THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL . PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, .. 1C22. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE " HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 404 HOUSES 404 tex mnt to Btrx tour homi is howi 1200 Homo to Cones Tim. - - -AMAJUCA'S LARGEST Horn Seller. Rose City Park Laurelhurstj ' V row. fofa to bar to b ot these ' iwnctt. snepect ear listings. We have plnirt properties hated at teat axe mi sUrectiv. Ta addlttoa to evrr wowrt-town office we auankaia ta East kid off km at 40th and Bandy. It la Mr mm to constaatly to to snack with the beat buy aa they ara pot cm the market and alao act aa selling ' sewaU lev awer ot Portland's best build era, If roa onn tern piste building we eaa be ef arvio to 7011. la tba Res City Park district we be eawwrel huglew to U at prices imol 4000, end aa easy wrm. to. Ex-Scrvice Men Bee la aitod yoalw taint to Baa la that sen boom a' long time. Bay a good ene ta a good district. Investigate oar bonus plan. If a antry w wlU balp rtnaasa. Drive oat today to oar Eaat Uto office. AGTEEPE CD. UFF1CES" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 i KEW BUNfiALGWS FOB 8 ALB . ' East 20th and pine; 8 room. attic range, farnaea, tils bath, hardwood floor throughout. 60x100 lot. Price ItlM. 1 244 Eaat Bnaam: a well UTaoed bwnsa- tow, with attic, break, nook, hardwood floor tnroornonx, mce 32w. 720 Eaat 80th N.: 3- mm, attic garage. furnace, break. Book; avarytbiBC right BP to tba BtaDta. PrJea tSOOO. Both and Klickitat. Boat Ctty; modem in vary way. Price (5650. GEO RGB E. WELLER, 228 Cham, at Commerce bide Broadway 6231. . Anto 317-44. ntTWGTOW Vow bwnentow, 6 noma and sleeping porch, Wrdwrmd floor, breakfast mora and aa built- in. Tola la good value aad underprieed at $5136. eaah (1500. baUnoe eaay. Yon owe fet to ywnjaelf to ee thai one. lanuajTURST W"W aaom bungalow, all large ronma. hard wood floor. Dutch kitchen, eta. Everything vtaht ap to the miante. rally worth mora thao ha pnoB, fSHOA. Small raah payment and 1WN T FAIL TO BKat IX. Every bone before being offered for your ewit deration be first pern personally . IN SPECTED. APPRAISED AND pnotograpn. HOMES FROM EVEBT DISTRICT IX THK CITT. B nnrranry. well help you make yotu aowa payawnt BX&W1CK VE1TI TOT liOAN IS TOUBS1 DcMto tba rolteet aaTantace irom your oradona DrirUon. BUI A 12 of oar caleamen are Serrica meal Deal with your coauadaa. OPEN all day Bonday. Open eveninga until 9. 0 Courtaoua SaJataien with aatoai ROSK CTTT PARK S50 BEACTUTJL Rose Cit bungalow in near ot Koee uty; tutia moaora. hardwood fioorm. bailt-ina. fireplaca, furnaoa: caiaaa. EL &4th at 44 0 -One of Roee City beat cernen. B room aruetie ahaltonng banoalow type Dcma boUttiaa, attie large enoagh for 4 rooau; pared atreet. 1 block to car. E. 40th at. HAWTHORNE WONDER BUT! 50 O.NE OP THE FINEST BUNGALOWS yon d find anywhere 7 rooma: tbtt thing built-in, including bod; buffet. Imtrh kitchen, hardwood fioora. aleeping porch, (laaa doorknobs; pared itxret. cleae to car and acbooL a. 4tn act. 1540 Large Hawthorne home of 7 rootru, vary modern, good home AiMHcX- Real banain. E. Hit at. IS900 ANOTHER DA.NDT HAWTHORNE 7-room, practical, attractire modern home on corner; 2 lavatories, aarue. R. S4th at. IMM ACULATE ALBERTA $4490 FURNISHED. This bungalow hai beautiful interior, apotleaa in white enamel: 5 rooma epnubi. built, warm, dry and ultra convenient; beautiful built-in fraturea. PIFELESS FUR NACE. Cloaa to car and school, on pared atreet. r. ivui. t3490 UOOMB large and light, a comfortable 4 -room bungalow home on 90x100 lot IRVINGTON SACRIFICE 9000 -T rooma and aewins room, alao Raid 'a sleeping porch. Lot 60x100; 'double garage. Mecly lmprorea grounds, 'ltus B in one of the nice loraUoM in Irr ingtoa. No. 575 B. 23d at. north. near Etnott. Open Sunday from 1 to 5. Coma oat and see it. Poaaession at once. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT V TRC3T CO. Broadway 943, 284 Oak St REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Hawthorne District Ocnfortabb 5 "room homo, in A-l coadt- ttae. its fireplaca) and eesnt bananint Where the teiiow that wants a bit; JotT TBa B 88x100. with 24 bearing frail trees. Ideally kept, surrounded by apaendid homos, 2 Wecka to xtowtnocae, HW. This M as ezeestioBariy good boy: S bungalow with iArga attic. Every buHVsa fea tore. fireplaca, lumaoe, near ear. Bacirifire) prise 83850. This - boose baa 5 larga rooma. Baa good plumbing, cement basement. In good condition. 50x100 lot, with garage. Imp. la and paid. Terms 32750. We hare some beauties, just being completed, that can be handled with $500 cash. Call ot for appoinunent. Hawthorne Realty Co. ' Cot. S6th and Hawthoma. Realtor. Tabor -7463. ROflie CITT New bonaalnw, $ rooms and every on larga. Bent, beautiful; batlt-lna. braakfaat nonk and . earythins aa joa wouid nave it. All improva- U la and paid. Near carune. It. V. school. tea, rnoa laaoo. a bargain. Lai aa fhow yoa. Call at our office or phone Sad we'll be pleased to take Jou out to see real hewae value. Our ear and house department are at your aeretne, UULA.NDKR RRAtTT CO. REALTORS T01 Title Trust Bldg. Bdwy. B538 OWNER GOING TO SPOKANE PRICK ONLT 39200 HALF CASH Tea win buy this neat 8 room bungalow If aa knew vsiaea, aa tba price b far under the ktrket. It ta located on Wasco street near 28th a the eeryaedge of IrrUigton. This place is avadera. built about T years, has 8 wan arranged rooma, ktne fireplace and full basement Please don't ask If It has hardwood floors throughout or farnaaa. It hae not. but it has 2 lots. 60x80 aaah. with asaat select aad chato fruit treee of every kind, including' walnuts. Furniture may be beugnt U wanted. J. J McCARTHT. ExoloaiTe art. AMngtoa Bldg. Bdwy. 6887. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BROADWAY CAR Four beautiful rooms and reception hall on first floor and three sleeping rooms on eeeona floor. Two aeta of plumbing, oak fioora through out, tile bath, pipe- furnace, fireplaca, built-in features. Garage. $7500. Good terms. J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045 Sunday Ceil Woodlawn 0260 NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE 6 rooma.- breakfast nook, attic large enough for 2 rooms, bathroom with tile floor, built-in medicine and linen closet, kitchen baa linoleum on floor, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, garage, tile fireplace, good grade of light fix tures and window shades, 50x100 lot, at 707 E. Pine, near 20 th. Fur appointment call Bdwy. 5231 or Aut. 317-44. If you have ca&h I will make yoa attractive price. Open between Z and 4. VIEW ALAMEDA PARK Let me show you this, overlooks the whole city from Mt, Tabor to Li tin ton. A wonderful outlook. Seven rooms, oak floors throughout. furnace, fireplace, garage. Newly decorated. Hand tinted paper. Large grounds, does to car. ld,- uuu. 3 H WAIflHT KIAI.TflU 1 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045 Sunday Woodlawn 6260 6 K0OM3 AND SLEEPING PORCH $3500 1209 E. Taylor at; no fireplace or furnace, but a very comfortable home in a close in district; concrete garage; big lot with fruit and beme: ail im provements in and paid: 3250 cash. You; can arrange to use your bonus on this place. Vacant. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. with Plenty of bearina fruit, shrubbery. 284 Oak St. Broadway 943 lawn, garden SDece. Emerson st, I KF.R TTiF-F. RnuF.9 TOIiiV 82690 LAST TERMS. Nest 5-room Alberta i Own from 2 to 5 Two nice. tUroom bnn- bungalow cottage, newly painted, good galows. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built condition: full lot, J arret it. (paved.) I in buffet, modern kitchen, paved street. Also. 6 PENINSULA HOSES I mmr, "Kiurli.h enlfiniaj N modern. Prices $3130 NEAR PENINSULA SCHOOL. 1 block I are very moderate and small payment down, or u. , a i n"uc, wmrm orown lot aa nm paymentw 51 and 55 East 47th . siuugieu noma, interior is in sptenaia i ar. Church with shape. 8 rooms: built-in buffet, extra J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR large Dutch kitchen. 4 cheery bed- I 325-327 Board of Trade Bdwy. rooma ana bsul w notiana. $1880 8350 down! WILL (ilVE. EASIER PAYMENTS TO EX-SERTICE MEN A comfortable cottage of 4 rooms in St. Johns. 8. Hsrtman it WAYKRI.Y-Rir.iniOKn $3490 FTRNISHEI; $500 down! 6-room comfortable home, modern and practical pawed street, paid. A SPLENDID BUY. E. 25th t SELLWOOD FURNISHED $2490 $500 downl FURNISHED! A tittle eozy cottage of 5 rooms, modem eon BE ISTJEPENDENT SELL OR TRADE General merchandise atore on New port highway, irmludirUg 66300 stork guaranteed. 4 acres ground. 2 acres loganberries, large dance hall, new two atory building (modem) with hot and cold water, good plumbing, garage, 7 living rooms and 8 rooma rented to mill hands, postoffice and agency pays salary $100 month, storehouse, tank house, gas and oil station, only atore in district, will invoice. Total value $19,000. SELL ING PRICE $15,300; $5400 win hand die, or will consider some land. Thia is an opportunity of a lifetime. MARSH & UcCABE CO. 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ' 55Ut FOR THE OLD FOLKS- 380 aaah, 1 2 5 monthly, buys a large, well built 6 rosai bungalow, Dutch kitchen, full base want, rplradid . garage with ootiorete foundation, large holly treeV, 6 or 7 assorted bearing fruit traaa, ahlekea lard, chicken house and run. 2 Moots from woodlawa ear. 733 Cham, hf Oon. ITRtcTLT modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, livtag room acroaa frora plate glass windows, French doava. hardwood floors, fireplace, book ssina, beaut! til buffet, flna Dutch aatohea com pieae, large bathroom, linen cabinet, full length mirror la aae bedroom; rpace for 8 room on aveond (luor, full oavjitnt basement, fine furnace. tarage, 8 lott, 8 fruit trees, berries, rosea, street improvements la and paid. 1 i blocks to car, near hiah aahooL 100, 82000 eaah, terana. 1553 IMvieien V Tabor 231. ATTENTION Are you rotor to build a new home? Our service finest in the city. It will please you. We draw plana free of charge to ex-service men. Find your lot. AR you need is your bonus approved. We can build you a home in a good location $1000 lest than yoa can boy it for ready-built. Our material and construction are the best; our prices the most reasonable. Be sure you deal with a reliable builder. 600 choice lots with second mortgages to select from. Smith & Majek Contracting Engineers and Home Bm'liVira. 315 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 8251. Rose City Big Sacrifice 2045 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 4250 Double constructed 5-room bunzalow. finished in old ivory and white enamel throughout, with tapestry papered walls, fireplace, bookcases, cabinet kitchen, floored attic, full cement base ment and floor, laundry tubs, in first class con dition inside and out, good garage and cement driveway; for sale by owner; bonus loan can be applied. 1252 E. Harrison at, DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN? Modern, beat construction, built for home, 4 , - - ,-V. . .-. rooms aown. eDove, select wooa iinun, oeams TulT2.r,.;iV"TlRuorUAN LIA"i tai paneling. Oak floors, built ins. fuU con- WOBOulv.'. nl"M rrt iaoement fnmir, trot in snd paid. - With 50 foot frontage. $5000. Would cost $6000 to replace the home, $1500 down. J. C. CORBTN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. Beautiful 8 room bungalow with 2 baths, large Tiring room with fine fireplace, mas&rre buffet in dining room, fine Dutch kitchen, all the very lat est bult-ins and many extras, hardwood floors. very fine basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc Alao good garage; hard surface street, close to car. Price only $6500: $1000 cash will handle. DUD RE Y INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDW. 6942. are. BONUS MEN'S 8PECIAL! 8500 Down! 3500 Down! $4550 LN PIEDMONT. Jefferson high district. very attractive and well built b room modern home; good comer. Rodney tve. MONT A VILLA UUICh SALE S423 Down! 100x100 s.oao 423 down. MUST WSULD! 5-room comfortable cottage. ALMOST TIME TO THINK OF THAT' GARDEN I E. HHth st. ATTENTION SERVICE MEN! $200 Downl SEE THIS! $2690 $200 - down to service men! Homey little 4 -room bungalow with built-ins. white enamel finish; just H block to rar, 48th st MOUNT 8COTT, REAL FIND $1650 BUILT-IN convenience, etc.; dandy .little 4 -room, bungalow on a good retnent foundation; white enamel plumb ing, gas. 84U1 st. K EN TON S300 Down! $1590 RUSTIC little Kenton bungalow having 4 rooma, garage. This WILL MARK YOU A NICE C02I HOME. Mobile St. VACANT! FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home REALTOR Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. 3d St, Bet. Washington and Stark. NOTE HEART OF ROSE CITY 3500 CASH $5600 On 44th at, close ta Sandy, extra fine 5 room' bunraiow. all hdw, flours, buffet. 2 nice airy bedrooms, cement basement, ex- soldiers see this; free of all liens, bal&nca like rent. B, SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Na Bank bldg. BUNGALOWS WORTH WHILE WMnut Park 9 rooms $ft000 Irrinfton 8 rooms 8750 Rose City Park 5 rooma, 5ti00 Up to the minute and in perfect condition. See them ior yourself and be convinced. We are glad to show what we have. NE1LAN ft PARK-HILL 219 Lumbermen bldg. WONDERFUL 'VIEW SNAP! 3- BED CIL. FIREPL., HDW. FLRS., SLPG. PORCH. 75x100; VACANT. TERMS. BDY. 4903. G. p. GOLDE.NBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. $3250 4 ROOMS Just completed, good sized living and dining . n. knil, in V... C , .11 hilt in. In Irit.h.n . iC fTi? V opnm' on ?"r 'ore for I breakfast nook, laundry trays in basement, gai a live high clam salesman with car. fumac- r.n.h. trm- thi. on 74th at. 8 Room Resilience BCNNT8IDK $2900 Don't dally on thia, yoa will lose out if you aa, J tut ahink ef It, 9 rooma, aad the location aaa ana price. ' DAYI8 BUnj)INO CO. . 418 Bd. of Trade. 525.01)0 Irvington" Iritnatoa ant. four beautiful homes in oaa I atoks like one big home, all leased and rented fee $100 each. Very elegant inter-, plate Kn, hardwood floors, old ivory and aoiid me an? woodwork. Bun room. 4 long double ateta mirrora. $aooo cash handle thav. ' Melx iNKLij. Eaxt 419. $00 E 14th c N. " ROSE CITY BARGAIN 8-roora modem bungalow, heart of Roa City; ear luora la aining ana nnng rnonu; Brrplaee: eat kiiaasana. furnae. laundry trays: Dutch kitnaea: beilUa baifwt and bookcases; garage; fall lea, goes lawa and abrubbary; all bnprove- BMnta ta aaw paid, toelading pavement. $4730 $750 to tl00 eaah. balaaee eaay. Call Mr. JeTwra, Wand lawa 7 1 4 rX-EERVICB MEN We have acme real daetmbke aili as ready for AaU 14)0 GOING TO BUTLDT Bee ear alaaa and aav-to-date kleaa. We aaa Areaaoa . M TTO DEM STOCK CO. Bid. Bdwy. 1668. TATtr TftEtT' PAH) FOR, "aad WEST MT. TABOR SNAP Btnctly modern 6-room home, newlv painted and decorated. Large living rooms. fireplace, wood lift- buRtin bnffet French doors, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen in white, 3 large bedrooms, large closets, full panel door mirror, linen closet, clothes chute, fine bathroom, upstairs white enamel: iuu Basement, rurnace, wa&u trays, large front norcn, screened-ui back porch, fine new. garage. A complete well built home that win Dear eleaeat inspection; lawn, fruit. roses, etc All anprovementa m and paid; 1 block to car; 1600 East Morruoa st. $6500. Terms. L. E. 8TEINMETZ. 406 Uerunrer bldg. Main 0091 or Tsbor 3224. CENTRAL" EAST SIDE 7-room bungalow. 84500. $1000 cash. $25 per month and interest; large living and dining rooma. French doors between reception hail and living room, fireplace, white Dutch kitchen, 4 i Urge bedrooma, with extra large closets, full cement basement, furnace, nic lawn, some fruit. grapes ana Derrma, shrubbery. Una block to car. JohnsonDodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 BT OWNER Nearly finished. Piedmont, re stricted district. 1247 Conwaereial street. 1 black Peninsula park, 8 block Jefieraon high; better clean, new. story and half bungalow. 7 beas. I large rnema and cloaa ta, full basement, 8-foot furnace: reasonable terms: this is on 74th St.. first house north of Halsey, W. front, W. M. I mbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. uawy. 1C58. LACRELUURST New home, iust completed and win be open today, Sunday, 12 to 5 p. m., and will be of fered at a very close figure, lau-ge rooms hard wood floors, tile bath, in fact everything that goes to maka a real modern home. Of six rooms one large room, second floor unfinished. 1257 Uusau at. at 43; lor description Tabor 7404, owner. Comer 75x100, all improvements ko, splendid location; house has 7 fine light and airy rooms. every one the pink of perfection. This house is strictly modern from the basement floor to the roof, nothing left to be done later. House is new and has every convenience up to the last mmute. Thia hv one of the finest homes in Westmoreland. Price $7000 ; most have about 330OO cash, with good terms on baL If you want an up-to-date borne ' come and let me show you this one. Neal Brown. 607 Yukon are. SelL 2202. I HOME BARGAIN 8 room double constructed house with buffet, window seats, bnilt-in kitchen, extra large closets, on 50x100 lot, garage, elec tric ttehts, gu, lavatory, bath, toilet, hot and cold water. The price is $2850. $500 cash, balance to be arranged. Come to office and see photo of thia bargain. Reverman Inv. Co., 310 Lewis bldg Broadway 2954. Special House Bargain Five rooms and sleeping porch, in the Irvine-ton district; hardwood floors, ga nee( fuU cement basement; street pav ing in and paid for. Price $6000; terms. SEE Webster L. Kinrcaid 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. BITTER. LOWB t CO.. REALTORS . Oity Home Dept. 8300 TJOWST Walking Distance Saa Raphael at Neat, dean, S room plastered cottage, reception hall, bring room, dining roam, kitchen and Pas try. 2 hue bedrooms and bath. Con crete basement. Within 2 blocks to 4 eariinea and easy walking distance ta heart of city. If yoa are paying rent you ean't afford to turn thia down. ' OnW man aow baL 125 month. Price 2T00 ROSE CTTT SACRIFICE Owner has just arranged purchase ef larger home and must sell his neat 5 room bungalow in order to meet pay ment or fees heavily. Thia bungalow is very attractive, with fireplace and buflt-trr concrete basement, etc.; 8 Ox 100 lot. paved ate, and aewer. 1 s blocks Sandy bird and car. This is THE ONTS opportunity yoa can't af ford to overlook. Terms. Full price only , $3800 $600 DOWN LARGE 5 RM. BUNGALOW Ainsworth are. and E- 7th sta. Here ! a bungalow built ea generous propor tiona. Large, light neat rooms, fire place, lovely kitchen, 2 beautiful bed rooms, fine bath, large attic. 1 room finished. Full concrete baaement fur nace; 55x100 lot; 8 blocks Woodlawn ear; close to grade school and walk ing distance to Jefferson high. A mighty good buy at only 84000 ALAMEDA EXTRA! SPECIAL! EXTRA! SLAUGHTER OWNER REDUCES PRICE $1000 Strenuous business pressure has forced owner to sacrifice $1000 on his beau tiful Alameda Park residence, which must be sold within 3 days. House built latter part of 1915, double con structed throughout and in first claaa condition. 6 rooms, living room ' across entire front, hardwood floors, fireplace, aU the built-in features, 8 lovely light bedrooms and glassed-in sleeping porch. Full cement base ment, furnace. Situated only 100 feet from Broadway car in best part of thia beautiful district on 50x100 lot. Garage, concrete driveway. The for mer price of $6500 represents excep tional value, but if you have $2500 cash and wish to take advantage of this remarkable sacrifice, it's yours today for only $5500 For inspection today call Main 6170 or Woodlawn 4300. NEW LAURELHUR8T BUNGALOW $1000 DOWN Neat 5 rm. bungalow, hardwood floors and every built-in feature, large living room acroaa entire . front, fir-place, old ivory and white enamel finish, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Full cement base ment, furnace trays, etc. 50x100 east front lot Only 2 blocks Ghsan st car. Owner must leave city and for . quick sale has low price of only $9000 ATTRACTIVE 9 ROOM HOME $1000 CASH AND $15 AND INTEREST MONTHLY This is a well constructed modern home with hardwood floors, fireplace and every built-in convenience. Large, sunny living and dining room, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch, full con crete basement, good furnace, trays, etc. Large garage; 50x108 level lot. on paved streets, only 2 blocks from the FERNWOOD SCHOOL, TUla raook, near 35th st. This is a won derful valne. If you are paying rent. aee this at once $4300 RTTTER. LOWE & COMPANY. Realtors. 201-2-3-57 Board of Trade Bldg. sets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 PBXTTT. WEtXcBUTLT BU5SGAIXJW TODAY K EARLY CUafLkltli WILL. TINT WALLS TO SUIT TOO 1222 Ev 26th ST. N. IN BEAUTIFUL IRVING TON PARK iuu fimlaeav buffet, bookcase, oak floors. eaat room. linen closet, breakfast rooaa with table and seat, ironing Doaro. cooler, acreeueu pvrcn. cabinet kitchen, white enamel prumbmg. winnow shade, hght fixture., 50x100 toW alley, aauv TODAY, ONLY $3350. TERMS NO COMMISSION TO PAY OWNER AND BUILDER. FAST 6799 ; J ' WEST SIDE lAOxllO and 50x100; rung thru the block ; 16.000 eanare feet ground. Old buildings new bring in $175 month. Wonderful apartment or garage ait. All for $28,000. Would consider part trade. 100x110 alone worth price asked. Broadway 2371. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. $5250 BEST ALAMEDA PK. BUT New bung., lar. tiv. rm,, brkft rm., Dutch kt.. canopy over range. Hdw. firs.. firepL. furnace, tile bath, show er; double garage, $2000 ca&h. Bdwy. 4903. G. C GOLDEN'BERG. Abington Bd, Hawthorne Bungalow ONLY 84730. 81260 DOWN 8 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fireplace. all the built-hu imaginable. Has furnaoa. full cement basement, wash trays, garage with cement driveway. Nice large lot, 50x90. Less than 2 blocks to Heawthorne ave. Just been reduced from $5250. Surely a great bargain. Shown by ap pointment only. John F. Zuber. Tabor 7547. YrVINGTON DISTRICT' 6 rooma with clattered attic, fireplace, book case, buffet, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, old ivory and tapestry finish, tile sink and bath, cement basement, 60x100 ft. lot. $5500. Terms. Open for inspection Sunday, 1 p. m. to 4 30 p. m. 605 Fremont at. near 16th st, JohnsonDodso!a Co. 633 N.'W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 REAL ESTATEFOR SALE ACREAGE 405 UTTLK HOMESTEADS Are yoa ad and paying for the privilege change that camp to a Place where yoa can ' have a eoay heave with a big patch of gar aen, why ad start now, look this Bat ever and see at Meat eae of them today. Far exact location caU Tabor 7364. 227 Acre with IBS feet frontage oa Barker Road, near good school and ear an. 8875, 890.00. cash, easy term oa balaaee. One acre ef deep, rich anil, out Section tine read, last outside city Km its. $885.00, . ' $90,00 cash, 8 years to pay balance, , One acre aad 4-raom aback en 92nd wL, near Powell Y alley Road, outride dry hmits. shade aad fruit tree. $14041. $150.00 vcaah. S years to pay balance a the atbar feaoer-. e? Yoa eaa ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $64 750 New- five room bunraiow with attic paved street, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, full basement. 1 blocks to car. $500 cash down and will consider good lot as part payment. Will I accept bonus. Open Sunday. 0'FarreSlFordney 388-40 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 4172. BY OWNER. 1-vear-old modern bungalow. Urge living room. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, ivory I finisb throughout, lull basement, gas. rurnace. water heater and range; 2 blocks to Baa City car; $3400, terms. Tabor 2794. ACREAGE 405 Oat of' town owner has five ac s oat Baa line road, needs cash, want offer, aee at for description and exact location. Weald yoa like to own aa acre la fan bearing atrawbernea, here it is, jnt outud city, on good road, it's a dandy, $1000.00, $100.04) caab, 8 yeara te pay balaaee. A Bice big acre, covered with native tree about 8 mile east of 82nd rt, near Powell Valley road. $400. $50.00 cash, balance $10.00 per month. One-half acre out Base line Road, about one mile from city umita. near car tine. 3400.00, $50.00 cash, balance $10.00 per month, A nice level tract of land, larger than seven city lota, partly clear, facing Powell Valley Road, about miles Eaat of 82nd st, $860.00, 385.00 caab, balance $16 00 per month. Almost 5 acres out Base Line road, about 8 mile east of city, limits, a real snap for 31850.00, $133.00 cash, 8 years to pay balance. A tract of land aa large aa 4 dty tot out Base line road, near Buckley are.. running water, $400.00 on very eaay term. Almost 5 acre facing Barker road, be tween Base line and Section Line roads. $1750.00. $175.00 cash, S years to pay balance. 1.17 Acres about one enOe east of SSnd rt. near Powell Valley Road. $800.00, $80.00 cash, easy terms on balance. A dandy acre, near Buckley ave.. $700.00. 830.00 cash, balance $10.00 per month. 2.15 Acres with 155 feet frontage on Base Line road, about $ miles east of city limit. This is the laat tract, ao who b first. Price $1200. $120 cash, good terms on balance. B. H. CONrRET. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE at CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade HAWTHORNE DISTRICT A good 5 room cottaee. basement, built-in kitchen, bookcase, writing denk, good bathroom. tine full sized lot. 2 rhemr trees: on iwved st Hawthorne district Sacrifice at $2650. Low payment down. SUNNYSIDE A good, aubstacxial 5 room bouse in the heart of sunnytude; close to school and streetcar; a crackenack buy at $2500; $500 down. NEAR Z0TH AND HAWTHORNE For anyone wilh a large family I have house that will coat $7000 to $8000 to build. Tery close in. on east side: fine neighborhood. 9 rooms, lurnace, fireplace, den, buut-ins, garage, etc Must be seen to be appreciated. A real home for only $6000. on easy terms. lOUS BEUIO.M. TAUOH 2623. OPEN SUNDAY. STAR SALES SERVICE SNAP SNAP $2300 for this 5 room house, modern conveniences, 2 good corner lots, ail kinds of fruit and shrubbery, on carline. Rea sonable down payment. Terms to suit. STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Realtors. 512-18 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 5618. Sun. and Eves. Wdln. 6652. SPECIAL IN ACREAGE 10 acres only a mile Oregon Electric. All clear and in clover, looking fine. Level, no rock Snap at $1350. Good terms. Also 10 acre. 8 acres clear, new bouse, fruit fine well, land extra, fine, within mile of Oregon Electric station. This it a dandy buy at $1800. on terms. Also 7 Vt acres. 6 acre clear, very nest land, level, no rock, 6 room bouse, large barn, some fruit, fine well, lots of grapes, fine neigh borhood, near R. R. station and school Thing of it. only 82500. easy terms. $500 down. baL $250 Per annum. Will take good lot aa part payment. 1. H. RICHARDS, SOS M RAX SUUU., 3D AND STARK 8TS. FINE 10 acre tract on food road, near carline. just outside city limits; 8 Vi acres in cultivation. 1 a, in strawberries, some 2d growth timber; small buildings: fine sandy loam aoii. Recently sold for $3000. Will take $2100. $6u0 will handle. Be Earie C. Miller Atkinson & Porter 705 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 4C5 WELL EQUIPPED POULTRY RANCH 10 acre in Lewi, county, Waahmgtoe; . lta milea from feed town, with re-'Bsf to high and grade school; woven wire lrneen, bearuig tamUy orchard; creek, wall; 4 rooaa bamaaiow. 24x82; barn, large ebictea heaae, 20x50; brooder heaaa. capacity 500 chicken. Included 'with place.. : laying , pallet, JA'hu Leghorn, Taaarai ' atrain; good Jersey cow. heifer eaS. hvrre horse, baggy, bsrnnw. plow, tools, twad, broader stove, etc. Price lor eiei j'l iag, $2650; term. . - 3 acre oa rocked road. 1 arile (rem good, towa with high and grade school; good" dark loam ami; 10,000 strawberry P'-aaia, other berries; good 8 room bowse, garage, chicken hoasa and runway, woodaned. Included with pUce: $4 White Leghorn chick.aa, garden Una, hoosrhold furuttara, canned fnuv etc A verx. attractive Piaee, in good condition. Price $2250. $1124 CHEAP ACREAGE. CLOSE V IS acre, on good road, close te C3ia- bia highway. 6 miles east of Portland limns; all cultivated and god. productive . umr bottom land. Price $250 per arm, $130 , caab, balance in 10 eaaal semi-annual ps . ments, This la diked land aad the diking charge is about $50 per acre ta addition, with 1 8 years in which to pay; ' ctoae to electric and atoaaa uanaporcn tke. bia-h and grade schools. Cum iila soldier loan. ;- t Over 7 acrea, 1Z mue irom center ea Portland, west; I mile to arhonl; black loam soil; 6 acres under cultivation: eoee fruit trees; acre strawberries: good v room painted houae, barn, cba-kea koaenv, eowdwd. Included with place: Jersey woe. chick eaa. etc. Price for every tatmg, $3000. Consider house in St John dav tnct for part. Ask fcr Mr. Kemp. - . i JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, GERLLNGER BLDG. "c: " 10 Acres : Paved Capital Highway BETWEEN MULTNOMAH AND TlUAsUf (Opposite Bed Rork Dairy) AU in cultivation: very t-e-t garden aoO: Urge frontage on pavement, beautiful view; abnot 2 arrea assorted orchard, fair building ( Hvabte-I ; this ia the biggeM snap ever offered in ana high class diatnet, only 13 to SO ansnwtae ' drive from courthouse over Terwiiliger aivd.; $5H0O. some trrma. Haas At Muny. ' 40$ Stock Exchange Bide Mar. 3324 or East 1S64. POWELL VALLEY ACRES 3 mile, eaat of city hmita, fronting newt Powell Valley road; high class cultivated land; have' several tract. One dandy 8 acre tract. Price $2250. See thia if yoa are in the asarkat to buy. Haas A Murphy. Mar. 3324, Eaat 1364. , SUBURBAN HOMES 408 CHICKENS, BERRIES AND FRUIT Very sightly 10-arre tract, aS tillable, red shot soil, - of an acre cleared, good well, large 2 story shack bouse, an poor condition: gooa 1 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS 825 down $7.50 monthly, for attractive 0.71 of an acre of good foil. Price $325: fine for chicken houw: splendid brooder house, Sherwood chickens, berries and fruit We have other tracts district. Total price $1100. $100 cash. $13 in the same platting, some ot which contain I monthly. See Mr. Griffith. over two acres on proportionately the same pnee and terms and some of which are on the proposed extension of Terw&liger bird. 732 Cham, of Com. 732 Cham, of Com. 19 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED Ptoe lfl-acre niece in hia-h state of cultiva tion ; good 6-roum bouse, good barn. chicken bouse and other outbuildings. Horse, ha races HIGHEST TYPE FARM LANDS 10-YEAR TERMS EMPLOYMENT 3000 acres, all rood soil, mostly level bench 1 and wagon and farm implements included; on and bottom land, in the Newauknm valley . at I good hard surfaced road, true to good school ; Onalaska, Wash, (southeast of Cbebalia) : old 1 tiua ia real income property and ia P"cd f.n, ,;..,, m..w d,,.!,.- I rirhtr will consider rood home or small neirhbora nnmerona utreama. kieaJ climate and acreage a first payment, balance term. Good pure water; midway Portland and Seattle, good reason lor seuic$. market; 20 acres or more, 815 to 350. long time payments; aetuera given preference ob taining employment mills or woods. See man on ground, or write UKAHAM-PAKDEW LAND UO . 1008 OWNER B. F. D. No, 8. BOX 122 NEWBEHG. OR. RIGHT AT ELECT RIO STATION 1 RT Tawa xt-amaentavf. -rinriir ftTTh. tA tatLPnTl 9 AMERICAN BANK BLDG.. SEATTLE Iood' amcedam road, electric lights available. 3 H oules eaat of city limits, $37. su dan, a f.ou monthly, HOME BUYERS VACANT MOVE RIGHT' DJ $3500 At this price this home is without THRFJJ good 5 room houses on 2 lots 100x150. $5000- equsl in Portland. 4 rooms and bath. with full floored attic; situated beautiful Irvington Park among the fir and dogwood trees, on a 50x100 lot. surrounded by attractive homes. Can be handled for as little as $350 down, J. A. Wicknsan Co. Realtor. Sun. call 324-14. MR. INVESTOR -Here Is a two 4-room flat btrildina at 964 Garfield ave. Rent $60 per month I BUY direct from owner this attractive colonial A lways in demand. owner uvea in i notne ot i rooms ana oreasjasi room Lots of fruit, Si block to car. close-in. im proved street. Upper Albina. Price $6500. Half cash. 2 good 7 room howea, lot 50x150, Vi block from ear. Rent now $50. Close-in, Upper Al bina, Price $4600. $1000 will handle. S. M. LACEY. 520 Williams ave. East 3591. LAURELHURST New double .constructed California bungalow of 6 lovely rooma and breakfast nook, plate glass WEST SIDE ACREAGE SACRIFICE - fl fmr A LUili Cot,1 P i mm e,.. r.nlv 2 milts cdurthotue : all in cultivation, every foot almost level; magnificent view: frontage I on tmved road; no liens: Bull Run water, etc A present for $1GOO. terms; will divide. Fine location, practically joining Portland Haghta, where vslnes are certain to increase. An ad vantageous environment that is seldom found I on an acreage trace J. u. Itainey. Ill AD- ington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. 732 Cham, of Com. SOMETHING new today. Fine, too. 11 V 10 Va in cultivation, . acr brush, fenced, won-I derful black soil, good 4-room box bouse, cozy and warm, good orchard assorted fruit, good well. and can have spring water, good road, school less than ht mile, daily mail, phone, milk route. 1 'm. mils electric station, store, etc fine neigh- I borhood. $3,000,000 power plant close by. af fords work year round at good wages, and place 10 ACRES, all cleared and dose to Port land, on good road, with water and gas in road. Thia place is worth mora than the price asked of $4000. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOURTH STREET. : , i Always 111 uemanu. uaow lircs in 1 uuuie Ul I iwuu mu latm j -v, iduui, I v. wo. . .-..u. j , , . - , mnnnn , L , , , , , Wisconsin and wants R sold. Will take I strictly modern throughout, from a full cement windows, hardwood floors and tapestry paper is yours for $J0U0, $S00 cash and plenty of $1800 cash, balance terms. I basement under entire home, with separate ce- throughout, old ivory enamel finish, beautiful time on balance. Fine pickup for someone. C. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO. Broadway 943. ' 284 Oak St, ROSE CITY 5 ROOMS $4750 LEAVING CITY , $750 CASH Going South; huge living and dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, large attic; $30 month. See it quick. Tabor 846, Sunday. T. O. BIRD, Chamber of Commerce. ment fruit room, to the floored attic; hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, sliding French doors, clothes chute, dost chutes, 2 woodlifu, etc; thoroughly double constructed of the. very best material and workmanship. This must be sold and someone is going to get a bargain; 80x100 lot Call at house, 800 Going st, cor. 24th. Multnomah L. Becker. 133 First t ON OREGON ELECTRIC NEAR RYAN OR MULTNOMAH STATION One acre, in cultivation, water, gaa, rock road. Price $1100, $50 cash. $15 per month. Half acre $550. J. U HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. $30 CASH. $650 PER A CRM Two or 4 acrea and lumber to build . 4-room fa otn. Included- This is located rioee in on the east side, about 1 0 blocks rreaw - . the street car; has city water and elretna' light and gas near land: land like thai we " selling 12 years ago for $1200 per aere ; and no lxaprovemeots : now $550, iadadtnc lumber to build a little house. Ton should investigate Urn if you are In the market lor a email ranch. Will mak. terana that yoa; can afford to meet Call on owner, G. H. Dammeler, 408 McKay bide.. Third aad . 6tark eta. 4Acre Suburban omej on Pavement Three miles from city limits, facing pae- ment, near station, elertne light vaiaabm. 4 acres, all cleared, no rork. 1 e op ta fine ahape; abundance splendid fruit, Fnglwh wainuta. bemea. etc: 5-roem baagakmv. plastered: nice large red bam, outbvy.l.Kg. Price $4250. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 N. Sixth St Broadway 4361. Use Your Spare Time W. will tell you a half acre, being 78 ' 300. fronting on E. 82d st. near 45th are.,; for $800; good land cleared. Win give boy er small 3 room bldg. with earn good saa- terial on it bee oa for urea . a 4 A. H. BirrelUQill Co. 21S N. W. Bank bide Max. 4114.? $3500 CASH HNDLES SEaVOWNER FOR TERMS SAVE COMMISSION One acre. 6 ' bouse, furnished era un furnished, electric light gas, water, cement baae ment All kinds fruit not, flowers. Good chicken house, building restrictions, bard surface road. Inn aire owner. 1st house W. hNdpert te tion. Oregon city dec No agents. tl Xroa, cream brick pter, large taper col . glass window and door, oak floors. 14x34 bring and dining room. French doors. breakfast nook and all poasbla builtina, slash grain flanah; will decorate to ami purchaser; terms; open every flay. NEW HOMB, 5016 60TH ST. S. E. Jnet completed 4-room bunraiow. double oon GOOD IiOCATlON featara this 6 strnctod. hardwood floor, fireplace, baokesaea. rooav 4eterd bouee with full bees earns. ftevea year old and built ttoM. Bwaayaide dfctrk-t, due In. Price 83800. Lea tw handled with 3200 eaah and bonus. Ralph Harris Co. 818 rhaaaeer ef C twain .ma. Bdwy. 66S4. snXwooTT $1TOO $S0 eaah, $20 per asonth, tnolnd hsw tatoraat at 6 par eaat; toat like rent; 4 rooms and bath, Oa laarnay ave, near Milwaakie ave. exioe at, Johnson-Dodson Co. tS H. W. Bank Bldg. Vain 878T aUMUe CfTlBCNGALOW $4780 floor, large lot, close to I Dutch kitcheai nook, built-in dreaarr. full eaeat beannaiit. avafwnarj tuba, fine plumbing. elect rio fixtnrea, 8 large prune tree, improved street, 8 block to Foster boulevard. M. 8. car. Deal direct with owner. Price $3900. Phone 628-71. BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW Five moms and bath, fireplace, electric flxtare. window shad, Dutch kitchen, full lot, owner will sacrifice for 83750. $750 eaah, balance to suit Richanbach & Co. 207-8 Conch bldg. Broadway 4143. treat bnnrevei Open Bandar. O'Farrell-Fordney 88-40 Chamber of CW. bldg. Bdwy. 4173. COMPLETELY FVRNISHKD 4-mem bunraiow, hiswlaoa. gas aad aseotrictty, genamial rrtoa 3Z0. Tarm. Johnson-Dodson Co. 618 n. W. Bank Bldg. , Main 8787 aTriOOM aew kunaalnw ia ABmeda. Rose Tit7 Launlhurvt aad Hawthorne diatrtota; all are an pavea euaet ami nav. raragwa. ALT IN WILLIS. ' nawtherne ve , at 42d at Tabor 242. " KOAB CITT DISTRICT 4 teeea eottara, tot 10xl0O. fruit traaa. ber- rwe, ehtekaa house, other building. A good way. $ltftf. Bee Royvl. T2d and Sandy bird. Tabnr 115. ItOrLD yen hae Keatoa er Walnut Park, i new here, bard wood flonte, breakfast room. neasBnu luwptaee, every weut la wifeot. gang . sarma, moat aell. Owner, 295 M.wisi run wooiiawa j o. " ' BSUUTIFtt UTtL BNlAL6W wita nata and breakfast nank? enri tba eta, $3200. reaaonabl. tarrma: ar at part payawat. WoodBwa Right Near Alanvada drive. Hot water heat, 73x101 cH-toodhl view. SaeruV ywnm Year terms. Taber v . Best Deal in Portland For a real house of 8 rooms and a-arere for 8 ear, hardwood fioora. fireplace, furnace, best fixture, lot 64x173. fruit trees, call Tabor 2032 and I will tell yoa how you can mak double bene and make tt pay for itself; will consider bonua. $4750 ROSS CITY $4750 80x100 lot: paving all paid: new bunraiow. W have 2 new house at thia price in different see bona of Rose Ctty, both good buys. Glad to anew them to you. Broadway 2571. PORTLA.TD HOME CO., 633 Railway' Exchange' Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK New 5-room bungalow and garage, basement bath, fire-place, breakfast nook, all builttna, H. W. floor, newly fur nished throughout; a very comfortable borne, all ready to move in. on E. 50th st N. ; $5600 is the price for aU; $2000 caab, balance terms. J. R. Wolff. 419 Henry bldg. Accept Soldier Bonus i acre with 5 room bunraiow. Has base ment bath and toilet, electricity, gas and water; $4000; $500 cash and terms. About 8 blocks to etation. DUDRET "VESTMENT CO., 609-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS West aide 9-room modern home, close to nne new: big income $4500. tusy terms. 7-room two-story, close in E. side, garage. fruit, 1 00x1 90 earner, all imps, in and paid. Only $5000, terms. Dubois. 804 Spalding bldg. lighting fixtures, shades, latest anlumtnhg. fire place. Fox furnace, cement porch, garage. Pnce $5850. 9S2 Wasco st 1 block north 33d and Sandy. Owner on property. $3250 2-STORY double constructed, modern. 6-room borne: well arranged for roomer. Close to high school and grammar school, library and park, block to car; street and sewer paid. Bargain $950 cash, $20 per month. 6 per cent Woodlawn 4B99. OVERLOOKING Willamette boulevard. 2-story, modern. 2-flat bmldirar: fornaee heat for both flats; cement basement. 2 garage, variety of 1 Junction, on TTootdaio line. Lea than six I fig ACRES fruit; 1 block to car, tot 165x100, room for nrUea from city Umita. mi. south of Base 26 acres in cultivation, 600 ecrdt of first 4 more houses; $10,000, $3000 caab. Easy Line road. Fries $1350; $50 cash, $15 per I rrtrwth wood, creek, familv orchard, borne, new terms. Woodlawn 4699. mo. See barn and a-arare. Damn house, chicken boose. STRONG A CO.. 606 Ch. of Com. team, 2 cows, heifer. 2 pics. 83 chickens, farm implemeota, 20 acres in fall gram. $6O0. part $50. CASH 3 ACRES X aerea rich noil, second CToWth timber. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION of Ruby 1 6536, 1 ACRE CTTY WATER 350 DOWN BAL. 310 MO. Finest garden and berry soil. 8 miles to cen ter of dty. dose to carline. just off Base Line road, finest location around city, only vao. Call Bdwy. 5317. Boone A Clearwater, 506 i Conch bldg. BACK TO THE SOIL 5 acres, an ideal suburban borne, all to culti vation : fine 7-room mod. house, elee. lights, gas, etc. in fact an up to the minute home in every respect; lots of fruit and berriea; 8 talks, to car, 20 minutes out; housing for 1000 chickens; better hurry, if yoa want a good one; will trade for city home. Phone Broadway East 8592, ereriinga . Oregon City Line One Acre, 5 Rm. House Full basement with uundry trays, living rooaa with fireplace. SO- built-in feature, bath and toilet gaa. water and wired for ele-reity. Bom berriea; house 1 year eld. Pnce 84600. Want equity in cash or will trade for good $1500 house. I DUDRET INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. WEST SIDE IN CO MB PROPERTY 8 r-ins., every convenience, furnace, fireplace. Furniture I $3800 GOOD 6 ROOM HOME $1000 cash, easy payment on balance; 50x 100 lot, garage, good basement, furnaoa, laun dry trays, good location, close in. kEin-tu -9c UtOSUY. 514 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6650. Looking for house read Tfllsi 6 rooms, bath, elaepmg porch, full baaement garage, fruit berriea, 2 iota, aU good Condition, $3200; $500 caab. CHARLES E. BRAND. Broadway 5549. 420 Henry bide 11VC rHE TV HTHAWRFRRIES Joins dty limits on east, $950. Lies level. I cash. Wat, Willing, productive soil, good road. Bull Kun water. Terms $100 down and $50 every tnree month. DI7DV t.iiv rv in l-r.if , , I SSlbCK J"., aalltl I a AtTKJG 1 11 H ,lS.l.t ILaiSClS .11,? . A , t ... f i I ' . . n . n n , I . . . . .... 6 rooms and den, large livrnr and dininr 1 By- "cn. t .. . rxrwy. A nne home aad chicken raacn, all in eui- reom. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, oki evening seuwooa --oi I ovation and crop: food bouse, barn, garage A. C. H0WLAND. 620 Main st. Oregon Oity. Or. A A. and New Bungalow tolrf9r or,p ' ft . ., . , , i included. $8000, $3000 cash. V) nearly 7J aore, uow uuusaiow, i "e l 401 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7763 rwuia. Usui ruwi, wwmo iuuikwuw, nwu: finish, French doors and windows, beautiful grove native trees, between Stark and Glisan veniences: A gtaiuine bargri at $2100. Terms. iory t. $5350. Good terms. .Wood- BIG SNAP, near lower Columbia highway. 38 brooder house, chicken house; about 450 chick- 8. P. Chrrarn. 610 McKay bide.. 3d and Stark. I mwn aoan. acres for sale; 74 acre in cultivation. i Oswego Bargain Price Only $3000 4 About Vl acre with 5 low: has all built-ina. bath and toilet: trays, full baaement, gaa, water and electrawty. Some bearing fruit, 2 large walnut trews. aad shrubbery, $1200 809-10 PANAMA BUW. BDWY. 842. Multnomah 5Room Bungalow ' M acre with 8 room modem bwngalrw. 2 blocks from station: dose fa school; ha Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet gas, water, electricity. Price only $3000. $500 eaah and eaay term. DCDREY TNVESTMEJfT CO 609-10 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 942. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME) "A?i ii frr..f' KnT i- orT rood rock road. mil from ",VWY I i , .j r j - , . - - , I rvrKtof flee (inble r. SZZaU. fc,oi-ruiu, - , - " , . ... wirh term. H, highway. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH 8CHOOL 6 rm.. modern, fireplace, furnace, half block car, pared street A dandy noma SEE IT. $4150. $700 cash. Large monthly payments required. WM. WILLING, 401 Panama Bldg. Bdy. 7763 LOOK AT THIS ONE This beautiful 8 room strictly modern home, well located, en paved st, corner lot built-ins of all kinds ; one of the classiest in the dty, for $6900, very attractive terms. Phone Broad way 6536 or East 3592 evening. NEW $4000 New. modern bungalow on comer tot, 50x100, Piedmont district near carline : reasonable terms. Bonus loan accepted. w. M. Lmbdenstock Co.. 21 0 Oregon bHt., Bdwy. 1658. mail navmrata a i . m I irvinnwi mow osmi lor nrnn nf nnna, t.non I , .t . -uw.,., - - - -- well ootTOcted home: beauUful grounds; mar- monthly income. $7000, $2000 cash. Wia ", f. T-,..7 ' a 1 a7V,I1 tKrvaaan WllM- 401 PaMnll. hWjBT BdWT. 7783 U- a u.wtn. UA1 8UCX1V Vurw, Jf 1AJA LoVA m, 1 1 am I gvaiMl' vasucv i - - - - who want a real home aad a bargain. CaU and ONE BLOCK FROM PENINSULA SCHOOL arrange for inspection. I 5-room bunraiow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. r ttAKa, o. Bunuisu.i, finuuvc i built-ina, 100x112 lot; garage, chicken bouse 603 Selling Bldg. It is a good buy; $4000, half cash. Win. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW I Willing, 401 Panama bldg. Broadway 7763 furniture: near Portland on paved This is a splendid place. Price $5250. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 918 Chamber of Commerce. 60x100. Connor street, improvernenta an ALBERTA DISTRICT fa and paid, 6 rooma, hardwood floor, cement I 7 room .house, furnished, some fruit. $3500. nasemenr, ureptace; ouo, iuu mmr i Terms. brancea. long terms: want SO acrea or more A BISHOP. REAL ESTATE. with equipment near ilcMUian, Uarnnn or 553 WTllisms ave. Wdln. 2117. Newbarg; will assume. joon rvrgoson, uer- rai(TKF.S RANCH H acre, all cultivated, 11 miles from Port land with 7 room house and 1000 laying pal lets and al! implements. Good income. Sold at cost, with or without stock. Box ooA, '-lacx-amas. Or. ONE acre at Wichita station. 4 block from ear. on rood rravel read, note red with bear ing fruit trees and small fruit; a real buy for $3000, terms. McGEE Dt.MS. 969 Union ave. N. Wdln. 6684. One anarter acre with 3 2 blka. from station; close to school; ha Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet gas, wi tncity. race only $3VUV, terma. DUDRET rNHTESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 4T41. linger bldg. a lew atea sastht BBator 6714. YALUB to thle A TTTLJt Inan ranee policy b guarantee by a responsible eomnaay that yoa will not suffer leas on account of the title to your real estate. Wimb yoa buy real estate get a Title Insurance Pel icy. Me i bet racy, required. Title 4k Trust i pa ay. - $180 CASH, nice litti home of $ rooms and bath: eeeabiaatiOB living -dim nr roam. Dutch Mlshao, bedroom and bath, 1 year old. 50x100 let, 8190O. $10 er $200 cash and $25 mo. Mt Tabor district See it at once. 1470 East rue nreet . nawy, . " v'EStU6RCLAS,D 6 RoOys $4366 large. Maare 2-etory house, hardwood fioora. Urge rooma, fall cement basement, wash trey, furnace, east front, 81000 eaah, balaaee hka rent Broadway toil. SeHwood 2708 eve. IT 'tjWVXTC i eeCaWVsaf MlafJal avask JI$r sOJCT ttLie 1600. with hath, eanavad lAacount tog each. Call laataad at en aketraet. It iaon i r aw rwaaiw eawainreiy aiue es araw waavsany, w. NEW 5-room modern bungalow in Rose City, Laarelharst. Hawthorne and Richmond dis trict; all bar furnaces and garages: full til let an paved street. Atria Willis, Hawthorne r aa azna. Tssor Z43. SEJaUNU every noDcy ot Title Insurance B a depoart With the state of Oregon to protect a kgainat loan, yet It m cheazw-r than the SMrrart Bretnod. TwJ ek Trnat vxwarnany. bxinaa. 2 blocks from carline. good L 61478. 8204) down, balance if rwitni,niM a a, n. i . w-r.saewi evowe wear rwweu V alley road, jot PKlg.. nawy. in. ; WEST BIDE, on 6th at. cor. tot, 6-roora honse. 44100, 82000: 8600 eaah. WUbwr 9. Jueee, HVnry bn tiding. fifrROVEO city peapertyj 31200 and no!" WT& wnrnwH. iw.ani laiawg, Slorane 444 aad I g I T 7"T , tBT- OWSKR Modern 7-roo " " . ' " f arevi asonera Deaouw I Kea vaty Park; most em g ton 1 year, ta flna harsv I ntwetoted. 437 E. 38th at N. . lie aowa. pewy. ss. Taeor srweZ. I tbniSu V t a ' L-J" V I 1 I , - i- "r". ftokab, . phintbirat fixtnrea buQt in, $4780. Auto, 820-61. OWN KB Modera' 430aUDft1l' furruaU tot. 88 trrabae ana. W tor. Iaaralrrniwt $3600: , $&. atoet 8368. bungalow & a to be p- raoor 8944, amiat take aoed tot 6 ROOMS $2600 $200 down and $20 a month win seenre this comfortable 6-room dwelling, full tot berriea and fruit tree. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. nawy. maw. BARGAIN Cannot make payments on' 5-roem, modern house, pared street and suiewalks. Wul I brma sen contract cheap. 30O. Most sell thav. week. I A-ROOM modem honse. 1 acre ground. aU -ail poooe bovj. jiv, f.'awi oi.a rit and berries, with 8 chicken bouse HAWTHORNE DISTRICT A WONDERFULLY GOOD BUY 8plendid 7 room house near Hawthorne and E. 26th. Non-resident win sacrifice for $5000. Sell en easy terms. See this. Now vacant F. W. TO ROLE R. 106 SHERLOCK BLDQ. SEE THIS SURE 6 room modern house on 50x100 "corner lot aU improvements in and paid. buQt on back of Int. mom for another house on corner. Price only $2850. $850 cash. See Geo, F. Crow at 801 Missfevuppi ave. MODERN BUNGALOW S looms, new, fireplace, hardwood floors, breakfast room, den, full cement basement, all built-ins, near car; $800 down, balance easy E. R. S., 712 Couch bide. Bdwy. 8786. WEST SIDE FLATS Two flat, one 4-room and one 5-room; apart ment lower Portland Heights; building in good condition: well rented; price $4250. J. Haae, 403 Stock Exchange. LAND OPENING Texas- school lands for sale by the state. $2 per acre, on fortieth cash, balance in 40 years. 5 Der cent interest: Sena o cent pong ioc further information. Investor Pub. Co.. dept 8, San Antonio. Texas. 10 ACRES. PAVED HIGHWAY 5 room new modern bungalow, fireplace, full plumbing, 12 miles center of town, cleared. young orchard, bemea. 15am, garage, chic en home. $6500. , , J. C. CORBIN CO, 305-6-7 1eWji bWg. 28 ACRES, 26 in cultivation, 6 in pasture. 1.8 ACRES ON CARLINE PAY $25 $10 PER MO. mi south of paved Base Line road. HERE IS A BARGAIN modem convenience, 2 Urge lota, variety fruit m -WkiT i and Verne. See it $3325, $1000 caab. Wm. Willing, 401 Panama bldg. Broadway 7763. WEST SIDE NEAR 3RD It WOOD ST. Good in? oleared. 10 miles east Vancouver, one mile I second growth timber. Build a cheap bouse. from high and grammar schools, church and Work in town. Strong at o.. OUO t-o. of Cora. terms on oaiance. store. 35200. $1000 cash. TAGGABT BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. acre, 3 room borne, raraze. chicken house and berriea, by Leaving city. $800. 915 Macadam at Phone Mar. 729. SOLDIERS, ATTENTION I Home with an income 300 chickens. White Leghorn. Tancred atrain. heavy layers: b-rosra house, 6 lota, etc.. etc; Pnce 30UU. M. 1459. AT PARK HOSE. 1 acre, modera 5 block to Sandy, .all under coiuva- wi suiiijui ait u a wwu a ACRES of slough land at Lyto. Wash. : team- gatow. 1 block to Sandy. .1 00?? I btlnd thUnd.LyPr,ce 82500. all lion. 34500; $700hadla k.wt.4 aVA i VA 1 . $-a V,; v . . encumbrance. $2500 $500 cash. Wm. Will- dear. Addrew p. G. . Short. Cliffs. Waah. ing. 4Q1 Panama bldg. Broadway 7783 McGEE A 969 Union ave. N. DENNIS. Wdln. 64th st S. E. in 1 mock from car. One of the beat buys we FOR SALE 6-room house, and large recep- I have had for soma time; $800 down and small tton halL full cement basement, wash tubs. I monthly navments. 504 Buchanan bide. new garage, full cement ran. 121 E. 29th N.. I EOSE CITY PARK 718 E. 59th N.. modern siicwui. ct. j. Bcirmn. i s-rDsra bunraiow. nam wood Iloors, z rire- WEST 8 IDE 7 ROOMS $6500 Northrup st, good district; A-l condition; 2 fireplaces, garage; furniture for sale. Mr. Burns, Broadway 6011, Monday. T. O. BIRD, 526 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE. LOT AND FURNITURE Price only $3650. This won't last. See Mr. Williams at once, I.E. 8PENCER A CO., 617-21 Chamber of Commerce bMg. INID fiAI.F. A arreZ X37S : alaahed off and seeded, no rock. J. C. Emery. Battu t round, lasauiaj una at your own prim. 5684. Half Wash STOP-that rant Hon, for sale, $650. Only j pUcas, stuua heat. 100x100 tot, lattice fence ON ACCOUNT of my condition I wish to 151 $100 down. Corner 92nd at. Woodstock are. Mt Scott car. D. J. O'Connor. - and gaiaen, trees and shrubbery. 6&1L Phone Tabor NEW bunraiow. $3000. ia St John district dose to carline, 4 room, all modem built-ins; a reel bargain, -easy terms, W. M. Umbden stock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. NEW 5-room bunraiow, about completed, mod em in every detail, garaga, near Rose City ear. Sea thia : and select your deenraiiona. Charles K. Brand. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. 6 ROOM house, one acre, dose m. on paved st Fruit bernea, etc. close to -school and car- line. Priced right Must be sold tin week. Phone Sellwood 3581, or Main 7540, for ap- pointment ' my 5 room bunraiow. furnished, all dear of incumbrance, for $3500 cash, A square deaL Owners only caU Wdln. 2493. BY OW.NKB 4 loom modem bungalow. Will take brht ear and cash aa first payment or small payment and fokuers bonus. 1307 E. 16th. Sell. 2650. TOiK ACRE CLOSE IN On pavement Real value for $450. Cleared, plowed. Build a cheap house; work in town. P. McCbeaney. 6ZQ Henry DIOg. pqwy. zoup. ONE. two and three acre tract, wul build to suit rrirchaaer: take soldiers loan. u. J. O'Connor, car. 9 2d and Woodstock ave. Mt Scott car. i acre; $4000 All cultivated. 5 room modera hoosc - Qoa in. B. J. McGUntE. 54 5 North Union Ave, FOR SALE or for lease, 1 acre, lln CoUison, 443 E Clay. SMALL, im Droved acreage. Oregon City lii Consider soldier bono. Owner. X-6. Journal. Uon improved; fine stock tang out of dry belt Ample rainfall- No reasonable orier r fneed. Your beat gamble. Oaoorae, a l St.. Portland. Or. HOME SNAPS We have several tracts from 1 to 10 acrea. with buildings. ' close to electric stations, with 3300 to $500 cash as first pay ments, balance rut rent Mam Vo. U1 stock Exchange bldg. 7 ACRES. 4-ROOM HOUSE, $14S0 Near Oregon City, cleared, fenced, some fruit trees and bernea: $250 down. A. H- AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH S-room modem aonae, completely fnrnxshed. hot water beat, garare, paved street, $4200, $500 down. Sutter A Manbeules, East 9218. 5 ROOMS, $3000 S room mod, cottage, on 50x125 ft lot; pared street, ail paid. Close to Union are.. $1000 cash. R. J. McGUTRE, 545 fforth Union A venae. 1 $3250 Dt ALBERTA. 6 room. NEW Laurelhurst bungalow, oak floors all through, best plumbing, tapestry paper, large tot Garage, 1167 Multnomah st. Will tak good bldg. lot Broadway 2934. . WANT cash offer for beautiful acre in Bertha dKtrict; must sell. Owner. Tabor 1950. FOR SALE by owner or trade for a home. 10 8 acre in cultivation, near Kamapo station, 1 miles from Inmta on the Greaham irhne. CaU Woodlawn Z33U. ACRES 3 M MILES from courthouse, 6607. - U ACRES, ta ACRES $10 payments', outside or bund dty; city Wdln. I water; some with gas and electricity. KOjtK V . AttX. lll n.w. pan niqg. BOSE CITY. 7 rooms, $500 off price for quick sale, by owner. $2500. about $400 caab. Tabor 2532. WILL TRADE good modern 7-room houseboat. garage, fuel sned. good auto, for equity in modem bungalow, and assume about $2500. Write aS particular, -756. Journal. the cor ner 40x100. concrete basement etc $600 or $1000 down. Snap. Phone 810-04. C C Duvall. 542 H Williams are. Call REAL ESTATE BONDS NO STATEMENT REQUIRED NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE IX8URANOX SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. - 84500 PRESCOTT ST. T rm. bung., cnr. adj. Alameda park, terms. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. 5 ACRES garden land, bouse, dose in, $3500. Aut. 641-55 or write S-7y. journal. 10 ACRE3 near Chebali; a bargain for quick sale. F. Hildt 65 Shaver t. fort la no. or. MODERN 5-room bangatow and garage. 254 E. Bddwin st j . . $ ROOM rurniihed modern, berriea, fruit nearly I tAR rii.i- tYiiCj. vU. m.' I 1876 K Grant CaU Tabor 259. WILL sell my 6 room modem bangatow. fur nished or unfurnished, m MawUiorn district. acre. Terms. Lent. 633-65. 6 AND 6 roa. new bungalows, 54 i 45th. Deal with owner. 621-91. lmt miiiw mm), .Til nanttMl ,ml ii.U I SSAn BlT.C m, . nvnairfi tm near small 68 E. I Bargain. CaU 826 Failing at Sunday or weak- i bunraiow - at Pennirwaiia. Phone Wood- i days in morning. I town 602. 4-ROOM modern, walking dirts nca. $4. fast JJ.4. 665 Eaat OVERLOOK 7 rm, awodern, $5000. Mostly 1 FOB. SALE by J farmshoo. $4300. term. Wdln. 630. I Tabor 682. r, 5-room modern bunraiow. ni ACRE view tract. Multnomah; easy term. Auto. 518-2. CLOSE IN acreage, A-l soil, any quantity. Snap. Terms. Owner. Mast 745. $1800 3 ACRES out Base Line road, close to school, store. Auto. . zza-ev. VIEW tract oa pavement. Multnomah elation; bargain. Owner. Auto, bib-oz. BEST bur near Portland. 1 acre, unfinished bonraiow 2 Vk tniles eat of S24 st Comer Powell Valley road and Bradley ave. 8112). Ma-ters. i O-ACRE tract of good, rich land for sal tmmtttm md r, n la I fl M I Weiarnback. Reedville, Or. $8 V acre for sale. bet of sou. no better in the country, near Portland, owner. Mirwsnrie. Or. " 881 R. 1 Multnomah Five-Room Bungalow, Near Beaverton . iy2 Acres, Price S5000 6 room honse with fireplace: fine well; 604) toranberrie. 600 raspberries, and about 66 apnto trees; all in culavnuon except one aero rfnar $1500 down. , DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. rt 509-10 PANAMA B DG. BDWY. 6942. REEDVILLE HOME 10 acres. V mile from RerdviUe, S acre la cultivation, hall nee very easily cleared, very ben sou. no rravel or rock. Good 4 rav. boa- . galow. good 30x30 bam. S ml to achooi. fine mad. 2 cows. 2 betfers, lew cnirkrna. au. or . eaay terms. . , . O. B. RIPPEY. 611 McKay Bldg. Bdwy. 7228. OREGON CITY LINK i u. ne of grape. S acre of uawoemea, a dw araortment of fruit' tree and bernea, a gooa well and pressure system. Take Ornron City r to Meldnun station. 1 block west, macs enuth. Harry C. Moodennangh- honsa; . dty LOOK AT THIS Dandy httle suburban place. Bx bunraiow. garage, poultry utflitle. On'.y $2250. Easy term. .' ' r It w.H ray you to see us iot aiwriaa "'"i We Bare all sixes. Price, te aut yon. A a. Hill. 426 liomberman'a bldg. FOR 8ALE or trade. S acre. 5-room honse; water and eleetrw light poone. inni unea and beme. Urge chicken bouse wrta esecxrm light and ranarog water. 2SO White Irfnar pullet, none better. ua swvin a. vaa an. 639-50. . , $7600 NEAR BERTHA STATION $1600 Here B a dandy S-room plastered bona, bath, toilet, city water; tot 50xlO0. plenty of suites, only 3 blocks to ear; goad mad: $300 cash will handle Mr. Henry. 230 Chamber ef Oonv merce bldg. Broadway 7S81. .'' $2000 LS aacrifice pnce on improved 6 sere pkvee si Bo nit st., O. L. 9 miles fro of Peruana. cor paruciuare nan awe a 1 R' WOLFF. 419 Henry Bide. "QUARTER ACRE rLENTX FBLif .1000 Beaatiful half acre, block station, Ore gon nty nne. noil ruin wmm nwar. Btraton, z l i APington eiag. r-i ,m1 mmI md city cone 5-room house and Urge poultry houset read -frait in bering. only $3200; t50 ah. -D, McTeaneT. 626 Henry bldg. Rroadway 2JgJ. partially finbed, , ! B ACRES Very elcee ia west side,' Bailrlings. frait, mghway. Write F-93, JonrnaL- 40 ACRES good raw land near Camas, Waah,, $1000. Owner. 907 Wucox bmg. NEW BUNGALOW ur.t, K'&ta aaa: W acre; eavy terms. Owner. 21 Oregnn bldg. airuiii VdU. & area. lwveL nea rocked road, 9 mile out, $50 down. Z-755, Journal. .t v f