SATURDAY; ' FEBRUARY 11. 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 11 CAMPAIGN TOAID PACIFIC UNlVERSrTY FUND IS LAUNCHED An aggressive earn palpi to false funds to cover a .deficit la the 1131-11 budget f raclflo university at Forest drove hu been undertaken by tha alumni asso ciation' of the university, acoordinc to anaounoeraent made today by It E. Wlthajn, praaldant of tha association, , Approximately 18.000 persons have been graduated from tha university during tha past Tl years, according to WTtharo. Tha Portland Alumni association baa 400 members. Wltham stated, and there ar 100 members in tha state. Tha budget for tha current year baa barn taken cars f. according to Harri son o. Piatt, president of tha board of trustees of the university, and approx imately :S.0O0 Is needed to cover the deficit for nest year' a budget of 0,0OO. Tha achool has attained a blh stand ard as an educational institution and this standard would be, maintained, Piatt stated in denying published reports that radical curtailments vara imminent. Tha university la endowed In tha sura of 1115.000. and a aarApalyn was Ktarted about a year ago to increase this amount. If possible, to f, 000,000. , A. 8. Hilt, a professional in campaign work. was hired to direct the campaign Grange' Condemn Oregon Senators In Newberrj Case Hood River. Fab. 1L A resolution condemning Oregon senators for tha part they played la the seating of Senator Newberry, was passed unanimously at a meeting of Pomona Grange Wednesday. Copies of tha resolution were forwarded to the senators. Other resolutions passed Indorsed the work, of tha local district attorney In his campaign against bootleggers, urged the formation of a tax league, and con demned local barbers and machine shops for. maintaining ,wsr time priors. . LAMBS SHORN 0 F MILLIONS BUCKET SHOPS FACE iZ By Sidney B. Whipple Units) Newe Staff Correspondent New oTrk, Feb. IL Wall street lambs wars thorn of 130,000.000 through the f&Uure of 15 stock brokerage houses within the past two months, according to one estimate of Jerome Simmons, assist ant district attorney, who Is prosecut ing an Investigation into wridesnread about seven months ago, but tha pre- j charges of buckeUhop operations, before vauing Business conditions maae it rm- i tht grand jury. LUiER DEMAND possible to secure subscription in suf ficient volume1 to Justify a continuance of paid solicitation and 1 1111 retired from tha position of campaign manager a few weeks lago. In spite of the disappointing results of the endowment campaign, the board of trustees of Pacific university Is not discouraged, Piatt stated, .and the work would be continued by tha trus tees, alumni and friends of tha univer sity. Robert Fry Clark, president of the university, corroborated tha state ments made by Piatt, as did also George Warren, treasurer of the university. Pacific university wss organized In 1141 and tha town of Forest Grove grew up about it. Tha present campus consist of SO acres.' There are four modern buildings and one older building, with an aggregate value of approxi mately 1400.000. Attendance at the col lege proper numbers 17S students, and there are 110 student- In tha conserva- tory of music under direction of C. W. Lawrence, The attendance this year Is the largest In the history of the sc'iool. Ifesldent Clarke stated. There are It members of the faculty and reportethat a number of instructor tad. been a'ked to resign were denied Friday by Warner. Piatt and other members of the board of trustees. The financial status of the university Is far from discouraging. Piatt stated, though he did not deny that an emergency ex isted so far as neit year's Budget Is concerned. WILL TAX ILLS TO THEIR LIMIT Heavy demand for lumber at all coast ports, especially San Francisco, and tha contracts now on for, New TftrR delivery have placed the rnttlg, on tha Cchumbia river on nearly a eapaelty basis. With tha conference rate open to the Atlan tic side and' all lines handling lumber on a competitive basU, tha Oregon and. Washington mills . will be taxed to limit run to keep up. Rates have advanced on sail tonnage. The latest announcement was tha schooner Edward R. West. 111.60 for South Africa. A number of sailing craft are homeward bound with copra and are available for charter.' Owners are holding out for tha top rates and will probably keep the craft afloat. Australia and tha west coast being the most fa vored points at tha present In tha off shore movement. Coos Bay and Grays Harbor will greatly benefit by the lumber movement, lata reports showing those mills run ning up to within. 15 percent of ca pacity. The schooner Sir Thomas L4p- ton, which is tinder charter to handle white cedar logs from Coos Bay to Japan and has been awaiting cargo for six weeks, will begin working Monday. - Tides at Astoria High Water Low Water t 4 si nW 8.9 ft. J :05 a. 1-0 ft. t :S2 pi ra.. 9.4 ft j 1 :31 p.m.. -0J ft. Seaside High water,.' nine minutes earlier. . : Seaside Low water, 21 minutes earlier. - POSITIONS OF. TEASELS . ' : Radio retorts from North Head give the praUon of the foilowlnf vessels si p. St.. February 10: ' ' Rainier. Seattle for Ben Fraacieeq, 699 miles tii'iui Sea Francisco. Multnomah, St. Helens for Saa Frandsen, T5 miles south Columbia river. 81-skiyoo. 8a Ptdrd for BeHIaabam. 209 mile- south. Tatoosh. Qoinantt, Saa raUMssoe tor Seattle, 15 agues from Seattle. (By Federal Wireless) W. F. Herrin, Honolulu for Saa Francisco, ll0 mile east Honolulu. - , Wenatcbee, Yokohama for BeatOe, JJ00 Miles -west Seattle. ' ..." , Tale, Lo Angeles' for Saa jTraadsco, 70 sales north Los Angeles. Ban Antonio. Monterey for ' Fart Saa Lois, 18 miles from MentsreT. Lymes Stewart. Seattle for Oteua. 8 03 tnflae Bonn uiecm. , . Empire 8tata, Ku Fnncisna for Yokohama, 12A5 miles vert San Francisco. , Frank G. Dram, PorUaad . f or Aran, 80 aulas sooth Portland. San Diego, saa Francisco for Saa Pedro. 14 miles south Saa Franoifco. Ohio, Los Angeles for gas Iosvce. SO muss miu an trmnetseo. Bobobu, Sits Francisco' for Sydney., (oaon) 037 miles from San Francisco. moobmt state. Yokohama for Seattle, 1740 muss - trom baa Francisco. News of the Port COAST MEN TO GET ILLS As the investigation proceeds the tombs are flocking to the office of the Investigators with stories that recall W palmiest days of wildcat speculation. Bucket shop proprietors, the district attorney declares, have even resorted to the old scheme of keeping a few shares of the most active stocks in their safes. Suspicious customers, demanding to "see tha stock they have purchased," are shown these certificates, which are luerely storage property for use on just such occasions. Thirty Wall street houses are now be in Investigated. Of these 25 have al ready gone to the wall. In some cases leaving tiot even a set of books for the benefit of their customers. The other five are saidto be shaky, but still doing business. 8eventy-'ive men and women, who thought they , were trading on the mar ket, but who were merely pouring In taelr money for one of these concerns to gamble with, have placed their af fairs in the ' hands of Lucien Brecken- rldge, former assistant district attorney. Of these, three cases hsve been placed before the grand jury aa evidence of crooked manipulation. Detectives sent to tha offices of Eugene Callahan & Co., one of the organizations under scrutiny, returned with the Information that not a book was left In the office. 3o great has become tho volume of corn pis ints since the first announcement of grand ury action that District Attorney B nton has assigned two more members or his staff to the work of preparing the evidence. Charges that certain brokers operating H. S. SCOTT, STEAMSHIP CHIEF, COMES HEBE FOB COSFEKEKCE President H. R Scott of the General Steamship corporation, with headquar ters at San Francisco, accompanied by Marine Superintendent J. Schermer, ar rived in Portland this morning to look over the local situation and to confer with K. K. Johnson, local agent. Cap tain H. H. Birkholm, Seattle manager of the steamship company, will joi the conference at Portland this afternoon. The General Steamship company oper ates to the West Coast of South America and Australia and handles the steamers of the Java-Pacific line operating to Japan, Shanghai, Hongkong and Java and also the French line operating to the continent from- Pacific coast ports. The Dutch steamship Tijleboet of the Java-Pacific line will be due at Port land Monday with close to 6000 tons of cargo. She discharged a lot at San Francisco and sailed from the California Ohioan, Americas steamer (n Saatam &n1 "Sew York, tia Pncet gonad; general, Departures February It Annette KoiDh. Amarinan tjmwm- fnr KJ l rancisco; genera ALL CARD ROOMS WILL HAVE TO GET NEW CITY LICENSES All cardroom licenses In the city will be revoked In March If the ordinance pre pared by Frank SJ Grant, city attorney. is adopted by th council, Relicensmg will be permitted only under the pro visions of the new law which tends to limit the number of cardrooms and Im pose heavier license fees on them. The ordinance, will be discussed at a meeting of the special committee com posed of Commissioners . Bigelow and Pier and Grant Monday morning. Rep resentatives of the cardrooms will also be present. The proposed ordinance will limit the number of cardrooms according to popu lation la a district An Increase In the fee 'will be made by charging J10 a year for each; table. No license will be given for rooms of less than ten tables. Applicants for license will be investi gated by the police and. If approved, will be required to post a bond of $1000, which win be forfeited In case of con viction of violation of law. William J. Lorber. leemL 46S feast Bamstde street, and Bath UoCaaa, kal. 466 East JBura- Oa street. - '.- ;.y 1 t Uomre (X Barf, treti. Perkins no tel. .and OB Aelass, letaU ill Sirth street. ,:. v Joseph K. MeCanhy, leaaL 1U CVrelaad aTeoae. and Anna S. Stacker. lenL 1120 Cleve land aeeane. Joe C. Finnan.. SI. 430 East Taahm street. a4 Constance Tern Craen. -if - 131IU East Yamhill street.' - - FILE PRELIMINARY COSTS OK STBEET IMFKOTEMESXS Preliminary estimates of cost of five Fuica Mara. JaDeneae ataemer iar Tokabama. I street Imnrovement DroieCts amounting awiai. I tn 150.201 were filed this morntng oy u. w2!Aaan8" . lor "-lLauriraard. city engineer. AU of the Senator. American tammar. fn. Ran Iirro protects were for hard-surfacing the aaad waay porta; pa si enema and (eneral. streets named, and the estimates were made ort two grades Of concrete and two grades of asphaltlc pavement. The city MARI5E ALMAKAC North jadT." ' T rondSoa. at the cil will take acUon on the estimates vv eunesusj. The projects for which costs were cai culated are : East Clay street from East Forty-first to Fifty-second street, 11858 Seneca streettfrora the north line of oaic Park addition to Fesseadan street, $6000 ; East Thirty-eighth street from Yamhill to Taylor street, $1610 ; East Sixty-sixth street from Stanton street to sanay oou levard, 4397; Omaha street from Lorn hard to W arragutt street, 674Z. month of the lirer at noon: Sea, smooth; wind southeast, 4 stiles; weather cloudy. Portland humidity at nooa. 83. DAILY BITER HEADINGS klset " M-eitunptares rmatflla Fagene Albany Salem Oregon (Sty.. roruana . . . 25 10 SO 20 12 15 1.7 5.51-0.8 5.6 .2 5.5 Eising. Falling. .Tr-O-SHK0 00 0.10 V J' o;1 a.ia 0.2S 42: 4 43 43 4S SMALLPOX TJ5DER C03TTEOL (4 FAMILIES Q UAH AS TI3 li Records in the city health office this 81 morning show a : slight decrease of all contagious diseases in the city, witn uie exception of srnaUpox, which is reported under control and neither Increasing nor decreasing.. The number of families in , 2 55 81 84 MARRIAGE LICENSES WEDDINQ W -Q SMITH A ca and visrriNo CA1U RNCRAVKSS It lfoTtaa Bids, BIRTHS KblTROM T Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Eiitim. 608 K. 8th. Feb,.?. see. GAmy To Mr and Mrs, George W. GasM. 84 OS 44th St. & Feb- e sen. BOBEHT8 To Mr. sjid Mrs. i. U Roberta. 14UB K. . ren. 8. a aoa. BKUilBACK To Ur. tod airs. T. E. Brum- bark. 609 CnmiaereiaL Jan. 2. a son. SNYDER To Mr. and Mn. U W. Snyder. COS 4 Jantev. .- a. a. aajianter. ' - RE To Mr. and Mr. U IU, 5 Marion. Feb.J a, a soih JOHANSON Te Mr. end Mrs. C. G. JobAnaoa, . 48S E. Bth st. H.. Jan. St. a dsoanter. IiTXSEY To Mr. and Mrs. O. K- Laoaey. SBT H 4th. Feb. a, dattchters (tviM. DEATHS CAKTKR Marshall Carter. 158 M, Bamell, Feb. T. St years: manlndtm. - U KEB Margaret litar. S83 ByraenM. Fea. 10, ss yean; rajraUr heart onease. alONTAGCK Jwnea Edwia Momasna, ' 809 E. 4 1st, Feb. T. 85 years: Dernicioua anemia. ROYAL Helaa A Royal. 2.47 Ua!M7, Feb. t. 71 years: broncho pnrnaunia. HA TO EN Lou B. Bayden. 250 C'Slst St, X Feb. 6. 25 year: endorarditia JANE William Antony Jane, 1 24 R- Madiwn, ren. i.- n yeara; Ktnsrgio amoepnaiTtis. MONUMENTS OTTO SCHUHANM KAAaLI C(S QCAtrrr a?ccixs g. YWttD A awt rrs. hok tuna 108 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ZS1 LEAKY ROOFS SkillfnOy repaif4 al vain ted; referrarm: aaadreds F ssufwd evtomen; 20 yesra" iperi tnea. .Mats 871 or Mam 14. Prira the fwr. H.-g. 00,-Ine.. 20 B. of T eilg ". CRAWMi AXDEXCATATISU ; laty or Oonuaea. . RAW(iN . . i ' ' ' ' 744. ' v vuUaZ waclr1 trom I la & a aad hatur days by Waahlnrto blah ataeWt: trc : wiU as snythma; Uuaxlry experieace. Call kat FLORISTS 107 FLOW&RS FOR AU. OCtAaSlORa, -W W Tl F1esa Yen V YAMHILL st TENTH. Asa taral lissitav 88 ' l.aiae tiothauaas, Breach Steoe. ' ae vm aam. Uornaoa C 2762 ErniE- Tahor S30. PirtE I.NG. paiaoas, t4omiCiac eat stippied and ramuhed. Tabor 5258. sonsble price. - : ' CEMENT work ef ah eaaoa. eoa amlais iilila rasraateed. Karl aBattae Ca. Ft flftS or a,iiwoa sis. 1-AlNTINvi. peperhaMoaa aja onabla. work enaraBlaa. naaaa tLoms sa Tseor MIS er Tator 1290. euna; -foce ra , &0OFb repaired, rasa or shuta; aariroai;Ht efessea aed. repaired: a a work rasree'emt. Portland Root Kepetr Feint Co. Man 4 o liOOni AStS, Fieach uovts. indo Mu. buJi- Smith's Flower Shoj tna that nlaae: firxt cla . work: estimates eheerfully ciwn. Breartway Tie. PorOaed a Praareeaiae ' Ftewern for AS Oeeasioae Male tH T. C. Let. Mat. U and AMea. kAfttbi A'rotBKa CO., fkwtsta. 14 Wast melon. Mm sat. A-1200. sTower fay al ssiasii 1 1 srUstiraay smnged. LOST AND FOUND 10S DIVORCES FILED Cliililera Jeaa aeauatt Faul W. t'Uikifrs. -Weidenkeller Lueua asainst Jack Wairtna keDer. A-lib Ida aenJnKt Geonw Ashby. Stubbe Utem Y. aftinst Carl Stnbbe. Chapiow Eiisabtth J. asainst Albert B. Chpka;. Hsmnta Gladn I.lman saahut Uartna Oalr Barnole. i Oic -en Mary K aaaiert Michael A. Olevm: NEW TOT) Ay NOHTHV R06 CO. ar f t yj FLUFFBU6S Made out of yonr old worn -oat - carpets and rugs. Save half tha price of a new rug. Dae woolen clothing-. . 9x12 Run steam-cleaned, 11.50 East 3580 188 East Eighth THE (olloanny anxu were foand oa tha eafs of the Portland rUUwer. Light Power com- Kny. rvb. S. 191: Umbtela. km fa, pin, role, nd baa.1 pr. end nagle gloeva. hook. 10 parkaccs. or merit drill, maaaaina and papera, pair roller akate. doTt, ralr plirra baUuna swit, babj snee, aohont tiekrU. Owners may nbtata same apoa proper tdeeUtUxtioa at lat and Alder at. station. - EEWAfiD for reaoeery o( lady fun length plaid coat takes from the Oleott raatauaat. Broadway 4080. . i Call LOST Bruaile bull I-UWjr, white brea4. tet; tail rut Ss2 6yth sb AuUHBauc 418-7 L Reward. LOST la Weodlawn diaOSct. block Peralaa eat. male: emwer to name Biuy Hoy. Reward. OaD Wood! awe 3187. $3 KEWARD for reuirn cf "blue silk embrjls taken I roan upwn-noni raooi Friday Broadwsy ii2e 1I8T A gold wri-t wmtrh. inliiah J, Libeml reward.. Aatomatie eio-tp. 6mH Hoatu 1551 LOST Albert diatfiet white eye; reward. Wd)i EtjNCH of keys and Williams. Call at morning near . a terrier. FOCsrt Pair of I din. 504 T after ees. Inuwre 712 Corbetl uld EDUCATIONAL 200 t. Winamp. r-. .f twti.iui win I Quarantine for the disease this morning port iai nignt wiui xne duik oi tne i nearly sutioaary dnring the next two or three was 6. The "number lsoiatea lor aipn aaj-s. except aa aitacted by the tide. theria was 25. while for scarlet fever there were 27 ft in i cargo. She will discbarge . a small amount on Puget sound and will return to Portland to load out for the regular run to Java, making Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hongkong and Java. AT WOEID'9 POETS San Francises. Feb. 11.-(I. N. S.) Arrived today: Steel Manner, Seattle. 1:40 a. m, Arctic. Bedondo, 4:40 a. m. : Humboldt. Los Angeles, 6:40 a. m. : Frank G. Drum. Astoria. a - ci . ; i x l i Aviauau - iv I SO a m WailwTnn airinsi T-25 a BUY TJ. 8. 5ATY FLAGSHIP Cenadiaan Inrentor. VancouTer. 7:45 aa. i m. ri ..i r I Astoria. Feb. 11. Sailed at 8 aw UJ L 11 . . I 1 Ml DCillUVI I . ' i - . - n-..i.i..'. t.v. t t -n. a, i steamer sssta Barbara tor saa Pedro, sauea uer ui uio x-ncii.iu oieaunsiiip company i Tie Urays Harbor. Saued at 10 :SO a. or stt nan omnM nee-ntlntlnnn Tnr I steamer t'arsue lor Hen rearex .v. i . v i . i saa rrsnci5eo. eo. lu. sauea at noon oi me Auantic neet. lie na aireaay at noon stamer Jobsn Pouben for tolum- TELEPHONE CABLE SHIPMENTS HERE; " nwun iiua swaasisa,- SI .SO. Mattresses mads ever. Feather R a novated, til KINDS flEIV MATTRESSES far SALS FLUFF RU08 wonan from eld carpsta. Furniture upholttered ana repaired. PI ON EC St MATTRESS A CARPET a CLEANINQ WORKS 1071 ft. Llneeln St. Art. S7-07 FOTB WXKET TBAUnSO 7818 Vim haee hnndrads ef' snduaies aar sneea fully encaged ta the Auto, Tractor. BaUsry and the Anto eleetrieal basiDesa We eaa assist roe tn md nnairifm. ton. We eras rea a foer weeks' FEES TBIAL ne money la adranca. The trial ahhgatea yoa in eo way. It sifords yQ an azceUent epperramty ta sise an our scbool and teat yoar goaiificationa to Ware saecbanical work. Full partacman la aw new l!S-pae ewteloa. Call or write for H today. Aak tor book So. 4 It's free. ADCOX AUTO ASD AVIATTOTS ni MUVJU VHIOS AVE. AND V7ASOO ST., Weodwn or Alberta Car. 84 aad Aldee. PAIXTING. aper baagtns and tuuing: prtoe eaevonable; worh guarsnteed. Shop 2 A ' Bawthome are. Tabor 1728 or Yahur 1J0. GAUlENLNO If n ta. lawn tereured. pranias di 140. AU work rnsmntend. wsat yawr ssrdra pt eali Tabar CAKPK.TE& W.4V. 15 year aspwrlenoa fr aaeat. nee w sua contracts: Butt aaXv I oe fiaVr lot, make tnwiher bill, ete. V-t. 4-qrraL CARPIIXTEK aad coe tractor, rejair eork, fi- raawa swan. happ. Stl 4 Lat aL St Handy . - CgMEKT wOUK -Ssttatscttoa Wo-lian runmteed. AYAXTki eaapoc4a by eouLoaeC Ca4 mi. tu any ume after e p. sa. M ILL die- yoar baaassrnt by any wr eoeuwet. ut 1 & 17 rrenln. Mr. ImL WAXTtl Work of any kind lor 8 to trwca, SuUon. W'eodlewn SulA - - PArEHUANGLNO. j-'f-g. lim'rt 1st elesa work, teat 7ktA tenirset er any wort. Ant. S33-S&. PAINTLNii. taacnos. UiiUbc eaaaaei werk s atwT e-jira wore rnarseiean. Amu ail -tit UAklAVcH'ii rVmrs bj day at tjaukl. Etl rnrea. 14 Hadney ir Woodlawn S2. illlXtfLEB Any kind or aningUG 4ava bj X-l merhsne. Phnrte Earn 1201. CAaPLNTEK and rantrsrtor. yeeetae. eeylhias m e vnur.'Tt nne rhpne Kaet tri)S. - jCONCBKTK pwenng ml maensaw T even mr fel Pn 14 SO, after 4 fx sa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Z3 S I V.W4 'II I 1 , i ., Mill wants owueeiaajuM. waslunj ee eur work. 80S. Goad wot sea ran teed. Wowdiewa cleaning 40e ner hoar. between 6 and 7. Alberts dutrirt. Wowdlasa itll TOL'NGUdy wishes position oe P. i. X. Three yearn experience. Would like ealirf work. Ant- 442 OS. Peggy Ho. WOMAN bmaaswerk br day er soar. Ante. 2 8 lirDIilJCAGED lady widower's borne. T-l h. Jonreal. ALL-BO (.'NO ieniur and furnace aaaja. fm ciaea. wanto Poeitxin. Bdwy. 410. EXl'fcMlEXCEii wwnao wanes werk by day er hour. Phone Marshall 1204. ha memhera of tha American Pnltnn n. chanse, bucketed orders by "crossing comerrea witn navy aepartment omclals' Ll,"TTr . .. - ... . . . hi . i jt . t . t i ri: aaies are unaeratooa to oe the basis or, '""" iuo- Ncrwiaa motorship Tosoa from Antwerp to complaint on which the affairs of theiuav. Portland. Sailed British steamer City of Lin The Columbia was formerly the Great coin tor Paget sound ana Portland. ... . , . Astoria. Kto. 10. Sailed at 6:10 9. ra. "ur"u,rn Z?a.. .Tw DI? ol ln" steamer SanUsm for Saa Fedro. Sailed at iNorrnern t-acinc. wmcn was aestroyea I T-.15 p. ox. steamer Rose .City for Ban Fran- by fire Wednesday. .The Northern Pa- I esse, WAshlnjrtoo, Feb. U. (TJ. P.) Sale ca 75 wodn hulls on the Psclflo coast to Kohert J. McQahle, Kan Francisco, probably will be authorised late today hy the United Mates shipping board, it was learned. Mcdahla Is said to be actinc foi a group of Pactfio coast shipping men. The hulls were sold at suction and Me- uahle's bid, flven aa "somewhat under lljO.000," was the h If beat. Commercial Body At Pendleton Has Named Executives fendleton. Feb. 11. Louis C. Scharpf was elected president and Fred Earl vlro president of the Tendleton Com mercial association at the annual elec tion. George Ilartman. w. It Bennett. K. B. Aldrlch. Lester Hamley, Charles Mono. j. r. Raley, j. g. Johns, L. L. Itosers snd 8. R, Thompson led the field of 21 nominees tor the board of . managers and were elected In the order named. The retiring ooard of managers consisted or u C Svharpf. Georre Hart- man. Robert Kim peon, Joxeph Tallman. Harry I Kuck. E. B, Aldrlch. Charles Bond. David H. Nelson. Ray Raley, Pat Lonergan ana c. L Barr. secretary. Oregon will give herself better adver- . tlrlns and at a lower cost with a direct. oenent to everyone in the state by reduction In state taxes than by any other method. Charles E. Hall of Marsh. .field, told members of she association at exchange, an Incorporated concern, are being Investlfta ed. A. YV. Graham president of the ex change. Issued a statement Friday, deny ing uiat mere was basts for this accusa tion, declaring that the exchange ia con ducted alonit the same lines aa the larger exchanges, and that members are bound by rules as strict as In any similar crranlzatlon. If any broker were found guilty of bucketing or "crossing his or- GONDUITSRUSHED ders." he would be disciplined, he do- learner as large and as speedy. With the arrival of large shipments Arrived at 8:80 and left uo at 9 40 1 of telephone cable from Eastern manu- cific had Just been Purchased by thelB ,uin CMcMl bam BostoB and Ne,r facturing plants.! work is being pushed Alexander Interests from the shipping Pedro, Feb. 10. Sailed steamer Admlf complete the fcWJMJP, board for $1,000,000. When apprised rsl Erans from Portland for San lhego. Bailed m ia uie , X tj" ,,t tv. a i..j nT,o t 'teamer Lewis Lnokeobach from New York I Includes Irvington, Alameda, Beaumont of the loss, Mr. Alexander announced I .A , o.n Fnnnw .nd Port-1 L- i J! r,Ji, that he would make every effort to have land. Sailed steamer Edgar F. Luckenbaoh I f' t- rriViai. Wt Tr, the Northern Pacific replaced by a clared. The grand Jury investigation may con duct its Inquiry for a month. It w stated at the office's of the district at torney. Principals Adopt New Educational Measures at IVteet A state-wide measure which will re place the local teachers' retirement fund, and which will provide a small stipend for those who have served the state tn a teaching capacity for a period of years, was presented to the Principals' association this morning by William F. Woodward, school director, as one of the educational measures which he will strive to put through the legislature should he be elected. The- measure was unanimously adopted by the principals as well aa four other educations! meas ures which' Woodward likewise set forth. , The Retirement association a year ago was found to be tn a bad way fi nancially and? an expert, accountant who examined the books found it to be fac- v . , -, ,u..j.. . . i steamer iwui ummncu irom w iut of the loss, Mr. Alexander announced wA - ports for San Franawo and Port- froni pS forNew York nouncement today by officials of the Timna. FVh. 10. Arrived steamer Mann-1 facuic xeieDnone ei i-eiegrnuii vumiMaiiy. lani from Astoria for Honolulu. . I The Garfield office dhderground cable vanoourer. r eo. 10. Arnrea aseamer an-1 ,m a.. r .u mmt nm. sonan from New York and way port, for Port-1 "B,,r I: .7- .T eVaVe i i i urenenBive in tiie uauuu, wnw aa,ii.w San EHeso. Fab. 10. Arared steamer A ami- miles OI CADie win oe piacea ra uie ral Brans trom i-oruana. I conduit, stretching to me norm, souui anararer. eeo. i i. Amreo a nioasri. i . . . nfw hulldlns at 8 a. m. A rnrea reb. 10 UI . . . " r Lobo. from Lobitaa. 5 p. m: Memnon, fnin East ITrenty-lourm ana Bianion bitw The- Columbia is at present engaged in maneuvers in Guantanamo bay, Cuba, i SHIP SUBSIDY PROPOSAL GETS" ATTESTIOX OF PRESIDENT Washington, Feb. 11. (U. P.) Presl- front Seattle, . . . . . . ..ei i aTaa-kfa. 1 mrrt i anrtt Lamm a a. su. scumuu. -iruii oent rtaroing turnea jus aittenuon to tne porti j p. . SaUed Makurs. for Sydney, The Garfield office ffistrlct entails a mn uira iireiww. .,, iwiuius w p. m. . total exDendlture of 11,000,000. of which -tacoma, r eo. i. ro oeuna EflA " Mo mnlata i I S,UWV WU1 rvj iitjvvuotw j w '- -' lone QnfrF-nt with Chftirrriari L.aakt?r . . . . . . . I fretm flakstrlah 1 A -at K Wk tM or me ur.uea states snipping Doara. wno "".--"r- fL;" ,v rn, ih ..nn,! cable svatem. The net- to a minimum tne overhead wtrett and provide recently completed an extensive study tetuen. for Sea Pedro,' 8 a. m. Arrired Men-1 work wiu reduce Of the merchant marine situation. Chester Spinner, from San Francisco, 10 a. m. I f. nverlii jnarainit wm auaress coneTess on tne i i ...i. Inir nAnknintr-v enil tjv1arav 1r witiM tr!riJSV.Jl9AWam9ai,Ai-'Svnr xlBt undr ,U Pws'nt form of il rr .h.!,n ler the due. would tlv. for their determined stand against, hftv. , k. tnmmmA .v. , r. the proposed 125 exposition finance tax. Hall la a candidate for governor and pointed to his record In the Oregon state senate as indicative of the course he " will pursue In the state executive's chair. If elected. Boy With Match : Starts $500,000 San Francisco Fire an Francisco. Fvb. II. Loss esti mated between 1 410, 000 and t MM). 000 was caueed by a stubborn fire at 713 Mission street today which endangered for a time the lives of fOO employes of the Thomas Day mmpany, manufacturers of electrical supplies. Three alarms were sounded, and five firemen overcome' by smoke were -removed to hospitals. Dense clouds of smoke soured from the building and drove back the big crowd which gath- It was sold to have beetl started when a lad empujd by the company exam ined a can of lacquer with a match. He was severely burned. Five Serving Time For Theft of Coal Pasco. Wash.. Feb. 11 After an sb- trnce of two year! Don Francis is again n Jail serving five days In lieu ot a fins of tU and cons: wag charred with Stealing Northern Pacific coaL Jim Hmlih. after a week xf freedom returned frr another it days on a similar charge. Klvs of the 10 prisoners In Ih county JU are senrtng time rar stealing ooaL XOWFAtL AT ALVAXT . Albany. Or.. Feb. 11 Albany people looked out this morning upon one and n half Inches nf snow that bad fallen during th, night. The temperature, however, did not drop below )1 degrees atwv sera, and tha snow was melting ahia morning - 4 decreased. k-Oiher measures were the removal of property tax qualifications for school elections, holding school elections coin cident with general elections, extension of term of office of school directors to correspond with other county of ficers and the state distribution of text books for public elementary schools. Pendleton Police Cry for Tear Bombs Pendleton. Feb. 1L Not that the town Is remarkably bad or that an uncommon number of outlaws live here, aa some people of the state Insist, but because the step would be a good one for any city to take, the local police force Is considering making application to the city council for the purchase of tear gas grenades. Chief of Folic Taylor be lieves that to have a few of the water producers ort hand would be an excel lent thing. He has not decided whether he will recommend purchase of the gren- aaea or not. ne said. Prohibition Agent Seizes Locomotive Spokane. Wash., Feb. 11. An electric engine pulling a Spokane Eastern Rail. way 4k Power company frelaht train, came from Colfax, charred for Federal Prohibition Agent H. a McClurs of Spo kane, with poetwsslon ef five cases ef Canadian liquor. It was seised one mile nortn of Colfax and the liquor was found ia the tftotormaaw seat box. Nobody was arrestee. TAXCfJCTKR XABBIAGK LICENSES Vancouver. Wash.. Feb. lL The fol lowing marriage ! licenses were issued Friday : Kdward 1 R. Goodwin, 10, and Elsie K. Tipp, 24, Portland ; Bruce L. Baxter. 51, and Ines M. Graham, 23, Pwrtland ; FVoyd White. Is, auid Blanche VI organ. 18, Portland. enhalrtv nnaatlnn ehniir 1arr-h 1 tt Indicated following the conference. AI- thniifi-h tha, euheiriv' ramrf has Vwen in Praolilnnl Ha rHIns', hanili nnl- thfaa I Lieroisy ........... inn . ..... " vv TkH. Win Nn B..Kabe weeks, he has been unable to give It (y,n Harbor mucn attention because ot armament Tjiieboet ...... conference business. He Indicated to JfffJ. H?jfJ v ' Chairman Lasker today, however, that OeSoV. .TTT . '. from now on the merchant marine ques- ArisonaV ". '. I . tion will be given first attention. Sev- Kosen Mara .... entl conferences with Lasker and ship- weHNomtaAam' ping ooavru raemoera wui on duu ucjli j ArableQ week. I City of lineols.. Admiral Ktdmaa FOBEIOlf TRADE DEPARTMENT PhlladelDhia . .. . .Saa Fran.. . . . . . . Sao Pedro. . . . . . .Saa Fran. . . . . . . .San Fran.. . . ....New York... . .Aberdeen . . . . . .Yaneonrer .. . . . .Shanghai . . . . . . . Kobe ...... ....Seattle . ...S. F. at way. ItUwtCIUsUB e future service relief ror this rapidly growing residential section. tin . I V, Mnnfha anma meflRtllTA nf I If 11U111 M. ...... WW w ...w ' tme. I , 1, i .hl.b- fhA ittr1pt h." n when a oortion of the cable network will . . .Feb. 18 be connected for terforary service from il the "C" automatic ntrice. Further re- Feb. 11 lief will be afforded; later through plans Feb. 14 now being worked out. The largest cable manufactured, from t!r il 900 to 1200 pairs in size, is being laid Feel 14 ln the district. This cable Is being .Feb. 14 I placed In conduits stretching to the east i-Iir il I along Stanton street, to nasi revenue ui Bireet, tu VIMS wrasfc wua, to Union avenue, . with a branch south SPECIAL NOTICES 101 ACTOMOBILE BANiaUPI SALE The undeniyoed wi'J sell, st 10 o'clock hi the forenoon, on Kebraary 20. 1022. at Ia Graodtf. Or., to the highest aeeepted bid for cash, all the remaining stock, fixtures, parte accesaoriea. office fixtures, etc., ss shown by the in ten ton of same, belonging to the bankrupt aetata of the Inland Motor pomnani Maid nranertT is located at La Grande, Or., snd s branch pUce ox ovsinem at enterprise. Ur. An inventory and inspection of all said - property can be seen snd atsde at places of business of - said company, st La Grande snd Enterprise, Or., by applying to the undersigned TERMS OF SUCH SALE An fntjiTMlina- nrmr,a . 11 uml sddress ot the onderaianed at La Grande. Or.. a sealed bid, for. either the aeparsts property at euner tunterprue or la urande. or., or the entire property at both places, to be received not later tbaa 10 o'clock in the forenooa of February 20, 1922. accompanied by a certified check of not lees than 10 ner cent of anch bid. payable to the order of tha . underlie ned. the amount of rach check to be applied on purchase price of bid. u accepted, and forfeited to the estate of said eomoaiiT. if the bidder fails to comply with terma of sale, on demand. ii bid is sot aeeepted. check to be returned to bidder. It is a part ot the conditions of sny bid- that the successful bid shall be credited with the SDoraued ralne of any item or items named in said inventory, that may hare been disposed of prior to date ot acceptance ot bio. Undersigned reserves the right to reject any and aU bida and tha aeeeotanee of ens bid shall be subject to approval of creditors, and costirmation of sale by reterea. Us ted at IA Grande, Or.. January SO, 1SZZ. H. A. BOOMER, Trustee Bankrupt Batata Inland Motor Com pany, s prirste corporation. SEALED bids will be' received at the office of the underauned una! 7 :3tl p. m.. weanes- day, February 15, 1922, for 2300 school desks. Bids to be opened st the board meeting. 304 rtnn rthnns. at tha timei Specifications may be obtained at the oniee of the superintendent of properties, old Failing school, city. A certified check for SZUO matt sccompanj each DroDoeaL The board reserrta the right' to reject any or aB bids, waive irregularities or divide the award. A. U. ltlUMAO, School Clerk and Busineaa Manaiwr. Da. tad February 10. 1922 . . .Feb. 14 . . .Feb. 15 Nsnrderdlfk ,- t rimvo . ......... uimiub ISSUES LETTEB OS SHIPMENTS Benowa . San Fran. ...... Feb. 1 5 wnth to Tillamook, street, to the Frank Ira White manasrer of the for- I Botariaa ........... Boenos Aires . . . lab. 1 S ,j. rranv.fniHh atrpt to . ' " . - 1 Hattl hk It I itut LU .oiuiifi t.-j -.ww. - . eign trade department of the Chamber I 2"?" 'f! ' ' ' ' .' ' ' :' ' K? tftiiiniraworth avenue, and to the Bouth of Commerce, has Issued the following 1 Bands! Mare .......Kobe .Feb. 15 i nionr Twenty-fourth to Clackamas lfr ICO ,ntv vriraoa , ,,re, in late Ia ctaamahln' rrtmnenlAat nnrl nriAr- I Delco New Orleans ...Feb. If jt Ohteaa New. York. .... .Feb. IS AdtnlriPEvsas S. Diego ft street. in parcel lots in off shore business: 'Steamship companies and operators Yinita lewis Lnckenbnch Willamette Pacific Highway in Siskiyous Blocked way. .Feb. It OV. a. -1 Sa. a. a ak . .nuismnai . .... .1 rH. An . ..New York Feb. If are hereby requested to tke delivery of '"Sor : : ! t S", 'York'.:: ::: 17 parcel iota or nour ana grain at pile on i Egypt Mara Maroran municipal docks and at other docks at tarfine Sa Fran..., Portland, Or., to which vessel moves for wnrvST " New York grain ln off-shore business. Pile or place I Wed I-nckenhaeh ....New Orleans . Steel Exporter ew ii... tanceeof ship, tackle. ItnroW -! ! : I : ! : "yoa":' 'This reauest is transmitted by order 1 Tike Man Marorts of the managing committee of the for-i Eldorado ...........New Orleaaa. elgn trade department of the Portland I mJtamJ i.' " 'n'ussil 'rrnm Ferttand Chamber of Commerce and compliance 1 Ysssete Foe with trie eame in airnaatlv rtelrat M I Senator A. D. way., mi71r"" V" - ir ii I win i rjoaaible to shin cars from Asn- mmr I UJIM eKV ......... .v T"U. . i ' : naitBiBoal nusaas taiOS lkn Um Ssn Pedro. . Feb. 13 I land to Redding. holds A.a XI A 1. COS YE TIO I nty of vietona. . . . . . unest ....... .Feb. iz The Pacific North wnst Waferfmnt I Davenport ...ssb Fedro yb. 13 Employers' union met in annual conven- ElZzZZ .!!!!! torlmt '!!!!! vCS" tion at 10:30 this morning at the Mult-l HMnan Msra ....... Orient ....... Feb. nomah hotel. Delegates from Astoria, 1 Admiral Bodman ....s. r. way.. Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, SeatUe " """.'.. West Ooaat " and Tacoma met with Portland mem- j ponnra .""." On. Amertea'. bers. each city sending two delegates. ITjOeboet . ...... r. .Orient ..... , ReporU of the union's work during 1 im?B,,U i fcili -. the last year were read, and labor, ef- VhtTS' ! I ! I ! ."oSST .l": nciency ara wage oonuiuoas were dis- I Delce ew Urieens . cussed. The, second gathering was aiRosan Mara ....... .rtpaa 1 .n at tha, H4,.Uw..V I .-racnuj .. ..Feb. IT ..Feb. IS ..Feb. IS .Feb. 1 ..Feb. IS j Th, Oregon Tourist and Information jo I bureau with offices ln the Oregon ouua ! iFeb! SS tne today received advices that the Pa cific highway at Shasta Summit In the 52 Riskfvou mountains is blocked to travel I for sometime. AutomobiUsU intending Date. I sminsr to California, are cautioned that "ir!!-Hi tbey may encounter serious delays. It . , . Sss Pedro. . . .Sea Frsn.. . . .Australia Goethals May Reach '. !Feb! 16 Portland Wednesday .Feb. is l , IrVhliT General George W. Goethals of Pan - Jb. 17 ama canal fame, who has been in Waslj- Feb; 17 ingto" for 10 days making a survey of ; Feb. 17 the Columbia basin Irrigation project, .Feb. IT will arrive in Portland Wednesday or '52k iS Thursday, en route to California, ac- .Fab. is! cordlnar to advice received by W. D, NOTICE is hereby gives that there will be held a anecial stockholders' meeting of ALASKA FISH SALTING at BY-PRODUCTS CO., at its office. 602 Concord building, earner stare ana FWnnd atresia. Portland. Oreson. at the ka of 10 o dock, on Tuesday, irebruary zs. i", to eonsidsr the propositton recommeaoea ay tne board of directors to dispose ot us property, lkruidate the affairs of tha company and diasolre the corporation. By order of the board of directors. Dated February 8, 1922. ANNA M DTVEN. Secretary. 1 WILL not be responsible for sny Mil contracted by my wife, Marssret U Stiinrjelhouta, aiter Feb. 4. 192'.'. (Signed) H. A BhippbihouuS. MSN WANTED Lawra automobile brtness asd fit yoerselt for a good cb. Thousands of oooortnaiUes for the trained mae. The KKHl Hli 1. Auto arhoota. estab'ufced ia 14 different eitiea offer the foi-k-wtng trades to smbitbnis men: Auto and Trac tors mechanic,- tire vulcaniaina snd rVpainas, Wttery. ignition and electrical -mtwen, oiy-cate-true welding. Lowest tuition fees. Ufa mesBber ahip. Our free employment effiea helps yb te a good pasirinn. loa ewe It to yourself -to tar vertigsle. Write or call for tnlorsastloa tar HAair-HILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCUOOLS TvT auwtnoroa avenue, roruana. DRESSMAKING 25t THAT CHANCB FOR PBO'KOTION IS JCST AHEAD- ARE YOn fitaul FVB IT WHEN IT COMES day or night school hsa bees the stepping stone for thousands. Why not yont Phone Main 690. POSITION FOR EACH GRADE ATE ALISKY BLDG . 8D AND MORRISON MOIJER BARBER COLLEUE will tsacb yoa tha trade fa 8 weeks: receive same pay while learning; positions secured. Oregon ex-service men receiva state aid. write er.eaU for eata- Kme. 284 Bnrnside st.. MEN. women, learn barber trade; wages while learning. Oregon Barber College. 2SS Mad LEARS TELEGRAPHY v Ra&way Tdegraph Institute, 434 Railway Ez change bldg. Dey and night dasees. THE Peaeley Studio Retouching SchceL Thasough iwtroct. in trteory snd techniqne. 407 Motnaou. HELP WANTED MALE 201 MARE WON EI Br sellina oar aurert nor a - There is an active demand. Quality ef ear stock unexcelled and prices aa low aa possible. Juality considered. Commissions paid weekly, a agent's outfit is ready for you. Write to day. Salem Nursery Co.. 428 Oregon bldg. c-ajrm, ur. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, enner sex. mar ears $100 to 200 monthly eoiTespondlng for aswspspers: la ta SIS per column; all or spare ume; experience unnecesasry; bo eaovaasii Send for particular. National Press Bureau, Motialo, H. i. EXPERIENCED pruaer. board and room and 42 per day to eaashla man. Give reference and expeneace by letter. All work on prune trees. Only workers need apply. C. H. Hoyt, Jeffer son, vrre. JULE'S Will make sour frocks, a-oane seat m f sD ocraaiona and also ia reaaodeling at nania able pncea 411 Artwans Bldg. Fhoae Bdwy. StOS. -Broadwsy and Oak St. sui.atKiiictii.vta wmte. ne per yard strsi iseiiiLni.m wniia. ne per yard atrsutbt, until Feb. IS. Button Pksitane Hhaat Aoa Royal bldg. SPECUL this weea, from t up. to ardar oae-niese 1S llth. HEMSTITCHING 7c, Shop. 717 Broadwsy bldg. cotton or aiik. . Ideal MISSES pncea reonable. uiu, coata end gownai Tabor 1I. ' SEWING by dsy or hour at roar sole. Its Hoy, or call Mar. SS41 NURSES 257 FOR EXPERIENCED KCRSB esll Msia 1 072. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 200 CALL st T. M. C A to see tree list at asoderste priced rooms for rouna seen in all taute aat tiia , eity, including moms at the Central X. M. C A, with telephone in aatA ream, sbawst baths ani cluft facilities. HOTEL NETHEBLAND8. 12s Ills, at WmTK- ington Brick atractma. irniia tiui' busineas and social activities; respectable; apev iaroae-; was; (1 a day wp( with private e nsy. Hotel Medford 120 K 4 th St. f nraar Gla Two blocks from Depot 7oe sad an. ee e wees np. on gnq ewa water ta race n RECTOR lloTKL North Broadway,- at Ankeay. modera rtassas. Private baths, Tale locks. Ii per week up. II per dsy. 50c Day, S20 Week Up faath trmm ae - - -S Pti Osddate, 8d aear Jefferson. ' WASHINGTON HOTiL I2TH AND WASL'tMCvToN STS. annroiv rooms . east swaaea at rate by week or month. BROADWAY HOTEL BROADWAY AND BURN SIKH per week pp. Pnrste hath t up. Free phona. TWO men or busoinem women wba vao breaA fast and lerga bested room aylioialac hath, basse privilege of piano, library, phone, Isundry, near car, Portland Heights. Marshall 178 . WE DESIRE five, Isay solicitors to sell a sew household aommodity. excellent opportunity. dignified work, liberal eoanpeuaatioa. Apply mil morgan utas. ii WOOD" CUTTERS ; large job; everything fur- nuhed: good timber ;lose in. Must have 180 eaah each to finance self first month.. Apply 26S 8d St.. 9 to 12 a. m. . WANTED Man with heavy auto tor field work. Automobile- accessories. Good money ta the man that ess deliver the -woods. 200 Front at. HOTEL HARRISON Oeaa farnisluS room-. I eek. IS, te see yer night; stjry bnrk bunding. 408 Front. LARUE front bedroom with closet, bant, beLU. phone. SS per week; 1 Mork MJasasripwi eer. 12 minntaa to bneineas center: nanr JeffctMa high. Woodlawn 4175. astieewn BUSINESS PERSONALS EMBLEM JEWELRY a steeialty. buttons, pins. charms. Jsesrr Bros., 181-13S tn et. CARDS 6F THANKS WE WISH to thank our kind friends and neigh bor for - their assistance and Vfaotiful floral offerings during the long i linen snd death of our beloved husband and father. Margaret D. Eitt ner. Francis J. Kittner Jr. DEATH NOTICES 103 FUNERAL NOTICES 104 TRACEX la this city, February 9, Jack Tracey, aged 40 years, bekrred brother of Harry Tracey of Portland. Funeral ssrrieea will be held Monday. February 13. Rem sins at tha residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 TWO caavaasers wanted; auto furnished. Grand are. 110 AGENTS wanted lor famous tares ta boo ahop- ping bats. - 402 hwv t land bldg. WANTED At cuce. 3 men to team vulcanising - aad retreading. 482 Hawthorne. EXPERIENCED solicitors, with s car. for ciean- 71 ing and dyeing. Appi y VriUlams see. OUNG man helper on msi building. 2&c per hour. U-110. Journal, HEADQUARTERS tor cooks sod kitchen nea 48 H N. 2d. Broadwsy 28X9 HELP WArmi FEMALr. 204 THE WOMEN S Protective Diviaiou. city of Portland, offers its - services tn sll matters pertaining to the welfare aad protection of women and girls; interviews eeaftacstiaL 114 Worcestev bid.. Id and Oak ata, Fboa Mais 8522. vV ANTED A houiekeoaver. a lady ef about die age, widow preferred, Bust be of good character and able to furnish satisfactory ref erences; otheta please do sot answer. Add raw FX-69, JoumsL tttuh,uM ii 1.A u v I orraeruijs .... , hotel. Another business session is set 1 nm 'ttninh for 2 d. m. this aftprnnnn Jamaa Met I Yoshida Mara Mo. S Wood wiU speak on -Industrial Insur-1 Um;-k-;,::::.$ -J?J?!J,flC w I atandsl afere ..-..-, Orient rts. 11 i "l . r. o, .o w. u. uawson oz Seattle. Dresident of I vaaaats ra Berta Portland Fkrar MUb West port Weatport th nnlnn nraslrlen at the mnmln aaa. sion and luncheon. Other nffier aras. 1 A0 ?m wwv tics f-rrsiuenia nsini si v an- I Baniikra . . . . , couver. B. C. Cartwrtght of Portland, j Clyde Mam . . Harvey w eua or Tacoma. ana Kansome i i.'r MU of Astoria. W. D. Wells of Portland j MatnewV scten ss wevreiiary, i Eeetera sailor Heinan Mara OCEAX GEAI3T KATES QTJIET 1 ihn w- w,a" New York, Feb. IL (I. N. S.) Ocean rit". arratln rates are onieL The ITnited Klne- 1 Raknyn Msra . dona Is unsettled, rates to the continent j SJS9 V.V.V.V.V.V.7!eort are linn sua s iilcui auvnnuc TO tne I ThisUa ...................... Kan Osk St. Maditerranean . Ouotatlona are - Ham. 1 Tauroahima Mars ........... .Terminal N?t 4 v- mj, r-n 1TH1IA- Ti-.. . . 1 lnouiau nan-en ion savsata sns-asaA wtutvia. q,v w. av airs.w3 Al I antic ranee, 15e; Mediterranean, 2:e; Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 18c BUILDING PERMITS Mile T. Starri ereet residence. 2017 Mtrrison, between E. 80th aad E. 81st ......... i praunil so o. e I . . . uw m-.n eeana Terminal no. 1 1 ':"i' . ... .. ' . . 8t: HeLSI8d at., between Faffing and Shaver; builder, . in.u.PmiM. i f. i. Katrm: I20OS .......... .Fwaiasuis Lb I T.H. Cowley, ereet' stores, 909 Preseott, Pacific Coast Blinker between 29th and SOth eta; builder, same; ...... .Teraainal Va liXISOO W. M. Becker, erect resfdenee, 530S Slat sr between SSd ave. and Foster road; builder. J. F. Stafford; 11S00. - C. F. WUllamotn, eeeet residenoe, 1275 Corbetl st. between Sweeney and Flcwer; builder, same;- $120. Okear Larson, erect residenoe, SIS Duukley. rf n 24th and seta sta.; nuiiaer. S4000. LIXCOESt FRIEND SPEAKS Vancouver, Waslu Feb. IL An ad &S9H THIRD a'wt "ALMOS . MAIM East Side , Funeral Director-. It "rtia 414 . AMer St. F. .C. pcSNiso, cro. SI Price" Fhone Bast 98. SNOOK Sl WHEALDON ruivEtt a t, DlK aXTORS SrCCEBSOal TO ' a, ZK A H NOer BatLMOXT k -" TAhOR ll LercEie Undertaker East aturrRTT-i avt MAWTaoaurs PkrOSBl EAST TSE Dunning Cl McEnted Herrloa St at Uth. Broadwsy 480. ' Ant. S49-SS. FINLEY'S MORTUARY urerioot ' lAna . erect resiaence, peg UOSTGCVhVLT AT FIFTH. KADI B. SOLICITOR to sell from bouse to have auality ' food product in and out of town. Good in come for competent worker. Give experience if aay, address and phone. K-19. Journal. - New Perkins Hotel vTaahrcgtoa aad Firth streets, ' Speeial permanent rates. hot Matthiesen Hntel Booms 80s Say up; SS week up: deaa, ntk,' t or cold wsier. stesm beat . 294 Col u mote. MOTEL ARTHUR IT9 llth St.. near Marraxm rkaa rooass by day, week or month; reasonable rates. THE BARTON Clean, furniibad roosns, t i0 par' week asd Bp; aioo hghf boswekeernng. 45S Alder at. , HOTEL TAIT ' Modem sundae rooms, elevator earvasa. Rates 5 wk. up. Centrally Inrstea. Uth and Stark. Xv1arAll Hesll 207 14th at. iiiuahui a aoAaa Taylor aad Salmoa. rnrmsaea aieerang rooms, bath, sta hot and cold water; 84 week and an. Hotel Helvetia 24S-348- Salmon St., Bear Third, rooms 75c up. Weekly ratea HOTEL OHIO. 268 Front, cor. fiOe up. 8 week ap; kk. rooms: hot aad cold water; steam neat; elevator eervast; ether era convenience. WASTED A girt or women capable of d&in( hoeriework on a farm; S children is family. Write if Interrrted to b . ?Cor. Or. WANTED EXPERIENCED lady who can operste a praea aiarhiae. Dye Works, 864 E. Osk. TTf 35 teach you to run your auto-knitter. Mrs. R. H- Hopkins. Qawega, Or. APPRENTICE wacted for eeaucy parlor work. 04 Kilrrs Bldg. GIRL to. de few hours light hosuework la ax rbsBge for musie tessons. Main 8018.. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT 206 Sargent Hotel lUwthorne and Grand. H. K. aad at soring rooms, hot snd com water, steam bstX. tIL, Hotel Ockley-, MorrfaKm at 10th. tl a dsy. weekly SS sad nf: free phone end bath; stesm Beet. " maiILtn hotll ' ' Cor. lTth and Coach. Large, well furnkhed. modern rooma, st reaeoneble rates.' S HEATED sleeping rooms. E. 2Sth at K. at Deris: bath, phone and hot water. Pbssvs Txt Te. bKN Ht R "Hotel '- S4T OAK ST. bet Broadway and Stark, data, eoaftTUble rooms, eteftrieity. Oentrai locaUaw. Mt'Ki.Y furniahed room, elaee ta; phonsv pieaty f best snd hnt water; $3-69 per weak and Hi ll W-rf Unrriann HA CLING eontracts with. purcUs'ing of. truck.,,T Pr,Tn a- tF'-!.-.-! -i' stand close inveetigstJon. SmaD. pkvment rZlZuZZZ. TT-."-.. down. BsJsnce easy terma See Mr. kill ten. vf wl Vl nom 430 Burn-ide. wet- tide. ; nt wtr in rooms. ' , sr i THE ST. PAI.i 180 4ta, one. Aadat. A EE- SPECTABLE eowatowa hotel. Rates Tee wn. Private bath 12. Speerrsl rates by week er sxrnh. SITUATIONS WANTEIj MALE 251 dress on the life of Uneom by Rev. 1 2- i4evssloidmB . Mam: , kcEXTEE a'eilek. rsmerai psior wraTa I Ktenhen Frieloa was A feattrr or thai 4T asaamw snswsrietaisaaM RAH V era -'-1 F'"?r a4 Kvavaa sta. luncheon of the - Rotary club FTiday. I tetweea Stantiv I'lls;"-ltnew, Lincoln intimately nen"nf; 2500, eswet. tesidancs, S08 E 69th st, Alameda; Banner, r. . Fbobj Broadway S12. - Aut tl 88. aUELEk ..TBACK. roewpeotkrat funeral eV ). nsctora Fanerala 7k sad Bp., Waaumgtoa at Mil et Hrwinwymsi sal Bt9-44, FLLMB1NO done very rsasocahie by the aaur or by the job ' Aat 288-51 CRM EN T work aateed.- have mixers: aood srork tRae Phone before I p. a Tsber 4 T s 1 B. B. EIXGWOOD BEBI6HB lefhe'rrtsmAtlorf 'oT rl"1rtJ0eiwI1i 1 1" HT Club Frtday. J letwees cntrTsnrr I ef the resignation of IL J. Rmrwood of 1 1 heir- i.wr Ti.t r.tiat-i .v. Rarmet- 12.100- eatUtumtntgcrof the perAtlng de U yonr man and heard one of Bteri;-' ?!?. . .aV '-rSLliV. "te" Hh Stephen A. Dou-las. Or. i'Vso ' ""'i'PT RVDVP4"y Residencb; LVt, hr. VJn id tewRU rare a brief txlk on ri tasd O. erert re-idence, 137I1 Z J Av? "S! LlSUMEST t rn7 iuua,. u cttecuve r eDmary j standardisation -t of hospitals, statirur R 44tb ak, between oiisaa and Hon: builder, r Zir ,"""", mrr- , y"w IS. Rinartrood left for the Coast last I th within t ..i.i e I B. B. Bramweil: ssooo. - A D 7li. r Miwatw .,..,-'k , , - .H-""""-.-.,-- , jauo. ..-. j-; . - ijUaswtT w Ume Third aad Uay. PAIKTLNO- Paperhaugmg sad tint i. A a la. S17-4S." TEAMING, grsdtag snd eacsvsting. CaS East . s . a.i w a.v - . S6S1. 4 8th, sear Hawthorne. FLASTEKINtl end chimney wtrrk. . Tboe 2!i8 16 E. 4th CESSPOOLS d-if and conoected ebeaper than - anywn-re ta the eity. Ant. 682-01. FOR etrs rating and general traraiag. Pause Co- CAIO'i.S Ne Kb too Urea -or too aaaUT- all wrrk guaranreed. Morn 4848. ' iCARl'tNTLtt work wanted, ink til ?L. LOVELY stesm heated roses, sleeptns porch ard bath; gx Urates. ST Lncreti sC Mais 442 wr aooe. PEASANT FROST ltiM. RKASOSABLS. "l BUX'ES BOSS ST. BBOADWAI BRIDGE. S2 ONE torse fnnt room, ouitaole f- ene er two. aaeo. with of without board. 114 17th st. 4 Cl-l-AN front fieeping room. CeJ Sunday or - evening. 103 w Hawthorne see. Apt, ft, -2 BOOMS, walking diatance, faraaoa ieat. Zbl N. tHlt' Main 4iTS. - - - 6LPLNi rooms for rest, corner of 10th. . i4 Isavlua mUi BOOMS in privaU (aoauj, rent reasonable. Ad-1 drees 80 koas st. Phone Earn 8. CnUawel ea follow. r-c PijaJ