: 4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. - OREGON. 12 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18, : 1922. FOR- RENT FURNISHO ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 101 Iii.J. wim, eofafortabU rovm adjoining bat to pu b assiww bourn with torn gT anda, fait In. MM aid, rlwm ta on or two ampioyML 111 J', . . A ... ,,,, I4I.1A Ml K. elna. w rwrafcheu apart-Mat; al- bxla stsmtna- room AD mentis mwnttt Marka t inv.ru. nee and aaisi. f ;trOe hu pr Imt CH ftornnnnis $4 Kovth 14th t t ... ' ' ' 1 ROOM AND BOARD 302 VASTED lUiwn si ttisout-ai Doom, 545 Hmd et... ftnuth Portland; iiu, tumn roams t ISO per ink, and Un best meal is Por-aod TnTNTAL STUDENT". .AND CHUtOPRAlTlO 8TUDENTS Heard sod rr a Ok your mother or tool lit ( nloo . N MAKTHA WABIUNUTOX Room and board (at girsv. eaodsratA rats SS0 iota st Mar- fe(M ' iwu with r without board, lor bo new pen le; warm, class and homelike; eioaa in. Zs w. pt ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 : Nortonia Hotel . KKVENTTI OIT WAHHINGTO" Portland high lis Aownto o residential katal W el v. you tha comfort of hntn. w.rrVav and fiiyni wan pian. Kate reasonable. VTEAT pniK 1 ilnil and 1 aoqbl room, elm and warm, m private ho ma with congenial vvMh of young mm. r.vrry soma comlort .34 LVTwiy near JOtlv 1 OH 2 IJTTLK girls to car. fur In (oral home, aim Bios roTtnu in private fsmiSy for 2 Se-tle- axan T roniXa nikiK Cooking privileges. Wdlu. . COM PORTABLE light room, 10 minutes' walk (ra Vrtm. Horn enokins and prlrOe(a 852 twWt THvma 525-20. FOR RENT T HOUSEKEEPING ROOM3 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30 CLEAN, light, veil (are ed dm Door room witA.tmaU kite or, ga rang, not ana eota tUr; all modera conTanlaaeaa. 553 Hi t. cor. N. 17th. 8 ROOM HOUSEKEEPING A PA RTMEN T, AIJWI ITLEEPINtl ROOM! WITH OK Vvirn- OUT BOARD; PRIVATE FAMILY; CLOSE IN. WOODLAWN 4128. . IRVINGTON S Ura room completely fur- cashed; oa cariine; ground floor; player sis no ; fireplace; f4S; phone, lights, beat, ws- t(-r; two ailultn, East 4384. TWO knclr Una front hoajtnPC rooms; fnrnaea haat. DWtfT not nur. na run. laandrr: lontJawjT tWa: rent reaaonablr. alua 1311 28 M. i4t!b- WEST SIDE. 2 room with wood run and fs ttaU. alao rjantrr and larca float t. alertrtc Utnt. pnona and bata; asparaia enumnca. x.v y liUi at., near W annmrtoa. NICE elaaa 2 room auita for hoowekeeclns. 44 50 pft week. One laira front room, boase- karottu. IS. so wua ru ana atec. iarsianea. 801 17Ui at R. W. FOR RENT APARTMENTS -FURNISHED 307 THE JACKSO.I (14 Cnion Ak .''-(' S nxn apt.. $30 ; to 42.50, teick 3t-, prtrata bath, ateam heat, phone aarrka, IS mia. walk to 5th and Alder. Roaa City ear. E. S84. SAN MARCO AltracUle modera t-room apt. Wllklnf dja. toTe. Eat 1990. DRICKSTON APTS. 44ft 11TH ST. 2-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. HAVE 1 S-room modern apartment, newly fur nished, and 1 2-room amrtment, newly fur niahed, and 1 sleeping room. 864 Grand are. N.. eor. Broadway. WELLINGTON apt., nnoer new management, 4 room apt, beautifully furnished ; all new for nitnre, walking disUoc to bosineu center, $60. Broadway 1245. TWO big bawefceeping rooms, neatly decorated. $4 a week; 1 honai-keeping room. $3; 1 nlm iO re ping room. $2.50. Main 7853. 295 17th t- TWO large, rlean. light, completely famished room (or H. K . in priTate family: phone. li(ht and bath: walking distance; reasonable. Phone Eaat 4549. - U. K. KOOMS. groand floor, rent reasonabie, rlM in, newly tinted. 13 Page at, 1 block oath of RumfII. - 2-ROOM (o iistied hoaiteaeeping saite; front; phone; yard. 546 Oliaan, first noose above leth. $23 month. THRKF. furui-hed housekeeping rooms near Wilhams avenue ear. 267 Knott St. East 174H. UNF. and 2-room plain but clean; store beat, near Arlcox school. 225 Schuyler at., daw in. l-t ATTRarTIVB MB with 2 mala. aTery ruo- a-nwnrM. 9SQ 1 1th st, corner of Ulj. Varstiall 672. BOARD ASD ROOM Tha iwm must ho en to b mrxrrrm'f 1 : raLee reafrahle; modern. 91 flarrtaon. Phone Mn.hall awij WE hat room for 2 men where you win feel at borne. 3 meals for tl per day Come andj (erred. Main 801 xry tv "9 loin .i.,f or ra u rt way nvi.. 70Ti( board atid rom. priraLe lvtfie, real home rfilecm, clone In, wait site. JR. so week. Montgomery t Phone Min 5!70. XHIa wajrm room, 3 windows, large cloeet. ex eaUant beard, very reaaiHiaHle, to man and wife or two employed mew 191 1 1 th at. FUR KENT Two single booaekeeping rooms. suitable for two; light, gas, phone; clean as a pin. '.! (jth rt. Main 3589. 2 I .A RUB UniurnUhed H. K. room. $15 month. free water, lights and phone. 871 Kelly st Phone Main 630. lUMill. insno tewons. nae of piiino and kitchen BANNER APTS. : 2 room famished apts. now Tacan t, all outside rooms, reasonable rent. r 4S9 Clay, star. U74. CUMBERLAND APTS.V 3 room famished apartments, aQ oatside rooms, walking distance'; adults only. W. Park and Colombia. Main 10 SB. Lillian Apartments Three rooms, large, light, modern, west side. 881 Sixth st. Marshall 1878. LOVELY 2-room h. k. apt., newiy papered, electricity, gas range, miming water, steam heat; waikuii distince. 608 Uli&an. Bdwi 2125. THE EDENHOLM g r 2 and 3 room furnished apts., modern cooTen iences, private baths; $25 to $35 per monthj 4 ROOMS: heat, gas., phone, lights included: modern. well fornished; all outside rooms; clothes room, bath; $33. Adults only. Wood lawn 8996. TWO 3-roooi apts.. rent S2U and $26. 680 MHwaokie at. cor. of I la lie. Call APARTMENTS UNTURNISHED 308 tn girl employed, walking distance. C 8. pre- CLKATI, attnctlTa room, suitable for evuv wiith boanl. Raet $H13. young CmnDIUN or elderly rieonle tn board and care foe In a-Mdena h-ane. W'oodlawa 7 26. LARGE, airy room in modern home, with board. $30 month; walking distance. 201 E. 1st If. Phone K,t 02X3. UANTCH, lady hoarder, room and boanl $10 month. KUa ttnney, ttt. 2. C.erraK Or iwxiilM. inane cooked meaai. all conTeniencea. Werking people. Cloee in. Main 0325. CllIUiUKN will reoel e good rare in home of motherly woman. Antn. 630 25. R(MM and board, pnu lamily. no children. hie. ttOJ9 4 in ae t WILL $la V1 borne for small cltild; reasonable. IT in. Kant 721fl. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED ilSK ' Ursa 304 TWO pleaitant housekeeping rooms, famished. lights and gas. aesiraoie neignDornooa. i. i u E. 2 nth st. WELLINGTON COCKT apt. New manaeement. 5 mma newly oajDered. kalsomined. walkinc distance. sU-ain heat, operated by owner. Refer ences, $50. B. . CiiisUft, Broadway 1Z4S. The American Apts. 4 and 5 room modem apartments. Twenty- first and Johnson. Broadway 8360. LAHGK IL K, room $18 per month; light. furnace heat, cooking gas incladed. 464 E. Oak. between 8th and 9th. East 3657: adalhv, TWO or three light hoasekeeping rooms; I dd's addition; everything furnished except linen and silTer. 409 Irch. East .7435. 1KVINGTON 1 nice housekeeping room; Tery reasonable. 441 E. 13th st. N.. East 1441. TWO furoLihred housekeeping room, gronrid floor $12.50 month. 344 E. Eighth St.' 8. Phone Fast 944. . AT 66 K. 2Htli t. N., near Dafis, 3 furnished hnu.vkeepiBK rooms: heat, hot water, phone, lights and gas, $30 per month. East 6728. 2 Ft KNISHEI housekerping rooms snd kitchen ette with sink and running water. 369 N. 23rd st COZY, we II -heated h. k. rooms; home pnri- tcn $15 per mo. 363 E. 12th St.. cor. Steyens. Plione "-Bust 5467. 5 KtrHNISUED h. k. rooms, phone, licht and water free, $16 per mo., East th t Ho. garage $5. 344 T() (lULVN lirht hooaekeeping rooms. conea- lent and homelike. $6 per week. 46S 10th at. 7 font " riKink iiuiialile for office or draw making parlor, with houMkTing roam kitehanette in ronn-ti,m. 12V 'rt 12th sL Washington snd . Ald-'f INGLE and doable IL K. rooms, rlean and airy; furnace heat: hot water, phone and wain. Walking distance. Reasonable. 21)0 Cliap man rt $ A WHKK KumlsSed honsekeeoing rooms, ateetrio lights and bath Inrlnded : quiet place, want de, walking distance. 215 Mill it., comer riT-rt. THREE famished m ir ts h. k. aptr flat, $27. tali any Urn a, Laet 73S. KKONT h. k. moms, first floor, sink, reaaonable rwir. 12 17th, , cor. Yamhill TWO larue room, first floor, eaiy walk down town, $6 ler week. Mar. 14 55. 369 6th St. U l.I.I. fomulied IL K. room), walking distance. :108 Colli-ge sL. between 5th and 6th. T1IKKE new famished h. k. roorr li to ailults e ipioyial. FTeryliung f umbed. Wdln. 6607 KK'KI.Y (urn-lied 2 -room apartment. inclml:nt light, heat, water and ua. of phone; walking dlatanee. Also on car line. 751 Kearney. A t.rh H1 6 -V 4 s'l'KNI.-illkll h. k rnotai. gaa. lmht and V ateam heat fnmfchel ; arrows from denial col- wags, near chlropn rue college. 423 l'scifio St. ll 44. 1 HiXtkl suite, modern, new house, new fur altnr. heat, eleetrtclty. ga. phone, 11. ad iX water incladed in rent; $31. 302 Tills caook. Bear Wuiama stenaa. 1 ituoM apartniMtt, just renoyated : also single a. k, mm. Kr.rything neat and rlaan and erytht" fumlahed. "pecial rates by month. The eVIlingham, 42IH K. Morruon. ' " SMALL h. k. riuu, 2d floor, $13 per month. 154 N. ISth. LXli;K light h. k. room, electric light, bath. $3.75 week. 305 Vi 3d st. 4T N t' I'llSlSHE fi hoasekeeping rooms and ga- rsge. private family. 1030 E. Main. FL'RNiailKl). housekeeving. newly papered. tinted. Rent reasonable. 693 Johnson st. Fl I'M.XHKD tiousesaeping rooms for rent. 503 E. Msrket, 20. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Save Yourself Time and Trouble Leave Your JOURNAL WANT AD at the Foster Road Pharmacy 6146 Foster Road IONIAN COURT 18th and Couch Modem, 4-ror l front apt. West Side. One block off Washington a$. Adults. Bdwy. 2761. ROSE, APTS. 8 nxrma, unfumiahed, A-l condition, prirate bath. 414 2d st.. cor. Flail- Very r-asonable. ie an Authorized Journal Want Ad Depot For your convenience The Journal has established want ad depots in every part of 'the city. You can leave your want ad there, pay the small charge for running, and your ad will receive the same attention as though you brought it to The Journal office yourself. Cou pons for premiums given at all want ad stations. JOURNAL WANT ADS DIME A LINE t(There8 a Want Ad Agency Near Your Home' REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 $200 DOW $1150 TOTAL. Balance $10 monthly. 4 nam bouse, targe hA, sidewalks paid. T fruit trees, chicken, boqse. garage. Atea tayilla ear. 1200 DOWN 11500 TOTAL Balance $15 monthly. 8 rooms and bath. 2 Iota, small (not. Mt. Soott ear. $400 DOWN $C500 TOTAL, Balance ea. 4 room modern, large floored attic, cement baae mrat, cement garage, atdewaiks. streets and sewers all paid, clow in, gas awen and coal Tange connected hot water go with the boas aa well as 2 rugs, din iag room set, etc GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Chamber of Commerce bads. Broadway 6370. FOR SALE By owner, fine S-roors i modern plastered house . with part basement, on lot 50x100; gaa. electric lights, bath, garage and garden; facing south, nice porch, half block from paTement, only S blocks from cariine. GooaV abstract of title. Price $3200 cash. S22O0 down ou or before 1B24. No. 2 This boose also has 8 rooms, hot and cold water, garden with cherries, apples ana pear trees, on lot ooxiuo, hall blocs irom parement and 8 blocks from earline. Price 4s a snap at $2200, with $1400 cash, balance terms. Also has late 1918 Maxwell touring car in A-i mechanical condition it 1300. witn only $100 cash, balance at $15 per month. Call any time. No phone. At Midway Cash Grocery. 6142 Foster road. Take au Scott car to 62d st. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 5 ROOM house on Grand ae., close to Morri 800, modem, rent $30; furniture for sale. We keep boarders and hare $50 to $75 groceries on hand.' 2 bedrooms pay the rent. Eent paid until March. More than a good bring. All goes for $625; terms. East 7384. 454 Belmont. CUMBERLAND APTS. 3 -room comer apartment. 2 large bay win dows facing Park, old ivory woodwork and tapestry paper, walking distance. Main 1086. King Albert Apartments Two and 3 rooms, strictly modem, tile baths, rift ator. 11th at Montgo iery. Main 359. 3-ROOM apartment with water and heat fur nished, near good school, at 5240 Foster road. near Ana be! station. Auto. 62S-3S. VBRT attractiTe 4 room upper flat, newly tint ed, fina Tiew, good netchboraood, $32.50, with heat, water and cas range. 961 Front, eor. Lowell ave. Max. dSib. KING'S HILL. APAUTMESTS Bix-room. suitable for family with children; one fire-room furnished front Broadway 5126. 325 4-ROOM lower. 762 Vaneonrer ae.: 3 room upper, 573 Irnion are. N.; with Ei- races; adults. East 2195. 4 ROOMS, lower, 1 elk. school and car, only $13. Searle. 1928 ;E. GliRan. 4 ROOMS, lower floor, unlurnished, modem; garage. 314 wygant st, FLATS FURNISHED 309 GERL TO SHARE flat who wishes to study music: lessons: use of piano: desirable; walk ing distance; $25. C. B. preferred. Main 3018. UAWTHORNE are., lower flat, modern, old ivory finish; gas fireplace, furnace. 34 th &L 288 E. MODERN 6-room lovely fnrnithed lower flat, piano; $48. 793 Missouri, Mississippi- car. THREE 5-room furnished flats, $18 and $25 inc. witcr. 565 H Williams are. WILL sell my furniture in a 6 room house or rent out 3 furnished rooms; good location. 467 23d sL, northwest 514-23. HOUSE, 5 rooms, furniture for sale, 5 blocks E. Bdwy. bridge. 346 Victoria st REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 "MONTANA - OREGON COMPACT Kemltm 1029 Chamber of Commerce bids. - Bdwy. TSSI ball city realty, acreage, farma and ranches at riant prima. Brine tn out trades, we cam matea them. 87 ACRES riser bottom land idjesn t. ever- Dow). $0 miles from Portland. lVk mike from small town; 70 acres cleared. Ian a. barn, eoncrete silo, new house; will trade (or timber eitner Oregon or WaahingtoB. Jus. lMtfel, 918 Railway Exchange bids. -SALE OR, TRADE" 85 acre choice black land in cultivation. 4 room house, bam. outbuildings: 6 cows. 8 borsee, tools and machinery, complete, $6500, Take bouse up to $50O0 aa first payment it. as. mTkWWU at CO., 183 H stn gt 234 ACRES, some cleared, same timber, running water, close to highway; want city property an to cauoo. jonnaon Bros.. 445 Wastungtoa Mag. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 LAURELHURST 6-room strictly modem bungalow; hardwood floors, all baUans, fireplace. fnmaee; lot 50x100: garacs. Price S75O0. S2500 will handle. 5-R00M RUNGALOW Hardwood floors, fireplace, all buDtins: full basement: lot 50x100. X4500. Shoo cash. A REAL BUY -lH0. TERMS 4 -room hou.se; psred street; Alberta district. McGKE & DEN SIS. 969 Union Are. N. Woodlawn 5684. FOB SALE or exchange for city residence prop erty, 4 H acrev $ blocks city limits and paTe ment: 7 room plastered baufakrw type how as. butlt-ina. 2 firepUoea. 3 bedrooma with eloaeta, bath, toilets, Dutch kitchen, attached -woodshed. eoncrete milk cellar, bam, chicken house, all kinds fruit; 1H sere logans, small pasture, cits' water, gas; a fine country home with city eoo- eenieucea. C. W. SwarU, Box 16, Forest Grove, or. 117 V ACRES, located about 3 mike, from Al bany along Calanooia river. Most all farm land, but little wood along river. Well fenced and cross fenced. Right by electric static-. Old set buildings. Want big dump body track aa part payment Long and eay terms at 6 per cent owner, rt. w . Tnpp, Albany, i rre-gon. $850 KQCITT. sedan or lot R. C bungakvw ; U-100. Journal want ' Ford ACREAGE 405 MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE NEW! NEW! LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $497STERMS 1009 CI acts mas st. off 83d. Just completed, strictly modem. 6-room. hard wood floor, fireplace, furnace, buffet built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, nook, large living room, fine plumbing and fixtures, all on 1 floor, fine locality. 2 blocks to ear; paving, etc.. included. See this today from 12 to 6. Take Rose City car to 33d st. then go 2 blocks north. Phone Wdln. 1550. STORES AND HALLS . 314 SPACE for rent, 30x60; good for painter or sum painter. See J. A. Melton Co.. 4J Couch st Bdwy. 1774. GROUND FLOOR and basement space, central east Portland. Grand are.. C-320, Journal. about May 1 5. STORE FOIi KENT. 7143. Ill Second street. Bdwy. TO LKASB Small modem West Side store, excellent location. Phone Bdwy. 7094. FOR desirable space in , isreproof phone Broadway 3715. warehouse OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. fnone Bdwy. 3715. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 AN ELDERLY MAN. retired, wants good warm room and board in private family at reasonable rates. A quiet home. G-400, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 FAMILY, 3 adults, want two unfurnished or partly furnished rooms and kitchenette, possibly pavce ior car, around. Washington, latn ana Z3rd. ii i , journal. ON housekeeping entte, Cell Itaal 66T. $4; 2 nan sleeping I 1-Aiti.R I mill, H K. rnonva, arrive from T. M! O A ; gas range, rlertrir light, water near, aeatve swat free phone; very reasonable, tor rmple only. Marshall 16T5! JTll KI.T furnihcdeuit. 2 or 3 niom, house kawplng rwomt, at 409 N. llilh st, cor. I' li enor; raUa by the month, and up; free tele phone, bath and pool table Broadway 154 6. COl I'l-E Mnptoyd wiU fin.1 2 clean. r'.fr fiU rnma. partly furnished; bath, phone, tight and heat 54$ E. Alder, between 12th ant ISth. King Albert Apartments Two and 3 rooms, strictly modem, tile baths, eliTetor. 1 1 th at Montgomery. Main 859. NEWLY FURNISHED 2-R("M)M APT. WITH PRIVATE BATH, ALL MODERN CONVEN IENCES, $35. APPLY 415 E. 10TU 8T COR. GRANT Katfaerine Apartments Comfortable 3 room apartment, Tery home like and clean. Nob Hill district- Mar. 2996. CHEAPEST BOOM.- IN TOWN Dfht booeekeeplng and sseepitig. rlean and Vrroettke, walking distance. $2 50 week and up. 9A1 4 Union sve., 1 bloi k south of Ilawthor ne. TWO large front rooms with fireplace, furnace heat electricity, gaa f.r rooking, ua. of vtione. bath and laundry tube. 141 N. 23d st Phone Main 59U0. Tim MApt.E" 30 N. 17th. NEAR WASH. Rest h. k. and sir ping rooms for tha money. . Hot and cold water, steam heat Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modem 2 and 4 -room apt : elevator service: close in. Mar. 3597. CHKAI", clean. m ly furnished 2-room flat elo a.rrM.m flat with bedroovn and bath. 1 block from Broadway brxlge, walking distance; refer ences, 84 4 Benton. The Stanfield Modem 2-room apt. light, htt,' phone, laun dry facilities; $23. Main 7392. 4-ROOM furnished upier fiat, close in west sale. 293 11th st Marshall 1S96. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 IRVINGTON, 4 rooms and bath, upper flat partly furnished if : desired ; hot water, heat and water inrlnded; garage if wanted; adults only. 481 Tillamook, cor. of 9th. HOUSES 361 RESPONSIBLE party with family wishes to rent by March 1st 4 or 0-rootn house or flat with garage on East side, not too far out Permanent reasonable rent Tabor 486 or Bdwy. 916. 4 OR 5 ROOM house or bungalow immediately, near Peninsula schooL with earn referred ttooaia-n zvoi. FOR RENT ti-room flat 256 E. 43d at mar Hawthorne. Inquire upstairs. MODERN 5 room flat, newly cleaned. Graham ave. 800 FOR RENT 4 room flat 74 8 E. Taylor, near 23d. Kent 20 per ma Call Wdln. 709. WANTED To lease about 10.000 so, ft of space for light manufacturing on one or mora floors. Water, gas. electricity connections. Pub lic Welfare Industry. Ask for Morrell HOUSES-FURNISHED 312 FURNISHED 4-room house, water, $30; farage nearby. 157 East Snmner st near Jefferson high. Owner there aotil 2 p. m. and after 5. 6 ROOM bouse, partly furnished, close to park and Ocklry Green school, $30. Owner,, 1423 Lenore St. comer of Belle rue. MUST BE SOLD, 11 rooms. 3 acts., income $30; can bo doubled: lot 5.-,xR2 1 hlk to school and car. Searle. 1928 E. Glisan. 6-KOOM modern bungalow, completely furruihed, hardwood floors, piiano and sewing auachine. Woodlawn 2362. LIGHT, pleasant h. k. room in family of three, suitable for man alone, or laity employed, with ehikl Could care for child reeeuuable. 460 Broadway. LAttGK front housekeeping room, gas, electric lights, furnace beat phone, bath, $16 month. aloe. In 621 Johnsoo. st. eor. 15th. LARGE, well famished, clean housekeeping mom, e ir bath. 6 93 E. lls lison st. East 8911. fiul-atKEKl'lNG rooms t2.75 week and up; eluee In. near Mam. .247 V 5th st Phone Msiit 6476. - iTl'.HI.ANb nil KT APARTMENTS. BEAU TIFUL 6 ROOM CORNER APARTMENT, WITH PORCH. ALSO 4 ROOM FURNISHED. MARSHALL 311. Mabelle Apartments 414 Jefferson, at 11th. 1 and 2-room fur nished apartments, modem, rent reasonable. CLEAN, completely furnlsoed 2-room apartment $23. 680 Vk Lombard. St Johns car. Co in r. -a 61 7. ROBERTSON AITS. Furnished 2-room apart anenta; also one 8-room apartment unfur- n islied 1578 H East Glisan. Tabor 7025. 3 ROOMS and bath; comer apt ; well fur nished. dean; walking distance 10 minutea. 856 Hall, comer of Park. 0 ROOM furnished house. 24 th and Multnomah St. $55 a month; ho linen or surer. For ap pointment call Tabor UUiS. WELL furnished 3 room upper flat Radiantfire. Inquire 543 E. 17th, 1 block from IS. M. car; adults only. Bent $25. 4 ROOM house. Mill st. $25. 2 large hoase keeping rooms, $12.50. Kennedy, 329 Sal mon. 8-ROOM suite, cheerfully furnished, electric light and bath free, within four m mutes' walk ef Dwsineea ernier, sza. sua 4 in at. iOa 8 HOUSEKEEPING aiwrtmenta for rent; very reasonable, at IW2 Vi a Uunutde and Crana are. I It ixjl) apt. constplete and well turtuebed; dw aire 2 girls empWyed; rrrythiag furnished, Par week. 03. N. 16th rt Btlwj. 3016. 3 Fl'HMSHED hooseseetnng rooms, alao 1 alngk bousekee ing room, well lighted and lean. 414 Colistrtbia st. Main 8390. NFWLY furnished 2 and 8 room modem apartments, $25 to $50 per month; also garage. Main 7759. 429 3d st 3-ROOM furniidied apt. walking distance, rent $43, including phone. Phone Broadway MM. apt. 5. lW) FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, HEAT LIGHT AND PHONE FURNISHED. ' JWTKH.SON 8T. MAIN 45H. LaWN aTtS., 53 N. IHUi 1 and 2-rftom . anartanewta; hot and cold water, stesm heat; hoqaekee ing $114 -TWO lane front house eeung rooms; bath, . elect aty and phone; also 2 for $16. It loth at 8. JTKNl.HH&D housekeeping rooms, gas. NIC-ELY -famished 2-room h. k. suite; range, running water, first floor, suitable for i m- llT. 307 Market st 3 ROOMS, nicely famished apartment private bath; rent $30; garbage and water free. Call 680 Milwaukic st. cor. H ig. WELLINGTON COURT APARTMENTS Under new raanatrement: 2 roon n modem; all newly furnished; rent $40. Call B'way 124 5. 2 ROOM aistrtment tumishrd; gas heater and domestic use; Woodlawn car. Phone Wood- lawn 1150. 551 liekum are. TWO large lght clean famished rooms; walking distance, l'hooe, light and bath. Phone East 4S49. 4 LARGE modern rooms, 2 fireplaces, fruit o ernes, garden. 5650 B5th S. E. Aut 624-16. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS J. Nelwn. 288 Russell st. East 2938. W. ls.Ki.ti HOUSE, eleeantly furnished ; piano. garage: Woodstock car. 4614 E. 41st st MODERN 7 room furnished house with garage i or rent or lease. 358 Monroe st NEW 5-room furnished bungalow, wUh .piano anq garage, srta. laber 74. MY HOME, modern, 7 rooms, completely fur- i . h - n;,nA - I 11 CO. , 3 RIH"M m-dem house snd garage. SeAL 3134 silking distance ; free lights, bath and phone; reason -a1. rvat $4tVt Morrison. SUNNY 3 room apt, newly and completely fur nished, 20th and Upshur sts. , Bdwy. 1871. $2.V FOR RENT One end 2 room mr. apta.; 1 room $10 00, - rooms $15.00 per month. At 223 Slyridan st - MODERN steam heated 2-room apartment. eTarythlng furnished; reasonable. $70 6th st, near Montgomery. IN aiOOD lueation. etcepu,nally dean, newly fun iswvw btiwsi keeping rooms: rvaLanoable ewnt Call 16 80 to 4:30. 7l0i Irrins st 1UO lowly oatMil ruum apt Coay. well fur khed! heat lights.' gas taoluded. No chil- -..$2T. aefrw-od 1068. ON k'aad 3-rovo i bouarkeetang suites, $2 50 m $t pet week; white people only; children .-wwHwe., Taste ra hotel. 8U4 First at, aCliJ: apar-aaavu, 264 1 rint rx-r Ma.tl- a aw a, k., sin mist, mvasient. by w ot $2 up. w4sk nwt. Phone Aate 53-02 1 AND I room h. k. apta.. heat, sink, elec phone. 06 1 8th st FtHNlSUkb koesvli 1st rooms. 2 50 par w-Ht. a tH N. 16th, aear PetlTgrove. iTkNlSHED S room H, K. suiu, Hean. rk-e-in, j rent vwasenaMe; front moms. 807 Mirket st X 1 k.LY funushed houaeaerviag fsaoaaa, steam kit, few. 7C TaaahlU. CLFAN kL av. rooms, for quiet pesajla! 827 PaJme- wt Machafl 407.H. VTll UrURNLsHfH cleaa hoak-pig room. .'; waking disun a. 402 It-w st. iRM API- CUwHTlN. FREE LIGHT WAT rfl AND PHONW. $4$V WASH. OTuT-E V. k. rooms. Uraace heat 29. iOth asf et, eemer Coleivtnia. fvRNISlilVO besWUeping rooaaa. $2 50 m w.k. W W. 11th wi, arssr rttr.-OTa. IifnTrKpLN ru, tv.rytLUl. furaiauel $ Park ret 1 VcitNACM HSATF.D k. k. . CHATEAU BELL MAE Modem 2 and 3 room apartments. Walking distance. Reasonable. 414 4 th st NICELY famished new 2-room apartment: also sleeping rooms; walking distance. 701 Darn 11 FT I. HOUSES UNTURNISHED 31 Bf-i.-LERED WAREHOUSE on trackage, Store r ir goods wtih us. Let us do your mcTwg ana CLAY a MORSE. INC. Br-KTway 84 TO. 454 GnJWB St FOR RENT IRVINGTON HOME 7 large rooms, now vacant 100x100 comer lot, line Iruit, garage: rent $50 per month. See RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO.. ZIP Iiewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2954 Atlas Transfer Flams mo ed, $3 up; ftxrnitnre rcoring in pro portion. Get our price fust; all work guaranteed. , Bdwy. 1207. BEAUTIFUL 10-roo l home with garage and every modem convenience. East 20th and Knott sts. $80. FRED S. WILLIAMS, rA.sAMA HI JIG. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartment to rent cheap. 515 Vaocou -r are., near Al bina yards. . NEW YORK APARTMENTS 2-room furnished apt $27.50. incladmg light heat, hot and eold water. East 7th and Belmont. CO M KO .TABLE 2 room apt. white kitchen, pretty drapes, new rugs, piano lamp, light furniture, gas, phone, $30. 529 'E. Ash. t- it ouiaiiie rooru. in a fine apartment walk ing distance. Marshall 4 565. FOR KENT, complete 5-room furnished apt garage. CaU Wdln. 2138 i-liCKJM furnkhed apartment, clean; walking distance. 71 Grand ave, N. East 2939. 2S lth IIOUSFJCIXPING ROOMS UNF1JRN1SIIED 305 MH'CI.Y fni-lshed 1 and -runm srt th. Vta kiM 4Mtant light heat aatl prone free. Call Mist c And Itt, W 11 aad 4 p. m. 4'h St. TWSer S nrueaB4 -404. J K. Asa. last tl.KuslIEl 3-room art lent, vacant Fb 24 194 1orodale. cor. Taylor. I-AKGE rootua, light water, phone free. '649 K. Ilth st Phone Sellwood 5S. Durfey apanmenu, 303 ON a, 3-room modem. Stanton at 1-RtHlM U li. apartmeum, $i Vtalking distance. $01 H Hawthorne. 1 HLT.Ts?I?inirf,1 -rtt. furnace -ww e p. - Tv V-Ii$ T BV. up. 2 ROOMS, light neat gas. $27.50." Mn.ture, $41 N. Unioa ase. TODD apartmea wvoaeru. tst B, J. K. 8, of Stark; 2-! ta. I TS0S. rooms, i-lUIOM furnished marWv. .ri V.. n d , .... r . - -uwanxie at Sea 1719. TUk. DENMSON 2-room ant.. A4ih ..i JL moot Tabor 54 BOOkU.TN apartment. ,2 1st aad rowanT aTRN ISUEll or fifarrushed apta. cheao. "sli Van -saver see., near aim.. ,ij. VNIOM A aV. aaas 14.M; an a iiemaiwmUL rue. n as sHe knfldlasi TBR-i ltOOJa apt.. aOwM axode-. -u- apt. llu and .aliaiataiT HOLLA DAY IRVINGTON 787 Multnomah st 5 -room modern bullae low. garage; $55;' adults only. Key at 430 orcester bios. WHEN moving, city er country, get the best st Ktwest pnees. Green Trans, uo., 1201. 202 H Alder at FURNITURE MOV UN,, $3 PER HR. AND CP 15 DATS STORAGE FREE ELK TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWY. 544S MODERN 5 room house, inlaid linoleum kitchen and bath. 251 E 74th st X. Mootarilia Tabor 2036. MODERN 6 room house, on paved street; ga? age. chicken hoc s. fruit and garden. Inquire at 4230 65th at s. K.. or pDone 645-63. MISCraJLANEOUS 362 GrXITE" "G UNITE" "GUNTTB" Fireproof residences constructed with the CEMENT-GUN for less cost than br any other known form of construction. Plans and estimatea iurnished. FORRESTER. IJA'COLN A RTIGER 61S Bailway Kxcbanse Bldf. Bdwy. 5880, BY OWNER BRAND NEW Modern 4-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen with lots of built-ins, large breakfast room, large living room, with fireplace, hardwood floor. bookcase, etc. ; 2 large bedrooms with big closets, electric light and window in each closet; full basement with high ceiling. Located at 580 Sherrett are.. Sellwood. on pared st. block from car. Open Sunday afternoon; key next door. Pnce complete $3800; terms, R-42, terms. Main 8311. DO YOUR fingers itrh to work in the soil? And would you like to get away from the high cost of living in the city? If so, buy one ot these tracts. 2.48 acres, ideal for poultry, near car hne. in good school district; faces Barker road, near 15 ase line; yuu, o rain One bis acre, oat Base line road, $500; $10 easn ana s l u per snoiuft. Almost i acres on Barter road, $1750; $174 casn. H acre, near Mt Hood car line, out Base Lane road, $400; $50 cash. Orer 7 big city lota. 185 ft frontage on foweu alley road, east ot 82d st, (860; 590 R- H. CONFRET, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTriES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 For Hotels and Apartment Houses See Q. C. Ulrich & Co. . 4Q5 Stock Exch. Bldg. 10 ROOM hm ue, aTJ heswkeeping -soma: gmd turnitnje: rant $40: good Inoo iw. OaU aXtaar 10 a. m. Price $1200. $70O down, will sto better for quick sale. No acenU, 427 gomerr. near 11th. FUR SALE 50 room swc&t.' eeutmliy and doing excellent -i businesa, good Write Sam H. Webb, Astoria, Oregraa." A PICK UP 7-room booaekeeptng house, food foraitare. 187 "..p.. st. Bring tha ad V av 850. Owner. 20 IL K. ROOMS. N. W. heat Income $30$; rent $100, least, $3600. terms. CaU osraac. Mar. 1322. 15 II. IL ROOMS, alwara full, -wood incom.: terma to right party. See .owner, 243 Meeat gomer . FURNITURE of seven rooms, income $100, And two rooms for self. Marshall 290. FROM OWNER 0 H- K take eon le trade. East 2S2 Moat Mil; ACRES good loganberry land. 6-room house. large bam and chicken house, fruit trees, etc located at Brownsville Or., 2 btks. from school. 12 blka. from hixh schooL Will aeil for 12800 or trade for 4-room modem he use. Prefer Peninsu'a dist P. C. RHODES. 818 LOMBARD ST. 10 ROOMS, furnished rooming house, for mis cheap or trade. $45 Front st FOR SALE or trade for equipped farm, income property. Address 829 Lik tt, Bellinsham, Wash. FARM FOR SALE Rent or trade. Tabor 630S or 4 53 Ea-st asm ave.. norm. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED A 5 room bungalow style home on 50x100 lot Must hare attic Haw thorne, Irr ington er Rose City. From owner. Not over $5000 Call Main 1628. 690 Glisan at C B. fipack-man. We Will Do This Sell your house or lot or any business or property m 10 day it the pnce u iraasooable. Try us. Tabor 8569. WANTED A number of inexpensive lota, most not be inflated values; stale location, pnce, terms and liens in fust letter. P. O. Box 924. City. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 WANTED SMALL BEsrTAi;KA,-x 0w rrjr ft TDK. HOOVER REALTY BROKERAGE 40. Lnmher Kich. Bldg., 2d and Stark. WANT a good rvataurant or hsht roach; have a cash buyer for the beat oiler. 424 Lumber Exchange bldg. CASH buyer for good business pro no una be rea-sonsble. 424 I.omber Exchange bldg. WANTED TO BUY. small printing plant in Portland B-939. Journal FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 I HAVE clients for S-room house. $300 to $500 down; 5-room house. $80O to $1000 down; 7-room house, $1500 to $2000 down. Phone 310-04. O. C. Duvall. 642H Williams are. 14 MILES FROM CITT LIMITS $25 down, $7.50 monthly for attractive .71 of an acre of good soil, price $325; fine for ebickena, berries and fruit We have other tracts in the same platting, some of which con tain over 2 acres on proportionately the same price and terms and some of which are on the proposed extension of TerwilUger bird., west aide. WANT lot in lrvington, near Siskiyou. 17th or 18th. Want to build immediately. Broad way 3363. WANTED City improved property to exchange for improved acreace. Johnson Bros., s Washington bldg. WANT the best lot $300 cash will buy. Tabor 9075. "BUILT TO ENDURE" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses fat Less Money. REDIMADE BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Factory E. 11th snd Market Phone East 5114. 3 beautiful colonial bungalows, 532, 534, 542 E. 34th. Small payment down, balance like rent; electric range and water beater, furnace, hdw. floors, all the built-ins, plate glass win dows, street imp. all in and paid. Price $4500 and $4600. Owner, Sell. 2859. 1016 Brooklyn. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 $4350 TERMS $4350 Brand-new Rose City bungalow, 5 largo rooms, large living room, platesis window; cement porch and steps; Dutxh kitchen, break fast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures. Kose City car to 67th, then 2 block north to 744. Owner there from 11 to 6 daily. RCALTQ86 V f 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LAKEGROVE ACRES New subdivision near beautiful Oswego lake, just put on the market These acre tracts only SO minutes from cen ter of city, all level, cleared, school on tract, on paved highway, only a few feet from station on Red cariine. They can be had for a small down payment and a little each month. This is the ex-service man's chance; a limited number to be sold. See us early and get your choice. Ex clusive agents. 404 Couch bide. Bdwy. 6523. 4 Vi ACRES Jennings Lodge, 3 acres cleared, 6-room noose, chicken run; mile to car. $3500. One acre fully improved, aQ kinds of assorted fruit fair buildings; a real snap for $3500 terms. MeGEE DENNIS. 969 Union Ave., North. Woodlawn 5684. 5 ACRES, by owner, mile south of Aloha and good road; new 2-room house and barn, 3 acres cleared; gas in house and partly fur nished. Pnce $2500; terms. Phone Main 8311 00x100 NORTHEAST comer 14th and Taylor. w ,i sie. r.ast i:i.-. LOTS 403 IRVINGTON DISTRICT COME OUT SUNDAY As this may be your last ounortnnitv tn hnv one of these lots at these prices and terms. i ov up tor inside. $1000 up for comers. All improvements paid $100 cash, $10 monthly. Only a few left Handy to car. school and new nark Sur rounded by new homes. CaU 605 Fremont be tween E. 15th and 16th, Sunday from 11 a. m. unui o:oo p. m. JohnsonDodson Go. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 KENTON 5 rooms and bath, new, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, fireplace, full cement basement lot 50x100, all improvements in and paid, $1000 cash will handle. W. KEELEIt Bank Bldg., Kenton. Woodlawn 6507. $600 BUYS 12 acres of land. 4 miles from Goble. Good location. For particulars, write D. B. Marshall. Prescott or. 1 ACRE, water and gas, lights, close to . car. $45 down, balance $10 month. Price $900. Broadway 5317. HALF ACRE $2500; new, modem house, close in: water, gas; terms. S-74i, Joun L CLOSE IN acreage. Al soil, quantity to suit terms; snap. Owner, Ktut '45. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ALAMEDA QUEEN ANN BUNGALOW For sale by owner. Nearly new, 6 lovely light rooms, strictly modem, hot water heat ivory finish, tapestry paper, fireplace, cement basement all built-ins, garage, garden, fence. shrubs, linoleum, gas ranee. Will sacrifice for quick sale. CaU East 5193. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT - New cozy 4-room bungalow, 2 large bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, ivory finish throcg-nout, plenty of window s. Pnce $3600. Small payment down will handle. House at I 957 E. 34th N. Open 2-5 Sunday. Call Pilkungton, Bdwy. 5433. SOUTH PORTLAND, $1195 $15 down. 315 monthlv. for foil nrwinn lot, pared st, sewers, sidewalks all in and paid lor. woes To car. easy walking distance to boKinn i district; good surroundings . This is just about one-half value. See Mr. Dwyer, with 732 Cham, of Com. NOW OR NEVER Tour opportunity to get the best residence property in Portland is fast passing. For proof visit Walnut Park and see the number of foundations for new homes. Better call owner at once. Wdln. 951. ONLY $4300, by owner; new 14 story, 5 room I modem home, exceptionally large attic. floored; Dutch kitchen, very best plumbing, full basement, built-in buffet and bookcases, ivory enameled throughout; best hardware and light futures; 1 block north of M-V carhne. 174 E 79th rt. N. A HOME AND AN INCOME 5.40 acres, highly improved, on the Ore gon City car line; 8 room plastered bunga low; 1 acre asparagus. 1 acre strawberries, 50 cherries, 68 pears, 50 apples, all trees full bearing: 2 modem chicken houses to accommodate 1000 hens. This is a fine place to live and you can make a good in come besides. Better see this at once. FREYTAO-MEEDS CO.. GLADSTONE OREGON OREGON CITY CAR LINK Phone Oregon City 269J. 5 M ACRES, highly improved, some livestock. near Beaverton pnce $4600: cash $1500. JOHNSON BROS., 44 5 Washington bldg. MT. TABOR DISTRICT $3650 Bungalow of 5 eood rooms, fire place, all built-ins, large unfinished attic, fine rt meet basement, .paved street: good neighbor- eood. close to school, stores and M car. FARMS 407 FOR SALE 51 acre rancn. 16 miles north of Eugene. 2 miles from Eimira. Or. 10 acres in vetch and oats. 15 acres ready I in tii. enrin. Rom Hinh.r nartjv c 1. VeiT Tl .li mnM K. rnlHv,t1 if l. wt easy termsean be arranged. Owner. 1569 East! Family orchard berries, good welL All fenced. ..t-irw. iswir -in. I inek rann v t hmn c-h nlso Writ or mnlv to Y OWNER 5 room bungalow, close in. ce- O. A. Hatter. Eimira. Or. Price $2600 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement pur owes, j The beat and easiest method of paying A loan is our monthly r ment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 month, or $21.34 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts in same piupgtUo . Repayment Privilef s EQUITABLE 8AVING8 LOAN ASS'l 242 Stark St, Portland, Or. 1000 CASH, balance trade, side house. Main 6409. for eloae in west WANT BARGAIN. 3 to 5-room bouse, some where north on East Side. Y-14. Journal. IF your house Is for sale phone Ralph Harris Co.. 816 Chamber or Commerce, nawy. anas. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSS IN Improved places with buildin s, on good road, close to electric ttarisportation and Portland Small payment down and owner to accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson, Gerlmger bids- WANTED Monday, about one acre, with nearly modem 4 or 5 room bungalow, close in. good roads, not over $3500. that $700 cash will handle. Party from the East is Here to buy. 601 Stock Exchange bldg WANT SUBURBAN HOMES We hare clients looking for suburban homes, to 10 acres near the city. 11 you want to sell, list with us. K. M. GATE WOOD CO.. 165 H U Bt ACREAGE WANTED 6 to 10 acres with aback. Sate price. Z-792, Journal. $300, $400. $500. $756. $1000 AND VP. Lowest rates, quick action; pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co. 431 Cham, of Con im .err bldg. Main 1370. $1000, $1250 AND $1500 TO LOAN at 7 per eent on residence security: quick action, no red tape. W. aave you money. C A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st $300. $400, $500. $700, $1000 AND UP. Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. Main 644$. BUILDING loans on city and suburban prop erty; money advanced as work prrsjrewae. W. G. Beck, 215-216 Failing bid. Main 8407. MORTGAGE money lor dwellings; no commission; pn nclpals only ; default mtgs. and contracts ad justed; save exicne. Wani, 407 Simklmf bidx. $53,930 DIVIDE to suit- Residence, business property, wheat land. East 7504. IL G. Epton. $1000 TO IX) AN On improved erty. Woodlawn 5684. city prop- SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED IO RENT SMAX.L PLACES Have several people' wanting to rent acre age or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred; some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more; we make lots of sales this way; will buy equipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bid. LygCTt Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY" LOANS MADE ON Automobiles FTTtNTTUBE PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED FEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM UP, ADVANCE TOU MOBE MONEY TP NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN PAY US LN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DEKTTM BLDG., SD AND WASH. BROADWAY 5857 BUSINESS OPPORTUMTIES STORES, ETC. 500 GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR SALE! We will receive sealed bids on a stock of general merchandise located at Cedar Mills, Or. stork inventorying at $1406.12 and fixtures $2234.25. Inventory can be seen at 641 lit Lock block, Portland. Stock may be seen by appointment Bids will be opened Friday, February 24, at 11 a. m. Sealed bids most be accompanied by a certified cheek for 10 per cent of the bid. We reserve the risht to reject any and all bids. O. A- COTE. FOR SALE Sawmill of 40.000 capacity, with four donkeys and logging equipment, planer and i saw snd otner mill equipmeat ow oper ating and complete and up-to-date in every way. Located six miles from Cottage Grove. Twenty million feet of government timber tributary can be handled by donkeys. Twenty million addi tional also tributary. Income property or bonds considered as part payment Address A. 1 Wood ax d. Cottage Grove, Or. ment basen lent, nice electric fixtures, hire e I nuT . i nMsnsai ini nr nrfus hi porch, reception hall, very large rooms; built-in I unincumbered 70 acre Gresham Heights farm conveniences, near cariine ; no incumbrances. I with imnrnvomenta 1 2 houses 2 hams and out. $3500. terms, 735 Tib-bets st, comer East buildings) . for low price of $10,500. Will cou- 2"d Phono Hollvrnnd .177 1 k. 1 . in . ONLY a few more beautiful Walnut Park home sues -peoer m lmmeaisteiy on owner if you want to live in the best residential district in the city. Wdln. 951. IRVINGTON PARK, S. E. comer 2Sth and Jarrett; sewer and sidewalks raid. 14 50 Phone Tabor 6444. IRVINGTON PARK. S. E, comer 28th and Jam ett: sewer and sidewalks paid. $450. Phone Tabor 6441. WESTMORELAND tot, 50x100. $850, $100 uown ami tip per contn. tjaxi Tabor 9078. 100x100 CLEAR, $500 cash; near S. P. shops. East 2736. BEST 100x100 lot in Bichmond district Tabor 8814. WESTMORELAND Bybee 21. lot $800. half casn. ease ir ou owner, UASt 6196. HOUSES 404 Here Is Your Chance 6-room modem home, full basement- tn 1 block to car. price $2600, $600 down, biL .ow mum, interest luciuueo. Tabor 8569. MODERN HOME, 2 LOTS. $3000 6 n xams, cement basement L. trays. FURNACE GARAGE Frnit trees, near school, easy terms. Sell. 1250. 5-ROOM house with bath, close to car line; has R. F. Walters. Gresham, Or. garage; large lot with fruit and b ernes. $2200. $300 cash and $20 per month. SAYLEU E. SMITH, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg., Bdwy 6297. Sellwood 2267. evenings. $3 Down 72 48-100 ACRES in Southern Linn count). 85 acres in cultivation, balance open pasture: all can be farmed; no buildings; school 2 miles; railroad station 2 H miles, on good county road. Price $4000; $1600 cash, balance 6 per cent Box 153. Coburg, Or. New 4-room bungalow, lot 92x100. close to school and car, pnce $4ba0, $300 down, bai to suit Tiber 8569. KENTON FOR SALE An island, 5 acres; will cut 20 tons hay: 2 cabins, best set-net fkvhing grounds on Tillamook bay; a good independent living for a fisherman. Price $2500, $500 cash, bi lance terms. Write Box 443, Tillamook. Or. 156 W. Watts st, 5 rooms and bath, all im- I FOR SALE or rent 5 acres with new 4-room provements in and paid, $2600; Va cash, bal-1 house, water in, lights, gas, available at Bell ance terms. Vi. n.eeleT, .enton Bank bids. I (ta. Gresham cariine. Tibor 1041 Hat and Stm. oin. pom. SPLENDID 80 Buildings, fruit timber. $1200 6 ROOM modem bungalow, built-ins, full base- 1 down. $800 time. Mrt all, Bossbq . wash. HOMESTEADS 410 ment. furnace, fireplace, garage ; in perfect 1 condition; au imp. in and ra a: $.zoo equity: will sacrifice for $500 cash and good auto. owner. r-4U, journal. I FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS FOR SALE by owner, 5-room, modem bungalow, I J. L. Porte, Oaudian government agent under construction, all hardwood floors, Dutch I raAane. Wash., will be at the Seward hotel. kitchen built ins. fireplace, wood lift Full cement Portland. Or., on Feb. 20. 21 and 22, to give basement. Very reasonable. Inquire 1490 Missouri free irdorrriatioQ to parties who are interested ave. Wdln. 2381. in free homestead lands in Western Canada, and REATTTtVT'L NF.W HtrNGAlOw AT a-i5.no will also issue C. L. S. A. certificate, to la- Rase City, donate eon 4 r is, breakfast nook, I tending settlers esUitling them to rod red rates fireplace, buffet and hdwd. floors: interior ivory I fnm the Canadian boundary Tine to PO its in and tanest-r: ail handy bniltins: terma. Sell- western uanada. wood 1250. GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP West aide, 100x100, cone ret building, foTlv equipped, old established place, dos a .tow n, fine location. 70 tar storage , working $ men; plenty of work: nets S600 a mo. Will lease over the air; owner retiring; will aaerilica . Price $3iOO Wul take $2500 cash, balance terma. Owner, 4 30 Glenn ave. Aat 233-18. $20,000 STOCK dry goods ana shoes, in best town of 2500 people in Willamette valley; stock can be reduced; big payroLL A splendid opportunity for the right party. No trade con sidered. Don't write unless you mean Address SX 184. Journal. A BUSINESS already e&tabitOied (or the last 10 years, aatomatie gar, gum and match vending rnachxoea, placed and working; to sold on easy terms or will lean, on contract. See 8. Brown, 124 N. Broadway. $500 grccery and confectionery. East Bide. Stock and fixtures. 2 furnished rooms, fine garden and fruit rent $10, long lease; moat sell at once. bee owner, 653 East 21st south , Tsks Brooklyn car. CAUTION. BUYERS Belore closing a deal of so-called Inter at la established real m business, get adTk of Portland Realty Boad, 421 Oregon Dldg. rnone li roadway l.uz. WOULD you invest $25 to $50 to get into good first class honorable business? Ford exper-nr- preferred. Call at 4022 4 2d st 8. E Portland, or. TIMBER LANDS 411 SALE, 80 acrea, is miles from Portland, with 2,000.000 ft timber, fir and cedar. Sacri fice for cash. Z-726. Journal WE have the truck for 5 no. furniture, with 2 men. $2 an hour. Phone Main 6290. move furniture ot 3-4-5 room house for $10. For further information Main 6290. MOVING $2 per hour, large ran. 2 H ton track. WOODLAWN 80S. MOD. 6 room house on --;--. $30 month. Tab. T844. - FOR RENT, 5-room bxMsaT Glisan st Apply 909 E. CLEAN S-room boose. inquire 1105 1st st Telephone Automatic 544-85. HOUSES FOR RENT IOJRN1TURE FOR SALE 313 WELL for- had 4-room modern flat, farnac. beat . clean dewm tosra district; i.Mi.p rent; can rant rooms loft to mora than pas- expenses. 82 14th at N. 7-BOOit all modern boas, partly furnished, chicken hows, for 100 chicken a, gaxaga. 150 ft from s -e n-ar. Can Wdhs. 6S8 S-ROOM house, partly Call Wdln. 1S5S. furnished, in Sentn-. T-ROOM. flat for rant with sleeping porch, fur- mn ire , lor sale. - main luos. FURNnTRS S f-eea $575, flat $25. gwrd ixt- E-st 9247. ' 450 Tteimont 4 ROOM. fiat for regit, larr. ran, west . lurna re ior mi cneas, uau, Lam a ROSE CITY PARK $5500 5 room bungalow, nearly finished, oak floors, furnace, all built-ins, old ivory finish, electric fixtures to suit buyer; terms. Aut 317-55. NEAR S. F. R. R. shops, splendid 5 room furnished bungalow, ground 60x100. fall ce ment basen w t; $3300, $300 cash, bal. month ly. Owner. East 8225. NEW bungalow in a new district on pared st; modern in au n ssp ects and. aboes i au, price sad terms are right Wdln. 1169. MODERN 5 roe i bungalow with sleeping porch. hardwood floors, gara s. paved st Rose City Park. Owner, Tabor 2035. - 4-BOOM cottage near Kenton, gas, electricity. $1250; $250 cash, bars nee easy terms. Phoa. Autosnatie 312-85, Owner. 4 BOUSES for sale, 5 rooms in each house: good basements; rood corner 100x100; good barn. Price $7500. 648 East Tageert st IRVINGTON, new modem 6-room bungalow for Hardwood floors throughout; its A ;uir 459 K. 13th St N. lesry Hard beauty, tmah 2-ROOM bouse with attic. 50xlOO lot V, block from cariine. $1100 faro ished or $100O u- furnished. KW weweu at Bt. Johns car. 4-ROOM HOUSE.- 88x100 lot. Bear ear. good location. $500 cash, terms reasonable, In eruire 1480 E. Ankeny st - MODERN" 5-rooxa bungalow, eioee in Rose City, eloee to car, terms. lasiuia 444 kas ave. Bell 8558.- 1 - - - A. BARGAIN $ tv modern; fin district East 27tB. 1120a, SWELL tittle home. Owner must selL Built for a home; just completed; A rooms, strictly model-, extra boaroom : 8 mm. to West Side; 4 csjdines. Snap at $4250 cash. Sea own tt K. 9th and Knott sts, BY OWNER Substantial borne in close-in. highly restricted district; 1 rooms, full base ment shower bath, tile drain board and bath. S-kVfSn 7'' o7J7de- TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 41 3 FOR SALE Oak amber. For particulars. S. Pea -off. Battle Ground. Waah. ONE OF THE BEST tract joos in Oregon, can make o ana better a day ; must have $ 1000 8 to 12 a. m. F. T. Feme rex., 801 First at TOOfB S rj. , BUSINESS CARDS S- en AH printing now st pre-war sA7 a mV prices. Accra Press, 288 Washington, nr. 6th. SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working sen on their personal notes. Rate, reasonable, eafy pavm its. NO SECURITY NO IN DORS ER Call snd investigate our modem money lend ing methods. All business confidential COLLAUJ1A DISCOUNT LUMl'AM ILlcenaed) - 218 Failing Building. MONEY TO LOAN Money loaned on household goods or mer chandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 4th and Pine at 0 poalt Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 8715 100 TO $2500; quick action. A. TL Ball. 281 Morrison st. rooms 10 and IL MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 MONEY WANTED 651 WE BUY first and second nMrLgages sad sell ers' contract. F. E. Bowman sk Co.. 210 Cham, of Cora bldg. Bdwy. 6776. CASH paid for mortgage a and seilen i contract. on r u estate in Maaningtoo or or rem. H. E. Noble, $16 Lumber lena bids. WILL bur small seller's contract or second mortgage. Gordon. 631 Un. of Oosa. Mag. SEK OREGON INV. Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE CO- 210 HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 JUST arrived from Weuer. la. no. carkavl. 22 head horses and ma sv bis-booed, claky built fat and ready to work. 4 to 8 years osd. weight 1200 to 1600 lbs. Borne matched teama, harness and farm wagons. Will b. eold cbnp for quick sa. Trial and terms allowed. KEYSTONE STABLES 881 Water St Cor Montgomery. ARRIVED Wednesday, from UckDtown, Wash., carload of extra good man, and geldings; othins ever $ years; watsht from 2600 to 8650 per pair. MR STEEL Cor. 50th and Powell Valley road. Mt Scott ear, 10 minutes. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand Special rices. P. E, ES BEN SHADE 860-866 E. Morrison st SOUTH PARKWAY pool hail for sale; 4 pool tables, soft drinks; good location: will sell for reasonable price. Main 74 59. 622 First st BEST location on east side. Cleaning and pris. ins shop. Well advertised and doing good business; $300 will handle. 268 Russell st CREST0N FEED tt FUEL CO., horse, harness and wagons for sale. 10 good young teams wfth practically new harness and some extra good heavy wacuua. 5009 Powell galley rtd Mt Scott ear. ' LEFT ber to be soid, i brad of good young farm horse, consisting of team brae rasa geldings, SSOO; team Belgian a tan sa, ZVOO; 1 bloc ro-a mare, 1450. Call East aide Trssfer Stable. 180 E. 8th st MODERN 2-Gat bids-, good income, in the best looataon. Nob Hill district, lot 50x100. hot. A-l condition; reasonable price. 420 Chamber ! of Conimer bads. HOUSE PLANS 100 aVsigTa. $10 to $15. or T -"T sis ed at st on able fee. U R- BAILEY ft CO., 924 X. W. Bank Bids. SMALL HOUSE. 2 lota. 100x100. $600: block, from car, 1 block to hard surface wt Searle. 1928 E- Glisan. $4500 AND $5250 for 8 new modem 5 room bungaAows. jiooo ana S2UC0 down. C. C i Duvall, 542 Williams Ave. Phone 810-04. Clear of Incumbrance 6 room house on paved st to exchange for good lot, or might consider 6 room bungalow and ass me. 424 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. SE TRADS Ws are prepared to arrange a trad, for m. Brine in your proposition sad w wfn match you oa anything of merit; lata, houses, sen sage. tanas, stocks of mere na noise. &. xt at. lis Couch bldg. 820 ACRES of wild land in the mountain south of Mt St Helena. Some green timber. Well watered. Will exchange for property at $4$00, $1000 down. 7 room hone, so Unioa 2fT,lJki ?fbTf,J,7ld X wbMt Wa ,ou- avOL near Rr-eeO. Rant $50. C. C. rw.n The owner. A-71. Journal. 542 H Williams. Phone 310-04. ' I WILL take 8500 Sato for my equity in half lim-A-i- h-sa on Kerb- 9 mr .W . " im traen mxm. OTerea wua Peering 45x90. rs-axna for $50. 542 Vs Wms. Phono 310-04. a a w-.. ' J s-.a.i -K - C A A k, -A, J . I A I Ui UOI j-g VCIIA-B. lIKUb WU w.Tlfl W aa-tA A"- I aiaiH m-wm MW-I twL. -I4 d mrmL vo tanne, x-nartm auuj. vivv-. FOUR 5-roo rc in. income; '-prove-1 wrjLi( 2 food Vots in Newport. Or., best . " - ... ie. i .location, cost m $500. for laU aotrirnobiie. for. Mrs. Sertha Johnami. Hill Crest route. Knanpa. Or. 3 ROOM bungalow; a Fppq Taoor e . la. - - - - I lw ACRES, Incola county. Bear Norton's. 7-ROOM rat, large stoe roea; a bargaiA at I execange for bouse, tots or what sv. you. $2500. lived street, paia. tL 522. I A. H. Akers-a, 420 Henry Wdlg. WILL sell oa terms or trade lot lax. Ford. 1 160 ACRES timber, value $2500, for bouse . S-mm houseboat. 3S lstat. . nux c what haws wool X-&&4. JornaL BY OWNER, pool haS and eonfecu ooery at re; good locatton, aasng gooa pniimw rw East 7874. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Will sell aU oar hones, wagons snd harness and boggiM at a sacrifice: most cleaa op quickly aa our lease expires shortly. Call at No. 2U Grand eve. W. J. Sullivan. East 1314. Printing ior Less Ryder Printing Co. .Main 8580. 192 3d at FOR SALE, $800 cash, lunch and con fecuonery. Good hecation. small overhead: doing good business. 'Phone Tabor 4866. $250 CASH takes this cigar stand. soft annas; a ascrtnoe. Washington at - Fine for 246 FOR SALE. Seaside store and fix tares. Five mom house in rear, on Broadway. B. M. Royce. box 51. Seaside. Or. WANT man to take over half inUs at fa. co- plete vulcanizing outfit; will teach man toe business. East 8226. 433 Hawthorne. MY THREE 5-pin bowling alleya; make offer. Manager. 308 Stan ton st FOR SALE Moat market doing cash knsinr i 1584 E. Stark. GOOD coffee stand in heart of pobbe markot 16 ft fro it ce on Tammil st T-w. J imaL APARTMENT house, summer r urt fn. Ms. $1509 win swing it Auto 414-10. APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 IF YOU are- interested in aecunn. g aa elegant one which will bring you aa inrnm of orsr. $200 per month, not oaiy $50 with kmc aeae.' over the fair, and eou ha- $1700. you will like this buy. . Eight Amshary Co.. &L3 W-ook kids. . . -.- i . . .- CALL at 546 Front st for new 3 inch far- was as and au k.nds of second-hand wagons; o aome good harness, horses from 12oo t. 1600, very cheap, from $ to 10 year old. HIE quarter a ste. r at Vsnooaver barracks will sell at auction at 10 a. m. Feb 21st 21 horses and males no kmgsr required by th. gov- FOUR teams of hones and baraia. one 3-i. agon. fi dump wagonv Red Ball Ft a A OMitrsctins Co-. 274 K- 9th. FT1B Kill: a hus est and weigtutig bet zisou ana - 5286. CaU w ee aaya. FOR SALE Fin. work team, weighing 8200 Iba.. 8 and years. $175. S3S K. Ay at Take BetL ear. ABSOLUTE LY toe beat team in For aad far ssl. resaooabl- Mr. Bted, cor. 4 lth tad Powell Valley. TEN bead of very cheap laiiaua. all ou ea, har and w sson i of all kinds. 240 East 8th. GOOD work hone. American Railway i-x- pr-a Co. subtea. l.ta and NorTnrop to. $3 day. erne) Warn $1-50 da. Mara Z'JUS. DOUBLE A4 Front UCLEs. 2500-lb. team. 5 and C years aid. sound and tent.. Z4w avast ptn. TOR RALE Tw. teams yooas 1 w eieiniw 3000 lbs.; a. dealer. tCswrmiw-l Fs-swirg fmi