MONDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1S22. IS THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Tii r-fcttCttStSHKn.. IMMACULATELY CLEAN. largs-ixhtb khi moderx apart- MK NTH. OMS'ro SCO AND ONE FOR 8 MONTH. Th-y private bsdiwoana. "davenport and eamury vth davenport, equipped for two to five aersnna; first cUaa Jnitor service gueraa fcrot. nn. airy, rlay: can't be beat, TUJf COLUMBIA". j(TH AND COLUMBIA. Portland a Mat Popwtor iimttiwU, snrrrirrTuiunsri kt; emacuitf.l CLEAN. Urge 4 ROOM MODERN APART M K.N TM ONE FOR $60 AND ONE rOB $58 MH1TII. They in privet oearoo. two to fie per, ma; lirl et janitor aervioaa guaranteed; 4ghtwerv. airy, ;W : ran t h beet THF. COLUMBIAN. 11TH AND CO LUMBIA. Portland" most popular apart menu. rVi-i ' 8 BOOM SUITES. NKATLY FUhV MSHKD. OUTSIDE ROf.MS H.'V,? KITCHK. VBCAL CONVKMKNCES; MOD- LRATR KENT ftlK JAI KSOra 61 Union Av. I. . , ... I 1 re apt.. $30 to 842.00, nnrs Pin., r-rlvtl kith, steam heat, phona Krtrt, . l " .walk to 5tb and kW Rose 'Sty par K. 2846. -4"WO larae rnntm. Inwr. tunny apt., newly fur nished, furnace tail, frw la right. Bdwy, Mat Timir.' ROOM ant. strictly modern. Jeffer- aoeian Ilpt.. 16t li and Jefferson King Albert Apartments T. and a rtwes. strictly modern, tile hath, elevator. 11th at M'KiUwtj Mm 859 ON front ranm, attractive apartment; elao one rma with kitchenette; all modern. beat, not . wejv. elertrirlty, forniahed; ciom to, walking di.laee Main 263. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR REIO" -FURNITURE ,FOR SALE 313 Furniture For Sale Aa ideal 4 room apartment within walking rtiatane of Uk bccanaaa district, rent $65. Furniture mcledet 2 stand temna. n hi eab inet ptiouograph. Broaaei rug. Sacs, surer Berries. , rat I i.n not tier and dranerte rnvantorierl al 6830. Owner leering citr. wul take $36.1. Grahaaa flharky, Tsndeaea Taooe 7a2.- Brdwjr. 72ai. I-HED 8. 'WILUAMS CO., B0 Powm BW. Bdwy. T22. IJCATING THE CITT Will aaerifm all oar farm tare an hold ronda eotnplet for,8 rocaa hrnott. aery thnv ftna k (Va mt hoaaa for (30 BOO. Abo larra ratnrm dok cheap. 878 Vaneoorar aw. UHln 114 4 KOOM boaaa foe writ and the furmuira for aaJe. with nnn. Ion aaiiat aea tfaia to ap preciate tt. S0 qnarU of frott and jelly, and one abotctiB, new. Two roonu rented pan tba rent 26 Harrinou at j IF TOC want to kerp boardera I hare tb beat ptaoe in tae city. 7 laraw rooena, aood roraa torn. npatair pay rent of doom: 4 large room doemataire. milrr: $750: term; $700 caah. J. F. Murray. 44 Belmont. rTRMTl'RK of modem 5-room fiat for aale. nrludina unolrnm. Bund beater, (aa ranee, r;at oo?i4 or nowy. t.. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 5350 Down REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $37 i: fiat Iff rent WB 8Al,K-urn Leeds Apartments ; Fleeproo' baildlna. trndern 2 rnoni apart wirnu, elefator arntrr. ilne in. Mar Hfttt7. Bellingharn Apartments 421 KAHT MORRISOH BT. 1 d 2 room Kiitm , M K. rnoma; rwnmMf. 4 IJkkC.Z (iirnUlird lmiieiinf roonM, in rludlni piano, tv. elrrlrie . and phone; entire Inert floor; bannyaide carline. Tabor 1197. Belm. SKwi.rri rvwhkh two room apart Ml'.NTS WITH IK IV ATI". HAT It Al.u MDUKU.f riilVKMUM'Kil; CLOSE IN. AP- l-l.T 41 KAHT I ITH ST. LoVKl.T front uk... otna on porrh, lailn park: Urae mom, alrr, anl kitchen: people employed preferred, walking dittanre; $30 per annth 893 Weat Park. rniture of 0 room hooae; fond rood iM on: $40U caabf buose for rent $40. Kaet HB71. STORES AND HALLS 314 FINK corner atnre and apare In- aecond atory. new, modem buiklina. Park and Yamhill, op pnaiLe Auto aUce depot Donald IMacicod. $34 I'Juunber of Coenmeere Uig. XiR RP.NT Store at 104 W. Park al., atnclly modern higb claaa building. Pbona Broadway 70l " . A BKACTOTJI. HOME , - Total price S4frOO. Here ia poaitirely a -nam bungalow Uaat la far aboea anything is tba eity for tha prica. I am anre that yon will decide tbat yon any arm' $1000 win yen buy it: bring ronra extends throogfe. entire frast and all noma are of coed aine; beautiful hardwood floor; new aaa furnace, gaa rang and water beater. elegant electric fixturea; also aliadea, curUim and drtpea; Dutch kitchen, with, lota of bniltrina; llnoleujn ; full cement baaeaaant, laundry trays. O, yea, there- i a wonderful porch and a full lot Tea ram buy tha adjoin in g lot very cheap. On good hard treat, will - be pared this summer at county 's rxpenea. Now here k a eery valuable feature: U ia located opposite new city park, which is to be one of Portland' beauty spots, only 23 ir motes out on beat carline in city, in Terrace Park. Call 120 E. 82d S x at Uluan. Now vacant. M-T can or phone owner. Marshall 748, morning or evening. I 1 IN TREMONT PLACE; OOOD HOME AhU FCKSISHED HKHK is a real snap in a good H-rooro house all furnished nestlr. ready for housekeeping- The bouse ii'in clean, first class condition; has modern bath, electric lights and g4, fine basement and furnace heat; beautiful let with fruit, flowers and garden: fine garage; all on bard surface street, handy to school, stores and 1 block to street car line and ia absolutely a snap for $3350. You will look a long time before yoo beat this .offering. See E. W. HUGHES 507 JOCE-NAL BLDG. MAIN 11838. I GROCND rIAKitt and basement apac'. central ri-.t Portland. Grand are., about May 15. O 820. Journal TOP floor. 50x100; good light, good elevator, $.. D. f. Waa. 24 N. 5th. - FOR deeirsble space in phone Broadway 8718. fireproof warehouse OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 ' lull RENT rumuihel apsriramu, 3 or 4 moms, light and large, (ixwustain. $20 and 7. 1?H Kelly at Tale Kullon car to Hrwef st 'Mabeyc Apartments 414 Jefferaoa, at 1 I .h. 1 and 2 room fur 'vihed spanmeofs, raKlern, rent reaaonahle. TWO-RfifiM newly tur"l-l..l apartmetit. wash tray in kltrhea, nW pentnr sni hlh; gol toreitont walking Jmtamr 403 Jcflrraon, ciVr. 'fnh . Quild Apartments 8 'room apt, private hath,, ail nuuide rooms Vain 871).. 394 '.niM 1 ' 't ' Lillian Apartments . Three room, large, light, modern, west side. ' M ftiyth al Marshall 137. KiiflMM, nirelv fumi.lml apartment, pnvsie bath : rent fan O.MIIwaiikle aarhge and waler fr. Hs'g tall DISK ROOM, with telephone -and stenographic emce. p;ione Bdwy. 8715. $200 TXWX $1150 TOTAU Balaaee $10 monthly. 4 room house, large let, sidewalks paid, 7 . fruit trees, chicken house-, garage, Moo La rills car. ;s . '',.--"'- $200 VOWS -$1500 TOTAL, Balance $15 monthly. 5 rooms and bath. & lots, mall fruit MX. Scott car. $400 DOWX , $2500 TOTAU. Balance e-y 4 mom modern, large floored attic, cement bate meBt, cement carage, sktewaiks. streets and sowers all paid, close in. gas oven and coal range oonnected hot water go with the house as well as 2 rugs, dining room set, etc. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bids. Broadway 6370. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 HAWTHORNE home for Seattle property. - Prefer near Iineoln high. Pnee $4400. equity $1100. This fa a a room modern heme on pared street, best part Hawthorn. . r Ralph Harris Co. 878 Chamber of. Commerce-.; ' Bdwy. 5654. ACREAGE 40S AH Plowed and Ready for Planting Rose City Park -. Laurelhurst If you're going to buy in either of these dis tricts, get in tourh with u. We speraTjse in the sale of property in Rose City Park and laurel hurst. Hare sold property there for years and are thoroughly familiar with vahies. EX-SE RV ICE M EN IN VKST1GATE OUR BONUS PUA.N" A CTEEPE CO REALTORS A JKSCEAHCS ! 8CNDERLANT ACRES At E. 2BthTst K. and Columbia bird., close- in and convenient to cars and acaoola. Several choice 5 and 20-acrer tracts, very beat of sou all plowed, and ready lor planting; cauu to 5000 per acre, n per cent down, dsixdcs easy terms. I EL.ROD & DRIER. Owners. 88 Stark st. Bdwy. 1188. ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WjOKKINiS hoys. 1 0. would like respectable place to room and board. Call Vancouver Vo, Mrs. Anhlev, before S .30 p. m. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT MODERN BUNGALOW LOT 50x145 FT. $500 down, price only" $3650. Just com pleted, double constructed througviont, '- large bedrooms, Dutch kitrhen with breakfast nook, combination bring and dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, all interior finish nioery enameled and tinted. This is a good bargain (concrete porch floori . The location is 85th and Rryce ave. To inspect property see our agent at branch offir, corner 33d and Bryre are. Take Broadway car to Bryce are. walk 4 blork to our branch office. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY., 8 Chamber of Corarterce bldg. Broadway t!031. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY i 402 TRVTNOTON FURNISHED APTS. Income per month. 17 arts.. 8 and 4 room each. 7 alarping porches finished white enamrl. harrlwood floors: $16,500 down, or will sell furniture and give 5-year fosse. Owner leering rlt.y A-14. Journal $16, Colonial Heights 7-ROOM COIXNIAI, HUI SK On 23d st 14 blocks south of Hawthorne; open for first abowing tomorrow; modern in eer wgy with surh features aa hardwood floors throughout, built-in wardrobes in all clos ets, tile bathroom floor with wall tuo ana shower: very modern kitchen with tile drain -board and back; breakfast room: nice stairway entrance from kitchen and hall; expensive paper; living room 14x25; three large plate glass win dows with unusually nice shades. Terms. Call owner. Tabor 276. Would take choice build ing lot or good automobile up to 8iri00. . GOOD BUTS ON WEST SIDE Or, r.Imc-Vi street, near 20th: good 5 room rotmee. lot Vlone worth the money; Price $3000, easy terms. On Portland rleurhts. $7500 for very fine 7 room home on sightly corner. Price actually re duced $2000, and terms arranged. Have an excellent piece of view property in rood location: fine 8 rooin house in best of condition, walking distance, $8500. s CALL MB. WILES, with J R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 825-327 Board of Trade Broadway 2045 5 FURNISHED APARTMENT FLATS In modem home. 1 6 rooms, 2 aun porches, lot lOOtlon. fruit trees; st near Broadway, orer $250 tnrrmie; $500 will handle; termv Owner leering city K 1 3. Journal. ToOtlOO NOKTHKAST comer 14th and Taylor, went p'rie. Kat VI fWO room apU . reel. $'jo and $2H. Cell HB Milwankie at., per -f MaJg. APARTMENTS UNITJRNISHED 308 ' i5Tan coihT . t th and Couch Mndern. 4 mom. front apt. West Side Orr Vtnrk eft Washington rll. Adults. Phoon Bdwy. 21KI IlKAI TlFt'L 5 room spt; b-1 Imngton real nantial section: all modern: rent $H5; no children: references. F. E. Rowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce blilg. Bdwy. 077H. fitXiNGTON COURT apt. New managcrnent. enema newly papered, kalsnmined, walking distance, ilsui bfl. otsraled by owner Refer- $50. 8. H. liuataff. Broadway 124.. LOTS 403 . The American Apts. 4 tnd 8 room modern srrtmcnla Twenty first and Jnhnann Broadway 33tn. TTMftKRl.ANft APTS. S-foeia eofner apartment.. 2 Urwe hsv win Hows facing Park, olil itorv woodwork and Jkssiapawrry paper, walking distance Mam ! McKU.NNA S Selected Lot Bargains Hawthorne. Northwmt comer Ruth and Ijn- oln 72x100. Owner forced to sell. A bargain. 1700. Kenmom Houtheast comer Ixwnbard sod In- tortate lOOrOH. ioo ft. nn lyomhard. $2000 l-eurelhnrt. Sandy bird. 97 ft east of 33d, with entrance m Wssco at. $1250. Piedmont Moore at. 50 ft south of Jesaup. faring west. $1250. Owner will furnish money to build. :.0xl00 Bontheast corner Gocnmema! and Going its. 00x100. $1650. COE A. McKENNA A CO. - 8J 4th at Bdwy T522. "SOUTH PORTLAND. $1105 $15 down. $15 monthly for full 50x100 lot pared street, sewer, sidewslka all in and paid for. 1 block to car; eav walking distance- to business district; good surroundings. This is just about one half Taluc Bee Mr. Dwyer with HEART of Lanrelhnrst Sacrifice: Close to park: 7 lovely rooms, with den and sleeping porch, 2 fire places, double plumbing. 1 fine bed room first floor, interior decorated in mahogany, real mshogany buffet, etc. If you sre looking for this type of Home you can t -3 ford to miss this chanie at $7500. Ask forTSr Mr. Kmg, with Alrin Johnson. Realtor, 204 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Broadway 37. Sunday. East 2061. WW, TAKE LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT Modern 7 room residence, with attic and ga rage, comer lot, all improvements in ar.d .paid and onlv 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. Good district, house well built, living room full width of houe, large dining room. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, both streets paved and paid, house clear of incumbrance Price onlv Ifi.'iOO This nJace owned by an or ganisation, therefore the only reason for selling is that they are disposing or their homings. J. K HARTMAN COMPANY, . 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. LA KEG ROY K ACRES New subdivision near! beautiful Oswego lake. lust not on the market. These acre tracts only. 30 minutes from cen ter of city, sU level, cleared, school on tract, on paved highway, only a few feet from station on Red carline. Tbev can be bad for a rmali down payment and a little each month. This is the ex-service man 'a chance ; a limited number to be sold. See ua early and ret your choice, (ex clusive agents. 404 (-ouch bldg. Bdwy. 6523 HOMB SNAPS 1 i. acres, nearly new 4-room bouse, fireplace and ; ess, garage, henhouse $2500, $500 (Cash. I acre, 4 -room house unfinished, henhouse S1300. 8300 easB. 2 1-3 acres, new 5-room house: no brush. stumps or rocks; $250O. 1 These places are all within 5 blocks electric station, 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOMESTEADS 410 COPT govt, maps snowing Weat are Once hoaaestrad Is ads, $L Our change are rea sonable and our services the Ims 00 keatJoua. References given. W. J. ANDEKatXN, UZt Railway Exchange Udc. Portland. - TWO improved homestead iclinauishaaetBts; joita ing $30,000 fruit ranch, go rod to nice little town, near Grants Pass; 12000 apes ea one; immc water: all plow land: $600 awd 8700. all eaah. 361 Oorbett bldg. - TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 . FARM FUI4.Y EQUIPPED 115 acres. 100 under rultivation. 15 cows, 4 liorsea, an tool and iraplementa, rich soil. 7 room house asd outbuildinga in good cooditiow, 10 miles from Portlaad, on good road. 8 21,000, tonus. 1 have many more bargains to farm for aale or trade. J - A. KOSOTAO, 410 Gerlmger bids. Son. Woodlawn 6521. k EXCHaNGB - ' JL (nod house and 10 acres, 4 mile ts town of -Tualatin, to exchange for lor - 2' acres and how closer in. Call Be. Tabor 7882. Broadway 7225. ? ' Graham Sharkey. FEED 8. WILUAMS CO. 506 Panama Hide. TTtADE FOR BUNGALOW $2750 cash equity in 20 room apartment. on comer with garage: beat of furniture; nets a too, iuu imwcv mi V.r.. See McCauley -- HTT.IJCR BROS.. Realtors 211 Railway Exch. bldg. Broadway 3626 BUSINESS OPPORTUNrTTES STORES, ETC 500 WEST RIDE GARAGE A fiato fully eatunoed toiaew with tmeaa for 100 machiaes. to - a Srtory roncrete bwild- Rent -only $300 per month, with a 6- e- muss rw ansa so an. uvestsgaxav F. Lr. Blanchard REALTtlR 4012 Swetland BMa. Bdwy. ?5. X)R SALE -Sawmill of 40.0OO- eapariur, wiiA four donkers aud logging aqaipment. planer sst resaw and- ether mill eqaipanent Now oper ating and complete and up-to-date ia every way. uocatea aix miles from Cottage Grove. Tweaty milUou feet of government timber tributary ran par najxiiea oy donkeys. Twenty million addi tninai aara tnoutary. Income property or oon rnnaioerea as nan payment Addrem A. I vioogani. 1 pelade Grove. Or: GENERAL STORK $600 for fixtBres and mvoase the stork, which will nw about $3000. wan terms, A fin out of. town proposition, 30 mile from Portlaad. oa, Columbia highway. . A pare sin. F. L. Blanchard REALTOR 401 S S WW land Bldg. Bdwy 6K5!. flnanclal MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 MORTGAGE saoeey for dweanngs: ssauaa. -snneiDaai . etaly: default mtas. awe rontraot adjoaud; sare axpensc, Wsrd, 47 . $300. $400. S0. $750. 810O0 ANT) CP. Lowest rate, quick action; pay $104 or mre any mtereat data. Verdon Mortc Cw. Ill Cbasa. ef Commerce bldg. Main 1370. SEE OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO.. 21 Lumber Kirhanew bldg. . $1000 TO LOAN oa real estate. W. A. kIL7 way. g08 Washmgtow kkts. GARAGE BARGAIN HALF INTEREST Equal half interest offered to man willing t take charge of the front end, selling acceasorie, waiting on customer, etc: prefer panprr as I cannot depend upon hired help. Hate it steady cari'in storage. Battery charging, etc. Splendid proposition. Only 81800. Call 310 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. NOB HILL 10 rooms, all 2 room suites, all new furni ture, also, double garage; $1000 will handle: small balance. . 8ee McCauley. KILLER BROS., REALTORS, 211 Ry. Ex bldg. Bdwy. 3626 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS - 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY IX) ASS MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE, PIANOS, IKU8EH014 .VrS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANTTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SAI-AKIKD PEOPLE ON THEIR IsOTFS WITHOI T SKfURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER UAN COMPANIES OK ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WUJ. PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IK NECESSARY. AND YOU -AN PAT IS IN SMALL MONTHLT , PAYMENTS To SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE IJ-'-GAL RATE8 NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. i LICENSED1 306 307 DEKUM HI. In?.. 8D AND WASH. BROADWAY 5S57 $3O0O 10 ACRES,. Oregon city, improved. $1200 2 acres at Metager. $5250 10 acres at Capitol HTXL imp.; terma. $4500 1 acre at' Parkrose. imp. $3000 1 acre at Wichita station. 4 blocks to car, on good hard surfaced road; fruit of all kinds; good buildings; electricity, gas; a real buy. McGEE tc DENNIS. 963 Union Ave. N. j Wdln. 5684. " liO ACRES NEAR SECTION LINE ' road: half under cultivation-, no buildings; close to carline; 10 miles east of courthouse. If in terested will make price and terms; owner must ell. . , TJX10N SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. 384 Oak. Bdwy. 043. v MONTANA - OREGON COMPANY Realtors 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 7R39 , Sell city realty, acreage, farms and ranches at right price. Bring in 'your trades, we can match them. - PARTNER WANTED Garage ; partner to help me in office, sell ears and supplies, in old established place. West 8:de. downtown, concrete building 100x100. Plenty of work and storage. Need help- Musi ua interest.- Price $200: N-21. Journal. FOR SALE Acreage tracta from 1 to 5. 6927 92d st S. E. i VI TLa i nsDS We am prepared to arrange a trade for Brine in 'our proposition and w will match you on anything of merit: lota, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. E. R. 8., 713 Couch bldg. SMALL telephone system In Willamette valley; about 17. station but may Be tocreasea; good place for man with family to assist him; price about $4000 with about Vt cash. Ap ply 3. A. Halliday. Sr.2 Oak at. Portland. 9 ACRES, all under the plow, level; no brush or stamps, out Newberg highwsy, to exchange for Portland home in Westmoreland, Seilwood, or what have you. Mr. Dun ton, 601 Stock Ex change bldg. $3000 COUNTRY FOR CITY 15 acres, 8 cleared, balance partly cleared. Exchange for food vacant tot or equity In food house. CLEVELAND, 306 Board of Trade. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 IRVINGTON HOME CORNER COLONIAL Grand English colonial of 6 rooms. library and small sleeping, porch, hard wood polished floors, natural finish, love ly comer, modem with garage, sur rounded by grand homes, block from car, $S.ri 00. D. W. ALTON, ACT. 329-19. King Albert Apartments Two ami 8 rooms, strictly modem, tile baths. elsvstnr 11th at Montgomery Main ROOM apartment wuh water and heat foe- ebbed, near good srhool. at .124" rosier maa. near Anahel station Antra. n'j-n. 'YERT attractive 4 room upper n, newly tint ed, fine view. nod noiglihornoon. 3J no. with heat, water and gss range. 961 Front, ev lwrelt ave. Mar 307 hu;hUn! court Itsaarlfnl comer, 0 room unfurnished Mar. 31 HI. ssent, with sleeping poP-h. 51 fjS 4 ROOM lower. 762 Vancouver ate.; 3 rrosi uptier, 57$ Union ava. N ; with ga- rsrew; adults. East 2195. 4 ROOMS, lower floor, unfurnished, modem; gtrage. 814 Wygant at -r- FLATS FURNISHED 309 5.KOOM flat for rent, furniture for sal $125 takes fumitnra if taken at once. rurnare heat, eanrittinnally well arranged 224 4 E. N. Bdwy 43. lit GIRL TO SHAKE flat who wishes to study music; leaaona; use of piano: desirable: walk to distance: $25. C. 8. preferred. Main 8018 riYf'R room, and aleenine porch: fine Iocs Don ear laurelhnrst Clean and aUrsctlva 87 Tart STth at. N East 297". ROOM flat, walking distance, $35 per mo S47T. FLATS UNFURNISHED 3 1 0 4 ROOMS, errand floor, iwrtly furnished: will - pa per and oksan tlioruughlr: hght phone and ws tex. wa I hing dtvtancv. ft4 6 Aider. rOH RENT 4-room llat 256 E. 43d at. neat Hawthorn. laquirs upstairs. jXAT,T elaaned. desirable fiaL Firepiace and furnace. A00 Graham ave. i ROOM unfurnished upper flat, near Chapman tnd Mill at,, $20. Main 5412 HOUSES FURNISHED 312 MODERN furoishe,! bi'usc. 9 roonis and sleep- $3750 6 room modern house, comer lot, 58x 100; full basement, garage; paved street: terms. $3800 For a bonus boy, 4 room furnished house; paved st, near carline; good terms. $2750 4 room furnished house, 2 blka. to car; good terms. McGEE ft DENNIS, 969 Union Ave. N,. Wdln. 5684. Open Sunday and Eve. BUILT TO ENDCRJt" $100 to $8000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Less Money. REDIMADE BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND. OR. Factory E. 11th and Msrket Pbone East 5114. 732 Cham rf Cora. $25 DOWN $15 PER MONTH LARUE lTS. lOOvtOO FT AND UP NEW WIL8HIRK ADDITION Adjoins Alameda Park, Cleared or with trees. Branch fvffiee SSd and Bryce st. J 1 1. HARTMAN fDMPANT. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. EAST 8tTE "WALKING DISTANCE Tory well built 6 room bungalow inaLadd's addition: oak floors, fireplece, floored attic, etc; alley. Will sell for $5250: small down pay ment, balance to suit Mr. Church with J. K. HA1UUT. Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade Broadway 2045 BRAND NEW $3700 5 rooms and bath, half basement, fireplace. good plumbing, built in, hardwood floors, pave ment paid. 81000 to handle. 709 fiLUs ave. oomer E. 20th. 2 block east SW cat. Sidney Q. Lath r op 411 Abington bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT T. 17th near Fremont, all improvements paid. $1000. $100 cash, $10 monthly: wide street. 15 ft parking: near school and Irringtoa ear; surrounded by new homes. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. f ACRE TRACT ALL IN BERRIES $200 DOWN $20 PER MONTH IN PARKROSE. Close to Sandy blvd and earline. Richest of silt soil This place will pay fur itself with income from berries. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. MR. INVESTOR $5000 Two 4 room flat buildings, 964 Gar field ave. Income 860 per month. All improvements in and paid. Owner non-resident asd orders it sold. Will make terms. tTNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. 284 Oak St Bdwy 943 LARGE GROUNDS BEAUTIFUL VIEW Wonderful 7 room home in choice district Every feature the best: oak floors, tile bath. servants' Quarters, H block to Broadway car I in Alameda Park. A real home, $13,000, terms. J. H. HAIGHT. .Realtor 325-327 Board of Trade Broadway 2045 179 ,7. porrh. Apply 483 E. 2Utli st N., East HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 if-aUTtREI) WAREHOUSE on trackage. ktore rrr goods wtib ua. mevtog aad. paaamc. Let ua do your LOT 50x100. 87th and Wasco; make offer. Lot 50x100, 34th and Hawthorne; make offer. It flOxlOO. 26th and Grant I -add sdd. Lot 60x100. 49th st. Rose City. $750. LoU 50x183. 62d and Davis. $400 up. Four salesmen with tars for service. CLOW REALTY 1131 Belmont. i Ant. 228-89. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $1000 corner. $100 cash $10 monthly, alt Improvement paid; 1 block to ear and school; surrounded by new homes. Re at once. JohnsonDodson Co. 833 N. W. Rank bid I Main 8787. BRAND NEW $4700 Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, built ins. electric fisturcs. nicely tinted, hardwood floors, 50x100 lot, paved street paid. 3b b,. 4 ota o.. near nan coca. Terms arrangeo. Sidney Q. 411 Abington bldg. MT. TABOR DISTRICT 8 room bungalow, with fireplace, boil tin bookcase and buffet, full basement, corner lot with all improvements in and paid A good buy at $3250. terms. DERR 4c POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. NOW OR N E V ER Tour opportonit, to get the ONLY ,430( "Ton.'l.jr' 'KZ a? best residence property in Portlana is last paxing For proof vis walnut rara ana see til.' number of foundations tor new homes. Onlv a few left Better call owner at. once. Wdln 9.M. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Full sire lot Cement sidewalks and curb. $325. You ran have your own term on this one. better come not Sunday and aea it Royal. nd and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. modem borne. except ionlly large attic floored; Dutch kitchen, very best plumbing, full bacement built-in buffet and bwAcases. ivory enameled throughout ; best hardware and light fixtures:- block north of "S1V" carline. 17 E. 7th at. -N. CLAT S. MORSE. INC owv 8470 464 Gtlaan t Atlas Transfer Pianos oved. $8 up: furniture moving in TroporUMi. Get our prices first; all guaranteed. Bdwv 1217. TWENTY-FIRST NEAR SANDY LESS THAN ASSESSED VALUE Some aa low aa 8700. all improvements ta. 2 block car. Com see them. T. O. BIRD. h2 Chamber of Commerce. MUST HAVE some cash at once. I room shack, barn and other improvementa. Price 8600, pan cash and what have you? Call Aut. 645-43. HOLLADAT IRVINGTON , 7$7 Mnltaomeb st alo8ro & room bunra w; furnace; garage. $5. Key at 430 SHI. ALBERTA DISTRICT bungalow. 100x100 lot, full plumbing. ONLY a few more beautiful Walnut Park home I basement: large garage; plenty of fruit and sitae. Better call Immediately on owner if. you flowers: everything in bast of condition. A real watt to live in the best reasVnrlal daUnct im the home. $4300. about $1000 down, balance eitr Wdln. 951. I easy terms. Wood lawn 6714. UNFURNISHED, for rent or less for long ne- wy B mean aniern Bouse, anitsble lor two faeailifti: garare. 2S blocks t car. -Pbone Wocsllaww aim ROOMS; furnace, firerlaiv. toilet and lava tery downstairs, hath and 4 bedrunma upstairs. ar t nssvoa sad franklin arhoeia. $30. Aut a, i si, Whksj eanvus. euy or eosietry. st .the bset at lies i at pneea. ureea 1 raaa. Caw 1?4t. 10 JH Alder at tlRMURK MOYlNss. 82 PER Hft AND UP is Days stohac.k frkr EIJC TRANSFER C PHONE BDWT. S44$ T ROOMS, tlertrte lighu. t ile, 2 lot. 1 blk frwa ear. $20 month. Wuiiamt Really Co.. seay I riaawae . PRACTlrALI T new A rooaa buixilnw full ce saeatt basement, laajidry trays, $.10 per month. Ante 8I H. at 636 E 6mh N. $ ROOM aaodern, on carline, paved atreet, St. Jena. dwa at. by Feb. 13. Owner. 32$ ROripl CXTY PARJs. 6 rwnwa nraUrt bungalow. eeitwotd firs, f icrtere. garage. Shown by arwewnimewa eeiiy. rsnoT zie the track fori $ . H mt, J an hour. 1 TtOOtf, 317 Wlllsmeti blvd rm. furniture, with PTMwsr Main "t-'OO aplevubd view. $30. Inqutt Fur R rniana, reduced I $16 a aaonlh. 1J2S Vt ClUse at ' - ' MOVING $3 r hoar larg. van, J to truck , WOODLAWN 803. F. sseee fareiur of -s A mom bows for t9. For furthsw InforenOosi Slain 2o. I I KAN 8-reosa heats. Inquire 1105 1st at Tslepoow Automatle 844 35 J7 50 7 roe, fail basstant. good coediuou. Sell. 164) I" ROOM buaralow. andera, 1375' E. 16th X Moratlawu 6.o t 1 - "" 1 HOUSES FOR RENT- -flJRNrrURE . FOR SALE 313 5 rooms, furniture, lor iu, ft b.ock tTAi'EV & idwy. bndg. 816 Vkctorm st. RR.ND NEW 4-Room. modem bungalow, 2 bedrooms, sere of rich, level soil, close to school and park. Woodstock. $3S00; $500 dwon, bal ance easy. THIS IS A BARGAIN 6-Room bouse, bath, etc., walks and ewer in and paid. I,ot- 60x100. 3 blocks to MontaviUa car. $2350; $500 down. A KOSOVAC 410 Gerlinger Bids. Sundays Wdln. 6521 FOR SALF 5 acrrt. all improved, small house, bam. other buildings; fruit; located in city limits of Vancouver, on hard surface road; will make a fine chicken ranch; $3500 Apply Mrs. Crawford. 983- Water st. Portland, Or. $1,000 win handle. 10 ACRES. 5 room modern bungalow, 150 fruit tree 10 yra. old, 9 cows, milk route, ground plowed for early potatoes; between 2 streetcar lines, in city limits. 6927 92d st S. E. . 5 W ACRES, highly improved, some livestock, near Beaverton; price $4 600; cash $1500. JOHNSON BROS.. 445 Washington bldg. FARMS 407 BRAND NEW 5-ROOM .RUNGALOW ON BEAUTIFUL AINSWORTH AVE. Only lblock from Union ave,, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, breakfast nook, sleeping porch, everything complete, on comer with all as sessment paid, $4900; $1000 cash and terms. Owner on property from 11 to 2 Sunday. 410 A ins worth ave. MISSOURI INCOME 120 acres at $20,000; 200 acres, $30,000: good soil and location. Also income property. Exchange for Oregon. Cleveland. 306 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. WILL trade 2 good lots in Newport, Or., best location, cost me .o. for late automobile. Mrs, Berth Johnson, Hill Crest route, Knappa, Or. 234 ACRES, some cleared, some timber, running water, close to highway; want city property up to $5000. Johnson Bros.. 445 Washington bldg. EOCITY in 2 improved city lota at 29th and tnvuion sts. as payment on ciosrin acreage. 912 Division st Seilwood I1R5. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 u ACRFS with running water, on paved road close in. cheap. Tab. 361 or 2087 E. Madison st., city. TRADE or sell cap. 2 vacant lots, E. 56th St.. N. Broadway 7264. ROSE CITY BARGAIN $ room modem bungalow in heart of Rose City. Has beautiful oak floors, dining and liv ing room, faced rock fireplace, cement basement with furnace and laundry trays, beamed ceiling n dining room, I latch kitchen, built-in buffet and bookcases, parage and full lot. lawn and shrubs; all improvements in and paid, including pavement Price $4750. with $750 to $1000 cash, balance easy. Call Mr. Lrwln, Wdln. 6714. FINE RIVER BOTTOM FARM Fin river bottom farm, all fine level land. 30 acres in cultivation, balance pasture easily cleared if desired. All under good fence. Good house, fine bam, silo. Ijocated on good level road, 4 miles from Woodland, on Lewis river. Fine creek through place. Spring water. Iwis nver on one side which is fine fishing stream There is the following personal property on the place: 5 cows, 3 heifers, 1 fine young bull. 4 hogs, 36 chickens, farm wagon, hack, disc, harrow, separator, plenty all small tools and farm equipment PRICE of this place, com plete with all personal property, is only $9000 and the terms can be arranged to suit pur chaser, or will take up to $4500 in satisfactory Portland property, $1500 cash and the pur chaser assume a federal loan of $3000. This place is only H mile from fine school, com munity bouse, church, and is located in a well settled, live community, and only 4 miles from Woodland, which is on the double tracked Northern Pacific Railway company, 30 miles north of Portland, and has one of the finest grade and high schools in Southwestern Washington. Lewis River Land Co., WOODLAND. WASH. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WESTMORELAND 5 large roonis on first floor. 3 finished in attic, roomy closets, fireplace, furnace, many builtins, xrice lawn, shrubs, garage, $5500 will buy this on good terms. DERR ft POWNDER, 1215 N-W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245 PRETTY GRAY SHINGLED BUNGALOW Five-room bungalow, with attic and stairway, basement Clean and in good condition. Full lot. A good ' little home, close to car and school, for $2775, with good building lot and some cash as first payment Harms Go. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 5654. $2650 CLOSE IN $2650 1 bkck from car on E. 32d st, 6 rooms and bath, pavement and sewer in and paid. 50x100 tt. lot, ouu casn, rent terms on oaiance, J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. NEW COLONIAL, in Irvington; reception hall and 4 large rooms on first floor, and A beau tiful sleeping rooms and tile bath on second; 2 sets of plumbing, oak floors all through, fine furnace, arusno fireplace, btnluns. garage. $7500. terms. J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 325-327 Board of nio . . . Broadway 2045 A REAL BUY FURNISHED $500 DOWN 8. rooms completely furnished; all modern con veniences. I-ot 96x100: hot .water heat, fine place, beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen, garage, fruit trees, an ideal place. Kasy terms. HARRY BECKWITH, RKALX0R. 104 t.h St. Broadway 6318 WESTMORELAND bargain; au new attractive room bungalow, fireplace, oak floors, builtins, electric fixtures, linoleum in bath and kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, large fruit cupboard. garage to match boose, all improvementa pain. By owner, 1855 K. lSth S.. near Bybee ave. 8 Room Bungalow . ONLY 34650 TERMS 3 large room and bath, fireplace, furnace. A good lot, I large living room, near car and school, good district John F. Euber. Tabor 7547. 6 ROOMS 83500 Right on Ankeny car, comer E. 24th st. fine bedrooms with big closets, good plumbing. big basement, bouse seeds painting, otherwise good condition. Terms arranged. Sidney G. Lattirop 411 Abington bids. BUNGALOWS ARE UN DEMAND 5 and 6-room BUNGALOWS for sale on terms of reasonable cash payment and balance on monthly installments. Finished in aid tovry equipped with fireplace and modern conveniences located amidst pleasant surroundings; convenient to ear and schooia. Sherman Nelson, Realtor, 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072; BIG LOT at 22d and Sandy blvd; runs through I $3000 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $3000 to Glisan ; to close an estate, $2000. A. N. Hear). 1928' F, Glisan. UAl.FACRE TRACTS Close to carline. .enable terms. or Bdwy. 6.-.50. Call Mr. Wdln. 3397 Larr living room, oak floors, two bed rooms. bath, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, enameled throughout cement basement, swell electric fix ture, garage, .fruit and rosea. 1005 E. 30th N. Terms. 0 -BRAND NEW $3800 Very modern and complete, 4 rooms and bath, big cement basement fireplace, during alcove. beorooros with closets. - Immediate possession. 3500 to handle. 680 K. Pine st Sidney G. Lathrop 411 Abington bldg. hEK these Walnut Park kite for a most de sirable home ait. Phone owner, Kuungswortb, Wdln. !tl. FOR SA.I.L Two building lots. 65x100 fact each. Wast Side, walking diatanc. Enquire 834 Market street ROSE CITY S. E corner 43d and Braaee, $1230; next to corner. $1000. Tabor 6441. PPTNGtON PA kit S. t corner 28tVjarrett Sewer sidewalks Pid. $450, Tabor 6441. LOOK at N. W . comer 17th and Beech ats. 60x100 cooic. Will build to your plana, or can design for you. Call or write 1612 lv Flanders. Mix A HbAU tauia sum i ftKST BUY, IN TOWN $2750 Waatsaorelaxai. bv owner, i room bungalow: large lot, cloaw to Seilwood ear. Lots of fruit and berries. Some terms. Call at 581 South avenue. $250 TAKES SOxlOO oa 74th. 100 ft. south of Brredwsay. lv facing. Tabor 6441. HOUSES 404 FOR SALE in Park Rosa, completely furnished S room boose with acre ground, on Pearmg fruit treew and all kinds of berries; moa chicken house. Inquire of Mrs. hvittner. Fresco st second bouse on Hanson. ROOM saodem house, lot 60x100. nnn fruit tree and flowers: all imp patent in I naved street, near Jefferson high and paid. Must sell. 846 Division st WEST SIDE A. W corner Front and Sherman. IOOi I inn, witn z nouaea. By owner. 34 4th at. I BT OWNER Modern 6-room house, A-l con dition, fall cement basement, garage, tun lot. ana pudd school. Improvement ail paid. Price $4500. Terms. Wdln. 9194 4-ROOM HOUSE. 88x100 lot, near ear. good location. foOO cash, tanas reasonable. In. nnir 14M0 K Ankeny et 4 ROOMS, new modern boas. St Johns. payment down, monthly peyments. Small East 1275. BOSS CITY BARGAIN A3990 S6&0 CASH Attractive 6 room bungalow. 6S0 E. 61st N. Furnace, fireplace, S nice bedrooms, close to Sandy, paved t Broadway. 2478. WANT A HOME? I ea build for row. Liberal financial aa- nstance. ROBNFTT A MrfiJTsr. BniTxir.ns 802 Conch Bldg. Bdwy. 65T4 BKACf IVUL litTLil BUNUAXSW S room with bath and breakfast nook: only a few months eld. $3200. reaannable terma: right eoncader car a part payment -Woodlawn 4714. ALBERTA 6 rooms. ' furnished, modem. Transferred to other state. Win sacrifice. my equity and fur- By owner. Terms. Act quick. or appointment. L-15. Journal. EXCHANGE OFFICE Rente 6-roem bosses to each age for doee-in Improved acreaee. RllBN t'TT A WcCUrxtE Ttwav TACI ewa tewD niag. Bdwy, OWNER mast ad foar-tueea bungalow, fur nished eotuplete; paved atreet. two blocks from Union ave, car; $2800, $550 cash. 423 EnmneT St ' HOUSE PLANS 1 00 design. $10 to $15. or specially designed at reasonable fee. Ii? R. BAILEY ft CO , 24 S. W. BANK BLDG, MODERN bungalow, 840OO. completely fur- - ntabeai. S rooms, hardwood floors, firaolscc, sleeping porch, cement cellar floor, trays, eta 574 K. j. MeGuire, t'nioB are. f OR SALE. lour mom nous. bth. electricity. I FOR SALE By owner. J ' ?. "with famKare 8SOOA; toner lot. t on paved street, fruit 60x100. 683 lnaley. corner of .19th; by ewner. f terma.' 722 . Sth. room house, 1 and be me. Laxr del 3i8L- THE . Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. has recently opened up for settlement their last targe block of fertile psrk lands in tbe Lloxdminster and Battleford districts in Central Alberta and Saskatchewan, where grain growing and mixed farming conditions are ideal. These lands can be bought on 20 year terms, at an average price oi sits per acre 10 per cent cain with no further payments of principal until the end of the lourtn year. 6 per cent Interest: under cer tain conditions of occupation and development only 12 per cent interest first two years. Per sonally conducted parties of landseekers with re duced rates. For further particulars apply or write Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., 208 Railway exenange Blag., Portland. Oregon, L. P. Thorn ton, district representative. HOME WANTED 5 room modem bouse or bungalow in any good residential district south of' Haw thorne and west of 50th St. not to exceed $4500. Have buyers with substantial pay ment ready to buy this week. SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS I can sell some improved small acreage tracta within 10 miles of Portland on good roads and near electric line. W. G. IDE. 817 Lewi bldg. WANTED $5500 RESIDENCE IN PORTLAND $5500 Will nn, xiriou caj.h and loll acre. larm, un dee atnte irrimtion nroiect. Deschutes vslley, Cen tral Oregon, near Bend, in exchange; acres oi this under rultivation. 69 acres under irrigation 12 of which is in alfalfa: all fenced; buildings free of incumbrances and water rights paid, This is in tbe land of the famous prise winning nntainn. Have other business m 1'ortlsna. ii Couch bldg. Broadway 6523. I H1VR csils verv dav for small house from $1200 to $2600, that can be handled on terms or lots as first payment If you have such call Broadway 6859 or we win call ana see you. F. L. Blanchard REALTOR 401-2 8 wetland Bldg. $3200 STRICTLY CASH, grocery, apartment honse district, no deliveries; Jan. verage $43.11 daily, end can easily be increased; low overhead expense. v BUSINESS SERVICE, 71 s Dekum Bid. $1150 RESTAURANT doing fine business, low rent, 2 -year lease renewals; price memoes last 2 months' rent paid on lease. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. A GOOD BUT1 r Owner called East; must sacrifice at once at low price, filling station and vulcanizing equip ment eood location. 363 E. 11th st. RESTAURANT with sleeping room, rent only 817: well equipped, dandy place for two. Price today $475: term. MAKKAND REALTY CO., 349 Salmon. SALARY IOANS SALARY WE IslAN MONEY to salaried and workingwievi on their persotial notes. Rates reasonable. esy rwvment. NO SECURITY NO INDORSEU Call and invcticet our modem money lend ing methods. All business confidential COLUMBLV DISCOUNT COMPANY Ijeerwed I 218 Vailing Building. IONEY"TTU)AN Money loaned on household goods or mer chandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 4th and Pine One Opposite Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 8713 $100 TO 825O0 ; quick action. A. H. Bell. 231 H Morrison st. rooms 10 and 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgage and sellers contract on real estate in Washington or Orearon. H K. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bkiaV CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP Good locatkn. established trade, clears $200 month: on account of health owner sacrificing for $1100. 718 Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Betor Closing a deal of o-called interest In established real business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1903. $700 VULCANIZING SHOP, good business lo cation, plenty of work: owner must leav city: worth more than asked. BUSLNESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing parlor, estab lished 10 yeaert. Has. a good trade and 4 nice rooms in tbe back. Bent 825. I new SI0U. Main 2638 Min 1163. BUTCHER SHOP, wholemln nd retail, one of beat towns on coast: fully equipped, including alaughter honser20OO and invoice stock. BUSINESS- 8ERV1CK. 71 S Dekum HMg. GREAT moneymaker, businea already establish ed. Automatic cigar, gum. and match vending machine.' Flared and working. t-x7 terms. See 8. Brown. 1 24 N. Broadway. argain splendid business: low rent, 1 at $2500. S "BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg. ONE OF THE BEST truck jobs in Oregon. can make $40 and better a day; must have $1000. .9 to 12 A. M. F. T. Pembroke, 3(11 S 1st st. room 88. FOR SALE by owner, grocery, salt fish, smoked meats store, located on Washington at. do ing good business; large room in rear. Phone Tbor 8636. WE BUY first and aneoud mortem re and sell era' contracts. F. K. Bowman ft Co.. 210 Cram, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6776. W II J-, buy small seller contract or aecond mortgage. Gordon, 631 l it ot com, oiog. MONEY WANTED 651 WANTED $3600 on 100x100 concrete build ing on kmsed ground, west Bid, downtown. Iease rune 8 years morn, Baildmg rented foe 400 per mo. ana wortn siu.uuu. wans joan for 8 vears- A-502. Journal SEE OREGON IN. t MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Exchange bldg. WANTED Party wuh $2150 to lo cm ES mortgage. C-341. Journal HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 CLAY ST. STABLES Just received. consignment of Eastern Ore son horses and mares, a to 7 yeara old. weight 1200 to 1600 lbs. The consigner haa come beck, changed his prices; they will sell very cheap. They are sure a nice load of blorky built chunks, young, aound and gentle. Will acll with a guar antee. Anyone buying a team or a bora can date checks head for trial. These are eome of the prices : Well mated team of blacks, 6 and 6 yean old. well broke fnr any kind of farm work, weighing about 2700 lba. They, are sound. Price 8175. ' lisve a beautiful bay Belgian gelding 5 yean old, well broke to work and sound. Price $90. We Ltv 45 brad of hone m alL Portland's choice big horse are st Cly Street Stab lea. These weighing from 3000 to S60O. well mated teams, young and anund. will work any peace horses can work. We win prove that to you. 427 E. Clay. FOR SALE If you have $4750 cash I can ahow you a real proposition in used car busi ness of real merit Full value is there. Phon Woodlawn KR65. FOR SALE A fully -equipped creamery plant including building, in a splendid dairying com munity in the Willamette valley. Correspond -with H. D. Moaeland. Philomath. Or WOULD you Invest $25 to $50 to get into a good first class honorable business? A money maker; none better. Inquire at 4022 42d st S. E. Portland. Or. $900; $500 down. Rea ms nager partner. FOR SALE Tailor shop sell at once. M84 Wa WANTED , . A 5 room bungalow style home on 50x100 lot Must haTe attic. Haw thorne. Irvington or Rose City. From owner. Not over $5000. Call Main 1628. 690 Glisan st C. R Speck- man. 7000 ACRE SOUTHERN OREGON STOCK RANCH. RIVER FRONTAGE 700 acres all in one bodv. well fenced. fronts on Umpqus river, well watered with springs and creeks; only 4 miles from S. P. oepot; two sets ot bm Klines: land slopes mostly to south, ci ring early spring pasture, wnicn with mild climate;, insures abundance of feed. Price only $20 per acre. r la. KDDY. REALTOR, RTTTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RANCHES PRICED RIGHT 160 acres for 4 or 5-room house; small bouse, bam, all good soil, 140 acres under plow. balance pasture; no stone or stumps; price 3250D. 10 acres near Tigard. 5 acres cleared, 3 acres orchard, small house, running creek, all good soil: trade for house up to $4000. 20 acres near Hulsboro. all cleared and m eroo. bearing orchard. 6-room house, bam. chicken houses, silo, some stock and fram tools, running crack; place right up to snuff; will take house up to S500O. SUTTER ft MAUBOULES 246 E. Broadway. East 9213. Ti i V L' ,i;,nt. wentine home in all part of city; if your price is right we. can sell it for you at once. Call Mr. Henry, uroauway iooi 2311 i namorr oi vmiun cmsTivTUi. 4 or ! room house, big lot with f .,; furnisher! preferred, on terms. Ko agent. ' P. O. Box 2073. FOR TRADE Hudson 6, 5-pass., good condi tion, new top. etc: will take good house or lot rv bal. cash. 60 N. Broadway vss Y-rvTT , H anend'tlOO for paint and nk floors and increase your value. This work done cheaply. Bdwy. Bua WANTED City improved property to exchange foe mnrnml acreaaw. onnsoa una., -sv Washington bldg. WANT small home on easy terms. Guire, 54 5 N. Union arc. R. J. "Mc AUTO for lot; will trade Chevrolet delivery or touring car on good lot 60 Ti. Bdwy TF your house is for sale pbone Ralph Harris Co., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. ana ACREAGE 455 r Beaver Springs Farms In tract to suit. 10 to 150 scree; all good soil, no rock: some cleared; some buildings: living streams; close to good school. 2 H mile to good town, railroad, Columbia river and highway; 2 hours' drive to Portland. Come and Join our ooiocy of good people already there. Your own terms within reason. Prion $30 to $60 PJOKN' A, MEISSNEB. 821 Gaace Bldg. x-s.-Tirrk t in ft seres improved A-l land. with or without building, lor casn or Portland rrooerty. Must be good buy. State oecOTintinn and lowest price. Private party, r 7 . 6 . Journal. WANTED 3 to 5 acres, eleired or stump lnd. on public highway, not over z miiea iron Portland. State price .and location. Must be cheap for all cash, from owner only. R-18, Journal. ROSE CITY $6300 You will like this bungalow on Wis teria drive. Five rooms, modern. Nice large rooms. All improvement in and paid. Garage. $2000 cash, balance to suit UNION SAFE DEPOSTT ft TRUST CO. 384 Oak St . Bdwy. 94S. $2500 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Modern, excellent condition, up to date plumbing, 75x100 grounds, an excellent buy. HAKRx BECKWITH. BEALTOB. 104 6th St Broadway 6318. $1000 FOR a 3 room honse. lot 50x100. on E. 15th N : $200 cash, and $45 per month. F. L. Blanchard, 401 REALTOR. 3 wetland bMg. Bdwy. 6859. UNIVERSITY PARK Don't rasa this up. 5- room.V furnished; garage with good automo- pna. cooking utenasa, dishes ana beading, gar den tons, everything complete; lot 75x10V. All for 82100. all rash. P. C. RHODES. 81 S. IjOMBARU. cement basement nice electric, fixtures, larsnj porch, reception tiall. very larco rooms, built in conveniences, near carline, no incumbmnceA $3500, terms. 733 Tibbet at. cor. E. 22d. Phone Sell. 377 $350 CASH CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW 83850 A nttie beauty, double conjunction. 5 rms. Dutch kitchenette, full cement basement GAR' AGE. 65x100. Paved street Sen. 1250. . HOUSE FLANS 100 designs, $14 to $13, or specially de signed at reasonable fee. U R. BAILEY ft CO., 924 N. W. Rank BMg. 7000 85 ACRES, good hous and outbuild ings; H mil off highway. IS miles from Portland. ' $2000 10 acres at HiUsboro: win trade for honse In town. 140 acres at Junction "City, til imp.; stock and machinery: everything roes for $12,500. Open Sunday and Evenings. 969 Union Ave. N Wdln. 5684. FOR SALE 51?s acre ranch. 16 miles north west of Eugene, 2 i mues from Klmirs, Or. 1 a sens In vetch and oata. 1 5 acre ready to put in this spring. Some timber, partly cleared. all could be cultivated if cleared, good sou. Family orchard, berries, good well. All fenced. creek running through place. Write or apply to O. A. Hatter. Elmira. Or. race azttou. FOR SALE 160 acre, fenced. $3250. Moun tain ranch, chorae location for cattle: free ranee. Water: o acres oniavateo: orenara buildings; stock; farm aaaenmery: tunutare; s n,ilrm tram town, school. Pacific highway. Ad- dies owners. Harris ft FerreU. Rogue River, Or . Rt 1. ; . 60. ACRES. 40 in cultivation, land all good. good barn, fair honse. two orchards, land lays fine, plenty wood on place, rooa-waxer. vn gravet tomA. 14 mile from paved road. 8 mile from Vancouver. Price $6000. Easy terma. B C. Os burn, 112 Wash, st, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 176. 52 ACRES for kale. 7 miles nortn of Vancouver, Wash. Rhone Cot 124. W. W. Gerts, 1867 Chase at ! FOR SALE- 2 improved Eastern Oregon farms. in good community. For particulars write W. T. Norval. Wamic. Or. FOR RENT FARMS 408 FRKE RENT. 80 ACRES New nlaoe. 6 acre nearly ready for plow best potato land: rest pasture. Small bouse, running water, good barn. Renter 'most dear land. " Will pay $70 an acre for clearing Ad- dree R. 3, Box 120. Bank. Or. 200-ACRE ranch close to city of Medlerd, Ot, Owner. East 797o.t WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, on good road cloae to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down and owner to accept soldier's loan. John Ferguson, Gerfinget bids. WEEELT newspaper, son. paralysis of business Wm. H. Wheeler. Halsey. Or. in fine location; must ash ing ton st APARTMENTS FOR SALE 501 FOR SALE Small apsrtmeut house of 7 rooms. Call 355 Salmon st HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 For -Hotels and Apartment Houses See G. C. Ulrich. & Co. 40S Stock Exch. Bldg. CROWN STABLES. We have any kind of horse, big or little, that a iwrsoe would need, and our pnnea are cheaper than any jilac In town. We hve them aa good s can he found anywhere from $0 up. Abo. a few saddle ponies. All kinds of harness, new and second hand, single and double, col tars and weat nad. We can tell harness 10 per cent ti 15 per cent cheaper than'any store in town Have aTt kinds of wagons, new and eenrwvd band. A a rule we hare plows, harrows, grading tnnti and Fresno.. One Kirstin stump poller . almost new. Everything guaranheed as represented. THIL SUKTTEB. Mgr.. 1 2S5 Front st NOTICE TO FARMERS Team of sorrel geldings, ' well mated. Wright 2750-lhs-: price $145. Team of bay gv'Ktin. wen mated, weight 8100 lb ; price $190. Team of bay-Belgian mare. S and 6 years old, full sinters, weight 2S0O lbs. Team of black Percbrron geldings, 5 year. old. weight 2900 Tba. Black mare. year old. weight ' 1600 lbs. 15 head of horse and mares. 4 to 7 years old. weight 1300 to lbOO lbs. 234 Front, foot of Main tt HORSESHORSES WILL ARRIVE SUNDAY. FEB. 12 Carload of. horses from the Grande Rovi'le valley, sge 4 to 7 year, weight 1250 to 1700. . These horses run from a gotd farm chunk t , as good a draft horse as grow. Also some well mated trams. This stork is 11 well broke and ready to work. Every horse sold with a guarantee as represented. G R. Howitt Columbia Stahlea. Front and Columbia. BOARDING HOUSE SEE THIS AND MAKE AN OFFER 14 rooms, good furniture, including pisno. 16 stesdy boarders : slso waiting list: rent 855. netting $220 peT month. This can be bought cheap. , See McCauley, HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Rv Ex bldg Bdwy. 3626. U. S. STABLES We hav 20 head of good young brmeaj and mares from 4 to 8 yean old. weight 1 300 to 100 lba We will sell very cheap to make room for a new load of norsee. Every horse is guaranteed as represented. 368 Union evenne south, corner Stevens street G. D. WILIAAMSON GI.ASS GOOD rooming house: apartments .nd house keeping rooms. I Proposition consisting of 36 room with 18 rooms furnished. All unfur nished rooms and apartment rented at a good profit Walking distance of down town. Inquire at 422 First street. ATTRACTIVE bouse tn good location, best res idential district, very nicely furnished; good income: gsnje. F.sst 9267. ' 7 ROOMS. H. close in. Weat Side, rent 8 JO. Price 8550. BARRAND REALTY CO.. 349 SALMON WANT to rent large farm with implement and stock. Wm. Halonen, K. r. v. Aa X. uau- kanie. Or. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acre age or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred; ome people will buy, the plo after leasing for year or more; we make lota of aale this way: win buy equipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Peifie Coest FOR SALE By owner, 18 rooms, ail light, out side rooms; cheap rent Leaving town, reason for selling. 489 Washington t- FOR SALE 60 room notet. centrally located and doing excellent bmoneas. coon Write Sam H Webb. Astoria, Oregon." HOTELA AND RESTAURANTS I guarantee to rid your puce of cockroaches. Write Box oreanem, sjt. AT A BARGAIN. 9 H. K. B E. 9232. N BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 LIST YOUR PROPERTY -Wit, a nun who can sell it: 20 years' Tsvrienee buying and selling buaines chanoea. F. Robinson. Frank C. Robinson 503 SELLING BLDG. Main 2557. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 CONFECTIONERY, and cigar aland, apace for card or pool room. Lone l-stsa ana gooa loca tion. Will sacrifice for quick cash aale a I m tearing town. 280 hi 8d st LIGHT grocery and confectionery, all furniture and fixtures go with place; doing gooa paying business. Columbia 1475. 403 N. Jersey st-. St John. r 500 An rnS-war $150 prices. Acorn Press, 286 Washingtoe. nr. 6th. POOL HALL for sale. Pool and card tables, bar. futures and stock, inquire 602 Main at-. Vancouver. Wash. SOUTH PARKWAY pool bail for aale; 4 pool tab lea, soft drinks; good socaoon: win sen ior reasonable pnee. Mam 7459. tzj nm st. FEED and cereal store, in live suburb: must be old immediately on account of sickness. $400 rash win handle. Bos 27 e, stirw uxie, or. HAVE valuable invention; will give half interest for financial amastanee. t-SU I uw xstaum bldg. Aut. ia-41. NEW GEM doughnut outfit everything complete- for a wholesaling and retailing business. Slid. Call or write. 830 Mass. ve. BY OWNER, pool hall and confer done ry store; good location. East 7874. doing good business. Phone Printing for Less Kvder Printing Co. Main 6380. 193 Sd rt S-ROOM house. 5 block from Peninsar mills. cement sidewalk, lot 66 2-3 by 110. Price $1600, terms. P. C RHODES, fl5 LOMBARD. O FOR SALE Loncn Ei 191 3d St. counter, good location. 8-BOOM house, big lot, 4 blocks to car: Price 8350O, easy term to responsible party. A, N. Senile, Owner. 1928 EsUt Uiuaa. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 A GENUINE BARGAIN 86 eras near stnta highway. 87 acre first class water right fair bniWrmrk 26 acre in al falfa.: Price $4000. Good term. K. U. Peck. Ettca, Or, i 1 ; r '"' . "' .. i '. " " - FOR SALE Meat market 1884 E. Stark. in BAKERY Fully equipped: -leaee or eeU; take part trade, fsefl. 2164. 619 E.-g0th at. B. APARTMENT honao. sannmer raeort, fne btau- neaa. $1500 wUi swing it Arxto. 614 19. YOUNG MARRIED MAN wiu invest S00 to 8 1 000 with services, in business tbat will stand investigation. Has long practical sale experience, can efficiently and acurately Jttep a at of hooka. Can furnish best of reference as to character and ability, and ha plenty of pep im4 nersonalitv to ret result. v-i. j.. WANTED To mase about 10.000 .aq. ft of space for light manufacturing, on one or more f'anra. Water, ess electricity connections- Pub lic Welfare Industry. Ask for MorreH. WANTED To buy email cash grocery, any dis trict State fully what you nave. lager, 15C9H E. Stark. want tn trad new 2-room ouncakiw and lot for small groceif or coueeoonery. K-5S6. Journal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 WILL arrive from Weiser, Idaho, carload 23 head horse and mere. 4 to 8 year old. v-eight 1200 to IROn lb., ansae matched team; will be sold reasonable for quick sale. Keystone Stables 31 Water St. Corner Montgomery. TEAM of bay horses. and 10 years old. price 100. weight 20AD. also 3 more teams, an good workers. 2 wagon and 2 harnesses, 2 each. This stuff is from a farm that haa been rented and must be sold. Come and make s s offer, 228 N. 14th at- Tak North Portland ear. ON ACCOUNT of quitting businea will dispna of 2 teams, consisting of brown team weighing 2900 lb., coming 5 and 6 yean old. half brother and auter, and team chunky built mare, weigh ing 2800 Tba., coming 7 and 8 years old. Will aeil regardless of pnee. 7ta street ruei uo oor. of 4 3d ave., Mt Scott ear. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second band Special price. V. E. E8BENBHADB 360-366 K. Mo GOOD young chunky team, weight about 2700. Harness and farm wagon, will sell at a wt low price a have no nee for horse. Tram hav been used in prune orchard. 760 Front. Take South Portland ear to Gibe. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS WiU sell all our horse, wagon and hAraeea and buggies at a sacrifice ; must clean np quack ly our leae expires shortly. f all l no. iU Grand ave W. J. Sullivan. East 1814. LEFT here to be sold, 6 bead of good young farm horse, consunng of tram bin roan geldings $300; team Belgian mares, 2900; 1 blue roan mare. 14 50. Call East Sid TTajaafae Stable. ISO K. Xth rt. REAL bargain, 1300-lb. mare. $35: 1500 P. gray horse. $4$: also erveral other cheap horses, harneaae and wacowa. Corner E. '8th and Main. 2 Mocks north of Hawthorne aw. TEAM ot maree. 2500 lbs. harnea and farm wagon. Cheap. -Woodrard, cor. of SOUt end Hawthorne. 3 W FARM wagon, top bugg and heavy doabie harness, almost new; aell cheap. 4010 67th st. Mt Scott ear. 2800 lb team, Harnesa and heavy wagon. Call at Boring Wood ft Coal Co.. 60th and Divtatoav Mt. Scott car. $60 buy good 4-year-old botv and angle har nenv, Weight 1260. Have no ua for him. 762 2d st 8. MtlES CTTT LOANS NO COKMISSIO! On improved property or for improvement purpose. The best and easiest method of paying a Wa is our monthly-payment plan $32.26 per month for 34 months, or $21.84 per month for 60 month, er . $18.17 per month for 96 months, nays a loan of $1004) and Interest Loans of other amount in sans proneartion. Rerteyment Privileges . EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASS K t 242 Stark bt. Portland. Or. i 1200. $400. $500, $700.' $1000 AND UP, Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., T83 Chamber of Commerce. Main 644 . BUILDING" loan en city and Mburban pvove ertv: money advanced a work rruau W, G. Bock. 215-216 Failing bldg. Main 3407 69,3.920 DIVIDE ta uiU property, wheat land. Kent 7604, Epton. . ,i It. G. 2500-m. teams. 6 and 6th st yean old. 244) C CHUNKY built team. 2V0 lbs, hameea n4 farm wagon: will sell v.irer 670 rwtrr rd Mt tstott car to Kern Park ' IMiUBLK to $3 d.j. r tram (10, day. 644 Fmnt t Mai" 220 A BAT horse and asre. Age 9 years. 1160 to - 1400 poena. Must sell Tabor 1292 C7RAT and bey Ixm. 6 TJ old. 1630 to . 1600 1bs leaving cvty. Tabor 1292. UVESTCOC 701 dr tr m. VETERINARIAN ANDEU80. wTOI. 6824. TT alw hrry ipnalfl. KkK.SH cow tirl r2 r.. sinnpas. JT" F.'MfCY-Jersey tows, roewng price $45 to -- 9! wter rt WANTED Beet, veal end hoe. Tabor T 1 11. Itla 4XV62, for ml cheap. vCoaUnued liewVnj Ps)