MONDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 11 15,000 LOSE ALL Woman Shocks Man - THEIR SAVINGS IN I And Breaks Fall From Hip in Window P0NZK.IKE DEAL (By United K San Francisco, Feb. IS. Miss Emily Morton. 21. who leaned too far out of ' the window, and A. S. Welt, who was I walking beneath, both were reported at the central emergency hospital as recov- Q" today. . . - alias Morton is sunerinr from a frac tured hip and West from "nerves' and the shock of his involuntary heroism in By Alexander T. feats . United Hews Btaff Correspondent Chicago. Feb. 1 J. Lincoln's birthday. rrtTeBtinK heP from receiving more eer 13:2. will be remembered by at least I ous injuries. ! Ij.OOO IJthuanlans and Poles in the -hack jji Morton, leaning from a window o m yarar- aistrict nere as uve oay i m the JUaito theatre building late Sat when , roseate dreams of quick riches urday. lost her balance and fell.rerash. turae- u ai.mi realisation m nara- ,n through a kJm, and faUlng ,hiS. nd.i,V,'ntarra,itn, UJU"i d.recUy on the head of West, one of a Their IdoL Raymond J. Bischoff. 85. Uumber of pedestrians wuwin. admtitinc mat ne nas tost Between West, whr. o,,Ai JVOOO.000 and $7 000 000 of their savings .idewalk, sustained I Onl lacerations mroujn uu runw lci-r.iu-Mu.w ,.d bltllsen of vnlnnr nattir w,-11- ICape their wrath, I M, Morton eAr-nr-Alr.., lt,..Li in custoay or muea state roarsnais. .irao.t rtatn throns-h- vi. n.l the district la declared by Felix Ujnwittln intervention 1 Htrekeman. attorney for the creditors, to Drowned Mail's Body .Recovered in River SPECIAL NOTICES 101 FUNERAL. NOTICES 104 was hidden away, to escape weir wratn. M,, Morton, aieordln to witn.n mate marshals, 1 ri.i,, w t, completely stripped of all cash, sav- Inica. and. In many cases, even the where withal to buy tomorrow's food. Throughout the district Sunday sound ed the mournful "Oye. oye. oye" of Slav Ic women, walling as they do - when rith striken their homes. In the tum- Mtidown tenements laboring men sat si- The body of Fred Menzel. 4 Holgate Untly. At the Lithuanian church even moorings, who was drowned Thursday the priest was tearful, for he too has I "ear his housecoat home when a rowboat ren his savings swept away and he is U which he was riding capsized, wasTe 10 suffering the additional bumilla- covered Sunday afternoon by Hugh t on of having encouraged his follow- eraay, veteran city grappier, who round era to Invent in the Rlachoff jnterorlsn I the body 150 feet below the scene of the XATiT FACE BiXKBUFTCT ffC2?.!5h' JM!"IeJ. W",.3S ytr, old- S? a. 1 i umicu uy ma wuc, wiiu was wun r.ven ine wignoornooa savings nanus i-im when the boat ca ran zed nave reen neavuy nit and turougnoMt me dwtrict small merchants face bank ruptcy because their customers have lost BUILDING PERMITS nil their savlnxs, according to streyck- t. l. Thornton, erect midnw. 371 e. 27th Iti.iniv I it. between Stephens and Harrison eta. builder Btschorrs manipulations, according to a aicMinn, ooo. t. a...t .nikAiUk -.r- -vaotlv thnu I John JacolMoo. erect residence. 1124 E 9l of Ponil. A, mere' youth himself, he la LV ""worth. builder aiLrfo nave engineered unsnciai w. j. Holmeserect public garage. 1170 Hol- tnat oul-foniied me nttneno most snin- gate between 89th and 40th iu builder, m. 1Kb example oi irengiea iinance. a owner, : Unrul Innklnar. With a wlnnlnsr nerson-l nailer G. Moure, erect residence. 1052 Rod ality. and Shrewd, he came here from I ave. netween AUrta and ouiniaer ata. build' f.l lain uBra iirn after a I " - 3 " - - o" - I Wlltvr K ?. .... n.o Term in pri-on lor na-iruon rum u Cornell road between NorUrup and Marshall. 11 r rii j , smtiu 111 , a-. u cu 1 nuiner aioun niratnam. iiituv Ti f .cent nome, & summer home in Mlcnt-I wuium Ah. erect mideitte. 7 E. 88th t. W,ama Ka ffUaniiial rtattMM MtaVtn HnmarMa. atrtrl A ah mt-m knil.. V X v K ' II, wiriu Kt- kiiio um & i iibi iv. iasi us uvu i u au sim.. wiauun. f. x ' ... I U I I aan'sa iha rAMla alafnant In fh BlrW!! I -aJVV. 1 , V lV" - John fl U'M,.. - j f W ' . . ... I MOULD betwtrn Hntlaihtan ainri Hnrlann I vii-i, uinivu sviviii w OU1 iter P H WilliAmsann II AAA Tr nt promt on fO And 90-day HOte. T. F. Ward, erect widencii- 633 E. 4ftth L He Pld th any liotea and the news between St&nton and 8ukiou sts.. builder L A. of the wonderful Drofita anread throuah uerrow and t. f. wrd. S5000. ..... I T A riai - - . am - V a4 v. Iha M afPlt 1 1 atak -VlririraV - I xavw. viw.t icbiuduvw, vol lOUl tilt ntSa TsaVW'SC I . - " Bra - ntn acv vmc t. a. (.arrow nd T. F. BftnOA. la a t Kaw farta ft ft k siaw n lnA h.nbmnln ' T. V. Ward, arect reaideuce. 828 . 46th at. ,h T-.-t nn.n. .nnAini between Btantoa and 8iakirott I-, builder T. A. . -i-, - Uarrow an1 T F- Ward. $6000. H " J. A. Horn be. arert reaidence. 991.1 7Sth t "MlT-. between 49th and 60th ate., builder J. E. 01- "I never want to go back to the west ami. 11800. ride," ha said. lie admitted, liabilities Multnomah otronty, repair armory. Conch be- of I4.6OO.0OO and the) receivera declare twaen 10th sod 11th tu.j 'builder iam u AtTOMOBILK BANKB.CPT SALE Tba aaderamed. will aeU, at 10 'clock in the ntBeoa. oa rebruar SO. 1 B2S at La Giaade. Or., te tba hisheat accepted bid for cash, all tba irwiiinini atoea. f iztnrea, parta, accaaanriei. office fiztarea, etc. aa abowa by the iaKBtan ef same, betaaaias ta tba bankrupt aatat at the Inland Motor coaanaay. Said erooert ia located at La Gnade, Or., and a bnaeh plaaa ei Daamaaa at aateipnea, ur. Jku aweatory aad tacpectioa mt aft aaid property eaa be aad aaada at places of bnameaa ot ma iar. at La Graada and Sntcrvrb. Or. by applyiag to the UBdenUned. j Aa tetendias watcbaaer ahal! send ta the addreaa ef tha nndenisned at Xa Grande, O.. a aealed Sid. (or either tha separata - property at either Enterprba or La Graada,' Or., or tha entire property at both place, ta be received not later man 10 eetoea ta tha forenoon -oi February 20, 1922, accompanied by a certified check of not- leaa than 10 per cent of aach bid, payable to tha order of the aadenicned. the Bumnt of tach check to be applied oa purchase price, of OKI. II acceptea. and Jortettett to in eatatet aaid company, if the bidder fails to cotapff with teraa of aala, oa diaind. If bid ia aot accepted, check ta be returned 4a bidder. It ta a part of tha eondittoaa of -any bid that tha awceeaafnl bid aball- ba credited with tha arjnraiaed yalna of any item or iteaa named in aaid intentory. that Buy have fee diapoaed of prior to data of acceptance of bid. TJndemcned reaerree tha right to reject - any and all bid, and tha acceptance of any d aaall be aabject to approval of creditor, aad confirmation of tale by referee. Dated at La Grande. Or., January SO, 1922 H. A. AO DM E R. Tmatea Bankrupt Estate Inland Motor Com I pany. a prirate corporation. 1 WUii not be reeponaibl lor any bill contracted HEUSSKR Herman Beiuanr. paxtnr ef .Secnr.d - Itef armed Church of Portland. Or., died Feb ruary 11. at his noma at East Thirty-scTenth and Colombia bonlerard, at the ase ef 9 years. 23 daya. Ma was born in Hombreehteken. Canton Zurich. Switaerlaad, January 0.9. IS 53. Ue aerred ia tha ministry 44 years; He is sorriTed by his widow aad 17 chiiiren, June -of, which are from his first wife, who was a- sister Of the present Mrs. Heosaer. and. who died February 13, r1892. One daughter. Mrs. K. Landsbercer, pre ceded in death. Tba aarneins cavUdrea are Ja cob Beosser of Killsdaie, Or.; Mrs. U A. qtroenet or rort Wayne, jrm.; Mrs. ta aJeu tneier of CleTeland. Ohio: Mrs. T W. Hoerse- maa of Lima, Ohio; Mrs. F. VT. Hoerneman of rwsrne; ina.; Weary ueosser ot Minneapolis. Minn. : Soland aad Emil Benaser ef Tillamook. Or.: Walter Heaaaer of Montesaao. Wash.: Cal- Tin. Arthar, Beima, Mrta, Kuth, Esther. Ger trade and Alma Meosser of Portland. Or. Fu neral serrices will ba held tomorrow (Toesday) at 2 p. ra.. from the Heeond Beformed elioren, fcast STtn and Colombia bird. Fnends tnnted to attend.' Interment, Bosa Cuj - cemetery, Bkewes tjndertaidng Co., directors. ; - " by my wife, Marraret a Bhippelhoutc after Feb. 4. iBigneoi a. a- anippemomc MEETING NOTICES 102 PTJKPLE ARCH. Tv O. I. NO. 511. meets 18th and 8po- day e renins. Visittnt brethren welcome. By order w. at. A. B. ELUSOM. (iee. HARMONY LODGE. No. F At A xr. fUated commanica tion this Monday' ere. at '.7:80 o'clock. Important business. The mast Worshipful Grand Master, Frank S. Kaillie will be with us. vimtors welcome. W. M. DB LIN. Secretary. THE MASTERS. WARDKS8 AND PAST MASTERS' ASSO CIATION Regular meeting 8 p. m. Tuesday, library rooms of Port- land Masonic club, Mnltnoman ho tel. W. F. Woodward, speaker. STJNNTSIDE LODGE NO. 163. A F. AND A. M.. 39th and Baw thorne Special meeting at 7 p. m. Ken. 14. K. A degree. - WAVERLT LODGE NO. 174. A F. AND A. M., East 26th and Clinton sts. Special commumcs- tion this Tuesday erening, 7:30 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. uy order of W. M. v WM. JAPPERT, See. j IOt5b WEEKS TBJLQiCiG TBXB ; -Wi aara lrandreds of araduaiea sow eanceaa fnlbr enaaged in tha Anto. Tractor. Battery aad tha Auto electrical business. We can aasnt yoa to agood pmiUon. too.: We gta yea a tsar weaaa FEES TBIAle bo avmey ia adranca. Tba trial eahgatea ?oa in no way. It afford row aa exeeifent opportwaity to siss BP ear school aad teat ytmr qaanncatxwa ta jean aaecoawjoat work. Full particalata im ear ew llx-aaaa catalog. Call or write for It today. Ask. leg hook No. . It's free. ADOOX ATjTO AND AYlATTON BCHOOI, ' UNION AVK. AND WASCO ST.. Woodkara ar Alberta Car,, ad and AMea SUNBEBG February 12, 1922, at the family residence. 96$' Mississippi are.. Heny Son- anna Bnun. f atber nf Hmrv Nnntw-rv. Hberi- din. Or. i Albert Sunberg, Mrs. Joain Stromburg, si Hainan Botan. Oscar Banbere. all Poik, neo.; Mrs. Emma Johnsca. of Geno, Neb. ; Mrs. Ellen Thoeen, aiisa Esther and Natban'tSrinberg. all of Portland. The funeral serrice will be con ducted Tuesday, Feb. 14. it 1 a m., from the Swedish. Tabernacle, corner Seventeenth and GUsaa. Friends mrited. Interment Polk. Neb. Remains st Pearson's andertaking parlors. Baa- FAILING -In this city. February 12. Helen iL failing, aged 77 years, mother of Mrs. Cor nelia Minsinger, Mrs. MiMred Powers, Mrs. Stella Adams. Grace and Olirer Failine- of Port- land, Mrs. Jonia Brown of San Francisco, Cel.; Mrs. Helen Burch of Los Angeles, CaL; Mrs. Mary J. Peterson ot Boring. Or., and Mrs. Eliza beth C Hunt of Baker City. Or., and sister of (ieorge na.tna.way ol Hpofcane. Wash. The funeral serrice will be held Wednesday, February la, t 11:30 a. m.. at Finley a mortuary. Mont gomery at 5th. Friends mTited. Concluding serrice, Mmtnomah cemetery. DAY At Spokane, Wash., February 11. Eu- rene K. Day. aeed 4 a years, belored brother ef Mrs. Edward Boyce and Mrs. K. H. Ellis of rorUand. tiarry U Day of Wallace. Idaho, and Jerome J. Day of Moscow, Idaho. Deceased was a member of Lodge No. 831, B. P. O. Elks of Wallace. Idaho. Fnneral services will be held at the residence of Edward Boyce. 207 St. Clair street, tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11 a. m. Friends tnnted to attend. Concluding sernoes. Kirer- riew cemetery. Arrangements in care of Dun ning ac Cain. EDUCATIONAL 200 -P - STEH iWAWTTJ '"',i';: " Caara awtntaobiia lm iTiii iM fit ' lumaatf for a good Job. : . Tbooaanda of aoporranitiea for the trained asaa. The HEMPBTLa. Ante schools. astanhahed to 14 differeat Clliaa offer the fol lowing trades to ambitious awa: Auto sad Trac tors mechanics, tins vulcanising and repairing, battery, ignition aad electrical oanes, exy-eaete-bst weldinc. Lowest tnftioa fees. . Life member ship. Our free anployaseat effiea helps yoa to a geon poatnoa. xoa owe n. to.yoaneir so i vesbaate. Write or call for ialonaatioa to HEMP BILL'S ADTO AND TRACTOR 6CUOOLI l 191 Uawtharnai areDoe, rorUaad. DRESSMAKING 256 JULE'S Win Balks year frocks, gowns and wrens far all ceaswoa aaa im oo rrawwiiins at raw able price. f x 411 Artisans mag. rnone Bdwr. 6 SOS. Broadway and .oak St. HEMSTITCHING white, 6e per ard atiaight. aatil Feb. la. ,Saoa ex flainng Baop. U Beyal bids. white kmntwfhing. STRAIGHT silk. Sc. Horriaon. 209 7c per yard: AJuky sidgu. cor. 3d and DRESSMAKING, thoroughly experienced; prioea reasonable. . 497 ')ay. Mam MISSES' and ladies' sulla. coata aad gowns: pricea reasoaable. Tabor 1526. SEWING by day or hour at your home, reason able. 74S Hoyt. or -cull Msr. 2541. NURSES 237 FOB EXPERIENCED NTTtSK caU Main 10T2. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS r AMERICAS HOTEL 300 HELP WANTED MALE 201 AST INTELLIGENT PEBSOK, eitner sex, may earn 9100 to S200 monthly cotiesuuaaiag tor newspapers; 35 to f IB per column ; all or aparc time; experience UDneceesary; no eaarssaing. Send for particulars.! National Press Bureau, Buffalo, N. T. J 25 WOOD CUTTERS; large job; everything fur nished; good timber; close in. Must have 380 cash each to finance, self first month. Apply 266 3d St. 9 to 12 a. ra. ENERGETIC salesman with car; must be a good business getter. HOOVER BEAXTT BROKERAGE, 409 '(Lumber) Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. 92 North Third 8L TUt Dotal hag.'Veea thorooghly cleaned and la owned aad operated by Americana; tha best service in th city for rates Charged : elegant lebby. elerator smtt. always lots of hot watar. free baths; rates 50c. 75c. 31. Special rates to permanent guesta. EDW. F. GODPABD. Mgr. MALE solicitor; must be able to handle delivery. Call Tuesday, 2 p. m., at 1253 Habey St. Tabor Laundry. OPPORTUNITY for real salesman; experience in auto not necessary. Must buy lord. See Stoner. 60 N. Bdwy. WANTED Man with heary auto for field work. Automobile accessories. Good money to the man thst can deliver the goods. 260 Front at. DAVIDSON Feb. 12 ' st the lata residence. Oswego, Or., Lucian M. Davidson, aged 77 years, father of Frank, Arthur and Orrin David son and Mrs. John Cox of Oswego, Or., and brother of Courtney Daiidson of Dent, Idaho., and Alrard Davidson of Vancouver, Wash. The funeral service will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14, st 1 p. m. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service, Os wego cemetery. HAVE Hudson auto, model 37, will exchange for cement Work, carpenter work or plaster ing: give phone nnmber. M-299. Journal. AGENTS wanted tor famous rnrea-ia-oae ahop- ping bags. 602 SwetUnd bldg.- WASTED At once. 2 men to learn rulca nixing aad retreading. 432 Hawthorne, EXPERIENCED solicitors, with a car. for clean- be with us W. H. Parkina. erect residence, '402 Dekum. btwven (Srand aid E. 6th Urn., builder asms aa owner. $3600. Stark Street In v. Co., erect Fdg. ApU.. 243 Broadway between dint and Wbeeler, builder name aa owner, 920.000. I Biainger A Co., erect store, 1642 Grand are. between Clatsop aad Marion, builder same as owner, 83200. 1 VUitaF Statistics Ttlarritges. Birtbs. Deaths. Dili sum will reach I7.WO.000, "There are 4000 creditors, and their finances are completely wiped out," Hreyckiriarin said. "Besides these people who have sold their homes, given oVer their savlngi and even their weekly ty envelopes, the savings banks and merchants In the district are facing dire times. Moat of these poor people have been out of work much of the time in the last year, but every cent they could was handed over to Blschoft. 31 ADR BIO SHOWING "I have found that he took trainloads of these poor people to Texas afid Okla homa to show tnem his oil and gas prop frtiea. He had some paying wells, and " in iiiruiuavi uiraw iiw iuiu nuii- i,.fi . - t o t .j-i- di drfds of thousands of dollars' worth -of 1 Margeantinl. 22. Park Rose, i storks. Ua took trainloads to Michigan Ira B. Graves, legal. St. I Helens, and Mar- to see his farm lands and then s " "i mi"n nuns. ror m year no naa Efu U.K. I nm, i.i fa a iiki Lseaawsayramldlng the .alleged profits Of p,nl P. Brno, legal. 820 Multnomah street. the poor foreigners and not Daylng- them sad Inna M. rrans. legal, 820 Mnltnemah street. a rent. exceDt When he had to. ? jf . -L"" "0B treet. sad lone "His assets we have found so far total i.nri 'iA.ti. nJUi- i V.w .. ir... lr.0O.0O0. a'nd we are Working to find and Hertha. Beeman. 40. Rainier hotel. Ue rest of It." 1 Saraphm BalUno, legal, t0 East Twenty. Blachoff refused to tatlcr 4Ie claims TiS? tr"?' i? Bn. leal. . . s a . a. a . . . . I SWHOJ M9t a WvUU-f UfllUI BlllBL flOnri i.l was aouoio crossea in . trying to Ben u Hich. ; . - , .8S ThiM ttTt !i lisl tKsif Ptsa Irk sat wvsritafr sf ffKja rvrT4k an. I 1 " mi TlOllMU CARD ENGRAVERS 111 Morgaa Bids MARRIAGE LICENSES LA j a HARMONY LODGE NO. 12 F. AND A. M. Stated comma ni cation this (Monday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Business of im portance. The Most Worshipful Grand Master Frank S. Baillie will Victors welcome. W. M. DeLIN.Sec MULTNOMAH COUNCIL No. 1481. Royal Arcanum, meets every second Tuesday of each month at 8 p. m. nn the 3d floor of the Pythian bldg.. West Park and Yamhill sts. Visit I nig brethren welcome. E. P. MADLING. Secy. ALBERTA LODGE No. 233. 17 th and Alberta sts. Regu- I lar meeting every Tuesday eve ning at 8 o docs. won in First degree. R. G. BEED, N. G., H. A. BRUNEMER, Secy. HAWTHORN E LODGE No. 111. Special communication this Tues- Isy at 6:30 p. m. Work ia the E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. BOSENTRETER In this city, February 12, Rudolph, aged 40 years, husband of Delia Bosentreter of Oswego, Or. ; father of Robert snd' Frederick Kosentreter, son of Gust Roaen treter. brother of C. Hv F. W. and A. O. Rosen treter and ' Mrs. Lizzie Davidson. The funeral serrice wijl be held Wednesday. Febru ary 15, at 1 p. ra., at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service, Oswego cemetery. BURKS At the residence. 9 59 o Vernon are.. Carrie, aged 39 years, beloved wife of James A. Burks, mother of Mildred and Ruth. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at 2:30 Wednesday. Feb. 15, at the chapel of Chambers Co., 248-250 Killingsworth are. In terment in Ro?8 City cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 10S trusted to him In this way. City Club Selects Committee to Study Local Housing Code To .Inform Its members In regard to th form of the city's "housing code" and the need aj)d desirability for changes at the present time, a commit tee; has boen appointed by the City club to study the code. The personnel of the committee.' In cluding men who have deep-seated Inter- ret In housing from varloua angles, is as follows: Norman Coleman, Jacob Kanaler. R. (3. Dleck. Joseph Jacob- iwrgor. Dr. C. V. Moore. William Gray l'urcpll and Carl Steblnger. The nmrnd major report by the City club during this administration, that of a survey of public health methods In Portland, is nearly completed and will le presented to the public early next month. Also ready for early release Is I he club's study rf the administration of the public welfare bureau. WEDDING W. O SMITH A CO. BIRTHS KISHI To Mr. and Mrs. K. KIshi. 54 N. 3d. retv a, s naugmer. i DIMARCANTO.MO To Mr. and Mrs. A. Di ruarcantonio. 1347 W Crbett. Feb. 2. daughter. i CI RCIO To Mr. and Mrs. B. Curcio, 354 front, FeD. a, a son. i DEATHS N Robert Bruce Irwin. County hospitall Feb. 9. 30 yesrs. bronrho tinrumonia. WIKHT Clifford Rsy Wiest. Good Samaritan hospital. Feb. 8, IS years, broncho pneumonia. uia - uiauae Leonaraj eoso 4otn b. ti. Feb. 0. 80 years, nulmonarr tuberculosis. ITAL1. James V. Hall, 7HH Gantenbein. Feb, v, a. years, lortar pneumonia. NEW TODAY 50 St. Johns Church To Build Basement For Sunday School Members of the St Johns Community Congregational church, tha Rev. B. K. Kouree, pastor, voted at their recent anual meeting to construct a full base wient under the building for the use of the Sunday school and community ac- tlvlUos. Klectlofi results were: Trus tees. Robert Bdyd. J. O Bailey. J. Web ster; deacons. C. IL Stadelman. M. B. dreen: deaconesses. Mrs. J. Webster, Mrs. John Grlnrod; clerk, Mrs. J. M. Blslr: treasurer. J. W. Qordan. The Young People's society officer are President, Mabel Reed; vice president. .lames Vrooman ; recording secretary, Ruth Oordon: corresponding secretary, Klla Ackerman ; treasurer, Donald (Jrevn ; organist. Clarence Whlsler. KOfiraOTG CO. MT. HOOD LODGE No. 157. A. F. and A. M. Stated communication tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, 8 p. m. F. W. ENKE. Secretary. CHTBD AND "ALUOS MAIN B0T. East Side Funeral Directors . a dunning, ma , "The Family Sets the Price." 414 B. a.der Bt phone Bait BS. ing and dyeing. Apply 774 Williams are. PARK VIEW RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 883 Montgomery street, corner W. Park. Roomr with nrivata bath, aui table for two ern- Uemen. Two rooens. connectiug. suitable for a persona. CALL at T. M. C A. to aee free list ol mode rata priced noma for young aoea ia all parts ot the aty, including rooms at the Central T. M. C A. with telephone ia est la jam, rtmweg bath aa FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 N1CELE farniahea iloyiing room ia private family, with ssrrrDeaw ef Kant aonarkaerwa. jJ(t- ' North 21 St., BlG.'warsa. oooaCortabia rooea adtoinius bath ia pretty bmsgaWw aosae with larga grxuxts. caw in. east, axle .or near, to one or two eaaployva. ait v wa are. aatomi automatic 323-10. NICK, clean. wH fumkbed apart asaeit; atao sngla sleeping roonsa. - Alt reeeatly reaoeated. Modern eonvwaieneea aad a met. Gesnjemesi pre ferred. CaB aftrrnoona. S4 North lta st. LARGE, clean, double front roota. well Turw- kM. Bnitable 8 or 4 airta ar cosrola. Goad locality. Walking distance. 333 Cluaa. Bdwy. ROOM AND BOARD DENTAL 6TI DENT8 AND- 302 CHIBOPRACT1G STUDENTS Board aatf ooa like your asothet gava yea. lis CnJoa aee. N. DANDY front rooaa facing nark, opening porch, with S meals and home privileges, ta priTsta family. 333 per snoath. 33 W. Park. kAUTUA WASHINGTON Room and beard foe airia: eaoderata ratea. ahaU 1231. S3 10th at. Mar- ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED ' 304 r.lANOR HOTEL SUIb Vor flowsekerpiBg god VepiaC L Marshall ZaOS. ONE laassreeptn eaita. i;lX asaall .aleeping roeama, Cail Xast T. .' TEST aiceJy furaished S rooea anartait. 3 nsail u. K. aaartaieata. 313; aava 3 larxe 313 aad II: as at bat and phoast goad car Tabor !. . W ' THE MILLER ATABTMEVTS 234 V riKST 8T Kit atADISOS glewtna aad h k. Laarfaa: brvA: cOaaa and raaeectabea, Phewe A at 433-02. NICELY (uraabed siutr. 2 or 3 rn ami. aoo. aerpveg re net, at 443 N. 13th at, ear. 1 p smsr; sates by tae saoata. 33 and ma; free tele phone, bath and pool table. Broadway 1344. FOLK asm f ehadiac psaaa. sas. eavctrmty aad raone; e tire tower Poor: euneiysarts earnaw. Tabor 1117. 33 Belawnt. it LARGE frost boo-saeewng wl rare ia bed, beat. aoC water, eta ail tn- cluded: aear Graad are. sad xsawthisraa Cail Aot 21T-I4. BOTEL KETBESLANDS, 120 13th. at Wash ington Brick structure, center of Portland's busirjess and social activities; respectable; spot less rooms: 33 week; 31 a da up; with private bath, 32 day. Hotel Mediord liu N. 3th St. Corner Gliaaa two Blocks from Depot T ac and np. a wee up. Hot and cold water ta each LENNOX HOTEL 342 THIBD WC. NEAR MAIN Attractive, modern rooms st reasonable rate. Nortonla Hotel rLKVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's high-elsss dawiilinn reaideotlal beteL We fire yoa the eomforta W boras An.eriran and Eqmpeaa plan. Rates trainable. kOSE CITT Front roosa with breakfast, dia aer if desired; aO eomforta well famished modern, private home can offer. Garage. Gsa- tlemaa or -baaitieaa woman. Tabor 8374. NICELY furnished room, aplendid home cocked meals, all conveniences; a refined and homelike place for business people; moderate rates, 414 Market, corner of 11th. ROOM and hoard 323 ner aunth: 2 ia 330; dean, light, coay rooms; good hoan cooking; walking distance, 343 Chapsaaa at. alar - .. . WEST SIDE 1 aincle and 1 double room, clean and warm, in private home with congenial bunch of young men. Every borne comfort. 434 Lovejoy near ZUth. -EMPRESS HOTEL 6th and Stark ats. Clean, well furnished rooms, single or suites. Special rates to perman ent guests. Centrally located. FREE -60 acres timber, aad 4011. after 7 p. m. 3300. Wdin. HEADQUARTERS for cooks and kitchen help. 43 N. 2d. Broadway 2339. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 TUB WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers its services in alL matters pertaining to the welfare and protection of women and girls; interviews confidential. B14 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. Phoa Main KS22: SOLICITOR to sell from house to house quality food product in and out of town. Good in come tor competent worker., Give experience if any, address and phone. N-l B, Journal RKCTOR HOTEL 9 North Broadway, at Ankeny, modern rooms. Private baths, Yale locks. 35 per week up, 31 per day. 50c Day, 52.50 Week Up Clean rooms, bath free, hot watar aO hoan. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jctterapa. WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASU'rlHToN ' STS. Attractive rooms snd JOMea at reasonable rate by week or month. ALEXANDER HOTEL Clean sleeping rooms. 33 up. 2 room H. K. suite, steam heat, close in. 131 H 10th st. at Alder. LARGE sunny rooms: beat, telephone, hatha; with or without .meaoa. Close ta. SIS MadMa. Phone A at 52213. COMFORTABLE light room. 10 m males "will from town. Horn cooking end privileges. 65'J Everett. Phone SZ.vzo. FLEA8ANT mora and good board reasonable to soma one employed. No other boarders, nice location. Aaui. 318-62. LOOM and board, wslkina distance, rates 3 to 39 per week: modem conveniences. 873 Ross st. Phono East 2560. PARLOR bed room suitable for lady or gentle man: will give breakfast if deaired. 306 K. 22L Call Hell. 3064. NICELY furnished room with board, reasonable near Adcox Auto school aad 365 Hataey, near Union are. Dental college. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 30$ NICELY furnished 1 and 3-reosa apt. cheaiv W a-king distance, light, heat and phase tree. Call Moa. Vied, aad n. bee 11 and 4 p. as. 559 4 th cL 3 OR THREE anfunu-hed 663 E East 3644. switabia tor SOWS et HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 ATTRACTIVELY farnislsed corner froat roosa. beat, ptaaly hot water, lately beeae. klielsea privileges. I ass aloae. Also light, cheery. warm front atoe room, zss enn geta. s t. , lar furnace beat, pleaty hot water, gas rsnr. ntandrr; apnUevly ericas; awl teas rial me. 1311. 283 24th. . 2-KOOM farassbed front naueekerping apart. meat, newly twtad. wajktng 0 latinos, reaaoa able rates, 46 Voico eve., worth. TWO large clownatain boniateepmg geoaaa, rn Sawaymde carHne. 120 a ataatiu 624 K. Mrrrison. Kaet 1322. PLEASANT room, furnished, for seeping or houKekMrarig.- sear bath. - for eae gen Oa ass a. 451 Ith St. g. Price right WE -DESIRE five larry solicitors to sell a new household commodity, excellent opportunity, dignified work, liberal compensation. Apply 827 Morgan Bldg. i WANTED Three experienced house-to-houe demonstrators for a household commodity of unusual merit. CaB Mr. Prigmore, Bdwy. 3715, for appointment. WANTED A girl or woman capable of doing housework on a farm; 3 children in family. Write if interested to box 5, McCoy, Or. WANT elderly lady to do light housework for man and wife. Must be small wages. CaU Col 112. TWO young women for highly dignified dramatic society. After 5 p. m. Phone East 3527. ITANHOE LODGE NO. 1, K. OF P. meets every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, -fifth floor Pythian build ing, 388 Yamhill at. Work in Es quire rank. All Pythiana welcome. THAD L. GRAVES, K. K. B. MULTNOMAH CHAPTER NO.4104, O. E. S. Stated Communication tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, - 8 o'clock, Kenton Bank building. Vis itors welcome. By order of W. M. ESTHER M. COUDY, Sec. OREGON COMMANDER! of the K T. Drill Corps will give iu fourth of a series of subscription dances Monday evening, Febru ary 13, at Cbristensen's Hall. SNOOK ek WHEALDON SUNK RAT; DIRgCTORo SUCCESSOR TO ZE SNOCgr BELMONT AT TiTH TABOR 1253 Lerch, Undertaker CAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNS PHONE EAST 781. GIRL for general housework wanted, references. Tabor 2460. LADY wants a girl to atay .nights and board. Thcne Woodlawn6382. EMPLOYED lady wants woman Sr young lady to share apt:, reasonable 314 Mill st. BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAY AND BTJRNSIDE 35 per week up. Private bath SO up. Free phone. NICE warm room, all th comforts of home, cheap, board if desired; close in. 47 E. 12th N. East 4786. GOOD board snd room 88.50 week; real borne privileges; walking dist. 320 Montgomery st. Phone Msin 5370. HOTEL HARRISON Clean furnished rooms - week. 85e to 50e per night; story brick building. 4oa Front. LARGE front bedroom with closet, heat, bath. pnopa, 49 per week; l block Mississippi car, 12 minutes to business center; near Jefferson high. Woodlawn 4375. New Perkins Hotel . Washington and Fifth streets. Special permanent rates. Mattfaiesen Hotel Rooms 50o day up; 83 week up: clean, Iltht. hot or cold water, steam hest 204 Columbia. NICE clean room, breakfast and laundry, 85; gentlemen only. 448 E. Stark, near 8th. Congenial home, two aduhta. BOARD AND ROOM Tha home must be seen to be appreciated; rates reasonable; modern. 891 Harrison. Phone Msrshall 8303. nr. iiavo room vor x nirn wuere jim wu iwi i . u.i. iaib at home. 3 meals for 31 per day. Come and frTrd " a8- try it, 85 10th st. or call B'way 8072. CHILDREN' or elderly people to board aad car TWO beautifully fansohed reons. heat, light. bath included, walking distaare, ssritable for bn-nea peopie. 124 K. 15th. East t714.t TWO nice single keeping raoms. elrrt. and gaa, 33 gad 84 per week; also tseepias roesa 3ei 1 7th. eqmer Co4ambia. TWO dean, partly furnished H. K. enosn. sWeo ina porch, bath: light, water and telephone furnished; garage if desired. Wdiw. I3f4. -FOR RENT Two single housekeesuig roota-. suitable for two: tight, gaa. rnone: clesa aa a pin. 603 6th st Mam 338S. 4 ROOMS perUg farassbed. nee and clean: hot and cold water: gas range and new linoleum in kitchen. (Auto. 818-17. 1138 Clean eve. N. 2 LARGE unfurnished H. BL rooaav 114 laoalh. free water, lights aaa poooe. sil avauy su Phone Main 4320. SAVE carfare down town, large room Ana kitch- en. everything funushad; 37 per wees. suar. 1455. 8A 6th St. . BOOM, piano lessons, use of piene and kitchen to gin emaloyea. waiauag fliataaca. B. aww- for in modern home. Woodlawn 726. WILL give good board and mulher'e earo to a child- Tabor 425S. tWO pleasant housekeeping rooms, (unusked. lights aad gas. desuahie aeighboruood. 270 g. 28th st . I LARGE H. K, room 318 fomaca seal, oooaing gaa ma Oak. between- 8th and 9th. tVa- per mosok : hghi. incraded. 464 E. t 8637: adults. HOTEL ARTHUR - 170 11th it., near Morrison. Clean, modern rooms by day, week or month; reasonable rates. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 THE BARTON Clean, furnished rooms. 82.30 per week and np; also light housekeeping. 456 Aider at. Dunning & McEntee Morrison St. at 12 th. Broadway 480. Ant 545-08. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MATH 4. 14. at 8 p. m SILVER LEAF - RKBEKA1I LODGE NO. 203 will meeW at Thiel hall, 104 V KiiUnga worth 'avenue, Tuesday, iVb. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, buttons, pins. charms. Jseger Bros., 131-133 otn ex. DEATH NOTICES 103 UN8WORTH In this city. Feb. 11, Albert E. Unsworth. sged 35 years, late ot Seattle, Wash., brother of George W. TJosworth aad Mrs. H. A. Smith of Beattle and Mrs. Iving Edwins of Cashmere, Wash. VThe remains win be forwarded this (Monday) evening by J. P. Finley Ac Son to 8eattle, where service will be held and inter ment made. BAUMGARTNER At the lite residence. Fab. 1 2. 274 Hooker St. Elizabeth Bsumgartner, aged 78 yra., mother of Mrs. A. Keller and John Baum gartner. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5tit. Notice of funeral here after; v KEPPLER Feb. "T3! at 3ie 5i residence, 105 Vt 12th st. Kkte Keppler, aged 43 years. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgom ery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. McENTEE As ETLEKs, tuneral periorv with all we privacy o a noma, 10m ana CTgratt ata Phoaj Broadway 2128. Ant 521-33. MII.T.F.R. at TRACaTk. laojepeadeac funeral di sactora, ; Funerala 575 and up. Washiagtaa at Ella at. - Broadway 2691. Ant. 518-44. RT RVDNPtS NEW RE8IDENCH a 1 e D 3 viN ESTABLISHMENT nit wuuams are, woodlawn 2 2d. A. RaSZelier Co, 485: C.Av.r-UNDENT AKTNG CO. Mala 4119 OKCWCS Corner Third and Clay. MONUMENTS I OS HOCKS In this city. February 12. tiearge Hocks, sged 55 years. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. SMITH In this city. February 12. Melvin A - Smith. Funeral notice later. Remains at the reaidentisl parlors of Miller & Tracey. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 FLUFF J1UGS Made out of your old wora-ont carpets and ruga. Save halt tha price ot a new rug. Use woolen clothing. 9x12 Rugs steam-cleaned. SI. SO East 3580 18S East Eigkth savTiia,iLavir!.aiaiT5 lit RU08 STEAM OLtANINQ, 61 .SO. wattraeset made ever. F aethers Rewavatae). LL KINDS rw MATTRK33IS for 8ALI SLUFF RUaS woven tram oM earpets, Fumitur upholstered ana) repaired. riONIBR Ma-rTRESS 4t OABFKTa OLKANIN WORKS 147t g. tlncaln St. Aot, 337-47 Benton-Franklin Legion Gatliering Will Draw Throng rasco. Wash, Feb. 11. The second an ' nual eonventlon of the Benton-Franklin American. J Ion will be held here Feb r iary 22. , Between I 150 and 800 dele gated are expected. Among speakers will he Lieutenant Oovemor W. J. Coyle. t'aotaln K. K. Brown of Ellensburg. Oer- Bl.l Owens of Portland. Fred M. Weil of White Bluffs, Captain Oeorgas Baards ler of rrosser, and TA Ivers. national rnmmander or what la krvownf aa. tm 40 and 8." The proposed Cenalla me morlal . will be dlsr useed. A reception will be held for visiting ladies by the ladles' auxiliary of tha local post poets In the conference are Captain Green poet of. Proeaer. Robert W. Ely post ef Ksnnewick. Pallas alcGtotblen post of . Whit Bluffs-Hsnford, and Franklin county post No. It ot rasco.. rv 5at a Q1 Sale arwo bis Wast Park aad Taaikia . At 10 A. M. Tomorrow SPECIAL NOTICES 101 SiALKD bids will he received at the office of the wndrrsigwed wntil T:30 p. sa., Wednes- ay. February 16. 1822. for-8344 school desks. Btda to be opened at the board meeting.- 304 courthouse, at that time. Specifications may be obtained st the office of the superintendent of properties, eld Failing school, city. A certified check for tSOO.most accompany earb proposal. - I .. . The hoard reserves the right ta reject any er all bids, aaiva irregularities or divide the award. R. II. THOMAS. School Clerk and Busiaeas Manager. . tstd February 10. 1333. , KHOADS In this t-iw. Feb. 12, Ids; wife of Harry K. Bhoads of 647 Tillamook St., mother of Frederick Khoads of Portland and sister of Mrs. R. F. Empson and Mrs. W. H. Mahon of Blonmington. . 111. The funeral service will be held Tuesday. avM. 14. at 10:30 a. m.. at Finley's mortuary Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service, Portland cream JOHNSON At the home of her parents. 1291 Oar at. February 11, Florence Beatrice, aged 8 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Johnson, sister of Donald. Friend are in vited to attend the funeral services at 2 p. nu tomorrow (Tuesday) at the chapel of the Cham bers company, 248-250 KillingsworUi eve In terment Rose City cemetery. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS L QDALTTY MEMOBIAIS . CTrWfta JlWWE STS PHONE E.T43 FLORISTS 107 FLOWKfiS FOR ALL OCrJASIOI Main 4737 YAMHILL st TEXTH. "We W-3 Flesse Ton." And Floral Designs. 25 I.srge Hothouses. Mo Branch Stores. 33 Y..r An atorrifioa st. rpi between 4th sna eta. rr, 770B. LEAKY ROOFS Skillfully repaired and -painted: references; hundreds of satisfied customers; 20 years' experi ence. Main 671 or Main 1994. Prices the lowest. K. 8. Co.. Inc.. 228 B. of T. bldg. GRADING AND EXCAVATING Day or Contract. RAWSON Main 4744. MAM of family wants work as Janitor or porter; oan give good remreaee, can give tauuu in bonds. C-323. Journal. -a PLOWING, basement digging, day or contract. and general teaming. Call after 4 p. m.. Automatic 622-68. CEMENT work of a& Sanaa, t-oa workssaaship guaranteed. Karl Batten Co. arneaea seas 163 or Sellwood SIS. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting; prices rea sonable, worg gusranteeo. Shop tSQa Haw thorne are. Tabor 1722 or Tabor 1240. MAN with logging team wants logging or lum ber, hauling E. i. Hackett. 618 Union are. N. Phone East 8829. CARPENTER work, 15 years experience fore man. Bee to sun contracta; maae sales, i on sider lot., make lumber bill, etc. V-15, Journal. EXCAVATING Grading, general ; teaming expertiy done reasonable pricea. East 8873. Banmer. CONTRACTING, carpenter and concrete work, remodeling; reasonable and estisfaotory. Woodlawn 6755. CARPENTER Work wanted; repair work, alter- ationa: garages 1015. built, Moderate prices. CoL MARRIED man. with family, wants work as shingler, lather, janitor work, etc. Auto. 317-07. CARPENTER Estimates given on repair work roofs repaired and garages built. Shop, 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1280. WB sp iKt iia tptry pPr hanging Phone Main 8450. PAINTING, tinting, enameling a specialty. of references. Wdln. 5009. Best fAl-CKUMi. pain ished, cheap.1 ting and tinting; Tabor 5 lifts. floors fin- Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressive Florist" Flowers for AO Occasions Main 7215. T. O. -Luke, Mgr. 6th and Alder. MARTIN tt FORBES CO.. flortsts. 334 WaaV ingtoa. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for al artistically arranged. IF IT'S Al CEMENT-CONCRETE WORK TOU WANT DONE SEE WHEELER. 589 BALM'N PAINTING, TINTING and ENAMELING. Good workman. Reasonable; has tools. Wdln. 6038 KALSOMINING, PAINTING; FIRST-CLASS WORK. ACT. 628-40. v HOTEL TAIT Modern oiitsid roams -Vntrir rmr V.ta-a $5 wit, up. Centrally ioratra, I2th -nd Surk. Maxwell Hall L& Furnished aleeoins rooms, bath, itrim heat. hotand cold water; 34 week and up. Hotel Helvetia 246 248 Salmon St.. near Third. Modern rooms 75c up. Weekly rstes. ' HOTEL OHIO, 266 Front, cor. Madison Rooms 50s up, 33 week up; hk. rooms; hot and cold water; steam heat; elevator service; other mod em conveniences. 1 , : 1. : 1 . TZ 1 suow lauy viNiun rouiu uuuo.ns ."- 1 . - , , , , i t 1u suus ana ooara; moaern, quiei noma; waiaiag i Jarkvon et. qisrance; single oeaa. sisin eojg. i IRVIKGTON CHILDREN will receive good cars ia home ef 1 1 nice bonsekeepiDg room: vary reason abk. motbeiiy woman. Auto. e3Q-za. I 441 E. 18ta st. N.. East 1441. housekeeping rooea. graond south. 344 E. Eighta St, 6. GOOD furnished front room with board; reason-1 TWO fureishrwd sole. Phone rjat 118. I floor, 12.50 NICE room aad board for 2 young men, 39 Phone Eat 944. per week; real home. 3S5 4th st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 ONE large front room suitable for office or SresMnaking parlor, with housekeeping room and kitchenette in connection. bet. t ashington and Alder. 129 V 12th at. 55 WEEK, completely furnished housekeeping suites; single housekeeping rooms. 13; every convenience: hot water aH hours; save carfare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. SMALL h. k. rooeas, 2d Ooor, tit per atonta. 154 N. 1 Ctb. LARGE light h. k. nr.m, electric light, bath. 33.75 week. 805 H 34 t 4 C N FTTRX 1SHED hsnuekreping roesaa and ga- rage, prirate family. ' 1S30 tw Main. FURNISHED. houaekeepiaiT newly papered. tinted. Rent reasonable. 691 Johasna at. 3 NEWLY, furnished a. k. roosns to aduhe era- ployed. Everytntnc (umuinM. Ola. oi. 335 8 H. K. ROOMS, edaits only;, s 423 East 67th. Ao garage Sargent Hotel THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th ive-r v .unijifion. riirnisaaa Jk.- na royFOHTlBLE 2 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Hawthorne and Grand. H. K and sleenlne I drive hMtltiful view- Inouira 326 4th .1 Msr. rooms, am ana com water, steam neat. t.. ansll 307-. : 2 rpoat furasaoed anc gas run atava heat: also 1 roups wtta ask and rooms furaishea (no bedclothes or I conrenieaces for cooking; large iloasc Adults. " n.-u cawy. i Market at.. Apt. K. reasonsble. tl-i MO. dishes I, wood snd gas stores. Hotel Ockley Katherine Apartments LARGE, nice housekeeping rooms, including I Comfortable 3 room apa rtsaenl. war bovne- 1. ... mw.A F . . - . . B.lln. Aimtmm.. .W. I M. .! ,U.. K. U Tl ,t.l. U,.4SfiS Monuon It 10th. tl a day, weekly $3 and I nenola nreferrerl ' 120 Ulli it X wnr' r.liun I ' tt , .' , ' np; free phone and bath: stesm heat. ' l ::r,AT"JJ:" :.. 1 A.? aLM?2. 1 T" 2rZLZ'TTT- Cor. 17lh and Couch. Large, well furnished. I Grand are. 1 ersrs, 873. Msnhall 7381. modem room, at reasonable rates. 3 HEATED sleeping rooms. 66 E. 28th at N. at Davis; bath, phone and hot water. Phone Ka&t 6728. 2 LARGE front H. K. rooms, arrua from T. V C. A.; gas range, electric lights, water near very reasonable, for couple only. Mar. 1 s i a. SAN MARCO BEN HI'R HOTEL 347 OAK ST. bet. Broadway and Stark. Clean. comfortable rooms, electricity. Central location. NEWHALL HOTEL. 402 bast Washington st. oor. orana are. ; moaern sleeping rooms, i lijMf tint anil mM watar in mnma 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms. phone, bath, steam heat. 388 per month. C5it w. uusan n. Mrs, rrankiin. 2, 3 AND 4 rooms. 812. 515 and 320; newly caicimrnea ana papexea. iaoor osuo. 1 1 1 i E. Market . Attractive mortem X-i Free gas. light. I Ueee. East 1990. att. WaTkiag ais- THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th. cor. Alder, A RE SPECTABLE downtown hotel. Rates 75c ap. Private bath t2. Specnsl latea by week or month. 2 ROOMS, walking distance, furnace heat N. 21st st. Main 4078. 253 SLEEPING rooms for rent, corner of 1 0th. 894 Yamhill st. DRICKSTON APTS. 44 1 1 TH BT.. 8 ROOM MODERN A PA RTaTFT. HAVE 1 3-roosm modern anartaseBf newiv fur SINGLE housekeeping rooms, suitable for 2 pea-1 mahed. and 1 2 room aputasst, wewiy far- pie near, ugnt ana puone. waising msrance. i atabed and 1 aleroina roosa. SS4 Uraad avc. lis r. l tn tt- I is . rwr. wroeqway. COZY, well-heated H. K. rooms; home pnvi- roR RENT 3 roosa, ciaaa. weU famuoed ape. leges: 315 per mo. 363 E. 12th at. cor. 764 Mir-hlnn aw., sssr HseA at . l kWk Stevens. Phone Eset 5467. I from Msssissimi carlme: large porch sad foae FOR RENT Three newly furnished bow- I yard, to saaa and wife. Only SO. keeping rooms suitable for threw adults. 2zS I WELLINGTON anL.. suW new 4 MtBLl furnished sleeping rooms, 53 and up. I Nineteenth street between Love joy and MarwialL I rooaa art., beautifully famished: ail aew fsr- ssiur. I wilt ncv'T rnmiahari tl c kmu with I nltai. walking ajslsoca to Swwnsas oaBtar. S60. water and heat furnixhed. 1 sleeping rsom, graaoway nmNIQnrn PnrrMS I large. 665 1st at. N-S. car. I 4 ROOM lower apt,, wood ranca sod gas rang". 2 ROOM apt. complete ana well lunmbed; oe- I ana waacr; goou yaru ana sssiwuik; ngi.i PRIVATE FAMILY 301 tire HANDY jia" carpenter work, shingling, odd Jens; reasonable charge. Woodlawn 3225. PLUMBING done very reasonanie by tha hour or by the Job. Aut. 335-51. PAINTING Paperoangiiig and tinti-i. Auto, 617-43. CARPENTER and contractor, repair work, ga- ragas omit. aJ-3i. Shop, bsi K. 41st St. .N. LOST AND FOUND 103 EOETTGER At the residence. 147 Morgan street, February 11. MyrUe, aged 88 yean. belovwd wife of Henry E. Roettger, mother of Basil, w'rietids are invited to attend the fu neral terrioes at 9 a. ra. tomorrow, Tuesday. Feb ruary 14, at the chapel of Chambers company. 248-250 Kulroreworth avenue. interment in Moum Scott Park cemetery. ,. WEBSTER In this city. February 12. Louise Burns Webster, aged 80 years, wife of Irv ing L. Webster, daughter of Welter J. and Mary Caroline Burns. .Funeral services wm be held from tha home. 349 North Thirty- second street, oa Tuesday, February 14, at 10:80 a. m. DC RAND Funeral for the lata Mary M. Du- rand of 1019 South Princeton street will be held Tuesday, February 14. at 9 a. m. from the Assumption church. Smith avenue and Buchanan street. Remains will later be for warded to Stanley. Wis., by A. It- ZeUar com- pany. where interment will be made. TRACEY tThe funeral cortege of the late Jack Tracey will leave the- chapel of Miller A Tracer Wednesday. February 15. at 8:30 a. m. thence to All Sainta church. East Thirty-ninth and Hoyt streets, where mass will be offered at S a. m. Interment at Rose City cemetery. NOTICE hereby given that there will be held a special stockholders' meeting of ALASKA FISH f At. TIM at BY-PRODLCTS CO.. a fx its office. 402 Concord JuUdinc comer Stark aad Second streets. Portland. Oregon, at th hear of 10 e clock, ea Tuesday . February 28. a322, to eonaidrr the prorrasitioa reecmmeadea, Hy the board ef directors to diaposo of - iu property, ho oi data the aflam ef the company gad at, valve the corparatSBM. 4 . r v i y erder of the board of directorr. V Dated February ft. 1932.1 ANNA M. DITKX. Secratary. MENZEL In this city. February 10. Fred Meaart. aged 38 years. Bekrred hosband of lama Men eel. Funeral aemces will ha held Tuesday. February 14. at 2:3.0 p. .. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Coadudiag serv ices at mruana crematorram. STRAYED or stolen, Scotch Couio pup, 3 months old, sable with white breast and feet Tail msrked with white tip and small black spot. White spot oa nose. Answers to name of "King." Call Main 20.8 or iua aawvenus street. Bgvrard. LET ua figure your wiring, old houses our specialty. Woodlawn 5450. TEAMING, grading ana eosvadng. CaB East 0031. 2.4 tb, near Hawth orna. CARPENTER No Sob too large er too email; WIRE-HAIRED foxtemer, white with light brown face and ears. Answers to name of BasterJ Anyone able to give information phone T. hn. 11X1 WILL THE LADY who took umbrella by mistake from Lincoln school Sat., eb. II, call main 8402. ' j LOST Old fashioned enameled brooch, two double violets, one white, one purple, tcewsxu. 1102 Wilcox bldg., or pnone atar. .-zn. LOST Saturday night or Sunday morning, a 33x4 tire, nm and covering. ttewaro. Sell-wood 3218. LOST Blue silk umbrella on Richmond car. Reward. Sellwood 835. FOO'D Pair of glasses. Inquire 712 Corbett bid EDUCATIONAL 200 THAT CHANCE FOR PROMOTION 13 JUST AHEAD. ARE YOu X FOB IT WHEN IT COMES? day or nigbt school has been the stepping atone for thonsnds. Why not your pnone atsu o. IF TOC are ambitious and want a sound, solid. substantial business training that prepares for the beet positions, eorae and see us. We are not rehiring to any other class. Northwestern t SCHOOL OF COMMERCE f Links Business College Expanded) Morrison at Tenth. Broadway 5083". DEWITTE la this cut. February 10, 1922. .nance . uewme, owparta of Ira gjevkittc Funeral serrices will be held Tuesday, Febru ary 14, at 2:34 p. as. in the chapel of Her man Code risking company, Tliird and Salmon streets. Interment Rose City cemetery. ' THOMPSON Tee funeral service foe the late Robert H. Thompson ef gaa Fnnfcrlaeo, Cat. will be heM Wednesday, February If, at 2:30 p. re., at Ftnley'a mortu-ry, Montgomery at 6th. FHends invited. POSITION FOR EACH GRADCATB ROGERS Ti-s tuners! serrire for the latT3- fcjally J. Rogers will M held Tueediy, Feb. 14. at 2.S0 p. as., at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at 5th. ; Friends invited. Concluding service. Multnomah eeasetery. BOF.HN In this city, iebroary IS, 1922. Rrtka Boeha. Remains are at the chapel of Holssaa I'Wdertaking eeanpaay. Third and Sal avow streets. "otica of funeral fcspsc. ALISKT BLDG.. 3D AND afORBISOS MOIXK BARBER COLLEGE will teach yoa tba trade in 8 weeks; receive some pay while learning; positions secured. Oregon ex-service men receive state anL Write or call for eata- iWf. 234 Bnrr.side st MEN. women, leam barber trade; wages while tearuirm. uregon Barber College, 233 AtadV rem ec . ; . . LEARN TELEGSAPirT Railwsy TtWraph loxtitu'e, 434 Railwiy Ex- cnange twg. twy ana nignt cMssea. THE Peasley Studio Retouching SchcoL Tnsfwugh innrart, in theory and technique. 407 Morrison, all work guaranteed. Main 6348. CEMENT WORK Sat-dacaoa Woodlawn 524-1. guaranteed. Lowest PAPERHANGING, pain ting, tinting. prices on 1st class work. East -7842. BASEMENTS. GRADING, GEN. TEAMING" Contract or day work. Aut. 622-86. PAINTING, papering, tinong, enamel work a ape ciaity. Work guaranteed. Aut. 631-02. HARDWOOD floora, by day or contract. Refer ences. 1496 Rodney are. Woodlawn 6632. SHINGLER Any kind or ahingiing dobs by A-l m rename, pnone iuus lzei. CARPENTER and contractor, jobbing, sny thing in me pqiiaicg nne. rnone sst bbsb CONCRETE pouriifg by naeniae: general reent worn. Caa Belt 1530, after 4 P. 2 airls emriored: everything furnished. I price for r NICELY furnished front suite and single room, I 35 per week. 92 N. 16th el Bdwy. 3916. East 8810 hot and eold water In room, close to buatneaa 1 on' 2' ROOMS, housekeeping . or aktrniag. 1 center, in fine home; men prererred. 32X 12th I block to car. 585 Coaimeraal at., near and for right part?; gduiu. 727 E. Stark at. CUMBERLAND APTS. 3 roam furnished apart leans, aH ewtsids ms. walking distance; adaits eatf; W, Park 1 Corumbia. Main 1086. LARGE comfortable furnished room wan gasl xviti.T -fnmUI.ea H K and slMnsne mnm. I plate, water, light, gas snd teleDhone: alsol msu ik at Can aft. a r. m Ant. 1 2 ROOM asarunewt, furaiahed: gas Kestrr aad use of piano. Walking distance, very reasonable I Re.l-fil i do mesne nee; vvooaiawa car. raoaa We rent Aut. 822-20. I . . . . I Mwa 1 15e. 551 Pekwm are. 2 UPPER rooms, fur. or unfur.. vrv -lr,: I i rrti. fnrni.h4 kaih rJiorav I FOR RENT One aad 3 rooss tar. apt,; 1 ro-m large front h. k. roum lower floor 82.75 wk.. lia-nt and ht. aaa E." Alder, between 12U 810.00. 2 rooms 515.00 per BKvatA, At 223 811 per month. Children taken. Use of 1 im lath 1 Sheridan et. pasemeti- Water, Dgbta free. BOS Williams. ....... . . , ... . . . 1 v a iwro aa si 1 a,i. i j m inr.Afal K1NIHH I lunn I v ... , n i . ua) -ttiii i.. FOUR cocy rooms, nicely f Ornish ed; private I Light housekeeping and sleeping, eleaa and I spartmeats: hot and eold water. sUaat kaat; home, 815 month. To each roomer who I homelike, walking distance. 82.60 week and an. I honaekeeping. brings another 1 will allow 36 discount, Ra-1 293 H Cnkm eve.. 1 block south of Hawthorne. I nrvririr itm1 i r fined district, west side. 712 Fmoders. I Tti-n i.m n.r moms. Rusa leeiricrtv. rood I aot hooam. Call at 389 6Lh at. Idaha ant. 2 WARM furnished rooms, 742 Loveioy i I vxano. also aiiixle H. K. rooms. Close in, I Puone Main 9529. 'Take 23d st ear to Loveioy. walk block I 4 So Jefferson. I rnorv .1 .i;.k.f-i i r. across st from Good Bamaritaa hospital. Main HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette, heat. I raaga. electrie lights, large bath. One 'black 8B1- 1. hsrht and nbona furnished: 84.60 ta 34.23 per to cars.. 886. East t78. blAJs lunusnea I root xoom wua areasing roosa I week. 630 Jefferaoa at. stain 4si. I PARK APABTME.N'Ti 4-rooaa froat and sleeping pore. Viaumg -istance, west 6 fenAua ann mr..U hauaakeenine moms .2 50 meat, oa third Door of first class k-wss; eine. snao-i m. ar-m heat Call Main 7237 er 416 I trie elcraeor: 360. Phone Marshall 2881- a in mr I - side. Suitable for one or two genu. day 4829 BLC?2r -ivfJf4 FURSlSHED ncsastkeepiiig rooms, gaa, walking cooking PTivileaea and walkimr distanca. an it. able for lady employed. 312. East 2163. 166 E. 12th st. DESIRABLE large warm modem newly fnrn- saa room in clean nome: every convenience: home privileges; adults; reasonable; close in. Phone East 348. 683 E. Stark. ROOMS TOaBCNT Walking distance, good dia trict: attractive residence: well furnished. heat, hot watn- and garage ; breakfast if desired. call rJast 2161. CHATEAU BELL. MAS Modem S and. a reoat anarunas distance: free ha-hts. bath and phoa; reaaoa- I distance. Reason abte. -414 4th et sole rent. Walking B49-H Morrison. 2 AND room apt., free lights, water and tele-, IN GOOD location, erceptkmaliy dean, newly I phone; l Bin. te west asda. 624 aad 324. rarnauied nouses coping rooms : reaaonaoie i r . iii 4 A .s A a l . es ra T list aa. iseiwai avr i rent. mi u " J"- "-" , PI VIV amnU.1. hini TWO lovely outside room apt. i7. weu rur- ego V Lombard. Bt. Jonas e Cav suaueu . ucaw UIUU. aaa luuww. w k- Mflffl B17. dren. ZT. eeuwooa iuen. apsrtateat. ALL-ROUND janitor and furnace man, first- class, wants pom tion. Bdwy. 4109. PAPERHANGING and tinting, new wallpaper samples; estimate furnished. Tabor 8080. SHINGLE RS When yoa want ahingiing done call Wdln. 5206, morning or evening. Cai. I UVUJl . ,.,t . miCBJa . ,..,,, , , v . . . . heat; lou of hot water; easy waikici dis- " .'l" .t",lrLt7 'r,7w.HTir:' H... ni. NICELX furnished hovekeepig tacce. 215 14th st. FOR EXCATATTNO and general teaming phone Ooiumbia 894. , CEMENT WORK , - Have mixers; good work ra rsnr wed. Phone before 7 p. m.. Tab. S781. KALSOMINJNG. plasUr-repairing, painting; rea- scrable. Main 2866. CARPENTER work wanted. Ant. 618 Pi. ROSES and trees trimmed. Tabor 5706. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 LADY wan ta hoiiscc leaning, wasiung or other work. 'Good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. EXPERIENCED piano player want posiUoo. Caa furninh best of relereBoes. Call East YOCNG lady wishes position on P. B. X. Three . years expeBence. , wonia nee renel worn. Abt. 642-03. - Peggy Hnlctt, - GIBXr going to school wishes work for board .end room and rmafl wages, Wdln. 7St. LACE CURTAINS' HAND LAUNDERED; 12 ItSlW Vl-f,Klf..M R. EAST SISS. DRESSMAIONG 255 HEMSTITCHING 7e.i coUoa or silk. Ideal Shop! A i Plus. - DRESSMAKER, neat work, reasonable pricea. tish r.. a. i PLAIN EE WING HONK RF.ASONABLY. i WOODLAWN 2363. 325 12TH I dean outside room for bouse- keerjing: beat. bath, light, telephone laundry pnvtleges with rent, 17 per me. lrrrr. , -u . j , : . : i . - ...j iwn wuwh iuvbo, awvueru nuns, I . , , . . rA board if desired: fireplace, furnace beat; ugle 0- "d 2 " hoc. ""i. or double beds: references. Msin 8353 J 85 per week; white .people only; . children welcome. Eastern hotel. 211 First st i FOR RENT Attnctivw 3 rooaa furnished apt.. steaaa neat, close la; reasonable rest. - 80 K. 8th st. North. ONE 2 room apt., sure gad cisaa. eery ligat; walking distance. I oor children aaera than welcome. Main 8529. 372 MantrMsery. HAWTHORNE APTS. 2 and 8 rooea apta eleeaa beat. Sent 823. Mar. 1792. 466 US. -V- I ' , ... bedroom to rent to sUemaa. Garage close, neat, gaa. 376 Yamhill. Phono Tshnr T709. - I LOVELT warm and newh -ri.T.'...U -i ..- -..II apt., clcee to. W. P., reasonable, itawy. ibti. FRONT apt. of 2 IL K. mesa, clean, hot aad card water, sink, fernaca ar awa, ami warm and newly furnished 2-roora42lH 6th r Mar. 2803. - 1 location, reasonable. 3817. 523 Ooach St. Bdwy. CLEAN H. K. rooms, for quiet eopie. Salmon st. Marshall SQ7B. 327 BANNER APTS. 2 -room furnished apta. aww vacant, aS eebnde bie rrrn. tiay. Mar. SW74. . ----. I ..r- u : ; : . I aleerug room for gentle-1 WELL-FLRWlaHbU clean aousaaeeping rooms, I THREB rooms, nirelr fnrawtvrH iiriL ei. maa; lurnace oeatL. irea pnone am oain. B40 I i. wium m m. . --- -v. NICELY famished Tenino are., corner 16th. Phone Sellwood 437. LARGE front room aad kUehea on first floor: FURNISHED sleeping room in desirable location. I everything furnished except gas. 824 Jacaaon. near Muitnoman cmo: arutaoia tor gentle-1 2 LARGE housekeeping roosns oa ground floor. ram. vaii ax sd.n xamnin, - I 171 k r,Tn ac COMFORTABLE room for gentlemen; I minutes I 2 NICE front rooms, furnished for light house- to Meter A Frank's. Bath adjoining, furnace moaern. ezzvs b. rosaway. Main azvi 2 ROOMS nicely furnished, newly decorated. oath adjoining: ladies only. 3)Dti itam- aoa St., rear bouse. TWO., large clean. H. K. rooma, eiectrieity, not and cold water. Well faraumed. very good location. MarshSU 2589. 181 l7tB. NiCULY furnished room, cioee .ia; puone, plenty of beat snd bet water; 53.60 per week and nn. 608 East Morrison at. PLliAeAXT FRONT ROOM RfeASNABtl- 2 keeping, reasonsble 293 H Weiifier. CLEAN heaaekeeping rooms, farnished, cioa to. t hesp rent. Msrsnall agae. 1171 MINNESOTA are., fam-hed rooms, inciud- ing gas and electricrty. Wdln. 1488. 4 CONNECTING furniahed bessaekerrnng rniisse 93 K 8th st. N. Phone East 165. ONE large boneekeeping room su. itable for g er I 2. til per month. 427 Montgomery. 2 ROOM apt., everything famished; furnace heat; reaaoaaMe rates. 37 Z Broadway. BLOCKS ROSS ST. BROADWAY BRIDGE, . 882 1 FURNISHED 3 room apt.; sink. paaUy aad 7th. bath, first floor. 431 E. Ah near CLEAN room, furnace heat. West Side. Gentle- 1 FURNISHED n. k. roosss, suitabla fog family. men only. 619 a month. Broadway ZZ74. I 444 E. jaa s sva ua. ONE large front tones, suitable for ene er two! LARGS cleas housekeeping rooms, furnace beat, moo, with or wit boot ooarq. tin i m tt. i netn. ; ws.sing qsnsiiee. 1 1 a r.Tewtt. CL11AN front sieepmg room. Call Sunday orlTVVO hesnekeepiag rooma and 1 sWping tceea. . lAnli UahnM. . An f 1 . SfU . 257 TWELFTH Larga room, hot running n-ll FURNACE HEATED a. k. roonuw 235 lOLkl ter; walking distance; men enly. - v at, corner Coituabia. - rate bath, tent 880: aarbace aad water free. Can 80 Mfhrsokie stxeeS, egrvteg Haig. ROKE APT., 3 rooma. funmhed. A-l eoadilx U 414 Keormd at-, ror. or Hall; eery rv-eenable. fODD apartment. E. S, ef btarfc; 2-roaaa apC, . i v.. riAi 8-ROOM furnished saodem apt., eeUside recess, - pvfvste bath. 727 H Milwsukie at. KeJI. ,1719. . THE JJENNliiON 2 rocsa at-, Jtlh and "Bci- swiit rabor ess. FURNISHED or unfaraiahed apta.. rbaaa. Alt ajsceaver are . near Aintna anens. CHOICE 3 room apartavaat. well furaished. cieae. hgat, airy: arm us eniy. rast sas. NICE CLEAN 4 -roosa apartavral eery reaeaaa.e TenL Bee it- 658 t3uhaby L CONGENlAI'Xtd to sham modem apt., rcae- enable; ref. eg. MarshaTl 1380. 3 ROOM famished apa riser l rleaa: vaang distance. 71 Graaa are. n. Kaat !. ELaSoIB. APARTMENTS, new ! in 8-mont swrtea. 544 r 7th St. .V Alen snvfarenbed. FOR RENT One three-room apt, 1 two-roora apt. 15 t'eina aee. N. trXION ATK. aaa - 834.6: all eemrlea: (CeoUaoed ea FwUewlas F4S)