THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1322. FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 JOXIA.N COURT v lHU sad Conch - ? - -' Modem. 4-ro..w. front apt- Wait Sid. Om hWk .ft Waahlngfam.sM. Adults. PBOM Bdwy. 1701 ' , ' 'WKU.IM0T0M COrKT apt Sew wwmnl. wnai eewty papered, kabmmlned. wslkms tfbrtaac. MNa bnt. eramUed Mr owner. kUier w , (50. S. H timu, Broadway The American Apts. " 4 and Km WH)4n iptrtnnia Twarrty- DM and Jihrnot. Broadway Bltw. "KMEAPTS. t room, nnfartiiabed, A-t conditioa. private bath. 1 4 2d nt-. ff. Hall. -Vary reasonable. CUMBERLAND APTS. ' 1-ranra eorvwv ajairunent. 2 Urge bay win dow facias Park, : oM Ivory woodwork and Ujkw'T paper, .talking distance. Main 10H6. King Albert Apartments ; Two and I mora, ctrirtly modem, cue bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 850, $ BOOM apartment with water and beat fur nbed, near fund school, at 5240 Foaur road, naar Anahe) station Auto. 0$H-38. , VERY attwctira 4. room upper flat newly tint- mA fiaa nf. coral ' Bxlghburnuod. $32.60, with LmL water and (a rant 941 ITrotU, eoe t-nwell aw. Mar. 3978. HK.-in.ASD COURT ' Beautiful comer, 6 room unfurnished spart- wient with sleeping porrn war, a hi. kTiii'H nil. I. APARTMENTS On room, euiiable for family with ehiMreri; on fiTv-rm fnrnfrhed front, nmagway an-i. Vis a.uiuiU lower. 742 Yncouvet . : 3 ' rrem aptr. 573 Union at. N.; with ga rage.; adult. East 2113 . 4 lux (U.S. lower fujor, unfurnished, modern ' if rg. 14 Wygant at. ; FLATS FURNISHED 309 a.tiiuiw r,.t f,,r rent- furniture for tal (125 takes furniture tf taken at once. Furnace haat, exceptionally well arranged 224 E. 1st N. rUlwy. 41U6 WANTED TO RENT . . FLATS 359 VVAMLD T0 RE.VT-4 or 4 fooa double flats, east aid. Reasonable rot. - ehaV dren. Phono Eaat 1254. HOUSES 361 MODERN fDmiabad house -, wasted. 4 or rooms, west sade preferred- Ant. 646-65. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 SANITARIUM lolly equipped ( 3 acres; garage. bars; east, of PorUaad oa pa rod road, ex eellest location.; J300O will handle. Wot. Wil ling. 401 Panama Bigg., or Beliwood 11. SANITARIUM, fufly equipped, i acres, garage, barn, aaat ot Portland on paved road, excellent location, 13000 will hand). Vim. Willinc, 401 Panama bldg., or SeUwood 1189. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 lOUilUU NOKTHiiASr eonr.l4tB and Xayloc. . weat aide. Eaat 21 J. LOTS 403 T .ATTMLHrRKT; V $825 LaareUrant ., near K. 4 2d at.; til ImnroTementa in and Daid. fHSO UaMlfera Place, betweca 4 lit and 4Sd; all improicaienU in and paid. ALAMEDA PARK $730 E. 24th at-, near Hfcidraore; all im nrovMnanta in and Daid. - $g50 Prcecott at. corner; all improTemenU in and paid. HOSE CITY PARK $360 Eaat 71at it,.nea Failing t; eurba, wb I W Biid water in 1423 Eaat 68th at., neal Beech t; corbi. walka and water in. $500 Eaat 4th at,, near Klickitat; aewer corbn, walka and water. $700 East 40th at, near Klickitat; pared, ail improretaenta paid. $725 E. 47th at., aoutb ot Bandy; all im- prorementa in and paid. $ToO um aa at., aouui ot oanuj, all iinproTraienU paid. HEDEnVSU.1i-BAan.U3 W.. 828 Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 PORTLAND BOO.OOO " 1300 Pbotoerapiui of Hnmafor Ral LARGEST HOME SELLER LV AMKHICA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 KlHl. TO 8HUE flat who wibra to atudy muir; Ijoih; uu of piano; deairable; walk- a-. I'- H tirpfprrad. Main 8018. t I T r It cn. nrally turnuhwl 4 room flat with r'HITE CITY rr fcOO H K. 0th N. illlM'KN riwm lrly furnmlird lower Hat, piann; 4H. 7a in, mmuikippi car. 3 kOOMS firrnwlird; rltau, Atfily 711 I rvyvr. ai. . reaaouaUl rent. Biggest Lot Bargains S by IP Lots $105 Tanr. In this trart sold Iram S350 to $500 i Ymir rtiMitet. Ot 1UU lOU IOr-J FLATS UNTRNlSHEP 310 It SSS I i I T04 - S V Una in Whito Cit- I-ark and build a little 'home. Barry be fore they' re gone. OOMTE KOHLMA.V. Bdwy. 41H 8paulding Hiilg. LAKGEST LOT AN I) SCBI KBAN SMALL TUACT SELLERS l POKTLAl 4 I.AKi.E rnoni, )aU and baMiueiit, 130 K 2Id t. IF KECE8SAKT1 wall help yoa maka your down payment Every Home is PEKSOSAIXT TSS 8PECTED and " PERSONALLY AP ' PRAISED. Coma in and talk IT OVEH WITH VS. Open eTeniim for yoar conrenience. 60 Salesmen at your emec Open until I f. k FORCED SALE! FRANK U McGriRE SPEClAIj $3990 THI3 BEAUTIFUL WAVERLY RICUMONJD BUNGALOW actually defies competition. One of the moat attract! re. best-bmlt bunga low yoa'll find anywliere; airy rooma and Bleeping porch; great tiring and dining room extend full width of house: fireplace, uookcaaes, solid paneled dining room with maaaira buffet; white Dutch kitchen; one airy bedroom and bath down; 2 large bed rooma, both with large wired closet. RIGHT on carline in good neigh borhood. EASY TERMS WILL HANDLE! WEST BANK OF RIYER $2100 NEAT AND CLEAN, a comfort able little home on paved at with all improvements in and paid; 1 blk. to Fulton car; 5 rooms in splendid condition; bath, gas, eiec tLri ty. THIS IS A WONDER FUL SNAP! Flower t READ THIS! $150 DOWN! ADJOINLNG EASTMORELAND! $1450 $150 down! KOZIEST KOT TAGE BUNGALOW of 5 rooms: built-in conveniences; one airy bed room and enclosed sleeping porch; at, electricity. THIS IS A WON DERFUL SNAP! LOOK IT LP TODAY. Tenino street See FRANK L. McGUDSE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abinslrm Blldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet Wash, and Stark. 20 DOW3C S11SO TOTAL. Balanev $10 ssonthly. 4 room house, krgo lot, sidewalks paid. 7 fruit trees, chicken boose, garage. Uoo- ' tavilla car.- . . $200 DOWN i $1500 TOTAL. Balance $15 monthly. 5 rooms and bath. 2 iota, small f nut aft Scott car. $400 DOWN I ' $2500 TOTALt Balance easy. 4 room modern, large floored attic, cement base : mrgit, cement garage, sidewades. streets and i aewera all paid, close in, gas oven and coal range coniraeted hot water go with , the bouse aa well as 2 rugs, dining room set, etc. - ' a GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Chamber of Commereet bldg. , Broadway 6370. ALAMEDA .HOME On Regents drive, central entrance, '2 fireplacea (1 In library), old ivory fin ish. Gases furnace, most attractive in terior, hardwood floors fint floor, beau tiful new carpets second floor, all hang-., inga, linoieum, awnings and gas range included in price; garage. MRS. HARRY PRICB PALMER. 1238 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1786. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES " 404 IOR 8AXlE By owner, fine aV-aoosa . aaodern piasuna noaws vns pan pasemewt, ea sot ixlOO gas. eieetric lights, bath, garage and gardes; facing south, nice porch, calf block from pavesMnt, only blocks - from carline. Good abstract of tit3e.-i Price $2200 cash. $220O down ea or Betare 1834. , Ka 2 This house also ha 6 rooms, not and cold water, garden with cherries, appies and near trees, ea tot 50x100, half block from pavement . ana S blocks from earns. race is a snap at $2200. with $1400 cash, balance Also has late ' 1918 Maxwell '' tearing ear in A-l mechanical conditioa at $300, with only $100 cash, balance at 1 per montn. Call any time. No Dhte. At Midway Cash Grocery, 6142 Footer road. Take Mu 8cott ear to 024 at Only $35 Down JUST OPPOSITE EW crrr PARK. Which win ha ana of Portland's beasts' srjota. It is' positively the prettiest, eoaiest little 6 room bungalow you ever saw for $4500, on your own terms. All large rooms, living room 14x23, beautiful hardwood floors, plenty of windows. curtains and drapes included; artistic electric fixtures, splendid new gas furnace, gas range and water heater: Dutch kitchen with all the built- in and linoleum. Full cement basement, lann- drv trays. A full lot and you can buy the ad joining lot very cheap. This is only 25 minutes ant on M-V ear. See it at 120 E. 8 2d sC N. at Gliaan (vacant now), or call owner, Marshall 746. mornings. ? A Chaiice of a Lifetime OF A LIFE TIME For one week only beginning Feb. 14 and ending Feb. 20,- inclusive, to every home buyer whs purchases a home through me or answers this ad and buys later, I will pay their tint monthly payment Homes hi all parts of the city from $1975 up. A dandy 3 room home, in fine shape, close to ear; $1975; easy terms, and others. U-103, Journal $ KMM fiat, walking dutanre Tabor 347 T. 435 per mo. $4 FIAT at BOS K. 12th N cor. Dtfia. M xb-m, r-liwe in. lllwy, 4H03, a KlNM avxk-rn flat. tu. furnace, electricity; W.t Miriv, walking ilwtaiice. Marshall 12"'.. tvtCUt.yflTi i unui. 2.0 E. 43d at, neal Hawthorn. Itxiuire uiMtaira. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 'Umtsf furnmbed hmiae. hanlwood flwra. fnr- nace. fireplace, gaiage, clone to car on 60th at , rent 7; will gie l-. THOMSON A TMOMl'hV R. altera. 20 21 Hry Hhlg. Broadway 4880. 1U ONE room hoibe. fnrmebrd for hnuwkeep- Ing near William are. and Kuaaell. Call f 262 BUrk St. 4I2 Flint at. Katt 5S71. K"R KENT Iirehle 7 nmra Irvrngton home. noma fumabrii, 69 Par month. 070 K. ioth N rut UHi:i ALAMEDA PARK LOTS $400 to $25 bny Iota 50 foot front some aa deep aa iu n. newer ana grading included in price, i Only a very few to he had. tloo cash, balance monthly. will tisndle. Ex-ervice men, investigate our building proposition, ion will have to decide soon. Flee us before buying or building. J. A. Wickman Co. i Bdwy. 6794. i l IiMhIILI" Lr .in hu. wator, ISO. garage nearby. 157 humner at- near Jef tenon hlyh Owner tliere nntil 2 p. m and after 5. 0 KooM in.olern bungalow, cmuiilrtnly furmiheil. hardwood nra. piano and aewing anactune. Wmwllawn 22. I I n-NISHKD HOUSES AND FLATS J. Nel'oB. J-Si, Hil --'! t. Fjlt 2WH. W. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 40x100 $875. 4Uxl00 t'orner. $1000. 50x150 $1250. , $100 cash. $10 monthly. All imirovements paid. Near school and Irvington car: JohnsonDodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. F1K hKNT Fiimibei 4 roomed new modern I bungalow. 274 50th at. S. E. Tabor 231. Fl UN IhIIKIi 4 room innleni bouse fur rant. A, lull, twilv. 7A Nehalem are. HW & room huee. e.i.,etely furniahad; ga- kt la priced $ 1 50 lower ;than any lot In this 175 Phone Tabor 974 4 HoOa miaiern fimuehrd hmia.,' clua to park and ra t. Owner, 1423 L.nore. MI HOME, modern. 7 rooma, oomplauly fur nl.lifd; piano, tall Bl s SMALL I rtaiin funawted Ixtuae id rear; clone la East Irvington99 I have for sale a lot near 2Kth and Schuyler for $5. The atreets and aewers all paid. This diatrict. Pay 1100 ca-Jl. $15 monthly and n per sent and we will give i you second mortgage privilege so you c;in borrow money to cuua your hema I. all roe evening, 1 Aut- aiO UJ, or aec Mi. fomte. 418 Spalding blig. $650, SOil.Ort foot lot in best part 'of Swinton M montlL 49 1 E. Ttli. bet Oak and Ptne. I bucment dug. walks included in price, sewer in V LOOM an ..Urn Lungaiow. furuUfed. 996 E. " DJ.OJ lnst Votpj. " 't n . . nnnsoniJoason o. lis V Vf n.nk Rlrle 1 Main 3787 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 IRVIXUTOn' PARK. B. !e. comer t8th and 1 Ai'llkM. 0 rooia hoawa. Mrllv fureietied; au Jarrett: aewer ana aiqewmisa pmiu. outbuilding, family orchard and amsll fruit. I rhon. Taoor es. well, pump In kitchen. $15 per month: fjBooENTNSULA DISTRICT $500 CASH 5 room bungalow, nutllet, complete xitcnen furnace, nice lawn, rosea and berries. JofcnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ; Main 3787. LQVF.LY Iiurelhurst lot, improveroenu In and mid. Broadway 5151.; Apt. B4. ROSE CITY 8. E. comer 4 2d and Bra see $1250: next to comer, siouu. laoor Mil ROSE-CITY, on 41st, 50 ft. S. Tillamook, west facing $1010-. Tibor 0441. ; VERY nice lot in Row City Park, cleared; not tar from cars. K roadway 0131. Apt. s an sue acre, 4 room Iwaw, adjoining good well. uirmu In kitrlien: aome 'Bull fruit, outbulldinan, lo per aioritb. at VMUon atation on irenliaiu eart In., or 2 milea e.-t of LtnU Jet.; $.blork tkorth f Foatef rd. ' Owner will be at place rh. 15th an.r lth of thin month. . ai iTat LEICKU WAHKHOUSB on tracaaea. itor . mr gooda wtih ua. Let us do your mcvuig tail packing, CLAY a MORSE. INO. flenadwtT $470. 434 flHxaa it KOMK ITT Modern 7 room bungalow. 511 E. 46th at N, IS bka-ka-north of Handy blvd., for rent or ., a in. at $00 per mouth; key at 50 7 E. 40th at. N. A. CORiariN ROSS. S Cham, of I'm. Bldg. " Bdwy. 7581, Atlas Transfer , Ptaaia moved, S3 up: furniture moving In pfopartM,n. i our irices first; all work riarateM. B-Iy 1 207 loll KENT 6 rooma. modern home on E. 12th at and Rhertaaa. Price $30 Drr month, in tiulin wmur: , A moflU. modern hnue 757 I motlern. S7500: terms. lHviaion. Pnr. $25 per month. Including water. 1 MR. WILE$ with all st 324 front at Phone Main 7R08. J. R. HA H1HT. REALTOR IU.r..,m hom. with -.r.. O KI limn OITOOM proaqwmy HOUSES 404 BARGAIN IN WEST MT. TABOR Strictly anode m 6-room home, newly painted and decorated. Lance living rooms, firenlace. woodlift,- built-in' buffet French doors, hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen in white, 3 large bedrooms, large closets, full panel door mirror. bnen closet, clothes chute, nne bathroom, up stairs white enamel; full basement, furnace. wash trays, large porch, screened-in back "porch. fine view, garage. A complete, well built home that will bear -closest inspection; lawn, fruit. roses, etc Air improvements in and paid; 1 block to car: 1500 E. Morrison st. near 55th: $6500; terms. U E. STEIN ilETZ, 406 Ger- linger bldg. Main 6031 or Tabor 3224. WESTMORELAND 7 room bou-e, 5 largo rdbms first floor. 2 finished in attic, fireplace, furnace, many built-ins, well located, very best of condition, garage, $5500; terms. ROSE CITY A clever 5 room bungalow.- west of 50th at, 2 blocks to Sandy blvd.: new; has all the late built-in features, $5350. LAURELHCRST BUNGALOW 6 dandy rooms' all on one floor, oak floors, ivory and mahogany finish, fireplace, furnace, 3 bedrooms, kitchen wired for electric range, garage, 2 blocks to Laurel hurst park. This charming bungalow is offered for $6500. W have a few downright good buys in homes. See us before yon buy. DERR A POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2245. STAR SALES SERVtfCE $1400 Only $500 cash to handle, full size lot paving, water, gas and electricity, . sewer all in and paid for. Has 2 room cottage. 2 room tent house, fruit cellar, woodshed. Payments only $10 a month. This is on the carline, only 20 minutes to car. Star Real Est. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. . inv. Co. Bdwy. 5618. ROSE CITY PARK $4100 Niftv room bungalow, double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, French doon between living sad dining rooms; ivory , laiJuour paper; paving ana sewer paid hciui. xonua ipso accepted. A.C TEEPE CO. XEALT0ES A INSURAMCE MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE NEW! NEW! LAURELHCRST BUNGALOW $4$7i5TERMS 1009 Clackamas st. off 33d. Jnst completed, strictly modern, 6-room, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet built-in effects. Dutch kitchen, nook, large living room, fine plumbing and fixtures, all on 1 floor, line locality, 2 blocks to car; paving, etc., lncluded. See this today from 12 to 5. Take Rose City ear to 33d st, then go 2 blocks north. Phone Wdln. 1550. LAURELHURST $5800 A splendid home lo cated on corner lot with all aests. paid;, built by one of Portland's best builders: inspect this: terms; exceptionally large 41 vine room; plate glass windows, etc A.CTECPE CO. tEEALTOBS A INSURANCE , THIS HOCSE WILL SELL QUICK $200 cash and terms buys a four-room bouse in the. Roselawn district, two blocks from the car, hard surfaeed street Modern in every respect; 1 heating stove, range, bookcase, 3 tables, dining room set, ice box, dresser, bedstead and springs, sewing ma chine, 2 rocking chairs, 2 rugs and some dishes go with the place. Lots of fruit on nrooerty. A real foreclosure price.' Only $2100 for everything. Call Mr. Young, Otto & iiarksoii 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6389, I A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME At Multnomah station, 5 large rooms. Ivory finish: beautiful kitchen and pantry; cement basement pipeiess furnace, sanitary tubs, cement walks. half acre ground. $5000, $3000 cash, balance arranged. ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN $500 4-room bungalow, plastered; lot 100x112; good condition; near city. Hare good buys to. select from. HOOVER REALTY BROKERAGE. 409 Lumber Exch bldg.. 2d and Stark. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 ACREAGE 405 EQUIPPED CHICKEN RANCH acres, 4 anilea from Newberg. X mOa to school; rocked road; all under cultivation; 2 & acre in bearing; orchard; noose, bam. large chicken aoase, capacity 650 chick ens. . Included with place cow. heme, 625 chackana, 1000 chick brooder. 200 egg incubator, machinery and equipment Price, $4000 or everything. $1500 cash, or eon- . sxder unimproved acreage near Portland or mall place close to Portland. w to $2&0, 4e acre, on rocked road. M mQa from electric station, high and grade school ; 17 miles from center of Portland: all under cultivation; 12 bearing fruit trees: good 4 room boose with Portland gas; city water ' a street; electric bants one block; chicken ' boose. Price $2000, $800 cash, balance $100 quarterly, 4 per cent. ACRE TRACTS ALBERTA DISTRICT On paved street with pairing and walks in and paid; all under cultivation; over half in variety of bearing fruit trees, in best of condition: fine loam soil; easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gexlinger bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 SUBURBAN HOMES 6 acres choice land, in cultivation. 5 room bouse, barn, windmill, near Clackamas, eta., S2d . (42(H): terms $ acres in cultivation. 20 bearinz fruit trees. large creek; 5 room house, chicken house, at railway station, on the pavement, $2500, $500 oewn. 10 acres. 0 acres in cultivation- 1 acre tim ber; large spring; neat eottage, outhuildiDga tots of fruit near Tigardville. $5500: terms. 1 acre in cultivation : fruit, grarjes. hemes. 7 room modern noose, U res on City line. $4200 terms. tu.i. iiifm, VCTm, room hoase and outbuildings; near car, Oregon Lity line, gsvuu; term. o acre In cultivation huh' and aivhtlv. near river; lots of - fruit; 5 room house, electric lighta, water irf house; 20 minutes out; walking distance to car, $6000, $2000 sywn, $1000 per avaAj uaaa. uutni aVlUC. R. M- GATEWOOD k. CO.. 165 H 4th St : 4 A CHANCE FOR ALL IT seat want te aavv. awB or ua tr property, land or a business, eocaa ia ana see us. can supply your demands; we guarantee prompt sriantioa whether your Proposition large or aaaall. Quick Sales Company 404 Coach bldg. Aut $11-09 WILL exchange $35,000 worth of property for Portland anartaseat or business , bouse. This prop erty consists of ssaxnifleent Terrace .Height nomew Splendid Hawthorn, atsertmenl site on 20th st and 480 acres of timber sear Rogue nver, all dear of encumbrance. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 5654. TRADE OUR EOUITY FOR GOOD. CLEAR PROPERTY Good 7 room bouse and 4 Aota. value $4006 also 1 acre. 3 block from end of Hawthorne carline: value $2500: will trade both Drcmrriea tor good property on paved at net, close in, or wut oiriae. STEWART V JOHNSON $15 N-W. Bank bldg. MONTANA - OREGON COMPANY Realtors 1029 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 7839 Bell city realty, acreage, farms and ranches at right prices. Bring in your trades, we can match them. TO TRADE Medford. Or.. 6 rm. modern unencumbered nice bungalow, all ground floor, for Portland home. Value $3500. Montana-Oregon Co.. 1029 C. of C bklg. Phone Bdwy. 7839. BUSINESS OPPORTtWlTIES STORES. ETC SOO' FOR SALE Sawmill f 40.000 capacity, wish. four donkeys and logging equlpsaent, riaaeC kbd raaw and ether mill equipment. NoeCopcr etufcg and comtAete and sp-to-daM in every wax. Located aix aulas (rasa Cottaaw Ceevw. Twenty saxUnsi fwt ef goTeTwaaent tunba triowtary cast be handled by donkeys. Twenty milhoa, adda- wmu aiso tnocury. Income property or wuevss eoasdered aa part payment. Address A. ia, Woooard. Pottage Grove. Or. FOR TRAPE Grocery store.-eatee about tlTOA with threw years' lease, not only (35. iri'"f a threw room apartment; will trade tor roosaing. bouse. Phcae Bdwy. 3387. W. OSBORNE CO. ReaRora. 621 Chamber yt Owcaaeree BMg. FOR leas for term of years, store S$x8 with modern front oe main unvt pnt.. j tan. tar.abai for any kind of buiums. at The In lias racuic, smance uo.. 20 PirtocA block. 4iS0 CASH takes true eisar iar,l lo for soft drinks: m. uerifuv i - .au. Washington PL APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 ur 1UL are interested in e-urmg am eseemnt home 'Which will bring you aa inrsme of ewer $200 per month, rent only $60 with long lease rarer the fair, and vnu have $1700. you will like this boy. Kigot Amsoaiy Cav. 313 Wdeox bldg. FOR SALE -5 room income fiat- close in; era. 14T 11th at. APARTMENT HOUSE 10 big roomy apartments, each with 3 rooms and bath. 6 furnished, good location. Immediate rjoesession. Price $30,000. Will take one-third trade; wants $6000 rash, bslance mortgage. LCEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS Very tightly 1-acra tract with 5 -room bunga low, not amte- finished. 4 blocks from Garden Home, 18 assorted fruit trees, running water in the hoase. electric lights, on good hard road. $1000 cash, $20 monthly. Photo at office. Bee sir. oruiith with g PEALTOHg 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Extra! r.nriTOST VAT.UF. EVER OFFERED COMPLETELY FURNISHED $1000 DOWN New 4 room bungalow, all large, full cement basement FURNACE. trays, large breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, all built-ins. 1 block ear. good furniture, 2 year light bill aid in advance, chicken house and 10 chickens. Complete in every respect INCLUDING A GARAGE. THE FIRST TO SEE WILL BUY. HURRY! . Marsh & McCabe Co.' 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 6528. Evenings Tabor 436. ROSE CITY PARK $5250 New 6 room bun galow, complete, with garage, hardwood floors, fireplace; everything one could- possibly expect for the money; below the hill: paving paid. Terms. A C TEEPE CO. HALT0ES A IKSUBASCE 270 STAEJC StylV 40" wSAKlTf LAURELHURST - 6-room kj rift ! v modem btmralow: hardwood floors, all builtins, fireplace, furnace; lot 50x100: garage. Price $7500. $2500 will handle. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Hardwood floors, fireplace, all builtins; full basement; lot 50x100. $4500, $800 cash. A REAL BUY $2100, TERMS 4-room house: paved street; Alberta district McGEE & DENNIS, 969 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 5684. rgnBesa BUILT TO ENDCRR" $100 te $8000 INVESTIGATE Biggel. Better Houses for Less Money. REDIMADE BLDG. CO., PORTLAND, OR. Factory E. 11th and Market Phone East 6114. ALAMEDA SNAP A brand new and th lst built bungalow in Alameda, up to the minute in everv reitneot- hardwood floors throughout, large breakfast nook and everything; floored attic (space 2 rooms), 50x100 lot garage and runway, city improvements paid; $6200 for immediate sale; ternu, reasonable. (Mr. A. Anderson builder.) RPMMELL A RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $2800. $300, $30 monthly, including inter est; sewer in and paid: electricity, gas, city water, bath and toilet, V basement, fireplace, 60x100 lot 4 blocks to car. This will not last long. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bMg. Stoin 3787. SUITABLE FOR APARTMENTS INVEST YOUR CASH In this wonderful home west of E. 20th st. right in beautiful Ladd tract; 9 wonderful rooms and bath; large sleeping porch. Only (7ZUU usa Has hdw. first floor, nice large windows. built-ins; very desirabale arrangement; paved allev. earace: 40x120 ft. lot: 1 block to car. The building alone is worth price asked. Shown by appointment only. labor 7 341. A SPLENDID 6-room bungalow home with furnace, on paved st ITaV with aaessments paid: rood com munity of home-owners. One-half block to Hawthorne car: close to school. Owner moving to Seattle. Must sell. Price ssauu. Good terms. Ralph Harris Co.- 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. ON ALAMEDA DRIVE $5000 Buys this new nifty bungalow borne of 5 rooms and bath; hdw. floors, n replace, buffet- Dutch kitchen, full cement base- menr. nnder entire house. Will build garage if desired. Easy terms. Bonus loan can be applied. J. A. Wickman Co. n 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. PARK ROSE 3-room house, fruit, chicken house and run. Block to Sandy. Price $2750. Bdwy. 5317. 5 ACRES, highly improved, some livestock. near xleaverton; price $4600: cash $1500. JOHNSON BROS.. 445 Washington bldg. 1 ACRE, 3-room bouse, 2 hen houses, garage. on Oreton Electric; $800, $200 cash. 2 1-3 acres, new 5-room house, hen house. garage, on gravel road, close to station: $2500, soou can. ooi stock Kxchange bidg. FARMS 407 40 ACRES, 4 2 miles southwest of Port land, on rocked road; H mile from Pa cific highway and electric station; dark loam soil; spring; all under cultivation; bearing family orchard; 7 acres young prune trees; telephone and all rural con veniences; "good 5 room bungalow with basement- electric lights can be had: barn, garage, chicken houxe, silo. Included with Place: team, 5 cows, binder, mower, plows, cultivator, harrow, wagon, buggy, disc, roller, hayfork, harness, cream separator, tools etc Will consider small place near Portland and small amount of cash, easy terms on balance. See Mr. Davis. ON PAVED ROAD AT EIJ'.CTRIC STATION 35 acres, 22 miles southeast of Port land, Vi mile from school; 20 acres under cultivation, balance pasture, some timber; mostly creek bottom land; bearing orchard, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, grapes, lo ganberries, walnuts, etc 6 room house, barn, chicken house, machine shed, gran ary; some stock and equipment Price for everything $6500; terms. Inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Ccevst CANADIAN HALF SECTION Dandy unimproved sod land ready to put the plow in and sow to wheat oats, barley, flax; ideal for cattle, sheep; fine outrange; clear of incumbrance. Owner here now. Exchange for small place, near Portland preferred. C Cole. 426 Lnmheimeos bldg. 234 ACRES, some cleared, aome timber, running water, close to highway; want city property up to $5000. Johnson Bros.. 445 Washington bid. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 A LARGE 6-room home on 62d and K. Gliaan sts.. modern in every way. new roof. buin-UM, full lot, hard surface pavement. Price $4200; will take small car as first payment, monthly mstalsoienU to suit purchaser. Mr. bnariey with FRED, S. WILLIAMS CO.. 506 Panama bidg. Res. phone Tabor 7382. Bdwy. T225. 7 ACRES good loganberry land. 6-room bouse, larze barn and chicken house, fruit trees, etc: located at Brownsville, Or.. 2 bias, from eebool. 12 bits, from barn school. Vriu sen I or ;s or trade for 4-room modern house. rrezer Peninsula di-t. P. C. RHODES, 815 LOMBARD ST. FOR SALE or exchange, 2 good houses, rent for $60. in The Dalles. Or.; will take maH well Improved ranch, close to Portland. Owner. Geo. Morse, Airlie, or. mu SAT T! or trade, last 5 acres of my farm. rich, level, close m; tnis will msae a line hnni ran nut livestock, light car or truce, musi cal instruments, housenota gooas or cmjwici wort as first payment- Ant, caa-tfo. FARM FOR SALE Rent or trade, 308 or 453 East 38th arc., north. Tabor WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 UFST KTTiF. HOME WANTED We are anxious to locate several bona fide hnnn in better elasa home in good diatnota. If vou want to aell. let us look over your lace. Expert salesmen and appraisers. J. R HAIGHT, REALTOR. 325-327 -Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045 mivvrn A 6 room bungalow style home on 50x100 lot Must have attic Haw thorne, Irvington or Rose City. From owner. Not over $5000. Call Main 1628. 690 Glisan st. C R. Speck man. HOME WITH INCOME 10 acres located only short distance from Jiackamas, all level and under cultivation about 8 acre in full bearing apples; 4-room bouse, large barn, also another barn used as garage. This place borders on the Clackamas river. Good soil. The -stock and equipment are mcraaea at (45UO, (200. cash. F. L. EDDY, REALTOR, RITTER, ,LOWE Jb CO., 201-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE ARE LOOKING FOR LOTS ANYWHERE IN THE CITY IS YOUR LOT FOR SALE! SEE US T YC'TI i V R 1 ITI a. Pfl 2r7- Touch bids." Broadway 4143 WANTED A number 'of inexpensive lota, must not be inflated values; state location, price, terms and lien In first letter. P. O. Box 924, City. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 For Hotels and Apartment Houses dsSc Q. C. Ulrich & Co. 405 Stock Exch. Bldg. INCOME $150 NET 17 housekeeping ajarlmeaim. in exoaOent erav. dition. located on Washington at : eiways rented owner forced to sell immediately; prise eoly SJUUU. DERR A FOWNDEB. 1214 X. W. Bank Bids. Max. 2245. 26 ROOM tranaiefit hotel, lease, rent only $75: very clean and fair furniture; easily managed or may atone, g.'ouu aowu. 10 rooms, h. k.. rent $35. dec.- etoww laeatl tarriy well lumianed; nice home and Only (1000, terms. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS, 620-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy, 4880. 17 Rooms Depot Location An oa one floor, on corner: clears oeer $lw a month; always full, turns away 10 pwoptt day. A regular mint for $1395. Faces thai park. Peters. 13 N. 6th st 17 Rooms and Board Dandy building by itsaelf. location, cannot las beat; cheap rent; lobby, large dining room; clean and neat; buy this for $893, on your owa teims. Fix it up and double your money. To see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 5th si. 14 H. K. BOOMS. Nob HilL sH bull tin, water in rooms; garage. $2u00, $10oO cash, bal- mxrangeu. i vent tu; nets sua. HOOVER REALTY BROKERAGE. 409 Lumber Exch. Bldg.. 2d and Stark. 10 RoomsNoh Hill Corner Urge house, nice yard. If .sold at once. $893 pay $250 down, balance, as yos make it, Peters, 1 5 N. 6th St. 1$ ROOMS, all housekeeping, on seat aids, cbasr- lng $100 per month, rent $50: furnace heat; price $2100. $1000 to handle. Sea Mr. Clime. J. W. GRUSSI $18 Board of Trade Bldg Broadway 7452. FOR SALE 0 room aotei. oentrally locatad and doing excellent buaineaa. good term. Write Sam H. Webb. Astoria, Oreggn." $3000 WEST SIDE ROOMS VMfM lirtU rnttaire in aood district- Ixt lone worth the money aked. $500 will handle, balance ev. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $7500 Sightly corner, extra large lot. exclusive dis trict. Excellent 7 room house iu best of con dition. Terms srrangel. WEST SIDE VIEW Have close price on an excellent piece of view property. airing distance. rooms. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD New 4 room bungalow and garage, corner lot Dutch kitchen. Urge living room, good dis trict; a bargain at $4000; easy payments. Call GEO F MHft'T COE A. McKENNA & c6 82 4th st. Bdwy. 7522 $350 DOWN $350 $3650. new, attractive, 4 room bungalow, living and dining room combined, in nice. Urge Teem, hdw. floors, fireplace, 2 nice bedrooms, connecting bath, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, Uundry trays, garage; balance like rent; block to M-V car. R, SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat- Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT ALAMEDA PARK $4850 TERMS Attractive new 5 room bungalow, with garage, nice Urge .living and dining room across the front fireplace, hdw. floors, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 nice bedrooms, full cement basement; a bargain. R SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat Bank Bldg. H ACRE, with 4 room house, barn, well, fruit trees, all fenced in. 2 miles south of Tualatin. 600 feet to main highway. Price $400. $200 East 20th and S. WILLIAMS. U1.AI T1H I .ry auodem - rortvenienee. Knott t. ' H0. FKKD PANAMA BL1W1. WHEN moving, eily or country, get the bwtf at lowe prim Oreea Trani Co.. Mala 1201 ic,iv Aldw at FURNITURE MOVINv., $3 PER HR AND UP 13 DATS STORAGE FREE IXK TRANSFER CO. FHONK BDWY. 244$ MOOKKV room house. Inlaid linoleum kitchea and hath. 251 E. 74th au N. MonUvilla car. Tabor 230. aToTi ETi N 0 room hou., on Paved street; . at.. rhtchen houee. fruit and garden. Inquire I at 4230 -nath t. . t: 04 5 03 C TtoOM bom. 1246 E. 9th st, $2J. Wood lawe 4164. W have the trnck for 5 rm. furniture, with 2 ism,' (J an honr. phnre Main 02110. $ KHSl NEW apt., wiih garage; no ehlldrvn! vYrfwIiawfi 334 ' WE nova furniture ol a- room bona, for $10. Fir fnrther mformaliow Main 0290 STAR SALES j SERVICE SNAP SNAP $2300 for this 3 room house, modern conveniences, 2 good corner lots; all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; an, carline; reason able down payment terms to suit STAR REA' ESTATE A INV. CO. i REALTORS 612 13 Wilcox bldg. Broadway 6618 Sunday and Evenings Woodlawn 6652 MOVING $2 per h.ur. lane. van. !t ton truck. WW I! .A WN mi. At Kill. KH. M HEIGHT 3 r win bungalow. i 6 4 1 K 2-th W-W ea r XF.AX 3"rorm rmuse. In.ilr. fi 03 1st 'at. ' Telenhooe Automatic $44 35. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 U ILL 'evil "my lire In a 0 ; rxnn hour nr rent ixlt 3-furnished rnowv: good location " T .wnhwed. 514-23. WILL aaenfic. lurrnmr t, Vroom lower flat. naaplewi lUt for rrnt. 103 H North 10th .rreet. "I-KiKiM fUl !v rent sleeping porch, fur- niuir. aaie. .wain l' 4 liooM flat (of rent. large rooms. wet f furnltniy for w ebaag. Call Mm 4038 Hoi Hit $ r--ns furto'nre U t sale, 5 blocks k. rvtwv arxieo s a vi.-tona at 8 ROtiMS $3250 $.100 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT Failing, near 9th st,; excellent condition. 5 rooms down, B up; dandy lot. rearing mitt trees; new concrete garage, cost (3 no; full basement, wasn treys, paved street. Some bargain. Owner lear Ing citpr. Bdwy. 6011. Tabor 846 evenings. LOOK ROSE CITY- $4500 Very tine 5 room home. : Brand new. oak floors, furnace, fireplace, fine construction. Good di'tnct. Good Urms arranged. Mr. Church. witn J. R HAIGHT. I REALTOR. 325 827 Board of Trade, j Broadway 2045. $5800 ALAMEDA PARK A G-roorn Queen Ann bnlow- ho wr heat, built-ins, Dutch kiUihen, cement base ment, wash trays, etc ; house flrashed in ivo nr. tapestry paper, 50x100 lot earaae. citv im provements paid; on Mason St.. AUmeda Park: terms reasonable. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark st. 30- S,wn; .mTrto ruH ownVr: uuuiuuw uuui i f v uu v a.ta uuiivki Jiwv,a. kitchen. 2 Urge bedrooms, imp. in and paid. Only 1 block to car. Bonus loan can be applied. J. A- Wickman Co. 262 Start St. Bdwy. 6794. WEST SIDE. 6 ROOMS, $250 CASH Good 6-room nlastered house, rood hath furnace, S bedrooms, in rood condition- on Kelly st, near Porter: price a snap. $2500. $250 cash and $25 per ma. 6 Der cent: home- alone would cost $3000 or more to build. J. W. GRCSSI. 318 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7452. WHY RENT When yon can buy a neat little home for $1300, $300 down, $15 monthly; gas, electric ity, city water, bath and toilet? This is an opportunity. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. - Main 878 7. , 1 1 (13) 5 ROOM cottage, one of best buys in city; full basement, furnace, laundry trays; woodwork and walls in best condition, $2600; $700 rash, balance $35 per mo. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS Bdwy. 4T51. 410 Henry Bldg. t ROSE CITT BARGAIN $4850 $600 CASH New 6 room bungalow urith garage and fur nace, plate gia windows, haw. floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; move right in this fine home. R. SOMERVILLE- Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM plastered bungalow on nice (Bsaw corner lot, on Woodstock ave., " for $1900 with very easy terms. This is a dandy little home for small money. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy, 5654. rose crrr. block from sandy blvd. 4 large rooms, incl. dandy sleeping porch, built-in - buffet, hdwd: floor, beauitful interior finish, fireplace, furnace. Everything your heart desires. (blOO: terms WILLIAM WILLING 401 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 7763. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW NORTH OF PIEDMONT $2000; $500 cash, $15 per month plus 6 per cent This has hardwood floors, gas, dec- trie lights, water. Call E. D. SCHOMACKER, Bdwy 7338. WALKING DISTANCE 8 nxim modern house. rvnUvi $40: with little expense ran he msde into 2 fists, double rent; situated E. 12th. tear Ankeny St.; $3000. half eai.h. A real bargain. i R. M. GATEWOOD S. yo.J 105 H 4th St. kxtuaordinIauy buy ' Beautiful 3 room, brand new modern bunga low, clue. In : fireplsce, furnace., hardwood floor, Dutch kttrhen. buiit-ina; leverything fir-r cUsa. Only $4250. eaay terms. Dubois, 804 Spalding bhlg. ! $7500 IRViNGllON ' COLONIAL " Oak floors sll through, j tile bath, two set of plumbing, fumsee, fireplace, garage, etc; strict ly modern: 7 Urge room-u Terms arranged. . J. It HAIGHT. Realtor ,T!5 327 Board of Trade. Broadway 2049 BFHIND every policy of FURNISHED 5 ROOMS $4350 WESTMORELAND 17TH .ST. Leaving city, must be sold; extra Urge rooms with modern built-in features, fireplace, large attic, well furnished; beautiful shrubbery; rom- lortaDie nome, good location; some terms. Broad- way 0011. Sell 2706 evenings. FOR SALE 4 room house : urge living room and kitchen. 2 bed roomi; good woodshed: 2 stoves, rugs, etc: 40x100 lot. Owner leav ing city. $1450. $200 down, baUnce $20 a month, including interest. ' Phone Woodlawn 2117. A TITLE Iniurance Policy w a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of tne title to your real esute. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required Title at Trust company. Mr. Sharkey, with FRED 8. WILLIAMS CO. 506 Panama Bldg. Res. Phone Tabor 7382. Bdwy. i225. ONLY $4300, by owner; new 1H story. 5 room modern home. exceptionally Urge attic. floored: Dutch kitchen, very best plumbing, aull basement, built-in buffet and bookcases, ivory enameled throughout; best hardware and light li tares; 1 block north of M-V carline. 174 E 79th st N. $5850 LAURELHURST $3850 New 6-room modera bungalow with large plate class windows, hardwood floors tod tapestry paper throughout, old ivory enamel finish, fix tures, shades. Fox - furnace, cement porch and garage: tne best buy in tne city. Bee tms today. 882 Wasco st, 1 block north 33d and Sandj. Owner on property. LAURELHURST. NEAR SANDY BLVD Just completed. 5 rooms, old ivory finish built-in buffet, hdwd. floors, fireplace, furnace. full cement basement, garage. A real home. $3750; terms. - WILLIAM WILLING 401 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 7703, STORES AND HALLS 314 m:T lm.K llALL Foil DANCE I WillinM . Fnet hardwood fin re-ed ffcwv, til accomodation, inarm, rhea jMt SOO Tbcj- iHwient 92T t nioa ave. c. V AKS.IHr.K M-ce. amtoiiKstelv xi.00 ' ft. wi lieHied. eowl loratmn, litmli' ren tal, tall .'i BukeUtVall bkb-. Pboae Uroetwav j Rr K'ivft-RKNt at 304 Yamhill bet. Tark' end W. Park, ainubte tor nmtll wkhs-o: sun wuh man aSwh ol sIVm peelerre. . Apply in ah?. ho ' j M Al t l.vr real, o'Vjiu, rm f painter or , a r-ainVe IV I. A. Mahns C, 4i jMe at, B-twi.t 177 4 ,r6T'"n" rtooi, and-Wa-eaaeat .paeei eenlraf a rnruaed. Grand ara , about. May 11. - r 32f, J twraal. FOR aWirahi apaew sa laretmol warebowae rbe Brwdwa y $ 7 1 $ deposit with the suta yen against loss, yet it abstract method. Title A Title insurance Is a ol Oregon to protect cheaper than the Trust cr.mnany. . BRAND new 7 -room bow.-, : near 4ltth and Atarax da. built to suit, the nvxt exacting (lad to tell particulars to those wishing a mod era home. Mrs Kuedv. M. 3653. HOC SK I'll-ANS 1 on deetews, $10 to $15. or apeciany de- pigneo at reaonaoie lea. ! U R. R A ILLY A IX).. 924 N. W. Rank Bldg. WHEN yoo purchae yenr Son. nave the tUe inwireL tet a Title laatuacnce Policy. Title at i rn eompaay. i a t. J.x. j t ( i.. n . i. i'ja wuirni muN, ios ouxiuu, garage fruit trees sad flowersj: H impro vessel) ta in oq rJi. aawss ii. eee invatlna St. OmCES JKNDDESICROOM 3 1 S lOU KENT Attractive v'fW'aiwc.. about l-'do aqasr leet. ttMjme. A '. Nby. tordoa bktg , 4th sd fStara. Itm.dway 0a7. Iik.-g- ROOM, with tearVii'W. sa4 atcaugrapbar rotit iui a 1 1 a , tA.LOirofT eJfa-e rw.t and hu sora sviaee, aaitable far seewes. maeaanic- traaafrr bsaiinaas. etc. . Bdwy. 4WU3. TITLE inenrance la ua modera way c ii.. titjee i. real estate. . tluickvrr, cost jem and p ap.ii.rv regnireq utie at Trust ccwipanv I3I BIDE H. with 2 hs$j$?m, bjr owrnrr. .14 4th rY rtaa sf . 'Jli '!'" f ' '- i CT.OSE yoar real wtate 1 aewi witkom detaiU by i a Title! Imaraace Policy. Ne "v "vs. line at inan company. 4 HOUSES for ie. S j rooms ia earhb3se' "" esaeata; ennd avwner lOOvlOtl; good - i ,iiw. uu Tinelt !250 COTTAGfl. $0 feaaTTh between Wash" mgron ai4 ssrt; full lot 50x100. Reason rviwy nn: Mtaineaa boors. 1 ..I, U ea Leraa. nr' tr.l l. . - r.i Hawthorne District If you have $1250 in cash yoo cannot find a better buy in Perils nd. A-l plumbing; good lo cation ; 6 Urge rooms. $2750. Tabor 7403. ALAMEDA HOME $5750i Excellent 6 room, steam-beeted borne, in se lect district; fireplace, garage, attic; good terms. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. . 32.V327 Board ot Trade. Bdwy. 2045. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW Multnomah station. 15 minutes out $350 down buys cosy, complete, double constructed bungalow, bath, fireplace and garage. Price $2750. Ned Burke, Mam 1908. FOR SALE Nifty room modern heme. in 1100 block oa Schiller street. Pries $3783. Phone Bdwy. 7839. ROSE CITY PARK $5500 3-room bungalow, marly finished; oak Doors .lertrie fixtures to sun buyer. : This k the popuUr plan that selU before finished. Auto- ana uc 117-59. A DANDY 3 -room house in one of the bestT ealities, strictly modern, with every thine up- to-date; ennst be teen to be appreciated: lot 50 xlOO; $350 will handle it 504 Buchaaaa bldg. OWNER to owner ; near acr with house, est-' ncsasea garage.' frsit trees and berries. Call at 143 Liberty st. west, near, PorUaad blvd. sod Denver ave. 4-ROOM hosue is good condition, a good cor ner . near carline. lot SWxlOO; $200 down. nW4 rturnaaaa okic. GET title insuraace insiesd ot an abstract. It is euckeg and cheap and yon are abaolstely prctarteu against error TU1 ft Trust company 4-ROOM HOUSE. R8x19 Vw, near ear. good soeauon. sauo ea a, una. teascestM. In- quire 1 4 e-0 E. Aakeny TITLE Insurance sates t me ami money because as shstraet U reqoired That V Trust eot peay ?-HHMbxie, Urge au roum; a baram at ; 2U. I srvd strett. Dad. CeL 522. $1650 4 room bonse, 4 block from pavement and car; .oOxlOO lot with fruit and berries; house is in A-l condition snd is a bargain at this price. CaD Mr. Erwin. Wdln. 6714. GOOD modern 2-story 6-room house newly paint ed arid decorated; full basement; wash trays. wood lift etc; lot 50x100: some fruit and garden; assessments paid, no incumbrance. $3200 on terms; on car hue 1 4U I feast Gusan st. See L. E. Steinmetx. 406 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 6091. or Tabor 3224. 5-ROOM house with bath, close to car line: has garage; Urge lot with fruit and bemes. $2200, $300 cash and $20 per month. SAYLER E. SMITH. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Bdwy 6297. SeOwood 2267. evenings. AN ABSTRACT of titre at not a guarantee of ' your title; It fa merely a history ef your title A Title Insurance Policy U a guarantee of your 1 title. Therefore, wben you buy property get a Titie Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Titie Trust company. 38 ACRES, 13 MILES FROM PORTLAND On good hard road: 20 acres in cultivation. 2 acres full bearing orchard; 4 room house and 2 room house, barn and tool shed: poultry house for 1000 chickens; good well and running water. acme standing timber for fuel: 1 cow, 2 he tiers. lit) chickens; horse, wagon, mower, rake, plows, full line of tools, some feed, crops nearly all in. Price only $4600. $1800 cash, balance 17 year at 6 per cent STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. IMPROVED WITCHHAZEL LITTLE FARM Five acres under cultivation. 5 room house. barn; 1 acres strawberries, loganberries: 1 cow. chickens snd furniture; only 33 minutes' dnve to Portland, near Witchhazel school. Winners. Price $4500: ntntll payment down. Call and see the place or write A. lANSREI, Route 2. Hillsboro. Or. WANTED City improved property to exchange for improved acreage. Johnson Brae.. 449 Washington bldg. MODERN 5-room boose with sleeping P0; rood view: have 2 Council Crest loU with good view and soldier's bonus. Tabor WSB7. WANT small homes on easy term. Guire. 545 . inion ave. R. J. Mo- WANTED 3 or' 4 room house bu Jotms way, . , W-X5. Journal. nay ceh for Eaaunoreland lot pnoea "WILLAMETTE RIVER FARM" 33 acres, 17 a. in cultivation, bai. timber and pasture; running water power for ram; fair buildings, fruit and nut trees; river front age. 17 miles Portland, 1 mile ferry, S mile Canby; price $4000; . $2500 down, balance mortgage. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 105 H 4th St. WILL right. T-4 2. Journal. IF your house is lor sale pnon Kaipa . . Co., 816 Chamber of Commerce, xsowy. eoav. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE TN Improved pUces with buildings, oa good road close to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down and owner to accept soldier loan. John Ferguson. . Gerlinger bldg. . x -i-i-n "3 .,,m rlesred or stumD land on public hifhwsy. not over 25 miles from rwti.nd State Price and location. Must M FOR SALE 51 acre rancn, 16 mQea north west ot Eugene, 2 miles from Elmira, Or. 10 acre in vetch and oats, 15 acres ready to put in thia spring. Some timber, partly cleared, all could be cultivated if cleared, good aoiL Family orchard, berries, good welL All fenced, creek running through place. Write or apply to O. A. Hatter. Elmira, Or. Price $2600. "WILLAMETTE RIVER FARM" S3 acres choice river front, Und half in cul tivation, baL timber and pasture, running wa ter, power for ram, fruit, fair buildings, some equipment, 17 miles Portland, $ miles Wilsoo ville, $4000: terms. R. M. GATEWODD A CO., 165 H 4th St FOR SALE An island. 5 acres: will cut 20 tons hay; 2 cabins, best setnet fadiing grounds on TiUamook bay; a good independent Irving Tor a fisherman. Price $2500, $500 cash, balance terms. Write Box 448, Tillamook, Or. cheap for all cash.- from owner only. Journal. R-18 WANTED Snappy buys in acreage right now. Claude Core. 426 Lnmbermen piog. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 "WANTED TCO RENT SMALL PLACES - Have sevaral people wanting to rent eciw ace or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred: soar.. peopU will buy the plaoe after leasing for year or more; we make lot of sales Uu way; will buy mpment if prVed right JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer oa Pacific Coast. 20 H. K. ROOMS. .V. W. heat. rent (100. lease. $3600 Mar. 1622. Income $305; Call 10 ROOMS, furnished rooming house, fog cneap or trade. 04 9 rroert st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 TRADE your house or farm in oa Una hotrL Owner is a farmer and wants to go back. 45- rooms, modern brick. BLrmm hmt amd lease; clears $450 month Price $11,000, equity $6000. Want (1000 eash. JOHN E. WALTER 1333 N., W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 371$. HAVE light car and some cash to invest. $1000 to (2500 cash and carry grocery or soma other live bmUneaa will be considered; prefer Kaat ede foclim and with living room and gardes spot, XXL'S, Journal. WANTED To leaee about 10,000 to. It at space for light man oi ar taring, on one or mere floors. Water, ass, electricity connections. Pub lie Welfare Indamry. Ask for Morreil. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 - CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or far BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 THIS WnA. pay you to investigate. My equity of (1050 in 5-rro- cottage, cor. lot 80x100. garage;" balance (700. Might eonsidfcr light de livery as part- 62d near Foster rd. Phone owner, 635-67 E. 32T ST. NEAR FRANCIS AVE. . 5 room modern bungalow with dandy eleeDing perch, built-ins, furnace, bsseraent, garage. . No liens to assume, $36011. $Soo cash or will ac cept soldier's loan. Owner. Sell. 1159. BY OWNER Substantial home in close-in, niguty restricted distr-ct; 7 rooms, full base ment, shower bath, tile drain board and bath, 2 toiled; Mueller furnace, shrubbery; very de sirable. Terms. East 2760. 321 E. 23d st. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. IRVINGTON New. 6 rooms, breakfast nook, ivory finish. tapestry wall paper, tiled bath, pleasant bed rooms, garage, $7900, terms. NELSON; Realtor. "700 Gasce Bldg. Main 2072 A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee of the title to your nome, W hen yon buy your home nave tne taue msureo. Better .Be sale than sorry. Title ft Trust company. NEAR 8. P. R. R. shops, splendid 5 room furnished bungalow, ground 60x100. frill ce ment basement; $3300, $300 cash, baL month ly. t,rwwer, rjasx szza. $1700 CASH $350. 5 r. house. 35x104 lot. tn pared at. fruit ' trees, H blk. to ear. partly furnished, including $150 combination range. Bdwy. 0538 or fcsst 3592. eveenings. WHAT 1 Can't TfM sell your noaaet Let ua do it lor yos- STJNSET REALTY CO., Sft5-6 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5022. $1900 CASH. $200, balance ev? terau. 3 room bungalow, basement: let 50x140; full piumemg; close in- acett st ferry. 1855 Bel morit.. WE HAVB already examined the title he vonr property and can isaae yoo s Title) Insurance rwicy without aetay True at Trust company. 4-ROOM cottage near Kenton, aa. eieetrirdtv. $1251: $250 rash, balance ea.-y terms. Phone Automatic Sl-sa, rwser. WHEN you get a TiUe Insurance Policy, yon do not Deed an abstract of . title. One nrw- micm pay for all time. Title ft Trust company. ACREAGE 405 LAKEGROVE ACRES New subdivision near beautiful Oaweeo Uka. just put on the market. These acre tracts only 80 minutes from cen ter of city, all level, cleared, school on tract, on paved highway, only a few leet from ataton on Red carline. They can be had for a small dowst payment and a little each . montst This is the ex-service man's chance; a limited number to be sold. See as early and get your choice. Ex clusive agents. 404 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 0523. 62 ACRES for ssie, 7 miles north of Vancouver, Wash. Phone CoL 124. W. W. Certz. 1867 Chase st. FOR RENT FARMS 408 10 ACRES, close to the city, with fruit and buildings. Inquire 249 13th st 8. HOMESTEADS 410 120 - A. Relinquishment i TiUamook county, $ miles from the ocean; lie good, some good 'timber, some very easily cleared, ereec and springs, A-l soil; would make a good stock ranch. Price $273. 018 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. PARKROSE 2 ACRE TRACT $25 DOWN $15 PER MO. $1349, total price: rich silt garden soil All cleared and ready for spring plowing J. L. HARTMAS COMPANY 8 Chamber of Cemmeree bide Broadway 6034. 4V ACRES Jennings Ledge, 3 acres cleared, 6-room bouse, chicken run; mile to car. $350. One acre fully Improved, all kinds o asaorted froiti. fair buildings; a real snap for $3500, term. McGEE A DENNIS. 69 Union Ave.. North. Woodlawn 6684. BEST BUY IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY 72 acres, 50 acres euKivatiea, S acres onion land, 4 acres prunes, balance pasture snd tins ber; 7 room hoase, ban, outrraild.ngv fine spring. 5 cows, team, horses, hogs and chickens; 17 mites from Portland, on fme road. $10,500. terms. C, W. MTIXERSHIP - 165,4th rt NEW ADDITION Acres and VjU on WiUamette sad sear Eire. fine, on highway, asd 20 minutes , out Look this jBp. Prices sna terms right. t ...... r WILLAMETTE REALTY ' CO., 433 Chamber of Commeree- TWO improved homestead relinquishmenU, join ing $30,000 fruit ranch, 80 rods to nice little town, near Grants Pass; $2600 sptnt on one; running water; all plow Und; $600 and $700. all cash. 801 Corbett bldg. TIMBER LANDS 411 r.ic.Ak STAND OFFICE BLDG. I obby of most prominent west side downtown office building, beauaiully equipped. Urge stapU stock- kn tradr. no niglit or Sunday work; free lirhti and janitor service, experience not necea ary. This stand never clears le than $170 to $200 month net. Price $1750. Call $10 Ptr.ama bidg., .3d and AMer sta. The bast and easiest method ot Darin a Vaa i our monthly payment pln. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.34 per Boonih for 60 or $15.17 per month for 06 ""th. pays S loan ot $1000 and interest. ' , Loans of other amounts in bum prupisjUoav' Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN A&S'JI 22 Stark St. Portland. Or. $300, $400. $500. $750.' $1000 AND tp. Lowest rates, quick action; pay $100 or muse any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co. 6(1 Cham, of Commem. bldg. Main 1370. CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT. west side, full, enuinned 1950. (550 ca-du balance arranged: ueias $250; rent $13. Other to select from. HOOVER REALTY 'BROKERAGE. 400 Lumber Exch. Bidg . 2d and Stark. $20,000 STOCK dry goods and (hues, in best town of 2.500 people in WiUamette valley: stock can be reduced; big payroll- A splendid opportunity for the right party. No trade considered- Don't write anises you mean business. Address 8X184, JonrnaL BAKERY Fully equrpped; near Tamil ill st. niarkrt, . You can make money here. $2000 pi a- invoice. Terms. Wm. Willing. 401 Panama b'.dg CAUTION. BUYERS Betore Closing a deal of so-called inurest uv established real esUte business, get sdviee of Pcrtisnd Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1901, AUTO BUSINESS Handy man able to make a small invertanent en bnt in with aood mechanic. 'r cWar $200 mori:h for each. Room 401 Deavum bidg. FOR SALE Oak timber. - For paructuajx., S. Petroff. Battle Ground, -Wash. ' TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME 2 seres, 10 fruit tree.. 1V4 acres in ber ries. mile from city limits; modem 7 room houee. garage , and barn. Will trade equity rf $3500 for borne in city. 314 Couch bldg. Broadway 6536. - 8 ACRES northeast nf HiUsburo. 1 2 S mile. from Portland ; good grm.rel-.road, 4 acres very easily cleared, good lite stream across it, pretty laying, fine for poultry ranch; price $1500. Take . city lot in part payment easy terms. Room 69, Rainier hotel. . Wk. SffcAl . We are prepared to arrange a trade for yon. Bring 1a your propositios and we will match Tow oa snytiiing of merit: lot, bosasea, acreage, tarsas. stocks ot merchandise. E. R, A. ,71$ Conch bldg. " ' . -EXCHANGE LOOK HERE - Have an almost aew truck and trailer to es rhange for equity ia small farm or. good lots. What have you? ' 404 COUCH RLDO. 1 ACRE, water snd ga. tight, dose to ear. - $45 down. baUnce $10 month. . Pries $900. Broadway 6317. ' - ' ' - IfiOO RI'TS 12 acres , a. lan.1 4 nila fttn A BARGAIN --5 t. modern; fine district. Ea 1 Coble. Good location. For pajticnlar. write la . t4'IAlt - a tit as -a asw w.w ai . . j-. .iui, .a.yte. : kiu ; wro. jaarau. u. n, atarsnau. gieseao. at. - EVERY purchaser of reau estate soon id have bis '- title insured. Belter be safe than aslij. TiUs A Trust eomiiany - t WILL bade 2 good tots m Newport, Or., best loeaediK cat saw $590, lor late autncsoriile. Mm. Bertha Johnsos. Hill Crest route, Knappa. Or. ' - SLY It modem Kancalow. good hitnrt, dose in, ' east aide; exchange for swswrbaa home. . W-5. JoomaL . - - -. " 160 ACRES, Liacoln coupty. sear Norton7, exchange for house. bU . or whet. has fosv A, U. Akersoe, 420 Henry bldlg- "ffftllD von invent $23 to $50 to get into good tin4 cUs honorable bu-inesa? Ford experience preierreo. uau at .-u b. Portland, Or. " MUST BELL West side grocery store, good clean stock and tTxtnre,- will lump or invoice; will take aesae trade. Mam 5t4. $1000, $1230 ASD $1500 TO LOAN at 7 - per cent on residence security: quick actio, no red tape. W. save you money. C. A, Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st. $300. $400. $500. $700, $1000 AND UP. Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6446. BUILDING loans on city and auburbaa prop. erty; money drnced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215-216 Failing bid.. Main $407. HAVE $10,000 to loan out on find runtiet from $250U and up at 7 per cent. If Th. Journal. $53.950 DIVIIlK U suit. ore. property, wheat Und. Eaat 7304. H. G. EpU-n. SEE OREGON IXV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bKig 1500 "Bt glXESSTcTRDo MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD OOODtt REAL ESTATE. BONDS OU ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY I SUAIXT LEFT IN YOUR POSSESS 1,0 N Also Salary Loans TO BAI.ARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHoi T SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN OM PA NIKS OR ON, n'RNlTI HK OR AUTf'MUKU.E 1TRATK ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAT IS 1:4 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOUR CONYEN1ENCK LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 1 $06-307 J1EKI M HLIn; . 3D AND WASH. rnUAIIn A S OCJI AD Brinting now at pre-war iinces. Acorn rTees, zoo a wajmnsnon. m. m. SOUTH PARKWAY pool hall for sale: 4 pool tables, soft drinks; good location : will aell for reasonable pnee. Main 74 5w. 022 First st, BEST location -u eaat aide. Cleaning and press ing shop. Well advertized and doing good business: $(OQ win handle. 208 4 BweseB st- GlcOCFKY-i living room, and bath; no fix tnre to buy. Rent (25. $10 takes it ft! ivcrsal -Sal-s Co.. 602 Rairway Exch. bldg HAVE valuable inveniiuo; will give half interest for f mancTal assistsaca. bldg Ant. 612-41. Call . 7w Dekum BY OWNER," pool hall and ctAfertiosiery store; 'good Vocation, doing, good bustneaa. Phone Et-t'74. - . - - Printing tor Less Tiyder I'rrctlrig Co.- Mara 533(1. 192 d st WANT man to take sver halt interest is com plete vuleamzme oottit ; w n teach avan tia. crises. East C220. 432 HawtWsw. FOR SAf E Meat aiarkei doing cash buatncaa 1584 E. eurk- - APARTMENT hout. nuamer. iiwn. foe bod- $1500 will awing H. Autav 414-10. S1URT LOANS SALARY WE LOAN' MONEY -to salaried and orkmgnv-n on there personal notes. Rate reexrfiaWe. ey cswitt. XO SECURITY NO IMMiKEKB Call and ttive-tigste our modern money lend ing method. All boatnewi rvnfirlectial COLUMBIA IiISt:OCNT COMPANY . . CJrenaed I v 218 Falling Bui)ding; f . mon:t"t6i.oan - Money loaned on household good sr mer- ' ebsndise pUced ia storage with as at s regular tank rate SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 4th snd Prne rt Opposite Muitaomah Hotel Pte Broadway $713 $T0 0TO $ 2 MA : quick aexiesl A. H BelL 2(1 H Momyn t-, rtvovaa IO and 11. fit btj i' fit a and tm-ad mtatUit and aeU era' conrraeta. F- E. IKarais ft Caw 2 10 O-vm Com bMg- Bdwr 077. WUX. bay avail ellere contreet si KHtgege. Tiarlon. 6(1 CV e Coax, bids. Caliauw awi f olisalag Pasal .