G THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING,' FEBRUARY 12, 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 .... .....,, .... - :., ' usumt suburban T.OT AXD SMALL' TRACT SELLER IS PORTLAND . 2300 lots, one-half acres :r' and larger parcels of ; land for sale . EVERT BECnOJ( REPRESENTED WHITE CITY PARK . Biggest Lot Bargains " SO by ICO Lots 5168 I.ot lii this trset sold fna 1300 ta $45. mtmi yr ago. Your cholt of 10 lata fnr $165. pay tS ninthly. We chart bo Inter for two yitn; Bui Run water; graded KrHU; rood lorstkm. 7 2nd . street autbt Buy la Whit City Park u4 build Bui horn. ! MENTONE LOTS Pay $5 a Month: t Buy In Mentno: pay 110 down and put oa a Htll temporary . bom, "top paring th rent Ma your hard earned money. 60x100 ter.l lot. $223 $240; Boll Bun aitr, . food school near; eight rent rsr Ba. Boa Mratoa today. TouTl like too location. OLENADA r West Side Lots i , ,'" CI In; fifteen inmates hy ear from , Fonrth sad Heart streets; partid hifhway fronting tha property : beautiful valley view; , let AOtlOO and larger $250 and an. Per $5 or II V monthly. If you want a ' Meat sid booMaita se Ukmads. West Portland Park VestSide Dut Cornell road, lire miles from tha bsll; r"od anil, no rirh or rrsvel: 150 in $.ol an ser. psy tif cash sad monthly raymeau to auit your cou vwnlavte. Nrwhere oa th went aide can ,. yon ka errata al these prions. ' Mora than naa hundred famlllM to whom wa M suhnrnaa Iota and arc tract dor the uset year are now living m their own ' little home, and paying for them with th am savount oi money paid for rem. 10 will atari yon toward tha gosl of awning yoar hoiae. Com In aad we U tell yon ahoat It. Comte & Kohlman Rrndvy fi.V.O -4t-30-3'J Hpsldinc bid, th.r I .add A Tiltno hank. Largest suburban lot and small tract sellers In Portland UK At. ESTATE SALEMM EN Read our ad la etaasifiad Baleen, a Wanted column. , MrkESNA H Selected Lot Bargains ' llsvlrK.nie. Mnrthweot mirner oth snd Un eeilvi 7ZillH (.hvner forced to sell. A bargain. $1700. Keanaore Houtheat corner I.omhird and In ter late. lOOxflH, 100 ft. oa I cmaard. $2000. . 1-aarelhnr.t. Sandy bird. 7 ft. nit nf 33d. sih entranee rs Wm . 12.'.0 . Ileritaovtt. Wiwre it. SO ft emrth of Jawmp. '"", ' $U0. Owner will fumtah money , o bulhl. 60x100. , S-enhea-t enmer Cnonmerria! and Going tta. f,e"xie. $t0. , . ,-. . foai A. afrKENNA CO . 1 401 sf, . it.iT 7JJ3 ""no"rof BTisrif.R'srTrHTowoiisr" " IX THE ItOlt.r Now e 4h time to get ready. On S2d St. earner af. 43.1 see , we offer s Urge tract of Wml. deep rich soli, SHx2ll ft. ahont H in iraenherrM, for 11150; only $12S aaoh. feood terma on balance. K M CONrUET, Realtor . RtTTKH. Uiwra I'd. 201 ? 3 3 7 Board of Trade bVrtg. . TH ST., NEAR KNOTT ST. 0x100 Owner In need of money, .will pacrifk tola beaatifal kuiMiaa lot for $00. Richanbach & Co. 207 3 Conch Bktc , H roadway 4143. ' KENTON rOe in ahead ( tha bwm. Make some nonet. . I bate three comer, each 75x100: street paved, sidewalk and curbs, water and ewer in ana paid; ssuo tees than their value, for cash, ' W. KEE1.ER. Kenton Bank Mrtg. V ml lawn 0807. REAl'TirVL TIEW IOTS (, . nap. U sold at onca. In a flna iw mr. l WUlsmeils moorage, font of Crsmptnn st this s a lorelr hem alte. nverlnokinx Willim ee rleer and ail the weet aide: between Oregon . ty and He II wood earllnea Neal Brown, 007 1 Him are. , nilWOOt 3 C Real Sacrifice IH eet M. Tabor cart(n. Cem-nt ndewslki raui (re Ri;s, term $10 month. Rnint lem porary hnipw. Aljo. U't 50x100. price $173 letwo $ tncnlli I'hneie Tarx.r M 1. " 1 liifTTi-AVu i-.TiK r $730 buy R0l0O lot, 100 ft nnih of C.otng et. facing wet, on 7th t 'loin, all paid. J. A. Wickman Co, x Start sS.1 Bdwy. 87 . $1485 , , I-utreDinrrA, H eaah, on Rnmid cor. 3 2d, rsctng north. Oh, boy, some buy! Kverytmng paid. tall Broadway 7610. Tabor 8531, encr pun (. HOW IS THint One big sere, out Raaa Ina i or o-- am men, gio per monlh. R H CONFREY, Realtor RtTTER. LOWS CO. 201-2-3-B 7 Board of Trade blrlg. v I UMb I..1I.TK MKK 1 Donl Sell Wlll.wit Yonr Bond BNIW OK EVKRT KIND WRITTEN. HwlTH-W VIOyEK 10., STOCK EXtni. 8143 I.AIIII.4 ATirilTlnV " Nleo lot on loplar et. . tmpnvvevnenta all In raiai iio-Il paved slley. $473 nssn. $18 pamper or tommerce vult PRirfi"TiTI?Frki 818 per month. Cement titlewatk paid Build to-rrr bw. On F.. Muvrtsoa, 14 ft east ww ,vm ev i aoor Diva. CTVi.'1 'I.... 1 l: -" III I I II m ,..-r. eii'V orer acre. RIID 1KB sntl. line lor tamer), tntit and chickens. E. 0th and - eWttsavento, $7 Terms. Minxl hts 873 ce-h. n 34 4 f ACRl'.S on paved rnaat and electric line, part In suit, shsck. rrtc $850, $30 down, $10 PRATER. 40 BOARDOr TRADE ; Price 5275 Terms l-ot eat sft TsHor nar:lne, complete, paid. Phono Tabor 313d' . . XuA iiiRxrn High 'and sighUy. 3 Mocks wmih of Holgst on, jsaigaaiil avenue; S4o Sellwood IJV1 WII4' TAkR -IUStiiHArU ON LOT. " t ' eJonnson-Dodson Co, W. I""-1 htt- Mam 3787 s iUSlP rAlll-lim corner Int. ex'enduig 1 tnrnaejn pmca peen and 32d: ex- eetlent ke-stvon fot re Mnce. rt cah ; brrms. K)n.ATk.Two ftuilna lota. 3xloO feet earn, neat -. walk 111 distance Emmir. 314 Mtrket street. nth, lot SOiloo Hawthorn ear Build a gang aad save rrtas $0 int. iin in t" O ii-ts In Rainier, Or., u axensng or Ford rwnakewt, first ! arder, W. T. Jones. r. t( U have a let tn Ros Cily Park Unnct and sKieasplst kw tiding a aas, rail Tabor l 11 saw ynw money. UAlJttr and K. 5th, 109x100. comer Mai v half r a'l rwk efter. tn, Jnnmal rambenev.il t. $3d rt. N. Ftl AIJC .neap. X lata. SOU 10. n 34th avn! ' K,. neev Arte sehool. fi-9t. Jenreal Tit K kg e-t. Alberta dMtr rtnt, cheap. So SHU es'ai. Bdwy. 8S14 408 By. Kvch tWO (.Oil 00 lot fnr or trad by owner rhovt Wonirtswa 4 479. Call week days. i!vt.i.fo"N PARK H C rornar rsth-Jarrett Sewr stdVwaiks paid. 8410. Tsbor 6441. X I.OTH, Roa City Park; all improved. Owner, r-rWf, 4 I V. 75R-EAS:.U!Vi!4 In bh class rwileac. Wu e,;i veninc. ("epwoecl A I SIMoltEIAND NM-nflee, T0; Urh t. ne,r He v. : .y term. fl.llwo.-! 115 Tlw AKkA 60sl0u a 4th. 100 ft south ev ri-eadwaey. T,. rsetng. Taboy 64 41. CAM fteUvrond 2749 Wonderful lot vain. fat pete of ssntiral wsvarly. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 JOHNSON DO DSON CO-S PARTIAL LOT LIST. a la me 0 a (BOO (200 eaah. assy oa balance. an tmprovenieat paid. , . . EA8TMORELAND Corner equal to Hil OO, ail improvements paid; pries $1750; 51000 leash." ' IRVINOTON Eighteenth neat Siskiyou,. $1400. .all Twentieth nekr Knott, east tare. 81450 cash. all improvement Twenty-third near Stanton. $1800: all im provements paid. Boatliweat corner Twenty if mrrth and Siskiyou. SS500; S 1 OOO eaab or (04d paper, aaay terms baiaaxw; will dinda. WEST SIDE Corner. 550 cash, on oared street, aewer and aviewsiks all paid, on ear, near school. This hi way under market Value, Comer 100x100. WilUnJeUo Heiihta. $2800 eaAb. all lm prore amenta paid ; wul divide. 50x100 on Wilson near I Thirty fint. $1100 1200 cash, 110 monthly, jarun. iWewaiis anl curbs paid. EAST 2STH NEAR FRANCIS 50x100. cut face. $.50; $300 eaab, $10 ouuiy. ail unproTetDena paid. RODNET NEAR GOINt 90x100. 1850: $100 cash, $10 monthly, all Improvements paid. i CtACl E. T8TH AVD CtACKAMAS SOxlOO, $350: $35 dub. $10 monthly r, sidewalks and curbs included in prica. 200xlol $550 cash, sidewalks and rurbs paid, strsai. (rsaed. IRVINOTON DISTRICT Comer fiauxieO. HOOD mh- aTt iirmmee menta in and paid, on Iniugton car, near school ana new park; real value. I VIEW L0T ROiHO. only $1500. oy terms.' This" Is si least 500 under value. Hee at one. IRVINOTON DISTRICT We do not think there-la; a better bay in the euy. all thina considered, than the following; EAST 15TH. 17TH AND 18TH STS. tots $7R0 and $87IS. Sewers, water, naved streets, walks are all in arid paid nothing to sailed); terms ioo oa-h. $10 monthly also some corners a little i higher. There are oniy to left at this remarkable prica. Today may be your last omxirtunltv ao mma tn Bur. Fremont st bet 'E. 15th ind ICth nts-.-'fraa a . m. uniu o p. m. uxiay. JohnsonBodson Co. W. Hank bWg. I Main 8787. Just Lots off I Lots $223 1 .CK CPA 411-100 kit in Arleta rsrk, 'between two nouses. Street im- nmnmamta In 'C $280 MOVE I N A 40x100 lot in Laurel- hnmt Park. A 12x14 tent I house on premises. mjmt idrwalk, paved strei. A worker's change $330 80MB BT 1 H blocks from Arleta car. ah street improve ments Jid. $50 down, bsl. SfO month. 100x115 corner, suitable for home and business. n good car line. All $1350 SOME LOT- improved. 3185 cash. bsL $3 a month. Soma buy. SEE NATE B. CA,EB, with BEAVER REALTY CO.. 902 N. W. Bank Bldg.f Main 2675. YES. WE ARK OPEN SUNDAYS. ROSE OITY PARK $ 735 -Kant 47th st, facing east, 150 ft. north oi ualsey st t 730 East r.2d st. facing! west. 50 ft north or naisey st $ 750 Et 48th st, facing west, 100 ft south oi Bis XI you st. $1030 Stanton st and 48th. northeast comer, all improvements pa d on both sides. LATJRKLHt'1 1ST $ 823 Lanrelhnrst ave., faring south, 100 ft west of K. 43d st $1200 Uurelhursf ave., faring south, 150 ft est of. 8th st HAWTHORNE I 850 E Harrison T, faqinj south, bHwcen S7th and 88th sts. SEE VB VOR TOTS henderbon-banIxs CO.. Henry bittg. Broadvtay 4754. IN CITT FOR FEW DATS WILL SACRIFICE FOR QDICKiSALE CAU, OREGON HOTEI -ROADWAY 660. iu T. 101TE i 80x1 00 CORNER 8630 Near Jefferson high school, all improve ments paid; close to carlikie. Kichanbach! & Co. 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. $780 i ,n ,,2J WWX $15 iER MO. V .'- B?th i HT on west side of E. 25th st Everything in and paid for i. U HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034 B EA IJTIFULLT wooded lot Scar Jefferson high nuwui pars, saou; (50 cash, 810 monthly; also a special lot 66x153, $700, easy terms. f J ) JohnsonBodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. j Main 3787. WEST SIDE CORNER $525 50x105, N E. corner of Front and Iowa. V bUSk "V- 5 b!kK rDO: I"t trees, level; lmpL paid A big snap. Se it today. Terms. J. Q. RAIN FY. 517 Abington Bldg. ' - Bdwy. 6269i A .MCE tract mvsred with a beautiful grove of nail- trees. 60 on Ban Lin road by 200 ft deep, for $530: $53 eaah. balance $10.5 O per month; it a real buy. I 1 R. H. -X1NFREY. REALTOR RITTER. LOWE A CO. 101 2 3 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LAURELHURST CORNF.R Make a an offer on V iw ennu sv. snd Gnsaa 't-. J. A. Wickman Co. 263 Start rt Btwv 6794. 10 LAURKLHUkst CORNERS " ALL .OVERSIZE PRICED Bl'Ta I.1TTI K a nnvv mm UTNS 1 " 1. C. COTtBTN CQ..'-808 -T Lewis Bldg. 1 LAI RELHUUST 1 LOT P"dy eaUon. paved streets. Win sen for J'""- yon want to build, on tha. will build for yon oa payment down of 8600, balance 814 STOCK F-XCrtJ BtJiG. ACRK NE.tR CARLIXlS " as good district for 840) ; 44l rash, balance $8 tn. It's a man. I R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR RITTER. LOWE 81 en 201-1 3-3-T Board of Trad Mdg, LESS THAN ASSEASKI) ValJTB! ., Bom a low as 8700. all improvement tn, 2 blocks ear. Com ae them. I - T. O. BIRD. 516 Chamberi ef Cowimere. w EnTMOREIAND near Knspp ave., lTth C - awasy term, a 1 4 worst 1159. 1 LOSE CITY PARK lot . improvement paid $00 each. Call owner. Woodiawn 4220. LOT ia WeaimsreUuxL U at tnAm fa- lnl U Denver or sonvethtng of I v he. Mara 8'. LOT oa 20th t. 1 block fross HswUtotaa, at """ rwnsi sursnaui SBJT. LITS FOR SAf.R DIRricT RY OWNER REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 TWESE ARE HOUSES ' THAT OWNERS ARE COMPELLED v f TO SEIJ. AND WltX BR SACRIFICED -.- . . , ' UdiTEIHAXELY , . ' :T EOOM8 " . Newly tutted and painted; bring- room, dining room. Dnteh Htcben. ' bath and bedroum -downstairs: 8 bedrooms txptaur 50x100 levwl lot, oa pared sttresu 3 blocks -chooJ. 1 from U V ear. Tall as. , how much you can pay down after yon see Una house. We can get It for you on your own -terms. Trice ... -.i ........ .83500 ' l ROSE CUT SACRIFICE Think of getting a neat littli S room- bungalow In Hose Cijj Park on paved street far so hale rnmey. Large rooms, Qrephtee and built- , bis, orment basement, trays, 50x 100 lot: $425 street sjecsmenU included In price. Fine mention . on E. 0th et. 1 Vi block north ' -, of Sandy and ear. A easy borne in a 35000 locality. Tn be han . died on a $1000 down paymeDt A decided bargain, only ........ $3600 300 DOWN WALKING DISTANCE " , Sara Jour rent tnoney. Fiv room neat cottage, reception, hall. Bv- ' inc room, dining room, kitchen and pantry. 2 large bedrooms aadr bath. Full eoncr-te basement. Loeated in good, neighborhood, across Broad way bridge, within es-?y wxlking rliirfsnre of heart of city and 1 H blocks to 4 carlinea. If yon are paying rent yon cant afford to turn this down. Pay 8300 and the balance) like rent. Be free from tha landlord. Full price only . . . 82700 NEW LAPRELH TJBST BUNGALOW Owner, leaving city, most sell his - strictly modern 6 room bungalow. . Hardwood floors throughout, Hv 1 ing room terns entire front hre , place. buffet. Dutch kitchen, 1 breakfast nook, 2 real bedrooms, f.niiihed old ivory and tapestry . papered. Cement basement fur- nsee, trays. Located E. 43d st. sear car. If yon want the best in a Sfw. modern bungalow in tliis beautiful district see this at once; $1000 'handle. Special ly priced to sell at $6000 $000 DOWN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Alnsworth are. and K. 7th St. Here a bungalow built on gen erous proportions. Large, light, noat rooms. Fireplace, lovely dining room, handy white enamel kitchen, 2 bedrooms, with fine bath. One room finished tin at-. He Full concrete basement fur nace and trays; 60x100 lot, 8 blocks Wood lawn car, close to grade and walking dh-tance to Jef f i-rson high. A good -buy. Re duced tt $4000 ALAMEDA PARK . OWNER KEDVCKS PRICE $1000 v Owner, forced to t&e wall, must nte money at one 3. Sacrifice his beatatiful 8 room 2 story home. Big, beautiful rooms, hardwood floors. arUstic fireplace, plate-guua windows, measive built-in buffet white enamel dutch kitchen; 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch : ! f$ on second floor. Full concrete basement furnace and trays; 50x100 level lot, good garage, solid cement driveway, situated oniy 100 feet from Broadway ear. The former pr.ee of only $8500 reproient exceptional value, but if you have $2500 cash to pay down we can dvdver this won derful bargain. If you act quick ly, for $5500 REMEMBER. THHRE HOUSES MUST BE SOi.D, AND HACH ONE IS AB SOLUTELY A BARUA1N IN ITSELF. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT RITTEU, LOWE CD. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS LOTS LOTS ALAMEDA PARK AND HOMEDALE Future Home H.uM-r- and Speculators Take N tic ; Now i the OPPORTUNE time to buy that lot. Never again in yean to come, will you be I able to buy lot a, cheaply as at tne present lime Umr. TM. in tact, all ot tnes lota ars I being sokl at far teas than they would have brought in 1910. " Ex-service men, hers Is your opportunity to secure a lot on veey easy terms, we w.u ar- ranm to srive you title so that you can mske ap- 1 plication for building loan. We will assist you 1 in preparing plans and specuicauons ana can, u i ru uwure. ouiu ,ov. ..u ,y n; iii:0 JS'sJi can get ust Tnat very nome yon nave uaa m mind. ... llomedale is situated just north or ana ad Vh.T . .ZZJ'ZJZZ: hV. ;r;, S.ntial home than any other section of the city vnd where priotn arc bound to steadily d Tance. Tbero ia but a limited number of lot? available in the section of the city and yon miut buy now or fan will have to pay a hnd3me r rt'jntum in onzpr to aeeure ion in una amci 1 nai ume w mncu rioerr buu inuvb io- ,i-ir,'nrrii i fr.- . U . 1 . 1 ther delay. . .. PRICES ' lir " it... ine-e tow are now avauavie lor oauums pm- poses ana can oe naa at irom ivv up. nuj imii you am sutuiereu iruu uv "" wind. . ... KEMKMKKK, we win Duiia iot you u ur- sired. liberal financial asrotance. S t.hf lot today, sure. Wet of 24th. north of Fremont J. A. Wickman Co. Realtor 262 Stark st ' Bdwy- 6794. $625 WEST SIDE LOT $625 ON PAVED STREET tnrw. nakin Ctn th Tnlttn tsaHibs. tynlv IB minuto. -of 2d and Morrison; on east side of Corbett. 80 ft south of Iowa. . fco it ii xooay. aarvei, u. a..om nic uissncx. J. G. RA1NEY, 617 Abington Bldg.1 Bdwy. 0269 LAURELHURST LOTS BUnJERS HOME SITE SEEKERS .v.. v.,. inj . i- you in this district than any on else in Port . : I i.iTii.. t .tik. land: our past con toSl VZ&mjrSTJ. home, for sale. t r, r.Ai.. a i r,.iVriJ - McCATtTV MAXWELL, AND DOWNEY TAB. 6057 TAB. 6531 214-IT HOP TO IT ne nma one will b ahead of yon: 88 feet on 82nd and 211 on 43d ave.: deep, rich soil and about half in full bearing raspberries, for $1150 on murhty good terms. Drive out and look it over today. H. H. CONFRKY. REALTOR RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. t-AtTTtEIJIURST LOTS 3 700 Wasco, fc So.. 250 ft W. of 88d et 31030 Davis, fsc. NO., 200 It G. OIVJZO. St $1200 Couch fsc. So., about 330 ft W. of Lanrelhurst av. $1500 N. W. eer. Multnomah and S7th sts. JAMES H. PRICE . - M. 5653 or E. 9180 25L Morrison St, Mar, Floor Sterling Bakery ROSE CITY LOTS Improved loss en 46th and 47th St. tn Rose City Psrx, tor sajer eitner casn or win no, phone Tabor 7882. Call Graham Sharkey, Broadway 7225. Fit El 8. WILLIAMS CO. 306 Panama Bldg. A DANDY tract on 82nd st. 125x103. 8973, on mighty good terms. Drive out and look it over today. B, H. 1 11.M SET, SEALTOK niveru vftva-E a. rrt 201-S-S-6-7 Board of Trad bldg. NOW OB NEVER Your opportunity to get the! nuw via fliiaii w wryviMMMvi w m w in sortiana ss zasxi th number of foundation for new home. Onlv a few left Better can owner sx oaoa, Wdln. 951. . ROSE CITY DISTRICT FuU sis tot. Cement sidewalks and rtrrb, 1S2S. Ton cab have yonr own terms on this one, better come oat Sunday snd see it Royal. 72nd and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. WLU. TRAD LOT OR LAND FOR AUTO. JohnsonDodson Co. 63$ N. W. Bank bide. Main 8787 ,i l . ' ' .i,-.'W-l U.11,1 t ... naa Better call immediately on . H wai.t to live in the best msidenual dstriet in ta city. Wdln. 951. - .- . . tiii a.-PK Tuar-ra-li-w h. t - sresbl terms. Call Mr. ck at Wdin. 2397 o BJwy. mh - . . . . . 1 ' , a"' tXZZ- V.",.. . , . : . , ... w., " - BEACTIFUL, iot for ssi on Marnier: I ave..l Hsvrthisra . ear. . Phoo , Broadway 2360. ' Mm. Wert $T406xl 81. good soil, fenoed. Kwt 4 id Ant 631-30. r-17. JeoraaL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 Irvington Lots 81850 1 8th. N. of Knott . i 31200 50x100. face acuta. 14th Jto. 18th, ad- , jouiins comer 31700. , 675 25th, So. of KuckiUt $1050 7th. 150 ft So. of Stanton.' 81600100 ft on Tillamook by 80 deep, N. EL cor. 29th. . 80c 8. W. cor. 25th and Fremont , 150 Cor. Knott and 24th. $1650 Cor. Knott and 25th, $1400 Inside lot adjoining. 13 876 Zoth. 8o.-of fctanton. - luone us to show you Irvington tots. B. T. ST&EET. Irrinrton Agent 806 E. Broadway. East 894. Res. B. 4280. BOSS CITT PARE I $ 700 E. ' 48th st N., bet KHddtat and Fremont. 8 850 E. 48th st N., on top of TntTl 8 950 Cor. E. 00th and Siskiyou. $1000 E. 38th K.. 1 bUr, from Sandy. 4. U. HARTMAN COMPASX 8 Chamber of Com.. Bids., ' Bdwy. 6034 $25 DOWN $15 PER MONTH LARGE LOT8. 100x100 FT. AND UP NEW WILSHIRE ADDITION f Adjoins Alameda. Park, . -Cleaned or with tree. Branch Office 33d and Kryee eta. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham her of Commerce bldf. Broadwsy j034. ACRE TRACT ALL IN BERRIES 1200 DOWN $20 PEB MONTH TN PARKROSE. Cloe to Sandr blvd. and oaiiine. Richest of silt soil. This place will par tor ltzeu witn income trom oemen. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' Broadway 6034. LAURELHURST See second lot south of Giismn. on Lanrel- burst ave., facing west For information call Bdwy. T61. LAURELHURST Only 812S0. but must be cash for lot la Wis. to paik. Boom 1 By. Exeh. Bdwy. 7519. 20 LOTS 50x100 for sale. 78th and 81st, Holladay ave., Kitherine addition. C. L. Harris, 344 2d st 50x100 lot in Montavilla. 75th M Miu'adam unprovemetits paid, $450. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. Udwy. 4!3T. LOT 3 blocks north of Sandy on 67th at $025. 3100 down, $10 per mo. Wdlo. 1048 j 8850 $20 DOWN, $5 month, Oor. 80th and sstn ave. Fruit water.-gas. 1203 ui vision. HOUSES 404 COST $6000 TO BCLLD WILL, 8E1X. $5500 This place was built last Auzust and cost SB0O0 to build, very modern 5 room bunga low, with sleeping porch, concrete runway and I garage. 40x100 lot located close in. east side, Sunnyside car. This is a genuine buy. Owner wants to go South. Bdwy. 2571. Portland Home Co. 633 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. I EIGHT room hote. 100x80 ft comer, well L.V?.. ?" r"e- Thi, is a real bargain at Large 8 room ' house, wen located, on west 1 slops of Murray WU. 1 block from Hawthorne I ave. Price $10,000, and well worth it Reason- I able terms. If yon want a smaller home st law price. corns end see me. I. G. DAVIDSON, Realtor. 819 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY BARGAIN 8 xoom modern bungalow in heart of Rose City. Has beautiful oak floors, dining and tiv- i n 17 rnnm facM4 ftvlr fiiwtlaM mmmiI htumanl with furnace and laundry trays, beamed eeilirfg I ln dining room, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet snd bookcases, . garage and full lot lawn and shrubs; all Improvements in and paid, including pavement Price $4750. with $750 to $1000 csh. balance ea.iy. Call Mr. Erwin, Wdln. 6714. EX-SERVICE MEN We have some real desirable modern bungSc lows ready for immediate occupancy; very rea sonable; terms. ARB IOC GOING TO BD1UUT See our plan and up to date ideas, Wei can help you finance. W. M. UMBDKN STUCK. 05 CO. 210 Oregon- bldg. Bdwy. 1658. $4500 TERMS $4500 Ttcnnrf new Rvi Citv htinnlov. 5 lnnre rooms, large living room', plate glass window, I wnv.'iii porch and steps. Dutch kitchen, Dreaktast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, elec- iric iiiuire, aux car "J o m m., oiocas norm to -I-. owner uOT irvax i to 5 Sunday. $5850 LAURELHURST $5850 New 6-room bungalow and breakfast nook; plate glass windows. . hard wood floors and tapes- trv naner throuchout: old ivorv enamel finish. beautiful fixtures, pedestal lavatory, inlaid lino- leum in bath and kitchen: shades; Fox furnace cemeni porcn ana garage, A unw class nouso. I IS6, for J0" 82 WMC0 Ablock nortil see: this west side 9 ROOMS $4300 Worth $5000. Offered for a few days Irv- st. close in. Fireplace, furnace. $1500 fh. balance to suit Vacant and clean. Mow, hurry. Bdwy. 6011. or Marshall 2103 evenings. T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. THE HEART OF SCNNYSIDE 1 block from Lnurelhurst park. 5 rocm cot- i " t, . i.. 1.1 .iM bu, wta I w , . 1 V.;.. , A'.tl 4 Ureet Ckar title for only $2500. $500 down. paymra o moL. .o , . . i5o tASH, wee little home of S rooms and t bath. Combination living, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom snd bath: one year old: I 60 by 100 lot. Price $1900, $150 cash and $25 month. Mt Tabor car to 54th street: 4 block novh St. 4. 170 P. Tin. a No aeenu After Sunday. Bdwy. 4835. . a C.cJa,. Dlssns J Q O r WEST SIDI-; 7 ROOMS $0500 $1000 CASH North nip st. best district very homey. 2 fire places, lull basement furnace, laundry room, &OXIOO lot garage. KeiUng at. a loan. Will sell furniture. Mr. Burns. Bdwy. 6011 Marshall 213 evenings. T. O. BIRD. 528 CHAM. OF COM. PRETTY 6-room hSingalow with hard wood floors and red bnck fireplace; large windows, bright and cheery; most complete buUt-in kitcb- I ...i n i, j mt-i. w S ot i ndSon.DPrS; Cut to $3300. $825 cash or bonus. This is a sacnfioe. Owner. Woodiawn 1288. No agents, A PRIZE BEAUTY 5 rooms, brand new. built-ins. very large living room, breakfast nook, one of . the prettiest bungalows we have inspected. A very attractive buy for $3800. $700 down. Phone -Broadway 0536 or East 3592 evening. i BY OWNER 5 room bangalow. close in. 1 oorch. recct-Uon hall, very large rooms, builtc r carline, no incumbrances. IS-sI-S Z aI ' : , , , r- mcnt and attic, chicken house and run. large garden space. AH in A-l twnrtition. By own.r, 5104- 58th st 8. E.. near 50th ave. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $4200 Burn-Ale st near 20th st, furnace, 2 fire- I places, large attic. Some terras. Make me an I offer. Call Monday. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 528 CHAM. 0F COM. SUNNYSLDE SNAP $1850. with $600 down, eood 4-roorn cottajre. naved street, dose in. for small family; beats 'paying rent- See thi j at once. U. II Staub. 1027 Belmont; week Tabor 219. FOUR room house, garage, chicken house, some fruit trees snd be men, H sere all fenced in. on hard surface street $2000. gOOQ down, very I reer nable monthly payments. 4 Ids Xotn at S. E. Auto. 644-12. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BUNGALOW 8 rooms with bath and breakfast nook; only a few aaenths old. $3200, reasonable terms; might consider car as part payment Woodiawn I 6714. 6-ROOM modern bungalow with bath, modern in every respecx; to appreciate re, man . seen; swvo cssa wm duhuv. . vu iiwr muo lor ai-pomtmeo. . forla?ow ou-," 11 ' r1T,Xact I. f1 , ---- - - - - n. nn.i, . 801 Mississippi ave. Wdln. 1201. 6 LOTS, best of garden soil. 5 room house. chicken hous. 21- bearing fruit trees, close " ' "V. aome ra.h as firt nevment Main 1459. Ovnuw. - S-KOOM bouab. electric lights, gas and. water. I near car. n '"' terms. I . ... i,'- ... lewiu ana si. mm caxune. am. 0,0-1 a. I 8-BOOM bouse, big lot 4 blocks to car. i'nee I 3avasj terms to mpmum party. A. n. I Bearle, Owner. 19.8 East tjtoan. j I IN IRVINGTON, modern 6 room bungalow fa I mas and it' a Beauty. Inquire at 4o K. jstn st ?. r, $2500 4 room bungalow, modem, 8 fruit trees, 2 40x100- lots. 1 block from oaeement and I Mt Scott ear. 6909 59th aw.6. E. lA NEW A roron hot A. mnnt hufnnt lot. - u t L I BVXiVV. C-J w terms, wrrte or see owner, 83T E. 11th. I FUH haljs 2 msu new oonsaiosr. uau , - - - fc . . , . . rtsndle sotdier's boan joan. Wdin. 602. I BY OWNER Modern bungalow. Albert, dis- ri trict rnce 3345W. Woodiawn 6296 l,A,w,nn. .1 L., t 1. j : . I ""IV hTk. l;n vTrlrr'rai - . : i ; i a..j. a -l a i a sennrii, near svuunswurts, rooms, cottage, sagtw. wain, oaaa. t FIXE 9 room hoase, close in on eat aid;! luvts wui nanaie. 03 Ksuway Exeh- st I $2800 NEW modem 5-room biingalow. gnud J loosaag, assy Unas. Wdin. 55 s4. . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' HOUSES 404 FOR SALE Real value, crajck sale, nifty. new 7 -room, modem esxnsalow, built by - owner. See to ajopraoatn. Lot 75x125. Trees, shrubbery, fiowers. Price $2950. . JS-Room, modern semi-bungalow, near Woodlawm earn no, 1 oa easy tens. Pnos $3500. I ' -.1''' ' ' i r - ':' '-", - " 6-Roora, plastered home, barn, well, X chicken houses, 23 fruit trees, etc Lot 50x200. as)r terms, pnes) 321041. 8-Boont, modern; home, four lota, fruit trees, etc, eslorel On ' terms. . Pnce 84423, Mottiana-Oreeon Company, 1029 Cham, of Coma. Bide. Boaiinrs, Phone . Bdwy. T8SSV b WILL TAKE LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT Modern 7 room residence, with attic and ca rage, corner lot all improvement in and paid and only 2 bracks from Hawthorne car. Good district house well trail, living room full width of howa. large dining 1 room. 2 bedrooms. Dutch Kitrnen, inn basement furnace, botu ttreet paved and paid, house clear of ineumbrsnce. Price only $6500. This place owned by an or ganisation, therefore the oniy reason for n'"g ss that they are disposing of thetr holdings. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bids. Broadway 6034. 38500 COLONIAL. 830 HambleC ave.. vacant. open today 2 to 8; ivory finish and oak floors Utroac&out; Urmr room 14x26. lam sunroom. off it; 6 finest bevel plate French aoora, break fast room, art tile fireplace, til bath, several fine bedrooms and sleeping porch, garage; best colonial home buy in Portland. View section of Alameda Park. i R. T. STREET. Agent, For Tour 1 Good Home. TREMONT DISTRICT 10 room houe, modern plumbing, house newly renovated, gas and electricity, ga rage, chicken house and runa, fruit and shrubbery, lot 120x120, 6 blocks from school. Price $3000, terms. AUSTIN -O'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Bdwy. 1571. SNAP BARGAIN I ROSE CITT BUNGALOW 33990 $680 DOWN . Look at this for a bargain! Attractive 6-room bungalow, 3 nice bedrooms, fireplace,-: Dutch auuiueii, luruace, suiivg lot, paveu streets ciose u aanay. fcverytmng paid for. $3990. Balance at $40 per month, including interest, B- BOMEBVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 820 U. B. Nat Bank Bldg. CENTRAL EAST PORTI-ANTi xa7nr Here is one of the best bargains we have of fered recently. 6-room: house, all in good con dition, paved street place Jn excellent condition: Present tenant will lease at $43 per month if you uesire. too. will handle. Open Sunday O FarrelIFordney 338-40 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4172 $6500 IRVINGTON "hm X?" 1SI "i1 ttyJE?2 '.Zi 6-room colonial bungalow type, like new; 4 or. s"0";. ecoa. !1r. . rjedrooms er. , re' ,. ln aoK- wor -t" -" ing to country. By appointment onlv. it T. STREET, BETTER HOMES. ROSE CITY $6300 Ton will like this bungalow on Wis teria drive, inve rooms, modern. Nice large rooms. All Improvements in and paid. Garage, i 82000 cash, balance to suit x UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO. ou Bdwy. 943. BRAND NEW . MODERN BUNGALOW Five rooms snd bath, fireplace, electric fix tures, window shades, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. will sacrifice for $3750. $750 cash, balance to suit & Co. Bdwy. 4143 207-8 Couch Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME Come and see R. Onen from 1 to S n. m. Seven rooms and sleeping porch. 2 baths, 2 fire places. A real home on 60xl00-ft lot Dou ble garage, 575 EL 23d st Will accept $1500 as first payment UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. 284 Oak St Bdwy. 943. - "WESTMORELAND 5 large rooms on first floor, 8 finished in attic, roomy closets, fireplace, furnace, many built-ins, nice. lawn, shrubs, garage. $5500 will buy this on rood terms. DERR. A POWNDER 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2248 ALBERTA 81600 Three rooms and bath, close in, only thro blocks from car. "If too are loo sine for a cowhom. wiS nmaufavesenir aboiild Me this; $500 cadfi down. Open Sunday. iP rarreIIFordney 338-40 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4172 Bi-ALTIFCL 7 -room modem bungalow, close in. line location, imn. in. raid. X-S2KA terms. t . - Fine 7-room 2-storv modem home, 100x100 corner, double garage, fruit imta. in. oajd: $5000. terms. J. C. Kuratli. real estate and ancooneer. M04 8 pal dine bldg. i vrvinw O-iV. 11J.1 gSTLg f'fulmt Sl ment lot. 50x100, all improvements in and paia. tiuuu cash will handle. W. KEELER Bank Bldg., Kenton. Wocdlawn 6507 EX-SOLDIERS .';"rt" V.. "HJtT r7"' . y'R". .o uvutg room, lire- I , , a viJ,a UUVU - taJUUHs lHrU, UUW. HUWo, 2 nice bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, garage. Corner lot, paveo, street. tiose in. R- SOMERYLLLK, Bdwy. 2478. $4700 Rose City bungalow. 5 rooms ao arranred that everv mom I H?ht am H a v ,.!- convenient .nil or j liveable, Dutch kitchen and pantry. $750 will nanoie. ul take lot as part payment McCARTY. MAXWELL A DOWNEY. Broadway 7519 or Tabor 6B31. $6850 IRVINGTON comer home, s valuable ovends mm 1jiL Tuii- f'ggZJF il? nJt. u!f,.K v v ahiZ-r7Sr B. Te-STREET. IRVINGTON HOMES, ROSE CITY PARK BT OWNER Attractive, new bungalow, atrlctly modern, en one of the best streets in Rose City Park, below tne niu, ou u. ozna a. At least haa cash re quired, $6850. rRVLNGTON- -761 CLACKAMAS , """Vr. , "ocaea uay. oix rooms. Dea.ua- Vaeant unlocked today. ! v.T mSf?:,J?. ?.0.0?,- TRTrrinRtof 606 E. Broadway. East 894, Rec E, 4280. MODERN 3-room house, aaraae. chicken house. ground, 100x190, about 20 fruit trees, sev- era! kinds1 of berries; a good place to raise cntcxens ana worx in the city; only $1950, easy terms. See Royal, 72d and Sandy bird. Tabor 155. UNIVERSITY PARK Don't tan this up, 5- room, turnrmed; garage with good automo bile, cooking uxensiia. dishes and beddinsr. a-ar- den tools, everything complete; lot 75x100. AH for $2100. all cash. P. C. RHODES. 815 LOMBARD. SIX room modern house, $2250. 43. 4. CULLISON. Realtor. , 2054 Morrison, OPEN TODAY, 2 TO 5 Leurelhurat. beautiful new corner bunzalow. 1195 East Flanders, at cost: built right: owner transferred: every modern, costly convenience. K. T. STREET. AGENT. I 8 HOpM bnjgatow in EenUworth add., near . . iitou suvm, uiavu ju; dOVVt I BOBNETT A McCLCRE. REALTORa xo? Conch Rldit tvt ssti : ; HOP E , 13990 XBRO CaSH Atrrscnve e-room bungalow at 680 E. 61st ... . vuiwa, lucMc., a lucv uninnaa. I close to Bandy, paved streets. Bdwy. 2478. ALBERTA BUNGALOW 8 rooms, sleeping perch; $2100, $500 down I and S20 rmr month and interna un block I trOTn car, on paved street ana sewer connected, I T . 1114. . 1 - v . .t-. v. I 8-ROOM houns. 6 blocks hum Peninsula, milts. 1 cement sidewalk, lot 66 2-5 by 110. Prios I Siooo. terms. 1 P. q RHODES. 815 LOMBARD. ATTENTION, builders, oemtractors. speculators! 1 Half block of lota located on 14th between 1 Gains; and Wygant; inc? S22A0 for the bunch. E- H. Fitxgibbens. 2-18 Ey- Exeh. bide. Bdwy. 808. HOUSE for sale, 6 large rooms, best pise tn 1 al lor Doamers. fiooq cash, tha rert 525 I Per month. 14 Crawford 1 st. near Bt Johns I xtmoer ywro. I . . I BOOMS. BATH. 2 LOTS. 83200. A nnadown 3 : t, rl 1 'd ""4-. Zt,!?". . , LZ.' ZZ. Z ' 1. XJ vs a T w Aga vnv-ww si t Sv t n WA ww REAL ESTATE MEN'S BOND NO STATEMENT REQUIRED BONDS OF EVERY KIND WRITTEN SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. . I .. . 11 T 1 1 WEST SIDE bargain. 9-rooas raodern house, i cioe m; partly raratcnea; only 34000, eaey a i term. uunor. gtn gpaiaing Oldg. house, lot 60x100, 1 block aft Inioa av. - I lisoo. Terms. 483 w5. Btaiiord t ! t KM. ltaassv Mt Scott can 3750. $250 down. J bsl. Ska rent, 4704 65th st 8. K.Ast 632-01. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $6200 ALAMEDA PARK $6200 IT joa. ar on the market for real built pvrngsVrw vtth i the neat of plumbing, let va snow yost this, t K has large airy nosna, floored attic (spacn for 2 rooms), hardwood floors thronghout. Every imaginable bnilt-m featam, Dutch fctcben. room breakfast Book. rnuud linolitiin In kitchen and bath, plate glass windows, armtia hsht fixtnrea. laraw uothes eloeeta, furnaoe and fireplace; Cnahed in ivory and tapestry paper. - Cement hasasnrnt. ssnndry trays; ma lot, city improve asenta paid. Term., tiaract ana run way. (A. I Anderson, fsaudec.) 86000 BUYS ROSE CTTT BUNGALOW A new and en to the sninol hHolov in Boas City, oak Honrs throughout: every built-in feature, floored altie. eesaeut basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, cabinet ai tenon, rrencn doors, plate class window: fha- iahed fax ivory, tapestry paper. Large garage and runway. City improvement past Terms $6500 ROSEMERE BUNGALOW A 7 -room buncalow. with cement basement. ssnndry trays, hot water furnace, inlaid hard wood U00T, cabinet kitchen, all built-in featam. VERT BEST OF UP-TO-DATR PLUMBING. V ' double garage; city improvements ust iron, xerms to salt, $4950 14950 84950 On East Broadway w ham a -mom tans. with furnace, fireplace, aH built-in convenience, sleeping porch, beautiful light fixtnres. full.ee- naent basement and wash trays. House all iiniaoeu in ivory ana tnpestry paper.) Very Ursa living room. ' Lot 50x90 ft lawn. roas tnd shrubbery. Price for quick sale. $4950 wun easmsc una ot terms. We have bungalows in every district. -See vjs Doi ore nnji&c. B-UMMEXi. it RUMMEIX. 274 Stark St - Broadway 6729. EX SERVICE MEN We have homes oa which your bonus can appty; or we will build according to your plans and spaducations. Se- lecr your own lot. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT MODERN BUNGALOW LOT 50x145 FT. 8500 down, price only 38650.' Just com pleted, double eotutruetrd throuchout 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, combination living and dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays. an interior unisn nicely enameled and tinted. inis is a gooo Bargain (concrete porch floor. The location is 85 th and Bryce ave. To inspect property see our agent at branch office, corner 83d and Bryce ave. Tsie Broadway car to Bryce ave. walk 4 blocks to our branch office. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. OWNER GOLNG TO SPOKANE PRICE ONLY $3200 HAIF CASH You will buy this neat 6 room bungalow if you know values, ss the price is fsr under the market It is located on Wasco street near 2rtth on the very edge of Irvington. . This place is modern, built about 7 years, has 5 well arranged rooms, large fireplace and full basement Please don't ask if it has hardwood firs, throughout or furnace. It has not but it baa two lots, 50x 80 each, with most select- and choice fruit trees of every kind including walnuts. Furniture may be bought if wanted. J. J. IIcCAKTHT, Exclusive Agent Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6887. . s ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 8 rooms and sleeping porch, hard srood floors, full i basement strictly modern, built-in features. This plsce must be seen to be appreciated. Price very reasonable. Call and w will shew yon, A USTTN-O'LEAR Y REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Bdwy. 1571. BARGAIN IN WEST MT. TABOR. Strictly modem 6-room home, newly painted and decorated. Large living rooms, fireplace, woodlift built-in buffet, French doors, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen in white, 8 large bedrooms, large closets, full panel door, mirror. linen closet, clothes chute, fine bathroom, up stairs white enamel; full basement furnace. wasn trays, urge porch, screened In back porch, fine view, garage. A complete well built home that will bear closest inspection; lawn, fruit, roses, etc ' All improvements in snd paid; 1 block to car; 1500 E. Morrison et near 56th; $6500: term. L. E. 8TEINMETZ 406 Ger linger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 8224, BRAND NEW 4 -Room, modern bungalow, 2 bedrooms, acre of rich, level soil, close to school and park. Woodstock. 83800; $5$0 dwon, bal- THIS LS A BARGAIN 6-Room house, bath, etc., walks and sewer in snd paid. Lot 50x100. 3 blocks to Monta villa, ear. $2350; $500 down. A KOSOYAO 410 Gerlinger Bldg. Sundays Wdln. 6521 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 4 room new strictly modern bunga low, breakfast nook, built-in features, fireplace, on carl inc. Thl will stand inspection. Price $3600. $600 cah. AUSTIN-0LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Bdwy. 1571. ONLY $3500 N. MT. TABOR Fine modern 5 -room bnnnlow. bdw. floors. fri nl all rjin!r.inx A.I nlnmhtn mhiiimmI with sewer: good basement laundry trays, cement cabinet kitchen, floored attic, full cement bass runways, pit snd floor for double garage; bp) en- ' merit and floor, laundry tubs,, in first class con- uui tocsuon; iuv it. irom uun st; nice 50x100 lot; trees; sata. paid. Owner moving to country. Tabor 6559. ROSE CITT 5 -room bungalow under the hill. 2 blks. to car, in best of condition. $1000 under the market. Price $5250. DERR 4k POWNDER 1215 K. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245 WHY BUY HOUSE AND LOT (10) When I can sell you s strictly mod. bun galow with city convenience sad 1 to seres; 1 acre in fruit and berries; chicken house and Jarag. Just outside city limits, good car service; or only $4800, $1200 down; baL easy terms. Be A. EL Schmidt INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4751. Realtors 410 Henry Bldg. $3150 T ROOMS . 7 How much can yon pay down on well-buirt 8 room house, cement basement large Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom down, 3 upstair. 6 fruit trees, grapevines, 4 blocks to Woodiawn carline? It is better than new and worth investigating Owner, Woodiawn 913. A GREAT IRVINGTON BARGAIN 8 room strictly modern home, fine neighbor hood: price only $6000; $600 will hsnd'e; a very unusual offer. Crockett Co.. 550 Wash ington bldg 1 1-ROOM modern nouse. including furniture, arranged for 5 families, Income 8140. Prica $8000. Cash $3000. 4-room modern bungalow, new, 2. lots. Pries $2850. $300 cash. JOHNSON BROS.. 445 Washington Bldg. SMALL house and quarter block, fruit trees, for only $1250. - Not far from Reed college. $400 cash, balance $35 per month, CLEVELAND 306 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 1150. WANT A HOME! Ict us build for you. Liberal financial as sistance. ROBNETT McCUTRE, BUILDERS 802 Poach Bldg. Bdwy. 6574 EaUBELHURST HOifE Brand new 5 rooms, built-ins: furnace, bath, etc. This cannot be duplicated at the price. Price $5500, 31700 cash, baL monthly. 814 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. EXCHANGE OFFICE -Some 5-room homes to exchange for close-in improved scresae. ' BOBNETT A McCLCRE, REALTORS 802 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574 $3600 6 BOOM house. 89th sndTsylor, lot 3X142.. trait. Hemes, cesnent gsrage: tann in; $300 cash; dandy location. Priced to close estate. Can early. Clow Bealty. 1131 Belmont Ante. 223-39. $2760 $300 CASH" WEST SIDE CLOSE IN BOOMS. NEAR 8TH AND SHERMAN Foil cement bast: mod. plumbing Bdwy. 4903. G. C GOLDEN BERG. Abington bldg. $5950 T vBOOMs, garage, Irringtea. newly painted InMde snd out hardwood floor, fire place, 4 blocks south Broadway. CLEVELAND 806 Board of Trad 3dg. Bdwy. 1150. $3875 FOR Quick sale, easy terms. 5 room bungalow: furnace, eement nasi latnt improve ments in; b-t part Bos City; tor appointment can Mr. email wtn utow steaitr, 1131 Beimont Anto. sza-39. MODERN 3 room apartment bungalow, 2 fin- nvneel roorns in paw.sit. hard surfaoe t. 1 block car: owner's home. Prica $3500. $1000 oown, xernsa, sun Cleveland ave. FOB IrviBgtoa. Boe City, Alameda property, . . 1;., . aa AAA . . .. 71 - f,w. men. WKwm innira. j hoo accepted: satos at yir scrvine, t'Ln i nearty, nil Beimonx. ana zs-s. $3800 S ROOM aenu-modern bona, full lot improvement paid. Garsteiibein av. Terms ar bona lean. East 6329.- - . $550 down buys a new 4 room bungalow, sice sot, oa Cornmercial -st, inc (32u. A- Harais, bOl JUausappt aaa, Wdin. laot. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 SEE THIS HOME TODAT -W1TI ba at 673 Lndd avv today from 2 tm to show yon this beautiful new k Mr bungalow. Floored slue, fin fireplace, oak, floors, eta. Alley. $3230. $1000 will handle. Mr, Church. WHO r . R. HAIGHT. Realtor. SI5-32T Board of Trade. , Bdwy. 2045, WEST SIDE HOMES THAT ARK GOOD BUYS I have nenDnalhr mrnrcted the hi and they are worth the ntcne asked. 3.0t)0 ON BALEIGU ST. Near 20th. $ rooea eottag tn distnet where tn kj ; asone is Worth the money skd, 6.000 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. This Is a - very fine a room bungalow and has a- beautiful, view ef tha snoua . tains. . S T.300 POJtTLAND HEIGHTS, , On Mont gomery drive. Fine 7 room houe. large corner lot Price has been cut just $2000. for Quick saX S 8,600 On 14th at. -near- Halt ' room. A beautiful view property in an axoeUent neisbborhood. tl 2.500 NOB BILL, D'lSTRICT. On Kearney st This is a very beautiful home. 8 toooa Must be seen to be fully ap- predated. For further partirrjan, term, etc., on the place, call Mr, Wiles, west aid properties ex clusively, with 3. R. HAIGHT. BcaJter. 525-827 Board of Trade. Bdwy. Sunday, Phono Mais 2534. :045. 200 DOWN $1150 TOTAL. Balance 810 monthly. 4 room house, large lot sidewalks paid, 7 fruit trees, chicken bora, garage, Mon tavilla car. $200 DOWN $1500 TOTAL. Balance $15 monthly. 5 rooms and both. 2 lots, small afruit Mt 6cott ear. $400 DOWN $2500 TOTAL. Balance vy. mm modern, large floored attic, cement base mrvjt. cement garage, sidewaJks. streets and sewers all paid, close in. gas oven and coal range eonnected hot water go with the bona ss well aa 2 rugs, dining room set, stc. GORDON MORTGAGE CO OS. Chamber of Conunero bide Broadway 6370. StopLookListen $500 Cash Will Buy This Equity Lanrelhurst -' 7-room modern house, large bring room with fireplace, dining room, builtin buffet, Dutch ki:chen. breakfast room, hardwood floors, tail ce ment basement, furnace, corner lot Big gest bargain in the city. Owner must have $500 cash by Wednesday. SEE Bekum & Jordan 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sts. Broadway 2249. Bargain Hunters Only $4S00?Terms 5 -room bungalow and attic, full ce ment . basement, FURNACE. cabinet kitchen, fireplace, bookcases; GARAGE; 50x100 lot; 2 bits, to car; pared and sewer; GOOD VALUE. Marsh & McCabe Co. 322-23-24 Failing bldg.. Broadway 6528. Evenings. Tabor 43$. HEART of Laurelhnnt. Sacrifice. Close to park. 7 lovely rooms, with drr snd sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces, double plumbing, 1 fine bedroom fint floor, interior decorated in mahogany, real mahogany buffet, etc. If you are looking for this type of home you can't afford to -miss this chance st $7500. Ask for Mr. Kroc. with Alrin Johnson, Realtor, 204 Itoard cf Trade bldg. Phone Broadway 37. Sun day. sPast 2961. TBVTNGTON BUNGAIjOW NEW AND- CLASSY Most modern and complete new 6 roora bungalow, finished in the lstest with hardwood polished floors, plate class windows. French doors, old ivory and white, all the desirable built-ins. fire place, furnace, garage, $8250, reason able terms. D. W. ALTON, ACT. 529-lt. - HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $4250 Double constructed 5-room bungalow, finished in old ivory and white enamel throughout with tapestry papered still, fireplace, bookcases. ' omun uiw ana out, good garage and cement driveway; for sale by owner; bonus loan can be applied. 11: j2 E. Harrison St. WALNUT PARK Dandy 5-room bungalow with floored attic, finished in natural, located on Cleveland ave. north of Alberta in th cream of Walnut Park, close to car, $5000, $1500 cash down. D. W. ALTON, AUT. 829-19. LOOK) LOOK I LOOK! Just oornpleted. 4 room bunsalow. eantan. built-ins, old ivory-white enamel finish, fine electric fixtures, choice residence district. Prica 31D0. 3050 down. Fnmshed 8 room buncalow. ear, cement basement, lot 50x100. fruit; $1800, $600 oown. R-- HOARD, 691 Stock Each. Bldg. Phone Main - 6267. FOCR room strictly modern new houe, not iar irom ear, lot boxioo. plenty of fruit must be seen te be aroceciated. $250 down and -i a moctu, including interest 4 room house in mod lorallbr n earHn. W fiA.IAA .Vi.Wu 1 . w 1. . i .1 ' ; uuu uxn son outer iruits, in good condiUoo. 5200 down, balance maif moiiuiiy paymrnc. UAX'MAIVi ft HAMEKI.TNCK. $2650 CLOSE IN 12630 1 block from Oar an F. 32t t a enoena anA bath, pavement and sewer in and paid. 60x100 it. iot, souo cssn. rent term on balance. i. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6034. , BUNGALOWS ARE IN DEMAND 5 and 6 room BUNGALOWS for aala a terms of reasonable rash Davment snd balance on monthly installment. Finished in old lorry; euiuiweu wna urepiaoB ana moaern convenience ; located smmst pleasant surroundings; convenient to ear and ar hoots. Sherman Nelson. Realtor. 706 Gaaeo bldg. Main 2072. . LAURElJrnTtRT Xfivnn Fine six-room bungalow. thoromrMv mntiern" wiui ail nuut-ms. narowood. eement nnra fire place, furnaoe. etc Place aa good as new and one of the best buys in tha d Crtct , Open Sunday. 0'FarfellFordney a88-40 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4172 BOSE CITY PARK New 5-room bungalow and gang on iv. outn rs.. aoxioo tot. hummL bath, fireplace, breakfast nook, all built-in, hardwood floor, new famitnr in every room, all may ia more in. laoo cssn vrtil nandl Uus fin new horn, balance easy. J. R. Wolfr, 419 Henry bldg. . PRICE reduced to $2350, $400 cash. Cheaper for all cash. This is a modern 7 mom ban. gslow oa 50x100 rot Fruit snd berries, ft need neore Trom. wen Iocs ted. 6248 Foster road. 1 nrc)woed station, M. S. tar. Phone Tabor 8237 eveiring. 50x150 LOT 5 ROOMS 5-Bootn house, double rxran. 15 chirkew, some furniture and wood. 7 fruit trees, $500 cash. BaL like rent Phone East 3815 ar East ' 81680 FURNISHED Only $400 cash fog thi dandy 3 room fnr mhed cottage, ail rooms light and airy. On lot, 13 fruit trees, berries, -Soma bargain, Wdln. 1288 990 E, 24th Tt. HOU82 PLANA 100 designs, $10 to $15., or specially oe- NCimi at re.4uti4Utte le. . U B. BATLET A X, 4 N. W. Bsnk Bldg IRYTNCTOX"'7" 8-room brmealow. near Knott snd Jrvfrgton schooL Right up to date; 100x100 ground. A pargans u laseis as svnoe. casv. aiciiooeU Beaitor. XTTBAtJi iTk aorner bungaiow for sal ia Ovt look addition.. AU conveniences, garage. May aa asan euoars ana askings. s((2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404- . ST AS SALES SERVICE 3701 CA&U Neat 4-reeam wngalwav. fin Dutch, kitchen, artasoe snbhi atoaw fttwpteea, 2 blocks to ear. ss , fsssiaii at 82330; snap, $2700 ROOMS $70O ' t iww garage. 7 i 1 1 OO lot. boflU in buffet, Dwtch kitobesv' whins enamel finish Unaaghotu. sidewaik in. ttraded atsvot, block from pav $S0t CASH oi- sir, pkenry f fruit and berries. I H blocks to oar. swar jaeroa aad 20th sts - ' - 8300A FURNISHED BUNGALOW 3001 4 -room bungasew with new furni ture, Dutch kitchen, fuH Mmebing. csv ment basement, gas beating s'.m, laundry tray: a real dncsy place near Brooklyn carbarns; tunas. $650 CASH BUNGALOW A fine 3-room bungalow. PuU-fc kitchen, concrete I otmdatirw, baacsMwt sidewalk tn, wnhr 1 block to pav. snent. 2 blocks to 4 rarlirtea. otoe to Jefferson nifh, hesuuiul Jot, $5220. terms. S250 PAVED STREET SSSSO 6-roasn beings low, enamel f!nih. garage, double rxmstrurtad. concrete foundation, on Greeley nnar Loci ha -d term, $23 par month' inclusive e -m interest STAR REAL ESTATE & INT. CO. Realtors. 612-13 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 5618. Sua V eve. Wdln. $632. REAL HOMES FAIRLT PRICED $3750 ALAMEDA. 8 teem heated bungalow in this exosUent dktrirt; 6 roosn. story and a half. Modern. Good garage. $3750 IRVINGTON. rp to the minute, Oak floors, all throagbf. txl hath, break faaX nook, firepiac. fwi bMvnent g fur oiaoa, garage. FlAH prmat $1730. $7500 IRVINGTON COLONUU Four room and reception hall oa first floor, threw bedrooms on areond floor. Oak floors ail through: fireplace, fornao. Sudt ina. two sets of plumbing, Garagsv Terms. $7.850 IRVINGTON. BROADWAY CAR. Ar tistic five-room bmuraiow. floored attic Absonuety aaodarn in aim j way, ach aa tile bath, piate glass, oak floors all uirouga. rTeooh dour, best plumbing. garage. wood 813.000 UNEXCELLED VIEW. Kiot borne In Alameda, overlooking the nty. nenaarui veranda, lawn shrubbery. House has hardwood til naUL, evtrytting th room, servants' quarters, Doobia garage. Ttrou arranged. AFTER PERSONAL INSPECTION AVD AP PRAISAL 1 CONSIDER EACH THB ABOVE AN EXCEPTIONAXAJ GOOD BUY AT ITS PRICE, J. Tt HAIGHT. REALTOR, 825-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2648. Sunday Phooa Woodktwa 6260. Easy Terms Good House Buys 83SOO ALBERTA. 6-room modern smvos. good condition; 31t at. $3800 PIEDMONT. 6-room buncalow; furn ace. iiipiace; .. itn st $4000 WESTMORELAND. 5-room new. modern bungalow; 21st st. $6350 HAWTHORNE, etrirtlv modem new bungalow, garage; Madison st $4 500 SELLWOOD. 6-room modern hnn. gslow. 2 lots; 16th st $3000 MONTAVILLA. 5-roona nnnanlow. garage; Couch st. 82 ZOO MONTA VILLA. 4 -room bnnealaw: Alder st $4000 WAVERLT HEIGHTS. 6-room. mod ern home: 35th et. 32800 8T. JOHNS. 5 -room bangalow; KeUotcg st $1600 BROOKLYN. 6 rooms, Brooklyn rt. R. M. Catewood & Co. 165H Fourth St. Open for Inspection Only $7500, on Terms Ree rt at 1170 E. Bnrnide Third house east of 3trtli st. A real home, large living room with fireplace, large dining room, beautiful buffet, double French door, kin-hm an I 2 bedr.voma on tint floor and 3 bedroom, on second floor: garage; ail improvemenL in and paid for. Look through this house, then see Mr. Jordan. Sunday, al 1160 E. Couch at-. )Ust 1 block north, or weak days Bekum & Jordan 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark 8!a Bruadway 2249. A BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW At Multnomah station 5 large rooms, fin ished in ivory, beautiful kitchen and pantry, eement ba.ement pipeless furnace, sanitary tubs, cement walks, half acre ground. $5000. $3000 cafch, balance arranged. A GOOD BARGAIN 8500 4-room bungalow. pUstand; 1st 100x112; good condition ; near city. Lot more good buys to select fro. HOOVER REALTY BROKERAGE 409 (Lumber) Exchange Bldg-. 2nd snd Stark ROSE CTTT PARK . CORNER BUNGALOW This is sn exception ally fins onnei horns, 6 nice, large rooms on lower floor with floored aftie, oak polished floors, French doors leading into rx chwiv porch, large corner lot nice fir shade, 2 blocks north of Sandy car, balow Lill. $5800. $1500 cash down. . D. W. ALTON, AUT. 329-19. TEN ROOM HOCSE ON SANDY BLVD. - $13,000 buys this beautiful home in th heart of Boss City. 100x100 ground, donbl garage, all aasesMnents paid. If yon ar look ing for a home of this typ. b sure and sea this Ton will not find anything better ia Portland. Bdwy. 2571. Portland Home Co. 633 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ON BEAUTIFUL AINSWOBTH AVE. Oniy 1 block from Union av., fu!I ce ment ba&ement furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, breakfast nook, sleeping porch, everything eomple. on corner with all -sissments paid. $4900; 31 OOO cash and terms. Owner on property from 11 to 2 Sunday. 410 Ainsworth ave. AIJtERTA ' 63600 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fttrnara. firvplac. built-ins, cement rjasevoent, laundry trays, paved street half block from car, cloa to school and library; improvements paid. $600 down.- $35 per month, snd s bsrgais, J3wy. 1410 JL1NN-IEEK3 833 C C Bldg $1000 FOR a 8 room house, lot 50x100. on r- lo-n .; s.-ou casii. and $43 per K L. Bsanchard. REALTOR, 401-2 Swethind bWg Bdwy. 85. FOR SALE by owner. 6 room, modern bungs low, under eonetrnctlon. si hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen, bnilt-ms. firepaos, wood Hft Full cement basement Very reuionsh. lntjiua me nironn see. vvoun. Z3l. $350 CASH CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $3850 A Hrl beauty, double ttmstructiort, mt Dntch kitchen tt. hill ce-netit basement. GAII- AGE. 65X100. Paved strrt. eX 1250. BY OWNER Modern 6-room hous. A-l con dition, fnll cement les rarsge. fn!l l"t paved' street, near Jefferson high and -retblio SchooL - Improvements all paid Price $4500. Term. Wdln. 3194. 7-ROOM honae. all built-Ins. fuU eement nsent, 0xl 00 lot, gsrage. Can give posst km ia 2 weeks. Prica $5006. Cash end acm 1440 dereland ave. Owner. A. M, Wdln. 44. iHAXKUN HIGH DISTRICT 6-room modern, fireplac. f amae.' echoic fmit paved street half block ear.- Below adasl cost: $4150. $700 eab. InvwstigBta. Wax. Willing. 401 Panares bldg rVDwooa 1159. S-KOOM HOUSi:7baessBt, good shbor- hood; $16tri; by owner: amall amount down, easy payment?. Writ P-T8. Journal. - -4 BOOM buncalow. modern, hardwood Coots. ail buiit-ia feature. BuUt for er. 768 Iv. 71et et N. MONTAVIIJA.. 100x2 00, r. aeusa, I' mX Ghaaa. $22.30. Owner. Zast 8015. ' j