SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON. ISTHMIAN LB B1GS1PLME CARGO TO PORT Brlnclnir 1500 tons of tin plaU, th Isthmtaa line steamship Steel Navigator, Norton, Lilly Co, docked this morning; in the slip a. l Terminal No. 1. She bes-aa discharging before noon and wilt finish miscellaneous outbound cargo In order to ret away on Sunday. Following In the same service the steamship Steel Exporter will be due to srrlve Tuesday. the also brings 1500 tons of plate and general cargo for Port land. In the foreign service of Norton. Lilly A Co, the steamship City of Lincoln, from Hull via San Francisco, will be due Monday and will load at Portland 3000 long tons of wheat fqr the United Kingdom. The cargo Is in parcels and the City of Lincoln will finish on Puget Found. With the eaceplion of the lots on the City of Lincoln grain e sports for the I ii I ted Kingdom and the continent will b slim far the month of February. No full cargoes are In sight for either Feb- ruary or March. ' Tide at Aitort Ssaday High Water. Low Water. 6 :2 a. m. Al ft. :8 a. m. 2.9 -8:08 p. m. .l ft. I:5t p. m. tl tU SeasldoHish water Bine minutes earlier. SAside Low water 21 minutes earlier. i steamer Blue Triangle, for Portland via Facet loui from New Tote. Arrived at p. i teener K. 1 Iekenhach. from Fortlesd sad Paget Bound for Sew York sad way sorts. " Ar rived at 9 p. as., steamer Delta, tram N Or- Imiw toe Portland. Arrived at 10 B. s.. stea at Walter A. Lackenbech, from Hew Xatk and ay part lor i-eruano. nauea at a p. at.. Man Pleiades, from Portland tor N-w Orleans. Sailed at p. av, steamer Multnomah, tor Port-- BRITISH STEAMER IS SUE TODAY FOB FLO C II CARGO The British steamship Cor J Is tan, under charter to the Portland Flouring II Ills company, will arrive In Portland today and will toad flour for Darlen In ' Manchuria The steamer was fixed sev eral weeks ago and brought a cargo of raw sugar .to Vancouver, B. C. from Mexico. A full cargo' of flour to Manchuria or 6 any port In the Orient Is unusual at this time. Oraln has been going In full cargo shipments but flour only in parcel lots and mostly on owners' ac count. The rate on the Cc-rjlstan Is pri vate and was made by M. IL ilouser for orders. There Is a steady demand for wheat in the Orient and two Japanese vessels of the Suzuki line will load before the end of the month with full cargoes. ' In the ' parcel lot shipments space has been taken on all of the regular liners. The steamship Vlnita ef the North China line of the Columbia-Pacific Is due to day with general cargo and will sail on regular schedule with mixed cargo. AntorU. Feb. IT. Arrived at 10 a. m. and kft up at 2 19 p. m.. steamer Ariionxn. from New York and porta Arrived at t :S0 and left op at 4:11 p. si.. ataasMr Frank G. Dram, from Govtote. sailed at 4:15 p. at., steamer Fred Lacaenbaeb, front New Orleans via Puget Sound. Hailed at 4 44 p. m.. steamer Admiral Kortmsn. for Cons Bay, Eureka aad gas Fran cam. Arrived at 10 p. m. asd left up at aud it tit, steamer Steel Navigater, from New Yerk and way porta. Baa Pedro, re. II. Arrived, Meaner Han ley, from Baltimore lor Portland. Seattle. Fab. 17. Arrived. Norweeiaa steamer Pactfk , from Valparaiso via Portland. Arrived, steamer Keaturklaa. frora New York and way porta lor roruano. Baa Pedro, Feb. 17. Arrived, etaamer Men phis City, froa New York for Yokohama. Sailed, eteemer Senator V froja Portland (or Has Diego. Nailed, ataaaMr Cape Henry, from Baltimore for (tan Prsm-e and Portland. New York. Pet. 19. Bailed, etaamer Nebraa kan, for Portland. Boa urn. Feet IT. Arrived, steamer J alia Lurkenfcsce. Ira Portland. Baltimore. Feb. IT. Sailed, taamer Wa bash, far Perifss roaat porta. Boa ten. Feb. IT. Arrived, steamer J alia Lorkenberh. from Portland and war porta, Victoria. Feb. 17. Paieed at 7 p. m., steamer WytheviTle. from Kobe for New York via Portland, sailed. British steamer Gorjietan, for Portland. San Francisco Fab. 18 (t X. S.) Ar rived. Msyfair, from Eureka, at 1:15 a. m.; Nyaaaa. from Blanco, at 1:20 a. m i Arctic from l-f Anfelea, at 8 :10 a. m. ; El Lobo, anooavar. at 4 :80 a. m. ; Chihuahua, from Am- piilca. at 8:2 a. m. : Koein Ooodfellow, from New Tort, at 8:45 a. m. Sailed, Wdlhilo. for Portland, at 6:26 a. m. LAND SIP COST THE CITY $111931 Acquirement and Improvement of the . 10-foot triangular strip of land at Haw thorne 'and East Water streets for street area cost the city $1119.91, according; to lb report filed this morning by O. Laurgaard, city engineer. The strip formerly owned by the Page Investment company was purchased-?" the city for $500 and has been converted into street area. The cost of laying curbs and hardsurfacing pavement, which was done by the municipal pav ing plant, amounted to 8691. 9L , A. G. Johnson, assistant .commis sioner of public works, pointed put that by taking over the strip the city has eliminated a corner that was dangerous to traffic. Formerly a telephone post stood, at the intersection of the street that was the cause of many accidents. This pole was removed when the im provement was made. GRAY" RARBOB WORKIKO FOR SKA-GOI JIG DREDGE Honulam. Wash., Feb. IS. Grays Harbor will get a sea-going dredge if rongrem makes sufficient appropria tions for rivers and harbor work, ac cording to Alex Poison, who has re turned from Washington. D. C, where he and Frank H. Lamb, president of the Port of Grays Harbor, conferred with engineers and members of con gress relative to securing a dredge for the harbor. The engineer. Mr. Poison said, have plans for six dredges and If only enough la appropriated for two of them. Grays Harbor wtll get one. S. P. & S. Agrees to ' Downtown Station i Plan at Vancouver Vancouver, Wash., Feb. IS. Superin tendent Davidson of tile & P. S. rail read has promised to stop Incoming local passenger trains at the foot of Wash ington street to discharge passengers, according to Mayor John P. Klggins, who in conference with Davidson Thurs day urged the advantage of the conces sion. The council will be asked to erect a platform and a small waiting - room there, as this is one of the conditions of the agreement. The demand for a station at the foot of Washington street is of long stand ing, but due to the viaduct, high grade and single track, railroad officials have contended that it would be an inconven ience. The union station is more than a mile from the business center of the city, and passengers from towns up the river have been carried, by and forced to walk back, due to lack of streetcar serv ice from the station. MEETING NOTICES 102 BIG MASQUERADE - Eureka Conned Soi 204. Seeontr Benefit nuocia tjon. Monday r renin r. Frh 24. Xast Hide V, a W. kU. Eaat Sixth and Aider. A beautiful. laise, well venti lated ball, with one of the best dance floor in the city. Fin asioa orchestra. Cub wrizea will fc irirn trm hid dreaeed, moat orJataal, meat comic and bast sus tained eharaehrn, Adwmaon, 3 Sc. incl actios war tax. FUN INSULA CHAPTER J,Ja. is., j. A. M., Marauo bid.. St. John. Several aaattem of tmpeetanc , to be diacasead tlaa , (Sataidar) evening, SO- .AH aaembers are urred to ba present. Ky ortlrr K. H. p. G. H. LEMOX. Beey. -" ' LOST AND FOUND IPS tli foliowias aruciea were oood oa the ears of ta Portlai4 Bailway. Light asd Power eoaa paaj fb. IS, litli: 20 wmhreHaa, 1 lonch box, 2 panaa, I pia. X fait ease, a band ban nil I tur aiBS'lwvs, docks,. e pacusaa, nALL I adaaon. robber doll, etreetear tkxet. 1 pair j ninm, nuinu. vnxn ur vuum iiiii t" atacion.' TO THE man woo called WoodUvra S1S7 and said ba vtxtid denver oar rtUow Penmii kit- COIXMBIA BEBEKAH LODGE Sa . I O. O. K Reenlar meetlnsr tbia Banadav eienma. 8 o'clock at 8 11th, corner Banuide at. Initia tion, mutton oordiallr la riled. Anna L. Os vold. sac. tea a ad did aot: Wa bee roa a prnaoa ntara him to a and set the reward yoa a xed. Wa love him; be it aoch a little pet. lira. James Setelfield. ' LUST. Feb. lilh on JUbioa ave. between Sta7 ford and HoUand atraeu, parse, eome money and rttif, keepsake. Reward. Pbona Wdln. 85. LOST, bunch of keya from mail box 3 in tbe old Baatoftica aarom Franka from Meier aad Lost, Urge fciutuia pen, Molcnomah hotel. t'rbnary lBta. Betom 430 Corbett bid.. and feceive reward. FOUND, ladr'a band bac. Owner may have aame by ideatifyinc content and payinc for UU ad. Wdia. 2a. LOST On 5th and aiorriaon. amail black and POSITIONS OF V.ESSElfS Radio reporta tram North Head five the post, tkm of the foUowio veaeele at 8 p. m. Feb. 7: Kartwood, Gray Harbor far Baa Francisco, bar bound inaide Oraya Harbor. Willamette. Han Praariaco for Portiaod. 80 BkOcs anuth of Columbia river. Admiral Rodman, Aatoria for Manh field. 20 miles aoatb of Columbia river. rradarlefe Lwakrabach. PorUand for Seattle, 2 milaa north of Colombia river. (By Federal Wireieae) La PuriRima, Portland for Ban Frandaao. 250 tailea north of Ban Franciaeo. Stockton. Baa Pedro for 8hnhai, S 27 milea weat of Saa Pedro. Hanlay, BalUmore for Saa Pedro, SO inflai of Ban Pedro. Cape Henry, Ban Pedro for Ban Fraacfeco, 204 milea tooth of Saa Francfaieo. Ban Irteco, Pan Pedro for San FraneJeeo, 24 milea north of Saa Pedro. Lyman 8tewart, Portland for Saa Pedro, 675 milea north of San Pedro. Hobemjan Club, Manila for San Franciaeo, milea vrwtt of San Franciaeo. Newport, Panama for San Fraaciaco, 483 milea aouth of Ban FraDdaco. PB0TESTS tHLL 3SOT PEOTE SETBACK TO LEHTS SEWER nans for the Lents trunk sewer will no I be materially affected by the refusal of ttie residents of Multnomah county south of the city limits to bear a portion of the cost, A. It. Barbur, commissioner of public works, said this morning. The sew er will be built, he said, to make con nections with the Foster road sewer and rfford sanitary drainage for the Lents district, but will be smaller than if the ! nnnnfv district harl been included. The council held a meeting Friday aft ernoon of property owners of the district outside the city to ascertain whether the newer was wanted by them. Those at tending the session were unanimous In saying; the property was unable to bear ai.y additional assessments and the sewer would work a hardship on those now trying to pay for their homes. It was explained at the meeting that by taking advantage of the offer to Join in on this sewer the cost would be re duced to one-third of what it will be later when a separate trunk sewer has to be constructed. TA5COTJTER DIYOBCE MIIX Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 18. The divorce suit of Erna Overdorff against Ralph Overdorff was set for trial on February 20. A motion to have the case set for trial was filed Friday in the divorce auit of Esther Olson against Nels Olson. It will be argued Monday. A motion for a default judgment was filed in the divorce suit of Cora M. Kniffen against Bertrand J. Kniffen. BUILDING PERMITS te nrrTVS 8TEERISO WHEEL STRIKES CAFTAIMl FRACTURES LEO lloqulam, Wash.,' Feb. 18. Captain Hans K. Johnson, veteran master of the bar tug John Cudahy, sustained a com pound fracture of the right leg below the knee and painful cuts about the head and shoulders when he was struck yes terday afternoon by the steering wheel of the tug. The rudder ,of the ship was ntruck by a log, causing a forceful turn ing of the wheel which he was unable to dodge. The tug. which Is owned by the Grays Harbor Stevedore company, was towing the freighter Manchester Spinner from the Western mill In Aber deen to the National mill in Hoqulam. Roien Mars Oortiataa ........ Wlllhilo Steel Exporter . . . . Weat No oven turn ... City of Lincoln. . . . A. L. Kent Karachi Mara Multnomah , . Edna Annette Rolph Ariblen Raima City Kiel Nielsen TtAblda Mara Ko. I Deleo , Ronora Narenta Senator Bine Triangle . . . . NooTdardlik , Toko Mara Hoobvalia , otartaa , Lnrbn Rnee City , HHmai Mara Cape Town Mara . . Menrhetrr Spinner Kentocklan Henley Kldorade Admiral Rodman . Munateaa Vilperatio Florida n Ke trine taektnbeeh Robin Adair Due, . . Aberdeen Feb. 1 9 . .Vancouver Fab. IS ..New York Feb. 20 . .New York Feb. 22 ..Rhanthai Feb 20 ..Seattle Feb. 20 . .New Tork Feb. 20 . . llurormn Fab. 20 . .Ran Fran. Feb. 20 . .Ran Fran. Feb. 21 . . Ran Fran, Feb. 2 1 ..Kobe Feb. 21 ..Kobe Feb. 21 . . muiutfnu r eo. x i i I.. Kobe Feb. 21' . . .New Orleana . . . Feb. 22 . . ReatUe Feb. 22 . .Hull Feb. 22 . .R. Dlero A way. .Feb. 28 . .New York Feb. 28 , . , Rotterdam . . Mnroraa .... . .Ren Fran. . . . i , . Buenoe Aires . .Ran Fran. . . . FIRST IXFIXEJTZA DEATH OF 1828 REPORTED IN PORTLAND One death from influenza, the first on record, was reported to the city health office Friday night. The report states that George Green, 838 Williams avenue, died from pneumonia In which Uifluensa was a contributing factor. Records In the show that there are now 5? families in quarantine for smallpox, 24 for diphtheria and 23 for scarlet fever. white fas terrier: license No. 2411. Antometic 62S-S0. 810 reward. MASQUE ADB BALL Service .circle No. 850. X. of W. rive the fourth of their aeries of daneins partiee, Mon day evanias. Fab. 20. Come and spend a jolly evenint with wa at 10th and Taylor at., N. of W. hail. L nion biisc Pnxe. Adrmwon 40c, incinainc war tax. i.nainaa sot. com. LOST White EncliUi ball terrier poptw. nywthg old, aphone Kat 305. Reward. EMBLEM JEWELRY' a apeetaity, button, pins. enarma. jaearer riroe.. 1 51-1 33 etb st. CARDS OF THANKS Wt WISH to thank our relatives and friend) for their masv kdodaaaaea and words of en- conracemant darns the . Ulnese of our beloved brother and brotuer-m-hvw and for the many expressions of sympathy and floral offerings inoe bis death, ib. aad Ha. S. O. Henrikaen WE WISH to thank oar. friends and neighbor for their kindxteaa and, floral offertnes durins too awaneaa and bermveanent of our danehter, Florence Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Job mm. - FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE We have hundreds of sraduatea bow aaeeeaa- fnily encased in the Aato, Tractor, Battery and the Auto electrical busineaa. We. can aaaiat you to a rood position, too. We sive yoo a fenr weeks' Ihr.E TK.1AL, no money in advance. The trial obligates yon in no way. It affords yea an excellent oportnnity to sixe up our tchoot sad test your qoalincauons to learn mechanical work. Full particulars in ear new 112-pac catalog. Call or write for it today. Ask for book No. 4. It free. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AYE. AND WASCO ST., Woodiawn or Alberta car, Std and Alder. HTEAMF.R ON WAT TO PORTLAND UOY.H AGROVNU AT BALTIMORE Baltimore, Feb. 18. (I. N. 8.) With two tugs standing by, the steamship Wlllfaro. Captain Williams. which grounded shortly before last midnight In the outer lialtlmore harbor, Is ex pected to be refloated at high tide to day. The Will faro grounded to avoid e collision with sn Inbound schooner. The vesnel loaded i:00 tons of cargo hero for 1'urtland and other Taclflo ports and is to call at Norfolk to complete her 6000 ton cargo. The Willfnro carries a crew of 50 nen. .San Fran. . .Mnroraa . . I . . .Muroraa . Ttarmnnd . .. . . New York . . , Baltimore .New Orleans.. . Rsn Fran. . . . . Ralveeton . 'openhajiea . . .Liverpool .New York . . . . . New Tork Te Depart From Peruana) Taaaass For Date. Remus Weat Coast Feb. IS Admiral Evans S. Disco A way . . Feb. 1 8 . .Feb. 2S . .Feb. 23 . .Feb. 2S . .Feb. 25 . .Feb. 23 . .Feb. 2.t . .Feb. 25 . .Feb. 25 . .Feb. 2!t . .Fab. 25 . . Feb. 2 . .Feb. 28 . .Feb. 27 ..Fab. 3S . .Mar. 1 ..Mar. 2 . .Mar. 0 . .Mar. T C.RAIV FRK1GHTS UTEADT New York, Feb. 18. (L N. 3.) Ocean , grain frelehts are holding steady and offerings moving regularly. There has j been a slight decline on the Atlantic rnge. Board quotations today are: Tniled Kingdom. 3s d04s: Germany, Bremen and Itamburg. 17Q18C ; France. Atlantic range. lc ; Mediterranean. 82c; lloyand. Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 18e. A I.I, ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamship Admiral Evans of the Admiral line sailed this afternoon wltli ltsaeners and freight for San Farncis co, San Pedro and San plego. , Captain Charles 11. Johnson of the Willamette Stevedoring firm. Is confined to bis home with a severe attack; of the rThe" tanker Frank O. Drum la dis charging fuel oil at Mnnton. The steamship Willamette of the Mc Cormlck fleet Is discharging general rafvro at Couch etreet. The steamer Multnomah Is north bound from San Francisco with passen gers and freight and will be due In 1'ortland Monday. liawis I.nrkrnbaeh Hainan Mara Rnee f!ty Rteel Navicator CeBlo Traranhima Mara . . . AHsovtan Rosen Mara Rnnora nty of Lincoln fteiee WtllemeYte '."!.'.!!!! Bands! Mara Senator Maltnnmsh Toshlda Mara No. 8. UrttM Narenta Barope New York .... Feb. 1 8 .Orient Feb. 1 . San Fran Feb. 1 a .New York Feb. 20 .Ban Ptdro Feb. 20 .Orient Feb. 21 .Europe Feb. 2t .Jspan Feb. 21 .rn. America. . .Feb. 23 .Enrope Feb. 24 . New Orleans Feb. 24 .Ren Fran Feb. 24 . Orient Feb. 24 . B. Dleco A way . . Feb. 2 3 .Ran Fran Feb. 2S .Australia Feb. 26 Honolulu Feb. 20 AUDITORIUM GIVEN FREE Permission was granted by the city council Friday afternoon for the free use of The Auditorium by C. Podrecca, mem ber of the Italian parliament, who will lecture on the needs of the war-consumptives Sunday, February 26. The request for the use of the building was made by Albert B. Ferrarra, Royal Italian consul. (Derations of S1000 and over:. Hibernia Savings bank, erect residence 4415 K. 47th sc. pet. 4bth and 4tn area. ; euuaer, W O. PheiDa: S3500. William Miller, erect residence sx uienn ave.. bet. Hairnet and iincoin; ouuaar, a. u. KihLer: S4B00 J. H. Georae. repair mudenoe, 1233 E. 28th st, bet Ainxworth and Jarrettt builder aasui aa owner; 82500. Mrs. Hslistrom. erect residenee 917 E. 36tb St.. bet. Preacott and Skadmore; Mulder. JJL Lajsen; $3000. Mrs. A. C. Galbrath. erect residemea 1213 Leonard, bet Burr and Alma sta.; builder, A. C, Galbrath; $2000. Mrs, A. C- Galbrath, erect residenee 1213 Leonard, bet. Burr and Alma sta. ; builder, A. C. rulheath- $2000. Mrs. A a Galbrsta, erect residenee 1209 Leonard, bet Burr and Alma sta. ; builder, A. C. Galbrath: 12000. Mrs. A. C. Galbrath. erect residence 1225 Leonard, bet Burr aad Buchanan; builder, A. C. Galbrath: $1800. John U. Kane, erect residence 935 22nd at. bet Preacott and Bkadmore; builder. S. A. Gib son; $3200. J. R. ToUner. erect residence 572 Leland, bet 13th and 15th sta.; builder. Otto T. John son; $2250. A. R. Johnson, erect residence 655 Stanton, bet 17th and 18th its.; builder, Berglund Bros. Co.: $6000. J. II. Fitzpatrick, erect store, 387 Oak st, bet th and 10th; builder. O. & Wayman. $60,000. F. C. I.tttle rec.t tml 425 55th st bet Han- euck and Tillamook; builder. R. F. BeUeu. 13400. Piedmont Realty Co.. erect res., 1850 Com mercial ; builder. Otto Hoffman, $3500. F. L. Cobb, erect re,, 100 E. 46th St. bet Stark and L Alder; builder. B. B. BrumweU. $3000. P. C. Holland, erect rea. osou ist ave.. net. 67th and 70th ats.; builder, same; $2000. Arthur L Monlton. erect res. 394 E. 42d at. bet Hancock and Broadway; builder, John Btrsndholm, $3500. R. A. MMiraih. erect res. 734 K. 22d st bet Klickitat and Fremont; builder, E. A. Mc- Grath. $4 500. DEATH NOTICES 103 BUSH February IS, at the lata vwidesoe, 74 Kooaevalt street Anna, aced 50 years, wile of J. H. Bnsh and mother of P. At Larson of Portland. The remains are at the above resi dence. Funeral erran cements in charts of J. P. Finley A Boa. CONTRACT XS AWARDED Award of a contract for valves and brass fittings for use in the water bureau to the Walworth company was recom mended this morning by J. L. Hooper, city purchasing agent The bid was $8453.05. Bulgarian Troops Are Being Moved To Greek Frontier London, Feb. 18. (I. N. S.) Bulgarian troops are being moved towards the Greek frontier, according to an exchange telegraph dispatch from Athens today. This report has not been officially confirmed. VM Statistics, marriages. Birtbs, Deaths. STERNS At the residence. 322 East 21st st N.. February 17. Alice J. Sterns, aced 03 yean, beloved mother of Luln Sterns and Mrs. Earl MacRae, both of this city. Funeral notice later. He mains at the residential parte rs ot amier at Trecey. MA HAN At the residence. 601 Harvard February 17, Maude Mahan. ased 17 yean. beloved daughter of Mrs. Laura Mahal! ; niter of Mrs. Ruth Ltraow, Mrs. Ruby Panax and Marrae Mahan. Funeral notice later. - Remains at the residential pariora of Miller V Trecey, WEIZEL, February 18, 1922, at 8t Vincents hospital. Henry WetzeL aced 62 yean, beloved husband of Anna Wettel and late of 909 Grand avenue north. Remains at Pearson Undertaking Parleys. Rnseell at union ave. BURKE February 18. at the late residence 1161 Francis avenue. Ellen Burke aged 80 yean. The remains are at the above residence. Funeral arransements in charce of J. P. Finley ft Boa. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 BECKER February 17, 1922. at the family residence. 278 Halieck at.. Peter Becker aced 60 years, beloved husband of Charlotte Becker, father of Mrs. Mary Dorfer of fs Francisco. Cel. ; Mrs. Emma Cummincs. Henry Peter Aucust, John and Theodore Becker, all of Portland; also survived by one brother. John Becker of Portland. Funeral services will be conducted Bunday, February 19, at 2:30 p. m . from the St Johns "Lutheran church, corner of remnsule ave. and Kilpatnck. Fnrnds invited. interment Columbia cemetery. Remains Pearson's nndertakinc parlors, Russell st at Lnion are. MARRIAGE LICENSES E. C. Snow, lecal, 27 E. 18th at N.. aad Sarah J. O'MaUey. lecal. 431 Benton street - Jim Evans, lecal. Wanatchee. Wash., and Ruth Muuer, legal. Portland. Mandeville H. Mann. 18. Roeelodce, Or., and Pearl Swisrert. lecal, Portland. Daniel W. Houch. legal, 834, Alder street, and Luis M. StaOoop, legal, 188 Grand avenue. James W. Thompson, legal, Round Valley, Neb, and Mary Govareto, legal, 61 Shaver st rUKTB At the residence. 107 E. 52d st February 16, Anna O. Forte, aced 61 years. oeiovea motner oi ranees Forte. Max. Minin Kathleen and Mrs. W. J. Poff. all of Portland sister of T. N. Palmer of Sioux City, Iowa; H. xw r aimer at xtemian, Minn. The funeral cor tece wiu leave the above reskiOTic Unndnr ! February 20, at 1:30 p. m., thence to the neUeyan Methodist church, E. 53d and Glixan sti, vine re services will be held at 2 p. m. In terment Mount Scott cemetery. The remains will be at the residence after 1 p. m. Sunday. arrangements m care or auuer Traoey. News of the Port Nonrderdijk Are Men , Gorjbiaa Admiral Rodman . . Vtnlta Weat KomentOJB . . Florldan Fetrina Loraanbaeb Robin Adair Loch Katrine Vsa tveehv Bandai Mara CelUo Talsy Putnam .... Hainan Mara John W. Weus . . . . Jjileboet Oregon Fir Thistle Tsuruahima Mam . Rose City Iwis Luekenbach . Admiral Evsna Remus Art so nan Frank U. Irom . ., Steel Narurator . . . Vlnita Charlie Watson . . , Willamette , Corjistan i Knropa . Europe .Orient .S. F. A way. . Orient . Orient . F.urope .New Tork. . . New Tork. . . . Baropa Is In . .Feb. 26 . .Feb. 27 . .Feb. 28 . .Feb. 28 ..Mar. 1 . .Mar. 4 , . Mar. 6 ..Mar. 6 . .Mar. 8 , .Mar. . .Mar. 20 Berth. . . . .Terminal No. 4 St Helena St Helena . Weetport Drydock Terminal N. Prydork Kaat Oak St . . . Iatera-Wsstern Ainaworth .... Terminal No. 1 . . . . Terminal No. 2 . Portland Flour Mills ... Terminal No. 1 Linnton .... Terminal No. 1 .... Terminal No. 1 Witlhrktoe There has been no previous news of friction between Greece and Bulgaria. The chief seat of unrest in the Balkans haii been Albania, where the Albanians and the Serbians were engaged In guerilla wsrfare. At the height of the fighting late in 1921 it was reported that Greek troops would be sent into Southern Al bania, but so far as known this -military movement was never executed. Greece is already .at war with the Turkish Nationalists and the status of Thrace (formerly part of Bulgaria) is involved in this dispute. WEDDING W. G SMITH t CO. AND VISITING CAR1 ENGRAVEB9 Sll Morgan Bid. Call SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 .NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC -We fcavw abteineel the srnius ef seta of . the hlcnes grade tapeatry paper baaevta ea the Pacific coast and we guarantee tug won. . . Browssoa A Co., pain Lara, , Alain 143ft. Rea, Maia 5497. LEAKY ROOFS ' Skillfully repaired sad pais ted: references ; hundreds of satisfied enstomers; 20 years' expert- Main sTl or Mam 14. rneea tae R. B. Co.. Inc.. 22S B. of T. bldg. GRACING AND EXCAVATING fey or coetaset, RAWSON Mais 74. MAN with taurine ear wishes job doing enythuie. Have had salesmen, battery, electrical and mechanical experience, what have yoat Wnu or call 1S0 NeweH at. city. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AMERICAN HOTEL. ' 300 2 NarU. Third t This hotel ass bees thereat hlj leaad and eoTsaed by Aaaetseaxai the wast sorrice la taw eitr for sates ebeiwed; eWawt tocty. elevator service, always lota of -hot water, free ha ins; rates aOa. fie, IL. Special gates ts Bemaaect -aesta eiw. r. oonnABP. Mir. CALL at X. M. C A, te see rras tsst ei aaederata priced rooms for venae ssea m eUpsrta of tea cit, secludnu rooms st the Central T. M. C A. with telephone ia aatA rsaca, t less bath sal dub facihtiea. 2 THOROl'GH mechanics want permanent loca tion. Both have bad charge of ahopa. Refer ences if wanted. Married. Address 170 Sad st. Baker. Or. WILL exchange carpentry work aad painosC tor cfcrUiing aad groceries. Al cabinet makes. L-1S. Journal: PLOWING, basement digglnc. day av eon tract and general teaming. Call after p. av. AatomatM 22-C8. . EDUCATIONAL 200 THAT CHANCE FOB PROMOTION IS iVSt AHEAD A KK YOU BEAUX FOR IT WHEN IT COMES f day or night school has been the stepping itoae for ther-snd. Why not yoof Phone Mala CEMENT work of an (lnoa, g-as week st-athk guaranteed. Karl Batsee B ta r 1S8 or Bellweod 91. PAINTING, paperfaaagias aaA uuung; prleas raa- soaabm. work guaranteed, boop issa atsw- thone ave. Tabor IT 22 or Tabor 12S0. EXCAVATING Grading. Central team Tig expertly do reasonable prices. East B8TS. rUmner. WE HANG waHpaoer at twenty-five eesta a roll Ask for pnoea oa tin Una. painting, ate, t-ast sie. CONTRACTING, carpenter and concrete work remestetinjr: reaaonable aad aatisfsctory. Wood is wn 7S5. CARPENTER Work wanted; repair work, altei stioos; garages built UsderaM prices. CoL 1018. CARPENTER Estimatea aivaei eei ranair work, roofa repaired and garages bain. Shep, 1107 Hawthorne. Tahor 1260. hour; HOTEL KETHERLAKlas, lie llth. at Wsah. inxvoa Bnck stxwctara. eaUr of Portia ad s tasineas aad social acuviuaa; reapactsbie; ap- Hotel Medford tT Twe blocks trote Depot log sad as. 4 a week na. Hot and cold water to each rosea. LENNOX HOTEL 24 J THIRD tl.. KXAB MALI AttiaiAive. ssedera tocms 'at - Iwasoawble latea, th and Stark ata. Oca a. weO - tarnlaaed room a, single or sautsa. Spatial sates to peraua- eat guerca. Centrally Vacated. MARLYN HOTEL Cor. 17th sad Coach. Large, well tximkbed, modem rooms, at raaeoaabke rama. : kCor HuTtL North Broadway, at Ankeay, saedera fwaaaa. Private batba. Yalatooka. per week tap. 91 pm t IQc Day, $2.50 Week Up PLCMBING Jobbing. " n acted- Day pbone, ning. Wood Is a 2480. 80e hour; aewera coo- Broadway T2I7; eve- CO-, painter aad paperbsngers. 24 xCUlingsworth. Pbune wdln. COCNTIS3 A store at . S091. PRACTICAL painter snd papertianger! mates free. 1922 aamptaa. ScHweod 24. i. J. Voorheea. WILL exchange carpentry wore for clothing and gtooenea. A-l cabinet avaksr. Box la. e'ty. CARPENTER. Cabinet work PORTLAND DISPLAY MEN'S SCHOOL Window Trimming. Shaw Card Writing. Commercial Art Niaht Classes Beeinnina March 1. School bow located At 890-336 E. Morrison I u jt uiacislisa in tautstn nauer luiins. Phone I ik ana complete equipment. viasnee in- i Main 8400. Ref eeeneea or day. East T1SS. stracted by Portland's most prominent display ien. For tou uuormation reganling coanea. call at sehoorar phone East S3W. POSITION FOR EACH GRADCATR PAPERING, paintmg aad tinting; floors tin- j ishea. cheap. Tabor oaaa. PLUMBING done very reasons ais by the bout or by the Job. Ast 2B-S1. PAINTING and UcU-j. Aato! 17-45. ATLNG, plowing and gaaarai team wota- Phone Ant btir-ae. CAHPENTEU and contractor, repair work, ra rest built S32-S7. bttop, gl SV. 41st St ti. LET us figure your wiring, aid specialty. Woodlaws 9490. MOVING. TRUCKING CONTRACTOR Flat or covered bodies. Johnson, East 1517. MOIfft BARBER COLLEGE will teach yoo I TEAMING, grading aad excavating. Call Cast the trade in 8 weeks: receive soma nsr while 3i. a n.. ui. near tiawtnorna. AL1SK.Y BLDG.. 8D AND MORKISOit hath twmm. Hotel CadUiae, 9d a r Jeftera a HOTEL TAIT Modem ostside rooxea, elevntee service. Fates 99 wk. op. Centrally located, llth sad Stark. ALEXANDER HOTEL Clean akeputa rooms. 14 as. l mna H. C tnite. steam beat elaaa to. ltl lSlh s. at Alder. BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAY AND BCRNSUE - 99 rev weak aa. Pn .te bath S wp Free pkneie. HOTEL HARRISON Oaaa fsxniabfd rooms IS week. I9e te 9 be SST sight; nary bnck balMiag. 401 Frewt, Matthiesen Hotel - stooaas SOo day as: 99 weak vrp; ejaaa, fxtkV hot er eeld wauTt. steam beat 994 Caimmeia, New Perkins Hotel Washington ax Fifth atrwam. Special sevmanent gataa. HOTEL ARTHUR 179 llth st. wear MorrWoa by day, week or month; LEARN ZONE THERAPY Learn" to cure diseases for yourself, your fam ily and others. Become a doctor of aona therapy simple and yet most successful method. Inquire at Western Lmversity offices, at 520 Swetlend bldg. THE BARTON Oaaa. famished triin. 12.99 per week aad ' bp; also he tit housekeeping. 4 & 5 Alder at THREE large, partly furnished reoaaa. H21 roater at t wain. ssTg. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 learning; poaitiooa secured. Oregon ex-service men receive state aid. Write or call foe cata- tojruc. 834 Burnside it e GEN. TEAMING Ant 922 99. INIirvmiJAL instruction for your child in kindergarten or elementary subjects by the ncur, by specialist in individual child training, lor particulars, phone Tabor 7879. BASEMENTS. GHAOI.NG Cunt tact or day work. PAINTING, papering, tinunt, enamel work a cialty. Work 'guaranteed. Aot S3 1-09. CEL.N1' Hours. drive, siepa and rages, with mixer. Bdwy. 1245. NICELY furnished front ami sad atngie roa. not and eoed water la room, pines to li mi a i eenter, in Tine borne; men arelamd. (2 1 1 lh at. cor. Clay. MEN, women, lesrn barber trade; wages while learning. Oregon Barber College, 23S Madi son u. PAINTING, papering still on. Phone Wntn. 6.S LARGE comfortable furnJaed plate, water, light gaa use of piano. Walking i tinting; winter cut prices rent Ant. 322-20. with 109 R. 46th LEARN TE1.EGRAPH1 Railway Telegraph Institute. 434 Railway Kz- cnange piqg. uay ana nignt classes. STUDENT wanted, to taara telegraphy, in pri vate borne, by experienced operator. Phone Woodlawn 4189. THE Peuley Studio Retouching School. Thorough instruct. In theory and technique. 407 Morrison. LARSEN February XS. at the late residence, 493 HoUaday are., Bsper S-, aged 7H years, husband fo Louisa C. Larsen and father of Henry D., C A. and Daisy Larsen and Mrs. T L Hoggins of Portlsnd and Eaper S. Larsen Jr of Washington, D. C. The funeral service mlSS be held Monday, February 20, at 10:80 a m., at Finler's Mortuary, MonUomery at Fifth. Friends invited. BIRTHS World War Vet Dies In Refrigerator Car GIANNINI To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Giannini. 528 E. Lincoln. Feb. 9, a son. WINN To Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Winn Jr.. 1084 'Vernon, Feb. 11. s sob. WHITSITT To Mr. and Mra. F. G. Whlbdtt. 883 E. Burr, Feb. 9, a eon. . KENEVICK --To Mr. and Mra. E. V. Kenevick, 490 E. Ankeny. Feb. 14. a son. COIINEIX To Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ce ieC 1120 Michigan. Feb. 8. a dauzbter. MCCARTHY To Mr. and Mrs. F. McCarthy. 191 Adams. Feb. 8, a daughter. 80MMERS To Mr. and Mra. Max Sommers. Salisbury Apts., Feb. 13, a son. CA8TRINGSANO To Mr. and Mrs. N. Oaa- tringnano, 429 E. 45th. Feb. 9, a daughter. MAPLES To Mr. and Mrs. E. R. MapUa, 481 W. Park. Feb. 8. a eon. JONES To Mr. and Mrs. U O. Jones, 970 Wilhama ave., Feb. 14, a dangnter. . MTERS To Mr. aad Mra, W. R. Myers, 26 J E. 9th, Feb. 11, a son. BARTLEIN To Mr. snd Mrs. M. 3. BartMn. 11 E. Kelly. Feb. IS. a eon. SMITH To Mr. .and Mrs. H. Smith. 9050 Knott Feb. 9. a daughter. HADDIX To Mr. and Mrs. M. H Haddiz, TilV, Rodnev. Feb. 10. a son. LA POINT fjo Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Lepoint, 1 list. Ib 11. dsnebtara I twins). DUNCAN To Mr. aad Mra, Chaa. F. Duncan. 975 MavBSBtppt, Feb. 11. a dangnter. Sretesh Pabear I , ltrum, Amerwaa ataamet. ' f ram G Frank G vtcta. oil. Meet Narigatnr, Ameriraa atsamsr, from New York snd wsy ports, general. . . tViUsmette, American steaagr, from Orient gen nil. , Oarlie Watarn. Ameriraa motorship, from fsa rranclaco. oil. Arlaoaaa. Amerirsn i learner, from New York ad wsy ports, general.- Osaartyree Faeeuaf IS Admiral Eians. Amerirsn stesmer, for Saa Di em) aad way ports, general. VAR15F. ALMANAC Weather st Stiver's Movt North Head, w ash . Feb. l. I'fwdltioas st the mouth of the rivet at noon: Sea moderate; ' vtad sDuikweet -3 snllaa; weather partly cloudy. Portland hamidity at Boon TS. RITES FORECAST 9 A av, Paetna Time. Rive twsi staves n mmmm 1 M T'laaUlla . . r'ui ke . , . 'Albany .... Salem . . . . . Irea CttyJ Pwtlsed, . 'R-4ag. i-4'aihng. 19 1.2 9 . 94 '50 f.3S.Sr).IS .... ae n,. 2 1.9 0.99 91 12 7.S1.9 e.9 .... 1 1 4.9jl.l 0.28 9tt 93 99 99 99 Thousand Women And Children Are Killed by Turks London. Feb. IS. (I. N. a) One thou sand women and children are reported to have been massacred by Turkish na tionalists In the region of SaVfMun. ac cording; to an 'exchange telegraph dis patch from Constantinople today. Greek residents of the Samsun district were said to have risen in arms against the Turks aad bitter fighting; was in prti ei reaa at lateet reports. The Turks were reported to be under orders to give no quarter. Sam sun is on the Black sea in the Vilayet of Trebtxond. Boise. Idaho, Feb. 18. (TJ. P.) Mute evidence of a futile fight for life on the part of a man in the icebox of a sealed and empty refrigerator car was discovered In the Boise freight yards Friday evening when yard attendants broke into the car and made the grue some find of the frozen body of .a young man. approximately 25 years oM, and evidently a former service man. The Couch , faee was covered with Ice. An iron bar which he had ripped from the ice bunk was found beside the body. Aatoria Italian Premier and His Cabinet Resign Rome, Feb. 18. (L N. S.) The resig cation of Premier Bonoml and his cabi net is in the hands of King Victor Emmanuel today for the second time in less than three weeks, as a result of the defeat inflicted upon the government in the chamber of deputies Friday. . The Bonoml ministry failed to get a vote of confidence. RIVER FORECAST TW WMaawtte river at Portland WO! rise sarwty during: the ana tw days, AT WORLD'S FORTS Aatneta, Feb. 19. Arrived at geidnight, Brit ksh steamer Kogtmrt. f mm Port A age lea. Ar rMt at 9:89 -aad left np at 4 a, av. steamer HUlaawtt. from Saa Fteaiaet k Arrived at 4 a. aa eMaev Vhuia, froea Orient, .Arrived at t 44 and Wt UP. sanmvaaim Charles UaSson, free " Frasclare. Left na at 9 89 a, .. ties aw Vlnita. . - Saa law.iisiw. Feb. IT. .Arrived, 'gtswevaee A. I. Kens, from II ! fne Partis ed. Arrived st 3 p sa.. hhiwi Ohtoaa. frm Portland foe sew iiws aa sViatoa. Baisril at 4 p. m.. Retrial Denied in Circus Holdup Case " Vancouver. Wash- Feb. 18. A motion and affidavit were filed Friday by Oeorge Vandervaer. In the oase of Roy Moore and Bert Orcutt convicted circus i "apitai stock 910.000; J. i. Bauer. . k. Burr baxrdita. for a atay of 89 day to allow OOl-cte-, llivj m WIU VI vSJLiiyUVaAwRy wsVAaV NEW INCORPORATIONS Salem. Or.. Feb. IS Articlea of inoo k i tkm were filed with the state eorporation de partment hen i Friday by the Union Cafe com' pesy of PorUand. capHaliaed at 830.000. The tRecrporatom an Eugene Blaster. Henry Fair and George Sehiebe. The Murphy Msnufaotwring q npany ef Port land fried a eerrifieate aboariag aa increase in capitalisation from 95000 to S1A.000. OlvmDia. Wash,. Feb. 19. Articlea of meetr. poratwd were filed Friday WHh I. Gnat Hinkie, saa itary ef stats, by the following oompa tea, vis: Jaeeph Beriaalt, Hair Bitten Sales eompany, Seattle; capital stock 975,900; Paul J. Beaner, William H. Harbbe aad Wllhaa H. Bean. aagie Falls Ixiirrmt sornpany. inc., Seattle : DEATHS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0S &S1 THIRD AKD SALMON MAIN 507 E&st Side Funeral Directors F. C. DUNNING, IXC. The Family Seta the Price" 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 53 SNOOK &WHEALD0N FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUCCESSORS TO BHEEZE 4s SNOOK BELMONT AT 85TH TABOR 1258 HELP WANTED MALE 201 CAPABLE pTiUtiVB. exuenenced general bosi- neas, including sales, collection, bookkeeping to take complete charge transportation business now operating at lass. Mat be sble work baie living wage. Future remuneration depending re sults of own efforts. Excellent oj juniinity for man with right capacity. Anewer own hand' writing, giving full qualities, experience, etc. D 94.4, Journal. SALESMEN We have openings for a few men NICELY rnrnithed. newly tinted tooas ia re- iinea home, with klteheh crlrilea i: alee 99 attic room: walking djaunoe, 89 M. Slat st- eor. Everett. - fIS K furnished front room wrtb draaaine rooaa and aleeping porch. Vt liking dlataace. west side, Soitahle for ens er two awaxa. Brcd- 4829. CLOSE in. clean aleeping room, wall fnrnkks3! with or without twin beds, shewar hath, eteam heat: for grntlemea. 47 Trinity pleas. Apt. 19. PLASTERING and chimney work. ft- Tsbor gOSrl. MY SERVICES with ear; anything reasonable. Woodlawn 97Z8. SUING I. ER Any kind of ehingling done by A-l mechanic. Phone fcast 101. TREES trimmed and lawns made over : lob by hour or contrsct: wort guaraateea. la. isis. FOR SEWER WOHK. RAIN DRAIN. ETC Broadway om. saistrom. riArLU v iinors, oy aay or cosmci. rvnei- i gLiKPING ROOM, wm al eneea. lts Kooney ave. woooiav- soaz. eookins cMvileawa and wmi. ,: CARPENTER and contractor, Johanna, asytblng ahfer tor lady eaipluyed. 12. East S19S. 199 sn tr.e t iraing nne. rnona East gnan. i r-. ttn at. uikSlKABLK large warm modern eewly PAPER HANGING, PAINTING. SELL, 2899 TINTING DESIRABLE large warm modera newts fa hed room in clean home: wears CONCRETE pouring by mac nine: general ee- p-ruecea. aauits; ressoeiaciaj caoas aa. ment work Can Sen. 1SS0. after 9 p. aa. f none sst ess, oas av stars. fuRPKJi rEK-FIN ISUKR. A-l. auick. French I 2 LIGHT, well furnished rooms, mutable foe doors, window seats, bullions. Bdwy. 719. of high menUl caliber and qualifications who I PAPERHANGING and tinang. new walliwper x787 two. Free heat, light, bath and nbcua. Wsik. big distance on Rose City Hirt Pbeaa East are ambitious to earn something more than a living wage, to sell high class securities. This proposition requires men of good moral charac ter and ability to meet the public. Experi ence not essential, but preferred. If yau have the. Qualifications call at 521-528 Spalding bldg. samples: estimate fumiihed. Tahor 8080. FOR EXCAVATING and general teaming phone qohimbia 894. EXPERIENCED cashier desires position in country bank. 8-590. Journal. KALSOMINLNG. PAINTING; FIRST-CLASS WORK. ACT. 628-40. CARPENTER work wanted. Ant 613-5l 5 .LARGE woodenttinir contracts to let to re- ppo risible parta . everything furnished, bed ding excepted. Cash bond equivalent to 23 ts'tti rr .Lr? SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 2S4 ParticSJars from 9 s m. to 12 today. 28(5 3d st. I MARRIED lady with 2 girls, 7. 8 yearn, like te I Couch, Bdwy. 8989 WANTED High clam promoter for Urge prop- ejensrre services . im rem ox aparuaent, near i sick clean sleeping rooms; fumaoe beat, hot o&moo: UElest you are a bustler aad mean ""moi. ruum suasi. oieo. i water, electric liahta. tr mhims humi n . Business, oo not answer: real producer oesi a. i EXPERitjuct-D middles zed woman wshsa to I uecea; reasoBaDie. iss 1 Jta st., annua X ROOMS TO SENT Walking dlatanoe,' seed d!a trict: attractive residence: wall hnitluj - heat, hot water asd caragt; braakfaat U daund. Call East 2161. 8 ROOM 8 nicely famished, newly aWorated: ladies or gentlemen ; heated, bath adjoining; 88.50 and 84 per week. Call alter 8 s. at. 350 Harrier st., rear house. MCE large front room, first floor, for two roang man. Also modem bousekeeptug. flisiaaie. hot water, phone, west aide, walk ittnsnna 999 and one of proren ability. Phone Automatic 230 38 for appointment. 325 R 3Sd st. take charge of ape noose for lady or gentle- I bill and Tarter. man ; willing to work. Phone Auto. 644-42. Marshall 1791. OUB-1822 Renulile Una U now ready, aur- COMPETENT, experienced womaa. cleaning. N( If. SlST ST. rurnished iwora. with sarass. - u-uut siuuik a . lciij L'.r- i ui viwr . ill wr suninr lmnmff- ml (lav wnrs Main i m zj, i mwmiM 1 1 La , sgenia vmiea ererrwn 'e. nnr ivaj i KOom 2Lt. i-.i.n.min, i imari .iui jr. uu. u m Buusekeetane DunUon wnece an oaa kaeoi men. with Krtehea Dnnleaaa. or ra ih br.k children. 1234 E. 16th N. fast: walking distaaoa; 1 block te car. PFITTVFn .nnna u wiara Weht r,IHrm work I "st 1184, 921 Morria St. Pbone Ierch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNS PHOSB EAST 781 Dunning & McEntee Horrieoa st. at 12th Broadway 490 ' - Aut 645-68 FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 9 aiUJis tkauki, tndependeat funeral di rectors, Funerals 875 and up. Washington st Ella at. Broadway 2691. Aut 618-44. GORDON Mary Gordon. 167 Graham. Feb. 14 81 tmth! eardisei lnaullicieney. GREEN George Green, 888 Williams. Feb, 18. 64 yean; broncho pneumonia. - REN NEK George Renner, Surgical lmspftal. Feb. 16, 66 yean: leukemia. TUT VNOT.T1R Tiwderick B. Rernokxs. 78 Fail inc. Feb. 19. 59 years; scute dilatation of heart. , . . KRIMMEh Mary Krlmmsr. 2BB is. oist. re o. it H n! or rabnt -a m iexv. RATHBCN Lavina Rathbun. 129 K 55 th, Feb. 16. 77 Tears: broncho Pneumonia. WILLIAMS Charles Wilhams. 72 N. 3d. Feb. 6. 63 years; lobar pneumonia. TAHEY William Tabey, Enrreney hospital. Feb. 6. 54 yean; lobar pneumonia. ALLEN Elmer Allen. U. 8. Public Health hos pital. Feb. 16, 38 yean: septicemia. DRESSELL Mary Dreeaell. St, Vincents hos pital. Feb. 14. SB yean; broocno pneumonia. WIKANDER Peter Wikander, 263 Hancock. Feb. 15, S3 yean; cerebral hemorrhage. RTP RVDNP NEW RESIDENCE 'OI ve V CO ESTABLISHMENT 901 WILLIAMS AVE. UcENTEE A ETLERB. funeral parlors with aU the privacy of a home; 16th snd Everett sta. Phone Broadway 8183. Ant, 621-88. A. R. Zeller Cogsf NEW TODAY 80 RUG CO. FLUFF JIU63 Made out of your old worn-out oarpets aad rugs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolea clothing. 9x12 Rats steam-clwaitwd, $1.50 East 3580 168 East Eiwktk 3Hr-gxrse UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4152 OlmCWVS Corner hint mwA CI.. business getter. HOOVER REALTY BROKERAGE. uv Lnm Eicninn Diaz., ia sua aisrs. i ..- , . . - i . . i . i hs-iiiju eqto salesman, nouung out a uaruiifo. i cnoice home SJau saeauoa. Stataoaary worser; must own late model foro. nae I urnirvrrn t-rin. t. tw,.t,n. bowls. Suited for 1 ae 2 mew. C H trout-Wicke. 82d and Foster road. hoose. Phone Main 2902. Apartment 6 ferred. Bast 498. OPPORTUXlTYtor reu salesman; axperienca m WIDOW boy 19 mo. old wanta to keep FOUR nic oleaa furnished room, ke privot antA n'a. necessary. Btoner. 6V m. Bdwy. house for small fsmiTr. Sell. 1493. WANTED Promoter and -wins manager for rXPERLEN CKD woman wanU work by day or 8nn,. m.nnfvfnnn. t. J.B7.1 Innnil V an- 1 uwi. - -" ' ever, Wash. family for boosekeeiung. 1004 Coxem aveiel t. phone WtLn. 6724 betweea 1 aad em MAN with light touring car as salesman. Call I SITUATIONS WANTED at 149 tint at, tna jneaiateiy; enance to mass 1 mi itri mill v M HAVE . udon auto, model 7. will exchange alAN and wife, colored, want work in private for cement work, carpenter -fork or plaster- family. Wife cook, man chauffeur aad gen- ing: give phone number. M-299, Journal furnished room a, 1 large, ether rnace beat, was of phone eral work. -719, Journal. APPRENTICE not over 19 yean old wanted for molding trade ia bram foundry. Oregon Brxsa Works. WANTED, young man Ut is willing to work for 83 per day aad lesrn the plumbing busineaa. 8-501, Journal. all occasions asd also do remodeling at reason able prices. 431 Artisans Bids. Fnoae Bdwy. 9S0S. Broadway and Oak St, BElk9KJ&a o'0' "oV& kitchn " STRAIGHT white uetnaoching. per yard Sd PLCMBEK wanted; stste what wagea wanted; steady job to the right man. T-39, JourcaL POU gentlemen or couple ecaplc ad- larse frost room with porch; wtmeerful view; fme,waariy. sew, modern aoasa, 43 for oas er ITS for 1 persons. Mar. 749. . 2 NICELY szailcr. hot water, furnace aad bath, on ear lias, near hospital, walking d . tan . aoa r. net, mam ems. A VERT light, nicely famished, steam heated front room. . Lo of hot wateg. Apart ert house, west side, eteaa in. Phono Bdwy. 2399, before Boon. WTJ1 mats your frocks, gov. we aad wraps for I MCE furnished front rooxa, all eoaveeiewo . la pnvaa tamuy ef three yonag mdlaa. WeW, Side, walking distance: xboa 17eo. 12th and Moctgoi avery . VERY DRESSMAKING 258 JULE'S 43 N. 2d. Broadway 2339. MAN to take charge of small business. 89 Killing vortli. Call aiik. So. Morrison. 209 Alisky bldg-. eor. MOMJMENTS 108 ;iiNi;rcl-ViMBf WANTED 1 fast aasti-weight molder. Leach Bros. A Co.. Main 285S. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 DRE8SMARING. first claaa work, satisfaction guaranteed, auick semes. Woodlaws 4219. Call evenings. HEMSTITCHING Slip-over d OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE sC2S C QDMLTTT MOaOBTALS j t9WRf tWg rrS, PHOWg Sl-MJi FLORISTS 107 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS , Main 4737 YAMHILL at TENTH "We Wm Please You." for an order directing; the official court reporter to prepare a transcript of the trial at the expense of Clarke county. Vsrvderveer said the transcript would cost approximately $250 and that his clients are without funds, that he re ceived a promissory not for (225 pay. able ia six months signed by aa ancle of Ore utt for his services and paid hia own expenses at the trial. Judge Simp son recently denied th application for a frta tnnacrlpt. Judge Simpson deeded a motion for a new trial and the ease will be appealed to the state teupreme court ' Ine.: Taxunaver. Wash.; A, A. lohasoa aad G. H. Pamela. Shaey A Webb, , Iiw.. Seattle; capital stock $20,000; general real estate sad. brokerage boainesa: Paul Bhasy. A. W. Webb aad Haioid U. Ilanmaa. B. H. rvioier A Co.. tnc; Okanogsn: ea petal ateek 980O0; geaensl retail meerbawdiae bwst waaa; B. sV Gregory. N. H. . Bquisr sad Grace M. Gregory Waller J NicjBa A Co., Spokane: capital stack $1000; as deal ia stocks sad bends; Wal ter 4. Nichols. T. 8. Lane. H. C. laMabarh. Janma S. Ramasw: sad B. . Gates. Western Mies Products eompany, Seattle; capita) stark $169,000; W. C McAllister, t. H. Sayee sad L. H. WbeeJer. Northw aera Lomber eempatry, a Ban Fraa rtaee sot aeatisw; capital stack 81.000.900; -hastated Febnmry! IT. PsBtber fake or i.nany. Three Lak : capita stack 923.009; reinstated Fehraaxy 17. . sTFiTTtNO. R6Lviaa, Rtsirtaa. sto. r12 RUG9 9 TEAM CLKANINO. 91 AO. Mattresses made ever. Fawthwrt RasvswaseS. ALL KINDS MW MATTKCSSCS far SALS FLUFF HUGS siiiis trws sM n iissa Fan Mtirre uptiwtstarew snd i wiall eg Pi ONCER MATTRESS CARPCT OLEAHINQ WORK 9 1071 BL Llnooln SV Aut. F97-0T SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE ia hereby givea that there wUl be r 14 s special stDckbolders mting f ALASKA FISH SALTING BY-PRODCCTS CO.. st iaa office. 903 Concord VnijiTins. eomer Stark and 9eeoad streets. Portland. On a u at th baox- of 19 e'emck. da Tuesday. February 28. a22, te eomndsr the propoeiUot) mnmmext da V the beard st di recta rs to dissnae of tts ptiswrty. bqiudate the aifaua of the onmpany sad SAwAvs uaa. eon raoen. -, sty order of the board ef slractors. Dated Frtnury t, 1922. ANSA AL DITKX. Seeratary. Aad Flo f2l loral Dasiena i-args Houiouiea. No Breach Storea; 23 years oa Morrison st.. between 4th and 6th. Teiepoone Mam 7709. i i ws t t . ok.. . EfiA r 1 4 KCHlMil. nf crlii-ju ladies' tailnrinir has been "v "" opened at 407-8 Central bldg. by M. Sommer- I SEWING by day or hour at your borne, reason- teldt, for women who wish to learn the trade. 1 aoie. T4 rtoyt. or call star. zal large, pleaaant room in a hneii Ladd tract, for maw enskiasl: doa tat . . Phone East 102. . LA KGB front room ia pnvato tastily for 2 I men or maa and wife. Board if dearad. Wdin. 1S74. - NICE LIGHT SLFEPING ROOM. IVORY FTR viri:nc ii rvrv rnrcn mb. Button A Plait-1 SIDE, WALKING DISTANCE. MAIN 769L. 8 SLEEPING rooms, each euiUele for f ocetH oants: not water heat aad boajel if l oioa iron wkzwwb car. wooaiawa SeS. white, -oc per yard straight. a specialty. aDd women who wish to make their own garments HEMSTITCHING 7c, ooooa or auk, Ideal Shop. LAhGE ROOM anitahla t? awe. s ' 717 Broadway bldg. uarmnt - W. R alkim. nt. " during snare time from home duties as well. This great opportunity has never been offered in Portland before. Poaitions may be provided for those who ona'ify. COMPETENT young lady for office position as etenograpoer ana secretarial wora: mast nave NURSES CAPABLE female aninmale su day or night. 894 llth st. Phone Mar. 22X4 way 14 29. Z57 NK'ELT furnished, large aieepinc room, tood j ; I location, private faxaily. awitable for saaa with - CaU East 919 er apply 614 Eat Oak. etenograpoer ana secretarial wors: mass nare . - - T a rue liaht- fmt en a t . . pleading peraoualiiy. tact, command respect and HIGH CLASS, private maternity hospital., For ,if.R " astfaetory reierencea: permanent position, good particnlan call East 8101. ' rt7 1 .. a ? "1 , m. HriwSSt PRACTICAL none, epecialixinf in maternity ManhaU 2727. EXPEBDHNCED NCKgE. Call Main 1072.1 8817. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Smith's Flower Shop "Portlaad'a Progreeaive Flcrmf Flowan for AH Occasions Maia 7218. T. C Luke, Mgr. 6th and Alder MARTIN A FOEEK CO., florists. IU Waah"- Arjclv in rjem m to Colombia Harbor Develop ment Co.. 11BS jiormweetern cans oiqg. WAN f ED. lauy players fur ore haft . work. They must attend rehearsals. Following pieces may be ased: 12 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos, 1 base trine. 4 ccronets. 12 elarinettes. 2 altos. 1 baritone oboe, 1 bassoon. For further inforaxa- oon call Bdwy. 5821. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city ef Portland, offers its eervicee tn all matters pertaining to the weiiarw aad protect tow of women aad girls: Interviews confidential. 814 Worcester bldg.. Sd and Oak sta, Phot 5522. I Z49-249 Salmon st-. Bear Third. EMPLOYED couple, two children, desire boose- oorna 7So up. Veekly rates. East 8479. WELL, fursaahed, deaa aleeping room, very good . a, iwawiiiaii . . ex jowoa sr. ztdwy. 300 Maxwell Hail Tryr14 Furnished ileepiBt rooms, hath, steam heat. pot and cold water; 94 week asd ap. NICELY luraiabad rooaa. ceoae is; rtaaae, pisauy of beat and bee, water; 88.50 per weak aad op. 60 East Morriaon at pLEABA.Vf FRONT ROOM. BsUIoS'AblX. 1 RLOCKd BROADWAY BRIDGE. Six R0S8 ST. -s COMPLETELY fnnushed rooaa Sa sew avod- mvaa v wa as xaa.Asajrvy v iu ingtoxv. Mais 269. A-l 269. aiiieaiioss srtistieally arranged. Flcwen for all LOST AND FOUND loss LOST A to H. ward. From M. plaaae call Wdin. 4082; re- ring. garnet set, inscription ITUuler LOST, black Astrachaa ooQar bet, 18th and Washington sad Bells Court. Bdwy. 9172. wewarq. PARTY who took blue ailk aunorelia from Bo heraiia raetauaat Werlnsarliy pi esse retora taws to Bohemian. LOST, pearl necklace ia or near Benson hotel? Notify MamhaD' 8112. Reward. LOST, pocketbook, downtown. Sam Nelson, gas v t;ouen. BQwy. l 9. wain. 4299. FOOD Pair baby shoes aw. 63d sad Foster road. Automatsr 918-93. LOST A small e3k bag eoatsiainc pocketbook. nam Mss. LOrlT Pair of ladya a uses, with dark aheH nma. Monday aftemooa. CaU Tabor 7747, TOCND Pair of glassea. Inq re 712 Corbett bla LOST, a brief eaae. Cail --asA 4606. Re aid. Motel Helvetia Modem era home for nrta emalnred: Eaat 9216. or call 279 E. 46;. A REAL HOME tor one or two; large ailra tivo rooaaa wtUi pleauy of kasb Faas view. keeper immedUtely; will be treated aa oaa j HOTEL OHIO. 266 F at the family; wages 82S. H-788. Journal. I 60s up. 83 week up; hk. reoaaa; hot aad Sold WOMAN for company; homestead 2 Vt m-eafrom I water; ateam Beat; elevator service; ether hard rarrace road tn uiameue vaiiey ; i nave I n,u . 2 man boys; leaving Fab. 2b. O-20, Journal. MUSIC LESSONS exenange for aewirig or Pbowe Tabor 9709. Rooms I CLEAN rouaa fare m ML Vta grfa alla. an only, im a xoowta. BrUe sy 111. anything else of equal value. Main 9018. Sargent Hotel ONE larse treat room, auitablo for owe er two maa, with or without board. 170 17th at. v ea aay ml g'la tllie a a a nxjjr ri rr i cat svisuf. ana . FEMALE 205 SOLICITOR cleaning and presaing. pel basis: eteadv 11 you oaa oeiivor tna Woodlawn 2795. - Hawthorne and Grand. H . XL and sleeping rooms, hot snd coM water, ateam beat. E. 291. WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON 8T8. Attractive oraa aad sultea st re on hie tats reesuage I by week or month. Hotel Ockley 9t a say. weekly 99 asd Marriaoa at 10th. 206 I WP: free phone and bath; steam heat. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT "Vr"ZiZ bath; tight and airy: good bent. 1709 su. 21ft B- DRIARD hotel. 4 10 H Morriaon st, at llth. 91 oay. weakly 99 sad wp. rrae pbone sad SICE room for rest. 1080 Cuaaoa at. - an ad car. , iwo ek-sant fun iished front rBoaaa, 68 peg week, Bikiw jut, ww4 side. Caii Mar. 814. FiiONT first Door, f arabbad - . suae; waiaing qiauinee. r at gias. CLEAN: w11 kept sleeping rooma for rwst. Mrs. A. IshSHS. 881 Madiaoa e. Bfarek-Q 1871. 2 FRONT light bsntaeecesuig raosua, ens" room, yell fart imp 1 7 ST riandeta. NICE, large, hcht, comer legea. withm aiamg. a tao-e. prirU 871 L LARGE fra at atoeptng mom; eiaaa; ssiinhea lee . I X: wanting d tanec. - 99 W. 17th. THF ST. PACU 180 4th. eor. Alder. A RE-1 v rt -r , ; i - I ' ' hlsrS llPi'i'TlBI V !k u al B., . lurniMea rr ra i, UTlngM . a Ssscs SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 CARPENTER No job too Urge or toe small: all wera guaranteed- Maia 6S48. SPECTABLE down lows hotel. Rates 78c bp. Private bath 92. Sp rial rates by wek or month! BEN HTsv HOTEL 847 OAK ST. ba. Broadway and Stark, deaa. comfortable rooms, elect nctry. cent d toeatmn. rAE?wGJ S"1? U"H't on SEWUALL HOTEL, 492 test Wsahlactos st, lit X CtaW WOfX. t."t T42- 1 M. lMd am i Ww slaawa a x RESPONSIBLE womaa will take cere of chudre a I beet, hot end cold water tn rooma. . evenings. KeTow wit Aato. Z2Q-18. 1 .-t KA W ILL ezehaaiM furnace or tinning work for aest I - two eeriine eovermg job oa my Chevrolet, C-153, Journal. 5. East 2505. IS per weak. 22 IL 1st at. Bdwy. ear: Eaat 17. FOR RENT fornsabed 4 75 East bemt MOIERN siee tog room, reawsashsa, on euhaw. ' 788 E.- Ankeny. Ant 210-06. ROOM FOB TWO. HOME CONVENIENCES, i BOARD IF rEntIX SEIXWfiOD 91T. 1 NICELY famished room, Sanaxside dacrvrl ; breakfast if desired; also garage. A at. 2l4-46. 2 MCELT furnisW Hawthorne sen. Continued ea Fstavwlne Fasal v CEMENT WOKS Have mixers; good work f FCRNISHED Sleeping room, 82.60 per week, guaranteed. Phone belore 7 p. as.. Tab. 6781. I 406 4th St. , - -?