' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 12, 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE-i-rOR SALE HOUSES 404 f (OM Kit FOR THE WORKLNGlfAX , $825 $.50 ruh, $20 monthly, buys 1-l-n mtun In Alberta district gv and (Oil 0; gas and tx Aguts, patent ' toilet, sink, etty water; 8 btaring fruit Ir-ra, good wrdbed ami (ante. BftOsV- giMi k. 120 mr-thlr. bn. a 4 room box bouse, ceiled, (mail cellar, electric lights, ground 14x118; (our fnut trees and tome berries. ' $900- -0 dnam. $13 monthly, bay a piece of ground 10(1x141, and a subst-nnally bulk 2 room cottage, hear Courtney uiinn oa tha Orrgim Cut 11m. TKm m to a new platting and you have rivee front rights and privUrgea la TinactMra with thie pas ee. 7T ITT eaah. 1T monthly, bnn neat 8 mnm Lttla cottage, city vrater. eleetrte lights aad gas, lot 60x1 Op: atop that nit $1473 tloO man, $15 monthly, bun a 4- loom 2 story, home; ha patent toilet Ink. fireplace, rawicrvie floor all over downstairs; honss need painting and . a Itttle work by Mr. Handyman; ona . bU-g fnm Wood-tnrk car. Don't l-iteie on this aa It U a dandf. Be Mr. Lacy, with HOUSES 404 -Ms-m-iais-illi-tl 732 Chamber of Commerce. Rose Cit Park Laurelhurst If tni ata anina- to btlT In any of tl4 dktriett. impact onr listings. We have IVUpel El i anna splendid -that ara very auraeave. listed at price 9 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSFS 404 1 - HKAWJCJUtTEHS FOR HOMES " 1SO0 Pbotograjstu of Hesnes for sah AMERICA'S LARGEST BOMS pF.lJ.ER SEE THESE Wonderful Values in.MV W.I ,1M 0f t Tabor. Hew. la a bargain Id a 5 room bungalow reduced for quirk action. Haa I Hitch kitchen. brwafat nook. brantiful Tiew, etc. Owner leaving for California. Terms. 1750 IM0O euh huy- this brand-new bun galow, Inratnl n-ar Laurelhurxt Has raxk flours. buffet. lmttth kitrttfn. h-eaktai nook, ivory finish, cement Hwmrnt. HI IIRT. I44SO Mis mm bnw. loratad wit of 80th at. In Hunjiysttle. llaa firf-plas, fnr na, omnt hwnmt, foil lot. fruit and hwrn Tntly an rxtwllfnt buy. I' 500 A W(MlKnn'l. BI'T. loraled In the rhotr-oit of HAWTlltiUXH . Hunalw it 0 rouaaa and Iwplne pnrrh. with f1itlww. Imu-h kitchen. HOTWATK.lt IIAT, fnll oimant paamtnt. f.Oiloo lt. all Imiirnvmtita in aod paid. I -t up thow yon Ihn Kitia bargain todijr. Mithataiitial eaah lraent. (r.AOO I r. lo r.xmi houae loratod in Ilw- ttiorna oa TUilOIJ nror lot. Ilu f1fllfo. fumai-a, rrmnt ba,nn'iif. Imit and borrk-a. A ItKAL HI Y Nub taiiial rath ivnifnt U'KN TOIT ' R. L. McQrew 10n HAWtHOItXK AVK TnoH !. KKANK r. KiifllVSOX. &U3-4 hKI.MM: huh;. Main ..'(57. I230O MOHTII MT. TABOIl HOMK. Half hin a ti rar. intMirn( lawn, flowers, fnitt trnt trnnii fr trade; want Ir r a i.iIa. t'T.nn IIAWTIHIHNK AVK. two flat hom: l)awlr)me mrnlern rvLrriar and interlir; romer, gpnd rfMrirt, hniH in feature; 'J llreyilaff . Word Kill nut. take the I'Ui e irf lnretliMi ; tiot. many rhancea like Una. Hee Mr. t'omrr. f 3000 Miinri'li home. rlof in. ejewllent noiahhorhood. built In fealiirej! Krenrh doort. rti. pW' thia hefure you buy; term. Mea I'omer. IW100 Tt( fit, hi me. not far mit; r) room. floored hawinent. laundry Uaya, attir. hanlwimd flimr. Krewh I'luta doort and ' wiimIowii; beautiful yard. maw mki:k Frank C. Robinson sun sf:i.i.i; itr.ixi. Bonus Men Small Down Payment . $380 . WFXTMORKUNI) New 4 -room hunialnw Klonhle rintrneted) , MlilOQ lot. beautiful liwatlon, full renjent haae Mient. trayn. rahiuet kitnhen. hardwriod fiixtrn. all bililtitj features, entra well f'liiejietl llirmiirli'mt; pared' atreet, sewer; ynir tiwir letnn, mini vnu gi-t your ! ua. I.KT. I S MlrilW YOI'! Marsh & McCabe Co. ii2 1M-21 Kailin I. Ms . Bnnlwiy (15J8. Kvrningi, Tabor "436. Furnished Eionie Snap nnr futf on frm nutl din- t mk (.uif--j uie of hi ie-xmI ii rx'fn "Mi f. It m .n rl'jiii. fimt rUuw ron diuon. havo nivnlrTTi latl, I.gliU nn1 em. f mr htvmnt nl furnn. Iimt. Na' ly anl ctMnu'lr;tW (urnihe-J, all rt'ly fr hini-rlt-vi'ing. Full lot, with fruit, flnwvrt. ganlen aii flu- $nrzr. n IwAnt nurfar Mrpft. ,inly to cur. nrh-Nl ami tor. Ktnr litration on .." th H K. S3MI t this nnmplrt lnynuU IM pi4 lMMUlt to cuiiif in anil Irt m taki1 ynn mt and nIutW yim thw bi( W-wat K4 E. W. Hughes fOT JOl tlXAI. HI.Ix.. MAIN 25S. In addition to oar Uawmtaarn effuse) ww maintain an aaat aide officw at 40th and Handy. It ia our aim to couatantly kep in touch with the beft boys aa they are put on the market and also act aa aeliint asonta for aereral of Portland's beat build era. If yon eontsmplata twuMim we can be of aenica to you.! Tn the Itoaw City Park- distrirt we hare nereral tmncalowa to aell at prioea around (4000, atd on aaay terau, too. ExService"Men Bear in mind you're coin' to lire in that new bouae a Ions time. Boy a rood one in a food diatrtct. IiiTatrte r bonna Dlan. If nerewary we will help IQuay to our ek finance. lirire out aide office. I A.C.TE 'ZZALT0BS Every week some Journal advertiser writes a letter ami wins a $5J0O cash prize, and some other one wins a second prize of $2J50. You can win a JOURNAL CASH PRIZE, too. - READ THE RULES This week's first prize of $5.00 goes to Mrs. H. Chandler, whose JOURNAL WANT AD sold a baby carriage for her. ' Here Is Her Letter The seconci cash prize of $250 goes this week to Mrs. R. F. Smith of 753 E. Main St., who made $350 in two hours by running a twenty -cent want ad in THE JOURNAL. This-Is .What She Says: 0T?1CS crv a GUAM IT PE CO. INSU2JLMOC , 4DTISXRlTf TlBu.35wJ 11000 1S00 SEE 1 Homes Snappy Homes -A room cottase on DOilOO lot. Aliw large bed.. Ona block from arhool and car line. Good location. Submit term. IT Ir Brentwood, a 4 -room houne on oOilOO lot. $17o down. 15 a month. I1C00 EAST 25th A 4 -room modem home- hath, toilet, havment; kireet improvements paid. $400 down, then 120 a month. Why pay rent. $2000 CT.0SK IN Wert Ride, walk ins duv taince. A large 6 room aiodem home. $1000 . cah will handle. 12880 ;n I.fiQK me rnd half, atory O-room home, on corner, built I'.Mll; 50x100 lot; saa. Electric lishta, fireplace; n ererythins. 7928 IkM are., southeast. ' Sub- nilit your terma. ae.oo moii. in iLarge 8-room home. All j modern improvementa. I including hardwood I flcHirsj $1000 rash. M. nuitable. That's in I - I -MOerta. T00(Im,.1K HUMKr Yea. ifa in I.ADRKI 11 1 KaT KUFF HED. Listen, a 7-room np to tiie minute bunga low. S1500 caah and ! t.0 a month. Bee it today. Many uihera too numeroos to mention. OPEN SI NO.VY8 FOR TOUR t'oNVHNlENCE. Bee NATK B.! I'ASLKR, with BKAVKtt IlKALTY CO.. 002 N. VV. Bank! Bldg. Main 2675 1167 Belmont St. Feb. 2, 1922. Manager, Classified Ads, Oregon Journal, City. Dear Sir: "It pays to advertise" in The Journal. I have given the ad section sev eral trials, and each trial brought satisfac tory results. Sunday I advertised my baby carriage for sale, and the firstf person that answered the ad took it OREGON JOURNAL first, last and all the time for me. MRS. H. CHANDLER. t w RUL ES Portland, Ore. Jan. 31, 1922. Oregon Journal. Gentlemen: I want to prove to the public that The Journal want ads bring the best results. I put an ad in The Sunday Journal about some furniture I had for sale. The first call came at 8:30 a. m. and by 10:30 I had sold my furniture. So for 20 cents I made $350 in about two hours through one Journal want ad. I had calls all day. The 'ad was in two other papers, but I can always depend upon The Journal for quick results. MRS. R. F. SMITH, 753 E. Main St V REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 4CS t.WKKMII ltT nr.NUAtiOW I.UVM.Y F.V IIOMK ' Tlua home will he otwu for Inflection Hiln.la?. location 103 Itoyal Conrt, bet. Flahrtera and tiliaan; n cheerful, large rooms on lower floor, hardwood polulied floor, plate glaaa wtndowa, French doors and 2 large rooine up. modern and com plete with double garage in the cream of I-mrelhurst, H block, from car. S00. . 1. W. ALTOS. AIT. S2-19. FOR TKOPI.fc WHO CAKE" Here's an opportunity to acquire one of the prettiest modern homes in most aelect part of I-auo-lliurst, for lees than cnat ;reat lirin room full width of house, beautiful dining room with bunt in huffet, raunic room or den, ideal kcben with latest built in conren ience. breakfast nook, 3 fine bedrooms and bath, hardwood floors and Jtory and whfto enamei finish- in all rooms, fine cement baaeraent, standard furn ace, stationery tubs, garage, 50x100 Tiew lot, home enrieonment the Tery beat, being 12!: Leddington Court (oj.oit the Hsrrey Scott home). Thi., property mint be sold quickly and i. offered at sacrifice price of $8000; 2.'.(0 cah will liandle. OPEN FOR INSI'KCTION TOl'AT FHt)M 12 NOON TO li P. ! M. J. V. C'ltOHSLKY (Representing owner) Main 5073 WHY PkY RKNT' IJ750 tlX.K UALKH.HCIIST ma. breakla.t nook, pretty hardwood flcars, full cement bavrocnt, miKlern concrete nir.way. Work to rar; $5 a munth (like rent); tlianluuly gill eilge, let u mow you i t ;. doesn't coat yu anytliing. u U buy wben you see thesa bou.ee. Ui hae some Tery tine home in Irrington. lloas Ciiy aikl Alameda Park juat call us. T Auto Nerrice. J. ROBBINS 301 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Taher 61 19 Rmadway 5931. ATTENTION Are yon going to biuld a new home? Our oarrice finest in the city. It will please you. We draw plans frc o charge to ex-aerrice men. i Find your lot All you need Is your bonus ap- rrorea. e can nnun j(ou a rume .u a goJd loca tion $1000 le than ou cau buy it for ready- Our mate rial and ontutrnction are t he best onr irice- the mot rcajonablc. Be sure you deal with a reliable builder., 600 choice lots with sec ond morlcsgea to etleqt from Smithen & Majek Contracting Kncineen and Home Builders, 315 Henry bldg. Bdw 3251. Simply tell in your own words what JOURNAL WANT ADS have done for you. Make your letter short and to the point. Literary ability not necessary. The prize winning letters will be published in the classified columns of The Journal every Sunday, but not necessarily in the order in which they are received. Address your letter" to the Classified Advertising Department of THE JOURNAL. Write your name and address plainly. JOURNAL WANT ADS "DIME A LINE" "There's a Journal Want Ad Station Near Your Home" s a)tatlV) iaiiaif aitB!ia,,BIISUS1iai,B,lstiai1 BiS)itaiiairBiiBiiaiLBM: iaiitBii iiaiistiausiiBttatiaiiaijatiBtii an ustiaua itmii iiaiiaiiaituat!BJiaiiitatitmiiuaiiaiiBtiB4ttiiiaitiattatia iii iimtiStiBitsiiauaiiB.iBusttsi isiattaoaiianaoBuaiiaiiaiiiaiiaiiaitBii n iiBrtauaiifj(iaisk;miiBItmlaii. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BRAND NEW J3700 and bath, half basement, fireplace. good plumbing, built ins, hardwood ftoors, pare- ment paid. sioou to nanaie. corner K 20th, 2 blocks east SW car. If idney O. Latlhirop , 411 At?tngun mas. UATltELHURST'DISTRICT' 7 ronmi with braakfast room ana sleeping porch, built-ins, fireplace. 2 laTatories, 2. toil els, full cement basement, furnace, garage, choice shrubbery, corner lot. Price $5300. Terms, JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $35 Down REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 8 Room ONLY $4650 TERMS 5 large rooms and bath, fireplace, furnace, large living rcom, near car and school, good district. John F. Zeiber. Tabor 7547. 13600 PENINSULA DISTRICT 5-room, bungalow, full plumbing, furnace, attic, lawn, roses, berries. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. - Main 3787 J-ROOM plastered house cm 100x100 lot. elec tric lights, hot and cold water, gas ana mui to bouse; sidewalk and sewer in and paid lor. No. 2 K eSrd. Price for all $2750. For par ticulars write C A. Beyer, Tigard. Or., or inquire 2nd and Jefferson, Meaer r rana garage. mvtNOTON ' IIOMK CORNER XLONIAL (irand F.nglish colonial of 6 mnmi, library and small sleeping ponh. hsrd wmd fmlii-hed floors, natural finiah. lore 1, mener. modern with garue. aur roamled by grand homes, block from rar. .00. 1. W. ALTOS. AIT. 329 19. p(TN-NHIf.A 1S0DO A anod anbtUntial aix-room house cm pared street, all pasl; f'y one block from cat. lloosw In flrat clam enndition and a real bargain at the pnrw hoi all down paTmewt. Open Sunday. OTarrell-Fordney S 40 niainbef of Ommercebldg. Bdwy. 41T2 A BAKOA1N 100x100 ft. corner lot on a feed street; a full bearing orchard of all klrata of fruit; al graim. Incarut and ranv bemea. ttiwd Slued houw with 4 rooms and bath on fin floor. Tan large chicken houses, all equipped. eaiacity 300 rtiek. For price and terms apply to owner. 0014 49U at 8. E. Aat 45 d. UK. INVksToll $3000 Two 4 room flat buildings. 964 Gar. fMd aew. Income (HO per month, All Imprnrementa in and paid. Owner nm-reiwdent and order It eokL Will make V-nna. rStON 8AFK UEPOStT TRCT CO. SM Oak Mt Kdwy 4 ON l.T $1(7$ for a nice & room f umuhed houv, rwllar, garag. lot 50x100. near rar and aehwni, Alan ft room ptaatered hou-e with ha mant oa paved atreet, near ran and nchonl. (170A. tlMtt Fmur paid. Ijiurrlwood Sta. M W ear. Pbore Tabor S23T evenings ' ALBrlRTA DISTRICT aV-rnoea-bangaluw, loOxlOO lot, fnll plumbing, i baaamut:- lane garage: plenty of fruit and flvweis; aeerrtiuns 14 best of condition. A real kaaa $43(o. alknit $1000 down, balance easy terma Wood lawn 6714. NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $33S0 $1500 cash, and terms; near earUne, 80x105 lot, built ln. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, old irory fimaht cement bsaetneait. lawn, treea. garage. ! ae JohnsonDodson Co. MlNJf. Bank Bldg 438 E.I (Near Main S787 BRAND NEW $4700 Boss City bungalow, C rooms and bath, built ins elnrrtrin fixtures, nicely tinted, hard wood floors, 50x100 lot paved street paid. 384 E. soul io.. near iazicoca. icrau m.i i mmti Sidney Q. Lrathrop 4 1 1 Abington bldg. nth N. Tillamook) o250 IUMINOTON SNAP! I'nexcelled value, inew home, finish starts Tneaday, fireplace, liaqdwood floors, buffet, alert ing porch. hreaJrfs nook. Bdwy. 4 90,1. ii. r. t;oidE.HEK., ABINOTON Bl.IXi FOR BIO FAMILY 92900 RCNNTxrOE I2W0 0-RfiOM HOl'SE 2 blocks from carlme. it ores, school: big btjT for one who aanta big house. DAVIS 111 IIJilNO CO.. 4 1k. Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 7154. I40.-.O 68TH NEAR SANIiY 4950 Beautiful 7-room bungalow, has furnace, fire place, iiaMwooa I mors, all latest built tns, gar age: lot 50x100 ft: 2 blocks to car; win take lots in same. district and some cash, as part payment. ee sir. t Henry. !1MTii. or Com. bldg. Bdwy. 7581. ' ISTRSaBT !0F'8tjNVfSIIE $.1500 $1000 rash and terms. 60x100 lot. 2 blocks to 8. S. car. nice fi-room house on paved treet, plenty fruit and grapee, JohnsonfDodson Co. 633 N W. Bank Hldg. Main 3787 liUNiK at 60x100 cdrnar 17 th and Beech ata. 00 choice, will build to your plana, or ran design lor you. tail or write 1512 . Flandcra. I NOT A REAL ESTATE AOENT Foil KALE or Uade Vancouver 5 -room modem buntraiow, wreened porch, furnace, garage, eor. 50x100, trade for same value: between Alberta and Weverty dist. not over 41st out Phone Woodlawn 121'i. $3800 5 -room bungalow, furnacw. firenlacw. built ins, fruit snd flowers, 3 blocks to two rar lines and schopii. small payment down. Owner. Woodlawn 391. BEHIND every policy of Tlue Insurance la t depoait with the rtate of Orecoa to protect ynat against kwa, yet it is cheaper than the abstract method. Tk A Trut company. A BEAUTIFUL HOME Total price $4500. Here is positively a 5 room bungalow that is far above anything in tlit, city for the price. I am sure that you will decide that you are saving $1000 wbn you buy it; living room extends through entire front and all rooms are of good size; btautifnl hardwood floors; new gas furnace, gas rang and water heater, elegant electric fixtures; alto shades, curtains and drapes: Dutch kitchen. with lots of built-ins ; linoleum; full cement basement, laundry trays. O, yes, there is a wonderful porch and a full, lot. You can" buy the adjoining tot very cheap. On good hard street, will be payed this summer at county's expense. Now here is a very valuable feature: It is located opposite new city park, which is to he one of Portland's beauty spots, only 25 minutes out on bet carline in city, in Terrace j Park. Call 120 E. 82d N., at Gliaan. Now I vacant M-V cars or phone owner. Marshall 7-RobM COLONIAL HOUSE On 23d st 1 H blocks south of Hawthorne; open for first showing vvtn.orrow; modem in every way with such features aa cam wood floors throughout buihvin wardrobes in all clos ets, tile bathroom floor with wall tub and bower; Tery modern kitchen with tQa drain- board and back; breakfast room; nice stairway entrance from kitchen and hall; expensive paper ; living room 14x25; three large plate giaa win dows with unusually nice shades. Terms. Call owner, Tabor 2766. Would t&k choice build- in z lot or good automobile np to $1500. Alberta District 50x1(0)0 Corner, $40! 5 rooms downstairs and 2 up; on lsth St., near Alberta; garage, and hard surface street; $000 cash, and liberal term on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. r.042. JUST LOOK AT THIS . MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER Pretty little six-room bungalow, 55x125 ft lot, garage, nice lawn, hard surface road, and only $1800. 1. B. Holbrook, Realtor, 214- 215 Panama enildmg. , . SIX rooms and attic, near Willamette. Olvu. Hsrdwood floors, fireplace, bookcase. Dutch Htchen full basement, lot SOilOO. This is a lovely home. Price reduced from JSOOU to 94200 S150O casn. wilDur r. jouno, xtenry bldg. Bdwy. 4837. ; DO YOU like Kenton or Walnut Park, 2 new house, hardwood floors, Ule drainDoara ana hath breakfast room, latest and best in every thine, caraee. Cheap. Terms. Owner. JDJ Skidmore. Woodlawn 3930. 3 ROOMS and bath: plastered: new; gas. elec tricitv. water: 50x100 comer. Leaving city; most sell. $1950; small cash payment, rest use rent including interest 311 Willis bird. Phone evenings. East 4 842 NK.Alt PENINSULA TARK 5 room neat little bungalow, 2 bedrooms, bath between, full basement and furnace, bout-ins. paved .street. A very coay little borne. $3200 liberal terms. Wilbur F. Jonno, Bdwy. 4837, 6.-KirOM double constructed bungalow, break fast nook, oak floors, French doors, tapestry paper, fun basement garage; goau, ioo eafh. 454 E. 4 4th. mar LH vision MODERN bungalow. $4000, completely fur- n Lhed, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, cement cellar floor, trajj, etc. R. J. MeUuire, Ci-fa N. Lnion avc. IN LAUBKLHURST: a new 5 room bungalow with full re ment basement, furnace and. garage 50x100 lot All complete. By owner. $5600, 995 Wasco, cor. $3d lilR fiAUE Euuity in 2 30x100 foot lots, with 3-room house and furniture, or would trade for email ear in good conaioon. x-none moou- swn 5426. ' " g-tn(io S050 cash: sacrifice to settle estate 6 room cottage Sunnyside; interior newly papered and painted; all imp. in and paid. Scott A Berry, ius neimont. NlueR COieTMBlA PARK f i aims, modern, two full lota, choice frail, A nOOf BUY. CO BEE IT. $3323; $1000 ceah, $25 month. Wnv Willing. 401 Panama tiwt tn mtaat tmU four-room bungalow, for- wished rompkte: paed atrewt two blocks frum Lnlw are. rar; $2900. $550 eaah. 423 wumne . . ' . MAN ITARIt'M, fal'y 'r4uirped ; S acraa, garaxe. bam. ea-t of Portland ow paved road, execjrnt Imtton; OOw will handle. Wte, Wiling, 401 PtMrna hkt, or Hwowel 1159. 1900 SNIP SU0O Six mora bnngalofr. ready for plaster, water and gas In. Ke tjerms. Owner, 7902 62nd ave. 8. K. Mt Septt FOR SALE By owner. 6 room house, 1 acre. on paved street, I mix ana oemea.. csy terms. r.. awi. aeu. oooi WHEN you tHrcha.e your borne have th title iniured. Get Title Insurane Policy. Title Trust company, i IBtLsCTON Beantiful 7-room house and gance.'BOt 18th st, N. O. De Kornint. Phone K. 4604. WILL sea my wquity in U Tabor district home. Dealer need not apply. T-lt, Jour nal. -KooU aioua H block from 3 minute ear aerrire. 400: $17l4 naah. $35 per month. Taber 10CT. Botatw 4. Box 61. rertland. , FOR 8AI.K OR RKNT. 4 nice rooms, bath and attic; full lot, fruit 263 E. 39th North. Will be there Sunday. FOR SALE, four raom bouse, bath, electricity 170O, or with furniture $20O: corner lot. ei 03 inaiey. corner ot linn; oy owner. SNAP.v completely jfununhed Blattered enttace. elect ne liighU. garage, big lot. $950. $300 caali. Vacant Selfwnod 2749. 8-KOOM HOI 8K. orchard. S lota. $3900. $1600 Woodlawn 174. EAST FLANDERS STREET $3500 $700 cash and $30 per month, 5 rooms, modern, nice 50x100 corner lot in a restricted residence district Extra good base ment Mueller pipe! ess furnace. This is a good buy. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 BRAND NEW $3800 Very modern and complete, 4 rooms and bath, big cement basement, fireplace, dining aloove, 2 bedrooms with closets. Immediate posession. $500 to handle. 080 E. Pine st " Ssney O. Lathrop 411; Abmgton bldg. Rose City Bungalow 6 rooms, modern, 2 block off Sandy, corner lot-. $4200. NeiSan & Parkhill 219 Lumbermens bldg. IRYINGTON DISTRICT 5-room bungalow, plastered attic, bookcases. buffet fireplace, hardwood floors, ivory and tap estry rmisn, tiled sink ana batn. Fnce sssoo. Terms. open tor inspection Hunoay 1 to o p. m. 605 Fremont t. near 16th. 933 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787 JohnsonDodson Co. Rose City Park, $55' Five-room bungalow, nearly finished. This is the popular plan that sells before finished. Auto. 317-55. KENTON 156 W Walts st. 5 rooms and bath, all im provements in and paid, $2600; H cash, bal ance terms. W. Keeler, Kenton Bank bldg. Woodlawn 6507. LARGE ROOMY HOME $3200 $500 cash. $30 monthly, inc. in terest; 6 rooms on one floor; near school and park; good basement, small fruit; 70x100 lot A real home in a good district JohnsonDodsorr Co. 638 W. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i PERSON ALLY INSPECTED PERSONALLY APPRAISED TRK BIGGEST BUSINESS HOME ofOce ta the Weat BERVfCE itKV! Cam in and SEI.KCT tint Home NOW! Anchr .Your Loan Later. Ill necesaary. we'll help yon Bale your, down I payment OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Open Evenings until 60 Salesmen with autoa at your atrvioa. 1 LOYEI.Y ALAMEDA BUNGALOW $$990 AN IDEALLY BEAUTIFUL new - bungalow in Alameda Park. 5 rooms; haa every feat-are that the modern mind could devise for eon yenience and economy: hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built-tan, . right an Broadway ear: garage; all impraremrnta in and paid. MOST DELIGHTFUL OF AI BUN GALOWS. East 24 th St ROSE CTTYaPARK S4990 DISTINCTIVE room ROSE CITY Home on E Broadway, llvwig room is large and light; haa cheery fireplace, paneled dining room with leaded art glass buffet; 3 nice bedrooms and bath up , stair-, furnace, garage. REAL HOME ATMOSPHERE. ANOTHER ROSE CITY $4750 Genuine value r -here in THI3 BEAUTIFUL HOME of arua-ie semi-bungalow type; exceptionally well constructed : 6 rooms, fire place, bookcase, den. while enamel Ieutch kitchen; furnace, doohle garage. YOU'LL ' APPRECIATE THIS. Tillamook it KENTON $4850 ONE OF THE MOST ATTRAC TIVE bungalows in Kenton. 7 room, having furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcaaea, buffet, white Dutch kitchen, breakfait room; 8 bedrooms and bath; close to car and Kenton school. Stafford atreet RUNNING KOZY KENTON $3190 $508 down! NEW! NEW! Close to beautiful Peninsula Park, the children's playground. etc. im maculate white bungalow: large liv ing and dining room connected with French doors; one airy bed room. Dutch kitchen with sunny breakfaat nook: nice while- enamel bath. VACANT. You'll love this! Michigan ave. HAWTHORNE REAL HOME $4190 SIX ROOM substantial- modem homer built-in ooovemencea; full cement basement furnace, fruit; located in the best part of HAW THORNE. East 34th st ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3990 SPLENDIDLY CONSTRUCTED. practical and very artistic bungalow in Alberta with all kinds of built in conveniences; new furnace jut installed, close to car. E. 23d St Terms. WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOB! $3150 RIGHT IN ALBERTA. TOO! Pretty and inviting home-like 5 room bungalow. DOUBLE CON STRUCTED; newly painted and in splendid shape: namerous buildings; '. garage with full cement driveway: NEAT AND PRACTICAL! . East 17th st $500 DOWN! WAVERLY RICHMOND $3390 4500 down! HOMEY 3 room bun galow; cheery living room; solid paneled dining room with built-m buffet: convenient kitchen and kitchenette, with a great many built-in featnres; 2 large airy-bedrooms and white enamel bath : for-. naoe, attic, large enough for 2 more rooms; garage. ONLY $500 down will handle this. E. Kelly at Suburban Heme- ... 3 at-ree. doe ta PnrUaad and- OregW City cerhne; T-raom xlaalered wungmkrw. fuO hewe- mertt good bath, not and eeU water; new www wi wiping plant.' good aa encwe; cam, warn, eirirkea beano. Fine orchard of pmrkaa. prone, pears and npplea, A boot 190 treea in ail Fricw 85300; 8S30A cash, balance terms.. . .3.17 Acres CVwa to PwUand and Xrego City enrthwa. between Padfle highway and river; grounds slope beaatifulty. beautiful fig treea in yard. Good bow. fine lum rooms, pmtaared. cae newt and as hgrita; good piwa. prtos 4ftOw; . cash, balance monthly payments. 5 Koom tsungaiow Owe Mock from Portland and Orwoa Orty earliae. ebareh. School and aaore; 4k acre fwa garden aoiL good well, abundance- ot -water; improved Meet; $2fr0. has waao. waianoo terma. - So Oo Biilman , Realtor v Foot of Elevate Pbooe 4 2T Orecwn City- 2 ACRES IX CTTT LIMITS -$U75 $500 eaah. $15 monthly bnya thia tract of 25xlO mta. all wa cttltrvmtmva. V of an acre in learanberriee. balance bs grain, neat, wail built S-roora cottage, avrge tent nowae; pnr- lecr to a mums ameaamenta of $40w.- Trua proierty mnat be sold to eioao aa aatota. Be ' Mr. GnfTith with . J Ctmmber wf Commerce bldg. HB'HEST TYPE FARM I -AN OS 10-YEAR TERMS EMPLOYMENT 3000 acrea. aU good soil. and bottom land, m the Xewanknm valley at Onalaaka, Wash, (southeast of Chehalia) ; old farm and dairy district manr adeantarea. roads. neighbors, numeroos atreama, ideal elimata and runt water; midway Portland and Seattle. ,d markeU: 20 acrea or more. 113 to 3D. song ftmc payments: settlers giv taining emrdoyment mills or man on gmord or wrte GRAHAM-PARDEW IJ1ND CO., ' 1008 AMERICAN BANK BLDG.. SKATTU WEST SIDE ACRE RA CRITIC! So fare. 4 block Cowncil Oea ear. aaly miles ronrthoreae; all in enrtismtaon. every toot almo-t level: magnifiornt view, frontage oa. paved road, no liens; Bull Ban -rater, eta, A sent for $1000. terms: will drrida. - rut V cation, rreetocaliy yofning Portland HeigtiU. where values are certain to nwrwaae. An ad vantageous enrironment (hat ia aekiom found an an acreage tract J. ;. Rainey, 51T Ahing- tnn bldg. Bmadway 0219 (Soon to ACRES, frregoa city, lssprovwd- i.'ou z term at aletuer. $5250 10 acres st Capitol Hill, imp.; terms. 4 50 1 acre at Parkl-wt.. iaaix tSUOO 1 am at Wichita atatmn. 4 blocks tn car. on good hard surfaced road; fruit of all kinds: good buildings; electricit, gaa; a real buy. - . McOEK A DENNIS. 909 Union Ave. N. Wdln. - A MOST ATTRACTIVE ACRE. $&S Just outside city limits im fast growing com munity. others have nought their tracts of wa. Why not yon? The land is right, taw price is right the location ia right and the terma are right The but tract at thia price. ' it H CONFRET. REALTOR. RITTEK. LOWE A OH..- .201-2-8-5 -7 Board of Trade bids 4H ACRES located IS rain, walk from eonrt-hou-e. MUlfbora, all cnl'.ivated, fenced; fond a room hot; bam. cbirken hooee I(x80. with 850 laying hen-; good cow, about 49 fruit tree, fruit, be 1 1 a of all kind.; some feed end email tooU. city water, gas In atrweC rnra for everything $5UO0, $2500 cash. bei. terms, ' Owner. P. Q. box 211. HUlsboro. Or. SOMETHING exceedingly fine. 20 acrea. all lavs beautiful, fine aoil. very fine running stream. fenced, aome rich bottom and heavy frill land, portion deared, aU open land, easily ejeared. modern homea close by. delightful loeaoon. 'Vk mil Portland Hillaboro hichway and 8. Pa eieo Lnc. -fe gall OI fll-y 01 niuamv. vea boot. county road, and price is $8750. Cash for ctear title. C. L. Becker. 133S llrst st HOUSES 404 Star Sales Service STOP! READ! CONSIDER! $3800 HOLLADAY $3800 5 room hcmi-bungalow, close to Holladsy rchooi. improvements all in end paid for. OWNER MUST SELL. 1 5 minutes' walk from west aide. ROSE CITY. BELOW HILL $5000 $50110 $5000 Beautiful new double constructed 5 room bungalow, sleeping liurch. all improvements in and paid for, all mod ern built-ins. airy bedrooms, beau tiful fixtures and finish, 3 blocks to car. Owner aeDhig on account of sick nesR. $2000 eaah. STAR REAL ESTATE A TNV. CO., Realtors. 512-18 Wilcox bldg. Broadway 5618. Sun. and Eve. Wdln. G652. ROSE CITY BUNGAIOW 7 rooms. $5000. $2000 cash, $SO per month and interest: 50x100 lot; paved street, below the hill: 3 Works to Rose City car; hard- i , -1 1 1 , . n , rinnu uuuk, uuiitin um.BGaaeB am hnffetr T"nth Ir it-io r, - CiriA liht fivneea- ni lawn, garage. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T Hawthorne Modern ow 6 ROOMS. FIREPLACE. NEAR OAR, ONLY $3700. EASY TERMS. FOR INFORMATION OAU AT 269 E. 34TH ST. $4200 $500 CASH Here is a snap for someone: a 7-room modern home, furnace, fireplace; all built ins; full base ment; garage; comer lot 100x100 ft; all kinds of fruit and berries; close to car and school. Get busy and see me at once on this one. Mr. Henry. 230 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 7581. ONLY $4300, by owner; new 1 H story. 6 room modern home. exceptionally large attic, floored; Duteh kitchen, very best plumbing, full basement, built-in buffet and bookcases, ivory enameled throughout; best hardware and light fixtures; 1 block lanrth of "MV" carline. 174 E. 79th st. N. Near Franklin High Scftoo! Best buy in district, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace., furnace, garage, lot 100x100 corner, $4150, terms; immediate possession. Call agent Tabor 878. after 12:30; weekdays Main 9012. REGULAR "GEM" $2990 $500 down I LITTLE HOME LOVER! Is not thia the kind yoa're wanting? Beautifully de signed 6 room brown shingled bun galow with garage to match; at tractive built-ins. fireplace. 2 bed roomi. white enamel belli, close to car. 62d ave. $500 DOWN! MT. SCOTT $1250 $500 down! SUCH A NICE lit tle 4 room white cottage bungalow; 160x100 with fruit, berries. AND IT'S ALMOST TIME TO START THAT GARDEN I SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A MODEST LITTLE COTTAGE 8 890 "NO MATTER HOW HUMBLE" THERE'S Nothing like living in YOUR OWN HOME WITH NO RENT TO PAY Except to yourself a very . comfortable 5 room cottage, in Woo&tock di tricL; rooms are platered; Irving rjom has fireplace. convenient kitchen. fhed. IT'S WORTH THE MONEY ALL RIGHT! 3th ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Hume Realtor. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 71 7 L Third St. bet. Washington and 8tark. NOTE There b an openirtg on oar sales fores (or a Live High-Class Haleaman with ear. Back to the Soil . The aeason is ripe. Let n show yoa our Powell Valley 2 to ft acre tracts, fronting paved road. 3 miles east of city limits: all e-sltoveiod ; every city eonvmicnce available. Pnera kvaa toaa surrounding land, liaaa A Murray. Bloc 3t change bldg. Mar. 3324. East 1$$4. 10 ACRES NEAR SECTION LINE mad; half under cultivation: no bo ridings; does to carline; 10 miles east of eo-nsom. If in terested will make pnoo and terms; owner avast aU. ' . UNION SAFE DEPOSIT Jt TRUST DO. 284 Oak. Bdwy. 848. BIG SNAP, near lower Colombia highway. 88 W acres for aa)e: 7 to acrea at culuvaooo. SO acres fenced and ernes- fenced; psenty of wood; fine apnng: on good rork road. wail from posuiffice. Goble, Or. $2250. (mall payments with easy terma. By owner. G. W. Long, 387 Second st., Portland. . 13 , A REAL SNAP acres at Cottreil station oa Ball Kim electric. 14 mile, from cits limits, rood roads. 9 screa under cultivation, beautiful now: Meal place for berries snd poultry- Price only $2500; terms. W M. Vmbdenstock aV Co., 218 Ortfoa bldg Bdwy. 163S. 2 ACRES - CAPITAL HIGHWAY 2 acres, level, cultivated; fine view, ex cel lent soil. 200 feet on paved highway; earner. -excellent building site, between Multnomah and Tigard; real map. $1500; terma. 408 Block Exchange bldg Mar-hall 3324. Ea-t 1804. ' BUY- FROM OWNER 12V acrea Willamette acreage, near the Tualatin; mostly deared: loti fruit old bo-iae, few bam, city water, awed rad. V mile good school, near Oregon Oty and Willamette. Call or write for particular-. 'W. F. Magiil. IS. 5. Box 131. (rregon City. 828W. 10 ACRES BEAVERTON DISTRICT Buildinga, yonng orchard, bellies, fine soil, 1 mile to electric station; very aighUy ; A bargain at $3500. easy terma. LUEDDEaf ANN COMPART 918 Chamber of Onmens $300 Down Nice 4 -room modern bungalow lot 50x100, full basement laundry trays; nice chicken house; 1 block to car. Only $2200, $300 down, balance $15 month, 6 interest Automatic 210-38. -BUILT TO ENDURE" $1T0 to 8SOO0 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Less Money. BEDIMADE BLDG. CO.. PORTLAND, OR. Faetory E. 11th and Market Phone East 6114. $37508 room modern house, corner lot 58x 100: full .basemenl, garare; paved street: terms. $3800 For a bonus boy, 4 room fum.hed house; paved st, near carline; good terms. 2750 4 mom furnished house, 2 blks. to car; food terms. McGEE A DENNIS. 969 Union Ave. N. . Wdln. 5684. Open Sunday and Eve, BEST BUY IN TOWN $2750 We-tmorelaod, by owner, 5 room bungalow; large' lot close to Sellwood ear. Lots of fruit and berries. Some terms. Call at 581 South avenue. FOR SALE in Park Rose, eompletely furnished 3 room house with acre ground. 50 bearing fruit trees and all kinds of berries; nice chicken house. Inquire of Mrs. Kittner, Prejcot st, second house on Fiauson. ALBERTA 6 rooms, furnished, modern. Transferred to other state. Will sacrifice my equity and fur nishings. By owner. Terms. Act Quick. For appointment, Xf-15, Jotgnal. ROSE CITY PARK. 4 ROOMS $2400 $500 CASH Cozy California bungalow: owner leaving city, Garage Payments like rent See it Broadway 6011, or Tabor 846 evenings. tiiiu.i FOUR roiims. 75x100 corner, adjoin ing reetnciea ouinct; guou mtum iui wn or grocery store. Wdln. I44Q. 5 -ROOM double constructed bungalow, break fast nook, oak floors. French doors, tapestry paper, -fall basement, garage; $4650, $750 cash. 454 E. 44th, near Divjion. Tabor 8558 WE HAVE already examined the title to your nroserty ana can nsae you a TO insurance Policy without delay Title Trast company. EVERY purchaser ot real estata snoaid have hS title insured. JBecter na aua wan awrrj. -s,xua Ac Trust company- . BY OWNER 3-room house with bath, on paved street $1600; discount for eaah. East 8181. ' ' ; WILL sell or trade my S-roora unfinished noose with 2 lots. 68 2-3x110. for groceries. Pbcne Columbia 1422. ask for Turner. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee of the title to your home. . When you buy your home have the title insured. Better be sale than sorry. Title Sc Trust company. NEW 5-room, modern bungalow, by owner, leas than cost 593 Maple at, two blocks south 14th snd Hawthorne awt. TITLE insurance is the modern way cf ladling titles to real estate. Quick ex, costs jess and no abstract required. Title At Trust company CLOSE your real estate deai without annoying details by using a Title Insurance Policy. Mo ab-tract required. Title At Trust company. MT. TABOR bungalow, 5 roomsi fireplace, book cases, buffet, cement basement; 50x100 lot; paved street; magnificent view of mountains. $4000. $1000 cash. $25 and int monthly. JohnsonBodson Co. 633 N. W. Barut Bldg. Main 8787 COLUMBIA PARK Handsome 5 room bungalow, just built: oak floors, art fireplace, big lot, paved street mod erately priced banns accepted. COE.Aj UcSENNA CO.. Broadway 7522. ; Evenings CoL 1274. Waver ley, Near Car' '3 beautiful colonial bungalows, 532. 534, 542 E. 34th. Small payment down, balance like rent; electric range and water heater, fumai-e, hdsr. fk-ors, all the built-ins. piste glass win dows, street imp. all in snd paid. Price $4500 and $4000. Owner. Sell. 28..0. 1016 Brooklyn. BY OWNER, nearly finished Piedmont restricted aiat. 124T Commercial st. 1 blk. Peninsula far, s blka, Jetfeiaon high: better rlaaa. n atory and half bungalow. 7 large rooms snd closets, full basement 8 ft cement porch, cream brick fireplace and piers. Urge taner columns. plate glass windows and door, oak floors. 14x34 hving room and dining room. French doors, break fast nook, and all possible built ins. aiash grain finish. Will decorate to suit purchaser. Some terms open every day. 6 ROOMS 8K500 Right on Ankeny car, corner E. 24th st. 3 fine bedrooms with big closeta. good plumbing, big basement bouse needs painting, otherwise good conditrou. Term- arranged. Sidney O. Lathrop 411 Abington bldg. 8300 BARGAIN $500 contract will sell for $300, on 5 room modern house; paved streets and sidewalks. Bal ance is $1300: payments 320 per month. rnone noon boor, Broadway 270. Address, 3531 64th st 8. E. LAURELHCRST Are yon looking for a new home? If come out to 1257 Gli.ma st. today. Saturday or Sunday.- 12 to 5 p. m . it will be open. Meet the owner if it -cits you and get a bargain. Hardwood floors, tile bath, in fact everything UiaL goes with a modern home of 6 rsoraa, large room on second floor, unfmi-bed. Tabor 7404 WESTMORELAND bargain; an new attractive 4 room bungalow,! fireplace, oak floors, built-ins, electrio fixtures, linoleum in bath and kitchen, full basement, laundry tray-, large fruit cupboard. garage to match house, so improvements paid. By owner, 1355 E. lsth S.. near Bybee are. 4-ROOM plastered bungalow, 1 block to car, con crete foundation, basement $2400. $350 cash, balance $30- monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg, Main 3787 BY OWNER 5 rooms, bath, reception hall, full cement basement new furnace; lot 50x100; paved street; block from car line. Price $2450. Aut 637-70.- MUST sacrifice .5-room house, $1050, 8400 down, bed. terms. 1126 S. Ivanhoa St. St Johns. 7 ROOM modern house, lot 30x100. garage, fruit trees and flowers; all improvements in and paid. Mast sell. 846 Divglon st WHEN yon get a Title Insurance Policy, yon do not need an abstract of title. One pre mium pays for all time. Title ts. Trast company. 3 ROOMS furnished, berries, fruit Nearly acre. Terms. I-enta. 0404 100th at. CHEAP St-rooa cottage. -Call today P. NS car. 455 Worth 2tth. FOR TRADE or sell cheap. $3i5 equity in room plastered house. 40x100 lot at 6838 41st are. B E T .- TITLE Insurance saves time ana money because na abstract la reouired. Title Ac Trnst com pany '- " ' - ' i 1 ' FOR SALE Colonial bnngaiow, fireplace, French doors, sun porch. $270. Call 1803 Sandy fatal. iWEST SIDE S. W. ecmer' Front and Sherman, lOOx 106 "4. with 2 houses, by owner. 634 4th it 4-ROOM HOUSE. 88x100 lot, near car,, good location. $500 ca&fc, tertaa reasonable-, In quire 140 V Ankeny ft. 6 ROOMS, hi acre garden, fruits, mora in. pay rent to yonr-elf. 461-4 n. 4 1st st OWNER ORDERS SALE $2800 COTTAGE Dandy 5-room cottage just off A in-worth ave.; nicely arranged borne, good plumbing: 50x100 ft lot: a bargain at $2800. $300 eaah. balance at $30 per month, including interest; will take good lot aa part payment, air. l-unsmore. 230 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. TS81. WEST MT. TABOR 6 room, double con- . struct ed. solidly and artistically bum; a home that can be enjoyed with the minimum of ex pense., modern throughout: plenty closet and storue room: at corner ot r- sutn ana naimon terms. Price right Call at owners, 185 E. 4Pth. corner Ti'lor Open Sunday afternoon. J3000 BRAND SEW BUNGALOW $3000 lanu hving ronm. oaa I loon, two bed rooms. bath, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, enameled throughout cement basement swell electric fix tuns, shades, garage, fruit and root. 1005 E. 80th N. Terms. " . WESTMORELAND Attrartiva 4 room bungalow, fireplace, builtfa buffet Dutch kitchen, full basement with laundry travs: roomy garage. Kitchen stoves and hnole- nm included in price. 83000. - Easy term. Phone Sell. 269L A TITLE Insurance Policy a guarantee by responsible company that yon will not gaffer urn on account of the title to yonr real - estate When ysa buy real estate get a Title lose ranee Policy. No abstract required Title At Trust company. , BUNGALOW near Peninsula Park, on paved street fireplace, bookcanes, buffet, oak floor, furnaae. cement baaement Price includes lino leum and gas range. $4400. $1000 cash. balance monuuy. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 HERE IS A RENT SAVER 4 robms with bath and toilet electricity, gaa. city water. Why not enjoy your own garden f tl&OO. 3vO down. 815 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 AN ABSTRACT of titm ia not a guarantee of yonr title 3 it is merely a hiatory of your title. A Title Inaursncs Policy to a guarantee of yonr title. Tbcri.aaiu. when yon buy piouetty get a True insurance Policy. Ho abstract rrqu-red- Titae at Trnst company. HAWTHORNE. $3875 Easy terma. Corner lot, fre rooms, attic, full basement oak mors, bevel plate win dows, all imps, im clow to car. Alvm Johnson, Realtor, Ha. of Ti bide Phone Bdwy. 87. Sunday, East 2961. STRICTLY modem bungalow on paved st and 50x100 lot Price is right and terma easy Wdln. 1169 or call at No. 12 Portland bird. 81. pday. to see tha property. 1 ACRE; WATER AND GAB Fine aoil. cleared, neat location, ear $45 down, nal $10 per moth. Only $90w. Call Broadway 5817. CHICKEN RANCH 1 acre. 3 room hoose. city water, garagn. fruit ea. chicken house, pig : about 30 rhirktaa Pric $2350; terms. D. J. O CONNOR, 024 st and Mt Kmlt carline. Ante. 628-73. LAND OPENING Texas school lands for aaie by Um atata, 89 per acre, ona fortieth cash: balance ia 49 years. 3 per cent Interest; send a cent posts c far further informs bon. Investor Pub. Co. dept 8, Ran Antonio. Texas. " NEARLY S ACRES WOODBCKN DIST. 4.78 acrea. all cleared: new 6 -room hoaaa. barn, other buildings: horse, cow, 49 chickens, other personal property ; on good road. 1 miia from highway, tine soil, ror qntcc sale gZBOW. L.I EIHfcilA. IVHrA-M 913 Chamber of tommerea. GILI.IS, in the fertile Powell 1 alley. 10 muse from city limits.' near Bull Ran crrtrie s'a- Ooo: 3 acres for 914O0- level, flaw SOU. ewjU- vsted. on rocked road, wgiou down. - w, j. I mod -n stock A Co.. Zl Oregon Mag. - tunad- way ls. ROCKWOOD I or mora acrea at station on Trootdala Fleey- tric. all cleared, clow to Haa. Lane roaa. -per acre; terms. W. M. UmbdraatocA Ca, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1438. " $43 DOWN BALANCE $9 MONTH Ona acne aU cleared, city water and ana. to car and store. Just ouuide city KmMs; baa aoil. beeuti'ul view. Broadway 5817. - FOR SALE at a sacrifice, my food wat sde subortaa hisne containing about 6 vk arras of choice improved land; good bkUs.. good saca tion. floe ruade; ouiy $5809. Phone Wood- Laws 6303. GBESHAM One acre with aback, barn, fnut tnea. fines kind of aoU. cuiuvated. an hard road. $500 takes $106 dowa. W JsL Umod-nstock at Cor; 210 Oregon bide. Bdwy. 1658.. - ' $1250. 4-mom honae, sieyeping porch. $100 down. $13 month. 67th street, between Cooper and McCoy. Brentwood 5a ACRES CLOSE IS Cleared, best aoil, no- rock or gvaval; I bearing togana, "i acre orcaaru, vsvw, bwsw l2d av: $2"0. terms. J. C. V"RB1N CO . S--T Lesria Wdc. $75 DOWN Choice acre tract la b a lord. Jt. 91st at. ander cultivation, water, eiec-nciiy snd gat aiaiiable. e csrfare. See thks. Csui Bdwy 1658. W. M. I mbdeawtocs: Cfc. 218 Owgoa bldg. ACREAGE 40 S 5 ACRES last eaitaMae city iimrta, fine boa-at barntraad other b-nkiinga, fruit, berriea and grapes; maac be told at once sad will accept bonus loan. Main -68 60. Owner, 169 16th st '. $28 DOWN $10 PER MONTH - One and three-tenths acrea oa Trouida'e etcc- tricline at Ruby Junction station. STRONG Jr. CO 606 Chamber of Oommerce. ONE acra ia cultivation. cloe to depot. Garden Home. rrh iand; easy .ter-ns. - J. J. FUUer. Antomatic 640-4K GET title intu ranee instead ot aa .abstract is quicker and ebeaper aBd you are ansomtety prct-cied against error. Title At Trust company. 4 ROOMS, -new modem home, St Johns. Small 1 8 KM. house, Mt Scott car. 8760. 8280 down, . riirtT down, monthly pajmmta. fast 1275. 1 bal oka rent, 4704 85th st, S. B. Aat. 632-01. HALF. ACRE $25u0; new. modem hwue, cloe tn: water, gas: terms. e hi. journal. NICE Irvei half acra cheap, DariiugUsa add. Call East 8231 ft ACRES. Phona owaac. Waodia-ra 8878. mi irtu in tut uiiii OF PORTLAND. $90 PER ACRE. uwi nusoe 01 about tha city. 80 acrea Umber. - -J C- CXiRBlX CO.. 305-6-7 Lewie Mrtg 8S ACRES 5 miia west TamhuL Or., a hoot -5 cleared and level; beat of soil; raaamg water $1800: $0 caeh. balanrw to ansv V m wiO ng. 401 Panama bldg. Sellwood 1139. 20 ACRES good rUh sand for sale, road (mm land to slate bigbway. Write far lMreidu.11 te owner, a. w viue. Or. ' BY OWNER 20-acre tract near Tigard. ea rocked lnirbam road near n-gbway. u a - cleared, best of land; -nap, $2S acre, wtber i.-d her much DitHer. Terms. Z-t S3. J roai. ONE acre, atrtss-er ata 888 dowa. - ZV -sear hicbwa-, 84; .