MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1922. THE OREGON 5 ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. EVEN EUROPE SAYS WHEAT MARKET SITUATION IS NOW FIRM era RAD NG T BASIS IS STEADY MOXDAY DAIRY TRADE . Batter, Eftr. Cheese, esk extra, select, flats. Portias U II 2t Sea Fraarlsre ...4tc 4e tsc New Tork .4 8He 48e muma-o n i;e nvie sttle ..tie lie tie Lot AageUs 41 lie Sutter market continues to ,bow ItmtM' l-wi her but prices r fleet e than fbt any a'feruiga. , Taere la as axeeTlent aaoveaaeat In th. cabe market, ' of th general rlatnn af enhe hot ter offerings here the andertieie of tha entire trade la la a land peartin. Cnnerry rubes of the better class ere rnerv.ll ranging around 84 a pound witk Bl mot at 35e. K al all at nrevit la the ahowlfif for err arad nM Thia stock haa been a drag m m. asarva tot a number of ant and nrnif bowwd an artlv inn and moved at price that wr ho. thoM that bolder had bees aaaiai. ar e,patln to rveel v. Print nniant la ateadr eltve tha latest ""J PVwa, although thara ats-ear but hula d.uhv that tha (nark waa hart somewhat by tha prevtona lll-adrbaxt advance Bnw of Um butter rntrlnl at Baa Frarattaco for tb we ending Frfctar; Tha Sen rrjv-loo butter market for Ilia past ark showed So greet fiuntuetjm In price. Tba arrival of Australia hotter caused a deriin U, Bat tha tone nf tha market ni at ' pen--, aa waa Cha eaa following former arrlvala. Light production, dua to weather eon- niti'fM. euI a anmmtrmtUnm daereaae In r eaapta Thrt waa a We nm demand tot better fe-ea th aqnth. and Fi-vi, tba airM cloved ewire om, wiui S3 ernv aelnng at I7H', tn aaaM prte aa a ei ago. Several eare- of Im ported bmter bare gone east and tha remainder raa anna into HMxi or la on oeaiere tmora. Mash nf tha pacific roaet butter now arriving shnwtaa mid weather defect and the caretr rrf maj fannr aanliif la tha nnacrpai run o( tlia firm and adrannnC aiarkrt Rarwrta frma In roiinirT Indlrata that prorlnrtlnn irill nit ihrra W1 mimaao Iwlnra th arid of tba annnui. U of tha butler mrVrtj at iw Torb 'hiracn. B'wtoo and 1'biaaUolvhia for tha week wimB rrauri I a-aaUrn markrta wrra ntaIlrr than for aoma ft ma and until Inward th elm of tha i t'lioaa dinwrd bat MUla flivtiiaUua and atoeka Kara ( bant atona. Thvra waa aoma an- mflialaUnn In tha Atlantic emat markaU hot at hk-ao atnrkt ronunrw Trr light. Faraica butff waa lantolf rwpinlbl for tha aaawr iar- t al Ntw Turk. About 8000 bakaa of Saw Kraland and AiMtraJaui butter arrtrad tbar froaa Viainanr aat ihy aipaot ba get oaoMl of tha ablrvaant at Ma r ranaiaro, Beaioea thai, thara w-ra 'iOO rtik of lnlh batter. Daoiah rahle prlria wra rrdii'ad So to 84i e. 1. ttaortfta alao wra raihar hrarr m Nrw Tork .lnn In tha hlghar prlraa of tha paat wmk or '10 ilara. Taaairl tha trm i markaU wara raay and nnaettlad and rw York waa woaJl but It wn In pa Urilr dna tD amtimant, a tha Maaa haa han rmiirad annta and tba eon- auwiplira drmaad la goml. Thara ta llttla pnwpart t lha prant tgne of mom fnnrlgn bnttar and many of tha doalara frol that tha nrraant waak nnn will not hold long union Uia receipt, ara it'anajly tnenaaad. -TTiia daalrlna avorlal information rvgardini or markat phoold writ tha mark Mi editor tirrgna Journal, aaclmlna ,Ainp for rrply. BASKET crraJL ' Br HrMi K. Coaea Limited auppllea of Columbia river melt are arrlrinc and the price gener ally holds firm In the retail shop but within a few days.the run la expected to Increase materially. It begins to look aa if the price of sugar had been boosted too high and a drop of 10c per sack is shown for the day. As room retailers , were selling; at old price, this will not affect the retail price generally. California lettuce Is being held . for such high prices at this time that con sumers can no longer afford tt The same is rtue of celery, which is selling as high as 25c a head. With milder weather, it is likely that tfZ prices will again slide here. Aa it is getting rather late in the season, it is belUved that the next slide will carry values to. the low mark of the year. It looks like a further advance In the price of flour. Those that do not buy will be sorry. Retail prices In private stores: Egga 4: pullet. 0c HuUar Praah eraanxry, 4.1V4Tc Plah Salmon. 2315?: halibut. 25e: farr-h le lb. FIoot Baat Heal patent. 12.00 0 2 20 per ark. 40 lb rotator RorbanJo, 3 sack. Onlnna S) 1 Oo lb. Yamhill atrcat prfeaa: a Vajetablaa Cahbare. 8 He lb.: earmta. Be bunrb; Irttucw, 10e baad: dry onkiDa. Se lb.;, turnip,. 4e lb. : applaa, be lb. Hon-y Comb. 4 Se .qoart. Toe; pint. 3 Re. poultry Hoary hana. 0e: light hena. 35e: brmlen, S5e; torkaya, prirata market. 52 Vac. Butter 8Ae lb.; ootaga cherae, 15e Q. Eggjr 35 J 40e dozen. IN WHEAT MARKET MOSDArS WHEAT BIDS Tear Bid Rise Ago Hard white 11.1 le 11-iS Soft white 1.14 le White Hab 1.14 le Hard winter 1.H le US Northern aprlng US le 1.4 Red Walla 1.19 le 1.4 NORTHWEST CHAIN RECEIPTS (Compiled by tha Merchant Exchange) Ca Portland, w Mm. 87 Veur ago. . . R6 Season to U.te.22i Tear ago. ..11032 Taroma. Kt . . 27 Yaar ago . . 14 Season to d&ta 793S Tear ago 8277 Tsar ago 15 Season todaAe 8 1 7 Tear ago . . 3544 Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay COAST PRUNE IN , . - 'G POSITION XiO MARK KT M.KJHTI.T KA8IRB Market (nr ega ia ruling Juat a frartirn eaaler. ther eniulitinna again dmunata tha traile With mildar eomlltiona, atprotaUona ara far graater aucpi and aull lower prtraa. scran mark ft is poww a pime With a drop of 1S per hundred pound In refinery rteteea Monday, loral qiiotationa ahow a almtlar Ioma. Tha drop here waa generally r "lad, althongh r y it waa noted that re finer, wara filling onion, a baarlah aWo, POTATO 1IARKKT IS TKRT Ql'IET Vary qulef tna enntlnnoa In tha market for reVatoea. White California buyer, eontiaua to offer ir&o traely for No. t uek. they are not to. lined to go abora thaL Uruwara ara Dot frea arllvra Afrrr hiti atioi htim, .actiti' Market for aprlea remaina atlea her, with no further rliaugea Indu atal atther bere or at nriniary point. AH aorta of amtea are td rummAiutinf atLeatlin It i. t.tta nn. of Um paddling Intarrata ara gelling irtny atoi Sharp Rise for Wheat Forced m Chicago Trading (Chirago Pure, a of Th Journal) rhirago. reb. Wheat cloaed 2 tie to 3 e higher. There waa a bulge at tha firunh an a ronult of crramoJd pit eonditiona and uafayorable e.rop report from Kab.iaa. May cloaed at I1.23H to I1.28H. July 11.101k to S1.10H. Oora rloaed 2'e to 2 Ho higher. May 68 He tc HSt, July 60.c to 60 He. Oats was "c u tVe higher. May, 40He: July. 41 He to 41 Ho. Pork cloaed unchanged, laid, lOo to 12 He hlglier. and riba 2 Vi c higher. Local ear h kale were 8010 bushel of wheat, 159,000 buehele af corn. Inoluding 100,00u buxhelii for axporUra: 25,000 .buabeU of rye to exporters. Chicago. Teh. ft. Wheat had a nharp upward movement today. The bull factor waa the trengtb in foreign markat. liirerpool apot aliaat eloaing Id higher and fa turn 2 H d up after an opening which waa unchanged to "4d up. Baeuoa Aire opened lHe higher. The buying power waa broad- and deepita the pre nonely prof it-takirur by kDg. prloea aaaed off little from top level. The riaible nupply showed a reduction of 1.581 000 bnsbeli, which wai encnuracint to the bulls. Cash wheat waa dull and the ban for burd winter wheat waa a . n.uoh a 2 rent lower ' while red wa 1 cent Icwer. Wheat in the Southwest wa mora fa- rurabla but tba preoipitalloa waa inadequate Seaboard raoprtad aome Manitoba wheat ac eepted in early report and later that aU wheat offered Kuroia waa takoa. TImi bulge in oora pncea at the -atari wa the talk of the trade. Buying by cah houses In the absence of offering forced prices to a level where tha leering abort internet waa forced to cover on top loaa orders. The andden atrengtb in corn la baaed mora largely on tba belief that tha country ia holding for more money and aiao the feeding value of corn. Heavy realising by longs caated aome reaction and there was some aelling on the iucreae of 4 04.f)00 bwhel in the visible aupi-ly. Cash corn discount were a little winer. Country of feringa to arrive were mora libera on the ad vance. Export demand wa quiet early. Oat were higher in eympathy with other grain. There waaa broad commission house de mand early but an inrraasa of 597,000 busheU in tha vautrie aupply tanded to dampen the ee tlmsiaam of the hull. Cah oata held steady. Shipping demand fair. ITovtalon wt-rr lower on buying by ahippen. Crinmiaion Ikhuw sold on the upturn. 20 7 5 T 18 147 1375 32 1220 1S2 530 35-- 1566 2 4 2 2 . . . 2 87 1017 107 577 47 650 S9 Go2 2 2 1 15f soo use 250 182 309 1181 By Myman H. Cohan It appear to be a runaway market for wheat at this time- Even tba private houea of fog land which make it a practice to (end out each morning a bearinh cable no matter how much they dei re anppliea. today actually cabled that the general market waa firm and active. Of apeeial interest to the trade ia confirmation of additional foreign businesa in flour and wheat, although none of tha orders ara in themselves of heavy volume. Moat of the wheat sold la club and tha flour is generally chib straight. For that reason there is a very, keen demand for white club m the local territory, with confirmation of bustneae y the country-a high as $1.15 per bushel, tide water track delivery. Blueatem is atill quoted at 11.80 for choice milling grade, but owing to the acant stock of thia variety and grade, the quotation may just a wen be higher. It really is not a market influence. CASH WHEAT Club. It. 1491. IS: btae- tem ana Kaart, 11.25 1.27; Red Russian, 11.00? 1.10: Turkey Red, 1.141.16 FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent, 87.40: Willamette valley brands. 85.65; local straight, 35.80; bakers' bard wheat, $7.50; DMers- Diuestem.; bakers' valley. 86.40 graham. $6.00; whole wheat, $6. 20: Mottim pring wheat patent.' $7.80 per barrel. "Price lor city delivery, 15c extra, suburban 20r extra. Hit Buying price for old crop: Willam ette timothy, fancy, $14.00 15.00 per ton; eastern i;regon umotfiy, $ 1 St. 00 per ton : clover, $12.00 12.50; straw. $6.00 & 7.00; alfalfa. per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. Wo. 1 Calcutta. 7c; domestic, "c in carload lots, less amounts uigner. MIIXBTUrT8---Mi31roTt at mill, sacked, ton low, .t o; ranoaas, lirj.cio. OATS er ten. buying pri: Feed, $27.00 B? L'H.UO. - BAKLET Buying price: Feed. $24.00; orewing, etfn.&U 27.0(1. SEED Buying price. Red clover, 15 16c; aisixe. i-te: verm, 3C in. FEEDSTl'FFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar ley. $34.00 a 86.00; whole barley, $32.00 alfalfa meal. $23.00; cocoa nut meat. $28.00; cracked corn. $33.00; whole corn, $38 00 pel ton: whole oats. $34.00; rolled oats. $36.00 feed wheat, $42.00; scratch feed. $44.00 ton. Merchants Exchanire bids: WHEAT Whfla New Tork is not today willing to pay the price demanded for pronea by Pacific coast intereets, the situation ia rather good despite this, with holdings ia tight hands. New Tork today ia the cheapest market for prunes in the United State, bat that appear due to previous reoffering of American prune which had been packed in Germany than to any reaj wesaneas in ine Americas mitatto- Both the Oregon and Washington Prune as sociations, ss well as the California organiza tion, are holding their prices firm at recent advances. Stocks of prnnea ara dwindling fast and. aa independent paekera are not inebmd to shade their quotations, the undertone of the trade ia healthy. The California association is offering prunes from its Brooklyn plant at the following prices for tha beat grade: 4W 13H 60a ..Intie HHe I 70s SH POTATOES ALdjfG THE COAST Sen Francisco starkat San Francisco. Kvb SPntnLna. T?:. fancy, 1.90 2.25; choice Burbaaks 2 25 2.50; Netted Gem, $2.40 2 65. 'umjb i er cwi.. Brown, common, S4.5O0 5.00; cold storage. $6.50 W 6.75. lias I la aaacaat Onlona Oregon, 7H8c; Spanish. 7a Potatoes -Yakima Amm lisaii. 1.1 132.50 35; sweets. 6e. ' Lea Anaelas Market ioa A tire lea. t:l. ivh. 8 I V c l r mgs. uc ai.oo; Stockton Burbanks, best, mostly $2.352.A0; few. $2.75; poorer. -j.oue--.ou; idabo Buaeeta, $2.40 2.60. PULP STEERS ARE SOLD AT A RISE MOXDAT LIVESTOCK TBADE ORMOr MAHksT HHOWISO I.O Thst aranga prtrea were bxted too high by California Intevewta haa been reported previously In tha enlumna. fw fruit l baina offered lower pnora I -oral valura ara dowo about 5"r a boa. Chicago. ranfie by T'nited Pr rHEAT Hard .white . . . Soft white White club . . . tlard winter . . Northern spring Red UkUa No. 2 white . . .No. 2 gray . . . Standard feed . FEED OATS BARLET So. 2 K. No. 3 E. CORN T. shipment. . . . Y. shipment. . . . Feb. .$ 1.17 . 1.14 . 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.10 28 00 27.00 26.50 25.50 25.25 M.-h. $ 1.17 1.14 1.14 1.16 1.13 1.10 28.00 27.00 26.50 25.50 20.25 DAIRY Hogs Steert Lambs Portland IIIUI $ 7.7S 1 16 Chicago Ji !. 14.1 Omaha i$.e ITr f.1 8 :i 1J.M Kansas. City .... tt ij.ts Saa Fraaclseo .. lt JJ ia.7j SetUe llt . JJi Se market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCS Hoga Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Car. .1617 1943 198 2161 100 .1649 2296 221 3751 128 . 948 1887 96 2775 4 .2163 1575 75 2046 95 . 628 2633 149 4295 127 .1440 2005 244 1416 101 .3631 901 10 261 T4 .1371 T3T 30 86 COAST PRODUCE OF THE Sen Franoieeo Stat at San Francisco. Fehl s in t i Extras, 42c; prime firsts. 83 He. ' Egsg Extras. 34c: extra milled AAUi.- undersized pullets, 28c uasec California flaw, fancy, 26c. , aetata Market Seattle. Wenb... Feb 6 (I. v a r Select ranch. 34 35c; pulleta. 28 30c iy creamery, sic; bricks, 38c Cheese Orezon triolet. ?Kir,. Wm Americas. 80e. " Lea Anfelas Market Los Angeles, CaL, Feb. 6. (L N. R.I Rnt. ter, 42o per lb. tggs Kxtras. 34c: ea mnnt 31c per doaen. Poultry Hens. 29 S 32c: broil or. 9Re ers. 39c pnnete. fry T.00 7.75 6.25 7 00 5.75 8 53 4.75 p 5.75 5.55 6.25 5.000 3.75 4.25 e 5.00 6.25 UP 4.25 2.00(9 3.25 3.50 lfl 5.50 4.50 9 5 00 11.00 12.00 7.50 ft 10.00 5.50 0 7.50 MALI DRIVES THROUGH ICE JAM TO THE DALLES HRIFF OTE.H OF PRODI I R TRADE Florida pepiwr offe-lng at 4i'u notiad. alifomi tangerines nffenng at $5.50 ho. rueially ir quality ahowq In Cahfornia raulifiawer. llrur price, higher at $ I 8 T. 00 crata I braas firra and cflve at farmer prices H7HKB IOTI( r FOR f4H IPPE R9 The apalnrr boraan dvt.d Monday: ln.ef hij4nent duntig the neil 86 hour, i"..t tb following mintmaim temperature,: i. in, north to HeatUa. 40 iWwnsea; northft to .Hfn. 'n daa-reea; east to Haker. 20 degrees ami .ith to Aahland. $0 0craaa. Minimum fmwauir at Portland tomorrow about 40 ih-greee. IMPFRIAI. TAM.KT OKAPF.FRrlT Fint larlowl of lm'nl ralley grapefruit to me to I'ortUod ts due in tti whoksala trade VrwUr. 1-u.h womlerful quality h been prom M that the trade here M swixuxuly awaiting tlte liutwl l.w.l. Open. Higlt. Iw. I 'lone. Mt 125H 12x 128Vi 128H July 100H lit 'a 109 110 CORN May K6H 5S, 56 58 H July 58 H l 60 H OAT8 May 3J1 40 H 30 40 H July 40 41', 40', 41 H RtK May 92 HI 02 9IA July Hi 83 84A BARLEY May .. HIB roue May ' 1000 I.ARP May 10I7 lo.l 1063 1072 July 1000 1097 1090 100J RIHS Mv 1002 . 1010 . 1000 1005 Jnly 1015 Cash wheat: No. 3 red, $1.27 H 128 H? HOLFSAI F. PRICES IX PORTLAND Thaaa sea pelcaa retallan pay wholawJan, ex cept aa etkwrwiaa smtaal. Daley Pf1Ka BCTTFR Selling price, box loU Creamer, rtieea Prints extra. 38o for plata wrapper; ewawa, aatraa, 34a par Ik.; aWy, hajing prtca! e lh " Br TTF.TtF AT Portland dellrerV ha.1. I gra.K 87 lb.; Sa a, 3Ae; No, 1 son. 3e lb. lor o I grade. ( IlkK.HK Mell'nai price: Tir.,k lu.ii Oreg, fancy trirlet. 2e lb ; T.-etij America. soe in. i-rir in joehara. f a b TUiamook: Iripleta. 2e; onng America. ;To. SaiUjig twww: Bkwk Rwwa. faaey. $S$w;: Umbnrawr. J'iJI IK, run bnck. Xtm0c lb. .;; Rojlng prvrw, Fruat atraet: Current resell, l$S37e diav : hennertea, 3 He doa ; selling p-W, candled, 31a rr doa; Mint 3t V-a : pullet. 2ttf.. Et;f.A Ataortation elllna nriM- atMt as- ! nt, io ; millet. 30e ner doa' LIVK IOH.I KT .H.ll.n. new II.... I :4( :'o lb ; light hens 11017, lb.; ugs, 15o h ; o.d romtent, 1 1 1 3e lb. ; turkayv drvnaad. JrOj lb; lira, 0e lb : dtk, live. 23 m. i ersevd, se re.; geeaa. Mva Sua .Ik - riMMl S . .1- IV . eai Vaeetatle and Feukj KKf.Xll KIH'IT 4 trances T.1aaSKI1 tw,v baaanaa, I, g lb.; lemon. $DfT.50 a; iraiwfrwit Flondi. 41.WOat7.tO - . aa oox.. KHIKD Frtl'ITti Data. S5ua7 00 boa; 'i, bick, llDOfi i, per 35-lb. bus; sruaaa and lio. -lb. b..a. THa ONIiiMs 8elUa Drire to rruileni: 11 snnuayiau; buying price, 00. country; rarUc. lie per lb.; green oniiaua. 40 doaaa I'OTATOK8 aetling pvlca to fwtaileraa Oiw tnw laney $2 00 2 25 per eawtal; Staying nee, roaetry. $1.25 1.80 uer eeniaj: Takana eeu l:.U In par eaaiai; aweet potatoes. I v .V per lb TKt.STAHIXS Reeta $3 00 a 2 5 aack: a a a i n. t . . . . ,,,, . . . . . . arrau, II WSJ.OO aa k : pannlpa, $1.3349 1.33 sack; green rapper, 40 S) 45c lb; tone- oes. Calkfnrnia, $S.003 5i per lug; bora. radiah. 1 Se lb. i areouta, 17 He par lb. ; arti- Bokaa, $I.7S3 00 doa; rnullflusni. $ APPl.Ki Sutiaaebuiga, extra fancy. 4 tier. 2.7S$00; fancy. 4 -tie,, $2.t0)3.30; boira. 4 tast. 81 13O100. Cooking atnrk. T3 and 81.30 bos, fweety-fivw aaau off all above aa 130 and 113 ana nrr M ITS anjt Liverpool Weakness Forces Cotton Off New Tork. Fab. 6. (I. N. S ) Cotton waa aruva at the beginning of business today, price dropping 13 to 21 point on first sales, reflect ing wrakneaa at l.lterpool, the unsettlrd labor situation in ew hnaland and free selling b) Japaneee. Uvernnol and New Ortrana interests. At the end of tba first 15 minutes the lut tairiv siewly at initial level,. The market wa arrady in the late afternoon, closing at a net decline of 6 points to a net ad vance of 1 point. niot cotton waa quiet, 5 points lower at 1S.93. M AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PBICE8 Chicago, Feb. 6. Hog run waa not large today and values were higher. In tho sheep house the trade was not active, notwithstanding the fact that the supply wa small. Receipts of livestock for the local yards today were esti mated at 21.(100 rattle. 51.000 bogs. 14.000 sheep and 3000 calves. Cattle Cattle trade waa slow, even for the heat steers, after a late start, aud most deals were ofr 25 cents from the close of last week. Some steers sold at $9.00, but few were good enough to reach above $ 00. Cows and heifers also shotted a decline of 25 ceota in some spota, while canners held pearly steady. Bulls were again weak, while calves were down 25c, with lew top packers at $11.00. Hoirs Hogs soil moUy 1ftc to 15' higher from the start, but some of the later sales were np 2(o. At the clone of til market sellers Cin had to cut values. Few rough parking hogs sold-below $7.75. Shippers were fair buy ers after a slow tart. Sharp Ijnibs sold mostly sVaily. Choice lota went over at $14 011, while fair quality stuff made $ 1 3 00 ( 13.25. Home Iambs went to shearers at $13.00. Aced muttons a-lso were about steady. Some choice auimaU sold strong, but best ewes went st $7 50. WALL STREET FEATUPRES New Tork. Feb. 6. Pool operation were more confident today. Predictions of a re action heard so freely a Week ago had no been borne out, and professional Wall street having misxed it market on tha lone aid ih lrc money on the short side, was aaxioua to racourj. so it was sn easy matter for any group work ing individual stocks to attract a following. The day waa given over to a aeries of these special movements, succeeding one another rapidly. Both Chandler and Studeoaker made new high records, still responding to lhe very optimistic estimates of their earnings for the current year. The buying in thaaa motors finally extended t the jhotor accessory and the tire stocks, which for some time pa&t have been lagging behind MHrtin Parry was the leader of the motor ac cessories, and Kelly-Springfield am Goodrich of the tire bores. Oniti States Robber went along, too. The impression has been that 'Rub bers annual report will show a heavy loss, but in it present mood, the market la ignoring de ficit where it feels that these represent the situation at its worst. t'nited States Cast Iron Pipe common was one of th lower priced issue to get into new uigu grouna jor uie year. It moved forward rather sharplv once it a-ot thrmrk its old hlrh point of 21. The pipe-making industry suf fered quite s slump in business during last yr and tha year before, as municipalities were not doing any building. The cast iron pipe ecen uany depends for the greater part of its busi ness on building" operations. It is not one of the- companies which has agreed on the pipe trade. Now that building operation are once more increasing, ca-d; iron pipe ia getting its share of the business and profits aps once more coming in. t't Iron Pip preferred is now en a $5 dividend basis and thia dividend is nou-eumuiative. The preferred is entitled to 5 annually and once this rare is declared on the senior issue, the common naturally falls in line for dividends. Monday Week ago week sse. . 4 weeks ago . . Tear ago . . . . 2 years ago. . . 3 year age. . , 4 years age. . , Just 100 carloads of Brestfek came to North Portland Monday with 14 Of these direct to ship pen. Hogs were steady, cattle steady to strode and in spota higher, while aheeo wera ateadv. In the cattle alleye soma very good leads of pulp fed staff gold st a quarter advance over the previous market. Early in the day steer went as high as $7.75 for palp fed stock. Remand waa excellent all through the market. General steer division tread was steady to strong ana una waa likewise true of aha scull. General cattle market ranaw: Choice ateen $ Medium to good steer Fair to medium (tears. ....... Oommon to fat steers Choice cows and beifer Medium to good eows and heifer Fair to mad rum cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers Canners Bulla Fair to good feeders Choice dairy calves Medium light calve Heavy calve ftwtne IMoea Hold No early change wa shown in swfn rriees al North Portland Mpnday. Early sales were at 110.50, the recent top Bog alley arrival over Sunday included 1617 head, compared with 164 9 head a week age. Moat ef the hog supplies that came forward were for th open market, only 90 bead being a direst shipment to kilVrrs. uenxrnu nog market range Prime light Smooth heavy, 330-300 lbs.. Smooth heavy, 300 lha Op. . Rough heavy Ft pit Feeder pigs stags Sheep SltuiUen Good Good tone con Urines for sheep nd lambs at North Portland for the week's opening. There . a run of 2161 head in tha alleys, compared with 2731 bead a week ago and 4295 head a year ago. Of the day a run in this division 559 head, four leads, went direct to out id killers un contract. Sales fn th early day vera made within th former pnee range: (ianeral aheeo and lamb range Exit of mountain iambs I 9.75 10. 50 Prime valley lambs 8.35 .- Fair to good lambs 4.75 6.25 Cull lambs 4 75 6.25 Ijcht yearlings a 7.50 a 8.00 Hexvy yearlings s.bO t.;.o Light wethers 6.50 7.00 Heavy wethers 4.50 W 6.60 Ewes 8.00 e) 6.00 Breaking the ice between Portland and The Dalles the steamer Madaline completed a three-day trip to The Dalies today. , The Madaline left Saturday morning with a full load tor all points above Cascade Locks, points not made on the tip trip were taken care of on the voyage in, and in a way the riTer line succeeded in rnakln; a first general cleanup since the storm broke on December L Automobile, apples (frefih and canned for Eastern shipment) are piled up and will .be moved downstream as soon as possible. The Madaline win return to regular schedule this week, and Man ager Steelsmith does not look for any more ice trouble. When the ice above Celilo breaks there will be little trouble. The Jam at Big Eddy will move out easily. Clear ing the 13 miles of rapid water between Celilo -and The Dalles the ice would be cracked up and no menace to naviga tion. Crates point, and Memaloose island will clear and an open river will be the result The Madaline will return to regular echedule on Wednesday morning. Xew Tork Butter and Eggs New York. Feb. 6. II. N. S.) Butter- Market unsettled. Creamery extras, 32 ei 36 He; creamery fir.W 30(r35V: creamery higheT scoring, ddteaiVkc: state dairy tubs, 27 & 33c; cxirs laaies, :9H4lc. ( heeee Quiet. State skims, fair to good. UPC-dC Eeg Firm. Nearby white' fancy. 4 8c: nar- by brown fancy, 43(47c; extra. 43r44o; firrts. 38 40c, Milk The nominal wholesale crice i 3 37e jer quart, aenvcred in New York. Official quv cations auconnnued. Moni March .. May .... Jhly ictnber Uvuembtr Open. High. Iiw. Close. 1660 1H7J 1645 1605 1H23 lUno 1615 1640 I5S 1605 157.' 13 158.1 1549 1530 154H 1526 1540 1527 1542 SHEEP AM) WOOL BRISG GOOD . TRICES IN GILLIAM COCJCTY Condon. Or.. Feb. . Young breeding ewes bring around $10: $7.50 i offered for ewe lamb wiUi wool on. and $5 ia offend for yearhng wether. F.-eder steers ar worth 5 to 6 cents. Good fin wool will command 25 rent on contract, but so far none haa been contracted. AU prices are higher than in 1921, bnt lower than four year ago. Some hay ha been acid at $10 in the stark. No aeriou losers were suffered by the (tons. Stockman re optimistic. Chicago Hog $9.SS Chk-aso. Feb. t Hog: Receipts. 51.000; market, 10(g--0o Usher. Bulk. $3.00 r ."0 ; top, $9.8.1; lifavjw. ight, $9. 00 9 20; medium weight. $.10 9.65; lightweight, $9.50 9.85; light lights. $9.50 tff !.8a; heavy packing sows, smooth, $8.15f8.5; packing sows, rough, 87.00 x 8.25: pig, $9.25 (0.S0. Cattle Receipts. 21.000; market slow; un evenly weak to 1 Oc lowr. Beef steer, choice and prime. $11.00 (e 10 00; medium and good. $7.00 e 9.00; good and choice. $8.00(4.9 50; common and medium, $5 .85 (g 8.00. Butcher cattle, heifers, $4.35 7.75 ; cows. $4.00(9 0.25; hull. $3.75 5. To. Canners and cutter, cows and heifers, f 2.7. & 4.00: canner ateers. $4.25 tit 4.50. Veal calve (light and handv-v-eitht). $4.50 at 10.75; feedet steers. $4.50 tg 6X0: stocker cows and heifers. $3.40 ( 5 00. SI.eep Receipt. 14.000; market steg'ly. Lairbs (84 lbs. down), $12.00 14.10: culls nc common. :iiffll .ill: yearling wethers. . i . a? 13.O0. Ej. culls and common, $2.50 reeaer lamn, 1 0.00 (of 12.73. - Denver Hooi 89.10 Denver, Colo., Feb. ti. i u. P.) Cattle: Receipt. 3000; steady. Steers. $0.00 S 7 3 cows and heif4rs, $4.50 ( 7. 10; fetockers and teederx, ?.j?00 to 6.8j ; bulls, 33.00 W 4.00; 'ttiiT, fQ.tiu a.oo. lotr Heceint. 2100: 10c higher. Tov, Sheep Receipts. 60IIO- Mh, $12.5(l(o 13 00;- ewo, 17 IKIH T 1 I So ig 12.2.) : yearlmss. $10. 00 11.00 Omaha Hoea S920 I South Oroaba, Neb., Feb. H IT N s i, Hogs: Receipts. 8000; 10t to 25c higher Bilk $8.80 9.10; top. $9.20. Cattle Receipts. 9UOO; beef steers slow Mil-sit, iw-j-iM wer: sua stock, steady to 15c kwcr: bulls steadj; ves! ftrons; stockers and "iris utu rianKeu. ueep Receipts. 12000? kiliim, , .1 early sale iteadj. Top limb. $13.00: dinned ewas. $7.30; feeders, firm- f.H. 10; laimbs, feeders, OOCNTRT MKAT8- Selling tprWi Onuatry " lie per lb for tu I blue ken about 25 to 130 lb,, heavy atwff Iras; veal. top. "!" to tin in.. iauo lb.; baatj w; wmn, mariwc ia. SMOKED MtAT-s Hams. 39e Hv; reakfs( bacon. 2342e lb. ' PACallNU HOI SB UKiTi . LW ae '4e;-lf,vs, 13e; rows, 13a; laasba. 30' e; watnera. se: ewea. 12e S LASI aattla mMWrad. 16 Ha nae ttvi tw. sssu, soauaniad. 13 kV. WW aee Siiefrrtaa) FTSNs aUlvwvaMSa. lie raw Ikv , W-ll- 1 a I o IK I atarrtreen. ITS) SOa la . vi.,k ' -"ii. ia"-' --- 'PTsr-! tod, J.S; OTITFRal TMatmm. tiL. 14 (lr nt-.v-aU .1 Bits 1 H 1 al A anal aw .Hta. 1 a k. . " Mlaa Flora 1111 crap, Bosautai. lie Rv IUDIS talfkm. lie: kn aT. uw-s : ut. $ ra. aumta m leal, l2ue Jb. Liverpool .Cotton Eaaler Liverpool. Fab. 6. L N. S.) Fair snot de- masd. Price easier. Sales 6000 bales. Amer ican middling fair. 11. $6; good middling, 9.91; fully mid., 9.51: mid.. 9.16; low mid.. 8.21; good ordinary, 8.90; ordinary, 6.21. Futures opened steady. WOOL W ilia met: valley roars, 13 18c: um. 30 4 2 lc; fiaa. 2a.25e: Eastern 0- gow-UUhe. lS25e lb. TiUUW Ali UKaA-K No. 1 tallow. lar; No. J. 3 He. ' C A3 CAR A BARK New, c lb; grape root, x lb. BKAN&. Small white. $6.00: l. ,(.. $ 10. pink. $6.40; lima. $8.23; bayou. 38.63: raa, sa no. HONEY Case. $6.00. KICK Japan atyk. No. 1 6c; Bin Roaa. T lb.: New Or la haw-, sije fh. COFTEB Roasted. 17 20e lb. a sack, or drum. . ALT Oaaraa. H sr., J 00. $15.80 tea; SO. $17.93; table dairy. 80s. 2T 5: kwlea. $$lo4 oo; ac ubk, and iury. $3. tamp, $26.50 ton. ..8I0AR.. -.'-,,b T.H:fndt and brr. e vu; renew u, .40j beet granulated. $3 80 extra C. $5.60: golden C. $5 0. ' CANNKD M ILK Tails. $5.15; baay $4 5 eaaa; Est la. $9.73 case, SODA CRACKERS ln bulk. 14c Th. w" 77. ,-v"",1-- is ia Mcx lots: rsm- ... iwii "uwiT V, -uw' "-: kettle iXytlnm rT --. ri IA. On-rUsia harrW . . . . - - ix Tea WHITE U1IM Use. - TFBPENTTN" rwna, per fOam.' .!- eaaa. per gallon, Sl.JOV . lie; 800 tba. lambs. $12.10 Id.- lambs, $12.85 Seattle Hoe $10.80 -lu' Flil0:",L Hogs Recel,.ts, ?? market hinher. Prime liirtita. Holing 10. oO; rough beariea. $7.00t800- -w,-. . I , I, , I , i, .... . ' '."' ' VVi t, : IBS. a.O0(r 10.00. - , jiirn . a .in. ,i ii . .k.,l Ifl7r.a,7, -lJlum K o ... ' Z - m to good. $5.50 O.50; best cows and heater, x.l Ti u prime litjht calves, $9.00 kr. 10.00; heavies 1 1 00 (a M OO- hull. ano,o- ' """. ai ou Sheep None. San Franchoo Hogs 810.50 San Francisco, Feb. 6 (C. P.I rtn, Grass .fed steers. No. 1. 7 7 He; second qua! v , v,i;, una neiiers, 5 (a, 5 V, e - ".. r- , upitj, " It I 1 c. oueep uimos. i ajio-kc; wether?, 6 Vi -C- ax., Wf-c 7J -stC. Hwjr Hard ffrtuB, weiht 10O-175, 10 Vic wa ww( o TI C Kantasa City Hogs $90 aansa tity. Mo.. Feb. 6. atUe Receiot i.v, uuii. steers, ao.uu s c30; tjows and heifers. $4.00 01 6.25; stockers and feeders. " vw0 ana, iD.vy ij tl.OO. Hogs Receipts 13.000: ted nit- al $3 85(39.13; top. $9.20; htavies. $8.75 " "; hghta, $8.80 8.20; mediums, $8.83 a c. a . SBIfeceipto 6000; activa Beet lambs, 513.75. PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Portland Banks This Tear. Clearings Monday. .. $ 5.913. 373 Balances Monday... 1,103,729 Tear $ 6,074.1 10 1,011,769 5,120.027 1,627,092 1.869.435 . . .$21,300,000 $ 1.809,549 Seattle Bank learings Monday Balances Monday i acorn a Banks Today's bank transactions San Francisco Banks lea rings Monday Oak tana Banks Clearings Monday Los Angel Bank Clearings Monday $14,714,902 Dried 1 mil and Beans New York, Feb. . (!. N. S.) Beam Market firm.. Marrow, choice, $5.53 0 5.56 (ca. choice, $3.50; red kidney, choice. $0.60 B.75. Dried Fruits Market firm. Apricots, choice to extra fancy. 2r!32c; apples, evaporated prime to fancy, 15 ( 18 He; prunes, 30s to 60s, 9tt 16c; do 60s to 100s. H 10c; peaches, choice to extra fancy, 2526e; seeded una. choice to fancy, 15 Vac .$10.15 10.50 . 9.25(210.00 . 8.25 M 9.00 . 6 00 0 8.23 . 9.75 10.00 . 9 75 10.00 5.00 W 6.50 LLSEtt BRIXGISO ACTOS A5D WILL TAKE OCT WOOL CARGO Inbound from Boston. New Tork and Philadelphia, the Luckenbach liner K. I. Luckenbach will dock at Portland late this afternoon at terminal No. 1. She has on board for thia port BOO tons of general, consisting mostly of automo biles, canned goods and paper, out bound the K. I. Luckenbach will -take nether large shipment of wool for the East coast, amounting to 600.000 pounds. Westbound in the lnlercoastai serv ice. the steaxnahip WilUolo of the WU iams line and the Katherlna Lucken bach are listed as sailing for Portland from Philadelphia this morning.. Both have heavy cargoes for this port and will be due the latter part of this month- In the meantime the steamships Lwis i.uckenhach and Steel Navigator will enter, and cargo awaits both outbound. Off-shore stuff loading and to start the week for the westward the Japanese steamship Horisan Maru. Mitsui vessel and under charter to James Griffith, ie working cargo at Albers No. 3. She is taking parcel lots and the principal item win be a heavy shipment to Japan py the Aladdin company. Monday Mornlni Sara 6TEEH8 No. Ave. lb. Price. No. Ave. lb. Price. 26 1151 $ 7.75 26 1181 $ T.7B 25 1127 7.75 36. ...1157 T.75 2 800 6.50 S3 97ft 7.28 8 1091 '7.75 13 1030 7.25 18 1009 7.50 27 1102 7.50 27.,.. 915 .25 4 1082 6.50 1 1060 6.00 32 1075 6.60 10 1001 6.75 20 875 6.38 27 905 6.75 '1 970 6.00 9 1065 6.75 5. .. 1034 6.50 18 1115 6 23 29 903 7.10 4t 10O8 7.10 37 975 7.16 S8....1098 7.10 30. ...1051 7.1.0 20 1121 7.50 6 1215 7.00 OOW8 29 106S 6.25 3 1070 6.23 1 880 6.50 16 852 6.00 2 875 5.00 22 993 5 50 6.... 1040 tr.00 2.... 975 6.25 1 1310 5.75 1 1050 4.00 6 1063 6.00 2 1050 3.50 2 1125 5.00 BCLLS 13 1230 $ 4 85 1....1380 3 5.00 1 1310 4.00 1 1850 5.25 1 1500 5.25 1 1580 5.25 3 806 9 00 09 168 $10.58 112 164 10 50 7 175 10.50 16 190 10.00 15 164 10.50 98 183 10.50 10 130 10.00 1 440 9.50 02 200 10.50 LAMBS 8 72 $10.00 24 75 $ 8.00 23 67 8.O0 202.... 62 8.75 63.... 76 10.35 25.... 67 10.00 250 75 10.00 YEARLINGS 1 ,110 t 8.00 WETHERS 21 109 8.00- I 1 100 7.00 ST. HELEN'S MHIPS t4M.t FEET OF LUMBER AN WEEK 6C Helens, Or., Feb. 6. Lumber ship ments for the week ending February 4 totaled 2.300,000 feet. The McCormuK steamer Celilo took on 930.000 feet for San Pedro: the .Tapanese pteamer Hol land Maru loaded 1.200,000 feet for the Orient and the steamer Colusa took 200,- 000" feet for Soulh American ports. The coming week is expected to be more ac tive or the waterfront. Tho steamer Multnomah is due for a cargo of 850,- 000 feet for California; the West Ilen- shaw Is coming for 400,000 feet for Mel bourne and several coastwise steamers are listed, eo it is probable that the week shipments will total close to 6,000,000. The mill of the Island Lumber com pany, which has Peen iaie lor me past 10 months, will reeume operation about February 10 and its daily capacity, av eraging 80.000 feet, practically all of which la shipped by water, .will in crease the -shipments from this port. 5w Tork Sugar and Coffee New Tork .Feb. 6. (IT. P.I Sugar, steady raw. 3.61 & 3.67; refined, steady; granulated. 3.00 r 5. 10. Coffee No. 7 Bio. spot. 9 8 9 H ; No. 4 San tof., llt,lZn. Packing Strike Called Off St. Louis, Feb. 6. Conditions in the packing trade have adjusted themselves to normal since the strike of the packinghouse workers ha been called off. Painters, decorators and paper hangers have accepted a wage cut of 20 per cent. ?few Tork Cottonseed Oil New York. Feb. 6. Cottonseed oil Feb.. 92 (B1003; March. 973S975; July, 1012(51015 Sept. 1029 1031. Srw York Wool and Hides New York. Feb. 6. (I. N. S.) Wool- Market firm. Domestic fleece, XX. Ohio. 23 3!c; do pulled, scoured basis. 18(a) 87c: do Texas, scoured basis. 40 73c; do territory sta ple, scoured basis. 60 90c. Hides Market firm. Native steers, 16c; branded steers, 1315Vxe. NaTal Stores Market New Tork. Feb. 6. (I. N. S.) Turpen lin-T-Savannah, 88 88; New York, 05 Rosin Savannah, 543. Chicago Dairy Prod are Chicago. Feb. 6. (L '. S.) Butter Re ceipts. 8320 tubs. Creamery, extra, 3ttc; firsts. 80 33c; packing stock, life 17c Eag? Receipt. 9542 cases. Miscellaneous. 35x36c; ordinary firfts. 3l(aSlc: first. 37c: checks. 2627c; dirties. 29 & 30c. Cheese Iiaisies, 20 He; Youuc Americas, 20 lie; longhorns, 15 Vic. Minneapolis Wheat Options Minneapolis, Feb. 6. Wheat: Mon. Open. Clo May 130 133 July 122H 125H Sat Wlnipeg Wheat Options x Winnipeg, Feb. t. Wheat: Uon. Open. May 119H 122 "4 July 116 118 ,8at "184 115. Sew York-London SflTer Nav York. Feb. 6. (L N. S.) Commer cial bar silver: Domestic unchanged at 99 c; roreign, -1 lower at one London! Feb. 6. (L N. S.) Bar silver, d lower at 441 Chiexuro Potato Market Chicago. Feb. 6. (L N 8.) Potatoes Receipts, 36 car. Northern white, $1,85 9 Sa Fraaclseo. Poaltrv Market San Francisco, Feb. . Poultry Broilers, 1 a 1 T a"" - 1H to l lbs.. 37 &; i to 8 Ss; colored fryers, 2 to 3 lbs., 353lse; colored yoaug reostan, a to 4 lb., 82 m Sic: over 4 lbs.. 29$ 31c: ataggy allowing spar. 20f35c; colored old rs, 18 a 20c; Leghorn old roosters, 18 18e; Leghorn bens. 2 a 8 lb.. 24 25c; 3 lb, and over, 25 926c: Varce colored hens, 28 80c; docks, young. 2528e; old. 2324e: ewee. vowng. 289 30c; he turkev-s young 36 $bc; dreaaed torkeys. young. 44y46c ForeigB Waeat Markets Uvenioot. Feb. .-Vbeat closed 2 d uy trm yarterday's rlnae. ' Baenoe Aire. Fee. t. Wheat. 1 Vt higher ecirn, unctianeed to 'Vie higher; oata. BD. cheated. - - .. Raa FraaeUee Cak Barley Ban Frtivciseo Feb. 6 C. P ) Barley Spot feet it per cental). $1.-2 y 1J0. 5ew Tork Poaltry Market New Tork, Feb. . (I. N. 8.) Ijve poul try Market firm. Chicken. 27 4 16c: fowls. sata-2te; torkeys, .4 M; tract. 34 W 85c; geese si m -ae per in. Dressed poultry Market steady. Fowls, 18 9 ate; luraeys, Heaic; aueas, sasjsze; geese. 19S.1C. 5ew Tork Potato Market New Tork, Feb. 6. ft N. 8.) Potatoes ataraet oiev rearoy wtute. 3.25 f 5.65. MtnseafMU-Dasth Flax Duluth, Mian., reb. . (L N. 8.) Flax auy ana to arrive. $2.2l; July. $2.33; track. $2.32ft S t. " Minneapoiia. Mina., Feb. . (L N. S.) Flax May, 2 32 W ; on track, 2 29 54Jt -. 7 . Mi arrive, .jg. ) aa z. . Jiew Tork Metal Market New York, Fee. . (I N. S.) Copper iwi. fHnuuons erierea ut . - Lead Dull. All posiuona ofTered 84 7 . Epetter Quiet. AH positions offered $4.52 H 4031 407 Vi; New Tork PROPELLER LOST, COASTER NOT Tides at A tort High Water. Low Water. S :25 a. rru. 8.2 fT 1 :49 a. m S.C ft, 10:01 fx itk, S.S ft. 3:47 p. du, 0.1 ft. Seaside High water nine minutes earlier. Seaside Low water 21 minutes earlier. SOUND FAILS PLAN TO CUT mu G. Dram from Geviota. Arrived at 10:40 a s. steaisee AUaa from Saa Francisco. Saa Fro4oo. Fb- 6. Arrived at T a re. steamer Senator frora Saa Diego for. Portland. Sailed at noon, steamer ktose City far PorUaad. Balled it I in a. ateaaaer Weat Isleta froet Portland and Paget Sound for New Tork and way porta Astoria. Feb. B. Sailed It It-OS a. aa.. staaaaer Admiral Brans for Baa Dtege sad war porta. Arrived st 7:35 sod left up at 11 a m. Japanese iteamer Horaisaa Mara frrea Kobe via San Frneir-o, Iaft trp at B:10 p. m. aeaaer John W. Wella, Left is at aaid- night from Uobka. achooawr That la. rVaiatd at 10 p. to. Juituu staamer aaikra Man far Japaa. . Ban Pedro. Feb. 8 Sailed steamer Tksxvr fee Columbia nvev. Saued. vtaaraer Hattie uar enbach . from Columbia river for New Orlaena. Sailed, steamer Trinidad for Columbia river. Ar rived, ateaaaer Steel Navigator froaa New Tork lor Portland. I Philadelphia. Feb. 8. Bailed, steamer Ka trine Lockanbwh frora Bostoa for Portland. Sailed, ateamer Willanlo from Portland for New York. Coo Bay. Feb. S. Arrived at 7 30 a. aa. -tamer Admiral Rodman frora Portia ad for Saa Frxuicisco. Seattle. Feb. 5 Arrived, irirwnwa- FUlm City froan Kobe for Portlaad. San Diego. Feb. S. Arrived. TVW from New Orleans for Portland. Saa Frarx-iaoe. Feb. 6. II. V Mi i-imi today: West Oltowa, from Kobe at 11 10 a m.; South Coast, from Craacaait City at 6:40 m. , rfouanna nmitn. irom (jeos Bay at 7:30 a m. ; Joban Poolsrw. from Astoria at S a. ta.; Preasdent. from Loa Anestaa at 10:10 a. m. Bailed todav: HnnLh l n. t. Ijm Angeles st 10:36 a m. Aberdeen. Wash . Feb. S. Arrived- ata Ahcia. frara San Pedro, at 1 . m from Seattle, at 5 p. an. VaaaeU to arrive Selma City Kobe Derblar Tmwi rAhoett Rolph San FTaa. . . una nty Han Fran... Was. A. McKenaey . . .New Tork.. Rakuyo Mara ....... Saa Fran. . , Remoa Taooma . . . Senator Ran Diego. . Benowa haa Fraa . . Daverirort Han Fran . , Toshida Mru No. 8 . . Kobe Baadal Mara Noorderdlik Rosan Maru .... Egypt Mara .... Arixonan Cold Barbor Went Noaaentam . Arabten City of Lincoln.. Admiral Hodikin Dek-o TJileboet Rotarlaa Tvunubiiaa Ham ObJoaa finite Lewis Tjackenbaeh Iirline Ateel Narigmtor I airline . , Blue Eagle Rentnrkiaa Toko Maru . . . . . Munalras Selma City To .Kobe , .Rotterdam Aberdeen , .Morons .... ..New Tork... . . Philadelphia . . . Shanghai . . . Kobe ..Seal tie , .8. F. A way. . . New Orlaana , . San Fraai. . . . . . Boeoo Aires ..Kobe Memnon City of Victoria Mtrralatd . . . . Oelnaa ...... Steel Age Panamas K. I. I-ockepbarh .... Orient MnHnomah Ntw Tork. Clyde Mara . . . Hektor Fnka Mara . . , Paraiso : Horaisan Mara , Rose City . . . ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The McCorrnick line steamer Multno mah is finishing cargo at St Helens for San Francisco only. She will sail Wed nesday afternoon at 2 :30 with passen gers. J ohm Pennington, dean of purs ers for the McComiick company, is back on thajob with the passengers lor the Multnomah. v The steamship Senator of the Admiral line sailed from San Francisco for Port land this afternoon and will be due at Terminal No. 2 Thursday morning. With general cargo from an Fran cisco the Hteamship Daisy Mathews ar rived up late this afternoon. She wiy lojid lumber for San F"rancisco. POSITIONS OF VESSELS Radio reports from North Head give the po- nuon of th following vessels at 8 p. m. xebru arv 5 : Gosiistan. Cuba for Vancouver, 15 miles oft Columbia nver. Edgar Luckenbach, Port Alice. B. C. for San Francisco, 500 miles from Ssn Francisco. Beamort. Portland for Yokohama. 272 mil west Columbia river. Rainier. Kan Francisco for Belhngkam. 118 mile from fteiiingnam. Forest- King. San Diego lor Beatue. -o miles frran SeatUe. Kan Diego. Taroma for San Pedro. 48 mile south Columbia river. A tlx.'. Richmond for Astoria, 103 mile from Astor.a. Admiral Bchley. .Seattle for San Francisco, 268 miles sooth S-sule. (Bv Federal Wirelews) Ecuador, Ran Francisco for New Tork, 1590 mile south Sn Francisco. Colombia. Bltimore for San Francisco, 1124 miles south San Francisco. La Pnrisima. Port San Lai for Okum, 130 miles south Oleum. Even-tt. EvereU for San Pedro. 350 miles north Kn Pedro. Frank C,. Dnim. San Pedro lor Portland. 624 mile, north San 1'edro. San Antonio. Part San Luis for San Fran- f-.r. at Xiim landtni. DU worth. Seattle for San Frnrico. 417 aniles north Kan Francisco Johanna 8mith, Coo Bay for Sn Francisco, ? milM south Cons Bav Claremont, Grays Harbor for San red re, 141 mile north han rranexxco. West Orowa. Kobe for San KrancLsco, 311 milM wMt Kan FranciseoL West Norn. Saa Francisco for South Ameri can porta, 15 miles touth Ban xrancisco. San Francisco. Feb. . (I. N. S.) Wireless advicJcs were received here" to day that the schooner Fred Baxter. San Pedro for Puget Sound, Is adrift 57 miles northwest of Blunt reef, having lost her propeller. Fro It Growers Conference Held Wenatchee. Wash.. Feb. 6. The "Diplomatic Center of the Apple World" is -a. sign that could ell be hung on Wenatchee today, for the strongest and most influential interests of the industry are gathered here for a series of cru cial meetings. Tbe negotiations involve tne la tum policy of the Skookum Packers' association. v snatches District Cooperauve association, the Northwestern Fruit Exchange and the North American Fruit Growers, Inc. Resuita of far reaching importance are expected from the con ference being held. . m.f . Smelt Ran la CowUts BIrer Kelso, Wash., Feb. 6 - A small run of Co lumbia river smelt is in the .CowliU riTer and the fishermen are ,v"g small catches of th little fish, which are a great table delicacy throughout the Northwest. Boats can get but tnree or ioar Boxes a xugnt. It may be several weess oeiorw a Heavier ran arrives, id the epuuoa ef those familiar with smelt fishing operations, a few fish have been caught by the Columbia nver gut Better. - OCEAN RATEH STEADY New 'York. Feb. 6 (I. N. S.) No changes in the ocean grain freights. The offerings are steady and quotations are United Kingdom, 3s3d,a3s6d; Germany 17S18c: France. Atlantic range, 14 lac Meditteranean. 22c ; Amstermdam and Rotterdam, 13 16c News of the Port New Tork . . .Shanghai .... .New Tork . Honorala .... .New Tork.... Kan Fran .... New Tork New Tork Mararaa ....... Gaivestoa .... Seattle Depart From aoetlari1 For Europe . . .Orient . . Honolnra . . . Weat Coast . . . . .New Tork. . . . Europe Doe. Feb. . . . . Feb. . ...Feb. ....Feb. . . . . Feb. ....Fee, Feb. Fee. ....Fab. Feb. Feb. 10 ....Fwb, 16 ... .Feb. 11 b. 11 ....Fee, It ....Feb. It ....Fwb. 11 . . . .Fwb. 14 Feb. 14 ....Feb. 14 .Feb. 14 .Feb. 1$ .Fve. 18 .Fvb, 18 . . res. 1 9 Feb. IB .Feb. 16 .Feb. 16 .Fee. IT .Feb. 17 .Feb. 18 .Feb. 18 .Fb. 38 .Feb. 3$ .Feb. 28 .Feb. 28 Hrinan Mara . . . Senator Annette Ttolnh . . Eastern Bailer . . Arixonan Admiral Rodman Finite Delco Roxan Maru . . . , La-line ... i ... . Luriine .J ..Orient , . San Pedro . . . . . Pan Pedro. . . . .Orient . .Raa Fran.. . . . . West Coast. . . . Orient . .. D. A way. . .Ran Frea.. . . Data. .Feb. .Feb. .Feb. . VH .Feb. .Feb. .Fen. .Feb. , .Ft. , . Europe . . . . . ,R. F. A way. ..Orient ..New Or lean , .Japan . . Honolulu . . . , .Honolulu . , . . .Feb. ..Feb. , .Feb. . .Feb. 10 . . Feb. 1 1 ..Feb. 11 . . Feb. 1 1 . .Feb. 11 . .Feb. 18 . .Feb. 14 . . Feb. 1 3 . .Feb. 17 ..Feb. IT . .Feb. 17 . .Feb. 18 . .Feb. 19 Vessel In Port PORTLAND FIELD Efforts of Puget Sound lnterearta te i gain a part of Portland's exclusive trade In the WUlametts vaJley, havef failed since the interstate commerce commis sion haa suspended proportional Clara rates which were proposed 1 to become effective this week between SeatUe and . Portland and applicable on tntTid to points south of Portland to Roseburg and north of SeatUe to the Canadian border. This Inform atlorr was received today ' ' by John H. Lothrop, secretary of the Portland Traffic At Trait sportaUon asso- ciatlon. and marks the termination ct a long effort upon the part of interests j to the north to trade a part of their ex clusive territory to the north of that city for a part Of Portland's exclusive' territory to the south. TNCREASE PROPOSAL - , Rates between Seattle and PorUand,. on account of water cornpeuuoci. were carried on a low basts for a great many . years. The Interested carriers proposed to Increase the rates between Portland and Puget Sound, and between Port- land. Seattle and Taeoma and Grays -Hafbor and W Ilia pa Harbor, to 87c first class. Upon protest of shippers and commercial Interests, this tariff was . later withdrawn and new rates on a -75c scalb were proposed. These rates also were protested by the same Inter est, but after hearing by the IntersrUUe -commerce conunission' and the depart ment of public works of WasbJnsrtoo, ' were approved and became -effective on December L 112L The 75c scale waa re- ' garded by the carriers as unduly low, but nevertheless it was felt that at those . rates they would secure a fair share of -the traffic FBOPOBTIOHAL KATES ' Upon the urgent requeaTt of Seattle . shippers, strongly supported by tht de partment of public works of Washing ton, the carriers put In pttrpottionai '., rates COo first class, 60c seoood class, -40c third class and 25c fourth clAJts, on ' account of certain less than carlond sro portional commodity rates carried by the Southern Pacific from San FTartcLsoo to Portland, which were used in con structing through, rates to points In the Willamette valley. Investigation devei- r oped, however, that there was practically . no movement from San Francisco t points In the Willamette valley upon ' those rates. Any benefit accruing . te Seattle under the new proportional rates, which would apply on aU L C. L . traffic, would result In crreaportdirig - loss to Portland. 0EDEE CANCELED The proportional rates were first pub- llshed to become effective December : t, " but were ordered canceled by the Inter- . state commerce commission because they were published on less than statutory notice without authority. They are re- . published effective February 5. but bos- -pended upon protest and rex-tieert for.', suspension Tiled for the Portland Traf fic and Transportation association, at the earnest solicitation of Its members, who felt that the proposed proportional: rates were unduly preferential to Seat tle and unjustly discriminatory aaJiurt ' Portland. Babinda . , City of Victoria , . Clyde Mara Colusa Eastern Sailor . . . Edna Fuku Mara Ileinan Marn . . . Hektor John W. WeU . . Memnon Multnomah Oreson Fir Panaman ........ Paraiso ........ Tlustle Stevl Age West Henshaw . . Horisan . . . Daisy Mathews . . Frank O. Drum . Atlas K. L Luckenbach Aralon Berth. Terminal Jin, 3 Terminal No. 4 Terminal No. 4 6t Helens Irving Rainier Terminal No. 4 ....... W est Oregon Sea. Pacific . .Pacific Coast Bunkers Columbia Knanpton Harvey , C.lobe Couch East Oak St Waoaa St. Hesi Alb (loodl Linntea Aatona Astoria AVra Possessors of Deer : Meat Assessed Fine Jack Hunt deputy sheriff of TambJH . county and watchman at the Meadow Lake club, was fined 1125 and WUllam Hllliard. club house keeper, was fined $75 following hearings at McMtnnville Saturday on charges of having deer meat in their possession during dosed season, according to reports filed at the headquarters of the state game oo-nmia- . sion today. Dates for Reduced Eastboimd Freight Charges Announced dKffectlve dates for a number of east- bound freight rate changes, which were announced recently, were received today by 1L E. Lounsbury, general freight agent for the Union Pacific system. In a message, sent by the transcontinental freight traffic bureau. The reduction of newsprint paper rates from 11.12 to $1.25 on movements to Missouri river and Texas points will become effective Ftbruary 16. A" 10 per cent reduction in rice and rice products moving to Eastern territory will become effective February 11. Cider and vinegar rates will be reduced from $1.20Vs to $1.03 March 13. TRANSPOR r ATIOM from San Arrivals February 6 Daisy Mathews. American steamer, Francisco; general. Horaisan Maru. Japanese steamer, from Kobe via Ssn Francieco:1 cargo in transit. Avaion, American stea-oer. from San Pedro; ballast. Frank G. Drum, American steamer, from Gaviota; oil. MARINE ALMANAC Weather at River- Mouth North Head, Feb. 6. Condition at the mouth of the river at noon: Sea rough; wind south, 40 miles; weather cloudy. DAILY RIVER READINGS g 00 a. m.. Pacific Time. IastalHag Small Mm on Testis Kebe, Wash., Feb. 0. C, a Couch of Castle Rock. Cowbts county fire warden, k installing a small shingle mill en the Laebke place ea the TouUe. vwhevw he has saxaared a auaatity ef timr ber. He haa aa order for Jap squarr of cedar. The lumber sad shingles will be baaied nine aulet to Silrer Lake for shipment over the Silver Lake Hallway k Timber company line. MINK PURCHASE AFPEOTAL Spokane. Waslu. Feb. Stockholders of the Hecla Mining company- meeting Saturday in Spokane ratified the action of the directors taken in Milwaukee May 25. when it was decided to join with the Bunker Hill company In the purchase of the -Star "mine in tbe 'Coetrr ? River wgr;t l Temp-tars teWiiff hf irf g C as ST- 5." I .sh " tmaiiUa ... 2S 1.41-0.6,0.001 40 29" Eugene .... 10 .5!S. Ii0.02 50 39 Albany 20 S . 7(1 . 1 jO .OOJ 50 42 Salem 20 4.316. TO. 001 49 87 Oregon City. 12 8 . 10 ..0.00 Ponjand 15 80 45 Qen. De Wet, Leader :, Of Boers, Is Dead By Universal Service London, Feb. . A Renter dispatch reports that General Christian De Wet died at Johannesburg Friday. General De Wet was commander In chief of the Free State forces in the South African-war. NEW SON ARRIVES Oregon City. Feb. 8. A boy waa born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Not surt of reels Mountain. TTIAXSPORTATIOM Rising. ( ) Fall in RITER FORECAST i Tbe Willamette river st Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or thrce oaya ciwis av aaiecvsi ry toe tane. j "; -AT WORLD'S PORTS ' Astoria, Feb. ).- Arrived at tnkrnight sad left to at 1 a. sa- steamer Dairy Uxthesra from Raa Ivanrisoo. Arrived at 7 3l and Mt up at Baa steamer A-vaion from Man rwim. Ar- Are You Going to Europe? Or the Orient?. Or Around the World? Why not get experienced and accu rate information from one who has traveled extensively for the. benefit of his patrons? Seesre Steamship BeservaUoBi sad Ticket Frost DORSEY B. SMITH . MANAGER JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU ISO BROADWAY, PORTLAND, OE. Phone Marshall 1978 Passenger ant Frelgkt Service . T. to CliERBOCRO and SOUTH AMPTO. ., QUtTSMia Fab. IS Star. 11 s. 14 MSURETSMIA .... 4 r. H Hat 10 Bf.RCNO.ARIA . ..Staf SO w SO Jury 11 N. T. TO HALIFAX. FI.TMOCTH. CHER-. -BOL'BU AND HAMBL'RO . . AXONia aSsr. T N T. TO QCEENflTOWN AND LTTKRrOOL ALBANIA Fb.18 . 4 Z . SOTTHIAr Sea. IS Star. ZX Asa- IS OAMCRONIA (Sap. 11 . V T. TO LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW ' ASSYRIA Star. IT . ' ALGERIA Apr. S Way 1 1 Jwm 1 0 N. X. TO HALIFAX. LONDOKDEKXX AND GLASGOW m AL8ERIA .f. . .SUr. 4 BOSTON TO IjONDONDEBBTT LITgiLr-OOl, AND GLASGOW. ASSYRIA Apr. 18 tsaw IS lwly1 POBTIAND, ME., to HALIFAX at GLASGOW. ATVRNIA Feb. 10 Staav. Sat . CASSANDRA Saar. Apr. IS For tofea?raBittoa, tickets, etc., srply to Local Agents or CotBrjany's Offlee, 821 Bee- -end Ate, Seattle, Phone Elliot 1631. . ASTORIA and WAY POINTS STEAMER SERVIOC ! Oafty (lUcaa 8surh TS0 P. 8ft, Bplewdid tUacpitaf AreiiMmnrtiriraas Ckanartkjeai Made for All VerU end Aok PASS 8V.88 EACH WAX. SAM lUyCITD TM Slam- Wrest Deck. Bewy. SMS3 TMB IURKUU TpJlRgsTTATVOsl O. , NORTH CHINA LINE Columbia Pacific Shipping Co. Direct Fielrht Serrteo Witkost Tru$.8alsa$lt rOBTLAKD TO YOKOHAMA, KOBE, 8HASGHAI, T8I5STAO, TIES TSIN (TIED BAR). rniNWAXGTAO. TJAIKEM S. S. Eastern Sailor - Feb. 13 j S. S. West Nomentum Mar. 6 SHANGHAI, MANILA AND HONGKONG , S. S. Vinita - - - Feb. 17 S S. West Coyote - - Mar. 17 . For Fnrther Isformstloa Regardlsg Space, BaU. Ete, Ayly t Traffle Departmest - - .509-522 Board of Trade Bid., Portland, Ore. . Or ASTORIA JtHIPPI-fG COMPANY, AMeria, Ore raa Or t. f, t . . t f -s I r-' f - I. . - i - . . -