaf Rodney aad Ivy Rev. J A C Beyer. 3:30. - Owe Savior EL leva sad Grant. Be. M A. Oiitsteasen. 11, T&glishJ prvmrhtng by Be. P. &katvedt: Lather Isagna ' BathWsem 14 th and Daia Rev. H. J. First E. 18th . and Poplar. Famham. 11, 7:45. Oekiey Green VTuleaMtie blvd. Rev. a P. Schmaie. 11, 7.80. St. Johns- Its nil oe and John. Gates. 11. 7:80. Be. H. a eUkal Bav. a P. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1STH AND EVERETT STS. REY. DR. A. A. MORRISON RECTOR. APPLIED Ha. H. r. WertmhMter Teaat 17th and Schnvler. Dr. Is and the Is Not": 7:80. "Washington. Lincoln Is and Is Not"i' 7 :30, "Washington. Lincoln and ." Central TC. 13 th and Pine. OtW.E Sacral 11. "The Test of Friendship": 7:4 5. "eorge first C 87th and Hawtaorna. Given. 11. TAv. Chnrch of the Strangers Grand and var Rev. S. Earl DoBoia. 10:30, "Treading Under Koot the Son of God": 70. "A Gnater Than Jonah." Kenton 120 W. Lombard, n r.H suon Dunn. 11. 7:30. Mnltaomah Multnomah Station. T nu ftsei Sharp. 10. 11, 45. 7 40. Mlesion Christiaa and sfusionary AlBaaee EL 9th aad A Clay. Be. John EL Fee. 11. 7 40. Apostobe Faith Front and Bamride. R Floreno Crawford and R. R. Crawford. 1L 2:30. 7 :80; aaily. 7:4S. renteoostal Assembly 112 Pint. Re, xnn . irouer. ii, 2:ou, J :JU. TohinteeTs of America 224 BarDsida Era. amgs aeept slonday, 8: Sunday, 3, 8. UoaTMi slaU aL 28th and Stark. 10 la TJO. J wros Nam Hissaoa 207 day, W. A. rata ls, a. 7 Miscelessou. Chnrch of God 888 Failing Schlatter. 11. 7:49. ReauamtioB Laagae 4S 13th. Raw. H. Xd- wara amis, ii, n. Dtvnse Eesrao 81S K. Clay.. Re. T. ML 7 Bev. H. a. rVashington the Nation's UeBverer. Calvary llth at' Clay. Preaching by Be. B. ' B. satellite. 1 1. So Ureet Salvation " 8 JSO. "Teirveranee From Law." sit. Tabor . BSth and aeisnoat. ate. Ward UacHenry. 11. "ForgettiiM the Things That I Mmard. 11. "What Do Ton Want! An Behind to Frees Forward"; 7 .30, tiklrt8ll"Know Thyself. b Jnester A. Lynn. I Th. Soeaet for Sprad:ag the KBowladc of Vernon K. 19th aad Wygant. Be. J. O. J Tiw Prayer 4& Pieidner bide, -r x S Tdergler. 11. 7 0. la st "Life TJvjoemood. " Piedmnct ClvJand aad Jarrett Bav. J. r-entcouK-S4;a at. SDd COth ava, g. K. rrancis siorgan. xi.' recuicg us aanaaan , Be. W. 6. Loveioy. 1 1, 2. S. 7:30. Proing God. I The Uystia Cfaaeh of Bethesd 4 aider. Konnn tim aaa umea . aav. atonro. ti. 1 tuv. w. w. aer. e. eireies; H. serviea. Cwerett- 10 JO. ,7:30. ' I Greek Orthodox AL 17th and Ctntsra, Bev aentiwortn j aetn ana . ttaasuma ae. I n a asinias a. ataoos: iu. mans L. TC Games.? -11. "Worry": 7:30. "Ireland." I ChrlnartiUiiiMa 11 K. W'ashkagtosv 11 Hupe 78th and Svecett. Be, i. A. SaaitaV I Chwreh of Divine Trata Central bida Mot. 11. 7 JO. I tie Tsskir Kkh. speaker at 1L Speaking at S Bos City E. 49th aad Baneodu Bev. 1 subjert at 8 p. aa, "Th eoatagfoa of Goa," by Dnaaid w. M. sasecuser. 11, . -Tnw file of Ana a Dana. THE SOIEIITIFIO METHOD TO) RELIQION HEAR THIS DISCUSSION AT 11 A. St. LARGE VESTED CHOIR FINE 1TC6IC. HOLT COMMUNION S A. M. St'NDAT SCHOOL :45 A. M. TOCSG PEOPLE'S IfEETING :S0 P. at. SIR. THOMAS WITHYOOMBE, Spaaksr. BL'BJECT THE INDUSTRIAL CRISIS. WHICH IS THE TRUE GOSPEL? WHY STILL BELIEVE IN fsTYBTERIEST WHY NOT APPLY 0O48840N SENSE IN RELISION AS WELL AS IN YOUR BUSI NESS? YOU BE THE JUDBE. HEAR N. M. LEWTON Coder the Anspieea of Bible Bmdents' i the International atloa m . 1 - SUNDAY NMRNINO 11 'CLOCK -THE SIN OF SCHISM 7:S0 O'CLOCK Tb Briae Who Didn't Like Her Wadding- Present m 11111 BaLAsTB aajsr s SUNDAY, 7:30 P. M. W. O. W. TEMPLE 11 TH 8T BIT. WASH. AND ALDER. SEATS FREE. NO COLLXCTTON Apostolic Faith Mission CORNER FRONT AND BURNSIDE Meeting held at 10:t0. 2:30 aad 7:M every Sunday. 7 :4& every night la the week. All Nation- meeting; Sat urday Biffbt. A unlqns feature of these meetings ts the rood old-fashioned Ciosrpe' Sinsrinx. led by a J2-p:eoe orcrteatra AX1, WELCOME 5 O COLX.ECTI03 SUNDAY IS IT OF DIVINE APPOINT MENT? IS IT THE LORD'S DAY In wlew of the stretioons efforts betas; made for Sunday Bine Law lesjtelaUon. it will be well for the God-fearing aad Bible-loving men and women of Port land to hear EVaANGELIST BELL, Sunday, 7:30 P. M. V WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL COSKEB TE3TTH AS Ta.TI.OB BTaX7CT f Com- Bring Your BLble Take Note Aik Qucticm BaLF HOTTB. MIQ 8EBTICTS TsVOF. I- C COLCOB.D, Leader