TTIITCnAV T?t?T3T?TT A rv ' 3 1Q 13 v wara . a uwwu a, t s a v1 THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , OREGON. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 H AlHjl AKTKKK FOR HOXKS LARGEST HOME KEIXF.K IX AMERICA 12uw Photographs of Hmm Iw Hale. 7 hiiue nr.rKER.v kvkiit iiovk before t- yng offered for on r rrwiav level Inn. hu first been I'KRttONAIJ.Y INSPECTED AND appraised. - W safeguard your every! Interest nd put yon k Immediate teach with th horn that will best meat with yoar requirement. A few minute Mit fcs Lbtn modern day tight office win bccoui puh Mrt than week vt tinlm boppng. nmTirr. meni why sot enjot to th feUest advents the pwitiui nrivtlcjm which in granted) jnv ta VOI K LOAM en in and , setae your boa MOM I Jkiir lour loan later. 00 Ratrwnrn at Your Service. Opra Evenings I'ntll . ATTKXTIOV. RERVKfH W! " $;o WIWNI hkk this: 12890 $200 down to service men. homey tittle 4 room bungalow with built int. whit tniffH finish . just half block to car. 4Ui at. - HERE'S THE ONE! $I$i3 $280 down: Just acmes the Broadway bridge, on tancotiter arc. homey, rom , fortaM 4 ronm bunealow collage; wlnt najuel plumbing; electricity ; gas, ped t paid. UWN 1UIK.OWN JlUili. A REAR flf A BI T $102 EAST TKHM.H, uniis 4 room Mount rw-ott bungalow cottag with built-in bnf lot ami white enamel Imtrh kilrlien; hath: white enamel plumbing; gu chicken konw: garage; Foster roatl COMIC IN TODAY. FRANK lTmcQUIRB TO BUY TOUR HOME REALTOR Ablngtmi Itklf. Bdwy. 7171. Third Ht, bat. Vah (niton and Stark. NUTKJ Thar la an opening on our sale (orr for a I" mgn-ciaes wlraman with car. BARllAI.V t.V WEJiT UT. TABOR Strictly oaudern 0 room borno. newly painted Ad deevraten. lArv Urine r'K'in. firtrpiace, wooorilt. built In but let. Irene h doors, liard wood llonra, Imtrh kitchen in while, 3 lame bedroqma, iaree rlueeu, toil punel u'h r. mirror bnen clnwt, clothe chnte fine bathroom, np- atalra white enamei: full basement, funiare wah trmjrs, large front porcli. acreencd-in bark porrh, (ina rirw, garaee. A owaplete well built nutn that will bear rlowit Uiaiieeuon; lawn fruit, nwea. wV: All improvrmenta in and Paid: 1 blork to ear: 1 Mm K Murruon u &00; Uritii. K STKINMETZ. 406 Oar Unaer bli. Mam MIMI1 or Tabor 82 J4 ROSE CITY I'AHK IHSTRICT $4806--buya thia 6-room bunealow - home. ftt Imp. all in and paid; fireplace. I hitch kitrlirn, builtins. JSUO ca-ih and bonus loan will handle. Shown by appoint- nmt J. A. Wickman Co. llealtun. 261 Stark t Bily. 6794 I'AVEO 8TkKET. PAII loll, J" AMI i(Kl lXICATKl.N, ft AND feature this 6 room plastered house, witii full basrrurnt. Metro years old and hill It right Hunnrude district, close in. Prue taaOO. Can be handled with $200 cash aud I bonus. Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5054. MT. TABOR DISTRICT I32.MI S room bungalow, rery attractive, In good condition: fireplace, built-in bookcase and buffet. Imtrh kitchen: full basement; cor ner lot, with all improvement in and paid. DERH 4V IUWNKER. 1213 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245. ItOSB CITY $4700 650 CASH Brand new 5 room bungalow. 1 Vt blocks from R. V. car, that will pleas you, we know. Owner must hate some money and forced to sell. A colonial type and plenty of builtrins. Thia ptarw wtu co thia week, no why ntt be the on. yourself to huyr Call Bdwy. 7519 or ZI4-1T. ktcCARTY, MAXWELL DOWNKY. Room 1 . Rr. Exchange bldg. EX SERVICE MEN" We hare some rrul desirable modern bun (akrws ready for immediate occupancy: very , reasonable : term. ARE YOU GOING TO BL'ILDf Bee our plana and up-to-date ideas. We can help you finance. W. M CMBDENSTOCK CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. ROSE CITY PARk $365t $650 CASH Closai In, near Sandy, all improve mivnta in. oak floors, fireplace, com bination living room and diuine room. large bedroom, garage, cement an Te ar. Ainn jonnson, ruaitor, jui no. . iwu I'hnn. Hdwv. 87": evenings. F.aat 2961. AM ABSTRACT of title is not a guarantee of . . tin., it a history of-your title. A Title Insure nr. Policy Is a guarantee of your I title. Therefore, when you buy property . get a Tills Insurance rolcy. M abstract requireu. i Title Trust eompany. SI mi I'AHII WILL HANDLE room bunealow, on nice 7. "it too, good dis- k trlct, ewr In and paid. Pnc $3100. Johnson-Dodson Co. 8 N-W. Bank Nrtg Main 87S7. WESTMORELAND bargain; ail new attractive 4 Mora bungalow, fireplace oak neon, ouiivtns, -i mm fitnra. linoleum in bath and kitchen. full Immaiinl. laundry try. laree fruit cupboard. . earaee to match house, all Improvement paid. B owner, 1355 K. 19tn IV, ncr nynee ave, BEST" BUY ii foWN $2750 TTi I.IIH11IMI bv owner. 5 room bunealow; larva lot, close to H.Uwood car. Lou of fruit and berries. Bom term. Call at 581 South ROOMS $2600 20ft down and 820 a month wui secure this comfortable room dw.Uine. full lot berries I end fruit trees. W. M. I mbuenstock Co., 210 Oveenn bldg.. Bdwy. l3V Look hkiie. foi.ksi $$50fl 7 KIMIMS. MODERN. NEAR 18TII AND BELMONT: $1000 CASH 11 C. GOLDENBKRO. ABTNC.TON Bl Iwi BDWY 4903. 1 hKFi I Ut YOU BUILD Experienced arrhitectursl deucner (not a real astate asaa er contractor) will prepare your plana, specification., sstisaated cat and bill of sna lerlsl for resoffhle fw. WoodUwn 6388. BFHIND .wry policy of Tin. I Murine Is a resT aealast loa yet It w cheaper than the aepoatt with the tats ot urreon to protsn abstract Bi.thnrL TUl Tmt company. glHOtl 4 KtsiilS $l-00 llOO. .lertrirlty. ga. cement walks. rare, near car and .ehoot. ee.y terms. STOCK KXCH VS'GE mmi-wAtionKR i.. 8NA1V $500 CAMl 13600 IOOiIOO. 6a-ixwa Drat heme, near 74th and Kverett rwtwy. nui. O. C. OOMWNBK.RG. ABINGTON BLDG. J.'(.OOD 4 rooa home tn SHiwood. $1750 $500 east. Aire, house on Rex eve. $1800 $200 rasa. Cell Monday. Maia 938. Mr. Imatrsv " ROSE CITT new, m luun poniui", OH iivwr, miran, Tirepatee. morn awn, puui ui, pnmiiHi nwM. at tie. $4750. CaU Tabor bZTl. $500 Wiwdiawn district. 3 room modem anacaww ly Z rears old. fireplace. tnM wrsrifc i.iiv., i wni i . ,.. Good tervaa. Bmadway 6536 or East S59J eve When m ih tiu i Itnct ruticy. you do not seed aa abstract of title. One ore- I wires rya for sU time. Title Trust company. k-OR SALE (or rent) room modern bouM. 84 ueateno-in ave. fcasy terms; some trade. Fast 32w. WHEN yoa purchase your bom hate the tide fatmed. Oet a Title Lwira nee Policy. Tit! e TroH mmpany. IS ROOM Boose, comer lot 100x100. close in. Ideal lor spc., nannysvie am: $3750, $2250 cash. Scott It Berry. 1038 Relmrwit EVERY smrcaasrr bt real estate sneald aate his title tnaorrd. oetur a sale tbaa sscry. Title , j i . . .a .Art ""w. ?mmSm! .o,i' vfT-. i j. I 1 I CL08K yef real eataie oeat vntBout annoying No I aivtrwe reqnired. Title 4V Trent company' UT 1600 aoase. for qiack sale. $4900: $80olnen hldg. aowa. baL aontraot like nnai it awar. Tsrww $49$. W14 RAVB already eaaauaed the title to your ptwpem anal rea aavae row e Title lasaranct Tvry withesit dly Title At Trust eoameay -ROOM HOUSE. $8x100 lot, asar ear. good kvattlosk $500 faalt torau reaaonahW l. ewira 1490 K. Ank.ny rt TITLC Iruaraoee ste tiaa sna mane km. a aksuact reqsurwa. Title 4k Trust $1850 Ko.sK CITI PARK. DISTRICT 4 raava bunealow, 3 full lota, fruit chicken earnew. t. iia: termm. txiw aasai AMer. 4. East 1144.! f7t)M Imhm. k&. garden, orcnard. $$200; 1 lRjt. h.'Lwa. alt Sooet aeO dV-a. It. sauuUa, Aato. S10-1T. .'J utttJHtS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 HOMES FOR THR WORK INHUMAN $ 825 2S0 caata, $20 monthly, buy a I room eotuure in the Albert district, ground RoxIOO; en and gms bgtiu, patent toilet sink, city watw: S (Mar ine trait trees, (wad wnodahed, (mrac. f 0001 $150 rash, $20 atonthly. ban room hot bona, ceiled, am all cellar, electric tights, ground 184x116. 4 fruit trmt and aon berrie. $ 0 $50 down. $15 monthly, burs a-piece of f round 104x141, and a (Ubatxntiallr bailt 2 room rottacr, mr Conrtn atabnn. on Om Oregon City line : Thia ia in a nrw i4atbn and yon hare nvrrfront nhta ana prtrtieccs in coa nrrtKia with thia pUra. 1475 $100 cash. $15 monthly, buys a 4 room 2 atory bouae. has patent toilet. aink, firrplae. eoncrrta floor aU over down ataira: doom omos pain tine and a littie work by Mr. Handyman; 1 block from. Woodstock cu, Ion t hesitate on thia. u it it dandy. Bee Mr. I ACT. with 732 nieunbr ot rmnmrpre. Rose City Park Laurelhurst - If yrjo're mine to bay In either of these dis trict, ct in toorhw1Ui oa Wi peciajize in the ale of property in Koae City Park and Laurel harat. Hare anld property there for years and are thoroughly familiar with Tatapn. U bKKVH K MUN INVESTIGATE UCB BOMS PLAN. A. C'TEZPE CO. ICEALTOCS JK INSnDXHCS NEW I NEW! ROSE CITT BUNGALOW S4S00TeriTiS 740 E. 67TU ST. X., R. C. CAR Just completed 6-room and lane sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, fall basement, breakfast nook, Imtrh kitchen, builtin china closets, etc : all double constructed, fine pmmmng and electric fixtures ; restricted district 1 ti blka. to Rose City car. See Uiis today from 1 tn 5. Deal direct with owner. Phone Wdin. 15n0. BITNGAUJW HOME ON ALAMEDA DRIVE $5000 Bonos loan and small amount, of cash will handle. 5 room and 'bath, strictly nvdrn, with hdwd. floors, furnace. fireilace, buffi-t, Iruteli kitchen, full cement baeinent. Will build saraffe if desired. New and neT-r occupied. Let US show yoll. J. A. Wickman Co. Realtors. 22 Stark t. Bdwy 6794 IRVINGTON HOME Quarter block of around, central entrance, old irory finUh. excellent condition, double garage. Price re duced for immediate sale. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER 1238 N. W. Bank Bklx. Main 1786. ' Acre6 Room House LITTLE FARM RIGHT IN THE CITY Nice, clean, well arranged 6 rooms and bath, gas and electricity; lots of fruit, lawn and roses scleral modern chicken houses and runs: 1 block ta car and paTrment; facea eat on good hard street: only $4200 for this dandy little home $1500 cash, easy termi on balance. JOHN F. ZI BER Tabor 7547. IRVINOTON HOME $8750 On E. 20th. near Klickiut, home of 7 rooms; also breakfast alcove: old ivory finish, hardwood floors first floor. French doors; garage, lovely yard with . mass of well-chosen shrubbery; all drapes included. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, Main 1786. l2 A. and New Bungalow Nearly H acre, new bunsnlow, 4 large rooms, belli room, concrete foundation, plaster finish. French doors and windows, beautiful gTove .native trtea. between Stark and GltLn streets. Just outside city with all city con veniences. A genuine bargain at $2100. Terms. S. P. Osbnm. 610 McKay bldg., 3d and 8tark. 4 "BUILT TO ENDCBE" $100 to $3000 INVESTIGATE Bigger, Better Houses for Lex. Honev. REDLMADE BIJVj rfl POHTIJXn. OR. Factory E. 11th and Market Phone East 5114. PRETTY GRAY SHINGLED BUN GALOW 5 nice rooms and large attic, with stairway. Newly calcinuned and in excellent condi tion: 1H blocks to car.. Lot 50x100. Price $2775 moderate cash payment Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. $3250 4 ROOMS Just enmDleted. cood sized livine and dinlne rooms, built in buffet all built ins in kitchen, breakfast nook, laundry trays in basement, gas uimace; rraaonaoie terms; tnia is on ntn st., first bouse north of HaLey, W. front W. M. Urnhdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bide. Bdwy. 1"5- 6 ROOMS S3500 Right on Ankeny cariine. comer E. 24 th st; needs coat of paint: otherwise eood condition. 3 nice bedrooms, big closet, good plumbing, easy rrrma. Sidney Q. Lathrop 411 A bins ton bldg. MAKE OFFER New, close-in Irvington bungalow. oik f lX with V 204 oak floors entire house, full basement rumacev draperies endrance cu house. Alvin Johnson. Realtor, 204 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 37; eve nings. East 2961. WANT A HOMET If tou do not have a lot let ns build for you on one of ours. Liberal financial assistance extended. Soldier's bonus may be applied. ROBNETT at atcClA.!;, nuiiaers 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574. 5 ROOMS ROSE CITY PARK Tinted walls, o.'d ivory woodwork, fireplace. builUna, hardwood floors, an electric nx- turev Price $4700. $800 casn. t N . near Broadway. 384 E. Sidney Q. 411 Abingtott bldg. VIew Home; west side Fifteen minutes to the center of the city. I BfsnUful home in s fine district Excellent con - dition Good value at $8500. Terms arranged. cad atr. Hue, witn J. II. HA1GHT. KIUA1.TOII. a .1 a noara 01 iraoe. nmaaway .hu I ONLY $20 uer mouth including interest, $1700, jv wui na.nuie; v ruum uuuuun . utu, lawn, roses, etc beuwood carune. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not sutler Im on account of th title to yonr real estate, vTrUrybuy re.l tau, eet a Title Insurance Pobcy. 'Nolmract required. TiU. Trust I company. NEW $4000 Net, modern bungalow on comer lot 50x100, I ps tmnnt disrrict. near carliae: reasonable terms. I n,. i u.' i i-n,kfi.ntnck fj, 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. 1658. ' N1VK wTan! Imrwm TreinetAn Vioibm fnr whicb I nwnr will vwiit un&Ilee hnmM in trale MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER I 1238 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1786. I ROSS CITY PARK 719 E, 59th N.. modern 6-room bunealow. hardwood floors. 3 fire- pi ace, steam heat 100x100 lot. lattice fence ahrnM-srv PtSn? tS2 t- jtuuuw iuw and earaee, trees 6611. 5 ROOMS. $3000 5 room mod. cottage, on 50x125 ft. lot: paved street, all paid. Close to Union ate.. Sivuu casD, R. J. HoGUIRE. 543 North Tnion Averroa. a, . , . ji ' . BARGAIN Cannot auk payments oa 5-room. ni -lain Hnnaa -wn staxl eli I aawi4 i il .i.Tl. TA.' 11 U contract eiieap. Sioo. Must seU this week. Call pbon Bdwy. 270, noon hour. Address 3531 HOUSE, six room, piaatered, oa busineaa lot "its. eVllaww-awtltaS stfwti TlrWk fYn KM tr Vras awwwMsjfl For sale cheap. Berry. 727 Chamber of Com- ur. icr k.,;i.i,. a ,. I iUm. ....i p... l em at son 2&0. Get our prices before yoo build. Low I pr. oe v uiiams ave. c-sea goa. 1 SEE rev new 5 room bunealow wuuW. ZZZZ way. Rose City district, , Bdwy. 654$. Mr. I Brand. 420 Henry Kdc ' TITl.B irarursnc is tn modera way f adlnu uues to real aetata.! uuacaex. easts ea ao abetrtet required. Title St Trust company. MOlkRN: 5-rooia eurutaiow and caraaa rwnl r. naiawia st 1 1001arav ri-r-n i.;.f nnr1t ea Tttt i. East 1144.! car, $750. $250 down, estket &. Am.m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Sunnyside Bungalow New. iOt rompteted.' It has S sleep ine room, fine fitinc room, beaatifiil Irutch kitrheu, large breakfaat Book, i modera bath, rlertrie hehta and ran. Cood enent baaemeflt. woodiift and laundry tray. It ia handy to Kurnywi rariine, titenco school end atom. Thia httls bunealow is doable constructed throughout and in saap for $4200 and the finest kind of terms can be bad. 1 not hesitate to come in or phone for sppointrnrnt to inspect thia beaotifol bunealow. Quirk ' posrssiun can be had. SEE E. W. Hughes DEALER IS REAL ESTATE -507 JOURNAL. BLIMi. MAIN 2858. Star Sales Service NEW ALAMEDA NEW Modern in every detail w7th exception ally large living room 13x34, beautifully finished in taper-try paper and old jTorj with a large fireplace and buffet. The kitchen could not be more complete with a conveniently arranged breakfast nook. Connected by a differently arranged hall from other houses and accessible- from all parts is a large bedroom, sun room and bath. Plumbing is of the best, construc tion the same, painting five-coat enamel work inside. This house is built by the day and there is no inflated values. Price $6500 is rock bottom. Let us prove ft STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., 512-13 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 5618. Bonus! Real Bargain, New 4-rm. nifty bungalow, double constructed. Full cement basement trays, hdw. floors, cabinet kicthen, bookcases, buffet, finished in ivory and tapestry. Paved st and sewer; 2 blocks car. APPLY YOUR BONUS. Marsh & McCabe Co. ' 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 6528. Evenings Tabor 436. Star Sales Service Snap. Snap! $3000 FURNISHED BARGAIN $3000 Modern 4 -room bungalow, double con structed, fine built-in Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, gas fumtce. laundry trays, full plumbing. A REAL BARGAIN. Furniture alone is worth $1000. Hurry if you want, a home at a bargain price. Near Brooklyn car shops. - STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO , 512-13 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 5618. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, MW, built for home, and the prettiest I little place in town, overlooking the Speedway and golf nnks, witn '-.ITl TVwi- . lirtai Wlth tJ1,e hghU twinkling over the city. Living room J x.v, wnti i ti rjiA. c uu , " - with larve dressing room. Lance bedroom with closet and lots of windows. In fact, as complete and artistic home as any bride could wish. Price $4200. Terms. Ralph Harris Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654, MONTAVILLA 4 room modern house, full cement base ment full plumbing, near car, $2200; $600 down, balance easy. 5 room modern bungalow in .fine condi tion, cement basement garage, cement run ways, extra large lot $3000; terms. This is a big value. Modern bungalow, 5 rooms on first floor, large dormers; can have 3 more rooms if desired; in first class condition, near car; 76th st, $3500; terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 Vi 4th. TURN IN YOUR LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT Owner will take lot in first-class district as first payment on new 4 -room bungalow in Windsor Heights. Large living room, dining room. 1 bedroom and kitchen. Fire place, garage, cement basement laundry trays, lots of buuuns. fsoou. call iir. Young. Otto & Harkson 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6389. ALAMEDA HOME Never been offered for sale before: central entrance; large living room, with stone fireplace, old Ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout; 75x100 grounds; lovely fixtures. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER 1238 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1786. HEART OF ROSE CITY. $500 CASH. ' 15A00 On 44th st. close to Sandy; extra fine 5 room bungalow, all hardwood floors, fire- pUce fcookcases, buffet Dutch kitchen, ! tuwlmron cement, basement With 2 nice airy bedrooms, cement basement with furnace balance like rent r-x-soioiers, see tuts. Free of all liens. Apply your bonus. It SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478. 320 U. S. National Bank Bldg. ALAMEDA $8500 Home of most unusual interior; 8 rooms. 2 fireplaces. Gasco furnace, old ivory finish, all hangings, awnings, lin oleums, gas range and finest carpets included in price. Fine garage and" lovely yard. Mrs. Harry Price Pal mer. Main 1786. 4 ROOM NEW HOUSE Strictly modern in Kenton district not far I frnm car. Lot 60I10O. Lots 01 trail trees. Must be seen to be appreciated. ao down, $27.50 a month, including interest 5 room house, all modem except bath. Ce- t .,-... Lot 60x125. in MonUvilla district near car. $300 down, balance easy I terms. LANGLOIS HAMEKXINCn.. 504 Buchanan bldg. ONLY $4300. by owner; new 1 hi tory. 5 room modera home, exceptionally large atoc. I n,ri rttttch k-itcben. verv best clumbine. full 1 baetnent built-in buffet and bookcases, ivory I enameled throughout; best hardware and light I fixture: 1 block north of "MY" canins. in 79th st N. for I amcl At least $750 unterpriced. i House is only one year oia. nice about $1450 cash and $50 per month. House is now rented for $63 per month. Be sure and have us show you una Bargain, xxrwy. 6536, or East 8592 evenings. NEAR UNIVERSITY PARK. 1 ... . nMUn A-1 condition, Z lots. choice fruit berries, no incumbrance. A good buy. $3325. $1000 cash, balance $25 month nd Interest Do not pa .it up. Wm. WUhng. 401 Panama Bldg- Bdwy. 7763. .,.ro Ti. m I IT l 43200 A ' fft noor? 3 romsT deeping porch second floor; bath, full basement garage, fruit berries. $500 down. CHARLES K. E KA- v. 420 Henry Wd(L Bdwy. 5549. WEST SIDE. NEAR 23D AND JOHNSON. Two bouses, rurni&neo. s ana rooms, re spectively, modern, good income property. In- testisate. -i.uwv. aww Sf Wm- WilHng. 401 Panama Bldg . Bdwy. 7i63. iisiii A mm bonae. firenlace. Karaite, wood- mUmA eitlckee. hansesk It- tj. Jr. : cozy noma. blocks school; bargain.' Bdwy. 7429. Bdwy. I 474 . tUO t room bungalow (new), Ilrepiace. ment oasement, unprovemeiue vu, $300 cash; terms. Lawson, Bdwy. i - Bdwy. 4794. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee of i title to your bobs, nan you imi rwu Bocae I tnatkle insured. Better be safe than sorry, I I . Title fc Trost CCTnrny. GOOD 5-room how, 2 biocks from cartine. food t..i4lwu4nnd C1475- 120ft Sowti. balanea eary. w. il, vmrMenaxoca at tvo., .iv ureseai ov u nine, bkle-. Bdwy. 1658, GET title insurance instead of an abstract I is quicker and cheaper nd you are absolutely I protected ejretnae error, nat itst. ctwrinenj, - i vx-rry. ne ft rnom modera kncalow. fur j nisbed or ururaished. in Hawthorn district. I is to r. srm. -i -- I FOR BALE, by owner, a 1 rocta hoOne, with I woodshed, city water, gas and toilet 845 K I Stafford st $1300. i eOlOOal fnnushed modem, berries, fruit, nearly and I acre. w u-uu. I ACREAGE 40S J. ACRE $400O 1 ATI cultivated. 5 room modera hiroo. I B. J. McGCTRE, 648 North Untos. Qosaia. 1 R J McGCTRE. 648 North Croon Ave. I S AClltS gardea iand. ana, close in. $3500. - 01.J JjtL, 6U-6S or write 8-788. Jatimai. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 S ACRES. mile from electric statics and echooL. near Oregon City: all under cultivation and eood soil. Laree bearinx orchard of over 146 trees, m best of con dition; berries and crapes. 4 room plas tered house with basement, eood chicken house. 25x60: barn 24x30. Buildings in eood shape. Price (36O0, $1400 cash. Well worth $4500. 10 acres. 12 mik-s from center of Port land; good macadam road in front and on side of property; mile to school; good loam soil : 2 acres under cultivation. . bal ance in brash pasture: all ran be farmed when cleared. Over 100 cords first growth fir wood; 2 room houe With water piped in. Price $2100; $500 cash; easy terms. Inspected by Newman. JOHN FERiiCSON. REALTOR, trealiiiger b!dc. .way Tervrilligcr driveway, 20 minutes from center of city, beyond Multnomah, fronting paved Capi tol hiehway. 6 acres. S2O0, or will sell 3 acres. Has wide road frontage. ;.rdpn soil, culti vated. See this bargain. Haas & Murphy, Mar. 3324, Fst 13fi4. NO. 7 5 acres close in. $2250. Can you beat tliisf 7 miles from court house, H mile from station; on good hith waj, near 82d st See this and youwill buy. Reasonable terms. See &r H. Schmidt INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751 REALTORS 410 Henry bldg. 2-ACRE TRACT $25 DOWN $13 PER MONTH Just the place for garden and chickens. No restrictions. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 6034. ON OREGON ELECTRIC NEAR RTAN OR MCLTNOMjLH STATION One acre, in cultivation, water, zas. rock road. Price $1100, $50 cash, $15 per month. Hall acre $550. J. L. HARTMAN CO. 8 Clamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. A TRACT of land larger than 7 city lots, fac ing Powell Valley road. $860: $85 cash. balance $16 per month. 2.27 acres, with 155 feet frontaee on Baker road, $87 5; $90 cash, easy terms on balance. it. H. CONFKKT. KE.ILTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Acres Fronting Powell Valley paved road. 3 miles I east of city limits; has all city conveniences, gas. electricity, Bull Run water, telephone; land Lies pertect; all cultivated. Pnce $2200. Win. Murphy. Mar. 3324 or East 1364. ONE acre at Wichita station, 4 blocks from car, on good (Travel road, covered with bear- in? fruit trees and small fruit; a real buy for $3000, terms. McGEE & DENNIS. 869 Union ave. N. Wdln. 5G84. 2 ACRES, with 5 room houfe, barn 2M30, ben house 16x30: half acre berries, all cleared. line well with cement platform, some fruit trees ar. ideal place for fruit or poultry ; out Baseline road, $2400. $350 cash, balance like rent Call Mam 953. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. at PARKROSE. 1 acre, modern 5 room bun- gilow j blM.k to Sandy aU cultl,a. tion, $4500; $700 will handle. McGEE & DENNIS. 969 Union ave. N. Wdln. 5684. HOME SNAPS We nave several tracts from 1 to 10 acres, with buildings, close to electric stcuons. with $300 to SoOO cash as first pay ments, balance like rent Main 953. 601 Stock Lxchange bldg. $1350 ONLY 10 ACRES SNAP All in commercial apples and peers. 6 year old, J miles lamiiiil, mile Pacific highway. mest truit land, ssoo wui handle. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchange. 7 ACRES. 4-ROOM HOUSE. $1450 Near Oregon City, cleared, fenced, some fruit trees and berries: soO down. A. H. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. WANT cash offer for beautiful acre in Bertha district; must jell. Owner, Tabor 1960. i 3 4 MILES from courthouse. 5 acres. Wdln. 6607. CLOSE IN acreage, A-l soil, any quantity. East 745. snap. Terms. Owner. 40 ACRES good raw land near Camas, Wash.. $1000. Owner, 807 WUcox bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 SURBURBAN HOMES 6 acres In cultivation, lots of fruit, berries, 5-room house, electric lights, water in house, gas available, high and sightly, close to river, walking distance car. 20 minutes out. paved road. $6000; $2000 down. $1000 year. It's choice, 3 acres in cultivation, fruit, creek, 5-room house, at Ry. station, on the pavement 10 miles out $2500; $500 down. 2 acres in cultivation, fruit berries, grapes. 4 -room house, barn, chicken house, 3 blks. Ore gon City line. $3000: terms. 6 acres in cultivation, 5-room hottse, bam, windmill, water in house, near Clackamas station. 8 2d st $4200; terms. 1 acre, fruit grapes, berries, 7 -room house. E. lights, gas, water, close to station, Oregon City line, $4200; terms. 10 acres strictly choice fancy land, Newberg highway, 500 fruit trees, on the pavement, walk ing distance to Ry. sta. $5000; good terms. 6 acres in fruit and berries, on the pavement Newoerg nignway. edouu ; terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 4TH ST. a fc CO.. 165 WITH OWNER DEAL Multnomah, 5 room cozy bungalow, modem 1 garage; very small cash payment Main 784 or M. 4 98. PARKROSE: 5 room modern home, garage. acre, on Craig road. Tab. 3775. FARMS 407 EAST OF GRESHAM 31 acres of fine, rich land, mile from electric station, 1 H miles to school, good macadamized road; 15 acres under cultiva tion, all can be , farmed when cleared ; 4 acres strawberries, 4 acres Cuthbert rasp berries, 2 acres bearing orchard. Good 6-room house, bam, garage, milk house and other buildings. Included with place: Horse, 2 cows, yearling heifer, 75 chickens, com plete line of machinery and crops. Price for everything $6000, $3000 cash. Con sider residence in Portland up to $3000 and give easy terms on balance. Ranch inspected by Hunter. ACCEPT SOLDIER'S LOAN 15 acres, on good macadamized highway, east of Molalla, Clackamas Co., Or. ; 1 mile to good town with high school; 12 acres under cultivation, good spring, 2 wells, 1 acres family orchard, berries. 6-room house, bam, chicken house, woodshed; buildings are in Al shape. Price $3000. An ex ceptionally cood piece of land. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR GERLINGER BLDG. BEST BUY IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY 72 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, 4 acres I P". acres onion lano, Datance pasture ana ' " . .' , . , ., : stocked and all farm implements. 17 miles from Portland on fine road; $10,500: terms. i ixn.Dn.nsui, iojti r ourui it. TWO SPLENDID PLACES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED Ready to make money 60 acres. 30 cnltl- rated ; good house. 2 horses. 5 mtlch tods of madh mucn cows. 5 neiters. rags. ctncEena. machinery, crop, bar orchard, spring 1 water piped to bouse and bam; near school and I caurcu. vu ij tirvw, usiuis. noma coasiuer Pord Property. 3 acres. 1 5 cultivated, balance pasture : 6 V miles 'from Portland courthouse; bam, garage. outmiuoings, orcnara, running water, team. cows, chickens, implements: good terms. Would consider some iseaverton property. DCBOLS, 804 Spalding Bldg. WONDERFUL VALLEY FARM Of 135 acres, sll in cultivation, highly im- I nmtert hest farm hniklinn In ivint. extra well located, valuation $30,000; can be had for I a few days at a price I am ashamed to put in ce - I print; xiv.uvu casn requirea. l-ol. Journal. UOUU 1 ACKJiS AT BEAVERTON - price on this place has been reduced from I $5000 to $4300; 6 acres in high state of the I cultivation. 1 acre ot fruit berries of all kinds. i w w . "-mv t. uwuo, bmbkb and woodshed, $2300 cash. 3 years on balance I ew a. I - v -i..- I ' SI?if t-B w town. SO to 40 acre in cultivation, 17 acres ia clover. 4 acres in winter oats, hi acre straw I Elloir. spring and creek; 1 team. 3 berries; luo assorted rrnit trees; 5 room bun- bcif-r, o rjJ-re 4 Iwn lot of ehlck- I ens sad all farm implements:' $5000. hi cash. I balance 6 per cent. 325 'Exchange bldg. end Stare- SECTION IN LAKE COUNTY Will sell rery cheap, Valued at $15 Tier acre. Will traae tor i-oruana property and nme J. It- HAXGlxT. KEAA.TOR. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. FOR SALE SO acres in the Lone Pine under the new irrigation district: eood. flat dcen soil; ao rock. For other information write 115. Teiieuonne, Or. ; , HIGHWAY 95 ACRES $9500 . t vwi. w j- -4 ak. t t tivatioc: one-third cfidi; by owner. 732 Petto ruad, city. Phone Vai 380. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS - 407 FOR SAL 20 acres. 30' miles from FotuukC 4 mile off hard surface road: 11 acres in cultivation, rart in fall crop, balance plowed; 4 coves. 1 yearling heifer, 1 teem, 1 brood sow. 24 chickens; 4 room house, barn and outtKtQd uxrs for every need; pure water piped to house, and small qreek on place. - Price $1800: must be Bar all cash, as this is a rock -bottom ni". For further particulars inquire of owner, -l r shall 3961. 26 CUy St.. Portland. Or. 52 ACRES for saie. 7 mile north of Vancouver. Wash. Phone Cot 124. W. W. Gerta. 1867 ! Oase st. FOR RENT FARMS 408 10 ACRES, clot-e t city, with fruit and buiid- ingL Inquire 249 1 3th st. HOMESTEADS 410 COPY govt maps i, no wing Western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charses are rea sonable and our services the best on locations. Re-erences given. W. J. ANDERSON. S02-4 Railway Eschanee bldg., Portland. t TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 DAIRY OR POTATO FARM NEAR LEBANON 256-aere farm, highly improved, mortly river bottom : good buildines, modern dairy barn, elec tric light system. 2 silos, 2 houses, 2 bams; you can make good on this place either in the dairy business or potatoes and berries, or both; all kinds of dairy and potato machinery; price for everything, $40,000; trade clear for apart ment or store building, or both, in any good town, preferably Portland. COWS IMPLEMENTS CROP 95-acre farm. 40 acres fall crop, more easy to put in. some good timber; 5-room house, other farm buildings; cows, 4 heifers, 65 chickena. faiftjeam, all implements, hay and grain to run: close to school; gravel road; 7 miles to Lebanon: price only $7000; take house 6 to 8 rooms in Portland, actual value of $4000, and give 20 years' time on balance. VWe bare many other good trades: tell us what yob want and give full details in first letter. GIBSON & ALVIN. LEBANON "THE LAND MEN" OREGON REALTORS Some Snaps We bare a client with 6' good lota in beautiful Spokane, also solider's bonus. Might hare a little cash also, to trade for a good little farm, cot too far from Portland: son more than buildings desired, but must have livable house and some kind of barn and not less than 25 acres in cultivation. We also have client with $1200 houfe contract, good as gojd. Will make a great sacrifice for cash. We also have a Buick car. in fine con dition, would sell for $250 cash and bal ance in good furniture. No junk con sidered. Price of car $500. Quick Sales Company 406 Couch Bldg. Aut 511-09. SUBURBAN HOME WANTED Must be convenient to trolley and god auto road, good house and well improved, in exchange for very attrac tive, modem 7 room house in Portland that's worth $7500. For fullest par ticulars see J. W. CROSSLET, Main 5073 INCOME PROPERTIES FOR TRADE Double flat, good location, both modern flats with large rooms, completely furnished. Price $11,000, mtg. $4200; will take house for equity. Good brick apartment house, payfng big in come, furnished. Price $35,000. Owner will consider good house as first payment and easy payments on balance. This wiil pay for itself out of the income. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EQUITIES WANTED Have clear property and a little cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange WIDOW lady owning 3 houses in Baker; Or., would like to trade them as the first pay ment on a good home in Portland. Will as sume some. See T. E. DODSON. 633 N. WBank Bldg. Main 3787. 4 ACRES, U mile from either Bonita or Dur ham station. All in cultivation; fruit berries and grapes, 4 room house 2 years old, bam. garage and chicken houses, on good road. Price $4500. Will trade for a house in city any good district 314 Couch bldg. Broadway 6536. East 3572 evenings. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise, E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. THIS MAN WILL TRADE This splendid modem house of 8 rooms, on paved street corner lot is strictly modem In every detail. Want improved acreage, Gresham district preferred. 314 Couch bldg. Broadway 6536. or East 3592 evenings. FOR SA'Cfc. OR TRADE Modem 4-room house, value $2200, lot 50x100. fruit and nark: my equity $1000 some cash and will take Ford car, implements and livestock for balance. What have you: Owner. 263 E. 59th st N. INCOME nronerty on Union ave.: nets $120 month. Will trade equity for $4000 house and $2000 cash. Bdwy. 3363. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 DAIRY FARM BY OWNER 230 acres, 50 miles down Columbia; half mUe from highway; 40 acres in cultivation. balance good pasture; good buildings; bam for buildings: bam for ting plant; 15 head iter; all machinery ; louf in Portland or 40 cattle: Delco electric lighti cattle; plenty of running water for $15,000; win trade for houf ptcperty on North Union ave. Call or write to J E. Schultx, 483 Union ave. N. FOR SALE or trade by owner, 4 room mod em house, lot 50x100; fruit berries and chicken park; value $2200; my equity $1000. Some cash and will take stock and chickens. Ford car and farming implements. 263 East 69th N. I HAVE a vacant lot on Williams and Prescott; would like to exchange for 6-room bungalow as part payment in Piedmont and Walnut Park; not over $3500. Woodlawn 4179. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Some houses to trade for farms, also farms to trade for house. Come in, we can """I' you. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. OR SALE or trade, 24 acres irrigated alfalfa ranch, one mile south of uermiston. Or. X -1 6 , Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 SMALL HOUSE WANTED $250 CASH. $25 A MONTH Have an immediate buyer for a 3, 4 or 5 room modem honse, any good residential district net too far out or away from car. I do not want your listing fcr any other customer. Call me up. Broadway 2049, W. G. IDE, 817 Lewis bldg. CLIENT wants good suburban home, well improved acre, in exchange for Portland home worth $7500. J. W. CROSSLEY. "Better Types of Homes" Main 5073. . IF OTHERS HAVE FAILED to sell your house or lot try - our modem methods. We get results. Richanbach & Co. 207-8 Couch Bids. Broadway 4143. WANTED SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE If you want actum, list with us. Personal attention. J. u. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldit Broadway 6034. COUNTRY stores wanted. Cash customers wait ing for good highway or country town store. $1000 to $10,000. Last with us for quick satisfactory results. ' SIMMS, 610 Henry tldg. . WE have a diuit with $1000 cash, balance montniy for a strictly modern 5-room bunga low, east of 1 5th st, north of Hawthorne J. C. COBBIN CO.. REALTORS, S-5-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. WANT GOOD LOT FOR CASH 60x100. not over 2 blocks from car. ta Irv ington, R. C or Alameda. If you went to quick, phone Bdwy. 3363. HAVE several Parties with city tmruei tics want - ins improved aoreage which have buildings end eruxproent, dose in on highways and near 2d car. ti. . uescaru, S2 oweuana otoc wirt WORRY? We een sell or trade anythrng anywhere, MTLLERSHIP STEWART, 165 4th St Main $278. 1ABT roar property with as for quick sale. Client waiunc . r a- a ncir.TT rvi box 425 Chamber of Commerce. - Bdwy. 4079. , . TRADE FOR A LOT Tn eood hxtpraeed district a late model Buck. Wdln. 850.- IF your bouse is for sale phone Rs'rpk Harris Uev. olo t nam nee ex commerce, judwy. ee. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 That a small payment will handle. Any dis trlct. Apply in person. Small places preferred. Go Co DMcfi & COo 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. HOME WANTED A modrrn five room house. Wareriy H.-ighU. Richmond. Hawthorne. Westmore land or north end of iellwood. Have b.ive waiting with at leat half ca.dl. I am not using this methni lo grt your litirg. I bare a real immediate buyer Call me up and I will inspect voiir property. W. G. IDE. 817 Lewis bldg . Bdwy. 2049. ATTENTION, OWNERS. Houe from 15 to 20 rooms, that $1500 will handle. Hotel. 20 to 50 rooms, that $5000 will handle. Apartment horce that $5000 will hsndle. We have buyers waiting- Call Broadway 53S7. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. Realtors. 21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I WANT a 4 or 5 -room bungalow in a good district on which I can pay down from $300 to $500. Y-387, Journal. ACREAGE 455 6. Farms and Acreage Wanted We have the buyers and will cet results if your pnce is ri2ht Farm and acreage depart men t. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4701. REALTORS. 410 Henry Bldg. WANT SMALL PLACES." CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, on good road close to electric transportation and Portland. Small payment down and owner to accent soldier's loan. John Ferguson. Gerlmger bidg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 SMALL DAIRY WANTED Have client waiting wanting small dairy of 5 to 1 0 cows, with or without route clo6 to Portland Will buy stock and lease place. Quick action if price is right Call, write or phone. F. I. EDDY. HEALTH K, RITTER. IOWE 4 CO.. 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade. WANTED RENT SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rem acre age or small farms, close to Portland pre ferred; some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more; we make lots of sales this way; will buy equipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger blde. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacifio Coast, WILL pay ca&h .'cr 40 to 60 acres of im proved land, with or without equipment with in 35 miles of Portland. Wm. J. Paeth. 742 Belmont st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, ETC. 500 FOR OAis On account of poor health. NEW concrete garage, 53x100 ft, not quite finished yet on Paciiiic highway 1500 POPULATION; best lo cation in town; and wood building 28x60 that will make a good work shop or store room, P. O. address ED HUGHES. CLATSKANIE. OR. CIGAR STAND Excellent office bldg. cigar stand: beautiful oak fixtures, large staple stock; excellent West Side down town office bkig. ; low rent ; owner will give lease : full value for your money; experience not necessary; no trouble to clear $200 a month above sll ex penses; free heat, light and Janitor service; $1000 gives you posession. 310 Panama bldg. $750 GROCERY, well located, $25 daily; one furnished living room; rent $25, long lease. $1400- Grocery, or invoice; $35 daily cash business; good district; low rent: lease; 2 living rooms, f urnishehd ; terms. Morris, with O. O. Sktten, Realtor. 415 By. Exch. bldg. GARAGE Highway location; storag-s income nets $200 over rent: gas, oil and accessories net $250; fine repair shop, complete equipment This place showed $25,000 business in 1921. If you are looking for a good garage business investigate this one. $4000 handles. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. 821 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GROCERY nd MrrT- "ne or the neK ntJ appearing stores in city, on naB t ' a 'ff "ukd rf:d,? "' dJ?Lnct ?ellt.,D1J,10r Cash and carry. One of the neatest, cleanest on good busl- and apart- 0 per month. with living rooms, ell for $1050. D. C. Della bougb, owner, 152 Russell st $600 RESTAURANT, good transient street well equipped, low rent hall cam, balance easy. (950 waine notxse and restaurant on Busy street doing good business; $250 cash, balance easy. Moms, witn u. o. biecten, realtor. ia Ky. fcxen. bldg. OWNERS must sell on account of other busi es, their thriving wholesale and lobbing business: requires small capital and nets Dig returns. A wonderful field for the right man. We did $25,000 in last 3 months; business in creasing daily. Write U-866. Journal. TO LEASE Battery service and field station space, close in downtown garage, west side. 4 blocks from old postoffice bldg. Ideal location. r-ienty of business. Reasonable rent; good lease. Ready to occupy. A-500. Journal. HOTEL Completely furnished with cafeteria in connection, catering to working class; line place for man and wife to manage, $600 takes tins place. Universal Sales Co., 602 Railway Exchange bkig. SICKNESS compel me to aacnfice my dress making and millinery shop. Store large enough fcr living quarter. Rent only $20. See owner. 068 East 25th it. comer Clinton. -w or W-R car. HOUSES WANTED FOR SALE BY OWNER STORE Grocery, salt fish and smoked meats. Down town, good location, large store room in Can be fixed for living room. I have other rear. busi - s to attend to. Phone Tabor BBaa. FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery, doing nice business. This is good buy. or trade for store in tome small town. Inquire owner. 862 Lerrabee rt. LEAVING PORTLAND For sale, a tailor store, cleaning and dyeing. with living rooms, completely furnished; big bar gain. 604 Union eve. CAUTION. BUYERS Betore closing a deal of ao-called interest in established real estate business, ret ijvice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. mone proaaway iwuz. WOULD you invest $25 to $50 to get into good first class honorable business r A money maker; none better. Inquire at 4022 42d S. E. Portland, Or. LIGHT grocery and confectionery, all furniture and pictures goes with place: aoing paying business' Columbia 1475. 408 N. Jersey t, St Johns, HAULING contracts with purchasing of truck. aland close investigation. Small payment down. Balance easy term. Bee Mr. KjIUb, 430 Bttrnride. west side, - $950 LIGHT grocery, confectionery, soft drinks. cigars, etc. Just tne ruing tor man wife. 407 McKay bldg. East 8th t FOR SALE Carpenter shop, with woodwork- FTVE year old bay Belgian bona. Weight 1710 ing mach. and Ford truck. Other business. lbs. A good -one. must be sold at once. ISO 300 Russell tt E. 8th st Deiniinrr inr I pec 1450 LB. HORSE, single-double. 8 r. old; one sTriniing IOr LCSS 1150 lbs, hone. 7 yra. aid; sincle-doubla sad Ryder Printing Co. Main 5580. 192 3d st saddle. 274 E. 9th t. near Hawthorne, $350 CIGARS, candy d root beer stand. TEAM of atare. 2500 Ibe... harness and farm ring ta eommg. and U what yoa, want wagon, cheap. Woodyard, cor, 60ta end Haw- 407 McKay Bidg. uorp- , $350 TO $2000 will put you in business wttbj 2o0 LES Tr. ibajnea sod hery farm practically no work; to net 50 per cent Good" gon. CaU. Baring woodyard. 80th aad reasons for selling. L-25. JonraaL Prvnaon. Mt Bcott car. RI KIVF.aS CARDS A a a FTVE-year-old Blue Roaa Be'yfiaa mare, aaright 503 ad prS nL .Hntwar $IJ5 . "SO- nnUe, broken, sin, sod double. 180 prices. Acorn Press, 286 H Washington, nr. 5th. 8t - i . CR.ncabide, inlcioa at 407 T XZXJ&L ! McKsy bldg. Price 8190. 81 Water at. ecr. MotrUosaery. FOR. SALE Second hand clothing, shoe store. GOOD team of auUe. i0 Th; 8 and 8 yean Cheap. 829 First at old. 240 Eaet Eta at . -. - 1 ' ' TEAM, bameae and farm sagos, ta good condie ' APARTMENTS FOR SALE ' SOI tion, $ll0. 84U 4th t. Woedstock car. FOR SALE Small aparuaent house pi J rooms, TEAM black feme. weight 2900. aastad. r-.n ass SaJjaom sU ' ysere old. with hsrnrm k MOT. -, . - - . - , - - : - , -. ' - '.I'?". and ave. deal Have BUSINESS OFTORTUMTTES HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 BT-ILXHNG. CROrSD. FURNITURE Good money making road hows, on McKenxie river; daily aats nsail staee from Rueene; 14 bedToroa. Wree dimne room, -lobby, eta. ; water system : r!r;rie lights ran be had. 1 sere of grand. Splendid opportunity for some cna. Will consider aocse trade, air. Albeugh, John Ferguson, GEUUNUER BLDG. $6000 CASH it story brick, steam heated hotel, ia live town in Washington, on SunseK highway; 15 rooms and samnle room: large dining room, lobby and imrior; all nicely furnb-bed. Income from rooms $00 to $0OO a month. 'Price $15. QUO. bal ance easy terms; no trades. 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROOMING house for aaje rn Junction City. Or.. ooing nice pasinoss; parents on and need at tention reason for selling. Price $3500, propenj and bu'iness. $ 10(H) down, balance on term to suit Full particulars upon request. Address Bo 1S4. Junction 4,ity. r. BARGAIN I S rooms. housekeeiirtg. dsndy close-in loca- f ton; eood furniture, ncttine $lO0 and 4 rooms lor owner: rent 50; price 20Ud: best of terms. 21 S Railway Exchange Bide. Bdwy. 6H08. 15 ROOMS, ll. K . rent $55: good income; west side. elce in. Price $1400; $800 to handle. See Mr. Currie. J. W. URI SSI, 318 Board of Trade B:dg. Main 7452. SNAP 1 0 rooms of beautiful furniture, located an swellen part of Nob Hill: make a beautiful hr-me and income: rice for quick sale $1700. 218 Railway Exchange Bidg. Bdwy. 6808. FOR .SALE 33-mcm hotel, good location, good business: $6000 will handle: or will lease for $3000 at $75 month rent, lone term. K M. Smith. St Johns. BY OWNER. 7 rooms, close in east aide, new furniture and caneta. craphophooe, splendid new piano, rent $32.35; price for ail $1200; terms. 349 Wasco. E 1318. SACRIFICE S room housekeeping, good location, clean; funrtare average: rent $25: price $450: terras. 218 Railway Eicbange bldg. Bdwy 6808. HOTEI.S AND RESTAURANTS I guarantee to rid your place of cockroaches. Wpte Box 262. Gresnam, Or. 9 ROOMS H. K-.' good furniture, dean, also double garage; walking distance; nets $47.50. Call owner. East 4S54. FOR SALE 50 room notei. neutrally located and doing excellent business, good term. Write Rnm H. Webb. Astoris. Oregon. 12 -ROOM house. V bouseaeepuK rooms, ail full; gimd location. East 1037. 10 ROOM furnished houaekeepuic for terms. See 54 5 Front st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 AN AiX'OUNTANT DESIRES TO PURCHASE AN INTEREST IN. OR THE KNTIRK BCSI NESS OF AN EfTA BUI SHED ACCOUNT ING FIRM. Z-710. JOURNAL. LET u sell your business for you. W make quick saler ; clients waiting. K. A S. REALTY CO. 425 Chamber of Commerce Bide- Bdwy. 4079. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION Ob Improved ptutierty o foe The best sad easiest asetaed of paylae loss is oar soonthly payment pass, $83.26 per month fee 86 ssentbe. ee $21 $4 per atoeth lor 00 ceonths. or $117 per avwth for Months, pays a loan ef $10OO and ttHerest, Loans ef other amount ta aasas prupuitk Repayment Privlireaa. EQUTTABIJt SAVINGS LOA iMl 242 B tack St. Portland. Ot PRITATK monev to loan on well located resi dence property. Any amount $800 to $2000. Lowest available rates. Prompt attention. A. K. Hill. 4 26 Lumbermen Bldg. $300. $400. $500 $760. 81000 AND CP. Lowest rates, auick action: nay 100 or atari any interest date. Gordon Morteaea Cat. ! Cham, of Commerce bide, stain 13 70. BUILDING loan on a ana subwbsa pros- arty; saoney advanced as work (ttcrosa. W. Beck. 215-216 railing bldg Main $467. $80O. $400. $400. 70. Iieoo AND CP. Low rates, quick acaoa. led W. Oerssai Co.. 782 Chamber of Cuanmeina. Mala 644$ $17,200. DIVIDE $1000, $1200. $1500 $2000, $2500. $3000. (3600. East 7504, Erton. $2000 TO $30O rr CITT rTtOrTCBTT. FRED S- W 11,1-LA at 3. BOB fA.tAJaA Pim BEE OREGON INV. at UOKTuaGB CO.. 210 Lumber Exchne bide MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADS ON Automobiles IXRJ'TTTJRK. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODa, REAL EST A TIC, BONDS OS A.MTUINU 09 VALUE SECURITY CSTALLI LEJr IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO a-AT-ARTED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTTS WITHOUT 8LIXK1I X. IF 1UI B rilML.VlS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FCRN1TCRK OF AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARB TOO LAKGK. WE WILL PAY THJOsl CP, ADVANCE lOn MOKE MOM, I lr NECESSARY, AND TOTJ CAN PAT US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO BUTT TOUK CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES SO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (UCENKETri 806-807 DEKX7M BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. BROADWAY 6857 BALA RY LOANS 8 ALA&X WI LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their nwreinsl notes. Rates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECURITY NO INDORSES Call and investigate our modem money send ing methods. AD business eonOdeatiaL COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (Licensed) 218 Failing BoOdirtg. MONEY TO LOAN Ifmet loaned on household stood atr sat ehandia placed ia storage with us st regular SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER OCX. 4th and Pine at Orpoxit Multnraaah Hotel. Phone Broadwa 8718. MONEY to loan; no commisraon; private Z-732. Journal, party . 1100 TO $2500: quick acaoa. A. H. 231H Morrison tt. rooms 10 end 11. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgage, end eaOerr contracts on real estate ia ttasntacion ea H E. Noble. 816 Lajnbermens bk. e WE BUY first and second mortgages aad elv ers' contract. F. E. Bowman eV Co.. 210 will of Cram, of Com, bldg- Bdwy. 6776. WIXX. buy i mall ecurr- contract ar second aaortcaea. Uorooa. OS 1 t-n. o MQNEY WANTED 6S1 WANTED $2000 for twa year ea good nesa.. good security. This will bear do STWetion. E. M. Smith. St Johns. a $700 WANTED at 8 per cent on fin 100x100 comer. Koee City rare. l "xr . BEE OREGON INV Exchange bkig- MORTGAGX CO- L HORSES AND VEHICLES good SPAN of colt, bo." atare. 6 year old. weight 2500. price $150. Keystone Btabias, 881 Water t PERFECT matched team of Er.elh Shires. ITve and years old, weight 2950. Full etster aad brother, most be old at once. 180 E. 9th at TEAM of Black P ere heron, S and 7 years aid. weight 8400 lb. A real draft team. laO arm HORSES AND VEH7C U. S. STABLEM Ws nave est band s tot e fir rli sad wssnsv. 4 to T reess etd. broke, s) seamd. said rtebt ia every way. wwachti 1700 lbs. There era seeevml closet ml that ere extra fancy. They ere the I we east asfebr staad behind with a twarj tiae will fiU all mniivMB tbe a c! Is expected is. If la the market, soei ever aa the Brines are right I ft., ear. Inrnens st G. Ik Wtlliamsc 10-TEMS-l' Good work bones. In A-l shape. wnr day. No reasonable offer refaaed. Mui oooa, 1029 . TamhiH Tabor 1Tb I CLAY ST. STABL Jt received e carload of Faster-! worea and ssarea. 5-4 year. eld. weacrb' loO. I have 4 extra nice saated tearl baiK, heavy boned. Anybody lootinc ' come and look these hcrs over. T are right J went to scli. 1 also (Hard as I lepresent 4 57 T.AST CI .AT FARM UotlsKd IS heed of young, sound, gentle ti mares, 1100 to 16O0 lh-.. at eery prices. Several wtll matched teams, years old. and real chunav. Win aaow the horses are as wreeiited. N mares, stwind. 5 and 6 years, 2300 IbJ Jake's feed barn. 5th and Columbia 4 eoviTcr. Wah, H0RSESH0RSH Just received e consignment of hoi mares. 4 to 6 years old. weight 1S00 I lbs. These are low down. Mncky bva lota of bone and quality, all sound ail broke; some close! y mated pairs; will ad tor rash. 234 Front and Main st 35 Head Eastern OH bone sad mare, weutht from ' 1 200 Ibe., aces 4 to 9 years, all in good wort few wagons and haroe-wrs at reduced pr-J KEYSTONE 8TABU.S. 381 Water St, Cor. Miwitgomerrl ON ACCOUNT of quitting- business of 2 tesms, con-ntir-.e of brown 900 lbs., coming 5 and 6 year old. ha I nd sister, sad team chunky built marri tng 28O0 lb., coming 7 and s years sell racvrUesa of pnce. 6ta street cor, of 4 3d ave.. Mt Scott car. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand Special price. P. E. ES BEN SI IADS S60-S66 K Mormwn t GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Win sell all oar horses, wagons aadl and baggies at a sacrifice; must rleaa a; J as our lease exxres shortly. 1U at Grand sv. W. J. 6ullivaa. East 1$1 0 HORSES for sale cheav. U rind al no reasonable offer refused: bar wagon if desired Cor. of K. btk and blocks north of Hawthorn ave. NUMBER of good work hoewn. Albiua Tea minx V Contracting 510 Kerby at at Ruarell. $140 BUYS wn of eray Percberon norse. weight 2900 lb., tat and er Feed Barn, 881 Water st LIVESTOCK JERSEY HOLSTEIN cow. fresh in Uani 2 hi gallon daily, teated 5.8 bat nice Jersey. sU milking, doe ta fr March, tested 6 to 7 per rent butter: tuberculin tested. 381 Water t NICE fresh H olstrin ; urmsey wuk-oil call: rery heavy milker. Also bur cow, 4 years old, lust fresh; cheap, r rrl cpnngers due in few days: bargain. $8 I treet 15 HEAD of dairy cows, Inirhaxa and' from s to a gal. w ill cheap or oeef eowa, One 2-year o.-d Durbaxa Mllwankw ave. X)HCED TO VACATE 2 fresh cons, one vprincer: 2 resist f tey bulls, cheap. 1650 In'.ersUU sv Ken too car, go 2 blocks north. FOR SALE Choice Duroe-Jersey sow bred to farrow ia March, Oea. Oregon City, Or. FAMILY Jersey cow, 5 years old. due lebruary 25: gives 4 gslloaa. butterfat Call Marshall 3515." TWO cows for sale. 1 fresh Jersey. wJ on Jersey nd Holstcan ppnnrer: rx-1 ecw end heavy milker. 802 Front HONEST bargains. 4 good milch goal fresh. $95 if taken at onoa. Writ I$th st TEN larg. fresh, young HuuteCha, Durhs jerarrs. neavy nuiaers; several a and cow. 741 E. Ash. JERSEY cow and calf, iuat fresh, 1067 at, cor. 78th. Also family cow chef BROWN SWISS cow 4 year old. 5 tuberculin te-ted 240 E. Rth. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, fresh 2 Inquire Stall 4 39 Public market TWO big, young, fresh dairy and faxnT - Durham and Hilstein. fMJ 8 PsweD V CaLVES WANTED MARSHAIX 2178. W11J, buy beef, veal, boo and sheep, 9004. FOR SALE Togrenborg does, to freshet 7 E. 64tb it. N. VETERINARIAN DR. C. af. ANDERSON. WDL5. 6821 A NICK Jersey Durham row. fresh. . g gallons milk, for saie cbeap. 868 E. l 2 NICE young Jersey Durliam cues, hear en; will sell cheap. 619 E. 9th at. Timrt. , . r-r ?EE.inic'. J1" '"'' Tw- er. dairy type, for at 4 27 E. CM WANTED Beef, veal aad bogs. Taborl POULTRY AND RABBITS DO YOU KNOW that The Oregon Journal" is indurate! eeatful poultry raiser of the West se tbi that reallv eeta reanltar I The ' 'poultry columns' of "Tie Joarnl used oy people as lar souu a Lu A age I as tar nortli as Seattle. I Whether yoa are a larg or small rel ad in The Journal will be your wuuc J man seeing a qnarter million people del nearly naif a nullioo, Sunday. Fresh Eggs For Le YOU CAN BUT SPFXR WILLAMETTE VALI.ET FRESH GRADED KGGA Grade 1. 33c: G-ade 2. 30c La Grande Creamery Portland Belling Agents RMe Island Red Fa BeS. Exclusive breeder of Uiorougbbred ring' Rhode Island lied baby shirks and hatchin Some use cocaeress for Bale. Ail on a money heck ruartntee. Send for Rhode Island Bed Fans, Boat 6, Portland. MAGCIRE S CHICKS Bred to Lay Hatched to Grow R. I. Red. O. A. C. Barred Ro-k. $ 100; White Leghorns. $18 per 100; $lj lvw. t lgorous erices irom neavy strains; Hoganuted and trap-ciested stock, -now. EGOS FOR HATCHINO J. R- MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon t East I R A RV REDUCED PB1CF.S oa busi - "tf a Legbom. Beds. Barred in CHIX White Beck. Minorca, an rosaa. Booking erdere Pn.t en 7TKF.E csuloru. Wpte C, N. NEEDHAM. SAIst. OBEGl 210 COCKERELJs from trap-runted White stock. 250-ecg and over; price. Georges Poultry Fans, Route 8. 769. 700 EGGS, per set ting $1.25, per hundred I beat 159 z-year-ou selected trass of 800 pare Taoered hen; oa open rand aaliebted. Mr. Grant Brown. Be verv l BABY - CHIX, Tascred aad HoUywoad latSvie afraina. HoeaniBed stork. Poultry Fane. B, 1. Bos 130. Oregon Ci rnon era. ! FOR SALE Xaalaaan breoder. naed Only 1 Ale R L R. rooster, 2 year old. . Bandar or S after p, ra. is jai T T Hl.vv tl each ; W . L. each: Hnganixed atoca. goou layer. Manire 787 Oregon st SILVER LACE Wyandotte ciuckens. 11 Giant raboita. 1176 Deiae-are .. St I ear. TANCRED and O. A. C Wliite Leeixrra 815 ner 100: hatch 3ig rsgs. incubate f Tabor 3822. ParkTT HatrAery, Portland B, L RED hatching eega for , trod Km rw larine strain, free raaee bens. E -84th at S- Telephone Seliwood 2042, I CHOICE cockerels for s. R- - L Red. Ljarnoru end O. A, C Barred Rocka. Magulre. 7S7 Orerori. fcast 1 Baa. EGOS tor hatching fross ben exmoacavoaiyt eetsd for ft Tears. George founxy T. 6th aad Oak. Route 8. FnrtMad. Mean ft. L liEIi hab hiag eggs, beat straiuT Berry. 101 E. Polk rt.. St. John. B, I. aKil ruater for aaie. Meade auav. Macadara. Marshall 2178. tOU 6 ALE O. A. C Whit- Leghorn v 723 K. 29tk K. Ant 813-14. (Continued a Feitowifia rassa)