THE OREGON SUNDAY C JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY 'MORNING. FEBRUARY 12. 1922. ' WHEAT SHIPMENTS 1 FORSIX WtOHtHS DOUBLE '21 MARK First 7 Months of Cereal Year Featured by Heavy Movement; Puget Sound Ahead on Hour During the flmt mtm months of th clival yNf Portland shipped by water -S.0nJ.B35 bushels of wheat to all porta an compared with 13,106.172 buahela for the correirDondtng period of ltZQ-Zl Exports of wtieat for the period clos ing- January 11 were only S.l7s.01 Drain shipments from Portland for Jrurr topped" those of .. ths . mum month of 121 by 450.000 bushels, ac cording to figure complied by the tier hunt Kxchange, Pus-t Sound takea the lead In flour Rich Water. Ixyw Tatar. sr . at m 1 .BrOS a. mJL . l.O feet 1 MiPka-'m S B (eat lull. Ilifh water dim minutea earlier; low water 21 npnutea carter. Corey Travels Far To Beach Hearing; Eoad Would Quit PaJenv Feb llv H. jH. Corey, public err ice commissioner, left Friday night for Al Turaa, CaL, where-he will attend a hearing "before the Interstate commerce Ion on the application of the Nevada-Cllfornla-Cregon railroad for narmisaion to discontinue operations. The application i being' contested by both. the Oregon ana cauiornia commissions. iiou . ' . - -' - 'A HAT ON GOOD FOOTING; NOV N PENDENT Republican Offshoot From Russia Sanely Applies Tested Methods of Government Leaders Able. New: Stage Terminal : Is. Opened I in Salem 'Salens. ' Feb. 11. Open house to the public was observed by the new stage terminal in the Odd j Fellows building here tonight, marking! the formal open- shipments tfor the seven months ith ting of the terminal, which will be used :.0ir.0tl 'barrels against 1.41J.4M bar rels shipped from the Columbia river. The grand total f the, 'wheat and floor shipment from the Northwest amounts to 47.S71.01 as compared with . JM1. 001 bushels for, the corresponding period of i2o-n. Heavy export to the Orient and India mark a big showing for the . period of the cereal. The experts to Europe did not hold up In comparison with those to other ports. The complete report of the Merchants Exchange follows: a headquarters for all stage lines op .r.tin, in and out of: the capital city. Tt building, compJetjed at a cost of approximately $00,000, houses a 21 room hotel, the offices of the several stage lines and numerous concessions, vmr liATS MAN OCT Hoqulam, Wash.. Feb. 11 While Her m.n a-vdal of Marknam was chopping wood Friday, a knot flew up and struck him over the right eye, knocking him unconscious. EKOM COLfMBIA BITER J anuary Wheat (bushels) To Europe..". t... California r Hawaii Mouth America ' Houth Africa Orient India Total Flour (barrels) California Europe Hawaii . Orient South America ...i...; Houth Africa ...,r Atlantic porta - Cuba 1922 742.S43 U.125 1,706,063 2.45S.031 42.181 12.573 "'72.151 12.265 2,122 1921 1.9S8.5S7 33,667 "ii'Mk 2,008,988 36.086 22.075 ""3.610 2,575 "66!47 Cereal Tear to Date 1BZ1-ZZ 19ZU-21 17 311.S3S 154.361 1.890 779.157 .409.817 1.406,964 12.383.461 37.523 2.126 . 485,020 198.742 26,069,525 i 323,310 ! 406,254 i 8.362 ! 596.317 I 40,283 t3s!625 ! 311 Br Hal 'Flaherty Special Correspondent of the Chicago Daily ew goreign otmct, 13.106.872 756,534 106.406 5,985 61,255 37,373 11,428 92,911 Total. 141.293 FBOM FTJGET HOFND Wheat (buahela) To Europe 191,298 California! I'iil Hawaii '.I.. , Houth America i'X' Orient 1,01,425 British Columbia " 2 20 125,093 1,413,468 1,071,892 320.010 86.387 1,145 2.193 S36.803 69.329 24.242 I 457,014 4,75X243 I 3u,388 3,731,572 108,120 7,566 163.634 Total Flour (barrels) CallXornla . Kuropo 'Hawaii ,..:.. ..!. " (Jrient .... South America . ... British Columbia ....... Alaska. Atlantic ports 1,248,858 69.252 6.714 12.591 235.047 7,433 1,805 1,037 409,735 63,562 40.819 1.855 38.200 9.692 1.589 688 10.500 6,276,019 459.829 344.012 41.0S 1,098.318 68,715 17.D77 13,535 5,000 . Total 333,879 166.905 2.037,082 January total, wheat and flour. Portland. J.093,845 ; Puget Sound h..t.ala Grand total, season to date. 47.87J.01i bushels ; same period. 1920-21. 28,861.098 BE-CONDITIONINO AND SAVE i?.1!1 E w-VI 11 T N. 8.) tie 1 Willamette conditioning of government ships und er gM J"" a special congressional appropriation JjaM kH Iha anle of the re-conattioneo. vessels Raie 7 . tnm.A tnr the YVUlhito .. 10 a prirsir, ' r" V- -LZ rrsri Lnckenbaeh wrpe-. whb i "i""" J Cteel Exporter United States snipping mra u i H.nley . . isr ih UiV.r subsidy Plan, by ( Kentivkten Jaeob Coxey. renowned leader or uoxeys l" army. t, I Uanalna His plan, which would ODviate a snip t.K-i. n fA, the enactment Ol a law by 'congress authoring the Issuance C-0 and appropriatioo.or 3.i20.ow or Mam nilr Iraiiurr notes to Day for-tho re- Hainan Mam r,r 112 ravernmeni BniDB. I Itnioirmi m Tk. Mrnnitiiionlnr would be done by I hl!!" a private corporation formed oy coxey nnBTm . . . n Theodore Wells of New York, which Tjiieboet . oorporattoo woUld purchase from me ."H,jj- governraeai ina resonaiuou . . . rOSITIOSS OF TE8SELS Narth Head. Wah.. Feb. 1 1 ttaaiOhia hmM br iwllo tlieir DvaUioaa at s ooieca Hnalir. I'cirtUM I or caa r imnajco, uv i araira. t'tlanl for Baa Pedro, 64 rnOea I Baadai Mara aoHth ef timM nw. - UTanana. K?reU for Baa rTancMOO, iv v riM mih of lolnnbia rteeT' Aralon Pnrt tallow for San Francieeo, I Baninda tin aiw annth of Caoe riattan. I (tide Mara Admiral Vry. Saa Frand-oa for Seattle, rraHar Hall 11 A M,U. n " I TWT . . . . . . S. IDieso ft way . . Feb. 1 6 ..Shanghai Fb. IS ..New Tort Feb. 1 . . San Fraa Feb. 1 7 ..New York fFeb. 17 , .Mnroran Feb. 17 . . Raa Fran Feb. 1 8 ..New York Feb. 18 ..New York Feb. 18 . . New Orleana . . . Feb. 1 H ..New Tork Feb. 1 . . Baltimore Feb. 20 ..New York Feb. 2S . . iturorin Feb. 23 . .New Orleani. . . .Feb. 2fl .Galeae ton To Depart From Portland Foi . 6a Pedro. . . . ,(W- .Orient .Orient .. iF. way. .New York Feb. IB Vhrita Petco Boaan Mem VonrderdUk . rente Georrtna Kolph . . . . West Coast . .Ten. America. , ..Orient . , . Rnrope . Krjrope ...... ..Orient . .New Orleans . , ..Japan . . Europe . . San Pedro. . . . . . Aan Fran. .... YnehMa Mara No. l..Aqatralia Tjirline Honolnlo TnurniUmt Mara . . . .Ortent . . Urtent IS . . With paasengera and freight for San Jnho w. Wtna Francisco. San I'edro ana Ban uiego. Ohioan .,. the steamehlp Senator sailed at 4 o clock Oresoa Fir ye-terdajr afternoon. J-k" M The Japanese passenger steamship Steel Asa ,. Hakuyo Maru of the TKK line is due to Vj I" rail for the west coast of South America JJSSad . .".V.V.T today at noon from Terminal No, 4. ; .Feb. IS .Feb. IS .Feb. 17 .Feb. IT .Feb. IT .Feb. IT .Feb. IT .Feb. IT .reb. IT .Feb. 1 .Feb. 1 .Feb. 18 .Feb. 18 .Feb. IB .Feb. 24 Berth. Weetnort WeMport . . . . flt. Helena , Terminal No. 1 Knapnton SL Helena . Inman-Ponleen . .'Peninsula Lbe Pacific Coast Bunkeri ..Terminal No. 1 Hareay . .Terminal No. 4 Westport East Oak St . . . Terminal No 4 Warrenton The steamer Annette Rolph. with gen- 'r Rancher Sentenced rv. atamhin Oh loan, from New Tork For Stealing Cattle Helsingfors, Finland, an. 1. Through sane application of tested, methods of government along democratic lines, the Finnish republic has emerged 'from-a formative period covering four years a3 ono of the most vigorous and econom ically solid of the many states born dur ing the war. It is impossible for ven the keenest observers to look tar mio the future of the states immediately surrounding Russia, but Finland has demonstrated her right to complete in dependence and existence as a separate nation. Foreigners visiting Finland, especially those who have sojourned in soviet Rus sia, are impressed by the contrast be tween these two political states,, which were born during the same years of bloody revolution, and which have de veloped through the worst period of eco nomic depression. On the Finnish side Is seen every evidence of security and prosperity, the result of a steady prog ress toward stable finances and nor mal politics. Just across the frontier, in the land of Bolshevism, a people with greater economic advantages has de teriorated into a condition of appalling i misery. . It may not be correct to assign all of Finland's well-being to the fact that she adopted a republican form of gov ernment. Her people are innately in dustrious and to them must go the great est share of the credit, but the effects of a balanced, representative govern ment were all favorable to rapid recon struction. STBTIVES BED BEVOLUTIO During 1918 the Finnish people were embroiled in the seething political con flict that raged in Russia with the same extreme of opinion fighting for suprem acy. One small element had selected a German prince to be the king of Fin land and made most elaborate prepara tions for his ascension to the throne The lower extremity plunged forthwith into red revolution, aided by the Rus sian BolshevikL Between the two ex tremes stood the majority of educated and reasonable Finns, fiercely patriotic. determined to kill imperialism on the one side and the dictation of the prole tariat on the other. How the world- famous French "White Guard" put down the red revolution with the aid of the German troops under Von der Go Uz is a matter of history, but I believe that to the average newspaper reader In America the developments In Finland and the Baltic states generally since 1918 are extremely vague. In fact, I have encountered many evidences of wrong impressions even in- neighboring states 10 me westr First, there is the impression in many quarters that Finland's population har bors a preponderant element of Reds and radical Socialists, and that another revolution with possibilities of great as sistance from Russia might "occur at any moment Let me dispel this idea. Fin land us as far from revolution as any of the strongest western governments. Fear of interference in Finnish affairs from Fab. 28 t'i'wia is unwarranted, regardless of the abnurd threats made from Moscow and I tho continual insinuations made in radi J? cal quarters elsewhere." Feb. IS i "WHITE GCAlwD" STI1.I. MWrH If Russia ever has the temerity to undertake a war with Finland, it will be with full knowledge that nine tenths of the population must be killed or sub jugated under iron military rale. Be sides, there is still In existence the old "White Guard," over 100,000 strong, and ready on 24 hours' notice to take the field fully equipped. The mora dana-er- cus element of Reds among the Finns has been eliminated since the revolution or is-is. borne are still serving sentences for the crimes committed during the short-lived supremacy of the terrorists. The radical elements remaining in the Finnish body politic recognize fully their impotence against the majority of law abiding citixens and they are content with a representative in the diet that voices the opinion of slightly more than une renin or Hie people. Another idea that nni.t during the revolution, after Von der Golta had landed at Helsingfors with his German troops, was that the Finnish were worshippers of flermanw and would gladly fall in with the Ger man plans of supremacy throughout the Baltic countries. There can be little doubt that Germany did entertain this maJHn German provinces of the Baltic states and Finland under the rule of German noblemen, but that bub- v1 e Kmm4 aliwnii4 a. a a. . . . j ; BOY SCOUTS DO MANY "GOOD TURNS" r BOY oCplllo DO prr-rrr-l, r?Hrr-j . GOOD. lURfl FOR II i; u y-s. scores oitiouxns uive Aiuaiuun- ... n,! k S ' H - rested Section arfd Help Cops: It T? ' t l Anniversary Is 0bserveda- I m ' o-, jT.-jr -o-;., ;:'':.'-'I'::.y.:' i ' X r - , I iv i - , At ta5. -T.. I ' NEW TTJDAT J i Largest JI6meeller in- America 1200 APPRAISED Hoxnes For- Sale . SEE One of the" laws oC the Boy Scout or- ganiTJiuon is uuit crj owui men uw at least one "good , turn" dally, Saturday was public "good turn" day. this being . one of the features of the observance ot .the ' 11th . anniversary of the organization of the Boy Scout move ment, in America. Scores of boys were Stationed at the congested. Intersections throughout the day and they found manv ooDortunltiea to do "rood turns' by assisting elderly people, children and TO BUT TOTJB blind people on and off street cars and I ;"-" traffic offioera. at the manly and .cour teous service of the Scouts that they In vited the boys to stand by them at the To ririt oar great showroom and look ever ear treat rrnsainira and turn the aemanhore I wonderfnl disnUv at hnsnra liated for sale. - Every and now all the Scouts- want to be 1 peraonauy hwpectad and ajvraias beiaaw Wina I beta offered- for your eonstderauoa. FRANK. L HcG'JIRE Q J V A WE EX. A COB- DIAL I5V1TA. TIOW TO TOC. va lite iivu u, v ....( SSI5 we'U balo Ton make roar down parawak a kt will nut aai ra tm UV tfWUb UU Li. b BVKMIfrW. fV, U,UWi tOSCfl WlUl t& KOI JOU aW WUUDS,' tne reception given saturaay aiiernoon i mi m.n yoa neadleas boon of uiaeoraa sMwro at the State Bank, where the special I attraction was a 'Teed" of apples and doaghrruts. The week s program in commemorat ing the 11th birthday of the Scouts in I this conn try, has been highly successful In Portland, where 2500 Scouts have en- gaged In a wide variety of activities be-1 ginning -with Scout Sunday, when spe cial sermons were preached to Scouts and their elders, many troops attending In bodies. On Monday evening 750 en- sj Floor Abtartoa Blag. Bdwy., III. OPEX ALL BAT STJ5DA.Y Opes Evealsg I'atQ tiM THE l4r BEBVICE BT8TEX I Experieaeed SalessieB . at Toar Service Frank L. McGixire To Bay Your Home 4,063.604 409.109 773,946 30.299 152.466 116.961 15,626 11.985 15.632 1,526,024 2,751,313 .Feb. 14 . Feb. 1 S i general cargo. News of the Port Arrival- February 11 , a. an . (thinaa. nasrlran steamer. from New' York and Boaloa ia lt Boond. cneral. ressarturM rsonjart 11 Fukn Mara. Jsi sa.r for At a. sa.. Faint Mara. Japaaeas ttcassar, fae Ynaabama and koha,. general. . At a. ., lalworva, Assma B.,rra!-ro. ua- tenses. A. U Harris. W. A. Pierce and n . w , . I m m. , Ran IHaco and wJ porta. The Dalles, Feb. It. Samuel T. Ben nett, rancher, pleading guilty to Indict ments charging theft' of cattle, was sen tenced today to serve; a year In the pen itentiary, as recommended by the grand Jury, Comallo Mariano1 was sent up for IS. months on a forgery charge, and W, F. OXeary was sentenced, to a year for , obtaining money under false pre- At a p. av. Anaetaa Rotr. Aataticaa ataamar. fur Saa Fnartnas. Benarsl aneta. Faa 11 Sailed at t:10 p. , Friday, suaeaer Sanliaat. for Baa Ydro. Bailed ' at 7 15 p. m.. steamer Roaa City, for Saa rraneiaro. Alrert al 40 and le t UP at : EL T. Larson, pleading guilty to uslng" an automobile, but without intending to steal It, were each given a year in the county Jail and paroled. SALMON BAHQXET SUCCESS Kalama. Wash.. Feh 11. At the an j v. sieamer unioaa, troea uotsoa maa n salmon banquet of the Kalama ' Tw eta fTiaet e wno. naHea ats ."- Ri,ie,jn'a club Fidaw more, than Santa Barbara, far Ban. rwra. Z , - - , , ' . ork eta r 'ZTI: VTr".SraTK 83 were seated. Speakers were : Rev. .' idro via tirays Harbor. Hailed at 10:30 a bv. L. D. Cook, Dr. Nalden of Washington sieamer l'araixa. for Baa Pedro. - State cones: e Mr Ellerton. Professor F. Saa Frsivrkw. Feb. l Arrteedat I a. ra.. Iw. Kennedy, field secretary of the Waah- T "saDd rtna. A meed at a. . ataamar i L, P?'.' I rank W. lram. from roruand. I " A Baa Fraaerwo, Feb. 10. Saflsd at j am, steamer Ueorcina Boh, for Porttaad. BaOed .FLAG BAISIXQ PLANNED . at aooa. aaeaaser joaaa i-oojaaa, lor uaeamMa rntrl1 Waah tiVh iiirii, rata, rleer. Batwd at 8 p m.. Hatch steamer TJlle- . tntJXIla, WastL. f eb. 11 Flag raiS- '- knet. far Portland and Batawsv Ameeri at taltng exercisea for thei recenUy completed p. ss.. Morwectaa aantorshtp Teaea, from Ant-1 Lincoln achool building will be held on , wern, for Pon land. "aUod. British steamer City Washington's birthday under the au- T-rrT- ,r ZZZl. fJy"1- apices of the Lincoln Parent-Teacher , Forrtaad. fir Weet Caart of aoatb Aaaeriea. I association.. Baa rsdro, b. 10. BaiVd. straaaer lew TjsrkeQbsrb. 'ro fa New Tork aad wa nomta. ' fne Baa Ffasxnaro and Portia ad. Haill tmrr '. Kdaar F. ljaskenbach. fruea 1'ocUaod. for New ' York and way ports. ' ' V eases, aa Bert . Ynwikta Mara) No. J..goba ........ 1 Feb. 1 ( Ckm Harbor rhUadelphaa ....Feb. It H Tjllokawi Baa Fraa. Feb. IS e Krder Hantfy ......Saa Fadrav.. ...Fee. It , i-orajaa aUurm Ara Fraa,.. ... .FatL 18 ; CetUa ...Baa Fraa. Feb. 14 .. Armoaaa New York. , . . .Feb. 14 . Boasa Mara ........Aberdaea ......Feb. 14 Oornstaa Vsarooear Feb. 14 VTeat Wiiiouwi .. . . ; Shanghai Feb. 14 Arabtosi Saba .. Feb. 14 CHr of Irenes Baattla .. Feb. 14 Admiral Rndama ....8. F. 4k way. ...Feb. 14 N-ordaraaiS ..Rotterdam .Feb. 14 t.raetftro . , . .a.....Talaaraiaa ' Feb. LA .......' Fraa.. ..... Feb. T5 Bawaoa Aires . . . Fakv 1 8 1 B.raaa Oty ........Kobe .Fab. 1 8 aneas Mar. ...... .Kobe Feb. IS Iwlr ....... Mew Orleans ...Fab. II as. Haw York. iit Jt Hl-V'" t.ZhZL' - " JaaJ' - " i-w i i .-: 'T:'- ' PI' gS&it$g3'-'iJ , rasa J fit '; - '"- t i.e v i ax s,- ' a I I t -a r V . I aaaaaaaaaaaaaawaawaaaaaamaawa -waaaeamwsaawaaxaaaaaaws Oregon Aggies Win Fourth From Oregon Oregon Xgricultural College, Corval lis. Or., Feb. 11. By a score of 34 to 21, the Oregon Aggie basketball quin tet defeated Oregon Saturday night, making its fourth straight victory over the Lemon-Yellow five. Amory Gill washigh point man, scor ing an even dozen points. The game roueh at times. Oregon playing a defensive game solely against Its rivals. The lineups : o. a. c. ' Oregon . Stinson f 101. -.--. F (7) Andre A. Gill (12) F. , Goar Hjelte (lii) -C Ldttham Richards , . ..G.- Bpiler L. Gill (2) ."...G .8) Burnett Subs-O. A. C.t' Femley and Ryan Oregon:' Edlund 2), Zimmerman tz). Rickey (Z)- v -T In the preliminary game the Oregon Frosh defeated the Aggie Rooks, 25 .to 18. Ralph Coleman refereed both games. MEDFOBD BEATS HILL The Medford. Or., high school basket- ban auintet defeated the Hill Military academy team Saturday night, 47 to 7. in a game played on the H. M. A. uoor. The visitors had too much experience for the local quintet. Astoria Bonds - Aathorlsed Astoria. Feb. 11. At a meeting Friday nlcnt 'Ue Astoria water commission anthoriaed the ale of (250.000 in bonds to proride for the construction of the proposed new water eondtrit from the Bear creek reaerroir to the city. Bids wll! be opened at the meeting March 10. TRANSPORTATION Joyed the fathers and sons' banquet. Tuesday waa mothers' day, when spe cial "good turns" were done for moth ers. On Wednesday troop "good turns were done for the school houses or churches In which troop . meetings are held. On Thursday scores ef needy families were aided. On Friday -night more than 1200 Scouts gathered for a big rally In the 'Lincoln high school. In addition to the inspiring program 240 packages containing 625 articles of cloth ing for. boys from 1 to 21 years were brought to the .rally. TheeewUl be dis tributed to needy .boys from Scout head quarters. IfCVfe Third Street Betweea WashlactoB aad Stark. TRANSPORTATION AbovoSaturday waa city "good turn -day for -the Boy Scoots and the above picture shows a Scout asststlog a mman and child on car. Below iscout Marshall Wood turning the semaphore at Broadway and Washington. - b! hurst almost at its Inception. I have lirOO f H fiOT. (iO TYl O round throughout Fin Und the most cor-I VAXmiu aj.vjwj viwaaa w na irienojy reeling toward the al- countries, and this cordiality co exists with a strons- Rfnl afkf flr-f'l tlfaar A for the help rendered by the .Germans. 1 he Finns need and seek tha' .,nu. possible enconomic relations with Ger- tf' .k pouuc"y they will accept . uiuu uiem xo uerraany any rnore.than to any-other country. The feeling of absolute independence has taken as firm root in Finland as it did it America m i t. and If on.... .. tempts to dominate the new smaU na- Is Captured by Winged vM. Team BONO WEEK IS PLAJT5EJ) Monteaano. Wash.. Feb. 11. National song week, February 19 to February 26, will be observed in, the rural schools of Grays -Harbor couiityr Miss Geneva Johnson, county school ( superintendent, announced. ' girl nrroLVE3 nr st Twin Falls, Idaho. Feb. 1L A. J. Lewis, reported to be a prominent " at torney of Pocatello, was taken Into cus tody here charged with embesalement and leaving Pocatellw with a 19-year-old girt. - Displaying. teamwork which had .been lacking In previous games, the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club basket ball team defeated the Walla Walla Young Men's: Christian, association quin tions of the Baltic she will meet a united I tet 25 to 22, In the Winged "M" gym resistance In Finland. I i, w-T.i,t At m,. -nd r.f th " ""VH HISTEK STATES first hair the . score stood 16 to 10, In , This, same spirit of iTKlananit.nn. I fnvnr of the, cluhmen. and shortlv after militates against arty new regroupingor I the second period the lcolas Increased It r"" control in the Hiiiar, I to zu to iu. - , - - , - border states aruch aa suggested by cer- Just about that time the Washlng- ,v statesmen Who believe t tonians began getting a line on the bas- tnat Esthonia and Latvia, at least, ket . and before the Poftlanders knew anouia become a portion of the federated what had hannened Walla Walla had States Of Russia Finnish indndn. I totaled 1 ' A aennatJonal field, hailtet bv having taken firm root, supports the -Sticks Dement gave therT'-a 21 to hum, etates to the south in their sep- 20 lead. Then Gus Clerin came . Into a rate existence and anv t.n.. 1 . A .,i. nnMn.i A ... , , , ..wwj. v ULf I JUWUUICUM KiU, k " V IW I .1 .viral a,,u ifL P0""01 .entity of those coun- baskets frorn difficult angles, giving y"l" r. y resented. All the Multnomah the lead which could not be States from Finland . dnwm n I mnma. ;K anl hm mlnnta. ti o-r rraf Jt!Lf bounJ by complex Before the contest ended each team con- thtrtt tfr?"!? "d J fcy "Finpa- verted a foul. The lineups: '' f i wtic bonds that have been developed Mtdtaomah Poeitioa : . Wana WaTla since tneir various declarations of men- i - Ciena (15) .F. ......... (S) Banter aration from Russia. . J Pelooae (6) ......... F.... (6 Magrnna . . .v;. ....... tioj uemeat VniM ii lUMirej i Twminc le) . . . o..... . .... ...vsopeiand western poarers to take- an I F. Jacooberrer (2) . . . .Ow. . .. ... . . . . . taTrJeck, ujia n tne renabtlltatJon of Rus- I Jacobberger j w . . .. ..s. - . , sla, they will, meet a Situation rrfealrtrl Harry 'Fischer; " timer. , WilUaiB E. changed from 1 that which existed when UuUn: i- '.fid,ssfsr ffiSi American Conditions; Better Than -: Orient reconstruction of Russia and to that wi uuulb insny rorwwminn. in i notnnaiB. wsin.. rea li. aisior u. vf icast for many years. , I tam Friday aft a trh to the Orient. ine rlnns are not without their :ln-l "Conditiona aero are mocfa mm ratajrnnu Print Cloth Still N. Y. (Wall Street Boreas of The Jonrnal.) New York. Feb. 11. Dry Goods. Tho list less and irregular trading in print cloths con tinued today. Moat of tha business done waa in tha nature of a cleaning up of odds aad ends preparatory to tha Monday holiday. Mucellane- oesv orders appeared for some eotistractaons out Southern 4xS0s and 68x72s were no stronger. Marrow . goods showed- a softening tendency. 8beetin0 were in email demand and some pa- jama cheeks ware aotd at a abade below fignrea which bare been current, A fair, business wu done ia three leaf twiUa. - - - The demand for broad aUka was Bomewbat bet tar today with some mom atrength exhibrted ia prioaa. - Canton crapes, kaitted -enpaa and taffetas were sought. Tha . raw silk market showed little change ia spite of tho easier tend ency in Yokohama, - Thaxe waa littie trading. - BALL BATES KEBTJCED ON SOME COMMODITIES Beduetiona in rariooa import rates oa .gom BMditieo moving through Pacific coast porta to taatrrn territory baa been screed upon by trans continental rail ways, to become - elf eettea Feb ruary IS. according to ad nee received by J. H. Malchay. general freight agent, for tha Southern Paeifie lines in fliignn - Oarlead ratea on inedSMs -vantable taDow.will be . redaord from Sl.Ssa. to 75 cents, aad oa nalrn sai nela from 1 1.00 to 75 cants. -A new carload rate on imported firecrackers will- be made or sz.o. a rata oi cents on -green coffee to Pittsburg and west, will be granted aad tbe.preeeat rats of kapoc of 62.08 re duced to 11.40. , . . . . Passenger and Freight Service to California Tareagh SaUlaga ta Baa Praaelass aoa aigem iss Beta xiiea-e Leave Hsalelsal Dock he. 1, 4 s, aa, SS. Admiral Evans - Feb. 18 SS. Senator Feb. 25 SS. Admiral Evans Mar. 4 Aad Every Satarday ThtroaXtat Local Service to Afarshfield, Eureka and San Francisco Admiral Rodman, Feb. 15 Every 11 Days Thereafter Fast Trans-Pacific Passen ger and Freight Service Yokohama. Kobe, Shanghai, Hgkesg aad M aalla Sail In C from Seattle SS. Pine Tree State Feb. 18 SS. Wenatcbee Mar. 4 SS. Bay State Mar. 18 For fall lalormatloB apply at 101 Third St, Cor. Starh Broadway A4S1 Are You Going to Europe? 'Jh Or the Orient? Or Around the World? kWhy not get experienced and accu rate information irom one wno nas traveled extensively for the benefit of his patrons? Secara Steamship Beserratloaa aad Tickets From .-. DORSEY 8. SMITH MANAGES JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU ISO BEOADWAT, PORTLAND, OS. Fhose MariaaU !; Before Yon Build a BeSureYoureRigut BEDI1IADE u New York to Europe LONDON IW PARIS HAMBURG Ey large Agterkim Hag sla a Sarilsft rVaaaj Nmw Ymrh ta. RESOLUTE ttaw 2. May t Juat 27 t.fREl.IANCE Mr IS. lama .1. luiv 1' Also waeAly steamers arery Thursday, Hew Tork to Uammsrg direct. For special cabin and third class ps mangers. Few raui sag wrtsev fre arise a as UNITED AMERICAN LINES. In fWnaral Office 1ft Broadway. Mew Tork. 1S6 No. Balls St.. Chicago, or Loeu gleams tup Agenta' AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti -and Raratoooat ' SUM and asisna larrlug Trom San Frsnoisoa avary ZS, Days, UNION S. S. CO, OF NEW ZEALAND ISO Oallfarata St., Saa Franolae Or Local gtaatrnhla and IWaraass A ASTORIA and WAY POINTS STEAM EN SERVICE Lea. Dally (Kacast aatyrsagl 7:8S F. SB. CoaaorUoaa atada fog Ail MorU aad . Beach Potata FAHJB Sl.SS EACH WAT. a0 BOtnrD TEXT THE MARKIRS TllANAFO STATION OD. e a.. liiilrilliayAfstKii (F (I? (I 0 (! frfl Tf A.dweillnr la either an asset or a detriment to its owner AlfP TO THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH IT IS EBECTED. a kna. baa abher a heloful or banafnl infioeaca oa thoaa who lira in or tnaaa at. When TOrt btrild make yonm aa infreenee for rood in roar household: aaaka it an inasiration for others. It will be IF IT IS WMUT. B.EMEMBKB This M as age of uncommon (not ordinary) huosaa. ltiaat ' lin. mtu.h Tti enend for a home, bat i 1 how. you spend, it. HOW TOO BUDA ...... You owe it to yourself t and neighbors to " INVESTIGATE SERVICE , before you build. Seetlosal, Beady Cat, Begalar BsUt uoaaes Tou can have the kind you want. BEBIMABE Bldg. Co., Fortlaad, Or. E. 11th and Market. Phone K. 6114 When you buy Real Estate hAve the title insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Co. 91 Fourth Street t MANY rSB JITNEYS spoaane. wasru, reb. iu A passen ger haul by Jitneys and 900,00 for January Is Indicated In reports for the month submitted by two- thirds of the CO or of between 800,000 more operators. ternal disputes and domestic difference-- I hn regiens 1 bare Tisited," Major Patten Finland, with the fall imrtrvnrt Af wu I .' ,'Fo "Btac- the Hawaiiaa Manda, enS Willie a?,he,f-tl- .aaTla"..? J . " - " unci- i sb 'A.wvw.wv, wbuo a year a n waa 20 asm ests to serve their country, will go for-1 as much. v.Taas. of eoura, is due w aocsr ward with other civilixed nations in the I PTioB- la tho nil faUods workers get about work of reconstruction .and advance- ""5 JZ .'fSL AaVf-Ukaa OH StaUoa May Be Coastmeted - Bidiefield. vTaah.. Frt). : 11. The Standard OS ' company will probably , construct oil -tanSa. and SBaintaiB a dutrkbatiRg statioa at this place J. Ia' Mohny.. ntaaager of tho company's plant at VanoouTar. has filed aa appiseatsan, . request , sng (or the adoption of -aa ormssnrai axaaang i the omoaa a fraacrdss to' erect oa tanks and i to maintain a distributing station, wttn ana city , ooobcU which . baa the master under tnasiiwra , taon. Tha ooe&nany already has aa optiosv of land from Hiram H. Baraes tor the art Bear : tha depot of tho Northern nctae railway oa pany in North Bldgefield. . iRegula. scrvtcs uelwttn aortlaad, ataano; alsadelphta. Uoslon. New i or a ana ixm Angetes. rian araaciaoo, Portland. Clrecoa : Seattle) and Tacoraa, via the Panama Canal) ISOVIOB ateei ve suets AsTBUUa4J North Atlaatia Western a. 8, Ox's BLTTE TBIANtJLlS DEERFIELD .... ABTEGAS ........ Portland .Fee. II ..Feb. Ti IS HI Third Street ... rTESTBOTJBla ' Portland. Me. Boston Phils. BBTTHH ares. IS LEHIGH Fes. S Mar. 1 Mar. T WEST I8LETA-.Mar.lS Xar.U Cargo apses under refrlgaratloa. . For ITurther informs ttow Apply to TUB AiiailBAL mm, raaUae ieavat Ageats I raeae Broadway Mil i R a5S5r PUBHC INFORMATION Te aad Abscessed Teeth Caaaa Xi ameress Bodily AHmeaU . HAVE YOUR TEETH ATTENDED TO Before the Kerrea Are Evpoawa sr Irritated. Thereby Di. -pseiag ef Dead asd A sac seed Testa. IYY0U NEED DENTAL WORK DOZE WE CAN DO IT . Ts Yss BatUf actios .... , WITHOUT PAIN BY CONDUCTIYE ANESTHESIA tHk Castsry Breves BeQahst FactoryForSale - Ground and build insr t'.th trackare: Well Jocated in the west side industrial district.- Suitable for all kinds of light manufacturing.; 1 Immediate possession. Price tats -a terns..- B. F. BRTAJf. st -Chajaher of Coax. Bids. Bdwr. S9SS. iT OREGON-PACTFIC COMPANY -: acebtb roa - . - " TOYO KISEN KAISHA ,XNT JOINT. SEBYICE OF - ? HOULD-AlVaEmCA LINE 'AND .- ' ' " " ' " ' '- ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPaAaNY SatUags for Jasaa, Cklaa and West Ceast ostb Asierles, . : . . , Ma Tjstted Klagdoaa sad E arose aa Farts . GENERAL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER OFFICE 203 WUcox Bldg. ' Bdwy. 4529 . . - - Portland, Ore. The Castsry Frerts Method. X-Ray Work" aad Erectrtcal Trlaraosls Twelve Years rracuce ia rtrusat s TJB. A. W. BTEENx . DB. E i. KIESENBAHTa . Aaeve KaJeatU Tbestre, SS1H WaaaJafa tea treat sfmri.clAfcaRa l,4t BUSS STEAM CLEAN I SB. SIM. Feathers Bass salad I I ALL BINDS NEW MATTBESSES far SALa IFLUrt NUBS sans trees sas asawaaa, rsmdsiw amwstataead seal rvaswd. sioneen ma Tie; ass at vavrtrar CLEAN ISA WOatKS eSTt . taaeais St. - Baa, rarr-arr , . 4- -j:-- a y til' in