12 iHE .OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 12, 1S2Z. TRUCKS ANO' TRACTORS 802 THE . till' 4 ' ' ' 'T bllAlKiW . see ihs This, the aht timers say. is' a mm' siga that snnag hre. W neve siro tliat pat a uvov of faith ia thaw we At In th observation of th. groundhog. W sold a flock M wnl tracks th last week and w. know, that wf activtur ia seertin afc - . Our advice to that yea make your ertertiou early hat yon waat at the marked don CUKTKOLET fight Mw, self starter. Inrtrta Uclitm, good una. fin lata body, Ton caa't Imt it. 250; rORD ttght OeuTwty, ttgrtrr and battery. . S50 CMC. . vfbaald. repelled' fat a T"T thorough ul nilfBtlk 650 15 FORD. 1-soa. rhai drive, good body.,. t, TOIW, 1-ton, won orive, pUMana body , , nJ , new pneumatic Una and ana spar ....... 42S one. l-tnn. pa rams tie Una; the famoua nodal X namher J ....... , 73 WfNTIHTR. l H -ton. four wbeef dri... . whia far wvtra steep grade. - " sand, mud or extra hcarr conditions , j 2Z9 WHITE, 1 Vt-toa, good running condition .730 WHITE. S-too. thoroughly overhauled fmm . Mr to finish, not bolt or . Bearing overlooked, . 1650 RKO, 9 to, trarkerjark for eord wood. . 430 CMC.. Horn, Owvrourhly overhauled; this . . truck will ha mid with the v same guarantee that bark our - new t.MG truck 16.-.0 KEILBL1C,2 Vfc-tua. overhauled from ita ,. to stern, new tire en all four fneela, certainly a bargain' at 1 2 UMC. IS t. everhnl.sf and guaranteed. this la a 14 harvaui and wa Invlt you to tomtwr. tt with , any onr in th elty. . . . 2500' PACKARD, 4 ton. i greet big hnsky trnrt of toad il.iwi.Hahl. . mair that Mill .stand up for Irani to noma 7g "Wentworth & Irwin. Inc. Main 2HfJ cmd t, ror. Taylor Opa o Kundayi from 10 a. m. to i i TERM, ft f TKfl. .rKirM? IjOWEST: 1,. 11 " . ,;sEU TRI'I K depends upon Its enndlUon. ALL of our trn. k. are putin ImTk??!. kind- of eomfition before aoM. Our i-Vi .JT."' .b,rd n,Hm actual saliM and m. Inflated for trade In mrp.aws. t'oro. ,nd see for yoararff what, we hare snd the low prices. ' W1ITTK B tnn. Vmt wheelbaw, riiorouchly orerhauleA by tl and ready for the tianlt kind of Work for Burns leara. .Nearly new uraa and painud; a real bsr aain at . , . ( 12800 WIUTK J toi. nearly uew and lhor,n'igh ly rennnditionrd br f Tlrea absolutely new, newly painted snd the best bargain w. Iut. r bad. Too owe it to your- r serf to see it , Our price is..22.t0 MACK toa dump, nearly erertliliig new Cost lm In ornrhaul ami replace imrts. It i, ow as as uaw. mass us an offer. R-tm long wheelhs'e. Kewell riuoimi wiieeK Kelly tirn.jii-t i-rrnaiorn ami m sonmsii i" anl make-iK n j ; i.r.r i ii.i' i i. m in oieriiau art uuf rn.ninl. vw ivi-vtotu. t. run It lie 4sil likht u pailiator. ' ' and put ,n g,t kind of-'enn-- 1 fS " ll btsly, will be , - 'luiH with new tires "anil 1 reiiaintrd any cnkir yon akj.'f tfiO FOHD 120 l-toq, worm drlre. Jut orer. hauled at a cost of tlno l.iMika .( i. Hk. j . . Wioe ', $ 4oV CMC 121 Utest model l ion. Kler . trleally riullTed and fn A 1 eenditloa. Tires Jieerly nw. Car run about Soou mile. L tals ersT. at . i $ 1 1 00 taJHI. REO. PACKARD," KMSEL. SHAW, ate. at the lowest prWi la Port land, envuiderinc condition. r We Invite your ; inspection. THE WHITE P0. HANCOCK AND KI.INT NTS. 4 Bleeka East of H roadway Bridge and '.- ne Block North. . I WE ARE NOT IN -. THEBUSINESS. But bare loaned avnney on jrrme new motor trurke which we were e aniwlVd to foreclose, sn It la ap to as to sell same for our equity. Therefore if yem want a pnpulaf . auke of any sis. which ha never been driven, tt will pay you to apvwer this advertiement. for they are the beat bargains aver offr-fed. and will he "aoed en time paymrnta to nUable parties. T-l, Jonrnal. bargains in Fords 1(10 Ford l-toa chassis, excellent chassis. eondttioa ...(27C lfl-tnn track, with express body. tnp and windshield ...(ITS Itl toa trwk. with eab. windshield aad opea express body (S75 1(20 Ford 1 ton. oa pneamatle paea. aisoe tires, it ei press body, enmplete. Lnoke and nine like . new. Has 1(23 license (47( I BORKRTH MOTOR CAR CO. Park and Everett Streets. 1 KICKS AND DELIVERIES At th. tRF.D CAR MARKET ' ' ' aiath ' and Mala ML Fried delivery $J75 Frr.1 dWIvery ., 833 lVslge rVsllvrry 263 atnuVhaker panel delivery 245 Maswell delivery 235 Brnr delivery ; 21 lord toa track ami body 785 Ford va trwk aad eab S23 F ore, ekela drive ek.s 150 CASH OK TI.RHS. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 .'; BUY HOW . LET r OVERHAUL TOUR. MOTOR Labor, $1.33 per hour FE OUH MkNT ' hACGAN IS REBUILT MACHINES; EAST TERMS Indian Motorcycle Bargains ; We hare 13 nsed Inrliaaaon sale this k at prices frove 5tl ap. First eotns ( jerred. Reeneaiber the Indian h-tds ad the long distance worlds records. In. rt'sns are better ia the long rwn. Coave aad see ear new Cliirf aad Seoat. ' '.aianMvlotorcycIe Bicycle Co. Mala (IJ9. 20 31 st. ar. Sabaoa. ' MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 03 HARLEYDAVIDS0N MOTORCYCLES and COLUMBIA BICYCLES (THE WORLDS LEADING CTCI.ES ara aold and aerricrd by tba laryeat and brat aqolpiied cycle eaUblutinient in tba Nonbweat. ' I i ' We ara W f.rins aora. pMial .barcain 'in lucd ouritlrm taia wrek. sucn aa: 1 1 20 Miiort liarlcr. eke. equipocd. like n $200 1 1V1D Klee. riec , A 150 1 91T IMrailt. aamr guarantee a new.. ITS 2 tned btcj-rlea 15 Ann many other good bargains. HOLD OX EAST TEKMS. WE TAKKT OrB OWN PAPER. Motorcycle & Supply Co. UARUTT-ItAVnWOX iHERVlt'K CENTER. i'OO Third t., forner Taylor. Main 788. IKI ,il0rR T LE8 All Make'. tJberal Trrma. I'sril Hart for All Make. 1 to 7S ur rent dfen-uunt. EAST S1IB UOTtmCVCLK CO.. I 44 40 C.mul An A'r-e and Reaillnt HiAndard Aeeiu-y. CAHII 1121 CleUud mutorcyrle. C.ooX rotidition. gtxxl tn-i. A lurxain at Si 18. Only $2S rah. balance, tit) monthly without lirlwnl J2t ;mn.l Kast 6811 MOTOHC i 0LK8 ANu I'AHTS. AtX. MAKES. EAST BIDE MOTORCYCIJC CO Grand Are. lilCTCLE for iun"ur boy: alao girl'a bicycle both nearly new. 332 Clupiuan. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 FORD OWNERS Ford orerhau led 120.00 Rear aiha orethauled ' B.OO Sires ground, carbon removed 3.00 Tranmiiim relined (Scandinarian) . . . 4.75 MAGNETO RECHARGED 1.00 We hand-lap iii-Umi. scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genu ine Ford iiarts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEED ACTO REPAIR CO. 20 Front St., 'or. Jeffemon. ATTENTION, CAR OWNERS Tt n figure on your orerhauling, electrical snd battery work, tire rnlcsnixing and repairing: we can sara yon a lot of, money; all work done on a Tat contract basis! and absolutely guar anteed; work nntler the superrQion of compe tent men; hundreds of -satisfied customers: we can gir you their names as reference. - HEMP HILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne are. Telephone. East 80t. BATTERIES RECHARGED. . $1.00 FORD MAGS RKf7kf AUGED 1.50 LABOR. PER HOUR 1.25 E. 7. PICKENS MOTOR SERVICE, EAST 4481 3S0 UNION AVE., 1 BLK N. BDWT. iTcicni idnrVirMcrncj just like tJ-JIUU 11 11,1 LIUUXO xkw AT half price. 1 000 to pick from. Fender repairing. . B. Body Works. 345 Wuiisms At. East 1198 R:fKOFF CO.. automobile and gn. machnie &ts. Experts on Continental. Studebaker and .-'iCIiesrolet eng. 012 Jefferson. Aut. 530-58. Auto & Truck Repairing tfbaa at your own or my garage by - expert mechanic. Ma-shall 758. AUTO KKPAlKlNli n "8 years running and repairing gas engineSv Tsbor 73. 1214 E. Camithera. Mil, M.LXWEId. OWNER, if you waut 1 . suiiare ileal, liave your rejiaiKng done by T-nglgKby. at Merrill s Garaire. HM' Hint St WE will reline your transmission bands for (3.50; rehush fnmt axle for (3.50. 267 16th st. Main 2.". I SilK E DE !'!(; 'O A BROS, automobile repair- ing. Rates reasonable. Main 2112. BUICK exFeRt GODBET'S GARAGE Krosdnay 1586. 5th and Hoyt. AUTOS FOR HIRE 8Q6 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS. Latest model 6 and 7 passenger rin. Btackt, Wet enU. Crow ElkbarU; reasonable rates, days, aiihta. weekly. j CITY QARAGE 132 12tb it., between Wmhieiton and Aider. Bdwyj 840. AUTOS For HIRE With or without drivers; day or night service. Couchman Oarage 1TH AND COUCH. I BROADWAY 3690 Retnem ber Our Nnmner Broadway 3 6 1M1. OREGON USED CAK EXCHANGE New ' cars for rent ! without dti'rr, (1.25 per hour; roadsters, rtupes and touring .ars. Reasonable rates. Open day sod night 325 Gll sn. bet. Broadway and 6th. Bdwy. 5593. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 I.OWNSDAIfE GARAGE Autos and trucks stored. (3 mo. Auto re pairing $1 per hour. -Warning (1 up. 15th and Washington. IJCT ME BllldJ YOUR GARAGE WORK GUARANTEED. Automatic 636-41. . GARAGE for rent 235 Russell st Phon. 310-76. GARAGE lor rent at 294 Crosby st. East 781. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WE BUY FOIt CASH Lata Fords, Clierm)es and Overland Four. P. II. IM NNI MOTOR CO.. 10 anil 12 Ore mi Are. Nrrth, Corner East Busrtside, THE USED FORD SALES CO. 191 GRAND ATE.J COR. OF TAYLOR rilONK AI T. 214 10 V Will buy your Ford i for cash. Call and get ear' appraisals. Ton vrill find they are right. MONTAVU.Ijt rooms excellent condition. vacant, paved st. alley, nraae. sewers. Price (8000; $550 rash, bei terms. Private party. Will take light auto ia part Wdln. 3928. FORD WANTED Will trade super-toned Graf- ooela; , with, lot ef record. value S300. Will give or take difference.! 430 Glenn ave. Aut 233 18. ' . WANTED To rent a light modem auto by the eaonm. lusre avn csrac r or elty use only. Might consider Huving later. East 3191. $173 PHONOGRAPH and record. 2 Very fine reamer rorarr. to eacnange lor kora uiunng ea r; Ma la 44 77. WE WILL sell your fciarhine at least cost to yonrsell and buyer, f'all nt or drop ia. Wty side Garage. E. 6th and Clay sta. East 63 84. MECHANIC will boy Ford touring ear. must be real bargain for oasn. 613 Lynn are.. evenings or CIITMMy. CARS -wanted to wrec less. S A S. Anto Airier. Bvnaitwsy 686. parts for all cars for Wrecking Co.. 15th aad WANT a "Ford" will give you the big end of deal : have lots, hind, horses. 430 Ex- change bldg. WANTEIe 1921 or mast be bargain. Are. ' - 2 Ford coupe or sedan : ail Sunday. 243 Grand WANTED Light autol in exchange for a good building lot Price Bdwy. 1245. 3UU. Bdy. 4979. FORD COUPE wirti trarter. Will pay cash. Bring your car to 435 Hawthorn are. , Phone ban . I WANT a late model light 3-passenger car in exchange for a 4 passenger OreriaTid Country Club, and lot in E. KtJ Johns. PX-58, Journal. - LOT FttR. AITO 66 3-3x109 Portsmtmth Tilla annex, ex- rbance tor email ear. t leretaad. Broadway 1150. WXNTETj Ford touring body. C. M. Smith. Route A, box 95-A Vv A NTED 7-uasseocerl ear. Httdon preferred. Mu t be bargain and terms. A-1 B. Journal. WANTED The best I (20 wiU buy. Cart Ford or Chevrolet ' that l-... itas 1 WE WILL Joan you liiK tiranrune A money on your automo- ireeee. 42 Alder -st WE wiQ nay cash for Srour Ford car, Yraosoa'a, East 4376. WILL BUY autvambiU; mut be cbatp and in good repair. 8-77 JonmaL VlU. y rash' for lnL;e mul-r.r - v. bsreain. Sell wood 362$. WANTED a 192 2' "(use) Chevrolet $70 YamhiU ; ss. asaia sail. - .... .. j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 I XR Ktl.h llrf CoU ear cUa 1-41 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 STOVES AU Usda of atere and fonuee TCDairinc: afsrva and eoila raanected, bentutc atorea fiwm $ A- up. ranges el ap, (aa range trp, oil hasten (1 ap; atmea and ranarea repaired and saw antceo. rSTEESTATE STOVE CO. 12r-TON A E. Ei EAST 41ST. SHOWCASES KEW. T8EI AND MADK TO OKDEB. Buy. aelL ax rhange Cash Begxstera, Seaiea. Foootauia. atite. 'Store Fixture. Sea o ' - 'firA ' BOTEn TBADWG CO.. 129 First rt- Broadwajr 743S. A. L. HOWARD FI.rMBI.KG AND HEATING 8CPPUES WhoJeAle and Betail Pipe and Fittinga. UCEIXEB VIPEUESS HOT-AIR Fl" KNACKS . Estimate. iirea tre, 230 THIRD ST. - MAIS 1806. PRIXTESG FOR LESS .- 1000 envelopes (4.35. band envelopes $5.40, 1600 letter beads $4 (10 and up; good rates en other forma. Multigraphing a specialty. PHONE WOOULAWS 6354 Berghihd Frintini Co. CADILLAC SEDAN . Fine 8-eylinder Cadillae sedan, wnnderfnl me chanicai eondilion and appearance. - Only SL75U; $SSo down, balance monthly. Will exchange for mortgage or tine lot. Hyatt Talking M cbine Co., 350 Aider. Sewing Machines We lure the larrnt stork U ' wtA sewing- macbinea in the city. Compare prieea. We rent and re pair. 172 3d near Yamhill. .. Nelson Ladder Works 287 2D ST. PUOHE MAIN 3266. Extension ladder, ptep-Udders, orchard ladders, window cleaning iakiers, ladder jacks and trestles. THE FUR SHOP K. C. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER. Fur Chokers for Spring. 615 Filers Bldg. 287 Wah. St. I.AIRELHl'RST BCNGALOW WANTED Ih-ire to purchase for rub strictly modern uiHto-Ute Iurelhurst bungalow of about C rooms. 5ie location snd spot cssh price. Charles Perk. P. O. Box 4, City. litKlKS, windows, luniber, moldincs. millwurk. gla.-w, roofing and hotbed sash. -See our odd stock of sash and doors for price. D. B. Scnlly Co.. downtown lumber More, 171 FRONT ST., between Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. - Electric Motors ' Boueht, sold, rented and repaired.' Walker Electric Works. 413 Bum side, cor. 10th. Bdwy. 6674. FOR SALE Typewriter (Curoua), $12; East man kodak, new, R. It. lens, (12; Edison phonograph, 65 records, (10; mantel clock (Muller s). $4. 65 Vs Union are.. Room 4. Phone East 25S. es Old and new houses wired, meter mored. floor plugs and switches pnt- in by licensed elec trician. 127 Belment. or Tabor 532. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes, new and second band, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms, tf desired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St Broadway 7045. BICYCLES $10 up; 1 girls. (15; strong little wagon, (5: 34x4 tire and rim, (3.50; .22 Stevens, (3 50; Smith motor wheel. (20; baby buggy. (2.50. Bike Shop, opp. Piedmont car bariiH. ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale: 1-light chain. 85c; 34igbt fixtures. (3.75; porch lights. S0c. Wo do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, Union at Rns'ell. East 3686. -SHINGLES Extra Star A shingles, 100 per cent vertical grain, delivered in cky, (3.25 per M., in load 't ts Call Tsbor 876. AUTOMOBILES. MOTOUCTCLES. LAUNCHES or boats art separate, classifications. A large listing will be found under these dif ferent classifications. SELECT green slan, plenty ot inside wood, (5.75 per cord. Special prices on carload. Fine block wood, (7.25 per load. Apartment bonte trade solicited Calr East 7020. CALL at 546 Front st for neve 3-inch farm wagons and all kinds of second-hand wagons; sl-o some good harness, horses from 1200 to 1600, Tery cheap, from 5 M 10 years oKl. WHY the weeping and wailing and moaning about a leaky tool I . Why not be cheerful and comfortable under a durable' and permanent toof? Phone Broadway 79. 10 DROPHEAD stwing mar. nines with attsrli- mtnta, (20 eact; portable electric machine ror rent; sewrng macnines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand are. East 2359. CAH REGISTER and computing scales bought. sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Exchange, 226 Stark st, bet i t aiiq jo sc. ttconnway 7 334. VOGUE far rlightly used and misfit ladies' and children's clothing. Low prees. Everything from hats to shoes. 4th door, 403 Alisky bids., 3d near Morrison'. Main 3132. FILBERT TREES of approved varieties, true to name: when writini, ileae state number of trees wanted. Dr. J. H. Wilkens. McMinnTiUe, Oregon. I WANT your furs to repair or remodel. You will be satisfied. Expert work. Reasonable. Calf 639-97. UK. A. W. K.EENE 351 H Washington St Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. RUGS washed on your, isnr with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. WE repair anything. Locks, electric lights, racuum cleaners, electric irons, etc Keys made. Barretts, 154 4th. Main 5131. VICTORIA rhubarb. 5c; grapes, currants, goose berries, 15c- Cuthbert raspberies, (5 per 1000. J. Snlif, Troutdale. BUSINESS, CARDS C fl gTK ROSE CITY PBINTKRY sj U .Oil) 249 Washington Street. Bet Second and Third HANlVEMBROiDERED new linen library scarf, pillow to match; will sell cheap. Broad way 2399. TRAVELING bags, brief cases. gloTes and all kinds of leather goods. E. J. KeUer, 49 N.. th st . LDY'S old ivory triple mirror dressing table, thick mirrorsv at sacrifice Sunday. 955 Mal lory are. DIEBOLD sales; new sod second hand; special prices. Pacific Scale Supply Co., 48 Front rt Broadway 1966t ELECTRIC fixtures for a rooms, 15; big selee tion other fixtures. 207 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Broadway 4253. ONLY a few left, genuine La fa use h indestruct- ab'.e pearl beads at $8. 122 2d st, near Washington. MANTEL clocks repaired. Will call and de liver when finished without extra charge. E. R. Mowrey, Sell. 3086. 1651 East 13th st FOR HAUv (300 worth of tools, mostly car penter; (150 will take them, if taken right away. 667 E. Clinton st Dealers stay away. 2-GAI.LON gasoline curb pump and 2S9-gallon underground tank, for sale, chearj. Terms. P. O Rot R7 PoHlsnii PRINTER'S TOOfft. Complete set of printer's tools. Phone East 4172. DARK oak book shelves, (3) oil lanp. (Rochester reading) (2; 3-gaL churn (3: sad irons (1. Tsbor 7 S3. 21-JEWEL Hamilton watch and diamond ring. tot ., ill I Princeton et SEVERAL solid gold, agate rings. Col. 895. m i i-nnceton st. FOR SALE .4 5 caL gun, (10. 2963. Call Tabor WALNUT, fruit trees, all kinds of sbrnbberr; dehTereel. Anderson Nursery. Tabcr 4213. INFANTS' layettes, hand-made, prices reasonable. stroers laaeu. Tabor 4140. SOLID oak davenport and mattress, lost the same as new, only (35. Tabor 482. GOOD hot water heating plant, all complete. 5 radiators, (100. C-261. Journal. FOR-RENT tieetnc J , srmvixa, IVMUUltwN Aa.. STOCKYARDS MANURE FOR SAXJi WOODLAWN 2363. A-l EARLY Irish Cobbler -selected aeed potatoes. large qnantity. Call Tabor 5001. ROUGH lumber and Umbers for sale! Bdwy 3669. 419 Lnmbermena bldg. FOR SALE Fine new Hanaa ridine boots, size 19H. Call Bdwy. 6776. IF your furnace smokes, rjr don't heat or if your roof leaks, rail Leonard. Aut. 326-M SAKE Seccnd-hand office safe good aa new w was ivs Tkl 1 9A Tt SECOND-HAND Aut. 642 14. BRICK for sale. Phone FOR SALE cheap, kiaderganea materials. F- 760. Journal. . AlATEBS'ITY dress, almost new aacordian pleat ed. Navy blae. Tab. 4140. 245 E. 46th. SAFES AND VAULT ItOO RS BARG AIXS7 70 SIXTH ST.. BROADWAY 104 ? BEAUTIFUL crientai pearls, severs! Lftl imu. rtj rqeqesgie. saar. 1984. - LOTSyOf tn SUt 642 Miiiory ave. Bdwy. -FLUFF RUGS AND BAG RUGS WOVFV- OBEON FLUFF RUG CO. TABOR 7314. LADIES' USED APPAREL of ail kinds ia home very irwowiHe. I-BDor 523. RI hSLLL ST. store Works. . Repair or exchanc tft -wit, vswi or rs srove-. East 1562. FOR SALE Slabwood. $150 per eordV -OH 22 WINCHESTER repeating nfle.' (ltf.50 S44 . Sth at S. East 944. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Builders, Attention! BATH TUBS i TOILETS ' BASINS SINKS LACXDKT TRATS : '.j'-i- .GUARANTEED tt yov want to aire money oa plumbing supplies, sea as. ALL EIXDS OF FITTINGS. PIPE AND FTTTKCS NEW rSED All size from H Inrb to 12 iarh. ALSO all kinds of Uancs and raises SPECIAL PRICES ON PIPE OXE 60x18 Bnttstrap Higb Presaore BOILER as good as new. .. . ' (?: Also pulleys, all kinds and sizes; cable, rises, sledge, blocks, belling. Circular, and band, saws, bolls. EYERTTHING FOR THE SAWMILL AND LOGGING CAMP FOB LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON MACHINERY,' PIPE, PLUMBING ' SUPPLIES ZsdeIIBerenon Co. Marshall ,4 332. 208-11 Front st. Portland, , Or. THE PHONOGRAPH WAR IS ON Don't fail to see a superb Edison, famous laboratory model, genuine Diamond disc phono graph; the regular $295 model; not a blemish or. case or mechanvu. Now offered at Tery great confidential discount Payments either all cash or time. Will include free (35 worth of Tery latest and finest records at tiie. reduced price. This is rarest opportunity for music loring horse wanting the Tery latest and most highly though! of phonograph. We hare also two of the famous Sheraton m tide Is, genuine Edison Diamond dUc point ma' chines, just exactly like new, with .records in cluded, . that cot (33; each will go for only (120, if ail fish, or (125 on time payments of only (6 a month, and Also a somewhat nsed bat Tery good plain cased Edison diamond disc machine at actual discount I OS; no such banrain opportunity has eer been presented ia this or any other city, and last hut not least An Edison Amberola, tine late $75 model. Will take (25 and include 12 late records with this machine. The above and hundreds ot other fine phono graphs included in great sale now in full swing at Third floor. Eilers Music building Phone Broadway 5523. BOILER FEED PUMP 'BARGAIN We offer Shipping Board boiler feed pumps "Buffalo." 10 in. by 6 in. by 12 in., capacity 230 G. P. M., pUton type du plex. Disc. 5 in., weight 2500 lbs. Full bronze fitted. ilnnu metal rods, glands bronze bushed, raire gear bronze bushed, bronze neck bushing in stuffing boxes. Suit able for steam to 200 lbs., with corre sponding pressure on water end. These pnmps are brand new and much better than standard pump: cost $665 at factory now; our price (275 f. o. b. Portland. Shipped on approral to responsible parties. If you are going to need a pump within the next two years, now is your chance. M BARDE 240 Front St. A SONS. Portland, Or. BARDE INDUSTRIAL CO., Seattle, Washington. CHEAPER HEAT Landigan'a new gas vapor" system. Heat any Eize room or budding cheaper and better tlian wood or coal; no labor, dirt, dampness or fumes. Pull cord at bed and all radiators in the house are hot in 30 minntes. No large basement boiler or chimney required. Costs about $55 per rocra to install. See dem onstration plant, 458 Vancouver are. Phone East 0039. Siblico Pipeless Furnace, $79.60, $135, $150 Proven most efficient; less fuel; best guarantee. Wdln. 2103 I. T. Woodruff. 1291 Mallory avel WILL be sold cheap, one R. J. 8x10 portrait Inns, one O. M. l'eck view lens, one '8x10 studio camera, has double bellows for enlarging: one 8x10 view camera with plate holders; all like new. Can be seen at Camas, Wash. Frank Barnes, Camas, Wash. SEWING MACHINES GIVING AWAY stocking darner with ?sle of each, new or used machine. Slight ly n;ed. (15 to (35. Phone Main 6S33, to rent or buy. Sincer Store. J. G. Walters. Manager. 193 4th st. near Taylor. FOR SALE DeLaval No. 15 cream separator, $45 ; 2 -sec harrow, $15 ; Broadcast seeder, new, $2.50; Hercules triple power stump puller, 200 ft line, all take ups, $175; Wade dragsaw. 4 saws, overhauled, $80. Eugene I. Hackett, 619 Union ave N. WONDERFUL VICTROLA BARGAIN Mot beautiful mahogany Victrola, style XVTI electric, and 160 finest records; cost $575. Price 374 on terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. ROOFING l'APEK 1-ply $1.15, 2-ply $1.40, 3-ply $1.75. One 1-ton platform scale (20; K. & J. cement wheelbarrows $10. CHAS. Z1DEKL HARDWARE STORE. L'ao rront St Mam 5528. UNDERWOOD WIDE CARRIAGE TYPEWRITER Underwood typewriter, fine, shape. 14-inch carriage, only (47.50; (20 down, $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. IF YOUR watch keeps time that's your business. If it's on the blink, that's nobody's business If you want it fixed right that's my business. SEMLERS JEWEL SHOP, 122 2d St., near Washington. SILK LAMP SHADES Shades made to order for all makes of lamps. AI kj for fixture lights. 46 UNION AVE. NORTH. FOR SALE Oil painting, Mt. Shasta; handsome, heary gold frame; also china closet, black oak arts and 'crafts. Phone K. 2398, or 70b E. Burnside st near 20th. (100 GENT'S suit, size 38-40; (75 evening FUit; both like new; also orchestra music -sell cheap. Apt 28, Orderly Apta.. daytimes. No phones. JtsfO CORDS of good dry fir cord wood for sale isi - syab (4 per cord. Banked oa gravel road 1 4 1,1,1 ot AecuTiue. vwuer ixeo. A. ryier BeaTerton, Oregon. R. 2. -MIOW APPLES New laid eggs, chickens and rabbits. At Sierra Vista, on the Base Lane road TO SELL Sewing machine, cutting table, wheel barrow, lawn mower; garden tools, fruit Jars. 314 'MilL SCHOLARSHIP in Adcox Auto School for sale, reasonable discount For particulars call Aut 311-41 ONE uW golf set. 13 clubs with full leather bag. Make me an offer. Are in good con'- dition. E. R. Dean. White Salmon, Wash. NEW 20 eauge ha.mmerle.sa Winchester pump gun; also 30 30 Winchester rifle. Phone Mr. Wade. East 105. SAVE MONET Get my prices on expert watch rPinne. 25 years experience. Ellis Ewmg, 204 Geiluurcr bldg.. 2nd and Alder. Mar. 4364 100 LBS. bleached laundered sacks. 11 20 dm mail orders add 15c for poetajre and lnm ance. Snowflake Laundry, 480 Belmont. BEAUTIFUL, black silk sweater, taupe cape ha, sport guits,snd party dresses, reasonable! IF SEMLER can't fix that watch, throw it away. Semlers Jewel Shon. 1-"J a . Washintlon. ' FOR SALE, reed baby carriage, as good as new for $20: also sink ti3a oil heater $3. 1387 E. Sherman st. near gQth. FOR SALE, printing business and equipment Brasses. Daiier cutter etc. (1300 cash. S-777. Journal. NEW copper coil gas water heater, cheap. East CHOICE preserved fmifj several varieties. 35c quart. Tabor 7828. Will deliver. TODD'S check protectograph, good as new. (18 8-776, Journal . . ' FOR SAL Cheap. 5x7 Conley view camera; 8x10 studio canSvra. 5384 Mill st REGULATION pool table for sale to best offer. N-2. Journal. OAK buffet with French plate mirror. good corruiuou. asarsn&ii 333. FOR SALE 6-bole stjfel Peninsula range with coil. (35; good neater, (12. 860 Hh 33d N. APPLES The Delicious, a few boxes left only (2 per box. East 6923. BASEMENT digging, yard grading, and garden plowing. Main 1723. FINE oval plate glass showcase, 7 ft long. 3 ft high; adjustable trays. 359 Ankeny. FOR SAL Bed 'dstMiiwn . t 2 rockers, with,, leather Phone 331-03. nnjn-tiutus tumiture for sale, all in food WALTHAM automobile elacks, (12 50 2d et. near W'asliinirtooT 122 SECOND HAND brick. . 1897. Call after 4 p. - . ' " . - n FOR SALE- Grinding eurfim. with motor (13. HUSH 1V12.- lENCYCLOlEDIA AMERICANA. 1920 editioo, sacrifice, terras. Bdwy. 11 SO. Ask for Reston. 6-DAY Seth i Tboniaa aiahogsjiy masUe clock brand new, $12 50. - 122 2d st ' FOR SALE, Sieger sewing machine, fine shape. - it.i g 7 . . a s.-J- - - RUBBER nip boots, red. (5.50; packs (3.50 -or trader - Broadway 4822- SINGER box bead sewing machirm log or I uvu at, -. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS - 900 LARGE STOCK Electrical Fixtures Wholesale Prices Perch Light WIUTK BOWL ANT) CGLLAR COMPLETS Reliable Electric RUSSELL AT UNION - EAST 3686 Dolan Wrecking and Construction Co. East 8th and Morrison to E. 9th and Yamhill Prices Below' Manufacturing Cost 3.000,000 feet dimension lumber snd tim bers from 2x2 to 14x16, from (10 to (16 per thousand feet 300,000 feet all grades flooring, ceiling, sid ing, rustic, irom xi to S40 per thousand lett 50,000 feet best plaster wallboard, regular saie s.nu per tnoiuana leet. e e Carload new standard pipe. -inch galvanized, 6c foot; other prices in accordance. Bathroom set. 3 : pieces, complete, (65; all Iir't grade castiron, enameled. Wrecking Wrecking From our buPdinti at 11th and Washington we haTe about 2006 ft. of plate ghiss suitable for buildings of all kinds. Price 8Mc sq. ft Three steam radiators and skylights. ng 1 ply. $1.40; 2 ply. $L75: 3 ply. $2.25. 50 kegs new galvanized cut wire nails in sizes 4d, 3d and 6d, (3 per keg. 5000 new doon, standard sizes, regular $4.50 to $7. sale price $2.50 to (4.50; 6000 sa--.li and French windows j 60c up; French door, 10 U;ht, glazed, (6; French door, 15 lights, $8.50 to $10; garage doors. (14 to (IS a pair. Mail all your inquiries to CoirastirMction Co. J 460 Belmont j Phone East G110. - Sewing Machine prsum Machines sold for less. No agents employed. Guaranteed used ma chines i cheap. Parts and repairing for all makes. Machines rented Main 9431. ICO 3d Near Taylor St. SAVE IIDKV cvS; riVfli-lr. pi-nviTr'nv We've just purcliased entire office equipment from large concern, j confiotinit of roll and flat top desks, tables, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Large safe cabinets,: (125. Dictaphones, (40 each. Late model i Burroughs 7 bank, (140. Square model (Ioj.; Number of good standard safes at low prices. ! D. C. Wax. 24 and 26 X. Fifth. Broadway 2789. Electric Fixtures Buy direct from i factory showroom. Finest selection, all etylesj Save one-third. Come aad ee samples; you are under no obligstion to buy. STANLEY LCTZ 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. Third and Stark Sta. Bdwy. 4283. Furnace hot water steam. Areola Taper or any kind of heat That's our business exactly. Plans and estimates furnished. CENTRAL PLUMBING & HEATLNG CO., 352 Gliaan st Broadway 4994. ..CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to vorrr heme. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings; umt ucaiKoa. write tor catalogue. 4. W. HIGGINS A SON. 1912-16-18 E GUIS AN. TUMIR SOS WE BAVV5 YOU MONET " House wirlcg, lighting Cix tures, electrical repairing snp pliesi. Third Street Electric Store, 224 4 3d st near Sal mon. Main 5055. ndent Printers Best work, prompt deliveries at fcas cost Let us estimate your next yob. Smith Printers, II N. 6th st CLAYTON PIANO Splendid toned Clayton piano, maboeanv case. only (225; easy terms. -Hyatt Talking Machine 1 i.. 331) AKier. . 2 FINE mahogany wall cases 4x11, suitable for yard goods, sweaters or- waists, at (67.50 a esse, or (135 for both; exceptional value. Call sionaay, l loth St. ORCHARDISTS, ATTENTION Arsenate of lead, best-grade. 23c lb. Small garden sprayers $2.50 each. East 1705. 404 H c.. Momson st WIRELESS. New Remler variometers and coupler mounted on 5x15 panel, (20. Remler 330 ret with tube $11 : Murdoch 55 (4; condenser C. etc. Box 71. Wood bum. Or. MOVING PICTURE machine with Mazda light cost (150: will sell far Lift Room 206, RivoJi Theatre bldg. 2 H. P.. STOVER gas engine (35; 25 lb. buckets mica axle greaee (1 each. East 1705. 404 E. Morrison st. . AMEHICAN LE FRANCE chemical fire ex tinfruiiher . est wheels ; 40 -gallon "capacity. D-550. Journal. MOVING t-ktare machine, with 3 reels and slides. Sell cheap or trade. What have yon to offer. 414 E. Stark st FINEST black crepe de chine dress, about (6 red facings aad beads. Price (23. Tabor 5169. WE CAN -repair that Swiss watch when others have failed. Semier s Jewel. Shop, 122 2d st, near Washington at Swiss watch specialist EXPERT furniture repairing; mirrors restlTered.' upholstering: pries free. u Hawthorne. Tabor 3325. . 200 CORDS dry cord wood. (4.10. 8 miles f: 2" -roranna. isnor a.wi. SOLID GOLD ring ( man's) , grape design. Snap. (9. 314 E. Washington st - - - FULL-DRESS suits, rented for all eeraskai. Joy, the Ta3pt. 104 4th.: , " CANARY breeding cage and stepladder. V Croon ave. East 7640. - 470 is CEUAU POSTS 2Qc each. Tabor 2010. J JCwVj ' S-Light Bowl Fixture " - Cam rlrop LESS THE SHADE FOR SALIMISCELLANEOUS ' 900 M. BARDE & SONS; Inc. 24 Front Street. rvruaaa. vm. Mam 663 Offer at Greatly . Reduced Prices 60 teas new bieb-erade Rnhlsse Boltlne lensttu, any widths, any ply. . ROOFING You can save asoaee Ire baviM wove 1AA toos of new eorruested gareaniaa aefingi at i. gw iv is, sengxna. . : PULLEYS ' Steel split. Wood split Cast iron. ! Tha largest stock ia th. West. 'at Bra-war prices. Cold rolled Vhafting flat boxes, shaft haar- ers, rpur gran and snnr rtinlAnMtt .1mm in stock. , Pipe and Fittinsrs AH sizes. 4 inch Ia 12 inch. Mack siwt nt vslired i FEED COOKERS SAWS Falling, bucking and drag saws. Loggers' Supplies Skookum Blocks 'the line tfcst m.k.. k gtng ea.y." Axes, pea Ties, sledges, wedges. We ran mnulv anvtl ine for b 1.e anllmsn. WIRE ROPE ' ' Gnsrsnteed plow steel, fixlfl strand, any else, 14 inch to 2 inch; new and used. Get our prices and we will get your order. STEELSTEEL - Bars, plates, shapes. ' Yen can save money order. by giring as your STEEL TANKS Air receivers. Oil, g- or wster tanks. Capacity ranging from 300 to 11,000 gallons. ENGINESENGINES Steam. Terficsl; sizes from 1 to 10 h. p. Steam, horizontal; sizes from 10 to 250 fa. p. Gasoline. BOILERS Vertical and horizontal. Lap seara or butt strapped. Send ns your inquiries. FEED PUMPS Simplex and ddplex Power Pumps Duplex and triplex, and centrifugal Woodwork'g Machinery nana saws, Ptereotypers' saw. Surface rs. Planers and matchers. Stickers. Machine Tools The largest stock in the west Lathes D. B. G. and quick rhange. all izes. Shapers. Planyrs. Slotters. Keyselters. Milling machines. Taring mills. Turret lathes, horizontal and vertical irinders. electric and belt drive. lTtincb. Presses, "gficiies. rielie snd shears, vertical and horizontal Splitting shears. Bar shesrs Bull ri refers. Coping machines. Bolt and riret headers. Upsetting snd forging machines. Steam hammers. Pipe threaders. . Bolt threaders. Nut tappers. Air bot-L". Ingersoll and Dake. All strictly modem tools in the best of working order and rendition. In addition to the items enumerated above wt offer for prompt deliTery from stock Electric single and double drum hoists Steam single and donble drum hoists. ' I -owing donkeys. Locomotive crane. 6. 10. 15, 20 and SO-toa capacity. MOTORS From 10 h. p. to 350 h. p. Squirrel cage. Slip ring. Synchronous. , COMPRESSORS Di-placement capacities ranging from 1 1 00 tc 3500 cubic feet Belt drive or direct connpeted. WIEE, PHONE OR WRITE FOR SPECIFICA TIONS AND PRICES M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS 240 Front St Main 663 WALL WEI SALE See Our Large Advertisement age 8 1083 10 Second St. WIRELESS RECEIVING SET FOR SALE Baldwin phones, cost (16.50, going for.. (11. 00 Large nary-type loose coupler, cost (21.50, only . . .' 13.00 Detector and 1 step amplifier fneeds new B battery and amplifying bulb), cost (65. oniy 20.00 83-plate variable air condeaaor. cost (15; otly , 6.00 S3 ft 4 wire (navy -type flexible wire 1 insulator broken), cost (14.73, only. 6.00 4 Murdoch condensers. No. 483; cost (12 - (for -sending set), only 4.00 The above listed equipment' was purchased at the highest grade wireless store in Seattle. Wash., and was considered-the very best; was oady used few days and, with exceptions as noted, roams- teed good as new.' Also have storage battery charger. 6-voU, cost (32. been used some tame, (5 takes ft All equipment shipped C. O. D. mi JUM-SiSOJc, CHERRY GROVE, OB. THE phonograph war la oa. We ara slaughter ing dandy little Victrola, used but good aa a new one. 10 latest records included, all for only (31.50 eashu or (33. pay (( a month. Eilers, phonograph headquarters, (d floor Eilers Music bldg., entrance 287 Washington St. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH Fine cabinet Brunswick only (76; (10 down, (X monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co-, 360 Alder. INSPECTED Oregon Champion gooseberry plants - (40 per M. F. 8. Starbard, route 1. Port land. Tabor 727. SLIGHTLY USED Ruad gas water heater com plete; price (18. Jos. Motti, Milwaukie, Or. cci i i -s . rt. 3. - - - NEW bed davenport tor gala cheap. . ... 2rth. ' . 607 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 HERE WE ARE AGAIN! , J. Caataw oar rays of eaasaiaa by lower . aricea oa bafldVrs' hardware, carpenters' tools, vnachei tits' eowipeaew, woodcotura' - tools and farasers" eqiupateat dovra to cabio . for toccnc four ksad, aad alwayb at the . - terra ficara. - - Thirty year of honest ABun behind every purchase here. -.Woodcutters Tools The work t just starting, aad ia wedges, ksaula, crosscut, failinf saws, pea Ties, ardiuini bars, drag saws, any woodcut; era' equipment aew or wsed, we en offer yoa value. . A .daady Vasupaa. -S-boraepower. ased. bwt ia A-l condition. , A real eaving if yoa want to sara money. . V' Some fine Used hand-made doable bitted axes with cood ahaeed handles. vaJsiee -to (3.7 la the aew. now 91.45 and' (1.75 each The Kelly of the Mann, rears ;n or falling axe., new. ralaea to (2.75 and (3.00. a real seeing at (1.54). We are lowering our stork of 5. tv . 6 H and 7 -foot bucking saws, slightly damaged, in blmonds. AUuas aad lhs.-t.vn makes. Most of these blades retail from (8 to (11.50 ia the new They new range ia price fraea (1.30 to S3.BS. If you need a email saw around the place, this as a genuine saving. . I00 Bb of used mauls, wedges, or aay thing ia the woodcutters' hae at asTusg values. Builders' Hardware W. don't warty wmther yoa will pUc. your order for interior hardware here. AU we ask is ju an opportunity to figure oa year aeeda. Mr. Cntractor or boraebnihler, yast a few aain atea to lavestigate may mean dollars in your pocket' . Would you pay more foe a pare gia. inside a la knob mortise lorkset rose design, ahea we quote you the builders' w.ee of t (Vrnetlting with life and tone, a saaded brass finish front door set. permanent finish, large, beautiful bevel s.nd fin ish, builders price 1 98 3 83 Or a front dcor ltrk for the more mod erate home, builders' price Solid brass cylinder front door lock, solid cast brass lock. (9.23 retail.' builders' price Large be Tel itL-ide mortise lock sets, standard line, erenly pra sirtintied, finished, buildvr' price Heavy rncrett abeelbarroas for heavy seTTice Dona to your last item. Mr. Builder, you are insured proportionate prices. 1 73 6.15 7 8.70 Wood hits, standard patterns, builders' price 1.70 Bc-Urfly hinges, builders' price., pair. .. 14 He Concrete mixrr, o&Ks used en one job. ( 1 50 new, a real buy at 6i Ot) Tes, we handle any type of hardware for the simple cabin or the Olympian mansion. All priced proportionately. Our courteous sale-men would ronsider it a privilege to show your our line snd e.uot your savings. Roofing Roofing paper. 108 square yards, complete with naih and cement builders' price: 1 ply in a high grade roofing, (2 value. .(1.35 2 ply roofing. Aruc. ner roll 1.4.1 3 ply roofing, Aome, per roll 1.95 This is the home of Storm King roofing, heary. guaranteed 15 years. -The strange thing is. it costs you little more. Shooting Gallery Outfit We are to dispose of this outfit which con sists of 100 birds, rabbits, pipes, standards, shaft?, cogs, a H -horsepower motor. 2 steel plate guards, Winchester .22 repeaters, am munition, parts, etc. It s out of our line and site goea at s snsp. Will be sold in whole or parts. FOR THE SHOP AU-steel adjustable hacksaw ( .65 In-ide callipers snd dividers, each 30 Bsll pein hammer, values to (1.75. special .8.1 Adjustable auto wrenches. (1.35 size, apl . .69 Red Devil pliers, regular (1.40. special. . . .95 Knsntkrs 8-inch lineman's pliers. (3.00 value, for 2 63 Forged steel claw hammer, a good buy at. .90 Circular plane. (4 raioc, special 2.45 Levin Hardware & Furniture Co. 221-223-225 FRONT STREET 202-4-6 Corner Salmon. Our One Big 'Aim to Always Treat You Fair Sale of R. R. Freight AND SAMPLE MERCHANDISE OF AU. KINDS MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. THIS SALE IS GOING TO BE A HUMMER WE HAVE LOTS OF GOODS FOR YOU (3.45 FOR- MENS PANTS (3.43 In Grey and Striped Wor.ted". These sample dress pants will remind yoa of old times. Sizes 82 to 42 wait (35 MOLESKIN AND ENGLISH COATS AT (12. A coat suitable for rain, wind and a dressy coat for all weathers. CORN FLAKES 6c A PACKAGE (1.2S Knit Ties, 60c. PATHE RECORDS. 25c. 75 Silk Ties, 35c; 8 for (1. 1 lot of Mea's four-in-hand Ties, 10c C-otton filled comforters. gl.Ko. 850 Men's Sample Hats at (1. 75c Art Calendars, 15c. 850 Men's Sample lists st (1.25. This includes felts or cloth hat. (2.50 sample Men's Caps at 9r. 1 lot of Men's Silk 8hirts. (1.75. , Finest Envelopes, 5c a package. 15c Linen Tablet" 8c, 2 for 15c $3 Auto Tourist Books 50c. Boy Scout Books 35e. 8 for $1. $35 LADIES' COATS $9 50. This is postsvely the last call on these wonder ful coats. Sizes 86 to 42. (3 Mixed Men's Sweaters, tt. (8 to $10 Velour HsU. $3.75. Ladies' 35c and 50e Vests, 15c 1 (isllon Catsup, 45c. Ladies' Knit Bloomers, 20c Dressmaker's maps, 6 dozen for 5c (1 Fiber Brooms, S5e. 35c Electric Silver Polish. 10c 75c Box. Stationery, 25c 60c Picture of Mount Hood. 10c; S for 25c Ladies' Cashmere Hose. 35c Inner Tubes on Sale 80x3 (1.29 82x3 .$1.38 34x4 $1.85 Sheeting I.I.. 36 in. wide, 2 yds. for 25c 17 Rolls Toilet Paper. 50c Mixed Wool Union Suits, $1.23. $5 Heary Wool Union Suits, 82.85. Boy's Blouses, 5c; 2 for (1.25. BOYS' (10 KNICKEB SUITS AT (3. (12.60 Two-pant Suits. (7.50. (2.5U Boy'. Hats at $7 Be. $3.75 FOR LADIES' (10 AND (12 LOW SHOES We hare theunml of items on sale here erery day. ' This store la getting to be the by-word of hundreds of people. It's a habit with them to come here. MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY Consolidated Sales Co. WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 4SALVAGE GOODS AND SAMPLES 226-228 CLAY ST. 1 Blocks East of Auditorium WATCH "OUR WEEKLY ADS. OFFICE FURNITURE Oak flat top desk, oak sarliurr base double row. drawers typewriter desk, oak typewriter ta ble, oak swivel stenographer's rhair. oak swivel desk (hair. Cornea portable and Oliver No. 9 typewriters, office couch, miscellaneous chairs, two electric chandeliers suitable for residence. See superintendent. Consolidated Securities bldg. 84 Six til st. opposite WeHs-Kargo bug. Sundays and week days. LATHES Two small bench machine lathes with chucks. etc On Barnes and on Swiss precision, (46 ""call 406 Raleigh Bldg.. 6th and Washing ton trreeta. Call or phone Monday. Broadway 7058. LAURELHUB8T LOT WANTED Basil, to purchase fer rash splendidly located LeurWhurvt lot Give description aad pric. Charles Peck. P.' O. Box 4. City. REX BEACH IA vols., hke new. Chean for rash. Y-396. JourneL or Bdwy. 7264. GOOD army overooat (5. -Small electric heat er (4. 247 H Alder St THREE SOxJVa tiros and tabes; two (0x3 H wbeeh. ' cheap. East 2681.' ' HEAVY porcelaia bath tub at your own ariee. 414 Mill st. PLATFORM body with side rack for Fat trackT me. p. -i ivor. FOR hALE or trade, combination range, coal. wood or can. Auto. 625-62. BEAUTIFUL piano lamps, (30 value $1(743 . eorrplete. 60 1 First GAKLH', for eale cheap, 6c per B. Sherwood. Or. . M. Frteon. OPERA glasses, pearl, faneat lenses, maker, Col- mont. 1'aria. .Leather ease, (19. Tsbor 756. FOR SALX MISCELLANEOUS 900 -: TO MAKE RCOH -' FOR NEW MERCHANTMKK ARBTYINO DAILY I AM OF"ERLN Unbelievable Bargains FOR THE COMING FEW DATS ftrCAT-SK OF TBI FACT THAT I " WAS UNABI.K Ti WAIT ON HOME FEOPLK niRlXG L.ST WEEK'S SALE 1 ASK THAT YOU f ALb IN ' AS KARL! IN DAY AS POSSIBLES. Decor ated Bowl la b e a utiful wreath design, bine or pink decorations. Special (e $5.50 Outoftown Orders Will Receive Courteous Attention Flush Switch With Brass Plate. Only 45c; Flush Wall Case To use with receptacle or switch 20c. Pull Chain Sockets 60c Key Sockets 20c , Porcelain Knobs 3c Bell Transformer To take the place of dry re Hz. Only $2 Ea. Extension Cords 85c No. 14 Wire 50c 100 Ft. Loom, 4c Per Ft- Electric Heater The Bv Mid- 'S5.00 Benjamin Double Socket Sale Special 7Qc Each Solid Brass Electric Bracket Complete, leu shade. 75c (Worth (1. 50) " STANLEY LUTZ. PROP THE UPSTAIRS ELECTRIC FIXTUR1 8TOKE 203 3-7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4233. W Do House Wiring. Plumbing Supplies At Reduced Prices OCR LIVE OF BATH TUBS. SINKS. BASINS. TOILETS AND PIPE IS COMPLETE BEE US BEFORE BUTING t INQUIRIES ANSWERED PROMPTLY Mesher Plumbing Supply Co. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 248 3d St t Mam 5277. 220 Front St WATCHES si pncea that cannot, be bt and guaranteed timekeepers or your money re funded: 12 size, J7 Jewel Elgin gold filled rase. $21.76 16 aise. 21 jewel Hamilton, passed railroad inspection 38 SO 16 siz", 15 Jewel Illinois, gold filied. ... J8 io 16 sin. 15 jewel WalUiam, gold f died . . . 1 S 50 16 six-. 15 jewel Elgin, gild fillfd 17.75 16 size, 17 iewel liamilt.wi. gU rillrd. .. I1'2 Ifd nL . flrsr WaAliinrtrn NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS KKCOND HAND. FACTORY REBUILT TOTAL ADDERS AS IllW AS $ Mechanism and Title Gaarcrrtred Rejwir Service by Company Merliajiica. NEW REGISTERS AS 1XJW AS $75 EAST TERMS THE NATIONAL CASH ROISTER CO Broad. sy 1816. 890 fstark St STAMP COLLfcCTOliS We are breaking up a large collection; assay fine old U 8. snd foreign stamps; we carry ererrthing for the stamp ctlleetu'; albums, hinges, packets, sets, duplicate books, stamp torgs tts terms rk detectors, etc ; rump ooCeo tiens bought and sold; open daily 10 a. m. to t P- re.. Saudays 10 a. m. to 4 p. m Cohnnbta Stamp A Coin Co . 94 N. 16th rt. Bdwy. "019. Pipe Stopped? Frozen? "DesolTo" cleans sewer drain pipes sn 20 tnh-utea. Generates 280 degrees heat Pour It In. out she goes. 75e postpaid Write today. FLEMING PLUMBING bUPPLY HOUSE. fi wasnmgtoa St. Pertiand. Or. FOR SALE Spencer mtrrsarctie: stractmlly new. in perfect enndition; has thro. lenses, kaclading ail emersion. Al-o an whs rural .tags and Abbas condenser. Haemacytometer wuh Levy eounrJeg chamber, new and In perfect eon dirton. Soap. Call 409W. Dr. W. i. Benawa, i.iwrumf , sr. ELECT II IO WAKHKK BARGAINS (6 down. (2 per wk. Thee who rotne first wiU tare the best stlerUon. Electric Service Coi 128H 10th st Main 7(70. BRUNSWICK SNAP '1225 'Brunswick snap aad 39 fine rerjorda. aary (179: (23 down. (1 monthly. Hyatt Talking Macbme Co.. 5 A?der. - 5n'K 1KAU grafted Italian prune um, l&r sad - 20c each; list nertecUon and eberry, rwrrant bnshea, ressonabie; all rasrsateed nursery stock. 1137 Minnesota ave. Woodiswa 1$T SIX IXlOT W. A M. mahogany dining table. a ho Webster aew; International dirtionary, with refeirmo history. 4 Ait 426 Boea. after 10 -a ns. Snsszsy. XK tiALE St Regis and Martbemac rss berry pUnta. 8 erh. 10(3 6&;h.Ar.r 12 tttocas east of -tf a -B0 C5 w 10 Ft.