1& : mt OREGON - DAiLY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. . 4 TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 14, 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Portland 500,000 in 1930 Aaaerins'a Largest Ho rUtter. ISO Phototrraph of Ho. far Sale. PhvmOi traapeetsvl and fraoaIly appraised. V insiry. we'll help yoa make your dowa parwrent. SERVICE MEN! W are HEAD QUARTERS FOR HOMES. Boy tow Bowl ilTli yonr loan biter. $ tal-mea With Antra, Ooen Evening I'nttl . . nERK'H CNDTPLICATED VALtTa WIST UK HOLD! 8KK ITI It 130 CONVENIENT TO SCHOOL and car, hi aa ideal aeisThbortaooo'. Yon'U find tbte a hEiL U"Mitl room, wry onatential and fina anpesrlBg. Livtng room with fireplace tad book cam, a . lam bedrooms and sleeping perch, foil eeeaewt beawsaeot with furneee. rlr WeHllee st ( IN BE HANDLED ON SOLIHEHS LOAN. 1310 IkWnl 8230 liewvi! $2826 $20 dwn CA N'T WE 8HOW YOU . " THIS WOVDKRITb BUT I One of Um beat Bargain In ant vjfflral A brand listing. Pretty i room sub stantial ssodrrn bungalow, Living ronm. dining mom with built-in buffet, eoty .bit, entasr! Dntrb kitchen, white enaaael piambtng. bath.' 2 airy bed rrniaw. large floored alue; 80x100 loC 4 Jd av. 1100 Down! BERT ICE MEM! 13100 no MJWS AND YOUR LOANI ON OK THE HOMES FOR WHICU yon fntuht Here eiieliMai and peace - in your on nug little cottage. mem, built-in, garage, chicken hnusa. Met lota of fruit and berries. THINK! FUR iiNLY $10 and YOCR LOANI K. Mohawk at, 1b Peninsula. FRANK L. MeOUIRB I To Bin Your Home. Realtor. Abingto. bldg Mwy. 7171. Third at bet Wash, and Murk. NOTE . There kt aa openinc on our lalea to roe lor a Jtr., Mgh-clasa salesman with nr. Bonus Men! Small Down Payment $3800 WESTMOREIUHD New 4 -room bnneaioaf (doable eonstrorted) , 50100 Int. beautiful Inratlon, full cement base ment, traya, cabinet kitchen, hardwood floor, ell boillin features, estra weU ttnished th root turn t; nsTsd street, aeweri your awn terms, until ymi get your bnnaa, LET I S SHOW TOCI Mafsh Sc McCabe Co. 822-23-34 Failing bMg.. Broadway 52.' Efeningt, Tabor 438. ALAMEDA. PARK Dutch colonial Owner must sail Moving . from Portland. Inspect this and make an offer. A real high class boxoe. Built by 'one of Portland's best builders. Hard wood fkmrs throughout, 3 finpsues. Tiled bath. lour .opportunity. A.C. XtALTORS A INSOJUUvCX ott ices' "BUILT TO EN DC Bar $100 to $$000 INVESTIGATE1 Bigger. Better Houses for Loss ssoaey. wmr-u k Ttm Bt nn rvN wiBTLANl). OR. Factory m. nth and Market Pbooe Bast $114. A SPLENDID 6-room bungalow bom with furnace, on patsd su with i.rm'inta mid : rood com- mnnitv af hums ueu.rs. One-half btonk.to Hawthorne oar: close to school. Owner moving to boatUe. Most sen. Prios $4200. Good terms, Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce! Bdwv. 5654 KJ( SERVICE MEN - 'VT have soro. real drairanla modern bur ra in ws ready lor uameaiate occupancy; very rvm- naatils; terms. AHtt TOIT GOING TO BETLD? Sea our Diana and oa to data ideas. We eaa help yoa finance. W. M. :mbiknstock ft CO. 210 Oregon bids. Bdwy. 1658. UK. INVESTOR , 83000 Two 4 routn flat Buildings, 864 Gar- fleld sva. Inonroe $60 per month. All Improvements ia and paid.- Owner non-raudent and orders It sold. WU1 make terms. tXKW SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. 284 Oak St. Bdwy. 943. MT. TABOR DISTRICT 8 tonta bungalow, with fireplace, built-tn bookrsM and buffet, full bsaement, corner lot with ail imnravesaeata ta ana part. hue at 1X250. terms i'Min rv w.-i'r. ti, 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2243. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 87500 T vnseas ea a fine oorner. eatra large lot, select awighlMwnaod. price actually reduced ssooo. Mr. WUea, with J. & HAir.ltT. Realtor. 826-837 Board m Trade. Broadway 2043 I.'TTbsT'RACT of UUe ss not a gaaraatoe of I mar UUe: It k merely a history of yoar ttUa. A Tula iDsuraaos Policy is a guarantee of your title. Tbeiefiwa, when yoa bay property ge a Title lasonnos Policy. Mo abstract required. Titio ft Tmst ersnnawy. 8 Room Bungalow 0LY 84650 TKHMS , 8 lanre rorane and bath, fireplace, furnace, bkrge Urine room, nar car and srhool, good district, jnbn r. tntwr. Tabor 7547. ft TIT LB Inraranos Polwy a guarantee by a .mi. eaipini u'i ywo vis bkts snirer Of V tha title to yonr real swtala Wbaa fo" bos real estate get a Title Insurance "Z' " ' - arw-a p, , , . ALBERTA DISTRICT ' 6-voom banaalsw, 100x100 Kit, full plumbing, f taree garage; plenty of fruit and tower; vrvcvti"" ia o H eoaoiuon. A real hetaa, 848oO. about $1000 dowa, balaaos easy lerna vttsnav ail. LOOK at N. W. nnwr 17th aad Beech ata. Oil UO, aiiolra. Will build ta your pkuia, or eaa aisiga lor yoa. tan or write l s 1 s K. WOT A REAL ESTATE AGENT T wanTTuomIT tt as build for yea. Liberal financial as- KOBNrrr ft moclcrs. bctxdkrs 82 t own BMg. Bdwy $574 BEAUTiriL LITTLE BUNGALOW S me ass with bath and breakfast Book; only a tew arnothe aM. $1200. reaaoaable trraaa: anight awsuader ear as part payment. Woodlawa TI4. EXCUANUB OrTlCK besssa te aanhsaaa far cdoee-ia a. - HuBNKTT ft McCLtTRsV RjlAr.TriRa 0$ Osssrb BMg. Bdwy. $74 I OWNER Modera B-roem housa. A.l eon. ditioa. fail eemeat basement garage, full lot, - . 1 1 - ....... - . -,' ilu j.,iAin i 1 jll 1 I BillLND every policy of Title laeurano ku ww .. '-jm ict iiiuaeti asaiaat baa, ye . It Is cheaper thaa tba aaatreef ssetbna. Twie ft Trust eosspaay, OW.NfcK must seU tour-rooaa buBgalow. far- , BJsa-a oaipists; tairerj atiaet, two btocktrica $ 7 30 : vary terms. Bdwy. 3363. saew caao, "wsaa. r as IT COSTS saUuw'ls see ouretocti.. .1 ' Aay type bobm, say part rky Aatos st yoar at! service. Be iiai. ssalii. . aveimonv arn. Zzs-19. gQ6itM boawaiow. lt6o. ooeapU.ly dswwag parea, eeaieat cellar floar, trays, K J: alHinire, $4$ N. tnloa are. vSHO yoa jrareaaso year Bom. nave the ir-arr-4. (U a Till, lawaraao. Policy. tras vsasaay. term T,, ft 19th. Sell 8381. "--wd tka ' toyew CLOS ywar real . aeai wuhoat aaaoyia. iJ!JT IT," '..IT".' JT lawtraaeoj 4VtailB by asang a i Title Insaranea PoBcy. No ppoev witbwrt delay Cttle m Trrwt company, j abetreet required. Title ft Trust company. TROOM mod.ru boass. lot .OilOO. saraea. frait tree, tad ftowen; all improv . r . 11 , and paid. Miast el 4 IWvisloa st - " i sven.aer oa eaat area la mail Bare ritlo taaarvd. Better be saie thaa aerre. Vivr '.Tt. a.', ..-; rr- .-.: ,rr n"rwana, . ww v. tw , im mmmrn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - HOUSES 404 Sunnyside Bungalow Finest terms yon, ewer saw. Yon eaa par for it while yoa Bo under it shel tering roof, aad inetead of wasting yonr hard oamad money paring- rt out for rant, yoa cast pay on yoar home. Here M a aew aaodera bungalow with larr Ing mom, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, modern hltebeB with all the bwilt-ins for eoureaisaee; fin breakfast nook. 2 ihwiana room, modern bath, lichts and (aa. good cement baaemeat,. full atae lot It bandy to fine school, (ood atom And Bnnnyude earline, and ta a dariinc liOie home (or 14250: pay' ' down tSOO. taka imnediate poaieanon. bei&ar, f40 per month, Thia payaeDt toriadei the istemt; no morteaie or liens to aarame. It be lone to aa old fenilemaa who prefen to toil it oa eajy tonne to some homelem fellow thaa to rent ft. E. W. Hughes 507 JOCE5AIi BLDG. UAUf 2838. Star Sales Service TOPI BJtADH COS8IDEK!!! . Owner must sell 5-room modern bangs low, garage, Universal furnace, oa pared street, H block to ear, close fa on east side ia good residential district. This is a real bsrgsia at 14250. Terms. , ROSE CITT New 5-room bnnrslow. hdwd. floom, an modern boilVlna, finished in whit enamel, fall cement basement, furnace, laundry trays; $5000; terms. And it is below the hill! 7 ROOMS. FrRJilSHED $3500 $3500 $3500 Ton eaa have a complete finished Dome. 2 blocks from ear, near Afauworth. lOOx 100 lot. With lota of froHrat a bargain nriM Am . it tote. Star Real Est. & Inv. Co. Bdwy. 5618. $12-18 Wilcox bldg. Ere. fVdla. 8852. ttAUil HAKE HA RT, A I N 3 $3700 $700 down for thia neat 6 room Bro- aiow, bnut-ins, utrowmo nw,.. cement bsaement. Isnndry trays, pared sr.: blk. to eexline. $2500 $350 down. food modem borne, en naTMi at., near aumisswpi v, good bnr. ' . , tirnA eiKA HnwM tnr- a mom. oeiled bourn emi-modern. street and newer ia and paid; immediate possession. t e.fiattnl down for cozy. 8 room noose. street and sidewalk in and paid; va cant, mora right in. ' Phone Broadway, 0588. or East 8592 for Bandar apr. 314 Coach bldg. ? A Chance of a Lifetime OF A LIFE TIME vw on. weak only beginning Feb. 14 and ending Feb. 20, Inclusive, to every home buyer who purchases a home through me or gnawers ki. .iwt Km n l&ter. I will pay their first monthly payment Homes m au porta oi city from $1975 up. A dandy 3 room home, in fine shape close to ear; $1973; easy terms, and others. r)-103. Journal BOSE CITY PARK district, $4100. New 5 real home.' Paving and sewer paid. Below the Bin. A. C. TElPE CO. TOKLXOBS A IHSa&XMCE IRVINGTON HOME CORNER COLONIAL I Grand English colonial of 6 rooms, library and smsll sleeping porch, hard- wood polished floors, natural finish, love ly corner, modem with garage, sur rounded by grand homes, block from car, $8500. D. W. ALTON. ATJT. $29-19. fjAac fMrV park isTsnT A real bargain. I Located Jost off Sandy, facing east, below the bill Modern in every way. ouy now ana wm lect your own interior decorations and light fixtures. ;A.CTECPE CO XlALTOBS r INSUEJkHUK ' 2 0FPICES ' 4 ROOM, strictly modern, new bouse, not far from ear: lot 50x100. plenty of fruit: must be seen to be apprecitaed; $250 down and $25 a month, including interest. 4 enom hona. In rood locality, on car line; Vnt 80x100; chicken house, fruit trees and other fruit; in good condition: szuu oovrn, oaiance I jmii monthly payments. LANGLOId ft HAMMERLYNCK. 504 Buchanan Bldg. TREMONT DISTRICT 1 0 room bouse, modern plumbing ; bones - newly renovated, gas and electricity; garage,', chicken hones and runs; iruit ana snrue bery; lot 120x120, blocks from school fries iinwu ; terms. AUSTIN-O LEAR I RKALTi t:o.. 833 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WESTMORELAND 6 Msgs rooms oa itrst floor, a imisnoa ia atue. roomy closets, fireplac. furnace, many boiU-ias, nice lawn, shrubs, garage; $5500 will buy una on, gnoa terms. DERR ft POWNDER, 1213 N. VT. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. WEST SIDE 4 ROOM COTTAGE er.A cash Good 4 room cottage, bath, cement basement, as for Hafat and conking, clear of incumbrance. ea Keny st. near forter. 1'nce si sou. azsu osab, $20 month, per cent. $18 Beard of Trade bldg. Broadway 7453. $1500 WITH 8350 DOWN A real snap: this 4 room bungalow with good basement, wash trays, bunt-ins, esoinet Kitcnen. I fireDlaca. ate. : full lot: VACANT and in fine ennditinn. uwskiu must seU. so wiu accept 1X.M) dawn, balance like rent I vlUMMKLL ft RCMMELL. 274 Stark st 0NLT 1,100. by owner; new IV story. ,6 room ssodara borne, exeeptionally large attic, floored: Dutch kitchen, very beat plumbing, fall bsrraant, built-in buffet and book esses, ivory ensBiel.d throng hoot :. best hardware and light fixtures; 1 block Berth of M-V oartme. 174 E. Tth rt N. ' FURNISHED 3 ROOMS $4$50 WESTMORELAND 17TH ST. laavtna eitv aioat be sold: extra lam rooms with saodwra built-in features, fireplace. Urge sttic. weu ranuanea; Deaatuui snruooery; oom- fortable horn, good socataoB; soma terms. Bdwy. oil. bou. evenings. WALKING DISTANCE 8-roava Bouse in good condition, rented $40; woald snak 2 .flats, eaa doubla rent; $3600, 1 $1800 down, bal mort $1800 down, oai. mort. i. izw st. near ""Jr - . ... . n. mji i at rr sw '- Here's Your Chance Mica 4-roem modern bungalow, excellent base- Beat lot 83x100, 2 blocks ss osraoOy 82200; saw oown. Mm w phi. aw, o"-- psirrn TO SELL 4-mom mrt.ee. alernina oorch. corner. 80s 100. gas. furnace, garage, near car; prios $1800, l&oo wk balaon. m.v. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. I DSAlilirtll DlitltaJUATT r s large rooma, sm iutm atae, iun. I nrepiaoa, nuw. . ijuucs m routaa, wioe a and level lot. located Ma Irriiurtoa. Priced i nent: izvus oowa. nxrwv. aaos. IRVINGTON 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Fruit shrubs and garage, 654 Schuyler st, Mock Broadway ear sad Presbyterian church; laiWHATl Caa't yoa sail your aosoei Let n. do I . S7JN8KT RKAXTT : CO.. I 303-8 Henry Bid. Bdwy. BZ3. WEST SIDK ' Froat and I a Xf IMv far - 1 IMS, wttb 3 by ana 4th eta. aT JTUS aa abBpVtof thLOnV new. rats pays for til tti Tttl ft Treat aiua a i ran company, title rSoOM h6usk. 88x100 lot. n, e.v 7Zt t!u. jLHf53 c teri? rrZooablv: 'l ava 1480 AakenT stT T"1 I $5oWowndWoT Bdwi. M1 I tr,B atf t.r 1 - . will, UBOUK1U.1 M mi riirr. r "no tarausare .-vtov - ennaer fcia. 50x100. 683 farrley. corner of -19th; by tua I TITTi isaaamaat aa ah. sta an. .n Titlal ui. t J iv.-i... " ' 5 " vP"y. I HOUHS, new assriera booae, 81 Johns. Small Hnm .m. bmi m n.i.,.i l . , o - REAL ESTATE FOR .SALE HOUSES 404 . -v 3oo nows 81159 TOTAU Balanee 1 monthly. 4 room boose, htrce lot, sidewslka paid, T frait trees, cbJckea bouat, (a rue, aIob tanlla ear. . ' ' $300 TXIWJt ' tlaOO TOTAU Balanoe 815 monthly. 5 rooma and bath, 2 lot, small frail' aft. Scott ear. .-' 400,IX)WIT ?5O0 TOTAU Balsnee- easy. 4 modem, larce floored - attic. BMat, crmtnt farate, sidewalks, streets and ewers all paid. teloM in. aas oeea aitd eeal ranra connected hot water Co with tho bowse as well aa S rues, dining roua set. ate. CORDOS MORTOAHK CO. 831 Chamber of Commerce bide , Broadway 0370. $1650 4 room boose. H block- from parr merit and ear: oOUUO lot with trait and berries; bouse is in A-1 condition and is a bargain at this price. Can Mr. Brwrn, Wdln. 6714. ACREAGE 405 OVER t ACHES. 12 miles from center of Portland, west; 1. mile to school: black loam soil: 6 acres nnder cultivation; some trait trees; H acre strawberries; good . 5 room painted .onse, barn, 2 chirk booses, cowshed. Included with place, Jersey cow, chickens, etc Price for evecrthirig $3000. Consider house in St. Johns district for part. , Ask fo lir. Kemp. 9 acres, mile from railroad station , and good town with high school; rocked road; 2 acres loganberries, 2 acres pasture, an under cultivation; house, barn; chicken house; good bottom land and can be irri gated. Price $1500, $800 cash. JOHN FERUCSOX Realtor, Gerlinger bid. , All Plowed and Ready for Planting SUNDERLAND ACRES At E. 29th st. N. and Columbia blvd., close in and convenient to ears and schools. Several choice 5 and 20-acre tracts, very best of soil, all plowed and ready for planting; $400 to $600 per acre, 10 per cent down, balance easy terms, FXROD ft DRYER, Owners, 283 Stark st. Bdwy. 1188. ' New Addition MARKING ACRES 20 tracts sold in 8 days. Rose City Park dis trict. 10 minutes' walk to car and school; to of an acre $675 up: 8 H years' time to pay for a tract; no interest for lint year: Bull Run water, ended streets. Jnst think of buying ' 4 big city lota in this beautiful district for $675 1 No wonder they're selling isst. see us toaay. COMTB ft KOHL-MAN 418 Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 655. Largest glutmrban lot and small tract sellers - in Portland. i LAKEOROVE ACRES New rubdivuioa . near beautiful Oswego- lake. jost put on the msrket. These acre tracts .only 30 minutes from cen ter of city, all level; cleared, school on tract, on pa Tea nignwsy. only a lew leei irom station Bed earline. They can be had for a small down payment and a little' each month. This is the ex-service man's chance; a limited number -to be sold. See us early and get your choice. Ex- elusive agents. 404 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6523. 1 acre, 4 -room bouse unfinished, henhouse; $1300. $300 cash. 2 1-3 seres, new . 5-room house; no brush. stumps or rocks; $2500. These places are all within 5 blocks electric station. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. 10 ACRES NEAR SECTION LINE road; half nnder cultivation; no buildings; close to earline: 10 mires east of courthouse. If in terested will make price and tarns; owner must sell t CXION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. 284 Oak. Bdwy. 943. ROCKWOOD 1 .or more acres at station' on Troutdsle Elec tric, all cleared, close to Base Line road. $500 per acre; terms. W. M. Umbdenstock ft Co., 21 Oregon bldg. Bawy. ioo. $75 DOW?! Choice sere tract in Sanford. E. 91 it it. under cultivation, water, electricity sad gas available, 8c carfare. See this. : Call Bdwy. 1658. .W. M. Lmbdenstock ft Go.. 210 Oregon bldg. 6 ACRES on pared road and electric line, part ia anltivation; shack; price uau, sou down. $10 per month. DKAP&K, os Boara ot rraoe. $800 BUYS 12 acres of land, 4 miles from Goble. Good location, tor particulars, write P. B. Marshall, Prescott, Or. J FOR SALE Acreage tracts from 1 to 5. 6927 2d st. 8. B. . SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ' HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS" Yen aia-htlv 1 -acre tract with 5-room bunga low, not quite finished. 4 blocks -from Garden Home, 18 assorted fruit trees, running water in the bouse, electric lights, on good hard .road, $1000 cash, $20 monthly. Photo at office. See Mr. Griffith with " I T32 Chamber of Oommerce bldg. ! FOR SALE 5 acres, all improved, small house, ham. other buildings: fruit: located in city limits of Vancouver, on hard surf see road; will make a-fine chicken ranch: $3300. Apply Mrs. Crawford. 983 Water st. Portland, Ot. $1000 will handle. "SUBURBAN HOME" 10 acre, extra choice land: 9 L in cultivation. 1 s. timber, fine 'spring. 4 room cottage? bath etc. Lota of fruit. At TigardvUle, close to store, church, school: $5500; half cash, bal- 6 k. B. M. GATEWOOU JO., 165 Vk tn St. 2 ACRES. mile from city limits; 100 bearine fruit trees. 1 Yt seres tn bemes: mort ern 7 room house, gss and water: trade or home in city up to $6500. 314 Couch bldlg. Bdwy. 6536 or East 3582 eveenings. 10 ACRES, 5 room modern bungalow, 150 fruit trees 10 yrs. old. 9 cows, mux route. around nlowed for early potatoes: between 2 streetcar lines, tn city limits. 6927 92d st 8. E. ' 6Vk ACRES, highly improved, some livestock. ear Beaverton; pnee $4600; cash (1500, JOHNSON BROS., 445 Washington bldg. FARMS 407 Tt lAMOOlTDAfRY RANCHES i20 acme. s5 acre, creek bottom. 30 seres tmm saw timber, balance pasture, Vi mile from sawmiU. room house, furnished, large barn, outbuildings. 8 eows. 1 yearling, horse, some I chickens, all farm implements; mile to high school and grade school; half mile to Sand lake I $5700. terms. C W. MILLERSHTP, 163 4th. Msin .8275. STOCKED ANb EQUTPPEb CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM so iml SS acres ia cultivation. 6 acres Tjas- i anrt timber, creek, springs, b room house. I Ptrtl- outbuildings,; water in house; 23 miles to I Portland. 1 mile to paved highway; liu.&OU, I terms. B. M. GATE WOOD ft CO., 168 4th st, pQj, raLE 160 acres, fenced. $3250. Atoon. nchi locattoo for eatUe; free I ranee. Water: z acres enjrjvatea; orenara I i-,iidint stock: farm machinerT: fumitxire a.aes.irom town, school Pacilie highway. Ad- disss owncis, Harris ft FerreU, Hocus River, I Or.. St 1. j go-ACRB farm, about 20 acres in cultivation. i anor. eaauv clearea: oa gooa roaa: gooa noas. - I and nam: a' lot, of stood fir timber: creek and I nrinav water rjined to house: ti mite to school 1 That will suit yoa at tha price. $3800, terms on cart. 323 tlHAJIljE nii,., 2d snd Stark. SELL OR TRADE i acres, a aulas irom ureeon uo, n r'nrtMB, CD. fooo roaa, exceuert sou; Dtma- 1 h f.!.- 1 ,. . 1 0n -hW-kr,t 3 hogs and all farm iaapermenta. 1 can use your I Pfrtland ,aome as first payrnent. 1 1 G..N. HE3GARD. 820 Bwetland BMg. I SALE OR TRADE I 77 acres, stocked sad equipped: 43 acres it I enltrvauon. bal rjastare and timber: I nKn land; 7 room house, barn, spring. school, 8 miles Hillsboro: $14,500; take house up to 8500O; gooa terms on balance. R. M. GATEWOOD ft C. 165 H 4th at. 74 ACRES, stocked and equipped : 25 in cult x. i rood oaxknngs; ooo. . easn. bal a u acres, stocsea ana equipped; Sli a emit 17 to eJoTr- : Pring snd creek; a lot I pwwea lor spring sreaing. savou, casa. I i-Irluvr.p ri.ivi 9a .i n. J5 Mtm.i,E buju.. Zd snd Sta ACRES, imp, farm. 8 mile, south of hoaTTkaa priea. $2000; terms. oovirt ' I 2 ACRES small boa aad barn. 4 mile, from Umber T aarrain" Tt $2S EXCHANGE BLDG. 2 . , , . , . T orchard; lots of fir and eedar I'OOO. v. 2d and Stark. r.R V"2 isnproved Ksaera Oregoo Urms, community. For rjartaeaiara write W. T. MorvaL Wamic. Or. - 1 ACRES. aU in cult. Price $650; $100 ! asuwa, oaauocc aiv per aaontn. - - - -- DRAPER, 408 Board of Trade. 82 A CUES for 7 aiues Borth of Vaaeoaver, I Waaa, Pbeaa CeL 124. W. W. Gaits. 187 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE " LTQ FARMS 407 6$ ACRES. 28 rnUes southeast of PnrUand. -H mile to school and church; 2 springs - and 3 creeks; good feanes; rocked road; S3 ' acres aader cultivation, baJanee in pasture;, all eaa be farmed when cleared: bearing; or chard ; S room ceiled bouse with fireplace; good granary, barn, 3 chicken houses. In cluded with place: 9 cows, 2 hogs. 69 chickens, hsrneM. Back, wagon, disc, plow, ' harrow, grain driB. cultivator, cream sepa rator. Advance tbjteshing machine with blower and stacker, hay, feed, etc, S5 acres seeded te fall - crop which1 looks goad. Price for everything $8000, 830O0 sash, balance $3000 per sear. Personally in- apectad, . - ONLY 14 MILES OCT '60 seres, on rocked road, northeast of Oregon City; 30 acres under cultivation, balance timber, about 1500 cords of wood; bearing orchard, 4 room bosbe, barn, gar age, chicken elionse. . The place is stocked and equipped which is included at $7000, $1000 caih. Or wffl consider Portland property for part value. Part is eteep but soil is good. Inspected by Kemp. 25 acres, 11 miles south of Salem, 1 miles from electric station; wire fences; ma cadamized road ; all under cultivation ; small orchard; S room house, barn, chicken house, etc Price. $2600. $600 cash, bahwfce 8 years 6 per cent. Consider Portland bouse. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger bldg. OPPOUTl'NITIES LIKE YOUR GREAT GRANDFATHER HAD The O. ft C. Gran Homestead Lands were held by the Railroad Company since grandfather was . a boy. You wish for the good old days of cheap land. The prices given below are price, m full and not rust payment. 120 acres of land with over 100 acres farm land when cleared; nice strawberry patch; fair two-jtory house. Only 45 miles from Portland on Butte Creek, other side Molalla. It's a Homestead Re linquishment and goes for only $1500. SO sores, 12 miles from Portland city limits, has near 6000 cords of wood, about 40 acres plow mad when cleared, fine small creek. Just try and beat this for first man in office gets Home stead Relinquishment for $850. It's only 3 miles from paved higlavay, be low Linnton. M. J. ANDERSON. 302-4 Railway Exchange Bldg. SWELL DAIRY OUTFIT FOR 8ALE 15 extra good milk cows, 8 heifers, 3 horses. Ford truck, wagon, mower, rake, all small tools. 3 years lease on 75 acres close to Portland; $3500; terms. 31 good milk cows, some young stock, dairy outfit, farm machinery, some feed: $5300, terms.' 157 acres on good rock road, 10 miles of Portland; 30 acres culticated in crops, buildings, running water, orchard, 6000 cords good timber. Only $9500; easy terms. 60 acres, 30 cultivated, large barn, outbuild ings, silo, 2 hones, 5 milk cow, 3 heifers,' pigs, chickens, all' kinds of mschlnery, crop, good or chard, spring water piped to buildings. Only $9000; terms. Would consider Portland residence. J. C. KTJRATLI. Real Estate and Auctioneer 804 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE 51 acre ranch, 16 miles north west of Eugene, 2 miles from Elmira. Or. 10 acres in vetch and oats, 15 acres ready to put in this spring. Some timber, partly cleared, all could be cultivated if cleared, good soil Family orchard, berries, good well. All fenced, creek running through place. Write or apply to O. A. Hatter. Elmira, Or. Price $2600. 33 ACRES, 1 mUe from Lafayette,, about 6 acres Umber, borders on ismuill river, bal ance xa crop. Good buildings, stock and e2uip- ment; excellent soil. f rice N."0U. ' HESOARD. 320 Swetland Bldg. FOR" RENT FARMS 408 WASHINGTON COCNTY 120 acres, about 40 miles from Port land, all fenced and about 35 acres culti vated, 5-room house, fine barn, Vs mile from macadam road and school. 3 miles to railroad station, rent $275 per year in cluding span mules, wagon, harness, plow and harrows. See Mr. Hunter with JOHN FERGUSON , REALTOR, Gerlinger bldg.. Second and Alder. 20 ACRES near Estacada, 6 acres in loean . berries, 1 year old ; 6 acres plow land, rest pasture; small house and barn. Part pay in work. If in cits', give phone number. Y-9, Journal 20C-ACRE raift-h close to city of Medford. Or. Uvroer, East 7U7B. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 A GENUINE BARGAIN 80 acres near state highway, 67 acres first class water right, fair building. 25 seres in al falfa Price $4000. Good terms. E. M. Peck, Sisters. Or. ' HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt maps snowing Western Oregon homestead lands, $1. Our charges are rea sonable and our services the best on locations. References given. W. J. ANDERSON, 302-4 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. TWO improved homestead relinquishments, join ing $30,000 fruit ranch, 80 rods to nice little town, near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on one; running water; all plow land; $600 and $700, au .casn. 301 Corbet bide. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 EXCHANGE FOR FARM One of the best ft-room , homes of Portland, a restricted district all sood nrooertv snr- ronnding this, all imnrovewienta in and oaid for: good garage, full basement everything modern. naruwooa' iioors; to exensnge for a ranch, not too far out and moat be worth tbe money. We mean business snd will go, if your ranch rig tit. " ST. JOHNS PROPERTY 7-room plastered house. 91x109 lot with water, lights, bath and toilet gas available, j chicken house and garage, all kinds of fruit and berries; gravel street, two blocks to car; trade for smaller house dose . in. We have a number of small tracts of 1 acre, 2 and 5 -acre tracts, that are attractive both for their location, quahty and price; close in, modern conveniences such as gas, water aul lights are available.. We also have some very nice moderata oriced residence Brorjercv. weJl located, that we can exchange for farm prop erty, n, your tarrn right in price and qual ity. If you are interested in income property that shows good rate of interest on investment. win either sell on good terms with a small payment down, or will exchange it for other property, either city dr farm. See J. S. rjulcertson, HITLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex, Bldg. Bdwy. 8628? INCOME PROPERTY TO TRADE Several stood modem flat .bnildinss. from $11,000 to $25,000. upon which some trade will accepted. They are paying good income. Apartment building : 8 furnished aoartments. each with 3 rooms sod bath; price $25,000. Take Portland property to about half. West Side apartment house, furnished, paying over $8000 a year net. after paying at', expenses. -race some city property as part pa?' and give time on balance. Price $37,500. Solid concrete garage buildinat. 100x100. with over $4000 worth equipment Price $35,000. WUl take farm to $20,000. balance mortgage. , LttUlXAJS UUXrAM, 913 Chamber Of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE A good house and 10 acres. mile tn town of Tualatin, to exchange for lor 2 acres and nouse closer in. uali Res. Tabor 7382. Broadway 7225. Graham Sharkey.. FEED a WILLIAMS CO. ' ' 606 Panama BMg. MONTANA - OREGON COMPANY Realtors 102S Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 7839 ecu eity realty, acreage,' farms and ranches at right prices. Bring' ta your trades, we eaa match them. li laAuS We' are rjfwnared to amnn . trait, fne ,m Bring in your proposition and w wfll match you on anytning of awn; lots, nouses, acreage, farms, stocks ot Bsen-handise, K. K. 8.. 712 Couch bldg. . FARM LAND FOR SALE OR TRADR For Ss One .'section heavy ssfebrnsh land. in Harney county. Wonderful investment at $5 per acre it taken immediately, or will trade for Portland property. Montana Oreron Co., 1029 v namoer ot vommevce. AKIwy. 7539. 9 ACRES, aU under tbe plow, level; no brush or stomps, out Jiewbeig faUhway, to exchange for Portland horns, in Westmoreland. Selrwood. or what have. you. Mr. Danton, 601 Stock Ex change bldg. S.2U ACRE wheat farm in Southern Idaho. worth $5000: my equity $3750; forced to seQ or trade it. WOi take 2000. What have you! turner, M-39S, Journal WANTED EXCHANGE Owner . baa 6 room modern bouse, in best residence aeetioa; will exchange for axoaUer 4 room with extra lot Alt S29-OI. WILL trade 2 good lots in Newport, Or., best location, cost roe $500, for Isle automobile. Mrs. Bertha Johnson, Hia Crest note, Knappa, Or. $12,000 MODERN 9 -room house, corner lOOx 1O0, aU kinds frait; will trade for iuipruied farm; win sesame. 221 Washiiigtoll. Hen. nurga. VANCOUVER, WASH., income property and seuuw casn for apartment or list tvildina. w aaaingTon, nertnmgs. 234 ACRES, some cleared, soma timber, running water, cams to tuznway; wain cny property up to 35000. Johnson Bros.,'445 Wsahinaton bMg. 600 ACRES, stock and dairy tana, SO idle out, to trad tor inroea. ntuyeitf. . 221 ak EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 We " Have AnythirigiS y You-zwantiffti' A ranch of any size, anywhere yo want : it, tor sate or trade, V - ,, ' A business of any kind, any siae, said wa t'gasy terms. -.1,' . n. - . - - We have trade far amijbudj. Tf a are not satisfied, see as. we eaa help yoo. ' Your proDertr is neither tan km nor tea . small for us to handle. -. s , , '' v uicic dales Co. 406 Couch Bide Aato. 511-09. Ric WHKAT rm - - Over 8000 acres wheat land, nearly all ' ta cuiuvaooo; lies line to farm, comtorubie boa big barn, machine shed aad other buildings; line deep well sod gas pumping- outfit; prira $100,000. rented to good farmers and win pay good income. Will consider other property as part pay. - - i - .. . , LTEDEMANN COMPANY; 918 Chamber of Commerce bldg.' , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 CLOSE TO PARK, Laurelhurst, 7 beautiful rooms, den. and - large breakfast Book: double prombing. 2 fireplaces: interior: old Ivory and real mahogany. If you are looking for a home of this type, yon can't; afford to miss this opportunity. Alvin Johnson, realtor, B& of Td. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 87. evenings East 2961.- 7 ACRES good loganberry land, 6-room house, large barn and chicken house, fruit trees, -etc. ; located at Brownsville, Or., 3 blks. from school. 12 blks. from high school. Will sell for $2800 or trade for 4 -room modem house. Prefer Peninsula dit , P. C. RHODES. 815 LOMBARD ST. ' FOR SAUK or exchange. 2 goodjmuses, rent Tor $60. in The Dalles, Or.; win take small well improved ranch, close to Portland. Owner, Got. Trebrae, Airiie. Or. , FOR SALE or trade, last 5 acres of my farm. rich, level, close in; this will make s fine home; can use livestock, light ear or truck, musi cal instruments, household goods or carpenter work as first payment. Ant. 633-96. 8 ACRES with running water, on paved road. close in, cheap. Tab. 361 or 2087 E. Msdison st., city. HAVE LOT in Richmond district to apply as first payment on 6 or 6-room house. Tabor 3784. TRADE or sell crap, 2 vacant lota, E. 58th t. N. Broadway 7264. ' WAJNTTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HOME WANTED 5 room modern house or bungalow in any good residential district south of Haw thorne and west of 50th st. not to exceed $4S00. Have buyer with substantial pay ment ready to buy thia week. SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS I can sell some improved small acreage tracts within 10 miles of Portland on good roads and near electric line. - W. G. IDE, .817 Lewis bldg. WANTED 1 $5500 RESIDENCE IN PORTLAND $5500 Will give $1000 casb and luu acre Term, un- der state irrigation project, Deschutes valley. Cen tral Oregon, near Bend, m exchange; l-o acres oi . , . . ... ' s, n. j I i 1 this under cultivation. 69 acres under irrigation, 12 ot which is in alfalfa: all fenced: buildings ; free of incumbrances and water rights paid. This is in tbe land of the famous prise winning potatoes. Have other business in Portland. 404 Couch bldg. Broadway 6528. . WANTED A 5 room bungalow style home on 5Ot1A0 lot. Must have attic Haw thorne, Irvington or Rose City. From owner. Not over $5000. Call Main 1628. 690 GUsan st, C. R. Spack- man. HAVE clients wanting homes in all parts of city; if your price is right we can sell it for you at once. Cell Jar. nenry. unswwv . 230 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SUBSTANTIAL 4 or 5 room house, big lot, with fruit: furnished preferred, on terms. No agents. P. O. Box 2073. FOR TRADE: Hudson 6 ?od"?d'; Uon, new top, etc. ; win taae sow " ' lot. pay bsl cash. 60 N. Broadway. ' . . . . n . .... , 1 j 1F JOU want to sell, spena lrvl work done cheaply. Bdwy. 3093. WANT lai or smsll acreage near city as part j payment on coxy new songaiirw. - saoou. Owner. East 8799. WANTED City improved property to exchange I for improved acreage. Joonson nros, . Washington'' bldg. EQUITIES WANTED Hare clear property and a little cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. WANT small homes on easy terms. K. 1. Me- Quire, 545 N. Union tv. AUTO for lot; wUl trade Chevrolet dehvery or touring car on good lot. 60 N. Bdwy. IP TOUR price is right wo can sell, your lot, Main 3787. IF your house is for sale phone Ralph Harris I Co.. oio cnamoer oi commerce, xxiwy. itq.T. ACREAGE 45S WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN V Improved places with -baildings, on good road close to electric transportation and Portland. 8 mall payment down snd owner to accept soldier's loan, John Ferguson. , Gerlinger bldg. WANT 5 to 10 acres well improved, with fruit and berries, buildings not essential unless mod em - Irrarn Vsilev road, near car preferred ; mast, be desirable neighborhood and worth the money. See McCOKMlC ID., z railing bldg. Phones. Broadway 7420 or Main 9318. WAMTP.n 4 to 8 seres improved A-l land. with or without building, for cash or trade Portland croperty. Must be good buy. State description and lowest price.. Private party. F- 756. Journal 1 WANTED 3 to 5 acres, cleared or stump land. on public highway, not over 25 miles from Portland. State . price snd location. - Most be cheap for sS cash, from owner only. R-18, Journal FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED KO RENT SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acre age or smsll farms, dose to Portland pre ferred; some people will buy tha - place after leasing for year or more; we make lots of sale, this way; will buy eqnipssent if priced right JOHN FERGUSON, GerBnger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. soo FOR, SALE A fully equipped creamery plant mcludinc nuiMina-. in a splendid dairying com munity in 'the Willamette valley. Correspond with H. D. More land. PhUomath, ur. Auto Truck Line $200 per 'xoonlh clear. excrosivB truck line, Z . r AAean . $3250, terms. 607 Couch bldg. a ciwi&A unnt-iiH c lu IPC FtJl 3 stored ptentt repair wort ; n bus, tires, etc.; $24O0 handles xt Boom 401, UeKum bug. CONFECTIONERY and cigar stand, space for card or nooi room. Long lease and good loca tion. Will sacrifice for Quick cash sale ss I ax leaving town. 230 8a st LIGHT erocenr and confectionery, sll furniture and fixtures go with place i doing good paying business. Columbia 1475. ' 403 N. Jersey at. St Johns. $275 AND invoice stock, about $1400; gTO- eenea. some dry goods and. notaona; aooa east side location. Bent $25. 423 .Chamber of Com merce bldg. BUSINESS CARDS wg AB in hi ting now at pre-' air HKW prices. Acorn Press, 286 Washington, nr. 6th. POOL HALL for sale. Pool and card tables. bar. fixtures and Itock. Inquire 302 Main Tancoovef, Wash. SOUTH PARKWAY pool bail for- salet 4 pool tables, soft drinks: good location: win aril reasonable pnee. Main 7459. 622 First st FEED and cereal store. In hva suburb: must sold immediately on aorount of siexneas, $400 casb win baneJe. box z7S. MUwanloe. Or. HAVE valuable inventioB; win give ball interest for financial assistsnos. Can 700 Dekusa bWg. Ant 612-41. BY OWNER, pool ball and confectionery store East 7874. ' - 4oo t ,rrrQ I location and doing good busmen. 423 Cham - ber of Commerce bUdg. CORNER grocery store, doing $30 a day, with a modern furnished bring rooms; price $140). Phone Automatic 636-88. Printing lor Less Ett TrnrBn, Co. Main 6830. 188 Sd st WANT aaan to taka over half interest ta - piete vmcanmng oauit: wui teaca a business. East 8226. 432 Havrthorne. WEEKXI newspaper. $800; $500 down, Vn IT TYnrrlrr TTaiarT Or. - bVOTA. JJaaVXUaBa " FOB SALE Tailor shop ia fina locatioa; aea at onoa. 484 washmcton at two cat t; T-l, .m --I lorio- lt 3d at FOR SALE Meat market dtang cash -'14S4 & Stark. rJSTNESS OPPORTUNTTTES , - STORES, ETC soo FOR BALESv ill of 40.000 capacity.- with four'donkevs and Vwsiua nainBeBt. plsaer and rasaw aad other mill aquipaseat. Now oper ating sad complete sad ap-to-da ia every way. Located sis mites from Cottage (itvva. Twenty miilioa feet of government timber tributary ran be bandied by donkeys. -Tweaty miilioa addi tioaal also tribatafy. ' Ineoma pruueity or boads considered - aa part payment. Address A. U Woodard,' Cottage Grova. Or. - . v 'Confectionery and Light Lunches Post took any farther, but rail gas up tad I will show you on of the best buys in Portland te a small basin ess. The right party eaa doubla itba present bosineaa. ' rnr only svuu. Part cash aad terms. Broadway P42 - TiRCG STORE - " (12) $5000 cash, exceptional offer: great sacrifice; owner compelled to leave city. See Maurer. . . INTERSTATE riTESTMEST CO.. " REALTORS Bdwy, 4731. 410 Henry Bldg. $15,000 BUILDING AND ' 23 FURNISHED ROOMS 18 room bouse and 6 room cottage, furnished eomptete, on 50x150 lot, all st. improvements ia aad paid: buildiasa are hi A-l conditioa ; win take small. boose up, to $5000 in trade, bal ance half cash. KETPPER ft CBOSBT 514 Bsflwsy Eieh. BMg. Bdwy. 8658. ACTO PAINT SHOP PARTNERSHIP Here's a splendid opening for a willing worker to connect with an expert painter; have all the work two men da handle; catering to the best business firms in the city. Each can make $150 month and share eqnsl profits. , Will teach yoa the business. Price $550. 310 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sta. $20,000 STOCK dry goods and shoes, in best town of 2500 people in Willamette valley; stock can be reduced:- big payroll A splendid opportunity for the right Party. No trade con sidered. Don't write unless yon mean burinrm Address 8X-1S4. Journal $1200 CIGAR STAND West side, in one of the best hotels in Port land; doing good business; rout $35 month. Fine place for lady. KEIPPER ft CROSBY 614 Railway Eich. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. A SMALL mig. buaineod thatis paying good profits needs the services of hvewire who can invest $350 for H interest. Thia is a good steady producing business and is now employing four sgents. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. $950 GROCERY SNAP $950 Clean stock. Nice fixtures, fine location, brick bldg, 3 living rooms furnished. Rent $20, leant. Must sell UNIVERSAL SALES CO.. 602 Railway Exchange bldg. SMALL telephone system in Willamette valley; about 175-stations but may be increased; good place for man with family to assist bun; price about $4000 with about H cash. Ap ply J. A. Halliday, 352 Oak St.. Portland. Retail Business $12,008 sales income year, a going concern, close to Portland, $6500, long lease, terms. 607 Conch bldg. AUTO BUSINESS Handy man able to make a small investment ran hnv in witli mod mechanic: ran clear $200 month for each partner. Room 401. Dekum bldg. $800 CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS V mi A - tin a; g.iianw iur, ittjiv a it Uiunuii . UVUlf aav UaJ busine8s. This beats working for wages. avKIffCK St CBOSBY 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. GOING BUSINESS Cafeteria doing good business, good lease until after fair. Sickness forces sale; $800 cash will handle, balance easy. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. $1100 RESTAURANT Good town, close to Portland, doing good business, 3 bring rooms and garage; rent $15; good mill town. Keipper ft Crosby, 514 Rail- way Kxcnange oiag. Bdwy, ooou. A GOOD BUY Owner caned East; must sacrifice at ones at low price, filling station and vulcanizing equip ment, good location. 863 E. 11th st. CAUTION. BUYERS Before eiosiag a deal ot so-causd Interest in esmbnabed real estate bttTtnws, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. i i.ap p . , . .. - . r i iOB SALE by owner grocery salt fish, smoked meats store, located on Washington St., . do- I ing good business; large room in rear. Phone Tabor 8636. APARTMENT houw. summer resort, fne busi- naw.' $1500 will swing it, Anto. 614-10. APARTMENTS FOR SALE SOI APARTMENT HOUSE - TERY DESIRABLE PLACE A MONEY MAKER 12 3 and 4 room apt., modern and up to date, brick bldg., close in. oa east side; $5250 cash. Richanbach & Co. 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. HOTELS AND ROOMIN& HOUSES FOR SALE 502 A REAL MONEY MAKER HOTEL BRICK BLDG. CLEARS $375 A MONTH Above all expenses; sll rooms on one floor. Sixth street, north of Burnside; $4500 cash, balance $1500 to suit Ricfoanbaci. & Co. 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. 42-ROOM apt. modem, private bath, good furniture, splendid location, a-year lease. 21 rooms tot be. finished -on ground floor. This place shows a good net and is a good buy for someone with furniture. Call snd investigate. . AUSTIN OXEARY REALTY CO. 335 Chamber of - Commerce. Phone Broadway 1571. TRANSIENT HOTEL 22 room hotel, brick bldg.. good location; 1 hot and odd water in aU rooms; soma private I baths, N. W. heat, beauufnily furnished. II I I you want a good one. see this. Prise $6500 ; I I terms. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 6808. Let J, Bruce Goddard SELL YOU OUT. WHEN HE DOES, YOU ARE ASSURED OF A SQUARE DEAL AND . NO AFTER-TROUBLE. CALL BROADWAY 6287 AND WE'LL CALL AT ONCE. GOOD BUY 18 rooms, part housekeeping, part tran sient; good corner location; everything clean snd in good shape; rent reasonable, .lease; nets $125; $1500 handles. See Mrs. Albsugh, JOHN FERGUSON GERLINGER BLDG. - WHITE TEMPLE 19 rooms, housekeeping, location can't be beat. I e0; netting $145 per mo. and 2 room apt I StflA I. -Va V. srv . v-1 . 1 walking dxttaiacev good furniture, stove heat; rent $1800 cash wul handle, smsll balance. WM. A. HUGHES CO. 218 Bailway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 8808. NOB HILL 10 rooms. sH 2 room suites. sB new furni ture. Also .double garage; $1000 will handle. small balance. Be McCaolcy. HTLLER BROS.. Realtors. 311-By. Exch, Bldg. Bdwy. 8626. 16 APARTMENTS, all hare hot and cold water vj um h,ibiiwi t ipuv aya w . wvi aar-asrja- wxw - a . - . II aJ aw a -I side: soma very good furniture: makes a lovely home with good tooome; only $6O0 required. """'' '"VT" V ."r' wgr-i xaeauj pais. "-r- iwv. . - , ....I?. J00; TTf-1 - . IfT V " . k.k ana sea um; owner gotng in otnor llillllisss, xrriea only IsSu. terms. VA'ia a mi i:iiv fri at. I Sis, Sailwav Exehsnm Bide. Bdwv. RX0R. iifegT BE BOLD AT oxdsi I uvl timuliiiin of l.mn nei n.t for j & located. West Side, rent $35; extra t - rr.i I at $500 ba I THOMSON ft TH0M30S. Realtor. I 820-S1 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4880. aa ipioTurxTS 1 till l Q ? a rent 375; I brick buiktmg: not a swell place, but elaaxs 8225 and aver: 83500 win handle. THOMSON ft THOMSON, REALTORS, $20-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 488. IN THE Nob Hill district: 13 xoosa with best of farm tare, a good lease, cheap rent; 1 monthly rMyrnenia. Nets $70 a month aad I 604 bulmawaj clis,. I Yt ROOMS. H. K-. nt$55: good .incom.; I was sado. esass to. Prios $1400; $800 to Sea Mr. 43nrrie. J. W. GRCSST. ' S18 Board of Trade Bide Vain T452.x BOOM hoard inaf hooam. modern, f urn ashed w" tba nvvnwRTrjT.TOWS $20-21 Henry Bldg- Bdwy. 4880. ea j Toa'&ALE--S 0 L.. l I .Tr & - na. a-i.i. n. . aiust ATTRACrTIVK house la good location, beat I tdential dhxrict, very nirery farrixabad; East 4)267. ' I OR rai Br owner. IS raesna. an Uxha, I aide roams; cheap rent, LsaTtng jJn, rossjn IX'CBLK team $2 day. atngie team $A-60 lioTBtiiar, B9k HaiiuntTnsi at HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 J. Bruce Goddard t . MAS BOMB HI! AT. Bllr.lPO 130 room hotel, with large street looby. $22.- avu, ij.vvd u aaBoie, Karas over ivue saoata above every expenae. 130 tomb- - strictly amdrra : apartment bouse, $22,500. Newest aad best fnmimhir rj any aouss ia Portland: $15. OOO will ban. 1 te,i!?itaed te ?T 800 45 rooms, modern rise, with IS baths, toad I Wse; pn,,. 9i00. 'tnr& 'J! ir:. "w ma"1 ow 32 rooms on no. floor . rMtot w.w-1 r'., ,1-.T- noor. transient "catroa. I una Savon. i v SO smm v.rH,.-i. iiu oa wase. clears ITa moatb Bow. batl would easily clear $30O il vua aa traa-1 smih oasis; ta cood toeattoa. 12 looms, over stoma wear avfe- tl Inn ,.. I mooM msjT $1300. terms, 10 very Bbr fanrf JH ; $1350. :hine; re include, electric washing 1$40. income $117: good home. 10 17 boarder.? Wntn. . m. IRAQ . saontn, sal profit: wea furnished; $1500, I esuu aaaaiss it. Tba ia right. 11 very swell rooms, sear Good Samaritan ; hospital newly furnished, modern house; : rirvv, eaa 5 room flat, rent $30; pries $550, incrad : ing Virtrols. Yoa eaa have free rent by renting out 2 rooma The above are first-da buys, and you can rA th. . . , T. I depend on the representation msde. vum W I and talk it over. SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED TO BUYER I AND SELLER ALIKE. 1 r y- j j . I is Drut uouaara ESTABLISHED SINCE 1905) For ' Hotels and Apartment Houses See Q. C. Ulrich & Co. 405 Stock Exch. Bldg. GOOD BUT IS rooms, part housekeeping, part transient; good corner location; every thing dean and in good shape: rent reasonable, lease; nets $125: $1500 handles. See Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 5501 WANTED To lease about 10.000 aa. ft. of space for light manufacturing, oa one or mors I floors. - vi a Lor, gas, eiectrvity connections. Pub lic Welfare Industry. Ask for MottoU. WANTED To buy small cash grocery, say dis tract- state truly wnat you bava. last 1569 Va E. Stark. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property or for Improve meet purposes. The best and easiest method of paring a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.84 per month for 60 months, or $16.17 per month for 98 months, pays loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts ia same proportion. Repayment Privileges EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASS'N 242 Stark St,. Portland. Or. $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 AN'D Pp. Lowest rates, quick action: pay $100 or more any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co. 031 Cham., of Commerce bids. Main 1370. $300. $400, $500, $700, $1000 ASJD CP. Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Conuneree, Mala 6445. BUILDING loans on city and subnrbsa prop- Q. Beck. 21 6-216 Failing blda-. Mala $4,7. $53,950 DIVIDE to suit, Residence, business 1 rvton. I property, wbest land. Kast 7S04. H. 8EB 6REGON IN?, ft MORTGAGE C6., 5l6 Lumber Exchange bkig- MOIMY TO LOAN CMATTtXS 602 B0 YOU NEED MONEY LOANS HADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, JuiAli rxJTATJC, BONUS UK A.MTW5U OF VAL1K BE X'KITY I 8UAIX.X LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO trTHKrt 1JUA.N COMPANIES UK OS riKxiTtius un auiksuhuc iv.i i iuiti n AKi. iw.uakub, r. v ii. rAi lusa I'P ATlVANlH TOP MORK MONTY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT V (II ' K rilVFll ( K LEGAL RATES KO DELAY DADTI A Mi I AAV CTh a vr ax a -ua is a-vvranaa v w. (LICENSED) 308-307 DEKUM BLDG., $D AND WASH. BROADWAY 5867 SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and workingmen oa their parsons! notes. Rates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECURITY NO INDORSES Call and investisate our modern money Vend ing methods. Au business confidential COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (Licensed) 218 Failing Building. M6NEY Tts LOAN Money loaned on bouaehoid goods ehaads placed In storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. 4th and Pino st Opposite Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 8716 $100 TO $2500; quick action. A. H. Bell. 281 Vt Morrison st. rooms lO snd 11 MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgage, aad saUers eoatneta on real estate in wsanington or urogoa. it. E. Noble. $16 Lpmbermen. bMg. PRIVATE party has seilsr's contract $308 at 8 oa Oakland ear. 3Z psymants: wui disccnnt East 8058. WE BUY first and second avartgagaa aad 1 vassal 11 t aal mt 1 aT B? OiaasnBSBtl AS. AT ere' eon tracts. F. E Bowmas ft Co.. 210 Cbsm. of Cora. bMg. Bdwy. 6776. WILL bnr email seller', eaetraet mortgage, troraon, aat t a. ot com, mar. MONEY WANTED 651 I8EK OREGON Dir. MORTGAGE CO. mo Exchange bldg. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 i . . . , - . . I 1 I T Zl taoa- I bine roaa mar. 1450. Call East Sid Transfer I Btables. 180 T. 8th st . IlIJST arrived from Caiontown. Wash., a carload - l of good young boreea Nothing ovwr 6 years. " I aniertt from 280O to 1S3S ner oair. Cor. l . p n x-.it- wrt aft ami r. IB I - . . . I . . CALL at 646 Froat st for Bew 3-inch fi . k1" had. rH?"!. I also 12o to - j TgrT Ton ' to 1.rmr.d- REAL bargain, 1$00-R. aaara, $35; 1500-lh. gray hone, $45; also several other cheap bones, hamrea aad wagons. Corner B. Sth and MULES 2500-Ib. reams, 5 aad $ years old. 244 C gth st TEAM of aaarea, 2500 lb, kuniaa aad tares wagon. Criasp Wooixrard. eoc of bOtfei aad Hawthorna. tba j apt I Boring Wood ft Coal Ca 60ti aad rvatsoa. i jjt. Scot ear. j 40 aaiy. good vt-reaMld Wan aad singto neaa. Weight 1260. Haws Ba aa fat bam. 2d at 8. CHUNKY built team, 2S0O lbs., harness farm wagon; will seU cneap. 700 ab - I ri Mt Soot ear to Kern Para. - w)K BALK Ftoa work teas. tta-. 8 and t ywars, $17. . 635 . KaCy I Take Rett, ear. 'A I TEAM of black Fareheroa . aaarea, youaat orsuzauy socatea I it ua as. 13140 Will spa separate. 427 K. day. ns - ' I AB.-OLUTELY tba beat team ta PorUaad. cood I ota ana roaveai vaiier roaa. air, eteet. I TEAM, hsrsarsa and farm wagaa, $100. ,6416 oat - osta st. W. - i atou at, . atAt aya. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CLAY ST. STABLES ' J net received, a eoaeigament of Eastera Ore gna horses and ssares, $ to 7 years eed. wngbt 1200 ta 14 lbs. Tbe rowsicrjev has oaas back, cnaaged ais pvireai they will srH very cheap. ' They are ears a aire )oa j of Mocky bads ebwnka, ywaag, wa8. and traUai - Will seU. with a gwar aatoa, - Aayoae buying a team or a boras eaa dan checks ahead for trial These are sobm at the prices: vil atated team of blacks., 9 and a years hr - Ulm?. .'25? 3Troo"1L t $175. Usve a beautiful bar VUlrW. nViine 5 wears lehoSr. bur bone. -.T R.- TbRw weighing from 3000 to 3600. well maud . ., mnii -A ... i.. - t r. - ". can wars. we nut prove test SB yew. r- A-isy. CltOWN STABLES ? W. bar anv kind of horse, big or Rule, that PMob would need, aad oar prices are cheaper than any rlaee ia Vow.. W. have them as good as eaa be found anywhere from $50 n. Also a few saddle booms, AB kind of ha mm. new and second bawd, smgle and doable, colters aad sweat pads. We can sell harness 10 per cent to. IS per cent cheaper thaa any jrs ia town. " Have all kinds ot wagons, new and Meand band. As a role we have ptoen. harrows. rr-vliNC toot. ana rresaos. use avmun stamp puller, aintost Bow. Everything guaranteed as repnacatcd. . I-H1L SCETTEK, Met . 285 Fror.t st NOTICE TO FARMERS Team of sorrel getdincx well mated, weiebt 2750 lbs.; prios $145. Team of bay geldincs. wen so. ted. weigfet 3100 Ba; price $!. iiTn .""VT t ""il oW. fun sisters, wmgtit 200 lbs. Team of Wl,k . . - - W . V . I J llt t,!? , . mrt' . ,5 ' horses to 7 yrars old. weight 1300 to 1 years old. wenrbt hi and mares. 4 rears old. oeicht 1200 tn IhOO Tba. 234 . Front, foot of Main st U. S. STABLES Wo have 20 bead of good vormx knew and mares from 4 td 8 years old. weight 1 300 to A ilro lbs. Wi will sell very cheap to saaka for a Bew load of hones. Every borso is giisrsntud as rrpieeelited. $63 Union avoaaa soasb, rorner Stevens street. G. D. WILLIAMSON A .GLASS SHIPMENT ot horses from Grande Roods al- ler. Eastern Oregoo, 8 chunky built, sorrel Belgians, 6 head of 1700 to 1800 lb. Sairw horses, balanoe of load small farm chunks. Will be sold at a very reasonable price. Aeo 40 arts of new and sseond-hand hern eaa G. K. liowitt. Front and Cniambia sta. WILL arrive from Weiaer. Idaho, carload 23 .bead horses and ssares. 4 to 8 years old. I weight 1200 to 1600 lbs., some matched teams; will be sold reasonable for quick sale. Keystone Stables 881 Water St.. Corner Montgomery. TEAM of bar horse. 8 and 10 years old. prirw S 1 Oi). weight 2e.ou, also a more teams, aJi good workers 2 wagons and 2 harnusais. $28 each. Tbis stuff is from a farm that has barn I mated and must be soktT Come and aaako aa offer. 228 N. 14th at. Take North PorUaad oar. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and seoond hand Special prSoea. P. E. ESBENSHADE 360-366 E. Morrison st GOOD young chunky tram, weight about 2700. Harness and farm wagon. Will aril at s very low price ss have no wee for hows Team fceo been ased ia prans orchard. 780 Fro at. Taka South Portland car to Gibba. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Will sell aU our bones, wagon, and harness ta. aad buggies st a sacrifice; must clean up quickly our lease expires shortly. t ail, at No. 20 Grand are. W. J. BnlHvsn. East 1314. LIVESTOCK 701 AUCTION SALE At tha R. L Anderson place, fire miles east of Greaharh and Vt mil east of Gillis Station, on the Bull Kan earline. Saturday. Feb. 18. 11 Velock: Three hiu at: Bay horse, yean old, weight 1300; gray mare, 9 years eld. weight 1300; filly. ? yean old. heavy. Tea . milch cowv tuberculin tasted 2 Jerseys and 8 Hoisteins; some froab. Mm. to freahoa aooa. All heavy producer, ford son tractor, plow and disc harrow, runs as good ss new; iron-wheel wagon: As-" pin wall potato digger; hay rake aad ted der; - Deeriog binder, good aa new: 6o tooth barrow; Caw 14-inch steel plow; two 2-horea cultivators ; Fuller and John son pumping engine; war on box: roUrr; hay reek :- standard garden plow and drill: set harness; 8 tons straw; some hay; some seed potatoes: other artk-lea. R. I Anderson, R, H. S penes. Owners. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, AUCTIONEERS Vancouver, Wash, HAVE YOU HAD BLOATED CATTLE ! TRO ears relieve this condition. Bun punches, 75: an -metal trocars, $2 snd $2.50. W carry milk tubes, tost plugs, catheters and thermometers. Prices reasonable. Write us your needs. Spo kane Surgical Supply Co.. 225 Old Natavnal Bang bldg.. ppoaanc. viasn. WANTED 10 good dairy em Must give 4 amis, or mora. Not over 6 rears aid. WU1. I trade year-old S. C White Leghorn hens I baby chicks, McKenne Poultry. 1626 i Kenna are.. Portland, Or. .... H.... n Tn.nE ,A t. j, I OK 8Al.ll UK lKADfc, lO bead pareore I . o"w' " a. 1 . 1 . wouja oonsiaer anytning. wv reu par- I rnirr ..11. , uauia, .irvwri w. BARGAIN Must aei 2 Jersey cows, have been '"-habout 2 months, giving 7 gallons a day. giving 7 gallons a day. 1967 E. Stark st, oor. i new 110 takes them. T8th. REGISTERED Jerasey boil $ years old. Sun- awen breeding; young cow and loaning healer. I Oak Grove. 162 R. FOR SALE Choice Iuroc-Jreey sows snd rOta, bred to farrow in March. Geo. Da Bos, Oregon City. Or. THREE Jersey cows, heavy milkers; on regis tered Jsrary bull 1650 Interstate are. Taka Kenton car, go two blocks north. TOGGENBURG milch goat to frsahea 7 E. 64th st N. " ONE young" fresh Jersey cow, fresh Toggsaxbsuw, tost, lis 7th are. M f. near sla at for slLfc Heifer coming 2 years old. $20. 725 Brooklyn st CALVES WANTED MARSHALL 2178. WILL bay beef, veal bogs and sbeep. Taker 9004. VETERINARIAN DR. C M ANDERSON. WDLN. $824. VHYH cow and calf, aiao heavy ssTnages" 2025 E. Washington. WANTstgBsa. swal aad bogs. Tabor 7832. GOOD family cow for sals cheap! Auto. 62$-s POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 n- WANTED To contract for 40OO White Leghorn pullet ia lot of 1 00 or more. from high producing vigorous stock. Hiram NX-73Z. Journal WANTED 50UG chicks f roe yirodncing White Leghorn bens, sll st one. I or in sot of 1000. Give full parueaiar first j letter. Address PJ.-4V1, Journal j THOROUGHBRED B, L Bed eockeres. $$; oulleta. 11.25. 4BS5 4th ava. at. K i Antomsoe 626-97. W. L. HENS $1 aaeh: W. L. naUeta $L9. I tHD . I Manure, l I CHOICK cockerels for saie. R. L Red, Whita I Locbom and U. A. C Barred Bocks, J. at IMsgtriro, 787 Oregna East 1805, I FOR SALE 2 Ineubauw iSt Haexosl ; 1 I e, smder; 1 eksctrlc stowa Pboaa tn I as. B. aw aaiav - 1 u . . v- rnrr i -- - i I ' .y r- ing strains, Hoo nixed stock. AnrU Puultry Fina. K. 1. Box 170. Or. City. Or. Phone tFl. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs for hates? tag. 81 tor IS; 1 tisw roomer. 2 SO. Mr. W 1. llama. Grasham. Or. Phone 48. ORDERS taken (ar thoroBzhbred E. LL, Mead strain, hatching sgzx. Guaranteed fsrnls. Phone Tabor 1072. 1 NEW ZEALAND do bred, aad 1 whita bars;: pair $4; 1 Bboa Island ltad eocaerei, rnoaa K L RED battohing era for ie, fross my heavy aaymg strain, free rent nens. iw ' 84th . 8- Tvlephoae SeMwood 2Q43. FOR saie, 2 incubators (St Helont) : eiec bdr" eiec. stove. At 648 PP. sua aeta at. b. E FOR SALE 2 W." L. cocsereia. E. B. Ferris Wr - " I CTWJ CiXANDrebbita 7or aaie. Cafl lai, 782 I 'vi,.. Chieaan ItrO-ecs strain. laws- sios. 1 BUCKET Incubator aod broader lot saia. aad a or. -. EvOC BATOR and. copper eoil far breodaw $4. Tabor st A. C. K, L Red roosters fro Oai tsxav. Worrllswn bb. nil i-ieveiavia ava. FOR SALE Barred Rock pmiicsa. $10 each. prieejo SM. IBB. TRIO of Mammoth Who Peaut ducks. 1M cor. Denver ava.. KentoB ear. - FOR SALE Unite Mammoth Praia duck rasa. CaB Tabor 16 or 283 t SSUi at. F. R. L RED babrhiag eggs, beat. anus. day Berry, 1815 K. Polk at. St Johns, . CaTUft aa fstavwiai Paasl. Bich K. C